#ship: lillian x emrys
vellichor-virgo · 3 years
manuscript search liii
from @sleepyowlwrites 💗 my words are cozy, dreamy, magic, glow, and ember.
cozy (from circle of hurt):
There were Lillian and Emrys in another corner: he lounging in an armchair, she perched on the arm with her legs tossed over his. They were laughing softly about something, cozy and intimate despite being surrounded by people.
dreamy (from night’s daughter):
“The Spring Festival,” Aislin prompts brightly. “The Eilimnian celebration every year on the spring equinox, for the new year and in honour of the goddess Talia. I hear that all the girls wear dresses blue as the sky and green as new grass, and braid flowers into their hair, and that everyone dances through the streets all day.” Her expression turns dreamy, wistful. “I’ve always wanted to go, but Mother and Father have never brought me. They say I’m still too young to go with them when they leave home.”
magic (from night’s daughter):
I grew older and stranger, and the rumours grew with me. People began to say that if you looked closely, you could see that the tips of my ears were pointed, or that at night the pupils of my eyes narrowed to glowing, catlike slits, or that if you cut me, my blood would run tar-black instead of red. That I communed with otherworldly creatures in the depths of the woods. That my ever-present necklace was ensorcelled with dark magic. They would use words like witch and faerie and changeling, but never my name—only “the Clarington girl”—as if uttering it aloud was bad luck.
glow (from night’s daughter):
“Don’t you have better things to do, Ashstone?” [Pollux] asks, in the coldest tone I have ever heard from him.
[Iliana] pouts at him. “Sick of my company already?”
“Why don’t you spit out why you’re hovering like an overgrown hawk?”
Iliana chuckles, tilting her head back. A shaft of sunlight illuminates the column of her exposed throat, her skin seeming almost to glow.
ember (from night’s daughter):
“Sweet, aren’t they?”
“Very.” I watch two of the puppies clamber over their mother’s back. She lets out a low growl of displeasure, but there’s no real ferocity behind it. “Do they have names?”
“The black one is Nova, and the one with brown patches is Ember.”
“And the little brown one?”
Pollux shakes his head, chuckling. “The head kennel-keeper’s son chose the name. He’s three.”
i'll tag @sleepy-night-child @cream-and-tea @solipsism-lemonade @willowiswriting @quilloftheclouds @lightpurplelilies & @lunarmoment (+ open tag as always)
new words: growl, pout, blood, green, and intimate :)
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vellichor-virgo · 3 years
manuscript search xxxv
i was bored, so i went hunting for an open word search tag. behold, i've gotten my sticky little hands on one from @sleepyowlwrites and i'm looking for road, yellow, wood, travel, fair, & also the bonus words sigh and difference in the hopes that Sleepy will give me a sticker.
road (from soft like silk chiffon):
“Aren’t you going to thank me?” Akina asks at one point. The sky is beginning to go purple at the edges, and they’ve slowed down, gliding lazily by the side of the road, like leaves floating in a meandering river current.
Adreanna lets out a breathless laugh. She didn’t think she had any more laughter left in her, after today, but Akina just keeps pulling them out of her, like rabbits out of a hat. “For what?”
Akina shoves her shoulder. “For making you do this, obviously.”
Adreanna pulls Akina’s hand to her mouth. “There’s a lot more to thank you for than just that.”
yellow (from circle of hurt):
There were Lillian and Emrys in another corner: he lounging in an armchair, she perched on the arm with her legs tossed over his. They were laughing softly about something, cozy and intimate despite being surrounded by people. Akina could have approached them, but it was obvious to anyone that the two of them only had eyes for each other. She didn’t miss the way Lillian tilted her body toward Emrys, like a sunflower turning its yellow face toward the sun. Nor did she miss the way Emrys’ hand fluttered uncertainly in the air before he placed it carefully on Lillian’s bare leg, a tender, featherlight touch.
wood (from Night’s Daughter):
I grew older and stranger, and the rumours grew with me. People began to say that if you looked closely, you could see that the tips of my ears were pointed, or that at night the pupils of my eyes narrowed to glowing, catlike slits, or that if you cut me, my blood would run tar-black instead of red. That I communed with otherworldly creatures in the depths of the woods. That my ever-present necklace was ensorcelled with dark magic. They would use words like witch and faerie and changeling, but never my name — only “the Clarington girl” — as if uttering it aloud was bad luck.
travel (from Night’s Daughter):
A floorboard creaks beneath me, the sound carrying in the still silence.
Iliana’s back stiffens. My pulse falters.
For a long, long moment, she does nothing, making me think she’ll dismiss it and go on her way, allowing me to escape.
“Who’s there?”
I hold my breath, going as still and silent as I do just before I fire an arrow at a game animal.
“I know someone’s here,” she says without turning around. Her voice is soft, almost a coo. The sound seems to resonate in me, travelling along my spine like a bead of icy water. “There’s no point in hiding.”
fair (from circle of hurt) (context: Caelan and Sabina are… less than sober, and Sabina insists that she saw a kitten outside, which Caelan refuses to believe. TW/CW for mentions of intoxication? drunkenness? not sure how to word that, but you get what i mean)
Sabina huffed and stomped her foot, her delicate pixie wings shivering behind her with the motion. “I’ll show you. I’ll go out and find it. You owe me ten dollars when I bring it to you.”
“I’d say you owe me twenty when you don’t find shit, but I don’t think it’s fair to take advantage of an inebriated girl.”
Sabina rolled her eyes heavenward — a clear sign of how intoxicated she was, since she’d never do such a thing if she was anywhere near sober. “As if you’ve ever cared about fairness. You knew Lil was plastered that time you dared her to jump off the roof of that abandoned shed.”
“In my defense, so was I.”
sigh (from Night’s Daughter):
The king? I’m going to meet the king?
Maia must see the sudden shocked panic in my eyes, because she gives me a sympathetic look and a reassuring smile. Pollux, on the other hand, remains unaware, heaving a dramatic sigh. “Well, I can’t argue with His Royal Majesty, can I?” He leans over the table to pluck a grape from Maia’s bowl. “Enjoy yourselves.”
difference (from Night’s Daughter):
“You see, Celena,” Iliana says, paying no heed to the attention the two of us are gathering, “the difference between myself and the other young women of this court is that they are all scrambling to hook their claws into the crown. The prince. They are trying desperately to claw their way into the royals’ favour. Those are the girls, and the families, who see you, a mysterious, unknown newcomer, as a threat.”
I think of the way she walked up to Alara Crestling and the other girls; the way she addressed them without an inch of uncertainty, utterly unapologetic. Walking and talking as though she already has a crown on her head.
“And you already have your claws hooked in?”
The look she gives me is imperious, cool pride curling around her smile.
hmmmm i'll tag @josephinegerardywriter @bloodywriter @cream-and-tea @solipsism-lemonade & @sleepy-night-child (+ open tag for anyone else rooting around with their sticky raccoon hands)
new words: purple, intimate, luck, spine, & roof
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vellichor-virgo · 3 years
magic gang tweets!
gonna post more writing when i get a chance, but in the meantime, get to know the gang better through some incorrect quotes that i turned into tweets
taglist + transcripts below the cut!
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Tweet 1:
Akina: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Caelan: You could at least start with "good morning"
Akina: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Tweet 2:
Leo: Confession: sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Caelan: The cow??
Leo: ...What?
Akina: Cae, WHY?
Tweet 3:
Emrys: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life.
Lillian: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Emrys: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Friends with bees. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Caelan: Edible
Tweet 4:
Caelan: You fuckers don't know about my knife-stick. It's a knife taped to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon.
Adreanna: Spear.
magic gang taglist: @cream-and-tea @chaotic-queer-disaster
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