#sheltered k!nk
urobsessivegirlfriend · 5 months
Corrupting a religious sheltered girl is such a dream come true.
Getting her to be obsessed with you, Constantly flirting with her and teasing her in a light degrading way. Making her have internal conflict with her feelings for not only having dirty thoughts about you but having romantic feelings for another girl even though it’s “wrong”.
I’ll lure her deeper into me, taking her to the next town over for a fun light hearted date. Letting her cling to me and spoiling her telling her “this is how a boyfriend should treat you, you know?. This could be your practice for when you actually get one.” But I know I’m a jealous bitch that has no intentions in letting my cute sheltered puppy out of my sights.
After our lil “practice date” I’ll park the car in a dark secluded area so that we can listen to music and chat.
I’ll pull out a blunt asking her if she’s ever tried smoking before.
She looks a bit scared while shaking her head. I’ll make sure to reassure her that it’s okay that I won’t force her to do anything. However, she wants to impress me and asks me to show her how to. Cute.
I’ll tell her “there’s a first time for everything.” Clearly Insinuating something deeper.
I’ll teach her how to light it and instruct her to only take a small drag but the cute idiot takes a bigger hit and ends up choking and becoming extremely high with just one hit.
“One hit wonder.” I’ll tease.
As it goes on we’ll sit in the back seat
“the music sounds better back here doesn’t it ?”. She’s too high and limp to really reply, she’s too busy clinging onto my arm with her legs on my lap. She’ll keep repeating how nice I am and how much she likes being around me, how pretty my hair is.
Well get on the topic of how she’s never done anything with anyone not a simple kiss or even hand holding, poor girl.
“I can teach you that too you know.”
“Teach me what?.”
“How to kiss.”
She’ll look hesitant. The thc getting to her better judgement as she looks between my eyes and my lips. She agrees with a cute red face. I’ll take it slow at first giving her small gentle pecks. Then I’ll pull away telling her to open her mouth a bit and just like the good girl she is, she obeys.
I’ll deepen the kiss, swallowing up her cute needy voice. She’s clumsy and inexperienced but that’s okay I think it’s adorable. I’ll stroke her legs slowly creeping my hand up between her thighs, teasing her and slightly pushing them apart. Shes too high and occupied with our deep kisses to notice how Im corrupting her.
I’ll touch her soaked underwear pulling away from our kiss to laugh at her.
“What’s this ?.” I’ll tease.
She’ll cry from embarrassment, whimpering apologies and saying that this is wrong that she wants to go home. I’ll comfort her telling her that it’s natural and that it’s okay that I won’t tell anyone about this.
She calms down and I keep my hand on her panties, gently rubbing her wet clothed pussy. Teasing her that the little noises she’s trying to hold in, are cute and that she should let me hear them.
I’ll push her skirt up just so I can get a better view of my sweet girl’s cute underwear, pushing them to the side and gently touching her pussy, feeling the heat and the wetness on my cold fingers. I’ll smile at her tears of embarrassment and give her a sweet kiss as I rub her needy clit.
I can tell by the way she’s gripping onto my arm and her red face that she’s feeling a little too good. Especially when I stop rubbing her clit for a second and she gives me a confused pleading look, obviously upset that I stopped.
“It’s okay puppy I’m not stopping.” I’ll slip a finger into her tight hole, loving the way she gasps and whimpers as a second finger slips in. I’ll be gentle at first. Praising her, kissing her, shushing her sweetly when she starts babbling like an idiot.
My thrusts start getting rougher as she nears and I’ll grip her hair when she gets too loud telling me it’s too much.
“Take it like a good girl.” I’ll tell her.
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
summary: being adopted into one of the most wealthy families in Gotham would have been a dream come true if it were any other family but yours. when your beloved grandfather dies and names you the heir to everything,  all hell breaks loose and the only people who don’t want you dead are your exes Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle.  
trigger warnings:  violence,  blood,   injuries, mentions of abuse,  illness,  soft dom!selina switch! bruce,  praise k!nk,  someone said bruce wayne cries after sex and i support this. DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE NOT 18+
Remember what you are.
They ignored the sirens.
“Please, we can’t just let them die! We have more than enough room.” You pleaded with your father who didn’t even look up from his whiskey in front of the roaring fireplace. 
In a matter of minutes, a majority of Gotham would be an aquarium and your family manor could shelter those who needed help.
“Dear, this is an Act of God. If God wanted those freaks to live, he wouldn’t have sent the flood. If they came into our home, what would you have us do? Clothe them? Feed them? We’ll write a check when this is all over but I don’t want them treading mud and filth around the estate. I  mean, could you imagine? We’d have mice in minutes! ”  Your mother chimes in. You take one step in the direction of your grandfather’s study but an iron grasp on your wrist prevents that.
“You will not disturb my father while he’s resting.”
“You’re drunk.” You spit out at your uncle whose grip only grows tighter.
“ You’re a grown woman acting like a child so perhaps you need to be treated like one.” You squirm under your uncle’s grip as he forces you to stand in front of the windows, arms pinned at your sides, your parents paying it absolutely no mind. 
“I want you to look at them and remember what we have done for you.  Remember the life we have given you and how easy it would be to take it all away.  Remember that you are nothing, you came from nothing, and what stands between you and the currently drowning vermin of Gotham is our generosity.”
He holds you there until he gets bored but you remain there even after the fire has died out and your family has gone to bed. There are no screams now, no calls for help, just silence. 
And then, one single red light. 
It rains the day of your grandfather’s funeral. It rains every other day in Gotham but today it seems to be especially fitting.
“Where the fuck are my Drops?”
“High at your father’s funeral, how classy.”
You can hear your family arguing through your locked door, grateful that they would be focused on  the press for the rest of the day while you could be invisible in the background, saying goodbye to the only family member who cared for the last time, counting down the hours until you could quiet slip out of the house after the repast and then Gotham for good. You had no reason to stay, Grandfather was gone and the only two other people you ever loved you pushed away or got pushed.
You ruined them and they were better off without you. 
“Either hurry the fuck up or walk!” You flinch as your door is banged on and the handle is jiggled. 
You wait until the majority of the footsteps are gone before emerging into the departing chaos.
“You don’t look well Miss, better take a coat, it’ll be cold at the gravesite.” Greta said, the housekeeper fussed over you, helping you into a coat.  
“Thank you Greta.” You said, smiling for the first time in months.  You’d already slipped money into her purse as a going away present for one of the only people besides Grandfather to treat you with kindness in the years since you were adopted.
You wanted so badly to tell her but it was too risky. They’d blame her and that was the last thing you wanted.
You climbed into the car, driving past the various flood repair sites and emergency housing.  There were still so many people displaced after the flood and here you were in designer clothes, just as complicit as your family.
“Send her in first, they don’t give a shit about her. “ Your uncle all but tore you out of the car into an ocean of reporters on the church steps. 
“ Has there been any word over who will take over the company?”
“Why haven’t you done more to help Gotham after the flood?”
“ Were you involved in Renewal?”
Cameras surround the rest of your family as you make your way into the church, alone and unseen taking a seat in the front row.  It’s not long before the rest of your family and other mourners file in as well, led by your uncle who sobs loudly for effect, throwing himself on Grandfather’s casket. You’d have rolled your eyes but then it didn’t matter now, only a few more hours and you’d never see any of them again.
Grandfather would have been proud.
The rest of the funeral goes by in a blur of prayers and memorial speeches, and by the time you look up, it’s over.Your nudged to file out  but the sound of a notification on your phone stops you in your tracks. Your mother all but growls at you before her phone goes off, then your father’s,  then your uncle’s, and then it seems the entire group of mourners.  The church doors bang open and the swarm of reporters from outside make their way down the aisle towards your family
“ Excuse me, this is a private moment, we’ve already given a statement today, let us grieve in peace.” Your uncle said firmly, his bodyguard and some of GCPD coming forward but they shove past him…
And in front of you.
“How does it feel to be the heir to the company?”
“What’s your next move?”
“How will you honor your grandfather’s legacy?”
Mics and cameras are shoved in your shocked face, you open your mouth to speak but no words come out. 
“ What are the fuck are you talking about?” Your uncle yells at the reporters, voice no longer filled with false grief but the indescribable rage you’ve come to know so well.
A reporter lifts their phone for all to see, tapping a video.
Your grandfather’s face pops up and the church goes silent.
“As it is 2022 and this is not a movie, I have decided to forgo a will reading in favor of a public statement to the press so all might know my wishes without any sort of gossip or rumor. I will make this quick: I, of sound mind and body, leave my home, my company, and the culmination  of all my financial investments and assets to my granddaughter and my granddaughter alone.  She is to inherit everything and I know she will do what is right going forward. My executor will take care of the rest and has already put in motion all that needs to be done upon my immediate demise. Direct all further questions to him.”
The video stops and suddenly all eyes are back on you.
And then all hell breaks loose.
Your mother screams and faints right there in the aisle, your father and the rest of your family begin to argue all while more reporters take up the remaining personal space you have, yelling question after question as police try and fail to contain the ever growing crowd.
You’re trapped. 
“You little bitch, what have you done?  I’m going to fucking kill you!”  Your uncle bellows,  shoving anyone and everyone out of his way to get to you.  You trip over your own feet and fall to the ground, bracing for impact that never comes as the crowd falls silent.
You open your eyes to see a familiar figure standing in between you and your uncle.
“ Bruce?”
And that it’s for now! Don’t worry,  Selina’s in the next chapter :) I’m not sure how I feel about this story yet tho
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lxvebun · 2 years
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Request:helllo!!! i’d like to request some headcanons for dabi and hawks (separate pls) with a s/o (gn or f!) who has a mutant quirk similar to hawks, except it looks more similar to a mourning dove (but white, so think wings and tail in white) <3 like what’d they call her, how they react, protectiveness etc <33 thank you bun!!! i luv u drink water pls — dove anon
buns notes: thank you for requesting angel! I love you too💞 it's a little short but I hope you like this anyway♡
content warning:GN!reader. Fluff. Little bit of violence in Dabi's part (not towards reader) use of nickname doll, feathers. English is not my first language. Not entirely proofread as always
♡dc and that also includes if you reblog dark stuff obviously stop interacting with me ffs its getting tiring, k!nk and ed blogs do not interact you will be blocked♡
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-♡ he thinks your wings are so beautiful. They just make you look even more angelic than you already are💕
-♡he does caress your wings a lot. the feathers are so soft and smooth between his fingers he can't help himself! His hands just automatically make their way towards them when he's near you. The softness brings him a lot of comfort
-♡ I also feel like he likes the fact your quirk affects your appearance. He does think you're wings and tail are pretty of course, but it's still a somewhat abnormal thing. It makes him feel a little better about his skin.
-♡ Dabi uses a lot of petnames for you but only a few of them are related to your quirk. He mostly just sticks with doll and angel but on occasion, especially when he's being an asshole teasing, he will call you feathers
-♡He doesn't know if you do it on purpose or if it happens subconsciously but your wings have a habit of sheltering him from possible danger. If on a rare occasion you have to come with him to the league, one of your wings will always make their way infront of him just enough to push him back in case something happens and when walking outside one of your wings will stretch out enough to cover his back. It truly warms his heart. It makes him feel so safe 💞😭
-♡speaking of your wings sheltering him, please wrap your wings around him when you're cuddling. You can feel him relax against you because he feels so content being surrounded by you.
-♡it's Dabi so of course, he is protective of you, especially outside. Your wings do take up quite a bit of space, so when you're outside, it's not a rare thing for people to bump into them or even touch them without your permission, now that Dabi is here tho...you would have to be very stupid to try anything. Dabi has no problem turning anyone who dares to touch you or look at you the wrong way into ash.
-♡Dabi wears a necklace with one of your feathers attached to it. It acts as a little good luck charm and he can fidget with it when he's feeling stressed. (He also likes the possessiveness of it. It's your mark hanging around his neck for everyone to see and he wouldn't have it any other way <3)
-♡listen, Dabi is such a sweet boyfriend, amazing, really BUT it's Dabi so expect lots of stupid bird-related gifts... birdhouses, bird food, whistles, and eventually a beautiful diamond ring!..birds like shiny things, right?
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-♡He's adores your quirk. now he's not the only one with bird tendencies and he doesn't have to worry about how you will react to his!
-♡Keigo his bird tendencies are a little different than yours tho. he is very overprotective of you and your quirk makes that protective need of his worse, so rest assured that hawks is always looking out for you and he's not going to ever let any harm come to you.
-♡that also means that hawks will be clinging to your side 99% of the time, not that you mind. it's just really funny to see how offended he looks when you stray away from him a little bit. that will not last long tho because a feather will pop up infront of you and push you back into his arms.
-♡there are some things that are a little annoying with sharing a similar quirk...there are feathers everywhere. He loses feathers all the time, you lose old feathers all the time. Its a mess and somehow the feathers appear in the strangest places. once a week you two will spend the entire day plucking feathers from between the couch cushions and kitchen cabinets but you're with hawks so he will make it fun!
-♡other than your quirk being a little messy, sharing a quirk is fun!
-♡keigo has a drawer full of little trinkets you brought to him. From shiny jewelry to dried flowers. He treasures all of them no matter how small they are.
-♡your shared home is also very cozy and comfortable. Both of you live in a super cute cottage with lots of natural colors and a big garden full of pretty flowers. Inside your home, you can expect to find lots of pillows, blankets, and fairy lights all around.
-♡you and keigo also go on lots of stargazing and sunset dates on the rooftop of the highest building around. The two of you also turn it into a little race on who will be the first to reach the top (keigo lets you win most of the time so you can give him kisses to make him feel better about "losing")
-♡ being with keigo and having a bird quirk as well is really fun. You can completely be yourself, little bird habits and all.
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Thank you for reading bunnies <3
♡navigation♡ ♡BNHA masterlists♡ ♡dni/byf♡
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The City We Became
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Macarthur fellow and Hugo-award-winner NK Jemisin's 2019 book "The City We Became" is both a fantastic contemporary fantasy novel and a scorching commentary on the infantile nature of the racist dogma of HP Lovecraft and his ilk.
It's a quest novel about a group of New Yorkers who awaken one day to discover that they are mystical avatars of the city, which has awakened and been reborn as a kind of powerful colony organism.
There's an avatar for each of the five boroughs, plus a "primary" who represents the city as a whole. As with all births, this one is somewhat traumatic - but NYC's birth is uniquely fraught.
First, the five boroughs must find one another and connect with the primary.
But they must do all this while under sustained assault from a mystical, transdimensional, Lovecraftian horror, a great adversary to all of our Earth's living cities - but an adversary that had been believed to be powerless against cities after their births.
The enemy manifests as a Karen, a white woman clad all in white, dogwhistling racist tropes, summoning police, weaponizing vast fortunes to evict its enemies or distort their culture. It is attended by harbingers - human beings infected with fluttering white tentacles.
The city's avatars are a BIPOC, queer, all-ages group, spiky and disunified, forced to resolve their differences as they quest for one another and battle the adversary in a race to save the city - and ultimately, our universe - from its eldritch horrors.
As Lovecraft pastiches go, this is pretty fucking great stuff. Jemisin invokes Lovecraft's purple prose and vivid imagery to evince the real frisson of his horror, while simultaneously puncturing Lovcraft's noxious racism, which famously manifested in his disgust for cities.
As with Matt Ruff's 2016 novel LOVECRAFT COUNTRY, Jemisin does fantastic work in puncturing Lovecraft's atavistic horror of The Other by holding the mirror to it - inviting the reader to empathize with the object of that reflexive fear and disgust.
But THE CITY WE BECAME represents an advance on LOVECRAFT COUNTRY in an important regard: the way that it treats with the simplicity of the conservative worldview and the complexity of the real world.
Many have observed that onservativism's nostalgia for "simpler times" is really a yearning for childhood: the reason life was simpler when you were a child isn't because times were simpler - it's because you were a child, sheltered from life's complexities by your parents.
Hence conservativism's daddy issues, its yearning for strongmen who'll make the nation great through discipline, ordering and control.
In this telling, xenophobia is just the adult version of a toddler's unwillingness to eat their peas if they touch the mashed potatoes.
An infantile, irrational fussiness that, in turn, is antithetical to cities - the sprawling, organic, self-organizing, diverse, chaotic places where ideas and languages and peoples and smells and tastes all rub up against each other.
Jemisin's mythical battle of the messy city and the Lovecraftian adversary's desire for sterile order is a kind of eldritch dramatization of the fight between Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs - a fight that goes all the way back to Plato.
Plato's Republic, after all, is the ultimate conservative work - the belief that people are born to virtue, and that virtue determines who is fit to rule and who must be ruled over because they cannot govern themselves.
Plato even presaged Lovecraft's disgust with complex polyrhythms ("maddening drums"), decrying "broken rhythms" for their potential to disorder the listener's self-control - a theme that repeats in Jemisin's book as the avatar of Brooklyn spits weaponized rhymes.
An obsession with neatness, categories, purity and hierarchy are the hallmark of both toddlers and conservatives, and Jemisin reveals that Lovecraft's squamous, rugose revulsions are just three grossed-out toddlers in a trenchcoat throwing their carrots on the floor.
There's many ways to carve our ideological divisions right now. One of the most powerful fracture lines is simplicity-vs-complexity - the need to bleach everything to sterility versus the understanding that complex, thriving, diverse systems are necessary to our survival.
Like all the best "urban fantasy," THE CITY WE BECAME is a love-hymn to cities themselves as living climax systems. More than that, Jemisin wields her city against the forces of infantile reaction.
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exploreneoh · 3 years
An End to the American Beech?
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Last week, in the cool of the July morning, I went for a walk along the Plateau Trail on the western slope of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Located a few miles southwest of Peninsula, the Plateau Trail is an easy 4.4-mile loop trail featuring young and older-aged hardwood forest. Along the way, however, I noticed that the leaves of some juvenile beech trees looked unusual. They were dry and crackly, like a brown dehydrated fallen leaf in November, but still green and connected to the tree. I did some research, and it seems that these are among countless other Northeast Ohio beech trees suffering from Beech Leaf Disease.
According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Beech Leaf Disease (BLD) was first discovered in Lake County, OH in 2012, affecting primarily American beech (Fagus grandifolia) and European beech trees (Fagus sylvatica). Since then, BLD has been documented throughout Northeast Ohio and in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Ontario. The ODNR describes, “dark banding on leaves, leaf disfigurement, and branch dieback,” as typical BLD symptoms, “linked to the presence of nematodes (microscopic worms) in the leaves and buds.” BLD has greatly weakened the beech understory and has led to, “extensive mortality” of young beech trees. Many details pertaining to the origin and spread of BLD are still unknown.
Upon discovery, Lake Metroparks Naturalist John Pogacnik contacted the U.S. Forestry Services and botanists at the Ohio State University and others in Europe and Asia regarding BLD. No one else had ever heard of such a disease. Meanwhile, BLD was spreading from just 510ha of Lake County forest in 2013 to 2,525ha in 2016. Similar growth patterns are visible throughout other affected areas. BLD, however, is not the only disease affecting beech trees. Beech bark disease (BBD), spread by the scale insect (Cryptococcus fagisuga), is a lethal disease that, “precedes the attack of the BBD bark fungi” (Ewing, Hausman, Pogacnik, Slot, Bonello, 2019). Additionally, the invasive beech leaf-mining weevil (Orchestes fagi) has been destroying American beech trees in Nova Scotia with greater intensity since 2012. Scientists predict that, through human-assisted and natural movement patterns, O. fagi will spread throughout the existing range of the American beech, causing irreparable damage to the species and North American forests.
Beech-maple forests are an extremely important ecosystem throughout eastern North America. Beech trees, which hold their leaves all winter long, are critical for birds and mammals that rely on them for food and shelter. The migratory red bat (Lasiurus borealis) hides among the beech leaves when it returns to Ohio in early spring. Beechnuts are an integral element in the diets of turkeys, jays, squirrels, foxes, and black bears. Furthermore, the reduction of the beech tree canopy and understory affects the light environment in forests which may greatly alter the entire eastern hardwood ecosystem. The loss of American beech trees will also be expensive to humans, leading to over $225 million lost in terms of the environmental benefits otherwise provided by existing beech trees. Although scientists are not expecting the total extinction of the American beech, its functionality as a species in eastern forests will likely wane.
In the wake of the loss of American chestnut trees (Castenea dentata) eradicated by the chestnut blight of the early 1900s, eastern forests evolved to the now dominant beech-maple ecosystem. Although many species which depended upon chestnut trees did not survive, forest ecosystems adapted just like they have for millennia. If North America does witness the end of the era of the American beech, a new ecosystem will eventually form, and forest species will largely adapt to the new forest composition. The ever changing eastern hardwood forest will persevere as always and, in the meantime, scientists will continue researching ways to stop the spread and defend against BLD and other diseases affecting American beech trees. Next time you’re hiking in the forest and notice a healthy American beech tree, savor the sight and appreciate the beech-maple forest through which you’re likely traversing. You are experiencing a constantly changing environment that never stagnates, one who's days might be numbered.
Image Descriptions: All images taken along the Plateau Trail, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Peninsula, OH.
Top left: The Plateau Trail winding through the Northeast Ohio hardwood forest
Top middle: American beech trees looking up
Top right: American beech trees looking up
Bottom left: Individual American beech with apparent effects of BLD. Dry ribbed leaves
Bottom right: Closer analysis of aforementioned individual with apparent effects of BLD
Ewing, C. J., Housman, C. E., Pogacnik, J., Slot, J., & Bonello, P. (2018). Beech Leaf Disease: An Emerging Forest Epidemic. ms, Columbus, OH. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/am-pdf/10.1111/efp.12488.
Martin, D. K., & Volk, D. (2021, January). Beech Leaf Disease. Pest Alert. https://ohiodnr.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/1b6ef179-92be-49d6-ab38-74ecda2ed5c5/BeechLeafDisease-USDA-FS-PestAlert-2021.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_M1HGGIK0N0JO00QO9DDDDM3000-1b6ef179-92be-49d6-ab38-74ecda2ed5c5-nEQ-fsc.
McCarty, J. F. (2017, December 10). Beech Leaf Disease Discovered in Lake County, Spreading Throughout NE Ohio, PA, NY, Ontario: (photos, video). The Plain Dealer. https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2017/12/beech_leaf_disease_discovered.html.
Stansberry, M. (2018, October 26). A Tree Hugger's Guide to the Forest Dynamics of Northeast Ohio. Belt Magazine. https://beltmag.com/a-tree-huggers-guide-to-the-forest-dynamics-of-northeast-ohio/?fbclid=IwAR1s5hrDX732x6ucIN_HQfOJbNaQW-HClpFo-fC9h70eOF3xla5FHaEkAco.
Sweeney JD, Hughes C, Zhang H, Hillier NK, Morrison A and Johns R (2020) Impact of the Invasive Beech Leaf-Mining Weevil, Orchestes fagi, on American Beech in Nova Scotia, Canada. Front. For. Glob. Change 3:46. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00046
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Here’s Our 1-A playlist!
You may remember how a little while ago, I (mod Thirteen) posted a little status update saying how we were going a little slow on updates because of a little project we were working on. So here it is!
Basically, each of us chose one (or more) song for each of the characters in class 1-A (+ Shinsou, -Mineta). It was lots of fun, and eventually I compiled them all into one little playlist. Let us know via our inbox or my personal Tumblr @yaoyoyoyo if any of the links are broken!
Under a cut because it’s so damn long:
Yuga Aoyama:
Mod Thirteen- Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
Mod Shouta- Perfect Isn’t Easy from Oliver and Company
Mod Kaminari- Razzle Dazzle by Richard Gere
Mod Ochako- Lollipop by MIKA
Mod Tsuyu- Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves
Mod Hitoshi- Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson
Mod Tenya- Mi Mi Mi By SEREBRO
Mina Ashido:
Mod Thirteen- Everybody Wants to Be an Astronaut by Royal Republic
Mod Shouta- Toxic by Britney Spears
Mod Kaminari- Strawberry Blond by Mitski
Mod Ochako- HandClap by Fitz and the Tantrums
Mod Tsuyu- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
Mod Hitoshi- What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club:
Mod Tenya- Let Me Go by Hailee Steinfled
Tsuyu Asui:
Mod Thirteeen- Bubble Tea by dark cat
Mod Shouta- Return of the Frog Queen by Jeremy Enigk
Mod Kaminari- Levan Polka by Otomania
Mod Ochako- Ready to Go by Panic! At the Disco
Mod Tsuyu- Flashdance – What a Feeling by Irene Cara
Mod Hitoshi- Everything Zen by Bush
Mod Tenya- Wild One by Lucky Rose
Katsuki Bakugou:
Mod Thirteen- Sabotage by Beastie Boys
Mod Shouta- Just Like You by Three Days Grace (This song is supposed to represent his relationship with All Might)
Mod Kaminari- Ass Backwards by Mindless Self Indulgence
Mod Ochako- You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring
Mod Tsuyu- Bring Me to Life by Evanescence
Mod Hitoshi- Give It to Me by Agust D | Public Service Announcement by Of Mice and Men
Mod Tenya-  Cool Me Down by Margaret
Tooru Hagakure:
Mod Thirteen- So Much More Than This by Grace Vanderwaal
Mod Shouta- She’s Not There by The Zombies
Mod Kaminari- We Are Giants by Lindsey Stirling
Mod Ochako- When He Sees Me by Kimiko Glenn
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Wiped Out!/Prey by The Neighbourhood
Mod Tenya- The Girl by Helberg
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Mod Thirteen- Where the Lonely Ones Roam by Digital Daggers
Mod Shouta- More Than Useless by Relient K
Mod Kaminari- Bitter Fuck by Joji
Mod Ochako- Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy
Mod Tsuyu- Demons by Imagine Dragons
Mod Hitoshi- Fireflies by Owl City (for my hc that he suffered from insomnia in elementary/middle school)
Mod Tenya- Clear by Pusher
Tenya Iida:
Mod Thirteen- Brother by Kodaline
Mod Shouta- Battle Symphony by Linkin Park
Mod Kaminari- Speed of Love by Owl City
Mod Ochako- Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Mod Tsuyu- Wake Me Up by Avicii
Mod Hitoshi- Run by BTS
Mod Tenya- Bullet Train by Steve Swartz
Kyoka Jirou:
Mod Thirteen- Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco
Mod Shouta- I Like It Heavy by Halestorm
Mod Kaminari- I Love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett
Mod Ochako- Highway To Hell by AC/DC
Mod Tsuyu- So What by P!nk
Mod Hitoshi- At the Mercy of Imbeciles by Bad Religion
Mod Tenya- Boom Box by Laura Marano
Denki Kaminari:
Mod Thirteen- Electricity by Culture Code
Mod Shouta- Electric Shock by f(x)
Mod Kaminari- Gasoline by Britney Spears
Mod Ochako- What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club
Mod Tsuyu- I’m a Believer by The Monkees
Mod Hitoshi- (???)
Mod Tenya- Electric Touch by A R I Z O N A
Eijiro Kirishima:
Mod Thirteen- 7 Years by Lukas Graham
Mod Shouta- I’ll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan
Mod Kaminari- Whistle (While You Work It) by Katy Tiz
Mod Ochako- Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars
Mod Tsuyu- We Are Young by fun.
Mod Hitoshi- Titanium by David Guetta
Mod Tenya- Shelter by Porter Robinson
Koji Koda:
Mod Thirteen- Something Big by Shawn Mendes
Mod Shouta- Reindeers are Better than People from Frozen
Mod Kaminari- (???)
Mod Ochako- Can’t Stand It by Never Shout Never
Mod Tsuyu- Fireflies by Owl City
Mod Hitoshi- Insects by Kids of Widney High
Mod Tenya- If I Go by Ella Eyre
Izuku Midoriya:
Mod Thirteen- A Capella by Chase Goehring
Mod Shouta- E for Extinction by Thousand Foot Krutch
Mod Kaminari- Waving Through a Window from Dear Evan Hansen
Mod Ochako- The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls
Mod Tsuyu- Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Mod Hitoshi- Glow by Moose Blood | History Maker by Caleb Hyles | Had Enough by Breaking Benjamin
Mod Tenya- Like That by Bea Miller
Mashirao Ojiro:
Mod Thirteen- Titanium by David Guetta
Mod Shouta- Kung-Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas
Mod Kaminari- (???)
Mod Ochako- Have a Nice Day by Bon Jovi
Mod Tsuyu- Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind
Mod Hitoshi- Trails by Pete Cottrell
Mod Tenya- Just Hold On by Steve Aoki
Rikido Sato:
Mod Thirteen- Tea and Toast by Lucy Spraggan
Mod Shouta- Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
Mod Kaminari- Sugar Daddy by Neil Patrick Harris
Mod Ochako- One Week by Barenaked Ladies
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- My Girl by The Temptations (for my hc that he’s a soft man who listens to oldies while baking)
Mod Tenya- River by Bishop Briggs
Mezo Shoji:
Mod Thirteen- Calm Snow by I See Stars
Mod Shouta- Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin
Mod Kaminari- Tainted Love by Soft Cell
Mod Ochako- The Run and Go by Twenty One Pilots
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Tentacles by Ghost Town
Mod Tenya- Anchor by Novo Amor
Shoto Todoroki:
Mod Thirteen- Chandelier– Piano Version by Sia
Mod Shouta- Arsonist’s Lullabye by Hozier
Mod Kaminari- Gasoline by Halsey
Mod Ochako- Clair de Lune by Debussy
Mod Tsuyu- Burn It Down by Linkin Park
Mod Hitoshi- Identity Disorder by Of Mice and Men
Mod Tenya- La Lune by Madeon
Fumikage Tokoyami:
Mod Thirteen- Sleepwalking by Bring Me the Horizon
Mod Shouta- Monster by Skillet
Mod Kaminari- Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Mod Ochako- Castle of Glass by Linkin Park
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Happy Song by Bring Me the Horizon
Mod Tenya- BLK CLD by XYLO
Ochako Uraraka:
Mod Thirteen- Little Me by Little Mix
Mod Shouta- It’s Beautiful by Sofia
Mod Kaminari- Anyone Who Knows What Love Is by Irma Thomas
Mod Ochako- Sing by Pentatonix
Mod Tsuyu- Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Mod Hitoshi- Thank God for Girls by Weezer
Mod Tenya- Circles by machineheart (Vanic Remix)
Momo Yaoyorozu:
Mod Thirteen- That’s My Girl by Fifth Harmony
Mod Shouta- One Girl Revolution by Superchick
Mod Kaminari- Salute by Little Mix
Mod Ochako- Words Fail by Ben Platt
Mod Tsuyu- Almost There by Anika Noni Rose
Mod Hitoshi- Chairman’s Waltz from Memoirs of a Geisha
Mod Tenya- Brave Honest Beautiful by Fifth Harmony
Sero Hanta:
Mod Thirteen- Tape Machine by STRFKR
Mod Shouta- Duct Tape by The Warp Zone
Mod Kaminari- Mister Cellophane by John C. Reilly
Mod Ochako- Believer by Imagine Dragons
Mod Tsuyu- Geronimo by Sheppard
Mod Hitoshi- Feelings Fade by Gnash (for my hc that he uses his quirk to go to the top of UA to be alone and listen to cringe/angst songs like this while thinking about life. Also listens to blessthefall & blackbear & sws)
Mod Tenya- My Way by Calvin Harris
Present Mic:
Mod Thirteen- Why Worry by Set It Off
Mod Shouta- I Like It Loud by Cash Cash
Mod Kaminari- Big Enough by Kirin J. Callinan
Mod Ochako- Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
Mod Tsuyu- Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
Mod Hitoshi- Back To School by Deftones (for my hc that he and Aizawa were those Kool Kidz Who Were Also Misfitz™ back in high school)
Mod Tenya- Louder by Charlie Who?
Aizawa Shouta:
Mod Thirteen- This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars
Mod Shouta- People Equals Shit by Richard Cheese
Mod Kaminari- Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz
Mod Ochako- Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
Mod Tenya- IDFC by Blackbear
All Might:
Mod Thirteen- Heroes by Mans Zelmerlow
Mod Shouta- Zero to Hero from Hercules
Mod Kaminari- Hall of Fame by The Script
Mod Ochako- The Take Over, The Break’s Over by Fall Out Boy
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- (???)
Mod Tenya- The Greatest by Sia
Mod Thirteen- Stomach It by Crywolf
Mod Shouta- Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark
Mod Kaminari- If I Had a Heart by Fever Ray
Mod Ochako- Crazy = Genius by Panic! At the Disco
Mod Tsuyu- Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off
Mod Hitoshi- Slow Motion by Third Eye Blind | MNSTR by Crown the Empire
Mod Tenya- Mustang Kids by Zella Day
Mod Thirteen- Duality by Set It Off
Mod Shouta- Kill Everyone by Hollywood Undead
Mod Kaminari- Body by Mother Mother
Mod Ochako- Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark
Mod Tsuyu- Sarcasm by Get Scared
Mod Hitoshi- Johnny Ringo/Johnny’s Rebellion/Johnny’s Revenge by Crown The Empire
Mod Tenya- I’m Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rexha
Mod Thirteen- Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds
Mod Shouta- Feisty by Jhameel
Mod Kaminari- Fergalicious by Fergie
Mod Ochako- Lone Digger by Caravan Palace
Mod Tsuyu- S&M by Rihanna
Mod Hitoshi- Bruises and Bitemarks by Good with Grenades
Mod Tenya- Bad Intentions by Niykee Heaton
Bonus: Himiko:
Mod Thirteen- Uki Uki Midnight by BABYMETAL
Mod Shouta- Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate
Mod Ochako- Aftermath by Caravan Palace
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technoqueers · 4 years
html test 3
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Happy Holigays from TQ! For the first time since sending out the guide v.1, we're going into hibernation for a bit and taking a break! Feel free to email us if you’d like ideas for where to go out, or just check RA! If you'd like to peruse past editions of the guide, they're posted on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Stay in touch, stay warm, and hope to see y’all on the dancefloor in the new year! 💗
How Charlene Incarnate Inherited the Legacy of NYC’s Drag Scene // “That’s what gay people are good at,” she acknowledges, “being audience members and contributing energy.” “We saw the shuttering of every space [queer folks threw] parties in, every space that wasn’t a typical gay dive bar. They’re all gone now.” The artist grieves both her home [Casa Diva] and the community it provided, and the fact that spaces like hers are “even rarer or nonexistent in the neighborhoods that [queer folks are] still occupying.”
“Taking drag out of nightlife is like taking it out of queerness,” Charlene says, adding that drag “happens in the spaces that were left to us.” How Papi Juice Became the Most Important Party in New York City // In 2013, Oscar Nuñez and fellow DJ Adam Rhodes were tired of going to parties catering to white, cisgender gay men — and were thus inspired to create a party that centered queer and transgender people of color. “We are part of a legacy of people who have been doing similar work for years,” Rhodes explains. “Seeing colleagues emerge and get bigger has been amazing. I love that there are more parties that are specifically serving our people. They’re creating spaces where we can be celebrated in all of our beauty and diversity.” Rare photos of New York’s iconic club kids // We were able to set an example for the everyday kid who was coming from the outer boroughs, and maybe it would give them permission to be a little more liberated within their own lives and within their own context. This was very valuable. The real tragedy when they closed all of the mega clubs in New York was that a number of creative people lost job opportunities. That’s why New York really suffered culturally when the nightclub industry was targeted and wiped out because all of a sudden people couldn’t pay their rent or sustain their art practices. That was a really sad moment for New York culturally. Masked balls and gay uprisings: Queer Maps is a guide to 150 years of LGBTQ history // The tool launches at a time of growing concern about the disappearance of queer bars in cities across the country – LA’s last remaining lesbian bar closed in 2017. It honors world-famous institutions alongside little-known haunts that quietly thrived during eras when being gay was criminalized and dangerous. Saatchi exhibits and BBC Four docs: why is 2019 so nostalgic for 80s rave? // These events were communal and often lawless. They were not happening with anyone’s permission but instead were reactions to the prevailing currents of their time. Deller’s film analyses rave’s role in the traumatised aftermath of the miners’ strike. Rave, he proposed, was “a death ritual marking the transition of Britain from an industrial to a service economy”. Techno Titan Carl Craig Commissioned for Sound Project at Dia:Beacon, Five Years in the Making // Craig—part of a fabled lineage for a legacy of techno music that was born and bred in Detroit—said he drew connections between his hometown and Dia:Beacon’s setting in a former factory that had been abandoned for years before it was transformed in an art-world destination. More to the floor: the decade the dancefloor was decolonised // Perhaps partly helped by the global panopticon of the internet, DJs and producers combine everything from the weighty syncopations of footwork to the sparse, percussive rolls of gqom and euphoria of hard trance, until the key compounds are almost unrecognisable – and then add their own distinctive local flavour. The result is a simultaneously global and local sound, and cross-continental collaborations are making it even more cosmopolitan. First Floor #13 – Where Have All the Anthems Gone? // More and more, what matters is contextualizing an artist within a larger socioeconomic and sociopolitical backdrop. Writers and editors obviously still consider the music, but they’re now also thinking about stuff like identity, representation, privilege and structural discrimination, and while that rubs some people the wrong way—particularly the “it should just be about the music” crowd—I don’t see it as a problem. Leave Your Body at the Door: How ketamine became the drug of choice for our dissociated moment. // In the 1980s and ’90s, the growth of rave culture brought it onto New York dance floors and it became a staple of the club kid scene, prompting the first wave of ketamine trend pieces. “Whether it’s a gay all-nighter, or at a hard techno rave patronized by young, white out-of-towners, the picture is invariably the same. Come 3 a.m., the dance floor is littered with those wasted on ketamine,” Muzik Magazine wrote in that same 1998 article. But in 2019, once-fringe elements of rave culture have bled into the mainstream. EDM is elevator music, banker bros and leather-daddies share bumps at Bushwick warehouse events, Silicon Valley has invaded Burning Man, and the wellness world has turned the drugs of the ’60s counterculture into productivity boosters for start-ups. As rave culture has rebranded, ketamine has pivoted with it. Today’s K users are bringing the drug beyond the dance floor: to chilled-out bar nights and tech-world salons, New-Age wellness retreats and quiet nights at home. NYC Votes To Ban Flavored Vaping Products // New York became the first major city in the country to ban all flavored vaping products on Tuesday. The ban is expected to take effect in July. The crackdown also comes amid an outbreak of vape-related lung disease that's killed dozens of people nationwide, including at least two New York City residents. Researchers with the Center for Disease Control have linked the sickness to vitamin E acetate, which is commonly used in black market THC vaping products.
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11-6 // parka presents Trust Exercise: Courage @ Market Hotel // The theme of the night is Courage as a reminder of the courage it takes to trust and be vulnerable. We forget that not everyone celebrates the holidays the same way and many have had to sacrifice a lot to move away from home.
10-3 // Thanksgiving eve with justin strauss and juan maclean @ Black Flamingo 10-4 // Marcellus Pittman All Night @ Nowadays // The Detroit don is back to bless us with another marathon set. 10-4 // pure immanence XL @ Bossa // 10-11: Pure Immanence, 11-12:20: Night Doll, 12:20-1: perrX (live), 1-3: quest?onmarc, 3-4: Pure Immanence 10-4 // OD: Yurk \ Skyshaker \ WILHELMINA \ Christy @ 444 Club
10-4 // ADAM X & MÆDON @ Bossa 10-4 // Bermuda /\ Thanksgiving night @ Venus in Furs
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10 // ELSEWORLD: Juan Atkins, Noncompliant, Lauren Flax & More @ Elsewhere // 🌎🛸 HALL 🛸🌎 Juan Atkins, Noncompliant, Relaxer (live), Lauren Flax 🌎🛸 THE LOFT 🛸🌎 Cultivated Sound and Friends: Maŕa & Chamberlain Zhang, 夜露四苦4649 [ Haruka Salt & Yuri Mizokami], LOKA $5 off presales
10-4 // Room To Live presents sold and DJ Wawa @ Newtown Radio // sold (Chicago, smartbar, Groove Cafe), DJ Wawa, Room To Live residents 10-4 // Soul 2 Seoul Do Black Friday @ Mood Ring // Tag Team, Back Again, Back by unpopular demand, The original Blasian Super Duo. Chung & Turtle All Night 10-4 // Technofeminism @ Bossa // BORED LORD (LA), AKUA 10-4 // Blazej Malinowski [Live] + Mary Yuzovskaya @ Public Records // Polish-born DJ Blazej Malinowski brings his knack for deep + atmospheric techno to the Sound Room for a live performance. Having released records on Semantica, TGP, SIlent Season + many more, expect a tripped out, mesmerizing set with Monday Off founder, Unter regular, and vinyl-only DJ Mary Yuzovskaya kicking things off and closing the room. 10-4 // Working Women and Martyn @ Nowadays // Nowadays resident DJs Nina, Nicely and Voices, aka Working Women, are teaming up with 3024 boss (and Ostgut Ton, Brainfeeder, Ninja Tune, Hyperdub, Warp and Aus Music alum) Martyn. 10-5 // Stenny, rrao, Only Child, Significant Other Plus Lagasta, Jacques Renault, Boys' Shorts @ Good Room // Stenny is an essential producer in driving forward the sound of Ilian Tape. A versatile, adventurous and tough approach allow for constant forward momentum and a truly unrelenting energy on the dancefloor.
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10-5 // NEW YORK TRAX x VOITAX @ BASEMENT // In partnership with the forward-thinking, Berlin-based, record label Voitax, New York Trax brings 4 massive live acts for its Basement debut. Makaton LIVE, Swarm Intelligence LIVE, Brenecki LIVE, Deflector LIVE, Cressida, Paàl
10-4 // XXxBORED LORD x NYCxXx @ Mood Ring // ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ bored lord, pauli cakes, phoneg1rl, nk badtz maru ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ 10-4 // FIT Siegel / DJ Fire / DJ Healthy @ Bossa 10-4 // Soul Summit Music All Night Long @ Black Flamingo 10-5 // Perel, L&L&L + Lost Soul Enterprises with L. Sangre, R Gamble @ Good Room // Perel will be joined by L&L&L Record Club. Lost Soul Enterprises takes over the Bad Room with party residents L.Sangre and R Gamble. LSE is a party and label focused on mutant sounds past and present: wave, electro, body music, and all things in between. 10-5 // Shelter 002: Timmy Regisford, Francis Harris + Special Guests @ Public Records // Crossing generations of fans in New York, Timmy Regisford joins Public Records music director and partner Francis Harris for a monthly affair in the Sound Room with one question in mind: How deep is your love for House? 11 // Occupy the Disco @ Elsewhere (Zone One) 10-7 // Dee Diggs, Posi-Track and DJ Bone @ Nowadays // For this soiree, HalfMoonBK's Dee Diggs is teaming up with Fermented Frequency's Posi-Track and the inimitable DJ Bone. Good luck leaving before daybreak.
3-9 // The Carry Nation All Day @ Nowadays // Nita Aviance and Will Automagic have been working together as the Carry Nation for the better part of a decade. During that time, they've lit up clubs, lofts and warehouses the world over and released music on Nervous, Classic Music Company and W&O Street Tracks.
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urobsessivegirlfriend · 4 months
Name: Ven
masc Lesbian
Age: 25
Big three: ☀️-Libra ⬆️- Gemini 🌑-Scorpio
Kinks: CNC, somno, edging, Dacryphilia, bdsm, mommy, breeding, sheltered k!nk, impregnating, stalking, corruption, intruder, intoxication, exhibitionism.
Hard limits: Age play, scat.
I sometimes reblog in a sub pov but that’s just for the pathetically stupid victims that cum on my page🩶.
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claroquequiza · 7 years
Identity asks: every questions except 17,23 26 and 27 =D
OH MY...
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
This is difficult to answer because I have such spotty taste in everything--I rarely have more than one song by the same artist, for example, or read more than one book by the same author. SO, if you base your understanding of me on which works I have consumed more than one of from the same author, artist, or whomever, then a small list would be: Jane Austen, Arthur C. Clarke, Mercedes Lackey, Musouka (from FF.N) and Michael Crichton for authors, Studio Ghibli, Disney, Ang Lee, and Star Trek TNG and VOY for movies/TV, and ABBA, Adele, Annie Lennox, Bad Lip Reading, Belanova, Beyonce, Daft Punk, David Bowie, Dido, Efecto Pasillo, Enya, Florence + The Machine, Juan Gabriel, OK Go, P!nk, Queen, Regina Spektor, The Seatbelts, and Woodkid.
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
You know, I don’t think so--I have disagreements with the style, intentions, and beliefs of every writer I’ve ever read. It would almost be terrifying if I did find someone who thinks just like I do, like--WHO SENT YOU???
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
Overwatch: Hanzo
Pride&Prejudice: Mr. Collins (I don’t think I’m anywhere near as bad as him anymore, but when I was a kid...holy hell...)
Star Trek: Counselor Troi
Star Wars: C-3PO
4. do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
Daniel is an okay name! I don’t like its meaning much, though: God is my judge. Ew. I’m adopted, and I’ve met my birthmom, and for the three days before my adoption went through, she called me Esai, which is a bit more unique but means “God is salvation”. Not that much better than Daniel in implication. If I were to pick a name? I like wolves, so maybe Boris or Caleb. 
5. do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
I’m definitely a human being, I’m not very dynamic at all. That’s a huge sticking point between me and my dad actually: he has a need to constantly be doing things and has a very strong sense of pride in his accomplishments, big or small. I don’t have that same sense of accomplishment, for almost anything really. My writing and my humor are almost my only sources of pride, really.
6. are you religious/spiritual?
Absolutely not! I was raised a devout Mormon, so I’m very familiar with a certain kind of religion/spirituality, but I’ve been at odds with it for almost as long as I can remember. Even when I was very young I was drawn far more to a more scientific outlook and believed in religion more as an aside more than out of personal devotion, at least until I was a teenager. But that was a short phase. Nowadays I’m a fairly hard atheist, meaning I don’t believe anything has a supernatural explanation, so--no, not religious, not spiritual.
7. do you care about your ethnicity?
LOL, I am 1/8 Navajo, and growing up I was encouraged to be far more proud of that than was merited. I know next to nothing about Navajo culture, but that didn’t stop me from telling people about it as though it meant something to me personally when it actually didn’t. I don’t do that much anymore--sometimes I fall back into the habit though, to my shame. 
I don’t think much about the other 7/8, though I did do a DNA test a few months ago that suggests I may have a little bit of Moorish ancestry by way of Al-Andalus, which is interesting to me because I love Spain, but other than that I don’t think my personal connection to my ethnicity is anything to be proud of.
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
Enya, Adele, and Woodkid.
9. are you an artist?
Naw! I used to aspire to be one, but I’ve only drawn once in the past few years.
10. do you have a creed?
I live mostly by the Golden Rule these days, but with caveats. Not everyone deserves its protection.
11. describe your ideal day.
Wake up after sleeping the whole night through, have a breakfast of pancakes and bacon, go the gym, come back to write a nice long chapter with a break for a lunch of pizza, and finish out the day watching something entertaining/informative with a nice big dinner of hamburgers or spaghetti before going to bed with a sense that the day was well spent.
12. dog person or cat person?
Both! Dogs and cats are both awesome! My dream is have at least one of each who are best friends with each other, but it’s unlikely because when I do get pets, I’m going to adopt them from a shelter, so they’re likely to be adults who will tolerate each other but not be good friends.
13.inside or outdoors?
Both! Inside when it’s cold, outside when it’s warm/hot!
14. are you a musician?
I can sing okay! I learned to play the viola and the clarinet when I was growing up, but I haven’t played either for a while. If I get the money, I might take up the viola again.
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.
Lord of the Rings, Andromeda Strain, The Last Herald-Mage, Pride&Prejudice, 2010: Odyssey Two
16. if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
NOPE. I am very much a product of my environment. The biggest factor in my childhood is the homophobic religion I was raised in--all things being equal, if I had been raised in an environment with a positive, neutral, or absent religion, my childhood would have been much, much better and I’d be a much healthier person. 
18. what’s your patronus?
I haven’t been assigned one, but probably a cat or a pig.
19. which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
I imagine I would be a muggle, but if I were a wizard, I would apparently be a Slytherin.
20. would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
I would like to live in the Star Trek universe. I think it has fairly positive outlooks and societal workings. I especially like the post-scarcity aspect that allows people to live their lives more or less independent of their chosen vocation. I’m sure it would be a paradise for artists and authors.
21. do you love easily?
I don’t know! I don’t think so, but I haven’t really been allowed or allowed myself to be in situations where I might fall in love. I don’t know whether that means I don’t love easily or just that I haven’t had the opportunity to.
22. list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
Browsing the Internet
Holding Myself Back
24. have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
25. could you live as a hermit?
YES. That’s practically how I’ve been living lately--I’ve had a difficult relationship with society in general for the past year or so. The only caveat might be that I would still like an Internet connection, which probably doesn’t count as a hermit, but I've been thinking of disappearing into the wilderness.
28. on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
On average? 5. Depends on the person, of course--if they’re conservative, it’s much, much easier. If they’re liberal, it’s harder. 
29. three songs that you connect with right now.
New Rules - Dua Lipa
I Won’t Let You Down - OK Go
The Writing’s On the Wall - OK Go
30. pick one of your favorite quotes.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
-Philip K. Dick
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
summary: being adopted into one of the most wealthy families in Gotham would have been a dream come true if it were any other family but yours. when your beloved grandfather dies and names you the heir to everything,  all hell breaks loose and the only people who don’t want you dead are your exes Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle.  
trigger warnings:  violence,  blood,   injuries, mentions of abuse,  illness,  soft dom!selina switch! bruce,  praise k!nk, someone said bruce wayne cries after sex and i support this. DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE NOT 18+
Pretty words and dancing with a ghost.
You watched Bruce’s car go off into the distance, the reality of going back into the house you were planning on running away from only a few hours ago finally starting to sink in. 
“ You know, I've always liked that boy.” Greta said as you walked into the kitchen, clothes still damp from the rain. 
“ He just gave me a ride home Greta, I don’t think Mom was going to let me carpool after what just happened.  Oh god, you don’t know, do you?” Greta nods, sliding a mug of hot tea into your hand.
“ I’ve known for quite some time dear, just as I also know that if I go look in my purse right now, I’ll find triple my salary.”  Greta laughs at the bewilderment on your face, patting your hand.
“Did you honestly believe your grandfather was going to leave you with nothing?  I remember the day your mother brought you home, how scared you were of everything and everyone. Your grandfather was far from a perfect man but when you came into this house, you brought him the one thing he had been missing.”
“ Good publicity?”
“Hope.  Your parents adopted you as a publicity stunt, you know that, I know that, and your grandfather knew it too but you managed to reach him in a way his children did not and they hate you for it.  The things they did and continue to do to you under this roof I shudder to think about.  Your grandfather and I should have done a far better job protecting you-
“ Greta, it wasn’t your fault-
“No, let me finish. Every adult in your life has failed you in one way or another, including me but you have not and will not fail yourself.” Greta said, wiping away your tears and her own.
“ But what do I do now? What if I just took the money and ran? They’ll be back soon and I’m not sure I can face them yet.” 
“I can handle them. I know you want to leave and if you did, no one would blame you.  But there’s a benefit tonight, usually your uncle goes in your grandfather’s stead but if you’re feeling up to it and want to get out of the house a little longer, I can have a car ready in five.”
The tea cold in your hands, you weigh your options which seem to be running away for good, hiding upstairs until your family comes home, or going to a party where you won’t know anyone.
“ I don’t have anything to wear.”
Before you know it, you’ve outside of a gala, not exactly where you thought you’d be tonight but you’re there nonetheless.  You’re barely out of the car before journalists spot you and it takes everything in you to not do your usual routine of pretending you’re invisible.
“You’re the richest woman in Gotham now, how does it feel?”
“Who are you wearing?”
“Will you be spending your money on yourself or charity?”
“Where’s your date?”
“Gotham is well aware of my grandfather’s history of philanthropy and I hope to continue good work in his name. I understand what it is like to be without money, food, or shelter, and no one should have to feel that way. I acknowledge the place of privilege I am at now but I am committed to putting my money towards the people who need it and not those who seek to make a profit. I’m excited to get to work.” 
Where the fuck did that come from?
 The pretty words and a shy smile flow out of you way too easily as you move away from the press line, making your way into the party. The hard part was done, now you could just eat some shrimp puffs, drink champagne in a corner before going home to face your no doubt vengeful parents.  All you had to do now was-
“ Would the richest woman in Gotham care to dance?”
That voice.
That silky, life altering voice that brought you to your knees at one time in your life and even now had you wobbling in your heels as you turned around to face what had to be a ghost.
 Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek! I’ve got some irl stuff that’s just popped up but I hope to have this finished up soon! See you soon and thank you for reading!
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otome--gokoro · 7 years
music library meme
Rules: Set your entire music library to shuffle and then report the first 20 tracks that pop up! Then tag ten additional victims. Tagged by @ihavetoomuchinterests! Thank you :)
1) L’Arc~en~Ciel - Yuki no Ashiato 2) Tokyo Jihen - Denpa Tsuushin 3) BoA - Love Letter 4) P!nk - Try 5) Stefanie Sun - The Chase (追) 6) The XX - Shelter 7) Takeharu Ishimoto - The Face of Lost Pride (from the Crisis Core FFVII soundtrack) 8) Chicago Cast (1997 Broadway Cast Recording) - We Both Reached for the Gun 9) Beyonce - Freakum Dress 10) Younha - Yubikiri 11) Angela Aki - Silent Girl 12) Mr Children - Kimi ga Suki 13) Allison Iraheta - Holiday 14) Jamiroquai - Didjerama 15) UVERworld - Mikageishi 16) Bennie K - Tabibito 17) Alicia Keys - Prelude to a Kiss 18) Coldplay - Talk 19) Justin Bieber - Children 20) YUI - Tomorrow’s Way
Tbh I stopped using iTunes after I got Spotify premium... I think the Justin Bieber song is the most recent song (2015) on this list lol. I used to listen to tons of J-pop but nowadays... not at all :( partially because spotify has like, close to zero j-pop -_-
That was so nostalgic :’)
Btw, if you’re learning Japanese, I highly recommend listening to Japanese music!
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