tanuki-kimono · 3 months
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A+++ modern styling for this shichigosan ensemble for Kobune photo studio. The cranes antique haori, the denim hakama, the SHOES, I love all of this SO MUCH!!!
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holespoles · 1 year
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Sayuri Sasai
"Shichigosan in the Edo Period Bringing Chitose-ame (Chitose candy) to visit the shrine"
Shichigosan is an event to express gratitude for the safe growth of a child and to pray for his or her healthy growth in the future. There are various theories as to its origin, but it is said to have originated from three ceremonies held at court during the Heian period (794-1185).
Around the age of three: "Kamioki-no-gi" (ceremony to place hair in place) This is a ceremony to begin growing hair that had previously been shaved. During the Heian period (794-1185), it was believed that keeping the head clean would prevent illness and allow healthy hair to grow, so it was customary for both boys and girls to shave their hair soon after birth.
Hakamagi Ceremony" at around age 5 This is the ceremony of putting on Hakama, the formal attire of the time, for the first time. This ceremony has been held only for boys since around the Edo period (1603-1867).
Around the age of 7, "Obi-Toki no Ritual". This is a ceremony in which girls remove the sash they had been using until then and put on a wide obi, the same width as an adult's.
笹井さゆり「江戸時代の七五三 千歳飴(ちとせあめ)を持ってお宮参りへ」
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be4rhands · 1 year
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Imperial Household Shrine for the spirits of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken
Meiji Jingu//明治神宮
Shibuya, Tokyo, November 9, 2022
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elgallinero · 2 years
Practice English
youtube.com/watch #laMusicaEvita #laVitaEbella #Marx #Lydia #LydiaBennet (#giallo #mysteries #suzetteStitch # trivets #Ochun) #LydiaGreece
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thekimonogallery · 1 year
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3 year old's Shichigosan 蕾写真館 @代官山 @TsubomiPhoto
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otakusparkle · 6 months
Today is Shichigosan!
Children grow up so fast!
Let's be kind and watch over the small buds that are growing rapidly until they bloom!
Bonbon is really good at playing with children!
Do you all give Chitose candy to Bonbon? Or... Tracy!
(Art by @/urb-ng)
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Shichigosan (Shichi-Go-San) is a traditional Japanese rite of passage and festival day for three and seven-year-old girls, five-year-old and sometimes three-year-old boys, held annually on November 15 to celebrate the growth and well-being of young children.
Chitose ame (Chitose candy) is is long, thin, red and white candy, which symbolizes healthy growth and longevity. It's always given to the children during Shichigosan celebration.
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missmyloko · 7 months
Was the chinkoro worn by young girls in general before Western clothing became more popular ?
Yes, young girls used to wear the same hairstyles as maiko, which included chinkoro, so they were worn quite commonly. Now you'll only see young girls wear chinkoro with shichigosan hairstyles ^^
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itsallinmybrain · 2 months
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Shichigosan Pokkuri
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 4 months
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Tanabata, sometimes known as Star Festival, is a Japanese holiday that falls on July 7th. It originally came from the Chinese holiday Qixi, but is celebrated in its own way in Japan.
A quick and slightly related fun fact: lucky numbers in Japan are 3, 5, and 7. There's a holiday called Shichigosan, literally meaning 753, in which children who are turning 7, 5, or 3 years old dress up and go to a shrine to celebrate and wish for good health. Because of this, some of Japan's biggest holidays also occur on days with these numbers. Hinamatsuri, celebrating young girls is on March 3rd (3/3). Children's Day, historically celebrating young boys but now including all children, is on May 5th (5/5). And Tanabata, the Star Festival where people make wishes, is on July 7th (7/7)!
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Okay, back to Tanabata. According to the folktake on which it's based, there was a man named Hikoboshi and a woman named Orihime. Orihime could weave beautiful cloth and spent all of her time down by the river weaving for her father. She became upset over time that she spent so much time weaving and she couldn't fall in love. Her father then allowed her to marry Hikoboshi, a cow herder from across the river. The two fell in love, but soon Orihime became distracted in her romance and couldn't complete her weaving duties. This angered her father and he forbid her to see her husband again. She pleaded with him to let them meet, and he decided that he would allow them to cross the river and meet each other only once each year on the seventh day of the seventh month. The first time that the couple were to meet, they found there was no bridge to cross the river. Orihime wept, but a group of magpies appeared and created a bridge for them to cross. Now it's said that if it rains on Tanabata, the magpies are unable to come and make the bridge, so the rain on Tanabata is now called "the tears of Orihime and Hikoboshi." This story was centered around the stars of Vega and Altair (Orihime and Hikoboshi), separated by the Milky Way (the river), which is why it's called the Star Festival.
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Because this story is of young lovers, the holiday is celebrated by couples in China as a kind of Chinese Valentine's Day, but in Japan it's celebrated by everyone and seen as a holiday for making wishes.
Since I'm a big fan of old Japanese poetry, particularly the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, here's a special poem representing Tanabata:
If I see that frost-covered
heavenly bridge
spanned by magpies
I'll know the night
has drawn to a close
This poem was written to compare the Orihime and Hikoboshi folktale to the frost-covered steps of the imperial palace on a dark winter night. Thus this poem evokes strong and beautiful winter imagery while also alluding to the famous Star Festival. It was very popular for traditional poetry to include double meanings combining natural scenery and cultural references.
The most popular custom during the Tanabata season is writing wishes on colored strips of paper and tying them to a bamboo tree. During this time, I can see many Tanabata bamboo trees in my schools and other public places, but surprisingly, few Japanese people keep them in their houses. They are more of a public event shared together outside of the home.
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I even saw one at my car repair shop. I had gotten a flat tire, so I wrote a wish on the tree hoping that my car would be safe from needing further repairs, haha.
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Tanabata is a fun holiday. I hope everyone's wishes come true!
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tanuki-kimono · 4 months
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Adorable Ushiwakamaru costume, and modern shichigosan outfits inspired by Demon Slayers, available for rental at Hanaya
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drippingheart · 4 months
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Holidays and celebrations have never been to Megumi's liking. He tolerates Children's day and shichigosan simply because he is not the sole focus of such celebratory occasions. His day of birth however, is a day he wishes people would forget entirely. As a child, Tsumiki would try her best to give him anything, no matter how small or homemade, to mark the occasion, and it always left him feeling guilty she went through so much work. Getting older has never really held any great value, and with age meant Gojo became more and more involved in his life.
Even when wrapped up with work, his guardian would make some unwanted, grand gesture. It isn't just about Megumi's birthday; all birthdays hold a taste of dislike in his mouth. Tsumiki's birthday is the one and only he genuinely celebrates. Just as she went to great lengths, Megumi would think months ahead of a suitable gift to give her. When money was not available, he would make something by hand and vocally show his appreciation for her company. As Tsumiki grew older and had a great number of friends to spend her birthday with, she and Megumi wouldn't spend as much time together during that day, yet he always made sure to carve some time out for the two of them.
Regarding the birthdays of the students at Jujutsu Tech, I can see the argument that because their lives are fleeting and always filled with stressors that the students would indulge in big celebrations. On the flip side, I can also accept that sorcerers don't indulge in celebrations because they have pressing matters to attend. In the case where students due carve out time to celebrate, Megumi reluctantly participates but does not make any grand gestures. — maybe this changes with itadori and kugisaki.
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riku-in-japan · 6 months
Day 12 Omi Shrine
The day started early, because we had to leave the apartment at 10:00. In the end, we probably left just after nine, making our way to Kyoto to drop our luggage, before heading over to Otsu (Lake Biwa).
Last Monday, we found loads of coin lockers available at Kyoto station, so what could go wrong?... holy cow, how can all those coin lockers be filled this early in the morning! We walked all around the station, but could not find a single available locker to store our suitcases.
In the end, we decided to just drag our suitcases to Otsu station and pray to find an empty locker there. Then, as our train slid out of Kyoto station, we noticed an abundance of empty coin lockers on platform zero! Crap!!
To our dismay, Otsu had no coin lockers available. The very few it had were already taken, so... We boarded a train back to Kyoto station. (Haha... Eh...) There we dropped our luggage in one of the empty lockers on platform zero and went on our way again. I suppose the ones on the platform are so empty, since they really are only useful to those who will leave via Kyoto station again on the same day (and before 20:00).
All in all we lost quite a bit of time with this little dance. So, adjustments to the plans had been made. My leisure walk by the lakeside was cut, Miidera crossed of the list and eventually I redirected our route to Otsukyo station, from where we walked toward Omi Shrine.
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It was quite pretty, but overrun by parents and children for their shichigosan ceremonies, so... It felt a bit odd to be looking around. As a result our visit was rather brief.
From there we walked over to the nearest station, Minami-Shiga. And grabbed the train to Sakamoto-Hieizanguchi.
Despite the delay in my plans , I very stubbornly held onto my plans to actually climb the mountain, up to Enryakuji, instead of riding the cable car (as my husband would.)
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Along the way I certainly questioned myself a few times why the plan had been to climb the mountain via the Honzaka trail, rather than descending. Which would have arguably been easier... Just to remind myself I chose this order, because otherwise I might have ended up on a dark trail due to sunset coming earlier than expected.
Anyway, the trail was pretty, but really pushed me to my limits again. Or maybe I'm just trying to go to quickly and that's what's breaking me up. Official maps say the trail should take roughly 2 hours, but I reached the top after a single hour... I just feel that if I went any slower, I wouldn't be making any progress... Of the weather had been nicer, I might have taken a few more breaks though... It is a pretty rough trail though.
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justsoohi · 2 years
Twinkle Twinkle Friend☆!
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(A Different Kind Of Activity)
Characters: Souma Kanzaki, Akehoshi Subaru
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Souma: (Just brewing tea in the tea room is enough to make one's back stand up straight.)
(Whether it is tea that you drink while talking with friends or tea that you drink while facing your own heart and soul. Both have deep flavors and tastes.)
(Harmony, respect, tranquility. The spirit of the tea ceremony, once again, is imprinted on our bodies.)
Subaru: Tanomo ~u!
Souma: Wh·····!?
·····Akehoshi-dono, this is a space for the tea ceremony. It is not very proper to enter here as if you were breaking into the dojo.
Subaru: Is there an etiquette about how to enter a room? I'm sorry Zaki-san, next time I'll try to enter quietly!
Souma: It's not all about being quiet, though-------. Well, this is inside the Seisokan. It's no use nagging about it.
Akehoshi-dono. What business do you have in the tea room? Or do you have something for me?
Subaru: Oh yeah!  Right now, I'm searching for "Kirakira" that I want to introduce to everyone♪
Souma: 『Kirakira』?
Subaru: I mean what I like! I've been saying a lot of "I love sparkles!" I love glitter!".
So I was asked to introduce "Kirakira" in a magazine next time.
There are many sparkles¹ that I love, but I'd like to find various glitters to introduce to the world.~☆
Souma: Fumu, “kirakira” hm..
Subaru: Oh. Zaki-san, do you have any idea?
Souma: I want you to look inside this tea cup, the tea I just brewed......
Subaru: Wow, what is this! Sparkling things float on the surface of the tea!
Souma: This is the tea with gold leaf that I received at the site the other day., it feels auspicious, doesn't it?
Not only is it visually spectacular, but of course it tastes first class as well!
What do you think, isn't this tea also "Kirakira"?
Subaru: That's so sparkly zaki-san! I never thought tea could sparkle!
I'm glad I came to the tea room.  If I hadn't met Zaki-san, I probably wouldn't have been able to find this glitter...♪
Souma: I am glad to hear you say so. I will brew this tea for Akehoshi-dono as well.
Subaru: Yatta ~a, I'll drink it while enjoying the sparkles!
That's right. Can I stay with Zaki-san for a while?
Souma: with me?
Subaru: Like this tea, I thought that if I was with Zaki-san, I might be able to meet again with sparkles that I don't know and that I can't find.
What do think?
Souma: of course i Don't mind. I will also cooperate with Akehoshi-dono search for "Sparkles".♪
Subaru: thank you!  If I'm with Zaki-san, I have a feeling that I'll find the most sparkling glitter...☆
Souma: However, in order to find it, you have to become familiar with "Kirakira".
I would like you to teach me what 'Kirakira' means to Akehoshi-dono.
Subaru: Well, there's a lot of things... but the one that made me think that it's glittering lately is the costume I got to wear the other day.
It's full of studs and tiny beads.  I like any kind of costume, but I feel better when it's sparkling♪
Souma: "Glitter" in costumes huh... Costumes, kimonos hmm..
The gold threads used in kimonos may also be called “twinkle”.
Subaru: gold.....?
Souma: The kimono I wore during my Shichigosan celebration was also embroidered with gold thread. I'm sorry that I can't show you the pictures.
Subaru: Hmm I tried searching, but is this the right one?
Souma: Oh, exactly. I miss the days when I put on my ceremonial kimono.....♪
Subaru: The thread itself is sparkling.  There are various shapes and patterns in embroidery, and every kimono is so beautiful!
Souma: Fumu. For me, kimono is something I am familiar with, but for Akehoshi-dono, it seems unusual.
The kimono itself must still be carefully stored away, so it is difficult to take it out.  Next time, let's bring "Albumu" ♪
Subaru: An album means we get to see little Zaki-san, right? I'm looking forward to that too.♪
Souma: I'm glad to hear that you are pleased. Now that we've introduced clothing, what other "sparkles" do you have to offer?
Subaru: Well, after all, the spectacle of psyllium that can be seen from the stage is special among glitter.
Well, I guess the sight of psyllium seen from the stage is the most special of all the sparkles.
Souma: hm. For us "idols", this is a very special sight. The sea of "Saireumu"
Sairium spreads out before our eyes.
Subaru: Yes Yes!  It's like the sea reflecting the sun's rays.  The customer in the last row is the horizon, and we can see everything up to the horizon.
Souma: It's a magnificent sight, just like the actual sea.  Last year, I also participated in the activities of the marine biology club.——
Souma: .........
Subaru: Zaki-san suddenly became quiet.  what happened?
Souma: It reminded me of "something".  Fufu, I wonder why it didn't come to mind right away...
I had my own special "Kirakira," Akehoshi-dono
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Subaru: Since you were talking about the sea, I thought we were definitely going to the beach.
Well, if you're just going to the beach, why don't you change into a uniform?  It's still inconvenient that you can't enter unless you're wearing a uniform~
·····Ah, Zaki-san? are you listening to me?
Souma: I apologize for not responding. I was checking on the fish and also doing some simple cleaning so that I could see the contents of the tank better.
Subaru: The Marine Biology Club's club room has a lot of tanks and all kinds of creatures.
If you brought me here, does that mean---- here's Zaki's favorite Kirakira?
Souma: Umu.  Akehoshi-dono, over here—
Subaru: wa~a.... !
Souma: This "Neon tetora" tank is my favorite "Kirakira"♪
Subaru: Wow wow!  Why is this fish so shiny? It's so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off it!·····!
Souma: fufu .Under the guidance of Shinkai-dono , this is the result of meticulous attention to the lighting of the aquarium. isn't it fantastic and "Kirakira"?
Subaru: yes! I never imagined that inside the academy there would be such a wonderful Kirakira that I don't know about.
I've heard a lot about you. Zaki-san's days are full of sparkles, aren't they?
Souma: No, it is thanks to Akehoshi-dono that I have become aware of the "Kirakira" around me.
The tea I usually drink, the kimono I am familiar with, and the fish I take care of every day—
I was able to think of it as something special, not something that is taken for granted. Thank you, Akehoshi-dono...♪
Subaru: Ahaha, I was thanked in return♪ Thank you for teaching me a lot about Zaki-san's sparkles.
Subaru: I want Zaki-san to know more about my sparkles. Now. will you let me introduce you to some of my favorite things?
Souma: Of course. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of "Kirakira" I will encounter.
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crazyfox-archives · 3 years
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“Hackberry Tree-Lined Road at Kishimojin Shrine at Toshima Ward (Zōshigaya), November 1933″ by Koizumi Kishio (小泉癸巳男) (1893-1945), showing families on their way to Tokyo’s famous shrine dedicated to Kishimojin (鬼子母神), the goddess of child protection, during November’s Shichi-Go-San Festival (七五三), an especially appropriate venue as it were
Image from “Tokyo: The Imperial Capital: Woodblock Prints by Koizumi Kishio, 1928-1940″ edited by Leslie Sternlieb, Nancy TenBroeck, and Akiko Ito Hocsman, published by The Wolfsonian, Florida State University, 2003, page 66
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thekimonogallery · 1 year
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Shichigosan 蕾写真館 @代官山 @TsubomiPhoto
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yokodana · 2 years
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Love Vintage Japanese Kimono Fabrics? https://www.yokodana.com has vintage pieces, lots & Bulk wholesale vintage Japanese kimonos by-pound. SHIP FROM USA,founded 1989, online since 1998 TAG_CLOUD See this item at https://bit.ly/3jJNwfY
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