#she’s just a creetur
welp0w0 · 10 months
my brain has decided its arting time instead of studying, so WOE DOODLES BE UPON YE i was just winging it so the lighting is ass
i like the monstery designs of the tadc sinful circus au by @nobody-nexus , so i did sone doodle fanarts
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sanchoyo · 2 years
i made a mew mew generator that gives u a mew food name + animal :) can be used to make tmm ocs or a mewsona!!! ✨
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ladyspottedray · 2 years
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soupbabe · 1 year
I think June is a frequent visitor of coffee shops. She enjoys going later in the afternoon where there isn't a lot of people and she'll even bring a book or laptop to kill some time. I think there's a bit of comfort out of it too; she embraces the cozy atmosphere and it's just one of those things that she does to make her feel better. Reassures her that she isn't a total recluse.
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bigfatbreak · 5 months
For the Changeling au
Marinette never gave Adrian her name, does she just not acknowledge he's a creature because of her crush?
no, she knows he's a creeture. she just also thinks he's cute, even if its sort of unsettling
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honestly the only thing that weirds her out is how few people seem to see that he's different
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ryctone · 2 years
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I like my winged lion-bear thing Grand Madeleine design, I just thing she should be a creeture.
She used to transform a lot around Madeleine when he was a baby and was very proctective of him on this form. Madeleine doesn't remember any of that but Grand Madeleine prefers it that way.
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
Daily ask №32
Finale edition!
This has went on for entirely too long, and since I cannot keep this up, I have decided to officially close the daily asks. So, this is a finale of sorts.
1. What was your favourite question out of all? Or just a question that you found particularly interesting.
2. What was your favourite edition out of all? Aka a favourite ask.
3. Did you expect for this to go on for as long as it did? A month? That's not too long but still. What were your general thoughts about it at the start?
4. What questions you hoped I'd ask but I never did? Just in case you have those. Or take this as a space for rambling.
5. Replying to Tubbo from like the 4th or 5th ask, yes the wife revival does work on your wife too. And Rosalind. Boom they're alive now (if they still want them to be) woohoo
6. Any final words from you or the fault crew? Hope they had fun too in theory. With all of the scenarios that I put them into anyways.
Thank YOU for answering all of those questions, giving me the opportunity to ask them in the first place and giving me the opportunity to get to know you and your creations better. Sorry if I was ever annoying or uncreative or anything like that. GOOD LUCK!! CONTINUE CREATING BECAUSE WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! FAULT MY BELOVED
I'll probably send asks after that too but maybe not every day. So.. be ready : D
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its been an honor
1.Undertale ask. Or the swap one. Very difficult to choose. Brain went brrrr and I had to stop myself from making a whole fic.
2. 15, the one about all the symbolism in that bad boy. And Evil Mole. Also the questions about Ranboo inspired new plot points given I was forced to really interrogate that part. 
3.I did not! Very long time, and like ~150 questions! I was honestly amazed you kept thinking up more and in such different directions. I think at the start it would be in that format of asking about the mcyt characters involved that it was initially, and so figured there’d be five of them. Obviously that was blown out of the water ^-^
4.I thought Niki might come up, but honestly she’s still in the oven so information given would be subject to change. Or potentially the NPCs. 
5.Tubbo: welp we did a whole lotta character growth for no reason! 
But for real though everyone is super stoked about it. Makes getting help from Rosalind’s family easier, plus she can safely get supplies from human civilization without needing to worry about discovery. Probably doesn’t really get rid of 100% all Tubbo angst since they still like made that decision and know that about themselves, but still. Feel like everyone (-tommy) might have some reserves because well Foundation employee, but The Blade remembers how she tried to rescue Tommy and so she’s cool in his books. The Rosalind and Wilbur dynamic would be so complicated between the human + Foundation, but nice? helped? nonthreatening? 
As for Martha. Oh she is so confused and so old. Very lovely lady, but life on the run is not meant for her at all. Not necessarily shocked about all the anomalies since she was less skeptical than Rhodes. Also her husband is now the kid she raised, which is like strange ngl. Freud would have a field day with this one. 
6.They’re mostly relieved with the scenarios, since they tend to be a nice laidback break from the Foundation. Plus the cookies were nice. Nom. 
As for me, thank you for caring so much about the story I’ve poured so much love into! From the start I kinda just intended to throw Fault out into the void to get it out of my head, and the fact little Creetures have decided to gather around a poke it is very warming. Especially having actual conversations, translating abstract numbers into real people. Making it seem real. Like, talking, connecting with someone through it, its very overwhelming in a positive way.
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gayautobotwolves · 2 years
Anyways got my Earthspark ocs straightened out. Just some minor tidbits I’ve worked out for them, aka their characters so far.
Polaris (the terran):
Slightly younger than Twitch and Thrash, but older than Hashtag, Jawbreaker, and Nightshade, as they were made in the period between the creations of the first two and the final three. It’s implied that there’s at least a couple weeks’ time between them (See Mo’s emphasis on “this week?!” when Twitch mentions her and Robbie’s night walks), so that’s where Polaris’ creation happens. I hope so at least, or Polaris’ story makes zero sense in terms of canon compliance.
Keeps their original form a lot longer, there’s too many choices for them to pick from, especially when they realize that animals can be an option too, and they struggle with making choices this big when there’s this many options.
Haven’t figured out their alt mode yet, but it’s probably going to be some sort of arctic animal.
VERY into astronomy. Elliot informed them that their name is the same name used for a star, and Polaris has had a fascination with the stars and space. Even more so after they learned that their species is rooted in the cybertronians, who are bots from space, that really got them curious. Essentially Polaris is incredibly autistic and astronomy is like their biggest special interest.
Polaris and Elliot have a really tight bond because of Elliot’s situation, they’re incredibly protective of their sibling, the two of them spent at least a couple good weeks in the wilderness together, just the two of them trying to survive on their own. They’re very cautious around new bots that are larger than them, because anything that big has to be a threat.
Polaris 🤝 Nightshade 🤝 Elliot no beanies, gender? hardly knew her. You thought you were getting one nonbinary kid Mrs. Malto??? How wrong you were. It’s three actually.
Would 100% cling to Nightshade just because “same identity!!” at first, but they’d eventually become close with the other kiddos, Nightshade is their bestie though, next to Elliot ofc. 
They do absolutely everything to keep Elliot calm, turns out this human is prone to having some very panicky thoughts, and Polaris hates when this happens because not only is Elliot in a lot of mental/emotional pain, but they can feel every bit of pain that Elliot is in, and it hurts them so badly knowing that their sibling is going through something like that.
Elliot (the human):
They/she pronouns, prefers them to be alternated but if you stick with one, it’s gotta be they. Also an autism creeture.
Around 15-16 years old.
Ran away from home. Pennsylvania isn’t too far from their home state, so it wasn’t too difficult for her to get there on their own.
Mostly stuck to more hidden areas and forests to avoid being detected by law. The last thing they want to do is go home, she didn’t feel safe nor welcome back home, and they knew people would start looking for her.
Coming across the cave was complete chance, it was starting to grow cloudy and they needed shelter, so she ducked into the shiny cave to find some cover until the storm passed. Enter one incredibly enticing stone. 
Crow mode activated. Elliot loves gemstones and rocks, so this thing was really exciting to find, they’d never seen anything like it before. The cave was giving some incredibly confusing energies however, made it a lot harder to immediately touch the very pretty rock.
Polaris was, quite literally, the coolest thing that Elliot had ever seen in their life. It was a slow meeting, both of them in a lot of shock and confusion, Polaris slightly afraid, but they eventually got face to face and figured each other out. 
Elliot told Polaris their name, and when Polaris asked for Elliot’s, there was silence, as Elliot hadn’t really picked out a new name yet. So naturally Polaris named Elliot, they had a feeling of what this human’s name should be, and it really did fit. That’s the moment they really began to bond.
Elliot was a lot less lonely with Polaris in their life. Now it wasn’t just surviving all by herself, it was adventuring the forest and teaching this new transformer all about the wonders of earth. Introducing Polaris to Elliot’s favorite animals, going swimming in a lake together, sleeping under the stars, stargazing, playing in the dirt, just being kids together. Elliot told Polaris everything, and Polaris promised to always be there with them. No matter what. They’re siblings till the end of time.
The duo would probably end up meeting the Malto family post season 1A? I might readjust this and parts of their story when 1B comes out, but for now it’s post 1A.  
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calpalsworld · 1 day
New Oregeon Ultimated character. and yes,, he IS a n weed aficionado, just one more epic addition to her killer character in a killer cast of characters. B) . Windows and Hellman are obsessed and want her so bad. And that creeturous mass is jealous of his ass. Her hair is so beautiful, that they let her wear it down in the lab (he is not special)
dr anthill tbh before she cut her hair off
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beardedhandstoadshark · 6 months
What type of player/ protagonist design would you like in a video game?
(Color scheme vise/hair length+color/facial features/clothing style/etc.)
Custom characters my beloved (when you actually get more than 3 options and aren‘t annoyingly gender locked that is)
Aside from that, if there is an option for long hair I‘ll usually take it. Light armor over tanks, too. Doesn’t have to be practical, just pretend it is well enough for the sake of style. (Genshin giving 100% of their female characters heels is a crime. Fischl does cosplay and Noelle’s got the maid theme, but why do the Outrider and Forest Ranger wear heels. Ik why, but, why.)
Otherwise, don‘t really care- as long as it’s not generic 1.8m middle aged dude with a 3-day-beard with a kinda grumpy attitude from his tragic past number 1325. They‘re like the…brown haired isekai anime protagonist, but for videogames (and movies too). And I like picking brown as the hair color!
(kind of why people hellbent on making Link Legend of Zelda tall or otherwise "generically manly" kinda irk me. There‘s a thousand pc‘s out there just like that, and the one character who breaks the mold, the one character that kinda says "hey, you don‘t have to be like that to still be a strong and courageous hero“, and as one of the biggest flagship characters in this entire medium no less- to erase that? That‘s just sad, at best.)
Creeturs are also always fun. Who says you gotta play as a human, why not a funky lil guy!
Aside from that aside, a weird amount of player characters I made ended up as red+long haired people with tan skin, if they’re sword wielders or adjacent . I‘m not even doing this on purpose. Even my "Hero of a light fantasy RPG post-credits“ oc Red looks like that, and she wasn‘t on purpose either! They started out as brunette and turned red over time lmao. So ig subconscous says, "that. Thats the one" XD
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quelend-underground · 10 months
My biology teacher (the nicest damn creature on earth) gave me a fish tank for FREE, a bunch of fish gear and gadgets for the tank for FREE, the last layer of gravel soil she just had laying around for FREE (its the size i need too???) and said that i was allowed to pick out and adopt one of the biology-class' fish
and its not like i didn't ask, she was just like "oh no, you can have it no worries :) i just haven't cleaned it i rlly hope u don't mind that :("
LIKE DAMN NO I DON'T MIND ARE U KIDDING ME U SWEET CREETUR i get to have fish and underwater plants and actually take care of a living being on my own for the first time and i'll for once have something quaint to look forward to when i come home
I'm gonna give it a fucking joke of a name, but this fish will live a god damn luxury life with food it needs because i actually did research and what it can and cannot have and it'll live in a real tank and not a bowl like alot of other fish of first time owners end up doing this is awesome
Like sure, i won't have this fish until next year because i need to put plants in the tank and have it ready and that'll obv take a while cuz of Christmas coming up but
She just gave that stuff for free
I'm so stoked for this
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canyon-of-chaos · 11 months
Does anyone wanna hear about my survival horror idea? Cmere and have a listen
I don’t have a name for this one, but basically you play as a creature person that i have nicknamed “The Beast”, and she’s looking for a group of missing other creature people who tried to start a life on this mysterious giant island. Anyway it’s full of dangerous animals, and Beast ends up crash-landing the plane a while away from the settlement the group belonged to. This is where the game starts!
anyway here’s a Beast early concept
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the main gimmick of the game is that shadows are pitch black, and both you can hide in them without being noticed, but other things can as well. It’s useful!
Creatures can only see you if you’re in the line of sight, which is different for every type. They cannot see you in shadows.
Creatures (and you) can hear everything around them, but it’s most useful in front (or whatever side they have ears on.) The beast usually hears best behind her but the ear direction might be able to be switched.
things that kill you
first creature i came up with. It can’t hear for nothin but the moment it sees you it’s immediately on it’s way to your location. Idk what this one looks like yet but it’s head probably is just Eye and Mouth. Probably looks a bit like watchers from HZD.
Feather Chaser
jus a raptor. Not very big compared to everything else, but they live in groups. Probably player character height. You can tame these :D
Shade Lurker
sits in the shadows and waits for other creatures to hide with it, then eats them.
Prey Creatures
Prey are little kill fodder, either to feed Beast or the multiple horrors to distract them. here are some below
I forgor this one (Anglermice??): Inspired by lantern mice rw. They’re plentiful but fast, and they make noise when killed that attracts nearby predators. They also glow, which can be used to reveal things in shadows
that’s all i got for now, bye folks
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I need to write some stuff with Ihhaya but like. She isn't just a person, she is a creetur
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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School TOH doodles :)
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brambeag · 6 years
What would a kid between Muriel and Adore look like though?
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like babeys
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arnim · 3 years
NO you CANNOT hunt the ambulance! I don’t CARE that it’s moving quickly and making loud sound YES I know you want it NO you cannot have it. You are an INSIDE cat and you CANNOT go play in traffic!
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