#shibi x OC
kankuroplease · 3 days
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@aburameweek prompt: family
Featuring @qettleqorn ‘s Kin as Shino’s mother 🪲
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dira333 · 2 months
The Road Not Taken - part 16
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
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The change in your household is subtle yet obvious. 
Tsume smiles every time she sees you, a knowing, teasing smile that dances across her lips. So far you’ve managed to keep her silent, but you doubt her self-restraint will hold much longer.
Yori has yet to reappear on your doorstep, giving you some time to come to terms with your conflicting feelings toward her.
As a Clan-elder, you’re expected to show her respect. But, as both Shikaku and Shibi have pointed out, you’re no longer part of the Nara-Clan. 
You owe her gratitude, for bringing you up when no one else would and for arranging the marriage that has brought you so much happiness, but you no longer owe her your blind obedience. Maybe you never did.
Shibi has started to get up later in the mornings. 
He quite enjoys staying in bed as long as he possibly can, awake yet unmoving, holding you close until one of the boys or both start making noise.
You’ve been trying to make him see the sweet joy of taking a bath together, quietly planning a short trip to the Onsen for when Shino’s advanced training officially starts. It’s slow progress, but it’s progress.
You started working one week after your return from the mission, your leg still in a brace. It’s only two mornings a week so far and you can take Shino with you if you want, though he seems less interested in the hospital every time you take him with you.
Rika’s been a godsend, never once batting an eye when you flinch at loud noises or Iruka comes in with Naruto for a private check-up that’s mainly just a chat and a shared lunch box. 
Even Akane stops by once, her face still pretty pale.
“I heard you started working again.” She looks at your leg brace that’s peeking out from under the table. “How are you doing?”
“It’s good.” You nod at your little office. “Quiet, too. But I think I owe you a thanks. I’m sure I wouldn’t have this job without you.”
Akane shakes her head. “I didn’t do anything for you. I know your husband. I knew he’d pull the necessary strings. The Hospital can’t operate without the generous donations coming from various Clans. I’m not an expert on that matter, but I think the Aburame Clan donates quite a substantial amount.” 
You narrow your eyes at her. “I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t. I did what I could do for Iruka. He deserves it. Tell him so when you see him next.” She gets up again. “Oh, by the way… did you take a look at the scroll when you had it?”
You furrow your brows. “No? Why would I? I don’t even know what it was supposed to be.”
“Hmm.” Akane doesn’t look convinced. You sigh.
“Don’t tell me I got the wrong scroll.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Because that would be typical. Going through all the hassle of getting that scroll and then I didn’t even check if it was the right one. Not that I would have been able to make sure of it anyway with my limited knowledge.”
“Well…” Akane clears her throat. “I’m no expert either. But I was questioned about it this week. I did take a look and from what I could tell I thought it was the right scroll. But Danzo’s convinced it’s a fake.”
You sigh. “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it now, right?”
Akane nods, the movement tight. 
“Are you okay, though?” You ask. “You’re still very pale. Are you getting the rest you should?”
“Oh, yes. I’m fine. I’ve always been rather pale.” She sends you a tight smile. “By the way, Rock was asking if he could come over sometime and meet you and your kids. I told him a bit about you.”
“Oh, of course. Shino’s not that keen on making friends and Torune’s not to be touched for various reasons, but I’d love to meet him. I’ll talk to Shibi and get back to you, is that okay?”
She nods, taking one last look at you before she leaves with a wave of her hand.
There’s something strange about her visit, but you can’t put your finger on it.
Two days later you hear about her departure. All you know is that she’s sent out on another mission.
“Much too early,” her husband bemoans when you talk to him. “But you’ve met Akane.” He tells you with a smile. “She can never sit still.”
You only hear of her death a week after it has happened. There’s no more talk about Rock Lee visiting. 
“Have fun today,” you brush your hand through Shino’s hair, wondering absentmindedly if you’re clinging to him for his comfort or yours. “I’ve got a surprise for you later.”
“Can you come with us?” Shino asks. He’s very proud of the new coat he’s gotten, he’s told you all about it three times today.
You look at Shibi for input, but he shakes his head. 
“Today it’s just us.”
“You can tell me everything when you come back, okay?” You press a kiss to Shino’s temple. “I’m very curious. I still remember my first training with my Dad.”
“Can you tell me about it?” Shino asks. You can tell he’s trying his best to waste time.
“Sure, when you come back. Come on, give me a hug and then it’s time to go.” 
He hugs you tight, sniffles a little into your neck. 
“I’m very proud of you.” You tell him when you see him off. 
Twenty minutes after he’s left there’s a knock on the door.
You half expect them to be back already, that Shino’s stubbornness won out in the ned.
It’s Chiasa instead.
“Shibi took Shino out for training,” you explain. She nods and points in the direction of the kitchen with her chin.
“Oh, sure, come in if you need anything-” She sidesteps you and you bite back a sigh.
Chiasa is never rude, but her quiet assertiveness is sometimes hard to take. You suppose you could have worse mothers-in-law, but you often wonder what she sees in you. If she likes you or just deals with the fact that you’re here.
“Ah,” another voice calls out, sending a shiver down your back, “You’re home.”
You turn to see Yori march up the path to your house. You haven’t seen her since that dreaded mission. It’s been almost a month but you could have taken a longer break from her.
“Hello, Yori.”
“Your leg’s all healed, I see?” She asks. “Can I come in?”
Considering her usual way of greeting, that’s almost nice. 
“Sure,” you say, because there’s only Lunch to prepare today, as well as the laundry and you can’t run away from her forever, “Chiasa is here too.”
“Ah,” Yori pushes past you with the grace of a hungry deer sniffing food. “How nice. I was wondering when we could all have tea together.”
“Chiasa?” You turn toward the kitchen. “Yori is here. Would you mind having tea with us?”
“That’s not the way to ask, Child!” Yori points out. “Aburame-san, how nice to see you again. How’s your health?”
Chiasa nods instead of speaking, her dark sunglasses reflecting Yori’s forced smile.
“I’ll make tea,” you rush forward, eager to get your hands busy. “Does anyone want something sweet? I’ve made Honeyglazed Apple.” 
“I suppose it’s understandable that you’ve got a sweet tooth with your condition.”
Chiasa’s eyes flick over to you at Yori’s words. You can feel sweat forming at your collar. Right, just what you wanted. Your grandmother and your mother-in-law discussing your fertility.
“About that,” you start, unable to look one of them in the eyes, “I’m not actually pregnant. It was just a silly rumor.”
“Well, just because you’re not pregnant now doesn’t mean you won’t be pregnant soon.”
You tense. Somehow Yori’s even worse to handle when she’s trying to be supportive. All you feel is dread as you wait for the other shoe to drop.
“Maybe we could talk about a different topic,” you ask quietly, not daring to raise your voice. 
“Please speak up,” Yori orders immediately. Chiasa must have heard you, however, because her eyes are on you. You can feel her stare despite the sunglasses hiding her emotions.
“How is work?” Chiasa asks so suddenly you almost drop the teapot you just picked up. 
“It’s uh, nice.” You swallow thickly. “Plenty of stuff to do. They’ve asked me to come in two more mornings if possible.”
“Well, why wouldn’t you?” Yori asks. 
You think about the disappointment you’d felt days prior when you’d gotten your period. You think about Shino showing off his new coat he got for training. You think of Torune’s who’s going to be home in a few hours, trailing after you like a shy cat. 
You lick your lips and say something else.
“It’s going to be Spring soon enough. I need to talk about it with Shibi first to make sure I won’t leave work here unattended.”
“Sure, sure,” Yori huffs, clearly displeased by your answer, “You need to talk with your husband. But your job at the hospital is a prestigious one. You shouldn’t swap it with playing housewife.”
“No one said I was.” You point out, hurt clawing at your throat. Maybe you’d love to play housewife. Would that be so wrong?
“And don’t forget about your Clan,” Yori soldiers on. “Ayame just asked yesterday when you’d be back around. There’s no one as talented as you when it comes to her therapy.”
You blink in surprise. Next to you, Chiasa seems busy with her plate of apple slices though. You wonder if this is a test. At least on Chiasa’s side. She’s just letting you blunder on, judging you silently behind those dark shades.
But even if she wasn’t there, you’d be hard-pressed to say something.
You can’t go on like this forever, with Yori. You have to put up some boundaries someday. 
Your heart beats thunderously as you take a seat.
“Yori,” you start, focusing on a stubborn stray hair in her eyebrows to keep safe from her stare. “I am no longer a Nara. I am an Aburame now.”
“Nonsense,” Yori waves her hand around, “You’re both. That’s what this marriage was for. To bring our Clan’s closer together.”
“Maybe. But I am also human. I cannot fulfill the duties of two Clan members. I have to prioritize one. If Ayame wants to continue her therapy through me, she’ll have to see me at the hospital like everyone else.”
Yori falls silent. She has been remarkably well-behaved up until now, probably because Chiasa’s in the room with you. But how far does that self-control go?
“Are you really this ungrateful?” Yori’s voice has turned cold. Your already tense body stills completely, the muscles in your neck screaming in pain. “You wouldn’t be married at all without me, still hoping for some fool to notice you. And how are you repaying me for all the work I took on, for all the good I did for you? Just because you can play mother and wife now doesn’t mean you’re suddenly someone new! You’ve always been lazy, good for nothing, like your father-”
“Leave.” Your mouth is dry and your voice sounds rough around the edges, but there’s enough determination in the single word to stop Yori’s lecture. 
“What did you say?” She asks, her face full of surprise. Chiasa next to you is silent. Your hands are shaking, but you know you can’t go on like this. Should she be opposed to your decision, there’s nothing you can do about that but trust that Shibi will have your back.
“I am grateful. You have brought me up when I had no one else and you were the one who pushed for this marriage to be possible. But I will no longer let you treat me like a doormat. Leave. You are no longer welcome here.”
“I-” Yori’s speechless, a rare occurrence. She grabs her coat and storms toward the door nonetheless, something you’re incredibly thankful for. You don’t know how long you’ll be able to keep up the strong facade, how soon you’ll break down crying. 
“Shikaku will hear about this!” She crows and slams the door shut.
Silence fills the room after her departure. 
You can feel Chiasa’s eyes on you just as the first tears trickle down your cheeks.
“Did I do the right thing?” You ask before you curl into yourself at the table. 
Chiasa does not speak for a while, but she rests one hand on your shoulder. It’s the most reassuring she’s ever been since you moved in.
“I was the one who approached Yori,” Chiasa eventually says when your tears have dried and your hands no longer shake.
“What?” You turn to look at her, but her face does not betray any emotion.
“Shibi was very lonely. He’s still young enough to have more children and I remember how it was when my husband died. It’s easy to settle into a quiet life, but it’s not necessary.”
“But Yori said…” You trail off. It would be on brand for Yori to present someone else’s idea as her own.
“It doesn’t matter in the end. To me, at least. Shibi would not have acted on it without Yori pushing for it. Why? He does not listen to his mother as much since he’s become a father.”
“He listens to you a great deal,” you tell her and you might be wrong, but you think you see her lips twitch into something like a smile.
“You are trying to get pregnant?” Chiasa asks after a few more minutes of silence. “Right?”
“How… How do you know?”
She raises her hand to show off a few of her Kikaichu. You’ve seen them before but never up close like this. They are more of a reddish color, different to Shibi’s stark black ones or Shino’s with their blueish tint.
“There are no secrets when you’re an Aburame. If you have trouble conceiving, there is a tea I can recommend. Why? It has helped me conceive Kenji after I’ve had trouble.”
You can feel your cheeks heat at the topic but you swallow down your embarrassment and nod. “That would… that would be nice, thank you.”
-.- Shibi -.-
Shino’s hanging off him like a sack of potatoes.
Every person they pass sends him a knowing smile. They’ve all been there.
They meet Torune just shy of the front door.
“How was it?” He asks, peering up at Shino. The younger boy does not answer. Shibi suspects he’s fallen asleep.
“He did very well,” he says, a quiet pride coating his words.
Torune pushes the door open for him and there you are, hands already stretched out to welcome them all.
He could get used to this, coming home to your smiling, eager face - he could do without the dried tears on your cheeks he will have to ask you about later -  and the way you pull him in for a shy little kiss.
“I packed some things for us,” you declare, “So we’ll just have a quick snack and then leave for the Onsen.”
“The Onsen?” Torune asks, clearly confused. “What are we doing there?”
“It’s a family trip. Like a mini vacation. Come on now, I made us some salad. Does anyone want tea?”
You’ve already settled in the steaming water, a little too quick for his hungry eyes, laughing at the way they’re all standing there, peering cautiously into the water.
“I am wearing so few clothes,” Torune complains, keeping a safe distance from the others.
“It’s fine,” you tell him again, “I talked to Chiasa and some of the other elders. Your bugs don’t like water. So as soon as you settle in it, everyone will be fine. You can even sit on our lap if you want to.”
“Really?” Torune’s face lights up and he climbs into the pool, dipping down for good measure too.
“Do I have to?” Shino sounds less pleased at the prospect.
“How about you put your legs in first?” You offer. “You too, Shibi.”
He swallows a sigh. This is just like taking a bath, he reminds himself, just a little hotter.
As he takes a seat at the edge, legs dipped into the hot water, Torune climbs into your lap, arms slung around you like a little monkey.
“You all look really cute in your bathing trunks. I wish I could have taken a picture of you, all lined up there before. But that would be a little weird, wouldn’t it.”
Shino settles into his side. He’s tall for his age, but slender, which is often forgotten under those bulky coats.
Eventually, they both make it fully into the water.
But it doesn’t take long for the heat to get to them, especially Shino.
Shibi picks him up and lifts him out of the water, lays him onto the cool stone tiles.
“Everything okay?” You ask, worry in your voice.
“It will be. We’re not used to this kind of heat,” he explains. “We’ll just be taking a break.”
“Oh, you point at the paper screen door he had noticed before. “This door should lead into a small garden. Don’t stay out too long, but I guess you both will find something of interest in there.”
And you’re right. It doesn’t take Shino long to find two different kinds of beetles and one fat caterpillar who curls up on his palm as he shows it to you and Torune.
The older boy doesn’t seem to mind the heat. It’s not hard to tell that he would endure much more than a little heat if it meant being able to touch and be touched without risk.
After an hour or so Shibi slips back into the pool. 
“If you want,” he offers Torune quietly, unsure of it himself, “We can sit together a little as well.”
Torune nods shyly and climbs into his lap, folds his long legs to fit perfectly, not unlike Okita who’s spotted a new, albeit small box to sit in. His head rests perfectly on his chest and even though it breaks his heart in a new, fresh way, Shibi can’t help but think that this might be the first time someone’s got to touch him like that since his father’s death. 
And even before that… was Shiruko a man who held his son close? He doesn’t know and he doesn’t want to pry. All he can do right now is offer to be what Torune needs.
taglist: @burningbluegalaxy @sammieshuttle97 @mellophoned
@fandomhoe101 @sa-su-gay @elliotintgewoods @theshortmuffin07 @diamondtrashbag @bjem @1syd43 @shadowwolf202101blog @tictac2 @lllaw @kitty262 @mind-ya-business420 @ravenswife @oldanimefan @gaarassenshi @yariany02
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qettleqorn · 10 months
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08.09.23 | Some doodles!
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spellcasterlight · 10 months
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Thank you, @nightingaleflow and the lovely Anon, that also sent me one of these! You are both so sweet! 😭❤️
Gonna put a few under the cut just for length! Smut entries and story warnings are labelled!
Thank you for the lovely ask! ✨
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕ | Reblog Blog 🟢
Duty Beyond Everything - [Shino x Tenten] [Kakashi x Gai]
I loved writing some soul-crushing [Shino x Tenten] [Kakashi x Gai]. Putting Tenten and Gai through the wringer made me sad, but I did enjoy the outcome 😭
(Story Warnings: Major Character Injury. Minor Character Death. Mild Violence. Major Character Death.)
Buzz Buzz - [Shino x Tenten] - [Smut]
Probably the best smut I've ever written, and it's my most popular [Shino x Tenten] only story - most likely for that reason! 😂
(Story Warnings: Graphic Sexual Scene. Mild Swearing. Semi-Public Sex. Oral Sex.)
Should Have Been Me - [Shino x Tenten]
Another sad one (why are all these crying ones? 😂), but I enjoyed writing some wrenching Shibi and Tenten grief-filled father-in-law to daughter-in-law interactions.
(Story Warnings: Major Character Injury. Mentions of Poison. Major Character Death. Grieving.)
Mirror Mirror On The Wall - [Shikamaru x Temari] - [Smut]
This was my first time writing this pairing, and I really like the tone that came out of it!
(Story Warnings: Graphic Sexual Scene. Mild Swearing. Mirror Sex. Feelings of Embarrassment.)
Endings and Beginnings - [Shibi x OC]
I don't think this is my best story, but it was the first time I challenged myself to write an OC and I kind of fell in love with her (even if the first thing I ever did was make her suffer 😂) and I just really like how it turned out!
(Story Warnings: Major Character Death.)
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d-choppy · 5 months
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"Swapping bodies" (Oc x Canon)
It's Shino Week !!!!!
Yes ! Always a pleasure to draw my husbando !
soooooo for the first day i made a comics ~
They have to wait until Ino is better and they didn't think about her father to change it .... they spend a day like that.
Sashika is my Naruto's Oc, my first one ~
I hope you will like it !
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Untold (Shino x OC) Chapter 5: The box
I think a little bit more of Shino and Shibi's relationship would be very much loved, specially by @howboringislife It is not a full Shino short fic, but at least I have been able to post something more this weekend. Hoping to post more soon...
The shinobi looked at his father, colour completely gone from his face “I..I have hurt her” his father did not give him time to assimilate whatever was that Chokako said. He took son’s arm and lead him out of the bathroom and into one of those compartments that served as link among train cars. Shibi lay his back against the wall, and his son stood by his side. “What happened?”
“Apparently she is hurt by something that I have done but that is impossible the reason is that I have never seek to hurt her, never”
“Sometimes, we hurt without noticing it…” What could his son have done? Maybe some misspoken words a misunderstanding enhance by her sisters, herself and all the tension of the journey. Maybe she was victim of that and unfurtenetly it was his son who had to pay for such a think. Shibi bit his cheek, he did not like that. Was she always going to let herself be lead by her sister? Could she be able to control her mind? He looked at his son, for a moment he wanted to tell him to forget about Reina. But, it was the first time that something like this had happened in three years. He also had fights with his wife, sometimes they did not talk and that was one of the worst problems. Talking is fundamental in a relationship and unfortunately or do you know well the Aburame or you are dammed, since they tend to shut things up until it is too late.
She also did that, that’s what Shibi grasp from all the situation, however he did not like how flashy was her rumbling about whatever was going on with her, yet he had the feeling that some other people mend their nose in the situation. Shino took a box out of his coat and showed to his father. He knew what it was… he had given that box to him the moment he confessed his intentions towards Reina. The Aburame ring. A two-ring piece, his mother wore it, and his wife too. Shibi hold the box in his son’s palm “Where is your heart?”
Shino’s eyes were out of focus “Why? Why is she doing this? Does she… does she not love me?” His father took both of his son’s hands and let the box in both hands and grasp his hands firmly “There is something wrong with her, she is hurt father. How have I hurt her?” His father said nothing “Something is hurting her heart badly. Do you remember what you told me? “Shino nodded “Then…you should fulfil your duty, what you promised me and your mother when you accepted the ring. Protect what you love, that also includes protecting her from herself if needed”. Shino looked at his hand, for a moment he needed to see the ring. He had faint memories of his mum, not to say none since she died the day of the seven tails attack: protecting the villagers. However, there was this picture, of her holding him in her arms pressing her lips against his forehead and his hand holding his. There, the ring was seen, shinny and perfect. She wore green clothes a perfect match for her black with some blueish undertones’ hair, divine for her skin untouched by the sun and pink on her cheeks and nose. He pictured the ring on Reina’s hand. That feeble hand that would not deny slapping or punch who need to as well as give care to everyone. Those hands with which he prepared those lovely meals or the hands that she twisted her hair or always were browsing among the shelf of a bookshop. He wanted to see that ring on her hand.
His father swore to protect his mum as long as he lived, as long as she wore that ring, as long as she breath. He tried, he cried, he became even more slumber with others after her death. He swore the same, to honour both. Aburame’s had a huge issue, they may seem stoic and scarce in words, however that is only when they are not comfortable with people. Even in private they are not that talkative but a little bit more than when they are on a mission or outside. It is worth mentioning that his son was as his father even shorter in words even when he was in desirable company.
He did not know what to say, mostly because it was at that moment that he notice that he had raised an exceptional human being. “I need to talk to her, I need to make amends” he closed the box and kept it in his pocket again “Sorry for the trouble father, sorry for giving the wrong impression about my upbringing by hurting someone that I love. “
“You do not need to apologize for nothing”
“Father… how did you confessed to mum?” Shibi arced his eyebrows.
“I do not mean how it happened, but how could you do it without trembling”. Tough question, the elite never thought how he did it. “I guess… I was afraid of losing her.” His son paid more attention than before “ There was another man interested on her, he started to talk more often with her. I was afraid that whatever we built for so many years it was shattered by this man. I just grabbed her hand finally looked at her eyes as she deserved. She was my queen after all.”
That was something unique with the Aburame’s they really fall in love once and that is. Sometimes, their love was not answered, that never stopped the Aburame. Shibi always thought that thanks to those people who couldn’t see beyond appearances so many children found their home in Aburame’s houses. It was quite common to adopt among the Aburame. He did it himself when his dear friend died, his nephew Muta was also adopted for instance. In fact, the strange was Shino who actually was born in a marriage, as well as Torune or himself. Anyhow, he knew that his son was loved back by her, yet that did not mean that the head of the clan had worries regarding this girl’s actions.
Shino wanted to go back to the bathroom “Let her some time… It is not wise to talk with all the emotions boiling your head. They may blind your heart and reasoning.”
“So, what must I do?”
“Sit, breathe and think how you are going to approach her. Right now, both of you are volcanos”
Shino tried to refrain himself from going to the bathroom, he wanted to solve things now. He wanted everything to be cleared. The door opened, his brother appeared and join the conversation “I may have news about Reina” He got everyone’s attention.
“Apparently he heard your dear friend Kiba saying somethings and she believes them true.”
Shino’s caring for her turned into anger towards her “How? So it is Kiba how unsettled her heart and it is me who has to suffer it?!” Shino was enraged, Kiba has always found a way to unsettling him, but now that was too far. He was the one who caused all this quarrel and it is he who had to endure it? He left the room, Shibi was behind him “Son…Shino…” He reached the bathroom, Reina was leaving the place with her sisters “SO you have a problem with Kiba and it is I who has to suffer all this eclectic behaviour ?”
Reina looked puzzled, Hinata and Ino have also entered the bathroom right behind her. “Shino…” his brother right behind him grabbed his coat to put him away “Brother…”
“He says something that unsettles you and I have to endure this!” Everyone started to get nearer specially Kiba who heard his name. Everyone was puzzled by his behaviour
“What about you ?”
“Reina don’t” Shiori tried to calm her sister
“I am sick of waiting for a response from you and when you had the chance to say something you said nothing. I am tired of being your plaything”
“Plaything? You?! It should be me who has to say so you have been acting this weird for three whole days and it is nerve breaking”
“Oh so you are mad because I have been sad for THREE DAMM DAYS. How should I act with all those abrupt changes that you had when studying? How your classmates were mocking you or how you were the whole time thinking that you were about to fail everything and surprise big boy big grades! Three whole years helping you three birthdays that I have lost, everything that I have put aside to help you with your studies to be with you when your friends were unable to hang out with you because they had lives too. Who was all this time by your side? Ah who?! And you are mad at me because I am sad! “ he was getting closer to him pocking his chest while talking. The buzzing was accelerating, things were getting heated.
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wind-becomes-lightning · 11 months
was bored at work today, wrote some drabbels at the request of and for friends. ( Hawks x OC/ Kakashi x OC / Dabi x OC / Shibi X OC / Kakashi x Zabuza / Fatgum x OC / Kakashi x OC returns)
Saya & Kakashi - Write about your ship waking up together. for @lemony-snickers
The first thing in his nose was an unfamiliar smell. Old wood, tatami floors, something that he’d stashed away into his memory from way back when he was young, before the world completely turned to darkness. So it wasn’t completely unfamiliar, but it was still new to the adult version of him.
Next thing he smelled was much more familiar to him, the scent of the woman that he had been sleeping next to for the last he didn’t even know how many months and years. He listened to her breathing and realized she was still asleep.
Kakashi cracked an eye open.
It took him a moment to realise where he was, the light in the room he was currently lodging in so very different than the light in Saya’s apartment he was used to seeing, but then he remembered. Ah yes, they moved in here yesterday.
He had once vouched that he’d never go back to this room, in this house. That he’d never live here again when it was full of memories and ghosts. Saya had changed a lot for him, one of them was that with her around him, he didn’t worry about being haunted anymore. If it was the two of them together, they would definitely weather the storm.
And so they had moved their little found family out here. It was quiet and spacious and enough nature for kids to play in. Kakashi worried the nightmares might come to bite him eventually, but no, Saya’s proximity kept them away, and he knew they would always keep them away.
Next to him, Saya stirred. Her eyes were already open, a sleep dazed look in her eyes. “Already thinking so much so early on?”, she asked, as if she could read what was going through his mind. She was a magician really, for knowing him so well.
“Good morning,” he replied without answering her question and pushed some rogue hair out of her face.
She rolled herself over closer to his arm. “Morning.” He watched her take a look around. “I somehow forgot that we moved here. The colour of the morning was a little confusing.”
“Happened to me too,” Kakashi admits and wraps an arm around her. “Especially with how hectic everything was yesterday, it seems almost unreal to live here again….” His thoughts trail off once more.
Saya presses a soft kiss against his arm: “Is that bad or good?”
If it weren’t Saya, if Kakashi had moved here with Gai alone just like that, maybe the answer would have been that he wasn’t sure if he liked it or not, but because it was with her it was incredibly easy. “It is a good thing, I am happy.” It feels almost wrong to say that out loud, but he knows it is true.
“I’m happy too,” she says to his delight. “I mean, this place is spacious, so I don’t see how anyone could be unhappy.”
“Ah so that is the reason you wanted to move here with me, for the space,” Kakashi laughs.
Saya winks at him: “And the books in the library.”
“Whatever,” he says and pinches her nose a little, “I don’t care what the reason was, as long as it means you’ll always be here in the morning.”
“Sappy,” she says and then buries her head into his chest.
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konohamaru-sensei · 11 months
was bored at work today, wrote some drabbels at the request of and for friends. ( Hawks x OC / Kakashi x OC / Dabi x OC / Shibi X OC / Kakashi x Zabuza / Fatgum x OC / Kakashi x OC returns)
Aori & Fatgum - Write about your ship helping each other to prepare a special meal. for @xxcinnaxx
There are too many hands to keep track off, but Taishiro tries his best anyway, dodging around Aori’s fast and focused movements trying not to get a knife to the face as he hands her the chicken wings.
“I didn’t know that’s how it worked,” she says, for the millionth time, as if even the one apology had been necessary. “I can’t believe you’ve never mentioned it before!” One of the hands falls down and a piece of pork is expertly cut into half.
To be fair, Taishiro can also not believe he forgot to mention it. That his body gets bigger and smaller according to how much power he needs to perform his work has become so usual to him that it doesn’t even matter much. His sidekicks and his agency know that about him, so it at least makes a little sense that it slipped his mind when it came to his new girlfriend. Aori at least, has very little to do with the world of heroes and had never been interested in asking for his quirk.
“You didn’t have to start cooking right away,” he insists, dodging another hand as it reaches for the tomatoes right next to him. “The meal you had already prepared was more than enough.”
Aori throws a look over her shoulder at him, a fierce light in her eyes. “Not. Enough.” She looks up and down his slim figure and then turns back to work.
Truthfully, it feels rare to meet a woman that prefers him in his bigger form, but he is glad for it. Even though he kind of wishes she wouldn’t make such a big deal out of it right now.
“Let me at least help you,” he says, feeling a little useless standing around watching her hands move. “I can cut something if you want me to.” Without stopping one of her hands point to the cupboard: “You can take out the flour.”
“Flour? For what?” He looks over the spread of food right in front of her, mostly meat and noodles and wonders how flour plays into all of that.
The hand that was pointing at the cupboard before now hands him a scale, still without Aori looking away from the beans that are now expertly cut up. “For the donuts, sweetie.”
Taishiro blinks. His stomach is rumbling a little at the prospect of getting to eat Aori’s donuts again. Part of what drew him to her in the first place was absolutely her baking still, the donuts especially. He looks at how she throws the cut up meat into the sizzling pan and then back to the flour in his hand.
“When will you make donuts? Later? Should I get something for them? Filling?”
“Now,” she says instantly.
“Now,” Aori repeats and when she looks at him her eye brows are furrowed like she is on a important secret mission that he is asking too many questions about. She takes the flour out of his hand and while two of her hands stay busy with the pan and the vegetable, two others already crack open eggs.
And though he knows he is probably disturbing her in her very important work, he can’t stop himself from reaching with one arm around her shoulders and pressing her against his chest. “Have I lately told you that you are just so cute?” he asks.
“Y-you do that all the time,” Aori is red in her face. “But forget to tell me other things.”
Taishiro leans downward so he can kiss her. “I’m sorry that I forgot,” he says and brings out the puppy-eyes.
She lets him kiss her, her cheeks now deep red. “I don-don’t have time for this right now! You need some food.”
“Right,” he laughs. “I’m sorry for the disturbance.”
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strwbrrybxn · 2 years
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How Shino & Seina Meet ; word count: 843
☞︎︎︎ pairing: aburame shino x umino seina (fem!oc)
☞︎︎︎ warnings: super short — shino being an awkward tree
☞︎︎︎ genre: fluff
☞︎︎︎ au: college au; entomologist student!Shino
characters: seina umino, shino aburame, kakashi hatake, mentions of iruka and shibi
a/n: rewrote bc tumblr wouldn't let me edit properly 🙃
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Shino saw her coming. She was running from one of the classrooms towards the academic advisors on the other side of the hall. How she didn’t see him, he didn’t even know, but what amazed him more was the strength that came from her when she ran into him. She knocked his books from his hand, scattering them across the floor. She didn’t even look back! He sighed, bending down at the waist and grabbing his things before heading to his lab class. 
Two times. Two times in one day Shino was convinced the world was trying to tell him he was important. 
Right before class started, Shino watched as the one who rushed him in the hall walked timidly into the room. He sighed once more, steeling his resolve from the disappointment he was about to receive. He was convinced he wouldn’t receive an apology when she sat down beside him. 
Nothing in Shino’s life surprised him anymore, but… there’s a first time for everything. 
“I’m so sorry about earlier,” she muttered, her bright brown eyes looking up at him all wide-eyed and apologetic. One. “I was in such a rush to see the advisor, and I was running late because of class that I just kinda started running and wasn’t looking– I should have stopped to help but again, I was so late and–”
“It’s okay.” His deep voice was shaky as he gulped, trying to swallow the surprise as he cut her off. His face ducking into his collar, hiding his flushed cheeks. She still felt badly, but didn’t bring it up again. She waited for the professor to stop speaking after he assigned partners; “your table mate is your lab partner and no one is allowed to switch,” he had said lazily, waving his hand to allow the class to get to know one another. 
She held her hand out, smiling at him. “I’m Seina. Umino Seina.”
“Umino?” His head tilted slightly as he took her hand. “Are you related to Umino Iruka?” If possible, her smile brightened. 
“He’s my big brother.” She gave his hand a small squeeze before letting go. “What’s your name?”
“Shino. Aburame Shino.”
“Oh! Your dad is the head of the gardening society.” He furrowed his eyebrows. Two.
People often forgot about the Aburames and the work they had done throughout the city; how his grandfather had founded the gardening committee that allowed the city to flourish. How his late mother provided much of the fruits and vegetables sold in nearby grocery stores, and his father was head of agriculture. 
“I’m sorry! Was that too forward?” She waved her hands in front of her face frantically.
“No. I just– I didn’t expect people to put two and two together.” 
“Oh…” she went quiet for a moment, chewing on her lip and tapping her fingers on her notebook. Nervous. She’s nervous. “Well, um, I always wanted to study agriculture and during my research, Iruka showed me a book written on the city’s plant life. Your family has done so much and…” she trailed off, finally looking up at Shino again. “I must be babbling. I’m sorry.” Seina ducked her head, cheeks burning. “W-we should probably get started on some work.” 
And they did. Every day after that, when Seina saw Shino in the hall, she’d smile and wave. A lot of the time, her friends wouldn’t even see him and look at her confused. One even asked who she was waving to when she pointed to Shino. Ah, the way his stomach flipped every time he saw her. 
A month or so into their lab work together, Seina walked into the class wearing her cheerleading uniform and Shino quirked an eyebrow at her from behind his sunglasses. 
“Like my outfit?” She wiggled her eyebrows before taking a seat on the stool and brushing the skirt flat across her bare legs. He just made a sound, thankful for the dark shades to conceal where his eyes were landing. She rested her elbow on the table, chin in her palm when she turned to him finally. “Do you like sports?”
“Not entirely.” She pouted. “Why?”
“I wanted to invite you to the game tonight. I’ve never seen you outside of school.” 
“I’m not big on activities outside of school.”
“But you always hang around Kiba, and isn’t he the quarterback for the school team?” One day, Shino won’t be surprised by what comes out of Seina’s mouth. Today, however, is not that day. “He’s never invited you out?”
“I-I mean.. He has, but–”
“You just don’t like football games.”
“I don’t like crowds.” She nodded slightly, taking a peek out the window before jumping slightly. 
“I forgot!” Seina rummaged through her bag, grabbing her phone and unlocking it to show Shino a butterfly. “I saw this really pretty butterfly yesterday. Do you know which one this is?” Shino gripped the phone quickly, looking at it more closely. 
“A graphium cloanthus – it’s known as a glassy bluebottle. It’s rare to see them around here.” Before Shino could talk more about it, Professor Hatake walked in and started the class.
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it-s-blue-ink · 4 years
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OC Aburame Masa based on Naruto Shippuden, side character in my ShinoTenten fic (x)
She’s flipping off Shibi. It’s an inside joke.
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kankuroplease · 5 months
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Christmas gift for @qettleqorn of their lovely Kin and Shibi I love them so much but I’m totally normal about them. Yes 😃
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dira333 · 10 months
The Road Not Taken
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
part 2 ; Character sheet
I had an idea and could not stop writing it. Normally I finish a fic before I post it but I wanted to try something new. I hope this doesn’t blow up in my face.
tagging: @spellcasterlight​ because she’s lending me her own OC as Shino’s mother
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Her parents named her Airi, choosing the two Kanjis that meant favorite - because they had been waiting for her - and Pear Tree - because her father had planted one the day they had gotten married.
Her father, a member of the Nara clan, had inherited the laziness and the looks, but not much of their genius. Her mother, unwilling to fight, had focused on healing to help the village and what she lacked in talent she made up for in vigor.
All they wanted was a simple life, an average life.
They died early. 
Growing up alongside her cousin Shikaku, Airi realized three things early on.
First, she would always be two steps behind, whether it was in age, constitution, or talent.
Second, love was not often given freely in the world of Shinobi but it was cherished.
And third, she needed to be able to pick her battles and pick them well.
The door to Shikaku’s house isn’t fully closed.
You push it open and call out for the family of three.
“We’re in the living room,” Yoshino calls out and Airi follows the noise.
It is no surprise to see Shikaku sprawled out on the Couch, most likely on his third nap of the day. It is no less surprise to see Shikamaru napping on his chest, an ever-growing bundle of sass and genius.
“Tuckered out?” You ask and Yoshino nods, not bothering to rise from where she is going over her needlework. 
“Shikaku has been teaching him Shogi. I’ve never seen him so focused before.”
Whether it is the mention of Shogi or just the usual time for his nap to end, Shikaku groans, shakes his head, and peers at them.
“Airi,” He says and you know immediately that he has been informed. You nod, ignoring Yoshino’s curious looks.
“I thought it would be better to discuss this here,” You say, an apologetic smile on your lips. “Would you care for a walk in the woods?”
Shikaku nods grimly and pulls his son from his chest. Shikamaru whines but settles instantly on the soft cushions, already fast asleep by the time you make it to the door leading into the backyard.
“We won’t be long,” Shikaku tells Yoshino, a tone in his voice that keeps her from questioning.
The sun hadn’t yet gone down fully but dusk was settling quickly and below the trees, it was almost dark, soothing to your left eye. 
“Yori said that you agreed to everything. That’s not the Airi that I know.”
“Which Airi are you referring to?”
He huffs. “The Airi that fought tooth and nails to marry the man she loved? True love conquers all, wasn’t that your life’s motto?”
“Do I have to remind you that he died?” Your voice is low and calm but Shikaku tenses as if you’d slapped him.
“Just…” He starts again. “Why are you agreeing to an arranged marriage?”
“So far I haven’t agreed to anything. I’ve been minding my business, doing my work until Yori decided to pop in on one of her surprise visits. You know how she is, she’s got her ears and eyes everywhere and…” You stop, swallow, and force the words out of your mouth. “She mentioned that Aburame-san has been a widower for two years now and that his son needs a mother. The Aburame’s have always been open to arranged marriages and she’s not wrong. My chances for remarrying have significantly dulled since the injury to my eye.”
“I understand that, but Shibi? Are you sure?”
“I haven’t met him yet. I knew Yori would tell you immediately and I was hoping I could talk to you first but I see she’s beat me again. I am asking you as my Clan head and not as my cousin for your honest opinion on this case.”
He is quiet for a while as he walks next to you through the woods that had been your home for so long.
Finally, he speaks.
“Shibi is not a bad man. If you are serious about this, I’d give you my blessings but I want you to meet him first, and talk this through. Don’t marry that man without knowing him, especially his family's jutsu.”
“You’d have to officiate.” You remind him and he groans in annoyance.
“What a drag.”
Shibi is tall. You cannot tell much more because his clothes seem to swallow him whole. Dark glasses cover his eyes and his hair is a mess of brown that almost seems to defy gravity but other than that, you can only see his long fingers wound around the teacup in front of him.
You wonder briefly if he’s cold. Maybe less than perfect blood circulation?
“Why don’t you tell us about your son?” Yori’s voice cuts through the quiet of the room but you barely flinch this time, the tips of your fingernails digging into the flesh of your hands instead. 
Yori is one of the elders of the clan. What she lacks in size she makes up for in volume.
“His name is Shino.” Shibi offers politely. His voice is calm. “He was born four years ago, therefore he is as old as Shikamaru.”
“What are his hobbies?” You ask, your voice a whisper in comparison to Yori.
Shibi’s left eyebrow raises and he seems to ponder your question for a moment.
“Currently, he is learning about honeybees. Why? He is very interested in bugs and insects of all kinds.”
There’s so much more you want to ask. 
Does he miss his mother? Does he like to cuddle? Does he cry or does he hide his tears like Shikamaru sometimes does because he’s embarrassed?
“Well, it sounds like you’re getting along,” Yori exclaims happily to your utter embarrassment. You can feel the blood rush to your cheeks and unlike Shibi, there’s no way to hide your blush.
He clears his throat pointedly and you fear the worst.
“Would you like to take a walk? We are not far from our grounds and I would like to show you the Aburame estate.” Just as before he adds a question and its answer to his sentence. “Why? Because you should know the place you’d be going to live in.”
It is almost endearing and you wonder if he’s aware of this mannerism.
Yori all but pushes you out the door. You’re not really dressed for a walk in today’s weather, the pretty Yukata Yori had demanded you put on is no match against Konoha’s fall winds.
But you soldier on.
The streets are busy as ever, but no one pays you any mind. 
You’ve never stood out before but since your injury, people tend to look away when the notice you. Shibi seems to share your fate but he doesn’t seem to mind.
He’s quiet as he walks. You want to ask more questions but you don’t know what you should ask. Or if you’re allowed to.
Eventually, he turns to the right and through a tall, wooden archway. 
Even in the fall, the Aburame estate is beautiful. There’s a multitude of trees dipped in various shades of red, yellow, and the dark green of conifers. Where the Nara estate is a dense forest with a few clearings, the Aburame estate is a cultivated garden.
It’s a feast for the insects, you realize, as you follow him down a path.
Wild vine covers the house you are walking towards. A door opens and a woman steps outside, a boy next to her. She’s old, her grey hair in a long braid.
“Father.” The boy greets Shibi and he looks nothing like you thought he would but nothing like that at all. He’s about the same size as Shikamaru but he wears long wide clothing and a tiny set of sunglasses that cover his eyes. His hair is a shade darker but just as wild.
“Shino. Chiasa-san. We have a visitor.”
“Hello.” You wave your hand awkwardly and they both greet you politely. Their eyes may be shielded by their sunglasses but you can tell that they are watching you curiously.
“I would like to borrow a coat, Chiasa-san. Why? Because Nara-san is here to learn about our estate and she is not dressed for the weather.”
“Can I come?” Shino asks. There’s a moment of Silence as you watch Shibi, trying to guess his answer. You want him to say yes just as much as you want him to say no.
“You can come. Why? You can tell her about the honeybees.”
There’s something like a smile tugging on little Shino’s lips. Chiasa is back, a heavy coat in her arms. It’s the same unassuming greenish-brown that seems to be the colour of the Aburame’s uniform. You take it, eager to slip into something warmer. As you move to put your arm into one sleeve, Shibi lifts the coat for easier access.
It’s a simple gesture but it’s attentive and you suppose it’s more than you could have asked for.
Shino is a determined guide. He lists all the plants that usually grow as well as the bugs that feed from them. Whenever he has nothing to say he falls silent. If he grows tired, he doesn’t say, he just trudges along on short legs.
Shibi halts in between the trees. It’s darker here but not as dark as in the Nara forest. Still it soothes your left eye.
“Before an Aburame engages in an arranged marriage, it is custom to show their eyes.” He exclaims. “If it frightens you, you will not have to see it again.”
Without any further explanation, he pulls the sunglasses from his face.
His eyes are a light shade of amber and you wonder if they would glow gold in the sunlight. Below each eye is a line of black dots. Before you can question if they are painted on or tattooed like the marks of the Inuzuka, the dots begin to move. 
Quickly, you realize that they are bugs. Hundreds of them move out of tiny holes in his face, the most prominent ones below his eyes. 
On instinct you take a step closer, your left eye not much help in distinguishing one bug from the other and something akin to surprise passes over Shibi’s face but you could be mistaken.
“Does it hurt?” You ask as you watch, transfixed.
“It does not.” Shino exclaims to your feet. “Should I show her too?” He asks his father.
Shibi seems to hesitate for a moment and you take it as a sign to take the lead, dropping down to be on eye level with the boy.
“If you want,” You tell him. “You can show me.”
Shino’s eyes have a blue tint, probably inherited from his mother. He watches you intently as the bugs march across his nose. This close you can tell how many of them there are and how small they are.
“Does it tickle?” You ask. 
Instead of an answer, Shino lifts his hand and points at your left eye, his hand so close his finger almost pokes your skin.
“Does that hurt?” He asks bluntly.
“Only when the lights are very bright.” You tell him honestly.
“Why don’t you wear sunglasses?”
“I haven’t found a pair that I liked yet.” It’s not the whole truth but he seems satisfied with it.
“How did it happen?”
You swallow thickly, your brain rushing through various explanations.
“He only wants to know what caused it,” Shibi explains softly. 
“Why? Because it looks like poison but none that I am familiar with.” Shino expands further, copying his father’s style of speech.
It is endearing to see parts of the one in the other. 
And as Shino is not asking for much more but the most basic details of your injury, his question is quickly answered.
The boy stifles a yawn as you finish and Shibi, his glasses back in place, picks him up with ease. 
“It is time for you to sleep. Why? Because your hive needs to regenerate.”
You walk after them, feeling a bit like a spectator to their home life as Shino melts into his father's hold, content to be carried.
Chiasa is already at the door when you arrive, accepting Shino into her arms.
“I will be home soon,” Shibi tells his son. “Do not wait up.”
You move to slip out of the given jacket but Shibi stops you quickly.
“I will walk you home. There is no need to give it back just now.”
The walk back is as quiet as when you started but it feels a lot less heavy now. 
You can tell that Shibi is not much of a talker. This marriage would mean a quiet life and after having spent so much time around Yori, you can’t say you’re against the change.
About half a mile from your house, Shibi stops in the soft light of a flickering street lamp. He looks up at the sky where one cloud chases another, the strong winds pushing them further and further away.
“I’d like to know your opinion.” He says and you wait, already anticipating what will follow. “Why? Because it is important what you think about this.”
You hadn’t expected this particular kind of reasoning, another blush working itself into your cheeks. 
“I-” You start, unsure of how to phrase your thoughts. “I’d like to try.” You shudder under the weight of this decision. “You seem a calm man. I don’t have much to offer but if you’ll have me-”
It sounds like you’re proposing to him, in some way, but Shibi doesn’t react. He’s quiet, almost frozen in place. You wonder what he’s thinking.
Eventually, he speaks again.
“How soon do you want to be married?” He asks.
Your wedding is small.
As the Clan head of the Nara, it is Shikaku’s duty to officiate any wedding inside the Nara Clan. But as you’re marrying someone from another Clan, he’s found just another reason to duck the responsibility.
You are wed in the Hokage office instead of the Nara forest as you had planned that your first wedding. The one that never happened.
Shikaku and Chiasa are your witnesses and Yoshinori is standing to the side, holding an already snoozing Shikamaru while Shino is a stiff spectator to her side.
Everything is done and over in less than twenty minutes.
There is no party after, no honeymoon that’s just the two of you in a shabby hotel. 
While you were getting married, everything you’ve packed has been moved out from Yori’s house to the Aburame estate and is now waiting for you to unpack.
Less than a month ago Yori had approached you with her grand idea and now you were no longer a Nara but an Aburame by name and residence.
The walk toward your new home reminds you of your first walk with Shibi. 
You’re both not dressed overly fancy, the change from work clothes to something more casual the only visible sign that this was not a work visit to the Hokage.
No one sends you any looks as you make your way through the village, Shino in your middle, refusing to be carried.
The fact that you look like his mother now, like you’re one family, hits you like one of Maito Guy's punches. Because, legally, you are his mother now. You are family. 
It just doesn’t feel like it.
The wine-covered house is Shibi’s. 
It’s slightly bigger than the others on the compound and as you step through the door you are surprised by the well-chosen interior. Light, earthy colors are interjected with the dark green of plants.
“Can I play?” Shino asks as soon as you are inside.
Shino slips out of his shoes and into the living room. Before you can wonder what he considers playing, Shibi points towards the first floor.
“Let me show you your room.”
Your room, as he calls it, is a small bedroom that fits one bed, one dresser, and one small desk. There’s a door leading to a bathroom. 
“It used to be my study.” He explains, his voice soft. “I thought you might want your own room. Why? Because we are not yet well acquainted.”
His words offer a look into the future. When you are better acquainted you will share his room. A shiver runs down your back, but you’re not sure why. You knew this was going to happen.
Quite frankly you hadn’t even thought it possible to have your own room. You were married now, after all.
The bathroom connects his room with yours. There are two more rooms on the other side of the hallway, Shino’s bedroom and another small bathroom.
“Are you hungry?” Shibi asks. “I will prepare something. Why? Shino is going to be hungry soon.”
“I am not hungry yet. Do you want me to help?”
“It is your choice. I will not mind your help nor if you choose to unpack instead.”
He leaves for the ground floor after that, leaving you to decide for yourself.
The day moves by quickly after that. Unpacking doesn’t take as long as you would have thought. 
You come back down right on time for dinner only to realize that the Aburames do not talk during meals. It’s a quiet, yet tasty, meal. The small bug in your pocket, carved from an antler, is burning into your skin. But not once does it feel right to pull it out and gift it to him.
This is your wedding day but it feels different than what you had imagined.
After dinner, Shino and you help clean up the little that is to clean. 
Shino settles in the living room soon after, a book roughly his size on the floor.
He puts his finger on the page and follows the words, sounding them out aloud whenever he has trouble.
He is four years old yet he can read almost as well as Shikamaru. You wonder how you’ll ever be a mother to him.
“I have to leave,” Shibi announces shortly after, gourd already on his back. “I’ll be back before morning.”
Shino nods in understanding and Shibi turns towards you. There is an awkward pause, roughly two heartbeats long, as you wonder how you should say goodbye. Do you hug him? Kiss him? Nod at him as Shino did?
“Shino will go to bed at his usual time. If there is any problem, Chiasa lives in the house closest to ours.” 
He leaves after that with a curt nod, while you ponder the fact that it is now “our” house instead of “theirs”.
“I will go to bed now,” Shino tells you. “Why? Because I am tired.”
“Do you want me to take you?” You ask, getting to your feet.
He freezes in surprise. “How?”
“How do you take one to bed? I do not need to be carried.”
You smile. “When I was your age, my mother would sit by my bed until I fell asleep and tell me stories. And my father would give me a good night kiss so that I would have good dreams.”
He ponders that for a moment until he nods in resolution.
“I would like to try a story. Why? I assume that those are educational.”
“They can be.”
When he has settled in his bed, his glasses on the nightstand, his bugs freely moving across his face, you pull the carving out of your pocket.
“What is it?” He asks and you hold it up for him to sea.
“It is my present to you. It is a bug made from antler.”
He takes it from your hand, holding it up as well. 
“It is not anatomically correct.” He tells you. “It is much too big to be real.”
“It is not meant to look real. It is meant to be cherished.”
He ponders that for a moment before he puts the carving on the nightstand next to his glasses.
“Do you have a story about antlers?” He asks.
You smile. “Of Course. I come from the Nara Clan after all.”
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qettleqorn · 1 year
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Art by | @kankuroplease Commissioned by | @yamanaka-shin Characters | Aburame Shibi (@Kishimoto) & Kim Mae-Hui “Kin” (@Me)
Kankuroplease did an amazing job at depicting them in their youth, well actually just them in general! And thank you Yamanaka-Shin for this gift!
Taking her hand in his as they sat in under the warm afternoon sunlight. Shibi cautiously looked around before turning her soft palm around in his grasp to where her it was facing upwards.
As she felt this Kin looked down to her heart, brushing some of her hair out of her face and tucking it behind an ear. A quaint smile finding its way to the corners of her lips as she saw and coincidentally felt his lips press themselves against her skin.
“If you’re not careful someone might think you like me.” The red head teased. Honey brown eyes crinkling under the weight of her smile as she noted his quick head turn.
Evidently trying to hide the embarrassment that jolted through him as a ‘Tsk’ escaped his lips. He did like her, but he didn’t need others to know that with overpowering displays.
His feelings were for him and him- well for him and her- alone.
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spellcasterlight · 2 years
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“Legend says if you dance on the fountains water base and your heart is pure, your wish will come true. A beautiful tale, don’t you think?”
“How many wishes have you had; granted; may I ask?” Shino asked in a tone that Tenten heavily assumed meant he was incredibly sceptical. [Shino x Tenten] [Shibi x OC]
@narutoocshipweek - Day 2 Prompt: Parents  
Warnings: Mild Swearing.
Alternative Chapter Link: [Ao3🔗]
Read From The Beginning: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Hot Chocolate ☕
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lacnunga · 7 years
Also I thought it might be fun to list my top 10 Naruto OC pairings bc wHY NOT. Here we go!
Kankuro & Gear (am sharing custody with Quincey)
Karui x Daruma (mine)
Shibi x Kintsugi (belongs to @iron-loaf)#
Tensei ( @tamahagane-tensei) x Miyo ( @miyohitodama)
Shino & Umeda (mine)
Tsubaki x Tanuma ( @tsurugami)
Kakashi x Sorano ( @hamfranco)
This Random OC x Toneri
Sakura x Mushin (mine)
Netsui (mine) x Chan Ji (mine)
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Untold (Shino x OC) Chapter 8: Confrotation
Sorry for this short chapter for "Untold" I am trying to start and set Shibi and Takeo's fight. I hope it may look some short of good.
Reina stood behind Takeo while his fierce father let his silhouette project upon them his shadow. His daughter grabbed his jacket and pushed it a little bit trying to make him look away from the Aburames. Shibi stood there, arms slightly folded under his jacket. Shino’s father could look without difficulty at that man’s face. They stood there silently, there was no buzzing. Takeo started talking “ How was the trip…?” He dragged his words while talking “Usual…” Both grunted. Shibi’s sons stood behind him looking at her intrigued. Reina faintly looked at her sibling Shiori. “Has there been any problems in your usual trip? “ Shibi hummed as a negative response.
 The silence grew among both “Then.. would you kindly explain my daughter’s tears?” Shibi, let a rumble grow in his throat “ I do not know if I am entitled to explain the hazards of a volatile mind” Reina started to mumble in a tiny voice “Papi…Pa…we need to go and prepare stuff, don’t we?” Takeo moved his head slightly looking at her, she gave him a smile. It did not make the man flinch his expression and kept talking with Shibi “ If a mind feels that troubles are upon them, it is usually an environmental circumstance that leads to such a volatile mind to deviate their thoughts…”  Shibi twitched his nose a little “You have used the adverb “usually” impling that those scenarios may have another outcome that falls into the “often” adverb?” Takeo nodded “Those often are wrongdoings to their hearts.”  “To the volatile mind’s heart I believe you mean?” Another nod “A volatile mind keeps their head up in the clouds and that almost always leads them to be the wrongdoers to their environment.”
She tried to dissuade him into keeping talking with them. She took his hand “We should really get going…” Takeo grabbed her hand really strongly and looked at Shibi. “Pa.. nothing happened… “  “What is taking you so long?” Takehiko’s harsh voice entered, her great-grandfather already needed a cane when he walked; however he refused to use it properly and merely took it because he saw it stylish. He got closer to them “Do you all have your bags? Lunch would get cold if we stayed here any longer” Takehiko looked unworried about whatever was going on between both heads. He then went down to his great-granddaughter “Have you been crying?” said without any problem, he got closer to her and raised her glasses a little to confirm it himself “ Did you see a kitty or something?” Takehiko took a small strand of his hair and put it behind her ear “Give me your bag” He took it without a second thought and also Shibi’s. She tried to take both “C’mon” He looked at both leaders suspiciously. “Let’s have lunch” The old man turned his back and walked out of the train station. “Reina…” started his father. “Do not be mean and take our guests' luggage”. She immediately took Torune and Fuu’s luggage when she was about to take Shino's; his father was the one who took it. They started to walk towards their home. No longer ruins.
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