#shes cuddly and drooly too
piknim · 1 year
Why do cats smell so good
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 1 month
Hiya! How's your day been?
Mine's been cool!
I have a bit of an expansion on the drunk ask. If that's okay, of course.
Nanema will get fondly exasperated with HW & giggle a bit at his drooly face & snoring if he conks out in the middle of... "consummating," but will ultimately not mind.
Will also gently tease him about it as she helps him nurse his hangover in the morning. (BTW, each of the Dorfs & Demise gets the same concoction as WW from their lady (including Karina) in the morning as it's supposed to be a good hangover aid. Though, Karina is more strict, yet longsuffering about it than the Nemmas are with the Dorfs.)
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^HW Ganondorf towards his wife, when drunk.
HW is just a man who loves battle and his wife. At this point, its not even about Hyrule. He loves the adrenaline rush. He drinks like a viking, and then he sees wife and just wants to smooch.
If he passes out while drunk while makin' love to his wife, he will be SHAMED. This man will pale at the fact that he fucked up the one thing he loves doing as much as he loves to fight.
He will rectify it as soon as he's able to.
Wife is lured back to bed, and shone a PROPER good time... at least 3-4 hours of it, to make up for his folly. When done, wife is covered in bites, hickeys, and bruises, well loves and worshiped.
Demise won't appreciate being lectured and will snap and snarl, but deep down, REALLY DEEP DOWN, he appreciates the assistance. He's just too big of an ego to actually show or say it. Dick.
Bonus: How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise react, while drunk, to seeing their wife? Like they are sloshed, fully intoxicated, and suddenly their wife comes in, checking on them. Who would be cuddly? attempt to seduce wife? overly praise wife? kiss wife senseless? Who would fail to recognize wife and immediately try to flirt with her?
Here’s how each of the Ganondorfs and Demise might react to seeing their wife while completely sloshed:
Wind Waker Ganondorf:
Reaction: Overly Praising and Affectionate Wind Waker Ganondorf, with his more contemplative and weary personality, would likely become very sentimental while drunk. Upon seeing his wife, he’d get misty-eyed and start praising her endlessly. He’d go on and on about how incredible she is, how she’s the best thing that ever happened to him, and how he doesn’t deserve her. He’d be surprisingly tender, pulling her into a warm embrace, resting his head on her shoulder, and just soaking in her presence. If she humored him, he might even start singing a slurred, off-key ballad about her virtues.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf:
Reaction: Fails to Recognize and Flirts Ocarina of Time Ganondorf, being the most prideful and ruthless, would be hilariously caught off guard by his wife’s presence when drunk. He wouldn’t recognize her at first, instead thinking she’s some enchanting stranger who’s just wandered into his domain. He’d immediately start flirting with her, using his most seductive voice and trying to impress her with exaggerated tales of his conquests. When she plays along, it would only encourage him further, leading to an awkward but endearing moment when he finally realizes who she is. He’d probably be embarrassed for a split second before laughing it off and sweeping her into a kiss.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf:
Reaction: Tries to Seduce Twilight Princess Ganondorf, already the most brooding and intense, would become even more so when drunk. Upon seeing his wife, his usual stoicism would melt away, replaced by a smoldering intensity. He’d immediately try to seduce her, using a deep, husky voice to murmur suggestive words in her ear. He’d pull her close, his hands wandering, and wouldn’t take no for an answer, at least until she playfully swats him away. Even then, he’d probably just grin and redouble his efforts, convinced that she’s as eager as he is.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf:
Reaction: Kiss Wife Senseless Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, with his more aggressive and commanding personality, would channel all that energy into passionate displays of affection when drunk. Upon seeing his wife, he’d waste no time, striding over to her with purpose and immediately capturing her lips in a searing, possessive kiss. He wouldn’t stop at one either—he’d keep kissing her senseless, pulling her flush against him and refusing to let go. Between kisses, he’d mutter about how much he loves her, how she belongs to him, and how he’ll never let her go.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf:
Reaction: Cuddly and Vulnerable Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf, normally so intimidating and focused, would become surprisingly vulnerable and cuddly when drunk. Upon seeing his wife, he’d soften instantly, his usual stern expression melting into something almost boyish. He’d pull her into his lap, wrapping his massive arms around her and resting his head on top of hers. He wouldn’t say much, just hold her close, nuzzling into her and letting out contented sighs. If she tried to move, he’d grumble and tighten his hold, not wanting to let her go.
Reaction: Confused but Infatuated Demise, with his fiery and intense nature, would be an amusing mix of confusion and infatuation when drunk. He wouldn’t recognize his wife immediately, his mind too clouded by alcohol, but he’d still be drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He’d stare at her for a long moment, trying to figure out who she is, before deciding she must be someone extraordinary to have caught his attention. He’d approach her with a mixture of awe and desire, trying to impress her with his power and charisma, only to be pleasantly shocked when he realizes it’s his wife. His initial confusion would turn into giddy delight, and he’d shower her with clumsy, affectionate gestures, like draping his arm around her shoulders and nuzzling into her hair.
Each version of Ganondorf and Demise brings out a different facet of their personalities when drunk, but all share a common theme of being utterly captivated by their wife, whether through affectionate praise, intense passion, or playful flirtation.
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
jungeun as a girlfriend~
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how you met;
i feel like the two of you say each other at target
and were like 👁👄👁 a t t r a c t i v e
so your friends who came with you were attempting to make you talk to her
i mean they were forcefully shoving you in jungeun’s direction
she was probably a little worried for her safety
but she still engaged conversation with you
you talked about a bunch of things
starting with small talk and ending up arguing over birds
you got her number after being really tense and awkward for a while wondering when to ask 
then the two of you parted ways, promising to make plans to see each other again
then you went back to whatever you were doing
you friends were cheering too loudly for comfort
you shushed them so loud they teased you for being more cacophonous than them
after buying everything you needed, you headed up to the check out line
jungeun, was of course there too, and your accomplices refused to move
you said hi
awkward x10
but then jungeun saved the whole situation by commenting on how awkward the situation is and you laughed way too hard
the tension was less after that, and you fell for her even more
the basics;
you can’t do anything romantic without her collapsing from laughter
s t r u g g l e s
dates consist of creative random outings that aren’t popular, because while jungeun loves you to the moon and back, having her relationship seen in public makes her <><>>>!?!<!>
long talks
can’t stand conversations without some sort of substance
it’s either really dumb but hilarious memes and creating your own vines
or deep rants about the universe
helping each other with problems is simultaneously heart-fluttering but irritating at the same time
because i think that jungeun is attracted to people different than her, the talents of her s/o would be vastly different
which means that the other person would probably struggle with doing activities the other one was good at
but neither of you are too serious about it
just !!! HOW did you do that!!!?!?!
listening to music and car rides at sunset is a must
you both are addicted to it
you make jungeun show off her dancing skills sometimes
especially when she meets your friends/family
you’re like “this is my girlfriend jungeun! who can DANCE! show them jungeun!”
and she dies from embarrassment
she’ll get you back for that don’t worry 
prepare yourself
your relationship isn’t strictly romantic, you do everything together and are like family? and friends? and lovers?
all at the same time
a 3 in 1 deal
if you get her in an emotional mood, expect endless clinginess
like she won’t leave your side
flops on you and there’s no getting up, you must lay there and hug her while doing playing with her hair or cuddling her or doing another wholesome thing
wants to influence your fashion
she couple outfits but never coordinates them so you’re wearing the same thing but on totally different days
does your hair and makes you look dumb
face masks together 
acts like she hates your friends without meaning to
they’re mega intimidated by her once they meet her properly
but she’s just nervous
and they were a bit scary after that encounter for a first impression
somehow she inspiries you just by being there?
the sight of her invigorates you and your energy levels go weeee!
the meme couple end of story
buying a samoyed together!
you went to a dog rescue together the second you finished renovations on your first house together
and saw an adorable white fluffer in the corner, who immediately came bounding over, bouncing up and down
jungeun was like, “we are getting this one or i’m breaking up with you”
you agreed of course, who wouldn’t want a massive drooly cloud to follow them around everywhere
jungeun called the doggo TICONDEROGA ([i’m kidding you named it milky] unless...)
anyways, jungeun also refused to leave the dog’s side (relatable) and milky sat in her lap the whole ride home
she wanted to put a seatbelt on him
but you unanimously decided that wasn’t a big brain idea
milky accompanied you everywhere
he loved movie nights
you covered his eyes every time a “spicy” scene came on
which happened a lot, romantic movies are some of you and jungeun’s favorites
not all of them are spicy though
most are sweet and cheesy
causing jungeun to squeal in happiness and cringe and shove her face into your chest
which makes you shriek too
it’s just a big mess of eeeeee!
milky starts barking too
then you and jungeun are on the floor laughing at him
then he wigs out because dogs hate it when their humans are on the floor, they’re not supposed to be there!
so he jumps down from his spot on the sofa, landing right on one of your chests and making you choke
the movie is forgotten, and your cheeks are sore from smiling for the rest of the day
used by both of you
whenever you are in romantic moods
or in the morning when you’re all cuddly and sleepy
even though you just woke up but you know how it is
again, used by both of you
i think you pick up a lot of habits from each other
and names are one of them
you couldn’t think of a comeback fast enough when jungeun first called you “tree”
so you just said it back
and that was the start of your nicknames
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