#she’s human sue her
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
No but the fact that Alma is just as broken as the rest of the family, and the fact that her holding in her emotions was part of the problem and the fact that she recognized that she was in the wrong and that she made her family think her love was conditional, and the fact that she apologizes and the fact that she says “The miracle is not some magic that you’ve got. The miracle is you, not some gift, just you.” and it’s like, wow, that was exactly what they needed to hear and exactly what she forgot to show them and and and
Alma isn’t a bad person, she’s scared. And fear makes people act cruelly. And she realizes and admits her mistake, and she starts trying to make up for it, and I think that looking at her as irredeemable is ignoring the whole point. The point being that family is about accepting each other and understanding each other and opening up to each other and Alma was alone for so long that she forgot this, until Mirabel reminded her that she wasn’t alone.
Alma made bad decisions and she was hard on everyone but goddammit she apologized and she’s trying to make up for it and that’s more than some of us get so let me have my imaginary abuela who tells me she’s sorry and tries to make up for it all and who reassures me that I’m not the reason our family is broken, no matter what she may once have believed, okay?
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namespara · 5 months
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Queen Marika because people dont realise how evil of a girlboss she is. I love power driven evil women helloooo
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pricknim · 2 months
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My take on a human Sunset Shimmer in a college au type of situation
-> is studying audio engineering with a minor in physics ; met Twilight through their common mentor Professor Celestia -> is actually older than Twilight, but had a gap year before starting uni -> through Twilight she met Dazzle ; before being introduced to her, she was convinced that Twilight didn't actually like her, because of how cold she would act with her when running into each other (it was Dazzle that she ran into) -> likes to randomly sit in at random classes when she has some free time ; she met Starlight Glimmer (sat next to her) and Spitfire (she was teacher assistant, who spotted Sunset as a new face) this way -> bi (but is actually the lesbinator90000 of the campus) -> kinda popular, as in everyone has seen her around campus, but no one really dares approach her -> is in a band with Coloratura, Tempest Shadows (Fizzlepop Berrytwist) and Autumn Blaze ; she plays the guitar and sings sometimes -> is renting an apartment with Tempest and Autumn -> met Rainbow Dash on tinder ; they hit it off, but they decided to stay friends instead, because it was just not working out -> met Rarity through Twilight -> met Pinkie through Tempest -> her and her band often perform at Pinkie's bakery during special cafe events to boost sales -> through Pinkie's events she met AJ and Fluttershy -> is estranged from her parents, as they had kicked her out when she refused to become a doctor, lawyer or an "actual" engineer -> is working part time as a software developer (usually remote either from home or more recently from Pinkie's bakery) -> is a geek at heart, don't let her looks deceive you -> is addicted to Dazzle's ginger-honey shot coffee
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ruvviks · 8 months
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scary-white · 1 year
What do you think it would’ve been like if Sue did tell the gym teacher that the reason she asked Tommy to take Carrie to the prom cause Sue felt bad for what happened in the locker room?
unrealistic. susan is too stupid to make good decisions.
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airanke · 9 days
Gooooodododfahoufdaghoha I REALLY unintentionally downplay how strong/powerful Abiteth is.
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orchideae · 7 months
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Okay but also, when I aim to return more actively; is it too early to slowly touch on Christmas threads, even if Genshin hasn't exactly indulged us with it? Liyue not celebrating Christmas (or something akin to it) makes perfect sense, of course, but with the concept of Fontaine being so incredibly European-inspired (alongside Mondstadt), it'd make sense to have something slightly akin to it? With my verse placing Yelan in there more commonly, I just think it'd be neat to introduce her to Fontainian Christmas-y traditions.
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wendybergmann · 1 year
not to be a kathleen defender but I love her character and feel as if she fills the role game!bill did but to an extreme. her brother was her person, her sarah, her ellie, her sam, her frank and she lost him. grief shut her down and made her apathetic. she even admitted that her brother wanted her to forgive the man who was responsible for his death but she couldn't do that because she was the one who had to live while he died, had to be weighed down with loss, and she was never the "beautiful" one, that was her brother. kathleen is a warning/ symbol of what can happen in the worst way when your purpose dies
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What made you decide to use a Lizalfos for the character as opposed to the others? Imagine an Octorok, or Aerocuda character. maybe Liz isn't the Only Isekai...
i dunno! Lizalfos just happen to be my favorite monsters here, not to fight but like the design, their behavior. it's fun to put on the mask and bounce around with them like we're buddies for just a minute. i do really like Aerocudas though, and Stals are cool even though they're a pain. a friend of mine has a fantastic Stal isekai OC!
honestly it's more about the implications of monster nature. i know a lot of it is the nature of a game with clear villains and playable mechanics, but still! they don't speak, form societies, salt and burn the land, or have a clear commander like the invading army they're meant to be, so they act mostly like grunts and henchcreatures. the player isn't really led to ask questions about their sentience. but at least a few types are clever enough to smelt ore and forge steel weaponry, they can set up forts and scavenge tools, they're instantly aggressive towards any non-monster and yet will ride horses and have cookouts with each other no problem. it's like there's something there that's almost personhood but, because they're video game mooks, they can't be. i'd like to think this is an instance of game mechanics providing world lore ala the blood moon, with Ganon's influence over them being both their creation and drive but also the limiting factor that keeps them as nothing more than monsters, according to their magical and literal programming
and then what happens when you take someone who already is a person, who always has been a person, and put them into the form of a mass-produced, deathless non-person?
that's specifically why she's an isekai here, aside from me just loving isekai. it's that exploration of individuality and autonomy in a world where, apparently, a monster like her has never had that before. she's both a pioneer and a prisoner. i could have made her a Hylian who got poofed into a Lizalfos, or a Lizalfos who independently gained sapience, or something like that, but part of the interest for me is that complete shift from the familiar and normal real world to the scary and unknown fantasy. also the hilarity of trying to figure out what the heck Link's deal is with only vague pop culture knowledge about some old game franchise
also the funniest way i ever died in BOTW was getting kicked off a cliff by a wild horse, falling way too far into shallow water, and then immediately getting struck by lightning. therefore that is how Liz died and got isekai'd
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strinak · 1 year
sometimes a book is bad in a way that makes you want to study the author like a bug
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breannastewart · 1 year
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can't believe that until a year ago i used to hate genderbending that's so embarrassing lol glad i grew out of that and have learned to appreciate it properly
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birdkittenn · 6 months
just remembered an extremely old oc. girl i have great plans for you
#rambles#she was my mary sue kid icarus uprising oc protagonist girl angel when i first made her#and then i just left her there and never did anything with her#but honestly? honestly. i can remake her. i can make her better#im plopping her down in my oc world#current initial idea i have is that everyones an anthro so i get to be funkier with designs#im not great at designing clothes so having all the characters be humans is like making 'guy with the shittiest closet number 69'#with that in mind. angel will be the only character with a human face and shes going to be all ~angelic~ or whatever#that was her initial idea anyways back in 2015 where she looks a lot like some pretty woman with wings#anyways shes like an anglerfish where she will lead you to your death#go girl lure people away and feast on their flesh#i think she'll have an alternate form thats more grotesque#not her true form. i dont think she has one. but its not the angelic illusion she often wears#but yeah i like the idea of repurposing this 'girl who can do no wrong' oc into something that you dont want to encounter#also she has a twin but im not sure what to do with that twin. might scrap her. woops#oh what if i repurpose her twin into being some sort of Creature Hunter#wait wasnt that one of fen & rey's scrapped dynamics#well they dont have that anymore since i've made rey less of a monster creature and more of a human who fucked up badly#but the monster rey ideas were cool... i could reuse that on a different character
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spookysinner45 · 1 year
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scary-white · 1 year
Definitely getting nitpicky here, but I really hate it when people say that Sue bullied Carrie her entire life. Like NO! Sue's whole thing is that she fell into the trap of inaction and complacency!
She's an otherwise decent person who got caught up in something ONCE and ultimately led herself down a path of pain and destruction. Her character shows that everyone-- no matter how good we think we are-- is capable of cruelty.
Her character shows that sometimes you ARE too late to do the right thing, and when that happens you'll spend the rest of your life either despairing or trying desperately to make up for it.
This is why I hate it when adaptations depict her as being besties with Chris; It totally takes away from the moral her character presents. In the novel, Chris and Sue were hardly even cordial. Sue wasn't really involved in anything prior to the Shower Incident. Everyone including herself is surprised when she participates in that mess because it was so unusual for her.
She wasn't a bully, but her inaction, much like the rest of Chamberlain, allowed for horrific abuse. Which then led to disaster.
Like by all means, criticize Suzie all you want! But at least do it correctly!!!
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localareadumbdumb · 1 year
You know, out of all the manga that got an anime adaptation so far, I wasn't expecting that the one with twilight sparkle lenses to be the most popular one.
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