#ship analysis 😯
bunkernine · 4 years
hey wait look at this:
Jason knew what they had to do to defeat Gaia. He knew the risks. But he wanted to take those risks himself, not put them on Leo.
(BoO ch, 50)
He stared at me. “But you cannot fight,” he said. “I will not have to! They are so frightened of you, if I show myself, they will run.” “No,” he said. “It is too dangerous.”
(The Song of Achilles, ch 30)
‘Gods,’ Nico said. ‘Is everyone okay?’
‘Leo …’ Jason’s voice broke. ‘He said he had a plan.’ The comet disappeared behind the western hills.
Jason waited with dread for the sound of an explosion, but he heard nothing over the roar of battle.
Nico met his eyes. ‘He’ll be fine.’
‘But just in case … For Leo.’
‘For Leo,’ Jason agreed. They charged into the fight. Jason’s anger gave him renewed strength.
(BoO, ch 51)
“Who did this?” His voice is a terrible thing, cracked and broken.
“Hector,” Menelaus says. Achilles seizes his giant ash spear, and tries to tear free from the arms that hold him.
(TSoA, ch 31)
“Well. We are settled then.” He turns to go, stops. “I was sorry to hear of Patroclus’ death. He fought bravely today. Did you hear he killed Sarpedon?” Achilles’ eyes lift. They are bloodshot and dead.
(TSoA, ch 31)
Nico sensed Jason’s sorrow like an oncoming storm. ‘You know, you couldn’t have stopped Leo. There’s nothing you could have done differently. He knew what had to happen.’
‘I – I guess. I don’t suppose you can tell if he’s still –’
‘He’s gone,’ Nico said. ‘I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I sensed his death.’
Jason stared into the distance.
(BoO, ch 56)
The sound that comes from him is hardly human. “I tried to stop him! I told him not to leave the beach!”
“You are the one who made him go.” Briseis steps towards him. “He fought to save you, and your darling reputation. Because he could not bear to see you suffer!”
(TSoA, ch 31)
‘I can’t contain the fire much longer. I’ll vaporize her. Don’t worry. But you guys need to leave.’
‘No!’ Jason said. ‘We have to stay with you. Piper’s got the cure. Leo, you can’t –’
‘Hey.’ Leo grinned, which was unnerving in the flames, his teeth like molten silver ingots. ‘I told you I had a plan. When are you going to trust me? And by the way – I love you guys.’
(BoO, ch 52)
Jason hung his head, even his glasses lost in shadow. ‘We should have been there at the end. We could’ve helped Leo.’
(BoO, ch 54)
His limbs twitch and shudder. Give us both peace. Burn me and bury me. I will wait for you among the shades. I will— But already he is waking. “Patroclus! Wait! I am here!”
(TSoA, ch 31)
Catch, he says. Achilles, outlined against the sky, hanging from a branch over the river. The thick warmth of his sleepy breath against my ear. If you have to go, I will go with you. My fears forgotten in the golden harbor of his arms. The memories come, and come. She listens, staring into the grain of the stone. We are all there, goddess and mortal and the boy who was both.
(TSoA, ch 33)
‘You remember the time in Detroit, when he flattened Ma Gasket with a car engine?’
‘Or those dwarfs in Bologna. Leo took them down with a homemade smoke grenade made from toothpaste.’
‘Commander Tool Belt,’ Jason said.
‘Bad Boy Supreme,’ Piper said. ‘Chef Leo the Tofu Taco Expert.’ They laughed and told stories about Leo Valdez, their best friend. They stayed on the roof until dawn broke, and Piper started to believe they could have a fresh start. It might even be possible to tell a new story in which Leo was still out there.
(BoO, ch 57)
And the arrow flies, straight and silent, in a curving, downward arc towards Achilles’ back.
Achilles hears the faint hum of its passage a second before it strikes. He turns his head a little, as if to watch it come. He closes his eyes and feels its point push through his skin, parting thick muscle, worming its way past the interlacing fingers of his ribs. There, at last, is his heart. Blood spills between shoulder blades, dark and slick as oil. Achilles smiles as his face strikes the earth.
(TSoA, ch 32)
While Jason’s back was turned, Caligula wheeled about. He threw his spear, driving its point between Jason’s shoulder blades. Piper screamed. Jason stiffened, his blue eyes wide in shock. He slumped forward, wrapping his arms around Tempest’s neck. His lips moved, as if he was whispering something to his steed. Carry him away! I prayed, knowing that no god would listen. Please, just let Tempest get him to safety! Jason toppled from his steed. He hit the deck facedown, the spear still in his back, his gladius clattering from his hand.
(TBM, ch 33)
“Yes. But it is not his fault. I forgot to say I wished him for a companion.” Therapon was the word he used. A brother-in-arms sworn to a prince by blood oaths and love. In war, these men were his honor guard; in peace, his closest advisers. It was a place of highest esteem, another reason the boys swarmed Peleus’ son, showing off; they hoped to be chosen.
(TSoA, ch 5)
Jason studied him for a moment. Piper was sure he was going to tell Leo no. Then he smiled. “We started this together, Leo. Seems only right you come along. You find us a ride, you’re in.”
(TLH, ch 10)
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fedonciadale · 4 years
I was really surprised 😯 that you had read the books way back when they were published. Your interpretation of the text (I am not talking about Jonsa ) is very refreshing and is vastly different to those that had read the books way back in late 90s and early aughties. The general consensus in the fandom regarding popular interpretations and theories had been devised by predominantly the ones who read the books even way before D&D thought about adapting ASOIAF and many of those character analysis and metas have trickled down into the present day fandom as well that anything one interpret that stands against the popular ones ( Hero Dany,Useless and Dark Sansa, Stannis the Mannis,Jaime and Hound being good whereas Cat being a villain, S*ns*n, J*n*rys, good guys assembling together to fight the Others etc ) is regarded as blasphemous and is never given room for discussion .
Hi there!
Yes, I really read the books when they first came out!
The reason for why I became that is simple. Back then I sort of lurked around and looked up theories and everything and half-heartedly believed them (three headed dragon, Jon and Dany die together for the light  and all that) but I never believed them all (I liked Cat from the beginning and no one could persuade me not to like her) But I never liked these theories. I was extremely biased against them. So I always had the feeling that I missed something. Something did not sit right with me. Something was constantly nettling me. I could not point my finger to it though. And then season 6 happened and Jon and Sansa were reunited and it was as if some puzzle piece had finally clicked into place. My whole understanding of ASOIAF changed and Jonsa was the key that unlocked it for me. I finally had found tons of theories (not Jonsa but somehow related to Jonsa) that made sense and completely calmed my vague disappointment with the theories I had hitherto believed.
That is why I would say shipping goggles can make you see clearer. You know as with every kind of glasses it depends on where your focus is if you can see better or worse with them.
I’ve never looked back. I hope it has changed me to being more open about different takes on literature.
In a way this was easy for me. Because I never liked Jon€rys, and I never liked any of the other theories, and when the first theory came along that gave me hope, that it would not be the romantic ship of ASOIAF and that everything would be quite different from what the BNF assumed I eagerly swallowed it. Lol!
Thanks for the ask!
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purple-ktj · 4 years
Ask Compilations 5
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Q1. Not an ask, but I just want to praise you and thank you. Your blog really makes my day and I really looking forward to your posts. You are so levelheaded with your analyses, not overdoing it, which calms my Taejin heart more than over dramatizing content. To me you are the most precious Taejinnie ever, please keep up the amazing work. Stay safe and well. *insert applause*
A: I’m so sorry I don’t remember how long ago this was in my inbox ;__; but thank you for your kind words. Thank you for reading! I appreciate it so much ;__;
Q2. TaeJin : In a room full of people and I only see you.
A: Did you see the 2017 post? Hahaha. 
Q3. So Jin lost to Tannie because of the tail, right? Well, to come up with a solution, Jin could have one... my mind went straight down South. That's it. That's all I am going to say. I think you know what I mean.
A: Who knows he’s got a few tails at home for… leisure purposes? Handcuffs too maybe?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Q4. Hey, I love your blog and your analysis is so fun to read! I just wanted to share something that I recently noticed. With your extensive knowledge on most Taejin moments you probably know this. But there was a video of BTS reacting to GFRIEND “Me Gustas Tu” at the SMA 2016 and there was a lyric where it said “I like you” and I thought it was so cute that Tae pointed to Jin as he said that lyric with a huge smile on his face. I don’t know I just thought it was too adorable not to share.
A: Hello! Thank you! I’m not actually that knowledgeable as you can see I don’t know many things still and I’m pretty slow. But I know what moment you’re referring to! He did this many times, with TVXQ’s song he pointed at Jin while singing “I’ve got you under my skin~” and another time he pointed at Jin when the song lyrics said “You look handsome in that black suit” (forgive me I have no idea what song it is and I can’t remember the exact lyrics except that it had something to do with black suits and Jin was wearing one).
Q5. Did u say u have works on AO3 ????!! or am I tripping lol😯🐬🌈🍭
A: Maybe you’re tripping hahahahahaha. 
Q6. Jin's dubbing for Tae was perfect. It's especially noticeable when you compare his dubbing with the original. He got the little expressions and tone right. Even the stressing on certain words was done right. He must know every habit of Tae no? Yoongi and Hobi did great too. But Hobi and Jin has a certain way of talking. It's easier to imitate. But Tae is not someone who has a special way of talking. Jin's acting skills plus his extensive knowledge about Tae must have helped.
A: To be honest… I really wasn’t thinking much at all 😂 The moment I saw Jin as V, I already squealed lol. But you’re probably right, he for sure knows every habit of Tae. 
Q7. What are the top three Lives that you find the most suspicious and why?
A: I don’t have any… actually. All of them were pretty straight forward? If you were to say questionable, then I’d say Jin’s vlive where he played maple story with the ruby ring on, and that vocal line vlive where Jin was all hot and bothered by Tae. And Jin’s birthday vlive where Tae showed Yeontan but didn’t say anything and left? Like, why?
Q8. What's your thoughts about Taejin and BH? Do you think BH is hiding them? Or is it something else? They have no problem showing Jikook who seems believable even though I don't ship them. Will BH behave differently with two different duos? Or that Taejin just do not interact much on cam? Or maybe their interactions are not funny or cute enough to make the cut? Taejin do exude this intense sexual tension whenever they interested, so it's hard to show it as cute friendly interaction? Help me. 😅
A: A very difficult question. I’ll break it apart and try to answer as best as I can.
What's your thoughts about Taejin and BH? - I’m sure they have rules in place. 
Do you think BH is hiding them? - Uhhh don’t think so? Disrupt their tension yes, they can be really loud and intense, they get separated sometimes. But plain hiding… sounds like a stretch? I believe they respond to fan reaction. ML stans are extremely large in numbers, it could be why they show their interactions more. Also GP friendly pairings like Jikook, Jinkook, Sope, Yoonjin, Minimoni and JHopexML. I don’t really know, though. If they are, they seriously have better things to worry about and fix instead (coughlineandscreentimedistributioncough). 
Is it something else? - I have no idea. 
Will BH behave differently with two different duos? - Each pairing has their own unique dynamics so I believe yes, it depends. 
Or that Taejin just do not interact much on cam? - I think it depends? If it’s a vlive cam, they clearly don’t care and behave like boyfriends. On stage, they’re wild because they can get away with stuff riding on adrenaline and the concert high. On variety shows like Run, they’re more conscious and behave more “brotherly”. On Bon Voyage, they’re overseas and their longing and fondness for each other is more pronounced. As far as I can see, Run, BV and SOOP are heavily edited and narrated so that it’s GP friendly. In DVDs, their behind the scenes interactions are more raw, I’m guessing it’s because they’re not always paying attention to the camera since they’re focused on the concert, plus there’s no way to know if their cuts make it into the DVD or not. So I really really love that 2 second tight hug and the napping scene. 
Or maybe their interactions are not funny or cute enough to make the cut? Taejin do exude this intense sexual tension whenever they interested, so it's hard to show it as cute friendly interaction? - It's still funny and cute but throw in flirty? In previous years they look a little more awkward and conscious of each other, now they seem much more relaxed and comfortable. As for the cut interactions, I don’t know what’s their criteria during editing. But again, I believe it’s based on fan reaction. As we all know, Taejin isn’t the most sought after pairing. Also if it’s questionable or doesn’t look platonic they probably cut it. 
I don’t know if this helps, and I may be wrong but at the very least that’s what I think. 
Q9. Thank you for the links for all your posts. It was so easy for me to read everything. You really love all 7 of them, don't you? I can see that you never put down any member or the relationship between any of them to bring up Taejin. I really really appreciate that. All the Yt videos and twitter was making me crazy because people keep belittling other members for their OTP. I'm so thankful that I have never found this behaviour in Taejinnies. I really love our small community.
A: Your comment just made my day. Ily anon. Thank you, thank you! 
Q10. Remember Jin saying he heard Tae's violin practice? But it was drowned out by Hobi's comments about the same. He posted a video about it too. Only Taejinnies noticed Jin saying that. Now we have video proof of it. Tae in his pajama playing violin and Jin praising and recording it. Tae showed it to Joon. Must have been in his hotel room. This always happens. But again no one except Taejinnies have noticed it. 😆
A: The Memories 2019 was a treat wasn’t it? I swear Taejinnies develop hawk eyes and super hearing because they really pick out the small details. This violin moment and the day Tae took cover photos for Winter Bear happened to be the same day Jin posted a selca. Maybe they were together then, we’ll never know. 
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Q11. I just found it funny that Jin kept calling out Jk, Hobi and Jimin for touching his butt. When he himself can't keep his hands off of Tae's ass. Or eyes. Just for fun, I checked if this is something Jin does to everyone. But I couldn't really find any video for it except the choreo for 21st Century girl with Yoongi. Even for I'm fine practice, Jin held Tae up by holding his butt. Whereas Yoongi does it by holding his hips. Jin loves Tae's butt. Period.
A: I was all excited and thrilled to make a compilation of Jin loving Tae’s butt after reading your message but in the end I don’t have time for it so I’m just going to have to answer yes, he loves Tae’s butt. It’s a national treasure. 
Q12. I don’t know why people get mad at tae for teasing Jin, some people might find it offensive but I feel like it’s his own way of telling that Jin is special for him. I don’t think tae would behave like this if it was someone else from the hyung line. It feels like he’s claiming Jin, well just my thoughts here. Totally love ur work here, it’s like a special place just for us taejinnies, tysm.
A: The last one I saw was people getting mad because Tae joked that diamonds shine brighter than Jin in that one weverse post. These people probably… lack any form of social interaction in real life. I guess you could say he sees Jin as his equal (other half)? Yep, he loves the hyung line and fanboys them but I rarely see him manhandling them like he does with Jin. 
Q13. I listened to All of Me by John Legend after very long today and my first thought was the image of Tae and Jin slow dancing to it…
A: Now, why would you do this to yourself and me?
Q14. I see a lot of shippers bringing down taejin’s relationship by saying that they’re not close after their burn the stage fight. I feel like even if u don’t tj romantically, at least respect their friendship. They are best friends first. Why can’t people accept that tj are close even after tae himself said it. Are they that much insecure of their owns ships after watching taejin’s undeniable chemistry and their questionable moments.
A: This was more popular in previous years, I think it’s a lot better now? The only people I see bringing down even their friendship are other disgruntled shippers or solo stans. 
Q15. Bh basically cuts off every single tj interaction and especially change the choreographies of songs like spring day and dimple. For me, these things just make it obvious that there is something different with tj while compared to the other members. Jikook are very touchy and flirty but they let them be but cut off a simple tj moment. At this point I even wonder how they added the husband Jin in the behind the scenes of ep 77. The more they cut their scenes, the more they make it obvious.
A: I wonder about it a lot too. How does their video editing and checks go? What’s the criteria? Cutting out the generally intense moments are understandable. SOOP editing for episode 1 and 2 is questionable. I wonder why they included the 2 second hugging scene in the DVD. Changing Dimple and Spring Day choreo was clear. The rest, I’m not sure. 
Q16. I feel like tae calling Jin as groom and husband is special. He doesn’t call anyone else with these terms, except for Jin. It progressed from groom to husband. And the smile on his face when calls Jin it’s like he’s happy and proud. My taejin heart 💕
A: I think it’s special too. He went from groom to husband and “I like Jin hyung the most” to “Seokjin-ah. I love you so much”. Very very special, I think . 
Q17. Tae v/s Jin and their jellies : a turns-me-into-a-puddle, too-soft-to-handle, it-is-too-cute-and-adorable, neverending saga
A: I was hoping to see more of Taejin vs sour jellies in the SOOP. They finally showed Taejin playing ping pong in episode 3 so let’s see how it goes. 
Q18. Please help me to understand more about Taejin's personalities. Because if i look at them, i would think they are totally straight. They are acting manly, talking, walking and goofy around just like normal guys. Even when they are together, I don't see any so obvious gayness from them. Another word, is Tae only falling for Jin, and vice versa? If there is no Jin, Tae could be just a married man with wife and children and vice versa to Jin? Please avoid my ask if it doesn't make sense. 💜.
A: All I can say is… there’s no ‘standard’ to being gay? There’s no such thing as “obvious gayness” that you mentioned. A man can be effeminate, look feminine, enjoy cross-dressing and be straight. A man can also be muscly, buff, rugged and be gay. Basically there’s no rule or standard as to what a gay man looks like. They look like what you define normal. A gay man can also marry a woman and have kids and still be gay. For the second part, if you go through my blog you’ll know what’s my opinion on that (and you don’t have to agree with it either). I can’t answer if they’re really gay or they’re only gay for each other. I strongly encourage you to watch BTS content thoroughly and I hope you can form your own opinions. 
Q19. Hello? I know that most Taejinnies already know this, but what is up with Taejin and the colors blue and brown. Like it has to mean something. Once is a coincidence but more than 4 times........ Either they have too many blue and brown clothes in their closet or they decided on it! I just want an analysis on it
A: Hey, I wish I knew. And since I don’t know I can’t analyse or pick it apart either. But like you said, the number of times they’ve matched their outfits suggests that they probably get dressed together. They’re crazy busy people and it takes quite a bit of effort to match with each other constantly. I don’t know, only Taejin knows.
Q20. About that tarot video, I'm pretty sure they're a Namjin shipper. Says they are not a shipper, but can see them trying to link the two by 'picking things up'.
A: Ahhhh lol I didn’t watch everything because it was too long winded. But some of the readings weren’t pleasant at all. I don’t know if we’re talking about the same channel though. 
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Q21. Hi there! I love your blog! I wanna ask what was the Taejin moment which made you say-" Yes. They are more than friends. And nothing can change my mind now. "
A: I answered this before and it was the AMAs vlive but I think I’ve changed my mind now. I’m gonna go with Jin’s love confession in 2017 during Tae’s birthday and Tae’s confession which went from “I like Jin hyung the most” to “Seokjin-ah. I love you so much”. Can I also add in their matching brown hoodies at the airport in 2017? Also that So What moment from Fukuoka? 
Q22. I love your blog so much! It's one of my favourite things to read. Not an ask, but just want to mention it :p. I was watching in the Soop and Tae gives some of his food to Jin, and the caption says 'Brotherly Love'... whenever I see stuff like that I think, BigHit... who are you trying to fool. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed the episode, it's nice to see them so happy all together.
A: I enjoyed the episode, thank you. I hope you did too. I know right, who exactly are they fooling? Definitely not us. It was really nice to watch them do the things they want to. 
Q23. I just find it funny how other Jin shippers will so often make a thread proving their ship is real and one part of it will be about Taejin and showing how their interactions are brotherly/Hyung-Maknae/forced. I don't see any other Jin ship being used this often as an evidence. And of course, after Taejin being introduced into the thread, one point will be how their OTP is real because they don't/need to show physical affection. Which makes it real. It's so shady.
A: This reminds me of a recent thread I saw of taekook, but one of the more intimate photos was Taejin, cropped without their faces, misplaced in a taekook thread. Of course Taejinnies came in to correct them, though some were shading them (not really necessary imo) but it was generally amusing. Sorry lol this isn’t related to your topic but I get what you’re saying. The last thing I’d describe Taejin is brotherly… really. 
Q24. In last BV, Hobi decided on the ones sleeping in the camper van. Jin didn't get to, even though he wanted to. And in today's ep, Hobi decided V, Jm and he will take one car even tho Jin came out first. In Malta, Tae wanted to room with Jin. Jin didn't say anything to help. In NZ, Tae again tried to adjust the room no accordingly, but Jin took his chance when he got a single room. And today, Tae asked where Jin is gonna sleep. He said he can't decide. Do you think it's intentional? Or not?
A: I think it’s case by case. In general it looks like they’re not allowed to sleep together in any of their variety shows. When he won his own room, it wouldn’t have made sense if he was unhappy instead? It’s still their (working) vacation. I’m assuming they live together back at home whenever possible. Jin behaves accordingly to his surroundings, and ultimately it’s still a variety show. 
SOOP’s car arrangement was probably pre decided? By them, I think? And since it's only a few hours drive. Episode 1 and 2 gave me the impression that Jin seemed more self conscious of their interactions. Saying he can’t decide was a little bit of ‘gay panic’, I’m guessing. 
In Malta, it didn’t look like Jin could have said anything to help or intervene in Tae’s decision. He played it cool like it didn’t matter, but in fact he sang Epiphany to Tae, followed him water skiing instead of diving, held his hand to his chest when he arrived, and they shared the tent on their subsequent night. 
Q25. It really is sad that we will most likely never get Taejin doing a VLive, rooming or driving together. Alone. Though, I do prefer their subtle much more than loud moments. Sometimes I catch myself thinking 'how lucky' when other duos do the above mentioned. Not because I doubt Taejin in anyway, but it would have be heartwarming to see them interact without any restraint. From themselves or other members. Freely talk and interact. In the 7 years, except that beach date, we never had any.
A: Well… that’s true. And their little date in Dubai though that was in 2015. I’d love to see them without restraint as well, though it’ll prolly end up like the Dynamite vlive. But I don’t mind, of course. 
Q26. To have and experience love like TaeJin's is truly a gift.
A: They’d know best. I love to watch it. 
Q27. Something tells me that In The Soop will be a TaeJin festa.
A: So far it’s been 3 episodes and we finally have Taejin playing ping pong and Jin being a supportive boyfriend when Tae wanted to flip the pajeon but I wouldn’t call this a festa yet. Let’s see if you hit jackpot in the next 5 episodes. 
Q28. Hello~ long time reader of yours. Hypothetically, if taejin were canon, which member do you think had the hardest time accepting them? Like I know the boys will always love and support each other but then you have to also put into consideration that they are big celebrities. I personally think it would be hobi because yes he is a bubble of love and joy but he is also the most strict when it comes to serious topics. Idk what do you think?
A: Jimin! He’s very picky with his friendships and possessive of his best friends. He’s overflowing with love for the people he treasures a lot and in Tae’s case, his one and only soulmate, he’s very protective of Tae’s happiness. I know he loves Jin as well, but Jin is more grounded while Vmin has history in building their friendship to where it is now from their schooldays and that’s something irreplaceable. He seems like he would be wary of Tae feeling unhappy in his relationship because of the hardships before worrying about the impact it has on the entire group. Hobi comes in second.
Q29. You had me at "and getting blown on." :')
A: I had myself when I typed that and pressed publish… 
Q30. "His hand was on Jin’s hair for a whole minute. I counted." "He leaned on Jin for 50 seconds, I counted." "He laid down in Jin’s lap for a whole minute. I counted." She counted, people, she counted, so don't you dare say otherwise because she counted. Just thinking about the 'I counted.' is going to crack me up every time. Thank you. By the way, I bursted and combusted through out the Live, and now your post happened. I probably would not make it through a TaeJin unit Live. Very nice.
A: Stop clowning me lol! I wouldn’t make it through either. I was already in near unconscious state when he started blowing but it’s okay. I’m fine with not making it if we miraculously do get a vlive. 
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Q31. I wanted to ask something about the VLive. When Tae was lying down on Jin's lap, Namjoon kept looking back and forth at the camera and them, hard faced. And then later when Hobi was speaking, at around 34:20 min, I heard what sounded like slap? hit? And then Hobi moved away. And asked 'What's wrong with him?' Jin then went on to say 'nevermind'. What do you think happened here? Another mystery added to our ever growing list? Wonder what face Jin and the boys had when Tae started blowing on Jin.
A: Another mystery indeed. Whatever went on off screen… I’m very interested in the ways Taejin entertain and play with each other. 
Q32. Hi, sorry it's me again (re Zane Lowe interview). Last one I promise! So after sleeping on it I rewatched it. And I still think something happened after that Vlive, cause only RM and SOPE keep the interview going, poor JK looks uncomfortable and barely speaks, Tae is sitting first with his arm around JK, then just sitting next to JK (even more awkward), halfway he moves next to Jin (but no interaction) never says a word and looks on the verge of crying. Jin offers a few answers but is mostly withdrawn, Jimin looks very down and only says a few words, cute moment with JH but mostly just sits there. If this is the result of TaeJin being their adorable selves in that Vlive I don't even want a TaeJin Vlive anymore. I am also worried for their next comeback events, I am afraid this interview won't be the last of BH managing TaeJin. If you have the time please share your views, I am curious to know your take on this? Many thanks in advance!💜
A: In the vlive Tae covered his hair with a hat, and I think it’s because it was already silver. In the Zane Lowe interview his hair was still brown, so it was most likely recorded before the vlive. They definitely looked incredibly exhausted since they’re running on a tight schedule. Also Zane Lowe is not your typical American interviewer asking irrelevant questions like “What’s your favourite pizza topping?” but he was very professional and engaged them in meaningful questions. Usually they’d fool around but this time they might have been a little more silent than usual because they were thinking of appropriate and thoughtful answers? I don’t think it’s a consequence of the vlive. 
Q33. hi! are you sure the taejin moment you put on your so what masterpost from 06 july 2019 osaka was during so what? i remember people saying its other songs too.. did you find a video?
A: Sorry no I don’t have a video, I remember them looking at each other and then mouthing SO WHAT! Before jumping off to hype the audience. I think it should be from so what… but if I’m wrong, I’m sorry. If anyone can help with this?
Q34. I think of ships as wishful and cynical marketing, and don't like to be queerbaited. But Jin said I love you to Tae on National TV. Dec 2017 was a tragic month for K-pop, and so I don't think he would have joked. Two men can pretend to be lovers for the camera, but this felt a lot like courage, and I respect him for that. TaeJin performing next to Lil Nas at the Grammys is one more powerful moment for me. Someday BTS will end & it would be so lovely if there was a gutsy love story at its heart.
A: I don’t think BTS will end. They’re legends who created history while in their twenties, and this isn’t even their peak yet. Their name will be carried on to the future generations to come. So in that sense I don’t see an end. But it really would be lovely to see that gutsy love story play itself out. Say, within the next 10 years maybe? They have too many powerful moments which makes me think, this sort of love exists? The top of my list right now is Tae going from “I like Jin-hyung the most” to “Seokjin-ah. I love you so much” and their Spring Day moment. 
Q35. It makes me fazed and sad to think that there is always this possibility, however big or small, that TaeJin is nothing more than a fragment of our delusional imagination, and I really do not want it to be that way, because I cannot fathom it to be as such. I will believe in them till the end of time.
A: Look at the present and treasure the past moments, there’s so much to celebrate and be happy about! No one will know how the future will turn out, and I think that’s an even bigger reason to focus on the present. Not trying to be some saint or positive preacher or anything but it’s just something out of our control. Might as well enjoy the ride. 
Q36. You wanna know the funniest excuse I heard from shippers on why Tae was blowing on Jin? "Jin's neck is red because he has allergy. Tae is blowing on it to help with it. ☹️☹️" Nothing to do with Tae being flirty or even playful. Ah.
A: Wbk Tae has always been helpful to his favourite hyung :( I don’t know what kind of science kids study these days… blowing on allergies? 
Q37. Tae sitting smugly and silently in the back knowing very well that Jin, indeed, is very flexible.
A: Looking all smug like he’s seen it all. Like he knows exactly what Jin is capable of.
Q38. I disagree with anyone who says that TaeJin have not done anything ~questionable~ at some award show backstage. I disagree.
A: I don’t know who you’re disagreeing to but we uhh already have questionable moments on stage  
Q39. Hey how are you, thank you for your amazing work. I wanted to share my probably not so popular opinion, because I don't know where else to go. I can't watch or hear the Dynamite song/mv, it breaks my heart. I'm a Jin bias so I'm probably extra sensitive. I feel like it is Jikook ft. BTS (nothing against Jikook, I love them). They highlighted Tae in the teaser (don't get me started on Jin), but the mv is basically about Jikook. It also irks me that they are allowed to show their affection. while Taejin is mostly censored. I do love it when Taejin go "rogue" during live events (vlive, concerts - or not BH controlled content). Do you think BH is somewhat 'against' Taejin? If so, might that be the reason for their limited lines and screentime? (Also not forgetting about J-Hope's limited screentime in the mv). I'm sorry for this rant, I'm just a bit heartbroken for them. I'm glad Tae was clingy during Vlive. Again nothing against Jikook, but I love BTS as a whole, they should to…
A: I really don’t know how BH edits their MVs and videos or what’s their criteria. Hard to say if they’re hiding or against (because, why?). It’s okay, it’s normal to feel that way when any member doesn't get fair lines and screen time. It’s ridiculous that it’s constantly Taejin getting the short end of the stick and I wish I knew why before I bark up the wrong tree. My friend mentioned that Jin suddenly getting more screen time on the B side after the backlash against the EDM remix and Jin not getting his own solo scene/lines in the main MV seems like BH’s knee jerk reaction. It made me think a lot. But I don’t have answers. And it’s also not Jikook’s fault, since they’re not the ones who decide what goes into the final MV. 
If it’s any comfort, I felt as disappointed as anyone else who noticed that Jin didn’t get his own verse or a solo shot, Seokjinnie or not. But I have zero regrets streaming it hard because Jin wished for armys to find comfort and healing in it. The song is great and it’s an instant serotonin boost despite this issue. And streaming Dynamite gave them historical achievements and Billboard hot 100 #1 that they’re so happy they cried. If they’re happy, I’m happy. It takes collective fandom effort to voice out the unfairness and it should never have happened, but if it does, Seokjinnies will do it all over again. 
Q40. everyone in your asks always mentioning how tae takes care of jin but i think we should talk more about how seokjin takes care of taehyung as well.. a lot of taejinnies tend to say "taehyung is seokjin's baby" for a reason, he is so tentative to taehyung, he worries about him and always making sure he feels good, he loves babying him, he is always supporting him and taking care of him with little things.. i think its so beautiful to see, and its one if the first things that caught my attention
A: Yes, they’re both each other’s baby but let’s talk about how in SOOP episode 3 Jin made sure Tae got to flip the pajeon successfully, encouraged him throughout and asked Joon to take photos of his flip. I can’t function right now, my head is full of Taejin playing ping pong looking all soft and domestic and just… happy. Who plays ping pong smiling that fondly at their opponent?
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Q41. when you said "tae goes for it an tackles him to the floor" it made laugh but i also found it really cute? many times it seems like tae turns into an adorable excited puppy around seokjin and he cant help it 🥺
A: Adorable excited puppy sounds so accurate it's funny and cute at the same time 🥺
Q42. what jokes with jin and blue did tae make? im not familair with it..
A: Here, it's in this Run episode https://www.vlive.tv/video/158262. 
Q43. this is random but thank you for not pushing top/bottom agenda on your blog. I hate when ppl do it and revolve every moment about who is dominating who.. theres fantasy and theres real life, and when ppl analyze REAL scenerios it bothers me when they blur the lines & try to make the ship who they want them to be and not what they really are. people implying one "controls" the other & he becomes "submessive", is dismissing their very mutual bond (someone said it on an ask & you answered it great)
A: I appreciate that you read my answer thoroughly and gave this comment 🙏
Q44. AHHH THE TAEJIN VLIVE I FINISHED SCREAMING AND NOW IVE SEEN YOUR POST AND IM SCREAMING AGAIN AHHHH the way taehyung was so comfortable with jin its so adorable, and the way jin just lets him be, ahhh and it looks like tae really wanted seokjin's attention he tried everything but seokjin has much more self control he just allowed tae to do whatever he wants without exaggerating on his part.. they are so cute 😭 i love touchy tae, and the way he sometimes turns into a giant soft baby with jin 🥺
A: No problem, I needed to fangirl because I would have fainted otherwise. They’re both very comfortable with each other. I lost it when Jin turned back to yawn and then made funny faces at Joon and JK all the while Tae's head was in his lap. He's Jin's baby and vice versa 💜 Also did anyone notice that at first Tae turned his head to face Jin’s tummy? He turned to face the camera when Joon started talking. I flipped at that part. 
Q45. Tae having his cheek squeezed against Jin's shoulder RUINED me.
A: Exactly I understand this so well I actually screamed at my laptop. 
Q46. Tae is the purest and most innocent soul in Bangtan. I do not know how to elaborate further, but he just is, or so I believe. Yes, he is bold and does ~questionable~ things left and right like it is breathing air, but he still is the purest one. I cannot even pin-point another word which could describe what I am trying to say better - He is pure, that is it.
A: I know what you mean. When he strips away his V persona and he's just Kim Taehyung I often see his old 17 year old self shining through and I love it. Jimin said it as well, he's a pure soul. He’s pure and stays true to himself no matter what. 
Q47. Thank you for your Dynamite VLIVE post!!! Just want to ask one thing related to it... Do you agree that V is even softer/more caring because he also notice Jin's solo scene is cut from their MV? He made extra effort to praise Jin's part when they review the MV second time... I feel he is really caring for Jin and Jin was extra quiet during the VLIVE(including her body language of holding himself, laying on Tae's shoulder, feel like he was hurt)...
A: This issue is recurring over the years. So I don't really think so. They're touchy either way, they find comfort in it. Both seemed like they were being their usual self, which includes supporting and encouraging each other in any situation. Sometimes when they look tired, neutral or expressionless, people tend to project their own emotions on them. He would have praised Jin either way, I think. 
Q48. Hi there! This is about the House of Army behind where Taejin hugged unknowingly on camera. I saw some other shippers on twitter calling the op karmy (who did a post about the whisper before the hug)and us taejinnies delulu. She deleted the post now. What irks me is why nobody clarifies what was whispered then? I mean if we are just imagining stuff why do others not have any explanation for how Taejin behaves? Btw did you see the way they were flirting in Baskin Robbins' interview?
A: Oh no poor K-army. I did hear it with my own ears. They say a lot to debunk Taejin but when they do ‘explain’, the explanation is often BS. And of course I did 🥺
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Jin isn’t holding any ice cream but that tongue peeking out, hmmmm.
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Q49. Yo! Thank you for making this blog for us fellow taejinnies. I have observed that Tae's behaviour tends to change according to Jin's behaviour. If Jin is quirky and making jokes, Tae gets all shy and giddy. If Jin is in a bad mood or less talkative than normal, Tae tends to become more assertive, especially if Jin is in close proximity to him. What do you think about it?
A: I think I agree. And when Jin gets affectionate in front of cameras, he gets stunned and looks all shy and happy. When Jin goes all out cute, he holds back from tackling him to the floor. 
Q50. Hi Taejinnie sorry to bother you with another Q&A... Have you seen the 2019 BTS Memories DVD? The amount of Taejin sitting together (clingy) is insane in this paid content... those videos speak so loud for themselves..
A: Lol paid content woes huh. I haven’t seen everything yet, it’s a whole 10 hours. They’re constantly together off camera and backstage in all their concert DVDs, and the amount of raw interaction is just great. I love it. 
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Q51. Why do you think Jin just freezes up, doesn't respond or has a nonchalant expression whenever Tae does something outrageously affectionate? But he always responds light heartedly or plays along whenever the other boys does something similar or even more outrageous gestures? He could easily do the same with Tae right? No one is going to suspect anything. Why single out one out of 6? What's your opinion? Sorry, if you have already answered something similar. ☹️ I haven't read all your posts.
A: By outrageously affectionate, I’m assuming you mean something like nearly kissing him. If so, then I’d say it’s probably because Tae can be unpredictable and he would have probably followed through and kissed if Jin wasn’t alert at all times. The other boys will tease but we all know they won’t actually go ahead and kiss him. 
Q52. Whatever taejin have, it's really strong. Whether it's just a big friendship bond, brotherly love or romance, one can only hope to find a kindred spirit like that in their lives. I guess to me they don't really act like a hidden couple, hence I can't see them as romantic rn, but I'm sure there's unresolved tension and attraction from both sides. I don't want to become a delulu shipper, because there are too many of those, but I hope one day we find out what their status really is.
A: I'm not sure I understand, you can't see them as romantic but you're sure there's mutual unresolved tension and attraction? But I agree about that kindred spirits part. All of BTS are, actually. 
Q53. How do you distinguish between Jin's teasing statement? Like, there's a lot of instances where he says some flirty or cute sentences to all the boys as a joke. It's like a second nature to him. His genius wordplay. So how can you understand which one has romantic undertones? For me, the instances where he went out of his comfort zone to say something, eg: ILY on TV or don't cry it breaks my heart, those are ones I consider as statements true to his heart. But the ones like 'You're my superstar' was not necessarily romantic, IMO? However, I do believe that Tae's reaction to that statement was genuine happiness and romantic. I find it very hard to understand which statements are Jin's real sentiments. Which is why I guess I rely on his body language and gestures more than his words. I hope I'm making sense. 😭 I could be totally wrong about all this though.
A: I'm the same as you, I think that makes sense. I look at the situation, interactions, his body language and gestures. He's very liberal with telling others I love you and winking. So amongst all his confessions, the one where he says I love you on TV for Tae's birthday is genuine. When he sings "we're forever baby" during DNA at Paris concert. And "don't cry, it breaks my heart". A more subtle and indirect but powerful one is the coffee run episode where the first thing he says is "Tae doesn't drink coffee". Not an I love you confession but the implications are romantic. Superstar was a light hearted joke, yes. 
Q54 Did you see the videos where the boys were teasing about Tae's curly hair during Japan muster? Jin was reassuring him saying it's cute. Tae was really hesitant and down after the teasing. But we all loved it! The same day Jin went on weverse and called him Tae Junpyo. Later on his bday also he called him uri Tae Junpyo. Could be a reach but it seemed like he did it for Tae because he was upset about the hairstyle? And it's Jin's way of showing his love for it? Idk. Maybe I'm totally wrong. 😂
A: Jin being Jin showing his support thoroughly and would reassure Tae 100 times if necessary. And I see that birthday post of Tae Jun Pyo in a slightly different light now, knowing that Jin was comforting him. He loves him all the same and roots for him in whatever he chooses to do. 
Q55. I'm coming from 2 other analyst accounts, one for namjin, one for taekook. I'm sure there are more, but as an ot7, I'm utterly confused. Sometimes I wish I could lend everyone a fresh set of eyes so that they stop being biased for their own ship and actually understand that all are the same. Whatever you see in your ship is just wishful thinking. This is obviously going to be understood as hate, yet I'm genuinely concerned for people who actually assume any of it is real. This can't be healthy.
A: I made sure to include 101 disclaimers all around my page and yet… your reading comprehension is terrible. I assume you're gonna come back and see if I replied you. You think too highly of yourself, and that is annoying. I am perfectly aware of what I'm doing and what all this sounds like, so keep your concern. Very condescending of you to imply that shipping a pair makes someone less OT7. 
Q56. Seokjin-ah I love you so much. And now hearing Jin's mom calling Jin the same way. Tae picking up Jin's parents' satoori. My mind is making up all kind of domestic scenarios. Helppp.
A: Coughfutureinlawscough.
Q57. Jin, well aware that they are live, well aware that Tae is blowing on his neck, yet knowingly asks why his neck looked red. The audacity.
A: Agreed. How dare he? Do it more. 
Q58. The way Seokjin always goes the extra mile and beyond his comfort zone to ensure Tae is happy and satisfied, no matter how trivial the issue is. Always making sure his voice is heard. Wow.
A: He always pays attention to Tae's moods and makes sure he's never left out. They’re so soft and supportive for each other, truly. 
Q59. Tae to Jin: You like only food ? Jin: I like you too Jin: Taehyung-ah hyung-ah loves you a lot Jin: Our taejunpyo happy birthday,I love you taehyungie Jin : Taehyung-ah because I like you I can't dislike you No I am not crying😭. Are these love confessions ? If not idk what it is
A: It’s not a confession it’s a lifelong vow. Oops. 
Q60. I am still waiting for TaeJin to kiss during So What. HELP ME.
A: Anon… its time to move on.
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Q61. TaeJin is the first ship for a reason. People need to understand. ThERE IS A REASON (or multiple, rather).
A: I- I hear you. Very clear. 
Q62. Similar to JiKook, TaeJin had scope to dance together in Dynamite. The line arrangement could have allowed that, but guess what? We are never going to get that regardless of how the lines or verses arranged. We have got the original choreographies of other songs changing to keep them apart, so it would be an impossible stretch to expect a part some song's original choreography to have them put together. It ish sho shad... makesh me sho shad
A: 😂 its okay. We got vlives of them blowing and cuddling and shoots of them in each other’s laps. If you put them together for the choreo what if they shoot heart eyes at each other or kiss?! 
Q63. Let's face it. We all are just collectively third-wheeling on TaeJin.
A: And I'm loving it. 
Q64. I cannot be the only one who thinks that Tae radiates authority and dominance. I feel like he gives of that vibe the most in the band.
A: Ehh. Nope for me. He looks intimidating but he's really very adorable and baby. His powerful aura comes out mainly on stage and when he's feeling himself. The one who radiates authority and dominance is J Hope and Jimin, personally. 
Q65. taejin confuse me sm lol. theres times where im like “yep thats gay totally gay” but idk i feel like its the little things that i feel are missing to fully convince me. and ik that knowing isnt all that important but im honestly perplexed. i wonder if i read too much into things. that in reality theyre just friends who love and admire each other as theyve been living and working together for so long. sigh
A: They all give me that "That's gay…" moments before, because they're all really pretty much married to each other. Well… you don't have to try and convince yourself 😅 that sounds tiring. I'm doing this only because I can't unsee and I want a space to celebrate Taejin. Keep on watching BTS content, maybe that’ll help. 
Q66. It's our taejin's baby brother's bdy and the way they both were helping jk put the bdy hat looked so domestic to me giving me a vision of how they would take care of their own kids. I also wanted to talk about the birthday post of Tae for jk. He is squisshing his cheeks its so cute to watch. We can actually see how much he adores him. now let's come to bdy post for Jin by tae 2018? Where he is wishing him with a sexual tone happy birthday. See the difference btwn bff and bf I am blushing
A: 🥺 I watched that video on loop. Some things never change, like Tae squishing the birthday baby’s cheeks ;__; The visions you just gave me of Taejin as parents… I’m shook. When you put it that way… I have nothing else to add on. The whispering and breathing going on in that birthday video… /sweats
Q67. We really didn't get Taejin playing ping pong. I was expecting it so much. 😭😭😭 No scenes from the tent. No scenes from the room when they were together in BV4. I don't fully agree with the theory of BH hiding Taejin. But there's just many instances like these that make me wonder. The reason why I don't agree with the theory is because of Jikook. BH show a lot of scenes of them that makes them seem real even though I don't ship them. So why would BH hide Taejin? Does that make sense?
A: At episode 2, I stopped expecting after watching that Tae asking Jin "how was fileting the fish?" scene. But hey look we got a whole treat in episode 3! Lol I think it sounds like a stretch too, though not because of Jikook but because BH has better things to be worrying about. I still think Jikook is easier on the eyes as compared to Taejin simply because they’re ML. Probably because Jimin is flirty and touchy with all of them and JK is the youngest and therefore everyone’s baby. But I have to say, Jikook hugging in the recent DVD and trying to carry each other knocked me out lol. That was really… something. 
Q68. hiii can i ask where your header is from? it's so so so pretty omg
A: My Taejinnie bff made it just for me 😄
Q69. In the scene when Tae tried flipping pajeon, Joon said 'Taehyung, say a word to Jin'. This part I didn't understand. The subs mentioned Joon and Jin comforting a dismayed Tae. But did Tae get upset/sulky because of Jin? 😅 Why would Joon ask Tae to do that?
A: Don’t bother about the subs, those are written by the editors for entertainment purposes. He was pouting because he didn’t successfully flip the pajeon the first time. And Jin made sure he got to try again till he succeeded. I don't know why Joon said that though. Maybe he thought Jin wouldn't let him try again?
Q70. Taejin's dynamics is so unique to them. There's no one word in the dictionary to describe it.
A: None. Taejin is Taejin. And it’s beautiful. 
Q71. Hi! I just want to ask you, what do you think of this youtube video? (Taejin Moment SMA 2019 ) I know this happened a year ago, but I want to know your take on this. The whole 'just checking' part was so amusing. I also love Taehyung's subtlety in checking Seokjin across the table. I keep replaying it. I have just recently found this blog and I read the majority of your content in just about, a few hours. I hope you read this and stay safe!
A: Hello! It’s really cute, Tae does it a lot, you can see it in many other award shows. Whether he’s just looking, checking, or being a little jealous. This is my personal favourite because of how transparent Tae is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYivLeCvwBM. It’s amusing, agreed. If you go to https://twitter.com/Chaimae_TJ you can find more. She’s got incredible observation skills and notices little details. Ahhh lol that’s fast. I’m going to edit my older content eventually, thank you for going through my page :) 
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bunkernine · 4 years
i used romeo & juliet as a joke comparison for valgrace but like its funnier the more I think about it... okay so like what the comparison was, was that romeo (jason?) was in love with rosaline (piper???), and he swore SOOOO much he loved her lol, and then he meets juliet (leo lol). anyway this means little except that they're always running to each other's side through the play (hoo?) despite being on opposite sides of a conflict between families: aka montague and capulet... (let's say, roman and greek 🤔)
anyway r&j is a tragedy 💀 you're actually told that they die in the beginning of the play (like, the prophecy warns of death too?). here's how this plays out:
so juliet fakes death (leo does this 😑)
romeo sees this and thinks she's dead because he was not told of the plan (leo did not tell jason 😑)
but then he ACTUALLY dies (jason does this 💀)
and then juliet comes to and cries as she finds her love dead (this literally happens in tbm)
somewhere in the mix, there is a vial of poison and dagger used in r&j, similar to the cure and spear in hoo/toa!!!
here is one of the last few times r&j talk to each other in the play (i used no fear shakespeare for ease of mind):
JULIET: Oh, do you think we’ll ever meet again?
ROMEO: I have no doubts. All these troubles will give us stories to tell each other later in life.
JULIET: Oh God, I have a soul that predicts evil things! Now that you are down there, you look like someone dead in the bottom of a tomb. Either my eyesight is failing me, or you look pale.
ROMEO: And trust me, love, you look pale to me too. Sadness takes away our color. Goodbye, Goodbye!
(3.5.50) (aka, Act 3, Scene 5, Line 50)
anyway, while the roles are flipped from originally proposed this is fairly similar to this:
And you …’ He faced Leo. ‘Oh, my.’ The doctor’s expression turned grim. The friendly twinkle disappeared from his eyes. ‘Oh, I see …’
The doctor’s expression said, I am so, so sorry.
Leo’s heart filled with cement. If he’d harboured any last hopes of avoiding what was to come, they now sank.
‘What?’ Jason’s new glasses flashed. ‘What’s wrong with Leo?’
‘Hey, doc.’ Leo shot him a drop it look. Hopefully they knew about patient confidentiality in Ancient Greece.
(Blood of Olympus, ch 37)
there's this theme in the play about fate and how their misfortune was kinda inevitable... kinda like hoo. regardless, the whole play isn't a complete parallel of course but, ah it is fun to consider, no?
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bunkernine · 4 years
silena's relationship is always talked about because she ignored the aphrodite rite of passage, but like, it's hephaestus' curse to feel unloved and like machines more. hephaestus gets abandoned by his wife and outcasted, and is considered lonely and pathetic. leo, our other teen hephaestus protag, reflects this as he clearly favors being with festus and the argo over his friends. leo is seen as annoying and a bother and his fatal flaw is insecurity as he feels like a loner. but charlie is someone who is extremely likeable and charismatic, plus he maintains a loving relationship when neither his father nor siblings can. so yeah, silena ignored the aphrodite ideals, but so did charlie
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bunkernine · 4 years
ur like one of the only other people that also thinks jercy is boring as hell and valgrace is better so thank you for that. love u. like did percy and jason ever even talk what appeal is there
i had a long answer but i can shorten it easily:
1, first and foremost, jercy is the result of people ignoring characters of color and fans stumbling over themselves to ship white mlm pairings
2, whether vg is better is really based on opinion, yet is undeniable that jason and leo have actual canon basis while jason and percy could care less for each other
3, a lot of people think that jercy is boring. that's because of point 1.... when you boil it down, jercy was given the relationship that canon vg already had
4, a bit of the appeal besides friends → lovers, is opposites/competition or a sort-of enemies → lovers. this is to be blamed by riordan setting up jason and percy to being foils, when outside of the greek v roman difference, there is little that is striking enough to create a substantial opposition between the two. in canon, besides few forced moments that were mostly out of their control, the two were indifferent to each other... jason and leo provide a better "opposite sides of the same coin" but it's harder to establish because a, it wasn't as focused on in moa, b, leo's arc shifted too much to calypso, c, jason's arc shifted into the background
5, often times, grover and leo are ignored as being their best friends. additionally, jason and percy are often simplified to clichés when placed together, and percy is typically slipped into the role that leo already takes, which is 1, dumb considering percy is easily one of the most compelling characters (duh), but further simplifies leo's role as "just the side character" which he never really was, and there's a bunch of depth and shit to him ig
and do not get me wrong. a lot of people who create stuff for jercy are incredibly talented and they should continue doing what they like. but if leo was white, the energy for vg would easily rival jrcy. vg is filled with way too many tropes and feelings that it's hard not to... best friends → lovers is the most obvious, but there's a lot of very relatable feelings things going on, like self-hatred, confusion, belonging, inferiority, dorkiness, pining, and healing and stuff. i'm sure there's probably some nuance to jercy but i'm not an attractive white dude bro
in my opinion, vg works most in like, fics and such, because there's an established friendship and dynamic to pull from. jercy does not have this. but like, when people write jason&percy posts and friendship moments, u gotta consider why it couldn't be jason&leo... because it absolutely could and should be. but you know 🤭 🧑🏻🧑🏼 > 🧑🏼🧑🏾
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bunkernine · 4 years
oke basically i saw someone saying Piper and Annabeth wouldn't get along and Rick just did it to give Annabeth a female friend for the sake of it. I wanna hear your thoughts because I love your hot takes
no, annabeth has female friends, like she is friends with thalia, clarisse, um maybe rachel on a good day, uhhh probably her siblings sometimes, and sadie (?)
anyway that's weird because annabeth is piper's first and only friend (at least from what we see) she met at chb, outside of her siblings. piper instantly clicks with annabeth from the get go. also annabeth shares a lot of personality traits with piper's best friends, jason and leo, so it would be weird for piper to NOT like her. annabeth's been nothing but relatively pleasant to her and vice versa
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bunkernine · 4 years
imo caleo would've been good together if not for the way they were written, leo shouldn't have had to rely on a love interest to gain confidence and feel accepted
any relationship could be good if you write it well enough and it's not used as a main plot device in an adventure series. caleo was not good because it squashed away leo's potential arc and made his motivations feel shallow, while also pushing the worst tropes ever onto him. calypso was always a minor character and probably shouldn't have been brought back to hoo, but when she was brought back, she was morphed into a "reward" and "goal" for leo. in botl, calypso proved to be a learning point for percy, while caleo's introduction was a mere pit stop to take up pages and shove him into a relationship.
now, while the need to put all the teens into relationships was ridiculous, it's not completely unfounded. teenagers date. things get sloppy and jealous and lonely and confusing. however, we already had that reflected in jason/piper/leo's previous dynamic (which was solved anyway), and jason/piper/reyna, or even percy/annabeth/AndAnyGirlHeTalkedTo 😭. it did not need to be amplified in the seven. the thing about teens dating... is that most of them don't. lots of kids don't date because of intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. that's so incredibly normal.
sure, all his friends were dating, and that is off-putting, but pushing leo into a relationship? wack. there was no growth there. nothing was learned or developed (except for maybe my irritation 😔). all we got from this is that you need to be in love to feel happy and complete. all your problems will go away if you meet The One. that's not exactly a message to send impressionable middle schoolers. in short: caleo would've been fine if leo had gained his confidence through friends and learning his own self worth, rather than being used as a cheap and quick romance as a plot device for two characters who didn't need it.
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bunkernine · 4 years
1-6 of the ship asks for valgrace?
this surprised me cause i don’t really do ship asks, but i went canon :) only from tlh cause i didn’t feel like switching books lol
1 how did they first meet?
“Anyway,” Leo said, “I hope you’ve got your worksheet, ‘cause I used mine for spit wads days ago. Why are you looking at me like that? Somebody draw on my face again?”
“I don’t know you,” Jason said.
Leo gave him a crocodile grin. “Sure. I’m not your best friend. I’m his evil clone.”
TLH, ch 1
2 what was their first impression of each other?
“Leo,” Jason said, “you’re weird.”
“Yeah, you tell me that a lot.” Leo grinned.
TLH, ch 1
3 did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
[in regards to Leo] Thalia stared at him as if he’d just evolved from pond scum.
TLH, ch 35
4 who felt romantic feelings first?
Leo wasn’t exactly the trusting type, but he trusted Jason with his life.
TLH, ch 41
5 did either of them try to resist their feelings?
[insert girlfriends ig]
Pre-MoA → pre-TBM (Piper/Jason)
Post-BoO → Now (Leo/Calypso)
6 if you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? 
Leo saw something in Jason’s eyes he didn’t expect: Jason was asking for support. He wanted somebody else there. He was scared.
Leo grinned. “Sticking around is my specialty.”
TLH, ch 35
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bunkernine · 4 years
alright, so people who don't like liper, i wanna hear the reasoning!!! tell me your thoughts please!!! why is liper a bad ship
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bunkernine · 4 years
it's weird that one of the reasons to defend caleo is because leo deserved some human connection after years of trauma. why are you acting like he wasn't on a boat with rest of seven, nico and hedge??? he HAD opportunities for human connection. mans was literally on a cruise with his best friends. a relationship doesn't fix everything and leo could've used some more friends than some lips to make out with
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bunkernine · 4 years
thoughts on fraleo 🥺 it's about the symbolism...
Fraleo hits everywhere but canon lmao. In canon, Frank hates Leo with a very strange and intense passion, and Leo fucks around too much for anything meaningful. The initial anger toward Leo was because of the New Rome attack, but even after Frank found out it was an accident, he still disliked more than anyone else? He was jealous because... his child bride had a crush on Leo’s great-grandpa? Like, sure, they looked alike, but Leo’s super obnoxious lmao. And to be fair- Leo kept poking at him and wouldn’t take a hint to lay off. He pushed buttons that didn’t need to be pushed- Annabeth said something like Leo takes his sadness out through jokes in MoA, but at times, Leo was just being a dick. 
Anyway, let’s say they remembered Hazel was 13 and there was none of that love triangle square with Sammy. Overall, at least to everyone but Leo, Frank is relatively kind to everyone. Leo definitely could’ve use that compassion in his life. Frank’s a little more serious and Leo’s typically not. And while Frank isn’t entirely in-tune with how other people work, neither is Leo, but both are intelligent and capable. ((The more I write, the more I recognize that with their canon characterizations, the ship doesn’t work but with the *good* fanon characterizations, it’s amazing))
... So for the symbolism? YEAH. To fall in love with and trust the one person you know could end your life just like that? To be trusted by someone who you know has issues with your curse/gift? That stick... hm. Anyway, there’s the addition of them being children of Mars and Hephaestus, two gods who are on strange terms because of Aphrodite (huh. Hazel was Aphrodite in this situation for no reason), and the children to come together as boy/friends? That’s sick. Someone who is considerate and orderly next to a literal ball of chaos. Cool.
Anyway, Frank had his dad screaming in his head and Leo’s loud ass should’ve overpowered that ngl. And IDK, it just seems like Leo would’ve gushed over Frank’s muscles for hours and say no homo but k.
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bunkernine · 4 years
Reynabeth is better than Percabeth
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
fandom doesn't care for wlw ships but reynabeth is alright. it's hard to compare reynabeth who had like, 2 canon conversations, and percabeth who had 10 books and then some 💀. but lol? the potential is there. i don't really care about percabeth tbh: they were good in the first 5 books, but in hoo they were annoying. unfortunately, i only remember hoo (barely). so reynabeth is chill lmao but I don't have the context to appropriately rate it over percabeth. still LOLOLOL percabeth doesn't need the praise 💀💀💀 soooo annoying in hoo, they shouldn't have been there.
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bunkernine · 4 years
I'm too lazy to add the links right now, but this is just for me to remember if I already have a tag and what they actually mean to me lmao
People w/ tags:
Bee 👁️👄👁️, Pearl 😌, Nina 🥰, {Team 7 tag}, Mairéad 🥺, Oliver 👻, Pets 🗡️, Nia ✨, Isabelle 👶🏾, Monroe 🤡, Mae 😈, Dil 🔥, Yibby (lol), Ivyyyyy 🎉, Sara Speaks 👩‍⚖️ [used when she makes points, for some reason there's no actual Sara tag lol], Kal 🤓, Sandra (lol), Kam 🕴️, Mel 😅, Wren 🌊, Cecilia 🥴, quincy 😘, meg 💓, emme 💯, tessa 💄, wheel 🤖, dee 🖌️, jeremy 🎨, yashvi 💐, vi 🌼, lilli 🌸, ysabel🗿
Other Tags:
PJO Meta 🔱 [blanket term ngl]... CHB Extended 📚 [fake in-universe stuff]... Roman Prequels [ideas related to the Romans pre-TLH]... Eviltrio au (lol)... Character Analysis 🧑‍🏫 [looks at characters in-canon or fanon interpretations]... Ship Analysis 😯 [looks at ships lol]... PJO Shorties 🤫 [anytime i lie about fake pjo short stories, hate this name]... god tier ideas 🌟 (obvs)... writing ideas 🦉 (obvs)... my fic nonsense (IM JUST GOING TO ASSUME THIS IS STUFF I WROTE NGL I HAVE TOO MANY FIC TAGS TO TELL)... pjo milfs 😩 (god tier)
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bunkernine · 4 years
do u think Frank and leo could have had a better relationship if the weird frazeleo love triangle was nonexistent
Good question! I would actually say no. In canon, Frank and Leo generally don't click- Leo abuses him for amusement and Frank isn't that good with people he's unfamiliar with. They are fine as coworkers and workbuds but once that prophecy is over, after a few calls and then that's it. (( This is why Fraleo fics are interesting because it rectifies that!!! )) It would be slightly better, but their personalities are too different.
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bunkernine · 4 years
Hi!!! Thoughts on Jasabeth? 😊 love your blog so much by the way! I love your valgrace writing! 💜
Mmm. Gonna be honest with Jasabeth. I do not care for it lmao. I mean, I guess??? But I’m way too deep into Valgrace to like Jasabeth, since they’re virtually the same thing but uhh, vg is fun 💀. Sorry anon, can’t say anything great about them this time. IMO, Jasabeth is just the straight, white, and boring version of Valgrace. And even if you didn’t like Valgrace (impossible) and you think Leo is too much (he is) and Jason should be with someone more serious (maybe), then Jasabeth is literally the same as Jeyna 😳? On Annabeth’s side, then just give her Reyna lmaoo, Jason’s just a dorkier version of Reyna. If you wanted Annabeth to be with someone dorky and a dude, then... Percabeth was right there... 
They had that one moment where they built off each other’s ideas nicely, but I think that should’ve went to Annabeth and Leo instead, or Jason and Percy, because... smart people shouldn’t be pitted against each other, and the other two were supposed to be pitted against each other so them adding to each other would be more meaningful. Besides that, Jason and Annabeth seem like the type to fight for the best grade in a class for three days and then Jason realizes he literally doesn’t care and Annabeth remembers she could spend the time doing literally anything else. 
TL;DR jasabeth is somehow simultaneously a boring version of valgrace/jeyna/percabeth 😩
anyway thank youuuuuuu ahhhh (me saying i don’t care about your ship and then saying thanks for liking my blog is sending me, im so sorry omg 😭😭😭). and thank you about the writing, haha i try for them sometimes 😌
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