#friendship: caelan x adreanna
vellichor-virgo · 3 years
magic gang tweets!
gonna post more writing when i get a chance, but in the meantime, get to know the gang better through some incorrect quotes that i turned into tweets
taglist + transcripts below the cut!
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Tweet 1:
Akina: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Caelan: You could at least start with "good morning"
Akina: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Tweet 2:
Leo: Confession: sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Caelan: The cow??
Leo: ...What?
Akina: Cae, WHY?
Tweet 3:
Emrys: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life.
Lillian: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Emrys: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Friends with bees. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Caelan: Edible
Tweet 4:
Caelan: You fuckers don't know about my knife-stick. It's a knife taped to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon.
Adreanna: Spear.
magic gang taglist: @cream-and-tea @chaotic-queer-disaster
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vellichor-virgo · 2 years
manuscript search lxix
i am alive! sorry for neglecting this blog — i promise i’m gonna try to be active again! 
time to start attacking the pile of tag games i haven’t done. this one is from @dontjudgemeimawriter :) my words are believe, offer, dismiss, concern, & recognize
believe (from circle of hurt):
“What’s going on, Kina?” [Caelan] said again, more gently.
“Nothing’s going on,” she said, but there was a tremble in her voice. “Maybe I just wanted to talk to him, Cae. Is that so bad?”
“When it comes to him, yeah,” Caelan replied. “You should’ve spat in his face. He was awful to you, Kina.”
“It wasn’t all bad.”
Caelan exhaled in a frustrated huff. “You can’t seriously still believe that. Please tell me you’re not planning to get back together with him.”
Akina said nothing. Caelan stared at her, an icy curl of dread clenching around his insides.
offer (from circle of hurt — TW: alcohol):
“I didn’t think anybody noticed things about me,” [Nik] said. “Especially not you.”
Maybe it was from all the alcohol, but Nik felt as though the air was humming between them. He could still hear the sounds of the party, but they seemed to be coming from very far away.
Adreanna’s eyes were fixed steadily on his as she offered him the wine again. “I notice plenty of things about you.”
Nik held her gaze. “Like what?”
A hint of a smile touched the corner of her mouth. “Like how nervous I make you.”
Nik flinched, startled. He didn’t know what he’d expected her to say, but it certainly wasn’t that.
dismiss (from night’s daughter):
I glance over at the maid. “Are you sure... I mean, is this really my room?”
The young woman nods, her expression placid. “It is, miss. His Highness Prince Aedan ordered that it be prepared for you.”
Well, I suppose I cannot argue with that. I’m far too tired to argue anyways.
The maid begins to ask me if there is anything I need, but I tell her no before she can even finish, suddenly so swamped with exhaustion I can barely keep my eyes open. She must notice, because she wishes me a good night and dismisses herself without any more fuss.
concern (from circle of hurt):
They continued speaking, but now Nik could tell something was wrong. He’d never seen Caelan look so serious; concern had washed all the dancing light out of his eyes. As for Akina—when Nik craned his neck to see her face, she looked as though she might cry. What could they possibly be talking about?
recognize (from night’s daughter):
“Well, well, well. The damsel cleans up rather nicely.”
I don’t need to turn around to recognize that sly, mischief-tinted voice. I take in a breath, steeling myself. Maia’s grilling about protocol—and her warnings about causing offense—flutter through my head. “Good evening, Lord Alcott.”
“That would be my father, technically, but I don’t mind the sound of it. Feel free to call me ‘lord’ whenever you like.”
I turn to face Pollux just as one shimmering eyelid drops closed in a wink. [...]
Maia makes a sound of exasperation. “Oh, shove off, you worthless flirt. I’m going to get a drink.”
i shall tag @asomeoneperson @solipsism-lemonade @zmwrites @sleepy-night-child @cream-and-tea @chaotic-queer-disaster @thanatostouch + anyone else who would like to play :)
new words: wink, wrong, wish, wine, and when
(look at me w my alliterations)
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vellichor-virgo · 3 years
last line tag xx
i wanted to work a lot on circle of hurt tonight, but my brain ran out of steam after like 4 lines. anyways, i decided to use what i did write to fill this tag from @talesofsorrowandofruin @lanawritesalittle and @drippingmoon !! (edit: and also @sleepyowlwrites bc i'm not sure when my next writing session will be and i don't wanna leave you hanging)
here's a moment between Drea and Nik while they're tucked away in a stairwell during a party.
TW: v slight romance (there isn't really any in this excerpt, other than the implication of Nik's feelings for Caelan & his misinterpretation of something platonic he saw earlier)
“I wouldn’t have expected to find you here,” [Nik] told [Adreanna]—another piece of unplanned honesty. “Hidden away, just when things are beginning to get...”
He trailed off, searching for the right word with one hand hanging in the air, a halfhearted gesture in the direction of the revelry.
The corner of Adreanna’s mouth curled in a bitter sort of smile. “Intimate?” she suggested.
“Yes. I suppose that’s the right word.” The memory of Caelan holding Akina’s hand came to him unbidden, and his fingers curled tightly, nails biting into his palm. He could taste jealousy in his mouth, like wine gone to vinegar—sour enough to make him wince.
these guys are the two most complicated mfs in the magic gang, which makes writing any interaction between them so damn hard. this conversation is gonna take a good while to slog through, i think (but i think it'll be worth it in the end, cause i really like this piece)
i will tag @chaotic-queer-disaster @twoseeds @corishadowfang @kaiusvnoir @cream-and-tea @ashen-crest and anyone else who wants to share some writing :)
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vellichor-virgo · 3 years
manuscript search xlvi
merry christmas to everyone who celebrates it!!! i have a very seasonally appropriate word search from @sleepyowlwrites :) my words are sweet, snow, smile, shine, and save.
These excerpts (with the exception of one from ND) are from my unfinished magic gang Christmas piece!!
sweet (context: Sabina said “Let’s do Secret Santa” and Caelan abruptly remembered that he forgot to buy a present. His logical solution to the problem was to fake appendicitis. As one does. Leo isn’t buying it.)
The group watched as [Nik and Caelan] left the room, their footsteps padding softly up the stairs before fading away. Silence reigned in the living room until Adreanna reached out to give Sabina’s hand a quick, apologetic squeeze. “Looks like Secret Santa is postponed. Sorry, Sab.”
Although Sabina was quick to offer up her characteristic sweet smile, it didn’t disguise the trace of disappointment in her eyes. “No, it’s alright! I wouldn’t want to do it when Caelan is feeling unwell. It’s nobody’s fault; just something that can’t be helped.”
“Yeah,” Leo muttered under his breath. “Definitely something that can’t be helped.”
snow x3:
The snow had started sometime in the early hours of the morning and showed no signs of stopping. It piled up along windowsills and eaves and tree branches, filled every gust of blustering wind, blanketed everything in pure, sparkling white. It was the heaviest snow they’d seen that year. Caelan, Californian boy that he was, had been extremely taken with it until Adreanna had sent him out to shovel the driveway. He’d returned red and sniffling through his complaints (“I’m a light elf, Dre, you can’t just throw me out into the cold like that—” “You’re Norwegian!”) and shaking snowflakes out of his hair.
smile (Caelan trying to backpedal from the aforementioned fake appendicitis uproar):
“Should I call 911?” Adreanna asked, already reaching for her phone.
“No!” Caelan exclaimed. At the others’ confused looks, he hastily added, “It’s not that big of a deal. Really.”
“Yes, it is!” Akina cried. “Your appendix could rupture! People have died!”
“They’ve what?” Nik looked horrified.
“Drea, you should call,” Lillian chimed in.
“Wait, don’t!” Pushing Nik aside, Caelan darted forward to snatch the phone from Adreanna’s hand. “I don’t think it’s appendicitis. I’m already starting to feel better. My stomach doesn’t even really hurt anymore.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Really?” Akina asked finally.
“Yeah, honestly. And I’m not feverish, either. I guess you were right, Nikky.” Caelan shot a smile in Nik’s direction, but Nik did not look impressed.
shine (this one is from Night’s Daughter):
Aedan is the absolute image of [King Carrick]—the same handsome, although ageing face; the same olive skin and hazel eyes; the same brown hair, albeit longer and greying slightly at the temples, upon which his crown is nestled. It is a thing of dangerous beauty, the points carving into onyx and silver spikes that shine darkly in the light that filters down from the spaces in the ceiling. It looks lethal, more like a weapon than an ornament.
save (Leo was just chewing Caelan out for scaring everyone):
Letting out a melodramatic moan, Caelan grabbed a pillow and threw it over his face. “Stop being mean to me,” he complained, voice muffled. “I’m in a crisis. I saved my own ass tonight, but I don’t know how much longer I can fake this before someone else catches on. Or Akina hauls me off to the hospital.”
“Here’s an idea,” Leo said. “Why don’t you just buy the present?”
It was Caelan’s turn to glare; he lowered the pillow from his face just long enough to pin Leo with one. “Wow. Genius. What an excellent idea, Leonardo, I can’t believe I never thought of that before.”
happy holidays everyone!!
i will tag @akindofmagictoo @solipsism-lemonade @chaotic-queer-disaster @cream-and-tea and @zmlorenz to find the same words (sweet, snow, smile, shine, and save), bc i like Sleepy's words and i am also lazy.
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