#she-ra s3 spoilers
silverzeppelin · 2 years
the four horsemen of getting possessed
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
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The Owl House 3x01 // She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 5x05
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pretentiousbrownie · 2 years
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yo fr tho
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ellington-f3int · 2 years
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spot the difference
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I see an ongoing pattern of self sacrificing queer people with strong, powerful, magical girlfriends getting possessed in the villain's lair
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haystarlight · 2 years
Based on that one scene from the SheRa series finale:
Eda looked at herself in the mirror. She still had her two mismatched eyes and all her wrinkles but she looked calmer, more relaxed, happier. Her long, gray hair was in a ponytail, like he knew Raine liked it but she also had a flower crown made up of red flowers on her head, which was unusual.
She wore a lovely red and gold suit, paired with a long cape. She allowed herself a moment to admire how hot she looked and raised her arms.... Wait, arms??.... Arms plural??? She had two arms??? No, that can't be right, can it?? How many arms was she supposed to have again???
She shook her head and looked at her surroundings. Apparently she was in a tent, outdoors. She saw the ceiling made of cloth and the curtains leading outside and the grass beneath her boots. That's when two more people walked in.
Her favorite people in the world.
Luz looked beautifully weird, wearing an odd fusion of a suit and a dress colored in different shades of purple. Her hair was slicked back and she, too, had a flower crown that matched her outfit. King, who looked somehow... Taller than the last time she saw him??? Was that right???, Was wearing a cute little bowtie.
"Wow, you look amazing!" Luz said with enthusiasm "Darius really out-did himself this time!"
"I- yeah..." she said, confused "you two look great, too."
"Shut up, baby, I know it!" said King, laughing as Eda scooped him up and tickled his belly.
"Are you nervous?" Luz asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Nervous? Me?" Eda tried to sound incredulous and confident but Luz was smart enough to see through her walls "yeah, I'm a little scared."
"Don't worry! You'll do fine!" Luz promised "all your loved ones are here and we're supporting you."
"Also, Hooty said he's gonna eat Raine if they try to walk out on you," King said, still in her arms.
Eda laughed, feeling safer with her kids backing her up.
"Hey, uh," Luz blushed, looking a little nervous herself "is it okay if I try and catch the bouquet for Amity?"
"Uh, sure. Don't you think it's a little too early to be thinking about that? Most people don't marry the person they were dating when they were 15."
15?? That's not right... Luz was only 14... Right??? How old was Luz?? Was she forgetting her kid's age??
"Well, yeah," Luz looked sad when she heard that "but I just can't see myself with anyone else... And aren't you about to marry the person you were dating when you were 15?" she counteracted.
Eda couldn't find a flaw in her logic. Luz had her there. She was about to marry her highschool sweetheart, wasn't she??
She was about to marry Raine Whispers.
"Huh, I guess I am. You're right, kid."
She gave King one last squeeze before putting him down. Then, King ran to the exit of the tent and called out:
"Come on, mom! It's wedding time!"
He ran out before Eda could process his sentence. Mom?? Did King just call her mom?? Sure, he had changed his name to King Clawthorne but, since when did he call her mom??
And why did she like it so much??
"What did he say?" she had to ask for confirmation. Just to be sure. She could've misheard him.
"He said it's wedding time, mom!" Luz answered before leaving the tent as well.
Luz called her mom. She felt like she was going to cry. But instead she followed her two kids outside where she found.... Them.
The coolest, smartest, most amazing witch she'd ever met. The love of her life, the person she was supposed to be with.
Raine Whispers.
They were wearing a suit just like hers, only theirs was black and white, and they had a flower crown made up of white flowers. Their hair was... Longer?? Was that correct?? That didn't feel right.
But they smiled at her with that same warm smile and held out their hand for her to take. And she was about to take it, when it all went crashing down.
She wasn't in a tent in the forest. She was on a barren wasteland. She wasn't wearing a beautiful suit, she was wearing her old dress, torn and dirty and ruined from all the fighting. Her hair wasn't perfectly made up, it was wild and messy from days without a good brush.
And her right arm was missing.
"A beautiful wish," said a child's voice, coming from above her, taunting her "but there will be no future."
Of course not. Of course not.
She had been stupid to allow herself to believe things could be good. She had been naive to believe life would actually cut her some slack.
But it was too good to be true. It was only a stupid, childish dream.
She wasn't going to get married. Not to Raine, not to anyone. And her kids weren't there with her, they had disappeared months ago and she didn't know where they were, she could only hope against all hope they were alive.
Because life wasn't kind to Eda Clawthorne. There was a time when it was but that time had long since passed. Life was cruel and merciless and unfair to Eda Clawthorne.
She didn't get to be in the coven with her sister, she didn't get to finish school, she didn't get to be with the love of her life, she didn't get to live as an acceptable member of society, she didn't get to protect her kids, she couldn't even have her stupid right arm.
And now the world was ending, everything was falling apart, crumbling to pieces. Torn apart by a child god, who did not care about her or anyone else in the Boiling Isles. They were all insects to him.
"Not for you."
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l0thcat · 2 months
I keep thinking about TBB and how it ended. Or the whole season i should say, the ending was pretty good with a few flaws ( in my opinion ).
And you know, I'm not surprised, as much as i LOVE this show, I'm used to cartoons getting shit. Its been going on for far too long.
Its Disney AND Netflix. And here is a list of shows that were doing good, got told mid season its getting canceled, and a rushed ending.
The Owl House
She Ra and The Princesses Of Power ( 2018 )
My Little Pony G4* and G5
Steven Universe*
OK KO lets be heroes.*
Star Trek Prodigy*
Kipo and the age of the wonderbeasts.
The Mandalorian ( i know its not a cartoon but it has the same vibes as TBB ).
And probably many more. It sucks, so bad, for animation. And I'm saying this because i fully believe Disney or whoever was going to cancel TBB if it already isn't. They just didn't want to announce that.
Other notes:
*Centaurworld ; Was meant to be an ADULT cartoon and very much has left overs from that, however Netflix decided it was too MLP-esc so they made it for kids instead which ended up just being a bunch of fart and butt jokes. And then got canceled anyways so everything had to rush and wrap up in season 2. Which SUCKS because it is so beautiful when it can be and has beautiful music.
*MLP G4 is not Netflix nor Disney and while it did get multiple seasons and an ending, it had new writers during, i don't know, s6 or s7. And things slowly went backwards. And the end felt rushed imo. It wasn't a bad one but it didn't feel.. satisfying.
*Steven Universe ; i love Steven Universe, it was canceled because the creator got an Sapphic wedding AND kiss scene on screen, on a kids cartoon. But they compromised by after the finale they would get a spin off and a movie. The finale is good. Whats rushed here to me, was the spin off. And again, this is not Disney or Netflix, but Cartoon Network.
OK KO and Star Trek prodigy are also not Disney or Netflix ( which apparently Netflix is trying to save Star Trek Prodigy ) but also kicked the bucket.
All this to say ; there is a huge problem within the animation area and I'm tired of CEOs or whoever forcing creators and writers to cancel or shorten their stories.
The Bad Batch s3 is no better in my opinion. I loved a lot of scenes of it and I'm grateful for a lot of it and I'm not honestly sure if this is Disney or Jennifer or someone else but it really hurts.
Here is why it bothers me:
I'll just get this one out of the way first. Tech. Tech COULD have been sacrificed. He COULD have died. In a way that was actually meaningful. Omega got captured anyway, she was probably going to whether Tech went home with them or not. His death IS sad and i DO see them trying to honor it, i do. But its bad to me because it really does feel like "gotta kill the autistic person". Its really annoying when shows try to have an autistic character and then mistreat them ( She Ra 2018 as well but Entrapta didn't die but she does get mistreated a lot ). Its annoying and hurtful. Especially with the writers and such teasing his fans so strongly. There was no reason to. Its not a spoiler.
The TALKS in between that we missed. Tech talking to Phee about Crosshair. Crosshair learning about Tech's Death from Omega. Omega talking to Emerie about her brothers. Crosshair coming back with Omega, we don't even see them just silently watching him walk into the ship. Its just nothing. I'm sure i am forgetting some because it happened, SO much during this season.
What happened to Cody. Like its fine if he's being saved for another series but then perhaps say that.
Creators do not have to be extremely secretive about everything. Fans who don't want spoilers don't go looking for it. I'm not implying they need to spoil the ENTIRE plot, but saying Tech is dead-dead is not something to be secretive about, An hour long finale is not something to be secretive about, etc.
The other Clone X's, while they are very very cool and supposed to mirror CF99... they weren't overly needed honestly. It felt so rushed. Like I'm not saying they needed to be someome either, they don't need to. But i wasn't fearful or full of impact when i saw them my genuine reaction was "this is too much now". It was like if they DID decide to put Darth Vader in it at last second. Like i fully believe Omega was supposed to be home with Crosshair for a little longer and help Echo and Rex with the clones. And then these new CX clones were supposed to show up in s4 and be the ones to get her again.
The fans.. would have wanted.. season 4?...... i don't know why its so bad to want that. And honestly atp, i don't get why its so bad to have plot filler. Its BAD for series that got canceled or shortened, but its not bad for a series that you want more of, because then you get more time with them or more lore if you're lucky.
It occured to me there was not one flash back. Not one about the past. The most was Omega talking about how she watched CF99 be made and that it implied shes older ( and is ) than them. Could you imagine the emotional impact on us and for Omega, watching her, watch them grow up. I don't think Rebels or TCW really had flash backs either but they usually did it in other ways.
I'm not like.. a good writer, so maybe writers on here will disagree and thats okay, I'm open to that.
TLDR: I'm tired of Cartoons kicking the bucket too soon for far too long. I feel like The Bad Batch s3 also had this treatment and it isn't fair to the fans.
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thenameszeon · 2 years
Guys, let’s revive the Bad End Friends era
[SPOILERS FOR: AMPHIBIA, TOH S3, SHE-RA, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe Future and Invader Zim]
Give me characters that turned evil/corrupted/anything that would be considered Bad End Friend material over this decade
So far we have:
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Darcy Wu
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Bipper (surprisingly even though he’s from 2014)
Suggested by catora03
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Chipped Catra
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(most recent)
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Zib Membrane
(sorry for the low quality :( suggested by starfunplay)
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Pink (Chad) Steven
suggested by starfunplay
If there’s any more BEFs from this decade let me know in the tags or in the comments!
(yes I know Bipper is from last decade he’s still popular so ehh what the heck just put him in)
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
OKay gotta distract myself from constantly refreshing my fic and staring at numbers, by continuing my spop rewatch
If you're new here: I'm rewatching all of She-Ra for fic writing purposes, and live-blogging it, with too many screenshots. None of this is spoiler-free. I make a lot of jokes and talk about my life and make references to other shit.
Also, I find Catra's villainy to be kinda hot (okay more than just kinda hot)
s4 ep1 the coronation
"April did you rewatch the Portal scene again"
Yes, because that's where I left it paused, mind your own business
OKAY so I remember this from the first time I watched it, like, four years ago--that of all the emotional stuff this show gets 100% correct, I'm not sure Glimmer's grief over her mother is all that accurately portrayed. She just seems to "get over it" too fast?
By which I mean: yes, it's the focus of this episode, but that's basically it.
When my dad died--and keep in mind I'd been no contact for six months, I'd already done most of my grieving for him!--I was so out of it I couldn't even read anything longer than a few paragraphs for multiple months. All my writing basically screeched to a halt. And Glimmer likes her mom!
BUT tbh I keep remembering someone pointing out that each season covers WAY more time than I originally assumed. Because the first time I watched this I assumed we were like, literally a week or two after the events at the end of s3. It's probably closer to several months. And that makes way more sense.
Also who else is confused as to what "princess" and "queen" even mean in this universe, like there are several princesses who are clearly in charge of their kingdoms? is just when their parents DIE that they become queens? if so wtf is wrong with Frosta's parents "lol you're eight now, time for you to be in charge of literally everything, and you'll never see us again"??
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okay but literally did they only ask Mermista to do the flowers as a joke bc I am literally sad for her now :(
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There she is!!! 😍
Also I read some (old) commentary from Nate about why her hair is flatter this season and nooooooo
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oh hey remember that you tied up Adora
okay do you remember this specific time you tied up Adora lolol
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"Don't talk about my ex-girlfriend!!! it's a very sensitive topic *sobs*"
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Glimmer's coronation robe is so great. I wonder if, like IRL ones, it's made out some insanely hard-to-get fur and weighs approximately five tons.
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The line delivery of "BOW! CALM DOWN!" made me laugh so hard I had to play it for other people and then watch it again.
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"Power changes people"
Not everyone is like you!!! >:(
(if anything, responsibility is more likely to change Glimmer)
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poor bb
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it's Entrapta's little naked mole rat robot!! which is also somehow also a squeaky toy??
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Scorpia wants SO BAD to find a way to see Catra as not a terrible person
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the robot didn't deserve that
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"Don't talk about my ex-girlfriend!!! it's a very sensitive topic *sobs*" (pt 2)
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Scorpia is such a cinnamon roll
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Adora literally only owns like three outfits. And this is her "nice dress."
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Bow's dad's!!
Also this is framed so much like a wedding, even the music is wedding-ish
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okay maybe not
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I'm sticking with my theory that this is several months after the end of s3 which means she's been like this (unable to teleport) for a while
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Yeah, people have discussed this a great deal, re: grief: most people want to talk about the people they've lost, if you give them a safe time/place to do it. You don't have to avoid the subject.
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I once again ask myself: where were you keeping the sword this whole time lolol
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NICE (Glimmer put the fancy lantern into the little niche for it)
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Aziraphale? Is that you?
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I wonder when Angella recorded this
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where did you get the new outfit 2. isn't your other arm cold 3. she's fucking purring
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She says this the exact same way she says "Hey, Adora" and I went "EUGGGH" out loud
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Some people were like, "oh, her redemption arc in s5 was so rushed" and meanwhile I'm like, "I wish they'd made her deranged and mean a little longer, actually. For Reasons."
Anyway I've run out of images unless I reblog the post, SO: she yanks the little crystal thing Entrapta made out of Hordak's suit so he collapses and then taunts him with the knowledge that Horde Prime is not gonna be happy to find out he can't even subdue the Rebellion, basically puts herself in charge, end of episode
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candyskiez · 8 months
🪰 Recommend a fic that makes you sad (in the best way!!)! Some great angst and/or hurt/comfort!
🦋 Recommend one or three of your own fics!
🦗 Recommend any fic, wild card!
from this ask game
okay let's hope Tumblr doesn't eat this again!
angst fics!
a lovely fic about connie's relationship with pearl and how it changes:
ambrosius dealing with the emotional repercussions of the knighting ceremony:
an EXCELLENT fic about catras nine lives and showing her changing and growing throughout them, required reading if you're in the she ra fandom:
willows worries about whether or not she can fix her relationship with amity:
two of my own fics
hunter hair cut written pre s3 aired:
quick amity love language fic and her relationship with touch:
wild card!
hobie and gwen friendship fic, how they started bonding:
a thing my friend made that y'all gotta read:
most of these fics have spoilers so don't click if you aren't done the series they're from. okay have fun! hope y'all enjoy.
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cyanocittae · 2 years
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I posted 3,296 times in 2022
That's 3,296 more posts than 2021!
113 posts created (3%)
3,183 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,936 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#the owl house - 340 posts
#toh - 339 posts
#amphibia - 224 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 138 posts
#toh spoilers - 103 posts
#she ra - 52 posts
#mood - 48 posts
#important!! - 42 posts
#save - 42 posts
#she ra and the princesses of power - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#honestly the only reason i'm not in the warriors fandom is because i only read the first 6 books because the library didn't have the rest
My Top Posts in 2022:
halloween costumes (feat. ghost)
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(click for better image quality; versions without tint, with just luz + amity, and sketch below the cut! happy halloween <;3)
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See the full post
69 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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did a lil doodle when i found out it was lumity anniversary :)
might color it later idk
80 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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(without tint below)
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i am so happy that we have a date for s3 ep1
137 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
“Luz, I know things are scary, and I don’t know what the future holds, but it would be so cool if you were a part of that.” (Amity, Thanks To Them)
“Everything is so crazy right now, and I have no idea what my future holds, but it would be so cool if you were in it.” (Luz, Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door)
171 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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why is this so aggressive what did he do
284 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kamiragem · 5 years
Still not over season 3 finale.
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
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Traumatized characters really be out there getting shorter hair huh
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anoxilium · 5 years
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“she-ra and the princesses of power” season 3 icons 2/3
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hntrgurl13 · 5 years
So... here’s my hot take on the end of She-Ra season 3
Quick Summary:
Catra activates Hordak’s portal and reality starts falling apart. Adora wakes up in a reality where she never became She-Ra and as reality falls apart, the Hoarde is wiped out of existence and we’re now in a reality where nothing bad happened on Eternia. But reality continues to collapse. Entrapta tells the best friend squad that they need to remove She-Ra’s sword but in order to get back to how things should be someone has to stay behind in between worlds. Adora and Glitch Catra have a fight, Adora is about to sacrifice herself but Queen Angela takes her place and Adora returns to reality and destroys the portal. The End.
Here are my thoughts... Why wasn’t it Shadow Weaver who sacrificed herself? She seems to be going through something of a redemption arc now (we’ll see how that goes). Wouldn’t it have been more meaningful to Adora if the only mother she ever knew sacrificed herself for her? Maybe sprinkle in how she regrets how things were and how she wishes she could have been better for Adora and Catra? Her redemption could come full circle and she be honored as a hero.
Now, I do get that Shadow Weaver is also more or less a recovering Bad Guy. I’m not going to try and make her look like a good guy suddenly. But it’d prove that she did want to be better.
Some may say that Queen Angela going proves how much she cares for Adora. Really? Because Angela doesn’t have many scenes with just Adora. And whenever she does, it’s normally as the Queen and not as a mother figure. With Shadow Weaver, we already know the maternal connection. Adora makes reference to it multiple times, we see flashbacks of when Shadow Weaver took her in, they’ve had that connection from day one. I’m sorry but I’m going to have more of an impact from someone who I’ve had a connection with since I was a baby than someone who I haven’t really spent a lot of alone time with.
And keep in mind, Angela sacrifices herself for Adora. Not Glimmer. Adora. Glimmer was going to survive and be okay no matter who went in there. We’ve seen Glimmer be Angela’s main focus since day one. She wants to protect her daughter. That makes sense. But then suddenly she’s willing to sacrifice herself whenever she knows her daughter would be okay if anyone went up there? Leaving her daughter now an orphan? It just doesn’t make logical sense to me story wise.
Whereas if it were Shadow Weaver who sacrificed herself... She isn’t really leaving anyone behind. Adora has others to look out for her. Even Catra is going along fine without her. It would make sense for her to sacrifice herself for Adora because she sees Adora as a daughter. They have that maternal connection. Even along the lines with Catra it makes sense. It’d be a mother fixing her child’s mistake. And that’d leave even more of an impact on Catra. Both our protagonist and antagonist would be impacted by something like this. And that’d open up so many possibilities. Catra could go farther down the deep end thinking Shadow Weaver sacrificed herself for JUST Adora. Adora could see that good can still be found in people and that Shadow Weaver did actually care. And like I said earlier, Shadow Weaver could have gotten her redemption arc. You could even say that Glimmer suddenly became more powerful and gained Shadow Weaver’s light magic abilities from being in contact with her for so long. Yeah she’d have to learn how to use it but she does have her aunt still.
My point is, there could have been a bigger heart wrenching moment and it didn’t happen. Rather we lost someone who was barely in the show to begin with and now Glimmer has lost both of her parents. It just feels like a cheap jab because we’re supposed to be sad the Queen died. Yeah I’m sad but it could have been much better. We’ve seen Shadow Weaver fall, rise, fall and rise again in this show. I just think she’s made more of an impact than the Queen. (Of course you can’t sell dolls of dead people so... yeah)
Anyways that’s my TED talk...
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kunoichi-kame · 5 years
SPOP S3 thoughts:
Yo, glitchy Catra was siiick and I wanna draw that.
Catra doesn't deserve Scorpia. Fight me.
Hordak x Entrapta FTW
Blushing robot
Angella leaving Micah made me sad
Angella sacrificing herself made me tear up a bit
Where dat Netossa and Spinerella character development?
The entirety of those last two episodes gave me major Coraline vibes
Okay, follow up to what I said about Catra not deserving Scorpia. Catra deserve love, yes, but Scorpia doesn't deserve to be treated the way she is. I'm starting to feel like Scorpia will eventually become the embodiment of the "Aren't you tired of being nice?" meme. Maybe. I can't see it, yet at the same time I can? Does that make sense?
Aaand branching off of that: this season solidifies why I love the villains of this series. Every villain is the hero in their own mind. And I feel SPOP does a great job at this idea. The major Horde members don't seem particularly malicious. Like, if you gave them a fresh coat of paint as heroes...that's it. Nothing seems to change. They're doing what they think is right/their jobs. Hardly any of them seem to derive pleasure from other's suffering. Not even Hordak. And while Catra does seem to, I think that's more of her personal hangup, not because of her role as a part of the Horde. She wants to hurt Adora at this point, it seems. She wants to hurt PEOPLE, it seems, after the way she lied to Hordak about Entrapta. Because she's hurting. Not because she's an antagonist. Catra really does need a hug. Then we have Shadow Weaver.
Shadow Weaver, who again, I feel is more personal in her attacks. She is manipulative and abusive and spiteful. I feel like this is more about season two, hence why a separate paragraph. But okay. Look. I feel like, when she backstabbed Catra in s2, it was sincere. Just not sincere enough. I think maybe she did indeed see something in Catra, didn't want her to fail, etc, but it manifested itself in the worst fucking way. Instead of being motivational, things turned abusive if Catra wasn't perfect, wasn't what she expected, etc. Maybe even, she's beating herself up for her failures, projecting them onto Catra. And this is all Shadow Weaver's personal hangup, not some handbook from the Horde.
Aaand still on the topic of Shadow Weaver, I must admit that I am a bit upset about her redemption. I felt that she was irredeemable after season two, TBH. Like she truly is the definition of a toxic parent...but here we are. Okay. I still got a bad feeling about this though.
Also, I was anticipating dark Glimmer or something. Hmmmm.
Oh, and I love Hordak. He needs love and I hope he lives happily ever after with Entrapta.
I wanna learn more about Mara. I know we just did, but there's gotta be more.
*drumming on my lap* He-man He-man He-man He-man He Man He Man Heman Heman Heman Prince Adam Adam Heman He Man He-Man and the MOTU HE-MAAAN
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