#shes swaying me she's swaying me so good u guys
chompe-diem · 2 months
already living in the au where riz is senior class president bc i know it's never becoming canon
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azsazz · 8 months
Midnight Muse
Azriel x Reader [Art School AU]
Summary: You and your best friend Feyre have just moved into a new apartment for your sophomore year of college at art school. What you didn't know when you signed the lease is that you'd be living next to three rowdy boys.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,804
Notes: This is going to be a good one you guys 💙 (yes I know I have a fic titled this already but it’s too good not to reuse, they’re not related btw)
“I think that’s the last one,” you sigh, setting down a cardboard box labeled Living Room on the stack in the middle of the floor. It’s not heavy—filled with decorative pillows for the cheap futon couch shoved haphazardly against the wall—but the tower of boxes sways precariously and your roommate, Feyre, darts forward to reorganize them from before they all go tumbling down.
You and your roommate had been very organized at the start of your move, putting boxes into piles for which rooms they belonged to, but as the hot sun beamed down and the temperature outside rose, so did your tempers. The process ended with trying to get everything into your new fourth floor apartment as quickly as possible, which was a nearly impossible feat, due to the slow moving elevator.
Feyre sighs, hands on her hips as she surveys the mess of boxes. Neither of you packed lightly—a mistake you’d made the year previous too, and promised not to make again—the both of you refused to hire a moving service, intent on the fact that you could do all the heavy lifting yourselves. 
That definitely had been a mistake.
Panting a little, Feyre shoves the strands of gold-brown hairs clinging to her forehead away, sticky with sweat. The hairs at her nape curl away from her neck, and you’re so glad that she grew out those awful bangs over the summer. Now you don’t have to listen to her complain about how they’d be plastered to her head with sweat. The loose collar of her cropped shirt is damp, and she uses the hem to wipe at the perspiration beading at her hairline. “Fucking finally,” she moans, “I need a drink.”
“Alcoholic or energy?” you tease, but it’s not funny. You’re drained, and all you want to do is collapse on the navy futon that barely fits two, no matter how uncomfortable it is. But you’re hot, clothes irritating your skin from where they’re glued with sweat and your arms and legs burn with effort. A cold shower, tall glass of something icy, and a few hours napping will do you well. A grimace works its way onto your red face, “Tell me there’s air conditioning in this place.”
“Already on,” Feyre sighs, stalking into the kitchen. You follow after her, dodging boxes, and watch as she rips open the refrigerator door and shoves her head inside. It’s completely empty and you wince, knowing that it’s going to be a long weekend while you go shopping and unpack everything before the fall semester starts in a week.
You want to stop by the local art supply too, to gather the last of the material you need for your classes this year. It’s probably why you and Feyre have so many boxes; half of the ones adorning your apartment are stuffed with art supplies: brushes and paints of all varieties from oils to acrylics, graphite pencils and kneaded erasers, canvases both blank and filled. You swear there’s even an entire box dedicated to sketchbooks filled with random doodles and scribbled ideas for assignments that never turned into anything great. Feyre hadn’t been happy when she’d seen you’d left that box for her to carry up.
When Feyre’s had her fill of the crisp air, she hands you a bottle of water from the freezer. It’s nowhere near as cold as you’d like it yet. You’d run into the gas station to get a few bottles and candy bars while she filled up the tank of the U-Haul for your last stretch or the drive. It hadn’t occurred to either of you to grab something with more sustenance until this very moment.
“Ugh,” you groan, choking down the room-temperature water. It helps a little to soothe your parched throat, but nowhere near enough. “Do you have any money left in your account? We should Door Dash something for dinner, and call it an early night.”
“An early night?” Feyre retorts, making a face as she takes a sip of her own water. “We have a lot of unpacking to do. And our beds aren’t even set up yet.” 
“Fuck us,” you sigh, leaning against the marble. The stone is cool where it seeps through your thin shirt, and you ache to rip off your clothing and press your burning skin to it in an attempt to cool yourself off. “Let’s just find the boxes with the pillows and blankets and sleep in the living room, Fey. C’mon, it’ll be like when we were young again! Except now we’re old enough to buy alcohol.” You waggle your eyebrows at your roommate and she cracks a wry grin. “Well, almost old enough, but those fake ID’s Tarquin got us work like a charm anyway.”
“Fine,” Feyre relents, “Dibs on first shower, though.”
While Feyre uses all of the hot water, despite it being nearly ninety degrees outside—blasphemous for the end of August in the middle of Southern California—you take the chance to move the U-Haul from where you’d double-parked it outside of your new apartment building. Thankfully, you and Feyre had saved up enough money from working at an Art Camp for children this summer to have both of your cars shipped to school. It was cheaper to rent a truck and move all of your belongings yourselves than to drive down and let a moving company do it, plus, you and Feyre had wanted to road trip this summer but didn’t have the funds. You both had decided there was no better time for it—until you could properly afford one—than this.
You scroll aimlessly through your social media on the way down, the elevator so slow and creaky that you and Feyre opted to take the stairs for most of your journey. Bigger things like your beds, the futon, and the tv had been squashed into the tiny elevator and taken up with prayers it wouldn’t break down. You can’t help but glance up at the certificate that says the elevator is in running order until its next inspection in two years. 
“Is that forged, George Brown?” you mutter, squinting at the paper displayed in the corner. It’s frayed at the edges and yellowing, so you’re not all that sure this elevator has been inspected when it says it has.
It comes to a jerky halt that makes you sway when it hits the lobby. It’s as nice a building as you can afford on your budget, but the both of you will have to find part-time jobs as soon as school starts up, so that you have money to buy alcohol and food and supplies. Feyre’s older sister, Nesta, had lived here with her friends Gwyn and Emerie during their undergrad years, but they’ve moved on from shitty apartment buildings riddled with horny college students to renting a quaint house in town while working on their masters degrees.
When the doors to the elevator slide open you slip out as fast as possible, a shudder working its way up your spine. You wonder how many times it’s broken down, and you’d hate to be in there alone if something like that happened. Maybe you’ll take the stairs from now on unless you’re with someone.
The lobby of the building is small. There’s a front desk in which no one ever sits, as if the building used to be sophisticated once upon a time and a doorman used to occupy the space. Mailboxes pinned to the wall line the area behind the counter, and there sits a garbage can stuffed full with envelopes and more likely than not empty bottles of alcohol and take-away, maybe even a used condom or two.
It’s muggy down here, more so than your apartment that the landlord hadn’t turned on the air conditioning when he knew you’d be showing up today. Whatever, you hadn’t had to see the greasy man, he’d left the keys on the counter for you and Feyre to find when you’d arrived, and you were more than thankful for that.
You brush away some of the hairs that have come loose from your ponytail as you cross the lobby. The hazards of the U-Haul are blinking at a steady rate, the skies turning darker with the looming night. It had taken you and Feyre all day to unpack the truck, and you’re returning it tomorrow when your cars come in, so you need to move it to a normal spot for the night. 
Pushing open the door, your steps falter as someone brushes past you like a shadow, nearly hitting your shoulder with theirs. Your brows furrow and you turn to toss a comment about how rude they are but the words dry up in your throat. 
He’s tugging off a motorcycle helmet and you can’t help but watch the way his biceps bulge against his skin tight black t-shirt. The muscles of his broad back glide like butter beneath the fabric as he moves and you can’t help but let your gaze travel down his spine to his tight waist, dipping into dark jeans.
His thick soled boots thump loudly as he stalks through the door, stopping at the mailboxes to check if he has any letters. The tiny door opens with a squeak that has you snapping back into your body, stunned by his musculature. This man is a god of his own league. A masterpiece of perfectly crafted body parts and tones. He has an angular nose and long, dark lashes matching his disheveled hair. He runs his fingers through it and shoves the helmet under his armpit as he digs through his mailbox. Your fingers twitch to dig out your sketchbook and pencils from the box upstairs.
You force your gaze outside again, cheeks red hot with embarrassment. You were straight up ogling the man, and thankfully you’re not drooling, as you take notice while you wet your suddenly dry lips. 
You click the keys, unlocking the U-Haul, but stop short when you see that the truck is caged in, a big vintage Bronco parked behind, and a shiny motorcycle that looks like it moves faster than the speed of light wedged between the moving truck and the vehicle in front.
“Hey,” you call, ripping the door back open to the lobby. You have no doubt that the motorcycle is his, and the car behind had been there when you and Feyre had arrived this afternoon, so you don’t know whom it belongs to. “Is this your motorcycle?” 
The man is already on his way to the elevator, phone stable in his leather riding gloves as he swipes, envelopes tucked into his helmet. The elevator door screeches open and he doesn’t even bother to turn around and meet your gaze as he punches the button to his floor. “Nope.”
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stars-for-circe · 23 days
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Tags / cw: headcannons, neighbour!abby, suggestive, masturbation, gymrat!abby (kinda)
A/n: this is so bad because I rushed it but be grateful I’m feeding u guys at all tbh <3
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Neighbour!Abby who woke up one day to the sound of a truck backing up the driveway to the house next to her, and decides to go check out what’s happening. She walks out barefoot, in only grey sweatpants and some wifebeater loose enough that - from the side - you’d be teased ever so slightly by the sight of her bare chest.
And, as she tucks the loose hairs that fell out of her messy braid behind her ear, and shields her eyes from that hot summer sun - already much too bright for 7 in the morning - she’d realise her guess to be correct, with two trucks parked outside the next door house, and you carrying the boxes inside. And ever since then, it would only be a matter of who caught whose eyes first.
First, it would be you, watching her from the kitchen window as Abby went to get the mail, finally realising how fucking hot your new neighbour was, and realising just how many of her windows lined up with yours.
Later that night, after you’d watch the bathroom window light up and get foggy, you wait for the perfect time and oh-so-conveniently knock on her door the moment the shower stops running, only to be met by Abby in shorts and a damp shirt, towel around her neck and wet hair dripping down her neck.
She’d raise a brow, trying to remain calm with the fact that her smoking hot neighbour was at her doorstep, fled her muscles ever so slightly (which you definitely noticed), and wait for you to talk first. A very small ‘hi’ would come from your mouth, followed by a pause before she reciprocates.
“I’m uh, your new neighbour, on the right.” You’d start awkwardly, trying to somehow keep the conversation going as long as humanly possible
“I know - saw you unpacking the other day.” A cheeky grin would spread across her face, and you really couldn’t help it when you saw her think she has the upper hand here-
“Oh, so you’ve been watching me?”
That grin on her face would disappear, replaced with a sputter and surprised blink, as yours now shows the expression she had before. And as you sway and turn around to head back to your house, letting that silky summer dress float around your hips enough for a good show, it seems the message is clear. A clear challenge between you both - who could crack first?
And after a week, it feels like it may be Abby, with how you keep your windows open, summer breeze blowing the curtains softly as she gets a view of your house and everything you do in it. From doing the dishes, sitting at your vanity, from doing your skincare and even changing - you make sure she sees it.
But on a particularly hot day, when Abby decides not even the fans around her house would help cool her down, when the garage it just too stuffy- you think it may be you, instead.
The first thing that would raise your attention would be the sound of her garage door opening, which makes you raise your head from the book your reading, and sit up against your headboard to see what she’s up to. Abby doesn’t own a car - you know this. So why would she use the garage at all?
You’re quick to realise - with a sharp intake of a breath - that you were entirely wrong in the garage serving no purpose. Because as the door opens, you find Abby dead centre in the space, working out. In sweats and a black wifebeater, this time, as she benches and lifts and hip thrusts so much more than you weigh, and so effortlessly, too.
You can feel yourself getting wet, as you squirm in your cross legged position. As you watch her take deep breaths as droplets of sweat roll down her muscles and as she throws around the weights like they’re nothing. God, you’d almost get lost in the sight, and let her win, if it wasn’t for the small smirk she’d adorn on her face as she looks your way and winks. She fucking knew you were watching.
You scoff, and promptly flip her off, before closing your window and drawing your curtains. But, as a secret kept tightly to yourself, she really did win.
Because you touch yourself that night, to the memories of earlier that day. Of Abby. Leaning against your headboard again, reminiscent of how it was that hot afternoon, on top your sheets and legs spread. You thank god for the fact that you don’t have roommates anymore, as you whine and moan her name in tandem with your fingers, going in and out - a soft, wet clicking noise following each thrust.
And as you grind your clit into your palm, watching your hand disappear beneath the fabric of your sundress, you make sure to spread your legs even wider and throw your head back as you cum. Because there is one small fact about your window. During the day, no one can see in, but during the night - with your lights on - everything is visible.
So, as Abby watches you from her bedroom, hand shoved under her boxers as she writhes and gasps along with you - as she knows your putting on a good show for her to lose, but can’t even bring herself to care at this point - she only really thinks about one (two) things: fucking you blind tomorrow, and calling for a draw.
Taglist: @happysparklingshadows @irelandzo @r3starttt @iamaboringrattat @genderfluidlesbain999 @slut4mascss @rxreaqia @kylorey25 @massivepeacefemme @elliewilliamsfavborderhopper @ratdungeon @elxarw @mariasabanahabanabana @vvynia @abbyshands @littlegingerperson5 @flowersforvi
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rinhaler · 3 months
As promised!!! Since I love your writing, I had this imagination spark while listening to Chase Atlantic's "HEAVEN AND BACK" song, oddly to say I associate Rin Itoshi in every CA songs. Basically could I request a steamy one-night stand of him meeting reader in a big crowded bar where Rin is likely a bass guitarist? Sounds cheesy of it but XD
GLAD U SAID BASS PLAYER MY BOYF PLAYS BASS 😭 sorry this took SO long to post but I hope u like it :3
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, alcohol consumption, (kinda fast) enemies to lovers, fingering, love bites, pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess etc.), squirting.
words: 2.2k
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It’s been years since you’ve been to a gig. Especially one like this, in a dingy dive bar for a barely known local band. The guitarist is a friend of your cousin’s. And she just about begged you to go.
The place is pretty packed and the music definitely isn’t the worst you’ve heard. In fact, you found yourself swaying your hips and tapping your toes along to the beat. As the night went on and on, you were surprised to find that they were actually good. Good enough to be searching for their latest single when they promoted it at the end of their set.
“Play nice please,” your cousin begs. “I really like him, and I think tonight might be the night.”
“I knew he wasn’t just a fucking friend.” you laugh. She crosses her arms across her chest as embarrassment surges through her, but you still decide to tease her. “You really needed me to help you get some dick?”
“Shut up!” she blushes. “You always have guys falling at your feet so I thought it might rub off on me.” she pouts.
You clear your throat when you notice the guy in question heading your way. She turns around, instantly, smoothing her hair down and putting on the highest, girliest voice she can muster. He seems interested enough without her needing your help, but you decide to stay a few extra seconds for moral support. She giggles at every sentence and smiles giddily whenever he speaks.
“Tone it down, you’re good.” you whisper in her ear before slinking away to the bar.
You signal for a drink, thankful for the low-cut top you’re wearing as everyone else seems to be instantly ignored in favour of you. There’s a scoff beside you, one you choose to ignore until he watches you receive your pint of beer.
“Is there something on my face?” you ask.
“No.” he responds. “I’m jealous of your drink, princess.”
“Excuse me, can you get this guy a beer too?” you yell. The bartender nods with a smile and quickly acquiesces. “Will that put a smile on your pretty face?”
He smirks but shakes his head as he ignores you. He thanks the bartender as he receives his own drink, the frothy head attaching itself to his lip before he licks it away. He grunts a little as he feels a passerby knock into the big black case on his back. It’s only then that you notice it, and pieces begin to fall into place.
“Oh fuck. You were in the band.” you smile excitedly as you angle your body to face him. “I wasn’t gonna come tonight but I’m glad I did.” you giggle as you pull up your phone to show the bands single saved in your music library.
“Thanks.” he nods. “Why did you come?”
“Uh my cousin is trying to fuck the guitarist.”
“You’re Ada’s cousin?” he asks, expression changing to one of slight annoyance. He takes another swig of his beer before elaborating. “Zantetsu hasn’t shut up about her and she’s always crashing our practices. I hope they get it over with, it’s getting in the way.”
“Oh you’re a serious musician. Gotcha.” you roll your eyes. “You know you play the most boring instrument out of everyone, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“Drummers are the hottest, guitars are the most iconic, everyone’s drawn to the singer. And then there’s… you. No one can even hear you over all of that, you know.”
He scoffs once again. You can tell he wants to fight you on it and fill your head with facts about his instrument of choice. But it’s almost like he already knows you and how stubborn you are. He could tell you anything he wants, but you’ll die on the hill you’ve decided to climb just to piss him off more.
“They’d sound like shit if it wasn’t for me.” he mumbles before taking another drink. “The bass is the most important part, you’re clueless. It’s like you’ve never listened to music in your life.”
“Clueless?” you repeat. “Besides, you’ve got a pretty face. I’m sure if your attitude wasn’t so rotten and you were the lead singer you’d be drowning in pussy.”
“I do alright.”
You squint your eyes sceptically. There’s no doubt that he has the potential to pull a girl or two. And, admittedly, you’ve had one very hostile conversation with him. But you can tell from his sulky demeanour that any woman he has a chance with is likely scared off by his attitude.
He tries to ignore you for the remainder of his drink.
God, he tries.
But he’s overwhelmed by the desire to put you in your place.
“There’s no way you’re getting girls.” you interrupt him immediately. “Like, no way. Maybe one or two, but you’re not doing better than the lead. He’s gorgeous and he’s the face of the band.”
His smile is wicked as he holds his near empty glass, swilling the golden liquid around the bottom before he puts it down on a coaster. “You really don’t get it, do you?” you’re a little taken aback as he bites his lip whilst looking at you from the corner of his eye.
His expression makes your heart beat a little faster. You find yourself shuffling in your seat as you see just how strikingly handsome he really is when he’s trying. And then it hits you, he’s trying. He’s showing you what he’s capable of and you’re falling for it. Even with the knowledge, it’s too late. All you can think about his that sharp jawline and striking stare.
“You know what they say about bass players.” he says quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. His barstool spins so he’s facing you. You take a sharp inhale as he slowly leans in towards you, the smell of beer on his pretty lips makes you heady and excited, waiting with bated breath for him to continue. “They’re good with their fingers.”
You can’t stifle a laugh as he pulls away, giggling like your cousin had been moments prior whilst flirting with the guitarist. It’s embarrassing, letting him see you reduced to this after trying to irritate him. You clear your throat and try to gain your composure.
“You’re disgusting.” you respond.
“Mmm, you want to find out though, so,” he shrugs, finishing the last dregs of his drink. “I’ll wait by the entrance for ten minutes, if you don’t come find me, I’ll leave without you.” he walks away without even looking at you.
You don’t get a chance to say a word before he seamlessly weaves through the crowd and out of sight. Without thinking, you’re already on your feet and checking the time.
Ten minutes.
You rush through the bar to find Ada, tapping on her shoulder to pull her attention away from Zantetsu. “I’m leaving. Seal the deal, please.” you wink. She nods, laughing as you kiss her cheek and rush towards the entrance.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you saw his face light up when he realised you were actually going to take him up on his offer. He plays it off, though, trying to appear cooler and more aloof as you approach him.
“It’s barely been two minutes.” he tells you.
“I’m not gonna let you hear the end of it if you’re all talk.” you smirk.
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The minute he gets you inside of his apartment, you can’t keep your hands off each other. Your lips are on his in an instant, your breath stolen as he lifts you from the ground and encourages you to wrap your legs around his waist while he carries you into the kitchen.
He helps you out of the vest top you’re wearing when he sits you down on the counter so you’re down to your jeans and bra. You tilt your head as he peppers your neck in a combination of soft and sloppy kisses.
Your heels fall off without effort as you instinctively open your legs, rolling your hip against his clothed abs.
“My roommate is out,” he tells you quietly, still kissing you all over. You moan softly as he starts leaving soft bite marks across your skin. “He’s such a clean freak, he’d lose it if he knew—”
“It’s okay,” you giggle, you cup his face and direct him to kiss you again. “Help me get my jeans off.”
He wastes no time unbuttoning them and yanking down the zipper. He keeps his eyes on yours as he helps you shimmy out of the wide-legged jeans, smiling at you as you both hear them crumple on the ground.
“Gonna show me what a stud you are?” you ask, spreading your legs to reveal your dark, lewd panties. There’s a glint of amusement in his eye, which soon turns into a toothy grin as he runs his finger along the damp slit. “Fuck,”
“You’re soaking for me already, good girl.” he tells you. He begins to rub your clit over the lace covering your flesh, and you’re immediately putty in his hands. Your legs quiver slightly, and you rush to close them, but he pries them apart before leaning in to kiss you. “Keep them open for me.” he demands before slipping his tongue between your lips.
“Haah.. haaaah~!” you whimper, his featherlight ministrations seeming like magic as he continues to tease your clit.
“Fuck,” he grunts, fingers curling around the waistband of your panties before he begins to tug. “Off. Get them off.” he demands, ordering you to wiggle on the counter until he manages to peel them from your cunt and slip them down your legs. He distracts you with a kiss as he shoves them into the back pocket of his jeans.
Your tongue lolls out of your mouth as he resumes circling your now bare clit. Your face is picturesque, he thinks, as your eyes become heavy and your pants are more uncontrollable.
“Are you faking this to piss me off?” he wonders. You shake your head slowly. “You’re so sensitive…”
“S-Shut up,” you bite your lip before giggling. “Haven’t gotten any in a while.”
“Well we can’t have that. Better make up for lost time.” he grins, fingers traversing from your throbbing clit to your entrance. His jaw hangs low, moaning in faux sympathy as he starts to stretch you immediately with two fingers. “You’re so tight baby, takin’ me so well.” he tells you.
He doesn’t wait for a response before his head sinks to nestle in the crook of your neck as he assaults your skin with a cacophony moans and sucks, decorating your flesh with his name in a purple and blue masterpiece.  
Your cunt squelches as he presses his fingers deeper and deeper into your gooey interior, eagerly searching for your sweet spot and hellbent on targeting it. He hears you squeak, body almost falling limp with a particularly delicious curling of his fingers. You feel his smug expression against your pulse point, but instead of mocking you, his canines gently graze against it.
“She’s so loud for me, baby. Your sloppy little pussy loves me.” he breathes. You throw your head back as he continues to delve deeper and deeper until you can no longer fight off the urge to scream his name.
“FUCK, Rin!” you cry. “There! R-Right there!”
“There, princess?” he asks, though it’s rhetorical. He already knows what you want and what he needs to do. You’re happy you goaded him. But he’s happier to know he’s proving you wrong. “You’re squeezing so tight… won’t be able to play with your pussy or my bass if you break my fingers.”
“Sto- stop. Goddddd Rin I’m gonna c-um. Gonna cum!” you warn him, as if he didn’t already know. You wrap your arms around his neck in a needy display that makes you sick, but you don’t care enough to stop. He doesn’t mind, either. Making out with you passionately, swapping spit as drool dribbles and pools from each of your mouths. His lips remain connected to yours by a single string of spit as you break away to moan through your high.
He swallows them, though. Transfixed by the feeling and pride that you’re offering your prettiest sounds for him to devour while your legs quiver violently on either side of his hand.
You throw your head back as your pussy begins to squirt and douse his fingers. He doesn’t even flinch, immediately using his free hand to swipe across your clit to extend your pleasure and further the mess spurting from the apex of your thighs.
“She really likes me, baby.” he smirks at you, an expression so smarmy you’d punch him if he hadn’t made you feel so good. “You came so fast for me.”
“You’re welcome.” you giggle, leaning forward to kiss him. “I got what I came for so I’m gonna leave now.” you tell him as you pretend to free yourself of his hold. He shakes his head, lower lip tugged by his teeth as he tries to supress a smile.
“Nuh-uh, sweetheart. Nowhere near through with you yet.”
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© 2024 rinhaler
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boobamilktease · 7 months
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Aemond Targaryen Modern AU! x Reader
Warnings- Smut, filthy, oral, p in v sex, creampie, leg shaking, somebody lock me behind bars for this
Aemond Targaryen was a man not easily swayed, especially not when he knew it was wrong. But, his eyes couldn’t help but greedily look at your exposed legs. He had invited you over for you weekly study sessions, but if anything he wasn’t focused on the calculus work in front of him. He was focused on the way your lips wrapped around the eraser part of your pencil, nibbling on it with concentration. God he imagined those sweet lips wrapped around his cock, sucking him so sweetly.
Gods, he knew he shouldn’t be thinking about you like this, he knew. You were his best friend, his sunshine in his darkness. Hell you met his dysfunctional family during the holidays, and they loved you. His mother Alicent was happy that her son had a good friend to rely on during college. If only she knew the way his cock hardens whenever he sees your tongue peak ever so slightly out between your lips.
You groan, feeling your brain is too numb to work on the calculus equation, effectively snapping him out of his embarrassing daydream. Fuck….he knew he was doomed if she saw his boner in his grey sweats. He saw you sigh and take off your sweater, leaving you in a small tee, and it took everything in him to not roll his eyes and fuck his hand like he’s a teen boy who just saw a pair of tits for the first time.
Aemond can feel a heat rise, sweat forming on the back of his neck, and he swallows hard. He bites his lip subtly, and stares at you with eyes clouded with lust. You stand up, stretching, causing your shirt to ride up exposing your stomach. His eyes burn the sight into his memory, happily. You yawn and walk over to the kitchen part of his dorm and grab a glass of water. Aemond asks for one too, his voice hoarse.
He watches you, eyeing you like a predator. His cock is so hard, it almost hurts. He watches as you set the glasses of water down and take a large gulp of water. He watches the way your throat moves and wants nothing more than to shove his cock in your mouth and facefuck you, but he refrains, biting down on his lip.
“I just don’t understand this problem Aemy. It’s too hard.” You say and Aemond nods, not listening to what you’re saying at all, only watching your lips. “I mean I thought since I was taking a degree in fucking education I wouldn’t have to do math!” You rant and Aemond just stares at you with lust in his dark eyes. “I’m so stressed and finals are coming up and this is supposed to be on the final and ugh this is the worst!” You say, groaning.
Aemond finally speaks up. “I know how you can de-stress.” You look at him confused, your head tilted ever so slightly to the side. “What do you mean Aemy?” You ask, to which he retorts. “I know of a way that you and I both can de-stress….would you be interested princess?” You can’t deny the way his pet name for you makes your thighs clench together slightly.
Aemond pushes his chair out from the table, giving you a good look at his clothes bulge. It massive…just how long has he been like that? You wonder. You bite your lip slightly and stare at his bulge, feeling yourself become aroused at the sight. A small blush coats the tops of your cheeks, causing Aemond to chuckle darkly.
“It’s your choice princess. We can have a good time or we can forget this ever happened and go back to studying.” Aemond says, placing a hand on his inner thigh, close to his bulge. Your thighs rub together as you think over the choices, before settling on one. Aemond was hot, you knew it and he knew it. You can’t remember the last time a guy looked at you with a fraction of affection and love.
You swallow slowly and nod, standing up from your chair and making your way to him. Aemond leans back in his chair and feels himself get harder, if he even could at that point. Once you’re in his vicinity, he grabs your u waist and places you on his lap, your clothed pussy right above his throbbing cock. He lets out a soft groan feeling your warm body on his.
Aemond’s hand caresses your cheek before gently grabbing your chin and placing a hot kiss on your lips. His lips move against yours feverishly, wanting to devour you whole. His hands roam, landing on the curve of your ass, fondling gently. You kiss him passionately, feeling his tongue meet yours in a fiery kiss. Your hands roam over his chest, feeling his pecs before making their way to his hair, gently tangling them in his silver locks.
He leaves hot open mouthed kisses trailing from your lips down your neck. Aemond leaves hickeys on your neck, claiming you as his. He pulls away to remove his shirt, revealing his toned body. He is built like a Greek god. His abs look so pretty in the soft dorm lighting. He goes back to kissing your neck, whispering against your skin, “fuck..you’re so fucking pretty Princess… do you feel how hard I am for you?”
You let out a soft moan as he grinds his cock against your pussy. You feel wet in your underwear, only making you more horny. His hands roam down your body and they go up your shirt, groping your tits gently. He groans and kisses your neck, sucking a pretty hickey on your neck. Aemond tugs at your shirt and says “fuck baby I need this off..”
You take off your shirt and throw it to the side somewhere in his dorm. He groans and his eyes roll in the back of his head, seeing your gorgeous tits. You unclasp your bra and fling it to where you put your shirt. When Aemond sees your bare tits he almost cums.
You were so pretty, and he wanted you to know it. He gently reaches up fondles your tits, rolling the buds around, making them perk up. You moan feeling his warm, wet mouth on your pebbled nipple, sucking. He kisses and suck’s your tit, while fondling the other, and then he switches to the other tit.
He moans, looking at your swollen and perk tits. His cock is screaming to be let out and he gently pushes you to your knees, kneeling in front of him. His pushes his pants and boxers down to his ankles, revealing his throbbing dick. He’s leaking precum, the tip red and super horny.
His cock was so pretty, long and with the right amount of girth to make you see stars. He was neatly shaven, and his balls were heavy. He gives himself a few pumps before gently grabbing your chin and bringing you closer to his throbbing dick. You swallow, salivating at the sight. You place a hand on his inner thigh and press a kiss on the top of his cock head. He flexes his stomach slightly, needy for your mouth.
You spit on his tip, watching the saliva run down his hard dick. You pump him with the new lubricant and watch as his head falls back and his mouth opens in a silent moan. You then put his tip in your mouth, kitty licking his tip. He groans and says “baby quit fucking teasing me” and you comply.
You slide his dick in your mouth, feeling his tip touch the back of your throat. You want to gag, but seeing him fall apart all from your mouth is enough for you to bare it. You hollow your cheeks and suck his pretty cock, reveling in his pretty moans and whimpers. His eyes are shut in pleasure and he moans your name. “Fuck baby…you feel so fucking good..keep sucking me like that…fuck!”
You start to play with his balls, massaging them in your hand. His moans increase and for a moment he forgets he’s in his college dorm. He places a hand on the back of your head, forcing you to deepthroat his cock. “Fuck princess…I’m gonna cum soon if you don’t stop!”
He moans, and he flexes his stomach, resisting the urge not to thrust his cock in and out of your mouth. With an audible pop, you remove your mouth from his cock and he groans at the loss. He looks at you with hooded eyes, completely covered with lust. He watches you remove your shorts and underwear, noticing a wet spot in them.
He grins looking at how horny you are. “Fuck princess…you’re soaking.” He says rubbing two thick fingers over your slick pussy. He gathers the slick and rubs it over his cock. You climb on his lap and he searches his drawers in order to find a condom. “I’m on the pill, and healthy.” You say and looks at you with a soft smile.
“You’re too good for me baby..c’mere.” He says and places a sweet kiss on your lips. You two kiss for a moment, grinding against each other. You moan as his cock head catches your clit a few times. “I should stretch you but you’re so fucking horny I don’t think you need it.” He says, slowly lining his cock to your entrance.
With a nod, he thrusts in gently, watching your face carefully for any sign of discomfort. He bottoms out, and rolls his eyes, wanting to thrust his cock in your pussy feverishly. He bites his tongue and waits for you to say that he can start. You say, feeling so full from his cock. “You can move Aemy…”
Aemond begins thrusting slowly and then picking pace hearing your moans. He fucks you like an animal in heat, you’re seeing stars from how good he’s fucking you. His balls are slapping against you with every thrust he makes, you moan and Aemond slaps your tits gently, loving the way they bounce when he fucks you full with his cock.
He’s so close to cuming but he won’t stop. He wants you to cum around his cock. He wants to feel your pussy tighten against him and cream all over his dick. He wants to fuck you full of his seed and watch you be pregnant with his kids. Fuck he’s so close, as he rubs your pearl just right, bringing you closer to the edge. “Aemy! Fuck I’m so close!!” You whimper and Aemond flips the position to where your face is in the pillow and your ass is in the air.
He fucks you from behind with such force, the headboard slams against the wall, but neither of you care. He make you feel so good, he makes you feel like your in heaven, even if your doing the unholiest of things. You feel so close to cuming, and he knows it by the way your pussy is clenching around his dick. He slaps your ass as he thrusts from behind, loving the way your ass jiggles as he thrusts.
Aemond groans and as you clench around him tight, screaming as you cum. Tears are rolling down your cheeks as he fucks you through your orgasm, trying to catch his. He follows soon after thrusting deep into your cervix and cumming. His body shakes and his mouth falls open in a silent scream. He pulls out and he has to resist the urge to get hard watching his seed leak from your swollen pussy. He smiles and checks up on you, before grabbing a warm washcloth we and cleaning you up. He then puts on a pair of clean boxers and sweats, just as the dorm door is knocked on. He makes sure you’re covered, and opens the door, leaning against the door frame.
“Cregan, how can I help you?” Aemond says looking at Cregan, blocking his view of you. Cregan smiles and invites Aemond to a frat party, to which Aemond declines and says that you’re over. “Oh, what are you two doing?” Cregan asks and Aemond says with a sly smirk. “Studying..”
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futterurl · 7 months
i am literally BEGGING for a future man/mike in a muzzle like that one scene
i LOVE the way u think anon. my brain is fried so it took awhile to think abt a story for this so im sry if its lowk kinda bad
warnings: smut(mdni!), porn with barely any plot, blowjob, handjob, p in v, sub!josh, semi public, muzzle
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"are you fucking hard right now?"
you couldn't believe what you were seeing. or even why, for that matter.
it was supposed to be just blending in at a strip club. your mission was to seduce a certain man in this timeline, to get him away from getting accompanied and meeting another guy. you and tiger would dress as strippers, pretend to be workers, and josh, accompanied with wolf, would pretend to be regulars, just to help the mission go smoothly and make sure you girls didn't get the wrong attention.
what you were wearing, however, did get attention. in josh's pants.
he didn't see what you were wearing until he got into the club with wolf, seeing you next to tiger, trying to look like you weren't nervous. he scanned every inch of your body.
he knew he shouldn't be thinking of you like this. you were his friend. he shouldn't be looking at his friend, eyes full of lust, wondering how good it'd feel to have your hips bouncing back and forth on his cock.
he shouldn't be looking at your outfit, scanning your thighs and how plush they looked against your tight outfit. he shouldn't be looking at how your outfit hugged your hips and chest, breasts threatening to spill out.
he knew you had to wear this outfit to blend in, but fuck, it made his job hard. his dick, too. he tried to shift around, his erection twitching in his pants whenever he saw you.
he had to take care of this. now.
he walked up to you, looking nervous as ever.
“dude, we gotta go. now. need help.” he looked at you. you looked back at him, confused. what was going on with him? he had been staring at you the whole time you were here. did you do something? was he trying to start something? what was-
then you looked down.
“are you fucking hard right now?” you asked him.
he looked down, almost in shame. he didn’t say anything.
something clicked in your brain. he had come up to you, all desperate and in need.
you were the one in control now.
you smiled.
“i gotta tell tiger i’m talking to someone. i’ll help you josh.” you traced his jawline with your finger as you walked away to find tiger to tell her you wouldn’t be in the main room for awhile, to which she nodded. you came back, a mischievous grin on your face.
“let’s go to my car, i’ll take care of you.” you whispered in his ear. he felt his erection get even harder, if that was even possible. he needed a release. now.
the car was too far away. “need help. now. can’t get t’ the car.” he whimpered.
you swayed your hips as you and him kept walking outside the strip club. you had an idea.
“well, you’ll just have to be a good boy and be quiet, then.”
he swore he almost came in his pants when you said that.
“yes, i’ll be a good boy. i can be quiet. i’ll be such a good boy for you. promise.” he whimpered as you walked to a nearby abandoned alleyway. sure, it was public, but the car was so far away. you wanted this now, too. you couldn’t wait either.
your hand lightly traced over his throbbing erection in his pants, to which he let out a loud whimper.
“are we gonna have a problem with noise?” you cooed, tracing his cock with your fingers. he shook his head, determined.
“please, no, we won’t. i-i’ll be a good boy.” he whimpered quietly, grinding into your hand. “please, just touch me.”
your hand dipped into his pants as he leaned against the wall if the alleyway. he could feel his member twitch once you ever so slightly touched it with your fingertips.
“please.” he begged as he pulled his pants and boxers down, finally giving you a look at his cock. you hate to admit that you did catch yourself staring. how could you not? it was hard and leaking precum just for you.
your hand wrapped around it, slowly pumping it, which the moans started to roll in. he couldn’t help himself. josh started moaning, trying to be as quiet as possible, but failing in the process. you quickly took your other hand and threw it over his mouth.
“since we can’t be quiet, i’ll give you a fucking way to be quiet.” you said in a low voice, reaching into a nearby box that had caught your attention earlier. it was definitely from the strip club: it had all sorts of sex toys, rope, and everything like that.
your eyes shot to one component of the box: a muzzle.
you hoped this would keep him quiet.
“what…what’re you doing?” he asked as you picked up the muzzle from the box.
“well, good boys are able to be quiet. good boys don’t have to be restricted.”
“good boys.” you continued as you snapped the muzzle on his face. “don’t have to be told to be quiet. like you have to.”
he tried to argue, but could barely be heard because of the muzzle. your hand went back down to his aching cock.
“now, you’re gonna be a good boy and you’re gonna be quiet for me. understood?” you stated as you started slowly pumping your fist down his length.
he nodded vigorously.
“good. now let me play with this pretty cock.” you started to quicken your pace, your thumb rubbing over his tip every now and them, making him see stars. he started to thrust his hips into your hand, practically using it as a fleshlight.
as you kept pumping your fist around him, his thrusts got even faster, more desperate. he started to moan softly.
“are you close, pretty boy?” you asked, not slowing down on your attack to his cock. he nodded. you took your hand away from his length, to which he whined at.
“sit down on the floor.” you demanded, which he immediately listened to, spreading his legs as he sat. you sat down on him, clothed cunt on top if his pulsing cock.
“want me to fuck you? want me to ride and bounce on your cock until you cum in my pussy?” you asked. he nodded, trying to make noice through the muzzle, but to little success.
thankfully, you got the message, taking everything off. your sopping pussy resting on his cock, begging to be filled.
“i’ll fuck you. fuck your fucking brains out. m’ gonna make you cum so hard josh.” you said, lining up yourself with his cock, resting the tip against your entrance.
he started whining more and more, desperate to be inside of you.
“fine, i’ll give you what you fucking want.” you said, taking his cock in one go, getting all the way to the base. you had to admit, that felt really fucking good. you wouldn’t be surprised if you came soon as well.
you started to get into a rhythm, bouncing up and down, grinding on his cock. you had to stop yourself from making loud moans, trying your best to conceal them under strings of curses. the way his cock hit every spot inside you made you feel like you were in heaven. his cock fit perfect into your tight walls, like a hand in a glove.
you felt him start to thrust up into you, catching you off guard. you let out a whimper, barely being able to contain yourself. you started to ride him faster, feeling your orgasm quickly approaching.
“josh, shit. m’ gonna cum. fuck.” you whispered. he let out a quiet moan through the muzzle, letting you know he was close too. “gonna cum on your cock.”
after one thrust in particular, he hit a certain spot in you, one that made you lean into his shoulder to muffle your moans as you came, your tight walls suffocating his cock, practically begging for him to release. after a few sparratic thrusts, he came, oozing cum into your cunt. he moaned. loud.
once you both had caught your breaths, you lifted yourself up, watching the mix of cum gush out of your sopping cunt. you took the muzzle off of his face, holding his cheek.
“you okay? i know that was a little rough.” you asked, hoping you didn’t cross any lines.
“god that was so fucking hot. holy shit. i loved that.” he smiled, sitting up straight and pulling up his boxers. “you’re so hot. thank you so much.”
“you’re not too bad yourself. i wouldn’t be opposed to doing that again some other time.” you smiled at him, putting your outfit back on.
“next time please sit on my face.” he offered. you looked back at him. he was serious. you were caught a bit off guard.
“u-uh, sure. i’d love that.” you helped him up, buckling his pants back. “we gotta get back, though.” you planted a kiss on his cheek as you took his hand back into the strip club.
“finally! where the hell have you been? thought we lost you.” tiger threw her hands up in exasperation, looking at you. she looked down, seeing hand prints bruising by your thighs.
“someone get a little busy?” she asked in a mocking tone.”
“oh, you have no idea.” you replied with a dopey smile.
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a/n: sry this is kinda short :p had a bit of a dom reader today. hope this wasnt too bad!!
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estxkios · 2 months
can u do the ‘he’s the typa guy’ thing with tom? 💕
tom kaulitz x gn!reader
summary: 'hes the type of guy to..' with tom
warnings: nsfw, weird / random things ;], use of y/n
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• tom is 100% the type of guy to talk about your guys sex life infront of his friends.
" i made her cum so hard last night.. "
you would shake your head in annoyance and cover your face while he keeps rambling about how good he made you feel the previous night.
tom is totally the type of guy that when you make fun of him, he exaggerates what he was doing.
"tom, you are walking like a penguin in those jeans!"
"oh cmon you know you love it!"
he would say as he dramatically swayed his body side to side, walking even more like a penguin than before. 😭
tom is the type of guy to make fun of you but get mad asf when anyone else does
like one time he would say "y/n that shirt makes you look like you got no tits"
and then bill chimes in
"yeah where did they go?"
tom was all
"what did you just say about her?"
"dude you just said-"
"yeah because im her boyfriend. now get out of here. shes got the nicest tits ive seen."
you were containing your laugh as bill rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.
"tom, its okay i know he was only joking."
"i dont care, only i can say those things."
tom is definitely the type of person to hug you and invade your space when you say "leave me alone"
"tom, i wanna be alone right now, stop."
he wraps his arms around you, putting his chin in the crook of your neck.
"but i love you"
"but, i said i wanted be alone" you would say, trying to push him off,
it was no use though, his grip just tightens and you finally give in.
hes the type of guy who acts all hard in public but hes actually so soft and sweet with you.
hes the type of guy to have pictures of you and him on his wall above his bed
and he swears it makes him sleep better
tom is the type of guy to give your clit a kiss before sucking on it. 100%.
when he said "kiss her lips downstairs" in that one interveiw, we all know hes serious 😇
lastly, tom is literally the type of guy to always be making dirty gestures at you in such serious situations.
like one time you were behind the camera for an interview and he was looking at you while bill was yapping away and he just went,
"🤟🖐️🤟🖐️🤟🖐️" DIRECTLY at you. not even trying to make it discreet.
hes the type of guy to buy you super expensive gifts even if you dont get him anything. this man will give u a diamond bracelet if u give him a handcrafted one.
hope my tom girlys enjoy
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luvrxbunny · 8 months
hot pink
Pairing: Steve Harrington x F!Reader
Prompt: Pegging
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, tiny bit of addiction talk, reader doesn’t cum (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 3.5k
A/N: this is so long omg i hope u guys like it <3 (not proofread) and i know basically nothing about pegging except that its hot so if anything is explained in-correctly just shhh and pretend pls
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“So you just let her…” Steve trails off, too stunned to finish his sentence. Eddie is red from laughter and a twinge of embarrassment at Steve’s reaction. “Yes, but Steve-” He cuts himself off with another laugh as Steve’s eyes widen comically at Eddie’s confirmation. “You have to just try it, man.” Steve’s already shaking his head as he takes a sip of his beer, trying to think it over but unable to see a scenario in which he’d enjoy himself.
“Look, Eddie.” He chuckles a bit. “Some guys are into that and-” Eddie cuts him off with a groan. “No, Harrington, you’re not getting me. I didn’t want to! She convinced me and promised that we could do whatever I wanted if I didn’t like it.” He pauses for a bit for dramatic effect. “But I fuckin’ loved it.” Steve breathes out a surprised sigh at Eddie’s words. “It feels weird at first, sure, but once she finds this spot. She says it’s my prostate-” He scoots closer to Steve to explain. “So apparently you know how she has a G-Spot? Your girl?” He waits for Steve to nod at him. 
“Yeah, I know.” Steve’s face is bright red, embarrassed at this entire conversation. “Okay, yeah, it’s like we have one of those but it’s in our ass. So I’m kinda like… Does that mean we’re supposed to have something up our asses?” He raises his hands in defense when Steve turns to him with a disbelieving stare. “I’m just saying! Like- why is it there? If not to be played with? I don’t know, man, seems weird.” Eddie’s half-joking now, saying these things mostly to get a rise out of Steve, amused by how red his face gets. “Whatever. Just like- don’t knock it ‘til you try it, y’know?” Steve nods silently at Eddie and the conversation moves on, they light up another joint and talk about where Eddie’s next gig is supposed to be. Steve’s mind, however, never moves on. 
You’ve had this thought too. Eddie’s girlfriend, Bunny, had gifted you a strap-on about six months ago after convincing Eddie to let her peg him. She says it’s almost better than sex, despite the large drop in stimulation she's receiving. You thought she was crazy when she gave you the hot pink strap, you tried to give it back immediately, without even fully understanding what it was for. She and Eddie are just so much more- aggressive than you and Steve. The pair always has some new sex story to share with you two and you’ve never found any of them appealing, until she told you that one. 
“No- he was so cute too! He was face down on the bed- I know.” She giggles in agreement when your eyes widen with your smile. “And he wouldn’t shut up! He was whining almost the whole time, his hands were like- ugh he’s so cute. He was like trying to reach back for me the whole time!” You try not to show how her story was heating your body up as she squeals about Eddie. You’re imagining Steve in his place and the thought- although it’s one you’ve never had before- becomes the main thing on your mind. It just got worse over the six months of you keeping it a secret. You didn’t want to over-share, unsure if Eddie was okay with the fact that she told you, and not wanting to scare Steve off. The kinkiest thing the two of you have done is have sex in a changing room, you haven’t even brought toys into the bedroom yet so how are you supposed to ask him if you can stick a silicone rod up his ass? You can’t. So the strap collected dust at the top of your closet. 
Steve comes home almost drunk, tipsy enough that Wayne had to drive him home and he stinks of weed, letting you know he had a good night with Eddie. He can stand on his own, not swaying or anything but he has this delirious smile on his face and a cloudiness over his eyes that tells you he’s intoxicated. He opens his arms for you the moment you open the door and buries you in a hug. You wave behind him aimlessly, hoping Wayne is in the driveway and can see your appreciation. He walks you inside, your face still buried in his chest and your hands wrapped around his waist. “Missed you s’much, honeybun.” 
You snort at the nickname and pull away from him, eyes closing in relaxation when he presses a wet, loving kiss to your forehead. “Oh-” He sees his slobber on your forehead and blushes with an adorably embarrassed smile as he pulls his sleeve to his palm and rubs his spit off your head. “Sorry, darling. That’s so na-” You cut him off with a giggle, crush him into another hug, and lean up onto your tip-toes to kiss him properly. He exhales a sigh of relief, of contentedness as your lips cover his before you pull away. “I missed you too, baby.” He beams like a little boy at your statement, his chest filling with love for you. “Good.” 
You both giggle your way to his room and he changes as you sit on his bed, watching him. He sobers up a bit in the process, needing his brain power since you’re not helping him. He fumbles with his button-up pajama shirt and looks over at you pathetically. He could do it himself if he really tried but he has fat, dumb fingers, while yours are cute and dainty, so he’d rather just ask you for help. You smile at him knowingly and slowly walk over to him, reaching your hands out to button his shirt while he holds your eye contact. “Soo.. How was your time with Eddie?” You ask gently, finally breaking the silence. 
He thinks through the hangout again, trying to decide which part he wants to tell you first but then the memory of a certain conversation smacks into his mind. You can see he’s remembered something big by the sharp inhale he takes, he also straightens his shoulders, fixing his posture a bit as red leaks into his face. “What?” You ask with a giggle, surprised at his reaction and unable to think of what would even make him react this way. He stops your hands on his buttons and that brings your eyes to his, seeing their fear. You pull away from his shirt, a bit scared at his intensity. His eyes flicker to the bed for a moment. “Do you wanna sit?”
You nod silently but now your mind is running wild with thoughts. 
Eddie got him to do crack. Now he’s addicted. Fuck. No- No, Eddie probably ordered a hooker or something and cheated on Bunny! Or he ordered the hooker for Steve… And he cheated… No. He would never. So..? Oh my god. It’s meth. Steve’s addicted to meth. 
Steve sits silently beside you, his hands wringing each other nervously, only worsening your thoughts. He takes a breath to say something but loses his nerve.
What if she thinks it’s too weird? What if she leaves you over this, goes to all her friends, and talks about how Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington wants a dick up his ass. Shit. Should I just abort?.. No. I mean, she wouldn’t do that, would she? No. No, of course not. 
“Um.” He finally starts and your body tenses, preparing for the worst. He won’t even look at you, his gaze is fixed on his nails as he picks at his cuticles. “I- Eddie talked about something. I kinda- It sounded intriguing- Well. It- It sounded scary at first.” He breathes out an incredulous chuckle. “I was like- No way. But then- uh. Then I imagined it with… With you and-” A shaky sigh falls from his lips and you turn to him. His face is beet red and his hands are shaking lightly when he rubs them against his thighs, trying to help with the clamminess. 
“And after I did that it- The idea became very, very appealing. Like- It’s kinda embarrassing how bad I- How badly I want it…” You begin to get a bit nervous at how he’s dancing around the topic, and how vague he’s being. He turns to you for a moment, his face getting redder when he realizes you’ve been looking at him. “Don’t- Just uh, don’t judge me too fast, okay? Eddie, he- he made it sound really- really good, sweetheart.”
Your heart is racing, his intense gaze piercing into your soul. “You’re scaring me, Steve.” His eyes widen and he takes your hand into his, you try not to make a face at how damp his palm is. “It’s- I mean it’s not bad. I hope you don’t think it is. Uhm…” He takes a deep breath and breaks your eye contact to analyze the bedsheets. “Have you heard of, um… p-pegging?”
A light spreads through your body and you fight the smile that wants to crack your face open, trying to stay more neutral. “Yeah… Why?” He looks up at you hesitantly, his eyes are scared and desperate. His eyelids flutter as his lips tremble, “I - I want-” He whines and pulls away from you, conceding. “Nevermind. It’s- Fuck. It’s probably too late to backtrack, huh?” His hand combs through his hair, embarrassed, stressed, and scared for your reaction. 
You stay silent for a bit as Steve gets lost in his thoughts, you’re considering your options and ultimately decide to show him. You stand and start walking to the closet, Steve exhales a frantic sigh and you hear him stand behind you. “You- Don’t be weird about it, I just-” You grab the box and turn around, holding it out to show him, picture side first. His mouth shuts immediately. He’s frozen where he stands, just staring at the box in your hands. Now you’re growing nervous at his silence. You chuckle nervously and walk back to where you were sitting on the bed, handing him the box and his eyes never leave it. 
“Bunny gave this to me a while ago… I never said anything ‘cus I didn’t think you’d want to but-” He finally lifts his gaze to you and you lose your breath at his state, already needy and wanting. “We could… If- I mean if you want we can t-try?” You feel like you’re vibrating in your seat, anxious but excited at the same time because Steve has been nodding at you since your sentence started. You giggle and take the box from his hand, turning to put it in your top drawer until the time is right. You giggle at your thought before turning back around to voice it to Steve. 
He’s fumbling with his buttons, his pants already off and a prominent bulge in his boxers. 
“Oh! Right- Right now? You want it right now?” You ask, audibly shocked and his hands freeze. He looks at you, embarrassed and you instantly feel bad for your tone. “I thought you’d be too drunk, baby.” He shakes his head lightly. “I’m not drunk anymore.” His tone is so soft, delicate as he speaks and it brings a smile to your face. You look him up and down, your smile widening at the dark spot spreading around his tip. You walk over to him slowly and watch his breathing speed up the closer you get. 
“Then get on the bed.” You say with an innocent tilt to your voice that ruins him. He moans at your words and basically throws himself on the bed. He’s wiggling his clothes off as you read the instructions for the strap, trying to figure out how you’re supposed to situate it over your hips. You get it up your legs before having to look back at the instructions, following each step as carefully as you could, but still left with the leather straps sliding down your legs instead of holding your dick in place. 
“Baby?” Embarrassment and a bit of amusement flood you as Steve calls out. You turn around begrudgingly and bite your lip at the sight. He’s laid out across his bed, his entire body flushed and blushing for you, his dick kissing his belly as his hips thrust into the air gently. You walk over to him with a shy smile on your face, holding the strap up on your hip as you climb over him. “I think I need your help.”
He’s mesmerized by the silicone cock, how it hands between your legs, how the hot pink color matches your character perfectly, like it’s meant to be your dick. “Yeah. Yes, I can help.” He sits up and starts pulling random straps until something tightens, then does the same with the other side. “Thanks, baby. Can you make sure the back straps are all secure?” You turn around and bend for him, not totally aware of the way you’re putting yourself on display for him. His eyes can’t help but gravitate to your ass, admiring the way the leather straps dig into the plush of it, leaving little indents on your skin. “A- all set, sweetheart.” He says with a light pat on your ass to tell you that you can turn back around. 
You turn to him with a smirk and he just stares up at you. His pink lips are wet and bitten and so alluring. You lean down and bury them in a kiss, smothering his lips with yours and breathing in every whine he gives. You pull away with a smile and he makes no move to flip over, his hands just rest on your hips as you stare at him. You lift off of him, and all he gives you is a confused stare… Himbo.
“Face down-” His breathing shudders. “Ass up, sweetheart.” He whines and flips over for you, but leaves his ass low, his dick flush with the bed. You shake your head fondly and climb over him, your legs on each side of his calves and you reach for his hips, letting your fingers ghost over his skin before pulling them up to rest against yours. Steve whines at the feeling of your cock between his ass, he wants to pull away but your hands convince him to stay put. Your thumb is rubbing back and forth, soothing him as you lean forward to whisper in his ear. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby,” He shivers and you pull away to reach over to your nightstand, grabbing his lube and squirting a generous amount into your hand before returning to your previous spot. 
“Okay. I’m pretty sure I have to stretch you out first. Is that okay?” He whines, sounding a bit upset and his hips wiggle so subtly you almost don’t catch it. You rest your un-lubricated hand on his lower back, stilling his movements. “How- Is that gonna take long?” You’re a bit confused by his question, silent as you figure out your answer. He turns to look at you over his shoulder, ensuring that you heard him and then he sees your confused expression. “I really want it.” 
His voice dissolves into a whine and you almost forgo it, almost convincing yourself that he doesn’t need prep- but the fear of tearing his pink little hole stops you. “It’ll just take a minute.” You spit the words at him, growing just as desperate as he is as your finger plunges into his hole, a bit faster than you probably should’ve but earning you a shouting moan from his pretty lips.
“Don’t wanna hurt your little hole, baby.” You tell him just to add insult to injury. He’s whimpering your name against the sheets, his eyes shut tight as he squeezes around your finger and you see his cock jump. You push in another finger and he takes it like a champ, begging for a third long before you planned. 
Once you’re done stretching him his entire body is hot and shaking, his cock leaking onto the sheets but he’s still unsatisfied. You line your cock up with his entrance and smile at the instant whimper it gets from Steve. You’re watching the way the silicone dick presses into his hole, the way he’s pushing back on it and this strapon must've figured out a way to connect to your nervous system because you swear you can feel his heat on it. You’re confused and entranced by how it looks, how it feels, and how he sounds. “M’gonna fuck you now, Stevie.” His dick twitches as he groans at your words and his hips press back onto your dick, teasing you with his warmth and friction. “Oh fuck. Please.”
You work your tip into him and a little nub at the bottom of the strap pushes into your clit, only furthering your fantasies of being able to feel real pleasure from his ass. You moan with him as you slide in. You prepped him well enough that you’re able to get half your dick in before he’s whining at you to slow down. You rest your front on his back and he can feel your boobs squishing into him, making the whole experience that more arousing. “You feel so good, love.”
You moan into his ear, low and sultry to fuck him up even further. He moans your name, eyes shooting open and his hips rock him back, forcing the rest of your cock into him and accidentally ramming you right into his prostate. “FU-” His curse is cut off with a breathless gasp and he collapses onto the bed. His arms are covering his obviously red face and he’s letting out shouting groans into the mattress as you grind yourself into that spot again and again. You never pull out very far, too scared that you’ll lose his special button.
His thighs are already shaking against yours and it twinges arousal in your stomach. You bottom out inside Steve and grind yourself into the base, moaning his name and riling him up. He can’t fathom why you’re moaning, he knows you can’t feel him but you’re moaning like he’s fucking you, and it’s fucking him up. His hips swivel back onto your dick, trying to get as much stimulation as he can. It’s like nothing he’s ever experienced, it feels like you’re everywhere, and he feels so full. The thought sparks a memory of you telling him the same thing and his balls tense at the role reversal. The fact that it's now you fucking him, filling him to the brim, moaning at how tight he is. 
He cries out your name and you watch his hand uncurl from the sheets in favor of sliding between his legs. You pull out and start fucking him as quickly as you can, surprised at how much it actually exerts but the sore muscles are worth it to hear the way his moans increase. He becomes frantic and pathetic, with high whines of  “So good, love it s’much. Love you s’much.” begin to litter his incoherent moans and you know he’s getting close. You watch his hole squeeze you more frequently the closer he gets and you wrap your hand around his waist. You smack his hand away from his dick and rest your entire body over him as you wrap your hand around him- causing him to collapse entirely as he moans your name. You’re jostled as he crashes to the bed but you keep up your pace as best you can. 
It’s a struggle to jerk him off against the mattress but his moans tell you that he doesn’t mind in the slightest. You’re able to fuck into him more easily from this angle and it shows, your pace is doubled and he’s basically screaming a loose frame of your name. The back of his neck is burning red and his moans are climbing, warning you of his impending orgasm. You smile, proud of yourself and him, and lean down to kiss the back of his neck, snapping his last straw. 
He shouts into the mattress, it’s barely a moan, closer to a sob or a scream as his cock throbs painfully. He’s spilling against the mattress, completely soaking the sheets with his cum as his body shakes against you. Your hand is slick on him, now flooded with his cum as he stutters into you, trying to fuck himself into your fist while fucking himself onto your cock. You thrust into him slowly, cooing into and kissing his ears as he comes down slowly. He twitches into you occasionally, gradually becoming overly sensitive to your movements but every time you stop he presses his hips up from the bed, forcing you to thrust into him again. So you stop stopping. 
You grind into him slowly, listening to the little mewls he lets out when you land close to his prostate. It’s like you’re massaging his insides, stroking along his soft, sensitive walls and eventually he falls asleep that way, leaving you with the struggle of flipping him over to clean him up but you don’t mind in the slightest.  
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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chanelles-world · 23 days
𝑒𝓍𝑜𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒
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author’s note: hihiii enjoy this n lmk if u want a pt 2.
warnings: clubbing, kissing, dirty dancing, drinking, grinding
your eyes scanned over the overly-heated room full of sweaty, hot bodies and blaring music. There were three things that you were heavily frustrated about. Firstly, your bitch of a best friend left your side to fuck with some idiot after she was the one who dragged you here to Exotic Love, the name of the club. Secondly, you were lonely right now. And thirdly, you were very, very sexually frustrated. Hoping to get at least one boy down your pants, you wore a racy outfit. It was a shimmery, black one-sleeve sequin dress that stopped dangerously high on your thighs.
Inches below were expensive black faux boots. you knew you looked good and by the hot looks flashed your way, you knew that you looked good to other people as well. But, see, none of them were quite right. So, instead, you stood propped against the wall, wanting to get hot and heavy, at twelve midnight.
"God, bring me a fucking angel, or something," you muttered angrily. And as if your prayers were answered, you saw the most beautiful man ever. His cobalt blue eyes were pinned on you, more alluring than ever and his tawny hair swept down his toned face perfectly.
His thin lips pulled into a smirk as he strode forward, towards you. "And we have a winner," he laughed, grabbing your hips and pulling you close to him as if you’d know each other for forever. you smirked and pressed a hand to his chest. You gave it a little shove, causing him to stumble back some. "What I win?"
“Well, I've been walking around looking for beautiful woman and you seem to have caught my eye," he admitted. you rolled her eyes. "Let me guess," you said. "You've used that line all night just so you can hop into a girl's pants?" you crossed your arms over your chest and leaned against the wall again.
The guy smirked beside you. "C'mon, y/n. Have a bit more faith in me." your eyes narrowed. you did not deal with stalkers. Sexy as hell or not. "How the hell do you know my name?"
"I'm Tara’s friend," he confirmed. "Let me introduce myself properly. Chris Sturnolio, soon-to-be-lacrosse- legend, and ladies man. Also, like I mentioned, your best friend's friend." He smiled. you nodded, taking in his answer. "Alright. So, you're not a creepy stalker dude. Do you want to dance?" you took his hand and started moving them out to the dance floor. "Of course you do." Chris smirked and let you drag him to the floor.
Rihanna's We Found Love was blasting through the walls, with colorful probe lights flickering everywhere. you wrapped your arms around Chris’s neck as your hips immediately began to sway at the catchy music.
Chris grabbed your hips, watching, mesmerized as you moved perfectly with the beat. You twirled around, pressing against Chris as you lowered yourself to the floor. you stood back up, your hips still moving and Chris swallowed.
"Damn, y/n," he whispered in your ear. He grabbed your arms and turned you around, crashing you against his chest as he did so. you didn't have any time to breathe before Chris was slamming his lips hard to yours, rubbing his growing erection against your bare thigh. You moaned erotically and gripped harshly at his black V-neck.
Chris pulled back and wasted no time to suck and nibbled at your supple skin. You licked your lips as your eyes fell closed and your head tilted to the side. He trailed his hot tongue down your neck and then began to suck on your collar bone. you stopped moving completely beneath him. you just wrapped your arms around his body, loving the hot trails he left in his assaults.
Chris pulled away and pulled you closer, his hands squeezing your firm ass through the itchy material. Your gazes held for a moment before you felt your back being pushed against the cement wall and Chris’s lips covering yours again.
You brought a leg up, wrapping it tightly around his thigh. "I'm not going to last long," Chris panted, disconnecting your lips and making you whimper at the loss contact. "Can we get out of here?"
"Hell yes," you breathed, then grabbed his arm and sliced through the throng of bodies. You were almost out of there when you heard an all too familiar voice calling her name. You turned to see your best friend Tara Yummy. "You better behave yourself, chica," Tara giggled. "That's my friend."
"Your friend that needs to fuck," Chris said through gritted teeth. you pressed your ass firmly against his erection and smirked. Tara frowned. "Chris, don't you fucking curse at me. And I so did not want to fucking hear that. If you get my best friend knocked up because you can't keep your little pin-dick to yourself, I'll seriously fuck you up."
Chris rolled his eyes and grabbed your arm. "I want you to have fun with that, tar. But, anyway, I have got to go."
author’s note: want a pt 2???? plus if you wanna be added to the tag list lmk
tag list: @mattslolita @mbbsgf
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rafeysbafey · 1 year
⭒to the rescue⭒
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⭒summary. rafe comes to your rescue when drunk.
⭒warnings. fem!reader, drinking, cursing, slight angst if you squint, fluff, protective rafe
⭒word count. 654
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you were attending one of topper’s parties, usually with rafe but this time with sarah, getting drunk and dancing your worries away.
she had persuaded you to come along, labeling it as a girls night, but you knew the real reason why she wanted to come.
and plus rafe was doing work for his father, so why not?
but things had started going downhill once you downed three…four? shots. the alcohol running through your veins as you felt your confidence shoot through the roof.
all was fine, dancing with sarah and making friends with the random girls around you, until some touren decided to test his limits with you.
“i s-said stop,” you slurred, shoving him against his chest in a weak attempt to get this random boy away from you, sarah backing you up by shoving him in the side.
“topper!” sarah yelled, trying to grab the kook’s attention while keeping an eye on you, your eyes fluttering shut as your body swayed.
“cmon, i’ll show you a good time.”
you tried not to vomit, the smell of beer and whatever god awful musk he was wearing suffocating your scent.
“i-i have a boyfriend,” you mumbled, body relaxing at seeing topper and kelce approach the situation. kelce quickly grabbed the guy before sarah dragged topper over.
“leave her the fuck alone, bro” kelce spat, shoving the guy as topper quickly took out his phone to dial your boyfriend.
rafe let out a groan at the sound of his phone going off, his attention taken away from the scattered papers covering his desk.
“what, topper?” he snapped, annoyance clear in his voice.
“u-uh, we have a problem,” topper started off, moving away from the phone for a second to yell something in the background, only ticking off rafe more.
“spit it out, topper. i don’t have time for this-”
“y/n is like- wasted. and some touren won’t leave her alone.”
that was all rafe needed to know for him to leave tannyhill, forgetting about the piles of paper work ward was forcing on him.
when he arrived, it wasn’t hard to miss his girlfriend who was drunkenly fighting with kelce and topper.
“you said he was coming!” you whined, throwing your head back as you leaned into sarah.
“y/n he is-”
“hey, baby,” rafe called, grabbing your attention as your eyes shot in his direction, a drunk smile making its way on your face.
“rafe!” you gasped, stumbling to him before throwing your arms around him, “i-i’ve missed you!”
“i’ve missed you too, baby,” he chuckled, pulling you away to fix your messy hair, strands sticking to your forehead.
“i heard there was a boy problem here?”
your eyes went wide as you gave him a pout, tears threatening to spill, “i didn’t d-do anything!”
“oh i know, shh it’s okay,” he whispers, frown on his face as he runs the pad of his thumb over your cheek.
“i’m just here to get you home.”
your frown was quickly replaced by a smile, letting rafe bring your figure closer to his.
he felt warm and smelled good, bringing immediate comfort to the situation.
“thanks top for calling,” he said, grabbing the boy’s attention, “and kelce for helping. you too i guess, sarah.”
sarah gave her brother the finger before letting you two head back, rafe’s arm wrapped firmly around your body as he fished for his keys.
“can we get food?” you mumbled, rafe helping you into the passenger seat before buckling you in.
“it’s 1 in the morning, gorgeous.”
“pleeeaaaasssseee,” you whined, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. he let out a sigh before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“i’ll make you some pasta, how does that sound?”
you gave him a peck on the lips, your smile making him melt on the spot.
“i love when you cook for me,” you sighed, rafe rolling his eyes before shutting his door and joining you a few seconds later.
“oh! what about milkshakes?”
“don’t push it, sweetheart.”
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livelaughloveloak · 1 year
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aonung x navi! reader oneshot
summary :: Aonung misses you dearly to the point where he starts getting into more trouble. Will you come back and be his saving grace?
author's note :: honestly this is my first Aonung fic so I'm sorry if it's bad. 2.2k Words. Use of she/her pronouns
"Of course the aliens had to ruin it." Aonung snarled with a fish spear in his dominant hand. Aonung was known to be quite rude at times but today he was even more rude, especially to the young sully boys.
"Aonung stop, they are just learning!" Tsireya shoved her brother softly, only hard enough that he stumbled back in the water. All of them were on the shore with fishing gear. Aonung and Tsireya were tasked to help the newcomers with hunting in the Metkayina ways, much to Aonung's dismay.
Of course only being new to this type of fishing they did not do well. Them missing mostly every shot would normally make Aonung burst into a comedic laughter but not this time. Instead it turned into boiling anger. By the time Lo'ak missed his 7th fish in a row Aonung had enough of fishing and told everyone to just go back to shore.
He rolled his eyes at his sister's kind behavior towards them. Tsireya saw this and snickered before turning to the sully boys. "Do not mind him, he's just grumpy because y/n isn't around" Lo'ak and Neteyam looked at eachother, they have heard about this certain Navi before, mostly from Aonung.
They knew very little but just assumed she was a special person to him. And they were right.
Aonung scoffed in annoyance and walked away from the group, towards his own little marui. Of course he missed you, considering he didn't deny it.
You left to go help another clan in their time of need almost a week ago. You were a good warrior and an even better healer so you were chosen by Tonowari to go and help the neighboring tribe that had gotten attacked by the sky people.
"Aonung I'll be fine." You said as he was behind you, attaching your necklace that happened to be a gift from him. "I'm still not sure. I mean what if the sky people come back and ambush you guys"
You rolled your eyes, you knew he was just concerned but you were still a strong warrior nonetheless. "I promise you I'll return perfectly fine."
You reassured him but only got a hum in return. You were waiting for Aonung to say something but instead you felt his breath on your neck causing the hairs to stand up. Aonung stayed like this for a while before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his head in the crook of your neck.
Aonung laid down on his hammock, swaying side to side trying to keep his mind blank from the thought of you. You alone tend to fill up his thoughts and dreams, he didn't mind though.
With a groan Aonung shifted from position to position, trying to find a more comfortable way to lay down. Soon enough he settled on laying on his side, back facing the marui opening. He closed his eyes tired from the day filled with anger and yelling.
Aonung felt himself slowly drifting into the blank void called sleep.
Waves clashed against the sea shore as the daylight slowly started to fade into navy blue. You looked up from your half weaved armband, seeing the stars that filled the night sky. Suddenly you remembered Aonung.
“My mom would take me here to go stargazing as a kid, it was only me, Tsireya wasn't born yet.”
He told you this the day you two went to that special spot on top of a small island so you could watch as the stars slowly moved and twinkled. Oh how you missed Aonung.
As the days went by it slowly turned into weeks. You were in this tribe for 3 weeks, helping them get on their feet again. You healed the wounded and hunted in place for the warriors who got too injured.
You counted the days as they went by, each day was a day closer to going back home. The people here were kind but you missed talking or more likely gossiping to Tsireya, you missed playing with the Metkayina kids, but most importantly you missed Aonung.
With a sigh you finally got out of your marui to go collect herbs since you were running low on them. You said hello to a few people on the way and smiled at the kids who waved at you.
You picked your herbs in a small farm that the locals made. Luckily the sky people didn't ruin this part of the small island because without it the people wouldn't have ointment to treat their wounded or medicine for the people who fell ill.
You filled up your basket and gently placed it against your hip so you could walk back to the healing tent.
Your walk back got interrupted by a deep voice. "Y/n" You jumped, dropping some plants from the basket. You picked them up then turned around only to see the chief, Tonowari.
You quickly bowed your head and reached your arm up to your forehead to sign a formal.
‘I see you’
Tonowari smiled at the gesture before talking. "Today you and the others are going home, I have decided to end things early since the people here seem like they can fend for their own now." Tonowari waved his stick around motioning for you to look at the people.
"Go, pack your stuff, we leave once the sun sets." And with that Tonowari turned and walked away leaving you there with the basket filled with multiple healing herbs.
You looked down and smiled before running back to your marui that the Tsahik of this clan built for you as your temporary home. You were finally going to see Aonung again.
"I'm disappointed in you Aonung." Ronal circled around the young navi that had purple bruises forming on his face. Just like yesterday, Aonung had gotten into another fight with a Metkayina boy.
"Go before I pluck your eyes out!" Ronal hissed and pointed to the Marui exit.
Aonung quickly got up from his kneeling position and hurried out with his head hanging low and tail in-between his legs. He was embarrassed, he had made a fool out of himself, at first he felt pride after winning the fight but it all went downhill once a familiar voice shouted his name. His mother.
Other Navi stared silently at Aonung's sulking frame. Ronal's yells of frustration were loud enough for people to hear. His ears pinned back in shame, all his pride was washed away by now after he felt the eyes all over him.
He scrunched his nose and finally looked up. "What are you looking at?" Aonung said with venom in his voice, it wasn't specifically to a certain person but rather everyone who acknowledged his presence. All of the other Navi quickly looked away and went to the previous task they were doing before the whole thing occurred.
Aonung grumbled and kicked the sand underneath him before continuing to walk towards his Marui. He wished nothing but to sleep the pain away even.
The sun was slowly setting as Aonung finally arrived. He didn't go inside but instead sat on the edge, dangling his feet in the lukewarm water. The water in the reef was a beautiful clear blue.
It was so clear that you can see the fish and ilu swimming around the different coral, sometimes going into the seaweed. If you were lucky you'd see a baby ilu with its mother.
Aonung stayed like this, staring into the water with his hands resting on his lap. He was never a quiet person but today he needed it more than ever.
His peace was disturbed by a loud horn made by a shell. The shell was used to warn the clan of someone's arrival. He peered out, squinting so he could get a better look at whoever was about to step onto the shore.
‘Are they back?’
He got excited for a second thinking that you were finally back from your mission.
His eyes scanned the area very carefully, he even double checked just to make sure he didn't miss you by accident. He was left with disappointment. You were nowhere in the crowd.
‘Oh right they don't come back until next week.’
The moment you stepped off of your ilu you begin to search around the crowd of cheering and welcoming Navi for a specific person. You were left confused when you found nothing, it was like everyone was there except him.
“You better be here waiting with a basket filled with delicious food once I come back” You teased Aonung, poking his chest as you were getting ready to start your journey to the other island.
“Ugh you wish” Aonung softly pushed you causing a laugh to come out of your mouth.
You turned around to find Tsireya walking towards you with open arms. You two hugged before pulling back once you saw unfamiliar faces behind her. Tsireya glanced over her shoulder and gasped, making you even more confused.
"Oh right!" Tsireya took a hold of your hand and guided you towards them.
"Y/n this is Lo'ak and Neteyam, their family has come here seeking uturu."
‘uturu?’ You thought. You heard about other clan members coming to a whole new one to seek peace and to live with them but you never actually witnessed it until now. You watched as they signed
‘i see you’
towards you. You replied with a smile, doing the gesture back.
"We have heard lots about you." The taller one said which you believe was Neteyam. You raised your eyebrows at his words and turned towards Tsireya seeking for an answer which she thankfully gave. "They mean Aonung, you know he can't keep his big mouth shut." Tsireya nudged your shoulder in a teasing way as you giggled thinking about it.
"Speaking about Aonung, where is he?”
Tsireya went silent, her mouth forming a straight line. She slowly pointed to the direction of his Marui. "Beware y/n he isn't in the best mood right now."
You nodded and quickly headed in the direction she was pointing at. Your tail was swaying anxiously. Was he perhaps mad at you?
By the time you reached his tent you froze, debating if you should enter or not. You didn't wanna face him if he was mad at you, you were scared. You wouldn't know what to say. You were so lost in thought that you didn't even see the taller figure walking towards you.
You snapped out of your trance and saw Aonung leaning against one of the support poles that keeps his Marui standing. He had cuts and bruises all over his face and body.
His knuckles were red and wounded, it seemed like he got into a fight. You covered your mouth with your hand as you stepped closer to him. "Oh Aonung" You whispered while inspecting his body closer
Once you were done looking you grabbed his hand and led him inside. You made him sit down in the far corner of the room that had medical supplies stacked up against the wall.
"When I said I promised to stay safe I meant you should too." You grabbed ointment from one of the pouches and then sat down on his lap facing him.
Aonung stayed silent watching you apply it on his knuckles until he finally spoke up. "I know."
You were the one who was silent now, you kept your questions to yourself deciding that you'd ask them another time and that you should just focus on treating his wounds.
You wrapped his hand with bandages and moved on to applying a herb that specializes in reducing swelling on his busted lip and bruised up eye. You felt his eyes staring at you, watching your every move. You tried your best to ignore it so you wouldn't get flustered and mess up on properly dressing his wounds.
Aonung kept his eyes locked onto yours as you gently tapped his lips to apply the ointment. "Please Aonung, be careful next time." You begged him. Of course you never liked it when he got into fights but at this point Aonung isn't really Aonung unless he comes to you seeking for your medical health every one in awhile.
"I was fighting for you."
"I fought them because they were talking bad about you." Aonung watched carefully, seeing how you stopped your movements and dropped your arms to your side. He took this as his cue to continue. "They were saying how you were weird and didn't belong amongst the other girls. I couldn't just stand there and hear all of this without doing anything about it."
Of course you were upset finding out that people who you probably never even talked to had your name in their mouths, but you felt some sort of comfort knowing that Aonung stepped in for the sake of you. "My love it is okay their words won't affect me." You brushed away one of his loose locks that must've fallen from his braids.
"No it is not-"
You shushed him with a kiss on the lips that he was quick to return. "It's fine, I promise." Aonung stayed silent, continuing to stare in your eyes lovingly.
His eyebrows raised when you got up from his lap, holding his hand signaling for you to follow him. He obeyed and got up to which you started to drag him out of the Marui.
"Where are we going?"
You sarcastically gasped to tease him. "Don't you trust me?"
Aonung rolled his eyes before rushing to walk by your side so you wouldn't be dragging him behind you. You smiled and looked at him. "Come I have made something for you my love."
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gimmeyourlovepls · 8 months
Earth 42! Miles Morales x Reader Headcanons <3
a/n: hi guys! sorry ive been gone for a hot second, my mental health is declining just like my grades 😍 anyway, enjoy!
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ok, i know that miles would act so stoic at first but he'd show his affection in little ways
like anything from a good morning note to chocolates, your gonna get at least one a week
even though he doesnt write his name on the gifts, you always know its him, and you make sure to give him a little hug or kiss :)
ok, so ive had this thought in my head for a while, but miles would totally have glasses
like, you see how much he's working on tech and junk, you know his eyesight is gonna be at least a little bad
but he doesnt wear them because he thinks theyre nerdy
until you find out :0
"hey miles, are these your glasses? how come ive never seen you wear them? can you put em on?"
from then on, you start begging him to put them on, but he always says no
until one day, when you are lying on the couch, asking him to put them on, when he finally says yes.
he puts them on, smiling at you slightly, and you just start attacking him with kisses
"mi amor, calm down!" "nah, my man looks too handsome"
from then on, he finally wears his glasses (at least when hes alone with you)
and everytime you bombard him with many, many kisses (which he doesnt mind in the slightest)
you two are so in love
but sometimes it leads to jealousy
not only from miles, but from you
one time he saw you chatting to this boy and as soon as you two were alone he wouldnt let you go till he was sure you were his
the boy you were talking to was literally your cousin 💀
but if it meant getting extra kisses from miles, you were not complaining
you've had your fair share of jealous moments too
like when miles was partnered with this girl for a project
she was being a little too nice with him
so you walked over there, hair swaying behind you, and sat on miles' lap at the table they were working at
you kept rubbing his arm and pressing little kisses on his cheek until their working time was over and they finished the project
and you walked outta there on miles' arm
you and miles had a talk after that, and theirs not that many of those moments anymore
however miles is DEFINETLY jealous and happy at the same time at the relationship you have with his mom
because he wants his mom to like you, duh
but when you and her are talking like you've known eachother since birth, he gets a little left out
dont worry tho, he loves u and your mom, you two are his favorite ladies
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed! i have homework to do, but i might do a part 2 if yall want. pls give me requests for writing! ilysm, have a great life!
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neteyamkink · 1 year
What if the reader tries to make neteyam jealous to see how he would react but he ends up fucking her to show he’s the only one that can make her feel this good⁉️😨
Paring: aged up!neteyam x reader
warnings: filthy smut, degrading, neteyam calls reader a whore, neteyam fucks reader like a whore, choking, VERY RUSHED!!, uhmmm idk i think that’s it
likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
“Be as loud as you want, baby. Everyone needs to know who you belong to,” Neteyam growled in your ear sending chills all the way down your spine. Your back was starting to ache against the rough forest floor due to his hard thrusts.
“Neteyam!” you let out a loud moan everything was starting to become way too much to handle. Your back was pushed against the floor, his nails digging deep into your hips, the chill his voice sent down your back, and the way his cock was filling you up perfectly like your walls were made for him.
Hold on, let’s rewind and see how you got here.
“I mean it’s just to see if he really cares about you,” your friend, yu’ri, added. Currently, yu’ri was trying to convince you to make neteyam jealous as a test. Now At first, you were against it but the more she keeps arguing her case the more she is tempting you. You are typically not the type of person to play with someone’s feelings just for fun, but his reaction would help you understand where you guys stand right now. I mean you two weren’t dating yet, but there was surely something there right? Well, I guess today you’ll find out.
“Alright alright,” you finally give in to your friend, waving your hand and signalling her to calm down. “I’ll do it at the bonfire.”
“hey kumi, let’s dance,” you said, before he could even speak you were wrapping your hand around his wrist and pulling him into the center where everyone was dancing. You pushed through the crowd of people and attempted to get closer to the other side where neteyam and his friends were. Just when you knew you were in view of him you started to dance with the boy, nothing too provocative, but something just to get him riled up.
“I thought you didn’t like me?” the boy randomly questions before beginning to dance with you.
“I don’t,” you said looking past his shoulder and towards Neteyam whose back was against a tree one leg bent so his foot could hold him up on the tree. Neteyam stared you down, yellow eyes piercing through yours. You swayed your hips to the sound of the elders singing and the kids playing instruments. The beat pulsates through your body and fired up something inside you. You were determined to get a reaction out of him.
You pulled kumi closer to you, close enough to the point where your bodies were almost touching. You didn’t want to go too far with this, though. Deep down you knew you were Neteyam’s, off limits to anyone else.
“oh?” Kumi questioned your motives, but you were dancing with him who was he to question you? The thought left as fast as it came and he could only pay attention to the sway of your hips now. He wasn’t the only one, Neteyam’s gaze on you was sickening. If looks could kill, Eywa knows you would be with her now.
Neteyam’s throat started to burn with jealousy, his palms were sweaty, and his heartbeat was fast.
“Neteyam… are u listening?” Ao’nung spoke up. Fuck, he couldn’t even pay attention to what his friends were saying. The only thing that mattered to him right now was how your hips were swaying against that beast-looking na’vi.
“Yeah yeah keep going,” Neteyam flagged his friend off nonchalantly. he didn’t bother to take his eyes off of you.
“for fucks sake just go talk to her,” Roxto let out a huff tired of this silent feud between the two of you. Neteyam knew he should go and put you in your place, but part of him just wanted to see how far you would take it. But the way you were practically grinding on that random boy you were just begging for attention. Poor little you just wanted to get fucked, huh?
He tilted his head, rolled his tongue to lick the inside of his cheek, and scratched his head before puffing out his chest and stomping his way over to you. Before you knew it his big hand was wrapped around your upper arm and you were being dragged into the forest.
“Hey! what the hell are you doing,” you shouted trying to free yourself from his grasp. You knew exactly what he was doing.
“No what the hell were YOU doing?” his face was scrunched up, he was angry but fuck he was so hot like this.
“What did it look like,” you rolled your eyes giving up on freeing yourself at this point. You were too deep into the forest to go back and frankly, you didn’t even want to.
“It looked like you were just being a fucking whore. My Eywa, if you wanted attention why didn’t you just say so?” He gritted through his teeth.
that’s how you ended up a whimpering mess under him.
“Fuck, you’re mine, nobody else’s. understood?” he grunts as he fucks his hips into you. You could barely even speak so you pathetically nodded your head. Your non-verbal answer wasn’t good enough for him, because suddenly his hands were around your neck applying little pressure, “use your words.”
“yes, teyam!” you choked out desperately nodding your head. The pressure of his fingers on your neck was making your head go fuzzy. The only thought in your head was him and his dick.
“Say your mine, baby,” his breathing was harsh and rushed, you could feel his chest heaving up and down on yours.
“I’m yours,” you spat out between moans, he was fucking you so good that you could barely talk.
“cum for me, my love,” he spoke, and with those few words, you were a moaning mess, crumbling and whimpering underneath him. With the pressure on your neck, you could barely even breathe. Not even seconds after your climax he was cumming with you, releasing his hot seed inside of you with throaty moans.
“All you needed was to get fucked, huh?” he shushed you.
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kqulitz · 1 year
can u do a tom x reader where they’re meeting fans, signing autographs etc? she has a male fanbase and they both aren’t really a fan of it. one of them starts getting handsy, flirty and it’s obv that she’s uncomfortable. she kindly tells him to back off and he starts telling her crude things and tom just loses his shit, taking her outside to kind of comfort her? thank you!!💕💕
hands on
tom kaulitz x reader
summary: tom gets a bit annoyed when one of your fans attempts to make moves on you.
tags: established relationship, jealous! tom, protective! tom, creepy guys, fluff :)
lowercase intended
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you smile politely at the fan before you. the line was almost done and he was busy blabbering on about how he owned all of your cd’s. “thank you, that means a lot to me.” you cut in, hoping to stop the conversation there. “it’s no big deal. hopefully i’ll see you at your next concert!” the guy finally takes his leave and the next in line shuffles up. you notice tom lingering in the corner of your eye, he must be waiting for you. you smile, signing whatever merch the fans were thrusting towards you, taking pictures, signing pictures. you found it exhausting, especially since your fan base was primarily men. it made tom uncomfortable as he was quite a possessive lover, and honestly there were a lot of experiences that made you uncomfortable too.
the last man of the night walks towards you, confidence in his walk. “hey, sorry for the wait, how are you?” you ask, yet he doesn’t offer you any merch to sign. “i’m all good, how about you?” he asks smoothly, glancing around a little as if he was making idle conversation at a party instead of meeting a potential idol. “i’m okay, just a little tired.” you chuckle. he looks at you, eyes dragging over your outfit, lingering down near your legs. you do your best to keep composure, but this guy was really freaking you out. “uh- do you have anything for me to sign..?” you ask anxiously, gesturing a little with your hands. “hm? oh, yeah. sorry, you’re just too dreamy, i must of gotten lost.” he grins. you almost gag. “thank you.” you respond, realising that the guy was pulling out a notebook. “i wouldn’t mind your number.” he winks. “i cant give my number out to fans-“
the man cuts you off. “i’m not just a fan.” he glares at you. “i’m your biggest super fan. i run your fan-club, i have every single cd that even features you- i even have one of your old broken guitars that you threw out back in hamburg.” he steps closer, you step back. tom tenses in the corner of your eye, you want to tell him that it’s okay and that this ‘super fan’ will be gone soon but you don’t want anyone to freak out. “i love you, y/n. only i truly know you.” the stranger leans in. he stinks of cigarettes, you almost retch. “please back away- i don’t want to have to call security.” you raise a hand, trying to gesture for him to step back. “do you love me too?” he asks, voice low and sultry. you want to cry. “hey, back off man!” tom’s hand grabs the guy’s jacket, pulling the stranger away from you.
security step in at tom’s command, pulling the guy away. you sigh softly, squeezing your boyfriend’s hand a little to soothe yourself. “thank you.” you mutter, resting your head upon his shoulder. “don’t thank me, baby.” tom mutters, hugging you. “let’s step outside, yeah? you look exhausted.” he mumbles, pulling you along gently. you give the rest of the band a wave in passing, watching them smile and wave back makes you feel a lot better. tom opens the door for you, and you step outside onto the steps. the fire exit door clicks shut behind the two of you and tom pulls you into a hug. he exhales rather shakily, so you hug him back tightly. “it’s alright, he’s gone.” you say to him, knowing he’s probably pissed. “i should be telling you that.” tom mumbles, you can only laugh. “i think we both need to hear it right now.” you mumble, resting your head on your boyfriend’s shoulder as you sway with him.
tom soothes, and so do your own nerves. “thanks again, tommy. that guy was… really freaky.” you laugh a little, pulling away. tom’s eyes look at you with pure adoration. “it’s no problem, babe. ich liebe dich.” (i love you) he mutters, kissing you gently. “ich liebe dich auch.” (i love you too) you reply between his soft kisses, it makes tom smile against your lips. you let your arm wrap around his neck to deepen the kiss, other hand rubbing his arm gently. tom hums lowly, breaking away and kissing your nose. “you ready to get out of here?” he asks softly, forehead resting to yours. “yeah. let’s go get the others.” you reply, a smile on your face.
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savannahsdeath · 6 months
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summary: you and katniss dance at the finnick&annie's wedding <3
warnings: alcohol and language but its pure flufff, katniss has a huge crush on you but she doesnt really understand her feelings untill...
a/n: pleaaaase let me know if u guys liked it and want more katniss:pp this is for my fav katniss lover (hi i know ur reading this anon !!)🩷
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katniss was sitting opposite peeta, with you on her left side and haymitch on the other. she hoped she could stop him from drinking too much that way, but she eventually gave up. finnick was getting married, after all - that's something worth celebrating, and if his way of doing that is by drinking, then so be it. you couldn't care less. what you cared about, though, was taking her away from this table. she didn't look happy at all, not even bored, just... somehow out of place. of course, she smiled at you every one in a while. how could she not?
you were sitting there, the prettiest girl in her world, wearing the prettiest dress she ever saw, joking with peeta and already drunk haymitch. she heard you giggling and her heart melted. you made the girl on fire feel like she was really on fire, burning more and more with each of your moves. the point is, she was sure that's a bad feeling, yet she loved it. she was addicted to it.
but you were clueless.
she scraped her fork across the plate, making a sound which hurt your ears.
you propped your head on your hands. "what's wrong?" you frowned, trying to see through her.
she immediately smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "nothing's wrong."
"uh-huh..." you hummed, straightening up and tapping your nails on the table. your eyebrows furrowed, hoping she'll continue, but that was all she had to say.
she looked at the freshly married couple and her smile slowly faded away. once her gaze came back to you, you weren't in your place anymore. you now stood behind her and tapped her shoulder.
haymitch laughed, apparently predicting what you are up to. she also chuckled, before turning around to take your extended hand.
she stood up, her eyes drifting between your eyes and lips. "i'm not the best dancer" she admitted.
"we don't have to dance dance..." you reassured her, slowly making your way to the parquet, dragging her closely behind you.
once you got there, you loosely wrapped your hands around her neck, propping them on her shoulders. she hesitated before putting her own on your waist, but you moved a little closer, making it less awkward.
"so, how do you like it?" you smirked, as the two of you started to sway to the slow music.
"well, i'm happy for finnick." she looked at him one more time. "and the food is good."
you giggled and nodded. "of course it is, peeta's the man behind the baked goods." you paused for a moment, licked your lips and bit your bottom one. "you just don't look like you're having fun."
"oh, sweetheart, i do." she shook her head and smiled. she seemed genuine, but you knew what you saw earlier.
you cleared your throat. "then, let me put it another way. what would make you even happier to be here?"
katniss raised her right hand and tugged a strand of your hair behind your ear. her moves were slow, so you could perfectly feel how her finger brushes your skin and lasts there for a few seconds, giving you goosebumps. "i think i'm a little jealous." she grinned.
"jealous?" you frowned, pouting your already dry lips.
"yes, jealous" she confirmed. "i'd rather have my own wedding— with flowers, a huge cake baked by peeta with a little, made of icing me on top. me and..." she stopped speaking as her eyes pierced your body and seemed to look somewhere behind you. you gave her a minute, before she suddenly came back to reality. "you know."
you smiled again, this time not from amusement but admiration. you moved closer, so you could whisper while knowing she can hear you. "i didn't know you want something so serious."
"i didn't know either, that's why i'm so upset." she whispered back, her tone raspy from the change of tone.
that makes sense, you thought. "and who do you imagine as your other half?"
she shrugged, obviously not wanting to talk about it, but it wasn't a valid answer for you.
"you can tell me" you pleaded. "i won't tell anyone— not haymitch, not even for peeta."
she thought for a moment, a good, long moment. "there's that one girl. do you want to see her?" she leaned in, putting her face next to your ear. "look behind you."
you discreetly turned your head, seeing nothing but a window. it was already late outside and the chandelier lightened up the whole room, so the glass worked like a darkening mirror. you saw nothing but your own reflection.
when you wanted to look back at katniss, her hands were already cupping your cheeks. you didn't have time to react, though you wouldn't stop her anyway. oh, no, you wanted that as much as she did... or more.
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Bro, infinite darkness Leon is plaguing my mind I’m being so fr rn. So my req is like DomInfiniteDarkness!Leon and like this reader who rlly sarcastic and bites back and shit like that and the plot is (porn 🫶 obvi) that he asks reader to ride his face (after a few days of sexual tension) and like she’s taken aback at first but then she’s like ‘he’s hot tho’ (not rlly I can’t think of a better response, u can choose) so she rides his face yeah, and he has this grip on her thighs that she can’t even try squirming away
And omg, there should be like this one part when he’s eating her and like she grips his hair and he goes feral and sucks harshly as a motion to continue the grip on his hair, also the stubble that he has should like graze her poussay and like she clenches bc of it and Leon notices 😮‍💨🤭🤭
Leon just gives pussy-eater vibes, is it jus me? 😭 anyways in not asking this anonymously bc I need this shit so bad
If u wrote anything similar, I’m sorry 😭 😭
Tyyyy ♥️♥️♥️��🫶🫶🫶
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( I had to, he’s so fine)
ID Leon is a plague in my mind he never goes away. I was actually writing a request super similar to this so i hope the other person who requested this sees this!! I honestly don’t think it’s that good but i try my hardest FOR YOU GUYS. I made the reader plus size deal with it and if you hate it so much just block it out with your mind okay because i needed to write a lil something for me in this one. Sorry i haven’t been posting much writing i hit little blocks sometimes and feel like my writing sucks but nothing a little sleep couldn’t fix!
Disclaimer!!! This blog is 18+ only! If you are underaged please don’t interact with my posts thank you!!
mentions of afab slighty plus size reader x ID Leon!!
Warnings: Angsty kinda! Mentions of yelling, holding guns and close to death experiences. Leon forces reader to sit on his face, he’s kinda rough with her
word count: 2,826
Heavy. Your arm hanging from the metal that had been broken not even seconds before. Though you and Leon had far to many disagreements he was still your partner. Just the way his head tilted up and his hand gripped at your wrist you knew he was so angry that you would throw yourself so close to death just to save him. The metal beneath you made a loud creaking noise as you gripped at Leon's hand, your other arm folding over to pull him up onto the platform with you.
“You have a death wish?”
Leon yelled as he tried to carefully crawl up next to you as you let go of his arm. You leaned back on your arms, catching your breath, your eyes followed Leon standing up, his hand reaching down to help you off the floor.
“That must’ve really bruised your ego huh, kennedy.”
Mascara caked a bit under your eyes due to all the running and the tank of water exploding all over you. Your hips swayed side to side as you put your hand up waving goodbye to Leon, yelling something about how you’d see him next week.
Leon’s jaw tightened watching your hips sway, the way your soaked shirt clung to your body. You were his rookie once, he trained you from the ground up. Once your promotion hit you never let Leon talk down to you again, and he hated it. Snarky comments about his aim, about the way he talks, how he looks in his suits.
His body screamed at him for relief, preferably whiskey. The bar was quiet and he couldn’t help but thank the god he didn’t necessarily believe in. His fingers traced over the rim of his glass in front of him. The man had too much trauma, a troubling past and current that just weighed on him so heavily that it made everything he does difficult.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Your silky voice snapped him from his day dreaming, his chin tilting down as his eyes traced every dip and curve of your body before he brought the glass to his lips, the liquid stinging his throat as he tilted the glass against his mouth. You wore that pretty black dress you had been wearing back in Grahamas office, but of course you had to change when actual shit started to go down. It hugs your hips and thighs so good, your plush legs crossing over each other as you sat down staring at your partner.
“You okay?”
For once you seemed genuinely concerned for him, Leon’s head nodding as the bartender poured more whiskey into his glass. Your delicate hand reaching forward and pulling the glass from him. Leon sighed turning himself to you in full, his hands reaching down to unbutton his jacket that held it to his center.
A smirk quickly grew on your lips as you took HIS whiskey down your throat, your nose scrunching as you pushed the glass back to him. He was so tired of your bratty demeanor, it’s so unprofessional, so unclassy. Your hands reached out to fix the collar of his white button down as you still processed the burn of the alcohol.
“I worry about you sometimes.. Anyways, I was looking for you then Claire told me you were rambling about desperately needing a drink.”
Leon couldn’t help but admire the way your hands moved when you spoke, your eyes rolling at the mention of his small drinking problem.
“Drinking everyday is bad for your liver Leon.”
Leon groaned at your lecturing, his hands coming up to shush you.
“Fuck you..”
He grumbled, causing your mouth to drop open. Honestly you were offended. For once you were really concerned about the man which was rare from either of you because if you weren’t working, you were fighting.
“You’d like that too much, old man.”
“Cmon Le.. Let's just have one more drink.”
Leon’s hands held at your waist as you stumbled into him. So while you lectured him for drinking so much you downed shots one after another right in front of him. Leon watched you ramble all night, the night he was supposed to spend for himself. After he pulled the both of you outside, you shivered pointing to your car, you hand grabbing for your keys in your purse.
“Okay bye Leon.”
You slurred as a whistle left Leon’s lips, his much taller frame coming in front of you to catch you yet again. Your hands nudged at him, trying to push him off you as you whined about it being cold and how you wanted to lay down. His hands worked at his jacket, shrugging it off and reaching for your arms and slipping it onto you.
“Stop talking and walk, let’s go, you're not driving.”
You were an idiot. Leon’s head shook in disappointment as the two of you began your walk down the street in silence. Even through your drunken fog you could see he was upset with you, your hands playing with the long sleeves of his dark blue suit jacket. He did have his moments where he got genuinely upset with you, like when you had accidentally stabbed him during training, or when you stepped in front of him and Chris during a mission to take the damage of a blown hit. You didn’t belong in this field and he had no idea how you even made it this far. He reached into his back pocket pulling his keys out before he pushed open the door, turning himself back to you.
His palm rested against your lower back as you stepped inside his home, your eyes adjusting to the lighting change. Leon pulled the jacket off of you and threw it on his couch before he leaned on the counter staring at you. Standing in the middle of his living room. His annoyance was making you sober, playing with your fingernails as he glared at you. His back turned to you as he pulled a glass from his cabinet, turning on his faucet to pour water into it. You flinched as he slammed it in front of you.
A laugh left your lips as you reached for the glass, taking a sip. But Leon didn’t seem to find it as funny as you did, his hands resting on the beautiful marble counter.
“Lots of one word responses tonight huh.”
You asked as you finished off the glass of water, your hand rubbing your stomach. He was in his own world, it was shocking he cared as much as he did.
“Yeah, goodnight.”
Leon mumbled as he pulled the glass into his sink, pointing to the blankets on the couch. Watching his figure walk down the hall made your skin crawl. You wanted to tell him how scared you were today, how you almost lost him. How he didn’t notice the bruise on your right shoulder from almost breaking your shoulder saving him.
A loud thump of a pillow hitting your face shook you from your sleep, your hand reaching for your gun as you sat up.
“Oh calm down. Let’s go Grahams called.”
Leon spoke as he handed you your shoes. You yawned, pushing your heels on before running out the door after him. It’s your favorite time of day, even though you have a violent hangover and it feels like you are going to puke with every step you take trying to catch up to Leon. Out of breath finally walking beside him you push your neck forward, nodding with that stupid smug look on your face that Leon hated.
“You clean up really nice Leon, what straightener do you use?”
How could you be so bitchy at eight in the morning, Leon’s eyes rolled, his lips pressed together as he got into his car, you not falling too short behind. Out of all the people in the department he didn’t understand how he ended up with you as his partner.
Leon stood next to you, him and the president sharing a glance as he sighed.
“Listen, Leon told me what happened yesterday and we decided collectively it would be best for you to go work for another agency.”
Your jaw grew tight, it felt like your teeth were being grinded down and your cheeks were flushed a deep red in anger. Your head snapped to Leon, your eyes squinting at him. How could he file a complaint about you saving his life? He is lying directly to the source but you had no proof he was lying which is what made the situation so much worse.
“Fuck you.”
Your words smacked Leon in the face, your body purposely shoving into his shoulder- and hard too. The sound of your heels clicking filled the hallway, your anger building in your chest as you stormed out the back door. This was your life purpose, being an agent. When your younger brother had died at the hands of Umbrella you tried working your way up to demolish it all. None of it mattered anyways because when you met Leon and Chris your life had completely changed. Even though you and Leon had too many unsolvable problems, you thought he still cared? Now you were left jobless, clueless. You looked down at your phone as it buzzed in your purse ‘Leon’ Flashing on the screen.
Stupid son a bitch.
Loud banging on your door woke you up, your eyes fixing on the clock on your nightstand. Three in the morning? Sitting up quickly you pulled your handgun from your dresser, tip toeing into the living room area of your flat.
“Who is it? I have a gun!”
When not at work your self defense skills were beyond poor, the banging stopped, the sounds of shuffling were heard before a small thud was heard against your door. Peering into the small eyehole of your door, there stood Leon. His eyes squeezed shut as he rested his palm against your door, you immediately swung the door open causing Leon to fix at his posture.
“Jesus christ Leon, what the fuck?”
Leon’s body pushed into your flat, slamming the door behind him. His hands grabbed at the gun in your hand, laying it on your counter. Your lower back smacked against your couch as he towered over you, his hands reaching down to hold at your face before his lips smacked into yours. No alcohol? Leons teeth nipped at your lip, pulling a low moan from you before you put your hands out pushing him away from you
“What are you doing?”
Leon’s chest heaved as he stared at you, you still looked so sleepy, your pretty nightgown resting so beautifully on your thighs. Your hair was a mess and now your lips were all puffy, he couldn’t fucking stand you. Leon’s hand ruffled through his hair as he looked down the hall to your room, your bed sheets a mess. Leon’s hand gripped your upper arm, walking down the hallway with you in his hands.
“Leon! Stop! Look at me”
Pretending you didn’t like the way he touched you was a joke, and you knew Leon could tell just by the way you reacted to his touch. A whine spilled from your lips as he shoved you down onto your silk sheets, your fingers reaching down to fix your nightgown that had flown up. The sound of Leon’s knees hitting the floor echoed through your ears, your upper body lifting as you watched him lick at his chapped lips. His head shook at the sight of your glistening folds in front of him, your thighs squeezing together as you stared down at the man. Stammers of protest left your lips as Leon’s fingers dug into the flesh of your meaty thighs, of course he was strong but you didn’t know he was this strong. A deep groan emitted from his chest as he lifted his hand, his tongue running across his fingers. His eyes finally met yours, his fingers slick with his spit rubbing small circles on your clit.
“Not so much to say now, huh?”
Oh. Your heart dropped as you remembered the paperwork you had sent in placing a complaint for him. Talking about how unprofessional he was, how he drinks on the job, and stuff about his personal life in general, your lips shook as your mouth opened, a moan ripping from your throat as Leon's thick fingers pushed into you, your hand reached down grabbing at his wrist but he pushed it off to side as he rose his way up your much smaller body. His other hand gripped at the inner part of your knee, locking it beside him as he pushed his fingers into you.
“God you piss me off, Grahams was so mad at me you know? But unlike you I didn't lose my job. You had me with your little comments but I swear if you try something like this again, I will do more than fuck you stupid, Do you understand me?”
When did Leon get the capability to be so fucking mean? Your head nodded up at him, his fingers drawing from you. Leon’s head shook in disapproval as he pushed himself off you, laying down on his back.
Great. Back with the one word responses. You sat up confused as your hand reached down to cover your exposed self. Your gaze shifted to Leon who looked so pretty sprawled out onto your black silk sheets. His pupils were blown with lust.
Laughter came with the question as Leon tilted his head to the side to admire you tilting your head back as you laughed at yourself. His hands tugged you towards him, making you lose your balance. “fucking brat.” He mumbled as he dragged you onto of him, your body sitting on his chest.
“Sit on my face. I know you’re not stupid.”
Leon spoke up to you as he pulled your hips towards his face but you pushing yourself back made his eyebrows raise.
“Leon, I'm going to kill you..”
You sat up slightly trying to take more weight off his chest. You weren’t the skinniest but Leon knew that you were always a bit self conscious about your weight, and the amount of times he has caught you has been extremely surprising. One look down at him changed your mind, he was looking at you as if you were the only person in the word, his tongue continuously licking over his lips, you let out a shaky breath before you brought yourself forward grabbing at the headboard. Hovering over his face still too scared but Leon’s hands reached up, pushing you down onto his face.
“Leon!- oh-”
Screams of worry turned into soft cries of pleasure, Leon’s hands reaching back to cup at your ass in his hands, somehow pushing you further into him. Your eyes finally fluttered open, staring down at Leon who seemed to be enjoying much more than he should. Never did you imagine Leon’s face so deep into you, your thighs pushing against his cheeks, the scruff on his face scraping your soft skin. His eyes opened hazily, staring up at you as he pushed his tongue into you, his hands still rocking you into him.
“Leon wait!-”
You cried out as a boiling burn started to build in your stomach, your body going to crawl off of him. Leon’s arms wrap around your thighs before you’re flipped over, his thighs laying over his shoulder as he laps at your folds on long strokes. Your hands reach down, grabbing at his soft hair. Leon moans out, vibrating your entire body as he uses his fingers to hold your folds open. He’s sucking at your clit so fucking good, your hands trying to push him away as he hold you’re hips down. He could have this view forever, the way you’re crying for him and the way you taste so good in his mouth. The amount of times Leon has wanted to force you down and suck on your pretty little clit was too many to count on his hand.
Your scream could probably be heard from all the flats around you as your orgasm flashed through your body, causing tears to drip from your eyes. A cry left your throat as Leon sat up, his fingers gently rubbing small heart shapes on your clit with a big smile on his face. He looked so beautiful, your slick covering his chin and his lips swollen from sucking at your folds for so long.
“Le.. s’ too much.”
Leon shook his head as he leaned down, sloppily pressing kissing on your lips, your own taste filling your mouth before you screamed out at the feeling of Leon once again pushing his long fingers into you.
“Jus’ give me five more of those pretty.. I'm enjoying this too much.”
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