#shidge fic rec
olkarianprincess · 7 years
Kat’s Shidge Fic Recs
Woohoo! Since I’ve been slow to update some of my own fics, I wanted to share the fics I’ve read in the past few months. All of these are AO3 fics for your convenience - make sure to give them lots of love! <3
Black, Green and Everything in Between by Diamond
In Progress | 30,335 | Mature | Angst & Fluff
Hot alien prince? (Not Lotor) Jealous Shiro? Evil Kuro showing his side? Sign me the quiznak up! This fic has everything I want in a fic and although I desperately would love an update, it’s already a true treasure.
Golden Madness by @potentiala​
In Progress | 86,049 | Explicit | Angst, Angst, ANGST | MCD
This is a wonderful piece with both Lotidge & Shidge - plus it’s got Klance if you like that pairing. My favorite thing about it is Lotor’s obsession with Pidge and the fascinating backstory that potentiala has woven in. It is very dark - darker than I tend to get, just a heads up.
Officer Shirogane and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Case by @dadboyshiro
In Progress | 12,420 | Mature | Police AU
This is a gift to humanity. Police and Hacker AU? YES PLEASE. And guess who the hacker is? (PIDGE) The banter is witty, the characters are charming (as they should be), and it’s well written. 12/10 [Plus Police Captain Samuel Holt YAS]
And that was the moment Keith knew... by Ninja_Librarian
Complete | 8,440 | General | CRACK
Short, sweet, and everything you didn’t know that you needed. It’s what crack fic should be: Well written and yet still HILARIOUS. This piece nearly killed me. Keith is a terrible wingman for both Shiro and Pidge so when lovebugs get involved...let’s just say it’s the best. The very best.
Lingering by @dontcallmebugaboo​
In Progress | 11,592 | General | Fake Marriage
Fake Marriage/Undercover tropes are my FAVORITE. I’m very cliche about what I like, okay? And this fic delivers. Lots of blushing scenes, smooth flirting, not-so-smooth flirting, and Lance laughing off on the side. Plus it’s in the standard VLD universe!
Pidgeunzel by CircusTalia
Complete | 64,569 | General | Rapunzel AU
Bless this fic. Honestly. Pidge is Rapunzel, Shiro is a prince, and the rest of the gang fill amazing roles. AND DID I MENTION THAT IT’S COMPLETE? LION GODDESS BLESS US ALL. Also, this is based on the traditional Rapunzel story.
HMS Leo by worldturnedupsidedown
Complete | 23,577 | Teen | Steampunk AU
This is such a cute fic with Mechanic!Pidge and Prince!Shiro. Plus the Garrison Trio being awesome friends and Rover is a mechanical dog! AND THERE’S AWESOME AS HECK ART TO GO WITH IT! (Because it was part of a Big Bang). The only thing I’d mention is that it was written Pre-Season 3 so just keep that in mind (it’s not really a big deal though, especially as an AU).
Well ta-da! I’m sure I missed a few that I’ve read (and I’ll certainly read more going forward) so I’ll create a second list in the future. If you’ve got any great Shidge fics you’d like to send my way, I’d love to see them! <3 <3 <3
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greg-the-goose · 7 years
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If you haven't read @hearmyvoiceoftreason 's fic Standing at Your Back Door yet please for the love of all that is holy do yourself a favor and go read it! It has very quickly become one of my favourites and I am so excited to read more 😭💗😭 I seriously love it so much!! (This drawing is for my shidge request post. I will be posting the rest of the sketches tonight.)
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bleusarcelle · 6 years
listen up, listen up!
 that’s totally a song from tangled before ever after, no shame
I promised (?) a fic rec because I have read such good fics recently and I wanted to share bc these fics deserve so much love goddamit.
May I Have This Dance? by @subtlehysteria  
fic: cinderella au based on kiilea’s art. smitten fucking keith. smitten lance. deceased me.
ramble: god, you guys, every word of this fic is magic and beauty itself. I fell in love with every single sentence and Lance is just so damn pure and kind and he’s the best Cinderella, I love him. don’t get me started on Keith, because that boy is so damn gone and smitten it actually hurts and they dance and they are so happy and they forget where they are and they just have fun and god, the author did such an fantastic job on showing their feelings and - JUST READ IT.
It has a part two that honestly? fucking bless?? thank youf or my life and for smitten keith? i lvoe youu?????
partners by @mightaswellcry
fic: post season 6. lance and krolia chat. quiet soft confession klance. shy dorks on a pool. soft keith. getting together.
ramble: hoenstly? the ending was the tip that convinced me to bookmark it. I dont bookmark every fic I read, but damn, this one? this one was really gooddamned precious, especially the quiet soft confession? that was more of an action thatn words? and it was really damn good? loved it. booked mark it. 
Wedding Day Disaster by @l-x-ie
fic: wedding klance. best woman pidge who does her best. smitten keith. tired shiro. poor lance. best wedding sheningans ever. canon verse.
ramble: i have no words for this fic, but imma try. this fic is fucking glorious and so damn funny. it’s a wild ride from start to finish and the squad can’t catch a damn break. it’s great. and like, after all the problems? all the unexpected shit that life threw on them on their WEDDING day and yet these two asshole dorks just smile and are so damn smitten bc they jsut want to marry the other so fuck the universe. and the author does such a good job on moving the story forward smoothly enough ‘til the end and it feels so complete and closured and I need a goddamned honeymoon fic sequel.
moonlit delusions by @jilliancares
fic: werewolf lance. oblivious lance. pining keith. dumb lance.
ramble: jillian u goddamned genius i love you with 76% of my heart. 
All Right by @sunflower-le-tournesol
fic: roadtrip gone half wrong. grumpy klance. but then smitten lance bc he’s a good bean who is in love.
ramble: i recently read one (1) fic of this author and ended up reading the rest of their story in one fucking night. I still feel bad that I couldnt ramble a comment in all of them but it was so late i wasn’t fuctioning. anyways the fic. it’s sooooooooooooo short but so damn GOOD and precious. it’s like, I just love keith’s character here? and the way the author allows us to see keith through lance’s eyes it’s just...really fucking talent, i lvoed it, it was subtle but so improtant and good. reeeeeeeeaaaaaad it.
there, there by koganewest
fic: klance fight. klance makes up.
ramble: it’s really refreshing to see that despite them being in love, they are still humans and they still make mistakes and they are STILL a couple whoo go through fights because they are needed to build the relationship in a healthy way. I really like to see those sides of their relatioionship, and this author did really good on that aspect. both of them were on edge, oen of them was trying to comfort, the other took it the wrong way, buttons were pushed, angry words were said but int he end of the day, they care, they careso much and it’s so good to see that.
Calling the Shots by Ninja_Librarian
fic: nurse keith. nurse keith. nurseeeee keeeeeith. and lance.
warning: background shidge. 
ramble: funny af???? development of their relationship good af???? growing slowly as friends so good??? and then keith feeling guilty but he can’t go back now lmao. and then the CONFESSION O H MAN, WHY. it was so embarassing and i re read it like eight times lmao. really good, loved it.
can't buy me love by @jilliancares
fic: ice cream truck lance. mechanic keith. it was destinated.
ramble: JILLIAN YOU GODDAMN GENIUS I LOVE YOU. no but for real, this was super creative, lovely and so damn pure. one of my faves.
Cereal Sweepstakes and Other Bad Ideas ft. Lance McClain by  ruralfishingcat
fic: skydiver instructor keith. oblivious lance. slow lance.
ramble: oh man, this is just super good and so enjoyable. lance’s entire dinamyc with his friendsis really pure and his personality its so wild but like, lance, ya know? love him. he was such a dork, and so embarassing. and everyone knowing about their mutual pining but them? fucking dorks. like they honestly thought “oh first meeting this asshole? its fine im never going to see him again” YOU THOUGHT WRONG BITCH, HE’S YOUR SOULMATE.
an apple a day by  Kima
fic: sick lance. caring keith.
ramble: i’m just so in love with this fic. everytime i re readit im like ....oh yeah this is why i book marked it. it’s really gentle and the dinamic between the team its really comforting and fun. and keith’s super awakard but he cares and he tries his best and it’s just really damn good. 
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WHY DID I GET RECCED YOYO-DODO? I DONT WANT THAT NASTY NONONO. (yoyo-dodo draws kinky fanart of klance and ships shidge, and has written about sheith and shklance once or twice, and also has a nsfw blog called thesmutwitch. she also writes a/b/o fics)
oh my god...................... please no
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Can you recommend any klance fics?.
I can definitely recommend lots of klance fics. As in, lots lots. I am not completely sure what you are looking for/what you have already read though, so I’m just gonna list some of my favorite authors with some of my favorite fics. 
Quick additional info: there are no explicit fics on here, though some are rated mature. All of the stories have klance as their only ship but since I intended this to be author recs rather than fic recs, I will mention what kinds of other ships appear in other fics. 
Now then, here you go, in no particular order:
- Crossroads (106k): not quite canon verse, not quite AU - check the summary
- Plunged (6k): canon verse, Lance teaches Keith how to swim
- Roommates (6k): modern AU, Artist!Keith, Photographer!Lance, exactly what the title says
This author’s writing is amazingly smooth and I particularly enjoy their Keith. Crossroads was my favorite fic for a long, long time until I found some others that were just as good :D [this author also wrote some nsfw and sheith]
- He Who Fights Monsters (65k): AU, there are dragons
This author has a style of writing that makes you forget that time exists. Like, you read their stories, look up 2 hours later and go “what the hell I only just started reading 5 minutes ago”. Their fics are pretty action-heavy but the romance part never falls short. [they wrote a lot of nsfw, their newest fic is shklance]
- Entangled (102k): canon verse, Keith and Lance get mind-melded
- Right-hand Man (4k): canon verse, Keith approaches Lance after the end of season 2 to talk about their roles from now on
Amazing characterizations here. I particularly enjoyed the OS because it seemed like something that genuinely could happen like this in canon… sadly I don’t think it will, but one can dream, right :’D Also amazing art! [they wrote some nsfw]
- it had to be you (9k): modern AU, Keith and Lance are professors, lots of flirting
- Echoes In Your Mind (7k): canon verse, Keith is turning Galra
- let the whole world know (4k): modern AU, soulmates AU
I honestly don’t know why I like this author so much? Probably because they can squeeze an entire story into less than 10k words, complete with character development and appearances from friends etc. I liked many more of their OS but there are just so many, you should check it out for yourself. [they wrote some nsfw and shallura]
- Not That Bad (68k): modern AU, socially anxious!Keith, lots and lots of fluff
- just like that (10k): canon verse, Lance struggles with his crush on Keith
this author just? makes reading feel so good? so relaxing?? Their style is focused on conveying emotions and flows really nicely, I strongly recommend to give it a try. [their newest story is nsfw and includes lancelot]
battleshidge (Amiria_Raven)
- Drive Me Crazy (8k): modern AU, lots of flirting and stupid pick-up lines
- Next Level (33k; WIP): modern AU, online gaming, they know each other but they don’t know that they know each other
The style of writing is really, really good and I love how everyone’s friendships get portrayed. The author is also pretty good at writing conflicted emotions. [they wrote some shallura and shidge]
- it’s all in my head (8k): canon verse, mind meld
This author is super good with emotions. You always end up feeling what the characters are feeling and I’d definitely recommend going through their other fics as well - once again, there are just so many that I won’t list them all. [they wrote some nsfw and shallura]
- You Can Fog Up My Windows Anytime (3k): modern AU, all the awkward flirting
Another author that has a fantastic style of writing and portrays the characters really well. Also another author that wrote so many good things that I can’t possibly put them all on here. [they wrote some nsfw, sheith, shklance, shallura- lots of stuff, check the tags]
- Moonset Deep (50k, WIP): mermaid AU, lance is the mermaid
- The Quiet (40k, WIP): ghost AU, lance is the ghost
- 7 Days Series (pt 1 - 30k, pt 2 - 30k, pt 3 - 4k): canon verse, lance/keith get turned into babies
Amazing writing, plot-orientated. Don’t let that fool you though, the emotions never fall short. [they wrote some shallura, shance and other ships - also their fics aren’t rated. the ones listed are entirely sfw]
- Drive It Like You Mean It (94k): modern AU, street racing AU, it gets pretty intense later
This writer has a really fluent and nice style of writing and they somehow manage to easily let lots of characters interact. Everyone feels extremely in character and nothing feels forced. Also I know nothing about cars and yet their fics belong to my favorites, so give it a try. [they wrote some shallura]
- Of Don Juan And Elvis (3k): modern AU, soulmate AU
- Barbie Girl (2k): modern AU, soulmate AU, continuation
I’m not sure whether it’s just me but no matter what fic of them I read, they always feel– soft. Easy. Something good for in-between. One of their fics (not the ones listed here) has some pretty heavy topics in it and yet I still feel like that. [they wrote some shallura]
- A Moment in the Snow (3k): canon verse, Galra!Keith, snowball fights, fluff
- Carpe Diems and Chrysanthemums (14k): modern AU, hanahaki disease, trans Lance, angst with a happy ending
- A Quarter Past Midnight (14k): canon verse, trans Keith, angst with a happy ending
This author is amazing at writing angst. It just always hits you right in the feels. Like damn. I adore their writing so much but ho boy I was too scared to click the one Chara Death fic they wrote. I couldn’t do that to myself, the two longer OS that I listed here already gave me enough feelings. [they wrote some shallura]
- Nightmares (15k): canon verse, sleeping together, as in snuggling, fluff
- Costumed Identities (42k): modern AU, cosplay AU, they know each other but they don’t know they know each other
This author writes Keith’s and Lance’s interactions really nicely. They also never fail to make me smile/laugh with their fics, they are all really cute!! Lots of light heartened stuff here.
- Running Flat (11k): canon verse, thought sharing, lance is trying to figure out who has the crush on him
- A Commutal Contract (24k, WIP): canon verse, bed sharing
I really really really enjoy this author’s Lance!! He feels incredibly in character and I swear I can see him act in canon just like he does in the fics. Their style of writing is fluent, nice and adapts really well to the situation.
[I also really enjoy witty_name’s and freshia’s fics, both of whom usually put background shallura into their fics though so I couldn’t list them here]
Aaaand that’s it for now! :D If you have a specific length/specific topics/specific ratings in mind for what you want to read, feel free to send another message!! You can also visit the fic rec tag on my blog, maybe you’ll find something else there.
/EDIT: now there is a part two with some other of my favorite fics
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auroura101 · 8 years
Wait if u have a lot of fics you want to read do u think u could rec some? I'm lost for what voltron fics to read and I want to start somewhere (I'm good for every ship but shidge honestly) thanks in advance!
*claps hands together*
A large portion of it is gonna be Klance cause i haven’t really found any other ones that I thought were interesting. Even being a multishipper, you still can’t find good ones of other ships besides the most popular ;w;
I’m also gonna give you the ones I have read cause I don’t wanna give you a fic rec and have you go in blindly not knowing what to expect from one of the fics.
Chances are this is gonna get long so imma cut it right here
Here we go:
Dirty Laundry: Lance makes the mistake of telling his Mom he has a boyfriend coming home with him for Christmas. Keith makes the mistake of agreeing to be Lance’s ‘fake boyfriend’.
An oldy but goody. This fic is probably one of the best and most popular fics out there. And there is a good reason for it. It’s cute and fluffy and cute.
Nightmares: Lance’s nightmares are getting out of control. It’s effecting his and the team’s performance, but he’s at a loss for how to fix this.Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps.
One giant ass fluff oneshot. Everytime I feel I’m in a fluff and just domesticness mood, I go to this fic. It’s one of those fics that you just have to read again and again.
 On Thin Ice: This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to “work on his footwork”. There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater.Enjoy the ride because it’s only just started.
Well you know the streme hype behind Yuri On Ice right? Well, here’s an Ice Skating AU inspired off it. I just love how pretty its written and how they depict Keith in this. And how much of an asshole Lance is to Keith in it.
Watercast: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!
UGH. THIS FIC IS SOOOOO GOOD. I HAVE DREW FANART FOR THIS FIC IT’S THAT GOOD. Basically Keef is a avian and Lance is a merman and they fall in love its the cutest shit. And once you read this, you’ll understand why I’m calling Keith ‘Keef’.
Sweeter Than Pumpkin Pie: 
Lance (9:04): where r u???Lance (9:04): ditchin the last day b4 break?Lance (9:05): unfair mullet head
Keith groans louder, the bright screen threading pain right through his eyes and into his head, even as his stomach does a little flipflop. He rarely has the energy to deal with Lance on a good day, let alone on a shitty morning like today. He tries not to think too hard about the fact that Lance noticed his absence. Of course he did, he tells himself. His lab partner’s missing. He’s probably worried about having to do all the work by himself. Keith’s gruff excuses don’t manage to stop his stomach from performing yet another backflip. Damn, why did he have to get so flustered over this stupid jackass? He squints at the screen, wincing as his head heaves another painful throb.
Keith (9:07): sick
I’m just gonna say right now, this fic has given me many many many many many aneurisms. College!AU Keith is sick during Thankgiving break, and Lance being a noble guy decided he’ll take care of his sick friend during break. (Warning: A LOT of pining for one another. A LOT tender moments. And this fic is long af, it just got updated a second chapter Jan. 20th, and the first chapter was posted Oct. 12, so expect slow updates. But its worth it i promise)
Call me beep me: where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
Idk why, but I love those Wrong Number!AU’s? Like, there just so pure and cute, you can’t just read one. And its been a long time since i read this so I might read it again sometime :3c
The Message: Keith is texted by accident by some idiot one day, and honestly he’s not even sure why he responds. Or why he keeps responding. Yet somehow he finds himself drawn in, and okay, so maybe this fool is mildly entertaining after all. Who would’ve thought.
Basically the same concept as above fic^^ But this kinda has a little bit more of a darker subject w/ Keith so just a heads up. Its not always sunshine and rainbows, theres angst on the other side.
And, Action!: Keith receives a call not meant for him but he manages to get involved in the caller’s life in ways he never would have imagined
*sigh* This is an Actor!AU That apparently not as many people use and done well. Lance is a famous actor and Keith gets a call from him and its history from there~ Fluff and angst ahoy~
Operation: Time Out: Just when things between Keith and Lance seemed to be getting better, they took a turn for the worse. With the right side of Voltron constantly butting heads worse than ever before, the team comes up with a plan to get those two to work it out: lock them in the training deck until they learn to play nice.Coran’s suggestion? Add the invisible maze to the mix.
I’m just saying that we need some more character development like this, step up your game @dreamworks 
So basically there trapped inside the invisible maze and they have to figure out how to get out and work like a team. Of course, knowing Lance and Keith, they don’t know how to play nice even when they’re trapped. A lot of dorkiness ensues and confessions(?) throughout. And there are pictures :D
Shut Up And Dance With Me: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals… or they might crash and burn.
A dance!AU created by the same people that made, Operation: Time Out, SUADWM is just so well written as it slowly fleshes out Keith and Lance as characters in this. And they also add links to what they were dancing to to get a better idea of what they did in a chapter. And since its the same creators of Operation: Time Out, there are of course, pictures.
The Marks We Make: Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he’ll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don’t say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It’s not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can’t bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he’s resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by.
Keith Kogane dreads the day he’ll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He’s just an art student who’s struggling to find his place in the world. There’s so much he hasn’t been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can’t do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
Soulmate!AU with Keith and Lance as soulmates. Created by the same peeps from above fics, we go along this adventure of self discovery as they start to learn more about themselves as a person. And seeing Keith slowly lose his shit in finding out Lance is his soulmate was the funniest thing to me.
Ghost of the Future & Shadow of the Past:
So this needs some explaining. The reason why I put these two together is because they are actually correlated together. The creator of the fics listed above (witty needs to calm down with these AU’s like jfc) did a collab with another writer and now there giving us a TimeTravel!AU. So Lance is transported into the future a year from his timeline, and then his future self is taken into the past of a year from his. And so far, its actually really interesting and I’m craving for more. I also noticed that it updated today so I know what I’m doing after this owo
The best dates involve blanket nests and pizza: 
Keith and Lance are ~*in love*~ and it’s Valentine’s Day.Pidge and Hunk help Lance because he is bad at subtlety.
I’m gonna say right now that I’m gonna have my ass chewed out on this one.
LISTEN, MY FRIEND @canicallyoumaddie-blog​ WROTE THIS AND IT WAS CUTE AND IT DESERVED MORE ATTENTION, I HAVE EVEN DREW FANART OF THIS SHIT CAUSE IT WAS THAT CUTE (I havent posted it yet but trust me its good)  To sum it up: Domestic little shits that don’t know how to stop being cute.
Alright, those are the main like fluff/cute/interesting fics I’ve listed. Now onto the smut.
Fake It Til You Make It: “No, it’s not that –” Keith tries to backtrack. “We just – we –” he isn’t sure what he’s going to say, he just knows he has to say something before he and Lance are forced to have sex with some weird alien species, while also keeping the weird alien king happy enough to create an alliance with them. But not for the first time and not for the last, Lance pulls through.Of course, this time pulling through almost gives Keith a heart attack, because Lance slips his fingers through Keith’s so that they’re holding hands. “What Keith here means to say,” Lance says, and although his voice is steady, he is gripping Keith’s fingers so tightly it’s painful. “Is that we can’t mate with your people, although we, um, appreciate the offer, because, well. We already are. M-mated, I mean. With, you know. Each other.”
Keith and Lance go on a mission to form an alliance with an alien race but the only way that they can is have an orgy porgy with the aliens. Oh, and they also have to pretend to be “mated” to eachother. 10/10 would read that shit again.
Heatwaves on AutoPilot: Keith and Lance unknowingly inhale an alien aphrodisiac during a simple resource retrieval mission. But unlike the common aphrodisiac, this particular one reactivates under certain unknown conditions, later leaving them craving in situations that don’t necessarily present them with many options. Keith tries to work through it, concerned with the sudden lack of control of his body, until he realizes the same thing is happening to Lance. So…great. How are they supposed to deal with this, keep it a secret, AND tend to the thousands of other responsibilities that come with defending the universe?
The amount of awkwardness in this fic is so fucking funny to me, like the first chapter is them being awkward shits not understanding wtf happened but that was a thing and holy shit, now I have to fuck you to get rid of this itch, with a slice of angst.
Bonding Time: “Shiro, I fucked up,” Keith blurted, wringing his hands.Shiro paused mid-punch, shooting him a quizzical look. “What? What happened?”
“I think,” Keith whispered, “I think I accidentally roofied Lance. With my dick.”
If the summary scares you, it should. Cause H O L Y S H I T. I cannot describe what happens in this series of fics w/o like actually spoiling it. But… Keith is Galra and Galra’s go into heat and you will never look at strawberries the same ever again :’D (I also recommend reading the other parts too, cause they’re pretty much porn but w/ plot and some feels)
Good Boys: Keith searches the wrong thing on pornhub and gets a whole lot more than what he bargained for.
This is a Shklance fic that kinda stole my heart a little bit tbh. Cause its just funny going through Keith’s POV and being so confused about this entire situation. Like, “Fuck, I wanna fuck Lance. But also, I wanna fuck Shiro too?” and him just kinda losing it over them both was just hilarious to me.
Bad Boys: Shiro just wanted a change. After a series of unsatisfying trysts, he was struggling to find anyone to explore his needs. Desperate, he turns to a sex club, and finds the answer to all of his fevered dreams.
This is a prequel to Good Boys, and I love how Shiro is a kinky motherfucker but also a giant teddy bear with Lance. I drew fanart for this too but thats another story But I will warn you this one has a darker tone so tread lightly when reading this one cause its some pretty messed up shit.
Phew, those are pretty much the ones I have actually read on my bookmark list that are good. I’ll probably add on to this but this is pretty much all my faves at the moment. Go nut
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glove23 · 8 years
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?-Percy Jackson for sure2. What is your latest fandom?-Trollhunters3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?-Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I can’t pick bc both fan bases can be amazing and I’ve made great friends through both.4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?-y e s can you guess which ones5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?-Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and currently still working on a riverdale 6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.-PERCABETH, ROMIONE, Clizzy, (god why are they all het) ((oh god what fandoms am I in)) BERONICA, im sure there’s more but *edit* OH KLANCE 7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.-dr*mione, thalico (I don’t know why we ever thought that one was good) what’s Archie and Betty’s ship name, Sizzy, shidge8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?-I saw cool stuff in tumblr for trollhunters and so I’m currently watching it9. What are the best things about your current fandom?-BUT WHICH ONE DOES IT MEAN imma go for pjo and it’s pjopositivityproject10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? -I’m really bad at reading fic for anything other than hp unless someone specifically recs it for me
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beameized · 8 years
what are some of ur fave shidge fanfics :? any recs?
My number one fave is def Phone Tag. It is hella cute and heartwarming. Basically miraculous ladybug but without the magic and more of hurt/comfort. Literally had to lay in my bed and think about what to do with life after I finished it, yes.
Summary taken from ao3:
AU. Tech support specialist Katie “Pidge” Holt takes calls for the “technologically challenged” at Altea Tech. Most of her elderly callers’ problems are solved with the question, “Have you tried plugging it in?” But when she receives a call from a suicidal war veteran, she slowly realizes not all problems can be solved with the flip of a switch.
What the Cat Dragged In. This is good. I mean just read the plot.
Summary taken from ao3:
Drag AU. College student Pidge Gunderson lands in a sticky situation after flashing a fake ID at the local gay bar. Pidge is thrusted into the world of drag by a handsome make-up artist named Shiro. 
Café au Lait- Coffee Shop AU. Who doesn’t want coffee shop au???
Summary taken from ao3:
Pidge couldn’t describe exactly what it was about this new customer that was throwing her for a loop.
Maybe it was the way he walked. He carried himself straight, like a soldier, but there was a sort of grace to it that mesmerized her. He had a defined jaw and a prominent scar across his nose, but those features couldn’t hold her as much as the sharp, piercing gaze that spoke in a language infinitely more important than words.
In an Off Chance - Shidge for laughs. Basically a trashfic. 
Summary taken from ao3:
In which, Pidge is desperate for some action but Shiro is having none of it.
“Yet.” Pidge adds.
The many times Pidge failed to entice Shiro and the one time she accidentally did.
P.S. Don’t worry. it isn’t nsfw. (this fic is mine lol)
Interstellar Blessing. Basically, a baby fic and a real blessing.
Summary taken from ao3:
Years have passed since the defeat of the Galra forces. The team manages to keep together but a new secret has been kept by Pidge.
Lost and Found. Haven’t actually read this one but like this has been recommended to me like six? seven times?
Summary taken from ao3:
The dashed line from their current location to the box was labeled 00:02:47:29:12. Two hours, forty-seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds, twelve milliseconds.
In just under three hours, they would be headed away from the last known location of Sam and Matt Holt.
The Wedding. Don’t let the name fool you. It is drama Go confess your love Pidge!!! If you wanna get hurt, clap your hands.
Summary taken from ao3:
In 38 hours Allura and Shiro were getting married and Pidge is finding everyday harder to bare with the thought of Shiro marrying someone else. Will she be able to confess her feelings to him before it’s too late?
Marionette Short but angsty
Summary taken from ao3:
Pidge refuses to let go of Shiro after he’s died.
The following fics are a shameless advert of my fics lol. I wouldn’t call them good per se but hey, you asked for recs and I am def not missing the chance to rec my fics.
Inconsequential - soulmate fic but they aren’t soulmates ;)
That one reality Slav had to lie  - short but it has slav
Fast Forward - Shiro ends up in the future with a thirty two year old Katie and his heart is not ready
Sentiments  - short fluff in the beach
Backtrack  - wrote it cuz I was salty af
Holding us back  - Pidge finds the courage to confess
Piecing us Together  - part two of Holding us back
glowing  - that one moment where Katie fell for Shiro
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anti-lancelot · 8 years
Sit down ladies, gentlemen, agenders, non-binaries, etc
I have a story to tell you about my Voltron fandom experience. It's not a lancelot one, no, it is a sheith one. When I first entered the fandom I shipped klance immediately, mostly cause it was the first ship I saw before even watching the show. I later found out about sheith, which at the time was my notp. I avoided sheith fanfics, but I adored shidge, though I don't read shidge fics that much due to me once trying to read one and it instantly throwing the characters into gender roles. One day, I tried to find content in the shidge tag on tumblr...you guys can probably guess what I found. Anti-ShiroxAnyone that isn't Allura, I found that sheith took most of the hate. I looked through the anti-sheith tag, anti-sheith blogs, and I was disgusted of how these people were acting. Pedophilia accusations, call-out posts, spamming tags. I was aware of antis, since I'm from the Osomatsu-san fandom and I ship matsucest, and let me tell you that antis spammed those tags like crazy. But, I just didn't expect to find them here. I ship sheith now, I might not ship it as much as shidge or heith(i ship heith bc i read a heith fanfic once and i just like how the dynamic of their relationship would work) But, I don't get that notp pang in my chest anymore and I reblog quite a considerate amount on my main blog now. That's right folks, I was powered by spite to the point that I now ship something that formerly I wanted nothing to do with. And, when I saw antis starting to turn on lancelot, I knew something needed to be done. I took this url because of how many anti urls I had seen. I wanted to take it and give the fandom the positivity it deserved. So, I created a fic rec page on this blog too of the lancelot fics I like. I thought about making a wall of shame page listing the trollfics, but...I didn't want anyone to get harassed, specially since most antis are minors. Basically, I wanted to create a safe space for lancelot shippers, and I've even been thinking about making a shaladin one. I want you all to know I'm on your side, because nobody deserves harassment based on shipping. Like, what societal impact does it have? I'm so confused. Like, I know there is a child pornography claim the antis make, but like...the characters don't look like children? And child predators are more likely to use actual child pornography to trick children.(not to mention most pedophiles need professional help or that most of them were molested or groomed as children which has led to their illness. Seriously, my mom worked in a mental hospital, every pedophile there had been molested as a child. It's really sad.) But, I digress. Sorry for that rant there. Anyways, I'm on your side. Anti-lancelot, out Peace
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olkarianprincess · 7 years
The Echo of Legends
Pidge suspects that “Shiro” isn’t really himself and matters are complicated when an alien tells her that she and the one she loves are cursed to meet a terrible, tragic end. Lotor wants to provide her comfort, but his unrequited love is a burden on his heart. And Shiro - the real Shiro - wants nothing more than to be home in the castle once again.
Soulmates, past lives, ancient legends, angst, angst, ANGST. And canon-compliant.
I pulled out all the stops for this. I hope you enjoy it!
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olkarianprincess · 7 years
Chaos 45 Part 3: Seeing Double
Shiro finds himself in quite a predicament. But at least he's back in his reality, right?
In other words, the writer (me) had to go reread everything because it’s been so long. But I got super motivated and broke out of my writing stump! So ha! Here’s Part 3! One more to go!
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olkarianprincess · 7 years
When you think “Shidge fic”
Which fic comes to mind?
I need to know so I can read it
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olkarianprincess · 5 years
A friendly guide to finding literally anything on my blog
Hey friends! So for whatever reason, this is the one blog I generally keep organized. Tumblr’s search is shit, but I try to be regular with tags. If you’re looking for specific content or need to block content, here’s my format:
For stuff I make it’s either “Kat’s [thing]” or “my [thing]” but fair warning I always forget which one I use so there’s stuff under both
Examples: Kat’s AUs, my headcanons, kat’s fic
For non-Voltron content there’s basically two tags, “not Voltron” and “Kat’s personal tag” I think I used to use “about Kat” too
For ships, it’s just the common ship name
Examples: Shidge, Heith, Hunelle
For AUs or tropes, it goes [au name]!au
Examples: Altean!au, Dark!au, role swap!au
For genres, it’s just the genre name.
Examples: angst, crack, fluff
For certain character AUs or tropes it’s [au name]![character name].
Examples: human!Allura, spy!pidge
For triggers, squicks, and warnings, it’s just the name of the thing.
Examples: mcd, violence, blood
All asks are tagged “asks” and with the persons username or “anon.” Any recurring AUs of mine are given a specific name in the format [au name]!au. And all ask or tag games are also given a specific name.
Fic is tagged “fic Rec” or “fic”
Fandom events & projects will be “fandom event” or “fanzine” and then the events name, with and without a year added if it’s annual.
Examples: Shidge secret Santa 2019, Shidgemas, shidgemas 2019
For holidays I do the same thing. I have a general tag with the holiday name and one that’s “[holiday] [year]”
Examples: Christmas, Christmas 2018, halloween, halloween 2017, thanksgiving, thanksgiving 2019
I also have a few specific tags I like to use. “Pidge in a dress” whenever she’s wearing a dress. “Long hair Katie” if her hair is long. And a few Shidge ones.
Shidge: Shidge!kiss, Shidge!baby, Shidge!wedding
I do have specific tags for people I interact w regularly, but I’m super inconsistent about those lmao sorry. You’ll generally get a tag dedicated to you if you interact with me consistently. I’m like a stray cat that likes humans but is shy. Unless given attention regularly, I am hesitant to approach. Alt., you could get a nickname for other reasons. Like regularly causing me pain thru angst (you know who are are). People tags tend to be “[nickname] friend”
The queue tag is “form queuetron” which my phone autocorrects and one time I misspelled it and tumblr never let me forget. It constantly suggested the misspelling as a tag. “Scheduled” is pretty self-explanatory. Occasionally there’s “reminder” “reblog” or “signal boost”
Any post like this that’s about the actual blog itself is tagged “blog maintenance”
Lastly, there’s my nonsense tags. These are tags I use often but they’re to emote. Stuff like “blessed” and “cute”
And if you’ve made it this far, you’ve either got nothing to do OR you have a shit ton to do but you’re putting it off, so imma talk about some of my favorite tags. One I love is “no beta we die like men” bc I don’t edit things. [insert that one parks & Rec meme and where I’m like “I’ve never edited anything in my life, ever” and you’re like “I know and I love you”]. Another personal fav but I’ve only had the chance to use once is “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat” The tag is perfection. It so accurately conveys what it’s about. It’s amazing.
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olkarianprincess · 6 years
Okay so it’s fanfic writer appreciation day. I want to read new fic (and old favs), send comments and asks, and maybe even do some fanart (I’m not the best but I’ll try). So anyway, send me Shidge or Lotidge fic recs!!!! What’re your favs??
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