#she's played too much clue/cluedo
So when everyone in the agency eventually has a Clue game night, who plays as who?
ok we found out that edwin didn’t know what clue was (he’s older than cluedo!!!) so we played last night. here’s what went down.
cat king demanded to be miss scarlett, and i don’t think he learned how to play the whole game, he was too busy acting all coy and flirty, crystal had to leave at one point because she was laughing too hard
we basically forced the night nurse to play (i don’t think she’s come on here yet, she thinks the internet is stupid). she played as colonel mustard, and by the end she was taking it way too seriously lmao.
i (niko x) played mrs white. i got to do a funny british accent, charles was so offended.
edwin played mayor green, with monty trying and failing to help (monty has also never played). they were absolutely hopeless to begin with but edwin learned so fast, monty was useless the whole time.
charles was mrs peacock, but i don’t know how much effort he put into the game because every time i looked in his direction he was glaring at me for my accent.
crystal was professor plum, she guessed correctly and i’m not entirely sure she didn’t use her powers, it came out of nowhere.
thanks for the question, it brought us so much fun!!!
Niko (≧◡≦)
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 30
Okay OKAY so we have just watched the Christmas Armistice of 1914, but now we move on to one of my favourite episodes of ALL TIME. In fact, full disclosure, this is one of my favourite TV episodes of anything ever. This is one of my go-to options for comfort TV. If I’m ill and sad and cwtched up on the sofa, this is in the Emergency Elanor First Aid Kit. I love it. I love it so much that I will not be quoting any of it, because if I do, I will be posting the whole script. You cannot imagine the extent to which I had to sit on my hands so I wouldn’t do a full episode review accidentally.
It is 1926, my friends, and this is the Unicorn and the Wasp.
Tennant and Donna are back!!!! DREAM TEAM. We haven’t seen them since they were running around Pompei in episode one, my lord that was a while back now. And Jesus, what a return to quality. The companions have been failing the Sexy Lamp Test for so long. The only break was Martha in the Human Nature two-parter, and that was an emotional wringer. But here!!! Donna!!! You could NEVER replace her with a sexy lamp. She is 1000% the co-protagonist. She and Tennant are best friends and they love each other intensely and platonically and they travel through time and SOLVE CRIME while being, at all moments and seconds of every single scene, two halves of a whole idiot, and it is joyful and wonderful and amazing.
Okay okay so
They land in a country manor in England, a part expertly played by Llansannor Court in Wales if I’m not much mistaken, and the interiors are 1000% Tredegar House because I know my Welsh country manors. The Doctor and Donna get ludicrously excited about going to a garden party in 1926, all giggly. They even go and get dressed up, by which I mean Donna does – she exits the TARDIS and gives a twirl.
“What do you think?” she teases. “Flapper, or slapper?”
“Flapper, definitely,” the Doctor beams. “You look lovely.”
… I am having violent flashbacks to Capaldi calling Clara ugly.
Anyway they meet Agatha Christie in time for an honest-to-god murder mystery. It’s fucking phenomenal. It’s silly and camp and the murderer is a giant wasp, except in true Agatha Christie style, there’s a complicated twist involving a secret pregnancy, an expensive gem, the hot young woman (played by her from Rogue One) actually being an accomplished jewel thief impersonating a socialite, and a prodigal reverend. One of these people is the aforementioned giant wasp, except the joyful sci-fi plot is really running around a playground with a balloon and giggling, so it has been primed to kill people in libraries with lead piping like a Cluedo game.
I literally cannot list every moment I love. It’s just too many. So I shall try to name check some top moments:
“It was a good once”
“I am Inspector Smith from Scotland Yard, and Miss Noble is the plucky young girl who helps me”
“Copyright Donna Noble”
“Major snap out of it. No, right out of it –“
The ENITRE reveal scene holy shit
“Ah, let’s see, it’s filed under C” *box contains a Cyberman part, a Carrionite egg, a bust of Caesar, and cables*
Fuck. I just. *clenches fist* I love this episode so damn much
Okay so plot threads. Well! No new info about Donna’s back, unfortunately, so nothing to tick off there. Only, as ever, things to add. There’s a scene where Donna is comforting Agatha (and finding vital clues), and she explains that her last partner ran off with a giant spider. That’s a hell of a thing. Oh, also Donna made her second reference to bees disappearing. But that’s it.
Fuck me but I would burn so much Capaldi for so much more Tennant/Donna.
Anyway the list of plot threads is now going under a read more, Christ on wheels
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
Who was the Doctor’s wife?
What's happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna's ex and a giant spider?
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@lordcarlisle liked for a political themed starter
“It was the UKIP MP in the House of Commons,” Lucretia jokes before assuming a serious face. “And how can I help you?”
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princessbatears · 2 years
For Casa Werewolf! ✨ HC Of my Choice: do you have any HCs about family game or movie nights? What do the triplets think of Javi’s movie room? Cause you know he has an epic one with like a legit soda fountain or popcorn machine 👀
Heather, thank you soooo much for sending in this ask! ❤️ Also, many thanks to @aerynwrites for requesting a movie night HC! This was so, so fun to to explore.
🎞 Game/movie night:
Javi’s home has an absolutely incredible media and game room. A giant projector screen on one wall. The most comfortable squishy leather sofas and reclining chairs (with attached tray tables and cupholders, of course). Built-in bookshelves to hold DVDs, Blu-rays and VHS tapes. A pool table AND a board game table.
Then, there are the readily available snack options, like a soda fountain, slushy machine, small wine and beer fridge, vintage-style movie theater popcorn maker, and a stash of various candies.
While your triplets are very physical little beings that don’t like to sit still, they do manage it one night a week to play games or watch movies with you and Javi.
When they’re in the mood for a game, the five of you sit at the gaming table. Drinks have to have lids because wild gesticulating has led to some spills (and not just caused by the kids). Then, whichever child gets to choose this time, does so.
Tallulah’s favorite is Clue/Cluedo. She adores the mystery aspect and everyone gets a thrill when someone finally makes the first guess. “Miss Scarlet in the study with the candlestick!”
Bo’s go-to is Candyland. With his major sweet tooth and love for racing boarding games, it’s no surprise he’s drawn to it. Javi’s also a huge fan of these kinds of games, so he and Bo go all-in to beat each other.
Astrid’s favorite is Pictionary. She’s the artist of the family and everyone wants to be on her team, which is a much-needed confidence boost for her. She makes you all roll a dice to see who the lucky person is because fairness is very important to her. Then, it’s an hour of giggling as the teams attempt to guess what the drawings are supposed to represent.
On the nights the pups want to watch a movie, there’s a plethora of family-friendly ones in Javi’s library. He’s been stocking up ever since you all came into his life.
Of course, he makes sure to introduce ‘National Treasure,’ ‘Paddington 2’, and the ‘Croods’ films. You hadn’t realized Nic Cage had made so many movies for kids.
Pixar and Disney, of course, feature heavily, as do some of the older adventure movies from the 50s and 60s.
Your favorite thing about these nights isn’t the movies themselves, but it’s all of you piling on one of the sofas. You and Javi sit hip-to-hip while the kiddos lay across you, snuggled up together. Knowing there’s only so long left before they outgrow this phase, you treasure every minute of it.
Inevitably, they fall asleep by the end, so warm and safe. You and Javi smile at each other as he picks up the girls, one in each arm, and you cradle Bo to you. Then, you carry them upstairs and tuck them into their beds.
“This is all I’ve ever wanted,” Javi whispers to you nearly every time it happens.
“Me, too,” you smile.
Send me a prompt for my Casa Werewolf series with Javi G! 🐺
Find out more about Javi's romance with the werewolf single mom here!
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
So I follow MANY interactive fiction blogs and I just have to say that you're my favorite by a long shot because I just love answers that you give in response to hypothetical scenarios and AU's for your characters. Like you actually put in effort and give well-thought out answers, so I thank you for that. As for AU's I have one of my own if you don't mind please. What would be the RO's for a murder mystery a la Cluedo? Bonus points that they can't leave the mansion for extra chaos. Thank you!
Ah, thank you so much for your kind words! 💖 I'm lucky to be a part of such a great community of talented creatives and kind, genuinely awesome people! Interacting with readers is such a pleasure, even if I do fall behind on messages and such I'm so sorry
I'm in North America, so I was genuinely like "what on Earth is Cluedo" gkljglfdjgd only because it's called Clue where I'm from! But I, uh, never played it, so I'm just going to go off of my knowledge from Knives Out 😂
SETTING: a Southern Gothic mansion in an undisclosed location, owned by a woman only referred to in jest as The Autarch by her adopted children. It is a stately manor, richly furnished and glittering with wealth, though imposing and dark-windowed during storms.
CONTEXT: a powerful and wealthy tycoon referred to only as "The Autarch" or "The Iron Lady" was once feared across the country for her ruthless business dealings and formidable empire. In her middle age, a mysterious experience and the sudden death of her husband caused her to have a change of heart, abruptly abandoning her empire to her only son and devoting her life to adopting six orphan children. However, stopping her business dealings did not completely change her personality: she was a hard, unforgiving woman, and her relationships to her children (now all grown) can be described as "strained" at best.
In her declining age, the lonely Autarch in her high mansion somehow came to befriend a psychic by the name of Mimir of the Silver Eye. Only the servants were witness to what was said between them, and even then, they never had the full story. The most that anyone knew was that the Autarch began to express more interest in resuming her business activities again, to the disconcertion of her only biological son, Enik, who had helmed the empire on his own for the last twenty years. Meanwhile, Mimir moved into the mansion to keep her older friend company, and to help advise her on matters both business and personal.
One stormy night, the Autarch calls all 7 of her children back home in order to discuss matters of great importance, including her decisions about her will. Some came eagerly, and others with great reluctance--there were arguments had that were years in coming, and there were private talks between siblings who hadn't interacted in years. But the matter that the Autarch was keen to discuss was postponed: the storm knocked out the power in the mansion, and all turned into bed, sleeping fitfully in rooms they'd abandoned decades earlier.
They never discovered why the Autarch had called them to their old haunting grounds, either, for in the morning, she was found with a knife buried in her heart.
- Riel Syndran. A world-famous private detective and consultant famed across the world for his ability to solve any mystery, no matter how old or tangled. He is known for being comfortable with ruthlessly manipulating interrogation subjects and suspects in order to extract the truth and solve his case no matter what; this obsession and willingness to massage the rules--although he claims the truth is his only goal, above all other things--is what makes him unsuitable for conventional police work, but his results speak for themselves. He arrives on the mansion's doorstep mere minutes after the Autarch is found murdered and is claimed to have been hired by an anonymous party, casting suspicion on his timing and the pre-planned nature of the death. His signature move is being recognized by various people as "the detective who solved the Apple Killer case" (or some other famous case of his) and replying in irritable tones that it was actually "the Orange Killer case, but you were close". He abhors smoking and has doctorates in body language analysis and psychology, as well as a law degree, and is gifted with a photographic memory. He picks invisible lint off of his sleeves while he thinks.
- Blade Bronwyn. An FBI agent (think Agent Cooper in Twin Peaks) who has been in the town of Old Haven investigating a string of serial killings across the country. He hears about the murder of the Autarch from the local police and arrives at the manor a mere hour after they were alerted, keen to investigate the murder as part of his ongoing case. He plays the straight man to Riel's more eccentric detection methods, and is seen more as a serious, by-the-books rule-follower determined to get answers. The suspects in the manor find him to be emotionally-insensitive, blunt, and grim-faced. He has a better sense of smell and sight than Riel does, as well as more combat experience, and is the only person in the manor acknowledged to be carrying a weapon. He takes his coffee black and very strong.
- Enik Goldenson. The Autarch's only biological child and the oldest. He was granted full control of her holdings and business empire when she retired in order to focus on raising her new family. He has made his disdain of his adopted siblings very clear, not least because he resents having to share his future inheritance with them. He has historically been a bully and cruel towards his mother. Rumor had it that he was once studying to become a priest. He has avoided returning to the mansion ever since Trouble knocked his lights out at fourteen years of age. He was once briefly engaged to fellow heiress Lavinet Naveen, who eventually spurned him, finding him "repulsive." He has the most bad blood among anyone in the family and is considered one of the prime suspects in the Autarch's murder, as it was possible that she may planned to cut him out of the will. Blade places his suspect status as RED while Riel believes he is at an ORANGE: Enik may be far too clever to kill his own mother under such suspicious and bloody circumstances.
- Trouble Alder. The first of the Autarch's adopted children, he was once an urchin running a street-fighting racket on the streets of New Haven. He was nicknamed Trouble for his surly temper and quick ability to get into fights and settle things with his fists, necessitating being sent off to a military boarding school in an effort to curb his violent tendencies as a teenager. He is extremely protective of his other adopted siblings, and while he resented the Autarch in his youth, he has begrudgingly come to respect her more for taking him in as an adult. He now works as a decorated sniper in the military and is working to earn his pilot's wings. The revelation that he kept military weapons in his room casts suspicion on him as a murder suspect, though Riel quickly dismisses him as not being a good enough liar to get away with it.
- Tallys Ironwood. The second of the Autarch's adopted children, she made her hatred of the old woman very well known, and had an even poorer relationship with her than Enik did. Tallys's parents were victims in an accident caused by one of the Autarch's manufacturing plants, and she has always felt that her subsequent adoption was mere lip service to atonement for the Autarch, while she would have rather stayed with her more impoverished aunts and uncles. She ran away multiple times in her youth and has not spoken to the Autarch since she was 18. Her overt hatred and reluctance in coming back to the mansion casts suspicion on her as a murder suspect. She has a degree in plant science and works as an environmental activist, particularly targeting products and campaigns by Enik's company, creating unspeakable friction between them.
- Ayla Aescar. The third of the Autarch's adopted children, nothing is known about her biological parents. She was adopted from a neighboring country and has since returned to it as an adult, making an effort to reconnect with her origins and culture. Her relationship with "the old woman," as she calls her, was more neutral, though it comes out that the Autarch frequently bailed her out in secret whenever Ayla ran into trouble, such as trespassing on Jalis government grounds. Nominally, she works as a photographer for a travel magazine, but secretly, she is an investigative photojournalist looking into various covert practices by the Jalis government. This brings up a question of whether the Autarch's killing was political, and whether it was actually meant for Ayla.
- Chase Trinaeste. The fourth of the Autarch's adopted children, it's joked that he was intended to replace Trouble when he was sent off to boarding school due to having a more charming personality and sweeter face. However, he ended up being the most troublesome one of the bunch, having multiple run-ins with the law from a young age and displaying various tendencies towards larceny, grand theft auto, and more. He had no shame about stealing and pawning off valuables from the mansion and was a well-known skirt-chaser, leading to constant stress in their household about what he was getting up to when he snuck out of the house at night. At eighteen, he disappeared from the mansion, and no one has heard from him in the intervening years since. He completely ducks any questions from Riel or Blade about what he does for a living, leading most to conclude that he has gotten himself deeper entrenched in the criminal underworld. This has cast obvious suspicion on him and his involvement in the murder, as he was known to steal from the Autarch herself. He seems to feel some measure of loyalty and possibly remorse towards his adopted siblings, but hides it well under a polished veneer of charm and casual swagger.
- Briony Stormbreaker. The fifth of the Autarch's adopted children In a dramatic fashion, she was discovered as a young child swept away in a huge flood caused by a storm, with no ability to communicate (or seemingly remember) anything about where she could have lived or who her family was. She was subsequently adopted by the Autarch and is one of the few who had a fairly good relationship with her, always expressing gratitude for giving her a home and family (though this brought her into conflict with siblings like Tallys, as she usually tried to defend the Autarch when she wasn't there to speak for herself). She was the sibling who always tried to unite the others, and their constant arguments and conflicts constantly broke her heart. She was an easily-upset child who tended to be babied by Trouble and Chase, but after constantly bullying from Croelle and Enik, she toughened up and began taking martial arts classes, abruptly displaying her own ferocious temper and violent streak as well as unusually powerful physical strength. She currently works as a passionate public prosecutor. She was heard conversing with the Autarch privately with raised voices, on the night of the murder, and is known to sleepwalk during violent storms. She even had a phase with an imaginary, sword-shaped friend as a child, as well as repeatedly claimed that she's seen ghosts in the manor. This perceived paranoia has led some to wonder whether she could have harmed the Autarch in her sleep. As Riel says, "It's always the nice ones." Blade: "Not in my experience." Riel: "Not in mine, either, but in some continuity, it must be true."
- Croelle. The last of the Autarch's adopted children. He was by far the most anti-social and troubled part of the family, refusing to speak to those he deemed beneath him and breaking Trouble's arm in a disturbing display of dominance as youths. Unlike Enik, his cruelty is more ruthless and matter-of-fact, the way an animal might treat another animal, rather than pointed and manipulative. Regardless, he was a terror to all of the other siblings, and he was eventually thrown in juvenile detention (and later prison) for killing members of a gang, seemingly in self-defense. However, he never cared to divulge the full details of the story, and has been serving his sentence ever since. No one besides the Autarch knew that he was coming until they arrived at the manor. Croelle claims that he and the Autarch had been exchanging letters for the last few years, and that he has begrudgingly allowed her back into his life, which was why she decided to invite him to this gathering upon his release from prison. However, there is currently no evidence that any such letters exist. As an adult, he is currently quieter and more mellow and has shown no particular proclivity towards violence, but there is always a sense of danger lurking in his eye regardless. His social skills have not improved by much. He is considered one of the absolute top suspects for the old woman's murder. His feelings on his adopted siblings or really anything are extremely unknown. He keeps asking everyone about free will, which annoys everyone except Riel.
- Shery Acquell. A longtime maid for the Autarch and one of her closest friends and confidantes. She alone has been caring for the Autarch in her declining health, ensuring that she has been receiving the proper medical care and dietary attentions, and even reading her books in the evenings. Their closeness has led some to speculate that the Autarch may have bequeathed a part of her inheritance to the maid, or that perhaps Shery was motivated to ingratiate herself to the Autarch to attain said inheritance. She was the last person to see the Autarch before her death, knows something about what transpired between her and Mimir, and ultimately reluctantly admits that she believes in the ghosts that Briony has seen, too.
- Halek Prince. The manor's live-in chef. He is one of the few non-family members staying in the mansion the night of the murder, and suspicion is cast on him when his cooking seemingly gives Ayla, Briony, and Red an allergy attack, leading some to posit attempts at poisoning. Mimir claims to have seen him in places where he shouldn't be or even couldn't be, and he is generally someone viewed as a good suspect for the murder. Riel thinks something else is going on here.
- Red Antiqua. Ayla's journalist partner who accompanied her to the mansion, partly to serve as a buffer for the family awkwardness and partly because he was curious to learn more about the reclusive Autarch. Nominally, he is a travel writer, but secretly, he is working as the same kind of investigative journalist that she is. His secret photographs of the manor prove to be a key piece of evidence in uncovering the murder suspect. He is forced to be confined to the manor, the same as everyone else, to prevent information leaks or runaways. He uncovers a secret doorway in his room and is too curious not to duck into it...
- Caine Tavadon. The son of the manor's groundskeeper, he is often seen with his dog, peeping into the windows of the manor because he's incorrigibly nosy. His witness statements lead Blade and Riel to key footprints on the grounds. He claims to have seen a strange figure staring down at him from the windows of the mansion before.
- Prihine Naveen. Enik's current fiancee, she accompanied him on this odious visit to his mother's manor and is a witness in the proceedings. Although they can barely tolerate each other, their shared ambitions for wealth and power keep them together as a polite though distant couple. A file in the Autarch's study reveals that she has been watching Prihine for some time and discovered that she was having a secret affair. The file indicates that she planned to tell Enik face-to-face, leading others to speculate that Prihine may have murdered the old woman in order to preserve her engagement. Enik remarks that there was a period of time where Prihine was not in bed.
- Lavinet Naveen. Prihine's older cousin, and Enik's ex-fiancee. They've technically known each other since they were children and were schoolmates at the same prestigious institution. The Autarch and Lavinet's father initially had designs to marry the two to forge a powerful alliance between their business empires. However, Lavinet quickly backed out of the engagement, finally admitting that she couldn't stand Enik and would never marry him. Although this has generally caused relations between the two families to become frosty, she has strangely remained on good terms with the Autarch herself, who always admired Lavinet's chutzpah and steely will. (This was just another reason for Enik to hate his own mother.) Lavinet was free to come and go to the manor as she pleased, and dropped in on the Autarch once every few months, as her family's manor is nearby. She only recently discovered that her own cousin, Prihine, is now engaged to her ex, and rushed over on the night of the murder in order to dissuade Prihine from the marriage or convince the Autarch to put a stop to it. This led to a four-way argument (between Lavinet, Prihine, Enik, and his mother) of epic proportions, meaning that Lavinet is not clear on suspicions of murder, either.
- Mimir. The psychic who somehow came into contact with the Autarch and began to convert her to the ways of the supernatural. She has been the Autarch's closest friend and confidant for months, even going so far as to move into the mansion. Many point out the obvious designs on the Autarch's inheritance and possible sinister intentions for taking advantage of the older woman, especially since no one but Shery knows what Mimir has actually advised the Autarch to do. However, Riel points out that there has been no traceable financial irregularities when it comes to Mimir; the Autarch doesn't seem to have paid her for her services, only providing Mimir with food and a roof over her head. The psychic speaks in extremely cryptic tones and lapses into trance-like states. Riel in particular scorns her for her supposedly psychic abilities, insisting that she is a fraud, until she comments on aspects of his past that no one could possibly know, shaking him. She is a prime suspect for the murder until it's discovered that Mimir insists on being locked into a windowless room, only being released by Shery in the morning, to protect herself from the ghosts that haunt the grounds...
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palimpsessed · 3 years
Writerly Ephemera
I was tagged by @amywaterwings @mostlymaudlin @tea-brigade @effing-numpties @captain-aralias @bloodiedpixie . This is so cool, so thanks for sharing yours! ❤️
Per Amy: We add little bits of ourselves to our writing, scattering memories and places and phrases and things into our stories. The game is to find five examples of this, of YOU, in your writing and show everyone.
I don’t really feel like I put much of my own experiences into my fic, probably because I don’t feel like I have a lot of experiences to pull from. (That’s not me being self-deprecating; that’s me never going anywhere or doing anything.) So, let’s see what we come up with!
Going to tag here. I feel like I’ve gotten to this late so I’m not sure who has been tagged. Anyway. No pressure, loves. Just saying hi. 🥰 @theflyingpeach @bazzybelle @otherworldsivelivedin @unseelieseelie @wetheformidables @caitybug @nightimedreamersworld @foolofabookwyrm @stillmadaboutpetra
1. I have put the most of myself into A Man of Letters. I have my degree in English Lit and when I was in college, I was at the height of my Jane Austen obsession. So I sort of built my degree around the development of the English novel. My senior thesis was on a book called Evelina by Frances Burney, who was one of Austen’s greatest literary influences. Evelina is an epistolary novel—told entirely in letters. I love the epistolary form, for the same reason I love dialogue and texting fics. It’s such a fun narrative technique and can reveal so much about individual characters. It’s actually a bit like the way Rainbow Rowell uses multi POV in her books. Anyway, my love of the epistle was on full display in this fic, which is ofc told in letters. —Do I share a passage? That’s like...the whole fic 😅 So, idk. Here’s Simon being a disaster as he meditates on letter writing:
Dear Penny,
As I start this letter, I already know I'm not going to post it. I know I won't be able to bring myself to do it, because of what I have to say to you. I do feel bad. It's not that I don't want to tell you. And you know I'm so much better at writing things down than saying them out loud. It's only that I feel like this would all sound better coming from me in person. I just don't think I'll be able to make you understand in a letter. I'm still trying to understand myself. And writing all of this down helps me with that. Even if I'm only pretending to write to you, it makes me feel better, to think of you on the other end. I promise I really will tell you everything as soon as we're together again.
2. Also for A Man of Letters, my fascination with Regency fashions, in particular the dandy, was a major factor. I did an art book about this, comparing how fashion has changed over time, especially in regard to gender. (I also did an art book based on Evelina, since I’m on the subject. I minored in book art. 😁) I always fancied the look of a Regency dandy, so that was my gift to Baz.
Whoever has been working their magic on Salisbury should in fact be the person to whom I offer my eternal devotion. Alas, I am left to flounder under the burden of lusting after a man who is incapable of dressing himself.
The utter and unmitigated shame.
Salisbury wore a forest green wool frock coat that set off the golden highlights in his brown locks. This was accented with a green and aubergine striped silk waistcoat that was trimmed in white piping and felt much too daring a pattern for the man. (I don't care if he was a soldier; it takes a hardier man than him by half to choose a stripe like that.) His charcoal trousers were enticingly snug, but not so much to prove lethal. His cravat and points left much to be desired, though that likely reflected poorly on his ability to keep himself in order, rather than the ability of his valet. (Good God, maybe the man doesn't even have a valet!)
3. When it came to my countdown fic, To the Manor Borne, I had Shep make a reference to Cluedo, because Pitch Manor would be perfect for a real life game. Behind that, is the fact that my family played a lot of Clue and I watched the movie a whole bunch growing up, to the point where my sister and I used to quote it to each other. This was a way to pay homage to that. He also talks about playing the game Murder in the Dark, which was one I played at Halloween as a kid. One of my cousins was dressed as a ghoul with glow in the dark face paint and we were in my grandma’s creepy upstairs. Perfect vibes.
I’ve seen the kitchen and the dining room and the library and the study and the parlor. Walking through this house is like playing Clue. (They call it Cluedo on this side of the pond, because they like to be difficult.) (That was a whole thing. Do not get me started.)
I keep thinking Colonel Mustard’s going to pop up out of nowhere and brain me with a lead pipe.
What kind of games do you play with magickal friends who don't have magic? Twister? Not with the wings and tail. Cards? Baz and Penny would cheat. Or accuse everyone else of cheating if they didn't win. Murder in the dark? With these people, in this house, I knew it would turn literal fast, and also it was like ten in the morning. Hide and seek? Simon and I would hide and everyone else would ditch. Snowball fight? World War III.
4. I’ve referenced Mozart in my fics a couple of times because when I was first getting into classical music, I was listening to a lot of Mozart. My sister had a CD of some of his early symphonies, and my local classical station does “Mozart in the Mornings” which happened to fit in the exact time slot between two morning classes I had my first year in college. I’d go sit in my car with a cup of tea, and just vibe with Mozart as my soundtrack. I’ve name dropped him in both A Man of Letters and To the Manor Borne. Also, Mozart wrote 12 variations on the melody shared by Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, which is a lovely tie in. (I also had the gang sing/cast The Holly and the Ivy, which is one of my favorite Christmas carols, and by strange coincidence was playing on the radio at the same time I wrote that scene. 🥰)
"It's a songbook," I tell him, like he can't figure that out for himself. "Did you know that Mozart wrote twelve different versions of the same song?"
He's laughing. "Mozart did not write Twinkle, twinkle, little star, Simon."
"You know what I mean."
"He composed twelve variations for solo piano on the French folk melody Ah! Vous dirai-je, maman."
"Sure. Anyway, this is for the violin. For you to play."
He's still laughing, and I'm trying to figure out what's so funny, but then he kisses me again, on the lips this time, so I figure maybe I'm still doing okay.
Only one more to go! What will it be? 👀
5. Therapy! Eheheh...😅 Look, it’s no secret the gang needs it. And tbh, so do I. Haven’t actually managed to get myself to go yet, and I think that’s where a lot of my “send them to therapy” happy endings come from. I did it in Use Your Words and To the Manor Borne. I started Chamber by Chamber with SnowBaz already in therapy, and then structured the whole thing around therapy that they give to each other and to themselves. It didn’t really fit in A Man of Letters, but if it had, I absolutely would have done it. I’ve only shared from two fics so far, and since it could kind of spoil the ending to Use Your Words (tho saying this may be spoiler anyway...), here are two snippets from It’s a Kind of Magic, Part I of Chamber by Chamber.
I've been working on articulating my needs. We both have. Ordinarily, I'd be afraid of pushing him away by making demands when he's on the verge of a spiral, but my therapist insists that I can't go on treating Simon with kid gloves. If I never ask him for anything, he'll think he doesn't have anything to give.
When I told that to my therapist, she said that I needed to talk it out of me and she'd help me find ways to work through it all. She said I needed to talk it out with Baz, too, so that he'd know how to help me when things got bad again—that was something else she said, that things would get bad again, and that I'd need to be prepared for that. That I couldn't expect things to be easy, and just go away.
6. BONUS! I think the biggest way I include bits of myself is in the AUs I’ve chosen to write. I have three I’m planning that say a lot about me, so I’m going to talk a bit about them here. There is ofc my Scooby Doo AU, inspired in large part by the fact that I watched it all the time growing up and also, my sister continues to be obsessed with it. When we were young, my parents were doing a lot of work on their house and we’d take family trips to the hardware store. My sister and I hated it, so we’d wait in the car with my mom and she would entertain us with “Scooby Doo stories”. Other AUs I’m planning? Troop Beverly Hills—please tell me someone else out there loved this movie the way I did when I was 5. It was very influential to baby me and I remember wishing for nothing more than being able to dress like Shelley Long. So, I’m going to let Baz do it, because I think he deserves it. 🥰 Lastly, tho it will probably be the first I write, is my Cupid and Psyche AU, from when I was heavy into mythology and religion. Since these are all forthcoming projects, I don’t really have a snippet. Instead, here’s Baz comparing Simon to Eros, which is what started my brain on that particular AU.
I am lost. I barely know anything about Salisbury, but I can't help being drawn in. At one time, I could have comforted myself that I was only so smitten with him because he looks like he was sculpted by Praxiteles. That excuse grows weaker with every encounter. He's the furthest thing from a lifeless tribute to beauty in marble as one can be. There is something deep and dark and feral inside of him and I want to claw it out. I want to see it, to let it free. To taste his wildness and his pain.
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nadiasatrinava · 4 years
I know it’s a long time ago but the hcs you did for when their kid is sick with Chandra crushing her light imitation made me burst out laughing. Maybe you can give us more Chandra in MC’s stories maybe 🥺
Hello, I am back from the pits of depression and today I offer you: Chandra the Leading Lady to end all leading ladies. Oh and some fluffy NadiaxMC family dynamics too. 
Headcanons: Chandra ft. Nadia&MC’s Child
Chandra is a bird born to snatch the starring role. The prettiest and loveliest of birds is a natural under the limelight. Feathers? Fabulous. Stare? Smouldering. Talons? Truly Lethal. Flair? Full to the brim, Darling. (please read this in Edna Modes’ voice)
MC brings bedtime stories alive with magic and luminous silhouettes. It is commonplace for Chandra to be the main in their little sweet featurettes. The stories range from adventures to mystery to even the odd romantic tale.
Her fictional adventures comprise of the loveliest bird flying through sand dunes assimilated through magic and fabrics of light. Briskly veering upwards when a herculean scorpion emerges from the sand ready to strike her down. She evades the striking stinger and pincers with grace and retaliates with deadly precision. Her talons rip the illusion of a scorpion into shreds of light, giving out a victorious screech when the last thread dissolves into thin air.
MC’s mystery tales appoint Chandra as a private eye, tasked to solve puzzles and determine the perpetrator. An interactive interpretation of Cluedo with MC as the narrator. Nadia devises puzzles and clues for Chandra to solve, making it a game as much as it is a tale.
The romantic tales have Chandra reprising the role of the knight in shining armour or perhaps a lover in search for the grandest and finest gift to woo her target of affection and the adventures that come along with it.
Chandra gives an elegant bow, a wing over her heart, after each performance. Nadia, MC and their kid gives her around of applause all the while throwing treats and flowers at her talons. Chandra puffs up her chest with pride and an expression of delight is on her cute face and she just looks so proud of herself. 
Further down the line, Nadia and MC’s kid asks if they too could have a role in MC’s stories. MC could never say no to that sweet face and Chandra is pleased to finally have another lead to play with.
A particular tale has Chandra and the child banishing a tyrant and his legion. Nadia design mechanisms for miniature pulleys and harmless traps to make the story even more immersive and engaging. Going even as far as to making a mini catapult for her child to commandeer when MC’s story takes them questing to save the people under a tyrant’s rule. MC and Nadia arduously built a Lilliputian kingdom the day before, fully equipped with moats, tall castle walls and movable gates. These magical stories are a full-on family affair.
The walls crumble with a satisfying crash when the child pulls the catapult leaver and sends a stone flying through the air and smashing through the gates. Chandra takes down a wall by dropping a block of stone as she soars through the air.
They open the mechanical gates are torn under Chandra’s relentless beaks. Chandra guides a horde of civilians made of magic and light out of the castle, hooting and using her wings to point them to the proper escape route, while the kid prepares for the final battle.
MC makes the tyrant king with wisps of light glaring in red and black while his army constitutes of silhouettes and shadows. Chandra swoops down with a screech aiming for the horde of shadows while the kid gives their own battle cry, brandishing their wooden sword and engaging the tyrant king to battle.
Chandra swallows the shadow figures and tears the rest apart with her sharpened talons, sending wisps of shadows all over the battlefield. The kid uses the knowledge of swordplay Nadia has bestowed upon them and puts on a good show. Nadia sports a proud grin throughout the fight, applauding when her kid executes a particularly good move.
The fight ends when their kid deals the last blow, sending strands of red smoke through the air as Chandra lets out her victorious screech. MC clears the air and Chandra links her wing to the kid’s hand and does that synchronised bowing. Nadia and MC give their performance a standing ovation, enthusiastically clapping and throwing gifts and flowers at their feet. The kid and Chandra share a look before bursting into giggles (happy hooting in Chandra’s case).
If Namar catches wind of their little family tradition, well… let’s just say the next featurette has all actors/actresses decked out with befitting outfits. Namar would insist on having a role too. He’d make a great addition and he makes it known.
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rubysunnday · 4 years
murder mystery with the shelby brothers! they are investigating the murder of someone.
A/N: this went in a completely different direction because I saw the words murder mystery and thought Cluedo so, have the Shelby’s attempting to solve the murder of Tommy’s patience and will to live
You walked into Tommy’s grand dining room and groaned. “Oh, what fresh hell is this?” You asked, staring at the table in horror.
“Cluedo!” Finn exclaimed, throwing his arms up in excitement.
You stared at him. “Not again.”
“What do you mean ‘not again’?” Michael asked, looking between the two of you in horror. “He’s done it before?”
“And lost, badly.”
“I wasn’t that bad!”
“Finn, you flipped the table and told everyone to fuck off.”
“That’s not as bad as card night.”
“Only because your poker face is shite.”
Michael snorted into his drink and coughed slightly. “Oh, this is going to be fun,” he chuckled to himself as you pulled out a chair and sat down next to him.
“Who else are you torturing with this infernal game, then?” You asked, picking up the instructions.
“Alright, Finn, why did you call us all here?”
You looked up at your brother. “Oh, please tell me you are joking.”
Finn gave you a cheeky smile and you buried your face into the instructions booklet.
“Why are you two here?” Arthur asked, frowning.
“We’re playing Cluedo,” you told him, handing the booklet over.
“What now?” John asked, looking over Arthur’s shoulder. “Wait, do we get to kill people?”
“Oh, I need another drink,” you muttered, downing the remainder of Michael’s whiskey.
Tommy groaned as he sat down. “Alright, how do we play this so it’s over quickly?”
“You let Finn win,” you muttered, and Michael chuckled quietly next to you.
“We’re not going to have any fighting, ok,” Polly said as she sat down with a drink. “I’m not dealing with anymore broken bones or cracked heads.”
“That was one time, Pol,” Finn said, pouting. “And it was y/n’s fault.”
“I think the fuck not,” you shot back. “You threw it at me first!”
“Because you knocked the table!”
“I sneezed!”
“Alright, alright!” Tommy exclaimed, silencing the two of you. “Shut the fuck up and get on with it.”
Finn sat down smugly and, after cracking his knuckles, opened the instructions. “Youngest player goes first...ah fuck.”
You smirked as he all but chucked the dice at you. “The one benefit of being the youngest.”
“Just roll the fucking dice, y/n.”
“No, you didn’t win, I said it first!”
“No, you said it was the lead piping in the garden!”
“It was!”
“No, it was Professor Plum in the library with the led piping, not the garden!”
Finn growled and threw his cards down onto the table. “Do you want to re-enact it?”
You groaned as Finn began yelling at John, the two raising their voices to be heard over one another a the rest of the family sat and watched.
“It isn’t either of those, though,” Michael said quietly, leaning over to you.
“Oh, we know,” Ada chimed in. “This always happens, though.”
“Is this why you don’t play Cluedo anymore?” Michael asked, leaning towards you.
You nodded. “Once Finn and everyone re-enact the murder in real life to prove he as right.”
“Because he is a sore loser and wanted to beat me to death with a candlestick.”
“Did he succeed?”
“No, Tommy likes me too much to let him do that.”
“What other games have you played?”
“We tried to build a card castle once,” you said, picking your nails as the fight continued. “I had a cold and sneezed it over by accident. Finn was furious and was yelling at me whilst I just sat there and tried not to pass out.”
“ENOUGH!” Tommy yelled, evidently done with them both. “For all of our sake’s, it was not the lead piping in the library so sit the fuck down, shut up and let us continue.”
Both brothers begrudgingly sat down, silently fuming.
“Now,” Tommy said, trying to calm himself down, “who’s turn is it?”
“Y/N’s,” Michael said, handing you the dice.
“I thought it was mine?” Finn aske, frowning.
“I could’ve sworn it was mine,” John corrected.
“No, you’ve had yours,” Finn snapped, glaring.
“No, I haven’t.”
“Yes, you have.”
You groaned, putting the dice back onto the table as the fighting began again. “How do we get anything done?”
Michael patted your back. “No fucking clue, y/n, love, no fucking clue.”
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Survey #394
“just want one thing  /  just to play the king  /  but the castle’s crumbled and you’re left with just a name  /  where’s your crown, king nothing?”
Do you have your ears pierced more than once? Yeah; I have two in my earlobes and my right tragus pierced. I used to have a cartilage and anti-tragus piercing, but they closed when I had to take them out at the hospital. -_- Do you use an electric toothbrush? Yep. Have you ever seen a queen bee outside its hive? I don't believe so? Have you ever used Duolingo? No. Do you think the number 13 is unlucky? No. Which Clue (or Cluedo) character is your favourite? I always played Scarlet because I thought she was pretty. Do you have any novelty ice cube trays? No. Have you ever had a bad experience meeting a bf’s/gf’s parents? No. Do you get sick of eating turkey during the holidays? I don't eat turkey because I don't like it. I have honey spiral ham instead. Have you ever danced on a table? No. Did you have a lot of fun as a little kid? Yeah. Is there someone you can talk to all day, never running out of stuff to say? Some days. Ham or turkey? Ham. Would you rather eat nothing but fruits or nothing but cheese sandwiches? Fruit. What’s the last song you sung along to? I think Shinedown's "Get Up" while I was in the car. You get to be in any tv series or movie. (old/new) What are you choosing? Let's seeee... maybe Wonderland! Do you meditate? No; it actually stresses me out because I can't completely clear my head. What’s your go-to song when you’re angry? "Headache" by Motionless In White is a good one. What do you think about the most? My weight, honestly. It's at least an itching thought in my head at ALL times. Just being able to feel that I'm overweight and simply glimpsing a fatty part of my body is so, so upsetting. I usually look in the mirror to see if my face is slimmer whenever I pass one, or I'll grasp a part of my body to just feel if I've lost weight there. I could really go on and on about this, but I'd rather not, given it's depressing me talking about it. Have you ever visited any celebrity gravesites? No. How do you feel about archaeology? It's extremely fascinating to me. Any animals whose behaviors you find particularly interesting? ALL animals! Meerkats, however, quite obviously top my list. I love love love social animals, and their behaviors and deep connections remind me of just how human animals really can be, but honestly better half the time. What are your thoughts on gun control? There MUST be reform. I don't think entirely taking away the right to bear arms is the answer, but there needs, needs, NEEDS to be some serious tidying up regarding it. I believe it should be much more difficult to legally obtain a firearm with very extensive background checks and things of the like. I firmly do believe it would help SOME to prevent gun violence. Nothing is ever going to completely stop it unless firearms just cease to exist, but anything that helps reduce it is worth it. Would you have a big cat (like a tiger) for a pet if you could? Absolutely not. Big cats are extremely dangerous with strong hunting instincts, and besides putting my life at risk, I am not forcing a large animal into a small space. Do you like animals better than most humans? Sure as hell do. What simple things in life bring you the most joy? Hearing birds chirping in the morning, crickets and toads at night, starting my soda for the day (rip), watching snow fall, feeling a cool breeze on a nice day with the windows open, my pets wanting to cuddle... just to name a few. I massively appreciate the small things, so I could make this a very long list. What are your favorite smells? Cinnamon rolls, coffee, fresh baked bread, lilac, honeysuckles, etc. Ever found anything cool at a thrift store? What was it? Yeah! I've found some dragon figurines I use for decor, but the absolute coolest has to be this shipwreck lamp that I bought. I love flea markets. How do you find new music to listen to when you want it? YouTube recommendations, usually. Do you like all those dystopian future books/movies? They're all right. If you collect anything, what is your favorite piece of that collection? I collect two types of things: meerkat-oriented and Silent Hill stuff. My favorite part of my meerkat collection is Rebel, my super cute plushy that Jason got me. I slept with it for years and even now that we're done, I still hold the little guy very dear to me. My favorite SH piece I have is a limited edition, Japanese flyer for Silent Hill: Revelation that I won in a giveaway. How did you meet your significant other (if you have one)? N/A How did you meet your best friend? Via YouTube. Your favorite place to be aside from your home? Sara's house. Do you have any favorite books you’d like to have signed by the author? It'd be dooooope if I could have Tim Clutton-Brock sign my copy of Flower's biography. Do you like any board games or card games? I mean yeah. Not a lot, but some. What is your least favorite beverage? Of the things I've tried, probably black coffee. Do you like Breaking Benjamin? I do! What kind of music do you like? Metal, rock, alternative, and indie. Do you like guys with long hair? Yes. Have you ever seen an elephant? Yes. How many people of the opposite sex have you told you loved them? One, if you mean romantically. Do you and your mom get along? Yeah, we're really close. Have you ever had to change your phone number? Twice that I recall. I got a creepy text once, and another with threats. Ever been bitten by a spider? Not to my knowledge. When you were little did you jump in puddles? Oh, absolutely. Bugs: Cool or gross. Even though I'm scared of some of them, they're certainly still cool. Well, most. Do you wear a toe ring? No, I don't find those attractive at all. Have you ever had to babysit before? Twice, even though I didn't want to. Do you actually eat your fortune cookie, if you get one? Yeah, I like 'em. What's your favorite thing about cats? I enjoy how calm and independent they are. Salt, or pepper? I like both, but I prefer to have salt. Think of an ex. What's his favorite color? Jason's were green and purple. Which is better, the taste, or smell of coffee? I only like the smell. What item appears the most in your room? Meerkat stuff. Liquid eyeliner, is good, or totally sucks? My hands are WAY too shaky for that. Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? No. Do you currently have any bug bites? No. Do you multitask well? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do you know what an "AMV" is? Yes, because I used to make them and am considering getting back into it. What’s one award show you have to watch every year? None. Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? The Joker. Have you ever had a pet rock? I don't recall, actually? I might have as a little kid. Haha, there was one April Fool's Day that Mark sold rocks with his mustached "M" on them, and I SO wanted one. He gave all the earnings to a charity that I can't remember, so that also really made me wanna get one, but yeah, I was NOT asking Mom for even a small amount of money for a rock, haha. She woulda been so fucking confused. Do you know anyone with a lazy eye? Knew, rather. Did your parents let you have pets when you were a kid? Yes. What band was on the last band t-shirt you wore? Ummmm... I'm not sure. Maybe Korn? What’s the last movie you watched at a friend’s house? Elf, I believe? Do you have any tattoos on your arms? Yep. Do you own a teapot? No. Did you have a GI Joe when you were a kid? No. What is the origin of your last name? Irish. Do you ever use the "n"-word? NO. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? It would depend on the person, but probably some sort of lip ring(s). What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch, or the kind from Olive Garden. Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? Yes. I wrote a massive essay on toxic masculinity during my last college attempt. I got WAY more into it than I thought I would.
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Everything that could happen in a week part.5
summary: you’re invited to the Thrombey’s Halloween party, by your friend Meg. Between old man being too handsy while drunk and the others having heated political arguments borderline racist, you manage to survive for a week thanks to a new acquaintance you make.
pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader
warning: getting over the trauma of sexual assault, fake murder, mention of nudity, drug.
->part 1 -> part 2 -> part 3 -> part 4 
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Time at the Manoir was passing by quickly. I only had one day left. Harlan and Meg were doing everything they could to take my mind of what had occurred, and it worked. I fell into a routine with the two of them which consisted of going on walks and playing board games or even Harlan telling us bits of his new book. I was doing fine and my mindset was no longer negative. I even agree to go to therapy after Harlan brought it up again. I had only gone to two sessions so far but it did me good. I was back on track and I knew it wasn’t my fault. My attacker was in jail waiting for his trial and I found out I wasn’t his first victim which meant I wouldn’t have to go to make a testimony except if they lacked evidence. I had everything under control and was analysing the situation from outside. I felt like what had happened had made me stronger and I couldn’t help but see how it had made me a bit less introverted too. I talked more and even shared things from my past with Meg. It felt nice to have someone to talk to.
The only thing that was bothering me was Ransom. The second I got better he went back to his old self. He brought a girl home last night and I felt stupid to have imagined something serious could’ve happened between us. I couldn’t help to think about him though. Even if everything told me that it would never happen, the two of us, I still had hope. I knew it was all a facade and that he had shown me his true self. But we didn’t know each other well and I knew I wouldn’t be the one to change him. I scowled myself because he shouldn’t have to change himself for someone else. And I realised that I liked him no matter his behaviour.  
For my last complete day at the Manoir, Meg and Harlan decided to organize a little game night inspired by the board game “Cluedo”. They took the murder party very seriously because they had invited back the rest of the family and everyone had to come in disguise. It was six o'clock and everyone had arrived. Nobody asked me how I was doing which was a relief but I was sure Harlan had something to do with it. Harlan was the victim because he had created the intrigue. Meg, Marta, Donna, Linda, Richard and Ransom were the accused. The rest of us, Jacob, Walt, Joni and I were the investigators. Harlan had provided us with a map of the house and where we could find every accused at the start (because they were allowed to move and hide any evidence during the investigation). I was off to a pretty good start, far ahead of the rest of the investigators. I had interviewed Meg three times as she was careful to drop only a part of the hints, each time. Marta was the easiest because she couldn’t lie so I only had to ask her one good question so she would spill everything she knew. Donna, Linda and Joni wasted my time by talking too much and even confused me more than once so I had to talk to each one of them at least four times. Richard seemed annoyed by the game and told me everything he knew without even me asking. I was one step away to confirm my theory about who had “murdered” Harlan. All I had to do was interview, Ransom. I searched on the map where he was, but of course, he was not in the room he was assigned to at the start. I started looking in every room of the house but couldn’t find him. I then remembered that he liked to go to the patio/balcony. I made sure no one saw me leaving the house and go up the stairs that lead to Ransom. Once upstairs, I saw him smoking a joint. It was exactly like the first time. The same position, the same look in his eyes. Once he saw me he smiled mischievously. “You found me” His signature smirk appeared on his face while saying that. “ I did” I answered, not moving. I was completely entranced by the man and I hated it. It was the first time I was attracted by a man and it had to be him. What was I doing… I didn’t know if what I felt was wrong or what it was exactly but I couldn’t help feeling it. “Where were you three hours ago when Harlan got killed?” “I was in my room.” “Joni confirmed that she saw you going outside.” “Well, she’s lying.” “I don’t think so. She has a very good alibi.” “Okay I went on a walk, is that a crime, detective…?” He said the last word propping himself up from the wall and stalked toward me, his smirk growing even more. “Why did you lie then?” I asked almost in a whisper as he was closing the distance between us. He stopped mere inches from me and leaned in. “Because I’m the one who killed my grandfather, detective” he whispered in my ear. I shuddered at his confession and the fact that I could smell his infamous cologne that was invading my head, made everything blurry and confused inside of me. I couldn’t think or process things as he was intoxicating me. I closed my eyes trying to think and clear my mind. When I opened them he was looking at me, no longer smiling or smirking. I couldn’t read his expression or even guess what he was thinking about. I looked down at my notepad where I had written down every clue I had obtained. My theory was valid and I just had to submit it to Harlan. I looked back at Ransom, still staring at me. “Thank you for your time,” I said before going back inside by the bay window this time. Once I was not in Ransom’s sight I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. I realized that I was shaking. I gathered myself before going to the last floor into Harlan’s room.
When he saw me he immediately had a smile plastered on his face. “I knew you would be the first one! You’re too clever for this game.” He laughed. I smiled at his enthusiasm and sat on the bed next to him. “I didn’t even tell you who I’m accusing, I might be wrong you know..” “Nah, I’m sure you’ve got the right answer,” he said winking at me. “Okay… your killer is… Ransom?” I hesitated. “Ah! You’d be a great detective y/n !” I laughed at his comment and he joined me. We sat there going through my investigation. He told me He knew Joni would be the most difficult to talk to as she is a real chatterbox. We laughed some more at things I was told until Jacob got in the room. When he saw I was there, he screamed behind him telling everybody I had won and they could stop their investigation to which we heard grunts and relieved sighed.
Everyone was starting to leave. They whished me the best before leaving and we shared a few jokes about the game. I felt genuinely happy after this game night. “Thank you so much for tonight Harlan, I had so much fun. It was a perfect last night.” I said while hugging him as he was going to sleep. “You’re welcome y/n. Remember you are always welcome here. You are a part of this family. You even make it greater.” I was so touched by his words that I didn’t know what to say so I just hugged him again and wished him good night.
Meg and I had decided to continue the night in the living room with a bottle of white wine and some sushi. We were laughing and telling stories after stories. Before we knew it was pretty late and I had to drive tomorrow so we decided to call it a night. “Thank you Meg, you are a really great friend and I don’t deserve you. I love you so much..” I said while hugging her as I did with Harlan. “Aww, y/n stop or I’m gonna cry… You deserve the world and I love you more!” she exclaimed a bit tipsy. I laughed at her antics and put her in bed. As I was closing her door as quietly as I could. I heard the wood flooring crack behind me. I turned around scared by the sound and saw Ransom in front of his bedroom door. Apparently, he had tried not to make a noise so I wouldn’t notice him. His face emanated a guilty look. It was like deer caught in headlights. I walked toward him so I wouldn’t have to speak too loud. “I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You protected me and took care of me when I needed it the most. I owe you a lot, Ransom.” He looked at me with an expression I couldn’t quite decifer but I could see in his eyes that he was not indifferent to my words. As he was going to say something his bedroom door opened, and I saw a woman with only a robe to hide her naked body in the doorframe. “Oh sorry, I hope I wasn’t interrupting something…” she said. I looked at Ransom but he was looking down his eyes closed clearly embarrassed by me. I nodded at his lack of response and knew that I had imagined everything about him caring about me. “No, I’m sorry he’s all yours,” I said walking to my bedroom and closing the door behind me. I leaned against the back of my door and let out a sight. I could feel something inside my chest being torn apart. Was it my heart? I went to bed telling myself I’ll feel better in the morning and dozed off quickly. What I didn’t know was that Ransom had asked the girl to leave a few minutes after because he knew that I was the one he really wanted.
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nicknellie · 4 years
Honestly that’s me, also kinda good night/morning again.
You should be so proud that you were able to finish your school work, that is such an accomplishment! Also cat 👀🥺, but I hope that your kitten didn’t cause too much of a mess! Imagine if we made tallies though, that would be hilarious (also adding yes)
Box stuff
1. Yes, you have described them so well! Reggie is organized but at the same time very chaotic which frustrates Alex so much. (Even more so due to the fact that Luke is just chaotic not organized at all, I mean have you seen his writing) Also agreed, Bobby is middle and I love the drum idea that’s amazing!
2. The baby is an honorary member of the band is amazing, I love that like so much.
3. That is precisely what happens, also because Reggie was going to give it to Alex for food however he needed to put it somewhere and completely forgot
Board games and Jam stuff
1. I love the little detail that you added of matching pajamas because that’s exactly how their game nights go a majority of the time. Yes to all of these, Bobby is the one who flipped a table once during Pictionary and since then the game has been banned. (Also points if Alex did the same during Cluedo because Reggie just kept on saying that he was suspicious) ‘Reggie we are not playing about us, it’s a mystery game with clues’
(Also bring me up suspicious, I remember reading some thing about where the boys play among us and that’s all I can think about. Because they do and the boys just keep calling each other out, i’m not going on a tangent right now but I may in the future 😂)
I haven’t played Articulate before however yes they do! (Also for some reason the fact that the box has a circle which makes me think of the game of life, for I don’t know why reasons, so I’m going to offer that up)
You’re absolutely right they definitely do go to thrift shops and just find random cool stuff. (Alex joins them later on)
I love the detail that you added that Luke on Julie’s team won’t win which is mostly because he won’t stop staring at her throughout the entire game. Reggie is definitely the master, except for in scramble because Luke shines in that game. After people started taking sides and stuff monopoly was banned very quickly, you’re so right.
2. I really wish I could explain why I thought of this but legitimately this all became a thing from me looking at some random thing of strawberry jam. That is so clever and that is the ultimate pun for Reggie. (Since you mentioned different versionsc all I can think about is this song actually starting out with Reggie talking about how much he loves etc. jam and how all the rest of the boys have problems)
Number stuff
2. Yes, (eventually) in the end everyone has a couples jumper as well. Also The fact that Luke stretches Alex‘s hoodie is hilarious, especially because he was doing it to make Julie jealous basically. Also adding on, Willie and Alex are cuddling under a blanket during this whole thing.
3. Yes, Luke just wants to make Julie happy in life and that’s everything to be honest.
4. You know those shows you have where you put it on a watch later and you’re like I’m genuinely interested in this however procrastination is my best friend and suddenly it’s like three years later, well Merlin may be that show for me. I support that AU idea so much, we need that in our lives. (Honestly whenever I think of two halves of a whole I think of yin and yang and I can’t explain why). And I love how this made you think of a fanfic, because I’ve had similar thoughts as well during our conversations.
(Wait yes, Alex is definitely Merlin he has that oh I’m wise so you need to listen to me kind of style. Also definitely takes Luke, Arthur, under his wing to make sure that he is not dumb/dies)
5. I just want more Alex and Julie to be honest, I don’t feel as thought we got to see a lot of that in season one. Thank you, yes my thoughts exactly. (Honestly I like to think that he came out to her as well however at the same time due to the fact that people in the 90s weren’t as accepting I feel like he just doesn’t know how she’s going to react and is kind of saving that for a later date🥺)
6. Exactly, so Bobby has no way that they could technically be out there (how Julie kind of draw strength from the fact that her mom is watching over her which is why she believes that she got the flower during that exact moment) also things would be much different if they had been able to send some kind of sign down to him. Even if it’s something little just to show that they are still there for him and even death couldn’t come between them.
8. I think I now know how you feel when I mentioned him writing ‘we were going to be legends’ on the back of that photo. Because ouch, and you are so right it’s not even funny. Nothing is the same without the boys because they all have little personality things that make simple tasks even better. Luke is able to do the Rubiks cube because he fidgets a lot with his hands, Alex is able to do the puzzles because he has really great concentration and it helps him feel more focused, also same for Reggie he’s able to do crosswords and sudokus because he’s able to focus on the more also he’s really great with numbers. (Also I totally didn’t say that Bobby doesn’t understand sudokus, because I don’t understand them)
That last sentence, you are correct but whoa that is painful.
10. Gotta love our random tangents
Yes, and the boys know that Bobby went on the logflume however they just don’t talk about it. Reggie has so many scrapbooks it’s not even funny legitimately once he realizes that he can take 1000 pictures and they can be stored in one place he kind of explodes (doesn’t stop him from making scrapbook though)
Alex just loves having people be happy, (also I didn’t think about an AU situation in which he does run into someone who has a skateboard )
I cannot describe that ride either however I know exactly what you’re talking about and Alex being impatient to go on rides is legitimately everyone who has ever been in a theme park. Reggie doesn’t talk to Luke for a good amount of time because Luke is the one who said that the ride wouldn’t be so bad, ‘I mean what’s the worst that can happen’ (also I did not say that just so I can reply, famous last words)
(Same energy as ‘street dogs haven’t killed us yet’)
Toffee nut- I’m glad you like the theory because I legitimately have no explanation for why Bobby is allergic to gluten but it just fits. Alex loves baking gluten-free stuff because not only is he reassured that Bobby has some thing that he can eat but in general it’s always nice to find new recipes.
Also random thought but every once in a while the boys will go somewhere go to bakeries and if they have gluten-free options they will try whatever they can.
Once again Alex just cannot say no to Luke and Reggie and they definitely eat the gluten-free food.
11. I love that for us 😂, even if there’s no possible way that I can happen it somehow did. (Also Reggie has a picture with the queen and I have no clue if there is even a way of having photoshop back then however Reggie is crazy enough to pull it off so they just think that it’s Photoshop)
13. Fairytale princess Luke is everything we need in our life. (This is also a band photo that is stored somewhere, because of course Luke wouldn’t do this alone)
14. His fists are like clenched tightly however he’s trying to pretend like he isn’t angry. I love that line with everything I have, that needs to be in season 2. Also the fact that someone who is very tall is trying to pretend to be someone who isn’t as tall is very humorous to me and I cannot explain why.
16. I love how determined Luke and Reggie are in this little scenario that you have painted, which they definitely are. One time Bobby is out and it’s just Alex with them two and he has no clue what to do because they can’t be in the kitchen however he cannot resist their puppy dog eyes.
17. Wait I love this (also Reggie finds baby photos of Willie that are actually baby Willie and shows them to Alex) (no one knows how but to be honest I could definitely see Reggie going to Caleb just ask for baby photos)
Also Willie finds it adorable that Alex is pretending to be embarrassed and definitely teases him about it. Bonus points if there’s a picture of Little Alex with a hotdog shirt and Willie is like ‘I knew there was another reason why I called you hot dog’
19. Water fights all the time, also during winter they have snowball fights all the time as well. (Also they always have water balloons on hand and it is very common for someone to throw it at another person‘s back and or down their shirt)
Yes, I love this theme as well, (despite being a very competitive person) Luke is just not competitive)
20. Same lol, honestly all Alex quotes and just Alex is everything and part of the reason why I love him so much.
(Also sidenote the fact that Owen Joyner performs these lines so beautifully. Maybe this is just me geeking out but the delivery and the pacing and the changing of voices from either high pitch to low pitch or whatever the line needs is just fantastic. Well if you can tell someone has been in any kind of music/acting field it’s that last sentence right there)
Alex is just happy that his friends are bonding with the guy that he likes. Especially because they are all the type of person that if their partner and or one of the boys doesn’t like each other then there is no way that they will be together. Also yes, Alex has a love hate relationship with Willie and Reggie bonding over puns.
Luke is very well practiced at egging houses, anyone who has ever made fun of the boys can confirm, and he is very torn between I want Flynn to like me but this is Julie’s house. Also yes, in the end he does egg her house.
Hear me out, she would’ve won mother of the year for being supportive towards Alex however I don’t feel like she would’ve for Luke because it didn’t really feel like she was supportive of the band which is basically Luke’s entire being. But aside from that yes. (But it got us unsaid Emily so I mean is that really a flaw 😂)
21. Yes, adding onto what you said honestly one thing that I keep thinking about which is the only thing he’s never told Luke is that he actually saw Emily and Mitch one time after Luke ran away.
Honestly for some reason I keep saying to myself he got arrested. Just because for being a person who basically freaked out at breaking into a museum it would be hilarious that he’s actually been in trouble with cops before, but anyways Emily and Mitch are his emergency contact so they have to pick him up and then that’s where they talk about Luke and everything. (I really wish I can explain this, also the fact that I’ve said this like 3 times already is concerning 😂😂)
But going back to what you said, he struggles with that so much because he loves Luke so much but at the same time due to the fact that Alex has such a bad relationship with his parents he doesn’t want Luke to end up on that note.
Mitch having a conversation with Ray is everything I needed and I did not think I would. (Imagine if Kenny Ortega had a secret Tumblr though 😂😂)
24. I want to see Flynn’s reaction to flying solo now it’s what we do deserve. Yes, it’s like you read my mind because that is exactly what happened, I feel like we can kind of see it in all eyes on me, with her face kind of being a tiny bit upset with Julie talking to the boys but she isn’t able to see what’s going on. (Even though the boys have only had one interaction with her they are very devastated, all they want is to be her friend as well)
Love how you meant Carrie, also why am I now thinking about Flynn joining dirty candy just to spite Julie, (I need to stop) also yess this is how the reaction song comes. Possibly maybe even a sad song because Flynn is talking about how much she loves Julie but she’s been feeling so disconnected from her lately. Yes, Jadah Maris is so talent.
Honestly I only know that video because one of my friends was singing the lyrics and I was very concerned 😂. Yes, you should be proud, maybe it’s because I cannot remember titles for the life of me but that is a very accomplishing thing.
25. Ahhh, dad Alex is everything. Also due to the fact that he has quick wit for a bit it would just be him and Carrie joking around with each other. Also I feel like the show does kind of show that although Trevor is supportive he is really bad at discipline 😂. (Honest Reggie wouldn’t be able to able to tell her off at all because he is afraid of somehow becoming like his parents, even though the boys keep reassuring him that will never happen)
26. Honestly the boys are kind of just holding a grudge at this point but it’s Trevor making the hats that has them go into a big group hug and burst into tears also the actual forgiving.
Also going along with the fact that Willie wears a beanie, he also wears a bandanna. I’m glad that’s stuck in your head to be honest.
28. Yes, what if the final product of Reggie raging at Bobby is Now or Never (however this has been re-make and has switch genres by Luke) (I have reasoning)
32. I love just thinking about some fans randomly bumping into sunset Curve. Legitimately they bring stickers and fanart everywhere because Alex is definitely the type of person to go to a grocery store at 3 AM just to look for a particular ingredient (for an example)
Honestly I had no reasoning for Alex being a hedgehog except for the fact that hedgehogs are cute so I most definitely agree and you are entirely correct
Yes, and once Alex finishes the puzzle it’s framed just because not only can he not take it apart but he’s afraid of it being ruined and it is so amazing
34. Yes, precisely and there’s only one photo of Luke that works and it’s him glaring and crossing his arms like an upset puppy (still stuck)
35. (Honestly Ray just adopts all of them, Luke, Reggie,Alex, Flynn, Willie all of them) I legitimately said this for just someone however instead of collecting stray cats Ray takes in stray children. Also, yes just best father of the year goes to Ray for the past 15 years. That is a very good theory because this entire time I’ve just been thinking of Reggie taking pictures.
Also the fact that technically Willie can’t show up on camera I didn’t think about but for the purpose of him looking absolutely amazing in these photo shoots I’m going to ignore that.
37. Yes, and Alex does have to make rules because otherwise he won’t have any clothes. The only reason Willie is allowed to get away with it is because he looks fantastic in the hoodie and Alex just has heart eyes.
39. Yes, she always talks out loud to herself and Trevor just silently encourages her and then he replies this one time and she is absolutely shocked but because the idea so so brilliant she immediately jumps on it.
40. Seeing Alex dance with Luke to dirty dancing with this particular dance in mind is what I need to see in season 2. Also yes, Reggie as well, honestly it just becomes a band thing because
Lol that is so relatable, also 10 out of 10 songs to be stuck in your head.
(Sorry for like the four notifications you got from me liking this post, because of course I just accidentally kept double tapping this and then letting out a gasp because it unliked the post)
Also the fact that this started from jigsaws and now we have three categories is everything
Good morning/night/afternoon/whatever time you’re reading this!
Ok so before I start I realised when I was trying to sleep that I left out a few things. I wanted to include a photo of a couples jumper and also the link to my Mitch headcanons, which I think I mentioned and then just didn’t include.
The only pics coming up were Christmas ones but this is the style I was in envisaging! Two heads holes, comfy, not just a random hoodie like Luke and Reggie try and use!
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So here’s the link lol
1. Ajskfnskfo I love this like Luke’s writing is terrible can you imagine the state of his bedroom??
Actually, mentioning his bedroom, it was probably a mess and still is because Emily and Mitch didn’t tidy it when he went away in case he came back and then didn’t want to change anything after he died
3. YES definitely Alex being the designated chef of the group and Reggie bringing him recipes, except that’s the one he just totally forgets about, I love it
1. I love that so much omg they all have one game they just can’t play 😂 Bobby did that in Pictionary because he was doing his drawing and thought he’d made it really obvious, but the others were purposely guessing wrong and it pissed him off. And yes lmao Alex trying to explain to Reggie that it wasn’t him it was a random character for gods sake Reggie can you just read the damn rules?!
Omg PLEASE go on that tangent 😂😂
Oh yes totally they play game of life! It’s the only one Alex is really really bad at
Yessss Alex joining them is everything!
Omg yeah Luke is just watching Julie the whole time and she’s trying to help so they can win and he just doesn’t concentrate so they lose. Julie gets mad at him for it but he thinks it’s worth it
Lmao I can just imagine them playing monopoly - Alex is in charge of money and stuff and when Luke lands on one of Reggie’s spaces he can’t pay. Alex wants to just let him off (because he’s doing terribly and can’t win the game anyway) but Reggie is competitive and wants him to pay and Julie is backing him up because she likes playing by the rules. It’s two vs two, ends up in a big argument, and like you say it’s immediately banned 😂
2. Absjdldlajkd yes like the song actually started out about that, they figured out the tune was really catchy and then turned it into an entire song
2. Yes lol Alex and Willie just snuggled under the blanket like “guys there are easier ways to cuddle y’know” meanwhile Reggie got uncomfortable and tried to wriggle out the hoodie and they all just heard a ripping sound from the hoodie and Alex looked like he would have killed them if they weren’t already dead
4. YES even if you haven’t seen the show yet that’s literally perfect. Alex being one of the only ones who can get away with telling Prince Luke how dumb he is like Merlin and Arthur and keeping him safe. But somehow Luke still ends up dying from eating a bad hotdog
And I totally see where you get yin and yang from tbh!
5. Yes I can totally see that as well! I’ve read quite a few fics where he comes out to her and honestly it’s so cute every time because his reaction to her being immediately accepting of him is amazing. (Also I love it when she accepts him by immediately coming out to him as well - usually it’s bi Julie which I do love but I really strongly headcanon asexual Julie (best when she’s both tbh) and I realise that’s off-topic but yeah)
6. Yes omg now I kind of want to write that AU too 😂 Bobby somehow getting a sign from his friends to tell him that they’re okay and they’re still there. Like they could still come back to Julie, but in the dark room they get a glimpse of Bobby being sad and get to help him, therefore he doesn’t make so many mistakes
8. Absabskksksbf yeah omg 🥺 they all have their strengths and Bobby can’t build his own up to match them after they’re gone. And yes lol tbh I have literally no clue about sudokus either so I relate to not being able to do them, and props to Reggie for being amazing at them 😂
10. Awww yes Reggie just getting super excited when he finds out how much technology has progressed and how many pics he can take 🥺 also I can’t remember what they’re called but Reggie gets one of those portable printer things that’s kind of like a Polaroid but you can print them off your phone? Idk if I described that well but Julie gets him one and he loves it. Also at theme parks he always buys the photos the ride automatically takes
Oh my god oh my god oh my god yes! I love that so much omgggg your mind! It’s the one time Bobby doesn’t manage to pull him out of the way in time and it’s literally the best thing he could ever have done
Lmaooo yes that’s perfect Luke convincing them to go on it is definitely street dog energy. Reggie just refuses to even look at him because he’s that childish lmao
Ooooh yes and whenever they go to bakeries either Alex or Reggie will ask for the recipes of stuff they like (usually Reggie because no one can say no to him, but also Alex because he can be persuasive)
Yes lol eventually Bobby has to have a special like box or container to put his gluten-free stuff in otherwise Luke and Reggie will eat it all.
11. Yes definitely! Idk if they had photoshop either but they’re all convinced that’s what it is but he’s just really innocently like “no I swear I did” and it’s normally Luke who rolls his eyes like “ok sure buddy”
13. I swear if I was better at art I’d draw Cowboy Sunset Curve and Fairytale Princess Sunset Curve but alas no 😂 maybe I’ll just do it anyway lol
14. No I totally get that, it’s the sort of thing that’s funny for no reason lmaooo
16. Yes I love that like he is just moments away from opening the door and letting them back in but then he shakes his head like “no, focus” and the cycle keeps repeating. Also I love how in the scenario they keep moving but all they’re doing apart from that is puppy-dog eyes and that’s enough to nearly break Alex
17. YES. Willie has no idea where he got the photos from but doesn’t really question it either. And I can sooo see him asking Caleb for baby photos - like, he wants a Caleb scrapbook because like it or not he’s been a major part of their afterlives since he wants to remember him! So Caleb is confronting them after he stops possessing Nick and is doing this grand speech and when he’s done Reggie just raises his hand and goes “sorry but do you have any baby photos of you?” and Caleb just doesn’t question it and hands them over the next time they see each other. (Reggie also has Nick’s baby photos. Reggie has literally everyone’s baby photos.)
Ajsbskldl I love that! Little Alex in a hotdog shirt and Willie pretending to have some sort of psychic power like “yeah I totally knew about that it’s the other reason I call you hotdog!”
19. Omg Sunset Curve/Julie and the Phantoms snowball fights yessss and the water balloons are perfect - Luke’s preferred method is to sneak up behind someone and slam it on the top of their head so they’re totally drenched
20. Yes exactly!!! I definitely think Owen is one of the best actors in the show and one of the best in anything I’ve seen recently, he just plays Alex so perfectly and everything you said is 100% right I couldn’t have put it better myself
Yes that’s exactly their relationship! Like as sad as he would have been Alex would have dropped Willie if the guys hated him (and let’s be honest, seeing as Willie accidentally played a big part in the thing with Caleb they definitely could have hated him)
Yeah and Luke isn’t really sure if Julie being so mad at him for egging her house is worth it but he had fun so he goes with it
Oh yeah that makes so much more sense you’re totally right, but yeah it got us Unsaid Emily so in the end it was a good thing lmao
21. Ooooh yes! They share everything but that’s the one thing he has never told him
Lmaoooo yes but then what would he have been arrested for?? I feel like some sort of misunderstanding - like someone dropped something, he tried to be helpful and pick it up but then they accused him of theft and called the cops on him. Or he actually did do something illegal, knowing it was illegal. Aww yes Emily and Mitch picking him up and finally getting to see him and find out about Luke again 🥺
And yes exactly took the words right out of my mouth
If Kenny had a secret Tumblr and saw all this I would die laughing. Especially if he somehow included some of it in the show that would be the funniest thing. Sadly it’s very unlikely 😂😭
24. Yesss I agree we can totally see it then! I feel like it’s the really predictable scenario for her to be left out but I also think it would work really well
Oooooh Flynn joining Dirty Candi could be really interesting! I feel like it would only be for one song and then she’d feel bad but I’d actually love to see that.
I can totally see it being a sad song and also I think it would just be her and Julie there, the boys are nowhere to be seen and it’d give them a chance to make up before the boys are let in on it
25. Yes definitely! Because Carrie has such quick wit too their banter would be brilliant. Yeah you’re definitely right about Trevor, he’d do anything for her except discipline her well, and omg Reggie 🥺🥺 you’re so right, he’d be terrified, so he wouldn’t get involved at all when she’s being told off by Alex
26. I feel like maybe that was Bobby’s way of settling arguments back in the nineties (“Luke’s mad at me, guess I’d better make him a hat”) which is why it finally convinces them to forgive him
Omg bandana Willie might be even better than beanie Willie... maybe it’s just any time Willie has headwear, because I love Willie wearing his helmet too lol
28. Oh yes I love that! Originally the lyrics were “pack up your yarn Bobby, now or never” and Luke was like hmmm I like that
32. Omg that’s literally perfect I love that so much. Alex in his pyjamas (and a hoodie) staring at flour trying to remember which kind he needed to buy at 3 o’clock in the morning and the shop assistant is like omg you’re Alex Mercer then hands him a sticker
Yes definitely!!! He frames all his favourite puzzles and has them hanging up around the studio, but that’s his ultimate favourite and he makes sure to clean the frame of dust twice a week
35. Omfg yes that’s brilliant. Ray has two biological kids but actually he has four ghosts and his daughters best friend too (and maybe some other we don’t see, like Carlos’s best friend??) the comparison to stray cats is amazing - they just come in for food and maybe a hug then they’ll be on their way again.
Yeah same lmao I realised as I was writing that they wouldn’t show up but that’s a tiny detail and for this we can disregard it completely 😂😂 (or maybe he does show up sometimes, and even when he doesn’t there’s a golden orb there like in Ray’s photos and it actually looks really good somehow)
37. I live for heart eyes Alex tbh. And yes the other rules include: you must wash it if you get it dirty, if I find any rips I will literally kill you (because Luke once ripped one of his nicest hoodies), and for the love of god don’t lose it
39. Yes I feel like they’d be such a Father-Daughter-Dream-Team you know?? Like they’re really close and they know each other really well and the little things like that are the best part of their relationship!
40. Ahajdnsls yes I need it!
Lol the notifications were fine I literally do that so often bc I forget that’s how tumblr works 😂
Yes I was literally going to mention how we have categories now!!! I honestly find this so funny like how did we get all this from a jigsaw 😂😂😂
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 1
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 1 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 1/? SUMMARY:  Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - Welcome to the first chapter of “The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh”! Lots of clues and surprises in this book! I hope you’re ready!]
The TARDIS landed roughly, sending Elise to the floor. She picked herself up and ran to the doors. They’d landed on earth.
She remembered the Doctor mentioning something about that. But where was he?
He’d told her to stay in the TARDIS while he executed his plan and now he was lost. Great.
About half an hour later, the door opened and the Doctor stumbled inside.
“Dad!” She ran towards him and grabbed his hand.
“Oh! Elise! Is that you?” he asked.
“Well who else would it be? What are you wearing?”
He was wearing some type of spacesuit and by the looks of it, his helmet was on backwards. “Impact suit. It’s busy repairing me.”
“Of course it is,” she muttered.
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” She led him up to the platform and helped him sit in the jump seat. “How do I get the helmet off?”
“There should be a latch or a button.”
Elise’s nimble fingers searched around his neck until she found it. She pulled it off.
“Hello there,” the Doctor said.
Elise smiled softly. “How about I go make us some tea?” Elise disappeared down the corridor as the Doctor stood up and took off the spacesuit.
Just as Elise came back holding two mugs of tea, the TARDIS took off. “Where are we going?” Elise asked.
The Doctor grabbed onto the monitor. “The English Countryside!”
“But why?”
The Doctor smiled. “Because someone made a wish!”
The Doctor opened the door, well one of the doors fell off its hinges… “There we go. Well, come in. In you come,” he said.
Madge, Lily, and Cyril entered the house.
“Mind your step. Now, don't worry. The back door is still, broadly speaking, operational.” The Doctor lifted the door and placed it upright again. “Right then, may I take your cases?”
Madge and children thanked him.
“Lovely. Would you mind carrying them for me? I need to show you round.”
“Oh no, wait!” Madge said as the Doctor ran up the stairs, “Who are you?”
“I'm the caretaker and this is my assistant.”
“But you're not Mister Cardew.”
“I agree.”
“I don't understand. Are you the new caretaker?”
“Usually called the Doctor. Or the Caretaker or Get Off This Planet. Though, strictly speaking, that probably isn't a name. My assistant’s name is Elise Smith. Hello, Madge Arwell.”
“And Cyril Arwell. And Lily Arwell.” The Doctor shook each of their hands. He gave Lily a soft smile. She looked much like Elise had at her age. “Now, come on, come on. Lots to see. Whistle stop tour. Take notes, there will be questions.”
He first led them into a small sitting room. “Smaller sitting room. Just chairs. Bit pointless without a television, so I made some repairs.” He pressed a button by the door and the chairs started to move on their own. “I know.”
They made their way into the kitchen next.
“Kitchen! That's a cooker, probably. And these are taps. Hot, cold, lemonade,” the Doctor said.
“Lemonade?” Cyril asked.
“I know!”
The upstairs was next.
The Doctor stopped in front of the staircase and kicked it, but nothing happened. “Staircase. It seems to have broken down. We'll have to walk up.”
When they got to the landing, the Doctor pointed at the stairs leading to the attic. “Elise and I sleep up there. Stay away. Beware of panthers.”
“Panthers?” Lily asked.
“They're terrifying. Have you never seen panthers?”
The little boy, Cyril, stopped and looked up the stairs.
“Cyril!” the Doctor called.
Elise placed a hand on Cyril’s back and led him away from the stairs.
It was time to see the bedrooms. Madge’s bedroom was first.
The Doctor opened the door. “Mum's bedroom. Grown up. Your basic boring.”
The children’s room was next. It was the Doctor’s favorite. It wasn’t too far off from what Elise’s bedroom had looked like as a child.
“Lily and Cyril's room. I'm going to be honest, masterpiece. The ultimate bedroom. A sciencey wiencey workbench. A jungle. A maze. A window disguised as a mirror. A mirror disguised as a window. Selection of torches for midnight feasts and secret reading. Zen garden, mysterious cupboard, zone of tranquility, rubber wall, dream tank, exact model of the rest of the house, not quite to scale. Apologies. Dolls with comical expressions, the Magna Carta, a foot spa, Cluedo, a yellow fort.”
Lily giggled.
“Where are the beds?” Cyril asked.
“Well, I couldn't fit everything in. There had to be sacrifices. Anyway, who needs beds when you've got…” The Doctor pulled a lever hammocks were lowered down from the ceiling. “Hammocks! I know!”
Cyril walked up to one and tried to get on. “But how do you get on?”
“Watch and learn, kid.” The Doctor ran and jumped right in between the two of them.
Elise covered her face, embarrassed.
“For God's sake!” Madge said, exasperated.
“This hammock has developed a fault.”
“Can you please stop talking? Can you please just stop!”
The Doctor stood up. “Sorry.”
“Children, go downstairs.”
“Why?” Lily asked.
“Are we leaving?” Cyril asked.
“Yes. No! I don't know! Just please go downstairs!” Madge yelled.
“You don't need to shout,” Lily told her.
The children left.
“Why are you doing all this?” Madge asked.
“I'm just trying to take care of things. I'm the Caretaker.”
“That's not what caretakers do.”
“Then why are they called caretakers?”
“Their father's dead.”
The mood in the room drastically changed. “I'm sorry.”
“Lily and Cyril's father, my husband, is dead and they don't know yet, because if I tell them now, then Christmas will always be what took their father away from them, and no one should have to live like that. Of course, when the Christmas period is over, I shall… I don't know why I keep shouting at them.”
“Because every time you see them happy, you remember how sad they're going to be, and it breaks your heart.” The Doctor looked at Elise as he said this.
Elise could see the memories of House flashing across his mind. The day that he told her Gallifrey was gone and everyone she knew and loved was dead.
“Mother, come and see!” Lily’s voice yelled from downstairs.
Cyril joined her. “Mother! You've got to see this! Come on!”
“Because what's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?” the Doctor said.
“Mother!” Cyril called.
“Mother, are you coming?” Lily asked.
“The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later. Now, we'd better get downstairs. I think they may have found the main sitting room,” the Doctor told Madge.
“Mother!” Cyril yelled.
“I repaired it.”
As they left the room, Elise leaned in towards Madge. “Even though they’ll be sad later, they’ll be okay. I was.”
Down in the main sitting room, it was decorated perfectly for Christmas.
Lily and Cyril looked back at them.
“I know!” the Doctor said.
Lily and Cyril were drawn in by the large present near the tree.
The Doctor and Elise slipped out of the room.
“Do you think she’ll tell them?” Elise asked.
“She has to.”
Elise sighed.
“Ellie? What is it?”
Elise played with the zipper on her jacket. “I miss Amy and Rory. This’ll be the first Christmas we don’t spend with them.”
The Doctor placed his hand on the back of her head and kissed her forehead.
Elise wandered around the house. She couldn’t sleep. The Doctor had tried to lull her to sleep by singing to her, but it didn’t work. So she decided that maybe a walk would be enough to clear her mind.
She was downstairs when heard small footsteps coming down the stairs.
It was Cyril. He was awake and making his way towards the main sitting room.
Elise knew she should have alerted the Doctor, but she couldn’t let him go wandering off by himself. What if he was hurt? Elise wasn’t sure about what exactly was in that present.
Cyril untied the present and opened the box. Light streamed out along with a few snowflakes.
Now Elise was curious as well.
Cyril climbed inside before backing up into the sitting room. Cyril climbed inside the box again and jumped down into a winter wonderland.
Elise waited until he was far enough away to follow him. She was just going to keep an eye on him and made sure nothing bad happened to him. As she walked past one of the trees, she noticed a broken ornament on the ground.
There were tracks leading away from it.
Well this was not good.
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agentnico · 5 years
Knives Out (2019) Review
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“I suspect...foul play. And I eliminate no suspect!”
Plot: When renowned crime novelist Harlan Thrombey is found dead at his estate just after his 85th birthday, the inquisitive and debonair Detective Benoit Blanc is mysteriously enlisted to investigate. From Harlan's dysfunctional family to his devoted staff, Blanc sifts through a web of red herrings and self-serving lies to uncover the truth behind Harlan's untimely death.
I do enjoy myself a good Agatha Christie/Arthur Conan Doyle style whodunnit mystery-murder tale. Wish I were allowed to indulge on a pipe or a cigar whilst watching the movie to achieve full immersion, however unfortunately cinemas don’t allow smoking during screenings. In any case, I saw Knives Out nonetheless, and I must say it was a nice callback to a genre that has not been so prominent in cinema as of late. One can include the recent Murder On the Orient Express, however not going to lie, I was disappointed in director Kenneth Branagh’s efforts on that one, we’ll see if any improvements show in next year’s sequel Death on the Nile. Knives Out however is not even based on any novel, but in fact is an original mystery written and directed by Rian Johnson. Alright, alright, calm you angry lightsabers, just because the man made one franchise film that caused an outrage amongst a very easily-annoyed fan base doesn’t mean he cannot make any decent films. Some may remember that Johnson is the guy behind Looper. And with Knives Out he is definitely back in his comfort zone with a very entertaining thriller right in time for the holiday season.
Knives Out won’t really stand the test of time but does add some original ideas to a familiar formula. We all know the deal - some person gets killed and then we are left with a ray of possible suspects and a quirky detective sleuth stuck in the middle of it all attempting to untangle this web of lies to find out the truth. Knives Out has pretty much the same story-line however with a modern spin, having the film make fun at certain stereotypical tropes of the genre as well as revealing certain clues much earlier than anticipated. In fact, the movie seemingly reveals the outcome of the mystery quite early on within the film, leaving us to instead enjoy the characters within the film try to piece everything together whilst we already know many of the facts. It’s an interesting way to tell the narrative, and though I wouldn’t say the film’s resolution is as exciting as I was hoping for it to turn out, Rian Johnson’s directing and a very game cast make this a breezy watch.
Johnson has indeed assembled quite the cast to be our suspects. And with such a star-studded fest there aren’t actually that many stand-outs, since everyone is doing such a solid job that everyone ends up being on the same level of good. However, there are a few names that do leave an impression. Daniel Craig knocks out a hell of a Southern accent which gives him that extra unique edge as the detective on the case. He gets some of the meatiest lines to chew on, and his manner of speech make his dialogue the more memorable. Christopher Plummer reminds us how much of a great actor he is and that age is no reason to stop being great. Heck, he’s the victim who gets killed at the beginning of this whole thing, so even though he’s not in the film much, he still leaves an impression. Then there is Ana de Armas (such a beauty!) who most would know from her roles in Blade Runner 2049 and War Dogs, and she definitely has the most interesting roles amongst all, that very much gives her the opportunity to flex the different emotions. If anyone is to get more roles due to this movie it is her. In fact its already proving to be true with her being a Bond girl next year! In terms of the rest of the cast, Toni Collette and Michael Shannon get some moments to shine, however Chris Evans and Jamie Lee Curtis, though not terrible, do still have the weight of their big franchises clinging on to them that stop them from properly getting into a new character. My friend even described Chris Evans in this film as “Captain America with an attitude” and it is kind of true. He’s still the pretty boy who’s the coolest lad in the room, only this time he’s not afraid to tell people around him to eat sh*t. That being said, there are certain scenes where he is truly enthralling to watch. Also, let’s talk about Katherine Langford. I do not like her. Look, she might have had a one-off good performance in Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why, but outside of that she’s still yet to prove herself as an actress. The recently released deleted scene of her role in Avengers: Endgame on Disney+ showed what was to be a very emotional scene, however due to her bland performance ended up being an emotionless dud. In Knives Out too, she is just bland. There’s nothing to her. I agree, I might sound harsh, but I want to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Especially because Daniel Craig is on the case!
Knives Out is definitely one to go out and see. With the narrative playing out in a house that is rightly likened to a giant Cluedo board, its entertainment for both families and friends. The attention to detail is impeccable, so enjoy capturing all the clues and finding out who killed legendary actor Christopher Plummer! Maybe it was Kevin Spacey’s revenge for his stolen role in All the Money In the World!
Overall score: 7/10
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ygospamproduction · 5 years
What would happen if Atem and the Mutous had a game night together?
Ahahah, first off, ‘Atem and the Mutous’ sounds like a great band name.
Second of all, that would heavily depend on the game, and at first I imagined them in the kitchen getting really emphatic over a game of Uno, but THEN I slid to imagining Yuugi bringing his N64 down and the four of them playing Mario Kart.
Because can you imagine? Sugoroku scoffing at these darn modern games while Mama is appalled by the mechanics (what do you MEAN you can just hit a button and electrocute all of the players? how is this considered fun?) and the two boys just get way too into racing one another as the grownups just stare and wander off eventually unnoticed until the two are over the finish line and realize the other two carts aren’t moving.
They’d go back to board games after that. Nice, classic games, like Monopoly, Clue/Cluedo, The Game of Life, or again Uno. Maybe Catan. Apparently those are all popular in Japan??
There are also a bunch of post-1998 games I bet they’d like, but alas, I am bound to the timeline!
Sugoroku tries to bring in some of his shop’s weird games, but he always gets vetoed. 
And my gosh, Sugoroku is an evil player. Mama is surprisingly wry when she doesn’t have family to corral (just imagine The Game of Life dry comments), and soon enough both she and Sugoroku are painfully aware of Atem’s eerily good luck with rolls and card draws and guesses.
And Yuugi is as much of an imp as Sugoroku, except less obvious about it and will snipe out of nowhere. It’s horrid.
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monochromemedic · 4 years
Funhouse Murder Party Part 1
Dom stood outside the mansion, staring at his watch before sighing shakily, shifting his weight from heel to heel. His nerves were on end, but maybe that was because this was something new. He’d never been to a .... a what the hell was this even. He pulled his phone out and checked the website page again. ‘Murder Mystery Dinner Experience.’ Fallon was really up in arms about it, saying how excited he was about doing one of these, but wanted friends to come with him. Said it was a real life Clue experience where you ran around trying to solve the fake murder that happened and ate some food.  It wasn’t his usual cup of tea, he’d never thought about doing one of these but well, Fallon said he’d cover the expenses which meant Silas’ which meant he’d be coming as well.  The entire gang of idiots in a weird... role play murder mystery. What could possibly go wrong. Horrible accents, terrible costumes, bad affects, someone getting drunk and throwing up int he corner, really the possibilities were endless. As Dom was lost in his own thoughts, starting to check his twitter timeline he felt a hand clamp down on the shoulder of his ironed plum colored suit. Dom raised his head slightly, looking up at Silas’s bright face hovering over him. At least he was dressed decently. It wasn’t a suit but a nice black turtleneck and slacks. Simple but effective.  Even if it did look like he’d bust out of the fabric at a sudden gesture. “You excited buddy? I always wanted to be in a real life board game.” He laughed, his deep voice ringing out in the cold air. “...Like in general? Or just Clue because if you tell me you wanted to some how be in a real life version of Connect Four I will lose it.”  This only made Silas laugh more, crossing his arms as he too faced the mansion. “No of course not. I can’t be a a little disc. I meant stuff like this, Clue... or Cluedo. Whatever. Not many games back then were... so dark.  And who hasn’t wanted to be an old time-y detective solving the mystery of who stabbed who? It’s fun.” Dom gave a short noise of acknowledgement as he put his phone away, waving his hand a bit to let him know to quiet down. “Where’s the man of the hour?” “The... host? I mean... You are standing outside alone I-” “No Fallon.”  He corrected. “Did he not come with you? Does he even have a car?” Silas thought for a moment before shaking his head and beginning to walk casually towards the large door, a hand written sign for the event plastered on the front. “I can’t tell you. Never saw him in a car or with... keys.  But I do know he always manages to get to wherever he needs to go so I don’t think we need to worry much. Let’s get inside you’re gonna freeze.” Dom gave a final look around before following behind, saying something about how Silas wasn’t his father and that he was older then the man. When the doors opened the cream colored walls and warmly lit inside welcomed the two men further inside, where they were met with old music, the sound of soft yet excited conversations, and the sights of people dressed just as dramatically as the two of them. Dom thanked god for that that he wasn’t the only one that seemed fit for a classy party.  “Dominooooo, Stylus how’s it going? You look uh... well Dom you just look the same as always. Sy your KILLING IT. No pun intended. Waiting to break those out later tonight.” A familiar, cracking voice rang out among the small crowd. He wasn’t hard to miss the way he was dressed. A pair of rose tinted sunglasses, hair done up in a still messy but more... functional style, and a pink floral suit that would be more fitting on a man that was at the Oscars and not a man with no job. Silas smiled wide, unintentionally crouching a bit as he took in his friends outfit. “Dude you look KILLER. Where did you find this? You look like a movie star.” He gawked, hands grabbing at the sides of Fallon’s jacket to show the satin inside. “Oh you’d be surprised what you can find lying around town. I actually had this for a while but never had a chance to use it. Might as well show up with style instead of a hoodie but it’s a bit tight around the crotch.”  His hand went down to adjust his package, earning a grunt of displeasure from Dominic.  “Fallon, how long have you exactly been here.” “Oh like two hours, way before people showed up. I walked and thought ‘oh i’ll get there a little bit early but haha, made it a record pace here. So I spent alot of time in the bathroom wiping the pit stains out.” “You are.. disgusting.” “Yeah love you too; you Triscuit flavored personality of a man. Why don’t you loosen your belt so the stick in your ass can have some breathing room and get a drink, come on they’re on the house.” Fallon teased as he nudged his head towards the counter where a bartender gave a drink to a woman in a beautiful but simple red gown. Silas patted Fallon’s shoulder and headed over there without another word, raising a finger and ordering a coke and rum while the two men stood, glaring each other down. “Yeah and before you say a word, I had a few drinks, I wanna actually remember this night. Spent the money might as well-” “Sy’s money.” “HE.... wanted to do this so yes. Sy’s money, and I intend to use SY’S money wisely and not forget this night. And don’t worry i’ve already been casing the place.  Met the guy in charge of the place our host for the night, he’s defiantly gonna die I mean, guy walks around in a suit looking like Jake Gyllenhaal, perfect bait. No one that handsome lasts for long unless they’re a psycho or gonna be a corpse by the second act. Been chatting up the others, seeing that no one else but me, the bartender and Brokeback, there’s gotta be a secret actor or two in this group of guests. My money? Black dress temptress over there.”  Fallon pointed to a woman chatting up another person, her hair put up in a short but beautiful bun, the black dress complementing her dark completion and black lipstick. “Look she even has heavy black mascara. She starts CRYING when the guy dies, ‘oh i can’t do this, it’s so tragic’, we stare feeling SORRY. Later we learn it’s a black widow kinda situation. It’ll be great.” Dom only caught half of what he was saying in all honesty, taking in the sight of the mansion, the nice furniture, what other people looked like. Fallon was probably right but he only barely understood the other half that he caught so he just gave a little nod, going to grab a drink at the bar. Just as Dom grabbed a glass of whiskey, a man stepped out  in the middle of everyone, tapping the side of his champagne class with a pen that he put back in his pocket as the music began to lower. He really did look like a Jake Gyllenhaal type. “Well from my counting, all of the guest have arrived for the evening. Welcome, to my dinner party my fellow associates. In case you’ve forgotten and by the look of some of your dazed faces, drunken stupor, I am your host for the evening, Damien White. Millionaire, world class lover...” He turned to look at the woman in the red dress at the bar and gave her a wink, to which the woman began to grow pink and look back down at her drink. “And recent constructor of the orphanage down town. And because of that great feat of my kindness upon the community, I have decided to hold a banquet with some of the good townfolk to show... I too am humble beneath the glamour and glitz, I too am one of you. Dinner has been prepared, and if you will all indulge me in coming to the dinning room we can begin this nights events.”  Damien turned around and began to walk farther back into the mansions depths, followed by the guests and the bartender who began to softly speak to each other.  Fallon looked to Silas and Dom, grabbing their attention before  dragging a thumb across his throat and giving a little gagging sound. Silas nodded, looking at Damien and how he would occasionally wave a hand towards a piece of art, generally giving off a ‘i’m better then you’ attitude, despite his kind words. Yeah no he was going to die.
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Something Horrible Heretofore Not Unleashed Upon You
Oh my god you guys this is a hell of a thing
I was reading an article about ‘digital archaeology’, where people would go through old videogames to figure out how they were made and how they work and all that jazz, right? Feeling inspired, I went through my old files, and I rediscovered a demon. A demon from long, long ago, whose name has not been spoken by mortals since the halcyon days of 2012, but has dredged to the surface like scum from the deepest reaches of the bog. But we need to go BACK for this story 
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For those of you who are unaware, I was a member of a clue fan forum, and this is the board for my first ever attempt at a cluedo game. I banged it together presumably in five minutes of unrelenting torture and idiotic pride. And do you care to see the renditions I made of those classic characters? Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet, Professor Plum? 
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Mercifully you don’t have to. I decided to innovate rather than follow , and did something new. Have all the weapons be the same cause of death, all the suspects have color first names instead of surnames. It was called clue simple, and I’m sure the scars of it are somewhere deep in that forum and the minds of everyone around back then. But I’m not making this whole digital archaeology post to talk about something I left to rot years ago. This is for something ELSE I discovered. Because at this point in time, I had finished my first gamemaker game. It’s also very ambitious, in that it’s got at least fifty levels, none of them good. I’ve spared you those horrors, but with one game I was then proud of under my belt, I thought it was time to do another. And since I’d then finished my First Board Game, I thought it was time to make a proper mystery game. I decided to make it a single mystery, one with clues you had to parse together, rather than a mystery with clues that randomize and therefore cannot be too detailed. The problem is, I could not write mysteries.
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Or design intro screens.
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A few quick notes;
- You play as Miss Peach. Because of course you do she’s pretty much the forum favorite
- The weapons here are a necklace, a decanter, a pistol, and a cleaver. Not the original weapons I put in but whatever.
- Every clue can only be examined once. I was too incompetent to make an examine button I suppose, so if you don’t write it down, it’s gone.
- Several sprites are semi transparent. Once you view the clue, it apparently deletes the instance to a second instance of the image beneath, one that doesn’t activate the clue. This in turn, changes the appearance of several clues on examination for no good reason.
- The envelopes have everyone’s movements in them. There is never any mention of anyone seeing anyone else. None of them give you times or anything, just which rooms they entered. They are almost entirely useless.
- Using the given rule of “only the murderer is lying,” it’s possible to narrow the suspect pool to two suspects. However, while the clues are supposed to point AWAY from one of them, neither of them are totally implicated or ruled out. The weapon is the only part that can be deduced with any accuracy.
- I did not make the character sprites. They were made with some dress up game, if I recall.
- If you guess incorrectly, it cuts to a screen that’s a flat coral color, plays a few seconds of audio from the clue NES game, and then stops. That’s it. You can’t do anything but restart the game.
But I did it. With a single post-it note of notes, guesswork, absolutely nothing better to do, I figured it out.
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Nothing could be more fitting. Is it the total lack of consistent perspective in the image? Is is the misspelling of congratulations, or the uneven capitalization of the message? Is it the putrescent default green backdrop? It’s all of these things, and far, far less. I don’t wish to release the game and saddle you all with these sins of the father. I only hope my self flagellation will help us all get something from this affront to good design.
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