#and 9/10 times the actual. hair on top of the head is some unnatural color
schisms · 10 months
not trying to be a hater at all but. why does every custom male shep i see people shipping kaidan with on here (tumblr) have an undercut 🤨🤔
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stripperblvd · 4 years
Bubba’s Pampering Day
Warnings: Mention of sex and slight description. Thats pretty much it ppl.
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You had been with Bubba for a few years now. 3 to be exact. Everything in you adored the soft man that was this Sawyer boy. Tho your beginnings had been a bit rough you grew to love him and care for him, stood up for him and tried your best to be their for him. Bubba’s pampering days were very rare, in fact they only happened a few times a year. This would be the days where the boys had brought home much more ‘food’ than needed. In these day the boys including Drayton would give the day off to the sibling who did the most. This was always mostly Bubba and Nubbins. Today it was Bubba’s day off. It was a cool Spring morning for a normal Texas day it was unnaturally cold, but the transition from winter to spring was going on and the weather was surprisingly beautiful. These types of pampering days started a few months into your relationship with Bubba.
The day normally started off with letting Bubba sleep in, and since the whole Sawyer family including you was accustomed to waking up at 6 am this meant sleeping till 9 or 10 am. not much of a sleep in eh? Well either ways. You noticed that Bubba would most likely wake up around 9:30 am so by then you already had a nice golden stack of pancakes, some fresh fruit and a cold glass of orange juice. At 9:30 your dear Bubba would wake up and do the most adorable gibberish as a thank you for the food in bed. After eating the next thing on the list was a nice haircut. Out of all the boys Bubba’s hair grew the longest so every few months you would trim it.
You would walk Bubba to the bathroom that was connected to his bed room only and wash the rich curly strands of hair on his head. He would usually just lean back while sitting on the outside of the tub, Bubba was so tall that this was actually quite the comfortable position for him. Lavender was his all time favorite scent so that’s the type of special shampoo and conditioner you would use on him. After washing his hair you would sit him down in front of your vanity that had an old mirror and everything you would need for this day. The thin silver scissors you had where actually a gift form dear old Nubbins. You were surprised by the amount of scissors that he had in his room. You would start from the top of Bubba’s head and make your way down. Cutting about half an inch or a simple centimeter. You never went over 1 inch of trimming since Bubba always said he didn’t like his hair so short. The black comb that you used would always make Bubba make satisfied noises since it brushed lightly agains his scalp.
After the hair cut came the bath. This bath would normally consist of bath bombs bubbles and scented oils. Every time bubba Picked a new color but always stayed with the lavender scent. Once the tub was nice and warm you helped Bubba out of his clothes and into the tub. Even tho you didn’t know Bubba cherished these moments with you. When he first met you he didn’t think you’d ever be able to love him as much as he loved you. He didn’t want to show himself to you because he believed you’d be repulsed by his looks and touch. But here you were, willingly rubbing his shoulders and caressing the soft skin of his neck. Bubba thought he was hideous. You on the other hand thought he was the most handsome boy on Earth. His thick eyebrows were a dark brown. His eyes held so much emotions and if he gave you puppy dog eyes you were gone.
After the bath came the scar cream. The story behind this was that, when you were a few months into your relationship you shared childhood stories with Bubba. You had talked about how your mom had gotten an extremely large gash from a knife that would leave a deep scar on her right shoulder. But one of her friends had recommended a cream that treated scars. After this story Bubba begged you to buy the cream for his face. Surely it wouldn't solve his nose problem but at least helped with the rest. Hesitant at first you wanted to make sure Bubba was happy so you went into town and got one. Now his once rough and scabbing scars were simply small marks and light splotches on his face. If he scratched his face a lot they were sure to scab but since he wasn't a scratcher they didn’t. They didn’t even had much texture to them, barely any were still there. But hey anything to make your Bub happy.
Once done with the cleaning came one of Bubba’s favorite. Makeup and nail painting. You would do Bubba’s makeup and let him do yours. He wasn’t very bad at all, in fact he knew just what colors to put on your face and lips. You made sure Bubba always had enough makeup to play with and that he had the right brushes. Over the time you and Bubba had been together you piled up many colors of nail polish. Today Bubba would do a skin color and you would do black with sparkles. He loved when you gave your face or nails to him so he could have his fun.
One of the last things was actually intimate time. No matter what Bubba always got excited and you ended up having a passionate time in bed. At first it would start as a strip from your part. Taking off the light dress that was specifically for pampering days. Bubba’s rough meaty hands would explore your body and kiss every now and then. He’d squeeze, rub and kiss your body. But after a while you would completely submit to Bubba Sawyer and he’d end up just laying you down and pounding into you wether it be on your back or stomach. You always let Bubba finish inside of you. For starters, we all know the boy has a breeding kink wether he knows it or not. And secondly you both have been wanting to have a baby for a few weeks now so you tried every chance you got.
The day would finish around 8 pm where you would finish your intimate time with Bubba and start the routinely massage. You’d put on one of Bubba’s old t shirts that covered your body and lay on his thighs. You’d use cream or oils to start massaging form his lower back to his shoulders and neck. His meaty skin was always warm under your touch. Sometimes you would joke around and say that Bubba had a better ass than you, we all know he’s one thick boi. The joke would start when you “accidentally” started to lightly squeeze his supple behind. After finishing on his back he would turn around and get his belly rubbed plus a nice and long front shoulder, neck and chest massage. Your agile hands worked on each of his pressure point to completely relax him.
The night ended officially when you’d put everything away and lay one top of Bubba’s broad chest playing with his freshly trimmed head of hair. Bubba always made sure to thank you with kisses and cuddle close to you while you babied him to sleep.
Jesus first off i can’t remember writing half this shit since i wrote it at 1am sorry for any mistakes this has been edited now.
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softwarmboy · 4 years
1. Museum date or aquarium date? Why?
Aquarium!!! I’ll always take the option with animals
2. Describe your favorite type of weather.
Cloudy, cool, slight cold breeze, smell of fall leaves and campfire, maybe some light fog 👌🏼👌🏼
3. Name a subject/topic you know a lot about.
Halo and TSC!!!
4. Do you have any friends or know anyone with the same name as you?
I’ve only met 2 other Baileys, one was an absolute dick and the other was just as quiet and shy as me so we never spoke 😂
5. What’s something most people love that you hate?
Avocado 😂 it’s a texture thing for me
6. Who knows the most about you personally?
That ones kinda hard to answer??? I’ve changed a lot over the last 3 years but probably @gemder and my last 2 ex’s
7. If you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be?
Dragons!! I was OBSESSED as a kid
8. Do you think everyone in our lives serves a purpose, or are some people just there?
I think we choose who’s in our lives! Some teach us good lessons and some teach us bad ones! But a lesson nonetheless!
9. How do you feel about getting your picture taken?
Mixed feelings ;-; candid ones are nice cuz they usually turn out better cuz I don’t have the chance to be awkward 😂
10. Any guilty pleasure/s?
Oh god so many 😂😂😂😂
11. What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film and why?
My Neighbor Totoro! Literally just cuz it was cute asf
12. Do you always make eye contact with people when you’re speaking to them?
I try to! That’s always been a struggle for me cuz I’m self conscious as fuuuuck but I’m getting better!
13. Have you ever self-harmed?
Yes, many many times ;-;
14. What’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given?
That I have the most beautiful eyes!!!
15. Have you felt butterflies in your stomach today?
A lil!!!
16. Did anyone/anything get on your nerves today?
My alarm 😂😂😂
17. Is there something you currently want, that you can’t have?
Not that I can think of???
18. Who was the last person to make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable?
Honestly, myself
19. Think of the last film you watched. Who was your favorite character in it?
The last movie I watched was Brother Bear and my favourite character is Tanana!!
20. What are you known for?
Being kind, gentle, quiet and patient
21. What is something you are skeptical about?
Religion, really anything like that, that I can’t see or hear, I WANT to believe in things like that but I have a hard time
22.If you have a job, do you prefer morning shifts or evening shifts?
I do, but there are no shifts 😂 but when I did work a job with shifts, I preferred morning! Left me more of my day to enjoy
23. What is something you are most confident about?
How about something you're really insecure about?
For confidence, that I don’t exist to please others, for insecurities, oh GOD so many
24. What do you think in general of girls with short hair? How about guys with long hair?
Whatever floats your boat!!!
25. With films in languages you do not speak, do you prefer a dub or a subtitle?
I’m fine with either!! Once I see it a certain way tho that’s the only way I’ll be able to watch that specific thing
26. If you wear makeup, what are your preferred brands?
I don’t!
27. What part of a person's body do you usually find the most attractive?
Eyes and lips!!
28. What/which music are you currently listening to?
Zero to Hero from Hercules 😂😂😂😂
29. Do you find smoking unattractive?
Yes and no??? I don’t really know how to explain it, I’ve lost grandparents to cancer from smoking, and watched it happen slowly but it’s your choice really 🤷‍♂️
30. What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
ADHD symptoms in adults 😂😭
31. What is the 10th picture in your phone gallery?
A screenshot of jokes about Canada 😂
32. Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color?
Yeah! I have!! Many many times
33. What job would you be terrible at and what job would you be good at?
For terrible, being a server 😂😂😂 for being good, teaching I think!!
34. Do you think forgiveness is mandatory to move on from something?
Yes BUT not necessarily forgiving whoever messed up
35. What did you think was cool when you were younger?
Motorcycles, tattoos, piercings 😂
36. Is there a place that makes you sad to return to?
So, so many ;-;
37. What's the best advice anyone has ever given you?
Care, but don’t carry
38. Have you ever treated someone badly just because someone else treated you badly?
Not?? That I know of??? I really don’t believe in it
39. What's your favorite lyric from your favorite song right now?
Oh god uhhhhh off the top of my head I really don’t know???
40. What was the last thing that completely took your breath away?
It’s been a while but Whistler!!!
41. Is it true that if you can't love yourself, you can't love another?
I don’t think so, I’ve loved people without loving myself. Loving someone else and loving yourself are two different things
42. What's the most positive thing you could say to yourself right now?
One day at a time 💙 and one thing/problem at a time
43. What time of the day feels the most magical to you?
Night!! It’s quiet, no one expects anything of me, I have nowhere to be and nothing to do
44. Were you a cute baby?
I was SUCH a cute baby 😂😂😂
45. Is there something you wish you had said sorry for, but never did?
I don’t?? Think so??? Usually if I wanna apologize for, I will cuz it’ll literally physically bug me till I do
46. What is any creative talent you wish you had?
Painting 😂😂😂 I can’t paint artistically for shit
47. Do you think you'd make a good teacher? Why or why not?
Yes!! I’m patient and remember to teach the lil details and tricks! Teaching is actually my career goal!
48. Do you think it's possible to fix a "broken" relationship?
Hmmmm, depends what broke it
49. If you chose to get a tattoo what would it be and where would you want it?
I already have 5 😂😂😂😂 I’d want some Runes, some Halo stuff, some forest stuff, some nerd stuff
50. When was the last time you stayed up past midnight and what were you up to?
A couple weekends ago, I was gaming!!
@sagittated there ya go!!!
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1 2 4 7 8 9 13 18 20 26 27 29 30 32 39 40 41 43/44 45 46 49 51 53 55 56 57 59 63 65 that is. so many dghsdghsdgv I'm sorry I just see an ask meme and go crazy aaaa go stupid aaaa. You can just answer whichever u like from those!! also 69(nice): you seem rly nice and funny from your 🅱️osts and I appreciate u... I hope you can find better irl friends who aren't trash
HDSKFJKS I completely understand but lucky for u I LOVE to talk !!
1) How are you?
Pretty good, actually!! Which is a nice change of pace. I went to Walmart with some friends yesterday and got a few things, baked a family recipe that my friends LOVE, and finally did my laundry (it’s been a couple weeks we love depression and executive dysfunction dfhkjsfd). I went to Cracker Barrel with some friends and earlier and played a 4-way game of Tetris after. :3c
2) Post a picture of yourself.
Here you go !!
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4) What is your entire name?
Sierra Alexis and my last name is something constantly misspelled so I’ll give you the name of a historical figure whose name is a letter off from mine: George B. McClellan, to whom I may or may not be related because last name variations are fuckin’ WEIRD.
7) Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality.
I’m a Capricorn sun and moon, and Libra rising !! And from what I’ve read on Twitter from various astrologers, like Milkstrology, I LOVE her, I’d say it’s pretty accurate with my personality!! I like to say Capricorn’s aren’t cold bitches but, I Have A Tendency To Be One !!
8) What did you do on your last birthday?
God what DID I do on my last birthday… it was in January, so like, I SHOULD remember… OH I went to IHOP with my friends !! I share a birthday with another friend and I got a JoJo notebook and something called a Fuggler! They’re stuffed animals more or less but designed to be “ugly.” I got one that looks like Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty because I LOVE Gritty… he’s so fun and funky.
9) What is one thing you’d like to accomplish before your next birthday?
Get all my requests in my inbox over on my writing blog done KJHFDJKSF it’s been a few months and life has been. Hectic to say the least.
13) If you could change your eye color, would you?
There’s so much weird as hell brown-eye-phobia so like… I think blue eyes would be pretty neat. OR PURPLE… give me some unnatural eye colors pls...
18) Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet!! I’m going to get one the next time I go back home for break. :3c And I have a few ideas for other ones!! I wanna get a big-ass “Dragon Age: Origins” tattoo that’s the dragon on the cover on my thigh. I also wanna get a DA2 and “Inquisition” tattoo… and the Joestar birthmark… too many ideas… 
20) Left or right handed?
Right-handed !! I could have been left-handed or ambidextrous if I broke my arm AFTER I started kindergarten, but alas that was before.
26) Something you are working on right now:
This !! But also the script for my next podcast episode that I record on uhhh Monday I think. Should probably figure that one out dsjfjhsf
27) Do you have any “rules” about food?
I answered that in the last ask !!
29) What would you say is your best quality?
I also answered this in the last ask !!
30) What do you think you’re really good at?
Writing, I’d say! And memorizing trivia about the stuff I’m super into. If it’s stuff pertaining to “M*A*S*H” or old movies or TV shows or actors or specific historical events, I will know that shit FOR LIFE. Don’t ask me to do math pls thank u
32) What talent do you wish you’d been born with?
I wish I was able to do stuff with music. That was never really in my blood, despite all the music classes they make you take in elementary school. I just never learned how to memorize or read sheet music. :/ I would have loved to play violin, tho… my friend plays and she says I would have been a good cellist.
39) Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?
YES… have for years. I still have my Care Bear from when I was 5, Gritty as mentioned above, a plush of my school’s mascot, and a little Fugo !! He’s so tiny.
40) What do you think about the most?
Everything and constantly and all at once. But the past really because I can never let stuff go and even the small things I mess up on haunt me forever… Wish that wasn’t the case but it is !!
41) Share two habits:
Biting my nails and having a very specific routine in which I get ready when I wake up. Like, I’ve gotta go brush my hair before I put my important cards in my left pocket, then put on my silver bracelet, then my beaded bracelet, then my earbuds in my right pocket, then put my earrings in. I HAVE to do it in that order…
And other oddities that include, like, if I need to go around something I HAVE to follow the urge to go one way and not the other, lest I feel the need to go back and fix it. And then which foot goes first before I reach a crack in the sidewalk, or up or down a curb, etc.
43) What are your career goals?
If I can just make people happy or get some kind of joy out of the things I do, I’d call that enough. :)
44) What is your ideal career?
Mmm, either a film historian or a film professor !! Preferably at the college I’m at right now but wherever the wind takes me, I’ll go! Or a Twitch streamer or YouTuber, it really depends on my mood jdhfjskf
45) Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
It was pretty much the same !! Freshman year was pretty lively, I didn’t have a job on campus yet though, or my podcast. Everything else is basically the same!
46) Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
CONSTANTLY… good or bad it’ll play back over and over and over again.
49) Do you have any phobias?
HOO BOY, DO I… fear of heights; fear of insects/bugs/arachnids/bees/wasps; I have a strong dislike of the number 13 but I don’t know if it’s a phobia, I just. REALLY hate it; the unknown, more or less what lurks somewhere beyond where I can see. Not so much a fear of the dark with that one, just what could BE in it.
51) Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
I answered this in my last ask, as well!
53) Ever come close to death?
Two or three times, maybe? Two of them involved what’s called a laryngospasm, typically it can happen when your sick, which is what happened to me both times. Basically your throat just closes up on your for a hot minute and you can’t breathe. The first time I genuinely thought I was going to die (and my dad still sent me to school that day… HOE), the second time I was also sick and was losing/had lost my voice DURING A JOB RETREAT and it happened in the middle of the night so that was funny sitting there gasping for breath in the pitch dark.
At the FIRST retreat I went on for that job, you had to take pictures as part of a scavenger hunt, and the place used to be an old military fort, so there were still the old bunkers there. We had to take one on top of it and I was taking the picture, and it’s a wide shot so I go to take a step back but before I do I look behind me. If I hadn’t I would have fallen a good 10-15 feet down onto solid Civil War-era bunker concrete. I’d consider that being a “close to death” moment because I really could have died!
55) A random fact about yourself:
I have a half-brother !! My sis and I finally found him after her 23andMe results came back (which she decided to do despite us being like THE GOVERNMENT WILL COLLECT OUR DATA) and we didn’t think our mom would be happy she found him but she was !! My sis might reach out and contact him, she just wanted our mom’s permission first to do it.
56) What are three things most people don’t know about you?
Well, that I have a half-brother. I don’t mention it a lot. Aside from y’all on here and my sister, most everyone else doesn’t know I’m nonbinary! Everyone else knows I’m bi though lmao. And that there were times I’d stretch or bend the truth or lie about something just to impress someone else. It’s a… Bad Habit. Another thing is that most people don’t know I like coffee? Like I need to put a shit ton of creamer in with it because I’m a Bitch, but yeah.
57) An unknown fact about your life:
I wouldn’t call this an “unknown” fact but I’d used to go to work with my dad every now and again when he worked at the Home Depot and he was assistant manager. I’d either chill in the back room which was an office he shared with two other guys, or walk around the store with him. I had my own apron, too, which was my name with “Mini Mac” next to it, “Mac” being my dad’s nickname and something easier to say than my last name. I actually helped a few customers out so I wonder if I should have gotten paid for that despite being like, ages 9-13 when I’d go jshfkjd
And I guess I technically tested video games as a kid? Basically, when my dad was stationed at Fort Knox, they’d get demos of video games that hadn’t come out yet to test I suppose? and I still have a few somewhere. He’d hand them off to me and I’d play them so there’s that.
59) Five weird things that you like:
Eating globs of wasabi for no reason.
Scaring my friends also for no reason.
I wouldn’t say using cotton swabs to get wax out of your ears because it feels good is weird, just more medically inadvisable if anything.
When I was younger I’d like to floss really hard because the slight pain from it felt good. Young me was a #Freaque KJHDFJJDHF
I don’t know if being fond of alphabetizing and reorganizing things is considered weird but I LOVE doing that.
63) A quote you try to live by:
“It matters not how strait the gate, / How charged with punishments the scroll; / I am the master of my fate: / I am the captain of my soul.” It’s from the poem “Invictus” and the last two lines are what I’m getting tattooed !!
65) Weird things you do when you’re alone:
Practice the “Lucky Star” dance. I GOT THE LYRICS DOWN… JUST NEED TO DO THE DANCE NOW…
69) Leave me a compliment:
“you seem rly nice and funny from your 🅱️osts and I appreciate u... I hope you can find better irl friends who aren't trash”
Anon pls 🥺 I do my best to be nice but my friend really do test me sometimes... my feelings bounce back n forth like if they do something my feelings can switch to angry or like, hate, and then if they do something nice I’ll like them again. It sucks but ! I just take it one day at a time. Anon I care for u 💜💜💜
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sanguisfulgur · 6 years
Profile: Salem
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Full Name: Salem Hikari
Nickname(s):·Sale, Lemmy (only by his twin sister), adopts the alias Aiden Woodgrove frequently to match his sister’s most used alias.
Title: The Hunter
Age: Mid to late 20s (appearance), 31 (actual age)
Birthday: October 25th (1987)
Species: Vampire (better life verse)
Ethnicity: White, with historic Japanese routes on father’s side of the family.
Nationality: British by birth, holder of American Citizenship.
Gender: Male (cis)
Pronoun(s): He/Him/Himself
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Birth Order: Twin, younger by a few minutes.
Home Town: Bowness-On-Windermere, England, UK.
Current Residence: Portland, Maine, USA (main)/London, UK (better life)
Religion: Baptised Catholic, but given he knows other gods exist he’s not outwardly religious.
Allegiance: Himself/his sister
Occupation: Hunter
Financial Status: Relatively poor unless a job paid well.
Martial Status: Verse dependant
Status: Active
Fandom: Fandomless OC.
Face Claim: Matthew Daddario
Physical Traits
Face Shape: Somewhere between oval and heart-shaped.
Forehead: Rounded, average in broadness.
Eyes: Grey in colour with the smallest flecks of blue within them, they are upturned with surprisingly long eye lashes.
Nose: Straight, well-proportioned for face.
Lips: Full, soft.
Teeth: All present, and like all vampires will re-grow if knocked out. They’re in good condition. Fangs are retractable.
Cheeks: Narrow, a touch prominent.
Chin: Small.
Ears: None-protruding, very sensitive to sound due to enhanced hearing..
Facial Hair: Usually clean shaven but occasionally will grow out stubble.
Height: 6′3″
Neck: Average length/broadness.
Torso: Broad, defined abs.
Arms: Well muscled from years of archery training, bears scars on his upper right arm from being clawed by a Cu Sith
Hands:·Long fingers, large hands in accordance with his height.
Legs: Long (All leg much like his twin), well-toned.
Feet: Size 12 (American sizes), nothing otherwise noteworthy.
Texture: Skin is smooth barring the occasionally marring of a scar.
Color: Unnaturally pale/white.
Freckles: None.
Scars: Claw marks from a Cu Sith on his upper right arm, bullet scar on his right calf, miscellaneous scars can be found over his body that have been gathered in his human years.
Stretch Marks:None.
Tattoos: An Anti-possession tattoo on his lower back.
Piercings: None.
Skin Conditions: None.
Texture: Hair is thick and wavy naturally.
Color: Black, dark as his mother’s namesake.
Style and Length: Salem’s hair is uneven and choppy, making it seem messy. The length varies, depending on how long he goes without cutting it but it’s usually kept somewhat short in the back with longer bang/side strands.
Mental and Physical
Overall Health: Excellent
Frequency of Mental Exercise: Often to occasional, Salem likes word puzzles and similar brainteasers.
Frequency of Physical Exercise: Daily training.
Life Philosophy: Protect the innocent above all else.
Life Goal(s): Honestly Salem is rather aimless here. He’s never thought much about what he wants having always imagined himself hunting until the day he died.
Describe Voice: Smooth and friendly, Salem is a flirt and tends to drop to more husky undertones.
Speech Patterns: informal at most times, Salem is casual and direct - blunt, even - in his speech, though not intentionally crass he doesn’t mince his words.
Habits: Tapping his foot (not out of impatience, it’s just a consistent habit whenever he’s idle), clicking his tongue, tilting his head (much like his twin),
Daily Routines: Showering and dressing, taking care of breakfast and some morning exercises or a run, from their it varies as a hunter given he has no set work routine.
Likes: animals (especially dogs), spicy food, cold autumn mornings, rainstorms, bookstores, listening to music to fall asleep, lie-ins, scented candles, long showers, libraries.
Dislikes: being woken up, cream cheese, math, clutter, loud music/noises, nightclubs, hot/humid nights, ignorance, golf, people who stop to talk right in the middle of the path/in doors.
Dreams: A good life for him and his sister.
Motivations: Protecting himself/his twin, eradicating monsters that pose a threat and keeping safe those that don’t.
Interests: literature, animal husbandry, unsolved murders and disappearances
Hobbies: Hiking, reading, spelunking, running, archery, urban exploration.
Skills: Marksmanship, tracking, observing and noting details about a person, exceptionally convincing liar, extensive knowledge of the supernatural and occult, multilingual. As a ‘hunter’ strain vampire he possesses their incredible hunting/tracking abilities, heightened senses an enhanced physical strength/speed ect. Salem can also transform into a colony of bats (or an individual one) and a red fox.
Shortcomings: Aggressive with an easily-provoked temper, has a tendency to disregard his physical well-being when it comes to others, co-dependency issues with his twin, struggles to memorise numbers (such as dates, phone numbers ect.)
Weakness(es): His twin sister, his strain of vampire (different from his twin’s) are vulnerable to silver in their first year of transformation as well as to sunlight in that first year. Congealed blood can cause nausea. Beyond that killing them is a difficult process: They must stabbed through the heart with a Bowie knife/white oak stake then the head must be cut off and the heart removed; after this the limbs must be cut off and all burned separately, the ashes from each part must also be buried separately and NOT scattered.
Regret(s): Leaving to go hunt without his twin and thus her being alone and then being turned by Theo. It’s not his fault by any means, but he blames himself for not being there.
Fear(s): Losing his twin, otherwise failing to keep people safe.
Phobia(s):·Arachnophobia (that he will not freely admit to) & Taphophobia (fear of being buried alive)
Mental Illness(es): PTSD
When and how was this diagnosed?:· Has not been properly diagnosed, but all the symptoms are there and obvious to anyone who knows how the condition manifests.
Other Illness(es): N/A
When and how was this diagnosed?: N/A
Physical Disability(ies): N/A
When was this diagnosed and/or how did it happen?:
Usual Mood/Expression:· Salem on the outside tends to appear calm, mouth pulled upwards into a half-smile. He’s less paranoid than his sister an so more outwardly approachable in appearance to strangers.  He is however easily provoked.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral
Jung: ESFP
Enneagram: Type 8  (The Challenger)
Four Temperaments:·Sanguine
Soul Type: Caregiver/Hunter
Common Archetypes: The Caregiver
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Top Five Tropes:·Grey Eyes, Anti-Hero, Twin Telepathy, Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, Hunter of Monsters
Five Prominent Traits:·Loyal, Aggressive, Protective, Distrustful, Reckless
Food:·.Salem is not a fussy eater by any means but he does have a love for spicy food, French pastries and curry udon.
Drinks:·Coffee, fresh orange juice, Dr. Pepper and negroni cocktails
Books: Great Expectations, Harry Potter, Mortal Engines, Tolkien’s legendarium, The Book Thief & ASOIAF.
Movies/TV Shows: Salem is a sucker for high fantasy and steampunk aesthetics s he tens to gravitate to those kinds of shows/movies. Like his sister however, he likes to watch horrors in order to rip them apart.
Music: Rock (particularly indie/alt style), indie pop and general ‘alternative’ labelled music.
Video Games: Horror Survivors and First Person Shooters are where he shines.
Weapons:· Possesses multiple handguns, crossbows and compound bows, a shotgun, machete, rapier, numerous other blade types, throwing knives a recursive bow, poisons, unconventional weaponry needed against the supernatural (dead blood, crosses ect.); he also has knowledge of curse/hex breaking. .
Drugs: N/A
Elements: Lightning/Water.
Animals:·Dogs, wolves, bats, corvids. The animal he is like in spirit is a·fox.
Plants: Lily-of-the-valley and red roses but he’s not much of plant person in terms of knowing what most are called ect.
Self-Love: 5/10
Courage: 8/10
Confidence: 8/10
Pride: 6/10
Greed: 3/10
Patience: 4/10
Tolerance: 8/10
Mental Flexibility: 8/10
Passion/Motivation: 8/10
Creativity: 6/10
Education: 5/10 (Formal-education-wise, Salem is more self-educated, educated by others outside of schooling.)
Compassion:·7/10 (Depends on person.) 0/10 for targets or those he despises. 10/10 for those he’s close to and children.
Empathy:·7/10 (Again decreases and rises depending on the being.) 10/10 for those he trusts/cares for, and children. 0/10 for targets.
Loyalty: 10/10·
Forgiveness: 3/10
Sociability: 7/10
Emotional Attachment: 6/10
Physical Attachment: 7/10
Stamina: 10/10
Mental Strength: 5/10
Physical Strength: 10/10
Battle Skill: 7/10
Initiative: 8/10
Restraint: 2/10
Defense: 7/10
Agility: 6/10
Flexibility: 6/10
Strategy: 6/10
Leadership: 5/10
Teamwork: 5/10
Wrath: 9/10
Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence: 7/10
Visual-Spatial Intelligence: 6/10
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence: 10/10
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: 4/10
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: 10/10
Interpersonal Intelligence: 9/10
Intrapersonal Intelligence: 3/10
Existential Intelligence: 5/10
Naturalistic Intelligence: 7/10
Parent(s): Shiro Hikari & Ebony Knight ( Both deceased.), Norio Hikari (Godfather, alive.), Vlad III/Dracula (Adoptive father, alive)
Siblings: Sharna Adrienne Hikari (twin sister, alive)
Significant Other(s):·Verse dependant, Laini (better life verse)
Children: Verse dependant
Family:·Ryou Hikari and Alexandria Hikari (nee Woodgrove.) [Grandparents] & Conrad Knight and Irene Knight (nee Beckett.) [Grandparents,Deceased], Adrienne Knight (Auntie, deceased.), other extended family members he does not know.
Closest Friends:· His twin sister. Though Salem is a friendly and personable man, his co-dependency and distrust of others means he keeps most at an arm’s length.  
Rivals: none, really.
Enemies:·Theo, Thanatos (enemy of his entire family), hunting targets.
Pets: Nova, his sister’s Tamaskan.
Other:·To be added over time.
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merigreenleaf · 6 years
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World Building June 2018 - Day 18, Fashion
I’m doing this a little out of order because I really wanted to talk about fashion. I’ll get to the prompt of medicine tomorrow as I try to catch up. :) The best way for me to describe fashion in Concordia is with pictures, so here's a moodboard of sorts that's similar to how I imagine most people there dress. Concordians love color, jewelry, embroidery, and embellishment. Hair dye in unnatural colors is a common sight. Everyone has their own personal taste, but almost every article of clothing you'll find will be colorful and embellished, even if it's otherwise practical. (That top right picture is how I picture Concordia's "practical.") Pockets are a big thing here and any article of clothing tends to have multiple pockets sewn into them; bags aren't overly common for daily activities, unless someone wants the option of even more pockets. Adair wears a sling bag across his chest that's made up of a bunch of pockets- he keeps a dozen jars of paint and a handful of paintbrushes in there. Sol's favorite vest is covered in pockets where he keeps little pieces of junk that could be useful in his inventions.
Clothing isn't gendered, so the choice between, say, pants or a skirt is entirely based on personal comfort and occupation. By this I mean that some jobs and trades would make flowing skirts or floor-length coats impractical. Dray is always dressed to the nines and wears something like evening dresses or ball gowns whenever they're not in costume. No one thinks this at all strange for daily wear. Concordians like to decorate themselves just as much as they do their homes and cities.
More info about different types of fashion under the read more link. :)
Artisans: On the flip side to Dray’s flawless style, Adair almost always wears old, grubby pants and shirts and no one ever believes that he's an Artisan because Artisans always dress the most over-the-top. Their current style is gauzy, lightweight fabrics in multiple layers, resembling something like robes or dresses of whatever length the person prefers, but almost always reach the floor. They go in for long, full sleeves which is entirely impractical when they're artists, so this means long ribbons or strips of fabric for tying the sleeves up as they work. They wear light shoes or slippers rather than heavier shoes or boots. While a lot of people are going to go for nice hairstyles, Artisans take this to an extreme, too. Artisans of any gender typically have hair that reaches their waist or knees and this is done up in elaborate styles by their spouses or family members, just like the Artisans rely on family to help them dress. And gosh, the amount of jewelry. Concordians like shiny things and Artisans definitely like shiny things. They have a tradition of giving each other gifts at random of the creations they make and this often includes things like clothing, accessories and jewelry. Artisans display these gifts on their bodies as much as they display the non-wearable gifts in their homes. It doesn't even have to be fancy gifts; they're just as likely to wear something their child or apprentice or young family made as they are to wear something nicer. It's more the thought that counts than what it actually looks like and you can bet an Artisan will be showing off that macaroni bracelet.
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Protectorates:  The sentinels are the bodyguard/spouses to artists, so I'll get into these next. The bottom middle and bottom right pictures are similar to how I picture the uniforms for sentinels of any gender. Usually sentinels can wear whatever they want, but on formal occasions they all wear the same thing, which is essentially a long, dark colored coat that's trimmed in the color of their artists' magics. More than just trimmed- the artist's magic is embedded into the garment so it also glows with the particular magical color of the artist. Only those with Artisan magic can see this glow, so it's entirely unnecessary since the trim is that color anyway, but I think the artists like to show that this sentinel is theirs. There's also a specific long braid that sentinels wear in public that designates their status as a sentinel.
This braid is a normal thing for the Protectorates, which is the group trained to protect art and artists. There are other braids based on what you're guarding, so it's sort of like their badge. (I haven't worked out yet what the braids look like exactly.) The braid combined with much more practical and much less colorful clothes than everyone else wears is generally a pretty good indication that someone's a Protectorate. These pictures all make me think of what Protectorates would wear.
Carnival performers: Tattoos are more common among the carnival performers than the rest of the population and I think the reason for this is that they're so permanent. This is a culture that likes change and trying out new things, so I think the idea of a tattoo is unappealing to most people. However, lots of Concordians will go for temporary makeup and stains to the skin and they certainly love dyeing and styling their hair. Carnies use tattoos to mark life events and things that are important to them, but they'll also get them just because they like them. Generally carnies dress pretty standard Concordian, although there would be some difference because they travel around the continent more often and would pick up styles from other places. A lot of the time they'll wear their costumes around, too. Of my main characters, Dray is really the only one who does this, though.
I haven’t worked out the fashion for what other people wear across the continent, so that’s something I’ll figure out later. I do know that the priest/esses in Montglace keep themselves completely covered from head to toe with heavy robes, but considering that they live in a cavern in a frigid climate, this is probably the only smart thing those people have ever done lol. 
Tagging my world building peoples. Please let me know if you want on or off this list and please please tag me in any writing thing that you share. <3 @ageekyreader @lynnafred @worldbuildingwren @theguildedtypewriter @toboldlywrite @wchwriter @ghostsmooches @lady-redshield-writes @bluemartlet @reeseweston @dreameronthewind @forlornraven @pen-for-sword @homesteadhorner @shadow-maker @loopyhoopydrabbles @emptymanuscript @madmooninc
Day 1 (Intro to my writing/series) / Day 2 (Geography) / Day 3 (People) / Day 4 (History) / Day 5 (Civilization & Architecture) / Bonus: Art Theft  / Day 6 (Gender & Sexuality) / Day 7 (Economy) / Day 8 (Government) / Day 9 (Religion) / Day 10 (Holidays) / Day 12 (Elementals) / Day 11, 13, 14 (Language, Plants, Food) / Day 15 (Technology) / Day 16 (Magic)
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
in 2020 i...
once i’m awake, i struggle to go back to sleep i have little routines i like to follow everyday i’d rather shower in the morning than at night i suffer with really bad period pains i’ve thrown up due to period pain before if i sleep in too late, i feel like i’ve wasted my day i’ve seen the hobbit as well as the lord of the rings movies i love irish accents something i’m currently wearing is a gift i enjoy lighting scented candles i’m a big fan of being cosy and cuddling under blankets i prefer pepsi to coke but it used to be the other way around i’ve experienced caffeine withdrawal before my last impulse purchase involved food i’ve taken a painkiller within the last twenty four hours i can’t remember the last time i read a book there is a cat within arms length of me right now ^actually, there are two cats i’m sat in the same room as my partner right now someone in my family has recently had a baby i’m not wearing anything on my feet right now i’ve left the house at least once today i’ve washed my hair within the last twenty four hours my best friend is probably a pet rather than a person i am currently living under some kind of lockdown restrictions the last thing i drank had caffeine in it
I’m texting a member of the opposite sex right now. I’m listening to Jaaaason Derulooooo atm. I usually don’t take these bolding surveys. But anything to keep me from doing my homework. I had a really good weekend. I saw many wonderful faces. I’ve gotten starbucks within the past week. I hate when a parent uses the whole ‘just because all your friends are doing it doesn’t mean you have to…’ I already went to prom. I had/have a date for prom. We’re going as friends. My prom group is pretty big. I have to listen to Matt & Kim atleast once a day. I’ve had a all-you-can-listen-to-is-country phase before. I’ve listened to Red Hot Chili Peppers within the past week. Last thing I spent my money on was food. Last thing I spent my money on was clothes. My occupation is baby-sitting. Ultimate frisbee is a sport. I’m on a highschool sports team. I don’t have just one best friend. I think a boy and a girl can be JUST friends without having benefits or falling for each other. Sometimes I look at people and wonder what they were on when they got dressed in the morning. I’d consider myself a city girl. Jersey Shore is my guilty pleasure. I had no idea there were even volcanoes in Iceland. I’m closer to my mom. I’m taller than my mom. I really like being on facebook. I should get some homework done for tomorrow. I’ve signed up for a boring field trip just to get me out of school. My best friend still has their V card. I’ve used awkwardly cheesy pick up lines. I’m usually stuck drunk sitting at parties. I can be selfish at times. I’m saving up for a car. I’m really good at science. I hate being told what to do by people other than my mom/dad, I rather punch you in the face instead. I’ve seen episodes of Skins. I have not smoked anything in a while. I’d say I’m somewhat liberal. I’m still not ready to do my homework. I need to go use the bathroom right about now.
Would you wear... 1. Flats 2. Flare jeans 3. Skinny jeans 4. Bootcut jeans 5. Baggy Tripp pants 6. Belly shirt 7. Fitted t-shirt 8. V-neck shirt 9. Platform shoes 10. Converses 11. Nike/Jordans 12. Tights as pants 13. Tunic shirts 14. Hollister head-to-toe 15. An Abercrombie shirt 16. Mary Jane shoes 17. Plugs (aka "gauged" ears) 18. A shirt that says "I'm a virgin, but this is an old shirt."  19. UFO pants 20. Heels to school  21. Headbands 22. Hair clips 23. Your hair straight 24. Your hair curly 25. Your hair in beachy waves 26. A one-piece bathing suit 27. A two-piece bathing suit 28. A miniskirt 29. A pencil skirt 30. Clothes from a garage sale or thrift store 31. Clothes from a department store 33. Knee-high boots 34. Combat boots 35. "Stripper" boots 36. Creepers 37. Polos 38. A trench coat 39. Flip-flops 40. A fishnet shirt 41. A band shirt 42. A tank top 43. A tube top 44. Micro mini skirt 45. Invader Zim shirt 46. Knee high socks 47. Leggings 48. Ripped jeans 49. Sweatpants or pajama pants in public 50. Gold jewelry 51. Silver jewelry 52. Tiffany bracelets and necklaces 53. Designer bags 54. A backpack that looks like a coffin 55. Playboy attire 56. A zip-up hoodie 57. A pullover hoodie 58. Winter jacket with fur trimming 59. A real fur coat 60. A leather jacket 61. Short shorts 62. Capris 63. Shirt with a funny saying on it 64. Shirt that said "I ♥ Me" 65. Facial piercings 66. Unnatural hair colors 67. Glitter eye shadow 68. Regular eye shadow 69. Mascara 70. Fake eyelashes 71. Thick eyeliner 72. Lipgloss 73. Lipstick 74. Stick-on body jewels 75. Fake tattoos 76. Real tattoos  77. A shirt with glitter pictures/writing on it 78. A shirt advertising your favorite clothing brand 79. A shirt with a slice of pizza on it  80. Dye your hair blonde 81. Plaid shirts 82. Plaid jackets 83. Beanie hats 84. Skate shoes 85. Baggy clothes  86. Hats with those things covering the ears 87. Northface jackets 88. Famous Stars & Straps clothes 89. Ecko clothes 90. Thongs 91. Boyshorts 92. Colorful shoelaces 93. Slip-on Vans 94. Butterfly hairclips 95. Lowrise jeans 96. A shirt from 90's band (Nsync, Backstreet Boys, etc.) 97. A fancy blouse 98. A long dress 99. A short dress 100. A white wedding dress (for your wedding) 101. A non-white wedding dress (for your wedding)
102. A tuxedo/suit (for your wedding) 103. Cat ear headband 104. Sparkly accessories 105. Dangly earrings 106. Stud earrings 107. Belly ring 108. Boyfriend's clothes 109. Stuff with skulls on it  110. Skinny jeans with funky prints on them 111. Colored skinny jeans 112. Bright accessories 113. Scene hair 114. Pinstripe dress pants 115. Lady Gaga-esque clothes 116. Perfume 117. Body spray 118. Body glitter 119. Glitter hairspray 120. Bright-colored nailpolish 121. Black nailpolish 122. Glittery nailpolish 123. French manicure 124. Super long fake nails 125. Fake nails in general  126. A shirt promoting a website (your favorite forum, Facebook, MySpace, gURL.com, whatever) 127. A shirt from your favorite television show/movie 128. Armwarmers 129. Long-sleeve shirts 130. Boatneck shirts 131. Poofy skirts or dresses 132. IronFist shoes 133. Striped long-sleeve shirt 134. Bright-colored socks and tights 135. Victorian style boots 136. Children's clothes 137. Pigtails 138. Heels with jeans 139. Wedges 140. Purses
0 notes
minty-minho-blog · 5 years
Top latest Five natural hair growth Urban news
We’d adore to listen to your remarks concerning hair loss shampoos. We want to hear what you believe and we promise to respond instantly. For just one's hair to grow faster, it really is recommended not to wash it everyday, apply an oil or hair mask weekly. You can even select hair-boosting supplements which are Secure. ” Precisely the same post also states that it’s uncommon for women to stick to a male pattern unless You can find abnormal production of androgens in her physique. While t here are much even worse things which can come about to somebody than losing their hair, there’s also no denying how extremely discouraging it might be. There are plenty of reasons for hair loss, which include genetics, and even more items and solutions on the market which claim to sluggish its progress although even growing new hair. Finding a person that actually works to suit your needs, nevertheless, is often a lot easier stated than finished. But we’re in this article that can help. Amla is probably the Indian berries. Nevertheless it wants a special point out mainly because this berry is one of the highest resources of vitamin C (10 situations much more than an orange). https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=hair+growth for five-6 portions of fruits and vegetables everyday. You don’t must take in unique, high-priced kinds.  Consume additional assortment and take in what grows regionally and what modifications seasonally – since they include optimum goodness and so are most effective to your hair, wellness and skin.   We’ve come up with 5 very best hair loss shampoos for men and women that get the job done, led by Ultrax Labs Hair Surge  – that's a relative newcomer that you can buy but one that regularly receives good success. As for the concern, I don’t Imagine It might be a large dropoff in any way. I think it will generally be a usefulness issue. In that situation, I might propose you utilize Nizoral twice weekly (e.g. on Wednesday and Sunday) and use Lipogaine Huge 5 as your “typical” shampoo. At the outset it may well lead to you to shed hair as hair follicles. New hair may very well be shorter and thinner than past hair. Not less than 6 months of treatment is required to prevent further hair loss and to get started on hair regrowth. You have to retain making use of the medication to keep Rewards. Studies confirmed that the most effective use of 2% ketoconazole shampoo was just one each two to four days and leaving the shampoo within the scalp for 3 to five minutes immediately after it's been utilized. Prior to deciding to get just any bottle of hair-loss shampoo off the shelf – and plenty of don’t do the job, which we’ll contact on a tad later – you'll find stuff you have to have to keep in mind: I shade my hair and generally utilize a Sulfate-free shampoo to retain the color. Do have a selected instructed brand for color addressed hair? Hair adds on to the person’s persona and visual appeal. It not just boosts up the self-self esteem but in addition leaves a good effect on Other individuals. On a median, an individual loses all around 80- a hundred hair strands daily which is changed by new hair. Even following the technique, at Labelle hair care clinic, the gurus observe the hair regrowth regularly so that you can assess success. It will require almost 9 months with the hair regrowth cycle to accomplish.
Top hair loss Secrets
How you can eat? Sprinkle some floor flaxseed with your salads, or add them for your smoothies, or when producing bread/naan/rotis. You may as well make delectable flaxseed chutney. On the other hand there are many ‘unnatural’ methods you could take care of baldness. It's possible you already understand about them (Propecia and Rogaine) and I’m going to discuss them much too on this page. Not merely are you currently deciding on a kind of chemical castration, you’re also ignoring the warning indicators coming from the human body. Finding little herbs youtube channel and solutions is usually difficult, but can greatly minimize the chances of a delayed allergic response, whilst the nutrients, minerals and enzymes are much more bioavailable to your body. After we physical exercise, it helps to reduce tension hormones — which can be the lousy boys that like to latch on on your hair follicles and destruction them. PRP is often a focus of platelet-abundant plasma protein; in present-day investigation, PRP has become proven to induce the growth of hair in individuals with AGA when injected into the influenced region in the scalp. Let’s get a better have a look at the outcomes. I keep in mind how it feels. Experience helpless which i was little by little likely bald and there was absolutely nothing I could do over it. And also the third most crucial issue a large number of of you by now know but conveniently disregard is Drinking H2o. Our body is 70% drinking water, and if it doesn’t receive enough h2o it is not going to purpose nicely, plus your hair won't thrive during the dehydrated atmosphere. In advance of utilizing Minoxidil, however, consider that good effects will stop shortly right after use finishes. This is due to Minoxidil works to only deal with the signs or symptoms; it doesn’t handle the actual induce. On top of that, you could possibly practical experience many Unintended effects, which includes: Our bodies mistakenly believe that our have hair is usually a foreign invader and goes to work attacking it. Uncover more about the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, 5 alpha reductase and how to inhibit it here. One thing to keep in mind when making use of essential oils is to pick out a carrier oil that works properly to provide the Necessities directly to the hair follicles. Regretably, it appears that RU58841 experimentation has ceased with the foreseeable upcoming as a consequence of house legal rights transfer. It continues to be to become seen no matter if more experiments (particularly in humans) are going to be performed. In 2005, Prasad et. al. studied the consequences of Finasteride within an eighty-guy randomized study. The Guys were being handled more than a duration of 1 calendar year and had been split into two teams: As a hair loss treatment method that looks straight from science fiction, laser therapy often called Lower-Degree Laser Therapy (LLLT) is still in its earliest stages of analyze and use.
Examine This Report on natural hair growth
I are utilizing It Works hair pores and skin and nails and my hair grew two inches in 6 months! And my pores and skin appears to be like better as well. Vitamin D is believed to Perform a job in hair output, but most study concentrates on vitamin D receptors. The particular role of vitamin D in hair growth is unfamiliar. Eating https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alopecia_areata eating plan, getting a average number of training, are also recommended to get a nutritious pregnancy. Information about the week by 7 days growth of your infant in the womb are supplied. Recognizing to get a actuality at an early age if an individual is going to be predisposed to dropping their hair will make a large change. This tends to assist that person be capable to plan, finances, and analysis their alternatives prior to their hair even commences thinning. Worry is one of The main variables that contribute to hair loss. It is thought that stress can disrupt the normal hair cycle and set off hairs to enter the telogen or fall-out phase. So, when striving for faster hair growth, minimize the pressure in your life. Every thing you have to know with regard to the ideal shampoos for hair loss Hair loss in the two Guys and women may possibly range from moderate and insignificant to severe. Just take biotin dietary supplements. Biotin dietary supplements are composed of B vitamins that add to hair health. Vitamin B12 is especially essential when it comes to regrowing hair. This drug has revealed to get greater at protecting against further more hair loss than reversing it (regrowth). Just Take into account that some Negative effects may possibly make the hair loss seem extra captivating. I mean, it seems quite apparent, speedy, and straightforward, so I’m about to check out it. Y’all need to attempt it. Also I place my nickname at school as my name bc I have a tendency to get very angry extremely conveniently so my friends gave me that name. alopecia areata (smaller round or coin size bald patches on the scalp that usually grow back again inside months), "I am struggling from critical hair loss. That's why I am striving to search for a solution. I spotted the information you offered is absolutely helpful. click here quite a bit."..." extra A Nameless Comment:Thanks fellas I never experienced a superb hair at any time because I grew up so I'll check out these this tips and are available and thank you Try out an oil therapeutic massage. Including oil towards the equation aids circulation much more than a regular head therapeutic massage. The oil really helps to unclog hair follicles and permit new growth to come in. Once or twice weekly, intend to use oil to therapeutic massage your head. It’s least complicated to do it within the shower, then rinse away the oil when you’re completed. Healthline shares 5 ways to keep your locks healthier and strong all through menopause, when hormonal imbalances frequently cause hair loss.
The Fact About natural hair growth That No One Is Suggesting
Why we like it: A completely naturally shampoo that forestalls hair loss attributable to severe substances in regular shampoos, and treats brings about of Continual hair loss. Among the ancient herbs for hair clean, shikakai Carefully cleans the hair with out eradicating the protective oils through the scalp. In addition, One's body requirements vitamin C to make a protein often known as collagen — a significant A part of hair framework. Alopecia refers to any type of hair loss, hair thinning, or balding everywhere in the human body. T here are a variety of results in which can lead to hair loss, though the commonest and natural a person is ageing. This action is optional: I do wish to use a herbal tea rinse to ailment and increase shine. In addition it really helps to tackle the scent. Received a query and will’t find the best answer on line? Fret not as Answeropedia welcomes you to boost a question and you may see a wide array of genuine responses right away. How frequently can we make use of the egg shampoo/ treatment plus the four shampoo recipes listed over? Thanks a great deal Hair is created up of keratin, and that is a protein created inside the hair follicles around the uppermost layer of your pores and skin. The follicles retain producing new hair cells and drive out the old lifeless cells. The hair which you see on your own head are compact strands fabricated from lifeless keratinized cells. Involutional alopecia - is really a natural system, whereby, hair thinning takes place with age. With ageing, many of the hair follicles go in the dormant or resting phase, although the length of the remainder of the hairs little by little grow to be shorter and Because of this, the hair amount becomes thinner. Viewers Comments 28 Share Your Tale You will discover couple of scientifically confirmed and FDA-authorized treatments for hair loss. There are Countless unproven statements and goods to help with hair regrowth. Lots of conditioners, shampoos, vitamins, and also other goods claim to help hair grow in certain unspecified way. Nioxin has actually been a popular brand of shampoo for hair loss, but there's no powerful proof demonstrating it is actually any simpler than typical shampoos. Hello sir I am struggling for weighty hair loss trouble so remember to give me recommendations for Regulate hair loss Doctors seek advice from typical baldness as "androgenetic alopecia" or "androgenic alopecia," which means that a mix of hormones and heredity (genetics) is essential to produce the ailment. Very first, produce a cup of green tea with a person tea bag (or one teaspoon of loose tea). Pour a cup of hot water on green tea bag and Enable it steep for thirty minutes or right until neat. (use filtered or distill drinking water to make this tea, however it’s not important). At any supplied time, 90% or maybe more of the hair in your scalp keeps growing. No https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_cvCUQN3KU contain the similar growth speed. In fact, Just about every hair follicle goes by means of a complete growth cycle of its possess, which can be motivated by factors like age, diet, health issues, and also ethnicity.
The hair vitamins Diaries
Hello there attractive, welcome to hair buddha. I am Minaz, an ex-working towards Neuro-Physiotherapist turned natural – hair – therapist! I am producing to share my ordeals on natural hair care that's been productive not merely on me and also on many superb folks close to me. Whole grains are full of biotin along with iron, zinc and B vitamins. Biotin is necessary for mobile proliferation and plays a crucial portion in developing amino acids (protein) which are expected in your hair to grow. Vitamin A – that's an antioxidant and can help create sebum that contributes to thicker, shinier hair. Pumpkin seed is rich in fatty acids that assist hair retain dampness. That’s specially significant if you live inside a colder weather which could dry your hair out, In particular through Wintertime. Common hair growth products and solutions and natural therapies for hair loss Hair loss commonly occurs when the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. It is possible to inspire hair growth by sustaining balanced hair by way of a superior eating plan and proper hair treatment. Selected herbs will help make your hair grow faster, much too. In The usa that quantities to all-around eighty million Males and forty million women at this time struggling from hair loss. Obviously, a long-lasting cure would alleviate a massive percentage from the inhabitants. Therefore, we deal with difficulties for example harmful hair and bad hair growth, and a number of Many others. But Hairfluence has your back, so to speak, With regards to hair well being, as their Hair Growth Formula provides the dietary supplements you will need for healthful hair growth also to hinder hair loss. HSC660 is definitely an ongoing woman hair loss trial that could operate for 22 months and also a late stage (Stage three demo) for men has initiated in Mexico. Histogen founder Gail Naughton even went so far to expose commercialization, “We’e in really late-stage negotiations with some huge retail partners,” she claims. It might not be a magic bullet, but it would certain be nice to have another/nutritional supplement to Rogaine that actually stimulates growth. Ketoconazole prevents your follicles from discomfort and inflammation, which consequently stops hair thinning and loss. With 1% Ketoconazole (or 2% that has a prescription), this products has adequate of this very important ingredient to get rid of the fungi answerable for creating dandruff. Sign up for our mailing record and acquire the most up-to-date news about developments in hair loss avoidance engineering. We continue to keep our readers current on what is actually Doing the job, what is not, and what's within the horizon. Suitable for all hair kinds and textures, Honeydew’s Hair Growth B-Advanced Shampoo Components is hypoallergenic and one of the most secure products on the market. For those who’re seeking to rejuvenate hair, decrease shedding, slow or cease hair loss entirely, and begin growing thicker, much healthier hair with each use, you’ll enjoy this shampoo. Observed Palmetto is a small plant that provides several Added benefits, one of which will involve blocking five-alpha-reductase, an enzyme in the human body that converts testosterone to DHT. Building a hair rinse is as simple as making a herbal tea. Incorporate scorching h2o to the herb of one's choice, Permit it steep, protected till it cools down, then use. My favorite hair rinse is definitely the first 1 about the list.
The smart Trick of hair fall treatment That Nobody is Discussing
I’m extremely aware that Ketoconazole is witnessed as a key ingredient inside the combat versus hair loss, so I’m desperate to listen to your thoughts and assistance. Like minoxidil (aka Rogaine), Ketoconazole continues to be identified as a fantastic hair loss treatment. Ketoconazole is the principle component in many anti-dandruff and regrowth shampoos, and investigation because of the Nationwide Institute of Health and fitness (NIH) has shown which the standard use of a 2% Ketoconazole shampoo can result in improved hair density and dimension. It really is no shock that ‘hair loss cures 2020’ is an incredibly well-liked research term in Google. You’d Consider by that time we’d figure out how to halt hairs from falling away from heads. Right after favourable early data, many trials of JAK inhibitors such as Ruxolitinib and Xeljanz are underway. Columbia researchers have experienced beneficial final results with Xeljanz in eleven out of 12 topics achieving some regrowth with no adverse Negative effects about sixteen months of treatment. ” Once effectively created, This might renovate a fully bald guy or girl to the head of hair they'd as a teen. The most crucial obstacle now will be replicating their results in big-scale human trials. These items are often harmless but usually not scientifically demonstrated and as a consequence probably ineffective. To slow down read more , you can find at the very least four likely efficient, primary choices. These involve medicines like Minoxidil, and Propecia, which might be for very long-phrase use. Stopping these medication isn't going to seem to worsen or exacerbate the prior hair loss. The affected person will only revert on the point out he might have been in experienced he never begun treatment. These things is the true offer and the results received’t go unnoticed – just inquire the 5000+ reviewers on Amazon. The bottle has about 1/three still left And that i am asking yourself what on earth is to become anticipated from this product. I really need to use at the least 8 pumps ( it appears to be double the volume of usual shampoo which i use) and it does not manage to afterwards that perfectly till following a min or so. Additonally i am utilizing the hair surge health supplement. When must i see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw falling out? When should really i expect noticeable benefits. Every other solutions? I understand it states to utilize five of 7 times, but i use it everyday to make certain I'm getting the whole profit ( if any) from this product. At present I'm looking at 100 buck a month to the shampoo by yourself if i hold this up. Any advice is welcome. Thanks Keep the Hairline provides comprehensive protection on the most up-to-date confirmed and opportunity hair loss treatments. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ are current with a quarterly basis, providing you Using the freshest info and chopping-edge solutions. It’s tricky to find out an actual date any time you’re planning to see success. My piece of advice can be, find a plan and keep on with it. I also use castor oil and rosemary essential oil on my scalp during the night time and wash each morning….egg is supposed to be beneficial for its proteins (have to rinse just after 20 min with interesting drinking water!!) And mayonnaise way too, but I haven’t tried out that. Best of luck, Buddy…. read more is The main component. Of the many endless components to search for, ensure that your shampoo for hair loss incorporates ketoconazole due to the fact this component combats a number of the major complications associated with thinning hair.  For this reason, biotin is Employed in leading natural shampoos for hair loss together with many beard vitamins to promote thicker facial hair. Select an item that contains biotin to experience these Gains and canopy each of the bases. It’s a small plant with berries that demonstrates assure as a method to treat hair loss (and it’s currently utilised being an herbal cure to treat an enlarged prostate and also a decreased sexual intercourse push).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq-xdhvLEfQ About hair fall Explained
Vitamin A allows to make wholesome sebum, an oily substance secreted from the scalp, which keeps hair from drying out and breaking off.* Moreover, Vitamin A fights totally free radicals that weigh your hair down.* Let’s Examine these present day things which are intended to kill bacteria, and after that I’ll tell you about why this microbes keep one of The most crucial keys to curing baldness. , then I strongly urge you to complete further more analysis. Though hair transplantion can provide an aesthetic Increase, it’s not The solution towards your hair loss woes. You’ll still want to work to deal with the foundation result in Normally persons understand about acute (or IgE) food items allergy symptoms because the system’s response to your food stuff usually takes place immediately and with obvious implications which are very easy to see. Lengthy, shiny and healthy hair can be an easily achievable intention, supplied you dedicate a while to hair care and comply with these handy all-natural healthy hair strategies. I can’t go into all the small print here, but I want to give you a quick overview of the next rationale. Earning a hair rinse is as simple as creating a herbal tea. Add very hot water to the herb of one's decision, Permit it steep, covered right up until it cools down, then use. My most loved hair rinse is definitely the first a person over the listing. Delayed foodstuff allergy symptoms might be a significant cause of hair loss in Adult men and women. The overwhelming majority of individuals, however, are fully unaware that delayed allergic reactions from foodstuff even happen, not to mention could potentially cause and amplify hair loss. Again, oils like coconut and almond make a great depart-in conditioner. To utilize: Take a couple drops of oil and rub it amongst your palms and use to damp or dry hair (avoiding the roots) and go away in. In truth, I might go so far as to declare that it would be nearly impossible to cure sample baldness naturally without having to start with therapeutic the microbiome. Pumpkin Seed Oil (PSO) is really an extract from the pumpkin seed, which is a prosperous supply of antioxidants and a range of minerals. PSO supplies a number of Gains – including the regulation of insulin amounts and also the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) – and its fatty acid articles also makes it a healthier snack. As briefly mentioned previously mentioned, PSO is likewise believed to have https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ on the growth of hair. It’s crystal clear which the list of microbes killing modern-day inventions is extensive. visit s not easy to do nearly anything without jogging into some thing made to kill germs in one type or A different. In plenty of people, scalp hair growth will halt as a result of follicle devitalization just after reaching a duration of frequently two or three feet. Exceptions to this rule could be noticed in folks with hair enhancement abnormalities, which may induce an abnormal duration of hair growth. Chemotherapy[edit] It’s distinct that we don’t know enough relating to this topic still and even more exploration is necessary. But it's very clear that healing your microbiome will definitely enable your Total well being and Virtually absolutely help reduce your hair loss.
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egooksconnolly · 7 years
20 Yummy Cotton Candy Hair Color Ideas
Amazing hair trends keep us alive. And cotton candy hair, (or just candy hair,) has us bursting with life. When rightly done, the vivid colors and expert blending can leave anyone mesmerized. From stunning pastel colors to vivid yet soft blues, pinks, purples, yellows, reds, and greens, this trend has it all. Following, we’ve put together, a list of 20 of the yummiest cotton candy hairstyles that we’ve come across. But first, let’s look at how you can get this look.
How To Get Cotton Candy Hair
You Will Need
 A bleaching kit (if you have dark hair.)
 Clips for sectioning
 Hair dye
 An old shirt
 Applicator brush
 Plastic bowls
 Color protecting shampoo and conditioner
 Petroleum jelly
Ensure that you are working with 2-3 day old hair. The oils that build up in your hair a few days after washing will help lighten your hair faster.
Use a brush to untangle your hair.
Put on your gloves and apply the petroleum jelly all along your hairline.
Mix the bleach by following the instructions in the kit.
Divide your hair into an upper and a lower section. Clip the upper section away and start working with the lower layers of your hair.
Apply the bleach to the lower layers. Ensure that you are applying an even coat to avoid ending up with patches.
Once you are done with the bottom layers, start bleaching the upper layers that you had clipped away.
Following the instructions, leave the bleach on for the recommended amount of time.
Shampoo and condition your hair.
Note: You might have to repeat this process a couple of times to get the desired lightness.
After lightening your hair, pick some cotton candy colors to work with.
Work with freshly washed hair that has not been conditioned.
Use a brush or comb to untangle your hair.
Put on your gloves and apply the petroleum jelly all along your hairline.
Pour the hair dye into plastic bowls. Use separate bowls for each color if you are going for a multi-hued style. For an ombre with a single hue, use two bowls, one with the fully pigmented dye, and one with a dye that has been diluted with conditioner. (Arctic fox, pulp riot, pravana, manic panic, and crazy color are some good hair dye brands to work with.)
Apply the dye onto your lightened hair in sections.
After applying the dye, wait for 30 minutes.
Wash your hair with a color protecting shampoo and conditioner.
1. Fairy Floss
Pink and blue, our favorite cotton candy colors. This style is so spot-on it almost looks edible. The artist has taken two contrasting colors to give an unnatural low-lights effect. The beautiful blue is expertly blended and fades to a pastel pink.
2. Candy Mania
We all love candy and so, by general logic, all of us are head over heels in love with this style. The artist has expertly painted pink, yellow, and blue hues that are bound to look as good on straight hair as it does on these wavy locks.
3. Pink Sorbet
This style is nailing the alternative beach hair look. This pink is pure pastel goodness with subtle rose gold undertones, and who doesn’t love rose gold? If you have a bob and have been thinking about turning into a candy head, this might just be the style for you.
4. Candy Mermaid
Has a single-hued style ever looked better? While it might not seem like a big deal, getting the perfect shade without any patchiness actually takes the hands of a true artist. The pink has evenly taken to this gorgeously long style. This is one of the best pink cotton candy hairstyles for women with long and fine hair.
5. Fiery Rainbow
This cotton candy hairstyle is on fire. The gorgeous red roots melt into pastel candy shades that have been painted on so meticulously. The style has a sweeping effect that has definitely swept us off our feet.
6. Cotton Candy Ice Cream
Ooh~ the sterling in this style. The artist has expertly blended two of our favorite hair trends—cotton candy and opal. The dark roots seamlessly blend out to shades of sterling, pastel pink, and pastel blue, creating the perfect cotton candy ice cream look.
7. Hot Candy Pink
We thought cotton candy styles were all about the pastels until we stumbled upon this beauty. This style is so perfect it almost seems fake and extremely candy-like. The asymmetrical bob further ups the chic quotient, making this the perfect hairstyle for women with straight hair.
8. Red Sorbet
We will never say no to a pastel red and we cannot tell you how gorgeous this color is. The half-mermaid, half- candy style is sure to suit all hair types and textures. Just make sure you get a stylist who can nail the look as well as this one did.
9. Candy Grunge
While candy styles usually have a cute and naive look to them, the edge on this one is so extremely badass. We’re in awe. The artist has created a seamless blend from the dark roots to the vivid pink. They’ve also added a touch of yellow to the tips to create the perfect amount of dimension and movement.
10. Dipped In Candy
Did we already mention that we LOVE sterling? This look seems to be bereft of all warm tones and the perfect sterling locks start to take on a beautiful pastel blue from the mid-lengths of the hair. These perfect locks seem as though they’ve been dipped in blue fairy floss.
11. Peekaboo Candy Rainbow
Candy, rainbows, and unicorns are just a few of our favorite things, and this look has created a perfect blend of all three. The hair at the crown has been perfected with a sweeping effect using a two-toned pastel pink. The peekaboo lower layers look like a perfect rainbow, making this the best style you could wish for if you love high ponytails.
12. Streaked With Candy
How many colors do you see? At first, it may seem like two, but the artist has meticulously created dimension using two tones of blue for the low-lights and has topped the style off with the perfect candy pink. Were you looking for a dimensional fix for your fine hair? This might be it.
13. Sterling Candy Melt
Talking about fixes for fine hair, it really cannot get better than this. The pastel pink roots create a gorgeous root-melt with the platinum at the crown of this style. The lower layers have more pink spruced up with streaks of purple and blue. This style is definitely topping our list of favorites.
14. Green Peekaboo
Green hair has been so underrated for so long, but we are extremely glad that it is catching on. This perfect a-line bob has an almost anime feel to it with the gray highlights. The lower layers are a single-toned green, making this style, chic, simple, and so extremely classy.
15. Feelin’ Pink
There is so much more than meets the eye with this style. While it may look like a single-toned pink, the artist has meticulously added subtle purple tones near the tips to create movement and make the style dimensional.
16. Candy Unicorn
Candy land cannot not have unicorns, and this gorgeous lady is not not a resident of the area. Dark roots that perfectly blend out to the most gorgeous lavender we’ve laid our eyes on, all topped off with our favorite candy pink. How can this not be what dreams are made of?
17. Candy Waves
This style has so much going on. Pink, blue, orange, yellow, and green, they are all there. Some may say that too many colors could mean a potential disaster, but this artist showed them! The pink roots blend out to a candy blue, taking on shades of orange, yellow, and green on its way there.
18. Melting Candy
This style is most certainly the epitome of expert blending and the perfect pastel pink. We can’t wrap our minds around how the artist has managed to create a seamless blend between colors that are so far apart on the spectrum. This style is nothing short of perfect.
19. Kinky Candy
Talk about texture. If this doesn’t look like cotton candy to you, I don’t know what will. This yummy cloud of fairy floss has been created with pastel pink that has subtle sterling undertones, making it perfect for women with olive or cool-toned skin.
20. Candy Shop
Can’t decide what your favorite candy color is? Then this style was tailor-made for you. The vivid colors with contrasting hues start off with vibrant pigment at the roots, fading out to perfect pastels. How the artist managed to create such a perfect ombre with so many colors, we will never comprehend.
These cotton candy hairstyles are so perfect, they’ve satisfied all of our sweet cravings for a while, with none of the calories. Are you feeling inspired yet? Let us in on your next big hair adventure in the comments section below.
The post 20 Yummy Cotton Candy Hair Color Ideas appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
The article source is here:Style Craze
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theochelpsquad · 7 years
Indigo Terzi (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
H: You’re not, don’t worry!
Hi, I’m Fable (pseudonym, obviously). Before I get into this, I want to apologize if you’re flooded with stuff and I’m annoying you, but if you could read Indie’s profile and offer criticism, it’d be really appreciated. (Art Credit to Rinmaru Games). Firstly, yes, this is a world cross OC. I’m sorry if you don’t like those. Also, Indie is paired with Ed. I’m also sorry if you don’t like that.
H: Hi! We didn’t get your art, for some reason. In my opinion, world-cross OCs and OC/Canon pairings aren’t an automatic fail, if they’re done in a way that makes sense. For example, add some backstory to how the world cross happened, or show your OC and the canon character eventually falling in love.
E:  Ok, let me tell you, it’s always okay to pair your characters with actual characters in the show, for the most part! But that depends on how close you want to stick to canon (considering the character may already have a love interest in canon). So it’s your decision.
H: Alright, under the cut, because this is a little long!
Name:  Indigo Arianna Terzi
Meaning:  Blue purple, prophet
Nickname(s): Indie, IAT
Alias:  N/A
Age:  14/15 (changes through story)
Race:  Greek
E: You might want to change Race to Nationality, and considering the fact that her name is Terzi, you should add that she’s (possibly) Italian.
Gender:  Female
Date of Birth:  
H: I’m not sure if this was accidentally not included for some reason, but if you’re looking for a birthday that has some sort of meaning, I’d recommend a date in January (which represents doorways in change, referencing her world cross).
Birth Place:  Chicago, IL, USA
Current Location:  Somewhere in Amestris probably
H: If you want to add a more specific location, I added a map of Amestris below.
Tumblr media
Goal(s):  Live…? Master her alchemy
H: What type of alchemy does she have? Does she need gloves like Roy or a transmutation circle to do it? Maybe try to link her form of alchemy to her life back at home or her childhood if you can.
Like(s):  Musical theatre/acting/singing/dancing, books, learning new things, comfy chair, hot chocolate, puns, playing with people’s hair, being alone with her thoughts, listening to other people talk/sing, bay windows, patterns and symmetry, logic, romance, history, studying how things work, pretty colors, pasta, dogs, children, hugs and human warmth, going shopping
Dislike(s):  Being bored, people mocking people for things they like, homophobes, unprovoked violence, needles/doctors, unfamiliar people, being without her phone and bag, conflicting patterns/colors, asymmetry, complicated math, silence, loneliness
Hobbies/Habits:  Hobbies: Writing, reading, singing, dancing, playing with hair, taking pictures, keeping a journal/Habits: Biting nails, twirling hair, licks lips
Flaws:  Sarcastic, comes off as cold/indifferent/annoying, has little self confidence, over thinks
E: I think that you might want to add a couple more flaws, some that will make her a bit more realistic. Maybe she’s a compulsive liar, maybe she often has tunnel vision with regards to others’ feelings and emotions, maybe she has a really short temper.
H: I really like how complicated and realistic these traits make her together!
Fears:  Needles/doctors, being abandoned
Personality:  Comes off as very cold and emotionless, guarded until she knows someone, awkward when flustered, passionate, can act childish, self depreciating, stressed, sarcastic, tries to be humorous and relate to people, intelligent, confused (not about anything in particular, just confused), aware of the world and it’s dangers, over thinks things, often daydreaming/lost in thought, true to herself
H: To me, she sounds like a character who prefers to be self-reliant. If you want to humanize her and her relationship with other characters, you can add some problems she faces trying to express her feelings to them freely.
Status:  Alive
Skin Color:  Olive
Body Build:  Slight, petite
Eye Color:  Indigo (hence name)
H: How does she have indigo eyes? Did she live in an AU where purple, red, and other unusual eye colors were considered normal? Did she live in regular Chicago, but her eyes looked indigo in a certain light?
E: Indigo eyes are very rare. In fact, I think it may be one of the rarest eye colors in humans. But I’m sure she could have dark blue eyes!
H: Dark blue eyes could definitely work, and they do look indigo sometimes.
H: Then again, some characters from FMA have unrealistic hair and eye colors, like Rose Thomas, so it’s not a big deal.
Hair Color:  Dark brown
Hair Style: Down to ribs when down, but usually looks shorter because it’s in a high ponytail atop her head
Height:  5’
Weight:  88 lbs
H: Considering her age, she would normally be around 5′4″ and 105 pounds. If you want to keep your current measurements, you should consider adding a reason for them. Maybe Indigo has a sort of nutritional deficiency that stunts her growth? I know somebody who struggles with that, and they have to eat sugary things constantly to keep themselves healthy. That deficiency could make her story more interesting, as she now needs to concentrate on what she needs to eat, too, while also surviving in a different world.
Automail:  None
Other: Scar under right eye from falling down stairs as a kid
E: To be honest, I think that any falling injuries that would give her a cut under her eyes would also (in most cases) damage the bone in her face around her eyes.
H: If you want to keep the scar, burns, car crashes, and bike accidents are all common childhood injuries and could all cause a scar. However, falling down the stairs could also cut her without damaging her bone structure if she landed on something sharp, like a vase.
Clothing of Choice:  Black leggings, black combat boots, gray undershirt, dark green hooded jacket, brown messenger bag
Occupation: None at the moment
Alchemic Element or Transmutation Specialty:  All
State Alchemist?  No
   State Alchemist Name:  N/A
Weapon of Choice:  Preferably no weapon, but fists if needed
Fighting Style:  Aikido
   [Scale 1-10, 1 = lowest, 10 = highest]
Alchemy Usage:  8/10 (eventually)
Swordsman and/or Gunmanship:  2/10
Martial Arts Skill:  9/10
Defense:  8/10
Offense:  4/10
Teamwork:  6/10
H: These statistics seem to really fit her character, down to her guarded nature being translated to high defense stats! I’d try not to change these if possible.
Parents:  Helena Pallas-Terzi, Dion Terzi
Sibling(s):  N/A
Other Relative(s):  Petros Pallas (maternal grandfather), Elaine Galanis-Pallas (maternal grandmother), Markos Terzi (paternal grandfather), Tessa Elias-Terzi (paternal grandmother)
Love Interest(s):  Edward Elric
Best Friends: Li Shan/Sean Lee, Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric
Friends:  Winry Rockbell, Ling Yao/Greed, Lan Fan, May Chang/Xiao May, chimeras, Paninya
Enemy(ies):  Father Cornello, Father, Pride, Lust, Envy, Wrath
Hero(es):  Helena Passas-Terzi, Riza Hawkeye, Izumi Curtis
Rival(s):  (Jokingly) Edward Elric, Roy Mustang
H: Though you didn’t have much room to do so here, I’d expand on her relationships and how they formed. Maybe Ed took her in when she appeared in Amestris? That would explain most of these relationships, seeing as Ed knows all of these people, but how would she know Cornello and the homunculi? Does she appear in the show’s timeline? Alternatively, does this happen after the show, but do these enemies come back? This could be a great opportunity for some incredible word building.
Quote(s):  “This-this automail, this body, doesn’t define who you are.” “I don’t really do ‘healthy’ amounts of sleep when there’s work to be done.”
Indie was born in Chicago, Illinois. She is the only child of Helena and Dion Terzi, and was named after her dark blue eyes. She grew up in a cozy apartment in the city, always healthy and happy. Both of her parents were artists (Helena was a painter while Dion was a composer), and they heavily encouraged creativity in their daughter.
Indie was always drawn to creative outlets, and was frequently doodling, writing, and humming. However, she also knew that her parents wouldn’t tolerate failure (or perhaps, she realized later in life, it was her who wouldn’t accept it), and therefore did very well in school. Though she wasn’t disliked, per se, her classmates found her a bit strange, given her unusual intellect and shy tendencies.
Helena, a long time Chicago resident, knew how dangerous the city could be. She signed Indie up for aikido so that she could learn self defense. Indie was decent. She wasn’t a top-notch, best in the country student, but she knew enough to the point that she could defend herself without harming her attacker.
While in elementary school, Indie’s nose was always buried in a book or notebook. She was fascinated by higher level education and entertained herself by doing things like memorizing the periodic table. It wasn’t because she wanted to show off. She simply enjoyed memorizing and trying out new things. She didn’t know that it would annoy her classmates to the point where they would tease her viciously, picking away at her insecurities. The teasing eventually got so bad that Indie would claim to be sick to get out of school. This happened so often that Dion took Indie to the doctor, who said nothing was wrong.
E: Does she have another mental illness? Some illnesses can give people a wider memory and an aptitude with higher level thinking. (What was described seems a bit unnatural for a neurotypical person of that age.)
As a result, Helena and Dion became worried and took Indie to a psychologist, who diagnosed her with social anxiety and depression. Indie was put on medication and moved schools to a private school for her middle school and high school years.
It was here that Indie flourished. She was still quiet, but, with encouragement from Dion, tried out for the musical in sixth grade, and, to her surprise, was cast. It was a small chorus role, but a role nonetheless. And thus Indie’s passion was discovered. Musical theatre became a second home for Indie, and she came out of her shell when she went onstage. She gained self-confidence as she moved up the ranks of the cast. She became very close to a stage manager named Sean Lee (birth name Li Shan), but no, they do not date, they’re just close friends.
Overall, Indie’s life was looking up. And then she saw that damn red stone.
Trivia/Fun Facts:
Indie’s blue eyes were inherited from her maternal grandfather, Petros
Indie’s father, Dion, came from Greece to Chicago to study, where he met Helena. His parents still remain in Greece and visit every few years
Her first leading role was Elphaba in Wicked
Lola played Glinda
Indie’s favorite color is actually purple
The reason Indie was able to pass through the Gate and not give up any limbs or her voice is that she had a necklace containing a Philosopher’s Stone that her grandmother had sent from Greece for her 14th birthday
H: I think this is a really important fact that should be expanded upon. Did her grandmother know about the stone or did she not know about its power? How did she come across it?
Indie is allergic to bee stings
Helena and Dion actually were going to have a child before Indie, but Helena suffered a miscarriage, meaning that Indie was a miracle and a blessing to both of them
Indie practically generates warmth, and is often hugged by Sean, who is perpetually cold
Indie’s favorite book (besides Fullmetal Alchemist) is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
H: Unless I’m reading into this wrong, Indigo comes from a world that knows about FMA into the actual FMA universe. Does this mean that FMA was based off of a real story/universe? Or did someone create an alternate universe based on the FMA story? To keep your story from getting too complicated, I wouldn’t make FMA exist as a story in her universe, but Indigo isn’t my OC, after all!
Indie’s fear of needles came from when she was about 6 and was given an antibiotic for an infection. The antibiotic had a side effect of delirium, and, when the doctors came to draw blood, Indie saw nothing but the needles and though she was going to be stabbed
The total number of notebooks that Indie has filled with stories, notes, personal poems and songs, or choreography throughout her life is around 25-30
Indie loves games involving memorization, like Memory and recreating sequences
Indie’s brown messenger bag is like a safety blanket, and she never leaves anywhere without it
It was a gift from her parents for Christmas when she was 11
H: I really like these small tidbits, even if they don’t contribute to her story! They make Indigo seem very real and imperfect.
Template by germanshepardluv426 on Deviantart
E:  You write really well! Keep up the good work! I love your character. She’s very fleshed-out and realistic (to the point where I think she’s based off of someone real!) and with any free time you have, I think it’d be ideal that you pursue her story!
Also, on an ending note, you can also have fun bending canon if you want! Sure, Winry might end up with Edward at the end, but if you want her to fall in love with Paninya (for whatever reason,,, ;O ) you can!
But with OCs, usually the problem lies in the power that you give them. Remember, even though the content is free for examination and recreation, if you want a realistic (ha ha, realistic, it’s anime, but you get what I mean) character, you need to make sure you don’t give them a god-like ability and a perfect life. Mistakes happen. One day, in a tragic accident, a character might lose a leg halfway through the story.
(That’s confusingly worded, but to put it in simpler terms, every character messes up. Also, to keep the story realistic, not every character has to emerge in one piece.)
 H: Overall, I also really liked Indigo. I feel that she’s very realistic, and I don’t see many things you could change with her character that would improve her. The worldbuilding can be explored a little, but I think you’ve already created an interesting beginning that could make an awesome story. There’s a lot of great potential in this, and I encourage you to keep working on it!
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