#shes gotten into christianity and she didnt grow up christian but she met some christian friends who have kind of gotten her into it
KInda having some issues with something my friend said last night and i want to move past it but cant stop thinking about it
#so basically my friend who ive had since freshman year of hs said something on the phone that really doesnt sit right with me#shes gotten into christianity and she didnt grow up christian but she met some christian friends who have kind of gotten her into it#and she talks about it a lot#i dont know much about the actual church itself but it seems to me like theyre sort of pressuring her into it and dare i say...#...indoctrinating her#like i dont get it she was never particularly religious but now shes getting all serious about this stuff and how she doesnt want to go...#...to hell and wants to get baptized and all that stuff#shes also alluded to this churchs interpretation of scripture as not lgbt friendly#from what shes said it very much gives love the sinner hate the sin vibes#and the issue at hand here is that they believe that conversion is possible and necessary in order to live a life free of sin or something#at least this is what i get from what shes told me#and she was telling me about how people get baptized and say they arent gay anymore and i just said i dont believe that for a second#and she said well its true#and i told her that i believe these people SAY that they arent gay but theres no way they were actually converted its not possible#and explained basically that people can lie about their sexuality and often do out of pressure to perform heterosexuality#but tbh i was kinda thrown off so i dont think i was particularly well spoken in explaining and the examples i gave from my own life didnt.#...really illustrate what i was trying to say and i didnt do a great job of making that connection between my examples and the point i was.#...trying to prove#tbh i didnt think much of it at the time i just kind of moved on but today i cant stop thinking about it#its so frustrating to me how she just takes things at face value and doesnt think to look below the surface#ive been waiting for this whole christianity thing to run its course with her and at one point it seemed like she was done with it but...#...shes gone right back#and now shes telling my about considering becoming baptized and stuff#and how her parents dont approve and all that stuff#and im just like i feel like shes being lost to conservative christian ideology#even though she doesnt seem to recognize it as such#but like idk what to even say or how to confront her#she doesnt even know my sexuality and i dont want to out myself in explaining why these things from the church are harmful to me as her...#...friend#she knows im not straight i came out to her as asexual back in high school
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musicallygt · 5 years
Probably gonna be more modernish just cuz but a creepy man gives Owen magic beans and Owen kinda doesnt believe theyre magic but a part of him hopes that they are, so he plants them in his backyard (and is probably made fun of)
Lo and behold, there’s a beanstalk there the next morning reaching the heavens. Owen is excited; he’s read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, so he’s sure there’s going to be treasure up in the clouds, so he climbs it.
Turns out it’s a lot higher than he thought. Owen is getting nervous™️ because wow this is high
He eventually makes it to the top and finds that there’s an entire world in the clouds where everything is basically the same as his own home but huge!
His life below is very boring so he decides to explore. When is he going to have an adventure like this again? So he goes into the first house he finds, where he ends up meeting a giant redhead girl
For some reason, she thinks that he’s her father. He soon finds himself scooped in her hands and squeezed tightly in what’s probably supposed to be a hug
After the hug and Owen asking what the heck is going on, she realizes that no, he’s not her father
So she introduces herself: her name is Bethany Sanderson, and she’s the daughter of a human and a Brobdingnagian (the giant people in the clouds). Her father was a human who met her mother, and together they had her (“How?” “Don’t. Ask.”)
On her fourth birthday, he had to go down to the world below for something, but he never returned. Her mother believed that he left them, but Bethany is pretty sure that isn’t the case. He couldn’t have just left them like that.
Unfortunately, she can’t go down to see him; the beanstalk that her father had used to travel between the worlds had been destroyed, and she hasn’t been able to find any magic beans. She also cant get help because her mom has told her not to even try looking for him while other people just think shes being crazy when she says her father was basically the size of her hand
Owen tells her that he’ll keep an eye out for her father (Christian Sanderson, she tells him) in the world down below, before going back down and just sleeping after that crazy day
He learns the next day that it wasn’t a dream when the beanstalk is still there and finds himself climbing it again to see Bethany. Seeing her everyday is hard though, because Owen could not come up with the best excuse as to why theres a giant beanstalk in their backyard or where he was all day the day before (“Uhh…. just a project for biology?”). They’re happy to see each other though.
Idk theres also other adventures they have together, where Owen meets other giant friends: Kiel, Charm, and Gwen. (He really seems to have a liking for Charm)
It’s harder to hide his leaving though; he’s got a lot of absences at school now, and his mom is threatening to ground him if he doesn’t go back to school. (He’s been sneaking off in the middle of the day after attendances instead.) Also is it him or is the man who gave him the magic beans constantly following him?
At some point, his classmate Orion confronts him because he thinks Owen is doing something illegal and he’ll probably have to turn him into the principal or something
He doesnt believe any of Owen’s lies though, and Owen ends up telling him everything. Orion still doesnt believe him, especially at the mention of Christian Sanderson (“My godfather? He’s been missing for over eight years now”)
Owen decides to take Orion up the beanstalk, since itll be killing two birds with one stone: prove that hes not lying and since he knows about Bethany’s father, maybe he could give information about him to her
While Orion and Bethany are talking, Owen is suddenly taken from them, and they dont notice until a lot later
Maybe he went back down below when they werent looking? All right, time for a plan to go down to the human world below to find Owen (and maybe Bethany’s father)
Meanwhile, Owen is gagged and blind at the moment, unable to see his captor
Hes finally unblindfolded and ungagged, to find himself staring at the face of the man who gave him the magic beans, though it looks like theyre still in Brobdingnag
He doesnt give Owen his name (“Call me Nobody”) but he explains that Owen was never meant to befriend the giants of the world. He was meant to fear them instead.
It turns out that Nobody is a self proclaimed giant slayer, and has made it his job to destroy all Brobdingnagians. Of course, everyone thought he was crazy when he said there were giants up above. However, he could never prove it, as he couldnt find any way up to the clouds, until about 15 years ago…
a man named Christian Sanderson had somehow gotten his hands on some magic beans that grew into a giant beanstalk, and he had been visiting the giant world up above for about a year now (turns out hes found himself attracted to a giant woman up there, which is why he keeps going up the beanstalk)
Nobody had confronted Christian about this, saying that the giants must be destroyed, but Christian disagreed: they hadnt done anything wrong, they were peaceful, and with work, maybe they could one day coexist in harmony
For years, Christian didnt budge in his stance, even going as far as having a child with the Brobdingnagian woman (at which Nobody is revolted at the very idea of)
So he decided to take some extreme measures: he decided that if Christian wouldnt listen, he would just have to make him listen. He somehow got Christian to leave his daughter’s birthday party for some sort of “urgent matter” in the world below, then knocked him out, before leaving him to suffer the giant world with nothing for hours (e.g. almost being crushed, almost eaten, etc.) then taking him back down
As an extra precaution, he chopped down the beanstalk, and as he did, it quickly retreated back into the beans they had started out as, which he collected
Now he has a way back up along with proof, but how could he destroy the giants from above?
Keeping Christian prisoner in his home, Nobody takes years to come up with a plan: somehow start a war between humans and giants. He’d find some poor unsuspecting soul (Owen) to plant the beans, and when they found that there were giants in the sky, they would have the proof and create panic among the people, who would feel that they have to attack the monsters before they destroy them
Of course, Owen did exactly what Nobody didnt want him to do: befriend the Brobdingnagians like Christian had, so he tries to convince Owen to be on his side
Owen however is completely disgusted at what Nobody had done and refuses. Theyre innocent, why would he agree to start a war?
Of course, Nobody informs him that it’s too late: Bethany and her friends have already planned to go down to the world below.
Owen is aware that this would cause panic down below, so he tries to go stop them, but Nobody keeps him from going anywhere, disappointed in him (“Youre just as pathetic as Christian is”)
Meanwhile, Bethany and the others (with Orion) go down the beanstalk, and they get pretty overly excited over how the world is below; Gwen and Kiel find the humans particularly adorable
Of course, there ends up being a panic at the sight of these giant children (they dont realize that theyre kids tho) and with Orion in Bethanys hand, they make the assumption that theyre kidnapping him
idk exactly what happens but its chaos. Also eventually they find Christian who at first is v untrusting to the giants and also terrified, but when he realizes that one of the is his daughter, he starts crying of joy. Hes still nervous around the others, but hes so happy to see Bethany after eight years
back up above, Nobody knocks Owen out and leaves him unconscious on the giant road to be crushed to “learn his lesson”
he expects Owen to die, but what he doesnt know is that he had been watched. After he leaves, a tiny pink haired girl runs to the street, suddenly growing to the size of one of the Brobdingnagians and scooping up Owen in her hands
He wakes up eventually, in what looks like a bed his size, except hes also in a giant bedroom
a giant pink haired girl comes in, thankful that hes okay. He freaks out because he thinks he was kidnapped. He freaks out even more when the girl shrinks down to about his size, which she did as an act to try to calm him down
She explains what she saw Nobody do to him, how she brought him home, and who she is
her name is Kara, and shes a sizeshifter (the only one of her kind). Her mother hadnt been able to bear a child, so she used some magic thing that would allow her to have one, and she soon did. Of course, since she used magic to have a baby, there ended up being magic in her daughter: she can change her size at will
The government doesnt trust this, claiming that what Kara’s mom did was witchcraft, and dont believe that Kara deserves to exist and continually try to hunt her down. She’s never managed to get caught, but shes constantly running
Owen explains what happened with him, and Kara agrees to help him
idk how anything else would work but in the end humans and Brobdingnagians live peacefully together, theres no war and Bethany, her mother, and her father live happily together
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thegirlandtheknight · 4 years
[started at // 04:03 am] UK
Okay tumblr its time for me to rant....
Sorry if i get side tracked, just put up with me and this is rant based on the people i have met and my personal opinion you are in no obligations to agree just read it at least before you come up with a verdict 🤗
Also just to put this out there punctuation/ grammar and spelling may not be on point but cut me some slack its late..or early..depends anywaysss :))
Why am i not allowed to vote?.....Okay so here in the UK we have our GCSEs which determine a huge factor of our lives and we make this life changing choice at 16. But get this we arent even allowed to vote at 16 in england (which is where i am) , so yes im telling you that The government is saying at 16 'yes,you are able to chose how you want to spend your life and what you want to do' BUT 'no, you are not old enough to chose how you want the country that you spend that life in to be like', sorry but let me just do a double take, surely i should be able to vote about the country i live in before im able to chose a path that i may take for the rest of my life??? Or is it just me.
They are telling me that The government which is full of mostly older generations are still telling the young people how we want our world to be , like no boomer you are gonna kick the bucket sooner or later dont leave us with a messed up world, please fix it so our generation can fix it more for future generations rather than leaving it messed up so we have to fix YOUR mess and then those generations have to fix what we didnt get to , because at this rate we will never improve fully..now will we.
I am not gonna stand here and act like i know what they go through because yes, deciding for a country must be hard, heck i cant even decide for myself half the time but i just think if the people in power decided to focus on something important and life changing by 2 decades alot more could be solved and achieved. Like come on UK!! stop crying about childrens sugar inakes and start handling the hate crimes. I believe If racism was stressed at the begining about how its wrong and we should grow up, things would be better. Okay yes, we would still have racism being a thing i am in no means saying we would all be normal all cherries and cream no course not! but surely it would be less of a problem if it was talked about more. Racisim isnt a naughty word okay LETS TALK ABOUT IT.
For example, No baby is born racist, sexist or anything really, babies are literally blank pieces of paper, that some grown ups just decide to scribble on and hope for the best. You can tell a child what it did was wrong and explain the seriousness then it doesnt do the same mistake, if you tell the child thats its wrong but dont go into depth it doesnt know the seriousness and will do if again for sure. Honestly in this day and age there is alot of things that if they were battled as soon as they started it would have saved alot more time and less heartshifts than giving up and deciding to treat it like an essay and try again later when you can be bothered.
One of those things is RACISIM which still happens madly enough. You maybe thinking 'yeah yeah we have heard this before' but hear me out.
So many people are still using race as a reason for why they do or dont have things, people using race as a reason to hate others like i think tf not sir, sure you can argue that yes, its against the law under the Crime and Disorder Act of 1998 (in the uk) but how can you say its sorted..like the amount of hate crimes that gets reported in England and wales has doubled in the last FIVE YEARS for those who may want specific statistics its gone from 42,255 to 103,379 imagine the ones that go unreported. If you dont believe me or think i am exagerating because yes those ARE big numbers, research it, better yet ( heres the link to where i found the information : https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/839172/hate-crime-1819-hosb2419.pdf)
And you may say 'oh here she goes again' but just the other month an Arabian woman on my street literally got her hijab ripped off her head and when she reported it to the police they pretty much said 'no proof, no case' that is disgusting! and just so you cant say i am biased 1) i only know this woman through her being a neighbour and have no other attachments to her. 2) i am a black christian so you cant say it is religion or race. So your telling me, that needs proof or there is no case..but God forbid you make a person of non-ethnic minority feel bad. It really feels that for white people it is the case of 'all are innocent until proven guilty' but those of ethnic minorities its 'all are guilty until proven innocent'. Im sorry but you cant even say its changed with COVID-19 happening the racisim towards asians specifically those from east asia has just gotten worse, how can you tell a person that was BORN IN THE UK that they dont belong here, like if they dont belong in the place they were born where tf do you suppose they belong, y'all seems to be good and making problems but when its time to find a solution you run away with your tails between your legs..how can you really stand there craning your neck and looking so down on people like really how does your neck not hurt. If i hear another person anywhere tell an asian that they caused the corona virus even though they were born here..oh lord give me the strength. Call it extreme but you judging them all because of what a few people of their race have/ are doing is like me hating all of another race of people because a selective few are racist, hypocritical, sexist and homophobic jerks.
Not only that its kinda sad that a few small minded british people, assume that only white people are british just because they are majority and okay ill give you that i guess.. but why is it then when i say south africa alot of people tell me about white people born there and not the black people even though "According to the 2011 Census, 79.2% of South Africans (41 million) were ‘Black Africans’, 8.9% were Coloured (4.62 million) and only 8.9% were white (4.59 million)"....but i dont hear nobody telling them to go back to their country..i mean im just saying.
How can people stand and say there are laws about this when the law is upheld and inforced by a majority of white, middle-classed men who wouldnt know racisim if it hit them in the face.
I really dont wanna get into the problems black people have to face because thats for a whole other document.
I am not just a hurt 16 year old black girl who just has alot to say, believe it or not i have never been shunned for my race. The majority of people around me are very accepting, good people. I have never felt like im lower because of my race some may say im ignorant and ignore it others may count me lucky but all i know is this is that this is what i believe should be heard i really hope alot of people read this because it needs to be heard alsoooo thank you to all who stayed through and read this. ♥️🌹
[finished at// 05:33 am]
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fipindustries · 7 years
All the novels i (tried) to write in my life.
abecause why not?
K-404 (unfinished): written at 15.
a sci-fi thriller mainly inspired by me watching an out of context scene from alien 3. Set in a larger shared universe that i had been building out of short stories back then. The story is about a space prison where they would sent people who couldnt be sent to regular prison because their crimes were too ambiguous. The main idea was that this was a prison of intellectuals, rather than of violent criminals, and through the characters i would wax about my philosophical and political views, views that i had gotten as a teenager who read existentialism for begginers and watchmen and v from vendetta, you can imagine the quality of the text. At one point a nanite container would go haywire inside the prison and then a grey goo event would start consuming the station so the four main characters would have to find the way to escape the prison before it was consumed by the nanomachines. The main characters would be a robot who pretended to kill his creator so everyone would be afraid of him , a female serial killer with aids who killed by sleeping around with people, a guy who tried to kill himself by jumping off a building and just so happened to fall on the guy who bullied him in high school, and just some random douchebag with nothing interesting to him besides being the POV character.
Kratae (unfinished): written at 16.
imagine X-men mixed with avatar the last airbender. An ancient fantasy world where some people are born with superpowers and chased away because of it, the people with superpowers get together and fund their own nation, called Kratae. Hilariously this story was inspired by me reading eclipse, from the twilight saga. In this world if someone with powers uses their power on you then you also get powers, so there is this couple and the guy gets powers and then the girl rejects him so he decides to get revenge by using his teleportation power on her and she develops her own powers and becomes a pariah and looses her entire life. The story starts with her trying to find the guy so she can kill him but when she does find him it turns out someone already killed him before her and then the story turns into this crime mystery where she will try to find the person that killed the guy she wanted to kill. It had this huge ensemble cast that included a lesbian time traveling history teacher and her street urchin aprentice (AKA the next season of doctor who) , two gay war veterans who met each other fighting in opposite sides of the same war, a creep with a crush on the protagonist and many others. There was also on top of all this a giant conspiracy trying to stifle research into free energy, the history of the world and the political dynamics between the faction of the people with powers and the people without.
The Demiurge (semi-unfinished): written at age 17.
basically a huge rip off of sandman.
imagine if god was one of us. If god instead of living above us in a cloud decided to live as a human and to grow old and die as one and the get reincarnated and then start all over again all throughout history, and jesus christ was the one time he tried to tell the truth to anyone. And THEN in modern times something goes wrong with the reincarnation process and he only realizes he is god once he becomes 16, and he is a white, straight, cisgender male, and he just happens to share all of my opinions on life and the universe and religion?????
a lot of this book is just me having fun while creating a whole cosmology that fits my view of the world out of pop-christianity, there are things like yawhe being imprisioned in hell in a cage made out of logic next to calvin, there is a part when adam and eve turn out to be also death and mother earth, and also Time and Space AND ALSO cain and abel are lucifer and Yaweh, there is a part where we see the antropomorphic representation of the fine arts giving birth to a ninth brother: comics. At some point the story makes a 180 and changes focus from god, who dissapeared for mysteryous reasons, to his best friend, some teenage girl who dies in the middle of the story and then we see her ghost searching across the universe to find him and bring her back to life.
i say its semi unfinished because at the last moment i got bored of it and simply slapped together a sudden ending for it out of nowhere.
Eigen (finished): written at age 19.
Eigen is one of my proudest achivements in a way. Written right after gorging myself on Portal and QUBE and the cube, and particularly inspired by the bathroom in the cyber at the corner of my street, i decided to write my own story about a guy trapped inside a grid-like onthological maze with a robot voice as a companion and a weird old guy chasing him trying to kill him.
thing is, i was studying advanced algebra back then, you know, matrices, subspaces, eigenvalues, etc. and it was the second time i was doing that class because i had failed at it the year before. So in order for me to learn the subject better i would take everything i learned in class and use it as inspiration for the story i was writting, ortogonalization, matix multiplication, transposition, etc.
i actually passed the course at the end of the year and i was fucking stoked about that.
at the end of the story there is a bunch of epic twists where it turns out the maze had been built by the main character who suffers amnesia, the old man was the main character from the future and the robot voice was actually the MC’s partner who also suffered from amnesia and was convinced she was a robot, and was trapped in the surveillance room for the maze. they never escape the maze.
Bigender (unfinished): written at age 21.
now this i think was my shortest attempt at wrtting a novel which i was really dissapointed about at the time since i had spent most of 2013 working the story in my head but when it came the time to actually put it all on paper i could barely get to the end of the second chapter.
the story is about a young girl who one day wakes up and discovers she turned into a boy. She is ovbiously distraught about this but it quickly reverts. Afterwards she decides to investigate if she’s the only one who can do this and it turns out not, there is a documentary about a person that also had the ability to genderbend, so she seeks this person and ask their advice as to how to manage a life with this condition. The teacher turns out to be some antisocial jerk who’d rather not have any kind of human interaction with anyone so it’s up to our spunky protagonist to break this ol’ scrooge out of their shell.
thing is i had no real plot here, it was going to be mostly a slow burn character study about the relationship between these two people and how they deal with their genderbending each in their own ways. this didnt work out because back then i felt really inadequate when it came to writing the life of other people with different experiences from my own, the teacher was supposed to have a boyfriend, the girl was supposed to have a bunch of lady friends, etc. so that’s why i never went to far with it.
F.I.P. Industries (finished): written at age 21.
ah, my magnum opus. the first novel i ever wrote. my crowning achivement.
and all it took was for me to abandon my career and read the entirety of wildbow’s ouvre for me to complete it. and this is not a joke. I doubt that i would have ever written this had i not lifted wildbow’s style and structure wholesale. The basic premise of, ok, we have this largely inadequate MC, let’s drop them in an impossible situation and see how they manage, was what fueled the writting of this book.
The story is about a college student who cant finish his thesis and is desperatly looking for a job (fucking prophetic, goddamn) and so he unwittingly gets hired by a company that works as a front for a cabal of mad scientist who are using the power of synergy and networking to take over the world, working on a dozen different projects at the same time and trying to see what happenes when you combine them into bigger more complex projects.
what is so important to me about this story is that i came up with it when i was 11 years old and i promised my self that some day i would make that story real. You guys have no idea how many false starts i had with this story. there was a time this was supposed to be a webcomic but it never went beyond a couple of strips. again, very much like wildbow with worm.
Multiple story arcs, a sprawling ensemble cast, a bittersweet ending, this story has it all and is one of my proudest works.
The empire of tomorrow (finished): written at age 22.
oh shit, we’re leaving behind the one word titles, i must be finally growing up as a writer!
The empire of tomorrow was a source of guilt and anxiety for me on some level because i remember reading fun home and are you my mommy from allison bechdel and afterwards finiding a lot of “incredibly problematic” themes in the story and being really upset at this.
the story is about a dystopian world where there was some sort of apocalypse and there is this feudal lord that controls one of the last remaining cities with an iron fist, so ofcourse the plucky rebellion comes up with the following plan:
to steal some of his super advanced technology and hack together a device very similar to the one in eternal sunshine of a spotless mind and use it on the feudal lord to project themselves into the lord’s mind when he was a teen and try and guide him into becoming a better person. Throughout the story is made ambiguous if they are rewritting his memories or actually going into the past, there is a lot of wild speculation about how the time travel works in this universe.
the main focus of the story is the relationship between the woman sent to do the mission and the feudal lord, which is the classical “she is a tough, no nonsense, paladin/ he is the snarky, slimy douchebag with a heart of gold/ will they, wont they” dynamic (spoiler alert: they kind of do).
thing is, mid-way through the story i throw this weird tangent towards reproductive rights and abortion and transexuality and i get the distinct feeling that the conclussions to where the story goes on these topics are not exactly kosher, but im not sure, i’ve never really shown this story to anyone besides my grandma who aparently loved it.
fun fact, for those who read disregarding reality, this story was the first time i used the character of erik, i reworked him fro the comic of course but not as much as you’d think.
Fan.Tastic (unfinished): written at age 22.
this was the point where i started to actually write my works entirely in english and upload them to the internet.
the story is set inside the internet, where the internet would be a physical place, following the rise and fall of a blogger who recently became tumblr famous.
again, im sure if someone who really cares about social justice issues took a look at this work they’d probably find a lot of things to be upset about, suffice to say in arc two of this story i show my own take on gamer gate and end up the story with the main character using every single slur i could think of towards her once friend and fucking off to 4chan.
the story was supposed to have 4 arcs, each one based on a website or piece of internet culture that i was involved in. The first arc was Deviant art, the second arc was Tumblr, the third arc was going to be 4chan and the fourth arc was going to be LessWrong.
thing is i found i only had things to say about the first two, the third one i had already said all i had to say on my /co/nrad comic and the fourth one i was still experiencing and thus i couldnt properly make a retrospective about.
it kind of boggles the mind how much work i put into this, i wanted to make it a true multimedia experience so i would invent all of this fandoms about things that dont actually exists and photshop tumblr posts and fanart and rotten tomato scores about these things to make it feel all a little more real. i dont think i ever went that far for any other story i made.
WE ARE MAKING A GAME (unfinished): written at age 23.
this, more than an actual novel is more like a series of scripts about this hypothetical webseries i’d like to do some day filmed in the style of the fourth panel from penny arcade, or the office, or the thick of it, or nirvanna the band the show, or, you know what? i think enough people have done that style now i dont feel like doing it so much.
Any way the story is about this popular girl in high school who one day decides she wants to make a videogame and thus she teams up with the nerd kid to do it, as time goes on we find out there is actually a lot more behind the popular girls than we thought at first.
the whole plot is just the dialogs between these two (and evetually three) as they come up with the game, right there, in real time, in front of your very eyes. What’s fun about this is that the game (called Maxplosive) actually shows up in the story of Fan.Tastic, except there it is this cult classic children’s movie.
i managed to finish what would basically be “season 1″ of the story but then i just lost interest since i was busy making my own actual game for college and i hadnt progressed much beyond what the characters in the story had and so i felt i couldnt properly write from experience.
i wrote the first chapter from season 2 recently in what was an extravagant moment of nostalgia from my part. I swear i NEVER go back to work on a story that i abandoned and i truly dont know how that happened.
The harpsichord crew (unfinished): written at age 23.
a new first, first time i actually have my main character be black women, yes, i know, im the wokest, now bring all the pussy towards me please.
but joking aside, the harpsichord crew was supposed to be the sequel to F.I.P. industries and the logic was sound, i would grab all these disparate ideas that i had been acumulating for years and mesh them all together. My main inspiration behind it was Gurren Lagann, where we would have these people with no power come across this incredible device which would slowly allow them to grow bigger and stronger with time until they became the greatest super villains the world had ever seen.
The story is focused on patricia, an overworkd lawyer and Lilly, a pole dancer. one day lilly decides to become a supervillain after being inspired by the fallout that came from FIP industries technology going public and ends up draggin patricia long for the ride. As the went, in true anime fashion, the would acumulate this quirky supporting cast, each one with a fun and weird origin story.
i think the biggest downfall of this story is that, much like all of the unfinished stories on this list, it didnt have a particularly strong ending that i felt i HAD to get to and so i managed to get 3 chapters in and then i forgot about it.
There is a crack in the world (finished): written at age 24.
i think i wrote more than enough about this story.
suffice to say that a lot of horrible things happened to me during 2016 and it took me until may of 2017 to finally feel like i could process all of that and work through it in my art. There is a crack in the world is a miseable story filled with horror and despair and the feelings in the words are raw and bared straight from my heart.
this is something a never do by the way, to really use my emotions as direct fuel for the art that i make. ususally i use my art as a form of escapism but in here, well, i guess there were things that i was trying to escape from too, like the horrible reality of being unenployed in a city you just moved to, a different, more mundane kind of horror when compared to the one i went through the last year but a horror i wanted to escape from all the same.
point being, there is a crack in the world is weird in a lot of ways when compared to the other stories in this list and curiously the only one that resembles it in any way i’d say is Fan.Tastic for the cynicism and bitterness that fueled both stories inceptions.
Final conclussion.
well, there it is, i of course didnt include the myriad of short stories and comics that i made or tried to make, these stories hold a special place because i put some extra bit of effort in them, because every single one was a universe that i dedicated several weeks or months to craft and i’d like to think they say something about me. My therapist once said that the common thread between all of them is that on some level or another, they are all about someone feeling trapped and trying to escape from a situation. this was before WE ARE MAKING A GAME.
i wonder if the theme changed or evolved in some way.
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