#she'll have moments like in the game itself where she's like is this my fault. did i deserve this? is it because of me etc
brawlqueen · 1 year
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it was inevitable i think, not me musing her, but just....the fc and my p.sd for mizu.ki just fits really well and i'm using the same icon p.sd for f.go jeanne that lynnie thinks fits me so i'll use her too . i just. i love...man, everyone's designs in o.shi no ko. it's wild. but if you know me well, are one of my friends, you know how much i love purple. i'll try to work on the meme today i reblogged and at some point i want to get into the ma.nga tho hoo it's way ahead and i'm behind whoop.
also just a side-note, since i feel i've been kinda tame about this? miz.uki has 0 tolerance for disrespect and this isn't like about anything just....if your muse doesn't respect her, she will eviscerate you verbally be at 12 or 18. she has the godlike battle (frankly is she a d.bz chara now damn ) ability / physical strength to back it up, and also the high IQ / wit far above her classmates reading thesis works at 12. to me, i really haven't seen a muse more traumatized, or in so much pain, and in the same breath so strong. we all have that one character we go, 'well damn'.
i have no intentions of woobifying that but being respectful because the queen deserves it and it's just...not appropriate like....they're still people. people who are traumatized are still people with agency and dreams and personalities and choices. so no woobifying the queen. just a head's up i won't hold her back if your muse gets mouthy. this is a girl who with a slight tighter grip, could make a cup smash into ceramic powder or accidentally shatter bone. after things no one can ever understand / go through, she has zero patience. if you know ait.sf, than you know this very well, but not all my mutuals do so just a head's up that there are consequences so i don't want anyone like...surprised rip. she isn't gonna break your character's bones but she will turn into a wildfire.
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joytraveler · 2 years
Planet of Pisces 2
(Second attempt)
When the game starts again, the graphics are back to normal, to Bea's relief and the rest of the viewers. But, as soon as she loses a life, the Glem sprite starts to glitch out-- his hair is replaced by the letter G!
"DAMMIT G, get out of here and go eat something else! Am I gonna have to get through this without dying at all?? I am, aren't I.."
berg_snurglar: git gud, bea. git real gud real fast
The game may be far harder than the first, but she makes it past old ED the Angul this time. The next segment requires a highly precise set of wall-jumps over lava, on moving walls. Before she knows it, Glem's stomach is an E-- and the walls have grown double D's!
GlockRoach: double D joke goes here cause someone has to
"I have to dodge the spiny guys here but then the lava droplets shoot up and it's HARD to concentrate when everything's turning into the alphabet around me!"
One more fall and Glem's face has been replaced by an L-- his whole sprite is mostly the word "GLE", now.
"Wheel of Bea's Misfortune. Do I get an extra life or something if I spell his name?" Now it's a section where she has to duck into little side caverns, to dodge the huge torrents of lava that come flowing down the tunnel periodically.
The M she needs to spell his name is in the lava, every three or four little caverns it goes by but it seems like you don't want to dive in and grab it!
Finally, after several tense minutes of stress-inducing platforming, Bea brings Glem to the boss door, which has a big D on it.
HNV: Oh no, Ed's waiting back there, isn't he
"I can spell GLED, is that close enough?" she takes a moment to prepare mentally. Whatever the boss is it's bound to be tough, and she'll have to contend with whatever glitches are thrown at her. But she's feeling uneasy in a way she hasn't since Box Baby.
When Bea enters, though, it's a new boss-- in fact, it's that one she saw in the end cast roll, Wuggykins! It's a grossly fat, barely mobile reptilian thing, like Kraid combined with Jabba the Hutt, wearing an absurd blond flip wig!
Syrupentine: snrrk
"I was expecting.. Never mind, let's take him down! I feel a little silly, I was getting worried but this guy doesn't seem that bad. Famous last words, I know."
Wuggykins is not a pushover, but seems significantly sillier than the rest of the game. It (she?) gives hysterical shrieks when struck with the Discus, but also throws its (her?) own Discuses-- well, actually, they're plates, some of which still have food on them that will restore Glem's health!
HNV: What is this, Greg's spoiled daughter? Does he have his own Koopalings??
With the food plates restoring Glem's life meter, the fight is going on and on-- and every time Wuggykins lands a hit on Glem, another sprite tile glitches out becomes a letter. By the third hit, it's becoming clear what the letters are spelling.
Klickitat_Street: Why does it keep saying that?? DueyDecimal: You're playing Glem right now, aren't you? He's not dead! aroseahorseboy: maybe we're all dead and in hell and this is our paranoid delusion
"Yeah, well if 'GLEM DIED' could he still be doing THIS??" she says, scoring another blow on the monster. "What, is this supposed to be spooking me out? This game still doesn't know who it's messing with here! I don't spook. And I that's why I don't play most horror games, I'm just so fear proof that why bother!"
The fat monster is getting more and more wild, spilling out plates in a fan pattern now, letters filling the screen like alphabet soup.
Then, accidentally, in process of dodging, Bea maneuvers Glem just right to complete the full eight-letter phrase on the screen-- and it autocompletes itself:
[GLEM DIED and it was my fault]
Glockroach: wait wut
Some of the letters that were cluttering Glem's sprite come away with the words, but soon it happens again:
[GLEM DIED but that wasn't what i wanted]
berd_snurglar: who's supposed to be talking, is it the monster? what do you know that we don't, chubs
The letters are starting to fill the screen now.
[GLEM DIED but i couldn't stop it] [GLEM DIED and i was trying to help] [GLEM DIED because i wasn't ready] [GLEM DIED and i can't bring him back] [GLEM DIED and i never meant to hurt her] [GLEM DIED because i was jealous]
"Uugh, this is getting annoying. And kind of upsetting. This is probably some dialogue that's gonna come up later, like a bad ending? We've seen before this thing is screwy sometimes.. Man.. if I'm right this is gonna be quite the downer but at least it warned us.."
Syrupentine: I'm glad we're on a stream, I'd be scared as hell if I were playing this alone! DueyDecimal: Woody was right, WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL THIS??
[GLEM DIED and it still feels like yesterday] [GLEM DIED but i didn't get what i wanted] [GLEM DIED laughing at my foolishness ] [GLEM DIED while his mother made pancakes] [GLEM DIED and nobody saw it but me] [GLEM DIED and i cannot replace him]
The boss fight doesn't end. Eventually neither the Glem graphic nor the boss can be seen. More phrases, lamentory and bitter, pile up on the screen.
"Come on guys, it's not over yet! We don't really even know what it means yet... uh.." her face falls as she continues reading, barely able to concentrate on the game.
...game? What game?
"I can't tell where I am! I can't see anything else, and I can't see the attacks, this is impossible!"
berd_snurglar: bea hit reset it's just glitchig up. try again next time aroseahorseboy: the irony here is, the boss still hasn't killed you so glem still hasn't died GlockRoach: Something that stinks around here and it ain't me for once
She tries listening. Even though everything is just clusters of letters, she keeps mashing buttons and listening for the boss's cries. "Now the sound's getting all f'd up, I dunno if you guys can hear but it sounds like bad sound bites of the text"
HNV: Yeah, this game is starting to feel sort of disingenuous. Do you think this was tampered with, Bea? Like, hacked?
"That, or it's not 'finished', like some of the others. The whole machine is a mysterious mess anyhow. This SUCKS, I was so looking forward to this game. Sorry guys but I guess this is where it ends, at least for now"
"G U R E E M U D A A I D U"
DueyDecimal: HOLY aroseahorseboy: now i need a mop Klickitat_Street: that sounded like a narwhal being eaten by a xerox mahine...
"WELLLL it's getting late isn't it! Time to wrap this one up for now, ahaha!" Bea's quick to reach for the reset button!
The last line written remains on the screen even after she resets:
[GLEM DIED and i can never apologize]
"You think that was bad try having it in your ears, FUCK"
Finally the 'Summer Vacation' screen returns.
Klickitat_Street: It's been a grueling twelve games DueyDecimal: You deserve another reward for being good, Bea. :(
"I'm fine, just tired. Spaced out for a minute there. Just feeling weird. Creeped. Worried. Sad. But otherwise, I'm great!"
DueyDecimal: I know, Bea. Look at the next screen, see if it's worth continuing next week-- maybe you'll have something to look forward to!
"Sure Duey, I do it for you. I admit I'm sort of ready for a vacation after that but here's a little preview!"

61: Special Treat For Super Players
62: Metal Warrior
63: Marsha Mallow
64: Spacial Delivery
65: The Wizard Of Ice
66: Planet of Pisces II
67: Bobotown
68: Hungry Hungry Every Day
69: Super Nova!
70: Brass Knuckles Boxing
71: Paradise Mall
72: Box Baby 3
"Hmmm, you know folks, you're right, I DO deserve a treat. Stream extended!" She's quick to choose 61! "I did my best, after all, under the circumstances!"
aroseahorseboy: i don't think there's any video games left for her to give you Syrupentine: ANOTHER POP2??? :DDD
"Yeah, POP2.5: Don't Freak Us The Hell Out!"
"I kind of just want to see a friendly face at the moment! I should be giving her something.. What do you get a collection of data as a present?"
DueyDecimal: Fan art challenge! Draw Bea giving Joyce a present!
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naivesilver · 3 years
so, I had a dream about sending this ask whilst I was napping which means now I have to ask it before I forget. There's NO rush with this but, should you ever feel like writing it, can I please have Eugene + one of the hugs from the touches ask game? :^)
The thought of you having dreams about MY OCs is still very sweet and also very, VERY funny, so of course I had to write it 💗💗💗 ty so much, I hope your subconscious appreciates this
Touch Prompts
5. Side hugs
"I'm fine now, you know," Eugene mutters, eyes stubbornly fixed on the pavement. 
"Course you are, Gene," Pierrot replies amiably, an irritatingly condescending tone to his voice. "You're completely hale and healthy."
"You don't have to sound so patronizing every time you talk to me, you know that, right?"
"Yeah, but it's funny. You get all worked up and huffing like a pufferfish, it's not a show I'd like to miss."
"Stop being an arse," Pinocchio interjects from where he's checking on Eugene's scraped knee, not looking up even as he rolls his friend's pant leg down. "There, I cleaned it up. There's no more gravel in it. Will your mom be mad about the blood?"
"I don't know." Eugene gives a reproachful nudge to the skateboard laying on the sidewalk beside him, and then immediately grabs it back before it starts rolling away in earnest. "She'll want to take away my board, though. She still thinks it's the most dangerous thing on Earth, after Daria's prom dress."
"I can keep it at my house, if you want. She'll never find it if we hide it in Papa's shed."
"You sure? I don't want you to get in trouble, too."
Pinocchio finally raises his head, a deep, puzzlee frown etched on his face. "Why would we get in trouble? It's not your fault you fell."
"Yeah, I fell because some guys started a swordfight in the middle of the road. That'll sell really well to my mom."
Eugene doesn't fear she won't believe him, in truth. She knows her son too well to suspect him of making up excuses for his accidents. But she won't like being reminded that theirs is not an ordinary town, and that he doesn't merely risk getting ran over by a car every time he sets out of his front door - she'll get all pissed off and snappish, and then she'll want to have a talk in the kitchen, and Eugene's going to be forbidden from doing something, he just knows. 
At least he's stopped crying by now, he thinks grumpily, rubbing at his cheeks with a hand streaked with grime from tumbling onto the road. He hates crying with a passion - it immediately ruins every point he might have been trying to make, and his head always starts pounding like a war drum afterwards, his eyes gone itchy and irritated. He'd have rather avoided it entirely for today, honestly, but it came more from the shock of the fall than from the pain itself, though his knee aches and tingles as if he'd stuck it in poison ivy already. 
"Don't despair, Gene," Pierrot says comfortingly, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and tugging him close - they're sitting next to each other on the edge of the sidewalk, like the beggars Eugene used to see on temple steps, and after a moment Pinocchio joins them as well, nestling with ease against Eugene's other side. "Maybe she won't be getting mad at you. Maybe she'll want to sue that guy for getting her precious little baby boy hurt."
Eugene scoffs in disbelief, though he doesn't wriggle free from his friend's grasp, instead leaning begrudgingly into the embrace. "And what would she tell the sheriff? That she wants to sue the loon with a sword in the middle of Main Street?"
"There can't be that many people like that, can they? She'll work something out."
"I heard that man say his name, though," Pinocchio cuts in. "He said he was Edmond Dantes."
"Is that supposed to ring a bell?"
"He's in a book, I think. The Count of Monte Cristo."
"That can't be right," Eugene says, scowling. "Monte Cristo is a real place. It's on maps. He can't be from back there."
Pinocchio shrugs, smiling slightly. "Then maybe I got that wrong. Maybe he's another count, like Count Dracula."
"Right," Pierrot jumps in, far too eagerly. "Or Count Von Count. Beware, Eugene, it's your worst fear. He'll bite your neck and teach you numbers."
Eugene groans, shoving half heartedly at him. "I hate you both so much."
But he doesn't mean it nearly as much as he pretends to, and as Pinocchio laughs uproariously and Pierrot squeezes him more tightly and stamps a jokey kiss on his cheek, grinning like a maniac, he can feel some tension unwind from his ribcage, letting him unclench his jaw and take deeper breaths. He can do it. He can go up to his mom and tell her what happened, and maybe his tear stained face will be enough to convince her not to be too harsh on him. 
Still, he wishes that he'd been prompt enough to kick this Dantes guy in the shin at least, while the latter was busy dueling. That would have made him feel even better, he thinks. 
"That's not true and you know it. You love being our friend, Gene. And you know you can always, ah…count on us, mh?"
"Fuck off, Pierrot."
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