#she's either demonized or put on a pedestal
theradicalace · 2 years
glitchtale toriel gets demonized.
what a Shocker !! /s
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dominicsorel · 2 months
Kairi is Xehanort's 14th Darkness
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Now before I go into this, I must deeply express I will not put up with any Kairi negativity in the tags. This is not meant to demonize her or put anyone else on a pedestal in her place. Literally everyone in this series has been manipulated by Xehanort to some extent and Kairi is not exempt from that. We need to get past all these preconceived notions of who Kairi is supposed to be and see her for the complex character that she truly is. And this is a part of that.
Now let's get started.
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Xehanort's intentions from day one were to reenact the Keyblade War. In Dark Road, it's revealed that he's interested in the Darkness that survived by disguising itself as an ally of light. It's possible that he thinks Vanitas is this since he hid himself inside of Ventus but that's all...in the eyes of the beholder. It could be anyone. But Xehanort would take this information either way and use it in his reenactment.
But you may ask: Why would he have a fourteenth? Didn't he intend to use thirteen? That was very clear throughout the series. Well, you'll need to watch Dark Road if you still think this. He left out a little something in the other games when describing his plan.
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He wanted ANOTHER vessel to experience the world afterwards. Yes, he's incredibly extra as always. We are used to this by now, I hope..
But why is that vessel Kairi?
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(dude's literally telling her what role she's to play even if it probably wouldn't make any sense to someone her age lmao)
As far back as the first game, something never truly added up. Kairi isn't given the role to hold back the darkness with the other princesses. She's paralleled to Wendy who is very explicitly stated to NOT be one of the princesses. Her "power" is never utilized a single time after KH1 either...nor is it brought up until briefly in KH3.
And you know...remember that little thing about how the X tells Xehanort where you are at all times? X marks the spot, they say!
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And Xehanort REALLY loved making the X wearers into his vessels, didn't he? Kairi had been wearing it as early as BBS.
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Kairi was the one who finished this drawing.
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Red flags...red flags, everywhere!
By the way, wasn't Kairi's meeting with Aqua a little...TOO perfect?
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Why...it's almost like...it was staged!
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Kairi already had the flowers she supposedly picked for her. But why would Xehanort want Kairi to meet Aqua and have her be fond of Kairi?
Two reasons as far as I can see.
1.) Aqua is well attuned to the fine art of spells.
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Sound familiar?
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2.) Receiving a Keyblade
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When Kairi runs to Aqua, she touches her Keyblade. This has been compared to the passing of power like Terra with Riku. Personally, I have no idea if it's as simple as this without the whole ceremony but I don't think this would be shown without reason.
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And with this, her role truly started. Kairi was to become the new darkness disguised as a guardian of light. She would befriend and become close with a Keyblade wielder and they would strive to keep her safe so she would survive for the world after.
But *record scratch* how is she a darkness already by the time of BBS and how is she able to hide? Before that, let's discuss the princess she took the place of in KH1. You know, the elephant in the room.
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Part Two
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rinbowaman · 9 months
N 3 W B E G 1 N N 1 N G S : S A T A N
C H A P T E R 1 N E
Warnings: Not in this one so much. Referencing to events of SE7EN series, a short chapter, chapters 2 and 3 is where it's going to be at, there is mentions/references to how Heeseung obtained his y/n, pregnancy, the members are all 7 princes of hell, mentions of demons and angels.
“What’s going on with you? Ever since you came back from your last visit from the mortal realm with Asmo, you seem out of it.” 
A small breeze swifts through Sunghoon’s hair while Jungwon steps into the scene of his royal abode. Each brother inherited their own lavish palace, stationed in separate regions throughout Hell, courtesy of the eldest brother. Within their respective estates, the brothers meticulously designed and decorated the dwellings to reflect their tasteful fashion, mapping out the aura of his own personal nature. Despite being one of the infamous Seven Princes of Hell, Sunghoon had always adored the color white. It reminded him of his formal hearth back when he and his siblings resided in their former master’s Heavenly kingdom, as his main ArchAngels. Keeping in memory of the past, his kingdom flourished in lush white Lilies, surrounding the beige, and gold infrastructures that outlined the points of his castle. The interior matched with tapestries, draperies, and ornaments of similar colors, never to extend past the hues of the soft and natural palettes. 
He doesn’t answer his younger brother, at least not immediately. Detracting his mind, he changes the course of the subject by asking how the Queen and King are fairing. 
“They’re doing well. I stepped in for a visit just yesterday, the Queen is handling the pregnancy rather well, considering she had only adjusted to immortality not long before conceiving.” 
Dragging his finger along the white satin threaded backdrop, Jungwon softly chuckles as he makes his remarks regarding his eldest brother, and his new found bride. “She’s adjusting well….perhaps not by choice, either way, she at least knows her place is by Heeseung’s side.” 
Nodding, Sunghoon’s attention drifts back to the moment when he saw you. In spite of meeting you for a few seconds– if you can even call it a meeting, subsequently you had unknowingly created a stir within Satan himself. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about you that he couldn’t get off his mind. Not a moment had passed since, where he didn’t think of who you were, what continent you came from, or what name you were blessed with upon your birth. Some days, it was more frustrating than nostalgic when drafting the details of your face in his mind, since he couldn’t quite figure out what it was that caused you to become engraved in his heart. Surely, this couldn’t be the very thing that had caused his elder brother to become engrossed with his mortal bride, thousands of years before she even came into existence. This couldn’t be the same tortuous ache that pained him all that time, forcing him to lay dormant in a state of unconsciousness and choosing to dream of her versus spending his time awake. This couldn’t be…
“Where is Heeseung? Is he currently in the Sanguis Orchid Palatium?” 
Jungwon nods with a sly smirk, sensing the urgency of his elder as he immediately exits the great hall. Using the ranges of his abilities in dark magic, Sunghoon transports to the home of his eldest sibling. Arriving at the grand entrance, Heeseung’s empty throne lays ahead, paired with the seating that belonged to his beloved wife. In front of the two royal stations, was the massive pedestal bed that Heeseung had specially made, all for him to keep a solid sight on his darling wife while she laid scantily dressed. The flashback image of when the Queen was initially brought to Hell, abiding by a contract she wouldn’t have been able to escape from, travels in and out of Sunghoon’s memory. At the time, the Queen was transitioning to her immortal state, and succumbed to the King’s maniacal sense of affection and obsession. Never affording the opportunity for her to leave his sight, Heeseung entrapped his lovely darling eternally, not even allowing her to sit on the throne beside him, finding it more suitable for his queen to be in front and in plain view. His twisted obsession had triggered him to become mad with love and possession, opting to observe and study his wife nearly every day, never retiring from his indulgence in her. Even now, after one year’s time had past, the Queen lives a life where she no longer is limited to remain on the boxed framed bedding, shrouded behind sheer chiffon of the canopy that framed the bed, however, she will always remain under the watchful eye of her husband. A price to pay for eternal love and protection. 
“They must be inside the palace.” Mentally remarking their absence from their usual standing at the great entrance, Sunghoon makes his way down the elongated pathway that led to the large double doors. The passageway was lined by a parallel row of demonic guards that rendered respect to the demon prince. Breaching the monumental entrance, the sentinels that manned it bowed politely before opening the double doors, admitting the crown prince his entry. Greeted by the massive marble hall, lined by mirrored glass frames, Sunghoon swiftly walks through one regal chamber after another. 
“Your highness, are you here to seek out His and Her Majesties?” Greeted by the precedent chamberlain up ahead, Sunghoon emits a single nod in response. 
“Very well, right this way.” 
The sovereign attendant guides the Hellish prince to the colossal ballroom, which contains a lustrous detail of dark marble walls and flooring, with brass ornaments that symbolizes a Gothic love story, all lining the mighty and elegant pillars that surround the room. Ahead, Heeseung lazily sits in his second throne, with his very pregnant wife atop his lap. In spite of being in the late stages of pregnancy, the queen’s immortal standing allowed for her to remain in her usual appeal, one without a large belly. It was the aura surrounding her that strongly indicated the strength and development of the child she carries, and while she didn’t carry a large belly, there was indeed, a belly. It was subtle and rounded, smaller than what it would be had she still been mortal, yet the fact she was indeed showing could only mean that the child was much stronger than the average offspring, and possibly is taking more after its father. Yet then again, it is the offspring of the Devil. 
“Sunghoon…” Heeseung calmly greets; his deep voice faintly echoes and travels down the narrow corridor hallways. 
“Heeseung, my lady, good to see you both.” Emitting a small bow, Sunghoon lets out a comfortable tone as he greets the pair. Chuckling, the elder strokes his chin as he grows wide eyed from the sudden appearance of his younger brother. Slyly smirking, Heeseung’s devilish senses proceed him, further expanding his great wisdom and intuition. “You have something on your mind–or rather, someone…” 
Sunghoon displays a stunned countenance before relaxing to his composed manner. Chuckling, he closes his eyes as he nods, tilting his head to the side as he swoops his side part. “Has it become that obvious?” 
Responding with his own deep chuckle, Heeseung faintly nods before shifting his gaze upon his queen. Snaking his hand around her waist, he cups the subtle belly protruding under her silk dress, and leaves a tender kiss on the side of her head while issuing gentle taps of his finger tips. “Pretty, sit here for a moment and wait for my return.” She nods gracefully in response, however, contrary to her seemingly obedient nature, a golden chain formulates out of particle speckles that appear out of thin air. Binding her by the ankle, the other end of the chain slithers and encircles around Heeseung’s wrist. No matter how far or wide the owner travels, the piece extends and retracts at the will of its master, in this case, it was Heeseung. It would appear that the King of Hell had every ounce of trust in his Queen, but maintained reservations for closure and comfort in knowing that she remained bound, should he be further than one-arm’s distance away. 
The two walked across the ballroom, stationed between two pillars that faced a large balcony that overlooked the entire region. Heeseung’s castle resided on the highest peak in the underworld, quite fitting for the Prince of Darkness. 
“So who did you see on your last visit to the human world?” Peaking a brow, Heeseung admires the wide open view as he beckons his younger brother. 
“What makes you think it was a mortal?” 
Hearing Sunghoon out, Heeseung flares his traditional smirk as he side-eyes his sibling. “I never said that it was…” 
Sunghoon gives out a series of blinks before sighing in defeat. Heeseung was far too clever to be dragged into the trenches of a guessing game, or perhaps the former was simply terrible in drawing out explanations. Either way, Sunghoon punches through the icebreaker and cuts to the point. “When you saw the Queen, was it the same?” 
Heeseung side-eyes his brother once more, this time without a smirk accompanying it. Clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, he glances over his shoulder and peeks at his beloved, remaining poised and obedient on his throne. Switching his gaze back on the horizon, he understood the pain that Sunghoon was breaching, he understood it all too well. However, his younger sibling has an advantage, one that wasn’t afforded to Heeseung himself, at least not for seven thousand years time. Imparting the only guidance he had to offer, he comforts Sunghoon’s mind and provides a calming solution to the storm that was brewing in his demon heart. 
“Do you think of her night and day?”
“Do you know where to find her?”
“Then go get her.”
Sunghoon slowly turns and faces his elder, pawning a reflective stare, only to find Heeseung’s side profile kissed by the permanent moon’s light, enhancing his noble elegance. His eyes remained thoughtful, taking his heart back to a time where he recalled the feeling of longing and desiring for the one thing that remained unreal for so long. His silence spoke louder than any word in existence, and he knew that his message was received.  With that, Heeseung softly pats Sunghoon’s shoulder, before turning away to tend back to his queen. Committing a half turn, watching as his brother takes the queen's hands, and aids her to stand all the while caressing her cheek, Sunghoon reflects back to a time when he and his brothers witnessed a change in Heeseung. Back to a time when he blocked the sight of his eyes beneath black lace, and silently waited for many years, until the time finally came when he rediscovered his love, looking exactly the way she had when he traveled through the corridors of time and became mesmerized by her image. 
And here, he now stands, emotionally resembling his elder brother’s past, although unlike Heeseung, Sunghoon is presented with a choice, one that he does not have to wait seven thousand years for. 
Stroking her cheek, Heeseung dispels a hazy gaze under heavy lids, admiring the most precious wonder in his lifetime. Watching as she turns, looking past the sheer curtains that shelter the grand ballroom of the open air that ties with the deep horizon, she remarks Sunghoon’s sudden disappearance. “He left?” 
Turning his face in the same direction, Heeseung smirks as he softly grips the side of his beloved’s neck. “Yes, as he should.” 
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jays-therapist · 7 months
I don't know if this a hot take or not but I really disagree with the idea that Yukio is jealous of Rin's power and physical strength? Rather, I think it's Rin's emotional strength that Yukio envies.
I have a lot to say about this lmao, so I'm just gonna put it all under the cut that way people who don't want to read this long ass analysis don't have to. Also, manga spoilers.
Blue Exorcist is a fun shonen manga because it measures strength outside of just "how hard can i punch this dude." Often, when characters talk about getting strong, they're talking about wanting to be mentally resilient; they want the ability to persevere, to be independent and face their fears/emotional turmoil on their own. Shiemi is a good example of this, I think. She constantly talks about being strong, but usually in the context of naviagting the world after living so long in isolation, and struggling to support her friends. Yes, she wants to get physically stronger, but at the core, she just genuinely wants to have a strong spirit (like a weed), and to be emotionally strong enough to help carry her friends' burdens.
Now, back to Yukio.
The biggest reoccuring theme in Yukio's jealousy is how he puts his brother on a pedestal, while constantly downplaying every good thing about himself (they both do this lol). You'll see this a lot in the examples I bring up.
There are four scenes I really want to focus on when discussing just how Yukio defines strength: his flashback in Chapter 29, his inner monologue in Chapter 37, his suicide attempt in Chapter 93, and That Time He Shot Rin in the Head in Chapter 96.
In Chapter 29, Yukio has this five-page montage of flashbacks, depicting specific moments where he felt both admiration and envy for Rin. And each of these moments highlight Rin's empathy, his care-free behavior, his kindness, his ability to inspire others, his desire to protect his little brother. Not his habit of setting things on fire.
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This is important because Yukio fundamentally believes that he is not a good person. He believes he is not kind, selfless, or brave. When he, as a child, cries because he can't adopt a puppy he wanted, he's envious that Rin is just happy to see the puppy in a nice home. When his brother rushes to save him from bullies, Yukio's upset that he couldn't do it on his own, that his brother feels he is so weak he can't even take care of himself.
From Yukio's perspective, these are examples of Rin either outshining him inherently or looking down on him. No matter how strong Yukio gets, he will never not be able to feel bad for himself when the puppy is given to a different family. He will never be able to prove to his brother that he can do things on his own. He was born with this weakness and he can't seem to kill it. He can't win, and he hates it.
In Chapter 37, after defeating the Kraken, Yukio and Rin have a little heart-to-heart. Here, we see Yukio's true feelings towards Rin's claims of "surpassing him", which is that Rin already does. Yukio feels that if anyone needs to surpass anyone, it's him. He will always come up short where it counts, whenever he needs to let things go or be more empathetic. Yukio is strong of body, but weak of spirit.
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So, with this in mind, when Yukio falls to his knees in Chapter 93 and says, "I was weak, and I couldn't get any stronger," he doesn't mean, "damn. wish i could've harnessed the demon power in my eyes to blow shit up." No, he's admitting defeat. He tried so hard to be strong, both physically and mentally but especially mentally, and he failed. He couldn't carry burdens like his father and brother could, like his friends could. He was cruel and cowardly. He hurt people he loved, and as long as he continues to live, he will keep hurting the people he loves.
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What is strength to Yukio? It's resilience. It's taking risks. It's independence. It's Rin.
(Or at least, how Yukio sees Rin. As I've said before, he likes to put Rin on a pedestal.)
In contrast, weakness is cowering. It's waiting for someone else to solve the problem. It's hurting good people who haven't faulted you. It's Yukio.
That leads us to Chapter 96, and this---
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This is kind of the crux of it all. Yukio is suffocating on his own perceived weakness and seeking to escape it. Here, Yukio is burning every bridge (the fact that this is literally taking place on a bridge is pretty ironic) that could possibly allow him to return to the Order to ensure he does what he needs to do. To be strong, he needs to be independent. To be independent, he needs to be alone. He can't let his brother solve all of his problems anymore.
So, like. Yeah. In conclusion, I think Yukio is heavily inspired by his brother's strength of character, just as much as he feels abased by it, and that's why his ideas of strength steer closer to broader concepts like bravery and self-determination rather than "let's hit the gym and summon Satan." He uses physical strength as a mask to conceal his perceived emotional weakness.
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mari-lair · 10 months
Aye is me again!
I was just wondering if you had any theories on what Teru's dream involving Aoi may be. He says she's necessary for his dream and I wonder if its because she's a direct descendant of the kannagi line?
I hope his dream includes Akane too bc even if they won't end up together I just KNOW they'll be besties either way (am soft for Akane being the 1st person he shows his true self to outside his family)
Hello! :D I have no hope Aidairo will treat this sub plot with care, (or any plot that includes Aoi) so this will be more of a rambly analysis than a theory.
I am inclined to believe Teru’s dream doesn’t have anything to do with her Kannagi blood because of how he approaches Aoi compared to Nene.
Nene is also a Kannagi, but Teru never searches for Nene or gives her much thought, he even let her have a crush on what he sees as a dangerous supernatural since it is what she wants so who is he to reprimand a dying girl? Whenever they are together he flatters her but never asks about her life or tries to make her linger in his presence. 
He does show interest in Nene being a Kannagi but it does not feel like he sees her as a weapon or an important tool that he can use to achieve a ‘goal’. She is still a ‘silly girl’ or a ‘funny girl’ in his mind, someone he is kind to when they are face to face, but he doesn't go out of his way to do much for her.
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Aoi is canonically very hard to get close to, so trying to 'be her friend just to use her later’ would be contrived and too stupid for a character built up to be smart, considering Nene (who had a crush on him throught a big part of the manga) would be a far better target to get his hands on Kanagi powers.
Teru actively goes out of his way to try to learn more about Aoi and make her stay with him, even if he has to resort to manipulation, he will do it to spend more time with her.
It also bears mention that Akane's tactless way to ‘woo’ Aoi is what he hates the most about Akane. Not Akane supernatural contract or, any of his behavior with Teru, but how he approaches Aoi:
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Teru trusts Akane, but he gets disgusted with how he put her on a pedestal, how his obsession gets on creepy territory at times, yet, when Akane and Aoi work things up and are able to properly communicate, Teru gets grumpy and mopes about their almost kiss. A kiss that shouldn’t be significant if what he was interested in was her Kannagi status.
He listens to Akane go on and on about how ‘sweet and kind and pretty’ Aoi is without ever shutting him down, and despite loving to annoy the clock keeper, he never disagrees or implies that Aoi isn't as amazing as Akane claims, so he does have a very positive view of Aoi.
I can’t say for sure what his dream is, but it feels related to Aoi as a person, not her blood or ancestors. Is a desire of his own.
Minamotos are very connected to supernaturals, and they are pushed to put their duties first, but being disconnected from other, and able to have a level head in dangerous situations doesn’t make them any less human or emotional: They value their family, their friends, their desires, occasionally putting them above their job for selfish reasons.
Now let’s talk about a theory Maagi shared with me, that the more i thought about it, the more plausible it seemed: If Teru was in love with Aoi, it wouldn't be the first time a Minamoto fell in love, or at the very least, was very attracted, to an Akane.
The manga makes a point to heavily imply that Kanagis usually live with loved ones at the start of their lives, and that even in the old ages where Sumire’s story takes place, it's seen as cruel to abandon a child so young.
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They mention her family wanted to ‘get away from her resentment’ but considering how oblivious and happy she had been to “marry God”, eager to declare a demon her husband, it is far more likely they wanted to get rid of Sumire for reasons out of her control, like her bloodline.
From Sumire pale eyes, which have hints of the Akane purple we know, but is mostly blue, to her expertise in using spiritual tools (from her knife, to bracelets, to even a protective barrier)  it’s just far too much of a coincidence.
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Even her personality seems like a mix between Teru and Aoi.
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And I can see the argument that her exorcism tools are things that every Kannagi can use, since Aoi can use them too, but it is still strange that Sumire has so many tools associated with the Minamoto clan, when every other sacrifice has none. Not even a bracelet.
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The bracelet is not part of a Kannagi’s uniform. Or a precaution of No.6 that comes with his duties. It’s a Minamoto’s gift. Which makes Sumire feel more personal than ‘just another sacrifice girl’, like her protection matters for someone.
This leads me to how Teru gave Aoi a bracelet the second she got mixed with supernaturals, and let her keep it,
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He never offered this kind of protection to anyone else, not even Nene, the girl that lives in danger.
So even if the fandom will cry at the idea, there is a lot to indicate Teru is genuinely interested in Aoi. The seeds are there, Aidairo was just clunky when hinting his interest (I’m still baffled an interaction as important as the convenience store one is in a spin off.)
And I am sure his dream includes Akane! Akane is his best friend, even when he wants to spend time with Aoi, he isn’t opposed at all to Akane tagging along.
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He values Akane in a completely different way than he values Aoi, but is so clear he has tons of fun with the two Aois!
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(There is a reason I would be chill if his crush was either Aoi or Akane, he acts in such a way that no matter who he has a crush on, it is still obvious he really values them both)
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A double review because at this point, the show is just repeating itself
Alright so miraculous again decided to air two episodes at once, which ok, annoying as fuck for someone that times and reviews them, but we survive either way. Let’s go!
Alright, I’m officially renaming “Lila episodes” into “Lila and Chloe episodes” because literally Chloe has become the new Lila! Literally nothing that they do makes sense or has any reason beyond “they’re evil and hate marinette mwahahaha” and just exist to make marinette look better in comparison
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(In case you’re wondering why they’re still around and what’s the point of Chloe and Lila, it’s because the minute they’re actually complex/compelling characters or they’re gone, Marinette’s actions and behaviors become way more awful in hindsight, so the show keeps these two around to make Marinette either a martyr or a hero)
Also nothing in this episode makes sense and constantly contradicts itself?
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Like the entire premise of the episode being the students getting assigned to terrible high schools, but they never wanted to do these sheets in the first place? The lucky charms are suddenly magical shields, but then why wasn’t this discovered before? You’re telling me no one thought to encourage petiole away from being akumatized? And also, Lila’s plan is so flimsy and held by the thread that the students will just assume marinette did this for… basically no reason because they’re graduating
Also I don’t care what the episode argues, Damocles, André and Bustier all were shit role models and support systems for the students, and were a big reason as to why students were angry and akumatized in the first place, but sure let’s just pretend they’re good last minute you guys!
Anyways this sucked, next episode
So… Adrien has officially been character assassinated by the show to have no personality beyond being love interest!
This happened in the last episode too, but you see it here so much as well! Like literally every minute of Adrien’s screentime, and every time he talks is somehow connected to marinette! Literally his father is sending him away to a private school in London (which honestly at this point with what marinette did to him, take the chance and run baby) which is supposed to be his worst nightmare, and rather then think about his responsibility to Paris as Chat Noir or his friends that he will leave or his sense of autonomy, all he can think about is “I’ll be separated from marinette🥺”
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And wasn’t perfect the very thing Adrien didn’t want to be perceived of that marinette constantly calls him? It’s giving putting someone on a pedestal and not seeing them for what they really are (the love square is literally high school sweethearts marrying tans divorcing in like 3 years)
Anyways, grieving Adrien’s personality aside, Chloe is demonized to the point of unrealistic, the one teacher who was actually being a decent teacher and not contributing to a system of corruption is now demonized out of nowhere too, Lila literally makes no sense (like that’s apparently not even her name? She goes by cerise in another school, and she has three moms WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS SHOW ANYMORE), Chloe is mayor now for some fucking reason (this is illegal), and André gets dumb redemption arc out of nowhere.
Mentioned I’m in the previous episodes too, but André is not a good person and the show keeps pretending he is? Like girl, man is confirmed to do corrupt horrific politician stuff, has had the chance to help and actually raise his daughter for years, but chose to neglect her after her mother abandoned her, and now pretends to be a good parent to a child that’s not even his own to feel better about himself, AND YET IM SUPPOSED TO THINK HES SYMPATHETIC AND GOOD? FUCK THAT!
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Also real quick, what the fuck is up with the mayor controlling the school? Like initially I was think the reason Chloe has leverage in the school is that her dad, through big donations, basically controls the school board and who gets to do what, but it seems he’s just? Using his mayor powers? Like girl that’s not how being mayor works, you can’t just fire anyone like that, this is a very bad lesson in politics
But yeah. Both episodes awful.
The only good things I can take from here is that there’s finally a canonical lesbian couple that wasn’t constantly queerbated (I love Julerose, and don’t like Zoenette, but they’re both constantly vague and easily censored) and Juleka got some screen time.
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(Also Luka and Adrien are officially in the “being Marinette’s love square character assassinated me till the point I have no personality outside of it” club)
Also if you’re wondering why I didn’t mention anything about the fights? They’re dumb, last like five minutes and take a back sit just to tell you how awful Lila and Chloe are.
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mimisempai · 11 months
You can’t hide it
Even if he wanted to, Aziraphale couldn't hide just how infatuated he is. Especially not to his new friend Muriel, who's very good at worming the truth out of him.
The little we've seen of Muriel already makes me adore her, and I can just see her as a friend of Aziraphale's, gravitating into their little world. Only time will tell...
On AO3
Rating G -  802 words
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"Aziraphale, you're watching him again."
Aziraphale turned to his new friend, looking completely innocent, but inwardly annoyed because he knew exactly what she was referring to with her insatiable curiosity.
Muriel giggled and didn't answer, so obvious was the explanation to her.
They'd had tea and delicious scones, and he and Muriel were chatting amiably while Crowley had a long talk with one of his plants, one of whose leaves had had the misfortune to grow crooked.
They watched in amusement as Crowley pointed a threatening finger at the poor, trembling plant.
Muriel murmured, "Even with his plants, he's pretty grumpy, it has nothing to do with his demon nature, does it?"
Aziraphale was about to reply when Crowley walked over to them, looked down at the table and said, "I'm going to get a bottle of wine, shall I get you anything?"
The two angels shook their heads and Crowley, walking past Aziraphale, lightly brushed his shoulder.
Aziraphale followed him with his eyes, well aware of another scrutinizing look staring at him.
Muriel, her smile echoing in her voice, said in a slightly mocking tone, "My goodness, Aziraphale, you're actually drooling."
Aziraphale reflexively wiped his mouth and protested, "No, I'm not Muriel! You're just delusional!"
Muriel had another little laugh before replying, "Yeah, probably, because what's so special about the demon Crowley?"
Aziraphale, offended on Crowley's behalf, began to speak loudly and gesticulate, a vindictive gleam in his eyes, "Crowley is just amazing! Deep down, he's kind, smart, handsome, brave, and not just that. He makes me smile or laugh for no reason, he pushes me to think bigger than the box some people would like me to stay in, he's forgiven me even when I've trampled on his friendship. He's a force I can't live without-"
He was interrupted by another chuckle from Muriel.
He muttered, "Damn, I can't believe I fell for that."
When he turned to Muriel, his friend's smile had lost all trace of mockery and Muriel said softly, "You know he's not perfect either, don't put him on a pedestal Aziraphale, it wouldn't do you or him any good."
Aziraphale appreciated Muriel's concern and saw it only as the concern of one friend for another.
He answered Muriel in the same tone: "Oh, I know he's not perfect, but just his imperfections, he's not afraid to show them to me, he's never hidden them from me.  That's why he's perfect... for me."
Muriel nods before replying, "My... Aziraphale, you've got it bad, my friend."
Aziraphale rolls his eyes, then shakes his head, "No, not bad, just good." 
Muriel chuckled before replying, "I could say you've become so sweet, Aziraphale, but really you always were."
Aziraphale shrugged, knowing it was the truth, so he added without hesitation, "It's like that, he brings out the best in me." 
Aziraphale smiled softly, for it was only half a joke. Muriel nodded again and said in a soft, serious tone, "My, you're such a sweetheart, Aziraphale."
Aziraphale, cheeks slightly rosy, made no reply as Muriel stood up and leaned towards him, saying softly, "I've stayed too long, say goodbye to your demon for me, will you?"
Then she walked away with her bouncy little step under the gaze of Aziraphale, who felt blessed to have such a friend.
"So I'm not perfect?"
Crowley's voice startled him as two hands came to rest on his shoulders and slid down his chest.
"Crowley!" Aziraphale exclaimed before stiffening slightly, "Don't tell me you’ve..."
"...Heard everything? Yes, from amazing to perfect for you, I don't think I missed anything," Crowley replied, Aziraphale couldn't see him, but he was sure that Crowley was smiling cheekily and wearing an absolutely smug expression.
Aziraphale couldn't help but blush slightly, but he didn't think for a moment to deny what he had said. After all, he'd told the truth, even if he'd gotten carried away defending Crowley, he'd meant every word of it.
Crowley kissed his hair, "Don't be embarrassed, angel, it's rather nice to hear you praise me, although Muriel will be quick to tell Maggie and Nina and by the end of the day the whole street will know, are you aware of that?"
Aziraphale grunted as he imagined the multitude of jokes at her expense.
Then he tilted his head back to see Crowley's eyes on him, smiling tenderly.
"Hey there..." his lover said as he leaned in to kiss him.
Before allowing himself to be carried away by the sweetness of the moment, Aziraphale had seen the gleam of pleasure in his demon's eyes, and he told himself that he was willing to submit to the teasing of Muriel and her friends and neighbors as many times as it took, if only to have Crowley look at him like that every time.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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sideblogofawriter · 3 months
This is an old topic, but one that will never die... unlike [REDACTED].
In the aftermath of og Lesson 16™, there's about a million ways things could go. Besides the lack of closure on the casually written and basically never mentioned again death, the more interesting part to me is the casually written and basically never mentioned again relationship to Lilith. I mean, yeah, it's probably the reason MC has more hidden power than Solomon, but the story doesn't ever focus on it. It's a plot device meant to tie the arc up neatly with a bow, not something we're supposed to dwell on... presumably because it can get potentially weird and uncomfortable if you do.
So naturally, imagining the possibilities and potential implications is one of my favorite things to do.
To that end, two of my favorite scenarios/plot bunnies/i-make-it-worse-before-i-fix-its that have spawned from this are (long blocks of text incoming):
MC (like me) either knew or had a very good idea they were related to Lilith by the time Barbatos and Diavolo showed up and spilled the beans... so they don't let them, for fear it would change their relationship with the brothers. At a subtle shake of the head, Diavolo understands and flips the story to "Barbatos has traced Lilith’s lineage all the way to the modern day, and discovered she has (at least) one surviving descendant." No names are named, Belphegor is convinced enough that his sister lead a happy life to let go of his grudge against humans, life should be good... except the brothers develop an obsession with finding Lilith’s descendant. Barbatos won't share any information for some reason, so they set to investigating themselves. And they NEVER stop talking about it. All the things they want to do with Lilith’s descendant, favorite places they want to go, things they want to show them... MC bites their tongue and smiles, saying they're sure Lilith’s descendant will love the new café. Privately, they're more certain than ever they made the right decision: without even having met Lilith’s descendant (or so they think), the brothers are acting as though their sister herself has come back from the dead, already making preparations based on her own likes and dislikes as if they're the same person. And more than that, isn't it rather hypocritical of the demons - who were acting so apathetic or even disdainful toward humans until just recently - to be putting one they've never met on a pedestal? Even Lucifer, who already knew Lilith survived, is thoroughly involved in the investigations now that his brothers are so invested. And then it slips, somehow, not that MC is Lilith’s descendant, but that MC has known who Lilith’s descendant was all this time they've been searching. All this time MC has been "helping" them search. And isn't that just a rock and a hard place.
MC is revealed to be Lilith’s descendant at the usual time and place. In the weeks that follow, however, between Belphegor’s cuddling up to them and the others' general merriment considering the death that just occurred, it starts to weigh on MC mentally that maybe they're so thrilled to have a piece of their sister back that nothing else matters to them. If only MC could do it all again... or could they? Sensing that things are not headed in a good direction right now, Barbatos agrees to send MC back in time again. But it's different this time: instead of having to avoid their past self, they are their past self, restarting the year as if everything up till now has just been a bad dream. It's a completely blank slate, with only MC's mind intact so they can avoid making the same mistakes. And it goes great... until MC learns that in this timeline, Barbatos is in jail, powers sealed, for messing with time without first consulting Diavolo. And moreover, for some reason, he refuses to share with the prince exactly what he did. So not only are any deaths permanent this time, but there's an ongoing investigation into conspiracies against the throne and student council during this crucial time of the exchange program. It's not long before both MC and the brothers discover - at the same time - that they already have pacts. Pacts that powerful demons have no recollection of making with an oddly knowledgeable human they barely know. And isn't that just a rock and a hard place.
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im here to do anti-propaganda if anyone submitted demeter im putting them in the pit. like ok i know every retelling on earth wants her to be a toxic mother but in The hymn of demeter all she ever did was cause winter bc she was depressed as hell bc of her daughter having been kidnapped :/
anti-propaganda is completely welcome and encouraged! let's push back against misogynist retellings that demonize women, especially older women. toxic mothers of course exist in real life, but let's not ignore the fact that age-old sexist archetypes commonly reduce women to one-dimensional caricatures, to either be put on a pedestal or villainized beyond their humanity.
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mejomonster · 10 months
I'm Watching episode 5
It's so fucking funny fang duobing is like I live here now. I'm your partner now. I'm not leaving. I ran from my aunt yeah, they took my servant home yeah, I have no money but I WILL PROTECT YOU. We will be friends in the wide world (li lianhua: I'm not in the wide martial world and do NOT want friends) anyway as I was saying this food is mine this table is OURS I'm moving in yeah. (It's so funny fang duobings trying to pitch "heroes who travel together in the jianghu" to a guy who clearly is not trying to be in that life lmao).
It's also so funny Fang Duobing is simply. Clinging. I mean yeah from a logic standpoint he's both broke with no options except this guy he knows is easy to cling to Because he's not a skilled fighter, and also he's an entitled rich bitch young master who wouldn't take no for an answer easily even IF li lianhua was able to sword fight him out of the house
Di feisheng really is ;-; oh man. He's like I had one rival, li xianyi, now that he's gone I have no one. Real Yu Liang from Hikaru No Go energy. Also really genuine, almost noble energy? I'm really glad (so far) he's not the demon sect stereotype character. He values loyalty and honesty, he doesn't like betrayers. I'm surprised he killed li xianyis sworn brother, given he doesn't seem to enjoy underhanded means. He disliked a military win using bombs that hurt his own people. He disliked Winning by only half a move. He seems too honest and noble to kill a sworn brother to simply provoke his enemy, it's too underhanded. My theory at present is either: sworn brother wasn't a good guy and was actually betraying li xianyi but li xianyi still doesn't know that. Which is my favorite theory, since that guy was rude to his nephew fang duobing, sucky enough that fang duobings mom may well hate the martial world Because Of him, would cause maximum angst for li xianyi to find out his most beloved person didn't care about him back and would actively hurt him/the sect etc, and mean di feisheng ultimately was trying to protect/help his rival so they'd be on equal footing... And did not mean to hurt li xianyi by killing the guy. Other theories: the girl in red killed sworn brother of li xianyi, or the medicine demon.
Girl in red: I love her a LOT. I get vibes she's likely to be more like this shows "villain" but honestly if she's the villain I'm gonna be very engaged. I'm intrigued by both her loyalty and how her possessiveness strikes as perhaps the most terrifying element in her entire clan. She wants di feisheng like a trophy, like a pet, like a weapon to use for herself. She deserves the role of leader she got, to be fair, because she did do a Great job leading the sect while he was gone. But based on her private behavior? I'm assuming maybe di feisheng was actually in charge 10 years ago because he may well be a better leader... as in less power hungry, more concerned for the well being of the group, caring about the entire sect before himself. Which is why he does give the role of leader to her in this episode: he is aware he's stuck in the past, aware he's not thinking like a leader, and knows she's done a good job fulfilling the role. So he's leaving the role in her care where he knows his hang ups won't affect things. I am also predicting... much like li xianyi, he might be tired of being the leader. He probably had a shitty of a time being leader as li xianyi, to a degree. He blames himself for the deaths in the battle 10 years ago, for the violent choices of his own subordinates that got their own people killed. There's a sense he also doesn't want to be the person everyone puts on a pedestal and blames and has to be Perfect somehow anyway to be a good leader.
Again I'm just. Very impressed di feisheng isn't being painted like say the wen clan in The Untamed, the demonic cultivating sects in Love and Redemption, the demon clan in Eternal Love. In fact, their entire wuxia setup here doesn't even (so far) imply the demonic sect does anything particularly wrong. Just that, they're in an on and off conflict with the sects that call themselves "just." With a leader like di feisheng, at least so far, he doesn't seem to have particularly cruel intent. He wants payback on sects that attack his, and wants increased power in the jianghu for his sect (at least he did 10 years ago if we guess by how his sect has acted since). But the same could be said of the sigu sect from what we know so far. The "detectives" group is a little more noble, since they have a legal set of laws and some kind of investigation and court process. But the Bai detectives group is not a sect specifically increasing power anywhere so much as they feel more like a "generally broadly respected" independent unit through the area. (I could be wrong later as we learn more though... for all I know, later we will find out they're like The Untamed Jin sect and oppressing all areas they operate in, who knows).
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angst-king · 27 days
Fall from Grace CHp7
(Long CHp. CW: description of fight scene, slight sexual stuff (not smut) & suicide) Since that night Adam had taken some time to think on this. Maybe declaring a war was too far? He half remembered how the last extermination war ended in his death, and this would most likely turn out the same for Charlie. Yes, he was angry that night when he found out what Michael had done to his mother and he didn’t want to let that slide. There had to be another way! He spent the days he wasn’t making sure his mother was recovering or preparing the hotel for the extermination war trying to figure out what to do.
Charlie didn’t want this, but she had to, she had to sign the war agreement. Since that night those who attended the ball were now convinced the demons were after them and would be seeking revenge on those in heaven. This fear spread like wildfire to those who didn’t show up to the ball. Emily had stopped by many times to convince Charlie not to sign it saying there had to be another way, even suggesting going down and apologizing. But it was her job to accept this responsibility and protect her people. They all put their trust, their time, their devotion, their bets, tier everything into her! As if she were a god who would answer and fix all their problems while they walked around delusional. Michael had been no help only raising the pedestal she had been placed on higher and higher. Filling her head with promises even telling her ‘she was a god’.
These delusions were the only thing keeping her going, and she was almost on autopilot on the daily. The ring on her finger was a reminder of that night and the nightmares prior. She still couldn’t shake the ghost hands that would run down her spine, hips, thighs, or throat. She still couldn’t force away her feelings for Vaggie.
Adam tried to make a meeting with heaven to straighten things out and hope he could call off this war. When he had made it to heaven of course many of the citizens were afraid of him, saint peter treated him like a feral animal. Once again back in the meeting room Charlie’s face switched to a weird smirk.
“Alright demon boy, what do you want?” “I came to apologize and to work on a compromise.” He started taking his seat across from her. “Oh? What for, let's hear it.” “I’m sorry for declaring a war over this. I was just angry to know my mother had been gone for 5 years because she had been kidnapped.” “So you’re not sorry for scaring my citizens, the poor winners who had to see that are now terrified and the panic has spread. You’re not sorry for terrorizing my people?” “Wh-what?” A small smirk curled at the end of her lips but then it switched to a serious but sad frown.
“Oh yes, my people are practically shaking in their boots at the idea that now you will raise an army to take everything they know and love from them. Just as you and your oh-so-brave father who I see isn’t here when both of you were the ones to start this reign of terror.” “M-my father is taking care of my m-mother, and reign of terror?” Did he scar them that badly? Had they truly gone that far? No way, all he said was that he declared war, sure Gabriel had taken on his demon form but, it couldn’t have been that bad?!
“Oh yes, see” Charlie whipped her hand around materializing an orb showing a slightly altered version of what had happened that night. It made it look much worse than it did but Adam couldn’t figure out why.
“I can’t have my people terrified to leave their homes Adam, I’m sure you have some shred of compassion in your heart to understand that” “Yes which is I want to compromise, I know you don’t want this either Charlie, neither of us do.” “Just because I do not want something doesn’t mean I won't do it. I’ve done plenty of things I didn’t want to, forsake- I mean the safety and well-being of my kingdom.” “Please Charlie, I’m trying to do what’s best for both of us. I remember what happened the first time, and we don-”
“Oh, so you think I’m just going to lay down and die so easily to some sinner like you did?!” “No no that’s not what I’m saying!” “You’ve already got a whole kingdom against you Adam, I’d be careful with what you say. Cause no one here will believe you and you’re all alone.” Charlie’s smirk came back as she almost innocently came over looking up with big bright doughy blue eyes.
“Remember, I’m sweet, lovely heaven’s princess, and you are just demon trash” Like the first meeting her aura had changed to one of mischief as her eyes flicked from red to blue and a pair of demon horns faintly appeared. A demon’s tail snaked around him pulling him close as she finished.
“As heaven’s princess and leader of the exorcist army, I’ll irradicate any threat to my kingdom, even if that does mean going down with the ship.”
What had he done?!
The war was coming whether either prince or princess wanted it or not. Each prepared their side for the long-awaited bloodshed. The night before Charlie got in one last round with both Vaggie and Excalibur of course separately and as always Excalibur’s execution always left her traumatized. The day of he kissed her for ‘good luck’.
With her army of exorcists, battle angels, her second in command, and Michael they stormed hell with only one thing in mind. “Remind them who is on top!”
Many exorcists broke into groups to get the job done but their storm only lasted 30 minutes yes many sinners had been killed by then and some buildings dismantled or crumbled to the ground. That was until Adam and Gabriel showed up with an army of their own. Lute tried to go after Charlie but Vaggie intervened.
“You’re mine now bitch!” She growled out while sending a fist right to her face knocking the fallen angel from the sky. Lute didn’t go down as easily landing on their feet and sliding back into the rubble they made quick work to counter. Charlie went after Adam both weapons and powers clashing.
“You are so fucking annoying just die!” Charlie yelled out throwing her trident towards Adam and backing him onto the rooftop of the hotel. Adam narrowly dodged the weapon but didn’t have time to dodge a blast of light. Crawling back from her as he summoned his guitar he turned it into an axe and shield. Charlie picked up her trident just to be leg-swept by the prince who trapped her to the ground with his foot.
“Come on Charlie this is futile” “And admit defeat to lowly demon scum, you must severely underestimate me.” Then Adam felt it, she cheap shot him right between the legs. His knees buckled from the shock, this wasn’t just a love tap, she used force -well guess hell is gonna have to deal with Adam not being able to make another heir- with a whine and a groan in typical fashion he curled up and protected his dick in case she was gonna kick him. She did but this time aiming for his chest.
“You men are so fucking easy to take down, one hit to the balls and you crumble like the towers you build. Aaaw does poor Adumassetrash need his partner to kiss his dick better or are you gonna cry for your daddy?” The steel toe of her boots slammed into his chest making each gasp for air more painful than the last. He finally gathered himself to grab her leg and yank her down to the ground. He crawled on top and pinned her down.
“Who’s stuck now?” He sassed but it was short-lived as she bucked her hips and threw him off but he came back striking a cord on his guitar with a radius to stun her. Hopping to her feet she shot multiple holy light bullets from her fingertips until Adam rushed at her to take another swing. Blocking it with her trident they were toe to toe. The adrenaline was pumping through the both, though Charlie was filled with rage as well. All the rage and pain she had bottled up was spilling over into this battle.
“You worthless, wretched, vile beast are going down so just give up 'cause I won't lose!” Gritting her teeth her grip on her weapon tightened up as her form changed along with Adam’s. Adam’s demon form was not unfamiliar but when Charlie had changed he was surprised. She was supposed to be an angel! Yet here she was large red horns, red slit eyes, a long arrow-tipped demon tail, black nails, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Her hair flurried like fire as her tail whipped around showing its sharp edges. Her white wings and golden halo had disappeared along with her angelic energy, this was pure demon energy!
In his surprise at her form change, Adam was thrown over her shoulder and onto the roof floor when he wasn’t looking. His breath had been stolen from his lungs as he was met with her trident coming right from him. The prongs were sunk into the ground trapping him, then she whipped out a holy pistol and aimed it right at Adam’s chest.
“I’ve waited so long for this!” Suddenly a flash of light came and the hotel came crumbling down leaving the two on top to fall with it! Falling into darkness Charlie let out a scream unable to switch her form fast enough for her wings to come out and save her. Then the sound of a roaring fire sounded, in the dark a figure had rocketed towards her. Reaching for her hand and pulled her towards them. In the light of the fire was Adam using his fire to soften the fall. The boom shook the ground when they hit causing more of the building to cave in on itself.
“GET OUT YOUR SHIELD!” He commanded, right at the last minute but put up their shields and braced for the impact. Thudding, clanking, thunking, and much more sounded as the hotel collapsed on top of them. Those on the outside watched, Gabriel flew over to find them, but Michael made every effort to stop him until Gabriel pointed out.
“THAT WAS CHARLIE! I’M SAVING THEM BOTH!” Shoving off the blond Gabriel swooped down and started going through the shrapnel and pieces of the building.
“I’m coming for you two!” Called out Gabriel, many of the others started to assist him in digging them out. Desperately clawing and shoveling until he heard Adam yell back.
“We’re alive!” But Gabriel wouldn’t stop until he saw both of them, until he saw his son climb out and into his arms. He wouldn’t stop until he saw Charlie crawl out. He didn’t care that she had locked him out of all he cared about was that they were alive. He didn’t care about the sides or who had done what in the past. He had to get them both out of there! He remembered the day Lilith and Lucifer had left Charlie with the angels. Even though Michael had been the main one appointed to take care of her, he spoke to both of them and made them promise his child would be safe.
Inside Charlie began to panic, her entire body hurt as she had tumbled her way down hitting multiple jagged edges and walls and now she was crammed in a small dark space. She felt trapped, she wanted out, she didn’t want this stupid war, she wanted out, she wanted to go home, she wanted her parents. She let out a yelp and a soft cry when she tried to move alerting Adam.
“Hey don’t move they’re gonna get us out” “No no no I can’t I can’t I need out please get me out!” She demanded yet this wasn’t a cry out of anger even as she threw insults and swears, Adam knew this wasn’t anger. He could feel her fear, he could hear her trembling breaths between inhales. Her tail curled tightly around herself as small whimpers came out.
“It's gonna be alright, I know you’re scared, Dad’s working on getting us out. Just hang on in there.” Adam promised he had never thought she could be this vulnerable in all his years of hearing about her, and then meeting her. He never thought she could break over being trapped, he never thought he’d see her as a demon, let alone cry. As soon as an opening had been made he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her out as quickly as possible. Out in the light Gabriel took hold of him but Adam handed Charlie to him.
“Take her, she hit a lot of things on the way down, I-I’ll be fine.” As soon as Gabriel got to her, Charlie clung to him almost like a frightened child. Adam wasn’t lying he looked down and her body had been beaten and battered, Gabriel didn’t look too surprised that her demon form was out he had known about this before he got kicked from heaven. He walked over to Michael who was boiling with rage and held her out.
“Take her and your army back to heaven. You got what you wanted.” He ordered, Michael grumbled in disgust and called off the army signaling for a retreat before taking Charlie and taking for the skies. Now leaving the citizens of hell to clean up the mess of the war.
Charlie had been taken to Raphael’s hospital where she had spent countless nights there as healing magic could only fix so much. She didn’t have the strength to transform, so only a few people were allowed to help, to keep the secret on the down low. When she had finally been allowed home, she had been put on bed rest for a while. Even though she had narrowly avoided the same fate the original first man had met during the war, she didn’t feel any better. She had been alone with her thoughts for far too long and Michael hadn’t been the best help. He even barred Excalibur from helping with the lie of ‘she needs her rest and has plenty of help’.
Michael wouldn’t let her live down this down, not to mention she had been fully conscious when Adam had saved her. To be saved by the very man she was supposed to hate and defend her people against shattered her. Michael lectured and berated her on how all of the demons now knew she was a freak like them. No better than the filthy impurity they contained. No better than those she saw as weak! She was nothing, nothing but a weak girl who was saved by the demons because she couldn’t control herself.
It felt as if the pedestal she had been placed on was knocked out from under her. Even if not all of heaven knew, the majority of her army had seen her being saved by the enemy looking just like them. It was only a matter of time until someone started gossiping and the rest of heaven would know! Her side may have won the battle but the war had been lost long ago. She couldn’t stand losing, not like this, the shame was eating at her, everything was eating her alive!
“Vaggie” Her hoarse voice called out from behind the cracked door, Vaggie went over to her concerned. Charlie noticed the metal arm, from what she had been told Lute had cut off Vaggie’s arm or well mangled it to the point she had to cut it off herself. But that didn’t deter her from wanting one final session.
“Charlie, you shouldn’t be roaming around too much, you need rest-” Charlie shut Vaggie up with a deep kiss yet instead of it being quick and rough it was slow and tender full of love and wanting. Vaggie made a soft noise in surprise, her face blushed but she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity and kissed back. Charlie pulled Vaggie into her bedroom and locked the door, her inhibitions dropped as they continued to kiss. When they pulled away Vaggie noticed tears falling down and cupped her face worriedly.
“Are you okay, did I hurt you?” Charlie shook her head and smiled before whispering.
“Before I go, I wanted you to know that I-…I ….I think I love you Vaggie.” Vaggie smiled and leaned in to kiss her but halted when she realized what she said.
“What do you mean ‘before you go?’ Wh-where are you going, Charlie?” “I’m going to die, Vaggie.” Her eyes blew wide and she backed away checking over the princess’s body.
“Not now but soon, I’m sorry to do this to you but. I can’t take living anymore, call it cowardly but living hurts. My life has been nothing but being someone else’s puppet and I can’t do this.” Charlie explained dismally but her smile didn’t leave as she reached for Vaggie.
“Please Vaggie, won't you give me one more night? Fuck me like you love me, not as a knight, not as an exorcist but as a lover. Fuck me like you want to know just how much you love me.” The blond girl pleaded while intertwining their fingers and pulling Vaggie on top of her. Vaggie sighed, if this was going to be her last she was going to make it her best!
For someone who was apparently soulless, she knew how to make love. Vaggie spent the entire night fucking Charlie how she had dreamed. Sure she liked it rough but it always felt like hate fucking or as if she was fucking a stranger. This felt like love, this felt real! She made sure Charlie enjoyed every minute of it and didn’t care if they were caught. She hoped that if she did a good enough job then Charlie would forget all about her plans. However, when Vaggie woke up to an empty bedroom she knew there was no stopping her.
Then there was a blood-curdling scream.
Vaggie made haste to put on her clothes and get to the source, spear in hand as she ran down the hall. A few other guards came running as well. The sound of loud sobbing echoed louder and louder many other Archangels came from their sides of the castle all meeting in the center hall’s throne room. Vaggie had gone pale at the image in front of her very eyes. On her throne sat Charlie with a holy sword impaling her chest, her crown hanging from the handle of the sword, and her engagement ring resting on the end of the handle. Golden blood slowly seeped through her dress as her body lay still. The source of the scream was Lilith and Samael!
Everyone shared a look of horror as Lilith and Samael rushed towards her. Charlie weakly looked up at her parents who hovered over her.
“I’m sorry Mom and Dad, I couldn’t do it anymore.” Her voice hardly a ghosting their ears. Lilith dropped to her knees while Samael had Raphael rush over to help him save Charlie. Pulling the sword from her chest they both worked at healing her before she bled out. Samael lifted her body from the throne and pulled her close to his body using what magic he could to repair the damage while he cried.
“It's okay Charlie, its okay Daddy’s here now, come on sweetheart open your eyes. Daddy and Mommy are here, come on!” he started chest compressions when he couldn’t feel her pulse, it almost made him sick to his stomach to hear her ribs crunching as they broke from the force. Her lifeless body was raising and lowering on the floor from it. But he wasn’t going to stop, he couldn’t stop, not until his little girl was breathing, until she was holding onto him until she was calling for him. He wouldn’t stop!
“Come on Charlie come on princess, wake up for me, open those pretty eyes of yours. Please Charlie you’re scaring me!” He pleaded, as he worked Michael hurried from his side.
“What the fuck is with all the screaming?!” He yelled grumpily looking to be just woken up from his sleep though as he walked around he saw Lilith who was curled into Uriel while silently begging for their daughter to come back, then he turned the corner and saw Samael over Charlie’s body and the bloody sword on the floor.
“What happened?!” But no one answered, Samael and Raphael were too busy working on Charlie and everyone else was too zeroed in on the tragedy.
Samael didn’t know how long he had been doing chest compressions but Raphael had to force him to stop and let him continue them. What could he do now? He had just come home from Earth to see his daughter dead! He felt so useless all he could do was pray at this point until Raphael told him.
“I’ve got one last option here, and if this doesn’t work then I’m sorry brother.” Samael knew what Raphael meant and nodded solemnly.
“Anything, please do anything as long as it saves her please!” The king of heaven beseeched desperately. Raphael nodded back and clasped his hands together muttering a spell of sorts he asked for Samael and Lilith to extend out their hand. Both of them did as told and he held them in his. Closing his eyes a small glowing ball of light began to grow from the size of a marble to an orange. He was taking some of their divine energy and life force along with his own before he plunged it into Charlie’s body. There was silence, waiting, oh dammit did they hate waiting especially now. The wound in Charlie’s chest slowly began to close further as using his healing magic only made it close partially. He felt for her pulse and sighed.
“She’s got a pulse, it worked. Its weak but its there.”
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sassykattery · 1 year
The Royal Standard, Pt. 6
Welcome to Part 6. Let us see how our story unfolds...
CW: MC is afab, uses she/her pronouns. MC is a demon and poly. Violence against reader.
Themes: Romance. DiavoloxMC. Nightmares.
Characters: Diavolo, MC="you", Lucifer, Barbatos
Minors and ageless blogs DNI.
18+ only
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All around you, it was warm, like you were cocooned in one of those electric blankets set on the high setting. Soft breaths fluttered your hair, and slowly you opened your eyes to look at the neck of Diavolo. With your body just slightly twitching as you tried to wake up, his eyes opened too. You two were wrapped up in his wings in his bed that was now on the ground. His eyes shifted downward to see your regular form tangled up in his body.
Diavolo retracted his wings and reverted back to his regular form. All the memories of a few hours ago came tumbling back, and he immediately jolted to release his hold on you so he could look at you.
"MC," he said to you in a tense voice. Hazily, you looked up at him. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
Your brows furrowed. "No? I'm fine, just tired," you said hoarsely. His eyes scanned your naked frame, and indeed you looked unharmed, but he also remembers how rough he was, and the broken bed was evident enough of it.
Seeing the concern on his face, you brought your hand up to his cheek and held it there. "I'm fine, Diavolo. That was amazing," you cooed. "I didn't know... that you had that in you," you said, sounding impressed.
He was silent. Truthfully, that was a side of himself he didn't like to show, it was that part that he worked hard to keep away from you because he couldn't fathom the idea that if he let that out, he could hurt you. He tried to remind himself that you were in fact fine, and that now as a demon yourself, you could withstand it, but the possibility was always there. More memories resurfaced, and he started to think about how he remembered feeling a sort of pull in that moment with you, how your voice seemed to muddle his mind with your illustrious tone.
Diavolo was pulled from his thoughts as you said his name for the third time.
"Diavolo! Are you listening?" you said, mildly frustrated.
"I'm sorry, I let myself get out of control," he stated, his voice painfully neutral. The demon took great pride in his control of himself, and to succumb to anything that might disturb such discipline was shameful in his mind, even if you asked for it.
You sighed again and started to wriggle out of his grasp. He begrudgingly let you go. Rolling away, you sat up on your knees and looked down at the prince, hands on your hips.
"I told you I didn't want to live my life down here like I'm a glass statue that could break, and I don't want to be put on a pedestal either. I'm fine, and I like that side of you," you snapped.
Diavolo stared at you, wide-eyed. It wasn't often someone spoke to him in such a manner, but he realized that was what he appreciated about you. You told him what he needed to hear, not what would make him happy or placate him. He proceeded to sit up, leaning over and staring at his hands that laid in front of him.
"I'm sorry, you're right. I'll always want to be careful with you, but I have to trust you'll tell me if I actually do hurt you," he said quietly. His head turned toward your direction, but his gaze didn't meet yours. "Before our first date all those months ago, I was actually very worried about hurting you. I thought about how much smaller you are than I am, and you're still... well, you're not that much different, so I suppose when I look at you, I still have those residual feelings."
Deciding to find the humor, you smiled and gave him your pensive face, "I think it would almost kill you to know there are humans smaller than I am."
He rolled his eyes, "No, really?"
You narrowed your eyes at his sarcasm.
A smile tugged at his lips, and his gaze finally met yours, and he sent his hand to cup your cheek. "But there are none more beautiful than you."
Ruining the moment, and your vanity was seeping out of you, you replied, "So you're saying there are demons more beautiful than I am?"
"Darling, I think at this point you should know that no one holds a candle to your beauty, and I'm sure Asmo would roll in his grave to hear me say that," Diavolo replied.
Satisfied with his answer, you took your place next to him and as both of you reclined back on the bed, it creaked. A grin smeared your lips, and you couldn't help but to say, "Sorry about your bed."
"I'll have it fixed, though, maybe I like it on the floor anyway. Maybe I'll leave it this way," he replied half-heartedly.
"I guess we can go sleep in my room," you suggested sleepily. He let out an amused sigh but didn't respond as you turned to your side and laid your head on his chest, tangling up your legs in his as you got comfortable.
It wasn't long before your light snores were the only noise in the room. Diavolo wrapped his arm around you tightly, and he stared up at the ceiling. He considered your words, knowing he indeed didn't need to be so hard on himself with you. However, he just didn't want to give you any reason to think your trust was misplaced in him.
He turned to look at your sleeping form. You were everything to him, his whole world wrapped up in one little demon. The memory of you saying yes to being his queen resurfaced, and finally a smile graced his lips again, knowing he would look forward to a long happy reign with you.
"You're playing with fire, you know," the voice said.
You opened your eyes to a field of human world wildflowers. There was sunshine, and all around you were rolling hills of beautiful countryside.
"I told you if you said yes, that would be your future. Now you will play in the power struggle of the divine triad."
"I know I can make it work. I will be The Heart of the Devildom," you retorted back.
"The Heart, hmm?" the voice mocked you. The vaporous apparition of you appeared in front of you as the sun was eclipsed, and the fields around you started to lose their color and become desolate and gray.
"You mean this heart?" It inquired as it grabbed you, pulling you off the ground by your collar. With its other hand it shoved itself into your chest cavity, creating a sickening crunching sound to rip out your blackened demon heart. You flailed and tried to get away, but it was like a force was bearing down on you, keeping you still.
"You'll die fighting for what you love, over and over again, or you'll just ruin everything you touch, just like this," it said as it squeezed your heart and it burst, dark mahogany streams dripping down.
There was a struggle as you fought to sit up. You were pushing on something that refused to move, and you hadn't been released from your REM sleep yet, so you were dreaming of your struggle to escape the claws of your apparition. One of your legs kicked back into Diavolo's, causing him to wake abruptly. He immediately looked down at you as you fought to move.
"MC?" he said. He was confused, and he couldn't see your face as you had your back to him.
He turned to his side and propped himself up on an elbow. Just as he started to put his hand on your shoulder, you jolted, and immediately pushed yourself up onto one arm, clutching your chest with the other and gasping for air.
"My love?" he called to you again. He sat up and drug himself to you, running a hand down your arm. "Are you okay?" When he touched you, he felt how you trembled, and he realized you must have had a nightmare. Gently, he pulled you into him, and though your body was still tense, you fell into his grasp, your back against his chest. "Shh, I've got you," he cooed in your ear.
It was a while before you stopped trembling, and Diavolo took to stroking circles into your back and massaging your scalp to try and ease you into relaxing. He wanted to know what was plaguing you, but he didn't want to cause you more distress. This was your second night in a row with a night terror, and this was the first time he had witnessed one of these fits; he was worried. After some thinking, he was curious to how long these had been going on, and he wanted to find a way to alleviate these things for you.
Suddenly, you rolled over and faced him, tears streaming down your face. Diavolo instantly took his thumb to wipe them away, worried about your state. "Darling..."
Without saying anything, you buried your face into his chest and wrapping your body around his as much as you could. Diavolo curled up around you as well, feeling very protective over you now. He had to find out what was happening and try to ease your emotional pain. Though he sometimes had nightmares too, most often centered around you disappearing, he never got to this state of being inconsolable.
Hours went by as you two laid awake. Diavolo was able to get both of you under the covers, and just as morning rolled around, you seemed to relax and fall into a light sleep. Carefully, Diavolo grabbed his D.D.D. from the side table to text a few people while trying to not disturb you.
Diavolo: MC had another nightmare. How often does she normally have them?
Lucifer: That's two nights in a row, then. It's usually once every couple of months. Mammon knows the most about them.
Barbatos: Has she said shared with either of you about the nature of her nightmares?
Diavolo: She won't tell anyone about them.
Barbatos: Then it might be right to assume she's being tormented, and those aren't actual nightmares. Both of you, please meet with me in the palace library at your earliest convenience to discuss this.
Lucifer's and Diavolo's hearts sank in that moment, realizing that could be the case, and if so, it would be very difficult to find out what exactly was happening, especially if you won't talk about what you're seeing.
Diavolo slowly detached himself from you, and finding that you were indeed asleep now, so he quickly and quietly got dressed to meet his butler.
Thanks for reading~ <3
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
Tags: @delphi-dreamin @leavesandflowers @itsmeninerz @ladyofthemorningstar @blackwings-with-angeleyes @obeymediasimp @frozengoldie @flemmingbamse
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
People are trashing Vivzie Pop *again* on social media
I think it started on Twitter where people decided it's the new trendy thing to declare she's always been bad at character design because some people think Lucifer looks too similar to Angel and Alastor and therefore she's "pandering to the internet's love of white tall sexy men"
which??? is confusing because Lucifer is a demon so he never had a human race
Also, I'm just usually suspicious because I think some people love any excuse to bash Viv. It's one thing to bring up legit issues or just not vibe with her shows, but there's such a wave of hatred for her I can't help but think some of it is fueled by jealousy/crab bucket mentality.
I'm not trying to put her on a pedestal but like DAMN people need to stop using her as a punching bag for whatever drama they want to stir up. She's not some faceless corporation that's doing a drop of LGBT content that can be edited out easily. People can dislike the tone of the show, but I think it's pretty fucking clear these DEMON characters in HELL that act like JERKS sometimes are not evil *because* of their sexuality but because they are DEMONS IN HELL.
Anonymous asked:
How much would bet that the same people who complain about Vivsies' designs being skinny and white would instantly complain again if she started drawing bulky and black characters and call her racist? I'm not even a fan of her work but the Hate Boner people constantly have for her is exhausting! You can't win with those people!
Anon 1. Really, though: holy shit, there are SO MANY pieces of media with shit design that I don't like. You know what I do? Either ignore them or I make one shitpost and move on. The fact that people keep popping up to whinge about Hellaverse content really make me wonder 'do you guys just... not have any other media to focus on so you focus on one you don't like?' Because if your whole thing is 'I don't like how the demons look'...
Then Oh my OshKoshBegosh, there are SO MANY PIECES OF MEDIA! THAT CENTER AROUND HELL AND DEMONS! You have the pick of the litter! Go!
Anon 2. Oh, they would. They definitely would. Not only due to the fact that most of the people popping up to shit on Viv (I'm not talking about legitimate criticism; hell, I'm actually not that fond of that one animated short she made with all the anthro animals because it was kind of fucking boring) are just hating it because it's popular and successful...
But as someone who was told not to submit an original short story to an anthology because my depiction of Lucifer being a large, suave, seductive black man 'could be interpreted as fetishizing and/or likening black men to demons', these kinds of people will always have shit to say.
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foxydivaxx · 3 months
Gossip Girl Bad Romance Chapter 8
Here it is, the latest chapter. Will give a bit of insight into Zoro’s past. May write a prequel that focuses on Zoro and his younger years and explain the whole Griffith thing in detail and also his relationship with Sukuna as well. Happy birthday in advance Sanji. Trigger warning: mentions of abuse, eating disorders.
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Hello Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl here.And boy do I got some hot tea to spill this week!! We have finally gotten a much-awaited public sighting of S and Z together. And about time too. Besides the constant social media updates they have been putting out, well mostly Z, the Royal Couple were recently spotted at a club alongside some of their friends except E and SU as SU has flown E out of the country of course no thanks to the emotional stress the guy has been under thanks to the funeral of his family.
For those who are unaware, E chose to do the burial privately. Hope he is alright. At least SU will hopefully cheer the guy up.
Back to the Royal couple, a certain ex of Z's happened to be at the club that night. Word on the streets has it that the guy got out of his rehab program prematurely and came back to town. Odd considering his family no longer stays on the Upper East Side anymore no thanks to the scandal he caused.
Why has he returned? Probably to get back at S for standing up for Z back then when he tried to destroy the King. Now he wants revenge. We will have to see how that goes because one thing I know is that anyone who dares to cross Z is gonna pay dearly for it eventually. He is called the Demon King for a reason.
As for this club night, the couple did what no one had ever seen them do in the club. Yes, you guessed it, they made out and got all hot and heavy in there. Yes, they literally went there. You should have seen the look on Fuckboy's face when he saw his ex and his current beau do the do in his presence. Could this be all part of some plan that Z concocted in mind? One thing is for certain, King Z is done playing games here and we can clearly see that. Ironically, S’s birthday is this week as well so it must be an early celebration.
Either way, things have gotten heated up and are about to get explosive here. Oooh....can't wait!! Keep it coming boys!!
Gossip Girl
Zoro sighs as he glances over at the sleeping form of his lover. Being the King of the Upper East Side has its perks but that title comes with its fair share of hurdles and some sacrifices and drama.
He often does not say much but he actually does feel insecure at times. The downside about being famous at a young age is the loneliness you would feel as everyone suddenly puts you on a higher pedestal.
Everyone wants to be your friend once you become popular and most people do not care about you and only want the money.
This is the reason why he is glad that he and Sanji found each other because that is the only other person that could understand that pain and burden. Sure, they started off with the sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship but the truth is, they were both so young back then.
Neither one of them was ready to fully commit to a proper relationship as they had just both gotten out of traumatic toxic ones and had not fully healed. It was the media that forced them to turn it into a serious thing, a true blessing in disguise.
Looking back at his life, he never truly had it easy. His father, a famous action legend and a deadbeat back in the day with addiction problems, his mother Hollywood royalty with a few loose screws herself and deep addiction issues who took out her pain and anger on him since he was the only child she gave to his dad, the other siblings coming from his dad’s previous marriage.
Yes, he was born into one of the greatest Hollywood dynasties but there is a curse attached to that. Almost every generation suffers some sort of tragedy or trauma.
He began his career when he was 3 and that was the most traumatic time of his life. Other kids looked down on him and bullied him because of his immigrant background and would often say racist disgusting things to him.
Ironically, Griffith did the exact same shit to him when they started their relationship. This is in stark contrast to Sanji who goes off all the racist bitches every single time.
Speaking of Griffith, that bastard took advantage of his trauma and naivety and manipulated him into becoming the wolf child that he was back then. Most people do not know this but the reason he helped Sanji with his case against the Charlottes and his father is because of his own trauma with Griffith years ago.
He was just 13 then and Griffith was 19. He lied to cover up for Griffith as the bastard blackmailed him and took advantage of him because truth be told, he was not perfectly sane then. He was a totally wild party boy at the time. It is kind of understandable why Sukuna acts the way he does now. He pushed him away after the guy warned him about Griffith.
It was when they both got arrested that Zoro began to realize how terrible his actions were. He is slowly healing and getting better. He is not quite there yet. There are days when he is all alone and he just breaks down in tears. Now he has to face his past. Truth be told, he is not yet ready emotionally.
He gently runs his hand through those soft blonde licks, musing over how happy he is to have found the love of his life. This same Sanji saved him from Griffith after the bastard showed up last year and almost killed him by poisoning his drink with some arsenic.
The blonde slowly stirs as he finally wakes up from his slumber. “Wait…why are you not sleeping?” he asks with a yawn.
Zoro sighs. “Don’t mind me. Just deep in thought.” It was at that moment that Sanji sits up. “Still thinking about the Griffith thing?” The greenette nods.
The blonde cups his lover’s face with his hands and stares him in the eye. “That was not your fault Zoro. Please do not blame yourself. That bastard had no right to take advantage of you that way.”
The boy just nods and looks down. “Listen, you gave me an incredible gift, an awesome platform to use to share my truth with the world and that has helped me a lot. My love, you deserve the same thing.” Zoro just nods and hugs Sanji.
The tears he had been trying to surpress for years finally began to flow.”Zoro you have done enough for everyone. You need to start thinking about you now.”
Zoro let’s go and smiles. “You have a point. And I know just how to do it.”
At that moment the phone rings. “Hello.”
“Zoro we’ve got a problem!!”
“Wait? What problem sis? What happened?”
“Remember my friend Cathy?”
“Yeah I know her. Is she alright?”
“Cathy told me just now about a couple that came to her with some business proposal for the skincare line she wanted to launch only for those bastards to run off with the money.”
“What are their names?”
“Elena and Maxwell Gilbert.”
“Will run background checks on them.”
Sanji stares at him. “What happened?”
“Perona told me that her friend got scammed by some people.”
He immediately gets his laptop and gets straight to business. He freezes upon seeing the results. Sanji looks over his shoulder and gasps. “Wait…those are…”
“Griffith’s parents. I knew there was something off with that family.” He then began to check police reports. “That family is rich but they made their money through money laundering. That explains a lot.” He then begins to make some calls.
Meanwhile, Eren is seated on a swing in a park in Brussels as he stares up at the clouds above him. It was evening, about 7pm to be exact. He chose not to do a public funeral because he does not want excessive media coverage and given how the media tend to sensationalise things, it was for the best.
He was probably going to miss the Midsummer Ball but it is okay. He just needs to clear his head for a bit. The last time he came to Brussels was 3 years ago during Aogiri’s European tour.
He loves how peaceful and calm the town was so when Sukuna suggested that they left for a bit, he asked him to bring him here.
“You okay cupcake?” Sukuna asked as he sits in the swing next to him. Eren nods. “I guess so Papi.” Sukuna takes one of Eren’s hands. “You need to eat something. I don’t like how you keep refusing to eat.”
Ever since that tragedy, Eren has not been really eating and whenever he does, he ends up puking it in the toilet.
“Food can wait.”
“Eren have you forgotten that you nearly fainted at the funeral?! Your family if they were alive would like to see you like this!!”
Eren sighs. There was no winning with Sukuna. “Fine. I will eat something.” Sukuna smiles and helps him up. “Good. Now do not rush to the bathroom after that okay?!” Eren nods.
Back in Manhattan, Lelouch and Rukia are handling the arrangements for the Ball. “That disco ball looks sick.” he says, pointing at the disco ball that the decorations team were trying to assemble. “I just thought that a disco themed party would be awesome.” says Rukia.
“Been a while we have had one of those.”
Rukia then smiles at him. “Thanks for helping out.” Lelouch just shrugs. “Oh it’s nothing.”
“You know, we need to hang out more beyond all this sometime.” He grins. “I like the sound of that.”
Light and Natsu come in holding boxes. “Man these are heavy!!” says Light. “Are those the lighting equipment?”
Natsu nods. “That plus the sound.” Rukia then smirks. “This Ball is gonna be extra special because it is a surprise for a certain someone and I think y’all know who I am talking about.” The others exchange smirks.
Griffith meanwhile is seething in rage. He did not expect Zoro and that tramp to be at the club that night and for them to literally be fucking each other that way.
He had been trying to contact his Allie’s but to no avail. It’s like they are busy or something which he finds strange considering their level in life.
It was then that his phone rings. He picks up the call without checking the caller ID. “About time someone fucking called.”
“Why hello Griffith.”
He immediately freezes. The very last man he expected to hear from. “Z-Zoro?”
“Been a long time hm? Heard you managed to weasel yourself in without anyone noticing.”
The blonde scoffs. “Oh come on. Have you forgotten the good old days we used to sneak into your dad’s place, steal dem car keys and hit town undetected?”
Zoro smirks. Sanji watches the whole thing cautiously. “Ah yes I do remember that and I also remember how you bashed the car and got into trouble afterwards.”
“Y-You are not calling me to reminisce about the good times.”
Zoro’s smirk becomes more devious. “I have some friends waiting for you outside. I believe they want to have a word with you.”
“Raise your hands up!!” Griffith had no choice but to raise his hands. The cops immediately handcuffed him. “You and your family have been evading the law for conning people for years. You also have an assault charge to answer to plus you escaped from the asylum you were placed in as part of your sentencing. This time, we shall not be that merciful.” With that, Griffith is led away.
Zoro heaves a sigh of relief. “Ah I am finally free.” he says with the biggest grin on his face. Sanji rushes over to give him a hug.
This past week has been pretty eventful Upper East Siders. Z’s ex finally got re-arrested. According to police reports, he escaped from the asylum he was placed in as part of his sentence.
As if that wasn’t enough, his parents got arrested for conning a wealthy socialite who so happens to be a friend of Z’s older half sister Perona who filed the report against them. There was mention of an assault case which I suspect could be related to Z as there were rumours that their relationship was not consensual at all and that Z was forced into that relationship by the guy because he wanted a piece of the pie, a stark contrast with S.
The upside is that Z now can be a free man without having to deal with that past demon of his anymore.Now if you excuse me, there is a party this weekend that I gotta prepare for.
Gossip Girl
“Oi Curly!! Hurry up!! We are gonna be late for the party!!” Zoro yells, checking the time on his watch. He may have a bad sense of direction at times but Sanji is worse in the sense that he is a drama King.
“I am coming!!” Seconds later, Sanji comes out wearing a bedazzled red suit. He chose not to wear a shit or tie this time around. Zoro wolf whistles. He chose to wear a dark green suit. “Well someone be looking smoky tonight!!” Sanji giggles and kisses Zoro on the cheek. “Alright let’s go.” Once Sanji was out of the room, Zoro grabs his phone and sneakily texts Rukia:
We are on the way
As soon as Rukia sees the text, she alerts the others. “Guys, they are on the way.” Lelouch then yells, “Everyone hide!!” The others rush to different parts of the hall whilst Light, Natsu and Grimmjow switch off the lights.
A couple minutes later, Zoro and Sanji arrive. “Huh w-“
“SURPRISE!!” The lights come on and everyone yells.
Sanji gasps in shock as he takes a good look at the room. Eren and Sukuna who were meant to be in Brussels suddenly decided to join them.
“Happy birthday my love.” Zoro says as he kisses Sanji in the cheek. “Wait a minute, how did you guys do this?!”
“Thank Rukia and Lelouch. It was their idea.” says Eren. “We noticed that you never truly had a big party so we figured that we gave you one.” says Rukia. Sanji smiles and hugs both Rukia and Lelouch. “Aww thanks guys.”
The party was in full swing with everyone partying the night away. Even Eren forgot his issues momentarily and joined the fun. Zoro could not help but grin. It was the little moments like this that make him happy. Forget the glamour, forget the fame and money. Moments like this are worth fighting for.
“Ah, that reminds me.” Zoro dashes off and returns with a large box. “My gift for you darling.” Sanji smiles. “Aww thanks.”
“Come on. Open it.” Sanji did not waste time and lifts up the box. He gasps as in the box are two cute little kittens, one brown and the other grey.
“Oh my God!! They are so cute!!” He gives Zoro a kiss on the lips. “Thank you for these babies.” The others watch and smile. Eren films the entire thing and posts it on Instagram and it almost immediately goes viral.
“Anything for you my love. Now what are we naming our babies?” Sanji stares at the kitties. “I will name the brown one Ginger and the grey one Milo.” The kitties purr and nuzzle their new mummy.
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ciswomenofficial · 4 months
The queer/social Justice community loves to see things as black and white and people as either angel or demon. There is no room for disagreement, no room for argument, only room for abstract dogma.
If you disagree with someone’s misinterpretation of Judith Butler (who I have my serious disagreements with, but she’s much more thought out and intelligent than so many tumblr amateur queer theorists interpretations of ideas she came up with are) than they sort you into the demon box. If you agree with every idea without question, they put you onto the angel pedestal—the small pedestal where you have so far to fall from the slightest breeze all the way down to the demon box.
Certain people are held to higher standards than others, but it feels like we’re all held up to these standards to some degree.
And it’s exhausting. It’s exhausting to put up with this dogmatic thinking day in and day out. No matter how kindly and reasonably you word your criticisms, you are the demon. No matter how clearly you state what you are and are not saying, they will claim you are saying something you are not. Good faith is a slim resource in the queer and social Justice spaces.
I try and do my part. I say my unpopular opinions, I see people as other fellow human beings with no divine character, I engage with and online reblog ideas that I do not 100% agree with because they are good food for thought, but that just makes my online and offline presence in so many queer spaces just even more unbearable. I cannot change these toxic environments through my own personal behavior.
I am sick of either having so far to fall, or being labeled as a demon. I am sick of dogmatism, and I’m sick of thoughtlessness. I’m sick of people being canceled for using the wrong language is spaces that are filled to the brim with systemic oppression. I want to talk with people who actually give a shit about the future about what is the right strategy, the right tactic, about what our short and long term goals should be. I want to have friendly, intelligent discussions. I want it to be uncomfortable some times. If it is never uncomfortable, than your “queer safe space” is an unsafe, oppressive environment. If you prioritize comfortability, then you kill safety dead by the side of the road and commit the crimes of the oppressor for him.
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grokebaby · 1 year
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Mother Ngah (pronounced either "nnga" [throat sound] or "Nagha")
Age: Mature (Equivalent to a 40-50yr old), born in the latter third of the Angel/Demon war and has lived through to the end of it. Parent was High Power Iskayah, is considered a part of the same "litter" and generation as Ezekiel and Kxxxtr
Size: Approximately like the statue of liberty with it's pedestal included
Job: Takes care of all things cosmic and ethereal, and commutes with God's throne. She spends alot of time doing advanced math and studying things like geometry and other supernatural physics (or lack thereof). She looks over the maintenance of heaven and keeps a strict, iron grip order amongst the angels, at least when it comes to following rules and standards. She tends to be an absent authority, but if you really mess up something, she will know. She has a tendency to keep a close eye on heavens inhabitants, and isn't truthful about the extent of her watch or knowledge over other angels lives.
Abilities: She can destroy people's eyes or eyesight, reflect supernatural attacks (like spells) with her wings, and be able to tell whenever someone is blatantly lying. If you're simply avoiding the truth or gracefully speaking around it, she won't sense it, and thus has developed an invasive habit of roasting direct claims and truths out of people by any means necessary, to catch them. She's considered exceptionally powerful and holds a scary amount of physical strength when it comes to combat.
Mother Ngah is the matriarch high judgement of heaven who is in love with the concept of perfection, and holds herself to a very high image. She's a frequent manipulator and emotionally neglects her two offspring, ZZZ and Lamera, though takes pride in being a mother and has high expectations for both of them. She denies her own feelings except in rare cases when she can weaponize them in some way, but even then, doesn't admit them to herself, and has a tendency to bottle things up. She is a very intense personality, and blatantly willfully ignorant of other people's pain, struggles or comfort. A snooty elitist who likes to think she knows everything and is always right. Due to perceiving herself as the superior one around, she takes huge pressure over taking care of everything, and puts immense stress on herself without realizing it, resulting in her poor mood and strictness. When prodded enough the dam breaks and she easily feels victimized or betrayed by other people, believing that nobody truly cares about another person for unselfish reasons and thus never letting anyone close to her in order to avoid being hurt or manipulated (she'd know, being one who does that to others). Despite this, her two children are her weakness, and she is deeply hurt by the conflict with her brother, Ezekiel, whom she banished ages ago. Her massive sense of pride won't let her face these feelings, though.
As of late, she's been demoted from her position, with all her powers stripped from her, due to being called out for her dictatorship and mistreatment of others.
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