#shep x kaidan
be-gay-do-witchcraft · 2 months
Also I need people to appreciate how both Kaidan and Liara go from
“I’ll have them home by 10, sir”
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To “Your kid calls me daddy too”
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squiremaximus · 2 months
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Mass Effect 2: Legendary Edition (2021) dev. BioWare
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luckyclovercoin · 6 months
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the gay pining is alive and well
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yesiplaygamez · 7 months
When you date Kaidan in me1 and then meet Garrus in me2 :
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(the show is ginny & georgia)
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x3no9 · 7 months
I have been busy! Sketching and writing MORE chapters of Killing Aria, a mass effect fanfic featuring MANY m/m couples. Mostly rare pairs. Right now fixated on General Oleg Petrovsky with Isaac Shepard and Jack Harper. Did some sketches of Oleg and Jack. Jack has a type. 😏😏
Full versions in the link!
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bellamer · 2 years
How I missed ME1 Kaidan with that wonder in his voice, amazed by everything around him. It brings me joy.
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ljandersen · 2 years
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@romanticallyterrible (300Polygons on Twitter, LeaRiley on AO3) surprised me with this gorgeous cover she made for my fShenko fic "Sideways"!
I can't articulate how much it means to me to see the Shepards captured with this much care and thought. It's crafted with so much detail and emotion!
Paragon Shep has her eyes wide opening, gazing upwards, at peace. Meanwhile, Renegade Shep is tormented, her eyes squeezed closed, and face turned down. I love the subtle freckles. The contrast between their hairstyles and expressions are perfect.
This artwork is breath taking, and I love it so much! I'm so honored that romanticallyterrible dedicated her talents to creating this amazing piece for my story.  Thank you!
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shadowglens · 2 years
1 and 37 for kaidan and noa maybe? 💖
1. how do they fall asleep? wake up? any daily rituals?
sleep is hard for both of them, especially post-war. noa shakes herself awake at 4am just as the sun is creeping towards the horizon most mornings, if she even slept at all, and while kaidan has trained himself to sleep for at least four or five hours a night, he very rarely wakes refreshed. noa tends to lie on her back staring at the ceiling most nights and kaidan will dig himself against her side with all their sheets and blankets wrapped around him.
if kaidan has the time in the morning he'll work out with noa (which post war, consists of a brisk walk or maybe a light jog with their rescue dog bruno, if she's feeling up for it). he always cooks, even if noa struggles to keep the food down some mornings, and noa always makes them their coffee because if she doesn't have a Task she'll start caving in on herself. kaidan lets her be, and just kisses her on the shoulder before heading to the admiralty board or a council meeting (it depends on the day).
37. how much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? any lines they refuse to cross?
both of them have fairly steadfast morals, kaidan moreso, but in saying that they'd also do a hell of a lot to protect each other. noa is more likely to compromise herself to keep him safe, is more likely to sacrifice something she couldn't really stand to lose, but there are still lines even for her. she likes to think she'd put him first above everything and anything, and maybe she would - the galaxy has always come first though for noa, above rules and other people's opinions and her own life, so i don't think she'd sacrifice the world for him. it would be a close thing though.
kaidan just wants to see her safe and whole and happy, but there are deep rigid lines in the sand that he will not step over, not even for noa. thankfully he's never been in a situation where that belief has been tested, not really. leaving her behind on earth was hard, but he still did it. he wouldn't have sacrificed the lives of her entire crew just for the chance to save her, no matter how much he might have wanted to. the lives of the many over the lives of the few and all that.
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schisms · 9 months
not trying to be a hater at all but. why does every custom male shep i see people shipping kaidan with on here (tumblr) have an undercut 🤨🤔
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vorchagirl · 5 months
I just reaaally want to write smut today - like the Kaidan x Shep smutty Christmas drabble, or the next chapter of my Harry x Sara x Reyes fic (which has smut), but nooooo. We have a pest inspection today and strangers will be in the house.
I'm weird, but not weird enough to write smut with strangers in my house.
...well, maybe on my phone...
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cchickki · 4 months
Beyond the Deep
Chapter 11: The Messenger
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chapter summary: As Shepard and Anderson make their final push to the Citadel to activate the Crucible, they encounter something unfathomable and inexplainable.
themes: angst, cosmic horror
pairing: (custom) fem shep x kaidan alenko
rating: M - descriptions of violence and death
word count: 3.5k
author’s note: Hey everyone, it's been awhile. For some reason this chapter was particularly difficult for me to finish, so I'm sorry for not updating in months and for having a very sporadic schedule. Writing Lovecraftian themes is challenging and it's often hard for me to interpret the ideas I have in my head to typing out words. Not sure if anyone else is still reading, but I am planning on the next couple of chapters now have some cute and fun moments coming, amongst all the doom and gloom.
READ HERE: (ao3) (ff.net) <-------------------------
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tealenko · 18 days
Ooh, can I ask about Golden Hour and Shore Leave from your WIPs?
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!!! Like A LOT!!! Really love talking about all this 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Golden Hour
This is (or will be) the first chapter (I think) of a post Dragon Age Inquisition fic (because I really want to do a massive saga, like I'm doing for Mass Effect)
It's a femMageHumanInquisitor x Cullen Fic, of course, and just covers how Ferelden (and all of Thedas) is after de events of DAI
This chapter is about Sybil (my inquisitor... well, ex-inquisitor) on her way to meet with Cullen after work. All very soft and warm, enjoying the sun as she walks there.
She travels with her eyes nearly closed, taking this opportunity the Maker rarely gives her to sunbathe, as she keeps her slow but steady pace. No bag, no luggage. The only thing Sybil is carrying with her is the thin cape she was wearing until the temperature of this early scenery started rising, now folded and resting on one of her arms. The beams of he sun embrace her from every angle, tinting of honey her light brown hair and accentuating its natural golden highlights as the wavy waterfall spreads through her shoulders and back, almost reaching her waist.
Shore Leave
Continuation of my "Didn't Have the Heart" fic (Mass Effect - femShep x Kaidan)
This is going to be my main take on the Citadel dlc + leviathan (which I always do near the end of ME3)
I'm gonna add tons of things and fix a bit of cannon stuff too (I said it before, I do not like the clone plot, at all)
It's going to start with my Shep depressed after Legion's death and I'll go from there. This fic will be my way of having her deal with some of her trauma, and answer some of the things I left opened in previous fics and set future ones. Also will increasily have more and more fluff, of course, that's a given.
Here are some of my notes:
Fix the shenko date -> gives her back the ring -> Flashback to tell how she gave her to him when the 1st Normandy is destroyed
Mention the apartment was in part paid thanks to Shepard (all the betting Anderson did back on her training days) and when she tells him he’s like: I already knew that… and I also know about this too (gives her back the ring)
Slow dancing at the citadel party
Garrus teasing her about Kaidan and she getting him back about Tali
She tells Garrus about Van and her ptsd with the bff thing.
Add a conversation with Javik, kinda apologizing after reading about akuze
Talk about Legion (and maybe Thane because funeral) -> this can be a good thing to join Steve story and tell him about Van 
Definitely neglect the clone thing ever happened, like she doesn’t go to the sushi place or something like that -> Brooks is the main villain, no some stupid clone (yeah, I'm still mad about this lol)
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luckyclovercoin · 6 months
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guess who is the dumb soft bitch who decided to replay the entire mass effect trilogy for the gay slow burn
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wasdplz · 1 year
Mass Effect Holiday Cheer fic
This was written for @pancake-angst for the Mass Effect Holiday Cheer secret santa thing :) It was supposed to be pretty short but kind of picked up its skirts and ran away from me. (Please bear with me, I haven't written or read ME fic in way too long.)
You listed Kaidan/Thane as a pairing you like, and I was pretty intrigued, as this is def a rarepair that never occurred to me. I wanted to see if I could pull it off, tbh.
Full disclosure, this is kind of AU bc I figure if there are any fics out there about these two, they're probably mostly based in Huerta Memorial, soooo uhhh for the purpose of this fic, we're going to pretend Kaidan DID reluctantly join up with Shep for her suicide mission in ME2. (Also, I deliberately skip forward a bit/skim over certain in-game scenes bc screw it, you already know what happens, and I'm trying not to let this thing grow into some ridic long monstrosity.) Ok, babbling over. Hope you enjoy :D
Mass Effect 2 | Kaidan/Thane | PG-13ish?
"I was hiding," Kaidan admitted with a wry one-sided smile. "I'm not really comfortable being on a ship with so many Cerberus aboard."
"This is a Cerberus ship," Thane pointed out, cocking his head to the side. "Did you plan to remain in hiding for the duration of your stay?"
Kaidan glanced around. "Did you?" he retorted. Now that he didn't have the pain taking up all of his thoughts, he could see that the table and chairs weren't the only signs of life in the room. This was someone's bunk.
Thane's shoulders moved in a minute shrug. "As I said, I prefer to keep to myself. My presence makes some people... uncomfortable."
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sol-consort · 3 months
Good morning commander.
Was curious about your preferred squad mates, class and what weapons you've been enjoying.
Also, how are you.
You're so sweet!! Thank you so much for asking <333 you made me really happy. The chance to talk about this game more is everything I want!!
And I'm not very well but I appreciate you asking, I hope you're doing well enough anon. If not then it's alright, I promise you're not alone and it will pass.
First playthrough, I tried to mix it and take everyone around equally. I did mostly end up bringing Tali and liara around because I thought they were pretty.
Started on vetran difficulty.
Infiltrator class, tried Vanguard and didn't like it, so I switched to this one. I like the sniper playstyle and used the spectre weapon. Tried hammer first and enjoyed it, but I wanted to learn better my aim, and hammer was too forgiving for that so I switcted.
The hunt for colossus armour was...painful- took many reloads but when I finally did it, it was so worth it. I didn't know much about powers and they looked intmidating so I avoided using them, but I still appreciated whenever my teamates used stasis.
It paid off, especially in ng+ when I had every colossus X armour for all teamates except Tali. I did end up taking Ashley everywhere during that playthrough and occasionally switching the second teammate since I planned on sacrificing her on virmire.
Tried hardcore in ng+, was fun but I was trying to speedrun things bc I messed up the Kaidan romance so I lowered it back to vetran.
First game Shep looked so adorable my god, I do miss the scar. I picked war hero background and headcanoned that it was the results of Elysium. Oh and earthborn too. Makes sense to have a gaint face scar while running around in gangs.
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The ammo introduction helped ease me into the powers and I liked the cloaking mechanic because of its dmg boost. Still used sniper.
Cryo ammo team upgrade so the other two people get it, then I switch my weapon to either Heavy Disrupter or Tungsten.
X-98f Widow. I was kinda disappointed in how I got very few sniper choices and instead had to relay on separate upgrades, but oh well.
Cain was a stable always, the main goat in so many different scenarios I can't even begin. Especially OP in the grunt loyalty mission for the thrasher maw. Can't wait to try it in insanity.
For the armour, I didn't relay on them much. Most dmg came from seperate upgrades so i only wore whatever looked the best. I did have the helmet separation mod. The blood dragon was my favourite for a while tho! Mainly for its look.
I preferred whatever armor gave me more spare ammo since it meant the more enemies I could one shot with a sniper if I get a headshot, make every bullet count yk? And reloading was so tedious and didn't time well with my cloaking cooldown.
The N7 shadow armour looked amazing, second place is N7 Demolisher armour, and third Garmr heavy assault armour but that one might be modded and not vanilla, not sure.
I only worried about extra dmg or more ammo, everything else was ignored.
Kept same difficulty.
Thane, Mordin and Grunt were my favourite to take with me because of their dialogue. I did take Thane and Garrus with me to form a sniper trio a couple times, it was hilarious just 3 campers sitting behind covers on their cushy seats.
Only of Garrus stopped fucking switching his weapon every 5 seconds.
After getting legion, he became a constant, I even revisited old locations just to see if he has anything new to say.
Second game Shep was def more cunty, the bold eyelashes. Cerberus probably removed the scar :(
I left the surgery scars to heal on their own, but they eventually disappeared bc of my choices. I tried going more renegade to bring them back, but it became too OOC.
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I haven't progressed much but so far, I'm really happy with the weapon options! So many new snipers and the power levels charts are back instead of annoying seperate upgrades hell yeah!
Plus, we get add-ons, which are very nice. I'm using the Black Widow, satisfying heavy shots, my beloved. Still picking armour based on looks but most of them look bad so- yeah.
I do use modded armour tho! Some are really pretty, especially the modded Ashley one. Anything that boosts power cooldown and headshot dmg for me is a winner.
It's a cycle of, cloak to get 40% dmg, shoot, reload, cloak to get 40% dmg, shoot, reload. And the cooldown matches perfectly with the black widow reloading so there is very little waiting. I can get my 40% bonus back on immediately after reloading.
Also I don't take any other weapons so the recharge speed bonus stays around a 100%. That's why I relay on incinerate when I run out of ammo since I don't have a pistol.
I noticed the focus on mele and I'm glad they are getting more attention, they deserve it tbh. I'm comfortable using powers now and I still do the same cryo bullets teamwide trick then switch to my own ammo.
I'm taking Javik everywhere! I love Javik, I will die for Javik, I will kill for Javik. Please ask me to kill for Javik, Please please please-
By third game I grew very comfortable with mods and added whatever ones I could find.
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This is how it's going so far. I don't use tech or powers for dmg so I ignore them. Incinerate is there for when I run out of ammo since it does surprisingly decent dmg.
Using the thermal upgrade that lets you see enemies through fog, smoke and walls. Comes in handy when lining up the shot as they emerge from their cover or when they throw a smoke grenade. Still toying with the second upgrade choice but the enhancer one that slows down time for a bit seems good for now.
I tried my best to make a pretty Shepard and fix the mess the third game did to character creation, a lot of Shepard's face is adjusted bones and morphs through the save file editor.
You have to consider that this is what I started with
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Eyelids clipping constantly through my eyes.
And this is after the bone and morph adjusts
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I think I have decent aim now! I wanna replay the whole trilogy on insanity eventually, that's if Andromeda doesn't go on sale anytime soon. I'm still playing through the third and taking my time, this game is so fun.
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x3no9 · 8 months
Join Max Shepard on his adventures in my fanfic, "Rough Times".
Super hot art done for it by @eyecandyeoz. THANK YOU!!
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