#shinso hitoshi
fever-dreamer97 · 2 days
Izuku, reading:
Shinso, sitting next to him in thought:
Shinso: Hey, am I a nice-
Izuku, without looking up and no hesitation: Oh, hell no.
Shinso, nodding: That’s fair.
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scftizuku · 1 day
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oratokyosaigunda · 2 days
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karaage0806 (HeroAca s7 producer)
本日夕方5:30から『僕のヒーローアカデミア 』7期第6話「DIVISION」激押しの物間が登場します「誰もが他人の人生の脇役であり自分の人生の主役なんだ」主人公になれなくても本質がそこにあります。この戦いは最前線に立てない人たちの戦いでもあります。覚悟を見届けてください #heroaca_a #ヒロアカ
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sattosugu · 1 month
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boku no hero academia season 7 opening
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peterokii · 1 month
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minbells · 29 days
Men who are academically gifted, very smart and calculated, but somewhat clueless when it comes to love. He has a good reason for that though; nobody before you had caught his attention. Now that he’s found you, his heart is beating faster, cheeks heating up, fingers itching to reach out and hold you. His normally cool demeanour is crumbling. Did you cast a spell on him? He has a lot to learn about romance, and the good thing is that you basically have a completely blank canvas to paint on. He didn’t pick on any bad habits and he’s already a perfect gentleman.
He would do anything for you, he might not know much about being in a relationship, but he adores you. He is eager to learn about affection, dating, kissing, establishing a routine with you, loving you. He’s an act of service kind of person, eager to please and care for you. He’s the one reminding you of your appointments, making sure you eat enough and stay hydrated, taking care of you when you’re sick, helping you study or work on whatever projects that you have. Whenever he comes over, he cleans your dishes without even a second thought, and you felt bad at first to subject him to your messes until you realized that he loves doing those things for you.
He quickly learns how and when to hold your hand, what kind of dates you like, the pet names that make your heart skips a beat, how to kiss you until you’re breathless and wanting more. He’s also a very good listener, which is actually impressive since he seemed mostly socially clueless when you first met him. He takes an interest in all the things you like. He does research on your favourite music groups, he catches up on TV shows you enjoy so he can understand what you’re talking about when you mention them, and he tries to learn the recipes of your favourite meals. He has a whole folder in his notes app dedicated to gift ideas and things he wants to remember about you — your drink order, favourite restaurant, the flowers you like, the brand of a bag you were eyeing last time he went to the mall with you. He doesn’t want to miss anything.
He’s become completely attached to you and he’s so touch starved that he takes each and every opportunity to be near you and hold you in some way, usually burying his nose in your neck. He takes note of your sweet perfume then, mentally adding it to the list of things he knows about you, right next to the flavour of chapstick he tasted on your lips the last time he kissed you.
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fushiguro megumi, todoroki shoto, shinso hitoshi, tsukishima kei, kozume kenma, armin arlert, tomioka giyuu, hayakawa aki, + all your favs.
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collisiondiscourse · 1 year
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fashionista kings
// one of my many pieces for cat's cradle
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mymhameme · 8 months
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random sketch dump
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ging-ler · 4 months
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if it's worth anything, its a very heartfelt card. Happy Valentine's Day!
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AAAA are you planning on continuing the "How They Kiss" series? If so could you please do my sweet baby Hitoshi next? :cccc
Ooooo yessss - I've been wanting to write some Hitoshi fic for a while!! 💜
Shinsou x Reader | Headcannon: How Hitoshi Shinsou Kisses 💋
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The first time Hitoshi kisses you – you totally don’t see it coming. It happens in the library on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Hitoshi is sitting in your favorite spot of the city's library – a cozy corner hidden from view behind the oversized art book section. He’s dragged two large beanbag chairs into the tiny space, waiting for you to join him as he studies for an upcoming Pro hero rescue certification exam. He’s flipping through flashcards when you arrive bearing a purple travel mug filled with his favorite caffeinated beverage. You know your friend is a chronic insomniac – with his permanently baggy eyes and constant yawns - so you decided to get him a refillable mug so he can keep his coffee close throughout exam week. You’ve stuck a cute sticker of a black cat with big eyes to the side of the mug, knowing his TikTok algorithm is almost exclusively cat videos.
“’Toshiiiiii!” You warble quietly as you drop your school bag next to your beanbag chair. “I brought you a ‘lil treat for studying so hard!”
Hitoshi looks up in surprise, his forehead still wrinkled in concentration. He puts down his flash cards and when he realizes it’s you standing over him, he smiles easily. Things have always been like this between the two of you – soft and comfortable. 
“You brought me something?” He instantly locks on to the steaming mug of coffee, his eyes crinkling into a smile when he sees the cat sticker. “Is that the cat from Kiki’s Delivery Service?”
“Yup!” you hand him the cup as you plop down into your chair and start shuffling through your bag for your notes. “You told me it was your favorite movie as a kid, so I found a little sticker of Gigi on Etsy.”
After a few moments of digging through your bag, you finally find the sheaf of notes you’re looking for and you yank them out – sheets of paper flying all around you. “Whoops!” You hastily gather the papers back into a neat stack.
When you finally look up, you meet Hitoshi’s eyes – he’s giving you an intense, searching look. His eyes are wide, and there’s a soft pink blush across the high points of his cheeks. He absentmindedly smooths a hand through his wild hair, seemingly lost for words.
“What?” You say, a little startled at the sudden tense atmosphere. “Everything okay? Is that not your preferred flavor of coffee?”
“Of course you remembered my favorite flavor.” His voice a quiet rumble and seems to catch in his throat.
You swallow, suddenly feeling hot around the collar as he continues to gaze at you through those bright violet eyes. You can see him biting back his next sentence, seemingly steeling himself to say something.
After a few moments, he takes a steadying breath and his eyes sparkle with a look of resolve. Hitoshi softly places the hot mug of coffee on the ground before leaning towards you. Instantly, he’s a breath away from your face – his delicate features magnified as he tilts his face towards yours.
“You’re just so…” He whispers, moving to brush his thumb against your cheek. Your skin feels like it’s blooming with tiger lilies at the contact. “…sweet.” His tired eyes flutter shut and he leans into you – guiding your lips to his.
The first kiss is feather light – tentative. He wants to make sure you want him back – he needs you to want him with the same deep intensity he’s been feeling in his gut for you for so long. His lips are impossibly soft and taste like a light berry lip balm, and you find the flavor absolutely delicious. When you respond eagerly he smiles into the kiss, blissful. How lucky is he to get to kiss your pretty face?
Hitoshi climbs into the beanbag chair with you deftly, moving his hands to cradle your face. He moves his mouth against yours slowly, purposefully – almost lazily. It’s such a Shinsou way of kissing that it makes you giggle.
“Hey, now.” He breaks the kiss, bringing his forehead to yours as he takes a shaky breath. “Is my kissing that bad?” He’s smiling, but you can tell he’s the tiniest bit nervous for your answer.
You lean in to kiss him again and he pulls back, his lips just out of reach – teasing.
“Your technique can use some refining. But I know someone who can help you practice.” You grin, winding your arms around his neck and pulling him back in for more. He loves that – the banter, the ways you are able to both make him feel comfortable and keep him on his toes. He deepens the kiss, and you know it will be a while before you get back to studying. His flash cards lay abandoned on the floor by your stack of notes.
After that, he’s hooked on you. Any trace of nervousness is nonexistent. In just one afternoon, Hitoshi Shinsou has become a lean, mean, make out machine. He absolutely cannot be stopped. He kisses you everywhere he can – in the library, in dark corners of your favorite bar, at the convenience store. He’s constantly trying to sneak away with you so he can crash your lips together in that way that makes his brain feel all blissed out and fuzzy.
I think we’ve all seen just how much determination Hitoshi has – it takes a lot of unwavering dedication to claim a spot in the hero course. He’s just as determined to figure out how you like to be kissed. He pays attention to what makes your pulse race – maybe he kissed your neck a certain way and you moaned? He’s filing that away in his brain so he can do it again and again and again. You don’t like it when he bites your lower lip? He takes note and never does it that way again. He’s committed to figuring out exactly what makes you tick and how he can maximize your pleasure every time. He can’t believe how lucky he is to have the affections of someone like you – someone so sweet and gorgeous and goddamn perfect.
Of course, once he realizes you find him irresistible – he’s smug AF. He becomes such a goddamn tease. You’ll get a rare private moment and move in to kiss him, only for him to dodge your advances until your lips form a disappointed pout. He absolutely revels in how much you want him and loves to build up the tension between the two of you. He’ll kiss you playfully on the cheeks before your disappointed look causes him to concede. “Sorry, Sweetheart.” He says in his low, gravely whisper. “You know I love to tease.” And then he’ll kiss you with as much passion as he can muster, until your legs turn to jello. After all – it’s not in a hero’s nature to do anything half-assed.
Thanks so much for reading!!
Interested in some ~smuttier~ Shinsou content!? Check out my story:
Never Too Tired To Love You💜
My Master List! 💜
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fever-dreamer97 · 4 days
Seriously one of the hardest illustrations Hori ever drew and it’s not any of the main characters
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gaecactae · 4 days
A Cozy Cloud
09. Holidays!🏝️
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Hello peeps!!
I have a few words to say about this specific comic, so if you read them along, it will just. Make my day.
So this comic is just. Very very important to me, since it sparked the idea of the whole au. A little over a year ago I had this idea of little Tenko going on holidays. And well, to make this come true, I knew I need to actually create specific grounds, so we’re all on the same page there, as to. Why everyone is okay in this au 😅
So yeah!! I’ll also post a music that I highly recommend listening to while reading it; it’s the music I imagined it to happen to and it’s whimsical, it will give you the idea overall.
And well, since holidays are just around the corner, our beloved heroes and their babies will be staying in the lake house a little while longer! 🏝️ yay!
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blackberreh-art · 11 months
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A baby baby boy
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peterokii · 3 months
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crowborn666-nsfw · 6 months
Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader
Tags: needy! Shinsou, AFAB anatomy, dry humping, riding, praise,
You thought nothing of Hitoshi’s arms wrapping around your middle as you laid in bed reading, but when his hips began rolling against your backside is when you stopped to bookmark your page.
“‘Toshi dear, is everything okay?” You asked, barely able to see his purple locks in your peripheral as he had his head hidden in the back of your neck.
All you got was a grunt in response, his grip on your hips tightening as his movements became more frantic.
“‘M sorry,” he slurred, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck, “Woke up a-and jus… needed you.”
“That’s okay.” you spoke gently, biting your bottom lip as you rolled back against him, “I’m awake, and we’ve got all night.”
Hitoshi groaned, beginning to whimper and pant with each roll of his hips. He pawed at you with his hands, squeezing and pulling on your limbs to get you closer.
“Shit… shitshitshit!” Hitoshi hissed through his teeth, stuttering to a standstill with a near breathless cry escaping his open mouth.
He let go of you, rolling onto his back with beads of sweat sticking to his forehead and a damp spot on his sweatpants.
“Feel better, ‘Toshi?” You hummed, rolling over to face him.
“Yeah.” He swallowed against his dry throat, “Could we go again though?”
“Of course.” You kissed his lips, moving to help him undress. You tossed his dirty sweatpants near the hamper, making a note to wash them first thing in the morning.
You undressed yourself, before moving to cradle his lap with your hips and sink down on him. Hitoshi groaned, biting his lip as he grasped your hips.
You took a moment to adjust before moving, setting a steady pace that had him writhing in pleasure.
“You’re too good for me.” Hitoshi mumbled, moaning between sentences, “You’re so warm and soft, you know exactly what to do to make me feel good.”
“I have to.” You laughed, kissing his lips again, “I wouldn’t be a good partner if I wasn’t now would I?”
You shifted a little, just enough to have Hitoshi hit that spot that made you see stars. He moaned in time with you, bucking up into your heat.
“‘Toshi, I’m close!”
Your announcement only made Hitoshi moan louder, bucking up into you in rougher strokes. “Need you! Need you so bad!”
You both found your high at the same time, pants and moans being shared between you. Hitoshi’s hips occasionally stuttered, bringing your attention to his still hard cock inside you.
“Poor thing,” you cooed, brushing back his hair that stuck to his forehead, “So needy tonight.”
“One more? Please?”
“Of course, ‘Toshi. One more.”
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anime-as-textposts · 6 months
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