Hello, another update!! Last time my cousin and I watched BSG we got through Home Part 1 through Epiphanies.
So here's a quick update about her thoughts to all those episodes:
She was ECSTATIC about the Starpollo kiss haha she literally threw her hands up in excitement when it happened then was annoyed when the scene immediately became tense because of Sharon walking in. She thought the kiss was super random but she definitely wasn't mad about it.
Later when Lee talks to Kara in the brig after he had talked to Sharon and tells Kara she isn't the one who should be telling him what to do my cousin said, "brother you literally kissed her." 🤣
She thought the scene where Lee told her he loved her was cute. And she thought it was funny when Kara teased him about it. My cousin was literally the definition of kicking her feet and giggling during this scene.
She was pretty stressed for all the Kobol stuff especially when Elosha stepped on a trap and Tom and his buddy were planning to take out Lee and his dad.
When they found the tomb of Athena and had the vision with all the constellations it just dawned on her that all the colonies were named after the constellations lmao. It took her that long 🤣😭
She still hates Ellen lol she gets so annoyed every time she's on screen haha. She also kind of figured D'Anna was a Cylon so she wasn't surprised to find that out.
She thought the Blackbird was pretty cool. She was annoyed with Helo and Chief fighting over Sharon. She thought it was super cute how everyone signed the ship and they named it after Laura.
She HATED Cain and understandably so.
She hated what happened with Sharon and Helo and Chief and was glad that Thorne died and that Helo and Chief didn't get executed for intervening.
She was SUPER stressed when Kara was given the task to kill Cain and Fisk had the task to kill Bill. As well as Lee just casually dying during all that too. She was so stressed haha and was relieved when Lee got saved and Fisk nor Kara had to murder anyone.
She was glad Gina killed Cain though. She was just glad Cain died haha.
In Epiphanies she really thought Laura was gonna die. She was confused and shocked when Bill kissed her towards the end of the episode.
Also in the one scene Lee and Dee have where their faces ended up close during like fighting practice she did the same thing she had done to Kara and Sam where she went, "get away!" 🤣
She's gonna absolutely hate how those relationships develop and how it'll be both of the pairs she doesn't like.
Also I asked her some thoughts on current ships/couples like which ones she thinks will make it to the end and all and regarding Kara and Lee she thinks they're endgame for sure and I'm just over here sobbing like just wait your opinion on that is about to change real quick and you're gonna be so disappointed/upset 😭
Also at one point where Kara was in danger I made a joke to her about her dying too (this was like after episode where Lee almost died) and she said "she can't die she's a pop figure." And I'm just over here like oh how wrong you are... she's going to be so upset haha
Anyway those were her biggest/main thoughts from our last watch session. Today we are going to watch more and I'm so curious because we'll be starting off on Black Market which is bleh but I'll be curious to see her thought on that episode especially since Lee is one of her favorite characters. And I'm also curious to see her reaction to Scar because that is an interesting episode too and pretty Kara centered which is another one of her favorite characters. I also can't wait for her to watch Sacrifice because she is going to be devastated about Billy (in the past episodes at one point she literally said how he can't die and she likes him). She's also gonna be sad about Lee. Like poor Lee can't get a break he gets seriously injured/has near death experiences like 3 times within 5 episodes 😭😭
I am also excited to see her thoughts on Razor!
I'm not sure how much further she and I will make it into season two, I'm kind of hoping we'll finish the season but that's me being optimistic about our time, etc.
I shall keep y'all posted :)
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
thinking about how my husband lamented that Rings of Power doesn't do much with the Valar. thinking about how the Queen of Numenor says faith is a thin thread to hang a nation from, which runs counter to... most of recorded human history, not to mention Tolkien's works, where multiple nations of men awaited their True King to deliver them into a golden age, and Boromir's declaration that "Gondor needs no king" signified faithlessness and that was a negative thing. thinking about how there are articles out there to explain why Galadriel was upset in Rings of Power, to explain that she turned her back on elf heaven, on the selfsame far green country with whose description Gandalf moved us all to tears in Return of the King, and she chose ruin and the world
thinking yet again about how Cersei Lannister blows up a whole church because the Sparrows had become more influential than the crown, and a handful of episodes later she says "hey smallfolk, come into the castle keep to stay safe from this battle" and the smallfolk... do it, instead of saying "fuck no, that's the lady with the wildfire who killed our beloved priests and committed the worst possible blasphemies, and this matters to us because we are peasants and the only thing in our lives is work and religion" and there were no further repercussions because apparently the influential state religion of Westeros was one building and a cool catchphrase
thinking about Tess of the Road, which I almost did not finish because wow it's grueling to be a woman in a fantasy novel isn't it? thinking about the spiritual epiphany it grants its title character in the midst of a kneejerk "Catholicism but even more oppressive" setting because it reads easily I guess (see also all the Dragon Age games). still haven't unpacked all my thoughts from that one tbh but it's rolling around in there and it will be for a while
thinking about how almost nobody wants to write characters who have relationships with their gods, even in fantasy, a genre where characters could have very literal relationships with their gods, be they adversarial or positive or realistically messy. thinking about how writers seem not to want to touch that, either because it's too messy or because of an impression that society is beyond that. thinking about how this extends beyond the fantasy genre. thinking about how sterile Station Eleven's post-apocalypse felt and how part of that was a lack of folk practices or any spiritualism apart from the antagonist's obviously bad oppressive pseudo-Christianity. thinking about Anne McCaffrey insisting there is no religion on Pern in the far future, versus, like, everything about Deep Space Nine. thinking about how Battlestar Galactica felt ballsy as fuck for having monotheistic Cylons and polytheistic humans, but in the end that thread and the implications of robots worshiping a god just... never went anywhere
thinking about how, when religion is included in a work of fiction, it’s almost always with a wink wink, nudge nudge, you know and I know how backward and bogus this is, but it’s almost never played straight, much less validated in the narrative (I love you Netflix’s Shadow and Bone). and when it is portrayed as a positive influence in people's lives, it's in the vaguest, always culturally-Christian, terms of "light" and "darkness" and "hope". thinking about how Midnight Mass told a story about people who took so much comfort in their religion that even after it turned them into vampires and destroyed their community they sang hymns as the sun rose, and how that was such a foreign thing that a lot of the audience found it unbelievable
thinking about the extra layer of hypocrisy in defending a work of fantasy by saying "it was just like that back then" when a) there was no back then because it's fantasy, and b) the work in question ignores the foundational role religion played throughout the medieval Europe all these fantasy worlds use as a template
thinking about how art is meant to nurture the soul, but increasingly neglects to grant one to its characters
thinking about how if we can't imagine a world where people have a spiritual life that isn't just a tool of oppression, how can we create one
thinking about how much I love the Queen's Thief series and Arthdal Chronicles
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redrikki · 7 months
Battlestar Galactica Rewatch - Episode 1.01 - 33
Released a full year after the mini-series, episode one picks up a few days after the initial attacks. The Cylons have been hunting the fleet, relentlessly attacking every 33 minutes and everyone is exhausted and strung out. Spoilers ahead!
Everyone's exhaustion symptoms are varied and vaguely adorable. Cally musing about why 33 especially stands out.
Watching this right after the mini-series really highlights the early installment weirdness around jumping. In the mini-series it's portrayed as rare and difficult with a weird effect and unpleasant physical sensation. Here' these exhausted folks are plotting a jump every 33 minutes like it's nothing. Thank the gods Gaeta is good at math!
Gaeta immediately tries to comfort and deflect blame from Dee when they realized they lost the Olympic Carrier. I love them and their friendship. Still not over how the show did them both so dirty.
Back on my first watch through when there was ambiguity about what, exactly, Baltar's head!Six was, I enjoyed their dynamic. There were so many ways they could have taken her. She's a product of his trauma. He's an unknowing Cylon and he's projecting. Some other thing. Instead, they went with the idea that she and Caprica's head!Baltar are, in fact, angels of god. Thanks; I hate it. Making it all be part of god's plan to get people to our earth means that the show's god is a cruel one whose idea of love is so manipulative, coercive, violent, and toxic it's no wonder Cylon courtship features so much kidnapping and mind games.
Introducing Roslin's whiteboard with the population count. Her quiet devastation at the loss of the Olympic Carrier and her little dance of glee at the birth of a boy on the Rising Star get me every time.
Who said "do it" better, Laura Roslin or Emperor Palpatine?
Okay, so, the shooting of the Olympic Carrier. I understand they originally wanted to have people moving around in there, but the network wouldn't do it because they wanted it to be more ambiguous as to whether or not Lee and Kara were blowing up a ship filled with their own civilians or if they'd already been captured and killed by the Cylons. Personally, I think the story and their characters would be a lot more compelling if they absolutely blew up a ship full of their own civilians and had to live with it. As it stands, Lee is obviously not okay with it. While Kara initially refuses to fire, she does after he does and never brings it up again.
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numbr8 · 8 months
we don't get to see it, but i think a lot about the mental gymnastics that athena must have been going through when she made the decision to return to caprica for helo and kara.
she was gone. free. she could have gone right back to the cylons and been safe and protected. she could have talked her away around her betrayal. could have made them understand or lied to cover herself. she could have hidden away there and delivered her child and been fine. her and her baby. she ran to protect the baby above all else anyway so it would have been the logical thing to do.
yet she came back. she turned around and went back for the people she left behind because A) she always wanted to save helo to begin with and B) boomer loved kara, and she felt that from the moment she saw kara in the museum.
the truth is... she didn't even make it out of the atmosphere before she turned around.
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d-nobile · 2 years
Battlestar Galactica (BS-75)
Today’s spacecraft is the Jupiter-class Battlestar Galactica (BS-75) from the 2003 Battlestar Galactica reboot continuity!
Meta info: Galactica was designed by artists Eric Chu and Chris Bell, and was intended to look sleeker, while still honoring the 1978 design.
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Galactica went through many design variations before landing on the iconic design we know today. Not all of the scrapped designs were wasted though, as one went on to become the Mercury-class Battlestar Pegasus (BS-62), and some were repurposed by the team behind BSG Deadlock. We also see some of the scrapped designs appear at the Scorpia shipyards in the film ‘Razor’.
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Canonical info: Galactica was the first of the original order of 12 Jupiter-class Battlestars. One Battlestar was to be assigned to each of the 12 Colonies of Kobol, with Galactica assigned to Caprica. Galactica served in the First Cylon War under the command of Commander Silas Nash. She took part in the infamous ‘Ghost Fleet Offensive’ in the late years of the war.
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After an armistice was signed with the Cylons, Galactica resumed normal duties as a power-projection platform, patrolling the Colonies' borders with Cylon controlled space. In the time leading up to her decommissioning, her experienced crew was transferred to more modern ships. Command of Galactica was transferred to Cylon War veteran Commander William ‘Husker’ Adama, and the ship was to be converted into a war museum sponsored by the Ministry of Education.
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However, this would never come to fruition, as shortly before Galactica's decommissioning ceremony, the Cylons launched several surprise attacks on the colonies, destroying nearly the entire Colonial fleet in the first hour, and causing the deaths of almost 60,000,000,000 people.
Galactica, along with a number of civilian vessels, fled the Colonies after it was determined that resistance was hopeless. At first, they intended to organize a counterattack, but instead resolved to search for a new home on the long-lost colony of Earth.
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Technical Specs:
Dimensions: 1438.64x536.84x183.82 meters Crew compliment: ~2700 Armament: 24 Dual KEWs, 514 dual PDCs, 12 VLS Missile tubes Compliment: Viper Mk-II space superiority fighters, Raptor recon craft Propulsion system: Liquid fuel thrusters (Refined Tylium propellant)
FTL method: Teleportation
 Additional notes: Galactica, like many ships of her time, is not equipped with a networked computer system. This is to prevent Cylon hacking attacks, which proved highly effective against colonial vessels.
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D's thoughts: Galactica is an absolutely beautiful ship. She's the perfect beat-up reliable hero ship, and becomes a character unto herself over the four seasons of the series. I can't really say more without spoiling the show, so I won't. Go watch Battlestar Galactica. It's well worth your time. It’s an incredible sci-fi story from the mind of one of the best writers in the genre.
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beatrice-otter · 2 years
An AU I've thought of but never written.
Here's one of my Battlestar Galactica ones.
So, if you are one of the few people who watched the BSG prequel Caprica, you know that Bill Adama's older half-sister Tamara, who died before he was born, was mentally uploaded to a computer inside a sort of computer game/simulation with another girl, and the other girl was then downloaded into a Cylon (first a metal Cylon, and then a skinjob) by her father to bring her back from the dead. (This was in the course of a lot of shenanigans with terrorism and crime and espionage and the development of Cylons, in which Bill's family had a starring role.)
But Tamara stayed in the computer.
What if, in the last season of BSG when they're learning all these crazy facts about Cylons and making alliances with them and whatever, they find out the Cylons still have that computer, with Tamara still inside it, and/or find she's now in a Cylon body. Not with the main Cylons--she was not on good terms with them for a variety of reasons, including having been killed by the monotheistic terrorists the Cylons got their religion from--but still a cyborg being in their hands.
And now Tamara gets to meet the baby half-brother who was born after she and her mother were killed and her Dad went crazy with grief for a while and then remarried. And Bill gets to deal with learning about his family's fucked-up connection with the creation of the Cylons. And the Colonial Fleet gets an ally who a) has all the computer powers the Cylons have, but b) has never been on the side of the Cylons and is a lot more trustworthy. (But mostly I'm in this one for the family drama, and also Unfridge The Brown Girl.)
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gayspock · 2 years
okdok (how my mam spells okie dokie; need to give her credit) some more bsg thoughts
okie btw i never properly said. i DO rlly love the themes of religion in the show. i have seen glimpses (i go through threads, bc im nosy, despite trying not 2 spoil myself) of ppl rlly rejecting it but sorryyyyy its just... yknow like- i loathe how patronising scifi can be of it sometimes, AND how bad fanbases can get. coming off of trek, well, youknow....
also completely . disavowing it .. is always soo silly 2 me bc... like im not religious myself, even, but i always find it one of the most interesting things to explore within fiction ^_^ esp esp with more scifi stuff, like... thats one of the best places to challenge and to play with it. smile. both with its relationdship between science but also how with its relationship between Humanity and how that might differ for different cultues.... and again its so disappointing the way its hanled so much of the time in many works, and by many Scifi enthusiasts. -_- bc its sooo reductive.
anyways i still sometimes feel like theres something missing from the show and i think thats just me im not sure why. like in terms of like... a certain incompleteness thats not JUST them pacing it out, or leaving things up for interpretation... but i cant uqite put my finger on it. its like i feel like maybe its just bc s1 was SO short for what it was and s2 has been very plot heavy. i think the show would have benefitted a bit more from some more establishing "filler" eps in terms of, like, worldbuilding, yknow? again- i really want to see more of the civillian side of things. i hope we get more of that ^_^ its deffo not like THE WORSTTT problem the show oculd have
BC LIKE OTHERWISE im rllyyyy loving the direction they took EVERYTHING in in season 2. omg. they set it all up so well and OUGHGHGHGG. i love how its testing everything theyve built from s1, wrt the command. absolutely crazy moves...
i was absolutely ITCHING for a presence like admiral cain and she delivered. part of me wishes it went a bit longer? just a bit. i dont think it was like... RUSHED... partially bc i do agree her takeover would have just been immediate, like it was, and i dont know what her role really could have been after they called off the assassinations. but idk- i wish we got to see a bit more of her, i guess! maybe even just an ep or so.
nonetheless she was still a really good contrast. her and the pegasus and how its run, versus galactica. and i do think.... i think i tlked before abt how sometimes i was unsatisfied with how, like, bsg kind of handled its own politics sometimes? like- specifically the roslin and zarek. i think thats moreso an issue with the latter, and again how... kind of lacking i find him, for what could be a really good and interesting opportunity to challenge roslin, who does have issues, unchecked, rather than just be kind of a minor antagonist ... & THATS EVEN MOREE the case with his presence back on kobol. like he was literally there just to cause conflict and idk like its FUNCTIONAL but its also like comeee on you can be more interesting with him! come on!
BUT here i do think with both cain and tigh's brief stint in command they did well to rlly explore it a bit more so im forgiving it. its not like that fixes that mess but this stuff was good enough for me to be like 👍uh huh, yaknow? b c it was soo good and argh im- SPEAKING OF, i am glad they did "remember" incidents like the gideon massacre, even after adama came back. again i do wanna see MORE of the civillians- but i think we're going to getthat soon, i hope? i feel it more in the air, with the introduction of that new number 6 and the cylon apologists which im rlly excited for... both bc theyre things i rlly wanted to see more from the show ^_^
anyway i feel like noneof this is that mad i just wanted to ramble in bc i haventttt properly eek and squeak i feel like i acc dont have much to say ^_6 despite rlly enjoying myself and the show LOL
sharon is still my favourite btw teehee smile
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shadowsong26x · 2 years
A week or so ago, I posted a summary of a BSG fanmix I made a decade+ ago. I made two other mixes around the same time, and yeah let’s go ahead and give them the same treatment XD
This one is Heart of the Machine, and it is a (mostly) complete set of all canonical ships* involving at least one Cylon.
Full disclosure: this one, I’d found at least the tracklist awhile ago, so there weren’t any Surprises on here the way there were for Days Upon Our Knees. And...like...there are a few tracks on here that I could have done better, for various reasons, but there aren’t any that Confused me the way there were on the other mix? I more or less can figure out what I was thinking with each choice. And there are quite a few that are just. Perfect. (I particularly like tracks two, ten, twelve, and sixteen)
*So, I don’t have any of the notes involved in Constructing this mix--it was done for a fandom charity auction back in the day, i think help_japan after the earthquake?--but to the best of my recollection the rules were:
1. Canonical pairs only; meaning the couple had to have an Explicit romantic or sexual encounter On Screen.      1a. There is a pair that I apparently forgot--I haven’t gotten there in my rewatch, but I am told that this actually happened and wasn’t just made up for a TFLN blog so whoops.      1b. Presumably there was a Threshold for what counts as a ‘romantic or sexual encounter’; because there are a few I can think of that are borderline ‘was this just general flirting or could I have included it’ (and there’s another that...even if it met the threshold requirement (which I’m not sure it does) it’s. Like. I’ve built Corinne/Armistice Station Six up in my head recently but she’s not really. Uh. We don’t actually know anything about her so...yeah. but I like her and her name is Corinne in my head which is the main reason I brought it up lol)      1c. There are two others that technically count that I don’t remember being discussed; I’m not sure why Caprica/Head!Baltar was excluded (other than maybe redundancy?); the other is a Spoiler for late S4 and was doing something Very Cruel and Specific and I’m not sure I could have found a song for it anyway.      1d. There were three that were specifically excluded for squick reasons; namely Gina/Cain; Cavil/Boomer; and Cavil/Ellen.
2. The pair has to involve At Least One Cylon.      2a. Fairly self-explanatory, lol.      2b. Eleven of the twelve Cylon models are included here nobody loves Doral      2c. If we count by model, the Sixes (unsurprisingly) have the most tracks, with six (heh) total.      2d. If we count by individuals, the highest number (five tracks) is not actually a Cylon. Three guesses. The first two don’t count.
With those rules in mind, I ended up with the seventeen pairs listed below. The mix is structured in model order--the Significant Seven in number order, then the Final Five. I don’t 100% know why I ordered them the way I did, other than I think I started where I did for Alphabetical reasons but then didn’t stick with it for whatever reason. With one exception, for Cylon/Cylon pairings, I went with the lower model number. That exception made for an Excellent final track, though, so there it is. Within a model number, I went more or less chronologically in terms of when in canon the relationship starts.
...I think that covers it, lol. Lots of notes on this one XD Tracklist (complete with youtube links, as before) is behind the cut! (I should dig up the covers for these, I know I have them saved somewhere...)
1/one/tough!six - so immortal (international victim)      so this is probably the weakest on the list, mostly because...they’re a hard pair to find a song for, lol. i do think it fits, and i don’t think i could do better, but it is what it is. (also i named her vera for serenissima and the name has stuck so whenever i see her i’m like “VERA! :D :D :D” anyway i love her)
2/leoben/kara - on the street where you live (my fair lady)      tell me i’m wrong.
3/d’anna/baltar - dangerous game (jekyll and hyde)      i go back and forth on whether this one works better when it’s gender-flipped or not, but the vibe works. i do think i could do better than this for these two, but i don’t have anything specific in mind, if that makes sense?
4/d’anna/caprica - strange and beautiful (drew sarich)      yeaaaaah i cheated again on the ‘no repeating artists’ rule, like i did with the other mix. i think i did for all three mixes i made...anyway, that aside. this is another pair that’s hard to find something for, because we don’t get much that’s about them. it’s all about either the triad as a whole or the baltar/d’anna arm. that being said, i do like this song for d’anna/for what little we do get of them. (do i remember why i split the triad and picked two songs? nope! but i am glad i did; i might even--if i were doing this now--do three songs; one for each arm (other than the one accounted for Elsewhere) and then one for the triad as a whole)
5/simon/gianna - the next ten minutes (the last five years)      i love this song, and i love the...simon knows what’s coming And Yet. that whole sense of ‘for as long as this lasts’ has a Whole Different Meaning in this context and i think it’s beautiful. basically, i love them, and i think this song really fits for them.
6/caprica/baltar - measure of a man (clay aiken)      so i think this is actually one of the weaker examples on this mix. not because it doesn’t work--it does; it fits where they land at the end of the series--but because there are so many better songs for them. i don’t know why i settled on this one specifically, but i think i’d pick something else if i were doing this now.
7/gina/baltar - lithium (evanescence)      it’s hard for me to listen to this song without thinking of these two and their Extremely Fucked Up This Could Never Be A Happy Or Healthy Relationship dynamic now. not because it’s a Perfect Match necessarily, but...just...the Vibe.
8/lida/baltar - crash and burn (savage garden)      i don’t have much in the way of commentary on this one but i like it. it’s a pretty song, and it suits what’s going on in-story here.
9/boomer/chief - without you (rent)      not much to say about this one, either. but it’s a good fit for how they are in the back half of season 1, after he breaks things off.
10/athena/helo - as long as you love me (backstreet boys)      shut up it’s perfect okay
11/sweet!eight/gaeta - hallelujah (jeff buckley)      i think this works really well for the two of them (and for my best beloved most ironically named man in the universe felix gaeta in general, i think). i don’t know that there’s anything better i could pick, but i almost wish i had found something different? this song is such a heavy hitter, and i wish i’d saved it for...idk, maybe the season 4 mix i never got around to making, or a gaeta mix? ah well.
12/anders/kara - smoothie king (bowling for soup)      HOLY MOOD WHIPLASH BATMAN XD
13/anders/tory - when i’m down (chris cornell)      this is another pair that’s hard to pin down. but they’re definitely sleeping together during crossroads when sam is at his lowest and they’re being pushed towards activation and...i don’t know, it felt right? still does.
14/tory/baltar - spy (carly simon)      don’t really have all that much to say about this one either, lol. but it Works.
15/chief/cally - nothing without you (vienna teng)      this song is less Frantic and Scared and Angry than the moment it lines up with in canon, it’s more...sad. such a hard bit to watch, though, and i can’t say it doesn’t fit. ...also i know enough of the behind-the-scenes about why cally left the show that. well.
16/saul/ellen - grace is gone (dave matthews band)      SUFFER WITH ME. also, fun fact--the recording i have goes ‘take my heart/take my eyes’ (which. i’m pretty sure is taken Way more literally in this context than in the original lol). but EVERY SINGLE VERSION, whether lyrics or an actual recording, that i’ve been able to find online says ‘take my eyes/take my heart’??? and since i got my version on a burned cd and i forget who gave it to me i will Never Know the original source or why it’s different, lol. it’s definitely not because it’s a cover, i know that much for sure. his voice is Distinctive. (i do think heart-eyes flows better than eyes-heart but that’s a separate conversation)
17/saul/caprica - and so it goes (billy joel)      look, we all know this is a find-and-replace relationship. explicitly so on his end, implicit on hers (as upset as she is with the corporeal version at this point in the timeline, head!baltar is still hanging around sooooo). also it’s...just a nice song to end the mix on, i think.
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Too Brave For Your Own Good
Kainora Week, Day 2
This story takes place in my Battlestar Galactica AU.
For some reason, everyone insisted he was in shock.
Okay, so maybe he had almost thrown up in his suit after he lost control of the Viper, and maybe he had thrown up once the crew of the SAR Raptor had gotten him safely out the cockpit and into the recovery bird. He’d felt fine immediately afterwards. Nonetheless, they’d thrown a blanket around him as soon as they’d pulled his flight suit off, and he was still wearing it now as Commander Beifong and Captain Anthros personally debriefed them on the hangar deck.
“This is where you found him?” Beifong asked the SAR pilot.
“Yes, sir,” said the Lieutenant. “He’d drifted quite a way in the fight.”
“Was she maneuvering when you lost visual?”
“I think so,” said Kai. He wracked his memory for exactly when he’d last seen it. There had been other things on his mind at the time. “Yes, yes sir.”
“So she survived the initial hits. She could still be alive,” said the SAR pilot.
“She is alive, Lieutenant, and we’re gonna find her.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Get this man to sick bay,” said Beifong.
Captain Anthros lingered for a moment as the Commander walked away. He pulled the Viper Pilot’s Wing from his uniform and pinned them on Kai’s tanks. “I think you earned those today.”
“Typical pilot; more guts than brains,” the doctor groused as he finished poking and prodding at Kai’s head and torso. “You’ll probably be fine, but I’m keeping you overnight for observation. Take some of these and park your ass over there.”
The hospital bed was somehow even less comfortable than his rack, and sickbay was an even less peaceful environment than the duty locker. It felt like an hour passed while he replayed losing the Viper in his mind, only to look at the at the clock and realize it had been closer to five minutes.
Before long, either boredom or whatever was in the pills was making him groggy, and he decided to settle in for some shut-eye.
“What the hells did you think you were doing out there!”
Kai blinked back to full consciousness. “Hey, Jinor—”
“You have one, one frakking day of ACM and you try to get yourself killed taking on a dozen Raiders? It’s a godsdamn miracle you didn’t die and take your Viper with you!”
Jinora wasn’t done. “When your CO says run, you run, because this isn’t a frakking daycare! Our job is to kill Cylons and having some nugget in the way doesn’t help! Korra’s a godsdamn moron for trying, but you? Sticking your ass in the line of fire instead of waiting for the alert fighters? You’ll be on double deck duty till we get to Earth as soon as you’re up from that…bed.”
Jinora took a deep breath, then asked, “Are you going to be alright?”
“Doc says it’s just a little shock. I’ll be fine, back on the line tomorrow,” said Kai, sincerely hoping that was the right answer. “How’s Avatar? Did they find her yet?”
“Not yet. We think she went down on the gassy moon; I’m leaving to search with Catowl and Plinker in—” Jinora glanced at the clock “—frak, five minutes. Listen, you rest up, and we’ll talk tomorrow when you’re back on the flight line.”
Kai nodded. “Okay. And—sorry for losing the Viper.”
“Oh, it’s not lost—Mako did a worse number on that bird back at Xie Bao. Chief’ll have you patching it up first thing. They’re made for pilots too brave for their own good. Just…promise to finish training, before running in to save a comrade like that again?”
Before Kai could promise, almost too fast to notice, Jinora kissed him.
Face ablaze, Jinora bolted from sick bay, throwing an “I’ll see you tomorrow!” over her shoulder on the way out.
Kai lay for a moment, processing just what had happened. Maybe being in sick bay wasn’t so bad, after all.
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jelliclekit · 2 years
Hey guys I changed my url on main: she-went-all-cylon -> littlebluestars
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yihrae · 3 months
I went to Universal Studios the other day. Celeste had acquired tickets via a HP family day event and had invited three of us (Ting, Zheng Long and I) to tag along. We met at around 11am at the 3rd floor of Vivocity, just outside the monorail. Zheng Long arrived the earliest at around 10:45am, while I arrived second at around 11:20am. Ting and Celeste both arrived at around 11:30am… I shared a cup of Playmade with Zheng Long (original milk tea with pink cactus pearls). He commented that Playmade had “fallen off” to which I agreed. I do remember it being much better in the past for some strange reason.
We were a funny group. Among the four of us, Ting and Celeste were more... timid. They were not very willing to take some of the more extreme roller coasters. Zheng Long would get motion sickness, meaning there was a chance he would throw up after the roller coaster. That left only me... Essentially we were not the optimal group to be at USS.
After a singular stop on the monorail we alighted. Large, bold red words informing us of our destination sat atop a larger rock. This sight was familiar yet still retained a sense of novelty due to the period that had passed from my last visit. We walked only for a maximum of five minutes before reaching the entrance. We equipped our HP family day bands and entered!
I frankly don't remember Universal's Studios too well. When we entered I could faintly piece together a few attractions to my left and to my right, but I suspect large parts of the park had undergone renovation. Our first stop was to queue up for the mummy ride. However after we entered the queue, we realised the wait would be a ninety minute one. We then made a tactical decision to eat lunch first and then queue during lunch hour to increase our chances of encountering a short queue. We scouted out the pizza place but we decided it was too small, so we headed to the western place instead. It was $17 for the burger and some fries. Frankly, this was not as overpriced as I thought it would be. I mean it’s bad for sure, but it wasn't horrid. We each had a $10 meal voucher and a $5 meal voucher, totalling to $15. We later realised that only the $10 vouchers can be stacked. We paid $40 using the vouchers and the remainder with my cash.
The burgers were honestly not bad! They came almost instantly (within 30 seconds or so) which was slightly alarming but I chose not to think too much of it! We talked about a range of topics while enjoying our food. Later, we went back to the mummy ride. Our plan had worked! The queue was drastically shorter so we ended up only waiting for around 20 minutes before taking the ride.
The ride itself wasn’t too bad. I’m not sure why but my recollection of the backwards sections was slightly more intense. I suppose Singapore is too small to have anything too insane. It was a pretty solid ride! Afterwards, we headed to Enchanted Airways, which was almost instant. Take this with a grain of salt, but I honestly think the Enchanted Airways (yes the kiddy ride) was more intense than the mummy one… I’m not sure why. The rides were just lacking in intensity and duration in general! But perhaps I’m a psycho - I want to ride until I have a headache and my neck is sore…
We then took the Puss in Boots ride afterwards and some other dinosaur ride. For the approximate hour+ that we had to spend waiting for both rides, they were sourly disappointing. It wasn’t too big of an issue though, for we spent those hours talking away about all matters! Ting had to leave early so after the dinosaur ride she headed back.
We were down to Celeste, Zheng Long and I. I told them to send Ting off first and I would queue for Cylon in the meantime. I really, really wanted to sit on Cylon and I was worried it would start raining and I would lose my chance. Celeste complained that the previous ride was lacking in thrill, to which I capitalised on and once again pitched my “let's take Cylon together idea”. She said she’ll think about it. Anyway, I went into the Cylon queue and queued first. I waited a long time for Celeste. I eventually exited and looked around. I asked her if she was coming and she was like "Oh I thought I said ..." that I did not recall... it was a bit of shame because essentially I had waited in the queue for nothing and had wasted a single Cylon ride because I could have just gone myself. I went back into the queue alone while Zheng Long and Celeste waited outside.
The queue had lengthened by then. They didn’t allow us to bring our mobile phones in so it was literally just me and my thoughts. I observed others - lots of couples and rather young friend groups. I got so bored at some point I started counting the duration in between the movements of the queue. It was approximately 140 seconds. Assuming my counting was accurate (which it definitely wasn’t). Probably closer to 160 seconds then. When I had finally reached, I asked the people in front of me if they minded swapping. I desperately wanted to sit in front. However, they just gave me this confused look. I switched to Chinese and figured that would resolve the issue, but the confused look persisted. Eventually, I gave up on trying to steal their front seats and settled for the third row. Since I was sitting alone I was seated with a stranger. I made small conversation and realised he actually also wanted to sit at the front…
The ride was good!! I wished it was a bit longer and that we had spun a couple more times but I was somewhat satisfied. Upon exiting we headed over to Enchanted Airways and took it one last time before sending Celeste off. It was just Zheng Long and I now. We had to get to school by 7pm for Sports Camp stuff. I figured there was still time to take Cylon ONE MORE TIME. I distinctly remember Zheng Long asking me “Alex if I throw up will you take care of me?" to which I excitedly said “yes!!”. We quickly found a locker and headed up. The queue was only 20 minutes, so I figured we would make it. We waited two whole turns just to secure the front seats. It was worth it. Really. It WAS. My favourite part was honestly when we plunged into the mist and came out, then plunged in again!! The mist is cooling and adds to the ride's exhilarating factor.
Zheng Long told me he didn't feel like throwing up but said he was a bit dizzy. He kindly requested for me to retrieve our bags while he sat down to rest. It was all a flurry from there. We were on a time crunch so we rushed to school!! We ended up getting slightly lost and missed the monorail so we walked all the way back to Vivocity. My feet hurt from all the speed walking when we took the train.
Overall a super fun day! I’m really grateful to Celeste for providing the tickets and that I was invited. Someday maybe we’ll come back and do this again :)
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If you haven't seen my first post about this it's a little bit down my page but here's an update for my cousin watching BSG. We finished season 1 and today we're gonna be watching from season 2 episode 5 onwards (we'll probably get through around 10 episodes maybe, I'll keep y'all posted).
So this will be a small update for before we watch more.
For the season 1 finale until The Farm. (massive spoilers ahead!!!)
She was indeed annoyed about Sharon being pregnant but more so because of how Helo was acting with it especially when Kara showed up and he was all like "don't shoot her she's pregnant." lol. She was also just very confused at how she even is pregnant since she's a Cylon.
She was flabbergasted when Adama got shot. And super mad when the episode ended shortly after that scene. She kept going back and forth on whether or not he was gonna die and was relieved when he lived.
She also is back to not liking Tigh with how he handled being in charge of the ship and calling martial law, etc. which is fair.
She was annoyed by the Kobol situation, especially Crashdown since he's a dick lol. She was surprised when he brought a gun to Cally's head but even more surprised when Baltar ended up shooting and killing him. Also she thinks when Baltar gets back that he might try to hurt Bill because of that vision he had of the man drowning "his" baby.
When Kara took off in the Raider to go to Caprica she thought she went to Kobol 🤣 I teased her by asking if she did not hear what Laura literally said to Kara about going to CAPRICA to retrieve the Arrow of Apollo lol.
She hated the episode the farm (understandably so) and she also already doesn't like Kara and Sam as a couple lol. She doesn't have enough information yet to have an opinion on Sam just as a character himself, but she does not want them together, I got it confirmed that she indeed ships Kara and Lee. It was funny cuz she wanted Sam NOWHERE near Kara lol like when they played a game of pyramid and ended up close/touching she literally yelled at the tv telling him to "get away!" 😭 And she also commented how Lee's better lol. She was also SUPER annoyed when Kara slept with Baltar she kept asking why and just didn't get it which is fair. When Lee approached her about it and they talked about it before punching each other my cousin said, "why so mad? You jealous?" Lol which I find amusing cuz yeah.
I am very excited for her to watch the next episode since there's the Starpollo kiss and the talk where Lee tells Kara he loves her hehe. I also am looking forward to her watching Final Cut because that's just an interesting and funny episode lol but also because we discover another Cylon (at least if my memory doesn't deceive me). And if we get to Black Market I just can't wait for her to see how bad it is lmao. I also can't wait for her to see the Pegasus arc and meet Cain. I will keep y'all posted.
I made this a shorter post so I could get some of it out before we watch more and I have even more to share but I will probably make a more detailed post regarding her reactions to end of season 1 through The Farm another time.
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smollilbaby · 4 months
My love ღ I love you so so much ღღ
We're at our 9th months and counting, but i feel like we've known longer than that, i mean for real we do know longer but hais, kita baru 9 months b? HAHAHAH I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby, even tho one day, you're going to leave me for a guy.... but baby, am i not your guy? Can we kahwin already? If only im a guy, i'd definitely wife you up baby, you're everything and i love you so so much!! ღღ
Today, im going to talk about our special date. Even tho theres third wheeler, our date is always special when there's you. Im so happy that we could finally go to USS together like i've always been wanting to go there but tak kesampaian, but thank you love! Honestly it was a hectic day.
Lets start off with getgo. First of all, thank you for agreeing to half half with me sebab nk sport bagai plus its a date so mcm nak special sikit so naik lah kereta kan, HAHAHAH Not sure why the first few booking for getgo like cmi, but luckily we managed to get 1 at your place.
And im so proud of myself for getting up extra early than usual for the date. Even tho we ended up entering USS like 4pm HAHAHA Honestly baby, im mad. Firstly i was mad at you, but after sometimes, it wasnt your fault at all. And im sorry if i did hurt your feelings by my words or actions, im truly sorry, i was just mad with the connection and getgo. I know if the carpark is not in the basement, i wouldnt encounter that situation with you, im sorry love ღღ
And finally, we entered USS!! Im so happy that i finally jejak situ after a decade and even better that i went there with you!! ღღ It was the most amazing expensive date we ever had baby, and i cant wait to go for more! Im sorry that i dragg 'adik' with me for the most extreme rides, i hope she dont hate me after that day, but im proud of her, cause she survived it HHHAHAH And mylove, thank you sebab layan me and bagi i naik cylon for like 2 times while u waiting at the side. I hope you did enjoy your day there with me. It was really nice to enjoy those rides with you, especially the transformer and the mummy, just comel when you shout and maki and like HHAHHA just in love la with you baby!! ღღ
Even tho we started the day like shits, at the end of the day, i had fun. Especially with you beside me and im sorry that 1 ride, my baby have bruises, i hope it gets well after some time baby!
Baby, you make me happy. Im so happy with you baby. Im so in love with you, theres no other girl that i love except for you. You're the only one and will always be. I can never cheat on you. Im too busy falling for you to even fall for others. Limitlimit i fall from the stairs la cause dah berat sngt dah ni hais!!
You need to know that i love you from the bottom of my heart, you're my one and only girlfriend ღ I cintakan you sorang baby, you sorang je i perlukan. You're more than enough for me.
I cant wait for another proper date with you, sayang!
Till next time USS, i will definitely come back to enjoy it full blast! Obviously with my baby again & maybe 'adik' also hais HHHAAH ღღ
#uss #lovegila #enough #cinta
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purplelinednotebook · 8 months
31/12/22 meant to be written on 30/12/22
The past four days have been a bit odd. We went to visit grandma in her care home and I was honestly really sad. She looked nothing like herself and when we went up in the lift to where she was meant to be I had this awful feeling that living there would feel horrible and same-y, like all the days would blend into one and you’d forget things like the colour of your sheets at home, which honestly can’t help grandmas dementia if she feels like that too. It was horrible and when we spoke to her downstairs I barely said anything. It was like she was a different person, like it was her on the outside but not on the inside, she kept forgetting who we were and towards the end of the visit she thought L was mum and she met asking about my hair. It was all just a bit sad and depressing. We went to universal studios a couple days later and an Australian boy complimented me on my crocs in the line for human and cylon. Me and L then met them again. The day before that we went to dinner with uncle E and auntie S, uncle A, and a few other people. I have never felt more isolated from people I know than at that dinner. O and L grew up with these people eating manto and prawns in suspicious looking sauces without batting an eye. When we go to dinner I feel like a real outsider. There are questions they ask that I never seem to know the answer to but the girls don’t even have to think about it. Anyways about the guy who complimented my crocs, I decided if I ever write a book the dedication might go something like this:
To the Aussie who complimented my crocs at universal and to every other guy who’s made me feel like one of the boys. Thank you.
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Low-key losing my mind at how good the Battlestar Galactica characters are with kids. It’s like a requirement for the main characters.
Like, Apollo has Boxy, who is his kid by marriage/adoption and literally right after he married Boxy’s mother she died. You wouldn’t even know it, you would think this man had raised this little boy from infancy. He’s such a sweet dad, he loves his son SO MUCH. He’s very genuine and in tune with Boxy and understands and validates his son’s feelings. He gets frustrated with his kid sometimes but I don’t think he’s ever actually like, yelled and gotten angry at him. When he met his wife she told him he “seemed good with children” based on a 10 second interaction he’d had with Boxy. He’s one of those people who automatically knows how to talk to children, by not talking down to them like they’re stupid, but explaining things to them in ways they understand. When he meets a little boy and his single mom when he emergency lands on a planet he does the exact same thing and actually helps the kid grow up a little and understand his mom a bit better.
You would not look at Starbuck and think this man would be good with kids but wow he is. Like, yeah, he flirts with almost every woman he meets but I’m 99% sure that if he ever actually got one pregnant he’d drop everything to raise that kid. When Apollo was MIA and they didn’t want to worry Boxy, Starbuck, on the fly, told Boxy that his dad said he was going to be longer than expected but he wanted Boxy to spend the night with the Blue Squadron pilots. He sets up a whole card game with fruit juice instead of beer and jellybeans as bets to give the kid the full experience. He crash-landed on a planet and was rescued by a gang of kids who were trying to rescue their father from cylons by doing hit-and-run attacks. He doesn’t belittle them, or talk down to them (once he understands what’s going on) he just tries to advise them. When the leader of the siblings (a boy about 15) realizes that if he hadn’t listened to Starbuck he’d have made a horrible mistake, he relinquishes command to Starbuck, who agrees on the condition that the kid be his lieutenant. He leads the kids to rescue their dad and teaches them the plan to storm the castle THROUGH SONG. He MADE UP A SONG and taught it to them so, in the words of my mom “all the kids would know what was going on the whole time”. And that’s just SO SMART because that’s how kids LEARN.
And Boomer over here has just learned to roll with his friend’s shenanigans so hard that he totally went along with the aforementioned scenario with Starbuck and Boxy. Like, he went as far as to cue other pilots while Boxy was around so that they kept the atmosphere light for the kid. Also his voice gets so much softer when he’s talking to Boxy and I die.
And ADAMA, the commander of the fleet, who, when his little grandson Boxy comes up to him late one night on the bridge and tells him he can’t sleep, lets the kid climb up on his lap like, “You know, when your father was little and couldn’t sleep I’d tell him stories. Do you want me to tell you a story?” and then he just tells Boxy a bedtime story right then and there on the bridge of the Galactica. I MELT.
Cassiopeia moms Boxy sometimes too and it’s very cute. Back to that time Starbuck set it up so Boxy could stay with Blue Squadron, their card game was interrupted by Cassie showing up and yelling at them about teaching the six-year-old how to gamble and smoke (Boxy did not have a cigar xD) and drink (again, fruit juice). The boys indignantly defended themselves against these claims and added about the card game, “And (Boxy’s) winning!” Cassie gets through yelling at the boys and turns to Boxy with the softest voice, “you can come back once you’re ready for bed-” *turns and glares at the boys* “and they RECIRCULATE THE AIR IN HERE!” xDD
Also, I’d like to point out that all but one of these characters are men and I think that’s fantastic. Showing that the best of the best warriors in the fleet and the Commander himself can be so soft and gentle with children is just, it makes my heart happy. It’s such a needed message- that you can be brave and strong and fight for your home and your people but also be kind and compassionate and loving. They’re just such well done characters and I love them so much. ;-;
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wolviecat · 2 years
Play along, dear - Wolviecat - Battlestar Galactica (2003) [Archive of Our Own]
Day 21 of the Febuwhump: Shackled
He woke up, and for a couple of minutes, he actually felt good. Warm, without pain, not thirsty or hungry. Almost like he was floating. With their current living situation, he would almost suspect he died and ended up in Elision. It would be kind of a shock, as he never was exactly a believer.
When that first few moments went by, other sensations penetrated that hazy cloud around him, bringing him back into reality. There was a stinging pain in the back of his hand. He blinked, struggling to focus.
A needle, connected to an IV bag high above his head. That floaty feeling suddenly made sense. Less of an idyllic afterlife, more of a morpha being pumped into his veins. Whatever happened to him must have been serious when Cottle decided to waste the good stuff on him.
He couldn't remember getting hurt that bad. To be honest, he couldn't remember much at all. He wrecked his brain for any kind of answer - he could recall getting into the Raptor heading… Somewhere. Maybe he'd hit his head, or maybe the drugs in his blood was fracking with his head. His hand itched like crazy, and for some reason, his brain didn't want to let him to focus on anything else. Maybe if he could tear the needle out of it, he could fix both of his problems. 
He reached for it, but his arm only moved a few centimeters before it stopped abruptly, something holding it in place. 
Something near his head started beeping faster and faster, in time with his frightened heart. 
Thick, padded cuffs encircling his wrist, soft enough that they didn't cut into his skin even if he pulled on them as hard as he could, but not any less scary because of it. They had no place in Galactica's medbay. The only place where he could imagine them was the hospital on Caprica, the one where the Cylons were turning people into incubators. 
He'd never seen what they had been doing to those who couldn't give birth, but he had no desire to find out. 
The cuffs were too tough to break, but his thumb was a little less so. He just needed to dislocate one so he could slip out, uncuff his other hand and run, before his captors could return. 
He bit down on his lip to keep his scream in. 
His hand slipped through the cuff, and despite the pain, he almost laughed. It took just a few more minutes to open the rest of the restraints and pull the needle out of his hand. It stung a little and drops of blood welled out on his skin, but he could feel his head clearing almost immediately.
His first steps were unsure and wobbly, but he managed to stay upright.
He opened the door.
And ran straight into the arms of his wife.
“Honey! What are you doing out of the bed?”
Her voice sounded so unnaturally cheerful he had to look twice to make sure it's really her and not one of her Cylon sisters.
“Sharon, what…” She hugged him before he could finish the sentence. “Play along,” she whispered, suddenly much more serious: “We are from Earth, there is no fleet waiting in the orbit, you've just hit your head and got confused. Understood?”
He nodded, feeling her smile against his skin.
“Good. Now lets get out of here before they find out all our IDs are fake.”
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