#she'll learn
fiadorable · 1 year
The Librarians #36 Jenkins and Morgan
The Librarians #2 or #9 (or both) Jenkins and any of the LiTs
2, 6, 9, 11, 16, 17, 24, 25, 30, 35, 36, 43, 44, 46, 49,
I love ALL of these prompts. And I hear Jenkins voice in my head.
Really almost anyone, romantic or platonic, with Jenkins
Thank you for the prompts! I chose #9 and platonic Jenkins and Eve for this week's Wednesday 100 😊
The Librarians Eve & Jenkins
Eve woke, gasping and groaning. Surprised it had worked. Body screaming as though her atoms were being reconstituted with each breath she sucked down.
"It's true," she rasped. "You can't hear an approaching train until it's too late."
Newspaper rustled next to the bed. Jenkins, folding the opinion section with sharp, angry creases. "Don't you ever do that again."
"Says the man who threw the both of us off a cliff last year."
"A small cliff. I did not shove you out of the way of an oncoming train!"
Eve grunted, shifting. "I'm your Guardian."
"Yes," Jenkins relented. "You are."
send me a pairing and a number and I'll write you a drabble (or something)
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saranootnoot · 1 year
@eclipsedcrystalstar you cannot tell me it's not them
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In hindsight, my housemate probably heard me have a simultaneously rational and hysterical talk with myself in the bathroom mirror
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spacedlexi · 1 year
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started a dnd campaign with some friends!! playing a silly little druid wood elf that seeks guidance from the stars because she’ll live longer than anything else
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llamagoddessofficial · 4 months
What would happen if MC was a sea diver? Maybe she was exploring a ship reck and the siren boys bumped into them? How would they react?
Sans: He's much more calm, when she's a diver. There's something about her already being in his territory... rather than meeting her on land and wanting to drag her into the water, he meets her in the water, and needs to not give her any reasons to stop coming to the water. No need to be scary. Just take it slow.
They had a very tender moment at their first meeting. After first sighting one another, they spent a long few minutes just watching each other. In the same way that you wouldn't expect to see an actual orca while scuba diving in relatively shallow water, Mc wasn't expecting to see an orca siren. There was also an undeniable magic to the moment, staying still as possible and holding eye contact with a highly intelligent creature from an entirely different world to your own. When he did draw in, it was slow, mutual studying - she looked at every line and scar, he pretended to care about her equipment so she wouldn't be weirded out by him constantly staring deeply into her pretty eyes. The only physical contact they shared was a single brush of her hand against his (the only part of her not covered by wetsuit) before he left, cautious not to overstay his welcome and intimidate her.
He follows her around but rarely initiates contact. He enjoys 'playing'; showing her interesting things, retrieving lost items, introducing her to new and exciting wildlife and dive spots. He's going to get her to trust him. He just has to be patient.
Red: Y'know those videos of sharks coming right up to a diver for scritches? That's him. Unlike Sans' cautious and slow approach, Red was very Red, and upon spotting her just bulldozed right over to her. She tried to be a responsible diver and not interact at all with wildlife, staying on the seafloor and slowly backing away from him, but Red wasn't gonna let that happen - and what's she going to do, swim away? Cute. She can't outswim him. On their first meeting he squeezed any part of her he could reach before she could pull out of range again (arms, legs, hips,) tapped on her scuba mask, blew bubbles at her, and bit a chunk out of one of her dive buddy's flippers as a warning. He's brazenly flirting.
He 'behaves' when she gives him attention. At first she was genuinely intimidated, but now she treats him like an overenthusiastic large dog. Funnily enough he does genuinely like scritches, especially on the parts of him he can't easily get to, like on his tail and behind his main fin.
He and Sans usually manage to alternate what days they show up to see her, but when they do see each other they frequently get into scraps. Especially if one of them thinks the other is too close. Sans doesn't like Red's forwardness with her, and Red doesn't like a crazed lonely orca being anywhere near his fragile human, but both are unwilling to kill and reveal their bloodthirsty natures. They force themselves to get along... especially when sight of the two giants fighting immediately makes her evacuate the water.
Skull: He was probably living in a wreck she dove in. It's nice and dark, but spacious, and full of interesting trinkets he can collect. On their first encounter, Skull spent most of his time silently stalking Mc in the dark water. She didn't notice him until the very last second; you can imagine the shock and terror at shining a light into a shadowy corner and illuminating a massive grinning face.
She doesn't entirely know what he would've done to her, in the confinement of that wreck, if she hadn't shone the light into his face and startled him long enough to get the fuck out of there. But from that point on, no matter where she dives, if neither Red nor Sans show up Skull will always be there. He makes his aquarium counterpart proud by stealing her things. She doesn't understand why - he gives the items back eventually, so does he even really want them? Is he a kleptomaniac? Is this just a way to get her attention? Who knows. At least he doesn't eat her. He absolutely could; despite regularly diving in groups, nobody ever sees him coming until her kit is already missing.
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pumpkster · 1 year
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[ID: A cartoon drawing of Slimecicle and Juanaflippa, she's on Slime's arms as she has a blank stare at his shoulder, her body is loose as Slime has one hand on the top of her head (the other arm holding her by the side of her torso) he has a disturbed / scared / shocked expression, looking up, not at her, his brows furrowed, his pupils are unfocused. There's blood that has the color of a TV glitch, it's coming from Juana's head, and is on Slime's hand, that is holding her close to him. The TV glitch colours are on Juana's pupils as well. Juana has a human appareance, brown hair tied in 2 pigtails, she has glasses, a yellow t-shirt, a red shirt under, she has some dark green shoes, combining with a skirt of the same color, white baggy socks. She has red horns, wings and tail dragon-like. The background is black, a TV-static texture coming from Slime's head. There are 2 lines resembling their heart's pulse, first one is white, it's from Slime, its a quick one, going up and down, agitated, and the second is from Flippa, a pink line with no sign of life. The drawing is a reference to a painting called "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan". ]
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nats-uvi · 3 months
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Angst time :D👍
You can read my rambling about her in the tags
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fromtheseventhhell · 2 months
I have a question for people who fervently argue that Arya has no potential for politics but think that Sansa will be one of the main political characters, and I'm asking this seriously.
If Arya learning multiple languages, how to tell + detect lies, how to rule her face so she doesn't reveal her emotions, being able to blend into different situations, thinking quick on her feet, knowing the importance of gathering information, being someone who makes friends wherever she goes, convincing a FM to help free Northern prisoners and participating in a coup, etc. don't make Arya capable of participating in politics...what exactly is it that you think Sansa will be doing as a political figure?
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thedeadflag · 10 months
Lae'zel is such an intriguing character. Born into a militaristic hyperviolent society, brainwashed into the cultish religiosity of their leadership...and forced to confront all of that, everything that molded her into who she is, every fabric of her own self-image.
It's a bit odd that I know so many currently playing BG3 who fawn over Astarion and excuse away his behaviour and actions as driven through trauma (justifiable, I really do like Astarion), but then in the same breath would turn and hate on Lae'zel for being a monster and irredeemable. They're both traumatized. They've both been made to do horrible things, one had enough of a life beforehand to understand the horrors of what was being done to them and through them, for better or worse. The other hasn't.
I care for both characters, they both deserve justice and they both deserve someone who can help them. Astarion's world has already fallen apart. Lae'zel doesn't know yet that hers has as well, and as much as I hate Vlaakith and her empire, it hurts to watch her come to that realization, fighting it tooth and nail like a wounded, terrified animal. Much like the rest of the crew, I'd like to think there's a route to redemption, happiness, and health for all the companions, her included. I don't think I can fix her. But I want to help her so she can do the fixing herself, and I'm curious as to where she might end up after everything.
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dramaism · 1 year
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She gave up her dream, took over her mother's cafe, raised her niece as her own daughter and cared about her brother all this time. I swear if she'll do some stupid little things in the future episodes i'll forgive her for everything
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Ind. Sundown you are Everything to me
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sceebybeeby · 2 months
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i need y'all to know i accidentally deleted the lineart layer while doing the color studies for this
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phantomarine · 12 days
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Someday I will let her experience genuine joy.
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fedoraspooky · 2 months
The downside of having an old west gunslinger type character for a dungeons and dragons 5e game is that now i have to learn how the heck to draw guns
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illusions-in-octarine · 9 months
On the list of people I would never have been interested in, Renna's near the top. Yet Xelia Mendes-Jones brought it. I am So Invested. This is what one woman has become in her native Seanchan culture. Power-hungry and mentoring and tempermental and brutal, all in the service of breaking another human. She's been trained for this. You can tell. She's good at it and she's proud of that and I have never felt prouder of Egwene than when even Renna cracked - when her pride was damaged by Egwene's steel.
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This isn't the face of a woman who feels like she's won. This is the face of a woman who's angry she couldn't conquer the other person sooner.
Egwene may have broken for a single cup of water. But Renna broke her calm for it too.
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lovl3igh · 2 months
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matt is just like me fr
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