#she's in candela she can't be NORMAL normal
elemental-plane · 9 months
i've been thinking so hard abt the comment that madam glask is overcompensating when it comes to like her appearance. like we KNOW she's wealthier than the rest of the circle to a pretty intense degree, she literally runs a casino, but most people wouldn't want to/need to show that off, they just carry that kind of power that comes with wealth. madam glask doesn't, though. she tries, she does, but it doesn't really come off naturally for her. i think there's DEFINITELY a reason for it, gina wouldn't have mentioned it specifically if there wasn't, but i haven't figured it out yet. maybe she's new money? or she's hiding something? idk man. but i LOVE madam cordelia glask and miss gina darling and i cannot WAIT to see more of her next episode
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nochi-quinn · 7 months
candela obscura chapter 4 episode 1 act 1: bleeding out
why is this episode 5 hours long, you can't do this to me, I'm sick
I also hope Aimee is tempered somewhat by the setting, she's usually too Up for me and I'm not at 100 as it is
don't ask me why opal is the exception to this, my love for the crown keepers does not follow logic
bisexual lighting
heart. liver. lungs. nerves.
stop saying 'throbbing'
last voyage of the dandridge
"that's right, none of you have said a word and I am COMING FOR YOU"
taliesin's hair is a normal color and I'm uncomfortable
LIAM we are five minutes in don't do that to yourself
the eyeliner is doing Things for taliesin
that cravat pin
the fact that I'm pretty sure this is all stuff taliesin already owned
can we use this opportunity to make fun of taliesin's mollymauk voice
I missed Alex, I had to nope out of LAbN eventually
everybody just has such good names
oh, taliesin as a dandy is going to do me in
yes, the aorta, famously located in the upper thigh
I know he corrected himself, it's just funny
"a child's coffin" I know damn well you had a better comparison than that, you just went with the creepy one
oh we love a mononym
oh I'm already yawning and it's fucking with my sinuses, this is not auspicious
blood for the blood chest
no way sunny makes it out of here
taliesin's little snaps at alex's six
"I just bought this vest."
oh I missed alex so much
taliesin what are your hands doing
the cardigan is off, I repeat, the cardigan is off
taliesin your drives
"she's lost in your eyes" understandable
oh leo's very sweet
he's a complete charlatan but he's very sweet
"candela" is becoming "yahtzee"
don't know why it tickles me so much that they're using alex's full government name in the subtitles
not the face!
aw hell
auuugh texture crawlies
should I stay or should I go (into the drink)
he's gonna need those later
I mean he needs them now but he's absolutely going to need them later
"do I want to let you swim back on that six" "you do."
"because I'm a little shit"
"charm bracelet in hell"
thanks I hate it
ghost friends are still friends
as long as she doesn't drill a hole in her head to let them out
"this young woman is now an old man" reverse jadzia dax
"but does HE have spells"
I had to step away, did they kill grimoria
"as the surgeon you are" night surgeon maybe
grim that's so fucking cute
we all know liam can't resist a cutesy nickname
I tried to start midst at one point, I need to try again
dead people living in it
I adore liam and aimee
"he does scream, I won't roleplay that" oh this? this is the time you won't roleplay the scream?
okay the congestion is fucking me up, I'm calling it here and catching the VOD for the other three quarters. have fun watching Liam bleed everyone to death.
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thedevilsruby · 1 year
Foe of the Guide (Clierra multichapter fic)
Sierra Rossi's parents died in front of her because of Giovanni Pasini and his family's invention, the Guide. Oppressed by years by corruption and greed, she comes of age to fight against those who have wronged the world she lives in. She just didn't expect to fall in love along the way.
She feels her mother's hand yank her to her bosom, cradling her as close as a mother could her baby.
"No, no, you can't, she's only a child! Please, please-!" A gunshot is all Sierra hears and she feels something warm land on her dress. All she can see is her mother flying to the ground, eyes now dark and lifeless and crimson splattering her once yellow dress.
She screams out for her mother, tears filling her eyes.
"Sierra, baby, listen to me." Her father says, cradling her face in his hands. "Run, run as far away as you can and don't look back. I love you baby, so so much."
"But daddy!" Sierra tries to protest.
"GO!" Her father yells, pushing her away.
Sierra sobs out, running as fast as her little legs can go, before more gunshots ring out and she hears her father's body hit the ground.
She sits up with a loud gasp, clutching her blanket to her chest. She pants hard as she looks around. No blood or bodies, much to her relief.
Sierra sighs, holding a palm to her forehead. That was what, the fifth time this month? The dream has haunted her time and time again since she turned 18.
Her Houndoom Dexel, whines and military crawls to her, calming her down with kisses only a pokemon could provide.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm fine, it was just a dream." She whispers to him, petting him. "A...very bad dream that happened for real years ago."
A knock snaps her out of her thoughts and Houndoom's ears perk up.
"Give me a minute!" She calls out, throwing the covers off her and shivering at the slight chill in the air. She grabs whatever hoodie in nearby and her white pants. She slips them on and walks to her living room door.
"Hey Willow." She hugs the older man upon seeing him.
"Hey Erra, good to see you." Willow replies, hugging his surrogate niece back. "Are you okay? You look-"
"I know, I know." Sierra sighs. "I'm fine."
"You had the dream again, didn't you?" Willow asks, concerned. Ever since she moved into this tiny apartment to be on her own, the dreams of her parents being murdered have been getting worse. He hated to see her like this.
"It's nothing, Will, I'm okay." She decides to change the subject before Willow pushes it. "What's the new plan today? Last plan almost got us found out."
"Not exactly Candela's greatest plan." Willow mutters. "But Blanche has cooked something up and we're gonna try it."
Sierra goes to her coffee pot and brews enough for two cups. "Of course that brainiac made something. What is it?"
"It's something they call a 'drone'." Willow replies, sitting at Sierra's dining room table. "It's a flying camera basically."
Sierra raises an eyebrow. "A flying camera? Like Giovanni won't find that suspicious?"
"It'll be disguised as a Yanma, so it'll be inconspicuous." Willow says. "There are plenty of Yanmas in the city, this one isn't special to him."
Sierra shrugs. "I'll take a look after breakfast, we just gotta be careful with the cameras watching."
Cameras were the normal in the cities. Giovanni's ancestor Armand had the idea to install them in case anyone tried to badmouth the family or Guide in public.
Years ago, the Pasini family invented Guide to try and help humanity, to improve the lives of many. IT was going to help elderly people to their feet when they fell, help movers lift heavy objects, help people who's cars had breakdowns and there were no mechanics around.
Now it was only a tyrannous device, making sure the people stayed in line, beat others if they looked or acted suspicious, report minor crimes and jail people.
Many hated it, but the Pasini family ruled with an iron fist, so there wasn't much that could be done.
Until Sierra's family gave people hope and started a secret rebellion, The Golden Fighters.
The very thing her parents gave their lives for and left for her to continue.
"Well, maybe this time the Golden Fighters actually have a small chance." Sierra sighs, pouring sugar and cream into Willow's coffee. "Let's hope this works."
Willow only nods in response.
Can you tell it's been awhile since I've written? I hope I'm not TOO rust lmao hope you all enjoyed!
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
(MORE candela dark materials stuff)
draven kingsley's daemon is (was) an argentine black and white tegu. the aesthetics of it are too perfect otherwise. also: What Happens To Daemons Exposed To Bleed... the shapeshifting creatures impersonate people, and surely to do that successfully in this setting they would need to mimic daemons - or maybe the lack of one would be a sign that someone's been replaced?
also. auntie bee and her daemon The Most Stubborn And Judgemental Goat To Ever Exist. this goat has caught sean and marion getting into trouble as children So Many Times and has Never Even Once cut them any slack about it. they can't reminisce about their childhoods for two minutes without The Goat going "hey remember when you got yourself concussed because you did some stupid shit and then Did Not Learn Your Lesson?" it 100% also pretends to just be regular goat sometimes, in much the same way that bee plays up her "just a frail old lady nothing to see here" thing when she's Up To Mischief. everyone is a little bit terrified of this very powerful goat.
also... the implication that, potentially, jinnah's dad was the one to sever jean and marion's daemons? because there was something Wrong with their daemons maybe?? (that maybe their daemons "died" but they themselves didn't, and they were stuck bound to this corpse that wouldn't fade away until it had to be severed from them like a rotten limb??) or that it happened somehow without anyone actively doing it - marion waking up from sleepwalking at the age of seven, suddenly unable to find his daemon anywhere?? (he wanted to be normal so bad, would that manifest as attempts to hide that he doesn't have a daemon? feeding stray animals, trying to coax them close to him so that if someone were to glance over they'd assume he still had his soul? jean looking at those display cases of pinned beetles and arachnids and Feeling about it??)
for some reason I'm picturing nathaniel's dad as having a straight-up horse daemon and I can't put it out of my mind. A Full Very Big Horse that you cannot move more than like ten feet away from at any given time. you go into a room and see a well-dressed man and A Horse. and the horse is a right bastard, too. terrible company.
for sean's mum, I'm imagining a fox, and I don't know why. something something foxes are clever city-dwelling animals that hide in burrows and are hunted down by dogs??
anyway; I know Almost Nothing about his dark materials, certainly not enough to actually write anything myself, but oh boy the brainwheels are a-turnin' about how fucked up this au could potentially get
oooohoohoo my god hell yes. what if the bleed creatures manifest fake daemons as just like. a growth or a tendril forming that shape beside them. horrifying. especially horrifying in a world where everyone is used to daemons because they would gradually get the creeping sensation that no matter how realistic they seem, there’s no soul in there
have you listened to the Worlds Beyond Number children’s campaign? because Bee’s goat is giving big Taro vibes and I’m here for it
absolutely HATE the idea of seven year old kids carrying around their dying or dead daemons, you genius, that’s so devastating. Marion with a canary in his hands that keeps fluttering and turning into a yellow butterfly and back but can’t. work up the strength to fly. I believe in you, make this AU even more fucked up than that, I dare you
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caitlinclark · 5 years
aitana and jenni are still injured and now mariona is injured too. i'm gonna scream
on the bright side vicky is back
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katchihe · 3 years
Previously on this Pokémon GO multiverse thing that I'm having way too much fun writing
Honest question tho, if I were to title these, what would even be the title? x'D
Candela wiped her sweaty brow. She couldn't have possibly gotten the ground back to its normal state but the Valor Leader managed to break all the pillars evening the dirt as much as possible.
"You can go ahead and rest now, thank you." the woman said to her Infernape who looked just as tired as her. Recalling the Pokémon back into its Pokéball, Candela turned to Blanche.
There was steam floating around from the extinguished flames that Blanche's Mamoswine had managed to put out. With a sigh Blanche recalled their own Pokémon and turned to Candela.
"That should be enough." they said eyeing the battlefield. "In time the wild Pokémon should come back once the forest starts to heal."
Candela rubbed the back of her neck feeling the slight guilt, in part this had been her doing.
"You're going to keep your head in check now?" Blanche asked glancing to the Valor Leader. Candela pouted at this.
"Why are you always scolding me?"
"Why are you always losing your head?"
Candela frowned towards Blanche as they kept up that serene face.
"I'm older, I should be the one scolding you." Candela said trying to change the mood. The two leaders now began to make their way towards the Professor's trailer as the sun began to set.
"Does the fact that you're older make you wiser?" Blanche glanced at Candela, the corner of their lips rose ever so slightly. The Mystic Leader could definitely say they had been startled upon seeing their comrade going all out against those kids, but they understood what had triggered such a reaction when they saw the boy's face. Not to mention, the Professor had been all by himself, and with Hoopa currently residing with the man, it didn't make matters any better.
"You're okay now right?" Blanche turned once again to Candela who huffed at the silver-haired leader.
Blanche didn't say anything else and opened the door to the trailer.
"And we come from a place known as Pallet Town, it's in Kanto." Yellow said as the two leaders walked up into the trailer.
The girl sat at the small dining table right next to Red who was quietly eating a bowl of soup. Professor Willow stood near the two leaning against a counter.
"Huh. Never heard of such a place before." Professor Willow replied scratching his chin in thought. "Or maybe I have but I can't really remember."
"It's quite far from here!" Yellow said with a quick laugh. She felt her heart start to accelerate the moment Blanche walked in, she almost felt anxious. Once the silver-haired leader glanced over to Yellow she quickly went back to her bowl of soup.
"We did what we could." Blanche informed the Professor turning to look at the man.
"I couldn't appreciate you two more if I tried." The Professor smiled at the two in thanks.
Blanche gave a simple nod and turned their attention back to the trainers at the table.
"You said you're from Pallet Town?" they asked towards the blonde.
"Yeah." Yellow said without looking up at Blanche. At this the Mystic Leader furrowed their brows at the sudden change in attitude.
There was a tap on Blanche's shoulder that caused them to turn their attention to the Professor. "They've had a long day." Blanche read the Professor's lips. The man placed a finger to his lips shushing any further questions.
At the table Red placed the empty bowl of soup back down and wiped his lips. He kept his gaze down the entire time feeling a bit awkward being in the presence of the two leaders, right after losing his temper and destroying a portion of the forest nonetheless.
Behind Blanche, Candela gave a low sigh. Gently breaking through Blanche and the Professor she walked up to the boy.
"I hope you can accept my apology for the way I acted back there." she said stretching her hand towards the boy.
Red slowly turned his scarlet gaze up to look at Candela.
"I didn't mean to frighten either of you, it was highly unprofessional from my part." Candela said maintaining Red's eyes in her golden stare. She was sincere from what Red could tell, Yellow could feel the repentance from the woman.
Looking down to her hand Red took it in his own and gave it a gentle squeeze. He accepted her apology.
"Red wants to let you know that he's sorry too." Yellow said with a glance to Candela. The woman raised her brows, she now had started to realize she hadn't really heard him say a word whatsoever.
"He doesn't like talking." Yellow added seeing Candela's expression.
"You seem to know him quite well to speak for him?" Candela let go of Red's hand and straightened her back.
"Known him since I was born." Yellow shrugged putting her spoon in the empty bowl. Red looked down once more as his cheeks started to blush, he truly hated getting so much attention.
Picking up the empty bowls, Yellow got up from the table.
"Professor, thank you so much for your hospitality." Yellow began looking up at the man. "We'll clean up and continue on our way."
"Night is about to fall, you don't want me to contact your parents?" Professor Willow asked standing back up on his two feet.
"No?" Yellow raised a brow staring at the three pairs of eyes who looked at her oddly, her hazel eyes lingered a bit longer on Blanche. "Why would you contact them?"
"Because you're eight and lost?" Candela furrowed her brows. Yellow huffed.
"Correction. I'm eleven, and I'm a Pokémon trainer." Yellow stared at Candela knowingly.
Candela hummed and bent down slightly to get to Yellow's eyelevel. "Yellow was it?" The girl nodded in reply.
"Why did your parents name you after a color?" Candela couldn't help but ask, she quickly received a hit with an elbow from Blanche.
"What? I'm genuinely curious!" The Valor Leader stood up straight and raised her hands in defense. Professor Willow couldn't help but cover his eyes trying to hide his chuckle.
The blonde girl shook her head rolling her eyes to the ceiling with a smile. "Papa loves the color yellow, and that's why he named me yellow. He says it's a color that brings happiness, like the sun, the sunflowers, or a Pikachu."
"Sounds an awful lot like Spark." Blanche commented eyeing the girl.
"Could be his long lost brother!" Candela laughed resting her hand over Blanche's shoulder.
Yellow couldn't help but bite the inside of her cheek, she tried giving Blanche a confused face as she looked up at them.
"Who's Spark?" She asked feeling her heart drum once more.
"A. Character." Candela replied with a shake of her head.
Blanche cleared their throat. "Going back to the topic at hand," they said resting their eyes on the blonde girl once more. "How are you a Pokémon trainer when you're barely eleven?"
Yellow furrowed her brows placing the empty bowls in the sink. "You start at ten?" she tilted her head towards the three adults.
"In what planet?!" Candela and Professor Willow said utterly appalled. Blanche turned towards the two a bit startled at their reaction, but they were right. In what place would a mere child get to handle such high-level Pokémon?
"Hold up!" Professor Willow raised a hand, still in shock. "Ten? That's illegal!"
"Illegal?!" Yellow questioned in bewilderment.
"You can't start handling Pokémon until you're 16, that's when you get a Team Medallion and choose what team you want to join." Candela explained letting her hand drop from Blanche's shoulder.
"Technically you could train under someone with experience. A parent or guardian can also gift you a Pokémon." Blanche added. "But you can't legally battle until you turn 16 and join a team."
Yellow stood frozen in place staring at the three adults as if they all had grown an extra set of heads. What kind of hell would let you wait until turning 16?
"I think I know what's going on now." Candela raised a brow leaning down to get to eye-level with the blonde. "You're running away from home."
"What? No!" Yellow gasped with a raise of her hands.
Candela turned to Red who still sat at the table. The boy stared back at her quietly.
"So then why can't we contact your parents?" Candela asked turning once more towards the blonde giving her a stern look.
Yellow stood in silence raking her brain for something to say. Hazel eyes looked up at Blanche for a quick second before they dropped back down to the Valor Leader.
With a sigh Yellow looked down to the floor. "Because we have no parents." she said somberly.
At the table Red almost fell off his seat. What had she said?
Professor Willow, Candela, and Blanche quietly gasped.
"Oh sweetie, I didn't mean-" Candela began but Yellow shook her head vigorously.
"No, no! It's okay!" the blonde smiled up at the woman. "I promise we're not running away from anything, it's just that its always been like this. Red and I against the world you could say." the girl shrugged with a crooked smile. "And our Pokémon of course!"
Red stared at Yellow wide-eyed from the table. He was still in shock from the buffoonery but he couldn't really blame her. What was she suppose to say? Now the boy began to wonder...
Looking out the window next to him Red looked up to the cresent moon in the night sky. He could only imagine what Yellow was currently going through in all this mess. She was keeping up that normality quite well.
"They can stay with me in the meantime."
Red turned his attention back to the group seeing Professor Willow turn to look at him for a second.
"I know my trailer isn't much but my home is a little far from here." the man said turning to Blanche and Candela. "And with the research I have going on I can't really leave this place yet."
Candela shook her head at the Professor. "Oh no, they can stay with me." she said smiling down at Yellow. "My home is nearby, next town over actually!"
"You have a conference tomorrow, Candela." Blanche replied glancing at the Valor Leader. "And you have the trainees all of the following week."
Candela scoffed. "Well don't you know my schedule quite well."
Yellow giggled at the two highly amused.
"Professor, you can continue your research as much as you'd like." Blanche turned to the Professor. "I'll personally take care of Red and Yellow."
"Why you?" Candela frowned at her comrade.
"You want Spark to look over them?" Blanche asked. Candela snorted. A grown kid taking care of kids? A wonder.
"He's not in town yet is he?" Candela scratched the side of her head. "Is he still on that trip with his oh-so-sweet Zoe?" the woman couldn't help but clasp her hands together and pout her lips.
"Who the hell is Zoe?!" Yellow exclaimed eyes wide in shock and disgust.
Professor Willow, Candela, and Blanche stood frozen in place staring at Yellow, they were all confused at her sudden outburst.
Regaining her senses once more Yellow laughed and scratched the back of her head. "Oh Zoe is someone I used to know who owes me some potions!" the girl lied seeing the odd stares from the three adults. "I thought it would be them."
Blanche shook their head. "Can't be. Zoe grew up with Spark, they've never been to a place called Kanto."
Yellow couldn't help but scowl feeling her anger and jealousy boil in the pit of her stomach. "Glorious." She growled. Now she needed to see who this goodie-two-shoes Zoe was.
"We should start heading out now." Blanche said glancing over to Red who had trouble keeping his eyes open now. "You also need some rest, Professor."
Professor Willow waved a hand at Blanche. "I'll be up late into the night, don't worry about me."
Yellow walked over to Red just as he began to stand up. Getting a hold of his arm the two walked back to the trio, primarily to Blanche.
"We just want to say we're immensely thankful for offering us a place to stay. We promise we won't trouble you, and we'll make ourselves useful in whatever we can!" Yellow smiled up at the silver-haired leader.
"Happy to help." Blanche looked down at the girl not returning her smile.
Yellow didn't think afterwards.
Blanche gasped suddenly as the blonde tightly squeezed their torso in a hug. Leaning their head against the silver-haired leader, Yellow breathed in that familiar peppermint scent.
Looking down Blanche blinked at the girl, heart fluttered in reaction to something they couldn't understand. It was something deep in their chest, like a long lost whisper.
Candela cooed at the sight, breaking the long silence. "This definitely fits you, Blanche!"
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bandora-sss · 5 years
How to fix R6 siege operators part 5
My aim is to give her more choices in her loadout without making her annoying to deal with, in her current state the scorpion has the worst recoil of all the primaries and is not reliable on 10 meters or longer so most people are running her with a shutgun
Here's what I would do
Give the scorpion a normal recoil pattern like other deffender weapons but reduce the magazine size from 40+1 to 30+1 at maximum or 25+1 at minimum. Buff the damage to 26 at maximum. I know that the weapons are supposed to be as close to their real life counterparts as possible but this is for balancing sake (or they could just replace the scorpion with a weapon that we already have and isn't broken)
Her shutgun isn't op and people need to remember that it's her only competitive choice right now, and the spetnaz shutgun is nearly the same but no one complains about it because no one is using it (i personally hate semi automatic shutguns especially if they have more than 7 bullets and reload very fast) if i had to nerf it i would remove the extended barrel but increase the damage from 35 to 40 because it is supposed to be a close range weapon
Her traps do not cause any damage but they can put you at a severe disadvantage. Unlike other traps, ela can hide them anywhere and they're not bound to certain places to be effective, they have a big proximity, and you can't find them unless you have an IQ, so the best thing to do is to give them a beeping sound similar to nomad's air jabs
Although I main ela and I find her speed to be the most fun aspect about her, i think that turning her into a 2 speed like all the trap operators could be a good thing
Although her win rate (along with kapkan and ela) is at the top i think this is because people usually forget about thire traps at the last few seconds
Her traps are very dangerous but obvious/easy to spot and weak
So I think she could use a small buff and it's simple
Make her traps harder to spot
Like this
Tumblr media
Her gadget is fun but arguably useless
Her loadout is good
there's only three buffs that she needs
Make her gadget more quiet
Barricades won't break until she goes through them
She won't stop for a split second for whatever reason (idk if it's a bug or intentional)
This will give her more chance of surprising her enemies
After her candela's cooking mechanic got reversed her pick rate went down
Before players would throw all of her candelas and rush inside, it was overpowered and certainly not a fun thing to go against
Si to increase her pick rate I think she needs a few buffs
Increase Her LMG's rate of fire from 650 to 685 at maximum
Increase the range of her shutgun
Reduce the time it takes to fully cook her candelas
And one of the next buffs
A forth candela
Sutn grenades to deal with ADS
Smoke grenades
After his vision nerf he became the worst attacker
Even after recent buffs to reduce the movement penalty he's still at the bottom of the board with a win rate of - 5% which is lower than tachanka, clash and warden
His gadget is well balanced and his DMR is a good weapon but he can't help his teammates unless he has long range so here's what I would suggest
Replace one or both of his secondary weapons with automatic secondaries (the C75 has to be one of them) to allow him to enter the building like other attackers then hold angels
Increase the magazine size from 10+1 to 20+1
Remove frags to keep him in a sniper support role
Please share your thoughts with me on this
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thedevilsruby · 2 years
Lightning Without Memory (multichapter Spanche fic)
After an unfortunate injury, Spark is left with amnesia. While they try to help him remember, Blanche feels as though they'll never get their boyfriend back.
Chapter Five: Blame
"Come on, Spark-o, this isn't ringing any bells?" Candela asked, exasperated. "We train here all the time."
Spark shrugged sheepishly. "None, I'm sorry..."
"Candela, don't push, we can't make his recovery go any faster." Blanche stated, rubbing Spark's back. "You don't need to apologize, Spark, this isn't your fault."
Spark opened his mouth to apologize yet again, then buttoned it shut at their words.
Candela chewed her lip. She knew the water trainer was right but she wanted her best friend back now. She longed for their normal routine of being best friends and colleagues.
She missed Spark more than she thought she would.
While she thought, the group didn't notice a familiar face ahead.
"Hey there." A haughty voice chimed in.
Blanche bristled as they glared at the source of the voice. "Not today, Sierra, we're busy."
"Doing what? Being losers as usual?" Sierra chuckled. That's when she noticed the bandages on Spark's head. "What did you do now, blondie, slip and fall?"
Spark blinked and tilted his head. "Do...I know you?" He asked, puzzled.
"Oh, you're acting stupid now. Then again, you never needed to act to achieve that." Sierra laughed.
Spark blinked again. Why was this girl mean to him? What did he do?
"Sierra, back the hell off, he has amnesia!" Candela growled. "We're trying to get his memory back!"
That's when it hit Sierra. Spark wasn't acting? He really lost his memory?
"What the hell happened to him that made him lose it?" She asked.
Blanche clenched their fists, their hair covering their eyes as they remembered.
Finding Spark on the ground, his head bleeding. Blanche's heart stopping, not knowing if he was dead or alive.
All because of Team Rocket.
"Hey!" I asked you a question!" Sierra yelled.
Blanche tried not to blame Sierra.
"Mind your own Arceus damn business!" Candela snapped, shielding the now nervous Spark.
"Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm." Blanche thought desperately.
"I just figured I'd ask how the idiot lost them, seeing how clumsy he is!" Sierra growled.
That was the snapping point for Blanche. They whirled around, their green eyes filled with a fury no one had ever seen in them before.
There was a tense silence. No one dared to move as Blanche panted hard.
Then they ran off, choking back a sob, not caring where they went.
"Blanche!" Candela called out, grabbing Spark's hand and glaring at Sierra. "I'll get you for this later, you stars damn Miltank." She snarled before running and dragging a befuddled Spark behind her before Sierra could even react.
Blanche knew they shouldn't have said that. They regretted it. Only the grunts responsible for Spark were to blame. Not Team Rocket, not even Sierra herself.
They sat at the nearest tree and sobbed, letting the tears roll and not caring who saw or heard them like this.
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thedevilsruby · 1 year
Foe of the Guide (multi chapter Clierra fic)
Sierra Rossi's parents died in front of her because of Giovanni Pasini and his family's invention, the Guide. Oppressed by years by corruption and greed, she comes of age to fight against those who have wronged the world she lives in. She just didn't expect to fall in love along the way.
Chapter Three: Companions
"Babe, you're sure this will work?"
"For the last time, dearest, I'm positive." Blanche rolled their eyes as their boyfriend inspected their newest invention.
"I just wanna make sure, we almost got caught last time." Spark shrugged.
"So I botched the math on that one, sue me." Candela pouted, crossing her arms as she leaned her back against the wall. Blanche rolled their green eyes at her. "Next time, clear the math with me and I'll make sure it works right."
"Yeah, yeah." Candela muttered. To be completely honest, she was embarrassed she didn't go to Blanche first and make sure it was fool proof. Blanche is one of her best friends and they knew better than her sometimes.
What snapped her out of her thoughts was the sound of keys jingling and unlocking the door.
"Hey guys." Sierra said as she entered the room with Willow right behind her, who closed the door and locked it behind him.
"How's it?" Spark grinned at Sierra.
"Hello Sierra." Blanche nodded.
"Hey." Candela waved.
"Were you followed?" Spark asked.
"Obviously I was, which is why we're totally alone and Giovanni's coming to execute us." Sierra rolled her eyes. "You really think I'm as careless as you, Spark?"
"Just making sure." Spark shrugged. "You can't be too sure after the last time."
"Will you stop bringing it up?! I said I was sorry!" Candela snapped.
"Sorry doesn't get our asses out of hot water, Candy!" Sierra snapped. "I cannot believe you didn't make sure it was-"
"Enough." Willow said, stepping in between the two brunettes. "Fighting doesn't solve anything. What matters is how we move past it."
Candela sighed. "Fine, again, I'm sorry, Sierra."
Sierra sighed in return. "Yeah, Will's right, sorry. Anyway, what's this new invention Blanche has?"
Blanche walked over to their work desk, unveiling a normal looking Yanma, or so it seemed to be. "This is a drone. It's a flying camera essentially, this will allow us to monitor Giovanni's work and gather data in real time. The eyes are our cameras."
Sierra's jaw dropped slightly. "This...this is amazing, Blanche. Wow, this is a real step up!" She started to grin. "Did you show the others?"
"Not quite yet, they are on the way though." Blanche replied "I take it you're pleased with my work?"
"You kidding?! Yes!" Sierra smiled at Blanche. "You did amazingly, Snow White, thank you!"
Blanche groaned at her nickname for them, but smiled nonetheless. "Thank you."
Just then, they heard a familiar knock at the door. Candela ran over and after checking the peephole, unlocked it. She grinned at who she saw.
"Elara! Come on in!" Candela greeted a short girl with long black hair. Elara smiled as she entered the base.
"Hi guys!" She greeted them.
Sierra couldn't wait for the others. This plan had to work.
She couldn't let her parents down.
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thedevilsruby · 4 years
Scientist!Reader where Reader isn't fond of people in general? But they absolutely adore their tech and Pokes. Like, in the spare time they'd be working on some mechanism, cooing over it, or whenever they got a catch they'd ooh and aww and their eyes would sparkle. Everything's normal until Arlo is stomping his way through their lab only for them to go "Ok no, I can't handle this anymore", grab him in a hug and start cooing over how he's cute when he's mad and how adorable he is etc etc.
You grinned at your latest invention. It was going to help Team Rocket improve for sure. 
“Oh you are just the best thing I’ve done this week! You’re going to be amazing!” You talked to it, stroking it’s smooth metal surface.
Was it weird you talked to your inventions? Probably.
Did you care? Not at all.
But you worked better alone. You didn’t really care for people. While you respected your fellow scientists, you also knew you would probably never work with them, even with your intellect and knowledge.
Even Giovanni knew this, thus the reason he gave you your own personal lab. He even told him to tell him when you needed anything and he would see to it that it was taken care of. 
So you enjoyed your little isolation from the world, getting so caught up in your work, hours would pass and you would never even notice until you glanced at the clock.
The only ones you ever really let into your lab were the Team Rocket Leaders, Sierra, Cliff and Arlo.
Arlo was the shortest of the three leaders, not to mention the most baby faced. You couldn’t help but think he was adorable. Even when he was trying to be intimidating.
The way his cheeks puffed out when he didn’t get his way, the way he stomped when he was angry, even his glare was adorable.
You tried your best but you just couldn’t take him seriously when he was in a bad mood.
That was proven one day when he stormed into your lab, angry at yet another loss.
You were working on something new when he slammed the door open, panting angrily. You jumped and glanced over, trying not to grin at his cheeks almost puffing.
“May I help you?” You asked.
“Y/n, I need something that will help me beat Candela! That little snot thinks she’s top of the world because she has Moltres, even if...”
His voice slowly faded out to you as you watched him. He was just so cute!!
You tried not to smile but you were failing. He was pacing and stomping in the way a toddler would when they were throwing a tantrum. 
“Y/n, what the hell are you smiling at?!” He demanded, glaring at you. 
That’s it.
You finally couldn’t help it, you took him into your arms, pressing his cheek into your chest.
“You’re so cute!!” You squealed, nuzzling your cheek to the top of his head. “You’re adorable! You’re like a baby when they don’t get their way! Oh my stars, you’re darling!” You giggled.
You felt Arlo shove you away, growling angrily. “Y/n, what the hell?!” He asked, stomping his foot. 
You giggled, covering your mouth and you felt your cheeks burning. “I’m sorry! But I just can’t take you this seriously when you look like a baby!” You chuckled. “You throw tantrums like one so much, I keep thinking you’re one!”
“Oh my Legendaries, Y/n!” He snarled, pulling his hood over his head. You saw his whole face was red as a Groudon’s scales. “I’m a Leader! you’re supposed to fear and respect me!” He demanded, punching the wall nearest to him.
You grinned again, wiping a happy tear away from your eye. “I’m sorry, Arlo I’m trying to but you make it so hard.” You said.
“Grrr!” He growled again, not really sure hat to do in this situation. He noticed you still giggling and got an idea, his goggles flashing dangerously.
He then walked over and pulled you down by the collar of your science lab coat.
“Let’s see how cute you think I am when I tie you to my bed and dominate you until you can’t move.” He snarled into your ear, making you freeze up.
He noticed your surprised and unsure face, your eyes darted around, trying to comprehend what the hell just happened. “That’s what I thought.” He smirked, then turned around. “Have a nice day, Y/n.” He said, waving his arm up as he walked out of the lab.
“Oh boy.” You muttered, you felt your face turning hotter than before. “I really gotta watch who I call cute.” You said, running a hand across your cheek. But then you smirked. “Not my fault it’s true though.”
@whatsupwithjinx here it is! I had fun with the ending lmao. Arlo is adorable and he should know it! I hope you enjoy!
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thedevilsruby · 3 years
The Bloodied Diamond (Multi chapter Spanche fic)
Sequel to A Sapphire Among the Diamonds. Blanche and Spark must fight in a war they unintentionally started, along with dealing with unexpected twists and allies. But together, our favorite couple will get through anything, war or no war.
Chapter Seven: Arrival
Arlo groaned as he held his stomach, looking green in the face. "Can Gyrados stop bobbing like that for one second?"
"I didn't know you got sea sick." Spark raised an eyebrow before taking his backpack off and getting a bottle out and offering Arlo two small pills. "Dramamine."
Arlo greedily took the pills and swallowed them, ignoring the taste. He sighed in relief. "Thanks." He said. Spark nodded in reply before looking back forward.
"Remind me again why we couldn't just take Zapdos." Sierra raised an eyebrow at Spark.
"Zap can only hold up to three people, and there are five of us." Spark said seriously. "And I already exhausted his wings flying me back home, I can't just summon him whenever I want."
"Just saying it would be easier..." Sierra muttered, hugging Cliff's waist tighter.
"Gyrados flies a lot faster than Articuno in an emergency, the sooner we get Willow and Candela, the better." Blanche said.
"The sooner I get off Gyrados, the better." Arlo moaned, wishing the dramamine would kick in sooner.
Cyran stood over the edge of the cliff, arms behind his
back as the wind blew. A soldier walked up to him, keeping at a distance. "Shall I give the army the signal, sire?" He asked.
"Soon enough." Cyran said simply.
"They're closing, aren't they, sire?"
"You assume correct. I will tell you when the army should come out, just be patient, Gregory." Cyran said, a flash in his eyes.
"Yes, sire." With a bow, Gregory turned to walk away. That's when Cyran held his hand up.
"Wait," He said, his lips curling into an evil smirk as he saw a blue dot approaching. "They've come. I knew they would." He turned to Gregory and nodded. Gregory nodded back and sprinted off towards the village.
Blanche clenched their fists as the island came into view. They were normally the neutral type, but this?
This was unforgivable.
"Faster, Gyrados!" They commanded, blue flashing in their olive green eyes.
Gyrados roared and heeded his master's words, flying as fast as he could. Arlo yelped and gripped Gyrados's back. "Slow down!" He couldn't help but whine, feeling his lunch about to come back out.
"We can't!" Spark snapped. "Those fuckers need to pay!"
Sierra and Cliff shared a glance, surprised the blond was able to cuss that hard when he was angry.
Gyrados snarled as he came close to the shore, Blanche and Spark jumping off before he came to a complete stop, not even caring their their feet were in shallow water ad they stepped forward.
They saw Cyran now at the edge of the beach before them, smiling evilly.
"I presume you've come to die." He chuckled. "A very wise choice."
"They didn't come here to die." Cliff snarled, helping Sierra and Arlo off. "We came here to fight."
"Where are our friends?" Spark growled.
"Die first, then we'll release them." Cyran responded.
Sierra let out a growl, hating this pompous asshole for killing innocent people. She gathered a large ball of dark energy in her palms, releasing it at him with a scream.
Cyran didn't even have time to react as the ball hit him square in the gut. The wind was knocked out of him as he fell to his back with a pained yell. He snarled but smirked as he saw his army approach.
"Kill them all!" He screamed.
All the soldiers let out battle cries before rushing at the group. Blanche and Spark looked at the Rocket trio.
"Hope you brought your battle spirits." Spark said, gathering lightning in his hands.
"I was fucking born ready." Arlo said, all his nausea disappearing as he summoned a large steel sword in his hands,
"Let's do this." Cliff said as he summoned and spun rocks around him.
"To war." Blanche said, their eyes turning blue.
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