thelaundrybitch · 9 months
❤️ For Sunny!
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Honestly, any time spent with Axel always has deep meaning. Even as friends, Axel always provided the best memories for Sunny. 
Her favorite memory is the time she was finally able to tell the world that Axel and her were together. She had loved Axel for a while before she had confessed her feelings, and even after they got together, they kept things on the down-low because they technically “worked together” and weren’t sure how well it would be received.
But when it did happen, it was kind of a natural thing. The women’s feelings for each other just kind of spilled out, and they rolled with it.
Sunshine thinks about it often.
At least once a week, honestly.
~It happened during movie night on Base.~
There is actually a fantastic fic written about said event, too!
I am not the owner or writer of said fic, so unfortunately I am unable to post it for y'all to read. I will ask the author if they are willing to post it because it’s super cute and fills my heart with so much joy every time I read it 💖🥰
Thanks for the ask!!!
@leosgirl82 @shiftandshade @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @scholastic-dragon @m1dnyt3-w0lf @eveandtheturtles @raphsmuneca @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda @tinkabelle19
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some-french-asshole · 5 months
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Merry Christmas everyone!!! This year I gave @shiftandshade a nice cup of warm cocoa, but a little guy slipped in there ♡
Alternative expressions
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snackugaki · 1 year
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@shiftandshade is blessed with so many ideas while I am cursed with only one drawing hand ;u;
*once again, shoves my beloved daughters into shit*
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unknownfanartist · 1 year
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for @shiftandshade cowboy au. From what I remember, it was decided that their horses were: Donnie- Black Mustang (15 hands) Leo- Blue Roan Appaloose (16 hands) Raph- Red Clydesdale (18 hands) Mikey- Sorrel Mule (12 hands)
enjoy the doodles
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Stress Test
RotTMNT Donatello x Fem!Reader One-Shot
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Warnings/Tags: Aged-up Turtles, Explicit Language, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Flirting, Innuendo, Stress Relief, Alternate Universe - College/University, Creampie
Synopsis:  College is already tough enough when reader, who is having a very bad day, finds themselves on the receiving end of Donnie's version of help.
Also available on Ao3
A gift for the darling @unknownfanartist that could not have been possible without the brainstorming help of @shiftandshade and @some-guy-named-dominyk ! You're all the best and have been making my fandom experience better than I could have ever imagined!
So, that’s how it was going to be.
Pulling into campus, you craned your head over your dash to glare at the sky. The sun was certainly not going to make an appearance as it hid cowardly behind its army of clouds. Bitter, you grabbed your things and trudged into the snow. Heavy footfalls crunched as you navigated the awkward landscape created by many an uneven plowing.  Finally breaching a building’s warmth, you scowled as you remembered there was no time to enjoy it. Jostling your bag, you moved with purpose towards the class you were most certainly late for. You needed coffee and you were already late.
Adjusting course, you headed towards a vending machine. There were far better options and you had already thrown caution to the wind, but manageable tardiness was always better than outright. Glimpsing the rectangular glowing box, you made the shuffling exchange to produce a wallet. A card transaction felt too unwieldy so you opted for bills. You had just the one in mind and palmed it to gaze at the machine. You were finally in store for some respite. Reaching forward you fed the bill into the slot.
It zipped into the machine and was immediately ejected.
That was fine.
You pinched it free and gave it right back.
You listened as gears turned before it was rejected once again.
Eyes a little too wide, you grabbed the bill and smoothed it’s near pristine edges against the corner of the machine before giving it another go. With bated breath you watched as the same machination played out except this time the dollar did not return to the surface. You could have collapsed at that minor success. Turning to glance over the sparse options, you reached out and punched a selection. The machine made a beep and your brow furrowed. Glancing at the digital display, it made a note of missing funds. Blinking slowly, you waited as the text rolled over saying there was no balance at all.
Squeezing your hand into a fist, you strangled your wallet. Pulling out the most decimated bill you had, you bitterly shoved it into the slot out of pure spite. You stewed as you held your hand on standby waiting for the bill to undoubtedly be rejected. Your arm fell limply to the side when it not only passed inspection within a whirring second, but also ticked up the balance on the machine. Groaning, you tipped your head back in annoyance. Several stray locks broke free from their brethren at the movement. Obviously the hurried brush swipe from this morning that placed your hair into a ponytail wasn’t nearly thorough enough.
On your chin’s downswing, you blew a puff of air to keep them out of your eyes and jammed the same selection button. The machine buzzed with movement and you waited for something to be dispensed. You stood by, an odd smile splitting your cheeks as it continued to vibrate uselessly. Another beep chirped and you looked up to find the digital display telling you to enjoy.
You banged your forehead against the polycarbonate face.
“You seem to be having some trouble.”
Snapping your eyes open, you felt your blood pressure drop.
Not that voice.
Not him.
Without removing your head from the machine, you turned to give him a wide eyed gaze.
It surely read manic.
You didn’t care.
Whatever you guessed was on your features must have been accurate because it translated to surprise on his. You gave him a flicking once over and found he had a forearm craned to the top of the machine. It accentuated both his height over it and you. Following the limb, you lingered on his rippling arm muscles but internally scoffed at his choice of a skin tight short sleeved black top. Finally cascading across his sturdy neck, you watched as the earlier shock shifted to a smug grin on his green face. Flushing at being ousted was the furthest thing on your mind.
You had been in a sort of tango with the man since last semester. There had been no tangible exchange between the two of you, but the tension was unmistakable. You had first been caught by his easy on the eyes status and then captured by the slivers of his dichotomic personality that seemed to swing from icy calculations to the grandiose. Chemistry with a turtle hadn’t been on your bingo card, but mutants had earned their share of society. In your usual manner of luck though, the connection had moved little past visual as jam packed college schedules interfered. That was, until today at arguably the worst time.
“You look… tired.” He offered.
“You can say ‘shit.’” You clipped back with a little more force than necessary. The irritation with your words sank into your hands as you pushed off the machine. In doing so the excess force shifted awkwardly in your body and you stumbled back. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the mutant startle once again, but you caught yourself before you could make a complete tumble. There was no way you were about to let him catch you in some romance trope.
Still wary, he watched to see if you were stable before glancing back at the machine. “Allow me.”
“Don’t bother.” You retorted, adjusting your belongings. “It already ate my money once and then ripped me off.”
You bristled as he chose to ignore you and study the box. You were about to walk away when he shot you a cocky look and gave the device a sharp whack at what seemed like a calculated angle. You watched with an arched brow as your coffee was dispensed in swift sputter.
“Bad day?” He reached down and grabbed the drink before offering it to you.
“It’s all downhill from here.” You gave him your own lopsided grin before taking a sip of the acrid liquid. At this point you wished you had just taken the time to hit a coffee shop.
His heady evaluation kept you rooted even though your mind begged you to get to class. You were just about to execute the awkward shuffle that telegraphed your need to leave when his lips parted.
“We’ll see.” He said simply, before reaching out. The muscles in your neck tightened as his large hand headed toward you. Going rigid as, in contrast to its size, a delicate touch brushed a lock of hair away from your face. The tips of his fingers barely grazing your skin alternatively seared with the contact. “I think you’ll find it can get better.”
Your frozen stature lasted through him giving you his own once over through half-lids. You started to thaw as he then gave a departing half wave and headed down the hall. Finally breaking free and your mind reeling at him having some sort of last laugh, you planted your feet. Not your proudest moment, but you blew a raspberry of sorts after him and then said, “Yeah right-!” Your nearly bit your tongue as you realized you didn’t even have his name to curse him with.
He didn’t stop in his trek, but his head tilted just enough that you got a glimpse of his cheek. “Donatello! You might have better luck insulting me knowing that!”
You glowered in place. He would have a name like that. It certainly wasn’t one you were going to put any respect on. “Whatever, Donnie!”
That wasn’t your best work.
The way his shoulders gave a single bob before he turned a corner ensured the point.
Dragging your feet along with your tray, you made your way to a cafeteria table. Social interaction was at the very bottom of your priority list so you threw up an embittered aura and took a seat at an empty table with a good vantage point to keep the whole room in view if anyone dare try to break through. As expected and in straight offense to Donnie’s comment, class had been less than stellar. There was a question of revisions that could have been done that weren’t clearly outlined along with a critique on how you should be doing more. It left you all the more soured. Staring down listlessly at whatever you had grabbed, you tell it was going to be bland. The sauces were on a little mock salad bar on the other side of the room; your kingdom for condiments.
Heaving to your feet, you debated lugging the food around, but decided against it in a line of ever testing the universe’s lack of patience with you. With a few back glances along the way, you trudged over to the bar. Cold air wafted off its cold steel structure and you glared at the seemingly never changing options. You reached out to make a selection the same time as a three fingered green hand did the same. Stopping just shy of touching each other, you snapped your gaze up.
He greeted you by keeping his eyes the bar while a sure smile played on his lips. “Hello again.”
“Are you stalking me?” You narrowed your gaze at him.
“I would never.”
It was almost surprising how quick the response was. “Sure…” You packed the syllable full of your suspicion.
“The menu is a little dry today.” You could see out of the corner of your eye that he scooped something onto his plate.
“Depends on what you get.” You shrugged, finally moving to get your sauce.
“I think it has more to do with touch.”
“Yeah?” The response was more automatic as your focus lie elsewhere. Originally, you had once positioned yourself to keep your food in sight and he had since stepped into that line. It meant you had to look past him to make sure your tray was safe.
“Of course.” He clacked the plastic tongs in his hand. “Cuisine is both a science and an art form. You can calculate everything out, but, and I find this frustrating, there are factors you can’t account for without touch.”
“Uh huh…?” Though you were more than ready to get back to your food, he had a leading air that held enough of your curiosity.
“Take a dough, for example.” You looked down through the glass partition to find he had exchange the tongs for a bread roll. “Elevation, humidity, temperature…” He turned the bread over in a show that brought one of your brows up. “You can precisely measure and try to control all the factors, but without getting your hands on it…” He gently rolled bun over in his palm. “To knead it…” He gave it a squeeze. “Work it…” With the deft digits of one hand, he then maneuvered it between his thumb and farthest finger. “Checking in and taking the time is the only way you can ensure a satisfactory product.” Your eyes slowly widened as he then took what was approximately his index finger and pressed it right into a soft exposed part of the roll where it had been torn free of the others. In a rocking motion, he arched the digit into the dough until he had expertly excavated out a hole.
You hadn’t realized how much heat had shifted in your body until he all but leaned over the bar towards you.
“Do you see?”
You jerked away from him so violently that you almost spilled your sauce. You passed him a quick glance that you hoped read as indignant before making a beeline for your table. You felt fully scandalized as you tried to make sense of what had just happened. There was no way you were seriously stressed out enough that just watching some idiot finger blast bread had alit something in you. The whole thing was insane. It must have been your gutter mind imaging things because there was no way that was what he intended. There had to be a more rational explanation.
Arriving at your destination, you took a seat robotically. Frowning, you prepared to eat and wondered if that was what actually happened or if you were certainly projecting. Either way alarming in its own right, you took a bite. Between blinks, you imagined the way his finger had turned and arched directly upward into the dough. You nearly choked on your bite and scrambled to take a drink. Somehow getting the morsel down and subverting death for about the millionth time in your life, you lowered your glass just in time to find Donnie languidly place his tray exactly three tables away. You tried to muster a glare at the eye contact, but some of your drink dribbled down your chin. The corner of his mouth upturned as you scrambled to get a napkin.
Whatever concerns you previously had about your mental state vanished; he was definitely playing at something. 
Refreshed and renewed with annoyance, you went back to your meal and only partially regretted your choice to sit all by yourself. It not only gave you an unobstructed view of the mutant, but it also meant you had nowhere else to split your attention. Trying to focus it on your food, his movements couldn’t help but beckon your eye. Eating with more ferocity, you forced him to disappear. It also meant you only made it about halfway before your stomach started to protest the barely chewed bites. Slowing down with a sigh, you saw a smear of movement shoot up. Keeping your head down and peering through your lashes, you watched as Donnie grabbed his tray and departed.
You gave another sigh, this time relaxing all the muscles that had bunched up. Looking at the rest of your food with the same disinterest as when you started, you pushed it around your plate trying to make an enticing bite. You had almost calmed down when another trickle of movement caught your eye. Unconsciously, you lifted up to pass a glance at the newcomer and watched in horror as a satisfied smile spread across Donnie’s face when eye contact was established. A tight frown formed on your lips as he set down a bowl of strawberries and a tall glass of water.
Shooting your gaze away to the right, you immediately regretted your decision to back down. It felt like a lose-lose situation between letting him win whatever game he was trying to play and indulging him. Gritting your teeth, you turned your attention to your plate. A tactical retreat would probably be your best bet as your appetite was pretty much null at this point. Another ding in the ever losing day was the waste of money and food. The thought wedged between anger and melancholy as you prepared to pick up your tray. You were halted by the glimpse of an extended green limb.  
Peeking, you glanced to see he had reached out across his table and tapped a finger against it to get your attention. Bitter, you made an annoyed show of sweeping your gaze up. You blinked as you found a large strawberry pinched in his other hand next to that smarmy face of his. Your brows knit as he flashed you a bit of teeth before turning on the fruit. That glint of white brightened again as he brought the berry in close. With his head turned to the side, you got a particularly clear view of his accentuated canines as he bit into the strawberry with far too much teeth than a normal bite should take. He lips came down around the morsel in time with yours where you hadn’t realized your jaw had dropped. Clenching your jaw to keep such a mistake happening again, you gaped as he pulled the plump berry away from his lips. A bit of reddened juice chased down his chin and he thoughtfully chewed. One of your hands reached up to grab the table and missed, dipping into some spilled sauce.
You were about to curse and take care of the mess when he swallowed. Your throat went dry as you watched his Adam’s apple bob around the bite. Your heart thudded in your ears as you scrambled for a napkin. Wiping your hands, the cognizant part of your brain screeched about how stupid this all was. It was full-on winter. There was no way ripe strawberries that ripe should even exist.
Hands only minutely cleaner, you actually grabbed the sides of your tray. You’d had enough of this weird show and rose your eye line only because you had to do so to stand. What you found across from you was Donatello, tipped back and downing the water like his life depended on it. That damn neck of his tensed and flexed in a means to get the fluids into his body. A single droplet traced along a chiseled curve from where it had broken free from the gulps. Your eye absently traced its path back to his lips just as he finished off the glass. He lowered it, his eyes down and you watched as his tongue darted out and skimmed his lower lip in a languidly swipe. The long pink vestige quirked in the corner of his mouth as he brought his gaze up to yours through sultry lids.
There was a knowingness there that kept you still though it felt like your center gravity was rapidly descending. His tongue retracted and he made a show of lip smacking satisfaction before bringing up the back of his hand to wipe the errant droplets. Putting effort into the twist, his muscles flexed at the movement and you finally broken the sediment holding your feet in place. Before you could really comprehend what you were doing, you were already dumping your tray. Surely away from his prying eyes, you let a full range of emotions run across your face in one rapid reel before reigning them all in. He was an unadulterated exhibitionist. With the food discarded, you slammed the tray into its pick-up spot and turned to escape the cafeteria nightmare. There was no way in hell you were going to admit to even the privacy of your mind what your thoughts were on his absurd peacocking. You decided he was out to torture you; the game was making an already miserable person have a worse day. If only your body shared the same sentiment.
You were being followed.
Tightening your grip on your bag, you tried not to all out run to your last class of the day. The feeling had prickled at your neck a little ways after your cafeteria debacle. It had taken a trip to the restroom and a long look in the mirror to gain even a tiny bit of control over the heat pooling in your belly. Reminding yourself you weren’t going to give in, you planned a lazily trek to your class when you felt eyes on you. Immediately having turned around, you found only a few background students milling about. Questioning your sanity for about the hundredth time today, you continued on.
The sensation returned almost immediately, which brought you to your current predicament. No matter how hard you tried, there never seemed to be anyone behind you. Frustrated to no end, you almost looked forward to your next class. It was usually one your dreaded as it held one of the most annoying classmates ever, but you’d take her stupid face over whatever was happening now. Turning down another hall with far more activity, you welcomed the security blanket other people created. Anxiety fringing and the gaze still ghosting you, you stiffened your resolve.
“Hey, man!”
There was something about the candor of the random shout. It was so sharply pointed that you just knew it was meant for someone directly behind you. Spinning around for at least the fourth time, you found Donnie being hailed by several other students.
Your eye twitched.
Not quite having realized it stopped you dead in your tracks, you watched as the green menace greeted what your presumed were his classmates with a lethargic nod. It should have been so obvious that it had been him stalking you all along. Radiating irritation, you had half a mind to go over and scream at him. It would make a big enough spectacle that maybe you could tear a shred of embarrassment out of his otherwise cool exterior. Grimacing inwardly, your brain quickly swept in to remind you of the other side of that scenario. The one in which you looked like a raving lunatic calling out some guy in a sea of people who didn’t care who you were. Wilting at the thought, you began to leave. You just needed to get to the safety of your classroom and finish out this accursed day. That was, until you saw a purple wrapped head loll back in your periphery
Haunches up at the sheer audacity of the man, you turned to shoot icy daggers at Donatello. Instead of the expected smirk, you found him scanning you. Your shoulders bobbed as he openly undressed you with his eyes. You were struck with the swift tide of coiling in your lower body that then receded sharply under drowning embarrassment. He was eye fucking you so blatantly that his classmates took notice and were already whispering to one another. Cheeks aflame, you did a sharp about face and stormed away. Your rushing blood thundered in your ears; loud but not enough to drown out another shout.
“Good luck!”
The was a comedic tone to it. Without turning you knew Donnie had immediately sprung after you to pick up the chase. Feeling very much like prey, you shot down the skyway and could now hear his footsteps in tow. You threw a glance over your shoulder and prepared to finally call him out when you got a glimpse of his face. Apart from the smothering focus, there was a primal desire there as if you were the most delicious thing this world had to offer. It snapped your gaze forward and caused a muscle to pulsate deep within you. It wasn’t at all what you were prepared for and you suddenly were at a loss on how to respond. Deciding again to flee, but now from yourself as well, you broke out into a full tilt run. There were no thundering steps echoing yours and you squeezed your eyes shut at the velocity when a clear path afforded it. Reaching your class in record time, you stopped short of the door panting from the sudden exertion.
Trying to regain of shred of control and not make a worse impression on the students you’d be stuck with for the next three to four hours, you clutched at your chest. Within several deep breaths, you swiveled around to look for your offender. You found only a few errant students around. The way your stomach dropped was frustrating. Your lids descended and you leaned back against the wall. This ploy of his was breaking your already brittle sanity. You had just run away from him in a literal sense, there was no way that you were feeling any kind of upset that he had given up the chase. It bordered on a mind game you did not have the wherewithal to play. You had a metric fuck ton of assignments and more on the way. You needed to focus with your nose to the grindstone. This was just another agonizing day in a sea of others.
It was fine.
Stressed? Annoyed? Exhausted?
But you were also fine.
Having had a long moment to put your priorities into perspective, you finally opened your eyes. You were still perched against the wall beside the door to your class. Across the hall sat the entrance to the coding class where you knew for a fact Donatello would soon occupy. Last semesters chance encounters always occurred in passing on the way to different classes. This year it culminated in him just a door away. It seemed like an eon ago that the sight of him here might have been a nice little reprieve from the strain of the day. Now, you almost hoped you wouldn’t see him because you weren’t sure your body could take whatever else he had in store.
Sighing, you pushed off the wall. You only had to dodge him three or four more times. Class would start and then you had a short break before an hour long stretching of the legs. All manageable enough to avoid another person. It left the hardest being class ending all together. Plotting a litany of exit strategies, students filled past you signaling that time for class was drawing near. You shifted your grip on your bag and in preparation to leave, saw Donnie come into view.
Though none of your acid gazes had any effect yet, you still shot him a venom filled look as he approached. Though his head were held to a high standard, there was a bit of a sheepish quality to his eyes that gave you pause. Unfortunately, you watched in near horror as he took this as some kind of acceptance and another smug grin split across his face. You tried not to reel as he basically strut right to his class’s door. Your jaw dropped as he entered and threw a look over his shoulder with a quirked brow that screamed he knew you watched the whole display. Your teeth came up as he disappeared into the depths with a pointed wink.
Hunching over and covering your mouth, you shook your head. That one was a little too funny. Displeasure ebbed under the ludicrous comedy as you entered class.
You only vaguely remembered you had meant to avoid this break when you marched out into the hallway. You needed at least ten seconds free from hearing that girl’s grating voice and the allotted 15 minutes were just a bonus. You made it a few heated steps before making sure she hadn’t followed. Staring evenly at the door, it made some sense that she’d stay behind. She had probably gone live to stream her subpar work to her 5 followers. Of course she couldn’t just be the most annoying student in your class, she also had to be some kind of failed social media influencer. Scowling, you took purchase on the wall and blew out your frustration in a thick stream of air. Lazily you watched as your other less tiresome classmates filled around you along with the coders across the way.
It was about then that you realized what was probably about to happen. Straightening your back, you counted down the students exiting his class until Donatello appeared. Oddly enough, he seemed engaged in actual conversation with one of his peers and didn’t look your way. It was in these moments that on any other day you would shyly try to catch one another’s eye. Today you instead watched him with open curiosity as his hand waved through some complicated mechanic he was trying to translate. Another coder caught wind of the exchange and stepped in to offer his piece. They seemed quite heated and whatever the first man had said made Donnie’s head snap to him disbelief.
So he was capable of that too.
Satisfied that you would get this time off scot-free, you lolled your head back towards your classroom. Wondering how much time you had left, you let the first neutral moment of the day take hold. It meant you couldn’t be bothered to even lift your arm to check the time, but your other classmates cycling back would be enough of a warning. Lids drifting down, you neared relaxation when someone appeared in the doorway.
The universe truly hated you.
There, in the archway, stood the annoying girl. She bobbed as if she were in an intense hurry and searched around. You mentally pleaded that it had nothing to do with you and you were granted that one kindness. However, in a cruel twist of fate, her eyes lit up at the coders across the way.
“You!” She shouted and all but skipped across the expanses. You tracked her as she shot right up to Donnie, almost slamming into him in her excitement. Mid-sentence, he turned and regarded her as if an insect had landed on his person. You would have laughed had she not opened her mouth again.
“I’m sorry, I only have a few minutes left, but I got challenged to do this thirst trap trend!” She held out her phone and you watched as Donnie barely passed a glance over the device. “I need a big strong guy to catch my leg at the end, would you help me?” She then snapped to a what should be read as a cutesy pose. She was probably conventionally attractive, but her terrible personality was utterly blinding. “Pretty please, it’ll just be for a second!”
You watched as it was painfully obvious that Donnie was going to say no before something akin to realization passed over his features. It rippled across your flesh in the form of goose bumps as in a blink you were sure you saw his eyes flick to you. He then had that cocksure aura about him and turned to look down at her. “Sure, I believe we need a chair?”
“Yes, exactly!” She then randomly selected another coder to go grab one before spouting information a mile a minute to Donnie. The mutant didn’t seem to listen and instead had pulled out his phone. He scanned something with rapid thumb swipes and then turned his attention to her.
With some satisfaction you watched as he cut her off. “It’s borderline formulaic. Just follow the near identical bass heavy music, rapid transitions, and eye leading shots and you’ll be fine. I mean…” He gave a little shrug and again you were sure he flicked his gaze at you. “Any simpleton could do it.”
The annoying girl jolted as if the words had been loaded into a gun. Before she could address the offense, one of the guys Donnie had previously been talking to snorted.
“You gotta be joking!”
“Not at all.” Donnie looked at his classmate evenly.
“Sure you’ve got some muscle, but a thirst trap? You move like a plank of wood most of the time!” The classmate laughed and the one that had been sent away returned with the chair.
“It’s fine! He can be a hot plank!” The annoying girl huffed, taking the piece of furniture.
“Hot plank!?” The laughing coder quacked and nearly collapsed.
Donnie glanced over him, then the girl, and, finally, directly at you. “Film it.”
He hadn’t even tried to make it a question.
The pointed nature of the statement caused the annoying girl to turn on you.
This was fine.
“Yes!” In several skips she bounded up to you. “Please say yes! It’ll be so fast! I bet you’re great at it!!”
The protest was instantly on your lips when you heard the other students in the hallway buzz at the film shoot.  The spotlight was insufferable and only comparable to the heated patient gaze of Donatello. You shrank under it despite your mind’s raging protests. “Fine, whatever. Don’t make us late.”
The annoying girl squealed at a pitch that stabbed sharply into your ear drums. You followed her in a confused haze across the hall. After some chair adjustment that pointed it directly at you, the girl came back over to fiddle with her phone by your side. A fast looping beat came out of the device’s speakers at a tepid volume and the camera mode was activated before it was thrust into your hands.
“Alright!” The girl chirped before shooing away all the other coders but Donnie. She had tried to make a grab at his arm to move him, but he put himself in place beside the chair just as she reached her hand out. Again, mildly perturbed, but not to be deterred, she spun around to face the camera. “So start the recording and say go and I’ll bust out all the moves and cut later.” She threw her head back at Donnie. “Watch for the spin and catch me in those big arms, kay?” You could just see the wink she shot him. You watched on screen as she returned her gaze to you and Donnie openly rolled his eyes.
You didn’t like any of this.
Bringing up the camera, you adjusted as necessary before tapping record. “Go ahead.”
Just as the annoying girl jut back to arch her body, Donnie stepped forward. Murmurs rippled through the onlookers as the girl jolted in response. Through the camera’s digital display you watched as the slight build up of fury in the girl’s eyes. Alternatively, Donnie simply seemed to straighten up and in doing so his towering size caused her to shrink back before a protest ever left her lips. She instinctually backed up and Donnie stepped into her spot. He then lolled his head to one side before opening his eyes. The lethal blow was instantaneous and any roving mumbles went dead silent. You stiffened as he stared right through the camera at you with a gaze that dripped with seduction.
He then shifted into rolling his neck which seemed to flex and rove along every tight muscle there. Flittering those heated glances back at the camera, he took a seat in the chair with his hips splayed. In time with the short beat weakly echoing in the hall, one of his arms shot up and scrapped back across the mask over his face. It knocked the silly goggles he wore on top of his head into a backward position. His triceps rippled on display and he gave a coy smirk with half of his face shielded by his arm. He rolled out of the move, shifting in the seat until his ass was on the edge and it caused not only his back to arch, but his hips to bow in just the right way.
Even though you were staring at him through the screen, your hand lowered unconsciously along with your jaw. Before you could correct, he snaked down; his shoulders flexing as he chased the camera’s lens. Bending at the waist, his torso dripped between his thighs and he cocked his head. The coaxing burn of his gaze felt like a vice around you and somewhere you found enough wherewithal to bring your hand back up. Again he followed it, reeling his arms back in, but taking the time to drag them straight from knee to crotch before sending a knowing smirk that read as almost pity for the viewer who could only have a visual taste of him. Your body felt like fire as he drew up a line from between his legs to his chest. You knew enough that it was his plastron jutting out underneath, but the way he rolled his shoulders made it all the more apparent that it was only an approximation of the pecs that would be there were he not part turtle. You nearly groaned at the sight when the annoying girl finally found enough strength to step in.
“O-ok! I think we got it!” She tried to force out the statement as a bark, but barely managed a whimpy whine.
All at once, the phone left your hands and the hallway seemed to come alive again. Several people cleared their throats and glancing around the peanut gallery found barely a soul hadn’t been affected by the display. Knowing you were among them was felt like borderline harassment, so you shifted to see how Donnie acted in response. You watched the mutant come out of the chair in a stiff manner and round it as if his legs were made of wood. He then picked up the piece of plastic before looking pointedly at the annoying girl.
“Will you post it?”
She was staring at the replay, almost drooling. Snapping to attention, she looked from her phone to him. “Well, this isn’t really…”
“You have to post it!” One of the coders suddenly shouted. “Give me your handle!”
“It’d be a shame to waste that!” Another person called out from behind you.
“Can I have your user too!?” Someone else yelled.
Under a similar onslaught as you had been when asked to be the cameraman, you glanced around before coming back to Donnie.
He was staring down at the annoying girl with an flat smile on his face and eyes that nearly gleamed with manic joy over how he had not only one-upped her, but trapped her in the process.
“Uh… yeah… sure.” She shoved her face into her screen in a pathetic attempt to hide her dismay.
Based on the affect it had in real life amongst you and your peers, you knew if she were to post the video it would put any of hers to complete shame.
“Time’s almost up, do what you will.” Donnie shrugged and passed you one of the most even glances of the day.
You weren’t sure how to interpret it as you watched him disappear back into his classroom. It then took several more seconds of the students dispersing before you reanimated. Leaving your annoying classmate behind, you moved back to your door. Taking your seat, everything seemed to move around you as class resumed. You tried. You did everything to put your focus on your work, but no matter what you did, your brain betrayed you. Within each blink was a jump cut from the would be thirst trap. Glancing up at your teacher only dispelled the ghosts of bulging muscles. Looking down at the paper in front of you conjured images of deft fingers arching beckoningly. You squished your thighs together until your hips protested the pressure. You had to keep it together.
Flustered, you dragged the rubber band out of your ponytail and ruffled your hair. With several swipes you put it back up in what you hoped was a less messy way than it had once been. You remembered your haggard reflection from this morning against the shiny plastic of the vending machine. Frowning, you realized you missed an important note from your professor. Clicking your tongue, you scrambled to catch up. As if your regularly scheduled stress wasn’t enough. Compounding that with what could only be described as the love child between sexual frustration and torture, you were at your wit’s end. You wanted to give that bastard a piece of your mind. You also wanted to bite a piece of him off. His taunting smirk continued to gloat over your struggle as you forced your pencil to paper.
An agonizing hour.
It was fine.
It was also fucking insufferable.
Having been tormented by images of Donnie for the duration of class leading up to your hour break was enough to break any embarrassed determination you had. You were going to give that bastard a piece of your mind. There was no way he had any right to punish you on a day that was already white hot garbage. Slamming things into your bag with enough force to break them, you shouldered it and headed toward the door with purposeful stomps. You exited your classroom and watched as, in time, Donatello did the same. If that wasn’t a universal blessing than you didn’t know what was.
He seemed startled by your darkened stare for a moment, but then something else passed over his features.
You could just tell.
The challenge you were about to bestow upon him was accepted.
You could hear the bell as the match was about to begin.
A good fight was a great stress reliever.
You turned down the hall and could feel him fall in line. You weren’t in the mood to deal with any bystanders thinking they knew even a minutia of what was going on and twisted down a low traffic hall. Lacking windows, you rounded him as soon as you saw the coast was clear. He was closer than you anticipated. Your eyes met. There it was again, that shaded gaze. A twisted frown of fury tugged down at your lips as you finally let all your pent-up frustrations bubble to the surface. The sensation was overwhelming and stung in your eyes, but you could feel it all coming to a head. You brought up a hand to help aid in the righteous demonstration. Your lips parted at the oncoming onslaught.
You got out exactly one strangled syllable when his lips crashed into yours. Your outstretched hand was cupped by his and wrapped in a scorching warmth. Your brows came together as you tried to make sense of what was happening. You tilted your head to protest, but it came off as deepening the kiss. His lips moving against yours took the edge off, but the vestiges of combat still hung in your mind. A small groan of frustration lodged in your throat and a swipe of his tongue against your lips caused them to part. You might have used the opening to protest, but he followed through the motion with his free hand slipping behind your back. You arched into it and he reeled you in until your hips were flush against his leg. You hummed on contact and he made a similar noise in kind. Oxygen rapidly depleting, you both finally broke with a gasp and your headed lolled without support.
Suddenly fuzzy on the details that brought you here, you stared up at him drunkenly. His pupils were blown wide, but he still was taking the time to study you carefully.
“Jerk.” Was all you could manage before you both came together again. Freeing your hand from his grasp, you caught him and groped at his arms. You could feel him smile into your lips so you bit down on his bottom one to show your displeasure. You knew that he knew what you thought of his body, but that didn’t make him rubbing it in any less annoying. The arm behind your back turned into a hand that pressed down into the tense muscles of your lumbar region. Between him massaging your lips and now your back, you melted against him. You barely felt him steer you until your back pressed against a wall. You felt the surface pull at your pony tail until you both broke for air once more. Instead of giving you space, you hissed as he pressed searing kisses down your neck.
Suddenly in need of leverage, you trailed up his biceps and onto the planes of his shoulder. The hand at your lower back dipped further down and skirted your ass. You were almost about to protest the lack of squeezing when he laved at your collarbone. A sigh burst forth from you and he tucked his hand under your upper thigh. His head came up as the appendage sank down into the flesh is another kneading of muscle. There was a soft tock against the wall as you became putty at the sensation. He hummed in satisfaction and kissed the corner of your mouth in question. Momentarily unable to find your voice, you instead nosed his cheek and he brought his lips to yours in a more languid show than any of the others so far.
The leg underhand rapidly becoming jelly made the others tightened nature more apparent. Donnie seemed to sense this and brought his other hand down in a similar fashion as the first. You weren’t sure how you were going to stay upright when he answered the call by hoisting you up. It slotted your hips together and had he not immediately started massaging the limbs you might have wanted to focus on that. A loud moan crawled up your larynx and he pressed hard into you to swallow the sound. He then withdrew his mouth from yours and you nearly whimpered at the contact.
“We need to be quiet…” He reminded you before searing another kiss to your check.
You vaguely registered the sound of talking students nearby. The cold bucket of fear poured over your head and your legs contracted around his waist. It brought the flat edge of his plastron right to your core and your eyes rolled back at the sensation. When they came down, you saw him watching you with desire pouring off of him.
“We only have 36 minutes left.”
How long had you been making out?
He gave a squeeze to your thighs and the near-liquid like state of your muscles said that at least the massage portion of the evening had gone on for quite awhile. Remembering you had arms, you snaked them around his neck and pulled him in close. Whether he meant to dodge your lips or not, his forehead came against yours and you breathed him in.
Staying like that for a moment you tried to sort what was left of your thoughts. The seconds weighed heavily on your mind as you took stock. Whatever he had done had made you lose time which in your ever grinding mind was a rare display. If that wasn’t an improvement you weren’t sure what else would be. Throwing caution to the wind, you pushed a bit into where your heads were connected. He leaned back and seemed to prepare himself for your response.
“Is that enough time?” Your voice felt hoarse and you realized you had said one word the entire time.
You saw a flicker pass through his iris and his brows raise at the challenge. “I’ll make it enough.”
He sealed the agreement with a kiss and ground his hips into yours. You mewled at his sudden speed, but none of his movements seemed sparse. Instead he finally slid his hands along your legs and grabbed at both of your ass cheeks. He stifled another heady moan off your lips before shifting his center of gravity. Only mildly curious with his mouth as a distracting force, you barely registered his fingers hooking into your waist band. You bit down on a yelp as his knee came against the wall to support you as he tugged one half of your pants down. In the back of your mind that wasn’t waffling over being undressed in a hallway at school, you marveled at his multitasking skills. His tongue moved in tandem with his hands and he swapped your weight to the other knee until all your bottoms pooled around one ankle. It wasn’t until his grip had shifted that you realized he’d even taken your underwear down in the process.
His mouth left yours and you blew out as the tepid air of the hallway hit your heat. He pressed apologetic nips into your neck as one thick digit gingerly tested your folds. The wetness he found there caused his teeth to come together and he murmured into your throat, “Is this all for me?”
As if he knew a complaint would be on your lips, his finger slid against you and prodded your entrance. You desperately wanted to make some kind of cohesive response, but all that came out was a needy, “More.”
He nodded and his finger disappeared. You trampled the whine that tried to form. Your body bobbed as he fiddled with something, but you couldn’t see what. His head blocked most of your view as he had it down against your shoulder, working on something between you. You fiddled with the fabric of his shirt, just feeling the bump where his shell was when you felt different sort of sharp heat press right into you. Gasping as you realized he had been removing his pants, you watched as his head came back up. When eye contact was established, you squashed the question in his by yanking him close to you. A small chuckle throttled in his throat as the sharp movement tugged his cock into you. It caused both of you to bite down on moans.
The amusement of the mimed action brought your lips together and he adjusted his grip on you until the angle slotted him just so. You tensed up as the tip of his cock slid in and he rocked into the motion. Through tiny thrusts he worked himself inside of you until he was sheathed. You reflexively clenched around him and he brought a curious eye up to you. You barely managed a shrug and his hips pulled back. You licked your lips at the feeling of him leaving up until he snapped back in. A potent moan burst your mouth and one of his hands left its stabilization duty to smother it. Your brows barely came together in the first signs of a glare and he fucked it right off of your face.
Unraveled from the day and his ministrations, the sounds continued to pour from you only to be caught by the clasped hand. His forehead came back down to your shoulder as he put all the rest of his attention into his thrusts. The pace was unrelenting, but he still took time to keep adjusting the angle until he hit just the right spot. Your body shuddered on contact and he all but cradled you as he continued to focus his strokes on that point. You held onto his neck for dear life as all reason left you. The coil of pleasure tightened to a lethal degree and you almost bit down on his fingers as your lashes fluttered uselessly. Reality stripped away with only your orgasm as a sight on the horizon when the wall left you.
Thinking he was just going to find some new magical angle, you curled into him and his cock sank down to the hilt. Sighing at the fullness, the sound met your ears making you realize his hand was no longer around your lips. Unsure, you blinked your eyes open to find the hall rushing around you. Tightening your grip even more, you caught a glimpse of two students just as a corner obscured them from view. Realizing you’d almost been caught, your muscles tensed and it resulted in a clamping down around his him. Your back harshly thudded against the new wall and you could feel the rumble of his groan into your chest. When he came back up, you could see the fear receding from his face and you both listened as the voices trailed off, seemingly none the wiser. Exchanging eye contact, he gave you only a wicked grin before he resumed fucking into you with even quicker purpose.
Your heart already racing from the near reveal, thudded out of your chest as your worn body was pushed to its very limit. The fluorescence in the hall seemed far too bright and his hand found your mouth as more sounds were ripped from you. You could feel your own drool smeared in the process, but you couldn’t give a single damn. Your muscles contracted and again as the shining paradise of your orgasm glimmered on the horizon once again. If the tightness wasn’t sign enough, your near screams were as a shift in your position meant you were again balanced on a knee. Donnie then used both that and the wall to free his other hand which slipped between the vice between your bodies to rub at your clit. Within a few strokes you came. Even through his hand, the howl off your lips surely could be heard by anyone in at least the next three conjoined hallways.
Instead of slacking, the buildup of the day manifested in a lengthy repetitive crashing of spasms that all but covered up Donnie’s own orgasm. Your muscles continued to ritualistically contract as he eased into you, using the wall ever more to keep you both upright. Heavy pants echoed as he finally removed his hand from your mouth and the last tinges of your pleasure massaged his cock as he prepared to pull out. It was in this motion when the excess of his slick ran down your leg that you realized he had in fact reached his own high. You smiled at him dopily, hoping the move translated even a shred of your satisfaction. A exhausted smile on his lips said he did and he reached up and brushed a matted hair from your forehead in a similar way to as he had done this morning. Your emotions thinned out and mixed up, watering your eyes at the action. He kissed your forehead at the sight before breaking eye contact with a little scowl.
Your euphoria dropped off as he attempted to get you back on your feet.
“What?” You slurred the single word, dread seeming like an odd emotion after everything that had just happened.
“We have 2 minutes.” Finding you able to keep yourself upright, he bent at the knee to retrieve his pants. In doing so, he came face to face with the mess trailing down your legs and looked back up to you through nervously clenched teeth.
“No…” You whined. Even if you were late to class, you were still several long hallways away from the closest restroom. You had no choice but to get dressed for the trek and either way, the fluids were going to get trapped in your clothes. That meant for the remainder of class you were going to be sitting in them. “No…” You repeated, more desperation coloring your features.
“I’m truly sorry.” He offered. You uselessly reached down to scoop some of the cum off your thigh as he put his pants back on. You tested the stickiness of the fluid between your fingers as he dropped back down. You stiffened as he made his own pass to catch juices before stepping back to let you get dressed.
The way the anxiety wafted off of him meant you knew exactly what he was going to say before he even did. “One minute…”
“Go, I got this.” You waved him off, the motion aerating the substance on your hands in an unappealing way.
“I’m not leaving you.” There was an incredulous edge to his tone that said there was no use in you fighting it. Grimacing, you dipped down, slipped back on, and pulled up your pants and underwear. The trapped slick sensation against the fabric was instantaneous and you shuddered at it.
You could hear more apologies slip off his lips as you both took a light jog to where your belongings had been left behind in the previous hallway. Running as best as you could against the squelching sensation and fucked out muscles, you neared your class before actually shoving Donatello off to his while you took to the restroom. You cleaned up as best you could, but the dampness had already set in.
Leave it to this stupid universe to put an edge to such a good thing.
In class only three minutes late, your teacher barely acknowledged you as you took a seat. Settling in, you picked up the lesson and tried to focus on your work with what should have been post-nut clarity. Through the discomfort, a countercurrent built up as you hadn’t quite processed the full extent of what happened. There was a deep set fluttering as time wore on and you started to piece together that all of Donatello’s asinine actions throughout the day had been an oddly build-up to that moment. You flushed bright red and tried to hide your face in your assignment as your remembered his insinuation that things would improve. He had probably gone about it in all the wrong ways, but the result had removed a great weight from your chest.
You squirmed in your seat and though you’d almost gotten used to the moist sensation, something about this twitch in particular caused a little ache to form. Your teacher droned on as the background while thoughts of sex slowly clawed in the forefront of your mind. By the time class had ended, you were the first to move. In a dumping swipe, you packed up and were also the first to the door. It meant you jumped ahead of the coding class and were left to stand in an annoyed and yearning stupor. The annoying girl from your class seemed to scoff at you as she departed. You almost smiled at the back of her head, happy specifically at how little you now cared about her existence.
It seemed like ages, but finally the coders began to file out. Shifting your weight from one leg to the other, you felt a new slick begin to form. Pressing down the undeterred flip of your stomach, you watched as Donatello exited and perked up at the sight of you waiting.
You smiled back and both of you met in the middle of the hall.
“Can we-?”
“Do you mind if-?”
You both shared a look and then laughed.
“To our spot?” He asked with wagging eye brows and turning to lead the way.
“Yes, but let’s not call it that.” You shook your head and fell in line.
“I must admit…” He started after several feet. “I’ve had a moment of lucidity.”
“Mhm.” The hum dripped with sarcasm as you shot him a knowing look.
“Yes, well-” The red on his cheeks did not match the Donnie who had been stalking you all day.
You bit your lip to assuage your giggles.
“I must admit that didn’t exactly go as planned!” He forced out.
Your head swiveled to his with curious surprise.
He balked at your gaze and looked away. “This morning, I, well-” For a moment he recomposed himself as you both turned down another hallway. “I was waiting around with a plan to ask you out; I even wore this accursedly tight shirt in hopes of increasing my chances.”
If you hadn’t already turned to him in shock once, you might have done a double take. “Wait…”
“I know!” He threw his hands up and you rounded the last corner towards where you had both been not too long ago. “Then I saw you and you looked like you were having just about the worst time someone could have and I had this insane idea to help distract you until I could have a chance to maybe help for real and…" He bit his lip and as you approached the exact spot, he turned to you openly. “As I say this I’m starting to think about all the ways this could have gone horrifically wrong. Suffice to say, the whole thing sort of got away from me.”
“You’re not apologizing are you?” You asked, folding your arms.
Even though he was much taller than you, his sudden sheepish air made him seem small. “Yes?.. No…?” He searched your face for the proper choice.
You refused to give him an ounce of information.
“I’ll need some indication so as not to mess this up further.” He settled on, trying to regain a bit of his analytical self.
You resisted the urge to laugh and instead settled on a half smile. He watched it with tempered hope and you looked away in a mock show of thinking it over. So he hadn’t been quite the sexual mastermind you thought him to be, but the fact that he had all but seduced you without that as his actual tangible goal was somehow just as intriguing. You knew very little about him. The realization brought more attention to the fact that you had been fucked senseless at school by a relative stranger. A reflexive spasm down south reminded you of the ache that had built up. Stress wasn’t something that could disappear with just one measly hour break. You set a wicked smile on your lips and rounded it on him. The happiness on his face shifted to eager curiosity as you sauntered towards him. With your newly found information, you wondered how much he did in fact understand when he caught your hips on approach.
“Did my day get better?” You posed the fake question out to the hall.
He feigned looking around before both of your gazes came together again.
“A lot of bad stuff happened and there was this one distracting dummy who kept following me around…” You murmured, lashes low.
He paled slightly and you could feel his grip on you loosen. You reached up and made of show of putting your hands to his biceps.
“If I had to sum it up, I would say there’s been some improvement…” You dropped off, flicking your eyes away and then back.
He licked his lips in anticipation.
“I think someone has to show me just how much there can be though.” You tossed out the line and he took the bait with a kiss.
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turtle-babe83 · 1 year
TMNT All 4 in 1 Challenge
Hosted by: @thelaundrybitch @post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83
Welcome to the TMNT prompt list exercise!
Where we (All 4-1) invite fellow TMNT tumblrina fans to write a fic - long or short - including or about the prompt. We also invite you to draw, paint, or sketch using one or all of the prompts!
Whatever inspires you!
It can be about any character within the TMNT realm!
Make it Fluffy! Make it NSFW! There really are no limits!
We thought it would be exciting to see what everyone would come up with! If there's enough interaction, we are going to try and continue this little writing exercise at least once a month!
This month’s theme is: Personal Space/Boundaries
That's not your toothbrush, that's mine! (Reader finds out they've been 'sharing' a toothbrush with a turt for MONTHS)
“What are you doing in my bed?”
Reader/OC comes home to their place completely infested with four mutant turtles who have gone through all their shit and are eating their snacks and watching their TV. Reader: “We need to have a discussion about boundaries.” All four turtles: “What for?”
Reader is sick of 'turt of choice' manspreading. So they start doing it to them.
Please use the hashtags:
#TMNT All 4-1 Challenge or #TMNT All 4-1
So that we can find your art/writing easier, and enjoy what you bring to the challenge!
We look forward to everyone’s unique renditions!
@red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @sivy-chan-blog @angelicdavinci @beckerboopin @knightish-knight @morning-sun-brah @mysticboombox @shiftandshade @waterstar2016 @forerunnertracer @scholastic-dragon @tmnt-tychou @snackugaki @sharpwindow @lec743 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @symmetricalkazekage @memes-in-a-half-shell @zowise2912 @xanadu702 @turtlesmakemehappy @zprites @coulrofilia-sexuell @raphslovemuffin80 @brightlotusmoon @kawaiibunga @jynxthelittlelynx @raisin-shell @rebel-hamato @aurora-the-kunoichi @donathan @landsel @t-annuki @luna-neko-hamato @narwals14 @roxosupreme @fluffytriceratops @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @drowninghell @raphaelsrightarm @unknownfanartist @buthowboutno @android-cap-007 @akesdraws-blog
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hitechlatte · 1 year
Prince Charming's Jacket - Donnie's Glasses
So @shiftandshade asked if the glasses in Donnie's PCJ character design are functional. Here's how they function, enjoy ;P
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thelaundrybitch · 10 months
Wake Up Call - AxelShine
And I'm coming in hot with some AxelShine 🔧☀️
This is a WLW Romance. Axel and Sunshine are GIRLFRIENDS. This series is not for everyone, and that's ok 🫶🏼💕
Axel belongs to @shiftandshade, and I appreciate the hell out of her for letting me write Axel into Sunshine's shenanigans 🥰💖
Wake Up Call
After Axel and Sunshine had 'retired' from their positions with the mercenary group, the women found a nice house out in the middle of nowhere to live away from the craziness of society.
Small farm. Horses. Honeybees. A sad garden that Sunshine religiously killed off.
The good life.
Axel had her own garage in town that she worked at a few days a week - just to keep herself busy and to keep her mechanic skills up to par.
Sunny stayed home and cared for the animals, did the household chores, and tortured loved that poor garden.
Axel had taken a few months off to really relax before she had decided to buy her garage. This meant that Sunshine was used to her morning cuddles.
So, when Axel started getting up at the ass crack of dawn to get ready, and Sunshine woke up next to a cold bed, she was a sad, sad girl.
"Axel, why don't you wake me up in the morning, when you get up for work?" Sunshine asked as they were climbing into bed together one night.
"Sunshine. I love you. I'm not waking you up before the *actual* sun shines through those windows."
"But… I love you too, and I want to get up with you," Sunshine pouted, giving Axel unintentional puppy dog eyes.
"Don't give me that look," the mechanic said with a quirked brow, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth as she slid into the bed next to the blonde. "And I want you to get enough sleep, love. Before you get up and care for our home. Besides. I've never left without giving you a kiss," she told her Sunshine.
Sunny sighed in frustration but also knew she wouldn't be any different if the tables were turned.
A couple of weeks went by and Sunny was still pouting.
She wanted to see Axel off to work. She wanted to have breakfast with her.
She wanted to reciprocate that kiss in the morning before Axel left for the day.
So, being the little shit she was, Sunny set the alarm on her watch and wore it to bed that night.
The first time was a bust. She got up at 630 to find Axel had already drank her coffee, eaten her breakfast, and was currently getting ready in the bathroom.
"Geez, Axel…" complained Sunshine as she shuffled into the bathroom, scaring the life out of the poor mechanic. 
"SUNSHINE!" Axel squawked with a startled jump. "What are you doing up?!"
Sunshine pointed to the toilet.
"Ah. Let me step out, for you," she acknowledged, kissing Sunny on her way out the door.
Sunshine grabbed Axel's shirt to give her a few more pecks. "What time do you even get up?" She asked, her kisses getting increasingly longer.
Axel answered without giving it a second thought. "5:15" Sunny's kisses were a bit needier than pecks, if we're being honest. They had Axel's brain in a fog.
"Before God. You get up before God," Sunny sassed, pulling a snicker from the other woman.
"Which is why I don't wake you up," Axel replied, poking Sunny in the stomach. "Now use the bathroom and go back to sleep, angel. Before the devil comes after you and those kisses."
Sunshine smiled into one more kiss, but did as Axel requested.
That night Sunshine reset her alarm. And was very excited.
It was 4:15am.
How do people live like this? Thought the blonde as she snuck out of bed and down to the kitchen.
But! This was worth it. Axel was worth it.
Sunny finished her little shenanigans in the kitchen and made it back to bed by 5am. She laid in bed quietly with a smirk on her face.
15 minutes later, she heard the tiny beeps of Axel's tactical watch.
Axel sighed and looked over at the sleeping blonde next to her. What she wouldn't give for another ten minutes to cuddle her.
As she went to get out of bed, she felt a hand grab her arm. She turned with a surprised look to see Sunshine, eyes wide, silently pleading for her to stay.
How was she supposed to resist that face?
Axel smiled and slunk back under the covers, as Sunshine grinned and yanked the mechanic impossibly close.
"Ten minutes," Axel said with a chuckle as Sunshine let out a quiet squeal of delight.
Axel laid next to Sunshine, basking in her warmth as the blonde dragged her blunt nails through the undercut of her hair.
"I know what you're doing, Sunshine," Axel snickered through a warning.
"Is it working?" Sunshine smiled, dragging those delicious nails down Axel's neck, making her shiver.
"Yes. And I have to get ready for work," she told the blonde, burying her face in Sunshine's neck and nipping the soft skin.
"But!" Sunshine complained.
"But?! It's already 5:45!" Axel laughed, as Sunny pulled her back to her lips. “I was only supposed to be here for ten minutes!”
Sunshine let out a mischievous giggle, "I know. But you don't have to worry. Your breakfast is in the warmed oven. The coffee is brewed, and your lunch is packed and in the fridge," the blonde told her, nuzzling her nose, and making Axel chase her lips for another kiss.
"God, I love you," Axel whispered.
"I love you too. And you can just stick with calling me Sunshine," She winked.
If you enjoyed it, Please reblog for others to enjoy 🤩💕
Enjoying my work? Find my 🔧AxelShine☀️ Master List HERE
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@leosgirl82 @shiftandshade @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @scholastic-dragon @m1dnyt3-w0lf @eveandtheturtles @raphsmuneca @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda
**If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in the AxelShine Series OR if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
Sleep - An AxelShine Story
It's been a hot minute, and I apologize.
In honor of Pride, I bring you some AxelShine
This is an AxelShine story- a wlw series
This means Sunshine and Axel are girlfriends. There will be romance.
Just so there are no surprises when you get to the end of it.
Sunshine is my OC ☀️
Axel belongs to the amazing @shiftandshade 🔧
I have been given permission to borrow Axel, and I am forever grateful. 🫶🏼
18+ content - for mature audiences only
Reblogs only, please!
The door was shut and locked. 
And while Sunshine would normally respect the mechanic's silent request for privacy, she was becoming more concerned by the moment.
Especially, since the base chef said they hadn't seen Axel since yesterday morning.
The lady at the cafe hadn't even seen her come to get her usual 3-cream, 3-sugared abomination of a coffee today. And Axel needed her morning coffee. Honestly, not even rabid dogs would keep her away from the sacred hot bean juice.
Sunshine hemmed and hawed, glaring at the offending handle until Buttercup happened to walk by and spotted her sister stuck in a near-permanent feedback loop.
"Ready?" She asked with a smirk, grabbing Sunshine's hand and placing it on the handle to encourage her. "Now turn. You remember how, right?"
The blonde snickered at her sister's sass before explaining the situation and fruitlessly jiggling the handle.
"Oh shit. Stay here. I'll be right back," said Buttercup before taking off at full speed back from the same direction she had come from. Within five minutes, the elder twin was back with a lock-picking kit and kneeling as she expertly popped the door open.
"I owe you," Sunshine whispered gratefully. Giving her twin a quick squeeze before slipping into the garage and relocking the door behind her. Sunshine stood there for a moment, looking around quickly to get her bearings.
She was met by Harley rubbing against her legs, sweep after sweep. "Hey, buddy… what's going on, huh?" She asked as she pet the black feline, "Where's Ax?"
The cat looked at her and gave a quick "ppprrbt" sound, before running toward the back of the garage.
Sunshine walked over to the cabinets and put away the armload of clean rags before she headed out back, where Axel could usually be found.
Entering the bay, she found Axel on a stool with her head cradled in her arms on the countertop. Harley was standing next to her proudly like he was waiting to show Sunshine Axel's location.
Relief flooded her as her entire being relaxed, and finally realized how worried she'd truly become. Walking as silently as she could, Sunshine carefully approached the sleeping mechanic. Axel was sleeping on top of what appeared to be a long list of ‘emergency’ repairs, red annotations scribbled hastily over the neat black print underneath.
All from Donatello.
Sunshine felt fire surge through her veins as she clenched her jaw. It was one thing if Axel locked herself up for her own sanity. But it was absolutely unacceptable for The Purple Asshole™ to make her feel forced to cut off the world to get his never-ending to-do list finished in a completely unrealistic time frame.
Sunshine was positive smoke was pouring out of her ears, and it took a conscious effort to keep herself from spewing a string of curses aloud.
She closed her eyes and took a few deep, calming breaths. Knowing Axel, she wouldn't dare leave the garage until the list was completely finished… 
Unless there was another reason…
Sunshine had a few ideas to lure Axel down to her bedroom- solely to con her into sleeping properly.
Light as a feather, so as not to startle her, Sunshine gently put her hand between Axel's shoulder blades, "Axel?" she asked softly, leaning in closer towards the mechanic’s ear. 
"Mmm…?" She answered through still-shut eyes.
"Axel? I'm really sorry. I need your help if you have a minute… Please?" 
With that, Axel raised her head up from the counter and stretched out her arms and back. Rubbing at her face, Axel looked at Sunshine with bloodshot eyes and dark circles underneath.
She looked awful.
Sunshine's heart hurt. She just wanted to pull Axel into a hug and never let go - or at least not until she'd had some decent sleep.
"Sunny?" Axel looked around, confused and sleepy. "Did I… Did I leave my door unlocked?"
"Do you have a moment to come with me to the basement?" Sunshine asked kindly, avoiding the question and trying not to look guilty.
"Of course… What's wrong?"
"Um… the shower head kinda broke… Off…" Her voice trailed off as she winced.
Axel's eyes flew open wider, "OFF?! Oh my GOD, Sunshine!" She panicked, jumping off the stool and looking around like it was the garage that was about to flood.
"Hey! It’s ok! Relax… I shut the valves off!" Sunshine blurted, grabbing Axel's arm before her sleep-deprived mind could cause her to run off in the wrong direction, or hurt herself. "It's been broken since Monday, but I didn't want to bother you…"
Axel's face dropped, apologetic guilt flooding her attractive features. 
“Sunshine… That locked door… I-”
“Axel, it’s ok. I’ve been using a bucket and a cup - which is no big deal, I promise! But today is Wednesday, and you know what happens on Wednesdays…" She said with a smirk.
A wicked snicker snuck its way out as Axel made eye contact with the blonde. “Fucking Donnie.”
“Fucking Donnie indeed,” Sunshine smiled brightly.
“Alright. I need to shower first. I am not walking through your room like this,” she sighed, arms spread for effect.
“I dunno, the grease monkey look is a good one on you,” Sunshine insisted in a smooth tone, openly appreciating the dirty mechanic with a smug smirk.
Axel felt herself flush at the words, but she wouldn't be bested.
“Ha, ha. You’re very funny,” she replied tartly, gauging the other woman’s reaction as she put a hand on her hip. 
Sunshine shot back a flirty smirk and quirked a brow before turning to leave, managing a few steps to the door as she spoke. “I’m going to feed Harley and grab something to eat.” 
Sunshine turned to face Axel again, only to catch her subtly doing her own window shopping.
“Want me to wait for you?” Sunshine asked innocently while trying - unsuccessfully - to bite back a giant grin of triumph.
Axel’s face drained of color right before blushing profusely upon the realization that she’d been caught looking. 
“Oh! No, no! I can meet you down there!” She rushed, looking away embarrassed and fidgeting with her clothes.
“Thanks, Axel,” Sunshine said softly, giving her a genuine look of adoration before turning and leaving.
Axel let out the breath she was holding and put her head back, staring at the ceiling. “She’s gonna be the death of me.”
With the cat fed and food acquired, Sunshine was now in her room, opening her small folding table to set the tray of food and drinks on. She had picked up Axel’s favorites: some beef tips and garlic-roasted potatoes. Chef had tried to push a salad, but Sunshine knew better and convinced them to pack some freshly cut apples instead. 
She wanted Axel to enjoy her meal, not be forced to eat rabbit food. Especially after working through the massive list Donnie had given her. If she knew Axel, the mechanic had been surviving on craptastic snacks for days while busting her ass, and now, she definitely deserved something enjoyable.
Pleased with her setup, Sunny went back to the laundry room to work on her ‘Wednesday Bin’ just as Axel was walking into the basement. Sunshine’s breath caught as the mechanic made the corner in a pair of jeans and a dark-colored t-shirt, her freshly washed hair tightly pulled back with an elastic. 
And, good lord, the way that work belt hung just slightly off her hips should be illegal! It made her mouth go dry while stirring something inside her.
I mean, Sunshine really did enjoy the dirty look, and it’s not like she’d never seen Axel in civilian clothes before. The extreme attraction was more due to the fact that she was completely
comfortable having Axel in her space. 
Actually, she preferred it. 
Axel had a way of putting Sunshine at ease with her laid-back, relaxed manner. She was really not sure when, or how it happened, but Axel had snuck her way past all of Sunny’s defenses and made a home for herself in the laundress’ heart. 
As an inspector, she found herself checking in with the mechanic more than anyone else on the base, making sure she was safe and that she didn’t need anything to remain so. Axel had been the only one to actively attempt to comply with safety regulations and never treated Sunshine like the ‘pain in the ass safety inspector’. 
After that, Sunshine began seeking out ways to interact with the mechanic because she wanted nothing more than to bask in the serenity Axel seemed to offer -for Sunshine’s heart and soul, as well as her peace of mind at seeing the mechanic safe and well. 
After realizing there were more than just friendly, platonic feelings, she had avoided Axel for almost a week! And now, here she was, completely at a loss as to how to behave or react to the attractive woman before her.
What she didn’t know was that poor Axel was having an internal meltdown that kept throwing her into panic attacks, thinking she had done something wrong to drive the pretty blonde away. At the six-day mark, Axel’s feet brought her directly to the laundry room, after picking up her coffee that morning. 
Her stumbling excuse had been that she was running out of clean rags - which was complete bullshit because Sunny had been dropping them off whenever Axel stepped out for a meal. But she needed to know what happened. She liked Sunshine. And she liked her way more than she had previously realized until the blonde had stopped showing up.
She marched in, startling the poor laundry attendant, setting her coffee down on the table as she got right into Sunny’s space.
“What did I do, Sunshine? Why are you avoiding me?” Axel demanded, hands on her hips as she held the blonde woman’s gaze. “I will get down and beg for forgiveness from you, just…” She paused for a breath, and her body almost went limp as the tension dropped out of it, closing her eyes before finishing, “God, please don’t stop visiting me. Please…”
And that was it. 
Lost in the gaze of those pleading eyes and that warm tone, Sunshine’s heart no longer belonged to Sunshine.
Axel had made her way all the way to Sunshine and was now standing close enough that their arms were brushing against one another. 
“Already digging into the fun, I see,” Axel teased, stopping next to the blonde long enough for her to smell the woodsy scent of Axel’s clean skin and body wash.
Fuck. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea after all. 
Pull it together, Sunshine. You got this!
Sunshine sprayed more of the stain lifter on the pants, hoping the sharply pungent scent of the cleaner would bring her brain back online and out of bed with Axel, where it currently was. The fact that it was Donnie’s pants that she was working on merely gave her more focus to try and pull her mind out of the gutter.
If she got it wrong, the pissy genius would be down in the laundry room to berate her that he couldn’t work with uncomfortable underwear. 
“Would you like to join me?” She sassed the mechanic in a tart tone, offering her the shit-stained pants with a sardonic smirk.
“Noooo, thank you. I’ll be in your bathroom, cleaning up that mess,” said Axel as she scurried away toward Sunshine’s bedroom. The expression on her face made it look like she’d been offering her a handful of dead fish and not just Donnie’s clothing.
“Eat! I brought down lunch for you!” yelled Sunshine as she watched Axel disappear around the corner.
“You’re too good to me! I’ll wait until the lingering stench of industrial cleaners cleanses itself from my nose, though,” She yelled back through a hearty chuckle. 
“Besides,” Axel popped her head back out around Sunshine’s door, her eyes sparkling playfully. “You’ll need that shower working by the time you’re done with that.”
Sunny snickered a thank you and went back to her scrubbing.
About an hour and a half later, Sunshine was throwing the last of Donatello’s pants into the ‘gross things’ washing machine -usually only reserved for the worst of items and, these days, Donnie’s pants. Walking around the corner into her bedroom, she found Axel sitting on her bed, watching tv while she calmly ate her meal.
“Is it even still warm?” She smirked, making a beeline for the bathroom.
“Still delicious,” Axel answered, stretching her neck and hoping to catch a peek of Sunshine disrobing as she disappeared to go shower.
Sunshine left the door open as she started the shower and stepped inside. Already soaked, she cursed, realizing she left her razor on her dresser. With a towel barely wrapped around her and dripping water all over the floor, Sunny made a dash for it. 
Axel about swallowed her tongue as a nearly naked Sunshine stepped calmly into view to retrieve the razor sitting next to the television.
“Sorry,” whispered Sunshine as she grabbed the blade and hurried back into the shower.
“I’m not,” muttered Axel under her breath, her eyes trained on all the curves begging for attention. The things she would do to her…
Axel slowed her intake of food as she waited patiently for Sunshine to get out of the shower. She got up and cleaned her mess, grabbing a jolly rancher from the laundry room before returning to Sunshine’s bed, laying down to finish watching the movie that was playing. 
But before she knew it, she was out like a light.
Sunshine turned the dials of the shower and stepped out, toweling herself down before applying her pomegranate lotus lotion from head to toe. Towel wrapped around her naked body, she peered around the edge of the doorway and smiled to herself in triumph. 
Axel was sleeping soundly, one arm behind her head, the other stretched out across the pillow next to her, as if reaching for someone else sleeping there.
Sunny walked silently to the bedroom door, clicking it shut and spinning the lock before throwing on a loose-fitting t-shirt and some boy-shorts.
Hand on her chin, she stood at the side of the bed and contemplated for a moment, after gently placing a blanket over Axel’s sleeping form. Throwing all caution to the wind, she climbed in next to Axel.
The bed wasn’t very big - standard twin - making things a bit cozy. 
Not that Sunshine minded. 
Not at all, actually.
She slid under the blanket and slipped one leg over Axel’s, resting her head on the sleeping woman’s shoulder. In her dreamy state, Axel turned her face to Sunshine and nuzzled the top of her head, breathing her in as she pulled the blonde closer to her and hummed with contentment.
Sunny stopped breathing for half a second as a small thrill chased goosebumps over her entirety. She rested her hand on Axel’s waist as she pressed her face into the other woman’s neck, restraining as her lips begged to feel the soft skin of Axel’s neck under them. With a hard swallow, she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. Thoroughly enjoying the warmth of another body at her side, and the warmth of someone she cared for sleeping near her heart. 
Axel awoke with a gasp as she realized she had fallen asleep. Then went into a small existential crisis when her eyes landed on the sleeping blonde in her arms. Sunshine shifted slightly in her sleep, locking her leg around Axel’s, so the mechanic was trapped.
With a few calming breaths, Axel was back to her usual serenity as she looked over Sunny’s chosen sleeping position. The blonde was sleeping soundly and appeared incredibly content to be wrapped up in Axel’s embrace. Taking in how their legs were locked together, and the fact that Sunshine’s lips were barely a breath from her neck, Axel came to an exceptional conclusion.
Sunshine had willingly climbed into the bed with her. 
While her mind was reeling, Axel’s hand had unconsciously found the bottom hem of Sunshine’s shirt, and made its way to the silky smooth skin of her back. She began tracing up and down her spine with one finger, eliciting a soft moan from Sunshine. She felt her shirt bunched as Sunshine squeezed her hand shut, pulling herself closer while pressing her face into the crook of Axel’s neck.
“Yeah, fuck you, Donnie. I’ll finish your stupid list tomorrow,” Axel muttered, squeezing Sunshine closer. Placing a soft kiss to the sleeping woman’s forehead as she relaxed and closed her eyes again. 
Within minutes she had fallen back into a deep slumber.
Eyes still closed, and breaths still calm… Sunshine smiled in victory before drifting deeper asleep again.
If you enjoyed it, Please reblog for others to enjoy 🤩💕
Enjoying my work? Find my 🔧AxelShine☀️ Master List HERE
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@leosgirl82 @shiftandshade @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @eveandtheturtles
**If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in the AxelShine Series OR if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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thelaundrybitch · 11 months
Fanmix game! List three songs you associate with either your blorbo or your otp, then pass this on to three other people!
But I'm going with AxelShine for this
Axel and Sunshine own my whole heart 🥰🫶🏻💕
Axel belongs to @shiftandshade 💖
Ok ok ok
And one for DonDon from Tethered/ T3 because I lōve him
@leosgirl82 @sharpwindow @scholastic-dragon @post-apocalyptic-daydream @m1dnyt3-w0lf @red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
Sunny's Haircut
Hello Turtle Doves!
I have jumped into something a bit new. This will not be for everyone, and that's ok.
This is an AxelShine story- a wlw series
This means Sunshine and Axel are girlfriends. There will be romance.
Just so there are no surprises when you get to the end of it.
Sunshine is my OC ☀️
Axel belongs to the amazing @shiftandshade 🔧
I have been given permission to borrow Axel, and I am forever grateful. 🫶🏼
**Since this is a new series, Please let me know if you want to be tagged. Feel free to leave it in the comments, or you can DM me.**
18+ content - for mature audiences only
Reblogs only, please!
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Artwork by @knightish-knight
Sunny's Haircut
There was fucking gum in her hair.
Sunshine let out an aggravated huff while the base hairdresser attempted to get the wad of pink atrocity out of her messy bun.
"Someone definitely stuck this in your hair," said the rabbit yokai from behind her. 
"Do you remember if anyone touched your hair somewhere today? That might help us find the culprit…" the elder Leonardo offered.
Sunshine watched in the mirror as Creepaw checked out the attractive male rabbit from behind. She gave him a devious smirk as their eyes met in the reflection, his eyes going wide at being caught window shopping.
She sighed, thinking back. She would've had to have been sitting in a public place. "Honestly, the only place that anyone would've had access to the top of my head would've been at lunch today. Unless they were hella tall. And I highly doubt that Jey or Eli would've done it," she assessed, her mind turning over all the people she'd seen in her laundry room that day. 
"Alright. I'll call up security and see if they have anything on the cameras," Leo said, eyes focused on Usagi's lower half.
"Cameras?" Sunshine inquired, doing her best not to laugh at Leo's blatant gawking.
Leonardo cleared his throat and looked at the ceiling, "Yeahhh… Deer demanded cameras after a few noodles had been oodled in their kitchen," the turtle replied, eyes darting nervously and looking anywhere but at the blonde, only proving he'd been one of those noodles.
"Gives a whole new meaning to Deer's all-you-can-eat buffet," mumbled the bunny through a snicker, sending the blonde into a fit of giggles.
“Maybe they need a sign that says “Liquor?”... Not allowed!” Sunny busted out, making the rabbit throw his head back in hysterics.
“You two are terrible. I’m leaving,” Leo said, annoyed anguish falling over his face. “I’ll get back to you later, Sunny.”
“Sunshine,” corrected Usagi, giving the elder Leonardo a look of warning.
Leo put his hands up placatingly, then turned to leave through the clear glass door that said “Barber” across the top.
After another twenty grueling minutes and a half dozen curses, Usagi came to the decision that the only way he could remove all the gum was with scissors.
Sunshine deflated in her seat, tears in her eyes. She knew how much Axel loved her hair. And loved to play with it… And pull it…
“Well, chop it then, I guess,” she pouted, unable to meet Usagi’s eyes in the mirror.
“I’m really sorry, Sunshine. This gum is more like glue, I swear.” He rested his hand gently on the sad woman’s shoulder, sitting in front of him. “Do you want to look for a picture of something you might like?” He asked her, stepping aside to grab a few books with samples of women’s haircuts in them. 
“Nah,” she sighed. “Do whatever you think will look good. I trust your decision.” She forced a smile at the rabbit, who was frowning back at her. He knew how upset she was. 
“Well, it’s probably going to be shorter than you’ve had it,” he tested, watching for her response. Sunshine just nodded.
“How about a pixie cut? You'd be absolutely adorable,” the bunny gushed, playing with her hair a moment while she thought about his suggestion.
“Mmm… Maybe not that short, there needs to be enough to…” her words died in her throat as the bunny grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her scalp and pulled, so she was looking up at him.
"Don't worry. I'll leave enough for your little girlfriend, love," he said with a naughty smirk.
Sunshine had never turned so many shades of red, so fast, in her entire life as Usagi winked at her, releasing her head so he could turn her seat. He spun the chair so she couldn’t see the mirror, and instead, she was watching out the door of the salon. 
He put a smock around her and tucked a towel into the back of her collar right before she heard the buzzers.
Sunshine nearly flew out of the seat, making the bunny laugh, “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” he chortled, turning the buzzers off and putting them back into the drawer. “Trust me. Women’s cuts are my favorite to do. It’s more of an artistic outlet for me,” he confided, spraying water over her hair.
Sunny felt her heart squeeze as the first few cuts were made, and her long hair fell to the floor.
“You alright?” Usagi asked quietly as he continued to snip away.
“Yeah…” Sunny replied, staring out the door.
After a few minutes, she spoke again.
“Hey, Usagi?”
“Yeah, Honeybee?”
Sunshine smirked at the cute nickname, “Why does the door say Barber if you’re a hairdresser?” she inquired.
Usagi stopped what he was doing and thought for a minute. “It was already on the door when I was hired, I suppose.”
“You know what I think?”
“What do you think, Honeybee?” Usagi smiled, knowing Sunshine was up to something good. She had that sassy tone in her question.
“I think you should change it.”
“To?” He was intrigued now, as he walked around the side of the seat and looked down at her.
“To *The Hare*,” she said, poking his arm, “Dresser,” she finished with a shit-eating grin as she looked up at him.
The smile that spread across Usagi’s face threatened to split it right in two. “I love you,” he snickered.
An hour later, Sunshine was in Usagi’s arms, professing her love for him and his magic scissors while he chuckled, reveling in her happiness.
“Now, go find your hot-ass mechanic and let her run her hands through it in the throes of passion,” he teased, winking at the blonde as he opened the glass door for her.
“And you go hunt down the sexy maintenance guy to fix the wording on your door,” she sassed right back, getting a good ruffle and wide-eyed look from the rabbit. Sunshine bit back a laugh as she leaned in and whispered, “You’ll have to let me know who finished first… The tortoise or the hare.”
“Sunshine, I swear to God…” Usagi warned, pushing the woman out of his shop as she laughed at the top of her lungs. 
She turned and made a zipping gesture across her lips and winked. “Your secret is safe with me. I promise. And thank you again, Usagi,” she said, giving him a genuine and loving smile.
“Anytime, Honeybee. Now go,” He shooed her in the direction of the garage and returned to his salon to clean up the used station.
Sunshine practically skipped to the garage. She was full of nervous excitement to see Axel with her new haircut. She loved it, and hoped that Axel would too.
Stepping through the door, she yelled, “Honey! I’m HOME!”
A quiet chuckle came from the other side of one of the vehicles, as Sunshine quickly made her way over to where her girlfriend was hunched under a hood. She grabbed Axel’s waist on either side and gently bumped her pelvis against the other woman’s ass.
Axel’s let out a husky growl. “Already being naughty, I see,” she said, removing her body from under the hood. She turned to face Sunshine, and the smile on her face sobered into surprise upon finding Sunny with very short hair.
Sunshine’s face dropped. “Does it look alright?” she whispered, fear flooding her veins as Axel studied her while she pulled her gloves off. “Someone put gum in it, and Usagi couldn’t get it out…”
Anger flared through the mechanic’s being for a split second before her heart sunk at how concerned the blonde looked. Axel searched Sunny’s pretty face for a second. “Sunshine, I don’t care how short or long your hair is. You’re beautiful no matter what,” she said, cupping Sunny’s cheek with one hand as the other made its way around the blonde’s waist.  
Sunshine swallowed hard, casting her eyes downward, “But you liked my long hair…”
“I liked it because it was your hair,” she said softly, lifting Sunny’s gaze back to her own. “It’s you, Sunshine. Not your hair.”
Sunny’s heart was overflowing with love for the woman standing before her, as her eyes pricked with tears of relief.
“And, actually, I really like it,” Axel said with a smirk, slipping her hand to the back of the blonde’s head to run her fingers through the shorter locks.
Sunshine closed her eyes and let out a small pleasurable shiver as Axel played back and forth between scritches, and grabbing small handfuls of Sunny’s hair.
A mischievous smirk tugged at one corner of Sunshine’s mouth upon one overzealous tug.
“I see what you’re thinking,” Axel husked, tightening her hold and yanking Sunshine’s hair, so she was facing the ceiling.
Lips and teeth grazed and ghosted over Sunshine’s soft skin, resulting in a small whimper.
“I did that on purpose,” she moaned as Axel sealed her lips to the junction of Sunny’s neck and shoulder.
“Mmm?” she hummed, before giving the blonde a good bite.
Sunshine grunted through gritted teeth and grabbed her girlfriend’s hand that was tangled in her short hair. She pulled Axel’s hand free and pressed her body against Axel’s, successfully pinning her to the vehicle next to them.
Sunshine gave Axel a sultry smirk and bumped the mechanic’s nose with her own. “Mmmm…” She hummed back. “I had Usagi leave enough to pull… You wanna go try it out?”
If you enjoyed it, Please reblog for others to enjoy 🤩💕
Enjoying my work? Find my 🔧AxelShine☀️ Master List HERE
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@turtle-babe83 @shiftandshade @sharpwindow @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @nittleboo
**If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in the AxelShine Series OR if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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thelaundrybitch · 11 months
Charlie's Introduction
I've decided that I will be introducing her - and the rest of my OCs - exactly how she was introduced to me.
Y'all need to understand that Sunshine's laundry room is a permanent playground in my brain.
Unfortunately, these freeloaders are all living rent-free there atm.
**Disclaimer** Axel belongs to @shiftandshade, who lets me borrow her for Sunshine's sanity, and I appreciate the hell out of her for it 🫶🏼
I give you the newest monkey in my circus.
Charlotte Rose
"Well, well, well. What have we got here..."
The group of women seated at the table playing cards all spun to see a very tall, muscular, masculine-looking female had walked through the laundry room entryway. Sunshine jumped up with a dazzling smile with that incredible Sunny warmth pouring from her presence to greet the newcomer. The surprised brunette's eyebrows shot to the ceiling, and she couldn't help herself as her gaze dropped to eye Sunny like a tasty treat, a small flirtatious smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth.
But before Sunny could even get past Axel's reach, the mechanic was already up and standing between the two of them, giving this new woman a look of warning as she clenched and unclenched her jaw, hands balled into fists and ready to protect her heart.
"Alright. I hear you, blue. The ray of sunshine there is taken.
"Who are you." It was a demand. Everything about this woman screamed threat, and Axel was already calculating how fast she would need to move to grab the spare tire iron she had hidden behind Sunny's folding table to take this woman out if she decided to start any shit.
"Easy, huh? I'm not here for a fight."
"What are you here for?" Drese stepped up beside Axel, causing the mechanic to visibly relax. Drese was one of the strongest in the group and wouldn't think twice about shanking a bitch to keep her friends and family safe.
"I'm not sure, honestly. But I'm not here for trouble," the masculine woman reassured them, her hands up in a placating manner.
"Alright. Enough. She's not gonna hurt anyone. Not with J and Oak out back," Liv reminded them, not looking up from her phone that she was texting away on. The new woman's gaze scanned the table until they landed on the attractive blonde who was sitting on a barstool, legs crossed with her back leaning against the cement wall.
For the second time in ten minutes, the brunette's eyebrows raised, appreciating all the curves Liv had on display while sporting her new summer dress.
Seeing the sudden change in the new woman's demeanor, Axel smiled and let out a low chuckle, "Yeah. Good luck with that one," she said quietly before turning and escorting Sunny back to the seat Axel had previously been occupying. Sunny happily followed and parked her ass in her girlfriend's lap with a smooch.
"Have a seat," Liv said, motioning her head to the stool beside her, still pecking away at her phone.
"But first, are you gonna at least tell us your name?" Sunshine asked, wrapping her arm around Axel's neck and settling herself a bit closer.
All eyes were on the new woman as she completely ignored Sunny, making a beeline for the seat she had been offered. The brunette slid onto the stool next to Liv, eyes trained on the pretty blonde.
Liv's eyes moved from the screen to the dark blue eyes looking at her intensely. Liv's heart skipped a beat as she saw the woman for the first time. She was giving Liv a killer smile as she leaned in closer toward the blonde, a flirty eyebrow raised as her eyes flicked from Liv's eyes to her lips and back to her eyes again.
"Names Charlotte Hawthorne-Banyan. Friends call me Charlie."
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artwork by @leosgirl82 💖
@leosgirl82 @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @shiftandshade @scholastic-dragon @m1dnyt3-w0lf @red-phoenixxx @eveandtheturtles
*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
🔧☀️AxelShine is a wlw series within a rottmnt tactical au.
Sunny's Haircut
Wake Up Call
Movie Night - written by @shiftandshade
Fanmix music
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snackugaki · 1 year
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... some of y’all will learn eventually to stop letting me play in your AUs, like tumblr user @shiftandshade and their Dino AU
[ loud as fuck jjurassic park theme off in the distance ]
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
All 4 - 1 Challenge
Hosted by: @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 and yours truly - @thelaundrybitch
Welcome to the TMNT prompt list exercise!
Where we (All 4-1) invite fellow TMNT tumblrina fans to write a fic - long or short - including or about the prompt. We also invite you to draw, paint, or sketch using one or all of the prompts! ✍🏻🎨🖌️
Whatever inspires you!
It can be about any character within the TMNT realm!
And any iteration!
Also! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Absolutely use your OCs in your stories!!!
Make it Fluffy! Make it NSFW! Throw in some Comedy, or drag us through ALL the Angst! There really are no limits! Use one prompt or more! Sky’s the limit!
We thought it would be exciting to see what everyone would come up with! As long as there continues to be enough interaction, we will try to continue this little writing exercise at the beginning of every month!
And so far, the turnout has been incredible! Thank you all for your submissions! You're all amazing!
This month's theme is: Summer Vacation
“What time zone are you in?”
“I’m surrounded by idiots.” “But at least we’re hot!”
"Why is there a banana in my drink?"
“Well, that didn’t go as planned…”
Please use the hashtags:
#TMNT All 4-1 Challenge or #TMNT All 4-1
That way, we can find your art/writing easier and enjoy what you bring to the challenge! Also, we will be making a master list for each month with all the submissions on it, so make sure you tag the hosts so we can add your contribution to the list!
We look forward to everyone’s unique renditions for JUNE!!! 😍😍😍
@red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @sivy-chan-blog @post-apocalyptic-daydream @angelicdavinci @beckerboopin @knightish-knight @morning-sun-brah @mysticboombox @shiftandshade @waterstar2016 @forerunnertracer @scholastic-dragon @tmnt-tychou @snackugaki @sharpwindow @lec743 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @symmetricalkazekage @memes-in-a-half-shell @zowise2912 @xanadu-702 @turtlesmakemehappy @zprites @raphslovemuffin80 @brightlotusmoon @kawaiibunga @raisin-shell @rebel-hamato @aurora-the-kunoichi @donothan @landsel @t-annuki @narwals14 @roxosupreme @fluffytriceratops @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @drowninghell @raphaelsrightarm @unknownfanartist @buthowboutno @android-cap-007 @eveandtheturtles @mytheoristavenue @shakeyourtrees @deer-intelligence
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
All 4-1 Challenge
🌼🌻🌸☀️ MAY ☀️🌸🌻🌼
Hosted by: @post-apocalyptic-daydream @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 and yours truly - @thelaundrybitch
Welcome to the TMNT prompt list exercise!
Where we (All 4-1) invite fellow TMNT tumblrina fans to write a fic - long or short - including or about the prompt. We also invite you to draw, paint, or sketch using one or all of the prompts! ✍🏻🎨🖌️
Whatever inspires you!
It can be about any character within the TMNT realm!
And any iteration!
Also! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Absolutely use your OCs in your stories!!!
Make it Fluffy! Make it NSFW! Throw in some Comedy, or drag us through ALL the Angst! There really are no limits! Use one prompt or more! Sky’s the limit!
We thought it would be exciting to see what everyone would come up with! As long as there continues to be enough interaction, we will try to continue this little writing exercise at the beginning of every month!
And so far, the turnout has been incredible! Thank you all for your submissions! You're all amazing!
This month's theme is: Shenanigans
"You did what, now?"
"You heard. What are you gonna do about it?"
"The fact that that fits on your head is both disturbing and a turn on"
Character A: walks into room and sees Character B close their hand and hide it.
Character A: what's in your hand?
Character B: *looking guilty AF* "nOtHiNg"
*Wrestling match ensues but to no avail until Character A has B pinned.*
B: *in a small voice* "a booger…"
"Well, you know what they say… you are what you eat…" *takes a bite of (turtle of choice's favorite food) and chews slowly*
Please use the hashtags:
#TMNT All 4-1 Challenge or #TMNT All 4-1
That way, we can find your art/writing easier and enjoy what you bring to the challenge! Also, we will be making a master list for each month with all the submissions on it, so make sure you tag the hosts so we can add your contribution to the list!
We look forward to everyone’s unique renditions for MAY!!! 😍😍😍
@red-phoenixxx @happymoonangel @sivy-chan-blog @angelicdavinci @beckerboopin @knightish-knight @morning-sun-brah @mysticboombox @shiftandshade @waterstar2016 @forerunnertracer @scholastic-dragon @tmnt-tychou @snackugaki @sharpwindow @lec743 @m1dnyt3-w0lf @symmetricalkazekage @memes-in-a-half-shell @zowise2912 @xanadu-702 @turtlesmakemehappy @zprites @raphslovemuffin80 @brightlotusmoon @kawaiibunga @raisin-shell @rebel-hamato @aurora-the-kunoichi @donothan @landsel @t-annuki @luna-neko-hamato @narwals14 @roxosupreme @fluffytriceratops @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @drowninghell @raphaelsrightarm @unknownfanartist @buthowboutno @android-cap-007 @eveandtheturtles @mytheoristavenue @shakeyourtrees
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