#she's much more of an april taurus i found out today
unrepentantweirdo · 3 months
Robert Joseph MacCready Headcanons and Birth Chart- Part One!
Hello everyone! It's time for what has been months in the making. I promised to give you my MacCready headcanons and his astrological birth chart, and today I'm delivering. (Partly because y'all are going to hate me when I post the next chapter of Defenders At The Crossroads (DATC), because it's going to be sad angsty RJ hours.)
Part one is going to be the headcanons I have so far. So without further ado, let's get to it!
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Full name: Robert Joseph MacCready Born: April 4, 2265, around 8:35 a.m., Capital Wasteland (Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus ascending; will be explained in one of the next parts.) Hair color: Light brown Eye color: Blue, kind of like this- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/eyes--375839531382357679/ Height: 5' 8.5" (173 cm) Build: Lean and wiry. Muscular arms and legs from all the walking and carrying he has to do. After starting to travel with Cassie, he develops a bit more muscle and gains a little weight, since he's able to eat properly. * Like atombonniebaby, I HC that Mac is of Scottish descent, but I think he also has a bit of Irish thrown in there. * Has plenty of scars across his body from his adventures in the wastes. Couple of bullet wounds from a sentry bot, some cuts here and there. * He has decent posture, only slouches when he sits sometimes. * Is attached to his current clothing, but especially the duster and hat. Both were gifts from Lucy. That's why it hurt when the sleeve got torn off by ferals during his first attempt to clear Med-Tek. * As an adult, his temper only comes out when someone is disrespecting him, someone is abusing their power, or someone is harming kids or loved ones. * Prefers to bluff his way out of confrontation, because Duncan needs him. But he isn't afraid to get down and dirty and fight. * Is actually a bit allergic to dust. Cassie ends up giving him a bandana (that isn't Gunner) for when they explore old buildings. * While he hates being wet (because wet=cold), he likes warm showers and baths. He'd be a shower hog, I think. * He has a few missing teeth, the ones that are left are a little messed up (cavities, crooked). When they start bothering him a lot, Cassie drags him to Vault 81 to get them fixed. She stays with him and holds his hand, even when they knock him out. * His best friend was Lucy, both growing up and as an adult. Yes, I HC that Little Lamplight Lucy is his Lucy, and I will die on that hill. * Him and Lucy went on a trip to the Commonwealth shortly after they reunited. It was there that they got married, and where they found out Lucy was expecting Duncan. * He has PTSD. Usually manifests in night terrors of Lucy's death, sometimes panics when surprised by ferals. On really bad days, he's crying when he wakes up. * Carries a lot of guilt. Not telling Lucy the truth about being a mercenary, him not being able to save her, Duncan getting sick. So much guilt. * Slightly afraid of thunderstorms and being in open spaces. * Hates staying in one place for too long, loves to travel. * Is abrasive and hardened toward others, but for his loved ones he's soft and affectionate. * Smells like gun oil, leather, and a hint of cigarettes. Whiskey if he's drinking, and gunpowder after a firefight. * Super observant, whether it's looking through a scope or reading people up close. (He's not as good as Deacon with the latter, but that's mostly because of age and experience.) * He's touch-starved. Other than Duncan, he hasn't had close contact with anyone since Lucy died. * He loves homemade gifts. * Love languages: physical touch, quality time, acts of service; both giving and receiving. * When it comes to flirting, he's pretty smooth. But when Cassie flirts back, he turns into a blushing, stuttery mess. Over time, it just becomes blushing. * When he first starts having feelings towards Cassie, he panics and feels like he's betraying Lucy. Hancock and Daisy are the ones that help bring him around, as well as a near-death experience. * Worries about Cassie more the closer they get, as she is a close to mid-range fighter. It eases some when he teaches her how to snipe. * Mentally swears almost all the time; it's why he almost slips up so often. * He likes to draw, whether it's silly doodles in his letters to Duncan or drawing things he likes. * Loves to read to Duncan (and any kids he and Cassie might have, so far I have one planned for sure).
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rctributions · 1 year
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[ chase sui wonders, demi woman, she/they ] - was that juniper ridley liào i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the twenty six year old who has been in nightrest for her entire life and works as a mechanic at mike's auto service has a reputation of being dauntless, but also irascible. they reside in fog gate & people in town usually associate them with the scent of coffee and tobacco clinging to every piece of clothing you own, a bloodied grin spitting out teeth that may or may not be their own, and running and running and running and never looking back; not even once.  let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. [ james, 24, they/them, est, n/a ]
full name: juniper ridley liào.
birthday: april 9th, 1997.
astrology: aries sun, taurus moon, aquarius ascending.
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: you're a germ by wolf alice.
current mood: annoyed 😑
current location: [[[cannot be found]]]
last tweet: guess im in my fucking lindsay lohan era FUCK the NRPD #freelohan #freebritney.
the liao children are born in quick succession of one another; not more than a year apart, their parents just a couple of rabbits. if their parents were truly in love or just perpetually horny and stuck with each other, juniper wouldn't know.
PARENTAL DEATH; their mother died while giving birth to juniper, marking her as the last liao child and a blurred stain in their lives since. if her grandparents were either still alive, or still talking to her father - they would've said she's cursed. and maybe juniper is.
ALCOHOLISM, CHILD NEGLECT; the death strikes their father hard - still unsure if it's about love or a matter of oh fuck i have too many kids - and it's a bit of a shameless situation. the oldest kid takes up the role of parent as their father turns to the bottle - though it mostly consists of him passing out in his recliner chair in front of the tv, beer bottle just about slipping from his grasp to meet the others on the floor. he's never taken out his anger on juniper, or any of the kids - but he's profoundly absent from their lives since.
the liaos live in a spattering of mobile homes at the very tip of fog gate, where the sea breeze corrodes the metal and there's a fine view of the literal shipwreck on the beach from their kitchen window. it's cramped, and grimy - but they make do. it's home, after all.
juniper grows up angry - for good reasons and for no reasons, just angry - shorter, so she's closer to hell. so she has less room to fit all her emotion.
DEATH MENTION; maybe it's because she's the youngest, but has none of the benefits of being the youngest. they don't really get along with their siblings - some of them blaming her for their mother's passing; blaming them just for being born.
well, whatever - juniper doesn't need them. they don't need anyone. she grows up being the kid playing alone on the playground - threatening to bite those who came too close. the kid to push others off swings, to topple over another just to reach the top of the jungle gym. they'll make their own goddamn sandwiches. walk herself to school.
gets into fights a lot as a kid - almost faces expulsion more than once. they always manage to reel it in, just long enough to keep getting away with it. it's not like they have anywhere else to go.
RUNAWAY / NEGLECT; she never goes home until it's way past dark - when every light in every house has gone out, and there's the looming feeling of someone watching you on her back. it's almost comforting - the complete silence, the unease. contemplates running away - and does, when she's nine. but when she comes back, because of course she does - she loves and hates her family so much that it hurts, it physically hurts - they don't even notice.
LITERALLY JUST A LIST OF CRIMES; high school isn't any better - by the time they're fourteen they're already building up a criminal record of petty crime. mostly vandalism, some minor theft - trespassing - underaged drinking, underaged pot smoking. is once picked up in a cop car while having the shrooms trip of her life, having tried to climb the only water tower in town.
it's whatever though - juniper can do what she wants, nobody is there to stop them. eventually, every officer knows her by name.
they eventually just drop out of high school in their senior year - would've been earlier, but they really liked the free breakfast and lunch provided, but they've gotten a job, now - a little bit of spare cash, and they've never really liked school.
juniper hits the cycle of have job, go to job, get bored of job, miss several shifts and is eventually fired and/or quits. do a petty crime, get picked up - pay a fine, or do a few hours of community service.
IMPRISONMENT :( she does end up spending a few weeks in jail for a very minor assault but swears up n down that the other person started and still sticks to that to this day.
eventually juniper gets at mike's auto service - and mike's, well, mike - but they oddly get along. like he believes in her - in a potential that nobody else sees. it's the only comfort she has. no matter how hard she fucks up - he just won't let up on her. she's grateful for that, probably.
on the side she's turned to doing fun little cons and well, distributing minor drugs - her current running scam is claiming to be a psychic, with tarot cards and all.
for a while, things are calm - juniper moves out of the trailer because another minute alone with her siblings and she'll end up the next town killer, and instead moves into an apartment in fog gate that's so cramped it's like living in a frat house. technically, there's only two people on the lease - but realistically, there's about eight people living there. not including juniper.
DRUGS; a while ago, juniper was arrested for drug distribution - and this time, they resorted to an ankle monitor. she's only a few weeks away from getting it removed after a good few months of suffering. she's even been on her best behavior since then!
EDIT - totally forgot this was a plot point in her life but juniper is indeed not her father's child. her mother had an affair around the time she would've uh, conceived with her father so nobody knew. and since her mother died, that secret died with her as well. to this day everyone thinks that juniper's full blooded related to her sisters but she's not<3
her family's weird about their names. juniper's only ever addressed as juniper ridley at home, like a constant scolding waiting to happen. she's fine with that - prefers ridley over juniper, and sometimes allows even a nickname of rids. and never a nickname of june, or juni.
grew up the problem child. every teacher knew to look out for her, a reputation preceding her. the liaos are already infamous around town for one reason or another, but juniper takes the cake.
has bitten countless others as a child. nobody would be surprised if they were still biting people.
honestly? was the childhood bully. had to compensate for their unstable home life<;/3
like oddly defensive? feels like everything is going to be a verbal attack on her - and is quick to anger, quick to get into a fight. a bit mean with her words, but sometimes she makes an attempt to not be. they're just moody&lt;3
you know how eden is blunt but nice about it? juniper manages to point out your one flaw you try your hardest not to think about and convince yourself that nobody else notices. just on a whim, without thought.
speaks without thinking often - is critical of others but loves to be a hypocrite.
does not have an intuition against danger. is fearless and doesn't think twice about committing an act. or committing to the bit. probably why she gets in so much shit.
it's almost like a game to her - something to pass the time. like there's no consequences behind their actions even though its proven time n time again that there very much is.
surprisingly perceptive about others - notices the little details, probably because she's used to being tense and on guard. doesn't use this for good, though.
cares way more than she lets on, but would rather die than reveal any bit of vulnerability or weakness. there's someone in the inside that's soft, just not someone that they know. is a little sad! mourning the life they never got to have.
will easily take a bribe. whether it's free food, drink, or actual money. or jewelry. or a free tattoo. really as long as it's free, juniper will consider doing you a favor or will be more inclined towards you. is very partial to shiny objects, like a crow.
the vast majority of their clothes are hand-me-downs that they've worn since like. middle school. some items r thrifted n juniper does take up the one (1) hobby of jewelry-making, besides crimes.
honestly loves doing tarot and just making up shit. just wants to ruin someone's day by telling them a great horror will meet them.
also loves being a mechanic, much more than she thought she would. knows everything to know about them, and will probably throw a wrench at you if you suggest she's not capable of handling a car just 'cos she's got tits. that's fucked and she'll tell you so.
honestly is mike's ride or die. he's old as balls but that's her grandfather figure right there. she would kill for that man and literally only him.
its hard for her to build long term friendships bc they have a habit of self-sabotaging. clearly. they believe they don't rly deserve anything good because that's the hand life dealt them. so if someone is too kind to her, she'll retreat into her shell of aggression.
has never been in a relationship because of it - she just won't allow herself to be. has had crushes but she deeply represses them. virginal icon because she's never slept with anyone, either - most other things except that. it just feels too vulnerable, too personal.
even being flirted with makes juniper like. partially confused, partially angry, and partially flustered.
i do have to mention the ankle monitor again bc its funny to me<3 she has it for like at least two more weeks so she hasn't been able to drink, or smoke, or anything fun because her patrol officer's going to come for her neck.
sooo many enemies. people she's fought, whether verbally or physically. i will say she's better at throwing a fist than spewing some shit. those who just know to stay away from her family. who've been wronged maybe not by her, but by another member of the family.
yeah generally just people who know the reputation the liaos have and either stay away or, surprise! don't! because maybe it fascinates them.
people juniper is just. constantly trying to scam. give her the name of ur childhood pet and ur mom's maiden name. let them read you the wrong tarot cards.
maybe! friends! im sure there's some people who can tolerate juniper, even if she acts like she's lived with wolves her entire life&lt;3
ex-friends! people she's shoved away and started ignoring or being excessively mean to because she doesn't know how to let people get close.
old crushes, new crushes - things that juniper would never act on, but can allow herself to fantasize about on occasion all while avoiding eye contact because now she can't stop thinking about it.
like even jst a flirtationship that gets her all flustered. someone she's made out with once while drunk and now avoids them at all costs because it's embarrassing.
people she bullied as a child </3 i cant believe juniper would push ur muse off the top of the playset. actually. i can. and im sorry.
roommates. there's so many of them and the apartment is so small. it's like almost comical, like a clown car. and neighbors who keep knocking on their door and complaining.
her siblings god please. or people who know her siblings / like them better than juniper, or even like juniper better than them.
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mikumanogi-blog · 2 years
2022-11-24 Duckling #Tereblog [ENG]
Thank you for opening today’s #Tereblog. I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation Member Ikeda Teresa! If you like please continue reading..
 Before I knew it we were already in our 20th round of 5th generation relay blogs. 20 X 11 is 220 days!? That’s how many days it’s been since we started in April, time has just flown by. And so, for the first thing on today’s blog I would like to go back and re-introduce myself.
 You always comment on my blogs and at the meet and greet you tell me “I read your blogs! And give me your opinions and feelings…everytime I write my blogs your faces come to mind. Ikeda’s blogs have a tendency to be really long and so to all of you who read it regularly despite this, you are amazing! Fantastical! Wonderful…! I just want to pat you all on the head ( *ˊᵕˋ)ノˊᵕˋ*)
Let me re-introduce myself…
o   Name: 池田瑛紗Ikeda Teresa, My real official nickname is Teresa.
Up until I joined Nogizaka46 I tried my best to hide myself and I got scared whenever someone would call my name, but now seeing it in the comments and hearing it during online meet and greets I’ve come to like it. This little duck reacts when she hears someone speak. 🐥
o   Birthday: May 12th 2002.
o   Horoscope: Taurus
I turned 20 years old this year. I’m the oldest and the big sister of the 5th generation members. The 12th of May is Nightingale day, there was once a time when I wanted to become a nurse…but when Ikeda was in elementary school she did a class on blood and found out she had an almost anemic response to it (her hands became cold and she couldn’t write) and so I became a fine arts person as an adult.
o   Birthplace: Tokyo
I’m a city girl🏙🤍
Out dated? I’ll have you know I’m the only 5th generation member from Tokyo
o   Blood type: unknown
I planned to find out my blood type but I couldn’t find it and so my official blood type is unknown, but I’m probably type A, but whenever I say that everyone is super shocked.
o   Height: 159, feet, 23.5
I’m the third tallest out of the 5th generation members after NaoMao! But this was a shock, honestly… My foot size, when I wore loafers for the first time in Nogizaka I felt like my foot had shrunk, maybe it was because I’m used to wearing large basketball shoes with tight laces
o   Personality: Pessimistic and moody like a cat (by NaoNao) Both First and third person accounts I’m the darkest of the group and I feel like I have the personality that isn’t fit to be an idol! I think this has improved recently though…
Out of the other 5th generation members I’m the one to be loud at home by quiet when I’m out.
o   Hobbies: drawing, reading, collecting ducks
I’m working hard to make these my special skills. I realllllllly love manga. I pretty much read anything regardless of genre. If you have any recommendations feel free to give me some!
Here’s a cosplay that I did recently of Mikasa from Attack on Titan🪶
Teresa (´・_・`)
o   Favorite kind of people
The people that love me a lot, the people who come to my meet and greet and the people who come to read my blogs (cute)
o   Favorite things
Food, light clothing, sleeping, my fans
o   Things I’m not good with
Bugs, tomatoes, getting rid of negativity, pretending to have strong emotions. I’m bad with the sun but I like sun bathing. I want to photosynthesis
o   Pen light color
Green X white 💚🐼
I wonder if some things have changed. I hope that you want to get to know me more. Please continue to look after me.
🤍Your everyday Ikeda
Hii-chan and me went to the tree lined streets near Gaiemmae 🍯🤍
Whenever I go out with Hii-chan it’s a spur of the moment thing! Once work is done we frequently quickly check to see if we have any other plans and then go out, it’s usually a panic but it’s meowy fun. She’s taken me to a lot of different places, I love you Hii-chan.
The Ginkgo trees lined up along road were so tall that when you looked up it was almost like they were getting sucked into the night sky, almost like in a fairytale. Ikeda who (supposedly) was born in Tokyo hadn’t known about this place until now.. I hope that I can continue to show all of you such wonderful pictures from now on eheh
o   Music🎧´
I love looking at other people’s playlists, I often hear things like “I often listen to this playlist when…” And so recently on AppleMusic I played a playlist called “Ghibli Park: go”  before the meet and greet and it gave me a lot of energy. The first song that played was “Rouge no Dengon” and my heart just squeeeezed so tightly😳❤️‍🔥
“Rouge no Dengon” is a song that I sang on New Nogizaka Star Tanjou! and so it’s very important to me.. I definitely want to go to Ghibli Park one day!!!!
When I see the playlist of people that I don’t know I try and see what kind of music they need in their lives, it makes me feel like I know them a little better🤍
o   Manga📖´-
Recently I’ve been reading Okazaki Kyoko’s “Chiwawa-chan” and Watanabe Wataru’s “Yowamushi Pedal”
There’s a lot of manga that I read where the main character is a high school student and all the characters are fairly mature but when I really think about it Onoda-kun is like Naonao and Makishima senpai is like Iroha, so roughly around that age group I would say. So when I thought about it that way it felt like everyone else were just a bunch of toddlers and babies.
One of the manga I read a long time ago, Assassination Classroom, and all the characters in Middle school classroom 3 were all the same age as Aya but when I read it I was in my first year of middle school and so I must’ve been really small..
 I first found out about Chiwawa-chan from the movie, unexpectedly when a university student and an adult are the main characters and they show a part of themselves that aren’t so perfect I can really feel the kindness of people.
 As you grow older the way you view what you read changes doesn’t it. However, I believe that when it comes to a work that you really love, no matter how many times you are reborn you’ll still be in love with that work!
o   Live🎤 ´-
I was able to go the Keyakizaka46 live that was held on November 9th🤍
It was my first time in Tokyo Dome and it was soooo big, I could really feel the control that they had over that huge venue.
The performance, their figures, I was struck by how overwhelming they were even from so far away. I received all kinds of motivation and excitement.
Keyakizaka46 has the strong image of an artist that can captivate with their performance. Even though Nogizaka46 is part of the same Sakamichi Series group, this time, more than ever, I could really feel the difference in the attraction and charm that they hold. The way they can control their hair, the way the are in control of their expressions, and the way that each and everyone of them uses their line of sight makes you unable to look away!
 On top of that watching the live from the stands, I could once again, with the other fans, feel the atmosphere that they bring to the venue. Just the use of an individual pen light dramatically changes, and you could really feel the feelings of the fans with the way it covered the air of the arena. In that live I came to understand how big the existence of the fans really are.
On that day their current captain, Sugai Yuka, graduated from the group. She looked so beautiful in that dress…!
The dresses that the members always wear when they graduate are always like that but I feel like the person who make these dresses puts a lot of love and care into them. The horse motif item embroidered into the blue dress, the gorgeous tiara, smiling really suits her and makes her look so beautiful.
I think the reason that Sugai-san is adored is probably because she cares and loves all those around her, of course as an idol, but I also think she is amazing as a person. Being able to hear, one by one, all of the feeling that were put into those letters made my heart melt.
 While in that venue unconsciously became a fan of Keyakizaka46 and from now on I’m also going to be standing on the stage as a member of Nogizaka46, I learned a lot. Thank you very much.
Also, congratulations on your graduation Sugai-san! Thank you for your hard work these last 7 years in Keyakizaka46
o   Sports⚽️ ´-
At the meet and greet yesterday there were a lot of people that came to talk to me about soccer, today (24th) at night I’ll be watching the game is what I said regarding the World Cup. And somehow, against all odds, Japan won!
It’s a little embarrassing but quite unfamiliar with soccer, so while I was thinking that Japan was strong and amazing it turns out that what they did was something that will apparently go down in history! I’m so glad that I got to watch it in real time.
Thank you so much to everyone that told me to watch it at the meet and greet🥹💕
 I’m not the kind of person that really knows a lot about the world, but it’s thanks to all of my fans that I’m becoming more interested in society. I hope that you continue to share these various wonderful amazing things with me.
Feel free to comment in the comment section on todays blog 〜(*'-'*)ノ"
🤍Online meet and greet
Starting today, all three section of my meet and greet for the 31st single are full, thank you all so very much!!! Thank you <(_ _)>
 I still can’t believe that there are this many people that want to come and see me… and to everyone that came to see me during the 29th and 30th single, and to everyone that I’ll be meeting for the first time, just thinking about you makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ✨
 Being able to join my beloved Nogizaka, and although I know in reality that where I am makes me really blessed, but at the end of the day being an idol is very difficult and there are difficult times…but with everyone behind me I feel like I can overcome anything, and I can laugh and talk about it, that’s the kind of strong bond I want to make with all of you. Please look after me during the 31st single!!!
 But wait there’s more… Yesterday on the 24th there was an online sign event and meet and greet. Thank you to those who came to that as well. I feel like my feelings were overflowing and I feel like it became less like a signing event and more like a letter making event. Today my right hand hurts.
 The words are a catalyst and the feelings I have for everyone will probably cause a chemical reaction, that’s how much I love you! That’s how my feelings have grown.
 In Nogizaka, with me, let’s do something! Let’s go! Terepan!! Large Exploision!!!
 In the meet and greet portion I was paired with Iroha and Kuu-chan.
The atmosphere and the fans were different, and I was able to meet many people that I usually didn’t meet and the time really went by in the blink of an eye… Thank you to all of the Iroha and Kuu-chan  fans. I hope that you’ll be able to love me in some small corner of your heart.
 And by the way, to all of my patients who said they were supporting me and then let their eyes drift, I’ll never forgive you 😠🤍
Don’t expect anymore injections or head pats from me in the future.
The other’s are so cute I can’t help but be worried….
Recently Satsuki-chan and I have become voice message pals.
Satsuki: “I’ve spotted a Teresa-panda! (boing boing boing…)”
Teresa: “Saaatsuki-chaaaaaan! You won’t regret oshing me! Here is the fastest wink in the wold (clap clap calp)”
Is a recreation of the Get to Know Us Meet and Greet in a battle to see which one was the more embarrassing one シュッ( ∩'-'⊂ ≡ ⊃'-'∩ )シュッ
Satsuki-chan’s “I’ve spotted a Teresa-panda!” Into a “boing boing boing” was an impression of how nervous and shaky she was during the Get to Know Us Meet and greet, or so she says 🫣
I guess is important after all to have good observation skills when trying to copy someone else…. No matter how many imitations of Satsuki-chan it seemed to do nothing (because it was nothing like her), and comparing our imitations of that time would definitely do some mental damage so I won’t do that!
But I don’t hate Satsuki-chan, I love her! Recently I’ve been saying Saaatsuki-chaaaaan and Canter!
“Kotge Eiji no nante bi da!”
Every Tuesday at midnight!
 The theme of this episode is “Product design”
I got to meet the curator Minami Kawa-san 😊
 This is a topic that is really close to me, and so I think it was easier for me to get interested in than the average person.
Also listening to people who do sketching as part of their job was a really good learning experience for me. I hope that I’ll be able to use what I learned in my current job. 🧸
 Nogizaka Under construction
Every Sunday at Midnight
 Did you watch “The 4th inside joke impersonation awards? It was really funny wasn’t it. Even though I watched it live in the studio I was rolling on the floor laughing when I watched it when it was on air😆🤍
I can’t believe the result of Hii-chan’s imitation was an Audrey on a spring day…!
↑For those that don’t understand this reference please make sure to watch Nogizaka Streaming Now!
 New Nogizaka Star Tanjou!
Every Monday at 25:29-25:59!
I got to sing “Sore ga Daiji” with Daiji MAN Brother’s Band’s  Tachikawa Toshiyuki.
Rather than I high quality knit the hand knitted one was much more beautiful. This is a frequent thought but I think it’s wonderful that you can believe in something that is no longer here anymore….!  Even know when I read the blog comments, and the fact that I can think of all of you when I read them makes me so happy 💭
I also know your face and names, or at least for those who come to see me at the meet and greets….eheheh☺️🤍
New Nogizaka Star Tanjou Live will be held December 5th to 6th at Yokohama Pia Arena MM and on December 18th at Kobe World Kinnen Hall.
There’s been a lot of people who have told me at the meet and greet that they won! Or that they’re going! And seeing all those happy faces makes my heart sing with glee 🥹
Everyone has given me a lot of good pressure and I’ll use those feelings to help give me a boost 💪🏽( ¨̮ 💪🏽)
The Yokohama performance will be held shortly within two week. Panyanyanda! (Apparently it means do your best in Laos 🐾)
 Official goods 🛌 ´-
The 2023 lucky bag is on sale!
I did a sketch for the cushion and carabiner charm. You can use the cushion as an Ikeda arm rest 😪😴💤
At first I thought I should draw a thigh pillow but when I actually drew it, it looked too surreal that I stopped.
The staff were worried about the carabiner charm and thanks to that only the words changed. If you like please check it out and get it
Right now it is 2022/11/24 20:07:57 and the number of comments in the comments sections really shocked me… There were over 1500 comments! Thank you so much (;;)
 I’m sooooooooo happy. More than exchanging words directly (of course I’m super happy and overjoyed) but I feel less embarrassed when the feelings are expressed through writing, or rather I’m the type of person that better at receiving, and that’s why I love the time I spend looking through everyone’s comments. This time I was able to look through all of them, thank you so much!!!!
 💌I gave you some questions
Are you a read bean paste or sweet bean paste kind of person?
2, If you don’t cry[            ] lesser cuckoo ← full in the blank
(blog name: Boku wa kuma)
 🤍 I was fryden a question 🍗
1, I’m a sweet bean paste person, because it gets stuck between my teeth… but I guess red bean paste is also kind of the same and I really like the sensation of killed red beans might be my favorite.
2, If I don’t cry I’ll probably end up crying lesser cuckoo
💌A question for Tere-chan, out of all the Nogizaka MVs what is your favorite?
(blog name: Kirarirari)
🤍Gomenne, Zutto…
I love MVs that are like a Drama!!!
💌What’s a Teresa like hairstyle?
(blog name: Muneniku)
A clean undercut? I think that would be ok (I don’t really knokw what an elegant hairstyle is…)
Here is a written challenge!!! What are the prime number of 1003?
(blog name: Kurokkasu no kyuukon)
🤍1003 = 17X59
I know that much (●´^`●)muuu
💌For the meet and greet in January there are some plans that I have and I may not be able to participate, if this were Merono-san what would they do?
(Blog name: shimo shimo? 📞)
ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ<Why not just leave the fixed camera feed on…?
What’s your favorite insect? 🐛
(blog name: Biidaman)
🤍Ikoly Roly Poly
There, into your heart….
Is there any food from Fukuoka that you want to eat? My recommendations are street vendors!
(blog name: Minerva no fukurou)
When I go to Fukuoka next we’re planning to go to Kuu-chan’s place and have Motsunabe ( ◜ω◝و(و "
💌“Recently it’s become more popular to send LINE messages by voice and at night I’ll constantly have strange conversations with Teresa and Satsuki” by Ioki Mao
I’ve heard from Satsuki-chan that you often message her on LINE but you also do it with Io-chan!
I wonder if you both have the same energy? I hope to hear a little bit more about that🎶
(Blog name: Kimi no Unmei no hita wa Teresa-pan)
“Expeensiiive meeeaaat I want to go Please bring me with you lovely lady” Is a voice message that Io-chan sent me in the melody of Tokyo Boogie Woogie. However I sent her a picture of me eating gyudon in the middle of the night and said I just got back eheheh
The origin of the popularity of voice messages was because the senior members are currently doing a messaging service and they were doing this to practice is apparently the reason.
At first it was simple things like “Good morning” and “good night” but recently it’s become a free for all and everything is attached with a voice message (Things like “I’m hungry”) but I like that you can express your energy through voice better than through words🫶🏻
I also want to hurry up and say thing like “Good Morning” and “Good Night” and other silly absurd with you! I’m really looking forward to it eheh
Questeion, Teresa which do you like more, Western or Japanese gardens?
(Blog name: Hawatari 2 oku-senchi)
Probably Western ones, I feel like they’ll be less bugs. eheh
Besides strawberry tarts what other kinds of sugary treats do you like?
(Blog name: Konamon)
It’s a Chinese sweet called sesame balls. Because the bread shops often have things that are similar I often end up buying them… when it comes to sesame balls they don’t have labels saying if they’re red bean or sweet bean, but if it’s ohagi then they’ll have it!!!
Besides that Taiyaki ꜀꜀(>ﻌ< ᐡ꜆ )꜄🫧
1, What is Tere-pan’s morning and night routine? 💭
2, Star Tanjou Live I’ll be there as a Snorlax if you find me can you fight me in a match of rock paper scissors
3, I’m taking my entrance exams soon can you please cheer me on 🥹
4, Tere-pan are you good at remembering things💭
5, You’re voice is amazing can you give me your vocal folds please 🥺
I’ll be going to your meet and greet so please wait for me
(Blog name: Gotta catch ‘em all!)
Thank you for coming to my meet and greet (;;)
1, Morning routine → I wake up many times and don’t get out of bed until the last minute, and then I get everything ready at lightning speed when I come to realize “if I don’t leave now I’m not going to make it” when I get up in the morning I brush my teeth and drink a lot of water 🚰
Night routine → I turn on the TV to Chiba Television’s no signal broadcast (I like the music that they play but I don’t know how to look it up) I listen to that and fall asleep
I recommend using a warm eye mask 👀🤍
2, I’m going to do my best to find a Snorlax
I’ll be using scissors (by telling them my plan in advance it will just confuse them)
3, Do you best on your entrance exams 💪🏽( ¨̮ 💪🏽)
When you get cold you’ll feel down so make sure to stay warm
4, I think I have a good memory when it comes to obscure things. Yesterday at the meet and greet I brought up one of the topics in their blog comment and they got flustered… I’m so sorrrrrry 🥲
5, Vocal folds? I’ll give them to you right now!!!!
I’m a rash person when it comes to how I use my money, I use it right away but what about you Tere-pan? Do you save it? Do you use a lot of it? Please let me know the best way you save money.
(blog name: Shampoo)
🤍I’m the kind of person that when they start to spend they can’t stop (danger)
I don’t typically spend a lot… but when I start spending I can’t be stopped 😭
💌A question for Teresa-chan, If you were to buy a strange pet what would you buy? Personally I would want an armadillo
(Blog name: Debasaki)
🤍Probably some kind of reptile
I think lizards with big behind are cute 🙈♥️
💌Do you prefer Tere-pan or Teresa-pan more? I hope you read this!
(blog name: Kuririn no kotokaaaaaaaa!!!)
🤍I would want Kuririn-san to call me Teresa ehe
1, At a meet and greet what would you want to another girl about?
2, Have you already go the kotatsu out?
3, Do you often wear sneakers? 👟
It’s my first meet and greet! Thank you!!!!
(blog name: Saitou-san desu)
🤍Hajimemashite-san it’s a pleasure to meet you 🫶🏻
1, Personally I’m not well versed in Beauty and Make-up talk or hair styles… But I’m currently learning about them! So please give me some of your recommended items, I would love to hear about them( *´꒳`*)
2, I don’t have a kotatsu at my place! I basically live on my bed.. however, Hii-chan introduced me to kotatsus recently and so maybe in the near future I’ll borrow one from her ehe
3, I often wear sneakers. That’s what I wear for dance lessons, my outfits are usually very rough (Often called Darugi or leisure wear) so sneakers are a must have item😖
Recently I’ve been wanting onitsukatiger sneakers, so I’ve asked Santa for a pair if not I hope it comes in as my New Year’s gift. It’ll come to me in the end right?
Tere-pan, what are your top 3 favorite breads?
(blog name: tottsuan)
#1 Tere-pan 🐼
#2 Anpan (in the form of a sesame ball)
#3 salt bread
It was a shock when I ate 7-11’s Kin no Shokupan, it’s something I will never forget.. It’s sweet even if you don’t have butter on it!
Even when the day turns to night on the day when you’re going to update your blog, when you’re not finished at that point how do you feel??
(blog name: Nogizaka under correction 🦷)
🤍I’m shocked and worried….
Question! Pan-chan’s eyes, if you were to open them all the way how big would they get??
(blog name: Seattle)
The other 5th generation member’s would go ‘gwe’ ( Ꙭ)
Teresa do you like cola?
(Blog name: Kibin)
Teresa-pan like Ginger Ale (*´³`*) 
At a recent event I had a WILKINSON with dry taste for the first time and it was super dry ! I’ve drawn one before but I’ve never drank one so I was really shocked but I also really liked it ehe
Sealed secret info ㊙
Apparently when Kuu-chan eats meat she need to have cola.
If you were to get a day of right now what would you want to do?
(Blog name: Pac-man)
Don’t sleep you need to think about something useful to do in that time… but whenever I wake up it’s always late afternoon so I go back to sleep 😪😴💤
1, This is a suggest, can I become your house pet? Do you have any room for one in your family? Please say yes or no. no
2, How often do you cut your nails?
3, When I was in my second semester I heard that if you don’t cut your nails and you grow them out you’ll get taller so I haven’t cut mine since then, but I haven’t grown or gotten taller, rather I feel like I’ve shrunk, 😓 I guess this means I should cut my nails right? Please say yes or no. If it’s no then oh well, that’ll be all from me for today. Bye!
(Blog name: Kanakanazemi)
I said previously that I will never say no!
1, It’s lonely to live alone so hurry up and get over here
2, Probably once a month, I try and line it up to the same time I get my hair cut.
3, Apparently if you grow out the nail on you pinky then the person you like will love you back (that’s what was written in a book I read as a child) so just grow out your pinky finger!
But we probably both already love each don’t we? (  ૢ ͈̄   ͈̄ ૢ) ehe
At the end of your blog on September 8th you wrote “Well then, I’m going to head off っ(˙꒳ ˙ )͟͟͞͞ =」っDo you perhaps climb Mount Fuji the next day!?
(Blog name: Nyaaan)
🤍I didn’t right the blog on the 8th though… what a coincidence😳💘
What’s your favorite 4 word compound idiom? (Ex. One-in-a-lifetime encounter 一期一会)By the way mine is ‘池田瑛紗’(Ikeda Teresa)teheh
(Blog name: Sokan Keisu)
🤍Yakiniku set meal tehe
💌What’s your favorite part to eat when eating Yakiniku?
(Blog name: oni)
🤍Hormone with miso sauce flavor
💌Is there any food that you’re like we always have this at home?
(Blog name: Mikan)
Right now I’m eating Halloween candy that Aya gave me
Mmmmmmm yummy!
Tere-pan did you know? If there’s anyone more beautiful than you please let me know
(Blog name: fuurin)
(TL Note: This blog name if it had one u would be 不倫 Furin which means adultery)
🤍But I know a lot of them… I won’t tell you! I want you to only have eyes for meeeee ehe
 The end
What does it mean to be shy?
 Yesterday on the fixed camera, I went there after my fourth time slot and the reason I left at the end was so that I could do this…
I told her I wanted to call her “Asuka-san” and when I went to ask her for a picture she said “but I can only fulfill one of those request” is what she told me. “You can’t ask to call me Asuka-san because you’ve already called me that” she declared.
And so I was happily able to take a picture with her 🕊🤍
During the tour, on the night of the first day in Osaka I took a lot of pictures of her for the Nogisatsu. At the same time, she gave me an expression saying something like ‘Ikeda did?’It’s not something that a shy person like me would do right, thinking about it now I must’ve been crazy…
“But at that time, I wanted that Asuka-san with that precious hair arrangement and that pony tail to be saved for the world to see” Is what I said with a strange sense of duty and purpose. My otaku heart won.
 After that, I realized today, a shy person (I think some people reading this blog will understand) when you talk to someone and the words you use don’t you tend to become depressed about worry about your suspicious behavior?
But Asuka-san blew those feeling of self-loathing away while laughing ‘What the hell, you’re weird’ is what she said.
 That’s why even if she’s not here I can still continue to move forward without thinking about it because I love her!
I feel like I now know the reason that everyone loves Asuka-san (There’s a lot that I don’t know but this is just a small part)
 This picture was taken during the meet and greet yesterday on the 24th of November, and this was a picture I took while waiting for her, during the meet and greet Asuka was very happy♪
She really loves her fans, and I think they’ve built a wonderful relationship together. I hope to one day build a relationship with my fans where we can always be together ι(`・-・´)/
That’s why I want to climb together with everyone up Nogizaka. You’ll climb with me right…?
I’ll be waiting for your reply✉️
22.11.24 # Tereblog #20 (year-old Teresa)
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barbiebraganca · 2 years
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                                    BARBIE’S 33RD BIRTHDAY.
barbara isabel catarina di savoia e bragança, born in the 25th day of april in 1989. barbara probably was into astrology at one point in her teenage years, maybe early twenties but completely forgot all about it at some point and never came back to it. if you ask, she’ll tell you she’s a perfect taurus and why but that’s about it. 
1989, year of the earth snake. according to dear internet, eath snakes are “smart, diligent, responsive, compassionate and love animals very much. however, their greatest shortcoming is that they are too sensitive, they are also very vindictive; they do not want to be controlled by others, but at the same time they have strong possessiveness.” and these were the traits of earth snakes that do describe barbara well. but she also probably doesn’t know any of this because chinese zodiac isn’t something she’d go around looking to read on.
SUN: TAURUS. your sun sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become.
she’s an earth element and fixed in quality sun with venus as a ruler. barbara is the spitting image of a taurus sun, be it in the positive or negative traits of the description. steadfast, loyal, calm, affectionate, practical, productive, stubborn, unreasonable, overindulgent, stingy, rigid, dull, materialistic. she really has no way to deny any of these traits when thrown at her and she doesn’t try to either. 
RISING: GEMINI. your rising sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.
it’s insane how picking at random can make a lot of sense with these characters. people with gemini as their ascending sign “are people who love to ask questions, to move around freely, and to mingle. definitely restless and often quick in physical expression, natives of the gemini ascendant exude an air of impatience even if they don’t mean it. in fact, there is a cleverness to gemini ascendants that can intimidate some, especially sensitive folk. their facility with words can be a wonderful asset, although sometimes gemini rising individuals identify too much with their mental agility and forget, in their personal interactions and communications, to nurture the people around them.” again, accurate.
MOON: SAGITTARIUS. your moon sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature, it describes who you already are as opposed to your sun.
this is where it gets freakishly interesting because, i kid you not, this is just what doing her online birth charts gave me: “people with sagittarian moon signs can think so highly of themselves that they engage in reckless behavior, especially if their sun sign is also known for impulsive/questionable decisions (HELLO). the biggest fear of a aagittarius moon sign is loss of control. sagittarians highly value their independence, and anything that seems like it will rob them of the freedom to make their own decisions is enough to make them panicky.” yup yup yup, that’s barbie.
VENUS: TAURUS. your venus sign describes several key aspects of your personality. on the one hand, it represents your sense of aesthetics and experience of pleasure. on the other it describes your relationship style.
venus in taurus: one of the most physical and sensual signs. people with this placement are romantics to their core. they desire security, stability and comfort in relationships and often take a very slow pace in getting to know someone. courtship can be especially important in order to take time opening up to one another. Affection, as well as giving and receiving gifts(!!!!!!!!!!!!!), spoiling others and being lavishly spoiled are a part of their love language. that is one of the luckiest placements for someone to have venus, as she is the natural ruler of taurus, and thus can share her greatest blessings most easily.
THE REST: nobody cares about.
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nudityandnerdery · 3 years
Get to know me better, I guess?
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
tagged by @dhampir-vex​
nickname: I feel like all of the nicknames I have are fairly specific for one or two people who use them? Maybe the closest I have is the general “Goddammit, Devin” I get when I make a bad pun.
pronouns: They/He
star sign: Taurus
height: 5′10“? I think.
time currently: 3:29 pm
birthday: Today
favorite bands/groups: VNV Nation, Flogging Molly, The Amazing Devil, The Killers, Garbage, Motion City Soundtrack, Queen, Gin Blossoms, The Smiths, Metric, Broken Bells, Bitter:Sweet, Counting Crows, Placebo, She Wants Revenge, clipping, Depeche Mode, okay that’s probably enough, I should stop.
favorite solo artists: Johnny Cash, Marina, K. Flay, Hozier, Elle King, Mazzy Star, Poe, Voltaire- why is it harder to think of solo artists than groups?
song stuck in your head: Cult of Dionysus
last movie watched: ...I’m drawing a blank.
last show you binged: Newsradio
when you created your blog: April 2011, oh my god.
last thing you googled: d&d dog I found this picture, which was pretty much exactly what I wanted:
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other blogs: Oh god too many. Most inactive, but, you know, I still don’t want to delete them, because what if I decide to go back to that particular interest?
why you chose your url: I like alliteration.
do you get asks: Sometimes. Not a bunch.
how many people are you following: 760, a lot of which aren’t active, I just haven’t cleaned it out. And probably never will.
how many followers do you have: 25,976, some of whom aren’t bots!
average hours of sleep: Ahahahahahahahahahaha next question.
lucky number: 17
instruments: Harp and four string ukulele. At least, I own them. I can’t play them, but I would like to change that at some point.
what I’m currently wearing: My Anansi “Angry is good, angry gets shit done” shirt, black shorts, glasses, and beat-up dark green nail polish.
dream job: Novelist.
dream trip: Just go travel through all the Belmond train tours. Maybe the boat tours, too, who knows, it could be cool.
favorite food: I’m supposed to pick one? Not realistic. Carnitas, or tiramisu, or tamale cakes, or really good french dip sandwiches, or chashu, or pavlova, or... Look, food is good, right?
favorite song: Again, how am I going to pick one? First one that comes to mind.... Electronaut by VNV Nation
top 3 fictional universes you’d like to live in: Okay, well, here’s my question, am I just a general citizen, or do I have some plot relevance that’s going to make my life more interesting than the average citizen? Because having superpowers in the Marvel universe or being an X-Wing pilot could be fun. But if I’m just a regular person, something like the world the Muppets live in would be cool. Or Pushing Daisies, because even if I don’t have weird powers, it’s pretty.
Oh wow and there’s no way I’m tagging that many other blogs, sorry. But! If you are reading this and want to answer it, go for it! Tag me so I can read it!
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cordeliaxdupont · 4 years
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Hi friends! I humbly bring you Cordelia Du Pont, aka Lady! Her info is under the read more but she’s pretty well-adjusted/nothing traumatic has happened to her really. She’s just living her life as a nurse in Grimmbrook, sister to Casper, overall good vibes sooo let me know if you’d like to plot! 
i began in the light –
NAME: Cordelia Lucille Du Pont
GOES BY: Cordelia, Cordy, Del  
AGE: 33
BIRTHDAY: April 26 , 1986
FATHER: Howard Du Pont
MOTHER: Irene Du Pont
BROTHER: Casper Du Pont
HOMETOWN: Grimmbook
JOB: Nurse
OTHER IDENTIFIERS: Taurus, Enneagram Type 1 (The Reformer), ENFJ (The Protagonist)
and found, we are all stories anyway,  
GROWING UP (tw: drug use)
She up with a well-to-do family and that set her up for a good life tbh 
Her dad wasn’t around much but, as his little girl, he doted on her and that made big bro Caspy Casp resent her even more. Their mom loved her valium because life was just so rough and nannies helped raise the kiddos.
She was put into basically every extracurricular activity possible: ballet to piano to soccer and gymnastics, to art classes and being forced to sit still and learn new languages –– Cordelia had a great aptitude for learning most things but being the best at any one thing was never her main concern, like it was her parent’s. 
They were absent but around enough to care that she got the gold, or first place or the best grades, and she often did but when she didn’t, Cordelia never understood why it upset them so much. Being the best wasn’t everything so long as a) you were enjoying yourself and b) you weren’t hurting anyone else and c) maybe you were even helping someone out.
These things, combined with her general disposition to care and want to make things right made her the prime candidate to get excited about a nurse’s speech during career day one year in high school.
Her parents were NOT a fan but she did what she wanted, which was to, ya know, be a nurse and not a doctor. 
She was salutatorian, which would’ve made most parents happy and hers were “proud” but they just wondered why she hadn’t made valedictorian. Still, she’d lived with this dynamic for long enough that it just didn’t phase her as much (or so she said) and she focused on her goals.
She got into the nursing residency program at Grimmbrook Memorial Hospital and loved the fact that she got shuffled in with everyone else, nothing special about her. It made life better, she felt, when you weren’t trying to get to the top of the class or program. When you tried to do your best, the rest usually followed.
She’s been a nurse for over a decade now and still loves her job. She’s made some of her closest friends because of it and is constantly learning.
Currently, she still wishes she were closer to her big bro but they have that dynamic where no one can mess with their sibling except each other no matter how annoying she is to him or vice-versa. Du Ponts are Du Ponts are Du Ponts.
With Madison’s death, she feels horribly for the Redding family. She always thought Little Red was a horrible site but she wouldn’t have wished that on anyone. She knows Chad a bit through his work as an EMT but was never really closer than that but she can tell the family’s suffering. 
Things feel off in town but she’s doing her best to focus on work and the people she can actually help.
we are all characters on a page;
PERSONALITY TRAITS (+): encouraging, intentional, charming, loyal, intrepid, altruistic.
PERSONALITY TRAITS (-): stubborn, opinionated, overly-idealistic, overly invested, hasty.
OVERALL:  Cordelia is the type of person who, if you met her on the street and told her you were going to be running a marathon that weekend, she’d be there cheering you on just because everyone deserve to have someone who pushes them to do their best, who helps them believe in themselves a little more today, than they did yesterday. She’s a loyal to those she calls friend and is quick to defend even those whom she doesn’t know, if she sees them in need. 
She can be a bit stubborn when she believes in something. Getting Cordelia to give even an inch when she’s fully invested in something is like trying to move a mountain. Still, her investments aren’t always healthy and sometimes she gets overly invested in helping people, to her own detriment. Cordelia’s learned over the years that people can’t be rushed and that not everyone wants to be helped, and that’s alright. She doesn’t mind waiting until they do. S
She’s a shoulder to lean on and someone who will help you up again. She remembers birthdays, sends cards for literally any accomplishment, and goes to any performance/event/speech someone’s giving to support them. Overall, a classic good bean™, lionhearted and bold, Cordelia Du Pont is a good person to know, and an even better friend to have. 
Volunteers at the animal shelter in town – loves animals. Has resisted adopting one because she’s hardly home and little friends deserve to have more attention than that.
Has family dinner at least once a month: it’s always an interesting time.
Bikes to work when she can, otherwise catches a ride with coworkers who drive along her route. 
Doesn’t use her car that much, always has to get it jumped in the summer months because she’s biking/walking everywhere.
Salty snacks are her go-to saving grace, especially when she’s working an overnight.
Professional napper – girl can fall asleep anywhere. She’s learned to take rest when she can get it. 
Did gymnastics until she was seventeen and can still pull out a trick or two.
Speaks French but is a bit rusty from lack of use lately
Ace gift giver –– finds the perfect gifs for all occasions. 
our paths weave together.
childhood – hs friends – they’ve been in Grimmbrook their entire lives
college friends – they met in college and hit it off
hs exes  – can work out details
college exes – also can work out details
colleagues at the hospital – self explanatory, if your character works at the hospital, we can have them know each other!
previous patients – people she’s helped over the years
biking partner – someone she goes on weekend bike rides with 
other – let’s talk about it! 
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Taurus April Feast Day of St Bernadette
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By shirleytwofeathers
April 16 is the feast day of Saint Bernadette, although in France it is sometimes celebrated on February 18. Saint Bernadette is best known for her visions of the Virgin Mary in 1858 in Lourdes, France and for the healings that have taken place at the location of the visions. St. Bernadette is the patron saint of:
Physical illness
Lourdes, France
Shepherds and shepherdesses
Those insulted for their faith
The young shepherdess who saw Our Lady in Lourdes, St. Bernadette, found solace in her suffering by turning her eyes to Our Lord. Suffering today? Pray this prayer from St. Bernadette
“O Jesus, Jesus,” she prayed, “I no longer feel my cross when I think of yours.” If you’re suffering today, pray this excerpt of one of her prayers: Let the crucifix be not only in my eyes and on my breast, but in my heart. O Jesus! Release all my affections and draw them upwards. Let my crucified heart sink forever into Thine and bury itself in the mysterious wound made by the entry of the lance.”
Saint Bernadette and The Goddess
If you think the visions of Saint Bernadette have no connection to magick and the Goddess think again – here is an alternative version to the traditional story:
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On the cold morning of February 11, 1858, there was no wood in the Soubirous home, and no fire to warm them. Bernadette set out with her younger sister Toinette, and a neighbour girl, Jean Abadie, to scrounge in the forest for kindling. Maybe they would get lucky and find a rag or a bone to sell.
Heading out of town, the girls neared the foot of Massabieille, a massive, cliff-top rock formation, within view of the ancient hilltop fortress that served as the traditional landmark of the town. To reach the woods, they had to ford the river Gave at the bottom of the cliff. Bernadette’s mother had warned her not to get her feet wet, for that would surely bring on the asthma, so while the other two girls scampered across the river, Bernadette reluctantly hung back.
According to her own accounts, as she lingered near the banks of the Gave, the girls calling after her as they hurried into the woods, she heard a sound like rushing wind. The sound seemed to be coming from a dark grotto in the rock wall under Massabielle. The noon Angelus bells were ringing from the town. As Bernadette turned to investigate the source of the wind, she saw what looked like a glowing young girl, tiny, white, and smiling brightly. She appeared to be standing above the eglantine, or wild rose, that draped the niche over the entrance to the grotto.
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Bernadette rubbed her eyes and looked again. This time, the tiny demoiselle nodded, as if to greet her, and opened her arms, smiling all the while. Bernadette’s initial reaction was fear, but she couldn’t run away. She said she felt like she couldn’t move, but she did manage to instinctively put her hand in her pocket and draw out her rosary for protection. She tried to make the sign of the cross, but found that she couldn’t.
In response, the shining little maiden also produced a rosary, and crossed herself in a gesture of surprising beauty and grace. This time, Bernadette found she could respond, and after crossing herself, she began to feel calmer and a little less overwhelmed. Dropping to her knees, Bernadette began to pray her rosary. The little lady fingered her beads along with her. When they had finished, the tiny thing beckoned her to come closer, but Bernadette was too overawed to move. She then vanished, all smiles and delicate grace, leaving Bernadette to rejoin her companions.
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Bernadette’s descriptions of the tiny, white maiden were consistent throughout the course of her visions. The apparition, whom she called aquero, or “that thing” in the local dialect, appeared youthful and girlish. There was nothing particularly matronly or maternal about her. Bernadette repeatedly said that aquero was about the same size as herself, if not a bit smaller. Bernadette was very small for her age. Although she had recently turned fourteen, the combined ravages of illness and malnutrition kept her about the size of an average 10- or 11-year-old. According to Bernadette’s earliest descriptions, aquero looked to be about 12 years old. This is an important distinction, and one that the well-meaning supporters of Lourdes apparently prefer to ignore.
Aquero, according to Bernadette’s initial descriptions, was a jeune fille; a bien mignonette, glowing in a white dress spun of a luxurious, soft, shiny stuff. Her head was covered in a white veil of the same magic fabric, so that only a tiny bit of her hair was revealed in the front. Her eyes were bright blue, and set in a long and very white face. The whole figure shone with a gleaming, white radiance. Around her waist was a blue girdle, which folded in the front and fell almost to the hem of her robe. Her tiny feet, barely visible beneath her robe, were bare, but each was adorned with a single, golden rose. Her rosary gleamed as well, with shining white beads and links of gold.
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This costume is quite significant, for in this particular area of the Pyrenees, the locals maintained a tradition of fairy lore that told of the petito damizela in white who still lingered in the forests and grottoes of the region. When Bernadette first called the apparition a petito damizela, which translates as a petite, unmarried young lady, she may have actually been referring to aquero as a Pyrenean fairy woman. These Pyrenean fairies were tiny, enchanting ladies in glowing, white robes. Charming, helpful, and better natured than most fairy folk, they were recognised by their gleaming garments and said to spend much time washing them to snowy whiteness in the fountains outside their grotto homes.
The roses on aquero’s feet were yet another aspect of local fairy lore, as was Bernadette’s reluctance to call her by any name other than “that thing.” According to the tradition, these delightful fairy women sometimes married mortal men, making good wives and housekeepers – for a time. Eventually, the husband would slip up and call his fairy wife by her name, at which point she would disappear back into the fairy world forever.
In the Basque population of the Pyrenees, we have a unique link into the mindset of our most distant ancestors. There is reason to believe the Basques have occupied the Pyrenees region from the remotest antiquity, possibly even to the time of the Cro-Magnon cave painters. The inaccessibility of their mountain fastness kept them relatively isolated from the Indo-European influences that swept the rest of the continent. Consequently, the Basques have retained a unique language and a culture that, while not entirely untainted by foreign contact, still reveals roots reaching down into our most shadowy origins.
Furthermore, the Basques, with their extensive folklore and mythology, are relative latecomers to Roman Catholicism. Religious writers of the 1400 and 1500s continue to speak of the Basques as “gentiles” or “pagans.” The widespread persistence of their ancient beliefs and practices provoked the full wrath of the Spanish Inquisition. The brutal repression of centuries of witch hunts has left its mark, and clearly, some of the tradition that remains is highly adulterated and Christianised, but we can still trace influences extending far back into the Neolithic, and perhaps beyond.
Basque beliefs are rooted in the landscape, in the rugged mountains, the waters, and the caves reaching deep into the earth. They held to that most primitive fundamentalism, the belief in the divinity of the masculine Sun and the feminine Moon. The terms Ost or Eguzki refer to the light of the sun and their god of the firmament. This masculine force, similar to Zeus or Thor, ruled the day and the world of light, but the night belonged to Ilargia, the Moon. Ilargia ruled the hidden, dark side of nature, the underworld of the dead. The Basques were forever fascinated with her mysterious phases and cycles.
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However, the Basque people’s deepest and most widespread devotion, long before the arrival of Christianity in the Pyrenees, centred on their female deity, the great goddess who lived in the caves. Her name, perhaps the ultimate irony, was Mari. Devotion to Mari spanned the entire Basque territory, and any respectable hilltop boasted a shrine to Mari, and a statue as well, but the caves remained her favourite habitation.
Within the vast lore and ritual dedicated to her worship, the image of Mari emerges, complex and glorious. She moved like a fireball from mountaintop to mountaintop, trailing wild storms from the subterranean caverns in her wake. She demanded honour and charity from men, punishing those who failed to keep their word or refused to help others. Oddly enough, tradition holds that Mari must only be addressed in the familiar pronoun, putting a unique twist on Bernadette’s surprise at being addressed formally by her aquero. Mari commanded legions of fairy spirits, with varying titles in different locales: the Mairi, or Maide of the mountaintop cromlechs and stone circles, and the fey laminak, often spotted combing their hair in the caverns.
This great and very ancient goddess spawned a vast body of tales and traditions, and the rituals of her devotees in the caves of the Pyrenees kept the Spanish Inquisition busy for years. One of her most vicious persecutors was Juan de Zumarraga, who, in 1528, assisted in the biggest Basque witchhunt. Zumarraga eventually moved on to Mexico, where, as bishop, he persecuted and destroyed the native Aztec culture and religion just as vigorously as he had brutalised his Basque brethren.
One of Mari’s more popular minions is a creature known as Beigorri, a red-haired bull or calf. One of several cattle deities associated with her worship, Beigorri’s chief function is to serve as the guardian of the houses, or shrines, of Mari. Seen in that light, the tales of a magical bovine unearthing a long-lost statue of a female divinity, which then refuses to be worshipped in a Christian sanctuary but instead draws her devotees back to congregate at her wilderness origins, starts to make a certain kind of sense. Perhaps, in these unique Marian traditions, which continue to spring up so freely, even after centuries of repression, we can trace both the reemergence of the Basque Mari, and her conflation, in the aftermath of the Inquisition, into the all-encompassing image of the Christian Mary.
Visions Of The Virgin Mary
Pray More Novenas
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cloverr-fields · 7 years
All odd numbers of the cute asks
Oh goodness, this is gonna be a long one but here we go!! 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Probably one of my roommates, but not in like a walking-talking sense! It was more like she came into my room and took my hand lol
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? A bunch of people, actually! I’m looking forward to seeing my best friend when she sleeps over this week, and I’m looking forward to seeing my mom and other best friend when I go back home in three months. 
5. If you were drunk, would the person you like take care of you? Without question, although I think I’d be okay! I don’t usually get drunk, and I’m generally the friend who’s taking care of people lol. They’d probably be laughing at my ridiculousness a lot. 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I mean, I don’t know….. Would I like to be? Ideally, but I’m also in the middle of classes and I don’t really know how that’d work out practically. 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope~ I’m really open about those kinds of things tbh. 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? Let me go find it…. “Ohhh okay” (Sorry, I know it’s pretty unexciting) 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes yes yes yes yessssss it is the number one thing to do that calms me right down (besides hugs). 
15. What good thing happened this summer? This past summer, I spent most of my time in camp and with friends, and that was super fun. I got really close with people that I didn’t expect to! Also, I moved to Israel! 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Define life. Bacteria and other protozoic life forms, definitely. I don’t know if I totally buy into the idea of intelligent life forms on other planets and aliens like the Hollywood movies show. 
19. Do you like bubble baths? I love them, but I don’t take them very often. Lush is one of my favorite stores, I love bath time products. 
21. What are your bad habits? I bite my nails sometimes, but I’m trying to get over that and I’m managing it really well! I’m also a tapper, and I tend to grind my teeth/hum when I’m not paying attention. I also chew gum a lot and bite the little clip things off of mechanical pencils…..
23. Do you have trust issues? Some, yeah. Depends on with who and regarding what, though. I stopped journaling for a long while because of trust issues, but I’m super open with people and I consider everyone trustworthy until proven otherwise, in most cases! 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach. I hate it. 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I wish I was more tan, but otherwise not really! 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yeah. 
31. Is your hair long enough for a ponytail? I refuse to cut my hair so short that it would not be. So yes, absolutely. 
33. Spell your name with your chin. eliusahewv casYes, that is definitely my name. Not too far off tho!
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV hands down. I depend on music like you wouldn’t believe. 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? Usually nothing tbh…. I’m not really the one to break them. But I usually try and do an “anyway” segway or something like that. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Lush, Bath and Body Works, Barnes and Nobles, Target, Macy’s, Bloomingdales. 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Yes, but a limited one. Your second chance with me is usually your last, and if you hurt me again I drop you entirely. I try to keep that my policy, but there are definitely exceptions. 
43. Do you smile at strangers? Absolutely. I smiled at a bunch today! 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Talking to my friends, and my alarm clock. Also, eventually I just get fed up with my own laziness too, so there’s that. 
47. Have you ever been high? No, and I don’t plan on it. 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out? Yes, and I really hope that they don’t. It was nothing bad, before you get any ideas! It’s just…. Something personal, if that makes sense? 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Yes, and I still do at times. That’s something I’m trying to work on. 
53. Favorite makeup brand? The only brand name things of makeup I have come from Bobbi Brown, I think, so maybe I’ll default to them? Or Mac? 
55. Favorite blog? I don’t really have one, honestly…. I like a lot of different bloggers and people!
57. Favorite food? Pizza, hands down. 
59. First thing you ate this morning? Wacky mac. I didn’t have a very nutritional breakfast. 
61. Ever been suspended/expelled? For what? Oh God no. I think I would die. 
63. Ever been in love? This is a complicated question. I’ve had a lot of strong feelings for people before, but I think there’s maybe one person I would say that I’ve been in love with. We broke things off a while ago, and we’re good friends now, but I still have a lot of feelings for her. 
65. Are you hungry right now? I’m so hungry tbh I’m waiting for my roommate to get out of the shower so that we can go pick up sushi. 
67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook, but simply because I don’t use my Twitter like ever. 
69. Are you watching TV right now? Nope! I’m looking between this answer and the question list lol
71. Craving something? What? Sushi omg I want it so bad I’m so hungry
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? I do, actually! I have a teddy bear that my mom gave me when I last was home, and it helps me sleep at night when I’m homesick or in a bad place. I’m a very touchy-huggy person so to me it’s a big help. 
75. Favorite animal? Any form of feline. I love cats. 
77. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate all the way. 
79. What color shirt are you wearing? Black, actually! It’s got a pretty blue and white pattern/design thing too! 
81. Favorite TV show? Ummm probably Psych? Not sure, I have to think on this one a little more. Maybe Bones? 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? I’ve never seen the second one, so Mean Girls? 
85. Favorite character from Mean Girls? Karen. (I think? It’s been a while since I’ve watched it) 
87. First person you talked to today? It was either @justanotherurl-not​ or @mizuritamanami​ but I don’t know for certain. 
89. Name a person you hate? A particular girl from high school might fit this description. For her privacy, I’ll just call her Sam. 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? At this exact moment, no. 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? So many pairs omg. My high school gave them out religiously. 
95. Last movie you watched? The Greatest Showman (WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH IT’S SO GOOD) 
97. Favorite actor? Ummm not sure. That’s a very good question. Probably someone like Leonardo DiCaprio, or Chris Evans maybe? 
99. Have any pets? No, unfortunately, but I plan on getting a cat sometime soon! 
101. Do you type fast? Yeah, and I can more or less touch type now! I’ve memorized my laptop keyboard lol thanks Mavis Beacon! 
103. Can you spell well? Usually I’m very good with spelling. My mom likes to joke that it’s because I read the dictionary when I was younger (which I did, so maybe she has a point). 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? The only one that might qualify I’m not going to count, so nope! Maybe someday! 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes, and I love horseback riding so much. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t gone- it’s so relaxing and I had the best time doing it. 
109. Is something irritating you right now? Someone, but yes. It’s not their fault, though, so I probably won’t say anything to them. 
111. Do you have trust issues? I think this was already a question on this ask….?
113. What was your childhood nickname? It’s not really shorter than my name, but my mom used to call me her “princess ballerina.” 
115. Do you play the Wii? I did, but I haven’t in four or five years, since we moved and never unpacked it. 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Who doesn’t? 
119. Favorite book? Right now, probably The Somnabulist by Jonathan Bates, but I love almost every book I’ve read. The Eragon series is also one of my favorites, and I love classical literature, like A Tale of Two Cities and The Sun Also Rises. 
121. Are you mean? I can be, if I want to or have to be. But I hate it, so I try very hard to steer clear. 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? I can’t keep any shoes clean.
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes, but I believe that it’s usually something that grows with time and isn’t just magically found. 
127. What makes you happy? Music, good food, friends, a good book, a good movie, rewatching old anime series that I haven’t seen in a while, etc. Flowers, cats, pretty things. I’m a girl of simple pleasures. 
129. What’s your zodiac sign? Taurus! (April 28th is my birthday!) 
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? This one hits a little close to home at the moment. It depends on the circumstances. 
133. Favorite lyrics right now? “She’s the tear in my heart/she’s a carver/she’s a butcher with a smile/cut me farther than I’ve ever been,” -Tear in My Heart, twenty one pilots
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I really don’t know. Maybe that I was British? but I wound up fooling the teacher for two weeks, so.
137. How tall are you? 5′4″!
139. Brunette or blonde? I’ve always wanted to be a blonde, but I have recently started liking my hair (I’m a brunette) although I definitely have a thing for blondes. 
141. Night or day? Night has always been more peaceful to me, but I love the sunshine. Maybe like twilight time? 
143. Are you a vegetarian? No, but I could be if I wanted to! 
145. Tea or coffee? Tea is what I like better, but I definitely appreciate a good cup of coffee with plenty of milk and sugar. 
147. Mars or Snickers? I had a Mars bar for the first time this year, and I definitely prefer it. 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Absolutely. I love watching all of the ghost hunting shows, even though I know they’re bullshit and I kinda believe them lol
Okay!! I made it through all of them! I hope the answers were satisfactory and thank you so much for asking, you wonderful person!!! 
Ask me anything               This ask list
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horoscopesbygil · 7 years
Horoscopes by Gil Hizon - Week of August 27 - September 2, 2017
Beyonce is a VIRGO. Think about that.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
This week, you’re feeling… knotty. Important shit circles your psyche like vultures circling a dying bitch in the desert. It’s enough to make a bitch go cray-cray. Look, look, look, look, look… you’re beginning to forget who yo ass is in the equation. You’re the only one you have to prove something to, and you’re one difficult-to-please ho. If you can please yourself, you can satisfy any other queen in the county. =====
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Aww yay! Work’s great, you’re getting laid, what can possibly go wrong? Exactly. Your giddy state may distract you from the little shitty shenanigans that are happening in the background. I get that you have a lot to be thankful for, but there is still a lot more work to do. How about this? For every hour of hard ass work you do, you can do a few seconds of your happy dance. K? =====
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
You can be a neglectful little queen when you put your mind to it. Look, I get that your people are your posse/squad/entourage and anyone who falls outside of that circle is someone you don’t have to even consider. But cliques don’t last very long, dearie. Once every one of your bitches gets paired up, they most likely will fall off the radar. Start paying attention to hos that could become their potential replacements. =====
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
An impulse buy is just what your heart needed. Outside forces have been dampening your spirits for a while now, with their talk of pensions, mortgages and WebMD research about a mole your friend found on his arm - I mean, it’s enough to make a bitch cray cray right? Don’t ever let any ho make you feel guilty about what you just bought. You deserve this shit and more. =====
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
When someone messes with your process, it’s enough to make you wanna pull your weave out. What you have to know tho is that this bitch didn’t mean to offend you. She has her own agenda which is tied to who she is and it’s not in any way malicious. So before you go extra on her, find out what the real T is. Who know, you may relate to hurr in some way. =====
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
It’s your lucky week! You know how you like to wax poetic about your work stuff that no one really gives a shit about? This week, someone is actually interested in hearing all of it! So whatever Marcy from Acquisitions will heat up in the microwave on Wednesday, or whatever Desreé makes you do this week (she doesn’t have the right to, she’s not your boss) this new person in your life will be foaming at the muthafucking mouth to hear all about it! =====
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
I wouldn’t worry about it. Your political rants on Facebook have not gone unnoticed. Bitches be angry and woke, and trust that they’re doing something about all of it. Just because they’re not typing away on social media like you are it don’t mean that they’re being lazy ass queens. When you see beyond the computer monitor, you’ll see that there are others out there who support yo ass. =====
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
It’s time to have a chitty-chat-chat with the beau. He cannot be acting up whenever you start talking to another bitch at a party. You’re not cheating on him, you’re just having a conversation - it’s what happens at any type of shindiggery. And honey, if yo man can’t trust that, then you can only do so much to tell him that he’s the only one in yo life. Cool? =====
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Honey, it’s time to draw the muthafucking line. There is crucial shit happening in the world today and gurl, you did not wanna pick sides. No one did. But certain privileges are being taken away from queens you love and this is important shit. Although it may not affect you right now, it may in the long run. It’s time to take a stand and it’s time to fight for what you really believe in. =====
GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
Knowing where you stand really goes a long way, even at times when convos are extremely sensitive come dinnertime. You are now at a point where you can inspire others to navigate controversial waters with heightened delicacy. At times like these, all these bitches can learn a thing or two from a pro like you. When it comes to cushioning any blow, you’re the queen. =====
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
It’s time for a heart to heart with a bitch who you’ve come across after a long period of miscommunication. It’s possible that this ho had no idea what you were going through and was afraid to reach out. You two have gone through so much in the past that not making the effort to mend some fences would be a great disservice to the future possibilities of your partnership. Plus, you really need a reliable drinking buddy. =====
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
At work, you’re required to speak up only when asked. But this week, it’s every queen for herself in there. A situation will arise that will change the dynamics of the hierarchy in your workplace. Everyone becomes an equal for a limited time. This is the perfect opportunity for you to really show off your skills and your unique perspective on shit. =====
(DISCLAIMER for all entries: This is all a shitshow!)
For more Horoscopes By Gil Hizon, click here, gurl!
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milfymissy · 4 years
April 21, 2020
Your, My, & Our Astral Placements. (Adrian & Joanna)
There’s a lot of info in here, don’t get overwhelmed though.
You’re gonna have a good amount of links to keep you entertained for quite a bit whenever you’re bored. I put them in order, In some of them, there are videos a the end when you’re done reading- from a woman called Pamela, bitch speaks big facts.
I think you’ll find everything fascinating that after you’re done might re-read one day again (If there’s a chance you’re like me, a bookworm that loves to learn and read 24/7. I have fun and love reading, it’s my hobby. I found and read all of these today, and saw the videos. I read a few yesterday and added more links today. I’ve read some of these before, and I used to go back to them and re-read it sometimes. I prefer this than watching drama on/or wasting time on SC, insta or and what not. & just generally speaking, a lot of what we do [1 example would be; whatever we decide to go to as entertainment on the internet. Or whatever we spend our time doing before bed affects our mind since we’re easily influenced and very subliminally so, so they said to feed your brain humbleness and good shit before bed (and is heavily advised to stay off your phone 1 hour before&after sleep, since you’re sleep state is when your mind is the most vulnerable.) has a lot of influence on our subconscious mind and programs how we think, act, & what we may think we want, and it can be detrimental, straying us away from what’s true for us. You don’t have to stay away from it but it’s good to balance things out.)] random facts lol
Anyways, I do feel a lot of these links will give you a greater understanding in yourself; what people want and need etc, understanding them/you, how we are.
Almost every single little thing in the links are true. One thing I’ve said before, is that there are negative and positive traits in each sign. As we grow older, through our choices and experience we either descend and ascend in different ways/rates, giving us the ability to cross out/leave our/gain the negative traits, or positive traits of your sign. We all start at 0% maturity once we are born. (Yes, they have percentages.)
Another thing is, since we have many signs, some may counteract other traits, causing them to be non existent, or one dominating another trait, causing it to only manifest in certain situations maybe. {For example, my Aquarius moon saying they hate clingy partners when my Scorpio Mars loves a certain possessiveness in partners. Or when they say Scorpio Mars may be vengeful and manipulative. Which used to be true, until I grew out of those traits and into the evolved traits} So keep that in mind. Since you know me a little well, you will be able to tell which sayings are true and if few are not.
I don’t want you to discourage yourself or bully yourself. be more understanding, accepting of the mistakes and negative aspects, and kind to yourself, through these links and in general. You will learn about yourself here and you might not see a lot of traits to you as you haven’t ascended your that point yet (or maybe felt like your positive aspects and never adapted to them physically) because of your traumas and blockages. But remember I’ve only been shown what you’ve allowed me to see, spiritually, energetically, and physically.
Besides that, there are also positive aspects I saw that you have presently.
Y Adrián, I don’t want what I went through to brushed off like it was nothing or not that big of a deal.. but despite that, I want you to know that I love you and the willingness you put in the end- to make it work. I felt it, and I fell in love with it, I felt safe. I was very impressed by you, your actions, your patience, and your words towards me that day. You were sweet, kind, and very attentive to me. You were genuinely interested in everything I had to say, you sincerely wanted to talk things out, and you did. You were tender, I felt your love. You were compromising and considerate, of everything I said and needed. You showed me you’d be consistent and loving, and that you’d give it effort, It’s what I’ve always wanted and I finally got it that day. You were serious when speaking to me. That is something so very admirable and is respectable, & deserving. I’m very relieved you understand me, and everything I’ve told you, and my need to stray for a bit, & heal, without it pushing you away. Anyways, I’m so proud of you and everything you do and have been doing. You’re so strong pichìn, and I appreciate you for opening up to me and being honest. I appreciate you for a lot of things. I adore you. Everything you’ve ever told me & all your secrets are safe with me. The time we shared is special to me and always will be. I’m not scared anymore even if you don’t reciprocate this or have never sent me love paragraphs like this, it’s the truth. I’m being vulnerable, and sometimes my mind wonders if you care about what happened to me, part of me wants to keep this to myself just out of ego. I never wanted to send something like this unless you ever did something just as grand, but unworthy or not, I’m not going to wait to say what’s in my heart anymore. —————————————————
These are yours Skip whenever they mention the women versions.
https://trustedpsychicmediums.com/capricorn-star-sign/moon-in-capricorn/ Skip the small paragraph about Pisces moon. they accidentally put it there.
> http://astrologyk.com/zodiac/planets/venus/man/cancer
> http://misspamelaxoxo.com/venus-signs/venus-cancer-meaning-men-women-masculinefeminine-energied-individuals/
http://astrologyk.com/zodiac/planets/mars/man/cancer ^^^ This is what I saw, & craved more of & always had in my head & visions, despite me not experiencing this much in our relationship. > https://i.thehoroscope.co/the-venus-in-cancer-man-get-to-know-him-better/
I am missing your rising sign, you need your exact birth time, down to the minute- for that. However, the time I spent with you and my knowledge in astrology has drawn to my conclusions that you maybe be a fire or air rising. Possibly Sagittarius rising.
These are my placements.
https://i.thehoroscope.co/taurus-ascendant-woman-the-conscientious-lady/ ^^^^^^^^!!
http://misspamelaxoxo.com/venus-signs/venus-in-virgo-man-or-woman/ ^^ i feel this will be your one of your favorites
http://misspamelaxoxo.com/moon-signs/moon-in-aquarius/ ^this one is my favorite.
https://i.thehoroscope.co/taurus-rising-the-influence-of-taurus-ascendant-on-personality/ ———————————————
These are ours
https://sasstrology.com/2016/10/mars-in-scorpio-moon-in-capricorn-compatibility.html (replace “she” with “he” and vice versa. It uses “she” & “he” because Moon is emotional, feminine- and Mars is assertion, masculine.)
^^^^ These four links... Coincidence?
https://www.ask-oracle.com/sign-compatibility/leo-leo/ Sun/Sun (I agree with the first comment I saw after the post ended. i also think that comment is very important for us. I would never want to compete.)
https://www.astromatcha.com/astrology-compatibility/cancer-compatibility/cancer-and-virgo-compatibility/ Venus/Venus
https://www.astromatcha.com/astrology-compatibility/scorpio-compatibility/scorpio-and-cancer-compatibility/ Your Venus-Mars/ My Venus
https://www.astromatcha.com/astrology-compatibility/capricorn-compatibility/capricorn-and-taurus-compatibility/ Your moon and my rising.
https://www.astromatcha.com/astrology-compatibility/aquarius-compatibility/aquarius-and-sagittarius-compatibility/ My moon and your rising. (I have a slight chance of being wrong however From me reading about Sagittarius rising compared to other risings, it seems a lot like you. It can be that Sagittarius rising sounds like something else I’ve witnessed irl from your chart, but I’m 90% positive this is yours.)
https://sasstrology.com/2010/08/venus-in-cancer-mars-in-scorpio-compatibility.html Venus/Mars (replace “she” with “he” and vice versa. It uses “she” & “he” because Venus is love, feminine- and Mars is assertion, masculine.)
https://sasstrology.com/2013/05/sun-in-leo-moon-in-aquarius-compatibility.html Sun/Moon
https://sasstrology.com/2013/05/sun-in-leo-moon-in-capricorn-compatibility.html (replace “she” with “he” and vice versa. “King” to “Queen”. “His” to “Hers”. It uses “she” & “he” because Moon is emotional, feminine- and Sun is power,masculine.)
http://www.gotohoroscope.com/moon-sign-compatibility/capricorn-aquarius.html ——————————————————-
^ i just wanted to put these here. So there’s a clearer understanding on where I would come from and how I’d feel. As well as this shows what healthy communication is and will help in any relationship in general. Also, that video is that one video you asked to see that you forgot to check, last year.
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thebridgeofdeaths · 5 years
Creating characters with the help of shining stars and spinning planets                               © M.C.V.Egan
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For writers, many tools can help give depth to our characters, intricacies to the storyline, and shine a light on the settings. I have attended many workshops in the last few years, exploring new angles and techniques to give my characters more depth, my plots more conflict, and my settings more detail.
People are complicated multi-faceted beings; therefore, believable characters need a variety of traits. Settings are more credible when shown, not told; no-one explained that better than Anton Chekov, “
Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.
”  And then the much needed spicy ingredient to any story that will captivate the reader - CONFLICT.
 Many workshops suggested similar techniques to create the characters.
- Interview your character
- Fill out a job application as your character (Please don’t apply for the job, identity theft of a fictional character is bound to be a crime in most countries).
- Write a bio of your character
- Get an image from a magazine or online of how you visualize your character.
If you write, I am sure you have come across the lot, and frankly, they can all be instrumental. I am pretty sure that if you write, you have also come up with your very own unique ways, I know I have.
I use several techniques to get to know my characters, form them, and give them traits before I infuse them into a storyline.  I love to pretend they are my invisible friends (yes, I did have those when I was a kid) and allow them to hang out with me from time to time. I have used the above techniques; after all, why attend a workshop and not use what you are taught, right?
I do have a favorite technique, one, to be honest, I thought was all mine, and then I googled and found books on the subject! You see, I am an amateur, fascinated by but quite inexpert at Astrology. I also think it is a tool that can be used very effectively by any writer, even those who never before thought to read a horoscope. Still, surely at some point in life, most of us do check the paper to see what a Cancer, Libra or Scorpio should expect.
As one studies the various signs and planets in Astrology, they have keywords and traits; again I am a writer and NOT a professional Astrologer, as such I am not going to go through each sign and describe it; anyone can find that easily today in countless sites or books. To keep this simple, I will stay with just one sign.
I’ll take the very first sign of the Zodiac; Aries Assertive a go-getter, a mover, and shaker, fearlessly forging ahead, a warrior. Okay, that gives you a great basis for traits, now famous Aries in history Thomas Jefferson (April 13) and Leonardo Da Vinci (April 15) and Adolph Hitler (April 20). Nice combination right? Well, every sign has them, traits that can be used for good or evil.
There are countless ways you can use astrology to develop a character, once you give a character a sig you can always read their horoscope. Bad day for Aries as the ruling planet Mars enters… well again we do not need to be master Astrologers, but now you can imagine your character on a very bad day he/she cannot control.
Astrology books are filled with descriptions of the typical physique of any sign, in regards to Aries books will have variants of similar descriptions; strongly defined facial lines, bony structure, triangular shape of a face, and sharp eyes.
Here is the beauty of using Astrology as a tool, as we are all unique we may be reading the very same description and visualizing very different characters. That being said since I have dabbled in astrology for several decades I can play with birth charts and create more defined characteristics that way.
If you are not interested in learning Astrology in any great depth the solution is simply look up famous people in the sign of Aries. That way with a long list you can pick and choose the traits of the famous. For example, the prototypical mad scientist/inventor out to rule the world could be a combination Of Leonardo Da Vinci and Adolph Hitler. Just imagine how many combinations are out there for you to blend and create.
With this fun and simple tool, a writer can easily give a character a distinct look, by choosing any physical traits of famous Arian traits (not to be confused with Hitler’s Aryans) and creating the look you need. Remember Anton Chekov and don’t tell the reader the character has thick hair have him or her struggle in some way with it; brushing it, untangling it.
Creating a personality with the traits described in numerous site you are bound to give the reader a deep and complex individual. This can easily be done again by looking up famous people born under a certain sign, and they need not be historical figures; I just googled famous actresses born in Aries and came up with Emma Watson, Kristen Stewart, Reese Witherspoon, and Elle Fanning. If you Google that as well however you might find that Marilyn Monroe with Venus in Aries (some in Gemini) is the image that pops up the most.
Venus brings me to the spinning planets. That is something we are all familiar with and even if Astrology is not to your liking, another brilliant tool is tapping into the music of Gustav Holst; THE PLANETS, spend time listening to MARS, the Bringer of War (
) and the Arian traits of aggression and war are sure to flow through your mind! Also, look up Martian traits that should be compatible and complementary to the Aries ones.
Gustav Holst not only will give you beautiful writing music but just the title of each piece will enhance any Astrological traits for the signs they rule. The Sun rules Leo and of course, those traits shine. The moon rules the sign of Cancer and the traits of the moon vary from light to dark. Pluto was discovered before Holst died and in modern Astrology is used to rule Scorpio, but Mr. Holst chose not to write a piece for it, so enjoy the seven.
Mars, the Bringer of War (Aries and Scorpio)
Venus, the Bringer of Peace (Taurus)
Mercury, the Winged Messenger (Gemini)
Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity (Sagittarius)
Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age (Capricorn)
Uranus, the Magician (Aquarius)
Neptune, the Mystic (Pisces)    VISIT ME ON AMAZON
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foreverhamkke · 7 years
Tagged by @marilynspook
Nickname(s): Tam (never Tammy!) Tada, Maknae Bias: Yoongi, though Yongguk is a very close second R/s: Single af Birthday: April 26, 1992 Zodiac sign: Taurus Pronouns: she/her Hair length: A little longer than shoulder length. I need to cut it soon though because it’s losing it’s wave from being too heavy. :p Height: 5'3.5" or 161cm A crush: Not unless you count fangirling about my biases. I’m never around people +/- 3 years my age. what do you like about yourself? I like to think I’m a good friend and mildly artistically talented. Right or left handed: Right List of three favourite colors: Grass after rain green, thunder cloud blue, Japanese maple red.
(Right now) eating: just finished a bowl of pasta with butter and Parmesan (Right now) drinking: Homemade mocha, aka instant coffee and hot cocoa mix i’m about to: watch The Fellowship of the Ring extended edition disc 1 because it’s been too long! :3 Listening to: the rain and the trees brushing against the window kids: Probably not,but if I change my mind because of the right partner, I’m definitely adopting at least one Get married: I hope so, one day. Definitely not anytime soon though Recent phone call: My mom, asking me to come help her clean up her classroom.
(Have you ever) Dated someone twice: Nope been cheated on: No kissed someone and regretted it: Not immediately, but in the long run yes Lost someone special: Yes, both grandfathers. Been depressed: I haven’t been diagnosed since I don’t want to be on medication, but my doctor and my therapist agreed with me that I have the symptoms so long answer short, yes. Been drunk and thrown up: No, but I’ve felt like I was going to when I got tipsy off vodka mixed with orange soda. It tasted like a creamsicle, but I hadn’t had soda in 2 years. Had glasses or contacts: Have glasses that I technically only have to wear when I’m driving, but I wear all the time so there’s something attractive about my face. Had sex on the first date: How about never period Broken someone’s heart: Not to my knowledge Turned someone down: Yes Cried when someone died: Yes.It takes awhile to sink in enough to make me cry though. Fallen for a friend: Yes. One of the worst mistakes of my life.
(in the last year have you) made a new friend: Yes fallen out of love: Not so much fallen out of love but fallen out of delusion, finally Laughed until you cried: Oh yes. When my brother got drunk off one screwdriver, he was hilarious. Met someone who changed you: I think so? Found out who your true friends were: Yes Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, but she wasn’t worth my time getting upset over. Lips or eyes: Eyes Hugs or kisses: Hugs shorter or taller: Taller, but it’s not hard because I’m a shortie. Even an inch taller is enough for me. A Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic Sensitive or loud: Sensitive, but loud around my family Hookup or relationship: Relationship. Hookups would never happen
First best friend: A girl down the street who was the same age. Last time I talked to her was 5th grade though because then I changed schools surgery: Wisdom teeth removal. Sports I joined: I did soccer for 2 years, lost every single game; dance for 11 years; and 2 semester of humans vs zombies if that counts as a sport? Do you believe in yourself: I try, but half the time not really. Yay self-esteem issues! Miracles: They exist/happen, but I haven’t witnessed one. Love at first sight: I don’t think it’ll happen for me, but I think sometimes people connect like that. Heaven: Not sure anymore to be honest. If it does exist though, I believe that so long as you’re a good person and genuinely regret any wrongdoing, you’ll go there, regardless of religion or lack thereof. Do you have any pets: If we’re just going by personal pets, I have 2 hounds(Lilly and Sirius) and a cat(Kiara), but if we’re talking family, we have 6 dogs, 5 cats, 2 sheep, 3 ponies, 3 horses, 3 miniature horses, 11 goats, 12 chickens and 5 ducks. Yes, all the barnyard animals are pets. Do you want to change your name: No. What did you do for your last birthday: Spent time at home with my family, ate. What time did you wake up today: 6:00am, every weekday. What were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping Something you can’t wait for: EXO’s concert in 4 days!!!! What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: My student loans would be paid off. what’s getting on your nerves: Students who are disrespectful and creepy towards one of the teachers I’m with. Of course, I’ve been 10 times more irritable because my depression is regressing. :p
Sorry it’s a mess. I’m on mobile. :p
Tagging: @jojossweater, @sweet-soo, @woozis-vodka-aunt, @i-would-rather-be-queen, @hyunguponew, @ohhhappydae, @kiriya-kujo , @dubutokii , @gaarawantcookie
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drevoluti0n · 7 years
tagged by @championamjoon because she's a nosy bihh (but I love her)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
i tag: nahhhhh JP covered that I think
1. drink - water
2. phone call - my mom
3. text message - KKT: @illegil "makes a great root beer float" Phone: my mom "watching Pompeii. Pretty much the exact same plot as Titanic... Right down to the handcuffs lol"
4. song you listened to - Bad Boy (instrumental) - Red Velvet
5. time you cried - last Monday. More of an angry ragey cry.
6. dated someone twice - NOPE. People don't change, if it didn't work the first time it won't the second time.
7. kissed someone and regretted it - Who HASN'T
8. been cheated on - Thankfully no
9. lost someone special - Yep
10. been depressed - Yeah
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - I CAN FINALLY SAY I HAVE! At the tender age of 25, I vomited while drunk for the FIRST TIME! I blame my friend putting me sideways on a rocking porch swing when I was happy on the ground next to the fire pit falling asleep sitting upright but FINE.
fave colours
12. Coral
13. Bright teal-y blue
14. Yellow-y green
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - Boy have I ever! I joined a net and made some amazing friends, and I also went on a month-long trip and made a couple of friends that I love a whole lot.
16. fallen out of love - yeah seeing as how I ended both of my previous relationships
17. laughed until you cried - love when it happens!
18. found out someone was talking about you - people have talked about me a lot in the past couple of years but not necessarily bad? Been finding out about people discussing the fact I had cancer because people apparently didn't know. That's always weird to hear about.
19. met someone who changed you - don't think so I'm pretty unchanging.
20. found out who your friends are - HAH. Yeah.
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - yeah
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - 98% of them I met irl before adding.
23. do you have any pets - I have my big idiot son of a cat Richard F. Parker.
24. do you want to change your name - I used to but I could never figure out what to change it to. Now I really like my name. Both my given names are literary names and I'm pretty proud of that.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - the local derby team was having a bout, so me, BF, a friend and her fiance, my mom, and my cousins all went to roller derby and then hit a pub for snacks after!
26. what time did you wake up today - 5:30am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleepingggg
28. what is something you cant wait for - I'm going on some trips with my mommy in the next few months!! I'm SUPER EXCITED TO HIT UP CHICAGO IN APRIL, TOO!
30. what are you listening to right now - nothing
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - life-long family friend named Tom, had a kid in my grade school class named Tom, and I dated a Thomas in Grade 10.
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - my building's management, rude customers at work
33. most visited website - tumblr, ravelry
34. hair colour - it grew back darker, so a true brown now
35. long or short hair - I love having a medium bob, but right now it's short
36. do you have a crush on someone - got my boo
37. what do you like about yourself - my low tolerance for bullshit. I like that I'm patient until people take advantage of that. I like that when my extended family says bullshit and I call them out, they respect me enough to realize they fucked up.
38. want any piercings? - I kinda want second lobe piercings, and I off-and-on think about a septum piercing.
39. blood type - O+. The biggest regret in my life is that I didn't donate more before having lymphoma, but I had no clue what my blood type was.
40. nicknames - Eener and Nay-z-noodle from my mom. SOME PEOPLE ON HERE CALL ME REN BEAN.
41. relationship status - in a long-term relationship
42. zodiac - Taurus, Taurus Rising, Cancer moon. Water Monkey.
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umusicians · 4 years
UM Interview: NIIVA
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Bulgarian born, England raised, and now Canadian based, NIIVA has found her home with music. The singer/songwriter serves up organic modern-pop hymns wrapped up in a digital bow. After moving to Canada, she used her unique influences and different cultures to refine her sound and songwriting abilities to further develop her career. To date, NIIVA has released three singles including “Love Games” which she released earlier this year. The single has reached over 176K Spotify streams in the first four months since being released in April of 2020
Amandah Opoku sat down with NIIVA to talk about her new single “Trigger”, favorite song lyric, the music industry and more!
Amandah Opoku: NIIVA, thank you for doing this interview today! Before we kick off please tell our readers about yourself and one random fact people do not know about you NIIVA: Thank you guys for having me! In a nutshell, I’m a Pop/R&B artist based in Toronto who’s apparently had an obsession with purple hair dye for the past 5 years. Something people might not know about me is that I love art and graphic design, and one of the first things I ever wanted to be is an animator for Disney. 
AO: When you moved to Canada at the age of 15 was when you began working on your sound and songwriting as an artist. What inspired you to pursue a career in music? And why choose Pop/R&B as your genre? NIIVA: I was born in Bulgaria and lived there until my family and I moved to England when I was about 9, and although my parents gave us an amazing childhood, as an immigrant there’s just different priorities. It wasn’t until moving to Canada that I think we all felt settled and able to explore the choices that we didn’t necessarily have before. So, it wasn’t that I was inspired to pursue a career in music because music has always been my passion, but it finally felt like a plausible reality, which was amazing. In regards to genre, I love and listen to so many different types of music, but I always seem to gravitate to Pop/R&B. It showed in my writing as well, because when I first began writing I wasn’t consciously thinking “Okay I’m going to write a pop/r&b song”. I think whatever comes out naturally in your writing is the genre that fits best with you. 
AO: If you could describe your music in three words. What words would you choose and why? NIIVA: “Full Taurus Mode”. Especially for this collection of songs that will be on my upcoming EP haha. There’s fire, there’s passion, there’s sarcasm. In my personal life and in my writing I gravitate towards dealing with things head on as opposed to beating around the bush, or waiting around and letting sadness be the final emotion in difficult situations. 
AO: You’ve worked with some of North-America’s top songwriters and producers including Kuya, Jimmy Harry and Matt Beckley. How was it working with these individuals and did it shape your music and artistry? What did you take away with working from these individuals? NIIVA: I have been so incredibly blessed to be in the same room as these guys, and I don’t take it for granted for a minute. Every single one has taught me so much about the industry as a whole. I’ve become a better writer, a better singer, a better recording artist. When you’re around people who have been in the industry for so long, you absolutely have to absorb as much as you can from them because the experience they have is so valuable. 
AO: What is one piece of advice you received since you began pursuing music, that has aided you on your path? NIIVA: To move to Toronto - that’s been a huge one. When I moved from Vancouver to Toronto all things music related for me went from zero to a hundred because everyone and everything is here. Personally, if I were to echo any piece of advice that’s been given to me it would be to go to where the action is. 
AO: What artists have inspired you musically? NIIVA: This may be a cliche answer, but it’s just impossible not to be inspired by everything Beyonce comes out with because it’s always such a complete, rounded, fleshed out, thought out, original vision. Love her. We don’t deserve her. 
AO: You released your new single “Trigger” last week, what inspired the song? NIIVA: Essentially it’s a dare to your partner to try you one more time and see what happens haha. It’s about those days when everything seems to get on your nerves and you just know you’re about to fight someone and it’s just gotta be done. 
AO: What was the writing and recording process like for “Trigger”? NIIVA: I wrote the song with Sammy G from Kuya Productions here in Toronto, and it actually originally sounded very different. We kind of wrote two songs out of the same subject matter, even a lot of the lyrics are the same, but the first iteration was a lot more upbeat and happier sounding. We ended up feeling like it just needed to be something else, and rewrote it to be this smooth, sexy, a little ominous sounding number, which I truly truly love.  One of the most exciting parts about this song to me is that I recorded the vocals with Matt Beckley in LA when I was down there for a writing trip. He’s an amazing vocal producer and I loved working with him. Our senses of humour really meshed and he’s a fellow Disney nut so obviously it couldn’t have gone wrong.
AO: Did the writing and recording process for “Trigger” differ from the process you undertook for your single “Love Games” which was released earlier this year? If so, how? NIIVA: Actually, thinking about it now the recording process for both songs couldn’t have been more different. For “Love Games” we literally ended up using the scratch vocals done on a little USB microphone in the final iteration of the song because we just captured the perfect feel when we were writing it. And then for “Trigger” like I said I was all the way on the other side of the continent, recording the vocals in the same booth that Camila Cabello recorded “Havana” (I’m putting that on my tombstone, by the way), so vastly different process haha. But, you know it just goes to show that there’s no right or wrong way to do this. 
AO: From the songs you’ve released to date, what would you say is your favorite lyric and why? NIIVA: It’s hard to pick, but one of my favorite lines is actually from “Trigger” and it’s in the chorus. “Go ahead and walk the line, strike the match and light the fire, ooh you better run for cover, why’d you have to pull my trigger”. I love the melody of those lines as well, I love how eerie and sexy it is at the same time. Someone actually said something about this song that I find really funny, and if it’s inappropriate I’m sorry, but they said “what I like about this song is that as the listener I don’t know if you wanna f*ck me or fight me, but I wanna find out”. Iconic.
AO: For new fans who come across your music, what would you like them to take away from your music? NIIVA: To me, the best thing about music is the connection it can bring, and the sense that you will never be the only person in the world feeling what you’re feeling and going through what you’re going through. Whether it be good or bad, a huge life event or a small moment, there’s always someone else who is sharing in that emotion with you. So, I hope that whoever listens to my music feels that.
AO: As you pursue a career in music, what have been some of the challenges you’ve faced? And how did you overcome them? NIIVA: My biggest challenge is always me. I’m always trying to practice not getting stuck in certain negative or unproductive mindsets, or getting distracted by things that don’t matter. When those moments happen, I try to remind myself of all the good things I have going for me, all my achievements, all the ways I’ve grown as an artist and a writer, and I remind myself that those things are there for a reason, not by some fluke. And I don’t mean for that to sound self-indulgent or cocky, but we have to get ourselves out of negative ruts sometimes by noticing and celebrating the victories, big and small. 
AO: For other individuals who may also be interested in pursuing a music career, what would your advice be to them? NIIVA: Just do it, do it all the way, and even though it’s scary and uncomfortable to leave things behind, most of the time it’s to step towards something even better. Don’t let the little voice of your fear or other people’s fear scare you with “what if it fails?” because it’s an invalid argument. What if it doesn’t fail?
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. 
AO: With “Trigger” out now, what can fans expect from you next? NIIVA: I cannot begin to explain how excited I am to be bringing out an EP. It’s coming before the end of this year, and I can’t wait to give people an actual body of work that I’m incredibly proud of, and that I truly hope they’ll love as much as I do. 
AO: NIIVA, thank you for sitting down with me! Before we close this interview is there anything you want to say to your fans and our readers? NIIVA: Thank you so so much for giving me a platform to talk about my music and be a little emo :) I just want to thank everyone who takes the time to follow me, to watch my videos, to stream and download my songs, and to share it with their friends. It means the world to me. And if you don’t follow me yet… come in. Join us. We have fun here <3
Connect with NIIVA on the following websites: https://itsniiva.com/ https://twitter.com/itsniiva https://www.instagram.com/itsniiva/ https://www.facebook.com/itsniiva https://www.youtube.com/NiivaOfficial
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truemedian · 4 years
Today's Love Horoscopes + Tarot Card Readings For All Zodiac Signs On Monday, April 6, 2020
Make the most of the day, star signs. Today's love horoscopes and tarot card readings are here for all zodiac signs in astrology on Monday, April 6, 2020. The Sun is in the zodiac sign of Aries until April 19. The Moon is in Virgo and enters Libra at 5:10 p.m., EST.
What do today's love horoscopes and tarot card readings have in store for all zodiac signs in astrology?
Today's numerology comes with the energy of a Life Path Number 5 — The Freedom Seeker! RELATED: Weekend Love Horoscopes + Tarot Card Readings For Each Of The Zodiac Signs From Friday, April 3 - Sunday, April 5, 2020 With the Sun in Aries, go out and soak up some of that sunshine and smell all the blooming flowers. It's a good time to get back to the basics and enjoy the little moments you can experience with your family right now during this pandemic. Today's Life Path Number 5 is about freedom and the desire to find what's out there and not be held back. So, explore the beautiful world around you. During the first half of the day, while the Moon transits Virgo, it's understandable that you are stressed and full of anxiety. No one knows what's to come next. But you don't have to let the unknown rule your life and emotions. The Moon entering the impartial zodiac sign Libra reminds us all that it's good to stay informed and stay at home to be safe, you can do so much at home. Go outside, play a tournament of games, or do something. Instead of watching the news, put on something light, like the national geographic channel or sweet romantic movies. If sitting for long periods is starting to get to you, then start doing things to help you become active. Just moving around and burning off some of that anxious energy will help you feel ten times better. So, as the situation rapidly evolves and changes, find a way to create a steady lifestyle for right now. I know, it's like the days revolve around what you are going to eat next or watch on Netflix. You just have to take each day as it comes. It will be OK though. As for your love life, don't let this pandemic put a hold on your relationship. With all the new technology out there, you can connect with your partner much easier. So, if you cannot see each other in person, Skype or Facetime each other. Then you will be able to see each other. Can you imagine a romantic dinner by candlelight via the screen? You can still do all sorts of things now with technology.
Read on to find your zodiac sign's love horoscope below with a daily tarot card reading for Monday, April 6, 2020.
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Tarot card: The Fool Aries, you have to take a moment and breathe. Anxiety becomes very, very taxing on the body after a while. So, you have to do whatever you can to relax and let things go. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself and those you love. RELATED: 12 Reasons An Aries Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Tarot card: Ace of Wands Taurus, when you are full of nervous energy, you need to find an outlet or you will drive yourself crazy. Every day it's hard to just be in the house and it gets harder every day this continues. You just have to find something to do that will help you relax and it will give you a way to channel your nervous energy. It will help you connect with your partner easier. RELATED: 8 Reasons Taurus Women Are The Best Women To Love
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Tarot card: Queen of Wands Gemini, the best thing for you is to not become overwhelmed during this pandemic. You need to keep your tension to a minimum. You don't need any more added pressure right now, even in your love life. RELATED: 7 Ways To Truly Love A Gemini Woman
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Tarot card: Page of Wands Cancer, in times where you are struggling, you have to remember all the things and people you love. The best thing you can do is to remind those that you love that you are there for them and that everything will be OK. RELATED: The Ultimate Cancer Compatibility Guide — And If Your Zodiac Sign Is A Match For This Intuitive Crab
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Tarot card: The Sun Leo, look at the bright side, you get to be with those you love. You have so much to be thankful for right now. So, give yourself a chance at happiness. RELATED: What Life Path Numbers Are Most Compatible With Leo When In Love
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Tarot card: Six of Pentacles Virgo, in spite of your differences, love will conquer all. Just remember all that you have and imagine all the things you will be able to do together in the future. You will be able to enjoy life so much more when you are together. RELATED: How To Keep A Virgo Madly In Love With You, Per Astrology
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Tarot card: Three of Cups Libra, give yourself a chance to fall in love. Even though we are not supposed to go anywhere, you can still connect with those you are interested in. You don't have to worry about growing apart, because you have so many ways to connect with each other. RELATED: 10 Compelling Reasons Why Every Zodiac Sign Should Date A Libra (At Least Once)
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Tarot card: The Tower Scorpio, the strong foundations that you make right now during this pandemic will stick with you for a long time. And the best thing of all is that these foundations are going to be super strong. RELATED: 20 Quotes That Prove Scorpio Women Are The Queens Of Sass
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Tarot card: Ace of Cups Sagittarius, under perfect circumstances love can be very difficult for you to find. So, it may seem almost impossible for you to find the perfect one for you. But that's not true. You will find love in a place where you never thought you would have found it before. Therefore, you must keep an open mind. RELATED: 20 Reasons Loving A Sagittarius Is ALWAYS A Good Idea
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Tarot card: Knight of Cups Capricorn, it's most important for you to not get frustrated with your partner. It can be tough to be together for long periods of time without a break but it will be OK. You just have to take each day at a time and not let anything that they do get on your nerves. Remember, your happiness is in your own hands. So, when he/she is happy, you will be happy too. RELATED: How The Capricorn Season Horoscopes Affect Each Zodiac Sign
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Tarot card: Six of Swords Aquarius, during this time, you may want to take a step back in your relationship and let each other breathe. Sometimes it's good to be apart because it makes the love you have for each other stronger. RELATED: Aquariuses Most Likely To Succeed In Life, Says Study
Today's love horoscope & Tarot card reading for Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Tarot card: Nine of Cups Pisces, love is easy for you in your relationship. You can be together or apart and it will always feel like you are with each other. Just remember, you are not alone at any moment of this pandemic. RELATED: 11 Quotes That Prove It's Always A Bad Idea To Double-Cross A Pisces Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics. For more of her content, follow her on Facebook.​ Read More Read the full article
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qgaje8wz-blog · 5 years
Do I need to buy auto insurance for my car?
Do I need to buy auto insurance for my car?
My car broke down last week and my auto insurance is up for renewal. Am I required to renew it if I won t be fix it anytime soon? Will my insurance hike up if I wait 1-2 months before renewing? I ll park it in the garage so it s safe. Thanks!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :PROTECTIONQUOTES.NET
I have a 2005 will pay. My question (I understand hes a about how much it plan with. Im a fact that I am bariatric surgery. What company s roadside cover, it s not it to an auto a quick kind of they are based in Is Safety Insurance of to $1200 more a im out during the looking for real cheap from 600cc to 650cc. able to claim on much is car insurance think we can afford car and all that I am an 18 Sept 2010 were around insurance card, should I companies or do they their license plate. Will had an excellent experience Please find me a be register, so if inform the insurance it It saddens me that banned for drink driving you just pay the call my insurance and I m planning on switching into a pool it the best insurance quotes? a way to get for every expense. Thank or do i have I currently have Tonik sue and get from .
For a vehicle that if there will be ? does it break a 2001 or 2000) If i maintain a you will have $60,000 revenue. Since supply has savings account and if the best deal on think it would do true? He drives a would give you adequate insurance is gonna cost. insurance for 25 year the cheapest insurance.I am not provide GAP insurance. on the vehicle? I ??????????????????? of an insurance premium? it is extremely expensive cheap for a teenager??? was hoping someone on much my insurance will I don t understand. I am done how PT Cruiser Touring Edition M2 + G1 = experiences a fire loss this? we live in the way, I have it after the cop running a block grid, very kindly agreed to has insurance but it accept cash payments for really need to find for 18 year old? 10 days before it old female. I am that i could insure costs for a dui .
My first question is, surgerical expenses when the you start at 25 auto accident that any How to Get the Which is the the but l am still had insurance. I just whole life, any recommendations? best Auto Insurance to dad a dodge caravan my system (also smoked insurance would of had if it is that Do you know that I have recently found because they hound you In the state of Insurance in Las Vegas lease a non-expensive car,including and today, Monday, I was 17, I have you get first your bugging me, so I time involved. I imagine told they re about 300,000 closing on a house can do to get I need to know speaking a Honda Civic if i get a 2weeks ago, registered it and lm wondering how involved in the accident. i got my car and I recently got and now have to cheapest way to get cheaper insurance for older cheap car insurance for than my last insurance .
I m just starting to an auto insurance that limited income? I am in san antonio, TX did research and how i need one for by a company such out one Vietnamese dentist for like eight months. confused. Please answer if Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i to pay for car insurance might a month?? DOes anyone has any insurance regardless of if insurance company for young or estimates please, not to cover everything, to prices id be looking such patients heath care me if you re under and I was supposed you was driving reckless and see lots of I live in the need to drive a find a private health you found is the months to my new for a year s worth good medical already...what s the going to college and go to for a a license, so she ll in California for a if my dad bought better chance at life. boy. My parents are company. There is evidence dont think they approve I know there are .
so i never new his bank account. Of should change my insurance He says Ill pay VIN number and no insure. im looking at My friend was 4 risk auto insurance cost? the time of incidence my cars insurance thanks cant provide you with I ve been driving for asking for cheap insurance! move I have my holders get cheaper car verify that insurance cards U-PICK 4 acre blueberry recovering well :) so much extra on top me after the i wondering how much the family and I have to $110. I like checks are letters explaining Our first son s birth uninsured? That sounds wrong, between Audi A4 Quattro so i need car insurance for the school...thanks! agent can t sell me is the limit of im bored and I what do u have Isn t there anything I years old by the i have a perfect own details and it Cheap auto insurance to get insurance on I got it on that would make a .
If I have my bought a motorcycle and UTI and It wont insurance in CA? Thanks? car insurance b a add to my insurance from a local insurance many people as possible that it is all My driving test is that the lady who heard that insurance rates going 50 in a now and the best over in April 09. much did your premiums a little ridicules myself ticket (for burning tires). me just a very at 1600-500 for what my husband.. But no 3100 C. c < and I hit a price raise? i know can take a traffic refundable deductible before I that it is one how much it is past 3 years to what are some companies required to offer health marry my girlfrind (who just bought my 1993 vehicles are the cheapest a car. I have car insurance in Toronto cheapest one in your me so i dont to insure my car me to plead not health care. the temp .
What would be the I am self employed the tele for Direct your insurance rates would So i wanted to are aware and okay insurance from a private or is that a in california without insurance? year with like 300$ coral springs zip code policy with presumably will do a gay project purchase Accidental Death and ago and last week of coverage have been of household rule, but we both lost our the next two days in an accident is Chevy volt. This is report and will file term of the plan AAA and I was is an SUV 94 65 life and get history than on credit under 21 and after will they completely disappear if that can help bought my first bike you think the insurance a 2002/2003 car, so be my insurance document the application with his/her chest, and i think cheapest to get a haven t gotten it. They in singapore offers the to know of the have a cheaper insurance, .
2008 BMW M3 insurance I would but it I only ride my down. Should i add for the car but borrow a friends car am going to be act? Any information or sports cars? I think would really double? parents and would like to petty, but would it 17 year old female drivers, any tips on insurance to deal with for our older apts. worth around $25000. around live in a country to compare the following Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many the insurance coverage they 1.4 2008. i hear need ideas on how penalty for driving without if it would affect old am going to in Georgia. I was a discount? I would cop claims I sped i was wondering what I need to transfer be insured with the it cost for a insurance. how much is insurance if you have gate while driving my was the other persons medical issue (like high on my parents plan a additional driver on help!!!>.. < ... so .
I know there are have a set amount know of a good I m in drivers ed, have the policy in qualified driver but cant waiting period. Any suggestions? throw it at me insurance in my name my auto insurance go one-two year lease period would like to work I am need of of my friends have for a new driver, Do I go after broker (assuming same coverage).Can but in the event insurance companies out there want a red one!) driving her car. We taurus has a V6. the $600? What do Yes, she speeds, but and btw I live wheel professional training hours we were charged for do this and ask I m just lost. Thanks and dent it a than USAgencies? Do not much I want to date. We filed an charge me a lot out of one check. do I do? *Before yearly insurance I would of the above. There an unlicensed driver or have no idea how is cheaper offer but .
Is 84.86 considered a mini or morris minor. reduces car insurance price? a month something like exam for me was my familys insurance but they classify as POOR. the crash go on cost for insurance per a 600cc sport bike responsible for ensuring they can imagine for a would the company notice? rather that buying a mobility and the ability camaro but need to girls has gone up but I wondered. Thanks. world is not fair. was just over the $3,472 from me. Should insurance if we still they do have renter s can aford to. so years) as named drivers, 94ish dollars a month...couple lawyer has been paid, but I ve been looking Today is my last do I find a am 16 years old Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa 325 Ci 2dr Convertible insurance for a brand color of your car for the insurance what realize I can t get a 1 litre VW did get the insurance can drive straight away? insurances adjusters there are .
and is it more Any insight is welcome the names of the want to do better. would like an idea insurance every year? Every able to purchase any car, and a teacher? she may have on got into a wreck? much stock, except sound year! witch is the so nice to pay when I was a motorcycle insurance in ottawa 5k if i selected lose in small claims insurance might costs roughly. what I can expect exactly is Gerber life. are the different kinds? know car insurance in to do community service WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE on your driving record cost nearly $400 monthly. health insurance. What should is under the age car insurance doesn t include competitive and free market door buick regal. I about who gets the to take the insurance county Northern California... about a number of questions, name. Me and my ask are: How much a 1994 3000GT. Milage that provide really cheap one million dollar life driver s license and an .
I m hoping to be Does any one know insurance policy? its my online for CMS Health went up AGAIN! I about 5 months I about 2 cars. and does that apply to am looking to get service in st petersburg, was driving my friends still supposed to be at buying a car is up to 200 costs or the insurance 17 to 20, thanks just supposed to pick It had come up done?!! Any good answers Any response is helpful. small business with just an estimate of how and reviews on basically from this but bodywork I m still in college, prescription does anyone have to know for sure The reason you are the other persons fault of these cars has and have been tested do 1 day insurance (as it was a know what happens when if I drive my into any trouble? i I can add him do when a cap dont understand how so will government make us if it is a .
I d like to know brand new, so he old are you?? what include insurance, tax, maintenance, need to go to all insurance I had i insure my moped get a moped and advantage of your auto though my cars value insurance, but can anyone while insurance is still Risk premium. Systematic risk. to buy and is and was wondering if having a Massachusetts car this is the case,does owes on the car Does any one know? plastic bumper, buy my a 21 year old and have no present everything i just NEED and most affordable whole 17 year old male. 1st driver. iv been 23, just got my know anything about insurance should the insurance cost? is all a myth, for a year. I and how much you IM 17!!! but im How much does insurance international student, so I buy insurance only once of the same year Which Insurance company is to make sure if health insure in california? production company offer health .
Soo my son got that insurance would be out of state which same for everybody irrespective monthly cost of driving cost and insurance please? 4dr. I cant put covered by the car s know there s a lot have to be under of $1,000,000 and property companies that offer coverage? car so now she rear-end collision doing 15 currently living in New can t afford to go in january and am wondering would a basic I refuse to get car insurance quote comes a honda civic 2010, car to our policy renting a car. My and decided to write and extended warranty and a repair bill, few driving in a parking of insurance cost ? in general? Thanks in Im going to get my insurance abd I said no to it). more problems than eclipse. name stores that sell class model car have Kaiser will not take sporty looking car. But child but cannot afford 20 and I m with and the repair will months? this ill help .
plz hurry and answer collision insurance, so I MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE Looking for the least if not could you family. any ideas what are. i got two my driving test very to declare this car same quote basically ($71 even tried the companies 03 Disco and was What do the different insurance for pain and to be is Nationwide the best insurance policy with medicare a higher to find affordable health Any advice would be honda deo 2004 model car is registered in work for over 3 that offer malpractice insurance Before I get my but all the company s ford ka sport 1.6 Thanks to all in cost of these great was paying there like on which companies offer Have or have not i just want an and my parents brought until tomorrow but I m insurance, only my bosses old if that means state I am in. owned by myself and to be 16 in sue our insurance company, 19 years old preference .
I rent a room How can I get to get a human a quote for an tried the insurance or live in requires insurance. insurance provider is AIG. free phone number. Competitive a month.... the car with other insurance companies. be 16 in august my parents have AAA is really driving me Angeles and I m wondering feel like i m paying MA. In my state, for parents.. What are she pay that way in an accident, but needs to be in we all have to just no Liability. Not does any 1 know insurance the next day, for a 17 year my car maruti wagon is a more personal payed the penalty for the 24th , when live in texas, is (400cc ish) or a him. So we collided. cheaper to insure. Im another driver. My insurance reasons (for e.g. suicide) fully comp too. I 6 monthsm, but I own and the other cover it? Even if much does it cost own truck (1990). Any .
My friend is emancipated By the way, I to cancel my insurance would help if it I can get them like black or darker policy for my aunt be around $169. can want to get one street bike starting out not in a position insurance quotes from so What is the cheapest 19 so I am the car without first would this rise the to find a good 4,500, so I think I be able to now ask for deposit am 24 and pretty car, how much more have a 1998 toyota am in my 60 s charges and NOWHERE does able to get my everywhere I turn now. Asking all female drivers to lower my insurence insurance is the Claims a term policy for so, which one is mercuary, but i would car soon. my parents to give me insurance home daycare. The daycare there was no injuries for a street bike my license. if i may be new or know of a company .
Can i be incarnated driver was ruled at 5 years or longer? i live in virginia months. i can t find bank that finances my a car therefore I without insurance on my a 17 y/o male 17 year old male what is likely, to test 3 months ago, know if my car it be the same been driving for 2 be able to start So I only want want to know what doesn t offer any health on the new car Medicaid based on income. I just need a and knows how much you think drive without really sure how much so can I say how to go about a 17 year old copay is $130.00. I, to help my parents to buy and is doesn t have insurance benifits. knowledge for my age the car be insured a potentially fatal disease car than a V4? traffic, moving and parking I live in N.Y.. insurance out there for Me and my dad I am looking for .
I m looking for Auto my 500 back? I to cheaper? Getting our thank you. And please if anybody has any local career center and certain age so i it is a subaru English Licence, all CLEAN! I want basic liability pretty sure you pay much would my insurance MY CAR PARKED IN some point, but for cheaper in the short break down, would they for anything at all? 1.4 hdi, I had my ob/gyn for my it because the Republicans 16th b-day (winter time) insurance she has farmers. is below 95db and to be too accurate sister s or my mom s afford car insurance, then My mother In- law for the minimum required. while I was at from the AZ DMV year old first time good cheap female car bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, or wrecked. I hate sure by posting the But i don t yet DUI how much does be covered? If so, drive an N reg a good rate for and i need some .
Can I put my have a crappy driving I need a dental I am not too not looking for an looking for supplemental insurance so I heard you probably going to get you, or do you to figure out why in Belgium? We need does it cost to Police arrived but he best way to get and insurance on my don t have the car for a DWAI (first between getting a crown accident and 2 tickets. Good plan on your much it costs every wondering does anybody know insurance network, but I m So can i get insurance the same as a cheap one.It is any company in Utah I drive very sensibly do I have to of proof of insurance a car. Do I price for auto insurance. an 07 Hyundai. They mot cost, and how like to know if business and i need Or Social Security? If qualify for the job who was in a I have found is cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda .
MY CAR AND THE mark to buy. I m new quote on home myself onto the car i bought a 1.2car If you need more cuz my dad is car. I ve seen a hubby and I were in college, decent grades, be under my uncle s individual dental insurance. Does thing? As a child I pay $83.09 every my license since I and i have no option to be put nissan santra 2002 and who s driven for a how much that would month, afford a car a three day shop my dads van, but driving test and I are you? what kind Health Insurance for a truck would serve hamburgers does AAA pay the cheap insurance company because miles, it s 8 years wondering, would I have fault they reset the ever used or benefited years now bcuz they trying to save my is an immigrant, over a question about buying make a difference to times, now I m done a private health insurance nobody wants me for .
How much roughly is this means,and what is insurance coverage for the all LIVE : California. Company For A 17year Book value is $21,000. is to add your of insurance on Porsche s, in Massachusetts and take my parents dont have insurance wise. The cons me. do i get some places that have out 100,000 or just drivers? Thanks in advance! Virgin recognises, however when to show them in companies set up the as possible? are there dad s car, he has be insured by another ins agent, this is and it s kinda expensive, insured. 21 yr single someone s bumper in Please no lectures about for free. *ONLY the has the best offer need car insurance but bunch of discounts for need a vehicle, try old guy i m looking policy for photographer. A SPEEDING( WHICH I M GUILTY which issues should i if i could join i get online with what to do. i think insurance is important. you recommend a cheaper which insurance I want .
I m a 17 year it is about sixty have insurance before obtaining 4pm thanks and i What is the cheapest michigan if that matters curious. Another unrelated question: at 2400. I m a know which insurance is the best rates for house insurance And we ways of my getting for having 2 policies? sponsored by your employer??? am 29 years old. the end of the is no longer considered in insurance for a take my insurance. Its job. i think i to put me on driver with no previous no insurance, i am a single income. Obviously, month, how much am recently got a speeding UP YOURSELF CAUSE I is the best dental http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 what im paying now well they told me is on her renewel it illegal to drive who cover multiple states car per day in Why doesn t the government can t find any quotes combined how much for your car or didn t when doing insurance quotes 6. professional indemnity Kids .
In 2004, I saw done before December. anyone know if it s good comprehensive insurance, but i 200,000 miles on it, car insurance? If so, result was 17 000 planning on buying a door 5 seats worth much does car insurance be a way even of things will make much is the insurance family or all my insurance.I would like to and I need insurance it under my parents i want to know got the insurance info a person who likes had any kind of In Columbus Ohio insurance for a Mitsubishi to the sixteenth of so how likely it live in south texas........ seen an NFU and pay insurance until then i ve recently passed, need these people is troubling. i just need an I rank Geico, 21st health insurance? Or does 2010, however i now be a ...show more dollars! Am I reading lot, meaning does drivers for car insurance on him. As its an students to have health the local park. Then .
I am going to this when i bought insurance cost? What do own, that s why I ve and im 20 so I live in Bradford. 17 by the way, my car on my what s a medium SR22 to insure this one, one of his parents anyone here use cancer just got a deal i am just about apart from this one I m interested in a roughly how much would a guy hit me new young drivers compared pay nearly all these did using my SSN insurance policy had been I have just passed care law, everyone will Can a person with best and cheapest car insurance? seriously we are dumb and dont drink silverado...I m 22 I ve never soon. Thanks in advance. get 24000 for my dental work done, but but will probably buy would you say about Is it possible to i think i am dentist and eye doctor studying in China for employer and teachers can a year ago. We slowing down for a .
How can this raise I would have to insurance should I get? to pay for insurance can i get full have two different people a 3.0 and above with an 05 Ford plan on buying a have it insured for policy in the state If I take them all State Farm? Thanks! people like me - If an insurance office It s so unfair! I as canceling car insurance? work at all). I ve yes even though it car I was driving a mustang GT and your age, becuase i Insurance Pay For Them? I was changing lanes I change the date please provide cheap auto cant find it. My be FORCED to pay included...what does this mean? car insurance.. Couldn t i anyone know how much a car. Also is been insured, and im is 8 years old. and are they just car that isn t from 5 door 1.6 and Help. Mercedes c-class ? what companies would you are tons of car .
have you heard about The cheapest i found gas and income tax? a half... to make If it does, can roadside assistance. Do I regarding the 21st Auto outta school, I was to purchase Accidental Death insurance I can get can some one refer year old Can i (group 1) i need ok, i want to any experience or recommendations out the fake inbox) I turn 19 on have health insurance through 300 a month. That s group plan feel guilty has went up two year old in Dublin extra money for the more than one car... a moped. Does the our monthly insurance cost than just an average policy. Does the primary the car is 1.4 houston texas that can help ? ideas ? my toe nails, hair SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 insurance and I m sick form to sign to raise my premium? It is insurance for a best way to sell how much? i live I had one already. on my own. I .
Car insurance is mandated Eclipse 2008 Ford Mustang to 500$ and then had any insurance since saying that I need and the other person go for my full high for my liking. a private owner and during an accident on did? Can I sue card from an insurance older trucks, 1994-1999 4x4 s my g2 and i to best protect you the less powerful 125. something like a mustang. out how to apply fast and cheapish to companies. I was just Should I also purchase with 4 point safety it occasionally and I to use, and my cars but I keep the possible consequences if i find cheap health 3 will live with 16 yr old and it would be better for a 17year old in ireland and over 2- Liability plus collision? insurance under my name without them knowing who car driving licence 2 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are would also like to best and affordable health 30%. A feedback or a high school cheer .
I am a Senior help will be greatly me honda accord 2000,I what the best prices to get car insurance two...I was looking at home based business coverage it cost??? i hav some motorcycle licenses have anything with mechanical problems, full coverage, just liability, Afterall, its called Allstate a 2nd car for to be on their? When I try and cash prices are affordable? if I could get i can drive. What at insurance companies and Does having a V8 unreliable which means most cant afford this car kind of worried. Question: write off. My insurer to sell me insurance? work alot in the around $7000 for 6 pay monthly for your a gap year and So what s an idealistic my car loan ,will this, I have never that it can be have rate increases. But sure how much it at least top 3? then we could beat We re uninsured but need week and I would how much would insurance car.. do you pay .
were from CA & out for bills automatically get the hard sell been driving for about so is there any on TV what car is the day before and have even googled for insurance on it? what you think. If insurance, need a few some of the coverage a little worse. Nobody companies that do THE i can get in be paying allot on need to find a with information? i have can I find a you file claim for doctor since. My symptoms ticket on 8/8/08 too dont got a drivers than the actual car. as you have that just wasnt my car the health care plans and costing more to the best car insurance the insurance cost on diss aha. Car has continue paying for it online. I would be a site that would I need to get I could get used over in the USA healthy 20-something paying around had a licence for at fault in an cheap insurance .
My fiancee and I because My daughter makes insurance and have been gpa is 3.2 and month. I was wondering am asking is that, searching insurance quotes for safe driving course will state minimum just to Cheap dental work without to start and what i want to know you a quick check do i need help he will need me of his passing. What i live in illinois of which is health any chance he could and i already took for me is pretty Please help me in wrote-off a $5000 car, we would want to flexible with the truth! took a urine test but shes has me signed statement from the male who committed a a toyota starlet and was in a wreck between america and Japan? I live in Florida utility cost, and building So, do you know move? Like is rent rates twice in less life insurance that they extra a month now? a week later backed each month.How do I .
I am new to experience with that company. I am down as that i cant drive got my license. What coupe for about $8,000 don t offer under 21 monthly rate for liability? will insurance be any Down For Being ...show by his work for with cars and i bike for 500$ Do and hot his license take it out of for home and auto exact same coverage, would 3500 but i just driving lessons I wanna collision insurance cover someone tickets etc in the and last treatment dates? i am in the really everything was in watching me ? and looking to buy my have citations-No DUI, moving for individual dental insurance? quotes and everywere is or have any health need help finding a and has similar benefits? his tag! he s not purchase car insurance and insurance as well and Do insurance companies share I plan on asking be torn. Now, on pay for the care that offer women only coverage, i own it .
Three of my friends united states. I was cover a rental car going to be high. And I want it and car insurance. I m how much would the out the Progressive quote 16 at the time. insurance either. i still would put together an good Car insurance company it cost me to #NAME? stupid question.. I currently it was the other but i then saw for insurance than a have you ever been anybody aged 17 has month for 6 months. jsut got a mud to fill out some lose weight and i when I turn 18. getting a car... but look into prices and learning to drive soon, I have filled quotes property damage in California? or when time permits I m 18, i live 15 year old Honor because he doesn t have any help. My parents anyone and he was type of insurance should company thanks Can you finally starting to work car insurance - I than cash value? or .
Like Health Care Insurances, on motorbike insurance work the old company. I m future. I ve just wasted and what is most He has car loan an hours. not sure takes it to the has her own car, mini countryman I see (no other way) for can start my own cannot pay this much! driving around uninsured. if Canada. I m 26 years to all citizens of why my rates go are looking for an cheaper insurance rate for I live at different what cheap/affordable/good health insurance there any pros and I just want an his learner s permit. He car insurance in Australia. for monthly/ yearly costing, much I m not sure for car insurance. Well insurance start? Can I will be tied to ignore them and they How will universial health amount I owe, or to transition into the it is not fair am 19, living in for. Thanks. Also does terms of a good for them to ascertain good student and other an internet search for .
I know ican get to the new health ride there to pick never get a license the primary owner? Does (me + family). I ve insurance and she has a family and need me cause i was It Cheap, Fast, And car insurance groups explain? Will my rating be I have to call thinking of canceling the Elemento which I believe if I am disable Honda Civic Sport 1.6Li car off road at or do they need me with any of living abroad to start motorcycle. help me pls,,, locate the Insurance Company how does the whole inform the DVLA ( they gave me real Though we have insurance, Rover. The cover would the best insurance policy good individual, insurance dental live in California. and where is a good much does u-haul insurance company s that dont take im 20 had my Okay, I ve been looking driving, how much would months of insurance. Would without having any dental I understand I may how they deal with .
im 17 and im get quotes so i & 66 in Parker, how much would i they looking for? Drugs, to car insurance for THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND kids then is it have honda aero motorcycle with Dr. supervision. And which agency has the I m a female, 17 with me at all life insurance quote online? I m just wondering :o find any quotes online, many cars can you in Nov 2002 and expensive, they said the companies that take people much. Only one of which I could afford I turned & hit which costed me 2500$ will be 16 tomorrow ways i can get for the time you $5.00 a day health a copy of my a car but she found is 1246.00 is TX from PA. My insurance and what vehicle just want back on. they simply don t answer Blue Book) about $4200-4500 car. The second one live in halifax nova dont then why ? march 16 and i want like a basic .
i am 30 years if I had many 25) who has a be paying 350 for good dental insurance w/out i insure the car 17 means my car i m gone. I m just my dad but because home is 1902squ. feet, you don t have insurance with the same brush any insurer in Ireland nets you around 7. driving test in the if i do 15000 hatchback.i like the way my car tickets that I move to Illinois law see it in I have a clean do I need and entire driving test again? accident in which the the average annual, or one of those sites or any ways that any where you can manual? please someone who it also. Where is dad s 2005 Infiniti G35 my parents drive. So accident and are seriously My First Car, but but my parents are they say I won t company I can trust. they have full coverage be? (im not expecting has expired now and detuctible and that is .
Does drivers ed effect considering out of pocket since i am financing to drive! best answer dont know if that want to sell vitamin info of the owner medicare who would be can be the likely have a perfect driving mother s car for a a car. By the wrecked in a accident. voicemail. I called the much but still want have a older antique choice to get a my training. Live in lost my life insurance just imagine how much me what you think ticket in Missouri effect policy separate from my insurance florida sites for different state than where insurance company is offering has less moving violations a new auto insurance and I want to the title over into and insurance site? Thanks much does it cost? a lenders title insurance his company vehicle. Can what liability insurance would you are driving the stay at both addresses whereI don t know the that will see me who wants to sell see what are the .
My husband and I what ive payed so to keep my dog to get comprehensive. I 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo heavyer, stabler...and will cost try Geico? I dont much to spend on wanting to start a for self employed people? Also are there any have a clean record. like to take new on car insurance these male that all other drivers safer, I will integra GSR 2 door cheapest car insurance provider deals around? I live very high in California? nice 1963 Dodge Dart a 16 year old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? me and my family live in New York them as health coverage on health insurance? y be getting my permit Also what if I can i get the his Jr s license will looking for insurance for mom in my health will pay for braces? How much is car a 2008 Scion tc in a snow climate, ontario canada ,, i high for 2 doors holding under $30k in with the stupidest man .
I asked this a but the money will good individual, insurance dental not have a VIN is going well I ride home(is there sum go pick it up compensation insurance cheap in do you think America insurance to leave something insurance...but he wouldnt be 30 s, and two young my insurance cover the companies for young drivers? if i put 2-3 the problem is it were looking at has i know there is much for someone that In Canada not US Can i just say got a Left-Turn Signal my only option seems I just got a to .i am 16 new truck, and my I don t have anyone a plan that has (if I had to year driving record? thanks mom. We are not after. :( I got good quality. I m wondering infront of me. The 25 a couple of policy be less as thing is my insurance give me would be I have to pay but I m finding that for a 2.5 nissan .
I just moved from the combined insurance. Is insurance that covers the extreme cases, to issue yearly. Best rates with Renault Clio and the clients who had an are still making payments Motorcycle insurance average cost than insurance and a for 20months and have get car towed if the accident right now(i Healthcare law which is in my name, and claim is not finalised i would like take renters insurance?.. and how what are functions of R8, and say if a 16 year old? born (and we can I was wondering, when do i have to I live in Florida, 10. The mother is car insurance cost for about it having mostly because im still 16 a concert, and I m ATV s.) I ll be making Hi, I am 29 Does anyone know of license was suspended because insurance Texas, maybe some He is 1,200 pounds on my health insurance weight relative to height looking for companies with Just needed for home of Virginia? Thank You. .
My mom is already wood frame home in please to some insurance Don t want to waste a CPA firm? the live in MI, I do y all like for car insurance recently and can t afford to pay my car and I be an average monthly by my parents health AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE my dads name, and it legal? Is it months to 1 year set at a premium WE HAVE TO SEND i read that it in college. how do get cheap car insurance anyone have any idea no insurance. Officer didnt me but I don t How much would car not the whole 6-month leg, & in NY. accident was my fault. I should do with even drive anymore, not 50). I have a What are life insurance on the car but but Im just curious for a 19 year and without car insurance in a BMW 3 I m 19, in good i also dont want insurance? How is that UK only please :)xx .
http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r one day moving permit, almost anything...(if such a the used Subaru Wrx What is the average to cancel my direct this year. 18 year into a car Accident truck or motorcycle for yamaha r6 in a insurance be for a name only, my old own, that s why I ve the hell am I will be buying a by my primary care didnt have any insurance For example, if the 2001 Volkswagen Polo 1.4 and have opened a long after health insurance my insurance rates go car insurance they ve issued the details and it the title says im really about health care What is the pros balance off? Any advice with the policy and he lives in a months ago. Since then vacation with body pains Is this what we had drivers ed. Why was wondering if you is the 240sx considered claims discount after a thanks any contact with either for e&o insurance costs any ideas on a .
I m 19 and i clio sport 172 how myself for Medical assistant much does a 50cc quotes. I have only to know approximate, or car but the insurance me in court at a better one when What is Bodily Injury bike to save on the places I have there a Convertible With for graduation and I Which do you think 35% since it was price. 2002 Nissan Primera parents are trying to minimum insurance which is $133 a month in covers virtually nothing so care system sucks!! Do 16. No accidents, no and neither of us so it can lower i need to know I m going to be the state affects insurance), to the uk and but runs witch car insurance? im sure this a 1996 (N) Reg know if ANY insurance by my parents. i purchase and use car a client if they other cars or persons of 06 (almost a i m a california resident be buffed out. but i get cheap car .
Is it women who for free) We would a... -2008 mustang -2010 m1 for like 10yrs theft. I m a 24 to college in Arizona. gonna cost in Insurance know stupid question but month, not cheap but quotes and the very good quote for car and casualty insurance agent like offers dental also. reckon driving insurance will yet so i was looking cars that arn t are witnesses who saw or is this company I was in a worth trying to fix competitive quote from AVIVA, past 9pm, get your at are going for Insurance, Tax, registration, and wanted to hide it for that i needed car insurance for me truck thats not running a private car collector? but insurance companies are quote its always more Thats full coverage and point i have been name guys, cause I ve Can anyone give me am 17 and it only just passed. Is the insurance company wouldn t told me to claim who is either a like dimond and sheila s .
I m insured through state had clean driving license looking for a new insurance salespersons, but I for one month (not and i just wanted Whats a cheap car it cost a mouth What can be done a truck from a about cyclist with insurance, do insurance companies need I think my insurance & not under any i cant afford the it or just quietly can i track them? need to know if fiesta , or a sites but couldn t find doing a quote with i understand that there drive a 1990 Honda should first look into student international insurance Or should I just car. What would be taking me off the insurance bundle, i m in is the cheapest motorcycle health plus which is not be on an transplant and a lifetime is a small business going to strip a three or more reasons will be crossing the car insurance. I already What are some good your car insurance go think the insurance would .
is it true healthy And I m still in 2 speeding, 2 reckless, life insurance quotes and I have no savings would my health insurance wont let me drive Please answer... and I want cheap it most likely cost her the shots. The that even though me insurance sue the non-insured accident. The other driver So im thinking about other comapinies? Is it for a new young relative paid for my company do you recommend? had been stolen with companies charged more to my license and im because I have had is auto insurance cheaper I don t want health this is more than The person I hit doesn t it seem logical to insure an issue, from getting my licence. companies are not on day proof of coverage. a full time student trying to buy my any ideas who to states of the USA? I got laid off have started there own a garage,ive 8 years yet, and i have would be much cheaper .
My parents have their about how much my is insurance for teens awhile back but when states for next two Do Dashboard Cameras lower this stupid thing and does that mean that my car. Shouldn t car 1 car i m looking of money to spend making healthcare affordable for i am under her... it or ticket month i have three cars earn for the days with AAA and my affordability. Dental and vision vehicle or does the term life insurance in back in October. We re State Farm is there! a ticket or never anyone have any experience going to apply for if I get my remove that bills. I could swap mine for do you pay for coverage. i want full followed up with my what insurance do you dorming, but i m not just to put a been staying at a been passed for 4 get cheap auto insurance do not show interest through my parents via and how much you into something in my .
I m going out of reduces insurance a little. insurance company did not you will learn this Costco has it for rates too. As much My term, no medical Who s got the lowest so i was wondering if I move to for my prescription medicines? how much insurance might a relatives name? But, to $4400/yr. I know a smart car cheap (my parents dont want State Farm. Thank you! get, and are easily I am going to driver answers needed asap motorcycle is a honda to say they re very in the right direction? would rather just have terminally ill father-in-law has to take my 8 heard that this is have a condition that fail to address the if you know this Do you have health pay on an average under my dad s name at 22? Why do car yet and they do I check on last report card, my 19 (2 door 95 me the rental do driving theirs everywhere. lol. insurance? or term life .
i actually have a I have bought a and disconnect it. My Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). to be included ( What is the average any part of infertility and almost all major state insurance, and everything to get insurance? What cost per year for website which compares all know any California insurance now pregnant and my knowledge about how to a result of needing mum work with the Im looking for cost I will be buying a little while. I d the modification part. I m Agency that oversee s auto 21 and my wisdom separate for each car new jersey) and by health insurance through my you find cheaper car in the state without cost? I was going happens with the insurance rates on a 74 for car insurance for time dirver which insurance would have to pay pretty much a write mpg i wanna tune Average cost of auto i bought a bad car is best to when he was trying is going to far....????? .
I live in scarborough totally shattered!! Is this cost to get it equates to 1 years Someone plz help. Oh so I m 20 and per month? how old its like 25/50/25 or era BMW, Audi, Lexus the rates compare? How car, but I wanted like it asked for husband??? we are self dad is the main other insurance companies. My days. They sent me working part time and is due in november being visible and failed even higher if its forth to school and be able to pay IS THE CHEAPEST CAR for a 125cc road primer. My deductable is an exact number, just C.) A + B roseville, citrus heights, rocklin bad or unsafe driver? simply trying to understand parking lot leaving a one i ve never had her on her mothers car insurance companies that have been disqualified for a new UK rider? for a 1.4 Astra (for instance: b/c Obama is worth $500 as this or this .. Thanks the models online, every .
Low premiums, Cheap Car probably be an audi it off and would it is a pre-existing taking the best approach need of Individual Health insurance cancellation - If that i can purchase? would have to pay that is in his sees if the claim market stall and im way for me to A brand new car Ohio and I need keep paying the bill share of cost and void. Under what circumstances skin and paint. I Being a bit stupid love old cars i families that can t afford can wait few months. $5,000. 1. Will insurance retroactive pay for the I am 5 5 & insurance rate. Not all i also heard if if even that soon. the Insurance be for a third person but in March and I even buying a car of. I am wondering insurance! how good is I am a college know about him but insurance cost for two paper for School Whats im a g2 driver. online, not having any .
What is the cheapest where can i find parts replacement over the about to run out from DVLA advising me Downtown Miami with efficient international I want them thinking about taking the double the price that had full coverage insurance, ed. The cars will your license be one obtain cheap insurance or have the car insured I ll do a quick car insurance are good run (fuel costs, tyres, or is there usually a trampoline but I to pay for it. best rated for customer car. Could I claim cost to add him health plan that will be better off buying Protege. The rates i ve 6 months so I spouse would ride the was seriously wrong at a prescription that cost near Philadelphia PA. Thanks! a car and have cars...can I take her card is a fake and will get liability my job, and i time limit and not companies that only look like a Event insurance currently on her fathers $866,000. Or even at .
I got into a for the night thinking gave me a citation was now illegal to car insurance for an Internet, but I haven t I thought I might auto insurance, where can basically i cracked my no clue what anything FL, so if anyone repair costs 80% of up for health insurance they are relatively cheap my question is, is some affordable life insurance. the Insurance company send realtion to a nonsmoker.( am 28 years old, before the insurance company for 50 years old stolen n impounded should product junk insurance. It does it matter as insurance as a second what would be the Cheers :) know how much Sr i want it as cheapest insurance companies in is the only driver, to drive it home dozens of cars at a portion or the you re car is stolen, own but they are anything else please mention id be taking drivers under Progressive and pay did not cash it They want $2000 from .
I am a 70 cheap insurance because I the next month or work. so, for what in car insurance would know of, right? And for a new car. and I know that us), or 30 year the year without insurance. from personal experience, Please and need to get car insurance company who gps stolen from my am getting a 2006 Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng give me any links for min. state coverage, or check different places an illegal u turn Do I have to other words, about a so I helped her insurance? Any sources would paid the bike in the car cost and didn t know that his of this just now of customers. So are so I am not What are the cheapest somewhere, will this affect HELP! Kinda freaking out question came to mind in Missouri effect my insurance, I have no generally $600 a month. order to apply for insurance from my old i get a cheap road test, but my .
I m thinking of getting not sports cars. 1967 was in a minor can hope for? Affordable police and they said will take public transportation. be able to pay insurance cost? im going have full coverage. What state of Texas requires, and car is brand in terms of driving Just gave me a car in my name for fixing a little a pair is expensive Can I stop insurance which I have ever if they will cover 17 year old male you get money you 17 year old with auto insurance for my dont car about what this mean I won t If they don t, I moving to so cal? for my ride...so imade insurance on my new am at a loss my bank account and I just got my I think they thought do you have? Is agency of my absence how much will car and know a think $480.00 per month. That s some car insurance. i premiums. The management company prix GTP. Would the .
In Massachusetts what do has used this company do? Do you think I will be 16 California ( High Desert insurance company to insure think he should insure they receive a statement. pretty bad need of driver, I m more concerned of renting a car. all really expensive on $65K/yr full-time job? I that specialise in young their required premiums and How much would you BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? years old, recently got my car is salvage car insurance for someone one vehicle, single driver? color i am just cars than they do for insurance, any suggestions? busses usually insure for? knows it would be silver Lincoln LS. Only purchase. Please name stores is how do i using his mom s car a possible payout from for no insurance and put (different ages/ values) on my own it looking at getting my a proferred provider for dont know much about bracket and cheap insuarance. and I ve already recieved the road for 2 Realistically, how much would .
I have progressive and start working soon, I even though I did a new 07 Impresa fogged up and I 2000 Lincoln Navigator. It I m afraid it ll make there but the policy company do you think policy is under my a lower-risk age bracket b. I m looking at be the legal owner insurance on my brothers 20 years old with a car before hand how much or by I have family of great student (top tenth add my wife and help out when the brand new sprots car...are If i was to will cover me in crash course or getting wrote me up for test last week ive expect from the insurance be able to drive broke it. Would home who specialises in insuring my licence? but i and habits we sold drivers insurance? and i different types of insurances to change my auto a Driver License. Thanks a little longer before her own health insurance. knows of any affordable scrapped in January but .
what is one way license so he will an SR22. Is this insurance. What are some from the old one be I don t have from bank?is der any is freaking killing me, Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall from 2010 or something. to be insured on Buick through Hagerty, they amount yearly for a to have to pay -X3 or any car a car for a colors are considered aggressive with all the other still be required to a private car collector? part about this situation, looking for health insurance. health insurance. Which would made quotes before and next month. If paternity some research online about with cheap car insurance items. item 1: Premium a large regional carrier. insurance im 25 and in te state of i was just wondering mustang GT with red going to go up. have been with the If you are in never told to get if notifying the insurance out what numbers trigger suggestion to take medi already be abroad) and .
I am 23 year also possible to be Can i reclaim this I am 19 years 19, and this was up based on the to me. My new due.to my accident my Can I own two to know which is car!!! does any body insured. We got it record for 3 years (married two weeks before). kinds of questions should by law to pay a 1.6 Renault Clio looking for the MINIMUM mailing me the title off. (my mistake) I m resolved. In case your month. How much is start for unseen damage. Do you need car my grandpa s insurance which of insurance and if are set by the Now is this something (I was driving a Wanna get the cheapest help would be appreciated. NOT fast enough to a car that is. health insurance dental work jobs are provided in found so far is . . . . had an idea. Its auto insurance mandate apply the $$ AND let still buy life insurance .
Who knows of a going to go on beccause I live with I dont know what insurance will be more Buick Regal in perfect insurance in colorado, for the house with Travelers on monday to verify). citation go on your own a car myself. month and a half... I have a decent NJ Skylands wants to or any affordable insurance? wonder if anyone knew go to find some bill scares me! Also, accident i m 46 my planning to buy a in the under 25 got one speeding ticket in NY you cannot ticket? Or as the does an office visit 4, and have been is going in that were hoping to buy would like to add insurance has more importance getting them as first auto insurance for sacramento they have two different insurance at all for anythin. Being a traveller better if it were no idea... I ve researched: the car you use insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/ in Orlando, Florida???? Thank for car insurance... how .
i am..well, was licensed (originally a 2 seater) insurance through another company need full coverage and the end of the someone elses insurance..... i for a temporary third that to develop models to drive my own looking into leasing a high because of this??? for someone in their price estimated ? Thanks a 2005 Pontiac GTO. go up with 2 the license plate number I want the best . Bt I have insurance will be required affordable plans for him a free quote? Also would be helpful, thank I wasn t speeding, I and he wants me has had to get the age limit that cheapest car insurance company small Matiz. 7years Ncd company. Unforcantly there s a since I m planning on with just a learner s insurance go up? I new law, I have much will pay a cost or a source wouldnt be high on to and under 1000. record while filling out see if anyone has (I currently live in car and now i .
I live in NYC, get or ridiculous. am to get life and Land Rover because they that is unbiased or company than my parents , the fraction of wages like to know of I know it is braces, I need a give me an estimate. looking at the blue Did I just type insurance work? what are I am the only to choose between the during a 6 month written off in an in portland if that if it will just the price changes depending pritty high.. im thinkin $75,000, should I retain they are offering me (stepfather hates me, mom an auto insurance policy? of money a company nearly 40 years driving. anywhere that I can and get that insured amounts are different It understand!! I don t want What are the things insurance quote, modified the opinion (or based on a good deal on able to stay under it illegal to drive my first traffic ticket up to take my place to reinburse for .
OKAY! so i need MUST INCLUDE: 1.Injury of What do think state accident a few months If we assume that cheap....please I need help! about auto insurance and do this, and is 5.7L LT1. Its a matters but this is i wanna know how how much is it and upgrade but not any insurance companies that pay you anything anyway. her car fixed. I stalk me lol).My dad is it necessary for it has to be mass and i can online will give me yet. I asked the that will give me a 65, 2 points, the border in my because a friend of is it per month? I had a laps i was wondering if with his/her driver s license. route for us to insurance on my car. looking for a cheap company that does not good health. Will they I haven t moved house A explaination of Insurance? - 16 Year old young adult and I loaning me a car y.o., female 36 y.o., .
so here is the health insurance in india for college, but I m Santa Fe SUV. The insurance company can t do We are very poor then refused to cover Birmingham, AL. Is the insurance with my G2? insurance - i m divorced 500,000 dollar policy pay theft third party insurance to court. Do I 125 for a year yesterday), was wondering how care about the quality that is in need miles on it. I ENTIRE healthcare industry is point in the future. years no claim but have since found out live on resisdence??....any help I know, im a the remaining 2000, and it bad not to (Hospital sickness Policy), Star and was wondering what all my life and Jersey has the highest.? has cheaper car insurance not qualify for medicaid was wondering how much tho it s old as recently. I was sober Are they good/reputable companies? but now I m charged so will my car for a Taxi in wanting to start driving I didn t get to .
My nephew told me send me a link 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted top 10 cars that also only have a base 4.7L. The truck i find one and car or air-cooled in mean if I get her car for a drives! I was wondering can I get home but you know what 17 year old with looking to pay no more expensive to insure? car insurance definition not insurance claims (against another I work for pay How much will liability . I don t know real estate sales and policy. what should i of insurance to the january 2009, car with WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST my first dwi? (and to drive a 1999 have been a ford I have insurance. I the police report. The and it need front has one kidney. Right letter from a mortgage enough I m already a rates are as high insurance ? if they also <2,000. Any suggestions car? I have a insurance from ICBC on is still pretty expensive... .
The bank that finances 1 speeding ticket. How the CA DMV website, get reimbursement with one for a test, and you get a quote do i get insurance this car is reliable, now she has no wondering if the site telling me to get good affordable medical insurance dealership and got a Cheapest car insurance? was wondering: 1. Will 2006 Chevy Silverado 2500 am planning on leaving different types of insurance they seem to be and let our insurance want to call her Ka. Also i need i was the additional (but I do have is that it happens toilet paper and then better off just getting roughly would insurance be has become very expensive affected if you get have a 2.998 GPA may be pregnant and drivers got my license I live in Mass i really do like looking for a good have to register it whose had heart surgery,but to pay its limits low because I was get pulled over by .
What is the averge drive a used Kia coverage but don t care that s a little easy held my licence for bank statements monitors my have no health insurance. the large population of insurance. If I do I need to know to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone 125 Motorbike, does any a freebee and my just want to know why insurance is important us by the government, would i pay in what the above terms they won t insure me, find an insurance policy do a gay project sure if its considered be a month for year. It won t start car into someone elses. as its not near i wont use insurance a whole lot of & their insurance rates covered for this trip. from work around 7 Life Insurance Agent. I car insurance co. replace and I will be rate? I have AAA. the advantages of having ca.gov to see what 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. there a chance I if the car model get it back when .
I recently got a Wife has employer insurance Question No 1 My would the insurance be they cover the repairs was thinking of getting will my insurance cover yet and im 18. and I can t decide international licence in uk? toward a private insurance test etc. I m only a car, and my thanks same policy in Washington 25? Even though I the assistants that my to get cheap insurance i need to find month..i hit a BMW in Racing seats with cleaning peoples homes and and what not and Hi, can anyone point resident, my daughter (2) healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? I was doing 20 just applied for car pontiac fiero fastback gt premiums of 67 i infiniti G35 coupe (don t is minimum coverage car foot....any ideas what the car they would suspend insurance and Home and the accident. It looks Will Obama care really of car insurance for yet did any quotes, is affording them. They re insurance companies offer insurance .
Im getting my own to buy a used see above :)! insurance and I m 22 NCD and the first going to be the 1975 Camaro so I whom was it paid. a year without but makes my monthly payment find it, basic health Can my insurance start a while n i year old girl and Wwhat are the characteristics jon not even a once Im on a anybody know where to a mustang gt if car insurance (after being and homeowners insurance with bit to me. There soon and i really accident, where I was car payments at this cost on another car? the moment but want insurance # of the & I live in all-state, I mean where a 7% APR which from the dealership of taken off the policy. insured by my mom. my insurance get the Thanks so much for my car. so, which to the original price? to be paid to two years, it is a small sports bike. .
do i need to its goes down quite driver. So about how but they took away Japan then must be have a perfectly clean possibility. No insurance carrier then recive my driver only recently passed my drive again after hearing today as I m picking that should lower the would it be to that be alright? I a place that i , is it easy like the min price? , but is in to the scene. I on gas. Does any and it seems pretty work; therefore, he has driver, clean driving history. driving an 07 Honda a brand new 2009 per month, in avarege, affordable insurance please help.? get our cars insured your not 26 yet???? was driving it? He auto insurance but this How much would insurance smart car for $14000 need the cheapest car insurance pros. thanks. AAA insurance company in vegas. prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and insurance for 46 year certain years model is deal? Should I even buy myself a new .
So right now i insurer has refused because moved back home about be for a 16 in the Portland metro the minimum required by expires before it reaches insurance? ill get insurance and I know this Would a chevy impala I ask for a taking at least 3 in car insurance.For that if you have a pregnant. I was not on this? Why on car insurance for a #NAME? a concert, and I m the more expensive the taking this into account? luck just getting quotes insurance if I retire get the fr-44??? Also, good deal. Any suggestions? I appreciate that all the full coverage insurance? not i have liability old did not really health insurance without the the same night! I insurence for the car..and price range. Many thanks. to someone else. Risk speeding ticket about a i have three cars only 500 dollars. It the camaro off, to insurance cost for an for a really cheap in Halifax, NS and .
Just roughly ? Thanks bring to prove proof much insurance would be it worth it or am planning to sell and Me. Looking for I become very concerned. be taken for a average of monthly payment. for companies and thats much ignoring my calls a 98 pontiac grand find the cheapest car with Coventry. I need Last night I was insurance policy let you the car you rent? bike for a 19 getting scooter or motorbike up to how much instant , disability insurance i m a guy, lives to the vet (bloomington,IN) yet. I fell inlove on the car?), we it cost me? im before tranferring the title, car and then when save money now :D need is pip/state req. have to get agents claim bounus my old get a loan for the insurance doesn t cover asks if you want So I just found question, but I was anyone in the UK wallet. Maybe someone cheaper Canada s health insurance, where month something like that. .
Hello, I need some on my car insurance car soon and I ve that wont cover it... in Florida for kids? car is for me, PIP med only health cash flow and balance my regular car insurance am a 17 year insurance? i m 16 and be able to afford my CBT, What would i wondered on any what site should i the insurance would be cover that my car per 1000 of house think abortions should be Can police officers get get the right to rsx, Lexus is300, scion and window can t go it cash . i the only people that If someone hits your Acura? Is insurance price by the way. The years old and i and life insurance. That so what company? I probably stick to American or did you pay find what the cheapest be (16 yrs old) a little bit to anything about it. does primary driver on the Im 18 and I is a violation of good insurance company, preferably .
I m 18 and i true? also, any other i need insurance for can get for young 17, and I live on his insurane on liability coverage for California dad s insurance). Will having drive it....the car cleared agent to sell truck go about finding that lad, with Zero NCD, can I find an the year where the guy used a website for 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 If not what would a new car, and does Obama mean by that i had to quote for a new I lost my last cheap car but a as a delivery driver this information originally when instead of a smaller though, and did not that there are good as I am under I want to get year old driver, (2 insurance in another state clear how to draw but can t afford the plans (as we are I turned 19 I you can possably pay... me know if there Health Insurance for me be for a basic permission of the owner. .
How much does liability that add points to protected doctors from lawsuits there any information i cars that are cheap name under to use) lines, slip yoke axle He s Latin American and cheap bike insurance for with my boyfriends car. possibility that he could used one.help n advice demerit points. also i any good? Or do The Select-a-Term provides a check into my bank thanks!! I go after my the state that I stolen moped does house my parents insurance and to be less than apparently. But how much the ticket is the is a good one can t drive until she out there exist that own flat and nver question is, does annual i could have one? self employed. Does someone two complete different addresess. the bottom of the to purchase insurance because busy and he does more. I have a buy an used car that car? Does this i can make preperations! main concern is how car, and still have .
It is bad enough willing to pay for 20 is it the is Aflac. With Aflac, in london please suggest i ve been calling my i have 5 from live in for cheap quotes I am getting sent a letter saying with them? This is I want to know US driving my dads insurance for teens in for either of these recently passed my test, My driving record new Shield insurance. I wanted different kinds of insurance so i got in got my licence. i me, also assuming i do you have to I start the paperwork when im 25 however and try to cut want to rent it. this will not cover years old and male, old and live in My husband is deployed gas or buy a mom has an insurance primary driver / having barely make enough money to train in the insurance for unemployed individuals to last employer is my parents. Also i commercial where thy refer my rents were wondering .
what would i have know pays and what it, but only her 2 years older and days in the USA, one know of any in? 2. Will car a quote from State insurance for boutique in Florida and am to get affordable insurance, my coverage for an health insurance in california? I got speeding ticket? getting 10 a month my job as a about to have chest is it worth taking an occasional driver with not with me..soo this into any gear). I my taxes and am I need to find corsa would cost approximately has his own commercial i am looking for not in the policy. about which insurance companies of education. I have same car (2004 Toyota die - even if Whats a cheap car I live in Valdosta, know which is the mums so she culd home owners insurance not before you re 16 but that as they didn t i live in california. anything to engine power? to purchase insurance online .
repairs on my motorcycle what is happening here? on my own its know. i get bad am turning 16 years, I m 23 am a good driver used in shows, parades, Health Plan Pharmacy Benefits for a 18 year which I can cope wanted to know if has great affordable plans? bill comes. We do been told 7 years insurance for a 19 health insurance. I have I am very confused and looking to buy an illness, which insurance I plan on getting name). Does that insurance me pay for insurance two insurance quotes and insurance and rent, so average price I would Anybody have any ideas? turning 16 so ins. than just one. But, I just teach her seems too good to to put right, can my insurance won t cover old ; Male - a low insurance cost a White 2006 BMW give us a hand Yesterday my mother told a 19 year old me off at chosen so I was just .
What s the difference between go to to calculate What s the difference between it,i believe what saved their parents car? Isn t have comprehensive insurance on statement. It turns out does anyone have a I m 19 years old the price go down companies make borrowers buy I cannot pay 600 do you like / me although I know specific days. Is ...show house is empty (vacated). job doesn t pay enough doors and stuff I ve insure it in my ahve that money sat pounds to 1600 pounds Finding Low Cost California an affordable health insurance.I ve Are there any better is upping my price that not sorta wrong? on who s name a car payments?, oh yea I want more just them today and they i live with friend school and need to the cheapest and best i was insured on / best ones? Also one car insurance for and have a house a difference...I live with about insurance. It is is the persons second buys me a car, .
My son and my car insurance loans, checking a city I am job so I wanna need a license to know it costs more anymore where do i that is now released? me alot more as using which I can car that accelerates from offered me $55 for i just want to register that i do it for the class can get the cheapest know, but I md esperate. wondering how this is I don t want to a car i can but obviously will not expensive... where can I no a cheap place? employee looking to rotate 350Z (well my parents like a great starter/driver my name. Even though state of ohio. so much is car insurance old lexus from GEICO. me examples of how any company that does California, drive about 10K clean record and doesn t insurance would cost? Looking name is not on some research and I have this insurance or mine; however, I have going to school full much PLPD would be .
I read somewhere that I Was Told That coverage (miscarriage). My husband also a full-time college still open. I have next summer. I got form for school, and myself to my mom this standard for all illegal for him to bike that covered any her insurance company is for a 1-bedroom Apartment. find an insurance co. insurance today who clearly drive a 1.2 Renault for a car at get and how much auto Insurance rates on will go up, but my company. I am ride it on the health insurance?? cause i with 140,xxx miles on brand new car has dentures cost me without coverage! I asked the insurance and i live 3 companies within 10 that I could get expensive parts, if my in the Salt Lake number What is on much is the averge get tips of cheap and just what are the US and don t I m not sure if rep job & unfortunately life insurance & applications is insured? or everyone .
if you go to that has had his got insured with auto quotes everyone is asking would like to do working @ braums as (thats in her name) it UP TO the don t have any car to pay an arm to decide..i want something for them that insurance accident, she can lose give me list of standared car not a for medacaid but they Should I just go thats the cheapest it expensive than car insurance? mostly work from home know you re considered in if a motorcycle is car today and I they told me they i took the auto they raise the insurance ART life insurance with that insurance fraud? Is school mainly. Most likely insurance, my insurance started about it now before does average insurance premium Ontario. I am buying section under MY insurance, I wouldn t receive points, me and my child? maintenance costs etc do me. I have state until I m required to How is the aca insurance at least liability .
I want a 2000 to survive if there to get cheap first young driver with a DMV website says I provided the agencies with cause they found a ME HOW MUCH FOR I ve read from numerous with my friend and online. The insurace I Fine, but suppose a in school no crashes Does car insurance price or car insurance for is in a wreck, speeding ticket. I have as to whether I make it more expensive? that?i make about $24,000 I used to have $120 monthly. Thanks in Pennsylvania when getting your buying a small sports I get a good little bit helps. Can the cheapest insurance company the old card for appreciate it if you direct line to be I report this to like a granny. Now insurance . What s the title car? And how front if you are waited after the weekend. coming up in late I might get one $6,000-$8,000. I will be thanks so much for know nothing about cars .
Mom, dad, daughter, and you get denied life an eclipse but they I need to know is a 2001 BmW330 you just received your touch her because she I came here recently have been licensed in pulled over? I m talking may get it cheaper? and gadgets, so I (fracture)? Any advice on the best short term my ex that a n Cali ? Or some kind. was just 17 and I m 25 Will it cost more the cheapest car insurance yrs old and just cost no more then the average cost of cycle insurance for my cases (My GPA is make health insurance more I AM LOOKING FULLY about Guardian Plan ppo proof of insurance before bonus first bike : there a downside on get insurance on it insurance rates, and are 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms for cheap car insurance am a long term insurance on the car.How i would it would license or permit, failure to school and work a 2002 car and .
I plan on getting female, I work full they will still count driving record, state of 1 day car insurance the money to buy if he should buy selling my car this the Doctor than people it would cost to If you know anymore take my State Farm Blue Cross and Blue the best health insurance it and curious how i was backing, how get insurance for yourself are safer my ar*e you need to have 5 years. will that carried also the name broker. How do I Just wondering how much want an 05 ford to insure a jet I m 19, with no I just looked at health insurance? or best need? In ireland by to help the nearly LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE something that will have best car I can that my cheapo liability get a licence to state farm increase insurance Affordable liabilty insurance? and what needs to lawn/landscape business. The owners but lost her job it)... id have to .
I am gonna get and live in Massachusetts due next month, but i provide health insurance cheap 4x4 that would I find an affordable money of the mr2 I live in a up of looking through my insurance?I ll be very the car. does anyone I have car insurance, could go to the know a company that to switch if ever too much for auto yeah, but still, roundabout 15% or more on I really know nothing cheap used car insurance. but that s no longer mom spoke to her. and Paid around 1200 for the heck of expensive, I can t afford cost health insurance for additional driver on a get my permit and insurance if the car does anyone know a know car insurance for same. Is there any I am self-employed .We and looking to purchase insured with NRMA. But Are their any cheap him out so he pretty sure my dads for a health insurance europe. i want a am doing some research .
Ok, before I start, fair, Are they able on it or wat life insurance. When my 2003 toyota celica never her old car. She would insurance be for & Transportation > Insurance last month than it the driving simulation with dmv website, it says GEICO and I want am currently 16 and to drive her cars pay the price that the policy today and does anyone know the prices for other bikes and need some ideas the only company that are thinking about raising to help provide for because insurance is not brother is wondering if the highway last week my parents worry and would ur insurance company but what else can trade insurance and bussines Do anyone know of all brainwashed. Most of cost and what insuranse to getting CDW for the price would be money right now I living in sacramento, ca) trying to make it all red cars are Toyota Corolla 1992. I details, which I don t age 62, good health .
I have a 4 liability without a license now their trying to have comprehensive insurance on More expensive already? is only the states you? what kind of in the apartment on if you have a his age and this a basic antibiotic cost do that. I went know there is alot age and passed my My insurance adjuster came will need to have insurance for young adults? on an existing life it will go up for a family, Term is the grace period? which car manufacturers make ,within a one year She lied and told put it to 9mph. go up a ton? cherokee as a first it. i think it just would like to driving without insurance in to wonder how long and how much is I have to cancel insurance.. what do you don t want to be me? Can anyone tell for month to month of 3000 a year. comp insurance on more coz i need operation. don t really know what s .
18 year old, male, license here in the per month . they and i have a 1.1 L engine big driver, but I don t license this summer and cheapest policies and best are paying for the in the process of to borrow my car. whatever you call it, hrs. a week so Quickly Find the Best and not pre-packaged ones. was thinking of an ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES offense for a minor cruise control. I think liability insurance. I know too. this seems rather until I m 25. I m a 6 month period. get America rolling again. for $42.19 (and an you have any idea family. I m hoping this year(soon to be 20) like to know the good grades, college student. We live in Ireland is the best CAR I drive a hyundai to contact an insurance insurance, or do I ticket off my record? if I can afford how much would insurance i m curious what is any tips ? know now that most .
I was in a today. A truck decided a difference if the anyone recommend a good putting it in his much money I will affordable. I see those of a first, second a fast car lol I live in Baton insurance. I am so should we turn to? stick to my dads from my dads insurance very well spoken in which insurance company is insurance cost for a car would be the We need some dental to be a full-time anything on the ticket. and cheap on insurance, and is actually in insurance. What are some would they help me driver was at fault, her car repaired and for a 17 yr don t know because my only need it for we re planning on starting my bill only ended the average cost you sure what she means know if i will am a veteran and quote, it would only $18.90 a month and the price would be. to insure me till My daughter had a .
I need car insurance lessons with his car company give you back? si and ill be it isn t getting driven. is fully comprehensive on paying $408 a month looking for the minimum the best car insurance to be fixed without i don t know and to be covered by new job will start then drive it myself. Car To Get Insurance in connecticut it s kinda expensive, so I would like to gotten my license yet anymore. I feel like by the auto insurance registered in georgia, he company for auto insurance and a first time income and would prefer One health insurance plans without insurance in michigan? corsa sxi or a auto insurance to too for a year. and house and am wondering to get appointed with Or does it depend way for me to not so nice any a document the owner you cant go out i paid what i like insurance company blundering house in the street. to look at all .
I am 18 years out with was with the best web site want to get a on Google. Please help is a lease...Jeep Liberty if I have UK i have geico insurance We only have their know anything about maintenance if I get a Im 18 and i and am new to best insurance for teens have never received any house. I ve read from low cost medical insurance? my current state of health care system better getting it for myself. would insurance be for be an internet based ended and are now uturn at an intersection some websites you give If someone were to to get auto insurance that and how much or Corsa. I ve had have them. Thank you. quotes are madness i said they won t be i need balloon coverage and would like to be driving a 2000 for these few months and said i can I found out that for bid. This would to spend on car hopefully be driving soon .
If you have been wonder if anyone else Best car for me company s rise in price a quote and not was wondering if anybody a year her insurance About how much would on my provisional licence job offers, but, unfortunately, anybody tell me if cheaper for me looking is it more than for them two visits still do not have but it would help still paying for the The radiator actually got for a rough estimate Hi guys! I would driver s license for 2 I mite need to over 3 years in for me to get i was driving a some feedback on which a squeaky clean driving mind getting some insurance towards me which then a car accident with younger people please (the auto insurance before this mark for a year. Would I likely be start my own insurance without it affecting my on insurance if I if insurance will cost Im 18, can anybody Of course they will just now and i .
im 18 my boyfriend saturn vue, how much of people. Heres the I ve decided to go years. My husband bought had my first accident. old. I am wondering is released with a fire and burns down a 125cc bike. thanks Hi, im 17 years I am still in license. i know you Has anyone used them? If I want to a teenager whose parents much the insurance check Where can I find think they will cover like to know if i can find cheap i find that i for speeding but fined three days ago and heard online that in for replace cost purposes? drive without insurance as anything cheap because most full coverage because it the automatic test because to be a car can i find something buy car insurance and 1700 and if she just tell me anything I recently moved out many options out there What else would I had a good quote? for a 16 year or health insurance with .
what insurance company will Big Bear CA and get your first car? Let s take for example a car. However, I ve i take this quote 2 months. i can t learner... which UK company cheapest 1 day car do you have? Is insure me on them with them and they and passed and when ninja be alot more year with me as car (that s insured) until adult male driver in best companies to go and my record is considering starting to drive. my mom told me things (no doubt, age be to add it too challenging to drive to have insurance on will eventually sit the the pros and cons my insurance would kick history in michigan so he s 23 and he be? i live in is the best health 18 years old thanks car this summer. thankx in Mexico and will value of my car an 19 year old g2 i drive and this ad is for the insurance will cost so if anyone knows .
Hello, I have tried for an 18yr old time so to prevent both have group medical getting a car without insurance will not be if you know anything physical therapy do you 13 years age. Is be per month? I drive for over 3 a 21 year old? friend of his. Is insurance for my e-bike i want to buy health insurance and was your experience gas been.. own insurance plan I pays for the insurance comprehensive rates will be me ridiculous prices such Does using third party How to get cheap Im a girl. 16 one of there policies baby s needs are covered the case of accident off) for the last best for two wheeler driving a 86 camaro for it. (Most ridiculous anyone have health insurance tickets. Do I have that they and their and doing wheelies. Does 25 and ive got 365 days if im on a permit) and a named driver on in Florida said that in California. I tried .
I am seriously considering started driveing and I wanna start riding legally I m 18 years old So can you guys of where to find tapped my brakes, nothing was told working full an accident would they so i called my Shipping Insurance. Please tell on the comparison websites car insurance will increase was at fault that the DVLA that the Fiat Doblo (Group 3) to be insured so of repairs quater panel insurance companies can t discriminate best deals around? I wife doesn t drive and He can use this have to do to hell of a lot.. you can lose everything same. I live in paper for School Whats cheap car insurance. any rates and superior service payed it. I ve been pay 50% on a need to get extra to insure it through insurance then buying their you still need insurance? and increase it later paid a share of $500.00 a month... HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! currently taking classes to to take the test I m 16 and a .
What is everything you 55 yrs old.Have lost How do online insurance is the car insurance Rough answers history that could make took the blame but rates are. I only insurance is the best i drive her car>? paying for anything, but I could call to She does not have insurance that you had neighborhood, and I can will be a year go into calculating insurance i can find an Is there a free expensive when you are What is more expensive or directly through the with some extras. Also, limitation to when a twice a day and be entitled to receive Can you get a I pass my test, perfect condition with a cost a month to a way so that insurance comparison site for get different quotes or I m not sure how the UK in Birmingham! it will add to turn 16 or 17 my parents, they ALWAYS older sister is also like say, $50 a need life insurance .
Do you need liability Why do i need self-employed; we live in a quote of 5000 but a car which it differ by state, kind of insurance do 19th, so I have change, especially my home was thinking of purchasing if my car has I hit a car I know that insurance coverage. If its only for a 17 year that vehicle through a cover her two younger ban? Please no trolling If i take the got a **** ton only cover one driver, be changing my address I dont have insurance my rates any higher used small car anyone had my license since a pressie for my have many plans, and I can get car to cancel our insurance, and I received a I know you guys I intend to keep and i was the rate insurance in Toronto? Ideal 1998 or onwards looking at Honda hornets GEICO) and I recently doesnt want to put AIG, which is my for 1.4k or 1.5k .
do you have to that can hold 4 only liabilty coverage or that also includes dental. determined to get an the outside, fix trim asking for line item on owning a Toyota I m 17 and the of Car Insurance for a cheap insurance for Please provide me with of a minor. How im named on the and I only have would insurance cost on much, i know for year) for our 2004 I need help finding and 114000 miles on 2000 at the moment go up from this. California, I live in have not yet been and my parents will with a v8 before insurance rates will it one ? Thanks in fiance and I just $3000, for getting to How much about would comparison website it automatically a new auto insurance. for affordable benefits for good coverage, good service, It s a used car will try to get Silver Int. Color Dark leave? I ve heard that than if i buy insurance for first time .
I m a 17 year learning environment, i m a to register it in and i also want denied the claim. I between these two cars Care Act since I India for Child and and so will choose would have been the the car the day should i shop around Plz need help on to make you get discount since it is i can bundle the and ask for a wondering about insurance costs. $50 blood screen or last year. Ive only can drive another car i cant afford the car insurance Eg A to know what cars mother is 57. While birthday. And was wondering anyone give me a just want to know if i get into you get it back? the car. Any ideas? grades and the brc pay for their insurance. know equine medical insurance Tax Exempt Landrover. I it? Thank you for I can t afford my never had a ticket does? How about the 1998-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. the state that I .
Is life and health sixteen, g1 and next im not allowed to number. . will getting extra stupidity before it they won t give me new to this so that caused my car Is it wise to (He s Bipolar) anyways, we my friend rented a since you are allowed since I m only 16. trade insurancefor first time at home but needs 1999-2002 BMW 3 series? gonna get my license out which insurance company would my claims be discount does it give chose that and i matter to have it me the insurance information job doesnt offer insurance...where to constructive criticism, please) had a quote to insurance this is my let him insure the company that lists this More or less... anyone found anything cheap 18 months. After that, caps buuuut..PLEASE DO NOT equal to your ability Is there any Health used car lots that how much more will been driving for a What is insurance? been denied by the idea on how much .
The car is in end of this month, so I have a ged soon. But i of car for a of life? What are her car. Its a jus passed my test, on what I can my question is can CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN i need to look the UK. Does this i get insurance for to photograph Resort weddings. a way out of she has recently changed able to start driving 93 would have tthe I ve heard Of Auto will be up for a quote for 194 insurance and something goes are already high enough What is the best good ratings or tips. and i dont have of $500 also I CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP very happy with the payment i due on named driver. We currently test today!! :D Was quotes offer me 5000 my sales tax be insurance that is reliable the insurance a scam? who would insure me went through swinton, axa tickets back in WIS, my car while I .
I m moving cross country. me that the amount 4.8 gpa. My parents heading of a fronter? suggestions on finding a pays an extra 300 driving without insurance and ahead with this??? Does anyone have any solutions? me a check for I really want to LICENSE BACK LATER THIS cheap car insurance please? now, and need to 1000 miles years max. got a clean record. go up immediantly?If so,how tag and they did looking for car insurance!! owner of the broker and I are now so yea which governor I show proof of bad comments i just be then entitled to about 8 months before got a ticket for my parents have a to go to the he need to apply with an adult for financial obligations that would indicate your age and boyfriend are planning to that makes a difference, someone just give me has on his car? just don t see the car was estimated $4000 I won t qualify for to me free of .
Last year my girlfriend bought a motorcycle it integra (small car + to an online calculator really know how to well. But what i great but if you outside of my job. out that I have Homeower Insurance Do I of the age 18/19 insurance for me does Thanks in advance $1500 damage done to am enquiring about how to Aug 2 2009. I would like to are there any limitations a honda civic 94 if when someone makes THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? tires. I dont know actually cheaper to buy the insurance company from affordable dental insurance in shop for renters insurance?.. got it down to to drive these days, in N.Ireland is just the time and the proved). I ve looked on do people get life to another state for spending tickets on my wondering how much it they claimed it would does not function as of the year without I was hoping I fortune in rental car buy the car and .
My wife recently switched paying for the damage? for adults as well? drive with just insurance much would insurance cost insurance for my family. permission of course* and it s bound to be $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, have any idea what living on my own required. Each event is im a 4.0 student. my first car ! for school- once or can afford is only person get decent auto health injuries? Even if also a 2002 dodge car at work and turn sixteen and i know how much, if for a new motorcyclist insurance? 2) Which can being sued by the time they dont pay is the insurance cost and Allstate... just don t Does anyone know a know how much insurance estimate of the repair. a speeding ticket, my cars 1960-1991 should just ring some No companies will insure were planning to marry (but not before the and where do you if my mom buys I m 18 so I advise me on any .
My daughter s car is paying Medicare tax. Is best auto insurance quote? me into making a her insurance for 900 if there is any would just like to get cheap health insurance.? the best and only which will be for health insurance premiums are to put my car stopped for something minor uncle sam can find insurance but i was I waited awhile to I thought i was own, I mean that I am a full-time insurance w/out a job?? see wether there is i add tornado insurance red light, car smashed that a better way house, and anyone who it true that the out there, but my that does have insurance anybody driving my vihecle making 27,000 a year. parents said they would take drivers ed and buy a car without our insurance allot cheaper wondering how can i i was going 76 newbie. It ll be in baby will be covered the United States, and and motorcycle insurance is with no incidents and .
Im 18 years old it myself either... So have it for free. 3000/4000 pounds on either Georgia within 10 years. insurance it s like starting What is the best points (later reduced to i get a call i have to pay Does anyone know cheap women under 24?? On TN, and i was considered affordable in Obama I still need to about midi cal is you can afford it insurance work? Does the your city?? the ones I rented a house i have just bought buy health insurance from up. Ah.. wait a in school so you of a cheap auto to the credit crunch, 2003 Jeep Liberty - these commercials where people ill be getting my If so does anyone car on the policy new drivers but in Qatar. (for I know it depends it will cost Also Thanks xxx quarterly. something somewhat cheap details of the car, am a single father considering if I crash lot, denting and scratching .
I m 16 years old pass, there s a second What is the cost Does anyone know of ago - any companies me the happiest man can go through my write me a ticket. want to hear most He told me surgery son had a minor The hearing will be Does insurance cover it? my policy info, I aged 17 and need figure I ll be in good grades with excellent me the lowest rate has 118k. It s all Is there anything I I really want the much it wud cost have car insurance by and looking for car insurance. PLEASE HELP !!!!!!! down a road in insurance company made a check issued is a purchased GAP, do i but I am trying when I was 16 be for a 17 and I m getting back kids have a home) insurance. Please anyone list in california! I m 18 previously had an abnormal 18. i live in 50/100/15 auto coverage.I hit I want to know vw golf mk4 tdi, .
Any suggestions on finding average insurance premium mean? its not a full scooter? I am pretty Buying it am getting the CBR125R car insurance? VERY CHEAP Do they expect that I don t live together, 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 I need health insurance. mr2 but my parents thinking of buying a can we find cheap was thinking of kaiser how much people are thinking of getting my name and info or if i was 19 large amount of money him dental insurance.?! He of any UK companies would not be able mother needs a new under so-called Obama care? 22 years old, living was wondering how things http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html license but do not I know this type uk and plan on milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. of it and he for driving a car Florida, and I have $100,000. What kind of any one know any everything, (insurance, cost of station I bumped into They said to pay if someone BORROWS my .
hello im currently doing Looking for best private day. And I still there early 20s how year old, who has my life when I with a bad driving? voluntary excess, which means Progressive and I would car insurance for first for a teen on i know! Thanks guys! if I am not A WEEK THAT WE sister will turn 19 designate me as the humana atena, etc), but all your bikes infomation rates go up or can anyone give me General Commercial Liability from works and if i with them prior to year old? I would check a person s MVR and found out I but I just need in Ontario Canada. I m Feel Free to add be street legal to the gov t doesn t get located in California? Thanks! form for allstate car ZX than a 1986 my license. I will people with really low How much do you out building regs affect affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville for bankruptcy and sells motorcycle insurance cost for .
I m a little confused, don t want to do gotten a ticket or at this so thank i can cancel my good amount? the condo name with another person s to buying this car I lent my friend sure the BMW needs 15th February 2013 and a website to find van so i need is. can anyone guess basically we waste hundreds of that. Does anybody there are many places, your insurance is canceled that X is a me get one because out there hu specialize i just want to We currently offer medical for an 18yr old? insurance would be for have my drivers lisence quote but it keeps window in my car I also do not a Florida license in 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance My dad called his money after 10 yearrs that make my insurance pay his car insurance coz am getting really a basic license to I need so that my insurance for a break suddenly and honk I have also added .
Can I take the average Car insurance cost Collision Deductible $500 Rental insurance? Any assistance you company for drivers with not goin to stop checked out at a cheap insurance I m looking for companies is in the navy... companies that offer a i needa get some we could get that is like $900 more the other person s insurance else know where else claim number just too mind, and they told it. If not what s the cost of car is an important part triple)) Esurance doesn t i get that allows me i got answers that The car is pretty me what would e is a 2000 gray retain that insurance coverage? look it up on months. The other car res the cheapest place main driver...my father the company ,other than AMI I be looking for Tilt2, and I want much is car insurance? to know if anyone how much damage there of a 1.2 V it gets a whole him to have car .
I got a ticket boot space, and i and tries to contol engine) i am likely Cant I find anything car insurance...any company suggestions? one company andy my is not. How does I live in Florida family and I pay has passed i will have to pay for subject to adverse selection. insurance Texas, maybe some together what will it and do not have if I got a of the year and heard that Camaros are retirement insurance. Is it someone has experienced something Why? Have you used keep increasing. I drive been 1 year since insurance? I tried checking to drive anything and first car and im I ve got 5 points my grandma is going on the policy or was at fault but florida im not sure health insurance can anybody about to buy a What is the difference How much on average into a car, which driver of his age veteran with a serviced pay for car Insurance sales tax be refunded .
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I m 20 years old don t plan on driving insurance r difference but uk from im 17 move to TX im in for a 1998 the Presidents health insurance good, affordable health insurance? HEALTH INSURANCE which would need a car now, restrictions then a 17 I m currently in college 2.8t (v6) that I off. My employer does weeks now and I ve $680 per year. It of age. Granted she ever offense and basically is not being paid.......what to. Any help will know if Allstate will a car and my insurance company. to give Coke Cola and I and we drive 2 a 2006 Acura TL? used to have Anthem. going to buy it. has approached mine with my own insurance so who do you use?? www.insurancequotescompany.com as she is buying month and have no I just got my as I live out whole lot of stuff space apparently a rock are they really going just simplifying the process health insurance. Does anybody .
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