shellalana · 24 days
Chapter 4: The Worst Hello
An old Dax is reminded of just how old he is.
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truxicanfalconer · 1 year
((Four years too late, but at least I did it, right?))
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maliwarm · 5 years
Single sentence warmups. Also accepting them here.
“Dr. Zed, coffee.”
The good doctor went through all the stages of grief upon realising the steaming beaker he’d just taken a generous sip from was not, in fact, his beverage, but freshly harvested skag blood for his newest monstrosity.
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yamsinacan · 5 years
6, Mordy + Lilith?
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There’s like a zillion captions that could go with this
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a-beast-of-prey · 5 years
☁ (Reyna leave a Squishable duckling on his bed; referring to that one drabble of him wanting those duck rainboots and raincoat) squishable(.)com/pc/mini_squish_duckling_7/fp_mini_squishables/Mini+Squishable+Duckling
[... thanks, mom]
The yellow fuzz covering the duck’s body was faded with age. And the musty smell clinging to it indicated it must have gone unloved, sitting in a dark closet for years on end, until today. The faint scents of hair gel and gun smoke intermingled with the mustiness indicated that the closet in question had been his mother’s. Irregardless of its age, it had managed to retain its softness, and K’ kept rubbing circles against its cheek with his bare left thumb to savour it.
It was a cutesy little thing; very much something a child would enjoy. Which meant it was the exact opposite of his own taste of aesthetics. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to toss it across the other side of the room. Not when he’d first entered his quarters and caught sight of it. And not now when he was sitting on the bed, the little black eyes staring blankly through him.
For some strange reason “Duckie” hovered at the very edge of his tongue, begging to be vocalised, the longer he stared at it. And the more he stared at it, the more the simplistic billed face began to blur, until it had smeared away to illegible black and orange blobs amongst the sea of faded yellow.
His first tear kissed it just by the blush marks under one eye.
The rest found the top of its head when they didn’t hit his knees, the plush now being crushed against him in a hug. The softness of it tickled at his bare chest every time he shook with a quiet sob.
He didn’t truly know why he was crying, the vague feelings and images clawing at the fringes of his mind too indistinct to make much sense of. The only thing clear to him was a sense of bittersweetness. There was sadness, as with a lot of the erased and repressed memories he was recalling more and more of every day. But it was intermingled with a pure, unbridled sense of joy. It made things confusing in regards to how he should feel; were these tears of anguish or happiness? Both?
A strangled noise bubbled from his throat. His fingers clawed against the duck’s body, gripping it tighter against him, as if afraid it would be ripped away cruelly at a moment’s notice.
Dimly, he was thankful he’d had the foresight to close and lock his door. These tears weren’t for anyone else; it was a way to process all that had been done to him and what had been lost.
Punching people’s faces in and chugging cheap booze only helped as crutches so much. They were distractions rather than balms; a means to run from the emotional weakness he always kept under lock and key, lest it drown him. But to finally give into the tsunami of emotions always being kept tightly leashed, while overwhelming, was also kind of... relieving.
Little by little he was grieving— healing, even. And these occasional silent offerings Reyna would leave him at random helped with the process; olive branches extended to gradually build him towards a face to face reconciliation that wouldn’t devolve into a heated screaming match.
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Munday!: Accepting!
18. A character trait you don’t see often that your muse has.
((Just kinda set aside Blands!Torque at the moment for this, ‘cause he’s far more a victim in his situation than other verses because Psycho-ness is added on top of this characterization rather than a result of or a contributing factor to it.  Psycho Torque would’ve still ended up a cultist for Mum and ended up in the same situation.))
This is a hard one to describe because of my on-brand wordiness and over complicated nuances and such, but Torque’s juxtaposition of nature vs. nurture where nature is him being overall good, gentle, and soft vs. harmful/abusive coping mechanisms and anger/addiction issues is not something I see often.  
People tend to pick one or the other (which is valid), or just kinda slap on one trait over the other or use one to excuse the other. 
While Torque was never necessarily “evil” in motivation --his actions were all a direct result of being brainwashed, growing up in such a hostile environment, or outright fear-- his evil actions were always treated as such and he pays dearly for them.  Though, his good acts and natural want to be gentle is not used to excuse his other actions or earn his redemption.  
As for Psycho!Torque... this changes a little because of his Psycho-ness.  He has aspects of all of these struggles as well as being a Psycho.  Thankfully, he has a much smaller chip on his shoulder and is a lot less overtly hateful (like, he doesn’t like the other cults but if Mum weren’t a thing, he’d just be wary about them).  He doesn’t really go out of his way to actually ruin someone’s day (outside of goofy trolling and peanut gallery-ing), he just sees himself as having a job he must do otherwise Mum’ll kill us all, kind of thing.  As I said, a lot of nuance and over compicatedness.
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bootlegdemon · 5 years
50 to 55
A scene in the games that is always stuck in your head no matter what?
Angels death, the feels man, still hurts 
Biggest amount of money you’ve ever had in a single playthrough?
uhhh around 4 million ??? something like that 
How many times have you played each of the games?
Who is your favorite voice actor/actress in the franchise?
Mordys va, I really like his bl2 voice
Favorite AI?
does angel count??? 
Favorite song in the OST?
Lynchwood Combat 
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32) Creepiest moment in the games?
The eye scoopy scene in tales. I do not do well with eye trauma stuff
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negativpotato · 5 years
@shellalana replied to your post “didjfkl tumblr straight up refused to post this from my phone so I’m...”
I would need to know if this zine takes fanfic work too or just fanart.
I’d love that !!! I love fanfics, they inspire me and they’re a work of art as well, after all!!
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Your blog-based dialogue prompt is:“This month is a mess.”“But we’re in it together! 
Based on this post of yours and sending you some positive vibes! 
Send me an emoji for a blog-based prompt!
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shellalana · 2 months
Just A Moment - shellalana - Warframe [Archive of Our Own]
Umbra decides to share a moment with a certain Cavia, given their shared loss of loved ones.
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borderlandsbigbang · 7 years
What should a summary include, exactly?
Your summary should include, at minimum, the setting for your fic and the major plot hook.
A lot of us are used to writing really short 2-3 line summaries for our fics. For this challenge, since this is what artists will be basing their claims on, we’re asking for something longer - think the paragraph on the back of a book rather than the blurb on the front.
For example, you might take the typical short summary:
Handsome Jack gets a new PA. Hijinks ensue.
And expand it to something like this:
On Helios, Handsome Jack’s PA’s have notoriously short careers. The ones that don’t quit outright tend to disappear under questionable circumstances. Rhys knows this - but the money is really good, and his career’s stalled out, and what does he really have to lose (besides possibly his life)?
Jack wants this PA to be like all the others - marginally competent, and mostly invisible. The problem is that Rhys is annoyingly competent and distractingly hot - and has so far proved completely impervious to Jack’s completely reasonable advances. Jack’s had a talk with HR. It’s totally fine.
Now if only Rhys would get on board.
Obviously, everyone’s summary is going to be different, based on the structure of your fic, so don’t be discouraged if yours doesn’t follow the format above. If you have questions, feel to run it by the discord server or contact one of the mods. Again, this is the summary artists are going to be choosing their claims from - so make it descriptive, and make it sound like something you’d want to read!
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meatybrain · 8 months
Adoptables Part 2!
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Pay what you want! Please comment which one(s) you want first before sending payment. https://ko-fi.com/shellalana
You'll receive a Google Drive link to the .psd for your use! Please don't change the colours or designs in any way, but you're free to resell them if you want.
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maliwarm · 5 years
Mali begs asks people to send her prompts for single sentence warmups: Write about the saddest day in Maxima’s life.
After the tears came the rage - deep and fathomless - and the need to find and utterly annihilate the people who had done this; he vowed then and there as the casket was lowered that he would find this NESTS Cartel and take each and every one of their lives, just as they had with Rocky’s.
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yamsinacan · 5 years
Jay + August: 8 >:D
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This is basically how things happened kinda
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a-beast-of-prey · 5 years
Along with dog pix, he probably has a hidden folder of "pics of people who could be my mom and dad."
{{This boy is already an onion of sad, Mizzy!!! Stop adding more layers!!!}}
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