#shes so fucking cute i want to squeeze her and give her more cat plushies so she can be a cranky ol cat lady early
deviatedscientist · 2 years
* Airi Momoi, aka the cutest ever mmj 4koma member
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hyper-jam · 9 months
General SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory headcanons cause I just love them (part 1 cause I will never shut up abt them)
+some other general fnaf movie character (Abby mostly) stuff but mainly still SW/DT related, random timeline order I’m just spewing
-Mike goes to Sparky’s before and after work. He gets coffee before work cause DUH, and then sometimes he’ll get a small breakfast/some coffee in the morning so he doesn’t immediately pass out after his shift. Thats how him and Ness met. First impressions were along the lines of Mike thinking that this waiter talks too much, especially for the hours it is, and Ness just think Mike seems interesting and mysterious (lowkey thinks he might be a cryptid)
-the SECOND Mike lets slip that he works at Fazbear’s Ness is OBSESSED with talking to him more. He already thought he seemed interesting but now he knows he works at the place that he’s being obsessing over for YEARS he is NEVER gonna stop asking him shit and infodumping (Mike finds this very annoying at first, but then eventually realizes that Ness does in fact know quite a bit abt Freddy’s which he finds interesting and helpful so he starts actually engaging in the conversation)
-Ness has asked Mike to take them to Freddy’s multiple times, he has yet to say yes (not like Ness hasn’t broken in before. They’re half the reason they needed a security guard)
-Mike is insecure abt the height difference (and his height in general) but Ness literally just wants to squeeze him and go like ubububbubububu ur so cute ubububbubububu (me)
-Mike is actually fairly strong cause he likes to work out (it’s a coping mechanism) so sometimes he picks Ness up (like bridal style and shit) and it lowkey gives him gender euphoria and Ness just fucking loves it it makes them so giddy
-I saw smth somwhere abt Ness possibly being Sparky’s owner’s son so I’m just gonna second that and say that that’s why he works there so many hours (aka he basically helps run the place) but it’s also why he can kind get off work whenever he wants
-Mike complaining abt this annoying waiter who talks to much and is obsessed with Freddy’s peaks Abby’s interest so she asks Mike to take her to Sparky’s and that’s how Abby and Ness meet (they become best friends ever and sometimes Ness takes care of her when Mike is busy)
-Abby has plushies of the fazgang and a collection of fazcoins and other collectibles that Mike got her from the prize counter (not like anyone else is using them) and she shows them to Ness who absolutely FLIPS OUT about it. She also uses the faztokens as money for when they play pretend
-MIKE has freckles NOT NESS because Josh hutcherson LITERALLY HAS FRECKLES THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT /hj /lh
-Ness has a cat named Skip (cause he’s literally just MatPat /hj)
-Mike has passed out at Sparky’s before (usually like Saturday mornings after his shift since he doesn’t have to worry abt taking Abby to school, I mean not like he does it intentionally but he’s less worried abt it so sometimes he just zonks) and Ness will bring him soft shit to lay his head on and then gently wake him up and offer him coffee, which he eventually starts giving him on the house (totally just cause they knows he’s struggling financially and NOT because they’re flirting /j)
-I LOVE the “Mike can’t cook and Ness loves cooking” headcanon so I wanna say that’s real, but looking at the movie, Mike’s been taking care of Abby for years and cooks dinner for them multiple nights, and Ness is a waiter…based on the information given, Mike would theoretically (hehe theory) be the one who cooks ☝️🤓 /hj
-Abby demands to paint both their nails. Ness more than happily agrees but Mike is hesitant (dysphoria and general “ugh little girl stuff” type energy) but she keeps asking so he lets her paint them black (cause that’s so edgy and cool and masculine /j) and he learns he actually likes it quite a bit
Ok done for now this is getting very long but I will have more don’t yall worry 🤗🤗🤗
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fandomsonrequests · 4 years
christmas with ateez (maknae line)
reader: gn!, m!, f!
notes: some cussing. read the hyung line >> here  happy holidays everyone!
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It was Christmas morning and everyone knew what that meant— gift opening time. Well, it wasn’t actually morning, it was more like early afternoon. But you and San didn’t care, you weren’t going to be late for anything so why not sleep in for a while? Anyways, you both deserved it.
San was practically vibrating with excitement at the thought of being able to give you your gift. Yours on the other hand was wrapped up neatly and tucked away in your jeans pocket. You smile to yourself, trying not to give away your own excitement. 
You were pulled away from your own thoughts when you felt something large but light plop onto your lap, making Byeol (who was on your lap) scamper away by your feet instead. You gawk at the size of the gift, it was almost as big as your whole body. You stared up in pleasant surprise at San who only beamed at you, his cheeks flushed and dimpled. 
“Merry Christmas _____!” He greets you, and leans in to kiss you. It was full of teeth and smiled but neither of you minded. “Go on, open it.” 
You put the gift in between your legs and opened the wrapper carefully, letting out a gasp. A little backstory— you and San met at a plushie store, aiming for the same one before letting him take it in exchange for a coffee date the next week. You were both stuffed doll enthusiasts; so you were filled with joy and gratitude when you pulled out a rather large unicorn stuffed toy.
It was one you wanted when you passed by a plushie store but couldn’t get due to the lack of time. It was soft to the touch and silky, making you squeal in delight. “Oh my God, San— I love it!” You lunge at him, pressing kisses all over his face. 
He wraps an arm around your waist, laughing along with you. “I’m glad you like it, baby.” He muses. 
Now it was your turn to bring out your gifts. You pick up a small package from under the tree and call for Byeol. San raised a curious brow at you but said nothing, watching as the cat jumped onto your lap and purred when you started scratching behind her ear.
“How come she listens to you more than me?” He pouts when his cat basically bathes in your affection, making you giggle. 
You shrug, unsure of why she prefers to listen to you. “This is for the little cutie. I’ll give you yours after you open up hers.” You tell him, the grin never leaving your face.
Once again, your boyfriend gives you a curious look before opening the gift to see a cat-sized sweater perfect for Byeol. “Oh it’s so cute! Byeol look what they got you.” He cooed to the feline who pawed at the sweater curiously. You two struggled a little to put it onto her but manage to do so. The both of you give a successful cheer when she makes no move to remove it from her body. 
While San was distracted with taking photos of the cat, you stood up, pulling out a small box from your pocket. You knelt down in front of San and curled your throat, managing to get his attention. He turned to you with a puzzled look before it melted into one of shock after seeing the position you were in and the velvet box in your hand.
“_____,” He gasps, wide eyes glazing over with tears that were threatening to spill. 
“San,” You breathe out. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes _______ I’ll marry you—“ He says, unable to hold back the tears while you laugh gently. 
“I haven’t even said anything yet..!” You protest playfully but move to slip the ring onto his finger. 
“Well either way I’d still say yes..!”
San takes a moment to admire the engagement ring, seeing the simple jewel on top of it glint from the afternoon sun. He practically throws himself onto you, crying happily into your shoulder before pulling away to give you a deep kiss. It was wet and salty— but you could feel the way he poured all his gratitude and love and passion into it. 
You reach up to brush away his tears, leaning your forehead against his. “I love you so much San.” 
“I love you more, _____.”
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“Chunghee, Mingi— look at the camera!” You call over to your fiancé and your brother. 
The two boys turn their attention from their snowboards and sleds and towards the camera you had pointed at them. They strike a silly but cute pose, waiting for you to take the photo before asking you to take another one. You indulge in their request, snapping a few more photos before letting them do their thing. 
You, Mingi, and your younger brother decided to enjoy the snow for a bit. And what better way to do that than going to a ski resort? It was only for a few days but still- you were surprised, to say the least, when Mingi presented you with the confirmation email of your stay from the ski resort. 
“Alright bud, just don’t hesitate. It’s a lot like skateboarding— only on the snow.” You hear your fiancé tell Chunghee as he prepares to snowboard down a small hill. 
You beam at your brother and give him a good luck pat to his shoulder. “You got this. We believe in you.”
“Okay, yeah I got this. Easy peasy— no big deal.” 
Your brother inhales and takes a deep breath before pushing off and going down the hill. You and Mingi cheer excitedly when he manages to slide down without toppling over, the both of you jumping up and down. Your brother beamed up at the both of you, giving you two a thumbs up. 
“HELL YEAH CHUNGHEE!!” Mingi hollers, his grin so wide that his eyes turn into small crescents. He turns to you this time, his smile shifting into something more mischievous. 
You know what the smile means and you shake your head, backing up from the man. “Mingi, no—“
“I haven’t even said anything..!” He protests as he advances towards you. 
But before you could run, he lunges at you and pulls you right into his arms. He kisses your cheek before blowing a raspberry onto your skin, making you laugh. You try to wriggle out of his arms, arguing that Chunghee was waiting for him at the foot of the incline. But that doesn’t work because he was tugging you towards a rather large circular sled.
“Just this once, I’ll be behind you. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Mingi says, brushing away a bit of snow that fell to your hair. “Promise.” 
You glanced over to the sled with cheesy Christmas patterns painted onto the side. You hear Chunghee calling out for the both of you, particularly the way he was cheering you on. “C’mon, _____! If I can do it so can you!” 
“See? It’s no big deal.” Mingi adds as he was already settling into the back of the sled.
He pats the space in front of him, the dorky smile never leaving his face. You chew the inside of your cheek before relenting, releasing a defeated sigh. “Fine,” You whine as you settle into the spot in front of your fiancé. 
You immediately feel his arms wrap around your waist, tugging you closer to him. You settle your hand over one of his much larger ones, and squeeze them in gratitude. He starts to push the sled forward with his other hand before calling out to the teenage boy waiting for you. “Get ready to film their reaction!” He tells them. 
“Mingi wh-aAAAHHHH” Your sentence is interrupted as he launches off, the both of you sledding down the hill.
The wind rushes through your ears and you could feel the icy air brush past your face. You hear Mingi’s excited whoops and cheers as you descend. You on the other hand were yelling out of surprise and adrenaline. Sooner or later you reach the bottom of the hill where Chunghee was rushing to you, phone in hand. You couldn’t process what he was saying, the feeling of your heart beating out of your chest and the blood pumping filling your senses.
Your fiancé gently shook your shoulders, looking over at you. “You okay baby?” He asks you with a giggle. 
“Y-Yeah,” You reply as you stand on shaky legs. Your brother hugs you tight, telling you how he was proud of you for braving that hill. Mingi joined in a couple of moments later. 
“See? That wasn’t so bad.” The older male says as he pecks your cheek. “We’re so proud of you.”
“You wanna go again?” Chunghee asks. 
You look up at the top of the hill where you came from, seeing that the drop wasn’t as big as you thought it was. Your lips slowly form into a determined grin. “Alright, lets do this again.��
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“Honey, no offense but what the fuckis that?” Wooyoung asks in slight horror when he sees your runny icing batter. 
You sigh in slight frustration and drop the large spoon into the bowl, wiping your hands on the apron around your waist. “I knew it, I knew something went wrong.”
Your boyfriend only chuckled, shaking his head. You see, the two of you thought it would be a great idea to bake a gingerbread house from scratch. Granted, you two got a fairly popular recipe from the internet but it’s the effort that counts. And for a while, things were going great. The gingerbread pieces came out alright and we’re cooling down on the trays.
It was the icing that was supposed to hold them that was the problem. Wooyoung was tasked with the cookie people and house pieces, as well as some other parts to add to it, while you were tasked with the icing. Unlike your boyfriend, you weren’t blessed with much skills in the kitchen. Which is why you left the cooking to him and you were stuck on cleanup duty.
“Okay baby boy don’t panic,” he tells you as he grabs some of the powdered sugar to add to the icing in order to thicken it. 
He looks up to see you by the side with a small pout on your lips, causing him to laugh and hug you. He nuzzled into your cheek when one of your arms came up to wrap around his waist, pressing a kiss to your jaw before leaning in to give you a proper one. “Don’t be sad, you actually did well for a first try.” He mumbles against your lips, pecking them one last time before pulling away completely to continue mixing the icing. 
“That’s a biased answer,” You argue as you clean up the kitchen counter, curiously poking at the gingerbread pieces. “You’re only saying that ‘cos you’re dating me.”
“What? No, no, no, I’m being genuine.” He refutes as he sets down the spoon once he was done mixing the icing. “Now help me dye this icing.”
You waddled over to him and nuzzled into his neck, hugging him from behind and placing a sweet kiss to his cheek. “What would I do without you..?”
“Burn this whole kitchen down probably,” He teases as he basks in your affection. He pulls you back towards him with his adorable high-pitched laugh when you throw him an unamused glare and detach yourself from him. “I’m kidding, don’t give me that look.”
He turns around and wraps his arms around your neck, your own going around his waist. He leaned his forehead against yours and nuzzled your nose with his. “I’m proud of you _____. Thank you for doing this with me.”
You couldn’t help but crack a small smile at that, closing the gap between you two for a short but sweet kiss. You grin into it, him doing the same, bursting into another bout of giggles when your fingers tickle his sides. He begs you to stop, saying that one of you could knock over the food, and successfully pries your wriggling digits away from him. 
“Come on, this gingerbread family needs a house built for them.”
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“Areum, can you open the door please?” You call out to your teenage sister who was brooding on the couch, phone in hand.** **
She sighs heavily, irritation clear in her tone. You couldn’t really blame her- she did go through an ugly breakup this season. One that was done over the phone when she caught her boyfriend cheating on her with a good friend of yours. You tried your best as an older sister to get her cheered up. One of these attempts was calling your boyfriend Jongho over. The two practically adored each other, so hopefully being around each other would lift her spirits. 
Areum’s gloomy face brightened significantly when she saw her future brother-in-law(strike that) your boyfriend behind the door. “Hey,” She greeted him with a hug who reciprocated it. 
He ruffled her hair and stepped in when she allowed him in. “Why the long face, kiddo?” He asks. 
“Its Jack; he cheated on me with Winny _and _dumped me over the phone.” Areum sighs as she sits down on the couch beside him. 
You soon join the two on the couch as she pours her heart away to him. You’d occasionally provide some information, supporting your sister’s story. By the end of her story, tears were slowly trickling down her cheeks. Jongho reached up to gently brush them away, hand traveling down to her shoulder and offering a supportive squeeze. 
“What do you say that we put into the snow and get your mind off of it?” He suggested and looked over to you, eyes silently asking if it was okay. 
“That sounds like a good idea,” You add and nudge your sister with your elbow. “Wanna have a snowball fight? Us against Jongho?” 
The said man gave a whine of protest, successfully eliciting a soft chuckle from Areum. She sniffles and brushes away the rest of her tears. “Alright- get ready to lose big guy.” 
You told the pair to go on ahead, tossing Areum her gloves, coat, and scarf. Jongho makes small talk with her when he notices her suddenly stop mid-sentence and freeze. He saw that her haze was elsewhere and followed it all the way to a teenage boy with a girl on his arms. It didn’t take long for him to realize that the guy must’ve been her boyfriend. He looked back to Areum who had fresh tears pooling in the corner of her eyes.
His heart clenched at the sight and a quiet rage was lit inside of him. Jongho leaned down to grab a fistful of snow, compacting it into a tight ball before catching your sister’s attention. “Hey Areum, watch this.” He smiles, a bit devilishly, before chucking the snowball towards the boy.
The snowball hits the poor kid straight in the face. This causes Areum to snort out in laughter. She decided to partake in the fun, allowing Jack and Winny’s momentary confusion to give her a chance to make a couple of snowballs, throwing it at the two of them. Sooner or later, you and Jongho were tossing a merciless volley of snowballs at the two, making them whine in protest. 
“C’mon man what the fuck???” Jack yelled in annoyance. 
“You’re lucky that’s all you get for messing with my baby sister!” Jongho yelled back and stepped aside to allow Areum to throw another ball at him.
You rush outside to see the commotion. The sight was funny, seeing the younger couple be hit relentlessly, but the pacifist in you told you that it was too much. “Okay, okay- you two they got the message.” You laugh as you stop them, looking back to the others to see them dusting the snow off their clothes. “God, you guys really let them have it.” 
You manage to calm the two down, steering them away from the cheaters when Jack called out. “Yeah that’s right- get your bitch ass sister to protect you..!” 
The insult makes you stop in your tracks, the cheery disposition dissipating. Without another word, Areum grins and hands you a snowball which you gladly took. And before Jack knew what had happened, you threw the ball right at him, hitting him directly in the face and causing him to fall back into the snow. Areum and Jongho let out an excited whoop. 
“You wanna say that again?!” You ask, moving to gather more balls.
Winny, being sensible enough, tugged Jack away before the three of you could chase them away. You three share a laugh, watching as the pair run away like cowards. Serves them right. 
“You ladies are deadly,” Jongho muses. 
Areum couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s why you’re so into my sister. That’s your type.” She chuckles. But before Jongho could quip back, she had already tossed a ball at him, followed by you throwing another one. 
He laughs, baring his cute gummy smile. “Alright- you two asked for it.” 
You and Areum squeal in delight as he chases the two of you around, volleys of snowballs being exchanged. Sure the day started off glum, but at least now it could end with joy paired with the warmth of hot chocolate that was soon to come.
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ussgallifrey · 5 years
Change of Plans
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✦ Summary: Bucky really wants to give you a good Valentine's day, but sometimes even the best thought plans don't work out the way you thought they would. ✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader ✦ Warnings: Mentions of menstruating and periods ✦ Word Count: 3.3k
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There was something about the girl, who made his heart thud with a continuous home home home, that made Bucky desperately want to get this right. 
At the admission that you'd never celebrated the holiday with a partner before, which was said nonchalantly over a shared pizza, he was absolutely determined to change that. Sure, you'd only been together seven months - give or take a few days - but there was just something about you that made all the little signals in his head go off all at once and his tongue would tie up and he felt hopelessly dumbstruck at the sight of your smile like all the time.
He was crazy about you. That's all.
And because of that, he wanted to do something for the 14th. Nothing overly insane, like dinner in Paris with fireworks at the Eiffel Tower. Though, if you asked, he would have no qualms about absconding a quinjet and flying you there on the spot. But that is definitely not your taste - not even close.
But you deserve flowers and chocolates and a card and probably one of those giant pink teddy bears with the heart that says XO-XO that you were cooing and awwing over in CVS last week. And, God help him, he might even attempt to make dinner. 
Yeah, he's got it bad for you.
And waking up in the same bed this morning, with the knowledge that my place or your place? had finally ended at long last and that this was how he got to wake up almost every day. Well, it just about made his heart thump out of his chest and wouldn't that be a messy cleanup?
So, he's pleased as punch with himself when he can hear the happy little aww coming from the bedroom later that morning. He's obviously been up for hours already, attempting to throw together something edible in the kitchen while you slept away unawares.
You're a sight to see, as he leans against the bedroom door frame. Still under the covers, but sitting up enough to smell the vase of fresh flowers on your nightstand.
"You devil," you chide with a tired smile and a beckoning hand.
Bucky's more than happy to thread his fingers through yours as you pull him down next to you.
"When did you do this?"
He wants to kiss you.
"Had some time," he says instead, cupping a hand to your flushed cheek.
You hum happily, eyes fluttering closed as you lean into the simple touch. Warm lips feather-light against his palm.
"Keep it up, mister. See where it gets you."
Bucky chuckles, leaning his weight over you as his lips ghost against your own.
"Mmm, that's the plan," he murmurs before dropping a kiss to your waiting lips as you tug him ever closer.
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Bucky likes to think he's pretty flexible. More of a flying by the seat of his pants type of person than a strict schedule follower. That's why he was going to let the day kind of flow on its own natural path. Breakfast in bed, maybe more in bed. Then a shower obviously, and maybe if things were to happen in there then that would be fine because you could still get the box of chocolates and the teddy bear whenever. And lunch and dinner didn't really have to fall on a set time either, so long as there was plenty of time left over for other activities later that night.
But even those simple plans are easily changed.
"Well, this sucks," you announce, emerging from the bathroom with a towel around you, hair damp against your skin.
He's already changed the sheets in hope of sparing you further embarrassment. 
"I'm sorry."
Dropping down onto the edge of the bed, Bucky folds himself around you to massage your warm shoulders.
"No, I'm sorry," you sigh, leaning back into his welcomed touch.
A kiss to your neck, fingers digging into the muscles of your back, "Hush. It's not like you can control it."
You nod slowly, head down and hands folded in your lap. He doesn't like the change one bit. But he lets the silence stretch at your discretion. Focusing all his skill into alleviating any and all pain he can with his impromptu massage.
After a moment, you admit, "It wasn't supposed to happen for three more days."
He gives a little hum of acknowledgment as he works his thumbs along your spine.
"It's bullshit, Buck."
That gets you a kiss to your cheek.
"I know, baby."
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Leaving the comfort of the bed for only a moment to pad across the room, in your comfiest clothes and newly gifted heart-eyed taco-patterned socks, you return with an assorted box of chocolate and a small bag that had been hidden in the closet.
His heart, honest to god, wants to burst. He can't even remember the last time someone got him something for Valentine's.
Bucky holds up the covers for you to slip back in next to him, cuddling up against the large purple teddy bear wedged in between you both.
Handing over the red gift bag with silver ribbon tassels, "You're going to love this."
A raised eyebrow and a wary voice responds, "That sounds ominous."
You just smile, watching him untie the ribbon.
"Oh my god," he groans. "Why?"
All you can do is laugh as he pulls out the small Falcon plushie with a disgusted touch, as though the toy is actually burning him.
"I think this actually constitutes as a form of abuse."
You can't stop laughing, but you grab the bag from him while trying to fight back tears and pull out another stuffed animal. 
It's a sloth.
And then he sees the heart and he just shoots you a strange look and it sends you into another round of hysterics.
Snatching it from your hands as you collapse back against the pillow with howls of laughter, Bucky stares at the large red heart that says Damn Shawty You Fine.
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As you continue to scroll through your phone, Bucky holds out one of the chocolates for you. Opening your mouth enough to let him slide the cream-filled piece into your mouth.
You were trading off all the coconut and walnut and pecan clusters his way, and in return, he was giving you all your favorites - despite his personal tastes.
"Mmm," you coo around the candy as you eagerly hold up your phone for him to see. "Look at this one - he's so cute."
Bucky stares at the curly-haired poodle wearing a heart headband.
"His name is Cupid. How cute is that?"
"Super cute," he responds with absolutely no disinterest whatsoever as he tries to catch up on the last few Dodgers' games before they were moved to California. The bastards.
You're not even bothered by it as you scroll through the adoption app and show him a tiny dachshund with a Free Kisses bandana.
"His name is Cupcake, Bucky. Cupcake."
He nods, "I can see that, yeah."
"Can you imagine if we got a dog? Oh my god, I haven't had a dog since I was a kid. We should get a dog."
Bucky shoves another piece of chocolate into your mouth as you laugh weakly around it, the protests dying on your lips.
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It's absolutely freezing outside, but he insisted on going out to the store instead of using one of those delivery apps you were so crazy about. It was giving you a chance to sleep anyway, so if he was out for a while, then all the better.
- Midol
- Half-baked ice cream
- Gummy bears (not sour)
- A dog
- Rubbing alcohol & medical tape - ur fault
- We're almost out of dish soap too
- ♡
Is what the text reads.
Pulling his hood up and his coat closer, Bucky walks down the recently snowed-over sidewalk towards the store.
And you know what, it was all going just fine. He found everything you ask for - well, almost everything - and was at the register. And it was fine.
But the universe intervened and a pink poster caught his eye for the local animal shelter's Paws and Claws event. And he got a really stupid idea in his head. Because clearly, some higher power was trying to get him to check off everything on your list. 
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Which is how he finds himself inside the FurEver Home animal rescue, almost forty minutes away from the apartment. Like an idiot. A lovesick idiot.
There's an older woman behind the counter that a white cat is walking across and dangling red heart banners wrap around the back wall. Small cat condos are in the one corner with a Kitty Haven sign above a room. And on the opposite side, it's not that difficult to miss the distinct sound of several dogs barking.
"Hi, how can I help you today?" she smiles warmly.
And that's when he realizes what he's actually doing. 
"Uhm, yeah, I actually wanted to look at the dogs, if you - "
She's already moving around the counter, "Yeah, of course."
Why did this seem like a good idea again?
"You can put that over here if you want?" she shows him a little shelf, pointing at his shopping bag.
"Oh, uh, yeah."
What the actual fuck was he doing?
"Okay, hands to yourself. If there's one you want to really meet, I'll get them leashed up and everything. Was there a certain one or a breed you were interested in?"
Bucky shakes his head dumbly, "No, just wanted to look around, I guess."
The barking is insanely louder once the soundproofed door is opened. Everything smells of wet dog and he's actually kind of overwhelmed, unsure of where to look as she guides him down the first row of kennels.
"These guys here are some of our newer arrivals," her voice is raised to be heard over the barking.
"Rocco here is a mixed pit, two years old. He's better with a quieter home right now. And Jessie was brought in from the same place. Little skittish, but she's a real sweetie."
He looks down at the large pitbull that's standing up on its hind legs to see him. And the nearly identical female in the kennel next to him. His heart squeezes.
"We have Cookie over here. She's a Collie mix, about five years is what our vet estimates. Domino is our oldest pup, she's ten, but she is so good with kids."
The little graying dog wags her tail when he walks in front of her kennel.
Oh, this was such a bad idea. He wants to take them all. Could he take them all?
They round the corner and another row of kennels. Max, Coco, Puff, Pebbles, Sascha, Twix, and Kit all bark and wag their tails and excitedly hop up as he walks by. And he is hit by the fact that this was a really really stupid idea.
A final row of kennels.
He passes by Margo and Finn, but pauses at last before a Golden Retriever - the only dog actually laying on a bed instead of right at the door.
"This is Lottie - hi, sweetheart."
The dog hops up and walks over to them, nuzzling her nose against the kennel as the woman stops in front of her.
"She's three, very well behaved. Housebroken, knows your basic commands."
The dog isn't even looking his way, just sniffing against the door, trying to get to the woman.
"Her last owners couldn't afford the vet bills; had to give her up. But we got you all taken care of, baby, didn't we?"
It's only then that the dog turns her head and Bucky realizes, "She's blind?"
"Yes. She got SARDS and her previous family couldn't afford the treatment and surgery."
"Is she on medication or…?"
"No, not anymore. Antibiotics post-surgery and some pain relievers, but she's all healed up now."
He stares at the healed-over scars where her eyes used to be and his chest aches.
The woman seems to pause, taking in his expression. 
"Would you like me to grab a leash?"
He nods wordlessly, struck by the dog in front of him, sniffing around the edge of her kennel. 
She opens the door and the dog backs up with an excited little tail wag. With the command, she sits and the woman is able to get the purple leash attached to her collar. And then she hands it to him and oh, hey. This is happening. 
"Free to walk in here or right out on the main sidewalk. When you're done, just bring her back over to me or one of the other volunteers. These guys are microchipped, just so you know."
Oh, darn. Looks like opening all the kennels and stealing the dogs wasn't going to work out then.
"Oh, okay," Bucky says instead.
The woman moves on to the other kennels, before disappearing around the corner, giving him room with the dog. Bucky looks down at her waiting patiently in front of him. Slowly, he kneels down, offering out his hand.
She sniffs it, once, twice, before inching her face a little closer. 
He's awestruck.
Hesitantly, he touches her muzzle with gentle little strokes. She leans right into it.
"Hey, sweetheart. Wow, hey, hey."
Her tail thumps happily against the concrete floor.
"Yeah, you're coming home with me, aren't ya, baby?"
Distantly, he thinks he's being a touch insane. But Bucky just stands up and slowly starts to walk her down the back row. Watching how Lottie stays right along his left side, her head occasionally bumping against him. When they reach the end of the row, he guides her with the leash to turn around and she does it perfectly. 
"Good girl," he rubs a hand between her ears as she pants.
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The woman doesn't seem the least bit surprised when he meets her up front only a minute later.
He signs the adoption paper and the license registration. Gets coupons for a pet store and a vet visit. Is given several pamphlets about bringing a new dog home. And one very specific paper about blind dogs which he spends far more time reading over than the other ones.
The volunteer recommends getting a harness or collar that signals her disability to others and something called a Halo? It all just kind of keeps hitting him in waves with that underlying what the hell did I just do?
And then he's standing in the middle of the icy sidewalk with his dog. His Dog.
Ooh, boy. That's a crazy thought, ain't it?
He looks down at Lottie who's just patiently sitting on his left side, panting lightly.
"Come on, girl. Let's get you home."
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The apartment is still dark when he walks in. Lottie remains on her leash - he'll have to lead her around the place first. Opening the contents of the shopping bag, he grimaces as he hurries to put the very warm ice cream into the freezer.
And then he hears a tired groan from the bedroom, "That you out there, handsome?"
His breath catches as he looks down at Lottie and back at the bedroom door.
"Uh…" he stalls. "I'm not sure if I'd go that far?"
"I'll be the judge of that," you call back playfully. "You got the goods?"
He nods with a silent laugh, unbagging the last few items as Lottie sits at his feet, sniffing the kitchen counter. Bucky pets her head affectionately. 
"Yeah, I knew a guy. He cut me a deal."
Your laugh brings warmth to his chest, "That's my man. I hope it was a good deal?"
There's a rustle of sheets and then your very distinct footsteps. And then a gasp.
"I think so," Bucky says with a shy smile.
"You didn't," your voice is adorably high pitched as you stare.
"I did."
You continue staring with a gaped mouth.
There's a jolt of nerves that hits him then. The realization that maybe this wasn't actually a good idea. And, hey, maybe you should have been there to pick a dog you actually wanted. And he should have at least told you or hinted at the possibility instead of just running out and literally adopting a dog.
But then you're crossing the room and crouching down next to Lottie.
"Hey there, pupper. Hi - awww!"
She leans right into your waiting arms as you rub down her sides and scratch behind her ears.
"You got a name, sweetie?"
Your eyes are glued right to her, a lovestruck look on your face.
"Lottie," Bucky says. "But we could change it if - "
"No," you stare up at him with admiration. "No, I like Lottie." And then you turn your attention back to the dog, "Yes, I do! Yes, I do. Oh, you are an angel, aren't you? What a pretty girl!"
He loves the way you wrap yourself around the dog, emitting all your affection onto her. Not even bothered by the obvious scars on her face. Seeing a dog in need of love and giving her all you've got.
And then you're standing up and squaring him with a lopsided smile.
"You're an idiot, you know that right?"
Bucky tries to look offended, but he just smiles. "Yeah. But I'm your idiot."
"Ah, ah, ah!" You chastise, a hand reaching down to rest on Lottie's head, "Our idiot."
He can't help but roll his eyes as you lean down and continue petting the dog.
"Yeah, I hope you're ready for the full force of this guy's stupidity, Lottie. He comes home looking like a mess almost weekly. Can't even take off his boots at the door like a normal person."
Bucky coughs loudly, "Anyway, dinner?"
You don't even pay him a bit of attention. "And the smell. Doesn't even take a shower after a long mission. I hope your little doggy nose can handle it or maybe we'll just hose him down."
Fixing him with a pointed look, "Could you get anymore cliched for Valentine's Day?"
He grumbles, feeling oddly left out now that you've placed all your attention on Lottie.
You smile, standing once again to press a kiss to his nose, "A man after my own heart."
Circling his arms around your waist, he tugs you against his chest, "All it took was the promise of takeout?"
"And a dog."
He nods, "And a dog."
You press a kiss to his lips.
"Oh! And taco socks," you wiggle your foot happily.
Another kiss, and then a longer one, and then a peck. He stares into your eyes, cupping your cheek with everything he has about to burst from his chest with love love love.
"I love you."
Your smile is sweeter than candy as you lean into his hand, "Love you too."
Lottie makes a little whining sound and you break away. Bucky ruffles her fur a bit, already planning a list out for all the things he would need to buy her.
Moving around him, you eye the goods on the counter - snatching the Midol up quickly.
 "You got my ice cream?"
He winces, keeping his face focused on Lottie, "Uh… it might have melted?"
You gasp.
"Way to go, Bucky. Just ruin my whole day, why don't you?"
Bucky gaps for a moment, then points at Lottie, "Look, sweetheart! I got you a dog!"
Another gasp of surprise as you move down next to him.
"Well, would you look at that! Guess I'll just have to forgive you then, won't I?"
Lottie thumps her tail against the floor, a smile seemingly on her face as she pants. Bucky pulls you in with one arm and kisses you soundly on the lips.
The day might not have gone as planned, but he thinks everything might have worked out the way it was supposed to after all.
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hookedontaronfics · 5 years
Honky Dancer series - Chapter 5
Chapter title: Lazy Sundays and difficult choices Read the previous installments here: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3  | Chapter 4 Rating: M Pairing: Taron x OC Warnings: Cursing, brief mentions of sex but no actual smut A/N: Mostly just some fluffy fluff [daddy Taron feels, yes please] and more relationship drama in this chapter. More mature themes will develop, so be warned! Enjoy! X
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I was awoken the next morning by a cold, wet nose pressed against my arm. It took me a few seconds to process where I even was, crashed out on my own couch in last night’s dress. Again.
Troy whined at me slightly, having waited as long as he possibly could before waking me to be let out. He whuffed at me slightly, looking at me with those deep brown puppy eyes of his.
“I’m up, I’m up,” I groaned as I pushed myself back up to sitting and wiped my hand over my face, smearing the remnants of makeup. I reached over and scratched Troy on the head, and he wagged his tail at me. “You’re a cute boy, yes you are,” I said in that special voice I reserved just for him. I spied a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water on the coffee table; Taron must have done that before he left last night, when I was dead to the world.
I got up and let Troy out to do his doggy business before finding my phone still nestled in my purse where I’d left it. <I am NEVER drinking again I swear to God> I texted Madison.
<What, why? What happened?> Madison instantly texted back, and I could just imagine the worried expression she was making.
<Nothing but I am an absolute IDIOT when I drink, Mads. I have got to stop just throwing myself at guys> I responded.
<Did you and Taron … ?> she texted, waiting for my reply.
<No because he’s a gentleman unlike Markus but the point is I totally would have if he’d taken advantage. But he walked away and now I feel like absolute trash. We had an amazing dinner together and I almost threw the night away. I’m a total moron. Please tell me to never leave this house again.>
<Okay well you’re being a bit ridiculous, for one. It’s a good thing Taron is a gentleman, that means he cares for you more than just physically. I’m sure you being a bit drunk did NOT ruin anything with him. Do you remember what he said, at all?>
<Of course, I wasn’t THAT trashed. He said he didn’t want to take the choice away from me, that he wanted to know it was me and not the wine making me want him…>
<Holy shit, Juliette! So he’s totally into you!>
<When I’m not being a drunk idiot. But in all seriousness, I’m not touching another drop of alcohol for a long time.>
<Until your wedding, eh!!> Madison sent back with the waggling eyebrows emoji, making me blush and squeal out loud at the same time. Troy just looked at me with a concerned expression; he probably thought his human was absolutely mad.
<Oh stop. I can’t think like that and you know it> I texted, blushing hard.
<Yeah I know it, but you should probably stop texting me and start texting Taron … Make sure his ass knows sober you still wants him too> she replied.
<You are too damn much, Mads. What has even gotten into you, giving me all this advice.>
<Look, I’m not blind! The man is fit as fuck and I’m only a little jealous that he’s all heart eyes for you. Don’t blow your opportunity, is all I’m saying, cause there’s about a million fangirls lined up behind you waiting their turn.> Woah, I thought, staring at my phone for a long minute. I had never really thought about it that way. To me, he was just Taron; yes, Taron who could afford nice things and Taron who could act brilliantly and Taron who was impeccably handsome, but he was still just the Taron I’d gotten to know on a very human level. He was kind and sweet and lovely and I fancied him a lot, but a small part of me still wondered why he paid me any attention at all. If it had been any other girl that had bumped into him in the hallway weeks ago, would he be taking them out to expensive meals instead of me?
<Well thanks for the dose of reality. You’re always good for that> I sent back before calling Troy back inside from where he was sniffing along the fence line. I decided to take a shower before doing anything else, turning the water as hot as my skin could take it. Once I felt clean and refreshed, I wrapped myself in a bathrobe and left my hair wrapped up in a towel and walked over to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. I grabbed my phone while that percolated and finally decided to text Taron.
<Good morning! I’m alive, I promise. Also, thank you for dinner last night, it was lovely. I can’t remember if I managed to say that or not but I don’t want to be rude.> I made myself a cup of coffee while waiting for Taron to reply.
<Good morning, love! How are you feeling?> he responded.
<Surprisingly pretty well for how much of that expensive wine I drank last night> I wrote cheekily.
<Would you require sustenance in the way of food? Because I’m completely lusting after those Tongue and Brisket salmon bagels and I could bring some over if you’d like.> Of course Taron would use the term “lust” instead of “crave” and of course my brain would go to thoughts it shouldn’t be thinking, on a Sunday morning no less.
<Yes of course, that’d be lovely> I texted back quickly, trying to calm my whore brain down.
<Should I order something for Clara too?> he asked, being considerate of my daughter.
<She’ll still be at her grandmum’s until afternoon> I wrote back.
<Ahh> was Taron’s simple response. Did I detect a note of disappointment there? I wondered.
<I suppose I could arrange to have her brought home earlier… If you’d like?>
<That’d be brilliant. I’ll be over in an hour or so> he responded. Clara must have made quite an impression on Taron if he wanted to spend more time with her. I texted my mum and made arrangements for her to bring Clara back over early and then quickly got myself ready, slipping into a simple dress and leggings and making sure the house was as clean as it was going to get in an hour. Troy let me know when Taron had arrived before the doorbell rang, prancing excitedly in front of the door, the entire bottom half of him wagging excitedly.
“Out of the way, boy,” I laughed, having to use my leg to try and scoot him back enough so I could get the door open.
“Hi!” I said, answering the door and trying to keep Troy from excitedly attacking Taron with all his doggy love at the same time, so I must have looked slightly flustered. Taron managed to take all of this in stride, of course, and I greeted him warmly once he managed to squeeze inside. I ended up putting Troy outside in the backyard so he wouldn’t be slobbering over our bagels, earning myself a look of betrayal until I tossed him a treat.
I rejoined Taron on the couch, and he had already pulled out our bagels and set them out carefully on the coffee table. “These look amazing,” I smiled and Taron grinned at me.
“Oh, they are amazing,” he grinned, handing me one with the wrapper carefully pulled back. I’d had many good bagels in my life, but the ones he had chosen blew me away. The bagels themselves had the perfect chewy but still moist texture, and the sweetness of the cream cheese balanced the smokiness of the salmon. For a long moment all you could hear were the sounds of our chewing because those bagels were that good.
“I think this bagel may have just changed my life,” I joked around a bite, making Taron chuckle.
“You sure it’s not the company?” he asked with a wink, making my heart stutter slightly in my chest. I tried to recover by taking a massive bite of the bagel so I wouldn’t have to immediately respond, but then I nearly choked and Taron ended up having to thump my back while I coughed, my face red and my eyes tearing up.
“Hey, easy there,” he said, making sure I was okay.
“Hi, have you met me? I’m always awkward,” I said once I could manage to talk again.
“Yeah, I kind of got that,” he teased me lightly. “And yet somehow you’re a brilliant dancer.”
“The world works in mysterious ways, T,” I laughed at that. We chatted a bit longer before my mum arrived with Clara. My mum seemed surprised that Taron was there, raising her eyebrows at me and giving me an “oh?” Clara had gravitated right to Taron, and I saw him giving her a high five, her laughter bouncing off the walls of the house and making me grin.
“Be right back,” I said, grabbing Clara’s bag from my mum and nodding toward the bedrooms so she followed me. “Before you judge anything, no, he didn’t stay the night,” I said in a rush as soon as we were out of ear shot. “He offered to bring bagels this morning and I figured, why not?”
“Dinner last night and breakfast in the morning, dear?” my mum asked, with that tone of voice that meant she thought a lot more than she was saying.
“He’s exceptionally thoughtful and has deep pockets?” I tried as I unpacked Clara’s bag, feeling myself blushing despite myself.
“Oh that boy fancies you so much. He just plays by the old rules of courtship, which is a fat lot better then these young kids who roll up thinking cat-calling a young lady from their car is going to do them any favors,” my mum huffed, and I couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“Seriously, mum?” I giggled. “They don’t really do that either. They buy you a drink and expect to get laid and there you have it.”
“Your pappi was a gentleman, through and through. Rather swept me off my feet back in the day,” she said with a far-off smile.
“Why did Pappi leave then?” I asked softly, gently setting one of Clara’s stuffed plushies on her bed and smoothing out the comforter.
“He had his own demons to reckon with, dear. It had nothing to do with how much he loved you or me.”
“I just don’t think I have any of this figured out, mum,” I sighed softly. “I’m more confused now than I ever was. Taron is amazing and every kind thing I could say about him but I don’t feel like I deserve this kindness at all. I feel like we’re from very different worlds.”
“Oh honey, don’t you ever close that door on yourself,” my mum said, crossing the room over to me and placing her hand on my cheek. “You are every bit deserving to be loved and cared for and if that means belonging in Taron’s world, then don’t you dare count yourself out of it. He clearly wants to be here for a reason. And you might even have more in common than you’re aware of right now.”
“Yeah, okay,” I said, giving her a small smile. “I just don’t want to bring him into a world that is messy and imperfect as much as mine is.”
“The world is messy and imperfect, dear. No one can avoid that. But maybe he sees who you are beyond that.”
“I just don’t know,” I said after taking a deep breath.
My mum just smiled knowingly and headed for the door. “Listen to your mum, she knows a thing or two,” she said before returning to the living room again, leaving me to my thoughts. I quickly finished unpacking Clara’s bag before going to let Troy back inside. He excitedly bounded his way to the living room, adding his happy energy to the scene in my living room, Clara squealing and hugging Troy as Taron seemed captivated by them both.
“I will get out of your hair but, it was nice seeing you again, Mr. Egerton,” my mum said, the absolute picture of poise and grace.
“Taron, please,” he smiled, offering to shake her hand but she just gave him a hug instead, which he cutely returned.
“Have a fantastic day, loves,” she smiled before seeing herself out the door.
“Mummy, can we go to the park now?” Clara said in her eternally enthusiastic way. “I want to throw the ball for Troy!” she said, and Troy perked his ears up at the recognized word.
“That’s a fantastic idea,” Taron grinned, looking to me, his face alight. I couldn’t say no to that, so soon enough we were out the door and heading for the park, Clara insisting on taking Troy’s leash and walking ahead of us as Taron and I enjoyed the nice weather of the day.
We let Troy off his leash as soon as we got to the park and took turns throwing his ball for him, which he thoroughly enjoyed retrieving and dropping at our feet.
“I wish I could throw as far as you and mummy!” Clara sighed dramatically to Taron.
“Well, you just need a little practice is all!” Taron grinned, picking up the ball and showing Clara how to step forward and follow through with her arm so the ball would gain some air. She improved a bit, Troy ever faithful in retrieving it no matter how far it did or didn’t travel, but eventually Taron scooped Clara up onto his shoulders and grinned. “Now try it!” he chuckled, and Clara squealed happily at being so high up.
“Watch, mum!” she said, tossing the ball and watching it soar before bouncing a fair bit away.
“Hey you did it!” Taron grinned at me, the whole interaction sending feelings through me that I was still having trouble trying to place. The way Taron was with Clara was just absolutely so sweet, and it really had me swooning. Eventually Troy gave up the game, landing in a fluffy pile and panting heavily, and Taron gently set Clara back on the ground.
“Tag, you’re it!” she said, patting him on the arm and then squealing and running away.
“Well I have to give chase now,” Taron grinned at me before running after her, easily catching up to her and wrapping his arms around her, their laughter traveling to me. I pulled out my phone and snapped that photo too, the joy so evident on Clara’s face it made my heart ache. I only ever wanted my child to know this kind of happiness, and I’d realized long ago I couldn’t provide that joy to her alone.
We wrapped up our time in the park and made the tired walk home, Clara still chatting our ears off about whatever it is that came to her 7-year-old mind. It was so easy to feel like a family at that moment, but I knew that was also dangerous. If Taron didn’t feel the same about any of this, I was setting myself up for a lot of heartbreak, and even more so, I had to protect Clara’s feelings as well.
We made it back to the house and Taron decided it was probably time for him to go so he didn’t wear out his welcome (as if he ever could), so Clara gave him a sweet hug and told him how much fun she’d had, and Taron of course agreed. I let her and Troy into the house to go play before turning to Taron.
“Thank you for today, it was really great,” I said as I faced him, now suddenly level with him as I was on the raised stoop.
“You know, I couldn’t have imagined a better way to spend a lazy Sunday,” he smiled at me, making my heart flutter yet again. “So, see you at rehearsal tomorrow?” he grinned that megawatt grin of his at me.
“Yes you will. It won’t be too long before screen tests and filming,” I said, my voice betraying the nerves I felt over that. It was one thing to rehearse in a studio room; it was another to realize I was actually going to be on film soon.
“It will be great, you’ll see. You’ll be with me and Rich, nothing to worry about,” he grinned.
“Yeah, nothing to worry about at all,” I said sarcastically before he took my hands in his.
“You’ll be as brilliant on screen as you are breathtaking in real life, I’m sure of it.”
“Oh Taron,” I said softly, having to stare at the ground until he gently tilted my chin up to gaze in his eyes. They were so light today, nearly peridot in color and sparkling in the sun.
“You’ll see what I see some day,” he smiled, leaning in and kissing me gently. I didn’t realize until that moment that I’d been waiting for him to do that all day. I could feel him smile against my lips, and then I kissed him back, my arms wrapping around his neck and not caring if my nosy neighbor next door, Mrs. Burnham, was watching through her blinds.
We kissed like that until we were both out of breath and giggling. “You take my damn breath away, Juliette,” he whispered sweetly, his breath tickling my skin.
“I’m sure it’s quite the other way around, Taron,” I whispered back.
“Then we’ll just stay breathless together, eh?” he grinned.
“I guess so,” I hedged, not sure I was totally understanding what he was implying.
“I want to keep having these moments with you,” he added, such softness in his gaze that it made something open up in my chest, a place where I had once been loved and yearned to be again.
“I do too, of course I do, but I have to figure some other things out first,” I said uncertainly, as Taron took a small step back from me.
“Like Markus?” he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Are you still seeing him?”
“I…Tomorrow, after rehearsal. But that’s not your business really,” I replied.
“You’re right, it’s not, but please let me know when you’re done playing this game with him. He can never give you what I could,” Taron said, and I swore I could feel the jealousy under his words as tiny pinpricks in my skin.
“Um Taron, that’s not-” I said but he started walking away from me, cutting off my words.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Juliette. Good day,” he said over his shoulder, as if I was just another acquaintance and not the person I’d spent my entire morning and day laughing with. I stood on the stoop feeling confused as he got in his car and drove off, but he at least waved and I raised my hand too, completely unsure about my own feelings or his for that matter.
I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to steady myself before returning inside, intending to have a good rest of the Sunday with my daughter. And we did have a good day, playing video games and Barbies and unicorns and god knows what else she came up with. She wanted me to help her paint a picture of Elton, so I did my best to help draw an outline of Elton at the piano, though the face came out wonky but she loved it and we hung it up on the fridge when she was done painting. Her love of Elton always made me feel happy inside, like I’d done something right in parenting her at least. The evening flew by and soon I was tucking my daughter in bed and crashing myself, having mixed feelings about rehearsals the next day, especially because I’d agreed to have another date with Markus that evening.
The night passed and soon enough I found myself getting Clara off to school and myself across the city to Paramount, where we’d be setting our choreography on the actual massive set piece they’d built, which was a bunch of steps leading up to what looked like a record. Working the stair steps was its own sort of challenge, but eventually we felt as comfortable dancing on the platform as we had been in the studio. Taron was cordial to me but I felt the coldness behind his demeanor and it hurt me slightly. I knew he was probably just trying to protect himself but I craved the sort of warmth he had brought into my life. But I still felt like I owed Markus one last chance before I “made my choice,” if that was even real. I think it was already clear to everyone but myself who I gravitated toward the most.
When rehearsals were over, Taron brushed past me, saying in a low voice “I should say enjoy your date tonight but I really hope you don’t.”
“Taron, please. This jealousy doesn’t look good on you,” I said.
“How else am I supposed to feel?” he asked, his dark green gaze searing straight into my soul until Richard came by, putting his hands on Taron’s shoulders and laughing about something. I think he realized he’d just interrupted a moment, but Taron just shrugged and smiled at me. “I’ve got to go, later,” he said before excusing himself and leaving with Richard. I felt my a pang in my chest but had to shrug it off.
I made it home in time to shower and slip into a pair of skinny jeans and a blouse and flats, checking in with my mum to make sure Clara was getting her homework done while on the tube back across town again to meet up with Markus. We’d agreed on a low-key pizzeria this time, just wanting a nice sit-down restaurant to try and get to know each other better.
And it actually was a good time, despite my misgivings about how our first date had gone. Markus even apologized for what had happened, saying he should have taken more responsibility and had been incredibly drunk himself.
“I hope you don’t think that I’m just this kind of asshole,” he said gently, his fingers pressed against my knee and his steel grey eyes soft in the table’s candlelight. “We got off to the wrong start and I want to make it right again. I’m not some ‘bro’ trying to get laid. I think you’re gorgeous and smart and incredibly talented and I was swept off my feet when I saw you dance,” he said.
I’d heard those words before but somehow coming from Markus it didn’t quite hit me in the heart the way it had coming from Taron, and I sighed at that.
“Thank you, that’s very kind,” I replied, staring at my hands folded primly in front of me on the tabletop. Markus was kind and lovely so why did he not stir my heart? He was the sort of person I could relate to - the kind of person who I deserved to be with. To think I deserved Taron at all was humor at its highest mark.
“What are you thinking?” Markus asked me, reaching over and wrapping his hands around mine. The gesture was meant to be sweet but I had to fight my initial reaction to jerk away.
“You’re a really sweet guy, Markus,” I smiled at him lightly, obviously unable to tell him I was actually thinking about Taron.
“We have a lot in common, don’t we?” he grinned beatifically at me. I suddenly had the urge to run my fingers through his brunette curls, to see if they were as soft and fluffy as Taron’s hair. My god, I chastised myself, what is my problem?
“We do, but there’s something else you should know,” I said softly, taking a deep breath before delivering the news about my daughter. I waited for Markus’ reaction, scared and anxious that he’d hate that idea and then it would make my choice so much simpler.
“Well, I’d love to meet her some day,” he replied sweetly, and then ended up spending the next half-hour asking me questions about Clara and wanting to see photos of her. I very nearly accidentally showed him the picture of Clara and Taron in the park, and the picture made my heart skip an extra beat when I saw the pure joy on their sweet faces. “What’s that?” he asked, obviously having seen my expression and trying to maneuver himself to look at my screen.
“Uh, nothing,” I said, but he’d already caught a peek at the picture. 
“I could do better, if you’d give me the same chance you gave him,” he said, practically spitting out that last word.
“Do you even want to have a family, Markus?” I asked, a bit exasperated. “Nothing about our conversations has made me believe you’d suddenly want that responsibility. Clara mostly stays with me, you know. This wouldn’t be a part-time position and I have to do what’s best for her.”
“So you’ve already decided then?” he asked, grimacing slightly.
“I never said that,” I sighed, running my hands through my hair, which had dried into its natural soft waves.
“I know you don’t feel the same way about me, but he’s not the one in front of you right now. I am. So give me that chance to try and be that for you, because I think this could be really, really great,” he pleaded with me, making me once again feel guilty for the thoughts I’d been having. Had it really been that obvious? I wondered.
“Markus, I …” I started, not really sure what to say.
“Just don’t shut me out, okay? Let’s go on more dates. Hell, go out on dates with whats-his-face too. I’m not even jealous. All I can be is here for you. And may the best man win anyway, right?” he asked, making me sigh heavily. A battle of the boys was not even remotely what I had signed up for.
“It’s Taron. His name is Taron,” I said a bit weakly.
We wrapped up our meal soon after, mostly because I needed to go retrieve my daughter from my mum’s but also because the conversation had suddenly dried up. He kissed me on the cheek and wished me a good eve and I had far too much time to think as I rode the tube alone across the city. What the hell had I just gotten myself into? 
I was so relieved to find myself distracted with my daughter for the rest of the evening, trying to leave thoughts of Taron and Markus both out of my mind. I was crap at matters of the heart and I knew that; I hadn’t grown up seeing a loving relationship between my parents so knowing what to choose now just made me feel anxious and overwhelmed. Markus was sweet and kind and understood me, but I didn’t exactly have deep feelings for him. Taron, on the other hand, took my breath away but was so beyond me it hurt to acknowledge. What would he even be able to make out of my chaotic life? He didn’t need me bringing him down, that was for certain. But oh, how he could make me feel, and I hadn’t even slept with him.
These thoughts lingered in my mind through the entire night and well into my classes the next day. I at least could forget my troubles in 45-minute intervals, fully focused on my students as I led them through chasses and adagios.
I had a fun surprise for my 5-year-old class, gathering them around me to read a ballet storybook I’d found at the Waterstones a few days before. They were all so cute, their little eager faces turned to me as I read to them, and it reminded me how much I truly did love teaching. I dismissed my class, accepting their hugs and calls of “Thank you Miss Juliette!” before spying Taron haunting the doorway, remembering that we’d practiced here before so of course he knew where I worked. One little girl cutely stopped in front of him, and I couldn’t hear what either was saying but she giggled and her mum smiled appreciatively at Taron.
He walked in the studio, holding a small bouquet of flowers and handing them over to me. “What are you doing here?” I asked, accepting the flowers and honestly a bit surprised to see him.
“I just needed to apologize for being a basic asshole to you yesterday, and the day before that. You were right, I was acting jealous and had no right to be, and I hope you can accept that I’m completely sorry for my behaviour,” he said, biting his lip slightly. “I knew we wouldn’t see each other again for a few days, and I didn’t want this to wait so…”
“Thank you, of course I accept that apology but you didn’t really need to,” I said softly.
“I just want you to know that I want you to be happy, whoever that ends up being with. And if it’s not me, I can accept that. I’m your friend first, and I want you to know that I’m here for you and that’s not contingent on a relationship.” He fidgeted with his jacket sleeves slightly, obviously nervous about what he was saying and I felt the urge to just give him a hug.
“Taron, I … I do like you, a lot,” I said softly, about to tell him how much I didn’t belong in his world when he just kept talking through me.
“And the thing is, I mean, if Markus is your guy, then I’ll step away from this and respect that. Or… or if you can’t make up your mind, then I guess I’d be okay with you seeing both of us until you could decide, you know, who made you happier,” he said, stumbling slightly over his words and staring at the ground the whole time.
“Seriously?” I said, mostly in absolute shock but I think Taron misread it as eagerness.
“Is that palatable?” he asked, finally looking up at me. “Because I really don’t want to lose a chance with you,” he said softly, his face looking as though he was about to crumble.
“Taron, you’re not going to lose me,” I said, instantly going over to him and cupping his face with my hands. “We work together, remember?” I teased, earning a small smile out of that. “I’m trying to be as fair as I can and I never expected myself to be in this situation.”
“Right, I get it,” he said quietly, the vulnerability clear on his face. “Or at least, I’m trying to understand it.”
“I just find it hard to believe that you’d choose someone like me to want to be with. There have to be other girls, better women who are more in your world, you know?” I finally admitted.
“Better than you?” he asked, his eyes going wide. “Juliette, there is no one better than you in my world. This is where I want you to be and where you deserve to be.”
I couldn’t speak for all the emotions his words drew to the forefront. Doubt, disbelief, shock, love, vulnerability, yearning and passion, maybe even a little bit of fear coursed through me as he wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me in to him, kissing me without holding anything back this time. If I thought that man could make me feel before, that was nothing compared to getting lost with him now.
“Gross, get a room,” Madison joked, having barged in the studio thinking it was just me there. Taron and I broke apart instantly, and I couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed.
“Uh, Mads, this is Taron. Taron, my best friend Madison,” I said, trying to recover by introducing them.
“Oh, I know who Taron is,” she smirked, offering her hand to him but getting a cute hug instead. Oh my god, she mouthed to me over his shoulder. We chatted briefly but I had an incoming class and Taron knew he couldn’t really take up much more of my time, but he gave me another, much sweeter kiss and cupped my chin with his fingers. 
“We’ll talk about this later, yeah? Call me,” he smiled, giving me the now-familiar phone gesture, and I nodded.
“You’ve got it,” I said, watching him go as he cutely waved at the both of us.
“Oh. My. God!” Madison squealed at me as soon as the door had swung shut behind Taron. “So are you together now?” she nearly screeched.
“I...uhm… I think so? It’s complicated, but I think I definitely need to let Markus down now,” I said, my lips still tingling from kissing Taron.
“Yeah, I’d say,” Madison snorted. “You were practically melting into him. You can’t tell me Markus sweeps you off your feet like that.”
“Or kisses like that, definitely not,” I mused slightly.
“Are you even going to survive sex with Taron?” she asked, making me blush a deep red.
“Holy shit, Mads, you can’t go around saying things like that to me!” I said as she cackled, giving me a wicked grin as my next class of students started filing in.
“Oh, I can, and I did. Have fun with your class!” she giggled, leaving me to it as I desperately tried to recover my composure. 
I tried with some difficulty to keep my mind from wandering to what Taron might look like naked as I led my class through warmups and floor exercises. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t admit I had maybe fantasized about it before. If he hadn’t walked away Saturday night, if he hadn’t been the gentleman he was, I wouldn’t still be wondering this at all. But I knew the answer was no, absolutely not; I definitely wasn’t going to survive sleeping with Taron if just kissing him made me feel this undone.
Will Juliette be able to break things off with Markus? And will her relationship with Taron continue to grow? Find out in Chapter 6 HERE.
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missklou · 7 years
Bts reaction {Mommy kink}
(for people that make gifs/gifsets, I absolutely adore your work, if you do not approve the use of your gifs please let me know and I’ll stop)
(Currently taking requests)
Request:  Pls bts reaction to their gf having a mommy kink and calling them baby boy :) make it nsfw
(I made little adjustments to the ask that I hope you don’t mind, like instead of the reaction of finding out about your kink, actually performing it, and various pet names other than “baby boy”, I hope it’s okay)
Mini scenarios with each member. If you like it, please check the masterlist for more.
Warnings: Sexual content, NSFW as it was asked, filth, if you are easily triggered you should probably not read this, mentions of: dom female, bondage, public play, overstimulation, orgasm denial, food play and even fuckboy jungkook.
Seokjin did not know how to act upon your kink, the only thing he was sure of was that he liked it very much. 
He wasn’t the biggest fan of being a sub but he was the biggest fan of you being a dom, which is why he happily took place in your often roleplay. 
However, there were days where you acted like a brat and Jin -that wasn’t particularly domish- wanted to control you just to see you swallow your words. 
Today was one of those days, but this time it was intentional. 
You muffle a giggle when you see Jin wiggle in his seat and then is pleased when he gets one of his hands around yours on his crouch to try an stop you. What Jin doesn’t know yet is that the action only makes it even more innocent as it looks like he’s holding your hand under the table. 
You stay still for one second, right hand palming him through his jeans but eyes glowing with fake interest to the rest of the boys, that are engaged in vivid conversation. 
When he attempts to pull your hand away, you cough, drawing attention to the both of you. Jin freezes, terrified of being caught by the members.
-Sorry, I have been feeling kinda sick. -You apologize, they brush it off as nothing and you smik at Seokjin, that is now looking at you with murderer's eyes. 
Your smile grows cheekier as you unbuckle his belt and in one swift movement pull his cock out of the confines of his jeans, he’s pale and now whispering for you to stop. 
Boys turn their heads, you pump him slowly. 
-Everything okay? You don’t look good hyung. -Says Taehyung. 
-I’m afraid Jinie got sick too, he hasn’t been feeling very good tonight. -You answer instead of your boyfriend, that could only mumble incoherent words with your soft hand going up and down on his dick. -We should wait for dessert and then head to bed. -You inform, Jin interrupts. 
-We are going now, I’m not feeling good. -His eyes are dark and threatening, you almost laugh because you know what is going through his head right now. 
You let go of him and wipe the precum on the inside of your skirt. 
-Okay, let’s do as you want. -But your words mean nothing because as soon as you get to the apartment Jin holds you against the closed door, body pressing into yours, lips attaching. 
-You are so screwed. -He informs and then looks utterly confused when a loud laugh erupts from your small figure. 
-What do you think you are doing? -You ask him, eyes getting dangerously serious, the way he loves. -Is this how you are supposed to talk to mommy? -It’s easy to change positions because he’s caught off guard, you pressed him against the wall and held his face with one hand, squeezing his cheeks. -Why are you ordering me around like you are a big boy? Is my little prince getting rebellious?
You see the glow in Jin’s eyes and that makes your panties wetter than they already were.
-Cat got your tongue prince? I believe I made you a question. -Your hand leaves his cheek to trail his body until it reaches his crouch, his bulge is so satisfying. 
-I only did it because mommy teased me in public. -He pouts in the cutest way and rests his head on the door, gulping at your administrations on his dick. 
-So what? Mommy can do just whatever she wants with you -You wet his neck with soft kisses and make sure to leave hickeys, your breasts pressing against his own chest because you are in your tiptoes. -If I want to play with your prince parts in front of your friends I can and you know why? -He tenses up when you pull his member out of his pants for the second time in the night and squeeze him in your palm. -Because this is all mine.
He huffed in agreement and closed his eyes, you take in the overwhelming sight of a horny Seokjin while your hands catch speed. 
-Why are you keeping your moans to yourself? 
In seconds he gets very verbal about his pleasure, delighting your ears with moans of your name and needy requests for you to go faster. 
He is twitching on your hand when you let go, his eyes shot open immediately with a whine on how he was about to cum. 
-And do you think you can cum after behaving like that baby boy? -His face is so wrathful you laugh again after petting his head. -You can watch mama touch herself, maybe I’ll let you do the same. 
And he wouldn't have followed you to your room if all of his blood wasn't on his dick.
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(By imaslutforwords) 
Yoongi would pretend that he didn’t care. What betrayed his unimpressed facade was the fact that he was obsessed with pleasuring you. If using him got you off, he would let you, even against every logical part of him. 
After telling him about your kink, you even think he’s teasing you more lately. He wears a cute beany and even responses “Yes mommy” in a grumpy tone when you ask him to do laundry today. 
You have had enough of his teasing and daring eyes. 
When you get home from work you find your boyfriend in your bedroom, folding clothes, back facing you and he doesn’t turn when you walk in so you don’t hesitate in pushing him to the bed. 
Yoongi is grumpy about it and turns with a sharp expression but you won’t back away this time. You kneel in front of him in bed and spread his legs for you. 
-Y/n what are you...
-Quiet now baby, mommy is tired and she needs to use her naughty boy to relax again. -You take his pants off, not without hearing his complains. When he begins to turn to get out of bed you slap his ass. -I said quiet now didn’t I? Do I have to punish you? -You stare at each other until he gives up and shakes his head no. 
You palm him through his boxers and is pleased to find out that he is completely hard for you.
-It seems like my baby boy likes being a good boy after all. -You kiss the insides of his thighs, eyes never leaving his, he rolls his eyes with a sarcastic grin and you strip him out of his underwear. 
To your boyfriend’s surprise, you lick the length of his shaft and give his precum covered head a light suck. 
His grin instantly turns into a delicious moan, with closed eyes and hands grabbing the sheets. 
-That’s it, that’s better. -It’s your turn to give him a sarcastic side smile. -You look beautiful when you are squirming under my touch. 
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(by jiminwhyyougotnojams)
Hoseok has never talked about his kink with you because he was embarrassed about it, afraid you would find it weird. 
What he did was give you hints here and there to see if you would figure it out by yourself, oblivious to the fact you were trying to hide your own kink for the same reasons. 
One day it becomes too much. 
He’s walking around the house with a hoodie and white boxers, his nice thighs and plump ass provoking you to the breaking point. 
Your boyfriend sits on the couch next to you with a Pikachu plushie, his baby blue blanket and his phone, you gag on your coffee from how cute he looks with a pout on his face as he checks his social media.
-Could you sit on my lap? -You rest your drink on the little table beside the couch, his head snaps at your direction. 
-W-What? -His eyes are huge on his face, mouth hanging open, you were afraid of that reaction but you can’t hide it anymore. 
-You have been teasing me for the past year, always getting me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t admit it but I can’t deal with it like this anymore Hoseok. -You open your legs, he stands up and just stares at you. -I want you to sit on my lap, I want to call you my baby boy, want to get you all flushed as I make you cum on my hand, I want you to make a mess on yourself, I want you to moan and whimper as I overstimulate you for as long as I want to, I want you to act like a brat because you know I��ll get you bending on my knees and fucking spanking your fine ass until you have tears in your eyes. -You stare back at his shocked reaction, not wanting to move and scare him away. 
The first movement comes several seconds later, and it’s Hoseok seating on your lap, one leg on either side of you, his erection as hard as a rock against your front. 
His smile could blind someone, you are sure of it. 
You don’t waste time on more words, pulling him out of his boxers and enjoying his face as you give him a handjob. 
-Take off your hoodie and grab at my knees to steady yourself cutie, lean back so mommy can see your beautiful body. 
He only moans in response, following your instructions. Hoseok’s body is fully on display now, tensing and relaxing, abs contracting, firm tighs around you, his neckline exposed, sharp jawline deliciously glowing with sweat. 
He bucks his hips against your hand, you realize your boyfriend is desperate to cum. 
-You are so beautiful like this Hoseok, you are such a good boy. -His ears pierce at the words, he moves even faster, breathing becoming erratic, moans becoming high pitched in whines. 
-Mommy I’m going to cum. -He warns and you feel your panties getting unbearably sticky. 
-You can cum baby, cum all over yourself for mommy. 
And he does, squirming in your lap, his face when he cums like that is so nice you think someone should paint it in a wall. 
Actually, you think someone should paint Hoseok as he is right now: Fucked out, sweaty, breathless, spread wide, abs covered in his own pleasure. 
He grunts when you praise him and lick the warm cum on your fingers.
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(By btsumari)
Namjoon had been a bad boy and for that would be punished. 
He is now standing up in the middle of your “fun” room, arms tied above his head and attached to a ring on the ceiling, the white social shirt he wore earlier, a corset you love, a choker and a beautiful cock ring. 
He’s also blindfolded and trembling from the struggle of being in the tips of his feet in order to not hurt his hands further. It’s the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your life. 
You deny him his second orgasm and sweat run down his forehead, he’s trying hard not to make noises and you just love it. 
-Why are you all tied up? -You ask him, whispering in his ear. 
-I have been naughty -He tells you, grinding his teeth. 
-What have you done?
-I have teased mommy in public. -He’s getting out of breath, you start pumping his length again, he whines from the overstimulation. 
-And now what is your punishment? 
-To obey mommy! -Namjoon, your usually dominant boyfriend is squirming over your touches and you grunt from pleasure. 
-You endured your punishment like a big boy, it’s time to get your reward. -He sighs in relieve, you untie his hands and take off the cock ring and the blindfold. -Now you are going to get in between mommy’s legs and make it nice and wet with your pretty mouth okay? Give me a kiss. 
He kisses you and gets on his knees, eyes burning your skin. 
-What are these manners? What should you say?
-Thank you mommy. -His eyes look big and glowy and you pet his head. 
-Good puppy. -Your smile being the trigger, he grabs onto your hips and in seconds his mouth is on your clit, turning you into a moaning mess. 
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(By choke-me-namjoon)
Jimin’s flexibility and dancing skills were no joke. 
Noticing how much you loved it, Jimin put some effort into stretching in the best ways possible to put up a good show to you. 
Jimin was the perfect little for you. Always so obedient, always so committed to satisfying you, you couldn’t have asked for a better little. 
You got home after a work trip to find your angel wrapped in your favorite blanket with swollen eyes and a plushie by his side, as soon as you walk in he jumps to stand and runs over to your open arms. 
You hug him tightly and it feels like recharging after a tiring day. 
-Mommy -He whines in his crying voice. 
-Why is my baby crying? -You ask him with your lips against his forehead, he sobs and backs away to face you. 
-You were out for a week! You said it would only be for a few days! -He pouts and you giggle at how cute he looks. 
-I’m sorry Kitten, I was dealing with grown-up things, did you miss me?
He nods immediately and you get close to your boyfriend to palm him through his trousers, you give him light kisses on his neck and his breath catches.
-And you didn’t touch yourself just like mommy asked you right? 
Silence, his breathing is now erratic because he’s nervous, you stop your hand and raise your head slowly to meet his eyes, he’s too scared to look at you so he stares at his own socks. 
-Jiminie? Did you touch yourself?
He tries to shake his head no but his eyes say otherwise. 
-Mochi are you lying to mommy? -You suddenly grab his cock way harder, he grabs your wrist but does not try to stop you, eyes rolling to the back of his head, mouth open in a silent moan. 
-I-I’m sorry m-mommy. 
You snap your tongue in disapproval two times before letting go of him. 
-Mommy does not like it when you disobey kitten... Go to your room, you better be undressed and in position by the time I get there.
And in fact when you get to the room, after getting your stuff inside and getting out of your shoes, Jimin is completely naked, exposing his beautiful body in an upward plank position, abs contracting to keep him balanced on his hands and feet.
Approximately one minute has passed, his muscles are trembling now. 
-Do you think you can keep it up for another minute while mommy plays with your thick cock? -You ask him but the answer is not important as your hands are already enveloping his member. 
You stroke him slowly and he’s panting. 
-Did you touch yourself like this while mommy was away? Did you touch yourself like a nasty boy even tho you were prohibited? 
He nods faintly and your hand comes to a stop. 
-Use your big boy words kitten, you were a big boy when you decided to misbehave. 
-I’m sorry mommy. -He tries bucking his hips into your hand but his muscles are too worn out and he grunts after one attempt. 
-Answer me kitten!
-Yes! Yes I did! -He whines and you let go of him. 
-You can bend over my lap now, ass nice and up for me. 
Jimin, with trembling legs and the most beautiful red face in the world, bends over your knees, following your every command. 
-Good kitten.
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(By jjks) 
Taehyung was very open with his desires and kinks, he did not try to hide things he didn’t think should be hidden and was not shy about what turned him on what so ever. 
So ever since he told you about his mommy kink he has been a devoted sub. 
-Oh, it’s too quiet... -You say suspicious and get up from your chair in the home office. -Is my baby up to something? -You speak louder this time so he can hear it from the other room, you hear giggles coming from the kitchen. -Taehyungie?
When you find the end of the hallway you can see your boyfriend in the kitchen with a bowl of white cream -that by the record he spread all over the counter, on the floor and even on his hair. -giggling and mixing it with chocolate. 
-Taehyungie? -He raises his head and gives you one of his boxy smiles. 
-Mommy! You are not supposed to see now! It’s a surprise! -He tries to hide the bowl but you only laugh and approach him. 
-Taehyungie look at the mess you made! -You pet his head and take the bowl from him, then you see the knife in the sink. -Baby, did you use a knife? -Your eyes grow dark, he get’s serious as well. 
-Yes... -He admits, already knowing what comes next. 
-That is very dangerous baby! You can not play with sharp objects, you know better! 
Since he looks sorry you soften your eyes. 
-But mommy I didn’t hurt myself this time! -He shows his hands and you sigh. 
-Love, I understand you want to please mommy but that’s not the way to do it. 
You rest the bowl on the counter and turn to leave, then you realize Tae is actually upset. 
You approach him again and lick the cream in the corner of his mouth, smiling to reassure him that you are not mad anymore.  
His eyes widen, you turn for the second time and Tae is quick in stopping you. 
-Mommy, I’m dirty here too! -He spreads cream on his lips, you laugh out loud, he smiles too. 
You kiss him, the sweet taste of his lips is pleasing and the kiss goes from a jokingly tone to a sensual one when Taehyung deepens it, pressing you against the sink. 
-Show me how should I please you right mommy.
You grab his hand and kiss the tip of his cream covered finger, sucking from the base to the tip of it next, your baby boy watches with amazed eyes as his finger is enveloped in your mouth. 
In a matter of minutes, Taehyung is lying on the floor squirming and humping as you blow him, his delicious desperate low groans fill the small kitchen, you are both sticky from playing with the sweet and his hair is wet on his forehead. 
-That’s how you pleasure mommy love, there’s nothing that I like more than to see you spread like that just for me, so beautiful.
-Thank you mommy. -He moans in a shaky voice.
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(By mvssmedia)
You had the secret desire to destroy boys. 
Jungkookie wasn’t the first but certainly the most willing one when it came to it. 
Your sexual nights were a secret except for the infamous rumors circulating campus, all of them stating it to be great. As rumors work, a lot of fake stories were added to the real ones to the point where it was unbelievable, so Jungkook had to see it for himself. 
He thought taking you to bed would be an easy task, him being the fuckboy he is, what he didn’t know was that sharing a bed with you implied following YOUR rules, and that was something new to his game. 
-You know what I love? -You ask him, your lips pressing against his ear gently, you can practically see the goosebumps spreading through his naked body. -I love seeing fuckboys like yourself bending to my will literally. -You smile and walk away to grab his phone and snap photos of his beautiful figure tied up to the bed frame, a pacifier on his mouth, legs shaking from the vibrator on the tip of his cock. 
You bring the phone closer to his face and sit by his side on the bed, he moans, eyes glowing. 
-Mommy loves to see you like this baby boy, you look so beautiful, so so beautiful... -You pet his face, bringing the phone to get the blush on his cheeks in the video. -Does it feel good? 
He immediately hums in response.
-I want to hear you saying how good I’m making you feel bunny. -One of your hands reach his red hard cock to pump him slowly, his moan fills the room. -Just like that, now apologize for all the rude things you said you would do with mommy with that fuckboy attitude earlier in the party.
-I’m sorry mommy. -He says with a shaky voice from all the overstimulation and the pacifier still in his mouth. -I-I promise not t-to do it again. 
-Thank you Baby, now do you want to cum? -Once again he shakes his head desperately, you increase the speed of your movements and lower yourself to kiss the tip of his dick, he throws his head back. -Then cum bunny. 
And so he does. 
Jungkook can’t think of anything else for the next month, everytime a girl smiles at him he remembers how you turned him into a submissive whimpering mess. After finally admitting to himself that he is a kinky bastard, he goes looking for you to turn your one night stand into long frequent play time sections.
For the past year, Jungkook has been the best and cutest little you have ever seen and you are proud to call him yours.
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(by armythreej)
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