#shin megami tensei: persona
nodutra19 · 6 months
Snowgrave Inspirations?
So we all know the Snowgrave route was inspired, or at least has the texture of being as such, by creepypastas in the sense a game is being broken and has an almost gestalt intelligence in its reaction to being so. Beyond specific references and such, what do y'all think specifically inspired it? I imagine shit like Ben Drowned and Godzilla NES factor in, but I want to provide a unique addition:
Persona 1, or more specifically, Revelations: Persona.
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Some set dressing for the uninitiated: Persona 1 has two routes:
The main story is the SEBEC Route, which centers around the demon invasion and transformation of Mikage-cho as a result of the machinations and experiments of the shady SEBEC ("Saeki Electronics & Biological & Energy Corporation") and how one Maki Sonomura stands at the center of all this.
That's the story most experience, but there's a harder alternate route called the Snow Queen Quest, or SQQ for short. This route centers around the titular play which was performed at St. Hermelin High, the school of the game, and how the Snow Queen Mask came to be possessed with a vengeful spirit. But in order to activate this quest, you have to take a number of steps after leaving the school to visit Maki but before activating the SEBEC route, which most people do because of the natural flow of the story; while not the most cryptic or elaborate thing I've experienced, you definitely have to go out of your way in order to experience this part of the game.
While the SQQ is similarly hiemal as Snowgrave since the Queen freezes the school over and attempts to sacrifice a pivotal teacher to bring back the "Eternal Night," the main thing I want to talk about is:
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The fact that in the original American release of the game, retitled Revelations: Persona, cut this alternate route out. Now, there's a lot to be said about this release of the game and P1 as a whole. For that, I highly recommend Snickety Slice's videos on it from his Compendium series of essays.
As Snickety Slice says in the SQQ portion of video 3A, which focuses on the American localization of the time, no one really knows why it was cut, by which is meant there is no definitive answer. The most popular theory, as he posits, is that this was done to meet the Christmas deadline, which is a tad ironic considering the atmosphere and setting of SQQ. However, you can actually access a tiny bit of it: if you return to the school, you'll see it's disappeared and when you enter it, an FMV of the school surrounded by three towers and a peak plays. Snickety remarks how confusing this must have been for American players at the time since the actual steps to activate the quest were cut out.
With cheats you can access it, but it's a glitchy, nonsensical mess. I mention all this because of the glitchy theme in Deltarune so far, especially as a result of Noelle's seeming magnetism for the unnerving and dark as revealed in the Spamton sweepstakes and Noelle's posts. I think the details of SQQ and Snowgrave are too disprate to draw real parallels so far, but I get the feeling Toby is drawing from its atmosphere, especially the disconcerting aura of the original American release and the stray FMV. As for the glitchiness, I get the feeling it was all concentrated into Spamton, especially given Spamton's role in the game so far.
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I haven't gone through P1 in a very long time, so this is where my rambling ends, but perhaps someone else can draw deeper parallels.
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The only real problem is I have no idea how much of Megami Tensei Toby Fox has played. He's a weeb of high caliber, so I imagine he's gone through most of it by now, maybe even early Persona, given how UT's and DT's Talk systems were inspired by MegaTen's demon negotiation, which was present in P1 and the P2 duology, which certainly lines up with his age and background. After all, he gave the Earthbound: Halloween Hack that "Shin Megami Tensei Bullshit."
Also everyone here should check out the PSX OST. It has the best leitmotif.
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fullmetalgear98 · 3 months
Pringles Terminal
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I was playing Shin Megami Tensei III for the first time and when i encountered a terminal room for the first time, this idea popped into my head hehe
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social-link-showdown · 9 months
A Lone Prayer (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona) VS Throw Away Your Mask (Persona 5 Royal)
A Lone Prayer
Throw Away Your Mask
A Lone Prayer
Legitimately makes me emotional listening to it. Probably helps that the OP for the PSP remake is so good.
Throw Away Your Mask
It's the emotional explanation of the motivations and genuine goodwill possessed by the best Persona villain, who is ultimately just another person trying to make a better world just as you are.
I don't know how to describe why it makes me feel the way I do, it's one of those things that just feels like it should be self-evident. If you've heard this, you get it. If you haven't, please do that now.
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kurhl · 1 year
Invocando seu demônio em Persona.
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katbites · 1 year
heyyyy!!! guess whos back to streaming >:] its me
im going to be starting a playthrough of the first persona game!! i have no idea what im doing but its gonna be fine!!!
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hodinodi · 3 months
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late late happy women's day ‼️
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gzeidraws · 29 days
family visit 👋
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spinaart · 4 months
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protagonists wheel 🌈
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royvalentine · 7 months
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mangohcake · 3 months
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cherboxishere · 3 months
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Hey guys i ended Reload can you see how sane i am
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robo-nonagon · 3 months
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may you simply fold your wings and rest
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vaniillamyk · 3 months
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“Thank you very much, little ladybug.”
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social-link-showdown · 9 months
A Lone Prayer (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona) VS Heartful Cry (Persona 3 FES)
A Lone Prayer
Heartful Cry
A Lone Prayer
Heartful Cry
The fact that it's Aigis theme song and the context of the song being so sad
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emilylovescookies · 4 months
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my favorite persona girlies 🏹💘💗
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zahranw · 4 months
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Makoto Yuki... It's going down
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