#searching circle
sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
Every time I did this on my phone I regret it. But I'm all cozy by the fire and I don't want to get up and go get my laptop. So here we are. Words from my dearest Timespace - oh my darling, I've missed you. I'll send you a letter soon, okay? - @spacetimewraithwrites
All from city story d0
Rune makes a very obvious note of his presence but doesn’t say anything, and just sticks the object in her hand between her lips.
Jet raises his eyebrows, confused when clear smoke is exhaled through her nostrils. 
“It’s a personal diffuser,” Rune explains without prompting. “Helps me calm down.”
“Was Shadow riling you up? He’s in a bad mood today.” Jet takes his place beside her and leans back, staring at nothing across the street. 
The day is terrible. It’s especially humid and Jet kind of wants to pull his skin off or swim across the street instead of walking. It’s making his temper sour and Moss has banished him from the garage to work off whatever is on his mind elsewhere. Generally, when he gets like this, Moss keeps him close, teaches him new self-defense or combat techniques, or makes him clean something, just so he knows that Jet isn’t going off and getting into fights.
But Shadow had returned from class with a storm in his eyes that he refused to talk about, and Jet hadn’t been helping the atmosphere, so Moss cut him loose instead of Shadow. Of the two of them, at least Jet can take care of himself on the streets. Shadow is scrappy, but lacks motivation. He’ll throw a single punch and then just get beaten up.
He blinks. “You remember my name?”
She lets out the softest laugh. “I’m very good with names, and I heard Shadow call you that a couple of times last week when I dropped by.”
“I have a twin.”
“Copper doesn’t wear his shoulders the same way you do.” The phrasing is peculiar but Jet knows exactly what she means.
He isn’t surprised that he picks Cam out from a crowd in a second. The guy’s face is branded onto his brain after their first and only encounter. Jet needs to be aware and able to defend Rune from the right people. He’ll fight anyone, really, but this is a face he’d really like to bruise.
It seems that Cam recognizes him as well, but the dumbass doesn’t recognize a predatory face when he sees one, because he actually detaches from his group of friends and comes over closer to Jet with just the most punchable expression.
Check (continuing directly from above)
“I shouldn’t be talking to you,” is what Cam leads with.
Jet agrees. “You shouldn’t. I’m very ready to just punch your lights out.”
Cam nods, unafraid, apparently. “My friends would just hurt you back. They’re all very good at it. Listen, I have a word of warning that you should pass on to Cloud. Max wants to see her, and if she won’t meet him, he’ll meet her. Soon. And she knows what happens if she doesn’t do what he says.”
Jet really, really wants to clock him. Those are a lot of extra opponents, though, and he reins himself in. He needs to have the strength to check on Rune tonight. “If you or your brother even think about hurting Rune, I will do much worse to you.”
On the one hand, it’s generous of his brother to put so much effort in reinstating their former bond, and from Jet’s fragmented childhood memories, very accurate to character. On the other hand, the further Copper delves into reasons and motivations, the more Jet is forced to think about them.
“You don’t ever have to tell me more than you’re comfortable with,” Copper reiterates. He’s sitting cross-legged on Jet’s couch, elbows on knees, chin on closed fists.
Jet slumps to the side a little, sliding his hands down his legs. “I’m uncomfortable with telling you anything.”
Light, dry, swing, allow. Bonus: alleviate, master. @ryns-ramblings @gwens-fiction @toboldlywrite @pixelw0rds @faelanvance @oh-no-another-idea
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Tag Game: Word Find
The exceedingly lovely @oh-no-another-idea tagged me for this! Thank you so much!!!
My words are frost, dust, burst, and west, and I shall take these from my wip, Puppet Kingdom. :)
Frost Snow + Dust
I make to respond when a hand snakes into my peripheral and snatches my books away. A new courtier swishes past me as she joins the others, leaving flakes of gold dust behind her like excess snow.
They look as familiar as strangers to me, but there’s little question about them knowing who I am.
I make to say ‘it’s all right’ on instinct, but the words die in my throat. Everything is not alright, and in this moment, I allow myself to stop pretending.
Three knocks on the door give us a five-second warning before it bursts open.
West East
At least now that I had what I needed, I was fully able to hole away in my room until the storm blew over. That is unless Avyanna sent for me. Then I was doomed.
This was a lot of fun, and a bit of a dusting off of PK, which I haven't read in a while.
I shall leave this an open tag today! Whoever would like to do this, I give you the words daily, don't, danger, and dawn. :)
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vellichor-virgo · 2 years
manuscript search lxviii
sorry for neglecting this blog for a little while!! gonna try to be more active and start writing again so i have new things to share. in the meantime, here is a tag from @sleepyowlwrites <3 
my words are sigh, swallow, smooth, sound, + shiny and shield
sigh (from night’s daughter v1):
For a solid handful of seconds, I swear that my heart stops beating.
The king? I’m going to meet the king?
Maia must see the sudden shocked panic in my eyes, because she gives me a sympathetic look and a reassuring smile. Pollux, on the other hand, remains unaware, heaving a dramatic sigh. “Well, I can’t argue with His Royal Majesty, can I?” He leans over the table to pluck a grape from Maia’s bowl. “Enjoy yourselves.”
swallow (from circle of hurt — Caelan and Akina are arguing about Akina getting back together with her shitty ex, and Caelan… took it a bit too far)
(tw: sexual allusions)
“[Adreanna] doesn’t care about me, Cae. She never will. At least Zach actually liked me.”
The thin thread of Caelan’s patience snapped. “Good God, Akina, grow up. He liked having you waiting in his bed whenever he wanted. He knew he could fuck around with every girl in the school and you’d still welcome him back with open arms. And legs.”
A terrible silence fell between them. The sounds of the party drained away as though Caelan had dunked his head underwater, leaving only the rasp of his breathing, loud as thunder in his ears. Akina’s eyes, wide with shock, filled his field of vision until he could see nothing else.
“Kina,” he started, reaching toward her. “I didn’t mean it like that—”
Akina jerked herself back before he could touch her. Between one blink and the next, her eyes were full of tears. “Fuck you,” she said, a trapped sob wavering in her voice.
“Kina,” Caelan said again, more desperately, but she was gone before the word left his mouth. Her silver dress flashed as she turned and stormed off into the crowd, and then the partygoers swallowed her up.
smooth (from night’s daughter v1):
The water of the stream is cold when I dip my fingers in to wash away the berry juice, but refreshingly so. When I cup it in my hands to drink, it tastes clean and clear, even better than water from the village well. Once my fingers are clean, I sit down by the edge and slide my stinging feet in, watching the water whisk away the dirt and the few smears of blood where the forest floor pricked my skin. I can see right down to the streambed, to the stones polished smooth as marbles by the flowing water.
sound x2 (from a little piece about my werewolf girl Tessa):
I stand, shaking the clinging dirt from my fur. For a moment, I feel disoriented, unsteady on my feet.
I pause, head cocked. That means something to me, but I don’t know what. I don’t know what it is. I can’t remember… can’t…
A distant sound reaches me, and my ears perk. It comes again—a faraway howl from somewhere else in the woods.
I tip my head back to the sky. My howl echoes, rising over the sounds of the birds in the treetops, the rustle of new leaves brushing against each other in the wind.
The pack howls back to me, calling me home.
shiny (from night’s daughter v1):
I follow suit a few moments later to get dressed, wondering if there will be a maid’s uniform waiting for me. To my surprise, there isn’t. Instead, laid out on the bed are a loose, airy white shirt and a pair of dark trousers. On the floor beside the bed are shiny black ankle-length boots, not entirely unlike my own beloved pair.
I drift closer to the bed and lift a leg of the trousers, feeling the fine material between my fingers. These are far nicer clothes than I had expected to be dressed in.
shield (from night’s daughter v0):
When [Iliana] smiles again, there is something dangerous in it, like a lioness baring her teeth just before an attack. The power rumbles deep inside me, as if in warning.
I shove my hands deeper into the folds of my cloak, willing the tendrils of shadow to stay put.
“Your new friends have poisoned you against me already, I see,” she muses. “What kinds of stories have they fed you?”
“Nothing but good things,” I say sweetly, keeping that smile on my face like a shield.
i’ll tag @zmwrites @kaiusvnoir @willowiswriting @josephinegerardywriter @akindofmagictoo @ashen-crest and whoever else wants to play!
new words: fold, follow, feet, fingers, and flash
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Find the Word Tag
thanks @papercutsunset for teh tag! i found the following lines from random fanfics.^^
my words are cook, afterthought, curve, weak, and repair. 
"Ah, yes, thanks for reminding me. Nope, because I can still cook some pancakes."
"Your cooking skills are rather questionable, sir."
“We're finally free from that spell!” Linda cheered with a similar laugh.
“Good, at least, his reign is over,” Caitlin remarked, her lips curving up in a smile.
"Um. . . just a little overwhelmed." Anissa weakly gestured at her surroundings.
Grace lifted her brows.
"Couldn't have you, I don't know, repaired it at least?" Ueos'ihn asked, raising her brows.
Raor grimaced, crinkling his snout. "Uh I would've, but I was tricked into giving it to that guy over there."
Tagging, no pressure tho: @gr3y-heron, @e-lisard, @puzzleddragon02, and open tag. your words are: ardent, fever, grove, and mangled.^^
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be tagged in word find games and maybe last line tag games too.^^      
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cinaraslan · 2 years
17 MAYIS 1902 - Yunan arkeologlar, Antik Çağ'ın mekanik analog bir bilgisayarı olarak kabul edilebilecek Antikythera düzeneğini toprak altından çıkardılar.
İlk Bilgisayar Antikythera Mekanizması MÖ 178’de ‘Çalıştırıldı’
1901’de Yunanistan’ın Antikythera adası yakınlarındaki Roma döneminden kalma bir gemi enkazında sünger dalgıçlar tarafından keşfedilen, üzerinde çok sayıda küçük yazıt bulunan dişlileri ve kadranları olan, ayakkabı kutusu büyüklüğünde bir mekanizmaya benzeyen ayrıntılı antik bilgisayar, diğer işlevlerin yanı sıra tutulmaları tahmin etmiş olabilir.
Yıllar boyunca, araştırmacılar Antikythera mekanizmasının birçok parçasını, nasıl yaratıldığını ve 2000 yıl kadar önce nasıl kullanıldığını anlamak için özenle bir araya getirdiler. Cihaz üzerine birçok soru var: Kim yaptı? Nerede yaşadılar? Neden yaptılar ve hangi başlangıç tarihine sahipti? Şimdi, bir bilim insanı ekibi, araştırmaların hakem incelemesinden önce yüklenebileceği çevrimiçi bir dergi olan arXiv ön baskı veritabanında 28 Mart’ta çevrimiçi olarak bulgularını detaylandırarak “çalıştırılma” tarihini belirledi.
Araştırmacılar, yeni makalelerinde, mekanizma üzerinde yapılan tüm hesaplamaların dayandığı en erken tarih olan MÖ 22 Aralık 178’in mekanizmanın başlangıç ​​tarihi olduğunu düşünmelerinin bir takım sebeplerini belirtiyorlar. Kelvin ölçeğindeki mutlak sıfır sıcaklığı gibi.
Birincisi, o gün 12 dakikadan fazla süren bir Güneş tutulması oldu. İkincisi, ertesi gün, 23 Aralık, birçok eski halk arasında önemli bir gün olan kış gündönümüydü. Araştırmacılar ayrıca, Mısır tanrıçası İsis’i kutlayan İsia festivalinin bu dönemde hem Mısır’da hem de Yunanistan’da kutlandığını belirtiyorlar. Ek olarak, ekip makalelerinde ayın evrelerinin o yıl 22 Aralık’ta başladığını söylüyor.
Jones, 2014’te yayımlanan iki makalenin başlangıç tarihinin MÖ 204 olduğunu gösterdiğini söylüyor. “Bu iki makale, tutulma tahmin dizisinin MÖ 204’te başlayan benzersiz bir 223 aylık ay aralığı için hesaplandığını gösterdi. Bu, MÖ 12 Mayıs 204’te başlayacak ve bir ay tutulması ile başlayıp bitecek şekilde zamanlanmıştı.”
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jey-draws · 4 months
How color theory
Good question ! When it comes to colour I believe the best way to find what works is to have fun and experiment until you find what works best for you!
I've already covered a bit about how I choose and create the colours here (making base colours colourful) and here (working with palettes)!
But in terms of what I know about actual colour theory, I can only offer this:
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It's not a lot and it is just the basics so if you already knew this then apologies but it's all I know/ all I think is worth knowing. Please note that colour theory is more of a suggestion then a rule! Different colours look good to different people and you should do what looks good to you!
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thomas-mvller · 19 days
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Unbothered king
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noirfos · 3 months
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In this house we stan Emily
She's so good as a foil to Charlie!! And her lyrics were 👌👌👌
"If you start to question, you could end up like Lucifer. Fallen." Hmm who's another angel I know who just asked questions and hung out with the wrong people and then sauntered vaguely downwards and then- *is escorted off stage by security*
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gayvampyr · 8 months
forgot for a second that oscillopsia is in my brain and not external and i almost tried to record what it looks like to me to show people what i mean
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rui-drawsbox · 7 months
guess who can play the door of baldur after 2 days of struggling with the pc
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I expected better from him ngl
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
@oh-no-another-idea Idea you totally came up with the second set of words just for me. like. those are Jet words. you were thinking it. subconsciously.
conversation (apocalypse story)
Ty sniffs a little and rubs at his nose. “That’s different. You’re vulnerable.”
“And how are you not?”
The look in Ty’s eyes is something like steel and Ben is beginning to regret this conversation. “Isn’t it obvious?”
It has been on Ben’s mind, flitting in and out like an errant bit of hope, but now it sits on the metaphorical windowsill and glares at him.
Ty continues, annoyingly nonchalant. “I’m immune.”
spark (copper and carnelian, 2020)
My mouth caresses your edges and snuffs out your spark You were beautiful in all the ways earthly words could say And I swore with empty sounds, I drove you away
cover (to know your enemy, to know serenity, 2021)
still stars are shining, they cover the sky if you had a voice you would have used it to say your pretty lies
silence (city story d0)
Yarrow continues, unbothered by the silence. “I’m not mad that you got into a fight. Jet does that all the time, and we know Rune is a good fighter, too. I’m mad because Jet’s shirt has blood all over it and you both look like you’re trying to topple mountains all by yourselves. And that’s unfair. We’re here to topple them with you.”
Everything is so quiet. They’re all so quiet. Jet’s head is screaming.
“You want to walk into my troubles without knowing anything?” Rune finally speaks up.
“No, I want you to tell us about them so we know what we’re walking into,” Yarrow says sternly, “but we’re definitely walking in there, regardless.”
“You don’t know anything,” Rune spits back with tired venom.
Yarrow places a hand on each of her knees and stares at her straight in the eyes. “We. Are. Friends. That’s enough.”
“What did that happen?” She’s just tired now, no sharp edges.
“I decided.” Yarrow shrugs.
violent (city story d0)
“I’m capable of a lot more than you think I am, Jet. I don’t like it, not anymore, but I’m willing. Sure, I’d rather get out of a potentially dangerous situation by talking things through, but if I’m backed into a corner, I don’t hesitate. I’ll hurt others before they can hurt me and I won’t regret it.”
“You weren’t backed into a corner here,” Jet murmurs, his other hand brushing her hair back. “You walked into this one.”
“Yeah. I do that, too. I’ll snap and use violence because that’s what I’m used to. I am a wild thing.”
Jet holds [Rune's] face a little more firmly. “No, you’re not. You’ve been caged and controlled and who you were then is not who you have to be now.”
fist (city story d0)
Rune makes everyone shut up by ceasing to pace. Yarrow closes his mouth in the middle of a sentence and doesn’t whisper the rest of it into Copper’s ear, which is how everyone knows this is serious. Everybody is listening. Jet is fuming, but he’s listening too.
“My parents were murdered by my ex-fiancee and he wants me back,” Rune announces without preamble, her tone shockingly dry for the weight of the words she’s saying. “There’s more, of course. A lot more. You can each ask one question.”
What, that’s it? Jet stretches out his t-shirt by bunching the hem in his fist to keep his hands from attempting to destroy something with skin.
murder (city story d0)
“You want to hurt somebody?” Shadow’s tired skepticism is exactly is how Jet is feeling.
“No, of course not. My mom would never look at me the same. I want to destroy something that should be destroyed, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Shadow repeats, his sigh very audible. Not that it bothers Yarrow, who is just perpetually unbothered except for when Jet and the others persuade him not to act on his reckless urges.
Yarrow moves around again, and there’s a soft thump which is probably him sliding off of the couch. A heavier thump follows, accompanied by an annoyed “hey!”
Jet finally looks over his shoulder to see Yarrow smothering Shadow with either a hug or attempted murder on the floor. He rolls his eyes and gets back to work.
black (she stole the night from you, 2020)
she comes in quietly dripping black lace like ink off a letter left out in the rain and it drags behind her - staining the carpet, the walls;
mind, place, scream, weight. BONUS: obvious, skeptical. @moonscribbler @writing-moth @drippingmoon @ink-fireplace-coffee @asablehart @avrablake OR ANYBODY
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Tag Game: Word Find
Thank you so much for the tag @oh-no-another-idea!!
My words are taste, health, ankle, and ache, and I shall use my wip, Puppet Kingdom, for this. :)
A pulse jolts through the air as we pass through and my scarf buzzes against my skin. Magic fills the air and my senses are plunged into its indescribable presence. It leaves a taste along the roof of my mouth and a lingering tingle on the back of my neck, like the feeling of being watched by some unseen entity.
Goldie then signals her gardes and they close in on me. “We will escort you back and this time be sure to keep Lacolle with you. It’s good for your health.”
Ankle Feet
“Are your feet hurt?” [Royal] finally asks. He’s been letting me use his elbow as a crutch, but I didn’t realize I was leaning so heavily on it until now. “Do you need to rest for a little while?”
I shake my head, letting his arm go and giving a tense smile. “I’m fine. I’ll- they can wait.”
Days have passed too quickly since everything went to pieces, and figuring out how to glue it together again has been a constant on my mind. It plagues me even in my sleep, and I have since grown a headache of unbearable proportions.
I shall tag (with no pressure!) @zmwrites, @the-orangeauthor, @sleepyowlwrites, and whoever else would like to do this! Your words are rethink, retro, retract, and random. :)
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vellichor-virgo · 2 years
manuscript search lxvii
tagged by @sleepyowlwrites :) my words are grey, black, white, and brown (+ gold and silver)
these are all from night’s daughter v1!
grey + black:
When [my vision] clears again, several riders are leaping down from their saddles. They wear armour and deep grey cloaks that ripple behind them as they move. I catch a spot of colour in the corner of one of them. When I look closer, I see a circle of blue containing three stitched silhouettes: two pine trees in green thread and a stag in black. 
The royal emblem of the kingdom of Serranis.
A slender white form emerges from the fog, seeming almost to be made of it. Each movement is slow, graceful, purposeful. A long tail brushes the air behind it, and razor-sharp claws crack the twigs underfoot.
My mouth goes dry. Every limb freezes.
It’s a wolf.
brown (x2):
Sharp, sloping cheekbones; a sculpted, perfect nose; knowing brown eyes staring out from beneath elegantly-arched eyebrows; and a sensuous, inviting mouth painted in bold, deep red combine to create a face of astonishing beauty. But the tides of lush tawny brown hair spilling down her back, crowned with a circlet of velvety-red roses, is what makes me jerk to attention.
She has switched her violet gown out for one of glimmering wine-red, but I am sure it is the same girl I saw in the garden from my bedroom window. While earlier I had assumed she was a lady, I see now that she is barely older than me.
It is my turn to blush. Luckily, Aedan appears too distracted to notice, his gaze fixed on some point in the distance. I notice he is thumbing at the heavy gold signet ring on his finger, stamped with the royal crest: a pair of curving antlers.
King Carrick sweeps into the room like a storm in deep green robes, the dagger-like points of his crown glinting even more sharply than they did in the throne room. [...] Following him comes Queen Catriona in a matching green gown, her dark curls pinned into a web of braids, and Prince Aedan, wearing a dark tunic with a high collar and a pattern of silver brocade. Behind him trail two younger royals.
i’ll tag @josephinegerardywriter @drippingmoon @rose-bookblood @talesofsorrowandofruin @ambsthom @lanawritesalittle and whoever else wants to play! 
new words: dark, heavy, spill, crack, and silhouette
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Find the Word Tag
thanks to @fiercely-raging-writer! just some snippets from a mult-chaptered AU that’s pretty Cisco-centric. :3
(i need to fix it bc i have changes to give)
my words are: grass, ground, natural and waterfall. 
Flying past the lake, he was heading towards the coast. He went up again, going for a second test run. He glided over the sky, his wings on his sides. He inclined towards one direction, leaning there.
He returned to the grass, slowing his movements. His feet touched the ground as he landed.
The fellow animals and the unicorn cheered with some victory. Aww, that was nice. He never got these kind of reactions from anyone.
“Oopsé?” Lila fell into the ground, her horn pulling her back. “Just taking care of my horn. It needs to be sharp often.”
Cisco shook his head. “The thing is it's just that. . . I'm not brave like you!”
The unicorn only lifted her head.
Which all couldn't possibly be done by human hand. Everything appeared to be natural and untouched.
How would the city react, once they knew this place existed?
They might probably exploit it for their own uses. And he was not going to let that happen.
“Am I the only human to be in here?”
“Well. . . yes. There hasn't been one before you. I suppose it is due to the secret lock at the waterfall.”
“Are you going to ever reveal the whereabouts of the forest?”
Tagging, no pressure tho: @pagesofcursive, @theres-bees-in-my-head, @orange-is-the-happiest-colour, and open tag. your words are: spell, cover, learn, and keep.^^
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
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sciderman · 8 months
I did not know you wrote fics I’m truly living here
my fics are so delicious, you are SO lucky you get to experience them all for the very first time anon
#spideycablepool fic incoming... im devoting my ENTIRE saturday to finishing her. will not be thinking of anything else.#it's fuckigng. its freaking. 12k+ words. i don't know how it happened.#i never write fics that long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i just had a lot to say about nathan summers.#which is hilarious because nathan summers himself doesn't have a lot to say.#but he says some things. and i feel a lot about him actually.#i kind of really want to hold 9319 nathan summers in my hands and kiss his forehead. he's a nice boy. people don't know he's a nice boy.#he is pretty shitty too (all cables have to be) but he's a nice boy. and he loves a whole lot.#i hope people get as attached to 9319 nathan as i have suddenly become. i love him. i love him.#feeling a lot about him. like a lot. feeling a lot about his and peter's differences and similarities.#him and peter have a lot to talk about. like a lot.#i really really want all three of them to lie down and sit under the stars and have a soul-searching conversation.#obviously wade would dominate the convo and talk about very strange nonsense that doesn't make any sense.#so maybe peter and nate should distract him with a shiny toy of some kind so that peter and nathan can actually have a profound conversatio#but of course they'd both just love to listen to wade babble about nonsense . they love him. they love his voice. they love his weird ways.#what a simp circle. wade surrounded by two boys who just have Heart Eyes for him#and he acts so oblivious. like these guys aren't falling over themselves in love with him.
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burningvelvet · 4 months
Some notes and excerpts sent to Lord Byron from his many admirers — AKA, the Regency era version of sliding into someone's DMs:
“Dear Lord — A person whom you know well, and whom you have deigned to look on with some regard, taken by your extraordinary attractions awaits you this evening at ten o'clock in the back room of the Café San Fantin near the Fenice theater: do not be absent, my adorable Lord, if you do not want to force me to commit some indiscretion. Do not fear any sinister event; love me, though anonymous, as much as I love you, and I will be happy enough. Yours forever — if you want me — just now from home.”
“Milord — Excuse, my dear, the liberty that I take in sending you this note, but seeing you last night at the theater of San Benedetto my heart was smitten by you. Having no possible means of being able to speak to you, I have boldly taken the chance of writing you this note. If you accept my inclination that I feel for you, l will await your answer and will remain with the hope of embracing you if you would favor me with a simple reply by the bearer of this.”
“Being up to date on everything that concerns you, I knew of your new loves — daily you are offered rendezvous— all run after you because I permit a mere fifteen days to go by without seeing you — understand me. No longer an admirer, in order not to suffer your tricks any longer — but believe of me what you will — P.S. Tomorrow evening at eight o'clock I shall have the luck of seeing you.”
“From Home 25 Oct. 1818. Most Esteemed Lord — I would not have come to the Theater this evening except for the pleasure of being able to see your worthy Person and to let you know that I would like to spend, if you do not mind, a few moments in your House this evening after the performance. Awaiting this favor, I have the honor of declaring myself at your esteemed commands — most affectionate Servant — Eleonora de Bezzi.”
“Most Esteemed Sir — Although women are not the first to write, this time I permit myself to take the liberty, in order to let you know that if you favor me by taking the trouble to come to this Friend this evening at nine o'clock I shall have the honor of your charming company for a moment; otherwise there is no way for us to speak. Meanwhile I have the honor of offering my feeble service. P. S. I beg you not to let anyone know that you are coming to visit this Friend of mine.”
“A poor wife bows before your Lordship to ask for some help knowing how generous your beautiful heart is. I know that I am too bold, but the good report that I have heard of you, Sir, gives me courage to come before you, Milord; if my face were sufficiently pleasing to you I would consider myself fortunate to enter into some part of your beautiful heart, but I know I am not worthy and so I ask for your charity. Meanwhile I kiss your hands and declare myself your Most Humble Servant Suzana.”
“Are you ill? but why do I feel worse than you? Sunday evening after eight eternal days will I be able to see you? Yes.”
“Excellency — I wish to know if on Thursday at the appointed hour you will be available. The wise change frequently.”
“Tuesday at the theater Signor Petretin was in a box with you — bravo — after what you promised me, to let yourself be seen with him? If I were not in a very bad humor I would make you laugh by telling you what happened to me with the servant Marietta. If you are not engaged tomorrow evening with Signora Cortessi, at whatever time you like I shall come to see you — addio.”
“Having returned from Padua, I learned that in Benzona's circle it was being said that you made sacrifices for me — I, who know that I never inconvenienced you in the slightest matter, am surprised indeed by this gossip, and I beg you to do me the justice that I merit on this subject — I am certain that you are not the source of such a lie, for I do not believe you are capable of wronging someone who does not deserve it — addio, pardon.”
“I know that you divert yourself in your Gondola; I know about your romance with the Girl of Dolo; I know about the frenzies of Madame Segati; I know everything: and knowing everything — I also know that I am a fool still to concern myself with you. Friday I shall leave for Padua; I would like to say goodbye to you first. If your amorous occupations permit, you may see me tomorrow evening at eight o'clock. Farewell most noble Englishman, believe me with our customary excessiveness — your admirer.”
“You will forgive me for taking the liberty of sending you this simply to learn the reason I have no longer had the honor of seeing you since that day, given our understanding to see each other on Sunday. Subsequently I was deprived of it. Having had the pleasure of seeing you again at the ridotto on Sunday evening, I take courage to send you this letter through my maid. I await your reply. Yours affectionately — Giuliella.”
“Lord — Let an unfortunate Girl enter into your heart if she is ever to remain among the living.”
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