#shigeru ohmori
jadeazora · 10 months
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Shigeru Ohmori did some art of Juliana for the anniversary of Scarlet and Violet today! Time sure goes by quick. (I really enjoyed SV, more than SwSh, it's about on par with Legends for me.)
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Today's featured art on the TCG Instagram is this Arcanine!
And there's also some new PokéPiece art!
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9823678 · 4 months
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thatssounrelatable · 2 years
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The reason for why Inkay’s evolution method requires the console to be flipped is because they wanted to utilize the 3ds’ gyroscope. Shigeru Ohmori, who came with the idea, also thought it’d be funny if players discovered this by accidentally turning the console
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themattress · 1 year
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So, it's been documented before that following the simplistic criminal villains of Satoshi Tajiri's games (Team Rocket), we had the self-righteous visionary villains seeking to create a new world through destructive means of Junichi Masuda's games (Team Aqua / Team Magma, Team Galactic, Team Plasma and Team Flare), and now we have the underprivileged young villains who are actually decoys to the real villains who hold institutional power of Shigeru Ohmori's games (the Draconid Tribe and the Devon Corporation, Team Skull and the Aether Foundation, Team Yell and Macro Cosmos, Team Star and Professor Sada / Professor Turo).
I'm not at all against the Ohmori model of villainy; lord knows it was high past time to move on from the whole "use the box art Legendary to create a new world!" formula. However, I've recently realized a major negative consequence of it the franchise has suffered, which is that adaptations and spin-offs have much less to work with compared to the villains that came before. For the anime, Pokémon Adventures manga, and Pokémon Masters EX game, there is something....off about how every villain following Lysandre and Team Flare get utilized.
Anime: Prior villainous teams and their leaders were utilized in the service of wrapping up long-running story arcs across each series. But in the Sun & Moon series, Faba of the Aether Foundation is only used as the villain for one short-lived consecutive story arc and from there on out is a mainstay good guy...as is Lusamine, who is never truly villainous at all here. Gladion's ties to Team Skull are removed, and Guzma only shows up in the series' final year to be the antagonist of the Alola League arc. His role is not pay-off to anything, as Team Skull were just occasional villains-of-the-week who had no ongoing arc, nor did they ever really hint at having a boss before Guzma showed up. Then in the following Journeys series, Chairman Rose, Oleana and the Macro Cosmos organization is, yet again, just villains for a short-lived consecutive arc, while Team Yell only features in one episode where they don't even bother pretending to be villains. And for all of these villains, the societal issues that they're supposed to represent go completely undiscussed and unexplored, as if they were just too hot for tots.
Manga: Lysandre of Team Flare was the last major villain in Pokémon Adventures to be, irrefutably and unquestionably, THE Big Bad. Yes, Malva stood at his side, but it was clearly his mad vision of a "cleansed" Kalos region that posed the chief threat of the story arc. Following this was the Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire arc, where it's hard to say who the "Big Bad" is since the chief threat is the Meteor Delta which ultimately every "villainous" character unites to help stop from destroying the planet. And the Sun/Moon and Sword/Shield arc follow the exact same template: no single "Big Bad", just an assortment of intertwined human characters (Guzma, Lusamine and Faba in the former; Bede, Chairman Rose and Oleana, Sordward and Shielbert, and Soudo in the latter) who invertedly cause a powerful and vicious creature (Necrozma in the former; Eternatus in the latter) to break loose of its confines and threaten to destroy the region. And the most straight-up evil of these characters in both arcs (Faba in the former, Sordward and Shielbert in the latter) are played semi-comedically.
Masters EX: Zinnia? Never a villain in this game. Guzma? Ditto. Plumeria? Ditto. Lusamine? Ditto. Faba? Ditto, despite a red herring making it look like he's going to be. Chairman Rose and Oleana? Ditto....OK, Rose does lean toward villainy (albeit the well-intentioned variety) in the first half of his debut, but the second half neuters it immediately with a fair tournament used as the resolution to the conflict he started, and he very easily changes his ways at the end of it. Very different from how Giovanni, Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Ghetsis, Lysandre and all affiliated characters sans Colress got utilized when they were brought into the game (it's never even stopped with Giovanni and Ghetsis, while Cyrus and Lysandre walk the line).
Now, things aren't all bad. Volo in Legends: Arceus is a throwback to the old "destroy the world and make a new one" type of villain done in a fresh and interesting way, the Explorers in the Horizons anime series are an all-new evil team that is shaping up to be the most interesting the anime side of the franchise has ever had, and just from the design alone Briar from Scarlet/Violet's DLC expansion shows promise. Still, it honestly feels like the mainline game series straying away from traditional villainy has compromised what kind of villainy can be done in the other parts of the franchise, and for me that's been kind of a disappointment.
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pocketfantasy · 2 years
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In a 2019 interview with Game Informer, Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori imply that the sausage used in the curry cooking minigame is neither artificial nor real meat, but rather "Pokemon World Sausage"
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bw2 · 2 years
Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori aren’t real people to me.
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dash-n-step · 2 years
"Arven's story was based on Shigeru Ohmori's experience of losing his parents" damn
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kaithewhatever · 1 month
game freak, please it would be so cool.
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pokeprism · 2 months
So... Time to have a Pokemon design talk about the pokemons that are literally the reverse of the franchises main design philosophy, otherwise known as the Ultra Beasts!
They've been said to be inspired by real-world invasive species since 2017 when Shigeru Ohmori said so in a promotional guidebook that's hard to find nowadays apparently, but I digress!
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(Basically I had a talk with my designated driver the other day and I wanted to explain this little guys and and about them in the same breath on Tumblr. So I will.)
Also will warn y'all that Ima get theoretical with what I imagine to be their design inspirations! All below the cut!
For a list of the easy ones, they (and their inspirations) are: - Nihilego, inspired by a few species of invasive jellyfish. - Buzzwole, inspired by mosquitoes. - Pheramosa, inspired by cockroaches (I would think the American and German varieties specifically). - Poipole/Naganadel, inspired by a few types of wasps (their shiny forms greatly reflect the typical yellow-jacket palette likely as a result). - Celeststeela, likely inspired by invasive bamboo plants.
There's specfically two ultra beasts that I deem to have more esoteric inspirations/designs, them being Stakataka and Xurkitree.
Stakataka's design seems VERY applicable to the concept of fort cities being invasive. Historically speaking (and regardless of region or era) fort cities have always been a threat to those neighbouring the fort cities, and taking that concept and making it literal living fortress is a neat way to personify (creature-ify?) this idea.
On the other hand, Xurkitree's design could be a neat way to personify a historical angle on urban power grids. From the historical angle that ISN'T of the old-man-yells-at-new-technologies variety, there's the fact that urban power grids were an undertaking in MANY cities around the world, and often caused a lot of disruption for both the inhabitants and those labouring to make them possible.
... Huh. With all of that said, I'm wondering if y'all could guess what my top three favorite Ultra Beasts are. See ya~!
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gbaromspokemone · 10 months
The events of Sword and Shield take place in the Galar region, a large, narrow stretch of land that is one of many in the Pokémon world. Shigeru Ohmori, the game’s director, described it as a more modern setting. The region itself is influenced by Britain, with many landmarks resembling the Houses of Parliament and the Cerne Abbas Giant. In the south of the Galar region are rural towns with cottages and Victorian architecture. The center of the region is populated by an industrial revolution-style city with steampunk elements.
Many towns in the region have Pokémon Gyms that look like soccer stadiums and feature both Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing as introduced by Pokémon League Galar Chairman Rose. Much of the region’s northern areas are dominated by snow-capped mountains. The Wild Zone, an open-world area with numerous roaming species of Pokémon, encompasses much of the region’s south-central region. The weather in the Wild Zone changes regularly.
Pokémon already introduced in previous games, such as As in Pokémon Sun and Moon, such as Weezing will receive regional Galarian forms with new types, stats, and appearances. Some Pokémon, like Linoone and Meowth, can even evolve regionally.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Platinum Redux!
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9823678 · 4 months
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factoides-yajan · 1 year
Factoide #4200
(#4200) Las formas regionales en Pokémon A modo de homenaje a los 20 años de historia de la saga, fuera de los muchos guiños de Rojo, Azul y Amarillo en Sol y Luna, se introdujeron las formas regionales. Una forma regional es una especie de Pokémon que se encuentra en una determinada región que, debido a diferentes razones, se ha adaptado a la misma de una forma diferente al resto del mundo. De esta manera, estos Pokémon presentan una forma alternativa con diferentes comportamientos y aspecto físico, incluyendo peso, altura y categoría. Además, sus tipos, habilidades y movimientos, también, pueden ser diferentes. Estos cambios en la forma regional puede afectar su línea evolutiva de forma parcial o total, incluso dándole a la forma regional una evolución distinta de su contraparte más común Hasta el momento de esta publicación, En la novena generación se sabe que 55 Pokémon tienen formas regionales y se conocen 58 formas regionales en total. Aparte de Meowth y Tauros, que tienen dos y tres formas regionales respectivamente, cada Pokémon con forma regional solo tiene una. Según una entrevista con Shigeru Ohmori, las formas regionales se inspiraron en casos de especiación inducidos por el aislamiento de la región, mencionando específicamente a las Islas Galápagos como inspiración directa. Además, Ohmori mencionó que el Exeggutor de Alola fue la primera forma regional de un Pokémon que se diseñó e inspiró la creación de otras formas de Alolan. Aporte de Angélica Dávila La imagen que acompaña este Factoide ha sido diseñada por el artista, diseñador gráfico y aportador de Factoides "Nesu" por favor, visiten su pagina para disfrutar su contenido, se que les va a encantar https://www.instagram.com/nesuprops/
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[Publicado originalmente el 13 de Mayo del 2023]    
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The regional variants were inspired by allopatric speciation. This is in short when the same species of animal gets isolated from another group and gains different traits over time to match where they live. Shigeru Ohmori specifically mentioned the Galapagos Islands. These islands were a key factor for the evolution theory, because finches were found on each island but they had all changed from one another to fit the specific island (it’s what Charles Darwin had discovered! You might know it from biology class!)
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(image credit: wikipedia)
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mxdreemurr · 2 years
headsup- the mention of 'ohmori' in that post abt the undertale vinyl isnt in reference to the game Omori like you tagged it, its in reference to Ohmori Shigeru, the director of the mainline pokemon games.
Oh! Yeah that makes more sense, I just knew Toby had worked with the person who made that game unfortunately, and I think I had just woken up and was not... exercising critical thinking skills... Thanks for pointing this out!
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tiny-design · 4 years
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One of the most intelligent uses of the Nintendo DS’s 2nd screen in Pokemon Diamond & Pearl came in the form of the Poketech, a watch-like wearable that the player can use for a variety of general uses (such as a memo pad, calculator and others). Where the Poketech gains it’s greatest functionality comes with the optional upgrades the player can find, which includes: a Daycare Checker (indicating the Pokemon currently at the Daycare and their levels), a Move Tester (which indicates the effectiveness of each move type against a given Pokemon type combination), and even a Link Searcher (that indicates nearby players using Pokemon games with wireless functionality).
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