incorrectrpdr · 5 years
Sharon: Is there a hall of fame for this kind of stuff?
Jinkx: Yes… It’s called prison.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
she loves me! (multi) — chapter two - roza
[ summary ] : sharon is always reminiscing on her early youth in budapest and how she managed to meet her wife. meanwhile, a new bright eyed girl walks into the perfume shop with nothing in mind except getting a job.
[ author's note ] : next chapter! tonight we open! my original idea was one chapter for each song but I think I'm combining some of the shorter songs together so not only can the story go by a bit faster but also so we get some sasha quicker and can really describe more detail! hope y'all enjoy.
AO3 / My Tumblr / ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
— *.✧
Shea's nerves seemed to melt away once her boss simply rubbed her shoulders and sighed with a deep laugh leaving her lips, "You know, it's hilarious to me how you manage to eat all my wife's food and here I am with heartburn having to ask Divina for her stomach pills."
Adjusting the sleeves of her red blazer she stifled a chuckle, finding it a bit amusing but more relieved that she wasn't getting some kind of beatdown from her boss, the person she respected and wanted to impress most.
"Mrs. Coady cooks very well, all I can do is sit down at the table and accept what I've been so graciously offered." The blonde peered over Divina's workstation as the employee handed Sharon a box of her stomach pills, needing some relief.
"She's always cooking! Pierogi, Cakes, various sweets— you get to enjoy it and meanwhile I'm struggling to even ingest it."
The American giggled, tilting her head to the side as Sharon winked, "I know what you bachelor's are like however." It was true Shea was single, she had even dated a bit here and there: she was no Katya but even if she conversed so personally and dreamed of romantic intentions with her Dear Friend, she was still by every meaning of the word a Bachelor
Divina had to cock her brow, amused beyond belief as she was the only loyal and married woman in the shop. Alaska was married but definitely not loyal and everyone else was pining or too young to think about it (Aquaria namely). Brushing the dust of the unpackaged boxes off her vest she clapped as Sharon began swaying, humming to the classical record that echoed throughout the shop.
The original noise coming from the one she had placed intentionally by Aquaria's cleaning materials and the stool so that at least there would be some sort of a distraction, an escape from the painful and tiring retail work.
"I was once younger, I'm not that old you know but I was once a bachelor! And what a bachelor I was." Sharon bragged, sitting down on the stool next to Shea and reminiscing about the days when she was simply young, strong and let every night pass her without a care in the world. Reckless, intelligent and yet so alone.
"It was always with some girl, they always caught my eye and good for me being so light on my feet. I could circle the dance floor until dawn lit up the sky."
Alaska, Katya and Divina all gathered, happy to be having some sort of an informal break. The three exchanged tender glances to one-another though there was a twinge in Alaska's eyes as the topic shifted to Mrs. Coady, Jinkx as everyone in the shop knew her though they were far too formal to every refer to her by her given first name. Her smile sweet, always seemed to come with a new style for her Auburn hair that glistened in the sunlight. Always a kiss on the cheek for the workers, a peck for Sharon who would await her random and accustomed appearances.
Shea soaked in all of the story, finding it hard to believe Sharon used to be quite the flirt.
"And then I met Jinkx, my wife, and ever since that day we met in the dance hall I've never gone back!" A deep laugh, tapping Shea's shoulder for a response. "I bet you think that's absolutely incredible."
Flusteredly she replied with a soft and quick, "Well no! She's a beautiful woman!" Her waist quickly being grabbed by Sharon who took her down from the platform for a quick dance lesson, humming the classical symphony that played in the background. "I was once your age, I was just as good looking and still think I am!" Her voice speaking above the music, eyes gleaming.
"Oh Mrs. Coady I'm really not as great at dancing as you think I am!" Shea attempted to speak up, lips pressed together as her boss only continued to spread her wisdom, "Mrs. Coady I've always had trouble with my feet!" She yelled over the music though Sharon straightened out her waist, "I know you better than that Mrs. Couleé!"
"1,2,3— follow the beat!" They both repeated to themselves, "Around, around, around!" She yelled with an observing eye before the blonde took in the sight of Katya who had been gently dancing around the tile, she knew she could help Shea straighten up.
"Ms. Zamolodchikova!"
The Russian gasped of delight, Shea's nose wrinkled as she took over for Sharon. She adored the giddy blonde with all her heart but she knew from the beginning that movement and dancing was what Katya had pursued in the first place. Biting her lip she groaned, trying not to step on Katya's feet by simply looking down. The Russian tightened the grip of their fingertips as she instructed the regiment.
"And go back 2,3! Back 2,3!"
Shea began to get the hang of the basic patterns and movements with waltzing down. Katya grinning as Divina and Sharon both clapped. "That's it Shea!" Yelled the redhead from the comfort of her workstation, Alaska leaning into the wall as she watched intrigued.
"And spin me around, going back 2,3, back 2,3!" Obeying her instruction she carefully made sure to spin around the Russian girl who smiled widely, lashes fluttering. "Why Shea!" She teasingly spoke up, dancing in her heels with precision once the American had truly grasped the movement.
Katya took a bow as Sharon kissed her hand, smiling. "Trust me Shea, it's not necessary to change partners every night! Or every other night." Sharon handed back Divina's box of stomach pills as her hand glided across her work station, "Did you see the new shipments we got in today? We have a new product."
Aquaria excitedly ran down the platform, dropping her broom in place. "Did we really?"
Holding out one of the many boxes that Divina had begun to organize on the top of her space she laughed, "Yes!" She opened the boxes, to everyone's surprise a loud musical tune played— they had to be music boxes.
"It's a musical cigarette box."
"Who thinks it'll sell?" She asked sincerely though all of her employees, even Aquaria looked away being completely aware of how ridiculous the concept of these sounded. "Why Mrs. Honard!" She called over Alaska who chuckled, exchanging a panicked glance with Katya who watched her meet Sharon on the floor away from her own workspace, opening the box she gravely laughed.
"I don't see why not. I'd go even further, I say this'll make music lover's out of cigarette smokers and cigarette smokers out of music lover's!" Sharon clapped in utter bliss at the response, turning on her heels, "Wonderful!" She stopped at Shea who looked completely and openly crazed at the idea of selling these and 10 and 6.
"Ms. Couleé definitely does not seem too onboard with the idea, yes?" Shea shook her head.
"I just can't see how these would sell Mrs. Coady, no matter who is a music lover and who's a smoker, this entire population seems to be but that doesn't mean it'll sell."
Sharon hummed, closing the box.
"Let's make a bet! I'll bet you 10 and 4 that we can sell one of these in an hour." Her cocky demeanor and calm body language showing just how proud of these boxes she was. The American only sat in wait, "I really don't want to make your money ma'am."
"So it's a bet?" Sharon's brow cocked as she held out her hand, waiting for Shea to accept. She did though quite confident, there was no reluctance in her handshake. There was no way these ridiculous boxes could be sold in the next hour! Who knew if there'd even be customers this upcoming hour, it was a tricky economy and Budapest summer's could still kill a man when it came to the afternoon heatwave.
Sharon stood confidently, "You'll pay right through your nose." She whispered before she jolted at the sound of the bell, Katya opening the door and shutting it tight. Sharon walked up to the first woman who wore a tight yellow dress with matching heels and a small hat that covered most of her straightened black hair.
Her expression angered as Sharon opened the musical cigarette box, still looking to win this absolutely ridiculous bet of her's.
"Who do I see about returning a sour jar of face cream?"
Shutting the music box tight she rolled her eyes angered, "Why certainly madam, Mrs. De Campo, your customer!" The Brit quickly standing in front with a hand extended, leading her new customer to her work station so they could out the situation and possibly persuade her on some of the new soaps and clippers in stock.
Katya opened the door once more, the chiming echoing as Shea stepped up next to leave Alaska with her own work. "Good day madam, may I help you?" She gave a polite bow as a bright eyed girl walked through the doors. Clutching her cream colored purse and adjusting her hat and a leather belt around it. Her dress flowing, it was long enough that it had even covered most of the view of her white heels.
Her eyes gleamed at the sight of the shop, looking around interested in what the store had to offer. Shea had to admire her perfect blue eyes and the beautiful lipstick that was painted across her lips. Anxiously awaiting a response the blonde turned to Shea, her thick hair and curls moving with the turn of her head.
She smiled brightly though it came with a nervous chuckle, "No!" Shea nodded respectfully, "Well yes!" She turned to the blonde who clearly was deliberating a situational playout in her head. Adjusting the buttons on her coat she gave a soft grin to Shea who began to advertise some of the products for her to buy.
"We have a lovely collection of soaps, salts, lipsticks!"
The blonde sighed, "I'm really not here to buy anything, I would like to speak with Mrs. Coady!" Her voice a bit louder now as Shea placed the makeup she had been holding back in it's glass cabinet, a bit confused but nonetheless letting the woman go about her business.
"She is very busy if I may warn you, I can always help if you'd like!"
Sitting in the stool she tapped her knees, her fingertips brushing her long eyelashes, glaring at Shea before swallowing a breath. "The old employee! Mrs. Edwards? It's true she has resigned after her surgery right?"
A smirk began to form across the corner of Shea's lips, beginning to piece together exactly what this woman was attempting to do, why she needed to speak privately to Mrs. Coady.
"You're looking for a job, aren't you?"
"Oh yes but I am such a good employee!" She stood up and opened her purse, beginning to pull out various trinkets looking for the letter of recommendation. "If you leave your name maybe I can tell Mrs. Coady you stopped by?" The blonde looked up, "Sasha, Sasha Velour."
"Wonderful. Mrs Velour, I'm just afraid we aren't seeking any new employees." She then started on how she had an excellent track record and attendance and experience from her old business in the Soviet Union, it was a very well known beauty store. Katya had mentioned it a few times to Divina and Shea whenever she'd take the time off to go see her family in Stalingrad.
"Everyone in Leningrad said I was such a good employee, I even have a letter of recommendation from Mr. Kuznetsov himself!"
Shea sighed, gently taking all the stuff she begun handing to the American looking for her letter including various lipsticks, a scarf and paper checks. "Look Mrs. Velour—" suddenly Sasha gasped and giggled, finding the handwritten and crumpled letter under her hat this whole time. "Here it is!" She said taking back her mishmosh of items to put back into her purse. "It says Mrs. Velour is honest, dependable, a dedicated hard worker, intelligent!"
"I completely believe the letter Mrs. Velour but I'm afraid it just can't be done at this time."
Sharon closed the door behind her, peeping the conversation as Shea jumped in shock. "What can't be done? At Coady's anything can be done!" The blonde smiled before Shea whispered that she wanted a new job. "What?" She said completely exhausted, they hadn't opened the position for a reason.
"But please! I've been working in this business for years, I worked back in the Soviet Union for Mr. Kuznetsov for almost five years and eight months!" Sharon turned to Shea a bit ticked, "Really Shea? You couldn't handle her by yourself?" She began walking as Sasha opened the letter for her to see herself. "But really, I am a good sales clerk…" she turned to a collection of painted boxes that had been marked as new, the price written large in the chalk board provided.
I might as well look completely delusional, I need this job! I'm not going back to the Soviet Union.
The Russian gasped as Divina had finished a stale conversation with the woman who clearly could only complain about the poor service and use of the cold cream. "Why aren't these just marvelous boxes? And only 10 and 6?" The woman looked up, surprised another "clerk" had decided to join in.
Shea had began walking to stop her from her complete lunacy but Alaska tapped her on the shoulder and gave a look that simply read as "I'd like to see where this goes." Bitterly Shea stood back, hand under her chin.
I am not losing a bet to some blonde girl who decided to waltz in!
"What do they do?" Her hands crossing as Divina anxiously looked at Sharon who now curiously pondered if she would actually win the bet thanks to the new Russian girl who decided to be an overachiever and attempt to sell a musical cigarette box.
"Why Madam! These are the newest form of candy boxes!" She opened the lid before wincing at the sound of music, she gasped and kept her witty and bright smile intact: "Oh! Oh!" She laughed, keeping it open as she spoke with great eye contact and a firm tone much to the displeasure of the customer who only questioned what a musical candy box could even be used for.
That's a question I wish I could answer sincerely.
Sasha kept herself going, still having yet to step on her own toes, closing the box. "This little box has been a lifesaver to many, many women who may tend to overeat!" The woman glaring before the Russian cut in, innocently, "But don't we all? We sit at home: listening to a symphony, reading a good book and then without realizing—" her fingertips lifting up the lid so that the music could play, dimly changing the atmosphere. "Our hand just slips into the candy box."
The Russian hummed along to the tune, the woman more and more sold on the idea.
"We become indiscreet eating sweet after sweet though we know all too well where that may lead!" Her rhythmic flow and gentle replies following the beats of the music box. "And so madam this box was designed with the two of us mind, as the kind of reminder we need!" She winked and gave a curt nod. "When you raise the lid the music plays like a disapproving nod." She put the box close to the woman's ear and sighed "And then it sings in your ear!" the Russian gently singing put an octave below her normal range, "No more candy my dear!" sighing she turned still holding it up to her ear, all the employees staring.
"In a way it's a little like the voice of God!"
She closed the box and the woman immediately stood, taking it straight from her hands, "I'll take it!" Katya and Alaska clapped as Divina cheered, "Thank you madam!" Sasha yelled before hugging the older woman who quickly walked over to Alaska who she'd ring up. "So that is 4 and 6 for the new face cream—" the Russian chipped in, "And 10 and 6 for the box!"
Sharon simply amazed walked over, apologizing and extending her hand for the younger woman, "You're hired! Mrs?" Sasha laughed with thirty pounds dropped off her own shoulders. "Mrs. Velour! Sasha Velour."
"Mrs. Velour! Welcome to Coady's!"
She rejoiced, shaking hands with Divina who whispered what a great job she had done. Alaska kissed her hand and welcomed her to the shop and she'd have to meet the other blonde later since she was gathering the money.
Shea sat absolutely and completely speechless. Not only did she now owe her own boss money but now their dynamic was completely shifted thanks to this new foreign employee who could sell the damn garment!
"Your packages madam!" Alaska handed the bags as Katya gently held out her change, the employees including Sasha walking to the door and arranging themselves in the line, bowing.
"Thank you madam, please call again, do call again madam!"
The Russian girl's arm accidentally hitting Shea's chest with a hard thump, she apologized after the customer left though the American only bitterly walked off to Divina who went back to her station laughing at the sight of Shea's complete and honest displeasure.
"Welcome to the shop!" Katya yelled immediately running over to the blonde and hugging her, offering to take off her coat which she obliged. "Look at you! Guess I'm not the beautiful one anymore." She frowned as the other Russian laughed. The duo walked to the back room quickly finding comfort in the fact that there was more than one Russian in Budapest.
Turning to Divina she yelled, frustrated that someone had just replaced Mrs. Edwards so easily and in such an obnoxious way!
"Now are you mad because you lost the bet or because you think suddenly the shop will be tainted by her presence?"
"Both! How can one woman walk in like that, Aquaria has been waiting for how many years and Mrs. Coady decides to take this Russian exchange clerk and then she had to make me look like a fool in front of my own boss!"
Divina snickered, "She's quite nice from what I've seen so far, I don't think you should worry about that! You might hate her now but I'm sure you'll grow to find her a good help and comfort." A twinge in Shea's heart churned, she coughed and angrily tightened her ponytail.
"I will never like her, you can place all the money in the world on that."
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rybberdyst · 5 years
y'all want a sneak peak of what I've been writing? its shinkx,,,,
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purecamp · 5 years
Can we just talk about how cute Sharon and Jinkx’s friendship is for a second. Nobody really talks about it but they are very cute
i say this SO MUCH they’re literally best friends and no one acknowledges it!!!!! jinkx says out of everyone she’s most like sharon and they facetime a lot and it’s just sweet
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howglorygoes · 3 years
Welcome to the stage Shinkx Monsoon
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I wanna start writing Drag Race fanfics
leave requests bbs
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logarto · 5 years
Tumblr media
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ao3feed-trixya · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SqwN1j
by lem0n_b0y
this is gonna be where I put my collection of cheerleader type one shots (not including the one I already posted) and they will mostly just be smut because wow that's all I'm good at writing :/
i will add more ships to this as I write them so be on the look out.
pairings- rajila vatya trixya jalaska maybe farraja shinkx and uhhh some aaa girl stuff (whatever their ship is
Words: 3259, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: RuPaul's Drag Race RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Sutan Amrull | Raja/Manila Luzon, Violet Chachki/Katya Zamolodchikova, Trixie Mattel/Katya Zamolodchikova, Jinkx Monsoon/Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, Farrah Moan/Jay Rivera | Aja, Courtney Act/Willam Belli/Alaska Thunderfuck 5000
Additional Tags: Nobody asked for this but here yall go
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SqwN1j
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artificialsaturn · 5 years
50 Shades of Yours Truly
i compiled a list of my idiotic quotes. here they are.
1. oh my god no
2. yEeT
4. ooooooh nURSE!
5. i look like a foot
6. skkskskksksskk
7. shinkx owns my heart
8. sharon needles can fuck me
9. dAdDy!
10. wow im so gay
11. i-
12. i cant see anything
13. im playing helen keller. BIRD BOX!
14. that was great.
15. fun.
16. oh wow
17. cute
18. and i oop-
19. hurricane katrina? mORE LIKE HURRICANE TORTILLA!
20. are you sure about that?
21. i cant write anything. 
22. i suck.
23. shane dawson is- 
24. if you touch me i will murder you
25. im gonna throw myself off a roof.
26. if dela was a top- revolutionary.
27. im tired
28. sToP! 
29. im gonna go drown now
30. *wheezes*
31. periodt
32. its monsoon season, bitches
33. its karen from finance
35. tell me the tea
36. kermit the frog is my god
37. i just smoked so much weed my god- skkskd
38. we love
39. 666
40. hieeeeeee!
41. hM.. i DoNt kNoW aBoUt tHat!
42. *paints nails 3 different colors*
43. *on the same fingernail*
44. *then takes it off*
45. i look like a smurf
46. im so stupid oh my god- sksksks
47. holy cow im gay
48. gordon ramsay is my private chef
49. this is so boring.
0 notes
lesbianbruabba · 8 years
ship: jinx/sharon and adore/Bianca
who cooks normally?: they take turns cooking :)
how often do they fight? hardly ever but when they do, it’s huge and obvious and the tension is suffocating
what do they do when they’re away from each other? smoke weed and facetime
nicknames for each other?:  Shar-bear and Jinkxy. Jerick also calls Aaron Airy.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: whoever feels like it
who steals the covers at night?: Jinkx, just to toy with Sharon
what would they get each other for gifts?: WEED. And antique jewellery for Jinkx, and gothic necklaces for Sharon
who remembers things?: Jinkx
who cusses more? Sharon, duh
who kissed who first?: Sharon did, sober (surprisingly)
who cooks normally?: Bianca. Whenever Adore tries she ends up burning stuff and they get pizza. 
how often do they fight? only over petty things and they can’t do it for long
what do they do when they’re away from each other? tweet each other and message each other nonstop. 
nicknames for each other?:  Chola and clownfish ^^
who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Bianca
who steals the covers at night?: Adore does, and Bianca just curls up next to her
what would they get each other for gifts?: promise rings and cupcakes
who remembers things?: Bianca
who cusses more? Adore
who kissed who first?: Adore!
Thanks for asking anon! Sorry it took so long, my computer broke down and I had to rewrite it twice :P
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Where It All Began
A/N: I’m so so so so so so sorry that I haven’t been posting very many fics lately but hopefully this one makes up for it!! Always remember to message me if you like it of think its shit like I already do! 
Pairing: Shinkx (SharonxJinkx)
Word count: 3k+
Jerick had a pretty normal childhood but it all changed the day Jerick's life changed was the day they got a new neighbor. One sunny midsummer afternoon the old house on the end of the street had a new family. The town now had a new victim to their bitter gossip and from that day forward everyone forgot about the day Jimmy Flat went streaking during the football game and spooked the star horse mascot of the high school and almost got trampled. Every now and then a brave family would move from god knows where into the empty house across from Jerick's and would be gone within a year. Sometimes the family would stick for awhile then leave suddenly but they never stuck long enough to get to know their neighbors. Jerick's mom used to try her very hardest to be nice to the new families and "keep nice" but she stopped, no one knows why and yet no one cared. The house was old, the oldest in town, the lawn was completely dead, a dying tree stood cold and grey, it's branches curling into the air as if grasping for life while on its last few days. The house was practicality falling apart at the seams and due to that it went dirt cheap, most of the time resulting in complete assholes moving in. The front door hung off its hinges and the paint peeled off wood. When Jerick was younger the house was beautiful, a nice little gay couple had bought it and turned it from rags to riches. They had practically raised Jerick and his siblings. Their mom had loved them dearly and there never went a day by that Jerick hadn't seen his childhood neighborly idols. Then there came a day where they left, they had a lead on a mother in Florida who couldn't take care of her newborn child and was thinking about giving it to them, so they packed up their home and left. Jerick's mom lost touch with them and that was the end of that. From that day on the house was empty, full, empty, full and finally once again empty. Then there was that summer afternoon when the white moving trucks sped down the long suburban road and stopped within feet of the old house. Out popped and older man and his wife, caring boxes marked with random words. A loud groaning, that Jerick would never not hear came from the front of the truck and out stepped a tall blonde boy. His hair was messy, quite like Jerick's but a bit shorter and tended to stick out more and not just fall limp like Jerick's. His face was cute and almost still a bit childish. He wore all black and his skin was as pale as the winters snow but he seemed to like the warmth of the sunlight. Jerick sat on his driveway, occasionally glancing up and looking at the new family moving in. A piece of chalk bounce from hand to hand as they tried to think of what to draw. A few hours had passed and Jerick had barely moved from his spot on the cement but the new neighbors worked away happily on their new home. Completely lost on his thoughts Jerick stared out into the day sky and hardly noticed the tall blonde walk across the street. From that moment on the two grew closer and closer and yet again a day never went by where Jerick and his neighbor were apart. The boy's name was Aaron. Jerick was always the type of kid to bury their head in the sand and act like they was never born but over time Aaron's devilish nature grew on them and they pair got in more and more trouble as the years passed. Stories were shared from both boys, stories about strange neighbors in Aaron's new home and stories about Aaron's old home on a smelly old farm. The two quickly bonded over their love for the small theatre class they shared and how much Aaron wanted Jerick to stand out. The best friends dominated their high school as the gay freaks and both of them loved it. Truthfully they hated high school and couldn't wait to get out but there had always been the day Jerick had waited for his whole high school time, Prom. Dressed up in their nicest suits, the two walked straight into their shitty high school gym, standing proud of their freak nature. They didn't stay for long after that, Aaron had made Jerick promise that they would leave as soon as they arrived. Of course Aaron had one of his famous plans in place to get them in the most trouble possible without getting arrested. Their legendary night ended with them sitting atop the town’s water tower and smoking weed while watching their small town quietly live their lives underneath. 
Then it all stopped, the two started to drift apart. Graduation was right around the corner and both boys couldn't be happier to finally have a chance to leave their old town and get away. Jerick had always been wanted to move out of there and go somewhere far away and the only place where they could do that and still stay in touch was in Seattle. While Aaron had always wished to move back to the city his family always said never to go to, Pittsburgh.  Along came moving day and neither of them wanted to leave the other, Aaron didn’t want to lose his only friend and Jerick knew he would miss their best friend too much. Out of pure fear of the pain to be followed they two agreed to not speak to each other and pretend that they hadn’t spent so many years together and shared so many secrets.  Aaron had moved to Pittsburgh and Jerick to Seattle. They quickly started to grow apart; the states between them didn't help them.  Jerick decided to follow their dream of becoming a star on Broadway which meant they had to leave Aaron for Seattle and start studying theatre while Aaron moved to Pittsburgh to be with his new boyfriend. Truthfully Aaron missed Jerick more than he had ever missed anyone in his whole life; even the love of his life, Justin couldn’t help him feel better. He quickly began to numb the pain with drinking and drugs but nothing helped in the long run. While Aaron’s once happy life spiraled into a mess, Jerick was living their dream. Performing every night as their alter ego, Jinkx.  Even though Jerick was happy it didn’t stop the fact that he missed Aaron. They rarely spoke to each other and those very few times it was because they needed something or were stopping by each other’s cities.  
Jerick’s life was on the path it needed to be on for him to get to his dream of performing on Broadway and they weren’t stopping until they were there. Aaron really didn’t care what happened to him; all he knew was that he was going to continue being his fabulous spooky self until he couldn’t anymore. Jerick had always loved Aaron’s way of thinking, from how he didn’t care about anything but Jerick to how he would just go with the flow and not nitpick everything like them.  Jerick loved performing in front of crowds and traveling while doing almost as much as he loved those precious days them and Aaron shared back in their hometown. Their life was pretty normal and they liked it that way. They would wake up in their bed and walk around their apartment which they shared with their now best friend, Ben and then would head out for a day of work with their music and business partner, Major Scales. Aaron didn’t care what happened to him, his days were chaos and they seemed to almost blur together. He would always find his apartment floor covered in empty beer bottles and Justin was nowhere to be found. His drag would cover the floors of his and Justin’s room and closets.  Over time his days had started to break down into six simple steps, wake up, get drunk, get high, get in drag, get drunk again, and pass out.  Aaron didn’t have any plans on changing it, until the day Justin auditioned for a new show called RuPaul’s Drag Race. Justin was rejected over and over again until it was his fourth time making a new tape to try and impress Ru, that Aaron had a spark of interest in trying it out for himself. He hired a small, cheap camera crew to help him film it and quickly went on trying to work out the kinks of the video. His better, female half, Sharon quickly came out and became spookier and punk as ever. Months passed before either of them found out their fate and as of Aaron’s request his tape stayed hidden from Justin’s sensitive eyes. The couple grew tense and they started to drift apart, causing both of them to start drinking even heavier.  One morning when the two were actually getting along Aaron’s phone started buzzing and ringing louder than ever before. In a span of one minute his life was changed for the rest of his life and he knew it would never go back to the way it was. He was flown out to LA within a week of that phone call and told Justin he had to go see an old friend for a few days. No one knew where he was, nor did anyone care about the drunk. Just because Aaron was away from his shitty life didn’t mean that he didn’t miss Jerick any less. His short break from home actually made him miss his old best friend even more. Everything reminded Aaron of Jerick and it was slowly driving him crazy. Every day he would wake up and a whole new type of hell was thrown at him until it was finally over. He had scratched and clawed his way to the top and there was no turning back now, no way in hell. The plane ride back to Pittsburgh was hell and all Aaron could think about was finally being able to go home and drink until his thoughts of Jerick went away for awhile. The airport was crowded but Justin somehow found him in the mix of freshly released passengers and new passengers awaiting their cramped flight to Satan know where.
Weeks had passed before the first episode had aired and Aaron was met face to screen with him all dead dolled up and looking spooky on that runway. After weeks and weeks his season was almost over and he was booked solid for weeks.  Justin refused to leave his side and wouldn’t let Aaron go to any gigs without him. Gaining the name of the Royal Drag Couple to two dominated the drag scene and yet that still didn’t seem to make Aaron happy. Jerick was Satan knows where doing Satan knows what and even though Aaron was growing hugely in popularity he never even got a text from Jerick. After Aaron had won and was declared America’s Drag Superstar, he quickly became overwhelmingly busy and the small gap between Aaron and Justin grew into a huge gaping hole and they started to secretly drift even farther apart.  Aaron started doing what he did best, drugs, alcohol and sex.
Jerick was happy in Seattle and they knew something was always missing. Jerick missed Aaron more than anyone and it took all their will power not to fly straight to him and just spend hours talking about their lives and how much they missed him. Jerick tried to keep themselves busy as much as possible to keep their mind off of his past friendship but nothing worked for long.  They had started a new show with their partner in showbiz and were booked in less than a week. Things were good for a while, the show brought in enough money for them and Major to stay in a nice apartment and still do drag but Jerick couldn’t keep Aaron off their mind and had done exactly what his mother had done when their Dad had left. ‘Drink away the pain baby,’ hell that was probably the only thing Jerick remembered from their mom. Jerick always stayed professional though and made sure to keep their own problems out of their art.
Truthfully when Jerick had seen Aaron’s face on his TV late one evening, all they wanted to do was call up their best friend and act like those years they had spend apart were only hours. They would just forget anything happened, just go sit atop the water tower and talk. Every episode after that Jerick would sit down on their couch and watch Aaron with Ben and quietly root for Aaron. No one really knew about Aaron and Jerick’s friendship because of how sensitive to two became at the thought of the other. Jerick would spend hours debating in his head whether to call Aaron and congratulate him or just sit back and let the pain of doing nothing wash over him. Finally the reunion episode aired and they crowned Aaron. All Jerick could do was just scream and jump around at how happy they were for Aaron.
Once again the announcements about a new season and Ru taking audition tapes was sent out and every queen gather up their best video skills to film their tape that could possibly change their lives for the good or do nothing at all.  Jerick knew if Aaron could get on the show and win they definitely had a chance. After filming a tape packed full of comedy, they sent in the tape and awaited their rocky fate. Unsurprisingly a few days later they got the very same call as Aaron and were flown to LA for taping. They quickly made friends with a New York queen named, Ivy and as the other queens picked on them the memories of Aaron standing up for them against the bullies popped into their head. Almost every night in their hotel room Jerick would cry themselves asleep to the memories of Aaron. After Ivy left they began to start talking to Alaska or Justin and a new friendship began to blossom. They talked about how much Alaska missed ‘Sharron’ and how much they both missed their old lives. Jerick wished to keep their old friendship a secret from Aaron’s boyfriend and probably the person who replaced them after they had moved apart. The show had ended quickly after that and Jerick was sent home to get ready to the crowning at the reunion. Jerick didn’t like the thought of Aaron having to pick between the boy next door he grew up with and the love of his life. Aaron loved Justin but he also loved Jerick. Jerick had always been there for him when they were younger but after high school they just abandoned him. Aaron decided to give the fans what they wanted and he devoted the rest of his reign as queen to helping Alaska take her turn.
The day of the crowning, Jerick had stayed back and had gotten into drag in a separate room from Aaron and the rest of the girls from their season. They didn’t want any awkward meetings with him until it was time for him to give away his crown. Jerick had promised himself that he would be in and out of there as fast as possible, so they wouldn’t risk the chance of getting hurt by seeing Alaska all over Aaron. The reunion went by quickly and Jerick was over the moon, his dreams were finally coming true and yet all they could think about was how jealous they were of Alaska and how she got to kiss and hug and she clung to Aaron’s arm. Neither queen looked at each other for the rest of the night but both of them wanted more than anything to just walk over there and just forget the time they spent apart. After that they still didn’t speak and both of them knew it was for the best. Justin and Aaron broke up and Jerick had fought the urge once again not to fly to their best friend and just comfort him. Jerick had temporarily crashed with Ivy and her boyfriend while they moped around about Aaron. Ivy was the only other person in the world who knew about Jerick and Aaron and all she wanted to do was help her friend. Jerick moved back home to Seattle shortly after they started to feel better about Aaron.
Almost three years had passed since the night Jerick was crowned and they had successfully destroyed all of their dreams and had decided to relax and save up as much money as possible and buy the old run down theatre that they had always loved to sneak into when they were sad. They had spent all of their remaining money on renovating the building until it was completely renewed. Shows ran in and out of there like it was swinging kitchen door in a busy restaurant. Jerick was at the peak of his career and yet they still missed Aaron, just the thought of him made Jerick feel like such an idiot for not letting the memories of his youth go away.
Aaron had had it, him and Justin had broken up after both of them spiraled out of control and got into a huge fight. Justin moved away and had stayed with Jerick in Seattle while Aaron stayed in Pittsburgh. Aaron did once again what he did best and drank away the pain of losing the only person that had helped him numb the pain of Jerick a little bit. All he wanted to do was leave this town, leave the small family he had made for himself and just live by Jerick’s side but he couldn’t. Every day started and ended like the first one. Aaron missed his old life and because of it he knew he was following in his mother’s footsteps of drinking and drugs, not that he could complain. Every day he grew more and more tired of this bull shit, all his life he wanted to be happy and he had it for one second and then it was gone. One normal morning Aaron got a call that sent his world into a spinning tornado headed straight for hell, his mom had died. Truthfully he never spoke to his mom after he moved, and he pretty much hated the woman but the news made him start to see things differently. Normally in life he would go by not being bothered by death, illness, or poverty but there was something about losing someone he had know that sunk in and made him realize how short life was and how he shouldn’t just sit around waiting for his life to go back to the way it was. If he wanted change than he sure as hell was going to go get it.  His bags were packed and he was out of his door within minutes of figuring out what last made him happy. At first he thought about going back to LA and starting up his music career again but then he remembered something from his past and flew straight there without another thought.
Jerick sat proudly on his stage as they directed a small girl to say her lines closer to the audience. The girl was tall and blonde and strangely reminded Jerick of the very first day they had met Aaron. The way she would groan and then do as she was told almost half-assed and how she seemed more interested in the other boy sitting alone working on the new set. Their head was crowded with memories and they quickly called off the cast and crew, so they could relax and get their mind off of things for a little bit. Jerick stood up and walked straight towards the vodka bottle they kept hidden behind the props table.  They opened the bottle and took a huge swig, throwing their back against the cold stage apron floor. Footsteps echoed through the long aisles and they just shrugged it off thinking it was a crew member who had stuck around a bit longer to work on something.
“Jerick?” an old familiar voice whispered at the same time the feet swung onto the apron’s edge.
“Tickets are on sale online or the whole day before and during opening night. You can go,” Jerick groaned turning onto his side facing upstage.
“Jerick, please look at me,” the voice begged softly.
“If I do then I’ll cry,” that was a lie, Jerick was already crying heavily.
“Jerick, it’s me, I promise,” Aaron whispered and sat down next to his childhood friend, his knees pressed into Jerick’s bony back. Jerick was hunched over on their side with their bottle clenched so tightly his knuckles were turning white.
“Aaron…” Jerick barely whispered before they turned around and threw their arms around Aaron. Both of their tears stained the others shirt and made their eyes sting. Neither of them understood why they missed each other so much.  Jerick’s bottle rolled around the stage as the two cried and hugged. Aaron pulled away slowly and looked at the only person he could remember being happy with and then it hit him like a brick wall. He finally understood and he knew exactly what to do. Aaron rushed Jerick off the stage and out of the theatre. He ran them all over town until he found the perfect place, the water tower. They climbed the town and it felt as if they had been in high school again, back in their hometown. The time that had separated them disappeared and they felt like nothing had changed, like it was prom night all over again and the lively city of Seattle was just their shitty old hometown.  For the first time since that night Aaron felt happy, he felt like all of his problems were gone with the blink of an eye. That water town felt like home for both of them and they loved it. Neither of them wanted it to climb down nor did they want to leave each other’s sides.
“Jerick, I…” Aaron just wanted to spill his feelings but something held him back, something made him feel like this wasn’t right. Jerick gently grabbed the other’s pale hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “I love you Jerick and I’ve loved you since we were kids and it’s taken me until now to realize that. I never want things to go back to the way it was,” Aaron fought tears and was on the urge of losing.
“I know… I’ve always known… well deep down. I’ve never really admitted it to myself really but goddammit Aaron, I love you,” Jerick felt tears flood from their eyes and all the weight and pain in their life left and they finally felt at peace.  Aaron’s plump lips crashed into Jerick’s and they kissed atop the water tower.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
bloody love (shinkx) - lem0n_b0y
an- hey kids, it’s me, ya boy. guess who’s writing a full length fic? this guy! i hope you guys like shinkx and the super natural ;)
Summary- After a young news reporter is abruptedly turned into a vampire, she kind of goes nuts and has no clue how to control herself. Come to find out that a witch could really help her out.
“-A body of an unidentified adolescent male was found in North park just moments ago. Witness reports say that it seemingly just appeared, as it wasn’t found til 4 hours after the opening of the park. The park is closed off for investigation. As for the neighboring school, it is undecided whether or not they will be for an early release.” The reporter holds her microphone in her hands, her fingers tap at the handle in nervousness. Her other hand fiddling with the cord that feeds out from the mic. She was weary. Unsettled. The glaze over her eyes showed how much emotion she was holding back. But that’s all Jinkx could feel for.
Jinkx sighs and leans her head back onto a couch cushion as she turns the TV off. Morning news was never this nerve-racking. The missing persons cases had start rising as spring break begun. Jinkx had questioned why, maybe it was some predator waiting for incoming college kids to flood the town she thought. Maybe it was an out of towner fulfilling their desires to kill. Whether it was a local or not, Jinkx didn’t enjoy all the recent press.
Within the past week, two bodies have been found. Both had been identified as a highschool students. Both of the boys were football players from what the articles said. Not to mention the we’re good students. They had gone missing from a party and found in the woods behind the school, drained of most of their blood. The only harm on either of them was a gash on the arm, not big enough for them to bleed out. The recent case from just that day was similar. Drained of blood, gash in the arm, a highschool student. It was crazy to think that the coastal town would all of a sudden be brought to an almost panic like state. Children came to class less and less do to their parents worry, highschools were protected with twice as many cops, and the college instated a curfew.
Jinkx was in no worry for herself, personally. As soon as the first murder was confirmed, she had taken it upon herself to cast a spell of protection. She knew that you could never be too safe. Her worry is towards the town, all the people inhabit it. They’re like lost field mice after the crop dies in the winter. They had protection, so they thought. With that protection clearly not being strong enough to prevent deaths of the innocent. The town was scared.
Running a hand through her amber curls, Jinkx leans up from her couch to take a deep breath. Her temples just pound at the thought of the whole towns slow demise. That’s the last thing she wanted from this. She takes a stand, stretching out her body like a cat. Popping her neck with a quick swirl of the head, she exhales slowly. Her body is reluctant to wake it’s self up for the day at the office.
She wasn’t ready for all of the parent complaints today. Jinkx already knew that the phones would be ringing off the hook with parents asking what they should do to protect their children during the rain of recent killings. It was nothing they had dealt with before. They’ve had kids in the highschool system pass, and that was handled with an assembly. As for two kids getting drained of blood and left in broad daylight? Unheard of. A plan of emergency was never needed for an scenario like this.
Alas, Jinkx shook the accumulating pile of worries from her head. The foggy headspace wasn’t about to ruin her day. Today was going to good! The sun was shining through the blinds, the autumn air was kicking into full gear and the trees that sat outside Jinkxs porch step were turning as orange as her hair. Today was predicted to be good.
Stumbling out of the house, she carefully steps down the stairs of her porch in her black heels. The freshly dead leaves crunch beneath her. She went through her day plan in her head; coffee, meeting, parent meetings, interviews with the news, and sorting paperwork. Same old same old. The only thing stumping her was what to tell the news. She was only in charge of dealing with the interview since her boss lady would is out of town for an meeting involving the possible instating of a new state wide food standard. Roxxxy had always been very adamant about the health and well-being of students in the school district.
Jinkx had always admired Roxxxys work ethics. She could be irrational at times, lashing out Jinkx for the littlest mistakes but nonetheless, she was a good boss. She had some faith in Jinkx to ace the interview, but it was clear when she walked into the workplace that the faith was a measly grain of salt.
Sat on her desk was a note. It was handwritten by the Ms. Andrews herself.
“Good morning Ms. Monsoon! If you didn’t already know or had forgotten, you have a very important interview today regarding the recent deaths. To take some weight off your shoulders, smaller interviews will be held with some others in the office. To get your head straight, ask around and see what they will say to insure our story is all the same. Will be back by Wednesday, and if anymore kids are killed, handle it calmly.”
At the end of the page was one of her famous stamps, in beautiful cursive letters it wrote ‘Roxxxy Andrews’. Jinkx takes a seat in her office chair and rest her head back with stress running through her veins. It made a part of her sad knowing that she can’t be fully trusted with the interview, resulting in half the office to also speak on the matter. It was as if she had been defeated somehow. Lifting her head back up to see her desk, a coffee had appeared.
It was a classic Starbucks cup with her name written on it with a heart. Taking it into her hands and looking closer at the cup, her eyes dart around. In the desk about a hundred feet from hers was Alaskas. Jinkx simply put the pieces together when she sees her favorite blonde smile wider than normal at her.
Alaska had always been one of Roxxxys favorites. They had gone to college together and even begun to accelerated together. Alaska had wanted to be a teacher but after dealing with the weight of being a teacher for a measly three years, she knew that it probably wasn’t her true calling. With Roxxxy being the last superintendents assistant, it was when she ran for the position that Alaska knew she wanted to work closer to her. Their friendship was childish at times, cracking jokes and letting there goofy friendship peak through at work but once again, Roxxxy knew how to take care of business.
Jinkx sips her coffee slowly, turning to her computer. The warm buzz of the coffee coating her throat, Jinkx smiles. Maybe her hopes of having a good day will actually come true.
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rybberdyst · 5 years
A Solid Concept is sugar baby Sharon, maybs with Jinkx as her sugar mommy
with shinkx, sharons typically top so imagine CEO shar spoiling jinkx who doesn't like it but also loves it
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Spooky (Shinkx) - By Fox
Essa fic estava perdida há uns meses no computador, desde que assistir a quinta temporada, na verdade, e apesar de não estar 100% satisfeita, vou deixar aqui, pra quem curte Sharon x Jinkx. ~Fox
Se alguém perguntasse, Jinkx não saberia responder com certeza como havia chegado àquele ponto.
Quer dizer, claro que ela se lembrava de alguns detalhes daquela noite, flashes da sua chegada e do sentimento de nervosismo por saber que Sharon estaria ali. Seria a primeira vez que ambas estariam tão próximas, e a queen comediante não sabia bem o que esperar da colega de profissão depois de todos os comentários que sua antecessora havia feito na mídia sobre sua possível vitória. “Jinkx é uma versão barata de mim.” Sharon havia declarado,  e Jinkx não saberia dizer se aquilo era sério ou apenas um modo da mais velha enaltecer sua competidora favorita, Alaska. Pensou também na possibilidade de ser apenas ciúmes, dado o fato de toda a proximidade que Jinkx e a namorada de Sharon vinham tendo nesses últimos tempos. De todo modo, aquelas palavras afetaram a tão confiante drag muito mais do que ela jamais imaginara.
Quando o primeiro olhar foi trocado com a queen de aparência assustadora, Jinkx soube de cara o motivo da sua apreensão. Deveria sentir raiva da outra, mas a única coisa que tomava seu corpo naquele momento era vontade de estar mais perto, intrigada com o ar intimidador que a mais velha exalava. Não conseguia desgrudar os olhos dela, e mesmo diante do desdém que Sharon retratava (dentro de um personagem, provavelmente), não houve dúvidas do que fazer ao encontra-la a sós, no camarim. Lá estava seu foco de atenção, mais bêbada do que o evento permitia.
Jinkx, a princípio, sentiu-se mal por estar se aproveitando da situação...
... mas não naquele momento.
Sob o aperto firme das mãos de unhas pontiagudas, ela só conseguia gemer e sorrir sem pausa, não podendo deixar de lado o pensamento do quanto adorava estar ali, de quatro para aquela que lhe havia causado tanto desconforto. Se Sharon queria humilhá-la, dali pra frente, que fosse daquele jeito, seu pau enfiado tão fundo quanto possível, as mãos forçando a se manter de rosto no colchão, mantendo os quadris elevados e disponíveis para que realizasse qualquer desejo. Aquela estava sendo a melhor transa em muitos anos, mas a ruiva jamais admitiria aquilo nem para si mesma, já era bastante ruim sentir o coração batendo enlouquecido por aquele ser que não merecia metade da sua consideração.
“Não se atreva a dormir” Fora uma das únicas frases que a loira pronunciou, e Jinkx revirou os olhos, tanto por tesão quanto com deboche. Não havia a mínima chance de cair no sono tendo sua próstata acertada repetidamente daquela forma. Gemeu um tanto mais alto, não ligando de verdade para o que qualquer hospede daquele hotel pudesse pensar, sentindo o líquido quente a preenchendo e gozando logo em seguida, aliviada quando Sharon diminuiu aquele ritmo bruto e surpreendentemente a beijou na nuca, o cheiro de bebida invadindo seus sentidos e praticamente a abraçando quando seu peso não foi mais suportado pelas pernas trêmulas.
Quando se desgrudaram, a loira, um tanto letárgica pelo orgasmo, rumou para o banheiro, deixando Jinkx desconfortável sobre o que fazer. Pensou em ir embora, mas de qualquer forma precisaria de um banho antes de rumar para o próprio quarto. Toda a sua montação estava bastante destruída, enchimentos fora do lugar e meia calça rasgada, fora as manchas de sêmen e o fato de metade de sua maquiagem ter ficado nos lençóis.  Suspirou, deveria estar horrível naquele momento. Perdeu-se nos seus devaneios e ansiedade por longos minutos.
“Meu cigarro...” Seus pensamentos foram quebrados quando Sharon voltou do banheiro, exceto que agora não era mais Sharon. “Você viu meu cigarro?” A voz interrompeu outra vez o silêncio dos devaneios de Jinkx, que se perdiam na imagem de Aaron, num choque de realidade que a fez perder o fôlego. Sentou na cama, enrolando-se no lençol, ainda metade montada, mas sentindo-se mais exposta do que o rapaz a sua frente, de cara limpa e nu.
“O que?” Jinkx não era totalmente insegura como a maioria das pessoas pensavam, mas seu instinto natural ao ver Aaron sentar na cama foi se afastar de encontro à cabeceira, parecendo assustada com algo tão simples. Pra piorar, a queen mais velha não aparentava mais estar tão bêbada assim e isso deixava a ruiva ainda mais receosa. Ela com certeza iria se arrepender no dia seguinte.
“Não sei...” Disse pausadamente, dando um gritinho constrangedor ao se assustar com a mão de Aaron lhe tocando o tornozelo. O loiro ergueu uma sobrancelha, mas não soltou a ruiva, traçando círculos com o polegar na pele sob si. “Eu tenho que ir...” ditou, se desesperando ao erguer-se da cama, afastando Aaron bruscamente mesmo que sem intenção, o tecido se embolando aos seus pés e a fazendo tropeçar pateticamente.
“Você pode ficar.” Aaron não entendia bem a situação, mas cogitou a possibilidade de ser apenas medo “Alaska não vai vir aqui tão cedo...” tentou argumentar e o rosto da ruiva se contorceu numa careta, como se até aquele momento ela houvesse se esquecido da amiga. “É por causa da entrevista? Você já levou shades piores.” Ele sorriu, tentando dissipar o clima, mas antes que pudesse elaborar outro argumento no seu nível etílico, Jinkx já havia recolhido tudo o que largara pelo chão e se ajeitado o suficiente para conseguir chegar até o próprio quarto sem passar muita vergonha.
No corredor, o coração de Jinkx ameaçava-lhe escapar pela garganta, o arrependimento que só deveria chegar no dia seguinte já tomando conta do seu ser, não sendo vencido nem mesmo pelo sono que começava a dar sinais. Ela só queria chegar até sua cama e dormir até curar a vergonha que sentia de si mesma.
Infelizmente a comedy queen correra cedo demais...
Não saberia que na verdade o relacionamento de Aaron e Justin já estava por um fio;
Não saberia que o senso de humor distorcido de Sharon era inocente e mal compreendido;
Não saberia também que deixara pra trás um Aaron bêbado, mas também balançado pelo que acabara de acontecer;
Tudo o que sabia era que tinha que ser menos imprudente e que por mais que doesse, precisaria se afastar do casal real do drag. Jamais conseguiria olhar Alaska nos olhos novamente. No fim das contas, sentia-se culpada pela coragem em desbravar aquele caminho perigoso.
Sharon deveria continuar sendo para si o mesmo de sempre: assustadora.
Seria o melhor remédio para prevenir um coração em pedaços.
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courtneysmascara · 9 years
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Jinkxy with queens
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Y’all I made an ao3 finally.
Go find me at Drag_Bible and leave me requests.
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