#shigaraki pov
mothroot · 1 year
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Something for the kings birthday ♥
I hope you all have his presents and gifts ready ♥
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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so... official lyrics for "Flower Bud" ending came out
made a quick thing to tie the lyrics with the moments when they play in the ending itself
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kamig4mes · 5 months
heyy, could you please write headcanons for how shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him? like, they see a red rock and give it to him bc its the color of his eyes, that kind of stuff
hey hey honey, of course! It's the first request from mha that I make here, although I must admit that I didn't expect it to be from shigaraki! ksdjdjsj 🤭 anywaay, I came up w/ a couple of things for this boy, I hope you enjoy it
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#pov: Shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him.
★ warnings: realistic hc, fluff, established relationship, affection, couple love, league of villains
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Realistically, you don't even know how you managed to get this guy to end up being your boyfriend. I mean, your mental dictionary is so broad and far-fetched but the words "love" "consideration" "passion" seem not to be included in it but here they are both! Celebrating even the smallest things you do for him.
Sometimes the gifts with the most emotional meaning are found when you least expect it.
They were walking hand in hand through some deep neighborhood of the city with a path to the forest when something suddenly made you brake sharply and scream.
"Oh my- STOP!!"
Shigaraki flinched when he heard you, alerting all his senses. You got rid of his grip to step back on the way to take something in your hands.
When you came back to his side he looked at you surprised, almost angry.
"Here, take it honey" your arms outstretched towards him with that smile adorning your face, he was looking at you like you were crazy "it's for you"
"If it's a fcking spider I swear to yo-"
"Who do you take me for? C'mon, just hold out your hands" he reluctantly does as you ask, rolling his eyes when you smiled in victory.
At first Shigaraki stiffened when he felt the light weight on his bare palms, moments later he relaxes when he sees that it was a small stone. But not a current.
"A red stone?"
"Yea', a little weird, isn't it? But.. It reminds me of the color of your eyes.." you confessed, feeling your cheeks (and his) burn red hot.
Shigaraki froze instead. The poor man didn't expect to hear you say that, and he never expects it! He's not at all familiar with this type of treatment and sensations that you generate for him, and despite having been dating for a couple of months, this type of affection is still unexpected for him.
Deep down, his heart warmed up like a torch, sending his brain the signal to shout out all the tenderness that you generated in him with that simple gesture. But he couldn't, he felt blocked and too shy to answer correctly.
Since your boyfriend was silent for what seemed like a whole minute, you rushed to bring his attention back.
"We must get back soon before dark, don't you think? We don't want to get lost" you laughed, awkward kissing his cheek quickly. You didn't need him to respond to your acts of love, you understood his heart perfectly. But, sometimes, you wished he would express his emotions more with you.
"And I'm so sorry for yelling earlier"
"Uh-mh, it's okay.." Shigaraki sighed, before linking his hands again and kissing the top of your head "let's go back home"
You learned to identify your eccentric boyfriend's tastes and understand his peculiar manias, but you suspected that you still had a lot to discover about his twisted inner world.
It was just another day of the year when, while cleaning inside the drawers of Shigaraki's bedside table, you came across a somewhat small and neglected notebook with his name engraved on the lid.
You decided to take a look at it, surprising yourself with the amount of sketches that were embodied inside. And you couldn't help but melt with tenderness when you saw that a large part of the drawings that filled that notebook were you portrayed. You rushed to leave it where you found it and get on with the cleaning. It seemed strange to you that that book was out of place but thanks to that cluelessness, you discovered that Shigaraki liked to draw.
From that moment on, every instrument/drawing material you saw reminded you of him. And without realizing it, you ended up buying an impeccable set of graphite pencils for him.
When Shigaraki returned home in the afternoon, a box with a note greeted him in the living room. He looked everywhere in your search, in vain. The white-hair then approached the table to inspect the gift.
"This reminds me of you, and I think it may serve you. All yours"
As he guessed, the calligraphy was yours. Upon unveiling its contents, the thousands of drawings inside his notebook whipped his mind, clearly remembering every moment he made them, especially those where you were: sitting in the living room, in bed asleep, with your back on the balcony, etc. Just thinking about it, his corners rose in a smile that, if you were looking at him, you would be disarmed of love.
"God.. So adorable..."
He may never ask you how you found out about his hobby, but that didn't interest him. Because the best piece of art he can have is you. It will always be you.
Luckily, you have in mind his love for sweet foods. It became essential for you to buy breakfast cereal, specifically the sweetest flavor that existed on the market because it seemed to be the only one that met the necessary sugar levels for him. It's the first thing you look for when you come back from shopping.
"Tomura, honey, I'm home!" you screamed once you entered his warm abode. Soon you heard how a few footsteps crawled down the stairs to receive you next to a kiss.
"You're back soon" Shigaraki took the bags from you and carried them to the kitchen, poring over their contents. When he didn't see it anywhere, he questioned you, "Did you buy it?"
"Of course, it was already running out"
Shigaraki examined your facial features to make sure you weren't lying.
"The one with the double honey-? "
"The one with the double honey and sprinkles, baby, here it is" and you waved the long-awaited colorful box.
Shigaraki blinked with a hidden surprise when you finished his sentence. He loved that you remembered the details about him, he loved feeling special and listened to. Especially if it was you.
The white-hair nodded before turning around to leave the kitchen and go back to his business, hiding from you that goofy smile that was starting to outline on his face.
Whenever you pass by a video game store, the impulse to buy a game from their range of tastes ends up taking over you in some way or another.
"What are you getting me now, puppy?" he mumbled a barely audible giggle as he took the rectangular gift and tore the wrapper "Is this another one of your jok- Oh.."
His eyes widened as he observed the package in his hands. That limited edition Mario Kart game that came out a couple of weeks ago had him so surprised.
"Damn, y/n.."
With his role as a villain, he had moved away from his gamer side quite a lot. But he made sure that no one touched his glorious shelf full of his best and favorite video games. And you were there to stock that dusty shelf, to remind him that that side of him isn't quite dead.
"Do you like it? Although it's not such an important thing"
"Isn't it such an important thing?!" Shigaraki raised his voice offended.
You shrugged your shoulder, feigning indifference even though his beautiful surprised little eyes had you internally screaming "I thought it was missing from your collection"
Shigaraki looked again the video game, his heart turning completely upside down, not believing that you could give him something so difficult to get in the first weeks of release, but you would do anything for him.
He subtracted the space between you, catching you by surprise when he pulled you by hugging you tightly.
"Thanks u, babe.."
As long as it comes from you no matter what you gave him, even if he doesn't show it to you verbally, he appreciates all your gestures.
You smile softly, stroking her hair "don't thank me, honey"
That's the way he was, shy, inexperienced, spontaneous and shy just like a little boy. But little by little that child was growing up, opening up to the affection that you offer him and experiencing the rules of love with you by his side because thanks to you the words "love" "consideration" "passion" were added to his mental dictionary with a clear and real definition, thus finding ways to show you all that love that he also has to give you.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — I was as realistic as possible, I like hc's to be like that. If you liked it, don't forget to repost it so that it reaches more little people. Thank y, I love them!
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reirexx · 6 months
"Symbol of Fear Reincarnation"
"Date with Tenko" pt.4
Cacti/succulent hunt date 🌵🌵
I'll edit this with the frame by frame later for better image quality 😩
🎶 Steve Lacy - Dark Red (Instrumental)🎶
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helga-grinduil · 5 months
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Full lyrics below:
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686172726f77 · 29 days
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Spinaraki Week 2024 - Day Two: Enough
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mysteroads · 8 months
Been a hot minute since I've been here, but I finally kicked my writer's block! New Fandom, who dis? I promise it's a happy ending, if a little bittersweet. In payment for bittersweet, you get: Villain Snark, Villain Banter, Dabi being an ornery little shi*t, Todofam feels, and... MONCHAN being a very good dog. 🐶💖
SUMMARY: Much to his displeasure, Dabi wakes up after his final confrontation with his family. However, he finds that his family isn't the only one waiting for him. Shigaraki is there to offer him a choice, and he brought his dog Monchan with him.
Opening his eyes again, Dabi tried to look around. Still blurry. Lots of white though, so, hospital? Why was he here? Why were they wasting time and medicine on a wreck of a villain? They sure were kicking up a lot of fuss about something. He could see people-shaped blurs wearing white running around like there was some kind of emergency. He wished he could roll his eyes, but that was too difficult. Idiots.
In a world of motion, the eye is naturally drawn to stillness, and so his gaze fell on the figure in the open doorway.
“Dog.” The word was startled out of him.
“Did he say dog?”
“Touya, baby, what did you say?”  
Cold fingers touched his cheek, and he answered without thinking, “There's... a dog...”
A rush of confused whispers around him, as if they couldn’t see the freaking dog right in front of them. It was the damndest thing though: The rest of the room and the occupants were nothing but splotches of colors to him, but the dog was perfectly clear, practically haloed in high definition. Some type of medium sized brown dog, a shiba inu or corgi maybe. It sat as if waiting for something, and even from across the room he could tell its eyes were a warm, melting brown. He wondered idly if its fur was as soft as it looked.
“Her name’s Mon.” The new voice cut easily through the babble, and was familiar to Dabi as his own quirk. He felt the muscles in his face pull as they tried to form into a smirk.
“Tomura… Shigaraki… You crusty bitch.”
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fabled-lady-twilla · 4 months
Writeblr Last Line Tag Game / MHA Fanfiction / ShigaDeku Dystopia AU
@tiny-woooden-robot Omg, I feel so honored to be tagged in my first writing game on my fandom blog! Yay! This was way longer than a last line, but I think that's a good thing, haha.
When Tomura was a boy, he wanted to destroy the world and everything in it.
Then, he met the League, and many things changed.
Whether it was his encounter with Stain, growing closer to his comrades, or conquering the Liberation Army and unlocking the memories holding him back, Tomura wasn't entirely sure what caused the changes.
Simply that they had happened.
Tomura still wanted to destroy heroes, the society that created them, and all the NPC sheep who worshiped them like they were gods. But as he and the League grew and suffered together, Tomura realized he wanted to do more than just destroy everything he hated; he wanted to take the ashes of his conquest and create a world where his companion's dreams could be made into reality.
A world where outcasts like Tomura and his kind no longer had to hide in the bottom rung of society, living, dying, and killing by their own codes in the shadows, surviving off scraps simply to make it to another day. All while heroes were given fame, wealth, and power, so long as they performed the same violence that villains did, the same killing.
The only difference being that one was Commission-sanctioned violence, and the other was not.
But Tomura had changed that. No more false heroes, no more hypocrisy. No more hiding in shadows and living off scraps.
Tomura had accomplished his goal. He'd destroyed what he said he would, and was building a society that celebrated his kind instead of demonizing them. His family deserved more than scraps, and he would ensure they got everything they'd ever dreamed of.
But after that, Tomura decided he was done with big changes; his comrades turned family had softened him up just enough that he thought accomplishing his life goal and making their dreams come true would be enough for his fulfillment.
But then he showed up.
That naive, self-destructive, green-haired idiot.
The perpetual thorn in his side, fighting him tooth and nail in every way possible, even at the cost of destroying himself. The boy who'd earned Stain's respect and changed so many others, heroes, villains, and civilians alike.
But ultimately, the little fool hadn't been able to stop him. And regardless of the reason he'd shown up this time, Tomura knew one thing for certain: Midoriya Izuku was nothing.
And he would change nothing.
With absolutely no pressure to respond I'll tag @lenniereadsalot @mikeellee @laarbybarbtbox @sendothetaurus (I think you'll like Shiggy's POV)
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billygoat26 · 4 months
I’ll say this right now… If I had Tomura Shigaraki’s quirk this whole fucking world would be gone by now. Bit by bit… I’m tired of it, the hatred, the people who are assholes just for the hell of it, I’m sick of it all. We need to just restart or not exist at all.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
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What if we were falling opposite each other at the same pace. and I saw the child in you that was crying. and I don’t want you to move anymore. and you are possessed for some reason. and I am your hero and narrative foil
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tejan-sunny · 9 months
AHH new blog spotted!
if you're up to it, can you do shigaraki x fem!reader but reader is a social media influencer/is popular online? wether it be for streaming, music, arts..blah blah, it's up to you! i just want her to post a video of the big bad villain in her comfy pink and coquette bed ? and it spreads so far around the internet that it even reaches all might?
(Can't find the vid but i saw it on tiktok💔)
Omg yes sure i hope this is to your liking if not I can rewrite it for you enjoy
Strangers to friends Shigaraki x fem reader
“ = speaking
‘ = thoughts
Tw: slight cussing, mentions of childhood trauma, alcoholic mom, absent father
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You were a well known twitch streamer and YouTube creator, You had noticed noticed that you were receiving a lot of donations from one particular person and for a while you didn’t look into it but recently, when some of your students failed you notice that that one person would always be there and sent you a donation so you decided to look into it, and after a while, you figured out that his name was a Shigaraki and that’s what you figured out who was the number one villain in Japan and at first you were kind of scared because what was the villain doing on your twitch stream and one night during one of the year assumes that wasn’t most popular you notice he was there, and right, when you’re about to log off for the night he set a number in the chat and you took it surprising though After a while, you realize that even though he was a Villain actually kind of nice guy I mean everybody has their flaws, but he was generally nice and one day you saw a news, article and videos talking about how bad he was, and how evil he was and you felt really bad because he was one of your closest friends now and you don’t have many friends because your family and friends didn’t think you make it very far in life being a YouTube blogger and a twitch streamer so one day you decide to set up your camera in your nice cozy little room with your pink LED lights and hello kitty plushy‘s and you were going to make a video about him ” hey guys so today’s video won’t be what I post I actually want to sit down and talk about the Villain Shigaraki”
Shigaraki pov:
After yelling at Dabi all day and planning all mights downfall I go back to my room to see if y/n was streaming and see she was live on YouTube “hey guys so today’s video won’t be what I post I actually want to sit down and talk about the Villain Shigaraki” she said and my heart started to beating really fast ‘ her video is about me what the fuck’ I thought as I continue to listen “ I know a lot of y’all think he’s a bad guy, but have you ever wondered what it’s like for a villain and why they turn into a villain and I’m gonna be so honest with you. I had a rough childhood father who was never there and alcoholic mother, so I know what it’s like to grow up with a rough childhood so maybe that’s happened to him or maybe he got a abandoned so I just ask you guys as my followers stop before you judge anyone to think about what might of happened to them that made them this way “ she continued as I listen to her I feel this weird feeling it’s almost like I have compassion for her
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delawaredetroit · 1 year
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USJ Shigaraki is kind of comical. He’s basically going “no fair” because a pro hero is fighting the common villains that he brought into a pro hero training school with pro hero teachers.
Like in his mind, ordinary villains vs inexperienced teenagers is a fairer fight
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
a/n: Yet another Krakenverse Afohiko Edition Branch, wherein Sorahiko got caught much earlier than in v1 (his ceaseless courting). The pros? He gets to have the strangest in-law relationship with Yoichi, and a really strange parent/not-parent tie to Tamaki. Also, in a reverse of v1, Sorahiko gets to throw his shackles on AfO. Not in this snippet though.
Tamaki’s first memory of his father’s consort always comes down to the golden chains, gleaming defiantly in spite of the darkness of the deep sea. The number of links shift without warning--sometimes, the furthest Consort Torino can keep his wrists apart is a mere foot, and sometimes Consort Torino will be stalking down hallways with glowing yellow lines trailing behind him.
His second clear memory of Consort Torino is the man’s barely-leashed rage, held in check only when out of sight from Tamaki’s father.
Tamaki sits in his uncle’s rooms, cringing back from where Consort Torino is seated across. Between them is his uncle, ignoring the other man’s dark mood in favor of coaxing Tamaki to attend another session of court.
Lord Akkorokamui holds court on an irregular basis; Tamaki has attended every session since he was old enough to be separated from his mother.
Or so Uncle Yoichi says, when Tamaki asks if he could skip just one. 
“Just let him,” says Consort Torino flatly. “He’ll want to run from Motoji soon enough, and he might as well see how far he can get while young.”
“He’s seven,” Uncle Yoichi replies, crisp.
“Yeah, and?”
“Father doesn’t like tag,” says Tamaki, and Consort Torino closes his eyes and tips his head to the ceiling, the gills at his neck flaring with a sigh. Then, a slight whap! from one of Uncle Yoichi’s tentacles, smacking the man’s shoulder and eliciting a quick flash of gold. The dazzling effect precludes nothing, though.
“Watch it,” Consort Torino growls.
“Watch yourself,” his uncle says, scoldingly. He reaches over and tugs at one of the consort’s sleeves, until the cuff is hidden from sight. “Half a millennia, and you still react like this. My older brother won’t tolerate your attitude influencing his son.”
“All the more reason to teach him.”
“On a later date, Sorahiko. Don’t stray from the plan.”
“‘Plan’?” Tamaki echoes. He shrinks back from the attention, and hastens to change the subject. This is clearly a conversation not intended for Tamaki; his father has blocked Tamaki’s ears several times over when the doctor speaks with him, and it’s such an unpleasant experience.
Tamaki associates his uncle’s rooms with safety. A bubble of peace, and patience. He wonders if Consort Torino is here for the same reasons.
“... So do I still have to go?”
“No,” says Consort Torino the same time Uncle Yoichi says, “Yes, Tama.” They share a look, and then a scowl from the consort faces off with a frown; surprisingly, the former wins. Uncle Yoichi turns his eyes to his hands, and Consort Torino elaborates: “You don’t have to. I’ll turn up instead, and give your excuses. Your father might be distracted enough with me that he won’t care for an absent prince.”
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Writing shouto be like:
Me: *writes him*
Also me, on the second draft: cool, now let's delete all this and make it actually sound like shouto
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Part 67
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josephsaturn · 2 years
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It's Yoichi Shigaraki on the Nintendo Playstation Series X!
(Insert insane raucous laughter)
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