#ship scenarios
leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
scenario | crime fighting au | police x criminal | hero × villain au (technically could be)
Female!Outlaw (A) x Male!Law Enforcer (B)
(feel free to change the genders!)
- A has gone through a betrayal arc with the people she works with so she decided to take revenge
- B had a lover that passed away that A reminds him of, which is why he's always on her case, inside his heart hoping that she's actually a good person, although projecting the image of his past lover onto her, which is unhealthy
- At some point A has actually fallen for B, but knowing about how he only sees her as his past lover, she refuses to let him into her heart
- So back to the storyline, she's taken revenge and is watching everything burn down. B manages to find her
- "There were other ways to bring justice to those guys, you know?"
- "Hah, what did you think I could do? Call the police? And get myself caught in the process? Besides, I couldn't care less about justice, so for the last time stop lecturing me. I'm not a good person like you want me to be."
- B was about to protest, but decided to hold his tongue. It wasn't going to go anywhere; it never does. He changed the topic instead. "...still, this isn't like you... to take reckless decisions. You're usually more careful aren't you?"
- A scoffed. 'Well it's not like I have anything to lose.' she glances over at B '....Almost anything.' Again, she knew he'd just lecture her about the worth of living, so she decided to mess with him instead.
- "Heh, what if I did it to grab your attention? Steal your heart?" She snorted, cringing at her cheesiness.
- However, to her surprise, B silently approached her. He gripped her wrist, turning her around to face him, and put a hand on her cheek. The deep blush spreading across her face betrayed her bewilderness.
- "And what if you already did?"
- A's heart skipped a beat. But she shook her head, as if to not let it get to her. 'Remember, he's only saying that because he sees his past lover in you. He doesn't actually like you back. I was joking anyways ahaha...'
- When she felt B's hand wipe her cheek gently, only then did she realize that she was crying.
- 'Stupid fucking feelings...'
- "You've learned a long time ago about my past lover, haven't you? I know what you're thinking. I'd be lying if I said I didn't see my lover in you at first... but soon I've come to realize that you and her are two different people. Completely different. But even after realizing that... my feelings for you didn't die out. I started falling in love with you for you. For little things such as your witty little comebacks, the sound of your laughs, the rare sight of your genuine smile. I've fallen hard, you've completely captured my heart... It's also why I truly believe you're a good person at heart. You've shown that you have empathy for other people, I've seen how you... you don't want to be doing all the crimes you're committing, but you have no choice. You were in debt to those guys weren't you? You had to do it to survive. So stop convincing yourself that you're a bad guy, that you're not someone worth saving! Those who've been holding you on leash and collar, they're no more, so you don't have to continue this lifestyle anymore. You can still turn a new leaf, if you make up for the things you've done, and the weight will finally be lifted off your shoulder. So please..."
- A stepped away from him, sobbing silently as her tears refused to stop. B smiled gently at the sight. Never has he seen her so vulnerable, and the fact that she's no longer hiding from him... does it mean that she's finally opened her heart to him?
- He slowly approached her, warily putting his arms around her, not sure if she'd welcome the gesture. A let herself into his arms, fully embracing the sense of security she hadn't experienced before.
- Is it okay to love now?
- After some time and circumstances A finally gets a clean slate. B is overjoyed but they don't get together right away because A needs more time duh lol. B IS WILLING TO WAIT HOWEVER LONG IT WILL TAKE IM AJSBSKSBKSNS HE REALLY WILL
- Gentlemanly and cheesy, he's always lowkey flirting with her but always being a gentleman with her. IT DRIVES A'S HEART CRAZY AND ANNOYS HER AT THE SAME TIME. Bro she's really playing hard to get but B is just as persistent LOL
- Pretty much the same predating era only this time he has the ✨dating privelleges✨ now... sort of
- To A's surprised he's never made any physical advances with her apart from holding her hand. She realizes that he's being cautious about her comfort. While she does find that sweet it's also bothering her. So what does she do? TAKE MATTERS INTO HER OWN HANDS
- After a simple park date B walks her home as usual, but before he leaves, A tells him to wait. He turns around and suddenly the girl has her hands on his cheeks and initiates their first kiss YES GO GIRL
- IT HAPPENED ALL IN A SPLIT SECOND. By the time B came to his senses, the door was slammed shut with A nowhere to be seen. He did, however, catch a glimpse of her very red face ahehe
- BECAUSE A CERTAIN FRIEND OF MINE CALLED HIM A MALEWIFE I CANT UNSEE IT ANYMORE AKSBKSSNMS A cant cook or do any housechores to save her life so all of that is B's thing. He lives alone so he's an expert at it 👌✨ Cooks hella good too get you a man like that LOL
- Now that I think about it I think A appreciates Acts of Service the most, but secretly loves Physical Touch. B is someone who gives Words of Affirmation and does Acts of Service, but enjoys Quality Time the most
- ngl their differences in mindset, esp A's stubborness and difficulty to trust, leads to small quarrels initiated by her mostly. B always apologizes first but A would eventually apologize as well.
a/n: gosh i have so many stuff that ive written but theyre all over the place (notes, docs and my one oc channel in a server w my friends :"D) that i have to find them all OTL for now these ones are from my notes
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jacky-rubou · 3 years
In one of your posts you said something about scenarios between Right and Henry. Would you mind telling us?
I don't mind at all! I have a few examples here of scenarios I've thought about. This might get long-winded so buckle up.
1. Toppat Leader Henry is seemingly oblivious to RHM's subtle hints, leading to RHM being more and more blatant about his feelings. This goes on a while until a frustrated RHM says "Screw it!", grabs Henry by the face, kisses him and flys off. Henry catches up to him and reveals that he did in fact know that RHM had feelings for him and reciprocated them, but didn't feel he deserved to be loved by RHM because of what he did to him way back on the Airship. This leads to a tender moment between them as RHM tells him he's forgiven him for a while and that he deserved to be loved followed by a kiss that Henry returns. (this happens after the Toppat 4 Life ending)
2. After a fallout, RHM needed some space from Reginald, but still wanted to go on missions in the meantime. I headcanon that the Toppats have a rule that there must be a minimum of two Toppats on a mission for safety reasons. RHM picks Henry after some consideration, as he was becoming a little antsy staying on the Toppat Orbital Station as leader. Reginald would stand-in as leader when they're away. A few missions together later and they've started to fall for each other. I haven't really fleshed this one out that much. (It also takes place after the Toppat 4 Life ending)
3. RHM and Henry are pining for each other but they both think the other is with someone. For instance, RHM thinks Henry is with Ellie and Henry thinks RHM is with Reginald. This gets sorted out when Ellie comments to RHM about his very obvious feelings for Henry and encourages RHM to go for it. I like to think that both Ellie and Reginald are very supportive of RHM and Henry being together. (This is after the Toppat King ending)
These are only a few of the scenarios I have, but I don't think I can write all of them here. I mostly think of them when I'm at work, to pass the time, y'know? I hope this answers your question sufficiently.
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sailorzelda94 · 6 years
Scenarios with my ships
Going out shopping and picking things for their partner out of their partners comfort zone.
Trying new foods together
Going to the movies/netflixing at home
Game night
Trying crazy things like bungee jumping or rock climbing
Going to the club/going out dancing
Learning to pole dance together
Surprise party
Cooking class/making dinner
Interior designing/painting a room
One partner getting sick and the other caring for them
First kiss
First i love you
Feel free to add on.
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weenieastrology · 9 years
Hi~! The last ship please~ with Virgo and Cancer~ thank you~!
one giving the other their jacket and not getting it back from the other until it stops smelling like them
one giving the other their jacket- cancer
the other- virgo(:
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hq-things · 9 years
aPARTMENT AU WITH IWAOI, DAISUGA, AND KUROKEN (separate and/or all of them together)
|| Oh my god yes yes I will do these alsgkjsg (though like separately because wew what are limits. They’ll be pretty short though huhu)  ||
College definitely takes a toll on people. Oikawa, despite the smiles, was no exception to the fact. Tired and drained, the brunette slumped on the couch. Mind consumed by stress, he was in no condition to figure out what to focus on first. “You seriously need to take it easy.” A voice sighed as a pair of hands made its way to massage his tense shoulders. Looking up, a small smile made curved the setter’s lips at the sight of the dark haired male. “You’re home early, Iwa-chan.” He gave a small grin, causing the other to smile back. “Well someone has to make sure you’re not going to hurt yourself.” He replied. Such a comment made Oikawa pout. Fortunately, Iwaizumi had found a way of wiping that fake petulant look on his face. A kiss on the lips did more than its job. Pulling away, Iwaizumi made his way to the kitchen counter. Oikawa simply remained on the couch, taking his earlier words into mind. “Iwa-chan, can you make dinner?” He asked. The other scoffed. “Don’t push your luck.” However, obviously enough, he was going to do so for him anyway.He spoils him way too much, after all.
In front of their team, they were the power duo in terms of leadership; one stern yet kind, the other compassionate but also one not to mess with. Outside that, the two were dorks in all aspects, especially when it came to a few things.A break from their normal activities, they both took it as an opportunity to goof off for a bit, before returning to their usual responsibilities. Music resonated their room as they swayed and danced to the beat while both simply wore a plain shirt and a pair of boxers. However, it wasn’t too long until Daichi had decided to put their little party to a stop, grabbing Sugawara. The male in his arms wasn’t taken by surprise at all, laughing as they both fell into their bed and not to mention enjoying the embrace of the other. “Geez.” He spoke, turning to face his captain. Daichi found himself chuckling a bit, scooting closer to his companion, his arms still around him. “So, are we ordering pizza tonight?”“Mm…” Daichi was obviously in not much of a thinking mood at the moment. “Why don’t we try cooking another go together?”His suggestion immediately made Sugawara grin from ear to ear, even if he knew the inevitable fact, they’ll end up messing up the place like last time.
Night time was game night for Kenma. Though in Kuroo’s case it was try to get Kenma distracted while he accomplishes a chapter or two of the game he’d gotten himself a few days prior.Making his way to the living room area of their place, he took a seat next to Kenma. The blond’s eyes were too glued to the console on his hands. “Hey,” He greeted him, mashing the buttons in order to defeat the number of opponents surrounding his character. Being his childhood friend and current partner, Kuroo took this to no offense at all, simply watching the other as his arms circled around his waist. It brought a blush to cloud to his companion’s cheeks, but it wasn’t like he minded.Minutes passed, their position seemed to change a bit. Between the bedhead’s legs sat Kenma while still playing and being hugged like a teddy bear. Just about to finish the last chapter for the night, he hit pause in reflex as he felt Kuroo nuzzle against his neck. The blonde eventually sighed in defeat. The game can wait.
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qveenpoppy · 10 years
if you're still doing them, can you do jonnor scenarios? thanks love. x
Fake dating
James would totally be all for it, but Connor would shy away from it. James is always super comfortable being affectionate with the boys, but I can see Connor being more uncomfortable with it, especially since James would amp up the affection if they’re supposed to look like they’re dating. (But he’d only be blushy because he sort of likes James, and this would come out when James kisses him in private, and Connor’s all confused as to why but he admits to liking him and James just kisses him again to confirm that he likes him back.)
I’m not gonna go into too much detail about this but I feel like James would like being called Daddy? (I honestly haven’t thought about this until now, but I dunno, it could be a thing…)
Their first kiss
They probably shared it on Connor’s birthday, because they were on a bit of a high from the show, and James is a sap, so he just couldn’t stop wishing Connor a happy birthday, but even with all of his gifts, Connor shyly admitted to wanting more, admitting that what he wanted was James, so James kissed him to please him and pulled away, asking, “Was that okay?” And Connor smiled and said, “Actually, I think I need a little more of that.” And James just laughed, kissing him again.
An au of my choice
High School AU: James is on the soccer team at their high school, while Connor is the punk kid that people tend to keep their distance from (he’s not mean or anything, just has a nose ring and a blue streak in his hair, usually wears dark clothing, so people tend to shy away from that), and they shouldn’t really mix, but James sees him around school a lot and feels bad, so they start talking and find things in common, and James invites Connor to join his band ("I don’t sing that ‘pop’ stuff, though." Connor argued. "It’s not pop! It’s acoustic rock!" James argued back, and Connor just chuckled, saying, "Fine, I’ll join, but only because a cutie like you is quite hard to say no to." And James just blushed.), and then they just grow to become really close, best friends, even. And then James overhears Connor singing a song of his own on guitar, one that talks about him and someone else being judged for their relationship, and James feels bad, so he steps into the room, scaring Connor, but hugging him anyway, asking him who the song’s about, and Connor sighs, saying that it’s about him. And James looks at him for a moment, before kissing him suddenly, admitting that he likes him back, then babbling on about how they are opposites but he really doesn’t care, and Connor kisses him to shut him up, saying, “You talk too much.” And James laughs, kissing him a third time.
(I went too far with this, didn’t I? :p)
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captainmjolnir · 11 years
sterek? :)
Fake datingAlpha convention, Derek needs a mate to be a proper Alpha and there’s literally no one else so Stiles has to step in but then it turns out other Alphas fucking love Stiles and they try to court him away from Derek and Derek gets super possessive and yesssssss 
Bodyswap Stiles just being super exciting and exploring Derek’s body because fuck he never thought he’d get to. Derek being impressed and turned on by Stiles’ surprisingly large dick
Sexpollen/fuck or die/aliens made them do itKidnapped by a group of hunters who keep werewolves, emissaries and pack humans as pets instead, as either cage fighters or sexual entertainment. Either they fight to the death or they fuck in front of the hunters.
Dark!ficScott becomes an alpha, Derek flips out, kidnaps and bites Stiles to keep him in his pack 
Secret kinks Stiles loves being fucked while Derek is wolfed out. Derek loves it when Stiles takes control
Their first kiss They’re both getting up in each other’s faces, screaming and then BAM MAKE OUT TIME
Meeting the parents Sheriff S actually legit shooting Derek in the foot
Moving in together Derek rebuilds the Hale house and everyone gets their own room except for Stiles and he’s all put out and upset until Derek shows him the master bedroom with a special draw full of mountain ash, wolfsbanes, books and clothes he’s stolen from Stiles over the years and he just looks at him, not saying anything until Stiles grins and says “of course i’ll move in with you, ya big loser”
A crossover of my choiceAvengers. Loki was Stiles’ mum and when he was taken back to Asgard, part of the deal was the Avengers would watch over him, so he grew up with Tony and Bruce as his cool uncles, Natasha as a weird older sister, Steve as an on call motivational coach and Clint as just… clint
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
scenario | fake dating au
person A, who loved their partner so much that they could never stop talking about them to all their friends and family, just caught them red handed, cheating on them so shamelessly.
now here's the problem: A's parents wants to meet the person their child so lovingly talks about.
A feels too ashamed to tell their parents the truth, so what do they do? find a temporary placeholder for their now ex-lover.
A asks person B or person B offers to help A themself; either way, B is one of A's friends so they witnessed everything from start to finish, meaning they're able to reenact being A's lover and all their moments without too much trouble. at least for that one meeting with A's parents...
but we all know how fake dating tropes turn out in the end :) *cackles at all the misunderstandings*
it can either be that B has always loved A from the sidelines this whole time even before A got together with their ex, or that A and B take the friends to lovers route and slowly start to genuinely fall in love in the process of the fake dating. your pick :D
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weenieastrology · 9 years
Ship- Pisces (f) and Scorpio (m) the work one where one gets home later
one getting home from work later than the other and stretching out on top of them like a big lazy cat while they sit on the couch in front of the tv
one getting home from work later than the other: pisces
one sitting on the couch in front of the tv: scorp
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weenieastrology · 9 years
4 of the otp thing with libra and leo :)
one getting home from work later than the other and stretching out on top of them like a big lazy cat while they sit on the couch in front of the tv
one getting home from work later than the other and stretching: libra
one sitting on the couch in front of the tv: leo
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weenieastrology · 9 years
aquarius and gemini animal one
one inexplicably bringing home an animal and refusing to drop it at the shelter so they and the other have to take care of it
one inexplicably bringing home an animal: aqua
the other: gemini
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weenieastrology · 9 years
Cap and gemini for the last one?
one giving the other their jacket and not getting it back from the other until it stops smelling like them ♥
one giving the other their jacket: cap
the other: gemini
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weenieastrology · 9 years
Scorpio and Pisces for the second one? 😊
one putting their ridiculous music on in the car and singing along while the other sits in the passenger seat with their head in their hands
one putting their ridiculous music on in the car: pisces
one that sits in the passenger seat with their head in their hands: scorp
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weenieastrology · 9 years
Virgo and Cancer, second one?
one putting their ridiculous music on in the car and singing along while the other sits in the passenger seat with their head in their hands
one putting their ridiculous music on in the car: cancer
one that sits in the passenger seat with their head in their hands: virgo
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weenieastrology · 9 years
The memes one, virgo and cap
one sending memes to the other while they’re at work so much they turn their phone off in exasperation
one sending memes to the other: virgo
they turn their phone off in exasperation: cap lol
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weenieastrology · 9 years
Memes one with Virgo and Sagittarius
one sending memes to the other while they’re at work so much they turn their phone off in exasperation
one sending memes to the other: virgo
one that turns their phone off in exasperation: sag
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