#sheer coldness of manipulating the kids into working for her. they tease us a bit with the first day she was appointed as a harbinger
torgawl · 6 months
pierro saying "fate grants favors to no one. only those who would fight it with every ounce of their being may earn the right to challenge it" about arlecchino reminds me a lot of that one nicole line, said after scaramouche removed himself from the irminsul, which served (almost) as a prelude to fontaine.
"unfortunately, the fate of teyvat cannot easily be changed. perhaps a god may have a slim chance, but for anyone else… who can say. […] history does not change easily, but human hearts can. believe your own eyes. only that which you see is true. what is unseen is but an illusion." - nicole
this line intertwines a lot with fontane's plot and the monologue arlecchino has in the region's teasers, there's a constant conflation between performance and reality. if it relates to furina because of her story and the fate of fontaine, could it also relate to the duality in arlecchino's character - that sways between the person who reformed the house of the hearth and the fatui harbinger? moreover, her constellation "ignis purgatorius" can also extend her connection or parallel to fontaine's history. fontaine's quest had a major focus on the original sin and the cleansing, and consequent absolvition, of its people. it's curious that her constellation includes the word purgatoris, something that can relate to the place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven or the act of cleasing/purifying.
could this mean something more for fontaine's story as a whole or is it simply an analagous coincidence?
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months
UC!Series Part Two: Grit - Jubal Valentine x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond  @darqchilddaydreamz @trublu2u @greenies-green @proceduralpassion @burningpeachpuppy @evee87 @delightfulheroshoeflap @iworldlywriter @helsinkibaby @penguin876 @justamadgirlinabox @a-noni-love @brownskinbaby22
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Living without you is an adjustment for Jubal.
You’ve been a part of his life for a long time, even before the two of you got together. Two weeks in, he’s still removing both mugs from his cupboard first thing in the morning. It’s a stark reminder that you’re not in his life right now.
He tries to fill his time the best way he knows how, with work and his kids. His takes on additional shifts, covering other Special Agents in Charge and spends weekends up in Scottsdale, immersing himself in Tyler and Abigail’s lives.
His ex-wife Sam knows that something’s up. She’s always been able to read him, especially when it comes to you. She’s the one that realised he had feelings for you way back when. The one that encouraged him to make a move when the time was right, to stop delaying his happiness because he deserved a little light in his life.
He doesn’t tell her all of the details, but she knows enough about the work he does to read between the lines. Your sudden disappearance from his life, the tender way in which he talks about you. She knows it’s an assignment, not a breakup. She can see that he’s hurting right now, trying to keep the pieces of his life together by sheer force of will.
“How are you holding up?” She asks him, sitting down in one of the patio chairs that her husband Alan bought for the back yard. Jubal’s eyes remain fixed on the kids, the two of them chasing each other with bubble wands.
Jubal shrugs his shoulders in response to Sam’s question.
“Some days are better than others.” He says quietly, his hands slipping into the pockets of his jacket. “I keep wondering how she’s doing, if she’s being safe.”
It’s ridiculous to think like that, he knows it. You’re a decorated FBI agent with years of UC experience under your belt, and the thing is, you’re good, really good.
The first time he’d met you, he’d been trying to purchase several cases of assault rifles and you had been the one arranging the buy. At the time he remembered thinking it was somewhat refreshing to meet a female arms dealer.
Nikki Delphino, you had introduced yourself, when he handed over the cash.
He’d looked you up after the arrest. Daniel Moreno’s partner in crime. The guy had put a bullet in two federal agents who had been escorting the original shipment before it was hijacked. His plan had been to flip you, to leverage the charges, the relationship, whatever else he could so they could get their hands on Moreno. The two of you had sat across from each other in that interview room for hours, he went at you with everything he had but you, you were something else. Evasive, cold, and if he was honest, a bit of a smartass. It was infuriating.
It wasn’t until your handler made an appearance that they realised you were one of them. His frustration had turned to respect because game recognises game, and you, you didn’t fucking flinch.
An agreement was struck after that. You would catch up with Moreno, try and lobby a confession about the murders. It was dicey, they weren’t sure if news of your arrest had hit yet. Jubal admired your dedication, when you saw the mess that Moreno had left behind at the site of the hijacking, you’d been eager to help.
They watched it play out over a camera affixed to the necklace you were wearing. It was a lesson in manipulation, something they could use at the academy. You used your sex appeal to draw out the details, teasing, cajoling, pouting until he told you exactly what you wanted to know.
“I never asked…” Jubal had said after the arrest. “What’s your real name?”
“Stefani.” You tell him, the left side of your mouth tipping up into a smile. “Stefani Romano.”
“Welcome back Stefani.” He says holding out his hand to shake yours.
“You have no idea how good it is to hear someone actually use my real name.” You tell him as you clasp his hand. There’s a spark, one that he feels the instant the two of you touch. He doesn’t know it in that moment, but his life has just changed dramatically.
“She’s got grit.” Dana says when the two of them are sitting in her office at the end of the day. “I like her.”
“Yea.” Jubal remembers saying as Dana signs off on the transfer paperwork. “I like her too.”
“You’re not used to the shoe being on the other foot.” Sam remarks, drawing him out of this reverie. “Being the one that’s left behind. You’re used to being in control, knowing everything.”
“Yea, there’s probably something in that.” He says, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown as he considers Sam’s words.
Part of the problem is that he’s out of the loop and he hates that. He’s used to having the information at his fingertips but right now he’s in the dark and that’s a shitty place to be.
“I could say it gets easier…” Sam tells him before shaking her head. “But it doesn’t.”
“And I have a new appreciation for some of the stuff I put you through.” Jubal tells her, rubbing his hands over his features. “I guess I just didn’t realise it would be this hard.”
“You gotta have faith.” Sam says quietly, squeezing his arm lightly. “In yourself, in her. Trust that she will do anything to come back to you. That’s how I used to get through it, no matter what happened, I knew you’d do everything possible to get back to me and the kids.”
“Yea.” He says, his gaze straying back towards Tyler as he tries to pop the bubbles that Amelia blows in his direction. “Yea, you’re right.”
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
To be Evil I: Part of the Team
Summary: You’ve been training to be an Avenger for years with the hope that you will be enlisted as part of the team. Only, when a new threat pops up, Tony asks for help from a past enemy.
Warnings: angst, strong language, mention of the battle of New York, little flirting, feelings of being unappreciated, magical element
Word Count: 2,054
To be Evil Masterlist II Marvel Masterlist
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As far as obeying orders and rules go, you’d do whatever anyone tells you. Not because you want to suck up to anyone, but because you were told by Tony Stark that if you did so, you’d be made part of the team and it’s what you want the most. 
With powers similar to Wanda’s, you feel like you would fit in with the team and you could learn a lot from her. She’s taught you a lot already, but you know that there is so much more you can learn. And though it’s been years since you started training full time with the team and they haven’t made you an official member yet, you’re patient. You’re certain that you’ll get what you deserve. 
The last mission needed all hands on deck, including you and the kid, Peter Parker - who’s your age when you started training, but only part-time. It was a mission that was beyond successful and mostly because of what you did during the mission. You know that, but you won’t boast. However, you’re so sure that this will make Tony see that you’re ready to be part of the team. You’re ready to be an Avenger. 
“Nice job out there,” Bucky speaks as he joins your side, walking down the jet ramp so that you don’t have to walk alone. “I especially like how you threw one guy across the room without so much as batting an eyelash.”
His words make you laugh, bite your lower lip, and drop your head to stare at the ground as you smile at that memory. “All in a day’s work,” you mention, lifting your gaze up to him as you come to stop in front of the doors leading into the compound. “And I have to thank you for watching my back while I was throwing guys across the room,” you say, smiling when Bucky shrugs his shoulders as if it’s nothing. 
“Just let me buy you dinner one night and we’ll call it even,” he smirks, making you shake your head in amusement before turning to walk through the doors. 
“Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer someday,” you say over your shoulder, unaware that he smiles brightly at your words. 
By now, you’re used to a new threat popping up when a mission has just been wrapped up. You’re used to being brief, either by Tony or by Fury, about what the next mission is over breakfast. So, seeing the team gathering before breakfast the next day tells you that something big is happening. 
You’re a bit excited about what it could be, try to hide your excitement and be serious so that Tony will see that you’re committed to being an Avenger. Bucky can see your excitement and he smiles at how you try to act cool about it. He knows you want to be part of the team and personally, he thinks you’re ready for it. He’s trained you, taught you how to fight without using your powers, and he really thinks you’re ready for this. 
Tony rubs his hands together, clears his throat when he sees that everyone is here and looks between everyone. “I know we’re all tired, but we only need a few people on this mission,” he starts, earning a sigh of relief from more than half of the team. “And we are going to need help from someone who has experience in all kinds of manipulation, curses, and that magic kind of stuff,” he continues, making you perk up in interest and drop your arms to your sides. “And because Wanda’s going on vacation, we’re gonna have to add a new member to the team.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, push down your excitement as you take in a deep breath. This is it. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, training for, for years. You’re finally getting what you deserve. Everything you’ve worked hard for is being rewarded to you right now. 
But when Tony looks away from you and to the door of the room, your heart and smile drops. You don’t know if you even want to follow his gaze, but you do out of sheer curiosity. “You’ve got to be joking,” you whisper to yourself when you see Loki walking into the room, a coy smirk on his face. 
Looking around, you see that the team’s not too pleased about this any more than what you are, but obviously for different reasons. You’re fully aware of what happened in New York, about how Loki is practically an enemy. And although you weren’t there to fight in the Battle of New York, you saw everything that happened. 
“Are you sure about this Tony?” Steve questions and you’re just glad that someone has common sense and willing to call Tony out on his bullshit suggestion. “How do we know he won’t turn on us?” 
You look back at Tony, stare coldly at him as you wait for an answer. “I can assure you,” Loki begins to speak, making your head snap over to him as he comes to join the gathering. “This threat is more powerful than you mortals can even imagine. If he succeeds, there will be nothing left,” he explains, his eyes landing on you as he tilts his head in interest. 
“Nothing left for you to play with?” Natasha teases, raising an eyebrow when Loki turns his gaze over to here. 
“Why do we even need his help? There are people on this team who could do the exact same thing he could do,” Bucky mentions, looking over at you and making the whole team follow his gaze. 
Thankful that he’s got your back, you give him a small thankful smile before turning to Tony to hear his response. Tony stares at you, sighs and looks away from you, back to the team. “We need someone with experience-”
“I don’t have experience? Tony, I’ve been on more missions than I can count on my fingers and toes. I’ve been training my ass off the past few years, and you’re saying that I don’t have experience?” you fight back, sick of holding your tongue for the chance to show Tony that you’re good and keeping your cool. 
“I’m not going to have you getting hurt on this upcoming mission because no one’s going to be looking after you,” he snaps, turning to stare sternly at you. 
You take a step forward, one that seems to make the room go tense. Especially when they see the familiar yellow glow around your hands, like when you’re firing up to use your powers. “I’m not a kid anymore, Tony. I can take care of myself.”
“If I may-” Loki begins, but you’re so filled with rage and don’t want to hear a thing from him. So, you wave your hand as you hiss at him to shut up and seal his lips together. Loki’s eyes grow wide at what you just did, how you did it with ease and with, literally, a wave of your hand. 
“I’m ready to be part of this team and you’re more willing to enlist Peter before me and he’s not even out of school yet,” you shout, pointing to Peter angrily. 
As you move your hand, the entire team ducks to avoid being hit by whatever curse you’re holding. You notice this and quickly glance down to your hands as you bring them to your chest. That’s the biggest part of your powers. You’ve called them curses ever since you can remember because that’s how you saw them and that’s how everyone else saw them. It wasn’t only until after Wanda started teaching you how to control your powers that you learned that what you do is just a powerful form of mind control. 
Tony shifts on his feet and folds his arms over his chest as he gives you an ‘I-told-you-so’ look. “You’re still learning how to control your powers. It’s not a good idea to have you out there with something like what we’re about to face and I’m not going to put the team in danger because of you,” he says, obviously not thinking about his words. And you can tell by the regret that fills his face right after he says that. 
“You think I’m dangerous.” It’s not a question. Because when you turn to look at the team as they stand back up, you can see each of them has a somewhat scared look on their faces. “I see how it is now,” you whisper, glaring at Tony for one last time before you turn and walk away. 
It’s days like this when you wish you could just create a portal to your room so that you don’t have the entire staring at you or trying to stop you so they can resolve the issue at hand. Because, as Steve would say, you can’t be a team and fight wars if there’s a war going on in the team. 
Slamming your bedroom door behind you, you make a frustrated sound as you weave your fingers through your hair. You grip the roots, tug on them and breathe out a deep sigh when you hear a knock on your door. You knew that someone was following since you stormed out of the meeting but you didn’t bother to look back to see who it was. 
“Go away!” you sneer, letting go of your hair to turn to the door. 
It’s quiet for a moment before you hear footsteps walking away. You contemplate if you should let whoever it is leave, considering that you told them to leave, or stop them. The latter makes you open the door and rush out into the hallway. Turning your head from one side to the other, you see Bucky walking away. When you call out to him, he stops in his tracks and turns back to face you. 
He smiles at you and starts to walk towards you. “I thought I’d come back sure you’re okay,” he mentions, slowly walking towards you as he places his hands in his pockets. 
“I don’t need a babysitter, Bucky,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Your words make Bucky freeze and his smile fades. He drops his gaze to the ground, bites his lower lip and nods his head. “I know. I just...thought maybe you wanted to talk,” he states, lifting his head up again and gives you a sad look. 
Sighing, you look away from him and shake your head. “Look, I know you’re upset. I get that,” he speaks again, taking a step forward and making your head lift up at him. “But there’s nothing you can do to change this,” he adds, standing in front of you and trying to reach out to try and comfort you. 
But you step back away from him and shake your head. A cold look, almost like the one you gave Tony, comes across your face again and Bucky knows his words came out wrong. “I wait patiently for this. I followed every single order, did everything I was told ever since Tony found me on the streets, playing tricks on cops so that I could run away from them. He told me that I’d have a place on this team, but I’d have to focus on school and stuff like that first,” you coldly say, your hand reaching for your door. “It’s clear that was all a lie. Tony Stark doesn’t hold his promises.”
And with that, you close your door in his face, making his heart drop into his stomach. He could have sworn that he saw some kind of look in your eyes. A look that frightens him because it reminds him of his Winter Soldier days. He knows that anger never bodes well in someone like you. 
Bucky knows your past, though he hasn’t told you. He knows what you can really do, how powerful you can be if you don’t hold like, or if you’re not trained to control them properly. And he knows that if you get in touch with the source of your powers, it could be the doom of everything. 
Could. He always hopes that it won’t come to that. But now, he’s beginning to doubt that hope.
Permanent Tags- @cassindeansass​ @simsadventures​ @fandomfic-galore​ @belovedcherry​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @what-just-happened-bro​ @sucker-for-malfoy​ @geekandbooknerd​ @lonewolf471​ @rainbowkisses31​ @moonie-flower101​ @p8tn0lish​ @rinkashirikitateku​ @readsalot73​ @louisolos​ @petlaufeyson​ @bangtan-serendipity​ @aworldwideapart​ @mythicalbullshit​ @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ @xbuckxnastyx​ @madithemagicalfangirl​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @shannygoatgruff​ @a--1--1--3​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @mblaqgi​ @tephi101​ @coconutqueen21​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​
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plus-size-reader · 6 years
Grief Stricken pt.2
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Jeremiah Valeska x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1490 words
Summary: Jeremiah is finding his way around with Jerome’s ex, who kinda hates him. 
Part 1
Jeremiah smiled at the question, his eyes practically lighting up. What would he have you do? There could be a million answers, but he knew he had to take it slow with you.
You were like a porcelain doll; weak, damaged, and searching for any sort of relief from the suffering and he could give you that if you really wanted it. All he had to do was get you to see that his way was the best way, and it wouldn't take long.
You twitched slightly with each passing second of silence. The ceaseless rapping of the trigger was deafening by the time Jeremiah thought to stop you, and it was clear then that everything you'd been feeling was manifesting in acute insanity.
Jeremiah knew he couldn't let that happen.
Ecco was losing her grip on reality, and everything that came out of her mouth was dredging together in a never ending spout of word vomit. It worked for her, but something told Jeremiah that you wouldn't be nearly as fun that way.
If there was one thing Jeremiah was sure of, it was that his brother was clinically and certifiably insane, and someone had to be the brains of his little operation. If he was going to put money on it, he was sure that you'd had something to do about it.
"Tell me, the heists? Who planned them? There was no way my brother did that all alone huh pet?" He asked, tapping his finger lightly on the desk in front of you to get your attention.
You were smart, and articulate for the most part, your mind was just hazy from lose, or was that what you wanted him to think? He couldn't say he understood the sentiment but he had some kind of empathy for you, because you were still sitting across from him.
It took a second for you to think through your answer. You and Jerome had planned a lot of your little outings together, just doing what seemed fun in the moment but as far as logistics went, you were in charge.
That was just the way it was.
The last thing you wanted was for Jerome to be captured and locked away from you so you were willing to break a few laws to keep him safe. "I did, but I have a feeling you already knew that...didn’t you?" you asked, rambling slightly, it was a sort of innocent stumble that brought a smile to Jeremiah's face.
You were cute, and even if it wasn't going to benefit him in the end, Jeremiah had decided that he was going to keep you for his own. There was just something about you that had drawn him in, and wasn't going to let him go.
Part of what had captivated him so fully was you, and the fact that he was pretty sure that you were manipulating him. You were doing a good job of it so far, but he could see through you a little bit, just enough to get .
"You're burdened by grief, you poor little thing...it's painful to watch" he admitted, only smiling lightly at the end. He was teasing you, but there was a mutual deception that was working for you both.
Jeremiah thought that you were entertaining, like a cat chasing after a mouse. You remained reserved and cold, all while silently begging to be held close and loved like there's no tomorrow. It was a deadly sort of loved that you couldn't stop, and with each passing moment, he understood why his brother loved you.
What was a man to do?
"Don't talk down to me Jeremiah, I'm not a child-I still have a gun remember" You waved the weapon around lightly, as if proving a point that you still had it in hand. It was clear now that you were past wanting to kill him, but the idea of you holding the firearm still brought a smile to his face.
You had so much potential to be a killer, and a villain of grand scale, all you had to do was let him mold you into one. You were a beautiful, deadly protege and there was no way Jeremiah was going to let that opportunity go out the window.
Now, Jeremiah never really thought about the feelings he had for Ecco because she was more of a lackey at best, something he used for entertainment when he was bored but there was something darker to you that he couldn't shake.
You were just as mad as he, and somehow you managed to contain it perfectly. Perhaps it was the death of your lover that buried the sickness for a moment, but Jeremiah had gotten a glimpse of it and there was no letting it go.
"Of course pet, I wouldn’t dream of it" he grinned, clearly kidding as he stood from behind his desk. You watched him turn across the front, grabbing a glass of wine for himself but making sure to get one for you as well.
You weren’t much of a drinker but being around Jeremiah and all the things that happened with Jerome in the past had pushed you to need something. If you were going to do it, one drink wasn’t going to cut it so as Jeremiah sipped from his glass, you took the bottle and tipped it into your mouth.
You watched Jeremiah move to remove the bottle from your grasp but didn't bother to stop him. If he had some kind of problem with you drinking all his red wine, he shouldn’t have offered it to you. "Come on, you're going to stay with me doll-face" he purred, leading you out of the door with very little issue.
Everything you were doing was on your own accord, because even Jeremiah knew that if at any time you decided to go home, you would. Still, there was something about the energy between you both that told Jeremiah that you wouldn’t do that.
As much as you hated to admit it, there was something gently and calming about Jeremiah's demeanor...different from how Jerome used to be. You were so tired of thinking and trying, and feeling. It was nice to just be told what to do for a few moments, even if it wasn't necessarily real.
It took the pain out of the equation...even though you didn’t necessarily feel it like you were trying to convince Jeremiah.
Jeremiah's 'home' was nice, if you could call it that. There was random people hanging out, just keeping watch and trying to keep the riff raff out.
It wasn't working.
You were a little bit shocked as you looked around. It was much bigger than you'd been expecting, and it was hard to process it all at once.
You'd only ever stayed in apartments in the lower west side of Gotham city and there was more room in the front area of this place than you'd ever seen, something that Jeremiah could see in the reflection of your eyes.
It amused him. If anything, he'd finally found a way to close your mouth even for a moment. You'd had so much to say a few hours ago and now you couldn't even deal with all the information that you were feeding your brain.
There was a lot going on in Jeremiah's "operation" if you could call it that. It didn't make any sense, that he'd created such a large cult in such a short span of time.
Not even the Maniax had ever hit this level of range and devotion, it was incredible...but part of it also made you upset. Jerome had worked so hard for everything that he'd built and now that he was dead, his brother's empire was only dust in the wind.
"Are you enjoying the view pet?" He asked, setting his large hand gently down on your shoulder. You didn't even flinch at the touch, which struck Jeremiah as slightly odd, though he didn't pay it any mind.
You had been fidgeting every few minutes since you arrived, but it was almost as if that persona had melted away. He knew that you were holding out on him, and that wasn’t a secret.
There weren't really words for the emotions you were feeling. For some reason, you felt almost as if you didn't feel anything for it. Sure, the building was impressive, but that didn't mean it made you feel something overly important.
It was boring at best.
"It's big" you hummed, ignoring the slight drop in Jeremiah's face. He had been hoping that you two would bond over the sheer impressiveness of the building that he'd made. He'd worked so hard on it, and part of him wanted you to be impressed by it.
As much as he couldn't stand the mild rejection you were forcing him to swallow, Jeremiah couldn't bring himself to be angry with you. He knew that you would come around in time and he was just going to have to wait for you to get there.
You were his new pet after all.
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