#she's fat and trans and a butch lesbian Thanks!
illogicalghost · 7 months
#big gender rant ahead i just need to write down my thoughts#personal#so i think im a he/him trans lesbian??#i think ive been denying my feminine side for a long time now but middle school me was right. well. half right#idk why id built up some weird barrier in my mind about being trans and being a lesbian#but now im like more sure than ever#i still dont know if i could call myself a woman. and i thought i was so adamant about not using she/her again but it honestly?#doesn't bother me that much anymore. its not my preference but its not as soul crushing as it used to be#i have these weird subliminal gender rules for myself that ive been beating myself down with even though i#understand that theyre fake and dont hold anyone else to them. so why have a double standard? cant i have a fun gender?#ever since high school its been an uphill battle just letting myself live freely and having self confidence#i just turned 24. i dont have to be beholden to stupid hormonal teenage self loathing anymore#the world is a beautiful place and gender is just made up anyway. so why cant i be trans and butch? who cares??#i think i worded it well in my last personal post. ive been living a gender of convenience#but fuck that! i want the gender that makes sense to me! that makes me happy! its my life and i should live it how i want to!#...i still have some regrets about my top surgery. i wish i wasnt so weirdly flat chested now.#but hopefully the fat will redistribute eventually and itll look more natural as the years go on..#but i definitely dont regret going on T. i love my deep voice and my body hair#anyway if you've read this far thanks for listening to my mad ramblings#and dont forget you can have a fun gender too!
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queer-quadrants · 1 year
OK HI.. WAVES WAVES i see requests r open if not i apologize!! but could u draw june egbert and vriska !! june is a fat, sort of scruffy nonbinary person who uses a cane. they're a butch lesbian! vriska is a trans girl + bisexual. she has her prosthetic metal arm. they're blackrom/redrom vaciliating and so near and dear to my heart. thank u so much =3
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i love girls who. the fact that theyre red for each other makes them mad and therefore pitch for each other. does anyone else understand this
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blood-choke · 10 months
hiiii… i wanted to ask more about this particular val scene where mc and her talk about that portrait and mc is a bit stuck on the word husband and wants val to know theyre not a man. can i ask what inspired that type of convo? i wanted to know if it’s something you’ll touch up on again? is this underlying feelings mc had before their entombment… worried that val sees them as a man just because mc is masc? cause i know that’s kind of broader discussion in the lesbian community iirc….. was that why you wanted to incorporate it? this ask has so many questions LOL but basically i wanted to say i was intrigued and it did made me think more on those type of dynamics (thinking back to those resources you rb’d a while ago that go more into depth about diff things in the lesbian community)
oh boy get ready for another long-winded answer from me!
a lot of the feelings mc has about their gender are inspired by Leslie Feinberg's work (mainly Stone Butch Blues)
Feinberg was someone who lived & passed as a man for years of hir life, and wrote a lot about the complexities of hir gender and what it was like being a "gender outlaw."
there was actually a scene in particular from sbb that kinda put the kernel of an idea in my mind that led to this narrative of the mc feeling overshadowed by Standard and anxious about being perceived as a man. it's towards the end of the book when Jess (sbb's protagonist) meets Ruth (a trans woman that Jess falls in love with)
Jess offers to help Ruth carry groceries up to her apartment, and Ruth takes this the wrong way & is offended, partly because she thinks Jess is a man.
One Saturday afternoon I found her clutching two huge bags of groceries and fumbling with the downstairs front-door lock. I pulled out my key.
“Here, let me.” She didn’t say thank you. She hurried ahead of me on the stairs.
“Can I help you carry those?” I offered.
“Do I look weak to you?” she asked.
I stopped on the stairs. “No. Where I come from it’s just a sign of respect, that’s all.”
She continued up the stairs. “Well, where I come from,” she called out, “men don’t reward women for pretending to be helpless.” Once I heard her apartment door close I kicked the stair in anger and frustration.
later, after they get to know each other better, they have this interaction:
I laughed and picked at my salad. “Do you know if I’m a man or a woman?”
“No,” Ruth said. “That’s why I know so much about you.”
I sighed. “Did you think I was a man when you first met me?" She nodded. "Yes. At first I thought you were a straight man. Then I thought you were gay. It’s been a shock for me to realize that even I make assumptions about sex and gender that aren’t true. I thought I was liberated from all of that.”
I smiled. “I didn’t want you to think I was a man. I wanted you to see how much more complicated I am. I wanted you to like what you saw.”
i think the inspiration here is quite obvious, hahaha. i figure anyone that's read sbb can sense the similar through-line here in my work. though the conversation between mc and Valentina has a much different tone.
there's another scene later as well after something happens to Jess and she has to have her jaw wired shut. she's working at a new job and is unable to speak, and she's also passing as a man at this job. she overhears some of her female coworkers talking about her and they refer to her as a "creep" and speculate that she's always watching one of them. Jess overhears all of this and then walks out of the job, goes home and pulls the wires out of her mouth herself:
After I was sure I’d gotten the last piece of wire out of my gums, I rinsed my mouth with whiskey and then drank the rest of it so I could sleep without remembering how Marija’s words had stripped me of my humanity.
butches & gnc women still face this kind of dehumanization; compared or likened to men in a derogatory way, accused of being "heteropatriarchal," the predatory stereotype of the fat ugly lesbian, and on the other side they're also hypersexualized, especially online and in queer spaces. butchphobia is a specific kind of misogyny that hits from all sides, even from the people that are supposed to be a part of your community. and this attitude especially effects trans women and women of color, who are already experiencing all of these things due to transmisogyny and racism.
i also really wanted to use this to touch on the kind of gender essentialism that we see in a lot of these cis feminist discussions - to these women at this job, Jess had committed no real crime other than being quiet and being the “wrong” kind of man. something about this scene has always stuck with me and really bothered me, but it's hard to put into words; on one hand i can admit i have probably been one of those women who made some kind of similar remark about a man i barely knew, but i've also been someone on the receiving end, too, because of the way i look. the mc in blood choke is put into this box, but they can't fit in, as someone who has been on both sides and doesn't really understand where they belong because of it; how can she stand beside Valentina or Hana or Clear when they might see her as a perpetrator, someone who can't be trusted? how does this mindset harm both the women and the men of the council and everyone in between? how can we break this cycle?
one of the films i mentioned recently when talking about the character designs was The Same Difference, which is specifically about the Black lesbian community and the discrimination within that community based upon gender roles (though this is not something limited to just the Black lesbian community)
a lot of the women in that doc talk about the boxes they're put in as AG or stud lesbians - they can't have their hair long, they can't wear makeup, they can't do this or that, they have to be aggressive and hard or else they're not real studs. they discuss stud on stud (or butch4butch) and how other lesbians look down on those types of lesbians, as well as the disdain for bisexual women for "betraying" the community. it explores the way misogyny and the patriarchy still oppress these women and forces them into this restrictive gender role despite their refusal to adhere to the other role originally assigned to them, and the way racism specifically intersects and exacerbates it for Black lesbians. there's a stud that's an exotic dancer and wears a weave, and a lot of other studs have a problem with this because a weave is "a female thing." another section follows a pregnant stud, and how the community shuns her for that, because she "dresses like a man and acts like a man" so why is she getting pregnant when she should be "the man"?
mc doesn't remember how they felt before entombment, but waking up they feel this need to prove themselves - both in that they are hard and aggressive like a butch should be, but also in that they want to be this person for Valentina or Clear or Hana (or all of them) that is safe and comforting. but they aren't sure how to do that when the world perceives them as this one specific thing - as a husband, as Standard, as a man, specifically this man who hurt Valentina.
of course we've already seen this to not be true of the companions with the last chapter as the mc learns more and spends more time with everyone. but this is kind of the foundation of where this whole idea came from. it started with my novel & i chose vampires for that story & this one because there is a long history of lesbian vampirism (and also because it's sexy) but there's this "curse" that both Hana & Valerie talk about in their respective stories, the first one being the racism she's had to face, the transphobia, along with this alienation and perception of lesbians as predatory and conniving and aggressive, as vampires, which i just think really lends itself to expanding upon these issues lesbians & trans women face both in general and within the community.
anyways if you want to read more i suggest Stone Butch Blues, which you can get for free on Leslie Feinberg's website, as well as S/he, by Minnie Bruce Pratt, available on the internet archive, Gender Failure by Ivan E. Coyote & Rae Spoon also on the internet archive, and you can rent The Same Difference for $10 on vimeo.
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transgnckon · 2 months
>'Talk to me about trans hcs and my life is yours'Okok t4t Stephcass agenda time!!
Stephanie was an early cracker and being blasian(jamaican + south korean)made her naturally androgynous so she passed pretty easily thanks to also being femme and pastel punk
Cass is also transfem but had no real concept of girlhood growing up due to David's whole thing with her and the pink dress flashback was him making her look nonthreatning.She's butch and a comphet lesbian too!!
Based on vibes,the Stephcass relathionship gives major 'more experienced tgirl x newer to being a tgirl' with Stephanie teaching Cass how to handle her transfeminism and them becoming enamored with eachother's personal version of it
Stephanie diy'd her own estrogen and showed Cass how to do the same.Almost all their surgeries were done by Taliacorp doctors(Taliacorp=Superfam Talia company because we need to free her from the bat)
Cass' tradgoth but in a butch kinda way and ofc Stephanie's pastel punk femme swagger includes black girl styles/fashion
They're also autistic4autistic✊🏼No masking game Stephanie x No emoting to no emotional regulation game Cass
And busty butch king x flat femme queen
Their dates include rollerblading,going to local boba shops and cat cafes,petty crime sprees for fun,Cass doing Stephanie's hair and Stephanie helping Cass with her solarpunk garden♡Stephanie's fat and tall asf so Cass picks her up and calls her stuff like 'Princess' to lighten her dysphoria and Cass is absolutely jacked so Stephanie tells her what a beautiful/pretty/cute/etc girl she is nonstop to lighten HER dysphoria
They live together irl and on Animal Crossing and Pokemon too actually /lh
Cass dosen't get bottom surgery because she 1.dosen't want it and 2.wants to have biokids with Stephanie.Their kids names are Sunny,Hunter,Kai Li,Naomi and CJ aka Crystal Junior
I don’t rlly have much to add but very cute <3
I did scream at the idea of them having 5 kids though like omg a handful 😭😭😭
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sunkern-plus · 28 days
fuck it i'm gonna coin fat anarchism and describe some of it's tenants. who wants to workshop fat anarchism with me (bonus points if you are ALSO a fat anarchist or in general a fat leftist or libcom who's sick of having to rely on stupid electoral politics to get our voices heard when nobody will listen to votes given our stupid electoral college system). fatness without anarchism or communism or leftist solidarity isn't really fat liberation, it's fat liberation only for the most privileged of fats.
the current tenants of fat anarchism i have off the top of my head are:
-beauty standards are a real thing that exists to disprivilege the fat, the black, the indigenous, the disabled (especially those with visible disabilities), women (especially trans women and butch lesbians, and god forbid you're both), and trans people in general (but especially both trans women and nonbinary transfems in particular, especially if lesbian or butch), and it's NOT the liberatory way to go to just add onto another beauty standard of what's "acceptable" for beauty. in the modern hierarchical kyiarchical system of beauty, there is ALWAYS going to be something that is unacceptable: the superfat to infinifat, the nonpassing transfem, the blatantly queer, the outwardly disabled. so instead of reifying beauty as a coherent concept, embracing grotesquery, instead, is the way to go. yes, i am "ugly" as you say i am. but i am proud of it, and my "ugliness" actually makes me epic and makes all the cool epic freaks like me thank you :). that kinda mindset.
-prioritize the superfat, infinifat, disabled by fat, the fat who has "chosen to become fat", the fat who has "eaten themselves fat": the fat people that are left out of activism altogether due to respectability politics and stigma, in your activism. the superfat, the infinifat, the so-fat-they're-disabled, the person who has eaten themselves fat through either desire or disability, whether psychological or hormonal, has something valuable to say, actually, and they shouldn't be left out of activism; they should be prioritized as some of the ones most affected by fatphobia.
-in addition, prioritize the black superfat and infinifat, the brown superfat and infinifat, the indigenous superfat and infinifat, in your activism. that's...pretty much a given, but often antiblackness especially and fatphobia are intertwined oppressions that make out with each other sloppy style and need to be DEALT with as intertwined oppressions that make out with each other sloppy style; there is no fatphobia without the root causes, which are antiblackness and ableism (imo).
-representation shouldn't be the be-all-end-all. a respectful representation of a fat person to one fat person can be someone who makes another fat person feel unseen. a disrespectful representation of a fat person to one fat person can be a liberatory, relatable icon to the other fat person (see my love of rufus compared to a majority of fat people's hatred of him). as long as they aren't some egregious stereotype like a fat pervert rapist or like...a fat cannibal, or somehow both, any range of fat characters can be fine because any range of characters can represent any range of person. like, hell, i hate mike and molly but i recognize my own mother, who is a similar size to me except with different proportions (she's more bottom heavy than top heavy) is very much like the mike character (and i incidentally am like molly because i like to write and am very intelligent compared to my family and i'm neurotic and i have daddy issues. but that's besides the point).
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deirdreskye · 2 years
i hear what u were saying for our cisbian into boypussy. it speaks to an issue i have, which is as a butch dyke off T i have a deep love and affinity for trans women. we experience gender similarly, my gf is a trans lesbian and thanks to her now i just know more about loving (and fucking) trans women than ive ever known about cis women, who ngl just dont do it for me!
a friend i have a big fat crush on keeps teasing me for being a chaser, and i resent the idea that theres something weird, creepy, or #problematic about this. especially when trans men who love trans women are just considered normal dudes. it makes me feel like theres something about my glaringly obvious crush on her that she sees as dangerous or illegitimate, which as a lesbian, wigs me tf out!
If you want me to give you permission to chase you have to let me smash
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franciskirkland · 10 months
Hypermobile Françoise anon here again
Françoise's gender identity journey really connected with me, though I'm on the opposite side of the coin. How she views male just being the gender on her birth certificate is just like how I view womanhood
I never fit in with it no matter how I tried. And I related so hard to some things Françoise said or didz but in such different ways.
Ps, sorry for typos it's like 1am and I'm just,,, aaaaaaa about Françoise
thank you!! no need to apologize ever i am also ,,, aaaaaaa about her at all times
that line may have been misinterpreted but that's on me as the author tbh. as we've established in this particular characterization she's a binary trans woman, a big part of her transition is discovering that she doesn't associate with male-ness whatsoever. the fact that she is labeled male at all is actually a source of dysphoria, she's not exactly accepting of it. lucky for her tho birth certificates can be changed!!
anyway i'm thrilled to hear you can relate to her experience. maybe it even sparked some self realization in you??!! that's so sweet <3 your compliments are always so appreciated and honestly relieving bc i've been feeling pretty shit about my writing lately.
the way i write about gender, gender roles, presentation, and identity in fiction is actually vastly different from how i feel off the page (irl).
i'll try not to turn this into an unrelated gender theory rant. actually that's a lie that's exactly what i'm going to do.
as a cis woman who identified as a lesbian for most of my life but got hit HARD by the comphet hammer and is now a very confused bisexual, i personally view womanhood as a fact. to me, it's just my sex. big fat F on my birth certificate, simple as. i don't consider myself non-binary or agender. i don't have a gender identity. i am a woman because i am and that's that. there's also no wrong way to be a woman, no matter what parts you have or what shape your body is.
when i'm writing this character who is a trans woman, dressing up in explicitly feminine clothes and doing her makeup, or performing a traditionally feminine task, that provides her gender euphoria. whereas to me personally, it usually feels like a chore and a facade.
the way i look outwardly also doesn't match how i feel inwardly. on a given day i come off butch as fuck, i'm actually pretty femme in my behavior. i like femininity and i wish i could feel comfortable in it; but i don't have the money, energy or bathroom counter space to put effort into my appearance, therefore i'm not visibly feminine in a society where masculinity is the default. still a woman bc i said so.
in my opinion, gender, in the truest definition, is a construct. it can be a prison. but i'm not decrying gender as complete bullshit. because to some, especially trans people, the concept of gender can also be very freeing. there's no morally superior position here. everyone experiences gender and sex differently - they're both spectrums. every individual and society has unique definitions for what actions and appearances are feminine vs. masculine in their perspective.
obviously i'm not gender critical in a terf way, but i do think getting too deep into gender ideology has the potential to enforce oppressive gender roles and i'm incredibly critical of this current romanticization of 'girlhood' that promotes the infantilization of women. even in this day and age, so much of traditional femininity is about external appearances and the maintenance thereof.
conventional feminity is also heavily dependent on the presence of a masculine counterpart who in turn performs masculinity on her behalf. whether consciously or not, this is still portrayed as the ideal structure in the majority of societies. most heterosexual relationships are transactional. one is the caretaker and the other is the provider. this is particularly true for the middle class. my husband and i are very much working class. when i wasn't working, i wasn't a 'housewife' - i was unemployed. i don't have the financial privilege to be a housewife. liberal feminism promises women the 'choice' to be a SAHM (still the ideal standard, thank you internalized misogyny!!) or a working mom (you're 'empowered', but you care about your kids less!!) poor people don't have the luxury of choices. many of us can't afford to have families at all, much less decide which labor to pursue.
anyway that is a tanget which goes beyond gender into the can of worms that is family economics. back to our regularly scheduled rant.
so anyway. gender. as a decrepit old bitch this is my sage advice to the youth. there are two sides to every coin.
exploring different identities is a natural part of the human experience. choosing to affix yourself with a certain label can be reassuring. it might be the missing piece to figuring out who you are. especially in online spaces, there's an appealing sense of community that comes with these labels, which can provide validation especially if your background has not been supportive of LGBT+ expression.
but also consider the fact that forcing yourself to fit into a label for the sake of having a label might make you feel worse and prompt more dysphoria in the long run. just be authentic to yourself, there's only one you. you don't have to display a prescribed image and you certainly don't need to explain yourself to anyone. love yourself first.
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syuuper-archive · 7 years
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god i love her
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aftermathing · 3 years
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Absolutely no one asked but here are my Genshin Impact headcanons lol with little explanations-- Monstadters first!
(Note: These are just for fun and not at all canon compliant. Also, please let me know if any of this is problematic, I have not done every quest or hangout and might not know some things. Thanks!)
The Traveler is genderfluid + non-binary he/she/they equally because all of those get used for both Aether and Lumine. They are both trans because they are not identical twins, and Aether literally wears a binder look at him. And they're both bipan because everyone flirts with them from from Lisa to Kaeya to Albedo to Ning'er literally everyone. They are also autistic and there isn't any super evidence for this just that they're from another world and they're semi-verbal.
Paimon is a lesbian and goes by Paimon/Paimons + she/her pronouns.
Bennett is a non-binary butch trans t4t biromantic lesbian and exclusively goes by he/him pronouns. If you're queer he likes you that is all. He might have ADHD.
Amber is bi and trans just because. She's cute and fun and I love her. Jock queen. She/her + xe/xem.
Eula is a trans lesbian and dating Amber they canonically take baths together lol
Jean is bi and trans. She is very distinguished. All the girls who canon have crushes on her see her talking to men (ie calling diluc senpai) and think she's straight but she is VERY bi. She/her.
Barbara is trans too but got to take hormone blockers earlier which is why she will never be as tall as her big siste :(( She/her.
Kaeya is bi and trans his ass is fat and he packs. He/him. He has dated everyone in Monstadt someone stop him.
Diluc is bi but not looking please stop looking he's not interested. He is also trans and demiaro and demiace. He/they. He is dating Jean.
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dualdemondyke · 3 years
26 | Nonbinary Futch-gender Lesbian | Primal Switch/Vers | Se/She/They
This 18+ blog is trans and nonbinary friendly, all body-types friendly and anti-fetishization. If you fetishize LGBT+ people, fat people, any races, etc. you can kindly fuck off of my blog. If you follow with no age in your bio you will be blocked. Also, all of my posts are about sapphics only. Thanks.
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Jacqueline Devreux - Les Amants
Text- #text
Images- #photo
Personal- #😈
Non-Personal Fantasy Posts- #💀
My Femme Tag- #🕊
Trigger Tags:
#blood, #gore, #flashing, #food, etc.
Additions made as needed. Feel free to ask for tags!
I’m not a frequent personal poster. Anything skull tagged is free to reblog because they’re just-for-fun fantasy posts. More personal info down below.
I’m a nonbinary futch lesbian, with futch acting as my primary gender label. (It is not in any way related to the joke scale. My gender identity is complex and I will block those who attempt to dumb me down into a joke. If you’d like to hear about my identity out of a genuine desire to understand, you can DM me.)
I prefer masculine and mature feminine complements (such a handsome, beautiful, etc). Masculine leaning titles like king are ok, but things like male, boi, etc. are reserved for my girlfriend.
Currently strapping with a New York Collective Shiloh Pack and Play (in Wildberry) and packing with a 3” ReelMagik Basic.
I’m Primal Top/Dom-leaning. Not at all opposed to bottoming/subbing but you have to overpower me first. I really like competitive/ rough intimacy amongst other things.
I’m not necessarily butch or femme exclusive, but I do have a big soft spot for femmes.
My love of skeletons is NOT a necro or pro-ED thing. I prefer to see myself as my bones instead of my flesh due to body pain-related dysphoria.
Content on this blog includes the aforementioned skeletons, blood, monsters, primal/play-fighting/rough/aggressive themes, etc. I do not like degrading aggression so please do not conflate any of those.
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collabwithmyself · 4 years
A part of me will miss Friday being very butch but still comfortable in her identity... butch trans lesbians exist, and Friday being fully accepted as a woman despite her height and presentation was very dear to me. I do, however, understand you want to avoid perpetuating stereotypes- and I’m certainly not going to push you on that. You don’t have to post this anon, but I just want you to know, personally, that Friday as a character has always been important to me and even if her design changes, a tall, large, butch woman being presented as the most gentle and emotionally intelligent member of the cast was deeply encouraging. However you continue, I want you to know the diversity of your characters and their bodies has helped me immensely, and however you continue, thank you for that.
I felt that it was important to portray that not all trans women need to be feminine (though I do have feminine trans women like Ayaka, Seraphina, Labana, and Pi (post-transition)) - but I pushed too far and made Friday's design transmisogynistic. It doesn't help that she has bad hygiene, bad eating habits, and a badly financed living situation, either. Overall, it just creates a very bad stereotype of trans women and fat people. The last thing I want to do is harm people and perpetuate harmful stereotypes, so I'm adjusting according to the extensive constructive criticism I've been given.
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yukippe · 4 years
nonbinary lesbian yue...
tmae how do you always know exactly what i want to talk about
i will be using she/they pronouns for yue <3 this is yue lives because i deny any reminder that she is not happy and alive. if you would like yue moon spirit nonbinary lesbian i can provide next week tho bc i am Thinking
so i think yue doesn’t realize she’s a lesbian for a really long time! part of this is because she never really thought about her own romantic feelings in general. she always understand that they would marry whoever was seen fit for her and so she went along with that and. then sokka came along. 
see, not only had yue never really thought about their own romantic feelings, they had never been very close with anyone around her age! she was a sheltered princess and while they kept themselves as up to date as possible on what was going on in the northern water tribes day to day, she was kept seperate from everyone else (because you know. nwt sexism (that katara and yue dismantle <3) + overprotective dad)
so sokka comes along! and he’s really funny and yue loves being around him and you know that meme that goes they had feelings for each other. platonic feelings but never had a friend before? yea
so yue and sokka have a similar relationship to the one in canon, but yue also finds herself trying to spend time with katara. and yue justifies this to themself by going, oh well katara is really cool and we have to be around each other as we start to work to changeing the perspective of women not being able to fight and only being healers! it is actually a big fat crush
like yue will have a very nice walk with sokka, hold his hand maybe, they will make fun of each other and yue will threaten to throw him into the water, bunch of goofs. essentially they are like the “oh we look like a couple” “a couple of bestiess” but the opposite
then yue will leave her walk with sokka early to go talk to katara because the light on the water reminded them of katara’s smile
sokka is the first one to connect the pieces together and realize that yue is. more into his sister than him. which is a bit of a let down because he did really like her! but he’s a lesbian icon, so he takes yue for a ride with appa and he hesitantly brings up them liking katara
yue: what are you talking about i like you
sokka: yue, you just spent 10 minutes talking about how talented katara is and how you think she’ll really like going for a moonlit walk followed by a picnic in the spirit oasisi and you would like to do that with her
yue takes it all in, and yue is the type of person who never outright dismisses someone’s suggestion but instead tries to think about it in depth and see if theres any merit to it. 
there is merit to the idea that they have a massive crush on katara.
even after yue realizes she might like katara, she isn’t sure if she likes girls and boys or just girls so she goes to yugoda, someone she’s always viewed as a mentor, and asks for advice
yugoda, a lesbian in love with her friend kanna who is katara’s grandmother: well yue have you ever heard of lesbianism?
yugoda describes her feelings with never being able to see herself in a long term fulfilling relationship with a man, but feeling supported and loved by other women and yue goes oh! katara...
yue spends a while thinking about how they feel, and then eventually team avatar leaves to keep up the fight. yue wishes them well and watches them go. the next day she decides that she will pack up emotions and put them in a box and come back to them when they have time <3
in the meantime yue sits down at the table with her father and asks for more input and conversation on everything going on with the northern water tribe. her father agrees and yue pours all of themself into seeing how the northern water tribe can reconnect with the southern water tribe, assist in the war and make sure any girl who wishes can train however they like
at the end of the war, yue finally finds time to breathe and goes with yugoda to visit the southern water tribe. 
she meets up with katara and aang and sokka and katara and aang convince her to extend her trip away from the northern water tribe and travel with them for a bit
yue, after a lot of convincing from yugoda (and yugoda’s new fiance kanna) agrees and goes on the road trip where she is met with 1) nonbinary aang excitedly explaining that he has no clue what gender is and 2) katara and Sokka's girlfriend being incredibly beautiful and stunning
The road trip is quite possibly the best thing that couldve happened to yue, because it means shes without responsibilities and around other people her own age AND they get to test out pronouns knowing there will be no judgement (as everyone on the road trip is trans) and it's very :)
When yue comes home they have clearer sense of self and look to the future with excitement.
They don't get a girlfriend right away, but after a few years she meets a really pretty girl when she's snuck out of the palace to see a secret water bending competition that is girls only and the winner flirts with them outrageously (not realizing who yue is) and yue asks her out (thanks to the many times she fantasized about asking out suki and katara)
Yue has a type and the type is silly and incredibly passionate :) Her gf (and eventual wife uhaul lesbian yue thx) is a butch lesbian to Yue's femme lesbian too
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stonefemmedionysus · 3 years
pinned post real quick:
•this is a nsfw blog, minors & blogs with no age in bio will be blocked
•if you’re 18+ but younger than like 25-26 you can follow if you wanna but honestly I probably won’t interact much (if at all) just for my own comfort
•this is a butch appreciation zone!!! that includes trans butches, bi butches, butches of color, studs, disabled butches, & fat butches. the only butches not welcome are butch cops & butch terfs xoxo
on that note if you think only cis lesbians can use butch or femme labels I’m also blocking you, femmes & butches who are bi and/or trans I am kissing you on the cheek
frankly I have no problem blocking for any reason including just “I looked at your blog & I think your vibes are rancid”. if you’re into somno you’re getting blocked on sight btw
don’t talk to me abt cnc or daddy/mommy/etc kink either thank you
•main is @femmedionysus
•pronouns he/they/she
•happily engaged to the amazing @eggplantbutch 💕
questions & chatting are fine & welcome!
I’m not flirting with you, don’t send me explicit dms/asks.
•I don’t especially care if gbt men follow/interact but I am a whole lesbian & this blog is just me hornyposting about lesbian activities so don’t be like…weird about it. cishet men go away.
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nikomedes · 3 years
its 3am so im safe to get in my feelings right
had no idea there was a butch recognition day or what have u. but i am feeling deeply grateful for the butches ive met and seen in my life that modeled that for me. whether it was aesthetic, personal code, literally learning how to construct a house, transgressing gender, whatever.
ive been overweight and “unfeminine” my whole life. ive been tall and loud and impulsive (mostly the adhd, but yeah) my whole life. and over and over ive gone through phases of thinking “okay this is the year im finally gonna learn to be quiet, and take up less space, and get skinny, and figure out makeup,” and etc etc. and it never was. i just made myself miserable and spent another year wondering what was wrong with me. senior yr of high school and college i made myself pluck and shave and wear makeup and shop for dresses with a disquieting fervor. i felt like i was running out of time to “fix myself.” and this was with a totally laid back mom and plenty of queer friends. not to be like We Live in a Society, but the ways i was harming myself weren’t coming from inside the house
and then finally labor day four years ago i asked my best friend to cut all my fucking hair off. i don’t think u have to get a butch chop to be butch/gnc, but i do intimately understand why its such a common experience associated with it. like a lot of young women w long hair, family and strangers seemed to own it. i had hair down my back for everyone else— and because it, and long dangly earrings, and just the right contour, were supposed to make my face look skinnier. i hated dealing with it. i had no idea how to style it and had given up on learning. it was just this mop i was carrying around for other people to braid. so my best friend took 4 hours and tons of breaks cutting it away, checking on me, trying different lengths, holding my hand through parting with it.
my head obviously felt lighter. but now that i’d let go of that, i began to understand i wasnt doing most of my other “feminine” rituals for me. i plucked my eyebrows to look like moms when she was 20 and skinny and desired. i wore blouses bc i felt my workplace would become hostile to me if i wore more comfortable, “masculine” clothing (spoilers: they did! as did my next job!). i shaved and did makeup and literally trained myself to sneeze quieter in the hopes someday i would wake up and be Inside, be accepted and not the tall, fat, loud, weirdo i was. that never happened. and the more i stopped fucking with how i felt most comfortable in vain hope, the more i could just… be comfortable.
i am quieter now. i take up the same amount of space, but i don’t feel jagged. butch identity gave me a template for a type of female/lesbian/gnc existence that let me rest and put my energy elsewhere. i love to style my hair now— i own product! i love how the closest-cropped parts are so soft and fuzzy after a fresh wash. i love to get dressed in my “fun-loving but sensible dad” wardrobe. i love to mortify my friends by wearing socks with sandals, and then walk them through furniture/computer repair over chat. i love the natural shape of my eyebrows and making myself a full plate at barbeques without shame. i love taking a “masculine” energy/style/space and subverting it, making it mine, and i love genuinely complimenting other women or helping them with stuff and seeing some of them get flustered. i love standing in this cultural archetype that satisfies my childhood desires to protect other women, to make myself a rock for my friends, to exist just as i am without misery. i love that butch existed to save me from alienation no one in my life wanted for me.
anyway this is long but. thank u butches. being butch rules and i wish all butches/gnc lesbians/trans butch lesbians/nb butches/he-him butches, etc, a good ass week
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thoradvice · 4 years
1-20 for the lesbian one!
thank u !!! 
1. Name one way you break the wlw stereotype. (Fat, trans, poc, autistic, etc)
well, out of those options, i’m autistic !
2. Who was the first girl you remember having feelings for?
the first girl i liked and realised it was romantic, was the girl i sat next to in biology when i was 12. we’d swap books and talk abt them for the whole period. i don’t really talk to her anymore, but she was a real one sdfjdkjsdk the fact she was straight broke 12yr old evan’s heart dkvflfd
3. What’s your opinion on the butch/femme labels? Do you think they’re harmful?
i don’t think they’re harmful for everyone, but they can be if you try to force yourself into them. i identified as butch for a while, but i found it didn’t really fit me after a while. and that’s okay ! i’m personally not comfortable with either label being applied to me, but i know some people find a lot of comfort in them. one of my best friend identifies as butch and i know she really loves the label. and that’s also okay !
4. Do you have a girlfriend?
i do !! she’s @buffyadvice n she’s the best !! <3
5. Define love in 5 words or less
understanding, compassion, commitment, acceptance, support.
6. What characteristics do you look for in a girl?
kindness is so important to me. i couldn’t date someone who was mean. my girlfriend is so kind, and that’s one of my favourite things about her
7. Do you participate in LGBTQ clubs and events?
i do ! i’m closeted, so there’s a limit on what i can actually do. but when i was 13/14, my now ex & i created an lgbt group in our school, and i’ve been to pride twice.
8. Are you out to anyone outside of tumblr?
yep ! one of my sisters & all of my friends. i plan on coming out to my mom very soon, too.
9. Say some things you love about your crush/girlfriend?
oh my favourite question !!!!!! like i said, i love how kind she is. she’s truly such a good person, and i think that’s really incredible. she’s so funny too !! she’s hilarious, and that’s smth i really value in a relationship. we have a similar sense of humour and i love that. and she’s gorgeous !!! so gorgeous !!! her eyes are so beautiful, i could look at them forever. and she has this amazing curly hair !!!! i wanna play w it so bad. and her dimples !!!! she sent me a selfie today n i straight up died over her dimples :’) i could talk abt her forever, but i’ll stop here, bc this post is Already long as all hell fbikgjkg
10. Do you want to get married?
i think so ! i didn’t used to, but weddings can be really beautiful and i think i’d like that.
11. Do you want to have kids?
i don’t know yet ! i do like kids, but i’m not sure if i Want them. i’m sixteen, i don’t have to decide yet, y’know?
12. How would you describe the difference between sun lesbians and moon lesbians?
i have literally never heard of those terms before, sorry !
13. What’s your favorite song about lesbians?
girls - girl in red !
14. What’s your favorite book about lesbians?
the only wlw book i’ve read is the miseducation of cameron post, and honestly i didn’t even finish that
15. Who’s your favorite lesbian character?
i can’t pick one, but some of my favs are karolina dean (runaways) / santana lopez (glee) & lexa (the 100) !
16. If you live in a country where gay marriage is legal, where were you when it was legalized? Did you do anything to celebrate?!
i was ten and didn’t know i was gay yet, so no fdkmvolxfk
17. If you could meet one famous wlw (dead or alive) who would you pick?
meeting sappho would FUCK tbh 
18. Have you ever kissed a girl?
i sure have !
19. Do you have any favorite wlw positivity blogs?
not really, but me and my girlfriend are @crushculturee & @seaofloverrs respectively ! so we’re my favourites nbkgfdlmkv
20. Who was your first real life crush? (as in not Dana Scully or Jessica Rabbit)
the girl from bio i mentioned before !
lesbian asks
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800-dick-pics · 4 years
mmmmm idk everyone else can call lesbians dykes with malice and like that hurts, and like lesbophobia is truly a real thing very few people are open to fixing in themselves, dont act brand knew yall know what ppl mean when they say “dyke”  even if we get called the same slurs lesbians esp gnc, black/brown, and trans lesbians still get called “ugly dykes” “mean dykes” “rude bitter dykes by OTHER lgbt people and nobody thinks thats lesbophobia??  when my gf says theyre a “fat butch dyke and proud” dont act like you dont know what that means, dont act like 99.999% of the ppl who say that are LESBIANS 
and like yall best believe that shit is also racialized!!! bulldyke is and has always been a BLACK LESBIAN term, that even my old black ass mom used @ me a black lesbian in derogatory way  because even she knew after changed lables that there was something available to hurt me, hurt the lesbianism. my mom is liberal homo/bi/transphobic but really hates lesbians and trans women specifically bc were like “failed women” Ive had my white bi/pan/queer coworkers call me a dyke several times at work, have called me dyke several times before/after sexually harassing me!!! lets not act like white lgbts dont suddenly try to dig up “acceptable” slurs to use at black n brown lgbts when they want to manipulate/hurt/embarass/shame us. getting called a “dykey queer” by other gbtq people is not ok!! bi/pan wlw can, have and will continue to call lesbians dykes with malice in their tone/intention as long as lesbophobia continues to run rampant. “lesbian” as a porn category for is already deeply fucked up bc its never geared towards actual wlw but men instead but like “lesbian r@pe porn” is a sub genre and you know how many titles have the work dyke in it? and are calling the person in the video a dyke durring this simulated or actual rape. this has been the reality for too many lesbians i know. we are beaten raped and abused and we hear dyke spat in our fucking faces, from cishet folks and from gbq folks too. I was bi/pan for 9-10ish? years and honestly still question if im really a lesbian or not, so i deeply empathize and know that it still and will always hurt to be called a dyke when youre seen being gay, but understanding where were different helps us break down our les/biphobia because a lot of us experience a lot of the same traumas for loving women, we share a lot of the same feelings about our love for women and that i think is the best thing on earth, loving women!!! my love for bi/pan women literally is endless and im thankful for all the bi/pan women esp women of color in my life yall are everything <3 <3 <3 les/bi solidarity means acknowledge where and how we can hurt eachother, esp how black/brown, trans, poor, disabled wlw are getting hurt. lets acknowledge how dyke is weaponized a lot of the time to directly hurt/shame lesbians (esp more marginalized lesbians), just like how we need to acknowledge how our (and other gay/queer) distrust/judgement on “cishetesque  couples” hurts bi/pan women and can keep them feeling like theyre not apart of the community.
no reblogs bc whites and some weirdos online dont know how to act
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