#she'll stab u in the face
urlocalwhumper · 5 months
long time no nana. here's some more backstory - specifically her initial rescue
@sowhumpshaped (rayan isn't here yet but i remember you saying it was ok to tag you in nana content)
everything hurt.
that was the only thing nana could process. pain. laying on her side on the living room carpet, right where master had thrown her. she hadn't been able to move an inch, her body just weakly twitching when she tried.
she was so tired. she stared into the flickering of the fireplace, where master had held her face against the flames mere minutes ago. she couldn't feel that side of her face anymore, nor could she see out of that eye. in all her exhaustion, she couldn't find it in her to care.
she panted heavily, her breath coming in short, rough bursts. she felt a little spike of fear at the sudden idea that this might be the end for her. that master would just leave her there to suffer until her body shut down. she whimpered quietly at the thought. she didn't want to die.
she barely processed the sound of hard, urgent knocks on the front door, or master grunting annoyedly and stepping over her to go answer, her mind growing more muddy and hazy as the red puddle beneath her steadily grew.
she didn't know what was happening, just that it was loud, and that after a few moments there was suddenly someone at her side - someone she didn't recognize.
she blinked a few times to try and force her exhausted eye to focus. she still couldn't make out any definitive features, but she could at least tell that there was a woman in some sort of uniform kneeling over her and saying something rather urgently into a black box with a stick coming out of it.
the woman put the box away, turning her full attention to nana.
"hi, sweetheart." she said, sounding a bit frantic. "can you hear me?"
nana let out a weak mumble in response. the woman sounded far away, but she could still hear her.
"good, that's good." the woman said. she placed one hand on nana's shoulder and, as gently as possible, turned her over to expose her bleeding wound.
nana yelped sharply in response to being jostled, whimpering and crying to curl further into herself as pain shot through her.
"oh, shhh, it's okay, darling." the woman soothed, pressing something firm against her wound, leading her to squeal in pain at the sudden pressure against her abused ribs.
the woman's free hand gently ran through nana's hair. "it's okay, baby. you're gonna be okay." the woman kept repeating until she heard sirens outside.
and then there were suddenly so many people. so much noise. she whined particularly loudly when one man hoisted her up off the ground, her abused body protesting painfully at the sudden movement. he laid her down on something soft - softer than the floor at least. there was even a pillow under her head.
the man was saying something to her, but she was having a hard time understanding him. all she caught was that whatever was in the needle in his hand - she whimpered softly at the sight - was going to make her feel calm and sleepy, and that she shouldn't fight it.
she didn't even have the energy to flinch away from the prick of the needle, and within moments, she felt her mind become sluggish and drowsy, her eyelid drooping and her racing heartbeat finally levelling out.
the man was petting her head now, pausing a few times to give her a good scritch behind the ears, and she let the pleasant sensation mixed with the sedative pumping through her veins lull her to sleep.
when she woke up, she felt sore and disoriented. her body ached, and she couldn't see very well, nor could she will herself to move very much. she just laid there, whimpering in discomfort and squirming under the heavy blankets that had been laid over her.
the left side of her face itched terribly, and she moved a sluggish hand to scratch, only to be met with swathes of bandages, covering most of the left half of her face. dissatisfied, she tried to rub at the area with her knuckles to try and soothe the itch, only to feel her blood run cold when she felt a distinct divot where her eye should be.
she heard a machine next to her start beeping faster. her eye was gone. she felt her breath starting to come in short gasps. her eye was gone.
it didn't take long then for someone else she didn't recognize to burst into the room. she cowered as best as she could, trying to hide under the blankets, but she couldn't repress her whines of distress and fear. she didn't know where she was, everything hurt, and her eye was gone. she was scared out of her mind.
that was, until she saw this new strange lady hook up a bag full of liquid on a pole to her left, and she felt a soothing wave of unnatural tranquility wash over her. she went boneless, sagging into the sheets as the thoughts melted right of her head.
"there you go, good girl." this strange lady said, petting her hair so affectionately. "everything's gonna be okay. just go to sleep, you'll feel better when you wake up. i promise."
unable to move if she tried, and continuously struggling to keep her eye open, nana obeyed and drifted off into a calm, medicated nap.
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nanowired-lover · 17 days
how to i tell my fellow insect lover friends that the reason i get sometimes scared about bugs getting near me is not bc I hate them but bc of mental illness reasons without them telling me "you'll be fiiiiiiine" and forcing me to get a near a centiped
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roaringheat · 1 year
Sadie give me a chance pls pls pls
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stxrvel · 4 months
moving on
how was your life after nanami died? pairing: nanami x f!reader content: angst and depression but fluff as you go. a/n: my first nanami's fic. sorry this one's sad, i was really in the mood for angst :(. hope u guys enjoy!
jjk main masterlist | main masterlist
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You used to do everything first for him and others and then for yourself. Nanami Kento was a gentleman, somewhat rigid and almost bordering on strict when it came to his desire to please you and do things for you. From the day he met you until the moment of his last breath, the only thing on his mind was you and completely you.
Haibara smiling at him in front of him, memories of moments that had been buried in the back of his head, his heart constricting in his chest with a spasm of pain knowing what would come next.
“I can't leave her.”
“She'll be fine.”
Every time you cooked, you made enough for two plates. Every time you shopped, you kept all the toiletries Kento used in the cart, watching them wistfully as you stood in line to pay.
“You've been coming alone for a couple of weeks now,” the woman at the cash register began, taking the shampoo Kento used to run it through the reader. The beep of the readout the price stabbed your heart. “Is everything okay?”
You watched her keep moving the men's items around, packing them into the brown bag ready to be used, as if there was actually someone at home waiting to use them and not as if they would come to pile up with all the others that were at home that you had already bought months ago because you were unable to get them out once you were getting to the checkouts to pay.
“Yeah, he's been busy,” you almost mumbled and the woman's hands flanked. You didn't know if she had caught you in the lie. It had been a couple of weeks since you had stopped trying to mimic the happiness in your face and voice when you talked about Kento. You hadn't told anyone that he had died.
Every time your parents called and asked about him, you went into a state of mind you didn't want to acknowledge yet that was unhealthy. You didn't know how much time you had already spent alone, but maybe you were close to getting to the point where you started to see him walking the halls of the apartment and feel his ghostly caresses on your skin.
Every time you saw Itadori's name on your cell phone when he called or texted you, a whiplash-like snippet of pain would run through your body, with your head flashing back to everything that had happened and the situation you had been immersed in for the past few months.
But it was good to talk to him. He was probably the only person who knew and felt the pain as much as you did. Maybe you should start diverting that energy you were in the habit of doing things for Kento and do it for Itadori.
“I wanted to ask you if Fushiguro and I could stop by your apartment this weekend. If you're not busy…”
How could you be busy?
The extra food you kept in tupperware in the fridge had found use after so many months. It was no longer your side dishes. Now it was the food you kept for when Itadori and Fushiguro stopped by your apartment. The bathroom and toilet utensils you kept in the same place as Kento began to run out and end up in the bathroom, having to replace them for a completely different reason.
“Are you guys hungry?” the first time they had come to your apartment had followed something strange. It was clear that the life that existed in that place when you lived with Nanami was gone, and the boys were no strangers to the somber sense of loss and sadness that lingered in every space of the place where you followed. “There's plenty of food in the fridge.”
Itadori, eager to make that heaviness dancing in the air disappear, smiled openly and headed for the fridge dragging Fushiguro with him.
“Y/N-san, surely everything will be delici…!”
Itadori's voice trailed off.
“Wow…” Fushiguro let out, giving up fighting Itadori's arm that had dragged him by the collar of his white shirt.
There were no vegetables or fruit in your fridge. There was no packaging of any kind. Every space in the fridge was filled with tupperware, one on top of the other, behind each one there were more and it seemed like there was no end to it. There was endless cooked food and Fushiguro was sure that if they opened the freezer there would be more food in there too.
“This is-” too much, Fushiguro bit his tongue.
“Unbelievable!” Itadori recovered faster than he did. The pink-haired half-turned around on his feet to see you, his body bowing in a curtsy with an emotion that clashed fervently with your sadness. “Thank you so much, y/n-san!”
Itadori bowed a couple more times before returning his attention to the fridge and pulling out as many tuppers as would fit between his arms. Fushiguro watched him with a white, almost reprimanding expression, but let go the moment he found a half-smile gracing your face.
Half of the tuppers had been opened that afternoon.
Itadori and Fushiguro came back to your apartment several times a week since then and it almost seemed like they lived there a couple of weeks later.
“y/n-san…” the pink-haired's voice pulled you out of your mental space as you cooked for them. Amazingly, the food in the fridge had run out, for the first time in months. That night was the first time the boys had stayed over.
You frowned as you met Itadori's evasive gaze. Worry bubbled in your chest at the thought that something had happened, because Itadori looked terribly disgruntled.
“Itadori-kun, what's wro-?”
The young man pulled his hands from behind his back, a gesture you hadn't paid too much attention to, too preoccupied with the way his body hunched forward slightly.
Nanami's shampoo bottle was in his hands.
You felt as if a huge bubble had burst around you, with the disconcerting sound of a balloon.
“Can we use this?”
The way he spoke and lowered his head made it seem like he was too embarrassed to ask. Maybe he was a little right about that. For a moment you felt anger at seeing the container in his hands, out of the place where it belonged and where it was supposed to stay waiting for…. something.
Fushiguro entered the kitchen in a hurry, as if he had run from the room and took the shampoo from Itadori's hands, sending you a look between worried and embarrassed. The black-haired man bowed.
“I'm really sorry, y/n-san. I told Itadori not to take this. I'll leave it in its place.”
Fushiguro started to turn around even without raising his head and a mortifying sensation ran through your body. The formality he was trying to maintain and the care he took with the way he referred to you made you nauseous. This wasn't how you wanted them to feel around you, like they had to tiptoe around you and be accommodating so as not to provoke you.
“It's okay,” you mumbled, almost inaudibly. You cleared your throat, but the boys heard you clearly just the same. “You can use it. It's okay. Anyway, there's too much stuff in there with no use. It's better that than getting damaged... over time, don't you think?”
Itadori and Fushiguro's looks on your face as if they were afraid you'd change your mind at any moment and yell at them made you think about how tough you'd been acting in front of them about everything related to Nanami. For the last few weeks they had been coming over, the only thing you had shared with them that was his had been all that food. But there were plenty of other things you could share with them, if only to buy their company a little longer.
“You can use everything in the bathroom and in the room.”
Letting go is another form of love, so they say.
And so it was. Eventually, you no longer bought the perfumes and toiletries Nanami used automatically, but strolled in the market with Itadori riding in the cart and Fushiguro on the other side walking with his hands inside his sweatshirt, with both of them telling you what products they used and with the cart fuller than usual.
Soon, Kento's side of the bathroom was filled with all the products the boys were using and you didn't dislike the image at all. It was quite comforting, in fact.
“Ah, Megumi's really bad at this,” Itadori spoke to your right, shaking his head in mock disappointment.
The black-haired man let out a grunt in his direction. “Will you shut up?”
“You're doing just fine, Megumi. Don't worry. When you take your time you can tell you're putting a lot of dedication into it. That's good.”
Megumi barely trembled at your words, his hands moving slightly, leaving an odd curve in the cup of the cake he was decorating. If you or Itadori had noticed, neither of you mentioned anything.
“y/n-san, I'm sooo hungry. Can't we eat while Megumi finishes?”
“Patience, Yuji. You could help me with the drinks if you want to distract yourself.”
It was the third anniversary of Kento's death and it was amazing how a year ago you didn't think you could tolerate making it this far. And you even came to think for a moment that you would spend that year alone too, but Yuji proposed to cook Nanami's favorite dishes to honor his memory and it was physically impossible for you to say no.
The dining table was adorned with various dishes and four chairs, one empty for him.
Yuji was seated to your right and Megumi to your left. Kento would be sitting across from you if he were here…
Many times, the three of you sharing your meals there, you thought about what it would be like if Kento could've lived to spend those experiences with you. You didn't know how the universe or fate did things, because it was such a cruel thought, but you were so grateful that they had inserted themselves into your life.
“I never would've thought Nanamin had such a sweet tooth,” Yuji commented, with a huge spoonful of cake in his mouth. Megumi frowned at him and you felt him kick his leg under the table.
“He wasn't… not as much as Gojo-san, but he always praised me when I made these desserts for him from time to time. Mostly on special dates, it wasn't very often.”
“And rightly so, y/n-san! Everything is delicious!”
“I wasn't the only one who cooked, Yuji.”
“You're right. What Megumi did is a little dry.”
The black-haired man swallowed a grunt, tensing his shoulders. You smiled at the innocent manner of the boys and were thankful that despite everything they got along so well. They were the best thing for each other, and the best thing you had at that moment.
“You did very well for your first time cooking alone, Megumi,” you placed one of your hands on his shoulder, allowing him to unwind and relax a little under your watchful eye and loving smile.
Megumi barely sketched a half-smile that you didn't let go unnoticed.
At that moment, you would have loved to know what Kento would think of being able to see them reunited in his memory, but you kept yourself in the present, hanging on to the conversation the boys were having letting out chuckles from time to time.
Nanami at that moment knew Haibara was right. You would be fine.
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
NOTHING GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN: Ethan Landry x fem!reader
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Summary: Nothing went according to plan. She shouldn't have been stabbed; she never meant to be a victim.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
Warnings: SPOILERS! (Scream 6), blood and violence, description of said violence, swearing
Just like before, after the doors closed in front of them, separating the friend group to two smaller teams, she was once again torn between suspicion and love.
Handling that situation was always the most challenging for her. She felt like her whole mind was torn into two parts whenever the whole group was together and the 'Core Four' - as Chad liked to call themselves nowadays - accused her lover of being a Ghostface killer. And it's not like she was stupid, not understanding their reasoning. She knew where they were coming from, she accepted that their suspicion towards everyone other than themselves was the right thing to think these days - but still, they for sure gave her many migraines ever since the murders have started again.
It was hard to be both an understanding friend with great survival instincts and a loving, protective girlfriend who either shut the world out or kicked someone in the face whenever accusations were thrown around.
And as Sam with the others got further away from them, she was once again standing between those two sides. Ethan was trying to keep up the positivity, while Mindy was trying to get as far away from her prime suspect as possible, sending her glances which said 'you should do the same'. Once again she was left in the middle.
As Mindy took a few steps away from them to text Chad, Ethan held her hand and gently squeezed it, trying to reassure her that everything would be all right.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, sure." she answered and stood on her tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek, close to his mouth. "I just wish it was over, you know? I don't like it when they are treating you like this." she turned towards Mindy, not daring to raise her hand and point at her, because even though her friend was texting, she for sure looked like she's glaring at them here and there while doing so.
His answer was another gentle squeeze and it made her heartbeat faster.
After waiting for the next ride to show up, what to her felt like long hours, they got into the cart, finally leaving that station behind. But after getting in and looking around, she had the feeling that standing and waiting at the station was probably better, no matter how she could literally cut through the tension with a knife.
Inside, there were multiple people dressed up as Ghostface, sending her to a whole other dimension. That whole thing felt like a set up and a trap, and fearing the worst she looked around to find Mindy, who didn't want to stay with them.
Ethan found her first and raised his hand to wave, but didn't get any kind gesture back from her.
"I'll go and check on her, okay?" she asked as she looked up at him. "I'll be right back in a few seconds."
And just like that she was on her way to Mindy, pushing away a few people to be able to move.
"Hey, are the others okay?"
"Sure." was the short answer she got. "But maybe you should ask yourself if you're okay."
She didn't have to continue for her to know that she's talking about Ethan, who's gaze she could feel on her back.
"I know I am." she replied, trying not to argue as she looked at the screen of Mindy's phone.
U on the next train?
Yes w Ethan aka GF
She did her best to bite her tongue and not say anything. Mindy's hurt and that's understandable, Anika just died and everything is going to shit again. She has to keep calm and let it play out, she'll see that she was wrong and even though she won't apologize, the usual mood will be back again.
Mindy raised her arms, because the message didn't want to be sent, but after a few moments she gave up and looked at her with a sigh.
"Look, you know you should never trust the-"
That's when a man with a Ghostface mask on leaned towards them, making them jump and curse at him. The guy laughed as he muttered a 'sorry'. The two girls backed away, but doing that got her further away from Ethan.
"God dammit, now I have to believe that everyone in this fucking city is an asshole." she cursed as they found a new spot. She turned around and sent Ethan a reassuring smile, calming the poor boy down, who was about to get to them.
Just then the lights started to flicker, making the train darker and creepier. It sent goosebumps down her spine.
As she noticed another person in a Ghostface costume a few steps away, a man accidentally bumped into her, sending her backwards, stumbling far away from Mindy. Many others had to change positions as the most likely drunk guy tried to keep his balance, but that created a barricade between her and Mindy - and Ethan. She could no longer see them, and she was pushed even further back until her back touched the metal door.
Yes, these people were truly assholes tonight.
The lights flickered once again and that's when she noticed the movement. Like a true horror movie scene, as it got dark the figure got closer and closer, but stood still when the lights were on again. The mask of the Ghostface costume scared her and she was about to either call out or scream when the figure rushed towards her, and the last thing she knew was that she tasted the material of the gloves on her lips, as the person kept her mouth shut.
How could she forget, she thought as she looked at the mask, examining the eyes and the mouth, never say 'I'll be right back', because you won't be back.
The sudden pain in her abdome was so strong and insufferable that tears formed in her eyes as she closed them, as if that would help her escape from it. She felt how the knife cut through skin and muscle, but she could also hear it and those sounds made her gag. She felt herself shouting, but no one could hear her because of the hand on her mouth.
And then the figure started cutting and cutting, pushing the knife upwards towards her chest and the absolute misery and torture that action brought with itself was too painful to bear. She was sobbing then, she knew that much, but she raised her arms to either defend herself, pull the mask off or hurt the murderer, so the others will know that the scars on someone means they found who they were looking for.
The knife was pulled out too suddenly and she fell to the ground with some quiet whimpers, not finding the strength in herself to shout, while the train moved on and on.
Mindy was the first to get to her, since she was closer, but by the time she got there the figure was already gone. Mindy fell to her knees in front of her as she cursed, trying to find the right thing to do to stop the bleeding.
She only noticed that both of them were shaking after Mindy pressed down on her wound, what made her cry out in pain. She felt both cold and hot as she did her best to not look down, because she was sure the sight alone would make her faint.
"Shit, shit, shit. We gotta get you out of here!"
And there he was - Ethan was pushing through the crowded cart, not caring who will fall. When their eyes met all she saw was shock. He seemed so shocked that for a second he froze, not knowing where he is or who is. He only moved when Mindy cursed again because she started to cough. The way he rushed to her, almost falling while doing so, broke her heart. His cheeks became pink, he started to sweat and he cursed out so loudly she was sure everyone in the cart could hear him.
"Fuck- that's a lot of blood..." his voice cracked as he talked and as he leaned closer and touched her face, making sure she's keeping her eyes open, she explored something new in his gestures and expression.
The shock turned to fear at first. Pure, unmistakable fear as he looked at her and noticed the wound and the blood. Then it changed again. The fear was still partially there, but so was something wild and primal. The way the muscels moved under his eyes and next to his mouth, she could feel the anger radiating off of him. She found the need to protect and avenge in his gaze.
"Get the fuck away from her, you hear me?" Mindy tried to push him away in fear.
"Can you shut the fuck up for one second for God's sake?" Ethan was angry and scared. She's never seen him angry before. "We have to get you out of here, okay darling? Fuck, call 911!"
The train stopped, the doors opened. As Ethan's left hand took Mindy's place on her abdomen so her friend can call for help, she grabbed his arm, trying to settle her pain and fear down.
"It's okay, it's okay, sweetheart. I'm gonna get you out of here."
And he did.
He got a hold of her left arm and waist as good and as gentle as he could, and slowly walked her out of the cart. Her right hand found his on her stomach as they both pressed down on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
"E..." she muttered or at least tried to.
"Sh, don't talk, okay? Everything's gonna be fine." his voice was cracking here and there and when she looked up at his face she could see that his eyes became teary.
She interwined their fingers; their bloody, sticky fingers.
Ethan as gently and painlessly as possible sat her down to the ground before a pillar, close to the entrance to the subway station. She noticed how some people stopped to give them worried, panicked looks.
Her back was against the cold concrete as she kept eyecontact with him, pressuring herself to stay awake.
"You're gonna be okay, you hear me?" she didn't know who he tried to reassure with that sentence; her or himself. "God, you're gonna be fine. You have to be."
She raised her arm to touch his face even if the pain in her stomach had travelled up to her lungs because of it. The throbbing pain was so much, she almost accidentally poked him in the eye, because her hands started to shake.
Seeing the way her body reacted to the pain sent Ethan over the edge and the tears that already danced in the corners of his eyes started to fall. She's never wanted to see him cry. All right, maybe from happiness, but definitely not from fear. She wiped the proof of distress away with her thumb.
"I don't want to lose you..."
The way he said it, voice full of fear and pain made her cry as well - the reasons of the tears were mixed together. She whimpered as he pressed down a little harder on the wound.
"I- I've never wanted you to get hurt-" he had to swallow to continue. "I don't know what I'd do without you..."
"They'll be here in a few minutes!" Mindy shouted as she ran back to them. "I gotta go up so I can lead them here."
"Then go!"
Mindy looked at her wounded friend and only left when she nodded that it's fine, she'll be safe with Ethan.
After the girl left she looked back at her lover and did her best to keep her breath steady as she started to talk: "You won't- lose me, E. That won't- won't fucking happen!" she tried to smile at him, but the smile turned out to be quite ugly, because she gritted her teeth from the pain. "Besides- this will scream for a sick tattoo- when it scars."
They both smiled then, painfully, but honestly at her weak attempt to make everything better.
"I love you, E."
She thought about how crazy the past few days have been, how everything went from bad to worst. Yet no matter what happened, Ethan was always there for her to make everything better. He kissed her, hugged her, cuddled her and did his best to both calm her and make her forget about the situation they were in.
And when Ethan seemed to be a bit under the weather or when he got a bit hurt or overall tired from all the pointing fingers and accusations, she was doing the same for him.
"I love you too..."
He leaned in and pressed a short, but meaningful kiss to her lips and ran his fingers through her hair with his free hand.
" 'You'll stay with me, right?"
"Of course I will."
"Good," she whispered. " 'cause I'm fucking terrified of hospitals."
They both giggled a little as their foreheads touched. She started to cough again.
"I'd do anything for you..." Ethan mumbled, his voice had a strange edge, something what was even to her unknowm. "Anything."
That's when she saw Mindy, followed by paramedics, all of them running towards them. Ethan pressed one last kiss to her forehead then let go of her, giving place for the paramedics and letting them work.
As they put her on a stretcher and got her outside to the ambulance, Ethan's phone started to ring. As he looked at his wounded lover on the stretcher he felt so much anger building up in himself that he almost threw the phone away. She stabbed her. She had one fucking job and she stabbed her.
He'd do anything for her...
That night Ethan decided to go to the hospital instead of the shrine.
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mejomonster · 1 year
Guardian really set my expectations of "censored bl cdramas" and man that was a high bar and probably not fair of me to expect.
Guardian really opens with Zhao Yunlan asking Shen Wei "are you married? You're such a catch. Can I take you out to eat? Here's my number A-Lan call me" which like even on face value id say thats called flirting (unless I guess ur so straight Straight blinders on that 2 men have to physically fuck in front of u to consider something gay)
Then of course there's shen weis pining shit but like, that's not Hammer down obvious to I guess the most oblivious person in denial
But Zhu Hong saying she likes Zhao Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan repeatedly refusing her and feeling bad about it, Zhu Hong repeatedly acknowledging he picked SHEN WEI over her (making it fairly clear it was a romantic pick and she Lost it to a guy) and shen Wei, brick that he can be at times, tells her it will only take a few years for the feelings to fade when she'll get over Zhao yunlan. The guy in love with him, instead of her. Yeah shen wei, she's definitely not wishing she could stab you for that insensitive remark. But she's too good of a person to.
Which. I'd say the above two points establish fairly overtly that: Zhao Yunlan is into men, that his colleagues assume he's also into women (if Zhu Hong thinks she has a chance), and that Shen Wei is Zhao Yunlans romantic pick. So Shen Weis sexuality? Well he doesn't dispute being Zhao Yunlans romantic pick, and Lin Jing assumes they're lovers with dialogue (yes he's saying opposite day stuff but his opposite day is just not being a liar and spy). So Shen Weis sexuality includes Zhao Yunlan.
And so like that's just. Fairly overt explicit stuff about their relationship. There's also the "a very oblivious person could argue its only implied" flirting. (And everything going on with Lao Chu and Xiao Guo, the side couple... oh my heart ;-; when they almost froze... the family dinner at Xiao guos... Lao chu admiring how kind Xiao Guo is, scaring him trying to say he's a cannibal and Xiao Guo not running away)
There's the coat sharing macho trying to be the man helping the damsel both of those fuckers do galore, shen wei moving in across the hall (which is either stalker or deeply in love or - as is true, both), shen wei implicitly moving in (this one's vague ill admit to be fair), the fucking "You're good with your hands" line from Zhao yunlan which is absolutely a porn line, every villain in the show viscerally aware Zhao Yunlan is who Shen Wei wants to protect, Ye Zun pretending to be Shen Wei by calling Zhao Yunlan cute names and asking if his outfit looks nice (and all of That), Zhao yunlans romantic ass hit me through the heart line of "if you're trouble I want a lifetime of you" at the wedding (not ever over it), the fucking lollipop scene in ye old haixing. Just a bunch of flirty type scenes, romantic tropes galore. And that's not even covering the actual genuine subtext of ALL the cases paralleling how shen wei and/or how Zhao yunlan feel implicitly (which are just subtext to be fair... how shen wei thinks he lost kunlun, how Zhao yunlan ISNT him so it hurts he's a stranger or he IS in which case he's a liar and shen weis grieving, the case where a dixingren and human love each other and Zhao yunlan notices he wants to be close to shen wei even though shen weis lying etc).
Like. They felt as canon as Tara X Willow in Buffy. Or at least as much as Xena x Gabrielle, the center relationship of the show where all stories of the episodes are always at least in some way about them.
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wwrityjess · 6 months
Your phone rings. This is the 44th time tonight. You didn't know she would take it this badly. You just said you needed some space, considering you just moved halfway across the country. She didn't like that you "decided" to move away from her, but it wasn't even your choice. You got a scholarship at a high-end college, you couldn't turn something like that down.
Your phone rings. This is the 45th time tonight. You knew she was a little obsessive, but it had never been this bad. There had been a few times where you caught her looking at your ex's social media, even though you had never told her any of their names. It was kind of creepy the first time, but you had gotten used to it by the fifth.
Your phone rings. This is the 46th time tonight. It's… your mom? You scramble to pick up your phone. You're too late, she went to voicemail. "Hey honey, your girlfriend came by just now. She said your phone might have been lost, so I decided to try calling you myself. If you find it again, you should call her back. She also asked for your new address, so I gave it to her. I'm surprised you hadn't given it to her yourself. Anyway, sleep well tonight baby!"
Your phone rings. This is the 47th time tonight. Why did your mom give your address away so easily? I mean, she was your girlfriend, but still. Your parents didn't know her that well. She had been over for dinner once, maybe twice. You found a photo album she stole from them a few days after. Some of the photos were missing. You found them months later in her closet, with hearts drawn around your face and any other people in the photos either scribbled out or burned away. You never returned that photo album.
Your phone vibrates. A message. "hey bby you wont pick up yr phone so im comin over to yr new place dont wait up for me :3c" What? It's at least a 9 hour drive from there to here. She can't be serious about coming over, can she? "i know u prob dont believe me so heres proof" A picture of the inside of her car. Your address has been set as the destination on her navigation. In the corner you can see a knife and rope on her passenger seat.
It's 9 hours before your (ex-)girlfriend arrives. You know you can't stop her. She is coming whether you call her or not. You really fucked it up this time. What do you do now? Just wait for her to arrive? Just let her in? Prepare breakfast for her? Talk it out? You don't think she'll be in a talking mood when she has just driven 9 hours because you wouldn't talk to her. Run away? No use, she won't give up that easily. Hide? She will tear you entire apartment to pieces to find you. Maybe sleep will clear your head. If you get a good 7-8 hours, you still have more than an hour to figure it out.
It's 8 hours before your (ex-)girlfriend arrives. You have trouble falling asleep. Your brain keeps making up scenarios of what will happen when she arrives. She'll stab you the moment she sees you. She's gonna tie you up and use you for her pleasure before stabbing you. She's gonna tie you up and drive the two of you off a bridge. You can't sleep like this. In your bathroom, you look in your medicine cabinet for your melatonin gummies. You take two, and then a couple more for good measure. You set an alarm on your phone for 7 hours from now.
It's 1 hour before your (ex-)girlfriend arrives. Your alarm rings. "Sleep well baby?" she whispers in your ear. You try to scream, but only a muffled sound comes out. You have been gagged. "Don't worry babe, nobody will hear us." she says while crawling on top of you. The knife shimmers in her hand as she lifts it up above her head. You try to push her off, but your hands are bound above your head. "Then again, nobody will be hearing from you ever again." she says as she thrusts the knife down. You close your eyes, anticipating the sharp pain in your chest. But it never comes. You cautiously open your eyes, the knife stopped mere millimeters from your chest. "Did you really think it would be that simple? That you would escape from me that easily?" she grins. Her teeth are surprisingly sharp, almost canine in nature. "I wouldn't use such an impersonal method. I want it to be much more INTIMATE." she says, lunging forward with her mouth agape.
It's 4 hours before your (ex-)girlfriend arrives. You jump up. It was just a dream. A nightmare. You take a few minutes to catch your breath. You grab a glass of water. After a couple more minutes you fall asleep again.
It's 1 hour before your (ex-)girlfriend arrives. At least, it should be. The doorbell is ringing. You look through the peephole. She's here. You cautiously open the door. "Hello sleepyhead, did you sleep well?" she asks with an innocent smile. "I've been standing at your door for five minutes already, I almost thought you hid from me or ran away or something." she laughs. You awkwardly laugh back. You did wanna hide from her or run away, she just arrived before you could. "Anyway," she pushes past you and walks inside. "We have something to talk about." she sits down on your bed and puts her bag on the ground. "D-do you want something to drink?" you stutter. She seems way too calm for someone who just did what she did. "Oh, I'd love a cup of tea right about now, babe." You hurry to the kitchen and turn the electronic kettle on. "While that's going, why don't you sit down next to me and we can talk, honey?" she pats the bed next to her.
You sheepishly sit down next to her, not wanting to give her any reason to freak out again. She puts her hand on your thigh. "Good. Now, why did you send me that mean message? Why did you say you 'needed space'?" she spits those words out with such vitriol as she grips your thigh. "I-I just thought t-that it might be b-better to stop dating if w-we live so far apart, is all." you stutter. You don't want to say anything that might piss her off. "I don't mean that we c-can't date again in the f-future if, I mean when I m-move back again." you let out a nervous chuckle. "See? That wasn't so hard now, was it, honey?" she loosens her grip on your thigh. "Now we can actually talk about solutions. If you think we can't date when we live so far apart, I'll just move out here with you." She grabs your hand. "Y-you would move out h-here?" Fuck. You had hoped she would see your point and leave you be. You didn't think she would move here to be with you. Her smile drops for a second before she quickly recovers. You think she might have sensed your disappointment.
The kettle turns off. "W-what kind of tea did you want, b-babe?" You say while grabbing two teacups. "Earl Gray." she says it so matter-of-factly while zipping open her bag. You start pouring. "Did you want a-anything with the tea, honey?" "No, I'm fine." She crept up on you, now standing right behind you. You feel a prick in your neck, and before you know it your head begins to spin. "Sleep tight, baby. I've got you." She whispers in your ear before you black out.
You wake up on the backseat of her car. You try to say something, but your mouth has been gagged. You try to move, but your arms and legs are tied together, and to each other. "Oh, you're awake, honey? Good timing, we're almost there." Almost where? Where is she driving you? As if she can read your mind, she replies "At my family's cottage in the woods, of course. Nobody comes here really, but my uncle has owned it for decades now. He asked the family to help fix it up a few years ago." You had forgotten about that, she was gone and busy all summer that year. You thought she might've been cheating, you just didn't buy the whole 'my uncle asked us to help fix up his abandoned cottage in the woods' routine.
"We're here!" She announces proudly. The car stops. You slide off the backseat and onto the floor due to how abrupt it was. "Oh, Honey…" she has opened the rear doors and is just standing there, giggling at the predicament you've found yourself in. She lifts you back onto the backseat. "Now, it's been a long and exhausting drive. If I free your legs, will you be good and walk inside with me?" you quickly nod your head, hoping to run the moment she helps you stand up. She cuts your legs loose with her knife. She grabs your arms and helps you out the car and onto your feet. You lunge forward, but your legs don't cooperate. You instead faceplant into the soft forest dirt. The stuff she dosed you with must still be in your system. "Aw, honey. Did you think I would cut you loose if you still had a chance to escape?" she whispers into your ear as she lifts you back up. As she opens the front door, she looks you in the eye and says "We're gonna live here together forever. And you're gonna love it, voluntarily or not."
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jennyandvastraflint · 9 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep2
"After all, it's a family thing" Gabrielle is her familyyy
the maiden, the mother, and the crone
"Xena, it's not your fault" T_T
She kebab'd that guy
I know you, you're Xena yes we all know Xena my guy
UHOH. Does she know him? Yeah it is harder when you look at their dead faces, not hidden behind masks
"Spill but a drop of blood and it all changes back"
"As a warrior, you can't."
Oh shit. EVERYTHING changed back, from the beginning. From back before she lost him. But she lost Gabrielle now...
She looks so DOMESTIC
Awww, she appyyy
Ooooh, this is a Name of the Doctor situation where every one of Xena's victories never happened. So instead, a ton of people she would've helped are suffering...
Who...? I don't know this guy
"I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted that boy's life back."
"The hardest part is losing you and Gabrielle." AAAAAA I AM NOT CRYING YOU ARE
The world is very much nOT a better place without Xena to protect it
Ooooh, they realise something's going on...
Oh no, soldiers being shitteyy
"Good thinking" she's trying to do it peacefully.
She seems very uncomfortable...
"Gabri-" AAAAA
"You've gotta go along to get along. That's how the world works."
Argh, this hurts...
She getting information about when they leave
"It's not your fault the world's the way it is" hhhhhhmmmm...
She hid in hayyy
Sdjdhd a bag of wine
She'll try to get Gabrielle out isn't she
"Yeah I remember. You tried to buy me." OUCH
I'm trying so hard not to make a comparison to Planetoid 50 audio... Because it's killing Xena that Gabrielle isn't like she knows her
Oh she's fighting without blood...
"You're right though, there's a reason I'm doing this. You remind me of my friend." AAAA
"The purest, the kindest person I've ever known."
*cough* "Break this enchantment, my love, and remember." *cough*
Now they're all locked up :(((
Xena don't you see you're losing everything
"I'd rather die fighting these bastards than live with myself if I don't" ough...
"If it wasn't for you I'd have never been free again"
Did whatshisface sneak in to free them. Yes.
YAYYY FREE GABRIELLE and the brother
Maybe these two bois should kiss
Oop the brother runs to be a hero... He's gonna die either way.
I'm guessing her brother will be mortally injured, she draws a small cut later, and everything reverts.
"Where are your table manners" KICK
If she made someone's nose bleed
SHE'S BACKKKK, And she saved the boy
It's her brother's token
They're so cute 💕🥰
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snowy-wife · 4 days
The way I looked like a wet animal when u said "I block people who talk about or post about columbine" like looks at you in hyperfixated on it 😨 but like honestly I'm kinda starting to fall out of it and becoming waaayyy more into other cases + zero day + Joan of arc which makes me so sad because like..columbine and zero day were one of my first stage into tcc (I saw zero day and say the tag being it, then I went down a rabbit hole which led me to Tumblr and now I'm here) so just saying something like "oh yeah..eh..I'm into other cases now" actually makes my heart break like sigh..I'M STRAYING FROM MY ROOTS!!! WHEN I WAS A BABY TCCER!!
Bahshss 😭😭😭😭 most people tbh, it just makes my bones and blood boil and ache. I'm too obsessed and possessive for my own good and it makes me physically hurt and ill, also saves me from threatening to kill people to their faces and stalking the fuck out of them because those are MY two boys and I am NOT fucking sharing no matter the intent. That's why the very few people I do interact with when it comes to them are very special because they don't insight those feelings into me and aren't deemed as a threat in my eyes. That's understandable tbh, ahhh I love Joan. I love that but yay!!!! You're growing up from a baby tccer 🥹 I so feel that though, like I remember that feeling when I strayed away from Ted Bundy's case, Charles Manson and the Slenderman Stabbing case. I also prefer serial killers and victorian serial killers more than anyone and anything tbf...... like one of my top favs is the Black Dahlia murder, she'll always be my favorite <3 her, Jack the Ripper and Elizabeth Bathory will be some of my biggest likes besides Richard Ramirez, Albert Fish, The Toy Box Killer, BTK, Ed Kemper, Ed Gein and Rodney Alcala ^^
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mitsukiwa · 9 months
Baby, love me cause I'm playing on the radio.
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Previous I part 5 I *My wattpad user is 6arelyhuman_ if u want the outfits visuals u should read it there*
WARNING!!! There will include: angst, fluff, smut, love triangle
Summary: You love bill and there’s no doubt in your heart, unbeknownst to you he feels the same way. You both have to overcome challenging events that leads the both of you to grow apart, what happens when his twin brother feels for you? Will you be able to crush his heart? What will you do to prevent hurting them both?
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On the way there the boys were all conversing except for bill, who was glued to his phone; he wasn't necessarily using it but checking it every ten seconds. Which if I was being honest did annoy me.
When I did try and include him in the conversation, he only hummed while still looking at the phone.
"Who's the lucky girl?", "Or guy?" George hastily adds.
Tom was driving, Gustav was in the passenger seat and as for me and George we were in the backseat with Bill.
Bill turns the phone away from George, bills cheeks flush red.
"No one"
Yup, there's that high pitched tone in his voice he does when he's lying. Bill was always bad at lying.
"Clearly their something if they have you checking your phone every five minutes" George retorts.
Bill let's out a puff of air finally relenting.
"Fine, yeah, she's a girl I bumped into at the store, and we exchanged numbers" he saids scratching the back of his neck nervously.
Every second that went by along with every word that left his lips, felt like a sharp knife stabbing deeper and deeper into my heart. I feel heat behind my eyes, I look out the window to avoid them from seeing me.
I blink my tears away. I didn't want the mascara to smudge, I wipe beneath my eyes Incase any black smudged.
I disassociated myself.
George shook me back when we got to the club, saying 'we're here'.
The line to enter was fairly long, there would also be times when fans recognized us and stopped for a picture.
Tom wasted no time in chatting with some bimbo in the line.
Gustav and I were talking about Hamburg. George was beside bill, talking about the girl bill was talking too.
I heard bill behind me say "I invited her, she said she'll be here in 15"
I stopped mid sentence, Gustav asked if I was okay.
"Are you okay?" He had a worried expression.
"Mhm" I lie, not giving a verbal response.
"You sure?" He had a skeptical look.
"Yeah, I'm fine really" I try and assure him. He stares at me for a few seconds long before finally leaving it when I flash him a smile.
The line had now moved up, we were now next, each of us showed our IDs, before everything the bouncer gave us a nod waving his hand dismissively. We weren't the required age but since his daughter was a fan of the band he's given us that privilege.
He nodded firmly for us to enter, the five of us stalk in.
We open a metal door revealing a bar and blasting music with neon lights.
"Let's get drinks!" Bill yelled over the loud music.
The five of us walk up to the bar. We sit on some vacant stools.
"I'm gonna get shit faced" George saids.
You weren't going to judge him for that, he had recently broken up with his girlfriend of three years, she had said she couldn't do the long distance with him being away on tour for months.
He really did love her so you did infact understand his heartbreak.
"Don't get too drunk last time you woke up at some random ass place you didn't know" I say.
"Yeah, take her word for it" Tom agreed with me.
"at least I don't wake up with two random girls I don't even fucken know in my bed" George saids.
"At least I know how to keep a girl satisfied" Tom retorts his signature smirk making itself known on his face.
It started getting more heated up, when Tom mentioned Georges Ex, Cassie.
George had stood up with fisted hands, Tom did too.
Bill and I had to push them away from each other.
I was angry at both of them for their childish behavior. Gustav calmed down George whilst I had to calm Tom.
I knew Tom would still be upset; he had a tendency of holding grudges.
"Guys let's not cause a scene" I say looking around to find a few people staring at us. The bartender looks at us warily. I knew she had been close to call the security, I wave my hand dismissively at her.
"Everythings fine"
She nods, returning back to making drinks.
"George was the one who started it" Tom points an accusing finger at George. I roll my eyes at him.
"No I fucken didn't"
"Guys come on, let's not fight over something as dumb as this" Gustav saids.
Gustav was kind of the mediator in our group. Bill was also sometimes, but if it involved him, he was always right. He was just petty like that.
"Ima go dance" Tom said, walking away from the bar, and to the dance floor.
" I need a drink" I say, letting out a sigh.
"Me too" Gustav saids.
"Me three" bill also adds
"I'll also have one" George buts in.
I motion for the bartender to come over, "hello, what can I do for you guys" she asks with a smile, if I said she was beautiful that would an understatement, she was gorgeous.
Light blue eyes that seemed to shine under the neon lights of the club.
Dirty blonde hair that sat just beneath her shoulder.
"I'll have a tequila" bill orders.
"I'll have one of those too" I say
Gustav and George ordered a beer. The bartender whisked away to prepare the drinks.
In the corner of my eye I see bill pulling out his phone. He lets out a gasp that has the G's and I heads turning to look at bill.
"She's here" he whisper yells.
I was curious and sad to see how she looked. It already hurt a hell lot that he was talking to some one he may potentially start dating.
Suddenly the seat I was sat on felt uncomfortable, I couldn't help but fidget with my hands.
I didn't know what happened next but bill got up and made his way out the bar.
"Where'd he go?" I ask Gustav.
"He went to meet her upfront"
'oh' I say. Oh was nothing compared to what I really wanted to say. I wanted to cry, or yell. I felt frustrated at myself, and mad at bill.
Even though it wasn't exactly his fault.
The bartender slides the alcohol to us, without second thought I down the liquid. And another, along with a few more that accompanied those.
"Woah, your gunna make them run out of supplies, tone it down a little" Gustav saids.
I roll my eyes at him. "Gosh, gustavi your no fun" I whine out.
He chuckles at me, I pout at him.
"Stop being mean" I slurred.
Yes, I was drunk. It takes me about four drinks tops to get drunk.
"I'm not mean I'm nice" he answered with a playful tone.
I wave my hand dismissively. "Not even"
I was about to raise my hand once again to ask for more drinks but mid way Gustav pulled my hand down.
"No more" he states firmly. More like demands.
"Fine, no more" I emphasized 'NO'.
He smiled at my comprehension.
" Guys, do you think that bartender would give me her number if I asked?" George asked.
With all due respect it seemed she wasn't interested in George but in Tom, but don't tell him it'll crush him and his heart of gold.
"Sure man, go ahead" Gustav saids shrugging his shoulders.
I wasn't going to comment on anything, so I just nod my head at Gustav's words.
The bartender comes back with two Bacardi's, not a third one sadly.
They count down to down their shots, "you guys are such a buzz kill"
"We're only looking out for you, mini bill"
I roll my eyes at the nickname. They always called me that when we all met back in middle school. Apparently I'm sassy like bill, which I wholeheartedly doubt.
I blow a strand of hair from my face, over and over to pass time.
I look back at the dance floor.
" Guys I'ma go dance" I was letting them know just Incase.
The song playing
They nodded at me, with that I got up and made my way to the dance floor. I managed to find a not so crowded area on the dance floor and began to dance, I started off by swaying my hips, my fingers running up and down the length of my body.
My eyes closed while I danced to the song that had just came up.
I began to feel lonely so I look around for someone to dance with.
Though I really didn't have to look long, a male came up to me, and said over the loud blasting music.
"wanna dance, sweetheart?" I nod my head.
I press my body on his, I feel his hands grip either side of my hips, I don't mind though. There was so much going on this just couldn't add up. Maybe I'll have him for a night. Who knows? I mean he's not quite bad looking either...
He closes any space between us, leaving us both pressed together if that's even possible.
We were both dancing for a few minutes, when I feel his lips latch onto the side of my neck, leaving open mouthed kisses, I move my head more to the side to give him access.
He starts sucking on the sensitive skin there. I know it'll bruise, though I don't mind.
His hands slide down lower and grope my ass.
I'm about to tell him something about it, when I feel his body being roughly pushed off me.
The guy yelled out 'what the fuck, man!"
I flicker my eyes to him on the ground then over to the man standing before him, Tom was fuming, both of his hands fisted in a tight clench.
"Don't fucking touch her" he grits out at the man on the ground.
The man on the floor raised his hands up in surrender. "She wanted it man, I was giving her what she wanted".
I roll my eyes at him. Wow, such a wuss
Tom turned to you with an angry expression.
"What the fuck? You were gunna asleep with this piece of shit?!" Tom yelled at me.
I shrugged. "I don't know, I was considering it, but, uh, on second thought I think I'll pass"
Tom's face got even more angrier, if that's even possible.
I'm sure that vein on his forehead would pop any second now.
He roughly grabs your forearm, dragging you out of the dance floor.
I would have been scared if someone else were doing this to me but then again it's Tom.
"Ouch, that hurts Tom"
He stayed dead silent, his hold seemed to tighten around my arm.
Yeah, okay so now I was scared.
I began to struggle out of his hold on me.
"Let go of me, you're acting like a prick"!
My complaints went ignored. I couldn't even see his face, just the back of his head.
I looked around anxiously, occasionally stumbling on my heels.
My arm went limp when I saw Bill and some girl at the bar area. She was giggling, and Bill had on a huge smile. I scowl at them. And with the alcohol In my system I was by far worse.
I turn back to Tom. He's still dragging me.
"Tom, take me home, please" Tears were threatening to fall out from my eyes.
He halts his steps before turning around and looking down at me.
His mouth slightly dropped when he saw my red rimmed eyes and puffy nose.
"I don't wanna be here anymore" I let out weakly.
He looked around, his eyes landed on what I also had seen.
He lets out a quiet 'oh' He swiftly picks me up bridle style, I yelp out.
"Those heels look uncomfortable, plus you hate heels" was his excuse.
"Yeah, I hate heels" I admite.
I lay my head on his chest. I close my eyes, but with every step he took my body would shake in his arms.
When we got outside, he walked to the parking lot over to his car.
He opened the passenger door, and sat me down.
"He looks happy" I say out loud.
Tom freezes, glancing at me. He was in the midst of putting on my seatbelt.
"I mean, if you think so" he shrugged. " He seems bored if you ask me" he says.
"No, he doesn't" I slur.
He was just saying that to make me feel better.
"Whatever you say" He clicks on my seatbelt.
"The other you is so much better" I sigh out.
Tom squints at me. He raises an eyebrow confused.
I continue, "you know, when he got rejected on that audition, I wanted to beat up those judges"
Tom couldn't help but laugh at you, you always made a fool of yourself when you were drunk.
"Yeah,me too"
My head perked up. "Really?" I ask.
"Yeah, I wanted to egg their cars and pop their tires, but looking back on that now I would have gone to jail."
I giggled at him. "You're so stupid Tom."
He chuckles at me.
"Sure, I am".
"Do you really think he likes her?" I ask weakly, voice above a whisper.
Tom looks at me then down at my lap. He looks at my eyes, then ruffles my hair. Flashing me a smile. An actual smile, not a smirk of his, or a slight smile but a genuine smile. It's contagious so I feel myself also smiling.
"Give that little head of yours a break, yeah?" He taps his index finger on my forehead. I scowl at him.
He pulls his upper body out of the car, closing the passenger door. He walks over to the other side, he opens the door of the driver's side. Stepping into the car. He sits himself down, clicking on his seatbelt.
Before he presses the on button on the car, he looks at me and saids, "I will show you I'm better than the other me"
I feel a pit in my stomach the second those words process in my head.
He looks ahead, driving out of the parking lot and to my apartment complex.
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© Mitsukiwa 2023-Do not copy,post or translate my work anywhere.
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ria-writes-stories · 2 months
Genre: Romance, Tension, Action, Unhealthy obsession
Ship: Jolly
Description: U already know
WARNING: this entire fic is an obsessive unhealthy fight between J and Doll hurting each
TW: Vampire like gore idk-
(No one's pov)
Doll was a cold calculated rational person. Nothing could get out of her bloody red eyes, nothing without her own will. No one could peer into her mind and everyone was too scared to do it, so it was no wonder that no one ever tried to get within her mind, not even those who despised her, and here there was, a helpless idiot pathetic and useless 'murder' drone. Oh she'll have tearing her to shreds.
J didn't expect this. She was patrolling in this wasteland she has travelled on so many times, but not once before has she met this drone, and not once has she seen a weak worker drone do such feats, it was something that could not be explained. No. It was the horrors of her past coming to bite her throat, reminding her she is just as weak as she was back then, unable to protect Tessa, unable to shield her from the horrors. Now, faced with the same powers, with a different enemy, she was just as weak.
J grunted as she was thrown into a wall as she helplessly fell to the ground on her knees as she held herself with her arms from falling, pressing them against the dirty ground, covered in oil and snow as she gasped heavily, as she used one of her arms which currently had her missile projection out as a pillar to get up.
For the past hour she was tossed like a piece of scrap and she could already feel her powers caving in but she refused. She refused to let this freak of nature. She had to prove that she was better. She had to show her greatness. She took out her most vital weapon, one that never fails, that being her electric shockwave gun, but before she could use it a red symbol of light was thrown at her and she began to malfunction as if she was attacked with the same weapon she used once to try and defeat Uzi.
She fell to the ground like a corpse as her visor went dark with a red message displayed on it as she heard footsteps approach her, crushing the snow below them as she could felt the dark presence, colder than this world, approach her.
She could feel her coming closer and closer...but then nothing...What happened? Well, when she opened her eyes, she found out, because it wasn't long before someone grabbed a handful of her hair and painfully brought her head up despite her body barely being able to stand up.
"You're pathetic." The drone before her said in a merciless, cold tone, staring her down with cruel judging eyes. "This is what is supposed to be in my way? Even the weakest of my colony turns out to be far more powerful than you." Doll said as with a quick hand mention she ||mashed J's head against the wall, causing her visor to split open slightly before letting her fall to the ground.
"You're too pathetic to even kill. Pitiful truly." Doll said walking away as J's body healed as she growled lowly under her breath. There was one problem with Doll, underestimating a new enemy, always.
In the split of a second she found herself face to face with the so called pathetic drone she thought she gave a piece of her mind enough to determine them to run but no. J's yellow orbs stared at Doll's eyes, steady and calm, now thrown off guard completely, a rare feat given the Russian drone's past.
With her wings widely spread J tried to stab Doll with her tail, she missed by an inch as Doll stepped aside and glared at J with pure hatred as she...disappeared?! She teleported or what?! But before J could get any answer she was grabbed by her tail and smashed into the ground causing the snow around them to fly up in the air, sending a pressure and shock wave for miles as a crater formed into the place that J was so roughly thrown into.
J groaned with her eyes squinted, close tightly from the pain, and before she could open them she felt a strange pressure on her chest. Doll was stepping on her, much like she stepped on N many times before, but her punishment was far worse.
She grabbed one of J's messed up pony tails raising her head up. "You are a worthless pathetic excuse of space."
The Russian drone spat out with disgust and resentment in her voice as she glared at J.
How dare this low life try and waste her time? Doll wasn't furious, no, this drone wasn't deserving of her wrath, and yet she couldn't help but feel something wrong when she looked into the eyes of the drone, and then she saw it, something she never thought she'd see... From the corner of the girl's mouth a sinister smile perked up. Doll didn't allow it as she immediately sued her absolute solver to throw the drone to the side as she looked at her in utter shock. How could one smile when they were about to die? Something was wrong with that drone, and maybe that something she could use to her advantage... but how?
"You're pretty good for a weak little worker drone." J said getting up as she cleaned a few drops of oil from the corner of her mouth as she pointed her weapon at Doll barely steady on her feet as she shook from head to toe, from bolt to wires. "What are you doing? You can't take me down." Doll said bluntly as she looked at J with a cold yet intrigued look, trying to hide it with a serious and disgusted look. "Who says that? You or me?" J said as her gun began to sparkle, ready to fire.
Doll stopped the fight where it started. When J shot her missile Doll simply stopped it and turned it back to J's direction as the murder drone seemed to be taken off guard and son smoke and dust relieved themselves in the air as Doll turned around to leave.
"Did I say you could leave?" A low dangerous voice spoke from the cloud as Doll was slammed to wall before she managed to turn around and see what other useless attempt the murder drone would have to try and use against her.
Doll's head spun as she felt her hands pressed against her back as J held her palms with her claws. "One hint of that red color and I'm cutting them off of you." Empty threats, or so Doll thought, because J did not hesitated to immediately kick her with her elbow into the side of her neck.
Doll gasped for air as she choked from the sudden pain before J slammed her head against Doll's, making the Russian drone's head slam against the concrete wall just like she did earlier to the murder drone as oil poured down staining her face, but unlike J's face who was dirtied and messy, her was clean as the oil got reabsorbed.
"Not so weak after all huh?" J said with a sadistic grin as Doll's mind went blank and in the blink of an eye Doll found herself on top of J as a rain of knives stood upon their heads as Doll smiled widely from corner to corner with all of her teeth visible.
Soon the rain came down as Doll didn't even think about the fact that she too would be stabbed by this rain but...
When it happened Doll saw from the side of her eye a pair of metallic wings warp around her and the other draw, and once the rain was finished she felt two hands pressing on her back keeping her down and steady, trapped with the murder drone. "Idiot." J said in annoyance as she glared at Doll, who was looking at her with an empty hollow look.
J hissed in pain as Doll tugged on her hair roughly. J didn't even realize when Doll's hand made it's way to her hair. "Did I hit a nerve?" Doll asked with a smug smirk as J looked down with her eyes as she snarled a little revealing her sharp teeth. "You're defect, you shouldn't have teeth like that." J remarked looking at Doll's fangs, only for her hair to be tugged again painfully as soon the drone on top of her got up and pressed her knee on her chest without hesitation. "And you should be stronger." Doll whispered as she looked at J as if waiting for something.
J leaned her head down, within the other drone's touch as she opened her mouth and said breathlessly. "Fuck." as a steam of hot hair came out and disappeared into the cold environment around them. She was overheating. and so was Doll, because her hand was starting to warm up while holding J's hair, and J could feel it. A simple quick solution.
Doll bit J's throat as hot steaming oil sprouted out as J's face winced in utter miserable agony and shock as her eyes were now wide opened as her lips parted helplessly to let out a scream that was never going to come out as a frail gush of her breath came out instead as more and more oil came out as she felt herself slowly succumb to the pain as she lightly raised her hand shaking from every inch as she refused to believe such pain exists as the teeth only kept biting her harder and harder as the grip holding her hair slowly softened while another hand held hers as J's power went all out and she stared hollowly at the sky like a corpse as a pool of oil was under her.
She was not dead, because she could feel the gentle and firm grip of the other drone holding her as she slowly felt a cool release over her as her system stopped overheating as she received oil into her mouth from the other drone's as she pressed her lips against hers deeply.
J's eyes were filled with life and disbelief as after knowing how long the drone let go of her and never before had J felt the need to breath harder before. Everything she felt that fight, she never felt it before. She felt vulnerable, weak, and it made her feel...alive.
Doll cleaned J's oil from her mouth by licking it. Her plan worked. J's oil cooled down immediately in this outside atomic frozen wasteland, and that is when J realized that not only was she bled out and her oil was forced back into her, the other drone has also consumed it
They were left staring at each other for a long while before each got away from each other and up as J proceeded to dust herself. "Imbecile. You can't do one thing right." Doll said with annoyance as she fixed J's suit and ponytails along with her tie before taking a long look at her humming, before pulling her hair...for God knowing what time. "Now that's as it should be." Doll said before letting go and walking away.
To J it felt like Doll was reminding her who's in possession of who with that last tug on her hair but...she didn't felt the desire to prove her wrong.
J looked at Doll as she stepped away. "State your business." J said bluntly. "Temporary alliance." These two will certainly have a ride...
The end
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an-theduckin · 11 months
pls tell me about your ocs
This ask made me realise that I don't have alot of ocs lmao (aside from the @da-emoji-squad ones)
This is Nox. Her name is Nox. She's an aspiring writer who goes extreme lengths to "research" for her book. Like for example she has scars all over her body cuz she stabs herself to write stabbing scenes better. She's adventurous, impulsive, emotional and crazy. She treats people in her life, like her "friends" and stuff, as an experiment to test out manipulation tactics and stuff and is extremely two faced. Like she'll be very loving to one person and be hateful towards another for no reason other than to see their reaction. Pretty edgy ik, but I love her <3
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This is smallcake. I know her name is weird but like, she's based on an among us oc that me and my friend made in 2021. She loves her girlfriend Rana, who is my friend's oc. She's been through a LOT of character changes cuz it's a very old oc. At first she actually had a bf "Nerd" but fuck him she has Rana now. She's a little crazy but a lovely lady.
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Take a guess of what her name is. Yes you're right, it's Daisy. She's a twomp + tadc inspired oc. So the lore behind her character design is so yk how there's weird ass flowers in gardening with argos, so there's a plant (I haven't design it yet) that's incredibly lonely so it make friends by turning people that touch it into plants. The process is rather painful. Cuz like flower veins internally grow inside you, it bashes thru ur eyes and replaces it with flowers. And basically turns u into a flower yk. Daisy is a naive girl who got tricked into touching that plant, and now she turned into this. But she stay silly <33
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Anyways so that's all!! Thank u so much for the ask, it was really fun to ramble about them!! :D
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silviakundera · 5 months
Joy of Life Episode 11 liveblogging
This is my first watch, so don't tell me secrets ;)
Tagging silvia watches jol so you can block
If they are actually in that damn house and he STILL does not meet this woman who the narrative has forced me, through torture, to despise... I might really stop watching this drama.
At least - wait, I've been hurt before. We are only 50% there. He knows her but are we going to continue this bullshit because she'll be allowed to still think he's a doctor, because she gives the ML brain worms
It's really tuberculosis 😂
Elder brother Lin is a great brother. It's actually tragic that the narrative has made his sister a dumbass.
so now ML is regretting making me suffer for 10 episodes. Well buddy, no sympathy here, you're still on my bad list because you didn't take the easy & obvious opportunity to SLIP HER A NOTE OR WHISPER YOUR FUVKING NAME
Knife welding women of mystery just randomly stabbing curious bystanders and a huge chained chest. These 2 things are probably connected.
Is there a monster in the chest? Does wuxia have monsters? 🤔
Is this a transformed half animal man like in Nirvana in Fire?
Wait so assasin bro's kid is the child who met the box creature?! I'm not good with faces or kids, so I didn't realize.
That's probably not good, right. I don't think this is good.
Ok you met again now so TELL HER YOUR NAME. This is like literally the most important thing. JUST SAY. YOUR. NAME.
If they seriously stretch this misunderstanding into additional episodes, I'm done.
I don't care if she hates him or loves him or they date or don't date or marry or don't whatever. It's all fine as long as the narrative stops forcing them not to use their brains.
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mercury-and-scry · 10 months
KONNER: 7, 18, 28
MICAH: 10, 15
CLAIRE: 18, 22, 39
YOU: D, G, J
for Konner:
18: What embarrasses them? Konner is someone who can tend to make a lot of presumptions, and for all her ego, she can be quite embarrassed on the occasions she's proven just dead wrong. Just pointing out to her face that she's been totally proven wrong makes her QUITE humiliated if you do it right. 28. Do they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? Of course!!! thats the spiral avatar for you baby!!! For Micah: 10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? that he doesn't see """imaginary""" monsters Micah lies to his parents a lot about what his line of work is, he generally claims to be a scholar and researcher- which isn't totally untrue but its not "I'm a paid paranormal investigator". He isn't prone to shame or guilt without STRONG reason, so the lie doesn't haunt him (but the possibility of them finding out and going "hey what the fuck?" does). 15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Talking to Micah, it's very clear he considers his words very carefully. It's all very deliberate, and you get the sense it's not so much what he's saying, it's what he's careful to not say. For Claire: 18: What embarrasses them? Claire has a very thick Irish accent and strong dialect, which she got mocked for a lot in school, so she's semi-self conscious about that. 22: How does jealousy manifest itself in them? She gets stabby. 39: How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? It genuinely just depends on whether these flaws impede her or not. If someone is the absolute worst but in a way that doesn't impact Claire, that's just fine. But if she doesn't like someone she'll find EVERYTHIIIIING to dislike about them. For ME (there's three questions so ill do one for each of these guys) (<lazy) D: Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? (for Konner) Beta Konner was actually wayyy more of a self insert, so she looked a lot more like me and her physical appearance was very different lol. I changed her up on her redesign when I made her a more independent character and since then I've pushed and pulled a bit with stuff like facial structure, but nothing major. G: Which trait of theirs bother you the most? (for Micah) Micah is incredibly secretive. I don't rlly believe in character traits that are "bad" in context to story, but it can be annoying to write a character who never wants to speak about himself because.....son....your lore.....I also form a lot of characters by feeling like they speak to me/tell me ab themselves, so Micah is ACTUALLY secretive to ME. Which is SO fake of him. J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create your character? (for Claire) Well, Claire is still kind of in beta as far as her lore is concerned but god knows I'll have to do some more research into the Slaughter, since on paper its not a top entity for me. I find it hard to figure out at what point you stab so much it counts as supernatural, lol. SMOOCHES U BACK
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marcellabelanades · 10 months
Person: @ezekielurquhart Location: Cemetery notes: oh no She'd been foolish, too distracted to look behind her with Ciro on the ground dead. Or he might has well have been, dying and he'd refused her blood, didn't want to take it. If those damn creatures hadn't descended upon her, she might not have even left his body, she might have stayed there to die with him. But she'd made a promise, she'd made a promise and so with tear stained cheeks and blood and gore clinging to her she'd shambled towards the cemetery. It's not something she ever thought about, how much blood she had to lose now before she died. Because as she'd been knelt over Ciro's body, something, she didn't have time to focus on what, had stabbed her clean through the chest from the back. It'd happened so quickly she swore she only felt it afterwards, when the creature had pulled out her lungs and a heart that didn't beat anymore nearly out of her chest. Marcella's right hand rested over the hole now, clutching what is left of the organ that's practically out of her chest. But even as she moves through the winding cemetery, no matter how fast she's still able to move, she knows it is not for long, that this is a death march. "Zeke!" She calls out and blood bubbles forth from her mouth, drips down her chin and she barely makes it to where their graves are before her knees are hitting the ground and she's doubling over, desperately trying to put things back where they're supposed to be. She's crying but she's been crying this whole time, already mourning Ciro, already mourning the future that she said she and Zeke and their little Pluto nest would have. Vaguely she thinks she hears him but everything almost sounds muffled, as if she's been put underwater. Her free raises to his face the moment he's beside her, marking it with her blood. Their blood, the one he'd given new life to in a way. If a progeny died, the pain was supposed to be unimaginable, she can't believe she'll put him through something like that when she's already had a hand in putting him through so much already.
"D-don't cry. Not for-" It goes unfinished, she's loosing too much blood now, her body is desperately trying to heal itself, she can feel it, but it can't heal organs outright being removed, there's no way. More tears are shed because it's not supposed to be like this and she knows this is the last thing she is ever going to tell the man who had once been a boy she'd thought foolish all those years ago, the one that had grown to be her brother. Mustering whatever is left of her strength, she thinks about the conversation they'd had here the time before she'd turned. When they'd talked of the afterlife. When she'd told him she didn't believe in heaven but knew that's where his soul had to be, somewhere safe, somewhere good, somewhere he could be happy.
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"You are in the best place because y-you are the best, you're the best of u-us." There's tears and there's blood everywhere and her body is giving up but she's smiling at him. He had such ambition, such trust in his coven as a witch, when he was alive. He was always there, he'd been so kind and helpful that she had actually resented him for it. As a vampire that kindness had come about tenfold, she couldn't believe he'd help her after everything, that he would willing take her under his wing and not just turn her, but accept her in ways she feared no one else ever really would. She's smiling at him and then her hand falls limply from his face, leaving a trail of blood in it's wake. Maybe wherever her soul winds up, there's a slim chance someone will take pity on her and reunite her with Ciro one last time.
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shatter-song · 1 year
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| ---> The Emerald Entrails
Hello_Willow: just to remind everyone, we have practice after school on monday!!
Kricketune: FUUUUU i don't think i can make it :(((
John_cena: aww y not??
Kricketune: mom and dad are dragging me off to a gala
Kricketune: at the ec no less
John_cena: awkward 😬
Kricketune: i
Kricketune: gus what is that
John_cena: what is what 🤨
Kricketune: that yellow face
Hello_Willow: ever since luz showed him emojis from the human realm
Hello_Willow: he's been using them nonstop
Kricketune: how??
Hello_Willow: custom scarmojis
Kricketune: there's custom ones???
John_cena: you can make them 🙄
Kricketune: don't you send me that face
mamabird: i thinki just goott glassa inn foot
Kricketune: what
Kricketune: take it out????
Hello_Willow: no leave it
Hello_Willow: livens up the place
John_cena: vineys foot is sooo boring
Kricketune: you guys are not helping
Hello_Willow: whatre we supposed to do
Hello_Willow: exactly
Kricketune: skill issue tbh
Hello_Willow: i could throw you out a window
John_cena: viney if someone asked me what were some of the most boring additions to this realm one of them would be your foot that someone would have to stab with glass to make it interesting
Kricketune: GUS?????????
Hello_Willow: WHSUS8EIIW
Kricketune: @mamabird pls respond
Kricketune: wait what
mamabird: what would you do if i died of glassy foot and that was the last thing you wver said to me
mamabird: what if i got so mad at that and forgot i had glassy foot and stomped my foot so hard it shot up into my head and i died
Kricketune: HA??
Hello_Willow: I just laughed so hard i heard something click in the bavk of ny head im scared
John_cena: and that's a wrap 😌
Kricketune: what just happened
mamabird: although i do actually have glass in my foot im in pain
John_cena: its a meme luz taught us
John_cena: @mamabird wait do u actually
Hello_Willow: are you okay??
Kricketune: huh????
mamabird: dw im healing it rn
mamabird: one of barcus' beakers blew up
mamabird: and i unknowingly stepped on glass
They had longed since clean the soot from the explosion from what used to be Barcus' homework potion. There wasn't a lot, thankfully, and nothing got destroyed which was great because Viney doesn't think she'll ever be able to pay for anything.
Not that anything Jerbo owns is very expensive but because... Well, her family is not one that someone would call, uh, financially stable. Yeah. That's a nice way of putting it.
Well, something had to go wrong after the bout of miracles of successfully bringing Hunter over.
As it turns out, Jerbo's moms are very good at sniffing out coven members. They're both the nicest people Viney has ever had the honor of knowing but she forgot that moms can be terrifying.
("Yeesh." Hunter says, with wide eyes as the adults leave the room. "Why are your parents so anti-Belos?"
Before Jerbo has the chance to speak, Barcus chimes in with, "They both got drunk with the Owl Lady one night." Which makes Jerbo slumps back down with a sigh.
"...That somehow explains everything and nothing at the same time.")
After that, a brief conservation was shared between Barcus and Hunter about potions. The detention trio vaguely recall Hunter wearing the potion track uniform the day he sneaked into Hexside.
("You speak Woof, Hunter?" Jerbo inquires.
"Somewhat. I'm... Familiar with Head Demon Eberwolf. Eventually, I picked up some Beastspeak languages.")
And when Barcus mentioned needing to make a potion for homework, Hunter offered whatever knowledge he has to assist.
Evidently, it does not turnout well.
Viney winces as she plucks the smallest and last shard from the her foot. That's on her for going around the house with no socks.
She forms a dark blue spell circle and gets her palms ready to cast healing magic.
"I was going to ask if you were going to heal that wound." Barcus sneezes from across Jerbo's room. "You step on glass and then you just get on Penstagram."
"It was just the other Entrails having fun in the group chat. Plus, Gus wanted to try one of those human memes Luz taught us. 'Sides, it's nothing serious." Viney chuckles. She takes a look around the room noticing the absence of the other boys. "Where's Jerbo and Hunter?"
"I think they're downstairs. Something about apologizing for the damage." Barcus sniffed. "A little odd considering nothing got damaged."
"Aside from your beaker."
"I think that goes without saying."
Speaking of the two, the other boys have returned to the living room where the witch and demon are. Hunter looks a little wild in the eyes and Jerbo looks... unnerved for some reason.
Barcus notices it too, if the glance they share means anything.
Viney raises a concerned eyebrow. Jerbo just mumbles, "I'll tell you later..." And leaves it at that. The would-be veterinarian merely nods.
"Sorry, again. I didn't think the unicorn hair wouldn't mix well with acacia roots." Hunter sheepishly wrings his hands together.
"In all fairness, it seemed like a good idea." Barcus growls. "Acacia roots boost the effectiveness of the potion which is what I needed."
"Didn't you say you were going to get help from Ms. Grace?" Viney asks.
"I was." Barcus nods. "But then Hunter offered to assist. I wanted to see what he knew."
The Golden Guard winces. "Which isn't a whole lot, I'm now realizing."
Jerbo flaps a dismissive hand. "Ce n'est pas grave. Don't worry about it. Nothing was destroyed."
Hunter hesitantly nods. "Alright." He still looks tense, if what his posture is telling Viney.
"Say," Viney starts which grabs the attention of the boys, "how about we check on the animals? It's what we're here for anyway."
"And I thought you were here because you enjoyed my company." Jerbo drawls, getting up from his bed.
"No, I'm here for the animals as always." Viney sweetly (and cheekily) smiles.
"Ouch. Tu me brises le cœur, Viney." The plant witch dramatically says. He drawls a hand palm up to his forehead for the extra effect.
Jerbo may have been a theater kid when he was younger.
"I have no idea what you just said so I'm gonna assume you're okay with that."
Hunter's eyes flip between them and Viney notices the confusion on the witch's face. Yeah, she can't blame him, that's just how they are. It's natural.
She has a feeling that... he doesn't get out much. Honestly, she's pretty surprised at how well he's good at small talk.
Especially since finding out that, as it turns out, Hunter met her friends before. Kind of. He had a conversation with Jerbo before and... Well.
Jerbo had to get that want for change from somewhere. He pulled her aside once they went inside the said witch's home and told the healer of how a potion track student wanted him to join the Emperor's Coven alongside him.
How he declined and declared he was going to change the system when he got older.
("Err..." Hunter begins, confused, once they land in front of the house of Clemont. "Viney? Isn't he the guy you renounced your friendship with when we met?"
"Yeah. But that was ages ago. Things change." Viney said, unbothered.
"Viney, that was literally, like, two weeks ago.")
...It'll be fine. Probably.
A sudden ding grabs the attention of the coven member and he moves off the wall he was leaning on. "What was that?"
"Pretty sure that was your scroll, dude." Viney answers.
Hunter frowns then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his scroll. "Oh, it was."
His frown eases once he sees it's a message from Skara.
| @Kricketune ---> @RULERZREACHF4N
Kricketune: hunter
Kricketune: hunterrrr
Kricketune: huntsmen
Kricketune: huntress
Kricketune: uhhhh
Kricketune: Hun
Kricketune: ok that sounds weird
Kricketune: don't respond to that one
Kricketune: REPSOND**
RULERZREACHF4N: Do you need something or
Kricketune: ye
Kricketune: u goin to the gala scheduled on monday
RULERZREACHF4N: I actually don't know.
RULERZREACHF4N: I'm supposed to scout the Night Market tomorrow. If I find who I'm looking for then...
RULERZREACHF4N: Well, that's classified.
Kricketune: aw
Kricketune: is it bad for me to hope u don't do well
RULERZREACHF4N: Only a little bit.
Kricketune: well good luck on that
Kricketune: mean it
Kricketune: are u on break or smth
Kricketune: ur textin more than usual
RULERZREACHF4N: Today is my day off. I'm hanging out with Viney and her friends.
Kricketune: wow really???
Kricketune: whatcha guys doin
RULERZREACHF4N: She invited me over to Jerbo's house to see the animals she looks after.
Kricketune: LUCKY
Kricketune: her goats are so small and cute
RULERZREACHF4N: Speaking of which, Viney is now pushing me to the backyard.
Kricketune: have fun!!
Kricketune: send pics!!
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