#shiro/pidge fanfiction
phantomstatistician · 6 months
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Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Sample Size: 73,218 stories
Source: AO3
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bluedemon1995 · 1 year
“Eww! Dude did you just kiss my sister?If you’re gonna kiss her do it when I’m not in the damn cockpit with you both. Shiro! Tell them!”
Shiro sighed, “Keith~”
Keith nods, “Uh, okay, then could you leave the room. Both of you.”
“Hell no! I can’t do that, cuz then you’ll kiss my sister. Duh!”
Shiro shakes his head, “You both know we are on a mission right? So, no kissing and no leaving. C’mon guys, focus. Pidge?”
“Well, technically I’m not working until we land. So I got some free time.”
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rainingfishandfrogs · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lance & Voltron Paladins, Lance & Lance (Voltron) Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron) Additional Tags: Lance (Voltron) Deserves Better, Hurt No Comfort, Lance stands up for himself, Lance (Voltron)-centric, BAMF Lance (Voltron), Lance leaves voltron, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Rebel Lance (Voltron), Leader Lance (Voltron), Rebel Leader Lance, Badass Lance, i love lance okay! he's my fav character from this series and i love him, Comfort No Hurt, Lance (Voltron) Angst, Hurt Lance (Voltron), Minor Keith/Lance (Voltron), Angry Lance (Voltron), sorry the team's a little mean in this, Bittersweet Ending, self love bitches! Summary:
Lance is late to a meeting with Team Voltron, but why should he go? Or even care? He's not a member of the team anymore.
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icypantherwrites · 5 months
Fic Update: Here, Chapter Six
“Allura, it’s not real,” Shiro’s hands were tight on Allura’s shoulders as she shook in his hold, tears streaming down her face that had crumpled in despair as she stared at the monitor.  “It’s not real.”
God, please don’t let it be real.
If, if Coran had just…
It had been so fast.
Shiro had known to expect speed on Lance’s end but that…
That had been…
He still wasn’t even sure what weapon Lance had found to use, but…
But Coran…
Allura’s scream had echoed on the bridge as Lance had drawn it across Coran’s throat, blood flinging itself into the air.
It was fake, Shiro chanted to himself.
It was a trick.
Coran had said he could shift, he could protect himself.
It was a trick.
“He, he promised,” Allura gasped, overbright eyes lifting to meet Shiro’s. “He pr-promised.”
Shiro shifted his arms from her shoulders to wrap around her back, drawing her in close and shielding her from the grisly sight on the camera as Lance pilfered Coran’s pocket for the remote.
He was glad the others were in position and hadn’t seen.
Fake or not…
That had been…
“He promised,” Shiro said quietly, squeezing her tight and trying not to wince as Allura returned the embrace with more force than his ribs could take. 
Read it here
(not yet posted on AO3)
Summary: [Third and final part to the Sniper trilogy] Voltron has rescued Lance but the person with them now is not the same boy they once knew. Even outside the Galrans’ influence Lance believes himself to be Sniper, an assassin to the Galra Empire with his final mission to eliminate Voltron. It’s going to be a long, difficult journey that they know won’t end even when Lance does remember them as then he’ll also remember all of the horrors he committed as Sniper and have to come to terms with what he did. But they do know they’ll be there for him every step of the way because Lance was gone, he’s been found and now he’s here, with his space family, to stay.
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dnightshade0 · 7 months
Voltron alien defenders (aka the reality where lance is a mermaid)
A voltron AU where the paladins of voltron are actually all aliens. Well, all except for shiro, he’s the only human on the team.
Shiro- human
Keith- galra
Lance- Mer
Hunk- Balmeran
Pidge- Olkari
In this reality, The paladins don’t find the blue lion together and get taken to the castle of lions. Nope, in this reality, they each find their own respective lions on their own and are brought to the castle.
The first chapter tells how Lance the Mer finds the blue lion.
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a-fools-errand · 2 years
New fic idea? With no title yet? And I don’t really have a summary just yet, but basically it’s a voltron The Forest au (bc ive been playing way too much of that game). Think a bit like the tv show Lost? Or The Wilds? But with more comedy and it’s also pretty close to crack treated seriously, featuring Keith having to be the leader of a ragtag group of survivors as everyone slowly becomes more crazy than even he is. And Lance being a badass, and everyone being a badass really. Anyway, let me know if you think it’s interesting enough to post on ao3??
Also! I should note, Keith and Lance are strangers in this fic and I, for one, firmly believe that Lance would flirt with anything with legs if it wasn't for the fact that Keith and him were rivals in canon.
CW: A plane crash, minor injuries including bruising and a bit of blood, and a dead body
Keith’s head was ringing something fierce as he came back to a slow consciousness. God, maybe this was why he never slept on planes if this was the apparent outcome. He blinked out the stubborn weariness from his eyes. The sound -the real sound- slowly welled back up, birds chirping distantly. 
…Wait, birds? Why would he be hearing birds on a plane-?
And that’s when he saw it. Over the tops of the shitty main cabin seats in front of him, between the useless dangling oxygen masks, there was a forest. 
Not like out the window or like some fake painted on trees to make it not seem like they weren’t in a metal tube flying high in the sky. There was an actual forest filled with actual trees a good few rows in front of him, all framed by the broken-in-half plane. 
Ok, no, maybe he did sleep on planes because that absolutely wasn’t real. Not a chance in hell. Keith sat up to try and find more evidence that this was clearly just a stress dream, only to cry out in abrupt stabbing pain from his midsection. He looked down, wincing as he pulled out his shirt slightly. He was met with his own skin painted with a mirage of angry purples and blues around the edges of where the thick seatbelt still held him in place. 
A bruise. He had a bruise all along his lower stomach. Which would make sense to have if the seatbelt stopped him from going forward extremely abruptly. Like, let’s say, in the event of a plane going from some super fast speed that Shiro would know to an absolute and utter zero. And that only happened when… 
In a second of what he would later convince himself was momentary hysteria, all he could think was, damn, looks like we aren’t making it to the connecting terminal on time.
He then much more rationally jolted forward in his seat again (and was greeted with the same sparking pain) at the fact that the plane had fucking crashed. What the fuck? What the FUCK?!
As quick as lightning, Keith undid the stupid seatbelt and turned to Shiro beside him. The man was still out like a light, but breathing, thank fuck. He checked diligently for anything seriously wrong (shrapnel, lacerations, currently bleeding anything- oh god, oh fuck? What was happening?). 
Somewhere near Shiro’s hair and all across his nose area was covered in dried blood, a bruise forming around the former. That definitely meant a concussion, right? Keith wasn’t a doctor, he had no idea how to check that. The blood seemed to be slowing to a crawl, which was probably good.
There wasn’t anything majorly wrong on his body so it seemed. Or at least, there wasn’t anything wrong that wasn’t already wrong. His arm was missing, which sounded terrible until it was taken into account that it was his already amputated arm… From a plane crash… A different plane crash… Oh, Shiro was going to be so pissed when he woke up. Who gets into two plane crashes??
A groan coming from directly behind him derailed that train of thought. Keith whipped around to look at the source of the noise (much to his strongly protesting body). A tanned, narrow-faced guy somewhere around Keith’s own age was slowly blinking his way into consciousness just like Keith had. His face was full of freckles and what looked like only a few slight bruises from where Keith could see. Overall, the other… survivor looked to be in about as good a shape as Keith was. 
Jesus, just the thought of saying ‘survivor’ was not really sinking in. They had survived a fucking plane crash. That wasn’t a thing that just happened, much less twice in Shiro’s case. He even joked that he was flying with Shiro because lightning never struck the same spot twice. Evidently, it fucking did. Maybe he shouldn’t have tempted the universe like that… 
Keith refocused on the guy now staring at him, scoffing at the incredibly slurred and equally confused ‘nickname’.
“Are you… dying or whatever?” Keith asked.
The guy tilted his head, his face scrunching up at the question until he refocused on the mask sitting securely on his nose. He yanked it off as careful as a band-aid, watching it strangely as it bounced back up toward the ceiling.
The guy turned back to Keith, a silent question in his eyes. It seemed to answer itself though, as the stranger’s widening eyes filled with the soft sunlight trickling in over Keith’s shoulder.
“Ho-ly crow,” The other survivor shook himself like that’d get him to wake up. Keith understood the feeling.
“I… I think the plane went down,” Keith winced at his own statement. Obviously the fucking plane went down. No plane landed fine with only half of it left, especially not just the back half.
“Looks like it,” The guy replied hollowly before his face filled with alarm, “Oh my god! Hunk! Pidge!”
Blue Shirt (he really needed to learn this guy's name, but that would have to do for now) turned to his oddly named friends. Which was Hunk and which one was Pidge, Keith had no idea. They seemed to be like Shiro, alive but not quite up yet, if the sigh of relief Blue Shirt let out said anything.
The guy turned back to Keith with a lot more awareness, “What happened??”
“Like I said, the plane-”
“No, no, I don’t need the obvious! Clearly!” The guy frantically gestured over the seats, “I meant like, how are we even, you know?”
“Alive?” Keith finished, “I don’t have a damn clue.”
“And what about everyone else?” Blue Shirt asked.
Keith tilted his head.
“Like, the other people. There was a- a cute, little elderly couple right over there,” Blue Shirt pointed across the aisle, “Where did they go? Where did everyone else go?”
Probably thrown from the plane, Keith’s mind darkly supplied. He didn’t, however, want to come off as a complete freak to the only other survivor awake right now.
“Maybe they already got out?” Keith tried (and failed) to sound optimistic.
The guy frowned, seemingly trying to process that, “...Right. Okay. And they probably just left us because… because… Because! They didn’t know how injured we were, and that’s, like, a rule! Totally! You don’t move the injured people because their spines could be damaged and everything! Trust me, I’ve watched all of Grey’s Anatomy, even the truly bad seasons.”
Very trust-inducing, Keith didn’t voice. He nodded tentatively despite that thought. 
Blue shirt stood- oh goddamnit, this was getting annoying, “Hey, what’s your name?”
“Hm?” The guy stretched out in the aisleway, pain evident in his face, “Oh, um, right. The name’s Lance, but you can call me the man of your dreams.”
“W- what?” Keith definitely didn’t squeak that out. Also his face definitely didn’t go tomato red. Also his heart didn’t feel like it just had a palpitation. Also- You know what, shut the fuck up. How was he supposed to react to that?? Who realized they were in a plane crash and immediately f- flirts with the only other awake survivor??? 
Lance (the man of Keith’s apparent dreams, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the-) grimaced in what looked like sincere apology, “Sorry, sorry, not the place. I think my head’s a bit, uh, scrambled, you know? From all this? Anyway, what’s your name, Mullet Man?”
“...Keith,” He dragged out of his mouth (stop fucking staring at the pretty guy who just trauma-flirted with you), “And it’s not a mullet.”
Lance put a hand on his hips, or tried to. He winced at the touch and let it drop, “Puh-lease. I spotted that thing the moment you walked on the plane. Shorter in the front?”
“I guess,” Keith answered tersely.
“And longer in the back?” Lance raised an eyebrow.
“Ha! See, that’s literally the definition of a mullet: business in the front party in the-” Lance abruptly choked on the air, hand going to cover his mouth as his eyes went wide as saucers. He stumbled backwards, grabbing on to the flimsy blue seats to stop himself from falling completely, “O- oh my god.”
Keith stood ready to catch Lance, expecting to see him losing blood or something, “What’s wrong?”
With a face three shades paler, Lance pointed over Keith’s shoulder. Was… was he just now processing their wrecked plane? Even after they talked about it? Nevermind. Trauma was weird sometimes. That was what his old therapist used to say at least. Maybe it was still settling and that’s why Lance kept going on weird, unnecessarily long tangents?
“The plane crashed,” Keith repeated slowly like he was talking to a spooked deer, “Are you hurt or-?”
“N- no, Keith, look,” Lance demanded, voice shaking.
Keith turned in confusion to follow Lance’s eyes only to be meet with-
A woman -one of the stewardesses, Keith assumed by the neatly pressed uniform- laid dead-eyed in front of them. Her limbs were sprawled out, her head haloed by the bent edges of where the broken plane met the open air. Grimly, Keith thought that that made sense. Of course not everyone would survive a goddamn plane crash. 
But then he noticed what killed her. It wasn't being tossed by the aggressive turbulence, nor was it the excess metal shrapnel from around the edge of their halved plane, no. 
Glimmering there in all the glory of the midday sun was a bloodied axe buried squarely in the middle of her chest.
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azul-nova-24 · 2 months
Breaking news
Voltron fans, rejoice! Our beloved giant robot team is officially coming to the big screen! That’s right, Voltron has just been greenlit for movie production!
What are you most excited to see? New villains? More epic battles? Or maybe just an unforgettable soundtrack? Let the speculation begin and the fan theories run wild!
Drop your thoughts and predictions below.
P.S. I hope they fix the many issues that were within Voltron Legendary Defenders show.
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New Fic
Half of Him
Lance is captured and tortured by Haggar but after Voltron never comes for him he loses track of his place in the Universe.
Chapters: 8/?
Word Count: 18,864
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Allura & Lance (Voltron), Allura & Keith (Voltron), Allura & Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura & Shiro (Voltron), Allura & Hunk (Voltron), Allura & Voltron Paladins, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Allura (Voltron), Allura's Mother (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Coran (Voltron) Additional Tags: Team as Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Allura (Voltron)-centric, Platonic Relationships, 5+1 Things, Minor Keith/Lance (Voltron), Canon-Typical Violence, Panic Attacks, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge is a gremlin, pidge has an unhealthy love of crabs, Pining Lance (Voltron), Allura comes to terms with some stuff, I think her character is very interesting and under explored, they played the sad girl or the badass girl and undermined her nuance towards the end, I wouldve liked to see her struggle more between person and duty, and build a stronger relationship with her paladins, unexplored potential imo, so i explored it, Anyways, this is my love letter to the last princess of a dead race, who couldve been so much more than she was deemed Summary:
Her eyes stare unseeing at the blank expanse of space where her home once was, the gaping void nothing compared to the one in her throat.
She walks in the night, she paces like a ghost at night on the bridge, her fingers shaky as she watches, obsessive, planetary maps.
Allura wakes up, and Allura is alone.
Allura relearns how to be a leader and a friend
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curlymeme · 5 months
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Tales of the Crimson Theif
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Lance MCclan x Amira Thorn (My Oc) x Keith Kogane
Summary- Amira finds herself reluctantly teamed up with a group of inexperienced agents from the Garrison Intelligence Security Service. (GISS). She dreads working with them, fearing their lack of experience with jeopardize her mission to take down the Galra empire.
Despite her concerns, Amira sets out on the mission, determined to succeed overshadowed by her skepticism of her newfound companions. However, as the journey progresses, and they face numerous challenges together, she begins to see their potential and forms an unexpected bond with each member.
Through their shared trials and triumphs, Amira discovers that sometimes the greatest strength lies in the bonds forged between unlikely allies, and that love can blossom even in the most unexpected places.
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chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
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lance mcclain
amira thorn
keith kogane
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bluedemon1995 · 1 year
“Oh, hey Shiro. What’s up?”
Shiro gritted out, “WHY is there BLOOd everywhere?”
Pidge peaks around Shiro and says, “Actually, it’s more in a centralized location, to be fair.”
Shiro slightly turns his head to give Pidge a frown and continues as if she never spoke, “Well Keith, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Um, I may have aggressively,” seeing Pidge make a few pointed gestures he continues, “poked, someone with a small sharp object.”
Shiro exclaims loudly, “You STABBED someone?! We weren’t even gone that long! LANCE!! HUNK!!!”
Keith shakes his head, “No, no! NOT stabbed. I poked them, gently, with a small sharp object.”
Pidge laughs and grins, “Bet you’re regretting asking Lance and Hunk to babysit him now, aren’t you!”
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25centsoda · 2 years
Seeking Voltron Fic
Hello! I haven’t read a ton of Voltron in a while but I am Perpetually thinking about this one fic I read in like 2020, 2021, where Lance was found early by the Galra as the Blue Lion on Earth and he was taken by them and his psychic connection to both the lion and the other members of Voltron was exploited by Haggar to get to the other members. Lance had stuffed lions, and was eventually rescued by the other members of Voltron and was very traumatized. 90% sure it was a series with at least two parts. If you know this fic, please link it in a reblog!
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icypantherwrites · 3 months
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New Fic: A Star-Filled Sky
Summary: Space was supposed to be exciting. It was supposed to be looking up into the star-filled sky and wondering what else was out there, how far could they go? It was something to dream about, to have hope for.
And that dream…
For Shiro it had become a nightmare.
Or; set directly after Keith + Garrison Trio rescue Shiro from the Garrison and Keith and Pidge reflect on the Kerberos Mission and their brothers.
Story snippet:
Keith reached up and took it with a soft thanks and his stomach took that moment to let out an embarrassingly loud grumble and Keith could feel his cheeks and ears heating.
“Yeah, I was gonna ask if you were hungry,” Pidge said, “but I think that question’s been answered. Hunk’s going through your fridge—”
And at that Keith did turn around again because water bottles were one thing but that was his entire food budget for the week and no offense to Hunk but he looked like he enjoyed eating and Keith didn’t really have all that much to spare. Everything he bought was with the emergency money Shiro had given him and what little he could make doing odd jobs for some of the older residents who lived outside Garrison City and were happy for the help.
Something must have shown on his face because Pidge added, “There’s no use asking him to stop. He’s determined when he’s hungry and he stress cooks or bakes when he’s upset and, well, he’s more than a little stressed right now. Don’t worry though, we���ll take care of your supplies, okay?”
Keith gave a slow nod, pulse slowing down again.
“He’s a great cook,” Pidge said, a small smile on her face. “And you,” her eyes were searching but hesitant, “look like you could use a home cooked meal.”
Keith gave a small shrug, not sure what to say to that but unable to deny it.
“Have… have you been out here since you got kicked out?” Pidged asked, blunt and almost rude despite the careful delivery but Keith found a comfort in it. He liked straightforward people and he didn’t like useless small talk.
And considering today was the most he’d spoken to anyone in months and he’d already had to deal with Lance’s confusing comments and declarations, he really appreciated this approach.
Read it here
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embersofhopevoltron · 9 months
Was working on something for potential cover art:
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To go to the Sky quests (w/ my persona as my OC ofc, same character depicted) and see that one of them was:
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I think I manifested that lmao
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dnightshade0 · 7 months
Voltron: zombie outbreak! Fanfic
It started out as a simple infiltration mission on board a galra science station. They get in, get the intel and get out. Easy peesy right?
They didn’t expect one of the lab experiments to stow away on the black lion…
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ursae-minoris-world · 2 years
Snow on New Altea
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sheith | 2/2 | 8.3k | G | fluff, winter celebrations, team as family, worldbuilding, post-canon (no s8)
Shiro pays Keith a surprise visit at the Blades of Marmora base he is currently stationed on. He picks him up to celebrate the Winter Solstice with the Paladins, Allura, Romelle and Coran on New Altea.
My fic for @burning-moths​ for the sheith secret santa exchange!
Read it here on AO3: archiveofourown.org/works/44529973/
Promote it here on twitter | on pillowfort
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