#shes the third gen heir for my legacy
ljjsims · 5 months
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Generation #1: Gaia, Complete sheets
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I present to you, the woman who started it all: Gaia! Or, as we know her now, Mother Earth. Enjoy this challenge :)
You are new to this world you have just moved to. A world that, to you, is the most beautiful yet. Nature all around you. A perfect place for a fresh start. You are so excited to meet all the people around you, find love, start a family! You want it all! Soon you meet your neighbors Ouranos, Pontus and Aitna. You soon become best friends with both Aitna and Pontus. And that Ouranos, He has something, doesn’t he? He makes you feel like he would steal all the stars in the sky just for you.
Little bit explanation with the sheets: - First sheet is for describing your current generation, with the challenges you need to do each life-stage. Also, because I love the myths, a bit of mythological background. May it inspire you :) - Second sheet is the preparation sheet for this generation, with important characters for your story. It is technically optional, but I love seeing sims with a backstory in my world, so I would highly recommend it. - Third sheet is for your gens children. They all have their own little challenges if your interested in those. I try to make all of them a bit different from each other, so it doesn't get boring. Your heir is also on this sheet, but I've put their challenges on their own sheets. Stay tuned for those ;) - Fourth sheet is completely optional. If you want sims with names from the myths and love making sims to see them in your world, this is for you! All with a little mythological background ofc, you know me.
Finished Gaia's Challenge? The next generation is Aphrodite! If you want to try her childhood challenges as well, look up her page once she is born :
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
A little disclaimer: because I made these gods and goddesses into a legacy challenge, the relationships in the myths don’t exactly match the relationship in this challenge. There is a lot of keep it in the family in mythology, to put it lightly. And apart from the fact that you can’t do that in the Sims, I don’t really like that part. So I didn’t include it, thus the inconsistency. An example: Ares is now Hera’s stepfather instead of her son, which she conceived with her brother  and husband Zeus. This inconsistency can also be found in the stories. It’s just based on and not copied exactly, as Sims live lives that are a lot shorter than those of immortal gods. And it takes a way from the creativity if we just copy the myths. Even if we wanted to do that, it’s quite hard, as every myths has its fair share of variations and some are just completely different stories.
I use the MCCC-mod to alter the length of life states. You can find the days-years ratio here: the boring stuff.
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adelaidebeorna · 4 months
I’m on my fourth gen of my legacy challenge!!!
I had an old one that I accidentally deleted when I was on the fourth gen.
The third gen only recently died, and I had only just moved them out to make room for another baby, so I lost their grave stones so I can’t add them to the family cemetery… Whoopsies.
Athena, my heir, is a teen right now and I’m planning on her becoming a doctor? I may switch her to the scientist career once she’s reached the top of the doctor career.
Azure is only a toddler (I skip infants because they’re so annoying and are basically useable unless you have growing together) so idk what I’m gonna do with her yet.
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ladymcsimmer · 2 months
help idk who to have as my gen 2 heir for my new legacy
Child #1: Edythe Eldridge, child of spouse #1 (who the founder divorced bc she got that opportunity to marry for an inheritance but she was already married. plus they cheated on each other)
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Green Fiend, High Maintenance, Vegetarian
a professional gardener w/ the fabulously wealthy aspiration. she has the single and loving it lifestyle, so i'm thinking maybe she should just be a cool childless aunt. but i also think she's the prettiest child, so i wanna pass down those genes. it's a dilemma.
Child #2: Millicent Eldridge, child of spouse #2 (who the founder cheated on husband #1 with)
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Traits: music lover, erratic, proper
former cheerleading captain, aspiring archaeology scholar.
engaged to her highschool sweetheart Jacqueline, who has the evil, freegan, and vegetarian traits.
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Child #3: Felicity Eldridge, child of spouse #2 (who the founder divorced because he kept being mean to the kids. but mostly because i was bored of him. he died shortly thereafter from old age anyway)
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Genius, Overachiever
Still a teenager, so no third trait. but she graduated high school early on account of being a genius and overachiever. Currently she's a livestreamer, but as soon as her application processes i plan on sending her to university for computer science bc she has the computer whiz aspiration.
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she is hooking up with but not yet official with Yua Mori, who has the Insider, Music Lover, and Cheerful traits
Child #4: Odette Eldridge, child of spouse #3 (Bess Sterling!)
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she's an infant, so who she'll end up being is a complete wildcard.
honorable mention to Bethany Sterling, who is unfortunately ineligible due to being a stepchild
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storiesbyjes2g · 11 months
Remembering my legacy story...
That tag has me thinking about my legacy story and how the story was shaped by my discoveries and ignorance while learning about this game. The first few generations were kind of tragic. I played vanilla and on normal life, and it took me until the day before X's birthday to get married. I was so scared he was gonna die without children, causing me to fail the challenge on the first try lol. He actually was engaged before, but his fiancé showed up the night before the wedding as an elder!! My boy had to start all over. UGH! He eventually found someone, but he had to propose to her three times! FINALLY he got married and had two children before he croaked.
His wife died on their son's teen birthday, leaving both children an orphan! I was terrified social services was gonna come and take them away! 🤣 I didn't know yet that teenagers were just baby-faced adults. 😑 But man, that period was hard. Those poor kids had to grow up way too fast. They got jobs to pay the bills, and they had almost zero free time. They were tired ALL the time because all they did was work. They had their jobs, but they also had a garden they had to take care of because the flowers paid the lion's share of the bills. They stopped doing their homework because it took up too much time. Their grades plummeted, and the principal called every day. But somehow I discovered you could have their birthdays at any time, so I aged the oldest one up like 4 or 5 days early because those poor kids needed a break!
(more generations under the cut)
At the end of generation two and through three, I felt like I had a good handle on the game and what it could do, so my curiosity came out and so did Stories By Jes2G lol. That's when this story started to get real messy LOL. My heir had a girlfriend, but the relationship wasn't really going anywhere so he started seeing this other girl. But he didn't know girlfriend #1 was pregnant! He fell all the way in love with girlfriend #2, moved her in (learned my lesson from gen 1!!), married her, and knocked her up. They had a happy little family for a while. No sooner than he forgot about girlfriend #1, the bastard son showed up at his door all casual like my mama said you're my daddy...nice house! 🤣 That did not go over well. As a matter of fact, his wife was very upset and tried to burn off some steam on the treadmill. But she was an elder and... RIP Adalynn.
Generation four was when I learned just how much you can learn about your characters just by letting them be autonomous and watching them go. The tragedy of this generation was what happens when two horny teens get married out of high school lol. Those two had nothing in common and led two separate lives under the same roof. That was partly because I was focused on making them complete their aspirations, but also they rarely interacted with each other when they were autonomous. The wife was a career woman and was not interested in having a third child. But the first two were girls, and this legacy was a strict patriarchy and I needed a son. That caused a lot of drama in the story, but he found a way to make her give in. But things were never the same, and she eventually divorced him and left the kids which of course affected the next generation.
Every generation up til like...seven had some kind of drama/tragedy, and I didn't realize it until I stopped and read the story myself. I was like WHOA! This is so much! This is what I put my readers through? LOL I made sure to tone things down in the second half of gen 8 because we needed the break. We had peace and happiness for a while followed by a veeery slow burn. Then I kicked the drama back up and ended on a hopeful tragic note, bring back the fall out from the gen 3 mess. It was a great ride!
I used to love building in The Sims 3, but something about this game's building mechanics completely turned me off. To be honest, I don't quite know what it is about building that just infuriates me. So the generations two through like...eight(???), my legacy house was made up of styled rooms lol. I honestly don't know anyone else who even used those things. I'd just piece together those rooms and close them in with walls lol. Needless, the legacy house was very odd and much bigger than it needed to be because of all these oddly shaped blank spaces. 😅 I made use of every single one of them too!
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riskywoohoo · 11 months
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It's me again, at the start of a new generation in my legacy where I've posted pretty much nothing since the last gen started.
With the help of my misunderstanding of WickedWhims settings, Silas (heir chosen for 2nd gen) ended up with several kids out of wedlock. He got his girlfriend in San Sequoia pregnant before he left for university, and then slept with a few women at university (as I went after a romance aspiration), most of whom also conceived.
After he moved back to be with his initial two daughters (Misty and Trinity), he joined his uni degree bonus job (investing) and as his net worth grew, he took their moms to court for primary custody (via a mod). He also calmed tf down and became poly/partnered with two female sims, whom he was (mostly) exclusive with for the rest of his life. One of his partners struggled with infertility, so their third partner was a surrogate for them, resulting in twins. Just before the twins were born, he and an old flame from university welcomed an oopsie daughter, Mila, who he subsequently brought into the family home, she is only a day or so older than he and his partner's twins, Jett and Aisha, and as such, they were raised as triplets.
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While they were extremely rich, Silas was a workaholic (with his investing job and businesses he bought) and was rarely home. His partners weren't very maternal and had job aspirations of their own (one an artist, another an athlete) - the kids were mostly raised by a live-in nanny and the household's butler. The middle girls recently moved out to live with Aisha and her husband, and the eldest (and 2/4 of her kids) still live with Silas's partners in the mansion.
Misty, the eldest, was probably the most troubled of Silas's children, despite having the happiest childhood. She was a great student and the cheerleading captain... but ended up pregnant. She gave birth to twins in high school which she put up for adoption. Later, post-university, she reconnected with the twins' father and subsequently got pregnant with another set of twins, resulting in a shotgun wedding and an awful marriage that ended in her... uh... poisoning his birthday cake resulting in his death. Honestly, justified.
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Trinity, Mila, and Aisha had pretty uncomplicated lives. Trinity went on to get a distinguished degree in drama and almost immediately became a top dollar actress. Mila, similarly, got a computer science degree and works at a tech startup. She was valedictorian, even after working through the death of her mother while she was a teen. Aisha was a boy crazy teen but made it through unscathed, and after Misty, was the second in her family to marry.
I had trouble picking an heir, and ultimately chose the only boy, who has taken after his father in terms of university. Silas died very recently, and his net worth (nearly §400,000 after selling off the businesses) was divided amongst his 5 kids (while leaving a reserve for his partners).
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While Jett the nepo baby has joined his father's company, he really feels that he wants a better work-life balance. He and his high school sweetheart, Meredith, conceived their first child already, though - and she's moved into the mansion for the time being. They're madly in love, and both are happy with the surprise. Jett is hoping to put some of his inheritance toward buying a house for his little family.
Meredith was adopted as a toddler through the foster system. Her hometown is Chestnut Ridge, which she hopes to get back to someday, as San Sequoia is not vibing with her farm upbringing. They met in part because her parents adopted the twins Jett's eldest sister, Misty, gave birth to while she was in high school. Her parents aren't thrilled about the pregnancy but are supportive.
Here's a cookie for getting to this point in my recap 🍪
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gabbaclub · 2 years
Better Than Them Legacy
Welcome! This is my new legacy challenge that I wrote because I was bored with the game and needed a little challenge. This legacy is more story then challenge but the challenges are not easy. Each generation has a child recommendation but you can have as many as you want unless stated otherwise.
GEN 3 ASPIRATION: https://modthesims.info/d/648717/lifetime-aspirations-v-05.html
EXTREME VIOLENCE MOD FOR GEN 4&5&8: https://sacrificialmods.com/downloads.html
GEN 7 MOD:https://basementalcc.com/adult_mods/basemental-drugs/
Universal Rules:
No money cheats allowed unless stated otherwise
The gender or sexuality of your heirs and partners does not matter 
No adopted children can become heir 
It does not matter how you chose who the next heir will be
Every heir must live in a different world than they were raised in
Mods and cc are aloud 
All aspirations and careers must be completed unless stated otherwise
Last but most importantly HAVE FUN!
Generation 1- There’s no fun in being good
Your whole life was tainted with the goodness of your parents, they were always telling you you need to be nice but not a single sim was nice to you. All throughout your school life you were bullied for being on the heavy side and nobody wanted to be friends with you. One day in high school you met a group of kids who called themselves the out casts, they noticed how unpopular you were and they immediately adopted you into their group. For the rest of high school nobody messed with you once they noticed that you had the outcast signature black cat tattoo on your arm. When your parents noticed your new tattoo they were furious and kicked you out with only 10,000 simoleons to survive Before prom the leader of the outcast asked you to go with them and from then on you two led a life of crime.
Traits: Evil/Kleptomaniac/Socially Awkward Aspiration: Public Enemy Career: Criminal Child Recommendation: you can only have one set of twins
Move into a needs tlc apartment and stay there until your kids becomes children
join a group of teens called the outcast and fall in love with the leader
go to prom with the leader and get pregnant with twins that night(you can use mc command center to get teens pregnant otherwise just age up your sim early)
move your partner in once you are in your third trimester
complete poster collection
max charisma/mischief/baking skills
start going to the gym everyday after you have your babies
become enemies with at least 2 sims
Generation 2- being good isn’t so easy
Your life growing up was the definition of poor, your family never had anything due to your parents stubborn ways of only stealing to get by. When you became a young adult you moved away promising to be better than them but everyone knows promises are bound to be broken.
Traits: Mean/Genius/Non-Committal  Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: fast food/Doctor Child Recommendation: 3
Join the fast food part time job and max it
After becoming a young move out of your parents home and move to a 30x20 lot 
Go to university while working your fast food job and get a biology degree
find love while at university and have one kid with them
max singing/logic skills
When your kid becomes a infant cheat on your partner with another sim and get pregnant by them
get caught cheating and divorce your spouse
get engaged to your new partner and move them in
once your second child is born cheat on your spouse with another sim and break up with your fiancée after they caught you cheating
 Stay single and raise your three kids by yourself 
Generation 3- corrupt chef
You never had a father figure in your life, it was always your mother bringing someone in and a few days later she was pregnant. The stability you craved was never going to happen under your mothers roof, so with the money you collected from rummaging around the neighborhood you bought a restaurant and strived to make it the best of the best, but you couldn’t be bothered to pay for anything so you would dumpster dive for furniture and ingredients, sure its gross but you couldn’t care less as long as you were making money.
Traits: Slob/Freegan/Erratic Aspiration: Restauranteur Career: Restaurant owner Child Recommendation: 1
Everyday go around the neighborhood find collectibles and sell them and keep track of your money
move to an empty lot and buy a restaurant
only dumpster dive to make money for the restaurant
any furniture like tables/chairs/your bed/fridge/counters you must find in the dumpster but objects like chef station/waiter station/host station you need to buy
have restaurant achieve 5 stars 
fall in love with a customer
max the experimental dishes collection 
complete cooking/gourmet cooking/baking skills
Generation 4- No Pain No Gain 
Living above a restaurant your whole life was not fun and you couldn’t stand the constant crashing of dishes or the loud music blaring through the whole restaurant and your apartment. The longing for peace and quiet where you can workout in peace was finally granted when you moved to an island in windenburg with your high school sweetheart. You quickly became the most popular body builder in windenburg but you had a secret that nobody could know about, you used steroids constantly to help with your figure. If anyone ever found out you would be kicked out your body builder club and fired from your job.
Traits: Active/Dance Machine/Overachiever Aspiration: Body Builder Career: Athletic- Body Builder Branch Child Recommendation: 4 have to have at least 3
Meet your high school sweetheart and move out with them to a lot on the island in windenburg when you become a young adult
start buying steroids and take them before every workout
join a club called the body builders and stay till you die
max fitness/dancing skill
have one set of triplets
have a home gym
Generation 5- The industry kills
Your parents were always pushing you to workout but you never wanted to. Your whole life your parents got on to you about your weight but you never cared because you had an amazing voice that everyone loved and you found your passion in singing. After an argument with your parents you moved out only living on tips you got from singing in clubs and lounges until you were able to get a job in the entertaining industry. But of course you couldn’t have gotten the job without do some dirty work like eliminating your competition.
Traits: Creative/Music Lover/Self-Absorbed Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity Career: Entertainer-Music Branch Child Recommendation: 2
Move out as a teen with nothing but a microphone and guitar and play at lounges or bars for tips
Max singing/guitar/piano skills
Kill at least 3 sims in the entertainer career
Marry a celebrity
reach 5 star celebrity 
move to one of the mansion lots in del sol valley once you are 3 star celeb
have at least 3 close friends that are not family
Generation 6- Reach for the Stars
You grew up rich making life extremely easy for you. Everyone wanted to be your friend but you were too busy staying in the library reading about space which angered your parents because they said you were ruining their image by being so boring, but you couldn’t care less as you were offered an internship as an astronaut the day you became a young adult so you took it seeing as this was your dream job. Unfortunately for you, you hate aliens even the idea of them grosses you out so much that anytime your in space you beat them up until one catches your heart.
Traits: Loner/Geek/Bookworm Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Astronaut Child Recommendation: 1
Move to oasis springs after becoming an adult
Build and fully upgrade a rocket ship
beat up at least 3 aliens and then marry one
have an alien child that you have a bad relationship with because you hate their alien form
max handiness/rocket science/logic skills
complete space rock/space picture and alien collections
Generation 7- The true you
Your parent always was yelling at you to stay in your disguise and never show anyone your true form, but you wanted nothing more than to be your true self. After you became a young adult you moved out your parents home to live on a farm where there was nobody to judge you for just being you, but sadly because of the “type of plants” that you want to grow you always have to be careful of whose around your farm so police don’t get involved.
Traits: Animal Enthusiast/Loves Outdoors/Gloomy Aspiration: Freelance Botanists Career: Farmer Child Recommendation: 3
Move to a secluded lot in Henford On Bagley
Start a weed farm and have at least 3 clients
Have at least one cow, one llama, and 2 chickens
marry a client
max cross stitching/gardening/canning skills
Generation 8- Self care crook
You grew up on a weed farm which made it so you tried weed as a teen and fell in love with how relaxed it made you. When you were in town visiting a friend from school they took you to a spa and you fell in love with the meditation and pedicures that the spa offered. Obviously giving massage's and manicures to people isn’t great in making money so when your clients aren’t looking you swipe extra cash out their wallets.
Traits: Jealous/Vegetarian/High Maintenance Aspiration: Self-Care Specialist Career: idk what to call it Child Recommendation: 2
Move to an apartment and live in San Myshuno for the rest of your life
Max wellness/knitting skills
Go to the spa every day except for Sundays to make money
Every Sunday spend the day meditating and doing yoga
Generation 9- The “Hero” everyone needs
Your life was pretty relaxed due to your mothers love for meditation which she got you into it too but you were never as into it as her. You never had an interest in anything until you saw on tv that people in a town called strangerville were acting strange but the military was trying to cover it up. This sparked your interest so you decided you were going to find out what this mystery was even if it killed you, but you only had one option when it came to getting information as you weren’t very charismatic. A secret hobby you found after moving to strangerville was blackmailing sims for quick cash.
Traits: Paranoid/Lazy/Self-Assured Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery Career: Military Child Recommendation: Can only have 1
Move to the 20x15 lot in strangerville and stay there until you reach level 5 in your career then you can move to a bigger lot in strangerville
to persuade people into giving you what you need to complete the story you must woohoo the military personnel or scientist
plant bugs on at least 4 sims and blackmail them for cash
Generation 10- The golden child
You grew up in a strange town that nobody really knew about. Due to being in a secluded area you never had any friends so when you became a young adult you decided to move to a town that everyone knew about, brindleton bay. Moving there was the best thing for you , you made lots of friends and even met the love of your life where you two ran their vet clinic while you worked at the local school. While the vet clinic and your job made enough money to pay the bills you never were able to afford luxuries so your best option was to turn to child labor and make your kids paint for hours and for your dog to rummage around for presents.
Traits: Family Oriented/Childish/Materialistic Aspiration: Big Happy Family Career: Education Child Recommendation: have to have 5
Move to brindleton bay and marry a vet owner
Adopt a stray dog and have them forage for gifts every day
when your children age up into the child stage have them make crafts in the basement everyday and then move them to painting when they become a teen but sell their crafts so they don’t earn fame
Max pet training/parenting/research and debate skills
complete feather collection
CONGRADULATIONS!!! you have completed my legacy challenge! thank you for playing, feel free to messages me about any mistakes or tweet me showing your sims from this challenge
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irlsimmer · 2 years
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the last post had me thinking about bonnie's life so far... so here are a few snapshots to commemorate it!
there's more info for anyone interested under the cut!
this legacy started with a woman named annabelle brooks who was actually initially the live-in mistress of mortimer goth.
annabelle had two sons (grayson and landon) with good ol' morty (one he knew about, one he didn't) but moved out before she gave birth to her second because morty and bella rekindled their flame (and had a third child of their own).
annabelle eventually met and married a man named jack talbot. he was a divorced father of two boys (finley and lennox) and they hit it off immediately.
bonnie was born as the fifth child and only girl in the family. she's significantly younger than her brothers, with landon (the youngest of the four) being in his last days of childhood when she was born.
she once bit mortimer goth's ankle. a queen tbh.
she has had the same friend group since she was a child—and among said friend group was connor dalton, who she eventually married.
she's a vet and he's a lawyer (though me and my friend headcanon him as an animal rights lawyer).
they lived together through college with their four other friends in a three story house in britechester. she brought her beloved pet raccoon honey & adopted a rat. this is where they began dating.
once they graduated, they moved out to a small cottage in brindleton. they took with them bonnie's pet and the elderly stray cat that roamed the university (britechester's second unofficial mascot) because he was getting sick and needed a home :(
she and connor got married in tartosa. theirs was my first shot at the wedding pack and it was very buggy but very beautiful!!!
currently, they still live in brindleton with their three sons: max jacob, soon to be young adult and aspiring livestreamer, jack taylor, in the middle of his teenage years, named after both of his grandfathers, and has no idea what he wants to do with his life, and kai samuel, who wants to be a writer & live on a farm.
kai's the next heir and my absolute angel child.
(also fun fact: i've put off playing with cottage living for nearly two whole years because i want to experience it for the first time with kai. i decided this at the end of gen 1, ended up losing interest due to a lull in the game, but still remained stubborn about playing cottage living with the gen 3 heir, and it's since taken me forever just to get here. someone send help 999).
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sharknothink · 6 months
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Sims 4 Alphabet Legacy Rules & Regulations!
If you use my challenge, please tag me in household updates on here and on the Sims Gallery (My Origin ID is also SharkNoThink).
I tried to give alternative to traits and aspirations where I could for people who do not have all the packs included (I will try make a list of the packs when I can).
Feel free to give feedback, it would be much appreciated! I just wanted to make a solid legacy challenge for those who wanted the Alphabet Legacy achievement but struggled to make it to 26 generations without structure.
I totally also did not have it in mind that should I ever be lucky enough for Lilsimsie to try my challenge that she could use Stanley Humphrey as the heir. The poor man never gets chance to settle down! (The first rule would not apply in this situation unless we called him Anley-)
Every heir must have a name that starts with the letter of their generation, e.g. the first gen would be called something like Amber or Aaron.
You do not have to stick exactly to the challenge, just make sure to have fun and try to stick to it! I know you can get to the end!
I don't have a third rule yet, I just thought the rule list looked sad.
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desertsirensims · 2 years
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Annalise Sim | teenage third gen of my Sim family Extreme Legacy.
Annalise is learning to tend to the family garden as she prepares to take the role of heir. The income from selling vegetables and flowers will sustain the family, but Annalise––the genius that she is––knows that if she can leverage this skill, she can use fresh vegetables in her dishes on the road to fulfill her aspiration of World-Renowned Chef. 
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boimgfrog · 3 years
after five generations of wholesome family raising i am BORED and ready to completely fuck up my sim's life >:) legacy challenge VIOLENCE
#had him cheat on his wife w a famous singer he met on his first date w his wife#and then she DIVORCED HIM WHILE HE WAS DANCING TO COTTAGECORE MUSIC#and now he's going to move in w the pop star who is NOT a family man w his young daughter#HOWEVER. his little cousin that he raised after her parents died#is now a teen and does NOT approve of this situation#so shes moving in w her girlfriend and effectively cutting him off for making his daughter go through all of this#MEANWHILE his daughter (who is trans bcos i was not abt to have three male heirs in a row im tired of them) is quickly falling down the#rabbit hole of mad science#spending hours a day experimenting to cope with not being able to see her mother and cousin#and oh folks. i think shes gonna kill her dads boyfriend.#MAYBE bcos i kinda like omar even if he is a jackass#maybe she'll kill sicily. who knows#sicily is her dad btw#jay says a thing#legacy challenge#the most dramatic thing thats rly happened so far was my third gen heir leon's fiance dumping him bcos she felt trapped as a mother#and wanted to live her life with no strings attached#so leon took their daughter#moved out w his cousin and his best friend#and then fell in love w his best friend who was helping him raise his kid#casey <3 i miss casey sm he was such an amazing stepdad and grandfather#but see even that had a wholesome ending#i want DRAMA i want DEATH i want INTRUIGE#and i think sicily#burdened with the role of raising a child when he himself was still a teenager#and then marrying someone he didnt know as well as he shouldve so he wouldnt have to do it alone#is the PERFECT canvas for a good old fashioned mid life crisis
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nikatyler · 2 years
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Who should get a BC?
That’s right, I wanna do a BC for the third time this year! But I really don’t know who to pick out of these five. They are all from the fifth generation of my lepacy, so quite far for you, but I’m going to show them to you already so we can start the BC in advance.
Vote here!
More about the sims under the cut. Enjoy my coffee induced ramblings.
Helena Fleur (she/her; lesbian)
Loner | Vehicle Enthusiast | Easily Impressed | Friendly | Athletic || LTW: Become an Astronaut
Maeve Fleur (she/her; bisexual)
Workaholic | Unflirty | Genius | Evil | Charismatic || LTW: Leader of the Free World
Helena and Maeve, along with their sibling Archer who is our heir in the fifth generation, are a result of a little...can we call it a love affair? Because their father, Sawyer, wasn’t truly in love. This relationship however gave him immortality and fangs, and his first three children got the same deal, so there’s that. 
Anyway, they’re both badass. Helena never understood her father’s evil plans, but she totally understood why he loves being a vampire so much. She believes the aliens are out there and she’s sure she’ll meet them one day. (I mean, she’s immortal, she will live to see the Seasons gen.) She might look a little intimidating but the real villain could one day be her sister. Maeve understood her father’s evil plans. Her LTW is a lie, she just wants to rule, and she doesn’t want to rule the world alone. 
Someone might think, “I could fix her”. Someone else could think, “I could make her worse”. Either way, it would make for a fun BC. (also, a BC with an unflirty sim? kinda wanna see how that would go, now that I think about it)
Darya Fleur (she/her; straight)
Loner | Good | Childish | Heavy Sleeper | Grumpy | LTW: International Super Spy
Ode Fleur (ze/zir; unlabeled)
Brave | Clumsy | Kleptomaniac | Lucky | Computer Whiz | LTW: Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Twyla Fleur (she/her; pansexual)
Brave | Couch Potato | Evil | Light Sleeper | Bookworm | LTW: Professional Author
Darya, Ode and Twyla, the younger set of triplets, were born from the relationship their father had with a sim that I have already shown to you, and she has appeared in another simblr’s save about a year ago (? I think? what is time). After the events of that, she came to Bridgeport, met Sawyer...and the rest is history. Well, how nice it would be if it was that easy for them! But that’s a story for another time.
Darya got the short end of the stick. I couldn’t remember anything about her, and when I went to check, I realized that it is indeed true, she’s the unlucky one who didn’t really get a personality in the legacy. Ode is a little rebel. If ze can cause chaos ze will cause chaos. Ze will cause chaos even if ze doesn’t want to cause chaos. These words don’t sound real to me anymore lol. Also, I was 99 % sure I’d do a BC with zir, but then I thought, realistically, would Ode want a BC? So now it’s up to you to decide. And Twyla. Oh, little Twyla. She glitched out of existence once. Visited some alternate universe, apparently. Thankfully a nice angry witch scientist lady who happened to be looking for someone who too glitched out of existence (👀) saved her and helped her get back. Or so Twyla says.
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ljjsims · 5 months
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Generation #5 Persephone: Complete
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You may bow now: The Queen of the Underworld has arrived! Please welcome Persephone to the stage!
When you were younger, your mother used to call you little Kore (maiden). a name as forgettable as your mother seems to think you are. You love her, really you do, but you wish she wouldn't be so strict. You need to be inside the house before dark. Hell, you can't even leave your mothers property, because she is so scared you'll meet bad people… How are you supposed to know what you can bring the world if you can never try to become someone? You want to make a difference! So when you meet a young man standing at your mother's fence, you take your chance and tell him to take you home. Finally free from your mother's clutches you can finally discover the world and yourself.
Little bit explanation with the sheets: - First sheet is for describing your current generation, with the challenges you need to do each life-stage. Also, because I love the myths, a bit of mythological background. May it inspire you :) - Second sheet is the preparation sheet for this generation, with important characters for your story. It is technically optional, but I love seeing sims with a backstory in my world, so I would highly recommend it. - Third sheet is for your gens children. They all have their own little challenges if your interested in those. I try to make all of them a bit different from each other, so it doesn’t get boring. Your heir is also on this sheet, but I’ve put their challenges on their own sheets. Stay tuned for those ;) - Fourth sheet is completely optional. If you want sims with names from the myths and love making sims to see them in your world, this is for you! All with a little mythological background ofc, you know me.
Next Generation is Hecate! Previous Generation was Demeter First Generation is Gaia
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
A little disclaimer: because I made these gods and goddesses into a legacy challenge, the relationships in the myths don’t exactly match the relationship in this challenge. There is a lot of keep it in the family in mythology, to put it lightly. And apart from the fact that you can’t do that in the Sims, I don’t really like that part. So I didn’t include it, thus the inconsistency. An example: Ares is now Hera’s stepfather instead of her son, which she conceived with her brother  and husband Zeus. This inconsistency can also be found in the stories. It’s just based on and not copied exactly, as Sims live lives that are a lot shorter than those of immortal gods. And it takes a way from the creativity if we just copy the myths. Even if we wanted to do that, it’s quite hard, as every myths has its fair share of variations and some are just completely different stories.
I use the MCCC-mod to alter the length of life states. You can find the days-years ratio here: the boring stuff.
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justkeeponsimming · 3 years
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Welcome to the Quick Legacy - Generation 6! 🥺
I say this every gen, but I can’t believe we’ve gotten this far into the legacy! Most of my legacies have ended on the third gen, and now we’ve doubled it! Thank you all for following and reading along, encouraging me to get this far into the Quick family legacy!
Our heiress, Esme, dominated the heir(ess) vote (as you can see!). I’m really looking forward to exploring her story as she finds herself. As the youngest of the family, and an empath from her alien abilities, Esme has always struggled with her identity and learning who she truly is. This generation will follow Esme on her journey to finding out what her goals are and achieving everything she wants in life! :)
I think I normally forget to share this, but Esme’s traits are: Lazy, Cat Lover and Good. Her aspiration is to be a Super Parent! :)
Our generational goals this time are:
Generation Six - Theme: Perfect family (base game + elements of parenthood & cats and dogs) Objectives: 👩‍👩‍👧 Get married and no woohoo before marriage (married once, no divorce) 👩‍👩‍👧 Complete one of the Family aspirations 👩‍👩‍👧 One parent must stay at home as a homemaker to see to the raising of children. The other parent is the breadwinner. 👩‍👩‍👧 No service sims - You wish to be the perfect mother/father and that means you do all the cleaning 👩‍👩‍👧 Try for twins until you win! (Have at least four kids if you get twins first time) 👩‍👩‍👧 Adopt one child - They can count (or not! Up to you) to the four children requirement 👩‍👩‍👧 See to it that your kids all max at least one skill before each age transition 👩‍👩‍👧 Your kids should get the “Happy Toddler” or “Top notch Toddler” Traits 👩‍👩‍👧 All children should age up with at least 2 positive character values 👩‍👩‍👧 Master Parenting skill 👩‍👩‍👧 Optional: Help children with homework every night & read a story to each child at least once a week (both parents count) 👩‍👩‍👧 Optional: Have at least two animals in the house to complete the family (dog or cat) 
Lots of goals this gen! Let’s catch up with the family and hop into Esme’s story!
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id-element0 · 2 years
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A Recap of Generation 1 - sort of
Now that we're done with the first generation, halfway through the second generation and peeking into the third generation, I'd like to put some thoughts and concepts together to make sense of it all. I realize that nobody cares about my ramblings in my own legacy and people avoid walls of text, so I will keep it hidden under ...
First, Random Legacy is one of the best challenges out there to spice up your game forcing you into things you normally wouldn't do. But I also play it as a continuation of Midnight Sun Challenge so heirs need to find their spouses from other worlds. Adding BACC into the mix, allows me to build the town slowly as I go, thus avoiding burnout from building.
Back to Roxie and her roll: All in all, I don't think Roxie was a bad mother. But she had to make some tough choices. Her commitment issues trait fit well into the single parent family structure. It was taxing to be a single mother of 3 but she never had any wish to have anything beyond casual dates, even with Lucas.
She also rolled 'Farmer' for career fitting her previous off-the-grid lifestyle in the island of Ö. This meant she had to give up a career in the music field, though. She held onto her guitar for a while until she didn't even have time for it eventually.
3 children for a single mother was not easy but what made it almost impossible was the generational goal of 'Perfect Children'. I'm just glad that she didn't roll 'No Strangers' as miscellaneous fun. 'Fashion Diva' was much easier with minimum effort.
Still, her restrictions started to take a toll on the quality of life. The dishses were piling up; the foul food was a thing for a while and in these conditions oldest children had to work to be able to pay the bills. Lucas was always in the picture, always a positive figure. He kept silently helping Roxie where she fell short.
But soon there was the talk in the town. Maybe the conditions for these children weren't that perfect. This was highlighted when Roxie took children to the park for the first time ever only to find out someone from Child Protection Services was snooping around. Roxie was quick to assess the situation and with a bold move she invited the social worker to Fendi's coming-of-age party.
Now, this is only Sims and we're into the make-believe. But I also know that it's quite difficult to prove child abuse in real life situations; especially when narc parents are involved since they know how to cover their tracks, continue the charade and make it look like the child is the problem. As I mentioned before, though, I don't think Roxie was a bad mother or a narcissist at all.
She was definitely strict, and a little bit inappropriate at times. She actually fits more with the stereotypical Asian parent, focused on the success of the children more than anything, with strict schedules; no time for games, displays of love or compliments.
The reaction of the children to the situation was vastly different. Gucci became closer to his aunt Shirley, and has always been a favourite to her. Prada found solace in having a working relationship with her birth father, Lucas. And Fendi, well, he was just rebellious. ;) We'll continue with the kids in the second gen recap.
That's it.
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holocene-sims · 2 years
So whats the backstory of your sims in your story? Seems like a lot of tension between the guy and girl...
the backstory really starts with the neighborhood stories update!
i left grant and päivi's household to play one of grant's family member's households (because he's my third-gen "heir" in a very loose rotational legacy thing)
while i was gone, i forgot about the whole update, and so story progression had päivi CHEAT on him with fucking santa claus 👀
and then i broke them up manually because it was too juicy to ignore and gloss over. they were engaged and were together for like three years, something like that, so cheating is a big deal here
i don't want to spoil everything because i have a lot of story posts planned for after i finish finals, but that's the background! she cheated and he's understandably pissed off & made very anxious/paranoid by her presence in the house
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mmmatchasims · 3 years
Dream BPR: Frequently Asked Questions
What challenge rules are you following?  The short answer is, I’m not following any! The first rainbowcy I ever attempted was in the sims 3 before @berrysweetboutique had even turned her BPR into an official challenge (it was.. a long time ago lmao). Because of that I’ve always had ideas for my eventual reboot that didn’t really fit into the established norms of the challenge. You could say that I’m loosely inspired by the original ruleset and I may be including some elements of the updated ruleset in later gens, but don’t hold me to it :)
What happened to your first BPR on this blog? The Buttercream Rainbowcy is still on this blog! The first two gens were completed and I had just barely started the third when I decided to reboot everything. You can read that story using these three links and browse through the legacy extras. If you really want to waste a couple hours, DM me and I’ll send you the link to the Wordpress blog where I attempted my first ever rainbowcy - just a heads up the writing is obviously horrible and I only made it through 3 gens 
Will I spoil any of your new BPR for myself if I want to read the old one? Nope! I’ve definitely taken heavy inspo from my first attempt, like with names and characters and certain plot points like Jasmine’s disappearance (but she vanished under verrrry different circumstances this time around). I would say that gen 2 is the most similar to it’s source material since I still want it to focus on Rose dealing with the trauma of her mother’s disappearance, and I’ll be exploring the same story I was going to in gen 3. Thankfully I never got far enough into Hib’s story to really spoil anything for readers. Overall, I promise you this is a very different story than my first BPR on this blog, and I’m so excited for you all to read it!
Where is the purple spouse, why did you skip peach and teal, why are the rules for the yellow heir missing, etc.? See the first question! I’m going rogue with this challenge in order to tell the story I’ve always wanted to. It was really important to me to have a black and a gold generation, and I never really connected with the prompt for the yellow heir so I threw it out! I am still borrowing inspiration from wherever I find it, so I may pull in elements from other challenge rule sets in the future as well. 
You reference one of the Major Arcana for each generation, are you also doing a tarot legacy challenge? Once again, nope! Although when I was researching this challenge I got inspired to implement the symbolism of the Major Arcana in each generation, which really really helped guide the plot when I was writing it out. That’s all you’ll get from me for now ;)
So what’s the deal with Gen 1? I took a page out of @simblrinterests book and did it as gameplay! But fret not, all will be revealed in time. 
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