#shin watches princess tutu
jutsei · 2 years
Started watching Princess Tutu after putting it off all August and uh.
- Within the first 30 seconds it grabbed me and started shaking me like a soda can with the concepts of story stuff going into reality (Something that ALREADY scrambled my brain with Alan Wake)
- Art style and aesthetic are great
- Scenes with Drosselmeyer fucking rule, artistically awesome
- Duck has a lot of self-loathing so I’m like. Is this why people thought I could RP her well?
- Beautiful art and music I was on board immediately
- Already something going on with Fakir and Mytho, I’m just sitting there like hmmmm...
- Pike and Lillie are cute, why do I keep liking the supporting characters in magical girl shows, what does that say about me???
- SO in love with the fairy tale aesthetic going on, I’m a sucker for this and I can already tell this is gonna inspire a lot of stuff in my writing
- The Ballet is also really good and pretty??? Paired with the music I can’t look away
- I’m kind of at a loss for words bc once more people perfectly knew I’d like this lmao
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vincentspork · 7 months
Got tagged by @beesnutz !!
Last song you listened to: Lee Jung-Hyun - Ari Ari
Last movie you watched: Weird....maybe the best movie ever made?
Currently watching: still going through nge with Nate but we also just started Nobody's Girl Remi, I'm also watching Princess Tutu on my own =) ballet is so cool I wish it was real
Other things you've watched this year: Nobody's Boy Remi, Romeo's Blue Skies, Kare Kano, Initial D stages 1-5, all of NTBTS with Nate, Nadesico, a bunch of random ovas, um. Riding Bean about 5 times and Shin vs Neo Getter Robo almost as many times
Currently reading: ouough I need to go back to Billy Bat....I'm also flipping through a collection of the history of common phrases o7 entering my linguistics era
Currently listening to: MC Lyte - Cha Cha Cha
Currently working on: finishing Touch Detective so I can finally play Atelier Annie
Current obsession: donk
Tagging: anyone who wants to fill this out. I love these but they also make me feel a tad old bc it takes me back to my deviantART journal days fhjddhsklw
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do you have any anime recs ? ^_^
let's see... revolutionary girl utena, princess tutu, mahou shoujo madoka magica, and oniisama e should be the obvious ones
I haven't been watching very much these past few years but I remember I liked uchouten kazoku, SSSS Gridman, Flip Flappers, yu yu hakusho, the 80's devilman ova's, Metropolis (2001), and When Marnie was There all quite a bit
Currently I'm watching shin Cutey Honey, ashita no Joe (still on that I got distracted), and the new Precure ^_^
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villainscomplex · 3 years
could cry just thinkin about you
anyway i actually started working on @asanoyaweek21 like halfway through july after i finished my camp nano word count, but then i tripped and fell back into my princess tutu pit and ,,,,,,,,,,, yeah im late already 
anyway asanoya week day one: soulmate au / the broom bc i will never get over the homoeroticism of the broom fight 
Also on: AO3
When Nishinoya Yuu is a child, he’s a coward. 
He’s little, and there’s this ever present bundle of fear and anxiety writhing around in his chest. It means he’s scared, he concludes, and so he cries when he rides a bike for the first time, and then when he gets lost in the woods near his house, and then again when he comes across a dog bigger than he is. 
It’s strange, he begins to think, as he grows. He’s sure that feeling must be his own, but sometimes he’s suddenly, explicitly happy, and sometimes when he thinks he should be happy, he’s so painfully sad that it aches in every fiber of his being. 
When he’s eight, Yuu scrapes his leg from knee to mid-shin when he falls out of a tree. The pain is the first sensation he’s aware of, arm twisted awkwardly beneath him where it’d made a futile attempt to cushion his fall. Underneath it, concern spikes, bubbling with that familiar chill of anxiety. Yuu is too busy thinking about how much his arm and leg hurt to give it too much thought at the time. 
Yuu is eight the first time he breaks his arm, and the cast itches so much that he’s tempted to tear it off the moment it’s on. Yuu is eight when he’s sitting in the passenger seat of his grandfather’s car, a cast on one arm and ice cream in his other hand. He thinks the scrape down his leg is going to leave a nasty scar, but it’ll look cool and he can tell people whatever he wants about its origin. 
“You don’t seem excited about your ice cream,” his grandfather remarks with a little chuckle, lips tugging up.
Yuu huffs. “I am! I’m super excited!”
He thinks he is, at least. Yuu loves ice cream, and he always gets excited when he gets it, but that tugging little concern is still nestled deep in his chest and Yuu doesn’t really know what to do with it. He’s so used to it, like second nature, but somehow it feels foreign nowadays. 
His grandpa laughs again. “I bet your soulmate is worried about you, always causing yourself trouble like this.” 
Yuu stares back at him, ice cream halfway to his mouth. “Huh?”
“Your soulmate,” the man says again, “everyone’s got one. Not necessarily romantic, mind ya. You can feel their emotions. It’s a little inconvenient sometimes, but you miss it when it’s gone. You’re always hurting yourself, so your soulmate is probably worried about you.”
Yuu thinks about his grandmother. His memories of her are faint, at best. He’d barely been old enough to remember her face when she’d passed, but he remembers how strange his grandfather had acted after, like something was missing from the core of his being. Yuu thinks about the word  soulmate . There’s someone out there meant to be in his life specifically, and he’s meant to be in theirs. Yuu thinks about the little bundle of emotion in his chest, and he realizes that must be his soulmate.
He hadn’t thought to try and distinguish them until now, but it has him tracking his memories back as far back as he can, seeking that feeling in them all. Sure enough, the anxiety is ever present. Sometimes, it’s duller than others, muffled beneath other emotions, but it’s always there. 
“I think my soulmate is a scaredy-cat,” Yuu announces, and then shrieks when his cold ice cream drips onto his exposed knee. 
His grandfather laughs, and Yuu whines as he shoves the top of the cone into his mouth in a futile attempt to save the rest of it. 
When he’s a child, Nishinoya Yuu is a coward. When he’s eight, his grandfather tells him about  soulmates  , and Yuu thinks  my soulmate is scared of everything.  It keeps him up that night, staring at the ceiling in a way that feels too ancient for a boy his age, but he’s come to a conclusion. If his soulmate is a scaredy-cat, then Yuu will just have to be the brave one for the both of them. 
He tries to reach out to that little bundle of feeling with his resolve, wanting to sooth the turmoil there. It doesn’t change, but Yuu is determined. He’ll become strong enough for the both of them, and then he’ll protect his soulmate so they never have to worry again. 
“From now on,” he tells the air, sitting up and jumping off his bed, “I’m going to be the bravest person ever! Then my soulmate will never have to worry again!”
His bravery starts by yelling past his bedtime. He tells himself that he isn’t scared when his mother shouts from the other room, he’s just being respectful by listening to her and crawling back into his bed, hiding under his blanket. If his heart is pounding in his ears, then that’s a secret between him and his soulmate. 
With his new resolve, Yuu grows. He becomes bold and eccentric, loud and outspoken. He becomes a lionhearted boy, too much brilliance to fit inside a body as small as his remains. He becomes stubborn and strong-willed, never backing down from a challenge regardless of how much trouble it will get him into. Yuu embraces everything he has to offer, but he refuses to be sad. 
That ever present pit of broiling emotions is constant, nestled deep in his chest like a second heart, and he doesn’t want to make his soulmate worry ever again. 
Some days, it’s calmer than others. There’s times he nearly forgets it’s there, in the wake of some other hesitant, but excited emotion, and there’s times where it’s so strong that it wakes him even from a dead sleep. Those nights are the worst because he  knows  there’s nothing he can do as is, and his soulmate is having to suffer alone. 
He tries to encourage them as best he can, wondering if they feel his emotions as strongly as he often feels their’s. 
Yuu is in his last year of middle school when things begin to change. He’s taken to volleyball like a moth to flame. There’s something about being behind everyone like the final line of defense, the one everyone depends on to keep the ball in play; it’s thrilling, keeping his blood rushing in his veins and his heart pounding in his ears. 
He wins an award, and he’s so full of pride that he nearly misses the faint little swell of happiness that comes from that bundle of feelings in the back of his chest. Maybe his soulmate does feel his emotions just as strongly. 
The first time he meets Azumane Asahi, Yuu doesn’t think much of him. His hair is a little past his ears, curling up beneath the lobes and sticking up in the back like he’d recently been laying on it. His first impression is that Azumane looks as if he’s waiting for the entire world to come down on his shoulders. He easily dwarfs everyone, but he stands with his shoulders curled in, hands clasped complacently in front of him and gaze down, as if trying to avoid notice. 
Yuu isn’t sure why, but it pisses him off, seeing someone who looks as big and strong as Azumane looking like such a coward. 
He says as much to Azumane’s face exactly a week later.
Azumane balks. “What.” 
Yuu puts his hands on his hips. “You’re huge and super strong, but you act like a total coward. You look like a skittish dog or something!” 
“A dog…” Azumane visibly slouches lower.
Yuu would say his dejected expression is almost comical, if it hadn’t been the exact opposite of what he’d been wanting. Azumane reminds him of how he’d been when he was a child, anxiety ridden and glass hearted. 
“Okay!” Yuu announces. “We’re gonna practice together!” 
Azumane doesn’t even get out a response before Yuu is towing him back towards the court, determined to teach this boy the ways of reckless bravery and intense practice.
Yuu doesn’t know when or where he lost the plot, but somehow this becomes second nature. He finds himself seeking Azumane out in the hallway, barreling into the larger boy, or towing him behind himself from time to time. He meets Ryu and he meets Kiyoko; the former becomes his friend early on and both boys adamantly say they’re crushing on the latter.
It feels like a performance. Yuu knows Kiyoko isn’t his soulmate. She’s gentle and anxiously soft-spoken, but not in the same way that his soulmate feels like they should be. He doesn’t admit that maybe there’s this half formed idea about Azumane tucked away in the back of his mind, and everyone is better for it. 
He wants to be sure. He has to be. 
“I think I should trim my hair soon,” Asahi remarks offhandedly one day, when they’re leaving practice.
Yuu watches his fingers card through the wavy brown strands, a little contemplative frown fixed on his face. He tries to imagine Asahi with short hair like most of the others, and the image just won’t come to mind. Maybe he’s biased.
“No way, Asahi-san!” Yuu grins, reaching out to slap the other man on the back. “I think long hair suits you! It makes you look kinda wild, don’t you think? It’s cool!”
Asahi slouches into himself a little, curling a strand of hair around his finger. He hums noncommittally, allowing the strand to fall away, but he doesn’t comment on Yuu’s words. He just looks a little more thoughtful.
Yuu is only a little surprised when he really  looks  at Asahi one day and his hair is just past his shoulders. He’s got a little facial hair now, too, and something about it makes him feel more mature, older, like he’s finally growing into himself. Yuu takes a running leap onto his back the moment he sees him in practice that afternoon, and Asahi hardly sways beneath him. 
The realization settles in; this isn’t going to last forever. He won’t always be able to be with everyone like this. Asahi has grown and filled out, fitting into the broadness of his shoulders. He’s steady and unyielding, and Yuu isn’t sure when he started to become something like this. 
That pit of anxiety still lingers in his chest. It wavers, sometimes. 
They go against Date Tech. Their defeat is crushing and miserable for everyone involved, but when Asahi doesn’t call out for the last spike, Yuu feels it like an anchor in the hollow of his chest. It’s painful, near suffocating, and he can see the sheer weight of it coming down on Asahi’s shoulders. Those negative feelings swirl up into his chest again, fought only by his own fury - fury at Asahi, for not calling for the spike. 
Fury at himself, for not retrieving them. 
He hates it. 
“Why won’t you blame me?” 
Yuu feels the anger before he witnesses it. This is his confirmation, he’s sure. There’s no doubt anymore; these emotions living alongside his own are Asahi’s. The first time he feels Asahi’s anger, it feels cold, like ice in his veins. There’s something sad about it, something self-sacrificing, like Asahi wants to shoulder everything and leave nothing to be spared for the rest of them. His fury comes like a wave of ocean water, painful when it enters his lungs.
Yuu turns on his heel. Asahi stands - no, Asahi hunches - in front of him. He looks like he had when Noya had first met him, shoulders curled into himself, back bent like the world itself is coming down on it. Maybe it is, this time. Yuu doesn’t know if Asahi has realized that they’re soulmates. Yuu doesn’t know if Asahi would even accept it. 
Asahi doesn’t seem to be in a very accepting mood right now, and Yuu is in no mindset for motivation. 
They fight. They fight before they’re even anything, before Yuu can say anything, before he can even confess to himself that he would have been willing to leave his soulmate behind for Asahi, even if the other boy hadn’t ended up being them. He doesn’t tell Asahi how he used to be a coward. He doesn’t tell him that the reason he works so hard and never stops moving forward is because he’d made a promise to both of them a long time ago. 
He doesn’t tell Asahi that he’s terrified to lose him.
All he knows is that if Asahi’s anger is like ice, then his is like flames, raging and all-consuming. All he knows is that he’s furious, and he’s yelling, and then there’s a  snap , and suddenly everything goes cold. Asahi’s feelings drop to the pit of his stomach and become cold there, and Yuu feels like the tightrope he’s been walking has finally given way. 
Ryu holds him back, and all he can do is watch Asahi walk away. 
He doesn’t cry. 
Asahi doesn’t show up for practice the next day, and his lack of presence doesn’t go unnoticed. Yuu corners him in the hall. He feels like this is starting to become a cycle now, arguing and fighting over trivial things. It’d be easy to solve if Asahi just had a little more faith, but Yuu knows better. He knows how Asahi feels too well. 
Yuu doesn’t care what others think. He bleaches his hair because he thinks it looks cool. When people tell him he’s too loud, he gets louder. He refuses to be looked down upon and spoken over. He’s been in detention more times than he can count, but it never stops him from repeated offenses. 
Yuu doesn’t care what others think, but when Asahi walks away from him, it feels final. It feels like the end of something that never began. Nishinoya Yuu never cries. 
(The people in the hall that day are silent witnesses to his tears, but nobody says a thing about them.) 
Yuu isn’t much for thinking, so he spends all of his time in suspension doing, instead. He works and works and works some more, trying not to think of Asahi turning his back on them. On him. All he can do is hope Asahi will come to his senses by the time Yuu is back. 
He doesn’t. Yuu goes back, and Asahi is still gone, so he leaves again. He loves volleyball, but he won’t be a part of it if it means leaving Asahi behind. Asahi may believe that he’s unnecessary, but they all know better. 
It isn’t until he’s staring at the broad expanse of Asahi’s back again in the practice match that he really  realizes,  and for the second time, he feels like he’s really seeing Asahi. He sees someone who is trying for the people he cares about, someone who is finally learning to try for  himself  and he thinks  that’s all I wanted.  
They fix the broom together. 
“We’re soulmates,” Yuu tells him, so abruptly that Asahi’s surprised flinch dislodges the two pieces again. 
Asahi glances down. “I know.”
Yuu stares at him. “What.”
“I know,” Asahi says again, gaze soft and hesitant. “I’ve known since we met. You aren’t exactly quiet about your emotions, y’know. I never said anything because you liked Shimizu. You deserved better than someone like me.”
“Asahi-san,” Yuu intones, “you’re the  only  person I’ve ever liked.”
“Oh my god.”
When Asahi laughs, it lights up his whole face. Yuu stares for a long moment, watching Asahi’s shoulders tremble. He feels Asahi’s relief wash over him like a second skin, settling into his bones themselves. The warmth of his joy is like a blanket. 
“Well,” Asahi says, “I guess we’re both a little dumb then, huh?”
“To be fair,” Yuu huffs, “I didn’t realize till after the Date Tech match.” 
Asahi laughs again, and Yuu thinks that everything is going to be okay after all. Asahi is finally starting to have some sort of belief in himself, and while Yuu knows his doubt and anxiety won’t go away overnight, they’re taking baby steps. 
And if Ryu and Daichi give Suga and Kiyoko ten dollars each when they admit their newest revelation, then nobody is any the wiser. 
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juricha-art · 3 years
I just had this sudden realization after watching a Castlevania video that Princess Tutu would work really well either as an IGA-vania (Symphony of the Night, Aria/Dawn of Sorrow, Harmony of Dissonance, Portrait of Ruin, Order of Ecclesia and Bloodstained) with some elements mixed in from Dracula's Curse and Rondo of Blood (multiple characters and routes), Krobon-style Metroidvania (Pharaoh Rebirth+, Shin Megami Tensei Synchronicity, Touhou Luna Nights and Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth), OR EVEN as a Wonder Boy/Monster World -style platformer (which would depend on the game, either more exploration-focused or arcade-style). Or maybe Vanillaware-style brawlers would work better for it?
Ahiru's stages would center around her ability to transform into a duck to fit into tight spaces and maybe fly for a bit, her human form' goofiness and kindness to divulge info and distract foes, and Tutu's grace to turn enemies into allies (think Soma, Shanoa or Miriam). Fakir would fight some hard-to-convince enemies with his sword and have magical abilities tied to his writing (like opening passages and chests, making things materialize and whatnot). First, they would have their own separate story chapters (kinda like Odin Sphere), then they would be paired up, of course (like Johnathan and Charlotte from Portrait of Ruin) and would work both solo and as a duo. Edel and later Uzura would be your hub host/shop, Lillie and Pike would be the source of rumours (hints where to find stuff). Later on, as per tradition, you unlock Mytho's and Rue's playable story chapters, as well as Uzura as a joke character. That's just off the top of my head, but there are so many possibilities to explore!
Princess Tutu has SO MUCH POTENTIAL, it's a shame that it didn't have anything besides the anime and manga going for it!
Either way, no matter the genre, it would definitely need some absolutely gorgeous art, be it pixel art or hand-drawn sprites. I just... really love all of those and want to combine my silly obscure interests. It most likely won't go anywhere (besides maybe some sprites/mock-ups), but I just wanted to jot down the idea just for the sake of it. A girl can dream, right?
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Ubbe-Dance Teacher MODERN AU(1)
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Requested by @walkxthexmoon, I loved the idea so I’ve turned this into a multiple chapter serie. I hope you like it!
Plot: Ubbe’s Friday is not going as well as he would have liked it. Yet meeting his daughter’s dance teacher is going to change that.
Sitting in an unmoving car without an air conditioner in the hottest September the world had ever seen wasn’t Ubbe’s plan for a quiet Friday. It was supposed to be his free day; he didn’t have classes in the university, his father didn’t need him at work and he had a delicious ice cream jar on his refrigerator. Only thinking about it made his mouth drool. The loud honks from the cars around him and the drops of sweat that were running down his neck were the painful reminder of his situation.
Most of the students of his university were probably getting ready for a party, but he lost that opportunity when he started it and decided it was a good idea to go out with Margarethe. She was pretty, a little slutty yet he was in love with her and didn’t notice how she hooked up with everyone beside him. After a year of a toxic relationship, she appeared in his door with the best and worst news he had ever received. And nine months later along with some paternity tests, he found himself cradling his little bundle of joy.
The ghost of a smile was on his face when his memory was interrupted by the annoying beeping on his phone. Making sure that the cars wouldn’t move for another few minutes, he picked it up without looking at the name at the screen.
“Hey dude, where are you?” Hvitserk’s voice and a lot of background noise made him roll his eyes. Even his little brother was having more fun than him. “I thought you said you were going to pass by my apartment.”
Hvitserk’s apartment was a lot of things. Small, messy. Sometimes stinky and always full of girls. Above all of that, it was always a party. It didn’t matter when you went, you could always find alcohol and possibly drugs.
“Margarethe called me an hour ago, she can’t take Grace for the weekend, so I’m in my way for picking her up” he scoffed. They had reached an agreement three years ago, when little Grace was born. Seeing that they couldn’t understand each other, they had decided Ubbe would have the custody while Margarethe could see her whenever she want. Not that it was very often.
“What? I thought she compromised to take her this weekend!” Hvitserk made someone shut up beside him before talking again. “You could have called me Ubbe, you know I don’t mind having her over. I can get all this idiots out of the apartment.”
“Nah, I’m good. Besides, you don’t even know where she is.”
“In that ballet class, isn’t she?”
Nearly two months ago, little Grace had become obsessed with dancing. So obsessed that Ubbe had take her to a ballet class, even if it meant spending more money than what he earned. Everything for his little girl. Until that moment, either Margarethe or Sigurd had picked her up from her classes. It was the first time Ubbe had to go get her and he wasn’t enjoying one bit.
“Yeah, it’s supposed to end at five. But traffic is horrible and I’m stuck. I just hope whoever is the teacher can stay with her a little longer”
“You sure you’re good?” a very feminine laugh sounded from the other side, and Ubbe heard taking in a sweet voice to that person. He was really tempted into dropping Grace in his apartment; the ice cream jar and a good film were waiting for him in his apartment. But his daughter was his responsibility, not Hvitserk’s. “Ubbe? You there?”
“I think this is finally moving. Don’t worry, I’m good. I’ll call you if I need anything.”
With a quick goodbye, Ubbe hang up and put the phone on the other seat. He ran a hand over his sweaty forehead and started the car.
On his way to the ballet class, he had to stop two more times. It seemed like everyone thought that using their cars that day was a good option. The clock read five thirty when he ran out of the car, nearly tripping with his own feet. It was so late that no one was around; the building was closed and the nosy mothers were nowhere to be seen.
Ubbe put his hands on the door and tried to see if there was someone inside. His daughter had to be somewhere, right? Just when he was debating between calling the police or breaking in, a little bundle of energy and laugh attached to his leg. He smiled when he saw his daughter smiling at him, and he took her up into his arms. As always, he expected her to cuddle up into his neck and to wrap her little arms around it. Yet his daughter moved against his arms until he let her down.
“Daddy, you need to come with me! Come on!” Grace gripped her father’s hand with her two little ones, and tried to move him. “She’s going to get hungry at me!”
“H-hungry?” he frowned, letting her carry him. She was wearing a little tutu skirt with a black maillot, that made her look like a doll. Her blonde hair, that he had carefully put into a bun that afternoon when Sigurd had taken her to her class, was in a messy ponytail, and his bright blue eyes were shinning with excitement.
“Yes! Miss Y/N is going to be hungry!”
“I think you mean angry, princess” Ubbe laughed at her. After watching her trying to drag him with all her force for a while, he took her in his arms as she still moved her little legs. “Why don’t you tell me where that Miss Y/N is? We’ll be quicker.”
It didn’t take a genius to know that she had ran off again. Grace had given his father a few scares over the years, always running away when she saw someone she knew. He could only imagine the worry of that Miss Y/N when Grace ran off. The little girl lead him towards the stairs of the main door, where Ubbe should have been knocking. There was a black sport bag on the floor, next to his daughter’s doll. Not even a second after letting Grace on the ground to look around, his daughter ran off again.
“Grace!” Ubbe saw how a woman crutched down in front of his daughter, and hugged her close. “Oh my god, Grace, you can’t run off like that! I told you to stay by my side until your daddy arrives!”
“But he’s here, Miss Y/N!” Grace smiled and put her chubby hands on your cheek, frowning when she saw the tears on your eyes. “Why are you sad?”
“Because you’ve scared her, Grace. I’ve told you many times that-“
Ubbe’s mouth could have hit the ground in that second and he wouldn’t have noticed. At his voice, you had raised your head and looked at him, and for the first time in his life he nearly forgot about his daughter. He had always assumed and joked with his brother about the old ballet teacher, probably a strict woman who didn’t smile; but you weren’t anything like that.
The little girl looked at her father with a frown, waiting for him to finish his sentence and to stop looking at her teacher. You rose up from the ground, cleaning your tights with your hands and offering him one, with a small smile.
“Hi! I’m Y/N, Grace’s teacher. It’s nice to finally meet you” Ubbe gave you his hand slowly, yet he didn’t answer. He was too focused on your eyes. “I’m… I’m sorry she ran off, I promise I was trying to keep an eye on her.”
“Daddy!” Ubbe let out a small whine when his daughter pounded her little fists on his leg. Finally, he blinked and coughed awkwardly. “It’s rude to stare at people!”
He looked down and saw her daughter pouting at him. Probably that meeting wasn’t going as she had imagined.
“Yeah, sorry, sorry” he scratched the back of his neck. “I’m-I’m Ubbe. I’m sorry I was late, her mother was supposed to pick her up but she called me last minute. I hope she hasn’t been much of a trouble.”
Ubbe’s word came out as calmed and collected, and he even sounded like a mature adult. On the contrary, he could feel his heart pounding in his ears and cold sweat gathering in his neck. He really begged to everything and everyone not to make a fool of himself in front of his daughter and her gorgeous teacher.
“Oh, don’t worry! Grace is an angel” you smiled, a faint blush covering your cheeks. “Actually, I was hoping to talk to you soon. I’ve tried contacting Margarethe, but I really think that she gave me a fake number.”
“Sounds like her” he rolled his eyes, used to her irresponsibility. It was not the first time she gave someone a fake number, she did the same with Grace’s caretaker. If it wasn’t for posting pictures with her beautiful daughter, Margarethe didn’t care about anything. “I’m actually free now, if you want.”
Ubbe watched as a little frown appeared in your face before you checked something in your phone. There was a moment of silence while Grace entertained herself with the keys of Ubbe’s car.
“Yeah, I mean-I have a class at seven, but it won’t take long. I think” you laughed, and like a switch, Ubbe smiled. “We can go inside, it’s not that hot.”
With a nod, he hoisted Grace up and walked behind you. The dance academy was huge, from the outside and inside. He had to follow you through two different corridors, as Grace chatted with you about a film he didn’t know about. If he thought you were beautiful before, seeing you talking with his daughter made him find you even more attractive.
Finally, you came to a stop in front of an office. It had your name in it, and it was nothing like the rest of the academy. While it was huge and elegant, your office was a small room with some chairs, a desk and a huge mess of papers and things.
“I didn’t expect anyone coming” you chuckled, your cheeks turning red as you tried to clean up a little. “It’s-It’s not always like this, but it has been a crazy week-“
“Hey, you don’t have to explain yourself” Ubbe gave you a side smile. “I mean, it’s kind of a relive that not everything in this place is so neat. I was getting nervous.”
You smiled at him softly, and told Grace that she could read some books that you had in the corner of the office. They were for little children; sure, she didn’t know how to read, but she shouted happily because of the pictures on them.
Ubbe noticed how, besides all the papers in the desk, there were also two big books about pedagogy and education. He remembered seeing them in the library of his university. Along with the fact that you were shaking probably from too much coffee, he understood that you had to be a student, just like him.
“Are you in the university?” he asked, not moving his eyes from the books.
“Yeah, third year. I go to my classes on mornings and spend my afternoons here, between classes with the children and my own. Kind of a crazy life.”
“I’m studying to be a doctor, too” your eyebrows rose, not expecting him to be that young. “Fourth grade, it’s still a long way to go but, I’m on my way.”
“That’s great!” your eyes shined. “You’re doing a really good job, Ubbe. I can’t imagine how difficult must be raising Grace and studying at the same time.”
Ubbe laughed, shifting in his chair. Indeed it had been three difficult years, with a little child to take care of and a life to build. Looking at Grace as she focused on some book, he was sure it was worthy.
“Yeah, I’m sure we all have our story to tell. As much as I would love to keep talking to you, I don’t want to keep you here. Don’t want to be the reason of some angry teacher.”
“Oh, don’t worry” you tilted your head to the side. “I mean, I do have training at seven, but I guess I’m my own teacher.”
He had already seen the multiples trophies that were placed on your shelfs. There were also some medals, all of them probably related with dancing.
“But, yeah, I suppose it’s better if we get straight to the point. So, Grace” you looked towards the little girl, who was talking under her breath. “She’s a lovely girl, really, probably the most obedient and formal of all of them. Always ask for things before getting them and uses modals. I mean, I could say she’s the best girl I’ve ever had.”
Ubbe felt his heart expand with pride, knowing that her little girl was kind and polite. He nodded softly, waiting for you to continue. And guessing where that was going.
“What I mean, is that she’s great. But I’ve seen that she’s really shy, and that she doesn’t talk to any other girls” you lowered your voice. “She’s not the youngest neither the oldest, and none of the others are mean with her.”
It had started a few months ago, maybe six. Grace used to be a talkative baby, always mumbling unintelligible things and laughing at everything. Ubbe and her went to a little park where she would always play and talk to other children, until one weekend where he left her with Margarethe. He didn’t know what happen, or why his daughter didn’t let go of him for two days. Grace stopped talking to other children and became really dependant of Ubbe and his brothers, only letting them go for the ballet class. Whatever happened that weekend, made Grace curl up into herself.
“I know” he sighed. “It’s already a big achievement that she wants to come here, even more that she seems to be so comfortable with you.”
“It’s not a bad thing! I can be any happier for that really, she’s a precious girl. Just that, she tends to glue herself to my knee and not let go” you laughed.
In Ubbe’s mind, everything was going wrong. She’s great but. I like her a lot yet. Grace is a marvellous girl, however. That summer, Ubbe had to pick up Grace from three different summer camps, all of them telling him that she was too shy and that they didn’t have time to take care of dependent child. He was ready for another rejection, just hoped that his daughter didn’t get too upset.
“Let me first tell you that I really appreciate the effort you’ve made, Y/N” he said, shifting again in the chair. He looked back at Grace before continuing, afraid that his daughter would hear him. “You’ve been the only one that has endured so much with her. I know she’s kind of clingy, but-“
“What are you-“
“No, let me finish. Grace is, you know, she needs to have a support always. I know it’s impossible to work with little children if one of them is attached to your knee, and I understand-“
Ubbe stopped his rambling when you gripped his tensed hand in yours, that had been curled in a fist without him noticing. The thought of leaving another class because of her shyness was heart-breaking for him, even more knowing that she couldn’t help it. Your hand, cold against his and full of little imperfections because of the falls while dancing, squeezed his gently, and you gave him a comforting smile.
“I’m not kicking her out, Ubbe. I was thinking about helping her, with your permission, to be a little more open. Just if you want to” as a teacher you had read about it before; and you were more than willing to help little Grace and his incredible handsome father. “I also run a little place, beside the classes and the university. It’s for children with problems, most of them have cancer or illnesses that make them not be able to fit.”
“The New Stars?”
Ubbe had heard about it before, in his class. It was a program for children, as you said, that worked closely with the hospital. He had been offered to work there as a voluntary, yet he hadn’t found the time to do so. That you worked in place like that, only made him more curious.
“I thought it was an initiative related with the hospital. What are you doing there?”
“Well, I was one of the founders” you said. “Kind of, actually it was my father’s idea. After he passed away, I’ve been working there. If Grace could come with me some days, it can help her. She would see herself as someone useful, and I’m sure it would make her open up. Besides, it will be good for the children. I mean, only if you want. It’s not a professional decision, only my opinion and advice, I would-“
“Are you kidding me?” Ubbe gave you a full smile, showing his teeth, and the way his eyes sparkled with happiness remined you to his daughter. “It’s not only an opinion, it’s the only solution I’ve come across with. I think it will be a good idea, if you don’t mind taking her with you.”
“It will be my pleasure.”
There was a second of silence where the two of you said nothing, too caught up in each other’s smiles. Your little moment was crashed by Grace, who had grown bored of the books.
“Daddy, can we go home?” she asked. Grace put her little hands on his knees, and pushed herself up until she was sitting on his father lap. Ubbe sat her right and you laughed, not used to see such a lovely kid.
“Yeah, we don’t want to keep Y/N here much longer, right?” he smiled.
“No, I want to” she frowned, looking between you two. “If I could choose, I would keep Miss Y/N here always. Then we can dance forever!”
Grace clapped excited, bouncing up and down in his father’s lap. For Ubbe, it was strange seeing her acting so freely and happy around someone that wasn’t himself.
Since the incident with Margarethe, she had become a very shy girl; even in front of Ivar, who wasn’t around as much as his other brothers, she hid behind Ubbe’s legs.
“Daddy and I were talking about doing something really cool, if you want to” you put your elbows on the desk, and looked into her eyes. “There is a place where I have a lot of toys and special things to play with, do you want to come? Daddy can too, if he wants.”
You looked at Ubbe briefly, asking silently if it was okay with it. For sure, the first day it would be a little hard for Grace, and having her father with her would make it easier. Ubbe nodded at you, not minding one bit spending more time with his daughter and her beautiful teacher.
Grace’s squeals made both of them laugh, and probably everyone who had been at least two rooms from your office cover their ears. She wiggled herself out of her father’s lap, and ran towards you. You had only time to pull the chair backwards before she crashed her little body on yours. She smiled and talked about how happy she was, and maybe rambled about the fantastic time travel’s machines there were going to be there. Neither Ubbe or you had the heart to tell her wrong.
“Do you have anything to do tomorrow morning?” you asked, turning and looking at Ubbe, with Grace then settled in your lap.
“Probably not, Saturdays are our days off, right princess?”
“Yes, but I don’t mind spending it with Miss Y/N” she hugged you closer. “You’re my favourite person in the world, and Daddy too.”
Inside you, something jumped in excitement at Grace’s word, and you let it out as a little giggle. Your cheeks turned red when you saw Ubbe looking at you with a fond smile.
After saying your goodbyes and exchanging phone numbers, you agreed to meet the next day in front of the door of The New Stars. Ubbe walked towards his car with Grace hanging from his arm, and you prepared everything for your class. As he rode away while Grace chattered in the back about you, he realised that spending his Friday picking up his daughter from the dance class instead of enjoying the ice cream on his house, had turned out to be a very good decision.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My Top 10 Halloween Episodes
Happy Halloween Everyone! 
I’ve been rewatching my favorite shows’ Halloween episodes as a means to prepare for the holiday (and get ideas for things to do!) and I’ve decided to compile a list of my Top 10 favorites. These are the episodes I consider the best, the most packed with spooky goodness and Halloween surprises, of all the shows I’ve seen. Let me know if there’s one I should check out!
#10. The Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror V”
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While I do wish Simpsons had stopped at Season 10 like most, I can still acknowledge its absolute mastery of the Halloween episode with this annual anthology. And like most, I can also concede that the best of the best, the creme-de-la-creme, is the 5th one: The Shinning parody of course, first and foremost, is absolutely classic and deservedly so. Having recently endured a week without power, and thus NO TV AND NO...NOT BEER BUT COFFEE...I totally get where  Homer is coming from. The other two segments, and other Halloween eps, are also strong as well. But you can’t have a proper TOP 10 HALLOWEEN EPS list without a Treehouse of Horror. So here it is!
#9. Spectacular Spider-Man The Uncertainty Principle”
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“Twas the night before Halloween, and no folks were stirring, not even Green Gob...lan.”
Spidey is one of the few superheroes with both the whimsical roster of characters and the appropriately spooky rogues gallery to make for great Halloween episodes. While Spider-Man and his amazing friends in 1981 started out with it’s own Goblin Halloween ep, my nod has to go to Spectacular’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’, a suitably creepy episode featuring all the stuff you want around this holiday. The cast in whacky costumes, spooky decor, and creepy plotlines about the Green Goblin and the arrival of the Symbiote. It’s even more horrifying in hindsight when you find out what’s really going on in the series finale...but for itself, it’s a suitably spooky time. Also, Spider-Man dressed as Spider-Man for Halloween.
#8. Angel “Life of the Party”
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“Some are saying it’s an even better ritual sacrifice than the one last year.”
The absolute master of the Halloween episode is uncontrovertibly the Buffy-verse. I have 3 entries on this list alone, and it was hard to resist including a forth. But for now, let’s start out with Angel’s sole incursion into the Halloween genre, an Office Party ep from their 5th season. Spoiler alert: Season 5 is about Team Angel taking over Wolfram and Hart and trying to use it for good. The Halloween party there is a big deal and Lorne is going nuts from planning it. Consequently, we get a wild ride of demon guests, LorneHulk, Team Angel doing crazy things, and whacky Halloween decor. Spike smiling and partying out like a loon is definitely worth htetheprice of admission.
#7. Friends “The One w/ the Halloween Party”
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“I am a woman who spent a ton of money on this dress and wants to wear it until she is too big to fit into it.”
I had actually never seen the Friends Halloween episode until this year. I definitely enjoyed it; the cast’s costumes are funny, the various Halloween antics are adorable - especially Rachel being pushed around by candy-randy kids - and the Halloween-y atmosphere is quite convivial. Though as a comic book nerd, I must point out how completely absurd Joey’s suggestion of ‘who would win, Catwoman or Supergirl’ being Catwoman. Like, seriously? A nonpowered thief vs a freaking Kryptonian? Even people who don’t read comic books should know the answer to that one! Were people in the year 2001 really that clueless? But anyway, on a more somber note, this was apparently the first one they shot after 9/11, and ended up Lisa Kudrow’s favorite, because a stranger thanked her for making them laugh. Aw!
#6. South Park “A Nightmare on Face Time”
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“Oh, and Kenny? Stay gold.”
SP has a number of Halloween episodes, but my favorite has to be this one from 2014. There’s two main plotlines and they’re both Peak Halloweeny goodness. First, there’s Randy reenacting The Shining as his new Blockbuster  video goes under due to Netflix stealing business, which is absolutely hilarious. Then there’s the boys as The Avengers, hoping to win a costume contest despite Stan having to FaceTime. This part is full of trick-or-treating goodness, with each of the costumes being perfect for the kid (WE HEAR KENNY’S VOICE! ALBEIT DISTORTED!) and the comedy of how seriously everyone takes Stan’s ipod battery dying being absolutely killer. Certainly wins the prize for Funniest Halloween Ep Ever. (Also, Kyle’s thor costume. Thor would obviously look so much cooler with that hat.)
#5. Buffy “Halloween”
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“It’s come as you aren’t night!”
The second of the Buffyverse Halloween entries on the list. Not just a great Halloween ep but a great Buffy ep too, this one is absolutely rolling in seasonal riches. Pumpkin patch vamp fight! Halloween decorated Bronze! Ethan Rayne turning everyone into their costumes is such a clever gimmick, and as usual with a Buffy ep they do more with it than just that. Noblewoman!Buffy, Military!Xander and Ghost! Willow are each a treat to watch as they try something new with their lives. I’m a little annoyed by the “not like other girls” sappy Bangel ending, but otherwise, this one is just golden. (My shipper heart rejoices in the Cangel Bronze Date and Buffy being awfully flirty with Willow as well, for the record). 
#4. Parks and Rec “Halloween Surprise”
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“You can’t plan your future, Leslie. You just gotta let it happen.”
Parks and Rec is another one with a plethora of great Halloween eps to  choose from (something about blonde female leads I guess). This one takes the spot for being the most substantial, plot-wise, of all four, including lots of changes in the story and a great lesson at the end - though also for having the best costumes (Rosie the  riveter Leslie! Princess Diane), the best celebration (Screening of Death canoe 4 Murder at blood Lake sounds like an absolutely delightful way to spend a Halloween) and the best ending (BEN PROPOSES TO LESILE OMG). The only thing it’s missing is April, who only cameos at the start. But she gets plenty to do in the other Halloween eps, so I’ll forgive it.
#3. Frasier “Halloween”
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“I’m  Waldo. From Where’s Waldo. You know, the guy you  can’t find because he blends into the crowd.” “I don’t know, but I’d love a demonstration.”
Frasier is absolute peak sitcom comedy, especially with the Farce plotline. This one is a great, sophisticated classic, with Niles throwing a Library association ball - which means everyone must dress as a character from literature. Niles is Cyrano, Martin is Holmes, Frasier and Daphne are from the Canterbury tales, and Roz is O from the Story of O. The real conflict of the ep is “Is Roz Pregnant” and everyone mistaking who’s pregnant by whom. The  climax is Niles proposing to Daphne who he thinks is the one pregnant from an imaginary fling with Frasier. It’s funny, glib, and absolutely whacky, with some extra Halloween shenanigans to keep you occupied, like Niles’ weird old-timey theme and the parade of trick-or-treaters constantly interrupting the skits demanding candy. Definitely don’t miss this one!
#2. Gravity Falls “Summerween”
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“We’re getting older, there’s not that many Halloweens left!’
There’s definitely something about supernatural shows and Halloween episodes that just creates that extra level of quality. GF is a great show all around, and this little gem of a Halloween ep is one of the best of the whole series. It’s got everything: The Summerween Trickster, the trick-or-treating, the try-hard scares and the mad dash for candy. My favorite thing about it, though, would have to be the conflict between Dipper and Mabel about what to do for Halloween. They were always debating whether it were better to grow up too soon or try to stay a kid, and this one uses Halloween to illustrate that: Dipper torn between the Grown Up party and the Kid Trick-or-Treating, and the poignant way that rings true for all of us here in the US - that day when you finally realize you’re ‘too old’ for trick-or-treating - really makes this one strong. 
Hon Mentions: The other Parks and Rec episodes; Buffy All the Way; the camptastic Smallville episode “Thirst”, the How I met Your Mother Halloweens
#1. Buffy “Fear Itself”
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“Don’t taunt the fear demon!” “Why, can he hurt me?” “No, it’s just tacky.”
Like I said before, no one does Halloween like Buffy does Halloween. And this one is the best of the best, of the best. Everything you could want from a Halloween ep is right here. Pumpkin carving, check. Crazy party, check. Whacky costumes, check. Spooky real scares, check. The Gang’s costumes are a parade of awesome (ANYA AS BUNNY!) and the concept of exploring each member’s Greatest Fear is an absolute winner. I love every time a TV show tries to do a Greatest Fears episode, because it’s just a concept I get a kick out of - such a great way to explore our characters’ most primal needs! - and this is b y far the best. The atmosphere, the subject matter, the costumes, and  the writing, which is seriously killer in this episode (”Prepare to have your spines tingled and your gooses bumped by the terrifying...Fantasia.” “Maybe it’s because of all the horrificthings we’ve seen, but hippos wearing tutus just don’t unnerve me the way they used to”) all make this, in my opinion the best Halloween ep of all time.
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redthreadoffate · 4 years
list all anime you have ever watched
Aryt aryt aryt. Okay, let’s do this *rubs hands together* This is probably a short list but let’s continue. Aside from Digimon, this is in no particular order–it’s how I remember them as I write along. Also, my Japanese isn’t perfect so forgive me and my mistakes. I took away the comments and shit. Bold means favorite. Italics mean borderline.
Digimon Adventure 
Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Tamers
Digimon Frontier
Digimon Adventure tri
Tantei Gakuen Q/Detective School Q
Gakuen no Kaiden/Ghosts at School/Ghost Stories
Ultra Maniac
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles
Cardcaptor Sakura
Magic Knight Rayearth
Yu Yu Hakusho
Assasins Pride
Chivalry of Failed Knight
Devils’ Line
Tokyo Mew Mew
Full Metal Panic!
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
Gundam Seed (I wish I could watch Destiny, all my ships are there)
Aishiteruze Baby
Marmalade Boy
UFO Baby
Saber Marionette J to X
Galaxy Angels
Galaxy Angels Z
Stratos 4
I, My, Me! Strawberry Eggs
Fushigi Yuugi/Curious Play/Mysterious Play
Ayashi no Ceres/Ceres, Celestial Legend
The Vision of Escaflowne
Maho no Stage Fancy Lala/Fancy Lala
Princess Tutu
Rekka no Hono/Flame of Recca
Kaze no Stigma
Fruits Basket (first anime version)
Full Moon o Sagashite/In Search of the Full Moon
Gate Keepers
Jigoku Shoujo/Girl from Hell
Kareshi Kanojo no Jiyo/Kare Kano/His and Her Circumstances
Say I Love You
Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Puritia/Pretear: The Legend of Snow White
Mahou Sentai Negima!
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Miyuki-chan in Wonderland
Murder Princess
Princess Ressurection
My Wife is a High School Girl
Ragnarok the Animation
Elfen Lied
Zero no Tsukaima/The Familiar of Zero
The Law of Ueki
La Corda d’Oro
Akatsuki no Yona
Love Hina
Onegai Sensei
Onegai Twins
Bigata H Kei
Ghost Hunt
Tantei Conan/Detective Conan/Case Closed
Ginban Kaleidoscope
Skip Beat!
Midori no Hibi
Maria-sama ga Miteru
I’m pretty sure I watched a bit more than that…I used to be such an otaku back in grade school…
For reference (my future watch):
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online II
Fate/Stay Night (Rin is my savior)
Shakugan no Shana
Snow White with the Red Hair
Special A
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
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A Personal Ref.
Because I always forgot the titles I wanna say when people ask me about anime so I’m making a list for myself and my GARBAGE MEMORY.
10/10 Wholesome: - Sweetness & Lightning - Tanaka-Kun is Always Listless - Kuragehime - Steven Universe (not necessarily anime, but belongs nevertheless) - Little Witch Academia - Mirai no Mirai
Lights, Camera, ACTION: - Noragami (with a slightly annoying male protag, just slightly) - Dororo (I recommend this only for mature audiences) - Inuyasha - YuYu Hakusho - Yu-Gi-Oh! (The FIRST ONE) - Boku no Hero Academia (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Kekkai Sensen - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Pandora Hearts (reading this one is better) - Bungou Stray Dogs (insert hella edgy here tho) - Psycho Pass - Code: Geass - Samurai Champloo - Voltron (Only worth it for the first few seasons) - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Mob Psycho 100 (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - One Punch Man - Soul Eater - Ao no Exorcist - D. Gray Man - Dogs: Bullets & Carnage (only an OVA, read it instead) - 07 Ghost (VERY STRANGE?) - Thunderbolt Fantasy (not necessarily anime, but puppetry) - Assassination Classroom (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Aldnoah. Zero
Blood and More Blood, But Not Necessarily With A+ Story: - Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (hudurr) - Shiki - Tokyo Ghoul (UNPOPURAR OPINYIN) - Elfen Lied (NSFW Warning and yikes) - Parasyte: The Maxim (except I really like this one whoops)
Fantastical & Delightful: - Totoro - Howl’s Moving Castle - Spirited Away - Princess Mononoke - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Natsumi Yuujincho - Castle in the Sky (aka, Laputa) - Princess Tutu - Kiki’s Delivery Service - Summer Wars - Ponyo - The Cat Returns - Tales from Earthsea (a bit dark) - Ancient Magus Bride (Do you like monster husbands? Here you go) - Flying Witch - .hack (If anyone ever recommends Sword Art Online, watch this instead lol) - How to Keep a Mummy (also 10/10 Wholesome)
WTF, but Worth: - Steins;Gate - Occultic;Nine - Shin Sekai Yori - Paprika - Panty & Stocking (NSFW Warning) - Durarara!!! (Not necessarily worth, it depends) - FLCL - xxxHolic - Jingai-san no Yome (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Merman in my Tub (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome)
Here’s Some Hot Guys and Gals, Also Not Necessarily with A+ Story: - Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Gangsta (the story’s alright there tho, NSFW Warning) - Yuri!!! on Ice - Claymore (Story’s good tho) - Karnival (Proceed with caution, it can get annoying really fast)
Romy-Comy & Slicey Lifey: - Kiznaiver (I promise they all get better) - K-on! (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Kamisama Kiss - Kimi ni Todoke - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Ore Monogatari - Monthly Girls’ Nozaki Kun - Aggretsuko
MYSTERIOUS: - Hyouka (MYSETRIOUS-lite) - Mushi-shi - Ghost in a Shell - Serial Experiments Lain (also belongs in WTF, but Worth) - Death Note - The Promised Neverland
Did You Bring Your Tissues?: - The Secret Life of Arriety - Your Name - Wolf Children - Grave of the Fireflies - She and Her Cat
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gettothestabbing · 6 years
12 and/or 22.
12. anime that should get more attention from others
I thought Shin Sekai Yori (From the New World) was really interesting. I know we’ve all seen a thousand dystopia stories at this point, but it kept things fresh even though the characters aged about twenty years across the show’s timeline. Dark, but interesting, with some sci-fi/sci-fantasy elements.
Other recs: Oshiete Galko Chan (surprisingly good for a show that premises itself on asking uncomfortable sexual questions), Princess Tutu (yes even more attention than it already has), and Yugioh Season Zero (not great animation but a good adaptation of the manga before the card game took over; a guy turns into a clock).
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it.
My first anime were the 4Kids Yugioh and Pokemon dubs, but I didn’t know what anime was at the time. I was really, REALLY into the former though.
The first anime I watched, knowing what that word meant, was Love Hina. When I was 9 and 10, my best friend was a boy I played Duel Monsters with, and he thought it was hilarious and ‘mature.’ I hated most of it. 
Didn’t really get into anime/manga for real until I was 13 and had to spend evenings in a library in a new city. They had a HUGE number of InuYasha and Ranma books and that’s what got me hooked.
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jutsei · 2 years
Shin Watches Princess Tutu
Started Season 2 cuz the Watcher Knights in Hollow Knight really pissed me off so I’m in no mood for Hornet Round 2
Episode 13
- Is the animation a little better? Or maybe more consistent - Fakir is getting better still, liking his  dynamic with Duck now lmao - Had a feeling the fucking cursed Heart Shard would come back -  Did NOT expect the plan to be to  change Mytho, but. Rue now trying to please her apparent Crow Father is also interesting. She's just an interesting character
Episode 14
Episode 14 - Little concerned about what's going on, especially with Fakir continuing to look bad - The Raven's plan is pretty fucked up, not only corrupting the Prince but also stealing someone’s heart a an offering??? - Raven Mytho's outfit is really fucking stupid looking - Curious to see how the story set-ups going to go from here on - Kraehae/Rue is a Raven that is a girl??? Curious. - Do like how Princess Tutu is still important to the plot, surprised the Prince's heart is still in pieces, thought for sure Love was the last piece - Getting darker.
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reprisedpiece · 7 years
Bad Word
Pairing: Connor Murphy x Teacher!Reader
Warning: swear words, a bit a smutty scene in the middle of this fic
Request: “teacher!reader x connor murphy PLZ I BEG”
Word Count: 2350
Note: heya! check out this post okay it’s about my queue and stuff. back to this fic, i had fun writing this. i hope y’all enjoy it too. feedback is always appreciated! 
If there was one thing everyone knew about Connor, it was that you are his happy place.
Even if that meant meeting you everyday in your kindergarten classroom full of nosy little children, you were still his happy place.
That’s why he tolerated so much because he knew it meant seeing you.
“Why do you have long hair when you aren’t a girl?” Connor looked up from the colouring book pushed towards him by a little girl named Debby. He was faced with a blonde kid, who was currently giving him a menacing stare.
Connor looked back down to the colouring book, shrugging. “Because I want to.”
“Are you a girl?” The boy continued.
“No, I am definitely a boy.” Connor replied as he tried to keep his cool.
“Are you sure? You have long hair.” The boy gave Connor’s hair a light tug. Connor internally groaned. This kid is getting annoying, he thought to himself.
“I’m really really sure I am a boy.” Connor said, gritting his teeth as he forced a smile.
He knew the rule. You told him that when he entered the classroom, he had to be nice. That meant being patient with the kids because you knew they could be very, well, energetic.
“But only girls have long hairs.” The boy scoffed, crossing his chubby little arms in front of his chest.
Connor felt his right eye twitch. He just wanted to see you because he had another fight with Zoe yet here he was, being harassed by an annoying little kid. He rested his chin on his palm as he tried to focus on colouring the princess’s gown in the booklet. 
“Not anymore, kid. Things change.”
“Oh yeah? Says who?” The boy said as he started to poke Connor’s right arm.
This went on for a minute before Connor suddenly slammed the blue crayon onto the table a little too loudly, making you look at him from across the room where you were braiding one of your students’ hair.
Connor was usually alright with kids but today, he just wasn’t in the right mood. He turned around to fully face the kid as he gave a menacing stare. 
“Listen here, you little bit-”
Knowing what Connor was about to say, you immediately ran towards the two. You quickly placed your palm over Connor’s mouth before he finished his sentence.
“Connor! This is a place filled with happy children who definitely should not be hearing unhappy things,” You say as you looked at him, smiling and glaring at him at the same time. He simply groaned in response, subtly rolling his eyes.
“Miss Y/N! What was he going to say?” The boy asked curiously.
You and Connor locked eyes as you tried to think of an answer. Connor tugged your palm away from his face before clearing his throat.
“Little boy,” He responded with a forced smile. “I was going to call you that.” Connor ruffled the kid’s hair, making the boy huff. 
Of course, this wasn’t the first time Connor visited you in work. He always came over whenever he had the chance, especially on the days when he didn’t want to stay home. He was always welcome in your classroom as long as he exhibited good behaviour.
It was very difficult for him to do so. He just wanted you all to himself but unfortunately, there were nosy children everywhere. One minute they’re eating crayons and the next thing you know, they’re standing in front of you.
That’s why you always remind Connor to be mindful of his actions around them. You didn’t want a repeat of what happened before.
A few months back, Connor came to your classroom one day feeling rather frustrated. That resulted to him dragging you to the children’s bathroom, pushing you against the wall during recess time where the kids should be in the other room.
You were a whimpering mess, panting. Connor placed sloppy kisses on your neck as he tried feeling you up, dragging his palms up your body. 
Your shirts were long gone. Your fingers were digging into Connor’s back as he nipped at a sensitive spot, his hand making its way to your breast. You let your head hit the wall as you felt pleasure wash over you, making him push himself against you even more.
You didn’t think too much about getting caught. After all, the kids shouldn’t be in your classroom for another thirty minutes.
It was when Connor’s hand found your bra clip when you hear the door slam open. Connor immediately shielded your body from the invader, you shrieking in surprise.
“A little busy?” Connor yelled out with frustration, thinking that it was a colleague of your who has interrupted the two of you.
Instead, the two of you hear a high-pitched gasp, You and Connor locked eyes as you immediately realized it was one of your students. It was Jack.
The kid quickly ran to Connor, tugging on his pants. “No! Get away from Miss Y/N! You shouldn’t hurt her!” Jack said with a tough voice, kicking Connor’s leg even though it didn’t really do anything.
The two of you watched as Jack tried to ‘save’ you, panic spread across your faces as you didn’t know how to deal with such situation.
“Jack, it’s okay! He’s not hurting me. I’m alright.” You reassured, trying to sound cheerful as you slowly reached for your shirt.
“Yeah,” Connor quickly replied as he continued to shield your body from the little kid. “I’m giving her a huge hug, a special hug! That’s what you do when you love someone, right?”
Connor tried his best to get the two of you out of this situation but he panicked and said the wrong thing. He essentially told the kid that second base was a special kind of hug. You smacked yourself on the forehead as you knew this was going in the wrong direction.
“Really?” Jack said, sounding convinced with Connor’s explanation. He then decided to call one of his friends and the two of you took this opportunity to slip back into your shirts, Connor moving behind you so the children wouldn’t see the tent in his jeans. 
Another boy walked into the bathroom and you watched as Jack pointed at him.
“I love David. He’s my best friend so I want to give him a special hug,” All of sudden, Jack groped David’s chest. His tiny fingers gripped David’s graphic tee. 
“Like this?” Jack asked innocently, leaving you and Connor completely clueless on what to do.
Needless to say, you received quite a few calls from very confused parents. 
Since that incident, you had to make sure Connor was being a good example to the little kids. You couldn’t keep him from coming to visit you but you could make sure he was behaving. Also, the kids adore him to death. You couldn’t possibly take him away from the children.
There would be days where the boys would be hogging him, asking about girls and cooties while Connor squished himself in the tiny chairs.
Some days, he’d be with the girls as they make him wear a tutu. Their tiny hands would get all tangled up in Connor’s hair as they tried to braid it.
Today wasn’t any different. As usual, Connor visited you and you made sure you were always around him to keep a close ear on his rather colourful language. You knew 70% of Connor’s sentences are combinations of swear words and he had quite a reputation for accidentally letting some words slip.
It was colouring time that afternoon so various booklets and crayons were scattered everywhere. Unfortunately for Connor, a kid named Benny had taken interest in his long hair and wouldn’t stop bugging him about it.
“Benny! Anyone can style their hair the way they want to.” You explained to the small child, rubbing circles on Connor’s back so he could calm down.
“But he’s a boy! My mommy said only girls had long hair!”
“He is a boy! He just likes long hair. There’s nothing wrong about that,” You leaned forward from behind Connor so you can face him. “Right?” You smile at Connor, signalling him to play along.  
Connor glared at you for a few seconds before nodding at the kid, forcing a smile on his face. “Right.” He affirmed.
You turn to face Benny, who still looked confused as ever. “Now, apologize to him.” You asked Benny, trying to wrap it up before Connor snaps.
“No! I just don’t get it! Mommy said-”
You sigh, reaching out your hand to touch the kid’s shoulder. “Benny-”
Connor groaned in frustration before turning back to the colouring booklet. “For fuck’s sake,” He whispered to himself as he furiously coloured the princess’s dress in pink, earning a nudge from you as he cursed. You scanned the room, sighing in relief when you saw that none of the kids heard Connor.
“Sorry, babe.” He apologized with a sheepish smile, still colouring intensely. He tried keeping the colours within the lines but colouring hard made him miss some parts.
A small hand poked Connor’s hand. He took a moment to look up, only to see Debby pouting at him. 
“Keep the colour inside, Connor.” She whined. 
“Oh, crap. Sorry.” He quickly said to the little girl, using the eraser beside him to remove as much colour that crossed the outline. “I won’t do it again, I promise.” He continued, giving her a smile.
Debby cocked her head at him, clearly confused. “Crap?”
Your head immediately snapped from Benny to face the little girl. Both of your eyes widened as you started to glare at Connor.
“What was that, dear?” You asked her again, hoping that you misheard her.
“Crap!” She said loudly, enough for the rest of the kids to hear.
You slowly turned to face Connor, who mumbled an ‘oh no’ to you just a few seconds after realizing what he has done.
“What did I tell you?” You whispered harshly to Connor, kicking him in the shin.
His hand immediately flew to his leg, rubbing the area you kicked. “I didn’t mean to!” He whispered back, panic evident in his eyes. You couldn’t believe you had to deal with another situation like this. 
Soon enough, half of the class started saying ‘crap’ with a confused toned. The entire room filled with high-pitched ‘crap’ bouncing of the walls.
You quickly made your way in front of the class, grabbing all the kids’ attention as you pulled Connor with you. When they were all paying attention to you, you began speaking very slowly.
“Kids, you shouldn’t say that. We don’t say bad things like that!” 
A little boy from the back of the room raised his hand. 
“Yes, Jojo?” You pointed at him, allowing him to speak. “Why can’t we say that word? I mean Connor said it!” He said with a pout on his face.
A girl started tearing up. “Oh no! Does that mean Connor is mean?” She said as her voice started to quiver, frightened.
The entire class let out an audible gasp. The room filled with chatter and a few cries. You started waving your arms, saying no to the girl’s question.
“No! Don’t even think for a second that Connor is a bad person. He is a wonderful man. He is nice and caring,” You glanced over at Connor who was fiddling with his thumbs, eyes glued to the floor. You were sure he was upset because he didn’t mean to cause you such trouble. You reached for Connor’s hand, softly rubbing circles behind his hand.
You turn around to face the kids. “You just can’t say that word because it’s for grown-ups.”
Suddenly, their sad faces turned into frowns. All of them started shouting on how unfair that is. You internally groaned, annoyed at how damn flexible children’s moods are. You pinched the bridge of your nose as you tried coming up with another explanation.
You felt Connor squeeze your fingers, leaning towards you so he can whisper something by your ear.
“I have an idea but I’m not sure if it would work.” 
You chuckled nervously, still not knowing what to do. “I’m willing to try anything. I just need to clear this up before the parents come,”
You look at Connor and you could see that he genuinely wanted to help you. You nodded. “Do it.”
Connor gave you a smile, letting your hand go. He faced the kids, clapping his hands so they could pay attention to him.
“Hey! How ‘bout I get everyone ice cream?” He yelled out with enthusiasm, relying on the flexibility of the kids’ moods. Almost instantly, all of them started gathering around Connor. They started jumping up and down, clearly excited at the mention of ‘ice cream’. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.
“Alright, alright,” Connor tried calming them down. He kneeled down in front of the kids so he can meet their eyes.
“I will get all of you ice cream if you promise me and Miss Y/N that you will never ever say that word again!” He proposed. The kids quickly nodded their heads, letting out a resounding ‘we promise’. 
Connor smiled, standing up and dusting the dust from his knees. “Okay, let’s go! The ice cream truck’s going to arrive in a few.” He said. The children cheered, scattering off to the hallways to wait for the ice cream truck by the window.
Connor looked at you as you gave him a slow clap as you walked closer to him.
“Nice job, Murphy.” You continued to clap.
He scratched the back of his head with an apologetic look on his face. “I’m really sorry about this.”
You give him a gentle smile. “It’s okay. Don’t worry too much about it,” He wrapped his arm around your waist when you were near enough.
“Just don’t do it again.” You say, scolding him. He nodded, chuckling as he pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“I got your back at all times, babe.”
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aimaileafy · 7 years
Die Anime-Liste für Mona ♥
Dieser USB-Stick ist gefüllt mit einer Reihe Animes: kleine Empfehlungen meinerseits ♥ denn obwohl RTL2 uns damals mit vielen tollen Animes versorgt hat... es gibt noch so viele andere Animes, so viele tolle Serien, die es nicht nach Deutschland geschafft haben. Da du mal sagtest (vor Ewigkeiten), dass du gerne ein paar mehr Animes haben würdest, dachte ich mir, setze ich mich mal ans Werk und habe einige herausgepickt die vielleicht etwas für dich sein könnten. Mein Fokus lag dabei auf Romantik, ausgehend von den Animes die du bereits magst... und ich habe eigentlich eher ältere Serien genommen, aus den 90igern oder frühen 00ern. Ich hätte noch viel, sooo viele andere Animes nehmen können, aber der USB-Stick hatte nur begrenzt Platz xD es gibt einfach so unglaublich viele tolle Animes.
Ich habe immer nur Folge 1-3 genommen - aus Platz Gründen. Wenn dir eine Serie gefällt oder du sehr Serie mehr Zeit geben möchtest als nur drei Episoden, dann kann ich dir den Rest zuschicken uwu~! 
So! Hier noch ein paar in-deep Kommentare, warum es gerade diese Serien wurden.
Kamisama Hajimemashita
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Oder auch Kamisama Kiss! Hier habe ich den Anime nicht selbst gesehen, aber ich hab den Manga gelesen und fand ihn einfach nur lustig. Man könnte sagen es ist Inu Yasha... nur ohne Action und mit noch mehr Romantik aber ohne Kikyou. Spielt in Japan, spielt mit Dämnen, ist lustig, hat Eifersuchtsszenen, die “üblichen” shipping-szenen... und ist einfach an sich sehr unterhaltsam. Ich hatte wirklich grossen Spass als ich die Serie las und dachte mir... warum nicht! Tomoe ist wirklich ein Hingucker und mit seiner zynischen Art sehr sympathisch ♥ ein richtig guter, stabiler Shojo aus dem Jahre 2012. 
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 Kaitou Saint Tail
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Selbst nicht geguckt, aaaber auch den Manga gelesen. Klassiker im Shojo Bereich und der Manga von dem Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne “abstammt”. Und mehr muss man dazu eigentlich auch nicht sagen, denn die beiden Werke sind sich sehr ähnlich, wenn auch die Charas unterschiedlich sind. Diebin, “im Namen Gottes”, Shipping, Drama, Disquise-Drama... nur, dass das Shipping hier mit demjenigen ist, der sie jagt und nicht mit ihrem Rivalen. Das wird dir 100% gefallen. Es ist eine wirklich sehr niedliche Serie... ne Kreuzung aus der niedlichen Unschuld von CCS und dem Themen von KKJ - und wie gesagt, ein Klassiker wie man ja schon am Stil sieht. Er ist aus dem Jahre 1995... laut einigen besser als KKJ, was sie für eine Kopie von dieser Serie halten... aber ich finde beide sind gut, jeder auf ihre Weise ♥
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica 
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Wenn man anderen etwas zeigen möchte, dann zeigt man doch am liebsten das, was man selbst liebt, nicht wahr? Und wovon man selbst überzeugt ist, nicht? Nun, dann sollte es nicht überraschen, dass  Puella Magi Madoka Magica, kurz PMMM oder Madoka, es auf den Stick geschafft hat! PMMM ist ein Anime aus dem Jahre 2011 und ist eine Serie, von der man zu recht behaupten kann, dass sie denselben Effekt auf das Magical-Girl Genre hatte, wie Sailor Moon in den 90igern: nämlich eine neue Richtung einzuschlagen indem es alte Merkmale des Genres aufnimmt, verändert und in einem neuen Licht darstellt. Es ist ein “Original”-Anime, was bedeutet, dass es keine Manga-Vorlage gibt. Der Anime hat ein gewaltiges Echo in der Anime/Manga-Szene ausgelöst und es gibt sicherlich genauso viele die den Anime hassen und ihn overrated nennen, wie die, die ihn lieben - so wie ich es tue.
Der Anime besteht aus 12 Episoden; unterstrichen wird dieses Meisterwerk von dem Soundtrack von Yuki Kajiura und Kalafina, dem besten was die Anime-Welt zu bieten hat. Kennst du nicht? Doch!  Yuki Kajiura hat auch den OST zu Tsubasa Recevoir Chronicle gemacht ♥ und hier hat sich das Team zu den höchsten Höhen empor geschwungen. Das Ending “Magia” ist ein absoluter Klassiker. 
Ich habe es aber gewählt dir die Movies draufzupacken die genau dasselbe zeigen wie die 12 Episoden, aber mit verbesserter Animation und einem besseren Pacing (einige Szenen sind natürlich rausgelassen worden, es lohnt sich daher schon auch die 12 Folgen zu gucken... sowieso kann man den Anime locker mehrere Male gucken, da einige Dinge erst beim zweiten Mal sinn machen). Die ersten beiden Movies “The Beginning” und “The Everlasting” fassen die ersten 12 Episoden zusammen, während “The Rebellion Story” die Fortsetzung ist. Nun! Dass ich Rebellion Story über alles liebe sollte aufgefallen sein... hehe xD der Anime war in meinen Augen sehr sehr gut, aber ein Kunstwerk wird aus Madoka erst mit dem dritten Movie. Ich hoffe daher, dass dir die Serie zusagt und du es bis zum Movie “schaffst” ♥ Tekuu war sich nicht sicher, ob die Serie was für dich ist und ich auch bin mir nicht sicher... sie ist speziell. Der Zeichenstil wird dir wohl erst einmal komisch vorkommen und die gesamte Aufmachung der Serie wird dich wohl erstmal verwirren. Ich sage dir: lass dich darauf ein und lass dich nicht von dem surrealen abschrecken... denn hinter dem Surrealen stecken sehr reale Botschaften. Und ja der Anime ist vollgestopft bis obenhin mit Symbolik. Doch keine Sorge, man kann ihn auch ohne Analyse-Blick geniessen!
Und hab ich schon Shippings gesagt? SHIPPINGS! AWESOME SHIPPINGS! SHIP THE HELL OUT OF IT und bitte live-tweeten. Und, kleiner Tipp, von Anfang an auf Homura achten (das ist die schwarzhaarige). Achte auf ihre Gesichtsausdrücke, auch auf die ganz kleinen Sekunden - wenn man einen gewissen Punkt erreicht hat machen die nämlich ganz besonders viel Sinn - und auf ihre Worte, ihre Blicke. Jap! Achte auf Homura. 
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Princess Tutu
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Nächster Anime auf der Liste ist Princess Tutu. Ein Geheim-Tipp! Nicht sonderlich bekannt, aber definitiv eine Perle unter den Animes, aus den Jahr 2002. Ebenfalls ein Magical Girl Anime, gemacht vom gleichen Kreativ-Team wie Sailor Moon - was man auch an einigen Ecken erkennt! Ich selbst habe nur die erste Staffel geguckt, aber sie hat mich durchaus überzeugt, auch wenn ich nicht der Mega Ballett fan bin. Aber das muss man auch nicht sein! Die Serie ist absolut herzallerliebst, aber doch sehr ernst, auch wenn sie sich, genau wie Madoka, hinter einer “kindlichen Fassade” verbirgt. 
Und Shippings? Oh OUI. Dieser Anime ist ein Shipping-Trickster... ich bin gespannt was du am Anfang shippen wirst und was am Ende - denn ja, hier glaube ich, dass du hängen bleiben wirst. Ganz viel Romantik! Drama! Spannung! UND TANZEN! Alleine für diese schnuckeligen Jungs, ehm Charas. Das ganze spielt in einer Märchen-Welt die von den Gebrüder Grimm stammen könnte, sei also nicht über sprechende Tiere überrascht xD 
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ENOUGH SAID I GUESS dieser Anime schreit süsses Shipping Material I swear 
Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Pretear
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Okay, zugegeben - das hier ist ein blind-guess. Ein Anime aus dem Jahre 2001 mit 13 Folgen. Warum ich ihn ausgesucht habe? Weil ich von Leuten, die einen ähnlichen Geschmack haben wie du, gehört habe, dass der Anime gut sein soll, deswegen /o/! Ich hatte ihn auch eine Weile auf meiner Watch-Liste, aber bei mir flog er raus, weil ich befürchtet habe, dass da mehr Romantik als Magical-Girl drin sei - und genau diese Verteilung müüüsste ja was für dich sein xD? Außerdem ist es ein Anime aus dem Zeitalter welches mein Lieblingszeitalter für Animes war (die 00er) und eigentlich denke ich, kann man da wenig falsch machen. Außerdem sieht das aus wie gaaanz viele gut aussehende Männer und... das ist doch nie verkehrt xDDD
(kein Gif, weil ich nicht weiß, was Spoiler ist und was nicht)
Tokyo Mew Mew
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Oh my, jetzt wird es nostalgisch.Diese Manga-Serie war einer der ersten Shojo-Serien die es nach Deutschland geschafft und einen Erfolg hatte - für viele ist es eine “Einsteiger-Serie” gewesen... tatsächlich ist dieser Manga auch ins Dänische übersetzt worden, als einer der wirklich wenigen Mangas. Der Manga ist auch gut! Er ist ein solider, niedlicher Magical Girl mit... Tieren! Ja, diese Mädchen haben alle die Kräfte von Tieren und natürlich ist das pinke Hauptmädchen eine Katze, wie könnte es auch anders sein! 
Die Anime-Serie hat es auch nach Amerika geschafft unter dem Namen “Hollwood Mew Mew”, jaha. Das sage ich nicht nur als kuriosen Fakt, sondern auch um zu sagen, dass die Serie “pretty mainstream” ist; sie erreicht eine breite Masse. Sie ist nicht super innovativ, sie versucht nicht mehr zu sein, als was sie ist - es ist einfach ein netter Magical-Girl den man gut gucken kann. Den Manga habe ich damals sehr geliebt und die Henshins des Animes immer wieder geguckt und auch viele AMVs zur Serie geguckt, die damals für mich nicht zu erhalten war... sie dir nun zu schenken ist wirklich eine Nostalgie-Tat xD aber ich schenke sie dir natürlich nicht nur aus Nostalgie, sondern weil ich glaube, dass es was für dich ist. Wie immer ist die Romantik hoch im Kurs; wir haben mehrere Jungs die auch wichtig sind und nicht nur Randerscheinungen (ich hab natürlich den Bösen mit Ichigo geshippt xDD) und... einfach eine nette Serie im Allgemeinen!  
Sie ist aus dem Jahre 2002 und hat... sehr viel Shipping-Drama (in der Serie und im Fandom) ausgelöst, oh yes. Daran kann ich mich noch gut erinnern. Ich glaube sie ist ein Safe-Bet!
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Shugo Chara!
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Der Magical-Girl Knaller der 00′er! Er ist aus 2007 und.... ernsthaft, man konnte nirgends hingehen ohne Shugo Chara zu sehen - überall waren die AMVs, überall war das Hauptshipping - überall die Szenen mit ihnen. Ich hab das Gefühl, dass ich den Anime geguckt habe ohne ihn überhaupt geguckt zu haben. Es war unmöglich diesem Anime und dem Shipping auszuweichen... und dem Krieg, den dieses Shipping ausgelöst hat. Ich möchte nicht zu viel sagen, aber sagen wir es so: die Tumblr Social Justice Warriours würden dieses Shipping nicht gut heißen xD aber das soll uns nicht abhalten! Denn ich glaube dieses Shipping ist genau was für dich. Wir haben ein taffes Magical Girl (wirklich verdammt TAFF was ich auch nicht so gerne mochte, da ich meine Mahou Shojos lieber wie Usagi habe) und einen mysteriösen, coolen Jungen al’a Sibi. Gutaussehend, Frauenheld und auf der Seite der Bösen... das war und ist eine gute Mischung, I swear! Ich hab den Manga gelesen und... nun. Ich fand ihn gut, er ist was anderes weil das Hauptmädchen einfach anders ist und auch weil das Konzept interessant ist. 
Aber lass mich ehrlich sein: ich lege dir diesen Anime ans Herz wegen dem Shipping. Ich tue mal gar nicht erst so xD Es werden einfach alle Register gezogen die gut sind und die immer wieder funktionieren und die einfach... Mona sind.  
Just.... enjoy.
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(im ernst, guck dir dieses Bishi Material an und.... er war eine Katze bevor Ladybug es cool machte xD)
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Es sind ziemlich viele Magical-Girls animes geworden – aber tatsächlich ist das Zufall! Eigentlich war auch Yuri on Ice!! noch drauf, aber als Tekuu das sah sagte sie sofort „NOPE das kannst du Mona nicht geben, das mag sie nicht, das ist zu viel BL“. Aber eigentlich ist es kein BL-Anime und ich wollte dir den Anime auch nicht geben, wegen dem Shipping, sondern… weil es ein hübscher Sportsanime ist mit sehr wichtigen und optimistischen Botschaften. Aber gut! Der flog runter.
Aber allgemein hätte ich dir noch sooo viel anderes ans Herz legen können, auch mehr Animes die jetzt gerade laufen, Animes die einem von der Animation her einfach nur umpusten, weil sie einfach nur hüüübsch sind… aber gut, ich musste mich einschränken, ich blieb also bei dem, was ich kenne… vielleicht gibt es ja irgendwann noch ne Runde 2!
Mein Hauptparameter war aber wirklich nicht „Magical Girl“, sondern „Romantik“… und da ich die Slice of Life-Shojos nicht gucke und eigentlich auch nie getan habe, ist es eigentlich ganz klar, dass es Magical Girl Animes wurden haha xD ich glaube auch, dass alles schon irgendwie was für dich sein wird – nur bei Madoka bin ich mir nicht so sicher, auch wenn ich es hoffe. Er ist einfach sehr speziell und ab und zu auch verwirrend… es ist definitiv keine Schande auf Pause zu klicken und sich einige Gespräche nochmal anzuhören. Besonders bei Rebellion Story gibt es einige Teile die ich sicherlich vier mal geguckt habe, ehe ich sie wirklich vollends verstanden habe. Wie gesagt, nicht abschrecken lassen, sich darauf einlassen und einfach… es wirken lassen. Den Anime gibt es übrigens auch auf deutsch (das ist der einzige hier, denn es auf Deutsch gibt), ich kann ihn dir also auch auf Deutsch besorgen – aber die japanischen Stimmen sind einfach THE BEST. Sie sind auch recht speziell und… die deutsche Version fängt das einfach nicht ein.  
Ich hoffe du findest was schönes für dich >w<! 
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meowsaidmayaanime · 7 years
Hey! So first things first, this page is under construction, which means that I will have a few anime, and in a seemingly random order considering I don’t know how I want to organize this. I hope to have links, descriptions, reasons why you should watch it, my personal rating and my critical rating etc, etc. So yeah. Now you know.
An amalgamation of the anime I recommend others to watch, some will be ones I recommend everyone watch, others will be stuff I recommend only to people with particular preferences.
Everyone Haikyuu!! Erased Assassination Classrom Sakamoto Desuga (Havn’t You Heard I’m Sakamoto) Your Lie in April Food Wars Madoka Magika Ghost Stories (english dub ONLY) Noragami Ouran High school host club (need to move some stuff from list below to here)
Things that not necessarily everyone would like but should be given a chance or something? other ones that I really liked? im not sure yet how im gonna do this… Charlotte Beautiful Bones 12 kingdoms Another Barakamon Blast of Tempest Blue Exorcist Blood the last vampire B-Gata H-Kei Chrono Crusade Daily Lives of Highschool Boys D. Gray Man FMA Free! GITS Ghost Hunt Haibane Renmei K-On Last Exile Little witch academia mitsudomoe paprika princess tutu princess jellyfish panty and stocking read or die romeo x juliet soul eater samurai x shin sekai yori tokyo ghoul xxx holic working yumerio pattisiere
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years
Good Luck Friedrich
A series of video diaries by Isabella Beilschmidt for her baby brother, Friedrich, where she details and explains the lives of their hectic family.
                                                     Video 3
As she raised the camera to the center of the room, it focused its vision on her elder sister, Analiese, who was currently picking, throwing and only adding more as she brought from upstairs.
“Friedrich, I want to let you know that she’s not leaving to Paris till next month,” Isabella began, watching as Analiese groaned once again about a match she had made before she went for another one.
“That one is pretty,” Giovanna pointed to the newest match, a beautiful long red skirt with a small white shirt. Isabella thought that with the right white heels and jewelry it would be an outfit of splendor perfect for the type of strutting she imagined her older sister will take in the streets of Paris.
“Of course it’s not! Everyone is repeating this style right now. I can’t let myself be part of such lack of originality.” To the floor, back to searching through the many piles.
“Analiese starts high school in September, and not just any high school, oh no, she got accepted into a specialized designing school working with all kinds of important fashion and modeling companies. She drove herself crazy last year trying to get in, but luckily she had a big help from uncle Francis, who she’ll be staying with when she leaves to Paris again. With the meaning, she’s dedicated on trying to look the best the school has ever seen.”
“Yes, talk about my feats! Let our little brother know of the fabulous and beautiful elder sister he has!” She praised, striking poses to exaggerate herself.
Isabella and Giovanna did a unified roll of their eyes.
“Ah yes, this is perfect!” She finally decided on a dress, a retro styled navy blue one that flowed perfectly. She placed it inside the large open luggage on the sofa, with only but a couple of things of her late choice that didn’t even fill it half way.
As Analiese searched on for something else, Giovanna spotted a peach colored tutu with beautifully decorating flowers that hanged like real fallen ones.
“Ooohhh, this is really cute,” she appointed, picking it up and putting it over herself to try out.
“That’s one of the first things I ever created, I was ten I think,” Analiese mentioned as she settled on another pair of jeans, pants and shirts.
“You should bring it!”
“Definitely not! That would be an embarrassment!”
“Then can I keep it,” Giovanna excited, a begging and pout that Analiese couldn’t resist.
“Sure, in fact, there’s a lot of things around here that I can give you.” And thus a new search started for Analiese’s entire old princess, flowery and pastel wardrobe that she had no use of anymore.
It was in that moment that Ludwig headed downstairs, Friedrich cuddled on his shoulder and chest, his head swimming with ideas on what to cook with Feliciano out for the rest of the day. He instantly stopped when he saw the mess, clear distaste in his eyes, trying to remain calm as to not disturb Friedrich. He directed a questioning gaze to the camera, obviously expecting Isabella to explain.
“She’s preparing her luggage for Paris."
“But she’s not leaving till September,” Ludwig raised an eyebrow.
“She really wants to be prepared!” Giovanna added to defend.
“You shouldn’t even talk, vatti. When we have visitors, you expect us to have our rooms ready weeks before they come,” Analiese reminded with a groan and instantly Ludwig knew he shouldn’t mention anything else.
“Ooohhh, look, look, look at these pretty crowns!” Giovanna found a whole pile of them.
“Oh mio dio! I used to love these!” Analiese leaned down and began picking some of her favorites, memories running through her head.
She held up a blue one of roses, a laugh and a smile reigning on her face as she recalled a particular memory. “Do you remember these, vatti?”
Ludwig had to lean close to recognize, then being tainted with the same smile, one Friedrich seemed to look with question to its suddenness.
“What is it?” Giovanna questioned.
“It used to be my own flower crown,” Ludwig admitted.
“You had a flower crown!” Giovanna couldn’t believe.
“Of course, I wore it whenever I was invited to special tea parties with the fairy council.”
Analiese laughed.
“The fairy council!” Giovanna kept getting impressed.
“Yes, I used to make the best tea parties, with plenty of treats no creature could deny. I had fairy queens, wizards and princes join me every afternoon,” Analiese told like it had been a real honor and it only made Giovanna’s eyes sparkle the more.
“Now,” she turned, facing Ludwig, with a look, a positioning, and the blond knew what was coming, but he smiled and prepared himself none the less.
“Welcome, Sir Ludwig of the Anikis. You have been chosen as an honorable guest to partake in my tea party, bow to receive your crown as a gift to your presence,” Analiese bellowed with the true grace of a princess in her voice.
To their surprise, their alpha father actually took an exaggerated bow, holding Friedrich still tightly to him as he offered his head. Giovanna rolled in anticipation on the coach, while the camera vibrated with Isabella’s chuckles.
“This is the crown of impossibility, to your feats in the pass of Bayka, for defending against a billion forces that no other would have been brave enough to face, and thus giving you passage to my table of tea and candy!” Analiese called with now more clarity, that childish tone and stuttering all but gone, yet somehow Ludwig could clearly hear the echo of those past memories, of back when Analiese was just his little fairy princess. 
Analiese placed the crown, her shinning smile still large, her movements with elegance, truly like a crowning taking place on a fantasy meadow.
“Truly an honor to be at your table tonight, your highness. I shall remember this forever and keep it in my heart the next time I heed into a fearsome battle!” Ludwig bellowed with just the perfect act, despite the years being as true as if they were still stuck in those moments of imagination.
“Arise powerful knight, arise and show yourself proudly!” And Ludwig did, closing his eyes, extending the arm that wasn’t holding to Friedrich and letting himself show as if heavenly lights were shinning on him. 
“I have been baptized by the princess! Long live the princess! Long live princess Analiese, who I shall always defend proudly with this!” And he turned away in finalization like he was off to battle…when seriously he just really needed to start working on dinner for tonight.
He left the girls to laugh at the living room, just as stairs echoed with the last members of the house.
“Did we really just miss that?!” Alessandro was disappointed.
Behind him followed Heinrich and Aldrich, who seemed to be tired with whatever they had been doing upstairs and wanted some unwinding time downstairs somehow. They moved around the mess and settled themselves in a couch, looking curiously among the room for something to do.
“You did, but…” Analiese noticed that there were indeed several other flower crowns and so an idea hatched. Before they knew it, Analiese was celebrating all kinds of ceremonials for each of her brothers and sisters, with different stories and feats, different flower crowns that none had a problem with wearing proudly, especially Giovanna, who began twirling and dancing, going over to Ludwig so her father could compliment it endearingly as he beat some eggs and prepared the broiler. Even Friedrich was given his own, one of purple edelweiss that made him quite the charm that had the whole family cooing.
“I feel so pretty,” Alessandro said as he took a selfie of his own green carnations.
“Are we going to stay with these on for the rest of the day?” Heinrich wondered, looking rather reluctant even with his own aqua blue anemones.
“We have to! Papa has to see us like this!” Giovanna was so excited she was still jumping all over, now trying climb up from the back of a couch, Alessandro and Heinrich having to help her.
“He’s not arriving till dinner though,” Aldrich knew, adjusting his own pink pansies.
“Well we’re all here, might as well entertain ourselves with something,” Analiese suggested as she went back to choosing things for her luggage. She really needed to clear the living room before their papa arrived.
“I was actually meaning of taping another story for Friedrich,” Isabella reminded.
“Oh, what’s this one going to be about?” Giovanna wondered excitedly, already sitting and settling herself to hear over Heinrich’s lap.
“About how Analiese and I came into the picture.”
The person in question perked up, with an interested and eager smile.
“Awesome, we can add some things ourselves,” Alessandro suggested.
“We were two and five,” Heinrich reminded.
“Still,” Alessandro shrugged.
“Come on, tell it, tell it, tell it,” Giovanna insisted.
“I want to add too,” Aldrich suggested as he came close for the camera to capture as well.
“All right, we’re all going to be a part of this then?” They all nodded, ready. “Okay, so…”
  Ludwig arrived with a heavy loud break that announced his arrival to the entire valley. He couldn’t care about it as he rushed out of the car and into the house.
His twins were now two years old, which was just as long as he had been in the house, more or less. They worked with the plumbing, had working bathrooms, normal kitchen appliances and could finally cook in the comfort of their own home. His room with Feliciano was still a process, as well as with many other ones in the house, the outer appearance and yard, also the living room and terrace, which they held in favor of working on a garden. But they weren’t in any hurry, the twins had their room, the halls and stairs were sufficient enough to run upon, the living room had space for them to play since it didn’t have furniture or decorations yet, with doors and windows open to let a perfect breeze enter from these beginning summer days. When he entered, he quickly spotted the three loveliest people in his life, all sitting together on the floor as they worked on finger painting a large paper. Ludwig couldn’t bother to care about the mess the three were in, didn’t care to interrupt whatever Feliciano was trying to teach them, he easily scooped the three in his arms to sway, all laughing and letting themselves be spun in this sudden show of excitement. Both the boys were now shouting and trying to scream out for a repeat, but that was as much as Ludwig was willing to give them. He took each one into his strong arms, raising them both so he could leave kisses to both their heads, which they continued to giggle at, extending their little hands to wrap around him, wanting more of this love, but there was someone else waiting his turn. He placed them on the floor, taking Feliciano into a spin for himself, dipping him out nowhere for a lighting kiss. It got the twins losing interest and heading back to their drawing, just as Ludwig and Feliciano departed from their kiss, the smaller rather disorientated, not expecting such an outburst from Ludwig.
“Caro, is everything all right?” He wondered.
“Remember that company I told you about and how they were opening a base in St. Moritz?”
“Sì, you mentioned the owner used to work with you dad."
“They gave me an interview today! They were really impressed and instantly gave me a position as an assistant supervisor!”
“They did! Without worrying about-”
“Yes! They didn’t care! They just wanted my work! It’s only a couple minutes’ drive from here, nine to five, weekends free and the pay is incredible!” Ludwig even shook Feliciano in his excitement.
“Re-re-rea-really?” Feliciano couldn’t believe. More pay meant not depending on Vash and Lili constantly, on paying their bills on time, doing more for the still constructing house and especially for their toddlers.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” And they spun once again, both laughing and shouting, which definitely had the boys staring, lost and wondering why their fathers couldn’t just come back down and join them in their painting.
“Boys!” Ludwig called, picking them up once again in his arms as he separated from Feliciano leaving him breathless. “Tonight we are celebrating. Anything particular you want to eat?”
The boys began wondering and thinking, hands moving and trying to show what they wanted, their speech a small one that hadn’t developed enough.
“Marinana!” Heinrich managed to word.
“Pata!” Alessandro added.
That was code for spaghetti.
Ludwig rolled his eyes. Definitely the sons of their omega father. Never the less, the two began their preparations for Feliciano’s special spaghetti, along with a salad, a mix of nuts to choose from, and a strawberry shortcake Ludwig offered to make for dessert. Feliciano settled with preparing the table, the boys running around and offering to help as best as they could, and of course Feliciano let them place the plates, grab some flowers from the terrace to put in a vase and even choose from a collection of animal shaped cups for all to have their drinks in. A domestic and beautiful scene that couldn’t stop the smile Ludwig wore as he watched over all the things currently boiling and cooking.
As he turned to mix the sauce Feliciano had prepared, his gaze caught a calendar stuck to the refrigerator’s side. In it Feliciano marked the days he was supposed to finish paintings and other projects to deliver or send to customers, as well as activities and festivals going around the area, sure to take the family or just Heinrich and Alessandro. Ludwig also recognized the days of his heat, noticing that in fact Feliciano should be in his heat for most of the day and even tonight. He must have taken suppressants, for he worked as normally as ever with their twins, laughing, picking them up to kiss, caress and play.
He knew it wouldn’t last long though, surely by tonight the effects would be gone…which meant they could have other ways of celebrating.
  They really hated how loud the springs of the bed could be, but oh how delicious it was for both to move like this. Feliciano did try hard to hide the sudden high moan, trying to control himself by holding tighter to the headboard, giving a stronger bite to his lips, but it weakened every time Ludwig thrust just in that spot, joined with a kiss and a bite to his body, which only made him weaker to be responsive with his voice, with his very body, which only worsen the squeak of the bed. Feliciano really hoped the twins were too deep into sleep to hear anything, because oh god had he needed this, oh god how he craved to have Ludwig worshipping and giving into his deep lust for him, driven themselves in ecstasy and reach that made them forget everything else outside of the warmth of this room.
Ludwig released inside him and Feliciano joined him, a throw, a force that made Feliciano forget, focused better on the heights, on holding, on their fall just being with each other, kissing, caressing, whispering sweet words to enunciate their love and want.
How they wished it could be more everlasting, that they could cherish every drop, every force of their bodies against each other, no matter if this was already the second time this night.
A little knock interrupted it.
“Vatti! Papa!” They could recognize Alessandro’s trembling voice, just outside their door, a begging that made their naked bodies sit between the mess of sheets.
“Caro, what’s wrong?” Feliciano called back.
“Scared,” he could only admit, Ludwig and Feliciano knowing he was jumping in impatience, knocking once again, wanting instant entrance. It all meant a night in which their son would want to sleep with them, no matter the actions they had committed in that very bed.
With heavy sighs, they had to stand, having to be quick in getting rid of everything.
“Okay caro, just wait a bit while we…nightmare and monster proof the room,” Feliciano excused, which earned a chuckle from Ludwig as he picked new underwear, riding of the sheets and getting new ones to place. Feliciano dressed himself in his own underwear, turning a humidifier that worked on riding any air from the heat he just shared with Ludwig. It was a loud and annoying sound that surely alerted Alessandro, but yet he laughed at what his young imagination concocted.
“Is the monster sweeper!” He identified, proud.
Feliciano laughed, but he joined along, “yes it is! It’s helping to drive all those fiends away!”
Soon enough everything was hidden in their own drawers, new comfortable sheets and pillows, the room clear of any stenches. Feliciano could unlock the door and in an instant Alessandro dashed inside, with direction to Ludwig, who was sitting on the bed preparing for rest. Alessandro jumped on him, Ludwig catching his little body easily, swaying and beginning to kiss him, even blowing into his belly, which earned a loud laugh.
Ludwig cradled him like he was a baby again, bringing him forward to lay on the bed, cuddling into his chest, his strong arms wrapped well around him, practically covering him from Feliciano’s dreamy gleam.
He closed the door once again, joining the bed’s side, laying a last comforting kiss on Alessandro’s head for rest, another on Ludwig’s lips, before settling…but not too much, he knew what was coming next.
There was a reason he left the door unlocked, for Heinrich would surely wake up with all the sudden noises, sit up, notice that his brother was not in his bed, look around, find that his room was too dark and scary, stand, run along, and…the door opened, his little head peeking in. Ludwig and Feliciano welcomed him with trusting smiles, Feliciano opening his arms and he ran towards them in a shelter from any of the nightmares their imaginations could create. Feliciano cradled him just as tightly, settling him in the center alongside Alessandro, cozy still in Ludwig’s arms, already drifted. Heinrich was well on his way on joining in the same dreams, settling, but making sure that his papa still held him, still protected him. Feliciano lay a kiss on his head giving him that promise, smiling and apologizing to Ludwig, but he didn’t mind, he wore a similar smile, one hand going to caress as Heinrich’s hair, while Feliciano did the same in Alessandro’s.
As sleep began to reach them, they made their hands reach, giving each other those same caresses and hold, a last touch before the four of them settled together.
  A month later, a shining day of July, all curtains were pushed aside to let that heavenly gleam into the art room. It was a long one, filled with all kinds of canvases, some leaning against the wall, others on different easels, on tables, along with paint, clothes, models and any other materials Feliciano thought could work with whatever he would be creating. His current fascination was in painting the very view this room offered on this perfect day, the skies in a beautiful blue, the hills, the trees and the grass a lively green going along with the flourishing of flowers that gave just the touch to give Feliciano the precise inspiration.
He assumed it was done, there was really nothing else he wanted to add, everything that was showed to him that day was replicated well in this painting in enough splendor and detail. It was in that moment that Heinrich stood from his own finger painting with his twin brother, walking over to join his papa’s side, probably expecting to be held, to play and hope that he lets him paint in one of the canvases.
“What do you think?” Feliciano asked to the two year old.
Heinrich eagerly nodded, wanting to touch with his very freshly painted hands to show his content.
“No, no, no, no, what did we say about papa’s paintings?”
“No painting papa’s painting,” he remembered, but still swinging his hands about, Feliciano having to hold them in sweetness.
“That’s right. If you want to paint, you do so in the paper I place for you, all right?” He moved a strand of his waves apart from his bubbly face, showing him a deep smile, a contagious one that Heinrich responded with his own, laughing and moving his hands about again, painting Feliciano’s face wanting his touch.
Feliciano let it slide, he laughed along, coating Heinrich himself in some of the paint in his own hands and it only made him laugh the more.
“Come on, you boys need a bath if you want to help with making dinner.” And Feliciano picked them both up to run them some water, letting them play with some of their water toys as they waited.
Everything was going as normally as he thought, the medicine he had taken that morning should have been sufficient, maybe it was the water that was running, maybe he just hadn’t had good enough sleep, maybe he was just really hungry, but he felt a grand dizziness, a nausea, bile running up his body, making him shiver, making him groan and pain. His sons must have noticed, for they perked, wondering, coming close and trying to see what was going on with him. Luckily the toilet had been right there and in an instant Feliciano was vomiting all his pains and problems into it, trembling and red, having the twins cry and embrace their papa in worry.
“Papa! Papa! Papa!” They panicked, wanting to do something, but no matter what they shouted, how they jumped and moved, nothing would get their omega father to be well.
“I-It’s-It’s all right, it-it’s nothing, papa is all right, just a- just a little sick.” The dizzying, nausea rising up, the bile once again hurled into the mess that was already given.
The twins continued to panic the more.
  “-thank you so much,” and Ludwig finished the call, returning back to the dining table, having forced Feliciano to only have some soup and water for dinner after the events.
“Mrs. Natale said she’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll ask for a day off and stay with the twins,” Ludwig decided.
“You…you shouldn’t.” Feliciano felt rather disappointed, letting his hands be joint by Ludwig’s.
“Feliciano, you’ve been like this the whole week. I’m worried you caught something and I want it to be dealt with as soon as possible.”
“It can’t be… that bad.”
“None of the medicines and treatments have worked. Just go tomorrow so we can be more in the clear.”
And it was decided, both hoping that it wouldn’t be anything dire.
< Video 2.2                                                                                                                             Video 3.2 >
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whumpdump · 7 years
Multiples of 5 for the anime ask!
5. List all anime you've ever watched. I'm only doing stuff I've finished because damn guys is 3 am 07-Ghost, Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, Akatsuki no Yona, Amazing Nuts!, Angel Beats!, Attack on Titan, Baccano!, Barakamon, Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-by LOVE!, Black Butler, Blue Exorcist, Boku no Hero Academia, Bonjour Koiaji Pâstisserie, Brothers Conflict, Bungou Stray Dogs, Cardcaptor Sakura, Code Geass, Cuticle Tantei Inaba, Dance with Devils, Dangonronpa, Donten ni Warau, Doukyuusei, DRAMAtical Murder, Danmachi, Durarara!!, Fairy Tail, Fake, Free!, Fruits Basket, Garden of Words, Gekkan Shoujou Nozaki-kun, Haikyuu!!, Hakkenden, Hakushaku to Yusei, Hataraku Maou-sama, Hetalia, Hiyokoi, Hotarubi no Mori e, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan, Junjou Romantica, K Project, Kakumeiki Valvarave, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Kannazuki no Miko, Kanon (2006), Karin, Karneval, Kekkai Sensen, Kimi to Boku., Kirepapa, Kiznaiver, Koisuru Boykin, Kokoro Connect, Kono Danshi Series, Love Stage!!, Loveless, Magi, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, Makai Ouji, Makura no Danshi, Mekakucity Actors, Nagareboshi Lens, Natsume Yuujinchou, No.6, Nobless: Awakening, Noragami, One Punch Man, Ookiku Furikabutte, Orenchi no Furo Jijou, Ouran High School Host Club, Owari no Seraph, Pandora Hearts, Papa to Kiss in the Dark, Prince of Stride, Princess Tutu, Rokka no Yuusha, Sacred Seven, Seigo no Door Shimero!, Samurai Deeper Kyou, Seitokaichou ni Chuukoku, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Senyuu., Sex Pistols, Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear, Special A, Star Driver, Switch, Tokyo Ghoul, Tsuritama, Un-Go, Vandread, Vassalord., Watashi ga Motete Dousunda, Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo, Yami no Matsuei, Yuri!!! on ICE, Zetsuen no Tempest, Zettai Karen Children The Unlimited, and Zombie-Loan. +plus a SHIT TON of unfinished junk. 10. Favorite anime animal sidekick. Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yuujinchou!!! 15. Anime you never get sick of watching. Probably Ouran High School Host Club. I laugh every time. 20. Least favorite anime ships. I don't like when characters are cannonly forced together when they don't really have chemistry. I'm not naming ships I don't wanna be that person 25. Anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime. Well it depends on who they are and what they like. If it's someone who enjoys happy slice of life I'd say Natsume Yuujinchou. If they want action/comedy then One Punch Man. ONEPUNCH!!!!30. One anime conclusion you would change. The entire second half of blue exorcist season 1 where they made their own shit up. Ugh I hate the end it's so stupid.
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