#she's right tho there are plenty of other fics to read
romanestuffsposts · 5 months
Oksy so it's a very random start rn but last week I was with a friend and she gave me a speacial cookie but didnt told me what in it was so i ate it and started to feel fuzzy and later I was vomiting and had a head ache and stuff and than she told me that it was a space cookie with weed in it. I was so scared when I start to notice that I dont feel good but she just made fun of me. Now i cut the contact and need comfort (when I noticed that I was not feeling good I was walking home and when I was home I was still so scared and crying that I cried in my dads arms crying myself to sleep)
Daddy stucky x little reader where she was in the same Situation and they found her crying, scared and throwing up with much comfort ❤️❤️
Hi there love! 💜
First of all I’m so so sorry that it happened to you. You are the only one who can make the decision for yourself, if you want to take a space cookie then it has to come from you and no one else ! It’s just respect. It made me so mad when I read what you send me, not mad at you but mad at your friend (who is really not a good friend btw). I can totally understand how you felt afterward and how betrayed you must have felt.
I once took a space cookie at a party at my cousin’s house and I saw everyone laughing and running everywhere while I was on my chair, completely lost. I moved my eyes from left to right and I had the feeling that the world was spinning. It wasn’t really fun because I didn’t enjoy my night because of that (two hours after I ate it I was in bed imao). But it was my choice, I was with people I trust and I wanted to take it. That’s the difference. I felt sick too (probably because it’s was the fist time I ate weed- I already smoke it but not eating it) but it was my decision.
Those kind of experience can’t come from anyone else but you. That’s just how it is and nothing else is acceptable.
I hope you recover from that horrible experience sweetie, you’re so strong and I’m so happy for you that you had your dad to comfort you. Be careful my love <3
I hope you like how I wrote this fic, lots of love babe ❤️
warnings : mention of drugs, taking drugs against your will, feeling dizzy and sick, comfort, reassurance, trust issues, pet names, paci
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you didn’t chose your friends correctly
You always had a hard time making friends. Not because you’re a bad person or because you’re mean to everyone that look at you but because you’re discreet, you’re shy and you’re scared to go to people.
But once you make a friend, you’re ready to do everything for that person. You’re that kind of friend, the one who gave the half of your meal if your friend doesn’t have anything to eat. Your the kind of friend that will sleep on the floor so the other sleep in your bed. You’re the kind of friend that pardon everyone because for you, everyone can have a second chance. Mistakes happen
You wouldn’t call it a mistake this time tho.
You were enjoying a sleepover at your friend’s house, everything went good, you were having fun and you even made new friends that were also invited. One of them came with a plate of cookies and you can’t lie and say you hadn’t thought of them all evening.
Apparently they knew each others for years and at first that scared you but once you met them your nerves actually relax a bit. They’re used to do things together and lived plenty life experience together while you did it alone but that’s fine, you’re here now, you’re with them so everything is good.
Around 11pm, the one that came with the cookies open the box and give one to everyone. Everyone seemed excited and you didn’t question it because you were too, not for the same reasons tho.
You ate that cookie so fast that your stomach isn’t really happen. You went to grab another one when your friend stop you ‘’wait just a few minutes before taking another, trust me’’ she winks
Trust me
You shrug it off and went back to playing, you were enjoying the night when all of a sudden, everyone start to be a little bit weird, too weird to your liking.
The more you try to understand why one of the guy is laughing hard just because he has a fly on his drink, or why your friend has a hard time opening her red eyes that you start to feel weird too.
You stand up thinking you needed water but soon realised that mistake. Once your butt leave the seat, it feels like the world start spinning around you. You look around you, scared and lost, everyone were enjoying their time while you just wanted to crawl in bed and recover.
You tried to go to your friend but when she wasn’t ghosting you she was just telling you that it was fine that you didn’t needed to worry about anything and just enjoying the feeling.
You didn’t felt listen or understood at all and that alone make you feel even more sick. With all the strength you can get, you pick up your bag and leave the house.
You live a few blocks away from your friend- ex friend, so you decide to walk home, not really knowing what to do else. You don’t know if your Daddies are home or if they took advantage of the fact that you were away to do something together.
While walking home you start crying, you felt betrayed, you may not be the most thoughtful girl but you’re definitely not stupid, you know there was something in the cookie, you just didn’t realised it on time.
You’re relieved to see your door’s house and has a warm feeling in your chest once you close it behind you. As the click of the door closing is heard, your back fall onto it and you slide down the door, until your touching the ground.
You soon hear footsteps coming toward where you are ‘’baby ?’’ Your Papa walk toward you and kneels down ‘’what are you doing here ?’’
‘’is everything okay, baby girl ?’’ Your Daddy asks as well. You shake your head, tears sliding down your face.
Your Papa rests his hand against your cheek ‘’take deep breath, love. You’re at home, with us, nothing can harm you here’’
You take shaky breathes and squeeze your hands ‘’baby tell us what’s wrong’’
‘’I- I didn wanted to. I just wanted cookie, I promise I didn k-know’’ you cry harder.
‘’Hey hey shhh, it’s okay little one, keep taking deep breathes we won’t get mad at you’’ your Daddy reassures you.
‘’I feel bad’’ you cry and wipe your eye with the back of your hand
‘’How do you feel bad ?’’ Your Papa asks, taking your hand away from your eye. He hates when you do that because you’re always too harsh with yourself and he doesn’t want you to get hurt ‘’explain to us’’
You sob ‘’I don know i-‘’ you breath out ‘’everything is spinning and- and i tired’’ you whine.
Your Daddies look at each other, it doesn’t take them a long time to connect about what had happened. You talked about cookies and then feeling bad and finally everything is spinning. They immediately understood.
Your Daddy stand up and lifts you up in his arms, you immediately roll yourself around him. He waits until your Papa finishes removing your shoes and sockets before going to the couch. He sits down and rests you on his laps ‘’it’s okay my love, you went through something you shouldn’t have to without your consent but you’ll be fine’’
‘’nothing will happen to you, you’ll feel bad for a few more hours but that’s all’’ he kisses your forehead ‘’papa will be back soon with a glass of water, it’ll make you feel better’’
‘’Close your eyes babydoll, the world will not spinning as much as it does when your eyes are open’’ he quietly says, his fingers sliding down your hair to calm you down
‘’Here princess’’ your Papa sits on the couch and help you drinking the water. The fresh liquid that slide down your throat help at making you feel more relax and calm, just like your Daddy said it would.
He takes your feet on his laps and gently rubs them while speaking softly to you. Your eyes are still close but your other senses are multiplying, the touches of your Daddies help at calming your nerve and the reassurance behind the truth your Daddy said earlier about you closing your eyes and the water thing is really good at relaxing you.
‘’How about you sleep with us tonight ?’’
They know you’re not in a big danger but it reassure them too if you were with them for the night.
You nod your head and before you can put your finger in your mouth, your Daddy slides your paci in it.
‘’We won’t let her hang out with these people, right ?’’ Your Daddy asks as his eyes wonder around your sleepy face.
‘’As if she would want to hang out with them again’’ your Papa scoffs as his hands still rubs your cold feet
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alienoresimagines · 3 months
HI! Can I ask about “We Should Just Kiss Like Real People Do”? (I love Hozier hehe).
Also, every single one of your WIPs that you’ve talked about already I am now SO excited to read. They all sound incredible!! Your mind 🤯♥️
Hey 🤗 This song is one of my favorite of his so I had to include it in my Clegan obsession 😂
Here's the summary written in my drafts :
Nobody’d ever understand the horrors airmen faced when 20,000 feet in the air. Disconnected from the world, one with their crew and their flying fortress. The aftermath of a mission always left Buck reeling. It was such an eerie feeling, to know that dozens of men were gone, their bodies never to be found. Most of the airmen’s graves were empty, almost none held only the body of the man whose name was engraved. Thorpe Abbotts was more of a haunted base than anything. Ghosts wandered and mingled amongst them, disappearing whenever Buck turned to see Dickie’s scribbling in a corner or reached out to steady a victorious Curt, leaving him cold and alone in the midst of faces too young to be this haunted. 
They all had different ways to cope with the ghosts. Bucky numbed himself with whatever he could find. Smokes, alcohol, fighting sometimes. Buck worked himself to the bone, took care of the men around him hard enough that he could barely think about the men gone. 
In the midst of it all, they both come to an agreement to help each other feel alive.
Basically, it'll be a multi chapter fic not quite friends with benefits but Buck and Bucky decide that the best way to feel alive is to kiss each other (hence the title). No feelings tho cuz that'd be weird right?
Bucky has a crisis because he feels like he's taking advantage of kind Buck and it really isn't fair to Marge but now that he knows what Buck's lips feel like on his own, he just can't bring himself to stop since y'know he's been in love with Gale for what feels like forever
Buck has a crisis because how come it feels so right to kiss Bucky ? Why does it feel better than kissing Marge ? surely because he's forgotten what she felt like right ? It's just been too long but when he'll come back to Marge, it'll be like nothing's changed. Bucky and him are just buddies helping buddies
Except at some point he has to realize his own feelings for Bucky but by the time Gale goes past his own inner homophobia (everyone says thanks Gale's dad for that), they're in the Stalag and Bucky's too miserable to feel joy or act on it.
There'll be lots of angst, plenty of pining, a healthy dose of hurt/comfort (which by my standards means they'll both have absolute terrible time) and perhaps a bit of fluff. Also lots of kissing, with maybe a tad more feelings than Buck had in mind when he offered the deal to Bucky
Ahhh thank you!! Hearing that you're as excited for them as I makes me sooooo excited to write them! I hope my words will be good enough to do these stories justice 😊
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thesungod · 1 year
Right, makes sense to see it as a plot device. I guess when you consider all the factors there really weren't a lot of other choices 💀
Thanks for the lovely reply and the fic rec :) I will def check it out
Btw do you have any solangelo fic recs or fics that you like? I've been having a hard time finding fics
solangelo recs?? of course!!
well, first off: anything solangelo by @buoyantsaturn who i hope doesn’t mind being bothered tagged. Particularly I know what I should do, but I just can’t walk away and I’m in Hell. Both Modern AUs and both masterpieces!! The first is a College AU that largely focuses on grief and healing, the other an AU where Will has a daughter and hires Nico as a nanny.
As someone who usually prefers canon fics, these were soooo great.
But really, everything I’ve read from this author is well written and captures Nico and Will so well that you can’t go wrong. Pick one and enjoy.
also: like a dog with a bird at your door by RegretfullyRegretful (and anything else by this author too). It’s also a Modern AU (Nico and Will are best friends who marry for convenience) but oh. god. Oh god. Obsessed with it.
Big classic: both with the lights on and will the lights on (same story but told by Will’s PoV) by nikkiRA. This is my comfort fic. I re-read it what? Once every two months? And it hits every single time. It’s a lighthearted College AU for when you need a reminder that love exists. Also Opportunity Knocks, still by nikkiRA. It’s set in canon and it’s about Nico having to relive the same day over and over because he’s been cursed by Aphrodite (u can guess what she wants him to do to break the curse lol).
Anything by Rosyredlipstick!! Particularly the star and the nothing (Nico tries to make a relationship with Will work as he struggles with trauma and alcoholism), Rental Love* (Nico hires Will as a fake boyfriend), and hands cupping sparklers (them getting together in canon while the entire Camp roots for them. It’s HILARIOUS). But really, every single one of their Solangelo AU fics. Some of them are set in canon and some are not, but all are amazing.
As If Hands Were Enough (To Hold An Avalanche Off) by theroyalsavage is also an amazing College AU.
if you need, come build your home in me by yrbeecharmer is a canon fic that follows Will growing up, from his first day at Camp to getting with Nico. It’s great and made me go all 🥰🥰 in my feels.
too much (yet never enough) by significant_what is a masterpiece. AU where Nico and Will meet in Catholic school. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it.
I’m halfway through Sanctuary by Tundras_And_Taigas and it’s pretty great!! Basically it’s set during ToA (but Nico and Will still aren’t a thing) and Will is forced to go live in Nico’s cabin.
and you can check out my fics if you want: Bad Sons (you kinda have to have finished ToA for this one tho) and Made your mark on me (a golden tattoo), but i’m a bit… weird when it comes to shipping. Bad Sons focuses more on Will as a character and his relationship with Apollo (tho plenty of solangelo fluff!!) and Made Your Mark On Me is about cheating, so i don’t know if they could be to your taste. I also don’t presume to think I write as well as the names I’ve given you but I try <33
I consider most of the fics I’ve recced pretty well known by fandom standards so I don’t know if I’ve helped you find anything new, but I hope I did!!
As for random pjo fics I like, I mostly like ToA ones so, lol
The Stolen God by @tsarinatorment is a great one, tho again I’d advice finishing the series to read it.
Also post-ToA, Build It Better Than The Sun by @seavoice is amazing
ToA fics by @flightfoot (Keyseeker on Ao3), particularly Memories of Godly Selfishness (Apollo and Meg are forced to watch some of Apollo’s memories and realizations are realized) and her long series God’s Eye View. I still haven’t had the chance to read the second one but every ToA fan I know has and what can I say, I trust my people.
@moodyseal has some too, my fave is A Spark Of Hope because it’s an obligatory read after TBM.
Aaand that’s all!! Unless you want Jasico recs, in which case we could be here another hour but I think I’ve overwhelmed you enough ahahah.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Gonna be honest I totally understand some fans wanting to stay away from modern AUs, me included. No disrespect for the writers here, you guys are precious, but honestly I can count on the fingers of one hand when modern Aemond series/oneshots that made an impression on me. I feel terrible saying this because I appreciate the passion and hard work behind those fics, but I just don’t think they’re my jam. Idk I always have a hard time immersing myself in a modernAemond story/getting into the “mood”, most of them are kinda bland? Aemond in his canon medieval setting has got all the highlights that intrigues me, his injury, his seething anger beneath that stoic surface, his courteous side, his venerability, his ambition and his dragon, let alone the look is just too delicious and iconic. Modern aus loose all its shine for me. Again to be honest, I feel like for some modern au fics, some writers just imagine Tom Bennett and Osferth in a modern setting with Aemond’s name card slapped on them, I definitely feel like it being the case when I read some fics, maybe it’s a little difficult to get modern Aemond’s character right without those preconditions that only exist in canon, maybe they just want modern Aemond to be a little different as a character. Maybe it’s just me, I read too much of fanfic when I was previously in other actors and pop singers’ fandoms, so it’s got kinda tropey for me at this point(not with incestous relationship tho, modern au containing incest that crossed a line, so already a nope), maybe I just don’t feel like venturing out. Again I don’t intend to diss on modern au fics or writers, I read previous anon and thought it’s an interesting topic so I shared my honest thoughts with you. Apologies if it come across too harsh.
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I jest. I've responded below the cut.
I appreciate your candour, but as someone who has just written two modern AUs I can't help but feel shat on a little.
Totally get that everyone has preferences and are entitled to those, and I definitely see what you're saying about people writing face claims with no adaptable canon character nuance. I've read plenty of those and just don't interact.
On the other hand, there are some of us who pour our heart and soul into the AUs we create - the most recent example that springs to mind is Dragonstone Hollow by @oneeyedvisenya - the level of detail that she has gone into with giving the horses similar physical traits to the dragons, alongside adapting Aemond's injury to a modern setting shows a level of dedication that's rare in modern fan fiction writing, and it's genuinely impressive.
For me, when I write modern AUs I do my best to ensure that all of Aemond's personality traits come through, and ensure that the Targaryen family are conveyed as affluent and formidable as they would in canon-era Westeros. I certainly hope it comes across that way.
Anyway, I'm not saying you're wrong for favouring canon-era fiction, it's my favourite too, and everyone is entitled to their own preferences and opinions. I just wanted to say my piece. Not all modern AU writers are lazy and uninspired.
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batsplat · 2 months
adsfdfgjk spuffy are kinda my eventual post s7 endgame and I mostly ship just them, even tho as a lesbian I obviously see the vision w faith/buffy. but I also don’t really read any spuffy fic at all bc I am mostly satisfied with what we got on the show and how it all concluded - clasped hands ingulfed in flames?? the “I love you” “no you don’t” WHO DID IT LIKE THEM. but many fics just want to flat out ignore s5-7, and specifically s6, and there are lots of like time travel aus or spuffy getting together earlier etc. and obviously I am not judging anyone you do you and have fun but that’s not my jam at all. like if there is a spuffy fanfic that mets my super specific expectations I would love to read it but overall I’m fine as is!
and in general this seems to be happening quite a lot when it comes to het pairings for me? like no matter how frustrating/painful some parts of it are, as a whole it makes sense that x and z can’t be together at this point in canon (but maybe they could in the future). maybe it’s bc i gravitate towards more unconventional het pairings and quite a few ppl’s ideas of a happy ending/happy relationship are too white picket fenc-y? perhaps but🤐
right righttttt yeahhhhhh I think a lot of fans like an idea of the relationship that didn't actually happen? to be clear I'm ON BOARD with the spuffy post s7 vision, I don't need to choose between that and buffy/faith in my mind, I'm just... hm, even as someone very anti the idea of redemption equals death, I'm also kinda okay with the idea they can't really find a happy ending with each other? like it's kinda the brevity of that relationship also provided it with meaning in canon, it's two people who did love each other in a weird way and found comfort in each other in a weird way and gravitated around each other and... can that work, can it not, could they ever have made it 'work' in a long-term sense, who knows!! but it's the canon specifically that I'm into rather than kinda... the hypothetical version of the relationship spike and buffy could have had. I wouldn't want any changes to canon!! I couldn't see them get together earlier with each other!! it's very. all power to you lot. do whatever. but to me there's one version of that relationship that works - and it's the one that's the mess it is in canon. spike is a vampire without a soul who falls in love! he has a chip that makes him impotent! he ends up getting a soul and a trigger! he's basically just one big experimental test tube used to explore what identity even means, what behaviour tells you about identity, what the conditions of morality are and so on... buffy dismissed him, then finds herself leaning on him, then eventually finds herself needing to confide in him as she is alienated from her own humanity... I don't know, one thing I've always really loved about buffy as a show is its flexibility, how playful it is with genre and what roles the characters fulfil in a way that still provides consistency in characterisation. I really like how that relationship has a completely different vibe in every single season!! I think spike is kinda uniquely well suited to that flexibility, that malleability of identity, and it's cool! I don't really want something that messes with that!
and yeah big agree on enjoying unconventional het lol. the thing is, right, I consume a fair bit of het (something that sounds a bit weird now I've typed it out but I'm keeping it). part of that is just how I, y'know, like women, which definitely doesn't mean I DON'T engage with plenty of m/m slash but I would quite like stuff to occasionally have women in it? and whichever you slice and dice it, the femslash pickings are just slimmer and often doesn't get produced about characters I'm particularly interested in... or just ends up falling into. weird. boring tropes when people are writing for it. but also het is fun!! I like playing with my het couples, I love doing a gender on them. I like spike and buffy doing a gender!! one of the big things with spike is constantly being emasculated, he's doing weird genders, I'm not saying the het relationship is Actually Not Het but idk I like the gender stuff!! like yes threaten him with those stakes!! straddle that evil vampire!! I'm enough of a romantic to occasionally want my doomed hets to have a happy ending, but like, yeah! don't white picket it!!
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qprstobin · 10 months
So I agree with most of your fanon complaints but tbh I sometimes will still read fics with mildly annoying habits and just like, compartmentalize the parts that annoy me. I do it with the show too but I'm better at compartmentalizing with fanfic lol. Part of it is I follow a few really really good thoughtful fanfic writers so I haven't seen all of the stuff you've talked about. However I have seen the hiding veggies in meals headcanon & tho i didn't find it appealing or cute, it didn't bother me bc I interpreted as like an idiosyncrasy. Everyone's got em yk. my sister's friend is a literal genius, responsible, hard worker but also chaotic and will have these random Things that might make her seem immature. Like she does eat vegetables but if I heard that her boyfriend had to sneak them in her meals I wouldn't bat an eye.
That's completely understandable! There are plenty of things I don't like in fandom (either in this one or other ones) where I'm able to be like "I don't like this but the rest of the fic is good enough to ignore it" or "I normally hate this trope but I really like how this author wrote it". (I live by the rule that for all my complaining that anything can be tolerable/make sense if it's done well enough.) I used to be able to do that in this fandom but my tolerance level has dropped a lot lmao. It's much easier for me to do in say the Star Wars fandom. (Now that's a fandom with a lot of infighting!)
A big part of the issue is that it never is just one person or one thing lol. Someone writing something with a character being a bit childish or idiosyncratic is fine on its own, but when it's paired with a bunch of other questionable tropes or it's just done soooo much is when I start scratching my head.
Like I think I've mentioned before unrelated to this, but I do actually think that Steve probably is someone who likes to clean, a lot of the Stobin gang see him as something of a neat freak. On its own, Steve doing most or all of the cleaning because he's that anal feels really in character. It's when you pile all of these things on top of each other to where Eddie is doing nothing and Steve is doing everything that I'm like hmm. Don't like that.
Wrt to the veggie thing specifically... idk I guess you could take it as a quirky thing, but hiding vegetables in food hoping the person doesn't notice is literally one of the biggest stereotypical parent things I feel like? And I think it's having Steve specifically do it and Eddie not noticing that makes me side eye it.
Like lol, that's always the cliché, a kid moves out (normally a son) and you find out they aren't eating vegetables and only eating junk, so the mom has to do something to get her son to eat better. Which like I get it I have to fight with myself to eat healthy sometimes, most vegetables have a gross texture to them but lol my body feels better when I'm eating them so! It's especially the hiding aspect too like man Steve can even talk to Eddie about eating healthier? Finding healthy foods Eddie does actually like if he's that concerned about his health? He has to hide it like Eddie is a five year old?
And maybe you're right and it is meant to be more idiosyncratic but like I said, when you pair it with all the other shit fandom is doing it ends up feeling like just another way people have been writing tradwife/caretaker Steve lol.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Twin fics are hilarious especially in khr. I don't know when it started but I noticed there used to be a trend a few years back and with Tsuna specifially being the overlooked because he isn't popular and his other sibling having more charm and into sports oh yeah did I tell you that Nana bullies her own son and the twin being in on it they crank it up to eleven but I still liked it even when I knew it was absurd haha. I know Nana isn't the best mother but there no doubt she loves her family lol.
I think the funniest part is sometimes they make Tsuna to sweet. I honeslty don't know how to explain it but like he makes bento boxes or takes care of wounds and his voice being mute due to bullying. Man, canon tsuna we make fun of but he so resilant that he doesn't let the peer bullying get to him and it slides off him it still effects him but yeah. He's snarky when we're first introduced to his character he has always been kind but not to the point where he like is an angel about it haha.
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
okay but same for literally everything you said actually!! idk about twin fics in other fandoms but i did read some from khr back when they were really popular too, yeah. just some tho, because i quickly moved on from them and started scrolling past them unless other aspects of the fic were really appealing to me, and it’s pretty much for all the reasons you said here.
i wouldn’t go as far as to say they’re hilarious tho? i think it’s a little mean because it’s clearly not what those authors were going for, so i think i like absurd better, which (imo) they inevitably were at times when, indeed, dialing up to eleven too much the, like, sub-tropes? of this trope. like, the core aspects of what makes this trope recognizable beyond just giving tsuna a twin/sibling. and yeah, they did get a laugh out of me sometimes here and now too lol.
but just like you i still liked the ones i read tho!! there’s a lot of interesting and fun things to do and explore with this trope, but the way that was done the most often, re: dialing everything up to eleven, just didn’t do it for me for long haha. and yes, nana definitely isn’t the abusive mother they made her to be so often lol, but once more i think it’s a little unfair to say that when of course they tweaked it on purpose for the purposes of their fics. and that’s just what we all do whenever we’re writing fics, and especially aus, right? looking at canon from the angle that will best let us state the thesis of our fics (< sorry for being pompous for a second here but i literally can’t think of any other way to say it lmao 😂), and maybe or maybe not dial it all up to eleven lol, but yeah.
so that said, what i find funny with this personally is that, like you said, canonically nana already isn’t the best mother one can have. and tbh i think there’s already plenty of angst to go off and explore from that? especially because if you keep her good sides, then it makes it more nuanced and complex and hurts more, but i do see the fun in just making her basically the worst mother on earth to tsuna haha.
and talking about tsuna, his characterization in those fics is the biggest thing that ultimately put me off reading them. and the thing is, making tsuna basically a saint isn’t really mischaracterizing him. like, tsuna has all those traits canonically, but also let me go on the record here and say that i love so much and i’m so attached and protective of the fact that tsuna is, well. a loser to say it like it is lol. and that’s of course affectionate and i’m absolutely not saying it in a judgmental/insulting way, but in a factual way. because tsuna’s lazy and judgy and doesn’t like trying hard and doesn’t like having responsibilities of any sort and can’t do sports and doesn’t have good grades and doesn’t know how to talk to girls and cowers easily and is a thirteen years old kid. and of course by the time the manga starts his years of bullying has a lot to do with that, but the way i see it he was just your average kid before that too, maybe or maybe not already struggling more than the others on some aspects of life. and then the years of bullying made him give up on trying to ever be more than that if he ever had the motivation to do it, making him become below average.
and you’ll notice that not all the things i listed above are things you’d necessarily call flaws instead of weaknesses. in the way where people are good at things and bad at others and what you’re good and bad at is different for each person and it’s fine because that’s just the way people are. and it’s the point, and i’d even say it’s the whole point of tsuna as a character. *bangs pots together loudly* IS EVERYONE LISTENING?? because the point is, as we see tsuna reach his full potential through the course of the manga now he finally has people allowing him to and telling him he has, in fact, plenty untapped potential that’s just waiting for him; as we see his good sides, his kindness, loyalty, protectiveness, love, courage, compassion, forgiveness, resilience, understanding, etc, it tells us that he had worth and value all along despite his “bad” sides. that he didn’t deserve to be punished for them the way he was and that that was just gratuitous cruelty. which again is the whole point of him as a character, so when you take that away from him, that’s when you lose my attention as far as i’m concerned.
*bangs pots even louder because i’m not done* IS EVERYONE STILL LISTENING??? because not only tsuna was meant to be a loser, you’ll also notice that amano made a point to keep reminding us literally to the very last arc that he made little progress when it came to school or sports or girls etc, because he’s also meant to stay a loser!! because sure, it’ll be useful and will help him in life if he gets better at those things, but also he doesn’t need to become better at them to be treated with basic respect and decency, because those aren’t things that are tied to whether you get that from your peers or not. and they least of all are tied to or infer in any way on whether you have worth and value as a person. *wants to bang the pots again because it’s fun but puts them down instead*
and i get that giving him an even harsher treatment from the people around him than in canon makes all of it more meaningful and impactful. and prolly that’s what amano was going for too by giving him that backstory, because by the time we meet tsuna he had every reason to be bitter and resentful and hateful of people and the world, but he kept choosing to remain kind and loving instead. so yes i get that, but honestly? for me making this all he can be also takes meaning away from it too at the same time. it’s like, if that’s all he can be then he’s not choosing to be kind anymore no matter what life throws at him, is he? it’s like that quote that goes something like “if you’re unable of violence then you’re not a pacifist, you’re just harmless”. (and actually that’s something that’d be so interesting to write about and explore, like?? what do you do in the face of the violence thrown at you when the only thing you’ve ever known to do with it is to cradle it close with bleeding hands?)
and sorry i went a bit on a tangent here, but yes, hard agree with everything you said nonny, especially about tsuna. tsuna is kind and loving and everything i said above, and he chose to remain all that in the face of the harsh treatment he received for years, chose to endure it when he could have retaliated with anger or hurt or hate, which we know for a fact he’s able of, and he was hurt more for it, was hurt longer for it. he bled for it, and has still gaping and bleeding wounds from it when we first meet him in the manga, however resigned he was to them by that point. and *threatens to bang the pots again if you’re not listening* the cruelest thing here, the tragedy here is that all that pain was plainly and utterly undeserved and unwarranted. and that’s so important to me actually.
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3terna15unshin3 · 9 months
hi!! as ”miss este”, so to speak, do you have any recs of romantic books?? Some that are about young adults who fall in love and all that and that make u feel the same way as fanfics do sorta…. i’m taking up reading again (honestly….. a lot to do with reading your fic - it was amazing) but i’ve not found a lot of romantic books that arent like super cheesy or for way older women or children. i want them in their 20s!!! so yes i noticed your books of ’23 and thought maybe you were the right person to ask??
this is like the best message ever to get😭💖 i love that you’re taking up reading again!!!
i’m so honored to be part of that and that you thought of me but honestly i haven’t been much into romance this year! most of my pile was either nonfiction or literary fiction but not much romance. i agree - most romance nowadays is sooo cheesy which is why i don’t really dabble much. i find that most of the ‘BookTok’ resurgence of reading is very millennial, i’ve tried to get into a few recommendations from there and the writing just is not great🥲🥲
i have loved Emily Henry’s books tho - Beach Read and People We Meet on Vacation are ones by her i read back in 2021. they’re not technically in the romance category they’re just shelved in general fiction so they’re not overly cheesy. very reminiscent to fanfiction, plenty of tropes that i love are in them! she has two more books and i’ve heard great stuff about them too, you should check those out! Beach Read is sort of enemies to lovers and PWMOV is friends to lovers :)))) i was kicking my feet and giggling when reading them.
otherwise, for something a bit different - i really love Persuasion by Jane Austen which is a classic and has a ton of pining! it is a bit hard to get into tho just bc Jane Austen can be a bit old timey and wordy but i listened to the audiobook on Spotify as i read back in 2021 as well and that made it way easier.
any other romance-adjacent i’ve read recently have been queer because i’m Gay hahaha. i read one called Body Grammar by Jules Ohman which is a queer coming of age book, there’s a long time best friends to lovers pipeline that runs through the whole thing that was sooo amazing to read. i was obsessed when i first finished it hahah thread of gold which is my second matty fic is sort of based off of it💀 (if you’re not opposed to queer stories I read another called Sirens & Muses which was amazing too. another coming of age artsy pretentious college love ish story drama!)
Normal People by Sally Rooney is also an all time fav of mine - devastatingly sad but definitely a story of two people falling in love. highly recommend!!!!
anyway sorry for rambling and i apologize that i don’t have many good romance recs but i hope these will suffice x
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unusual-ly · 2 years
🎭👏🫂 for Bill and Gabriel in the uni au?
Thanks for the prompt, anon! I haven’t had an emoji prompt that I could actually think of an idea for in ages, but it only took a few days to figure out what to do with this one!! It did take quite a while to write tho, being ill for a bit then preparing for Halloween etc, sorry about that, but here we are, the second ever uni AU fic~! I think I got a bit carried away again with the conversation but I brought it back to the emojis in the end!
Read on FFN
“You can do this,” she whispered, staring down her reflection, “You’ve made it through rehearsals, you can do this.”
There were plenty of factors contributing to her nervousness right now; she had only just started her transition, she’d only performed in English once before (and that hadn’t exactly been a great success), she didn’t have her old friends anymore, Bill had written this role specifically for her. Ian was watching. Gabrielle closed her eyes, took a long, deep breath in, and exhaled. Of course she could do this. Bill would be right beside her, and he seemed pretty confident.
Right on cue, Bill appeared in the doorway.
“You have no idea how utterly terrified I am right now.”
Her face fell. All she could manage was a weak “… Oh…?”
“I mean, I know that whole disaster last time was mostly Phil’s fault,” he hardly seemed to notice, and instead started pacing around the room, “But it was still my play. And you only get so many chances at a first play!”
When she didn’t respond, he turned to her and frowned; she was staring into space, anxiously chewing her bottom lip and fiddling with the cuff of her sleeve.
“Are you alright?”
She blinked. Her head snapped round again, “What?”
“You look nervous.”
There was a pause as Gabrielle hesitated, then nodded, “I am,” she shrugged, “I suppose,” and looked down at her hands, still toying anxiously with her sleeve, “A bit.”
“But you were fine the first time, weren’t you? And you’ve been amazing in rehearsals!”
“That was just rehearsals! And a lot has changed since the first play…”
“Are you talking about you coming out…?” he asked, somewhat carefully.
She sighed and nodded again, “Among other things.”
Bill seemed to forget about his own fears then. Or he decided his friend’s troubles were more important. He closed the dressing room door and came to stand by the mirror with Gabrielle.
“OK, what’s up?”
He patiently listened as she spilled the contents of her mind (though she did skip over one little detail), letting her vent until she had gotten everything out, then he thought for a moment.
“Right,” he said eventually, “First off, your English is great. Nothing to worry about there. Second, and this might sound a bit harsh, but I don’t think your old friends really deserve to take up so much of your attention. You’re better off without them. I mean, they weren’t very supportive, in more than one way.”
“Hm…” He did have a point, she had to admit.
“Third, I’m sorry if I put any pressure on you writing this part, but you’ve nailed every rehearsal, I’ve seen how well you can pull it off. I’ve seen you handle mistakes,” he gave her arm a reassuring pat, “You can’t exactly disappoint me, y’know.”
She couldn’t help but crack a smile at that, “Thank you.”
“And most importantly,” he cast an exaggerated sweeping gaze around the otherwise empty room, then leaned just a little bit closer, “If anyone gives you any trouble, I can always…” he trailed off and Gabrielle cocked her head, curious. Before the following silence went on too long, he dropped his eyes to the floor awkwardly, “… Well, report it to Southampton, probably.”
Gabrielle scoffed at the obvious performance and rolled her eyes affectionately, “Of course.”
“I could absolutely take care of it myself but, you know, I do tend to… escalate drama rather than alleviate it.”
“I suppose I can’t argue with that.”
Bill frowned, “Well, you could argue a little-” then she turned back to the mirror and he saw the look on her face she was trying to hide, “You’re deflecting.”
“What?” she didn’t turn back.
“You’re trying to wrap this up weirdly quick. What’s wrong?”
“We have just discussed what was wrong, haven’t we?”
“Gabs. There is clearly still something on your mind. You’ve solved the rest of it by talking, why not this?”
She went quiet for a moment.
“It’s just that… there are certain people watching whose opinions I value very highly,” she said, still facing the mirror, “I want to make a good impression…”
“Certain people…?”
“… A certain person…”
Bill quirked a curious eyebrow, “In the audience…?”
There was a slightly longer silence. Gabrielle bit her lip. Bill waited.
“… In the cast?”
“… No.”
It only took a second or two before Bill’s face lit up.
“I knew it. It’s Ian, isn’t it?”
Gabrielle stared at him, “How could you possibly guess that?”
“Like it wasn’t obvious. You’re basically obsessed with him.”
“How so?”
“You can’t stop smiling around him, you take every chance to talk to him, you always seem to find a way to bring him up in conversation…”
“Fine,” she huffed, “But that doesn’t make me any less nervous.”
Bill just smiled and shook his head, “I don’t think Ian’s gonna judge you. If anything, he’s usually been pretty impressed with your performances.”
“You think so?”
“Definitely. Now, come on,” he got up and went to open the door, “We’ve got a show to do, and it will go perfectly.”
Bill, already striding down the corridor, called back to her over his shoulder, “I won’t accept anything less!”
Gabrielle sighed affectionately. Only Bill could be so blindly confident. Who’s to say she couldn’t do the same?
An hour and a half later, Gabrielle stood onstage beside Bill, along with the rest of the cast, after their final bows. The audience was on their feet, the applause ringing in her ears. As exhausted as she was, and as scared as she had been before the play, she couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so proud of herself, and so at home.
She couldn’t believe the cheer she had gotten when she came out at the curtain call, and the moment the curtain fell, she turned and threw her arms around Bill. He just laughed and lifted her off the ground for a moment. When he put her back down, he leaned in close to her ear.
“I saw Ian watching you at the end there. I think he might have almost missed a cue.”
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
I was scrolling through your blog and I'm genuinely so sorry about the plagiarism thing happening. I'm an artist and I've had people steal my art so I know the feeling, hope it gets fixed! I do have a separate question tho. I found your blog bc I was looking for slasher fics and, at least I think it's not that common, but what do you and others find so attractive about cnc? Genuinely just curious since I haven't seen it from a lot of writers. I understand it's a kink (I think?) but doesn't the title cnc contradict itself? It just sounds like fantasizing r@pe 😅
Thank you, I appreciate it! Tbh I don’t think there’s much I can do at this point other than get the word out, since she’s determined to cover her eyes and pretend I’m not here. Nothing more guilty than hiding yourself when you can’t provide sufficient evidence.
Anyway. Oh yes, I’m huge into that, very big kink of mine. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember. I’ve had some personal theories regarding my own reasons for liking it, and my best guess is that I grew up in a strict Christian household, and was told my virginity was a huge deal and that I was a whore if I had sex before marriage.
So I think maybe some part of my brain went, “okay, we can get around this. What if some guy raped you? Technically then it’s not your fault, right?” or something along those lines. I used to be really ashamed of it and not talk about it, but tbh, so long as I don’t condone it in real life, I’m not hurting anyone. I have plenty of warnings on my blog, too, for anyone triggered by that kind of content.
CNC sounds contradictory, but it makes sense. You and your partner are consenting to pretend it’s non-consensual. Some couples like it as a kink. I personally am just a straight-up depraved Whore who likes rape fic stuff, but if I had the emotional stability to be in a relationship, I imagine I’d engage in CNC.
I think the term romanticize has gotten a bit confused because of this site. The dictionary definition is: “To deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.”
So basically, making something out to be better than it is. Like if your first time having sex was shit, but you look back on it and talk about/remember it was being hot as hell.
I also like to think most adults are mentally capable of reading fictional content and being able to not let it sway them into somehow thinking rape is okay. If anyone is that impressionable, I highly encourage them to not read dark works of fiction.
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silly-zai · 22 days
saw the post about not understandimg proshipping and antishipping.
antishipping started when people saw a ship they didnt like and called themselves anti[insert ship] like anti sokoku or anti billford. then antishipping became a word for anyone who is against the existence of "problematic" ships.
that cuased anti antis/proshippers to start being a thing. proshipping doesn't mean you ship "problematic" ships, thats a darkshipper or comshipper- someone who ships dark or complicated ships. dark/comships include toxic yuri/yaoi, abuser x abused, adult x minor, age gap, incest and the like.
because antishippers equate liking a fictional ship means liking the dymamic irl (although they don't believe that liking a fictional murderer makes you like irl murder) they assume that anyone who for example ships wincest or odazai is a sibling fucking child molester. therefore they harrass and dox people. once a trans woman was harrass so hard on the internet by antishippers that she detransioned and stopped creating her stuff, i think it happened around or before covid. cant find the source rn but u can research. There was also this guy in the cartoon/entertainment industry and he harrassed a disabled proshipper so badly they lost their job, he was then exposed for having acutal csa material and antishippers shoved it under the rug. u can also reseach that case urself.
anyways, plenty of proshippers don't even like darkships. being proship means you believe you shouldn't harrass people for their ships. the idea that characters are like dolls and antishippers take things too seriously is a proship concept. being proship means you also believe all fictional media has a right to exist, ships that are toxic and books about bad people of all kinds. being proship also means that if you see ship or headcanon or whatever that you don't, you follow the Don't like, dont read principle(DL;DR) and Your kink is not my kink and thats okay(YKINMKATO) and block and curate your own fandom experience. you can complain about whatever ships you want and how you personally don't like it but don't do that to someone who wrote a fic about it. being proship is being anti-censorship and anti harrassment.
Ao3 was also built by proshippers for proshippers(lawyers for anti harrassment-look up ann rice and the fanfic.net and watpadd purges, as well as anti censorship for all fictional content), it was also made by a darkshipper (one of the creators is a known throki and wincest shipper, so they shipped toxic ships and incest ships). hating on other fics and stuff is strictly against ao3s DL;DR mentality and dnis should be reported. Also you should look up "american feelings yakuza" to see how people in fandoms outside america think of the issue.
Huh thanks. That harassment shit is awful and from what I've heard it happens on both sides, which is awful but yk.
I feel like I saw a post before talking abt all this stuff but I don't remember when. Thanks for all the info tho. I consider myself kinda neutral on this stuff, I'm not rly a proshipper nor an antishipper bc I js don't care. It's none of my business, and I'll talk to ppl on either side as long as they aren't harassing ppl.
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tyonfs · 6 months
lol is this a lil late n embarrassing buttt the road trip i was on was to houston and i visited an old friend that i reconnected with and honestly it was really refreshing. it made me and my mom really consider not moving away so 🤗im not moving! im staying in texas for the time being until i graduate then its off to grad school so two more years 🫡
that was the important news now to the bad news. my best friend recently got a boyfriend which is great good for her, i’m happy for her. but everytime she gets a bf she like.. flaunts him in front of me because she’s aware i’ve had my fair share of hookups and situationships and im ngl.. at some point i was a player! like she knows this and she’s always like bragging and it just makes me so uncomfortable. on top of that recently i’ve reconnected with a childhood friend that i didn’t know went to my school and you know it’s really great, her group of friends are amazing and they’re so sweet. because of that my best friend gets jealous of me hanging out with these girls like 😭😭 ?? it’s not high school girl..? it’s fucking college and if you want to act a certain way around me and hang out with people who talk shit about me then so be it!
recently i’ve been really bored so i did what any girl did and hopped back on hinge. tell me why some guy from HIGHSCHOOL hit me up and tried getting with me just to find out he has a gf like girl ?? 😭 get ur priorities straight speaking of men my friends are trying to set me up with this guy and make him my date to their sororities formal 😭😭. you know he is so fine and he’s my type 🙈 maybeeee
i feel like mentally im doing a lot better than i was in january, physically too like im just breezing living my life. again not that into kpop anymore lol i just haven’t listened to the music in like over 4 months i find that scary. i did read some fics last night tho, do not regret it one bit 🤗
how are you alice, any updates on that guy you said you were sorta taking to, that sounded exciting! how was your valentine’s day lovely! - 🎀
OMG YAY THATS SO NICE THAT YOU'RE NOT MOVING (i think this is a good thing right??) but shoutout to that friend you reconnected with for changing your mom's mind :') and here's to not having to pack Everything and take it to another house 🥳
oh that friend of yours..... :/ that's so icky of her ngl like yes let's be happy about the new relationship but no need to bring other ppl down bc of it !! and honestly .... i've met plenty of guys who have had plenty of hookups and situationships themselves but people only make a big deal out of it when a girl is that way :( don't think it's weird at all for a woman to know that she doesn't want to commit just yet like that's just you putting yourself first !! omg PLS her being mad about you hanging out with other friends gave me chilling high school flashbacks 😐 she does NOT get to be mad if she hangs out with people who talk shit about you like what?? (looking forward to karma coming her way cause!!)
WHYS HE ON HINGE WHEN HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND I HATEEE MEN OMG 😭 also i hope we get an update on this sorority formal guy 🤭 im glad you've been doing better now tho !! honestly i haven't been reading kpop fics (more in the hogwarts brainrot rn 😵‍💫) but it's so nostalgic sometimes even if you're not stanning groups atm
omg i self sabotaged 🏃‍♂️ focusing on myself!!! (i am terrified of commitment) but also this guy i Used to have a thing with hit me up a while ago (after literally leaving a store that we were both in after we locked eyes) and said he wants me back 💀 i was like LOL no and got back to my silly little pokemon game <3 also valentine's day was with the girls this year 🥰 it was really nice!! i also bought this cute heart-shaped top that i will be wearing exclusively for valentines >:)) how about you??
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chocolatepot · 2 years
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mindswriters · 2 years
first-hand interview ─ joseph quinn
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ty @waynemunson for the perfect gif :)
summary: you and Joseph give your first interview together after making your relationship official publicly
pairing: joseph quinn × famous!reader
warnings: did not proof read, some curse words, long-ass answers, kisses and fluff fluff just fluff
word count: 2.1k
a/n: not me posting a joe fic when i have more than three for eddie on hold in my drafts....... anyways! it was just a random thought I had while showering and imagining how cute would it be going to interviews w my sweet bf joseph quinn 😙😙 hope u enjoy it!!
"So, yeah, Matt and Ross worked really hard on this season, them and all the production team, even during the whole pandemic thing they never stopped working to give the audience the best they could, so behind of the cast's amazing work we also owe the success of Stranger Things 4 to this guys who worked with us through all of it." you can't help but admire the way Joe finishes his answer to the last question about the show the interviewer asked you.
"And we owe a lot, 'cause it was an amazing season!" the lady says excitedly, making you both laugh and mouth sweet 'thank you's to her "So, uh, I know that you came here to talk about Stranger Things, but I can't help in asking a little about your personal lives, especially when it comes to you guys. I believe at this point we all have seen your Instagram posts, the internet is freaking out over it, knowing that Y/n and Joe are really a thing. You're a thing, right?" she finally asks humorously, earning smiles and soft laughs from both of us.
"Yes, we are a thing." you answer with a smile and eyeing Joe "We have been dating for quite some time now, we thought it was better keep it on the low at first, Joseph here isn't really the type of exposing his personal life, but the rumors were already all out there, so we decided to finally make it official to the public as much as it is for us."
"Yeah, people who follow me use to know that I normally don't post anything about my life outside the work, but in this case it was worth it." Joseph adds, nodding towards you with a smile "Don't get used tho, most of the contents you guys live for will still be coming from Y/n" he jokes.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of content now, my gallery is full of the most hilarious and cute moments of us.” you cheer making Joe roll his eyes playfully.
“Oh, trust me, we can’t wait to see it!” the interviewer matched your excitement “While we're on the subject, can you tell us a little about how you started dating? Did you guys meet on the set, or had you seen each other before?” you exchange looks at the question, but you let Joseph answer, or you’d end up being the only one talking on the interview.
“That is actually a funny history.” Joe laughed, straightening his posture in his chair to tell the history “The first time we saw each other was at the table read, but we haven't talked much that day, I was new and still getting used with everyone and Y/n was already all over the place, even though her cameo in season three was pretty small she already seemed to know everybody." he said looking smugly at you.
“I mean, what can I say? I’ve always been an extrovert who talks a lot, so yeah, maybe I was all over the place. And I also remember very well how I tried to introduce you into the conversations, and you were all quiet in your own shy bubble.” you tease him nudging his shoulder.
“It was my first time around! I was more like trying to analyze the place, and the people. But I feel glad for it, maybe if you weren’t all over the place and I wasn’t paying attention, I wouldn’t have noticed you and-“ Joseph was naturally saying until you interrupted him with a frown.
“You what?” your voice sounded high while you leaned in your chair, pretending to be mad at his statement.
“Sorry, yeah, sorry, there is no way I wouldn’t have noticed you, darling.” Joe apologized quickly grabbing your hands and kissing both of them.
“You better be.” you joke “Anyways, after that day it didn’t took long for us to become friends, along with the rest of the group, we started to hang out together a lot during filming, on our free days, between scenes and everything.”
“Well, it all happened before the pandemic, and when I finally got the courage and tried to ask her out or something, she casually informed me that she had a super-secret anonymous boyfriend, and that she hadn't said anything before because the guy didn't want her to mix their personal life with work, and I was like what the actual fu-?” he didn’t finished his last word so they wouldn’t have to censure, meanwhile you were laughing your ass off at his antics and the interviewer’s reaction.
“What? Y/n had a boyfriend when you guys met?” she asked incredulously.
“Yeah, I kinda did had a boyfriend, who was a spotlight hater, so maybe dating an actress wasn’t the best decision he’s ever made, but at that time we were together, so I had to reject Joe right away.” you explained gritting your teeth, and Joseph faking a pout beside you “But soon came Covid, the filming put on hold, we got quarantined, and during this whole craziness my relationship went bye-bye so…” you shrugged, giving Joseph a cue to continue.
“Maybe I’ve spent half of my isolated days praying for it, and apparently someone up there listened to me, ‘cause a couple months later we’ve returned to shooting, and soon she came crawling for me to try a second chance.” Joseph joked dramatically, earning a narrow stare from you.
“Just for the record, I didn’t crawled back, I was waiting for him to make a move like he had before, but it was taking him forever, so I’ve had to solve it with my own hands.” you smirked playfully rolling your eyes.
“Just for the record, I was trying to be respectful! Come on, you had just broke up, I didn't want to seem annoying or pressure you into doing something ahead of time.” Joe stated arching his eyebrows.
“Yes, ‘cause you’re a gentleman, and because of that we’ve got to spend even more time together in the second phase of filming, getting to really know each other, talk about what we were feeling and that’s what leads us here, to a sweet couple interview.” you resume the last year in a few words, not wanting to prolong more than you already did.
“That’s really impressing guys, I’d have never imagined that you were living your own romantic cliché script behind the cameras.” the lady in front of you laughs “So, if that’s what happened, I wonder if you guys got quarantined together at some point? Like in some of the post waves of the virus, and if it helped in your relationship in some kind of way?”
“Oh, yes, I mean, the first Covid wave was like world wide panic so we all went back to our homes, ‘cause we didn’t know at all when we’d be able to work again, and Y/n was still in her past relationship, so at first place it didn’t happened. But when we got back to Atlanta to resume our work, things were more under control, so it happened a few times that the state declared lockdown and we kept working within the health protocols, but going from set to home and home to set, and since we didn't want to be apart for too long, in those lockdown times we practically lived together in one apartment, it sounds crazy since our relationship was new, but I believe it was a great time for us.” Joseph explained, immediately looking at you and passing the lead for you to share your point of view.
“Yeah, totally, I guess that spending times like these together is really important, there’s a lot of couples out there who don’t really know their partners because they’re too busy with other topics of life, and when they spend time together they try to follow a script to the perfect relationship, when honestly this isn’t even a thing. Me and Joseph got to share amazing things when we were quarantined together, of course there were days where we’d simply want to be alone, and deal with our things, but that’s how we’ve learned to respect each other’s personal space, that amongst a hundred more things we learned about and with each other during those days. To be honest, I think that learning is the key word for this question, I can say that back there I’ve learned a lot, not only about, but also with and from Joe, in every matter of life, and from this I got to understand him better as the human being Joseph Quinn, and I’m pretty sure he feels the same towards me, and it helps a lot when it comes to keeping our relationship always healthy and not getting bored of it at the same time.” you say calmly, catching their full attention but also noticing how Joseph would smile and nod his head at your words.
“That’s really nice words coming from a couple like you guys, who gets to inspire people out there with your experience.” the interviewer offers a warm smile to the both of you before moving to the next question “Y/n mentioned that you’ve learned a lot about each other, so would you be able to pin point a small trait or a craze that the other has?” she suggests wiggling her eyebrows.
“Oh, I got it!” you straight up your posture with a small laugh “I mean, I'm pretty sure people have already noticed it, but I’ll have to mention anyways, Joseph pokes his tongue out all the time.” you pause between the last three words and laugh at you “Like in more than one situation, when he's too concentrated, sometimes when he's having a hard time to think about something, when he has to make a decision, or do something precisely, the little tongue is always there, and truthfully I think it’s the cutest thing ever.”
“Aw, thank you, babe.” Joe blows you a kiss in the air and you pretend to catch it, bringing your hand to your chest as if keeping the kiss in your heart "But yeah, at this point our little traits are all around the internet. Like, I've seen people mentioning Y/n's side smile already, like the way her lips tend to move more to one side, the left one I guess, when she's feeling confident or trying to cause a good impression. And besides that, I think I'd say the nose scrunch she does when she gets too genuinely happy, which is also the cutest thing ever." he concludes giving you a lovely stare, and you scrunch your nose as he said on purpose.
“Well then prepare yourselves for all the compilations that fans will make of Joe's tongue and Y/n's nose.” the lady jokes making you both laugh.
“Please, don’t use my boyfriend’s tongue too much, it’s mine and I’m a jealous woman!” you also joke pointing both your fingers to your eyes and then to the camera in a playfully way.
“That’s right, be careful guys!” the interviewer supports you, while Joseph can only laugh and try to hide his blushed cheeks behind his hands “Okay guys, we’re having a lovely chat here, but unfortunately we have to finish soon, so last but not least, what’s one song that is always playing when you guys are together? That one that you guys choose together to sing in your car rides and everything, ‘cause I know you do that!” she asks amusingly.
“Hell yeah, we do, we love music, and in this case I think the answer is… Friday I’m In Love by The Cure?” Joseph says in half a question, diverting his eyes to you so you could confirm his answer instead of just admire him with a stupid smile.
“Yeah, he’s right, that’s our carpool karaoke song.” you agree fully smiling back at him.
“It’s a lovely one, just like you guys! I just wanna say thank you for your time, it was such a great interview! I really wish the best things for you both professionally and in your personal life, hope we get to see each other sometime!”
“Totally! We really enjoyed it too, thanks for the invite!” you say softly.
“Yes! Bye bye all you watchers, hope to see ya around!” Joseph says waving to the camera, grabbing your hand to the same.
“Honestly, I thought it’d be worse, like, because it was our first one together after going public, y’know.” Joseph says approaching you in the backstage, some snack in hand while you waited for the next interview.
“I told you it wouldn’t be bad at all, actually I enjoyed it quite a lot.” you quietly laugh, taking a bite of his little salad sandwich.
“Hey! There’s a lot of those at the snacks table, you sneaky little shit!” he protests lifting his arm higher so you couldn’t reach the sandwich anymore.
“Yours is tastier.” you smile innocently, stealing a peck from his lips and intertwining your arms in his torso “I hope they invite us to more interviews, wanna go to that one with the puppies, it’d be so funny.” you admit, putting an adoring smile in his face, followed by tons of kisses around your face.
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
your writing is literally something so personal to me, it's unreal – no other author's really been able to do that 💜 i thank you for all the fics and the work you put into them :) writing isn't exactly the easiest lol
i know you'd do this small request justice tho; now not to trauma dump on you or anything but recently i've been dealing w the worst body image issues (i hope this isn't a triggering topic as i know plenty of us do as well, unfortunately), more so specifically my chest. i barely fill an A cup, and quite frankly just thinking about having a shirt off during you know easily makes me cry.
and lately lots of fics have been emphasizing, or just adding slight comments to the reader's "perky tits" that daddy!bucky loves to look down at through her shirt or something :/ absolutely nothing wrong w it, of course i can ignore it and read over it, but idk eventually it just becomes a lot. omg this is a lot fuck
so maybe it could be just a small hc, drabble, whatever's easiest lol, about daddy!bucky and it's just comfort all around though i am 100% not against any smut whatsoever in fact it is encouraged where he accepts her, reassures her that he'd always be there, that she's just beautiful the way she is. it doesnt have to completely center around that tho, just a small comment on it would suffice <3
no rush on this one <3 again i love ur writing endlessly and i cant wait to read it 💜💜
Pairing: (Daddy)!Bucky Barnes x f!(little)!reader
Word count: 2,725
Warnings: contains ddlg, contains smut (fingering - f receiving), the rest is fluff. 18+ content.
A/N: Nonnie love, this is hands down one of the best asks I've ever received and I think will ever receive on here. You're so so kind and sweet and I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you. Also, you can totally trauma dump on me any time, I'm here for you💜 and tbh, i understand:" and you're right, body image is something we all struggle with but at the end of the day, believe me we're all perfect little beings, each in their own way. Thank you so much for sending this in and I hope I didn't disappoint you, love💜💜 i love you lots. Please enjoy xx💜
all of you
Bucky never said anything, but he knew. He knew her like the back of his hand. Bucky knew what made her happy and what made her sad. He knew her dreams and fantasies. He knew what she liked about herself and what she was insecure about. Bucky knew it all, and he absolutely adored every bit. He loved all of her just the way she was. He was hoping she knew that though.
Although he knew everything there was to know about his girl, Bucky was no relationship expert. He was above a 100 years old and she was his first girlfriend since the 40s. He would be lying to himself if he said he still remembered how to woo or swipe a lady off of her feet.
But Bucky knew how to love. When it came to her, his heart knew how to appreciate, adore and cherish every detail. It was with her that he learned that no torture, even if too much, could be enough for his heart to forget how to love.
She taught him to smile again. She gave him a reason to want to live again. She was his hope, his sunshine, his love and his all.
So Bucky just decided he was going to let his actions speak instead of his words. He made sure she knew he loved every little thing he's ever noticed about her inside and out.
Bucky loves every inch of her; every mark, every mole and every scar he's had the luck of laying his eyes on and discovering.
But like he had his deep insecurities, she had hers and it was only human. Bucky just wished he could have her see herself through his eyes.
He wished he could show her how perfect she was to him, how he adored everything about her and wouldn't trade a thing, not for the world.
Now when she's her big, busy, responsible self, it's easy for her to hide it or brush it off, but it's more noticeable when she's little.
She won't exactly give Bucky an easy time whenever it was time to change or shower or do anything that required her shirt to be taken off and her boobs to be bare before him.
Her big self has let Bucky see her chest plenty of times, biting back anxious tears that always threatened to spill as she tried to relax, focusing on the feel of Bucky's hands on her, caressing, kneading and pinching her soft flesh.
Bucky is always so soft with her, so patient and gentle. He never rushes her and walks through everything at her pace.
He wished she’d stop closing her eyes every time she got naked for him because she was missing the way she had him licking his lips at the mere sight of her. She was missing his dilating pupils as he took her in and his teeth sinking into his lip before he’d lower his mouth on her body.
It was one of those days and she was being hard again.
“Baby doll, we gotta take our clothes off if we wanna take a bath together,” Bucky reasons, trying to seduce her into undressing, knowing how much she likes their grounding bath time.
Oh, she is perfect. Bucky could never get enough of her. She's so perfect that he sometimes finds himself staring at her as she nakedly sleeps beside him and feels like a creep. She's perfect and Bucky desperately needed her to know it.
“Don' look then,” she says, her palm cupping Bucky's cheek to try and make him turn his head the other way so his eyes aren't on her.
“Doll, my baby, Daddy loves every little part of you. You got nothing to be shy about,” Bucky reassures, twisting his head to kiss her palm.
“Daddy,” she whines, still refusing to get out of her his shirt.
Bucky sighs before turning off the water pouring into the filling tub.
She looks regretful, quickly preparing an apology in her head, thinking she ruined bath time for them.
Bucky doesn't give her the chance because his hand is off the tap and on hers, gently tugging as he leads her outside of the bathroom.
“Dada?” She whispers, confused, when Bucky sits down on their bed, positioning her before him between his legs.
“Baby doll, I love you,” Bucky says, his eyes carrying nothing but sincerity and adoration.
Before she can say it back, he continues, “and that means I love everything about you with my whole heart. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, and you're mine, doll!”
“All yours, daddy,” she reassures as tears fill her eyes.
Bucky couldn't believe his own words. His mind took a minute to comprehend this truth every time he was reminded of it.
She is his. This perfect, absolutely amazing in every way, kind, sweet girl is his. She wants him. She trusts him. She chooses him. She loves him. And the least Bucky can do is make her feel like the precious beauty she is.
“And I'm yours, baby.” Bucky kisses her hand, “and I understand.”
He tenderly holds her face between his hands and pecks her forehead again and again.
“Remember when I couldn't be shirtless around you at first?” Bucky asks and she nods.
“I was so insecure about my arm. I didn't want you to see it. I didn't want you to see anything that had to do with this part of me.”
“Daddy.” A tear rolls down her face as she cups Bucky's.
“But do you remember what you did the first time you got home early and saw it?” She nods again and Bucky melts when he remembers.
“You smiled so brightly at me and then you acted like nothing was different. You hugged me all the same, kissed me all the same and made me feel loved all the same. You didn’t stare or grimace or even ask questions.” Bucky swallows the lump is his throat when he feels like he's getting emotional because this isn't about him.
“Dada, your arm is beautiful!” She defends, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
“It's not beautiful to me, doll.” Bucky gives a faint smile, “but it's okay because none of us has to be perfect. Especially if I have an angel like you, loving me for who I am despite the flaws.”
“I love you, daddy.” She throws her arms around Bucky's neck, hugging him as close to her as she can as she cries on his shoulder. Bucky wraps his arms around her, his lips dropping to the column of her neck and he places the softest kisses there.
“I love you too, doll. I love you and anything that has to do with you.” Bucky kisses her ear, “and I know there might be parts of you that are not your favourite but they're you and I love them. I love you. You never have to hide away from me, baby. I love all of you just the way you are.”
She slowly backs out of the hug, wipes hurriedly at her tears before grabbing Bucky's hands and bravely placing them on the hem of her shirt.
Bucky smiles softly, “you ready to take a bath with daddy, doll?”
She nods with a shy smile, her heart pounding between her ribs as she tries to remain brave. It's Bucky. Bucky loves her. He loves her the way she is.
He tenderly slips the shirt off her arms and head before his hands find her waist, waiting for her nod to take off her underwear as well.
When she's fully bare in front of him, Bucky just stares. She's so so beautiful. She looks like a goddess to him; an exquisite being out of a fairytale. His very own Venus. He never thought anyone could be this gorgeous.
Bucky only snaps back to the present when she starts fidgeting and shifting on her feet in slight discomfort.
“You're beautiful, baby doll.” He holds her hand and brings her closer to him again. He helps her up on his lap with her legs open and wrapped around his waist.
Her face is burning up at how exposed she feels and then Bucky's palms are caressing her back, spreading chills throughout her.
“So beautiful,” he whispers, his lips finding her forehead.
Bucky kisses her eyes, feeling the flutter of the lids in surprise, “just perfect from head to toe.”
“Those beautiful eyes where I see your love for me; where I see hope and hold on to it because I got you.”
She blushes, keeping her eyes shut as she feels Bucky's lips peck her nose, “you have no idea how much I love feeling this nose poke me when you hide your face from the sun in my chest every morning. Or when you hug me and bury your face in my neck. Doll, you make me feel whole doing the littlest things.”
“And your beautiful lips. Oh, these are perfect.” He kisses her again, his teeth gently biting on her lower lip. “The prettiest sounds come out of them,” peck, “it's the best thing in the world when I hear them calling for me,” peck, “there's not a second that I don't wanna kiss these lips, baby” peck, “and when they're stretched around my cock? Oh, doll.” peck.
“Bucky.” She opens her eyes, tears evident in them again and in an instant, Bucky's lips are devouring hers.
She’s her and she’s comfortably naked in his hold as her big self. She feels brave enough and it’s her.
Bucky’s words are so loving, so soft and so kind and she feels the warmth of them engulfing her in a sweet hug.
“Bucky,” she breathes, hiding her face in Bucky's shoulder, her nose poking his neck.
He chuckles, kissing the side of her head, “look at me, baby.” Bucky asks and she obeys, her whole body feeling on fire, “please.”
“Don't hide from me, doll. I’m in love and I'm not done admiring you yet,” Bucky says, smiling adoringly as he steals yet another kiss from her welcoming mouth.
Her face is so hot she can feel the warmth spreading to her neck and chest as she lets Bucky’s voice calm her as he continues to worship her body.
“Where were we?” He pecks her lips one last time before his lips are sliding over her skin down to her neck, “your neck, right.”
“This beautiful neck that proudly carries my marks all over,” Bucky says hotly, his teeth teasing her flesh, “so soft, so warm.” Bucky's nose brushes up her throat before his lips go down the same trail, sending shivers up her back where his hands are still caressing and feeling
Bucky remembers all the times she's hugged him, let him nuzzle her neck and take in the beautiful scent his heart knew as hers. He silently moves to her collarbones, nibbling and kissing until he reaches her breasts.
Bucky lets his flesh hand come to the front, the other still on her back, holding her. His eyes are on hers, looking for signs of rejection as he slides it up her tummy.
She doesn't stop him and Bucky's hand reaches one of her boobs and he can't help but close his palm over the soft tit, giving a tiny squeeze. Her breath hitches as Bucky whispers a “perfect” to himself.
Her head falls back a little as Bucky's hand moves to her other breast, his touch leaving her nipples hard and her body shivering.
“Your boobs are the best, doll. They're so soft and beautiful, fit just right in my hands. I love playing with them,” Bucky says, tenderly rolling a nipple between his fingers, eliciting a sweet moan from her.
“I love putting my mouth on them.” Bucky's lips are instantly on her other nipple, wrapping around the nub and sucking, the tip of his tongue circling over it.
“Bucky, please,” she breathes, not even sure what she's begging for but Bucky understands. He always understands.
“You want me to move to your favourite part, baby doll?” He teased, lightly biting down, lips grazing her sensitive nipple, making her arch her back to press her breast more to his mouth.
She nods, shyly adding a low “please”.
Bucky puts his lips on hers and she’s so lost in the dizzying kiss to notice him standing up and taking her back to the bathroom.
She opens her eyes again when she hears the water continue to fill up the tub and she can’t help but pant, “I love you.”
“I love you even more, doll.” Bucky kisses her again, big hands caressing the curve of her butt and squeezing.
When the tub is filled, Bucky gently gets her in and she sighs at the warmth she sinks into, the water smelling of her favourite body wash.
Bucky gets in and relaxes behind her, his chest to her back and his arms around her waist.
He kisses her ear, neck and shoulder as his fingers trail down her body and she automatically parts her legs.
Bucky’s fingers are sort of warm when they slip inside her but it’s nothing compared to the warmth of her tight cunt.
“I have to admit, you’re not the only one who favours this pussy, doll. It’s definitely my favourite part too,” Bucky smirks on her neck, his lips teasing as his fingers leisurely slide in and out of her.
His vibranium hand plays with her boobs, the sensation making her slightly shake in his hold.
She’s floating. Everything feels too good and she feels so loved; so accepted and so wanted.
Bucky finds her beautiful and attractive. Bucky craves her.
“This amazing pussy that is always needy no matter how many times I give her my cock. Always so wet and so warm for me,” Bucky moans, biting down on her shoulder and her back curves the littlest bit as she tries to get his fingers to move faster.
“So tight I don’t even know how you take me, baby.” Bucky’s thumb rubs her clit just as slowly and she’s so desperate for a release, but also not sure if she wants all the pleasure Bucky’s giving her to end.
“But you do, you take this cock like a champ. Every. Single. Time.” Bucky groans, softly humping her ass, his hard cock touching her behind making her even wetter on his fingers.
“Please, Bucky. I want it,” she mewls, frustrated that he won’t pump his fingers faster.
“What is it you want, doll?”
“Y-your cock,” she whispers and Bucky is kind enough to not make her say it again louder.
Bucky slowly pulls his fingers out of her, rubbing the head of his cock on her opening before pushing in.
“All yours, doll,” he breaths, fully sinking into her.
It was one bath but it was all she needed. That day has opened her eyes to things Bucky did that she unawarely took for granted, barely noticing and if she noticed them she’d deem them coincidences.
She no longer missed out on how Bucky checks her out when she’s out of the shower in nothing but a towel. She no longer missed out on the way Bucky admired her on date night because the dresses looked so good on her he almost cancelled their every date.
On another hand, Bucky loved her more freely now. He got to be more open about showing her physical affection any time of the day. Bucky always wanted to be close. He always wanted a hand on one or both of her boobs. The man was obsessed. They’re spooning? Bucky has a hand on her boobs. Watching a movie? Bucky has a hand under her shirt touching her boobs. Making love? He’s. Touching. Her. Boobs.
Bucky just loved her; all of her, so much and he’d vowed to make sure she knew that until his last day on earth.
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saintobio · 3 years
what’s Sachiro’s astrological sign?
also great job on the new chapter, i’d be typing a dictionary to describe how much i love it but to keep it short - i honestly can’t wait to see what you do with the series. hope you have a good day, stay healthy and hydrated! love you <3
aries !! and thank u sm mwa <33
Anonymous said
completely u related to say but saint you should watch My Name on netflix it just came out. It reminds me so much of Underground Fight Club! here’s there summary
“Following her father's murder, a revenge-driven woman puts her trust in a powerful crime boss -- and enters the force under his direction.”
Also the mc is literally Han So Hee 😭😭
i’m actually planning to watch that :0 it looks so exciting and i love han sohee so much aaaAaAAAa
Anonymous said
lovely chapter saint. i admire your hardwork and dedication. btw, is there a possibility we would get a suguru x reader in the future (doesnt have to be a series cus i know how taxing it can be even tho im not a writer lol) outside of snverse? also i hope you’re taking good care of yourself. dont forget to drink plenty of water love <3
- 🪐 anon
thank youuuu and i’m not sure yet baby, but it’s possible :’) it’s just that i rly only have the motivation to write for gojo rn
@shintin said
from the moment i read the new chapter i become sad, poor satoru, don't tell me that he lost the memory of past 3 years 😭😭😭 my heart was heavy from reading Y/N's situation...please don't this story with sad ending, it will reallu effect me 😭😭😭 i want to bite their son's cheeks when he said dada has a boo boo 😍😍😍 he is so cuuuute 😍😍😍 i love you Saint 😍😍😍 but please think about happy ending 🥲🥲🥲
hahahahah u can handle it 😭 i promise
Anonymous said
geto taking satoru's side is understandable since theyre best friends but he made me mad when he was talking to the mc in sy. him and shoko were both kind of enablers. especially during that one trip they should never have allowed sera to come along. they were also somewhat at fault. probably not compl, but still they were wrong
damn, straight fax tho ieiri did show that she doesn’t tolerate it and so did getou later in the series
Anonymous said
Hey Saint! Are there any other fics you're working on besides Sincerely Yours or is it your last one? Btw I just wanted to tell you your writing is amazing and the first chapter is so good ❤️❤️❤️
i lost my wips but i rly wanna finish aab and aos !! they’re on my navi you see 😭 hopefully i get to post someday. and thank u very much !!!
Anonymous said
So when can I hope for some sera x sukuna, saaiinntttt??? I hope we get some of them because since reading their side story I got sooo excited for more. Their story was so interesting and refreshing!! Also because I’m not really feeling MC anymore. Hope you’re staying healthy! Love❤️❤️
maybe soon, we’ll see :D they’re just a side story so don’t expect many scenes
Anonymous said
“My wife.” He had all of you at a loss for words while his eyes only searched for the woman he believed he still loved. “Let’s go home.”
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN PLS. he believed he still loved. so he doesn't anymore ???? why u do this to me 😔😔😔 ajshwkwjrshwiei pls this is gonna hurt so bad i just know. so the fluff that's gonna hurt is when they are spending their time together as a family but satoru doesn't remember anything soooo
gahahah secret :p
Anonymous said
Sn1 really made me cry and i'm a sucker for angst. I really love this sotry and can't wait for Sn2. Also how people see the perspective of the characters is amazing. There both in a wrong no matter how you see it. Even people saying that yn hid the baby is the first selfish thing she has done, but still its not right tho. Also i can see why see runaway from her wedding w/ toji tho, girl have some major trust issues (even tho he will definitely not cheat on her). I love how the ending is kinda open no one knows who will end up w/ who(except sain tho) and it kinda gives the thrill and makes me excited. Btw you officially have become one of my fave author and the first one i have read is the iwaizumi fanfic.
A bit shameless to ask, but if ever toji and yn didn't end up together i kinda hope you make fanfic about them. I just love your writing style and how the story goes.
if yn ever ends up with someone or no one at all, i don’t rly plan to create alternate endings bc that lessens the impact of the finale iykwim 🥺 also omg ufc was the first fic you’ve read from me? or is it the college one
Anonymous said
Omg love idk what author's note the rest are talking about I can't find it anywhere on your new post 😭 I'll miss you so damn much, your writing and your answers to asks are two things I always look forward to. These days only genshin, anime, SN and SN2 keep me going. I truly wish you the best in your future endeavors, you've made a place in our hearts and we're always going to wish you well
Love you soooooo much 💖
love u too and i’m not leaving dw 😆 just might take breaks here and there <33 ty for ur kind words baby
Anonymous said
will gen feel any remorse at all? i find it hard to believe that she ever will, but i really want her to feel at least some sort of guilt. didn’t she guide her sister in the direction of hiding the baby?
she’s not heartless, so maybe. and she’s not protective of yn for no reason. at the end of the day she just wants her sister to get out of that toxicity, especially after knowing how much she suffered from her marriage.
Anonymous said
Ahhhhh, Saiiiint. Welcome back ❤️
Definitely see some things being set up right now, so won't comment on stuff. Can't wait to see everything unfold.
Tojiiiiiiiii. TOOOJIIII 🥺😭
Also, GETO. IEIRI. FIANCÉ. HELP. That made my day HAHHHA.
Oh, and to help (and perpetuate) the Gojo brain rot:
I have to say, while Nanamin and Toji are my faves, this made me spit my water and drop to my knees.
— 🦈 Anon
shark anon i. am. crying !! that link 😵‍💫 sdjsbsja
Anonymous said
totally unrelated to your writing but whenever i see someone with similar hair to yours on tiktok, i’m always like “oh my god, saint is that you” lmfao
i love you and your fics so much, you’re the queen on fanfiction
omgggg that’s so cute 🥺🥺🥺 and thank u baby !! i’m def not hahahh
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