#shiver h
fleeway · 7 months
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alienssstufff · 4 months
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remyfire · 8 months
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This counts as another addition to Charles Who Loves To Edge. To me.
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legendofrhythm · 10 months
Big Betrayal is an absolute banger but I just know people are going to violently misinterpret it and permanently alter their viewpoint of Deep Cut's relationship forever
I personally think they're upset because he did the collab without telling them but I am afraid of the imminent violent mischaracterization
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sewageskullz · 7 months
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this is whut i mean when i say i need shiver kicked out of the polycule / deep cut
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Kay need to talk about Kirby Lore.
Haltmann Works Company. A company that specializes in Robots. Antagonists of Planet Robobot.
Haltmann works company working in Robotics.
Kirby 64. Shiver Star. Industrial wasteland covered in snow. Boss of that region? A robot.
A robot named HR-H.
Perhaps the company wasn’t always the Haltmann Works Company? Maybe it was once Haltmann Robotics? They’ve most likely been to Rock Star, we know that thanks to the crystal boss from 64 that Holo Defense API looks almost exactly like and is probably both in-universe and IRL based on. So perhaps the Haltmann Works Co was responsible for Shiver Star becoming too snowy and industrial to support life…? But that’s just a theory.
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politicaldilfs · 6 months
Texas Governor DILFs (Blue Edition)
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I often see comments about Republican politicians being hotter than Democratic politicians in my feed. And while I'm not here to weigh in on that debate, I will just say that Texas had a lengthy string of DILF governors when it was a blue state.
P.S. Be sure and stay tuned for the Red Edition! You didn't think I'd forget about Dubya did ya?
P.P.S. The man in the last picture is Governor Pappy O'Daniel, who was portrayed by Charles Durning in the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? Just a tidbit for all the Durning fans in my orbit!
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Sheogorath: Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don’t know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion.
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hyunpic · 2 years
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skz for pmc, scans cr. stepout
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the Disco Elysium writers strike again via my boyfriend sending me quotes :)))
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regularshcw · 4 months
@cutdeepshiver // CONT.
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" Nah, man, they were tryna eat me !! C'mon, it's cool, I got to sock a shark !!! " He's talking about a fucking BALA SHARK.
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wjbs-aus · 5 months
Honestly I headcanon that Shiver Star from Kirby 64 is Earth, but still populated and going through another ice-age.
The setup for HR-E/H's boss-fight is, like, a military commander looking at Kirby running around New York or whatever the city in the background is, and being so confused and terrified that they send the Kirbiverse equivalent of a Metal Gear to obliterate the fella (the fact that Dark Matter is also doing its own alien invasion isn't helping).
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caramelfuzz · 11 months
Not me walking out in a torrential downpour to go to the store and then traipsing about said store halfway shivering because I’m a reptile lol
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frozenambiguity · 11 months
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Fontaine hype — REAL!
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Show (No) Fear
Whumptober 2022 Day 7!
Summary: Written for Whumptober 2022 Day 7. Set during RttE. Snotlout doesn't like to show fear, even though he's terrible at hiding it. And when a lightning storm threatens him and Hookfang… Well, he gets a little nervous.
Warning: /
Rating: General
Characters: Snotlout, Hookfang
Pairing: /
Words: 851
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: THE WAY YOU SHAKE AND SHIVER - Shaking Hands
Whumpee: Snotlout
Author’s Notes: I forgot to post this yesterday. I got off work, had to nap for over an hour, was still tired afterwards. I even forgot to shower yesterday, even though Fridays are shower days!
Anyway, this year's Whumptober is still going to be mostly Hiccup whump, but I couldn't do this year without whumping Snotlout at least once.
So let's dig up some lightning-related traumas today! Because he got hit by these A LOT!
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
"Rest is for the weak!"
"Men need to be strong, Boy-o!"
"Great leaders take what's rightfully theirs!"
Those are just a few of Spitelout's great life lessons that he tried to teach his son.
But there's another; "Real men don't show fear, Boy-o!"
Snotlout can't remember the number of times he's been forced to hear that. Every time he showed the smallest hint of anxiety for anything, no matter how understandable, he'd get it shoved down his throat. Well, the truth is; those lessons never quite stuck the way his father wanted them to.
There's a thunderstorm brewing above him and Hookfang as the two do their patrol just off the coast of Dragon's Edge. Hiccup got all bossy again after a considerable portion of Monstrous Nightmare gel went missing, it’s the only reason why the two are even out here.
The clouds above them are a very dark gray, it could start raining any second now and it looks like lightning might follow soon. Snotlout… Well, he has quite a history of being struck by lightning. It’s happened several times this year alone.
It’s not pleasant. He can still remember each strike so vividly. The way they make him squirm, the way white-hot fire burns through his body and makes him fear that he might die at that moment. The strike happens in less than a second, but the fear lasts and lasts. So forgive him for eyeing those thunderous clouds with a twinge of nervousness.
They’re fast-moving, billowing into each other like the roaring waves below them. A stark contrast from Hookfang’s even, calm wing beats. Though the dragon is keeping an eye out for the weather as well.
“Heh, looks like it might rain a little,” his Rider chuckles nervously, hoping that talking might ease his nerves a bit.
Hookfang huffs confirmingly. Yes, he thinks so, too.
As if they’ve given the cue, it’s starts to drizzle and then pour.
“Aw man!” Snotlout groans, the fat droplets quickly drenching him.
There’s a sudden drop in temperature, even Hookfang can feel it. The storm is worsening, it might break loose any moment now.
Snotlout begins to shake, the dragon can feel it through the legs wrapped around his neck and even the hands clinging to his horns. Is it the cold? Or something else?
“Oh man, oh man,” The Jorgenson mutters under his breath, glad his dragon can’t see him. It’s not just the chill, he’s anxious and it’s making him tremble all over.
Why did Hiccup have to sent them out on this patrol just because they took and “displaced” a portion of their defenses? They better finish this quickly so they can go back to the base.
And because it’s started raining, a flash of lightning follows eventually. Snotlout yelps and cringes when the sound of thunder comes swiftly after. Okay, now he’s willing to admit that he might be a little nervous.
There’s another flash followed by thunder and Hookfang decides to ground them immediately. Every dragon and Dragon Riders knows that it’s unsafe to fly in unfavorable weather conditions. Besides, he doesn’t want Snotlout to get struck by lightning again. He knows what it’s like, too.
He veers off and heads back to the dragon base, straight for Snotlout’s hut. He briefly catches sight of Hiccup and Toothless outside of the clubhouse watching them come in before going inside themselves.
At the hut, the Nightmare expertly rears up, comes to a halt, and lands feet first. Snotlout stumbles out of the saddle before going inside.
It’s not much warmer inside his hut, he didn’t leave a fire burning as it would’ve caused, as Fishlegs likes to claim, a “fire hazard.” Now he wishes he hadn’t listened as he’s out of the rain and the wind, but he’s still shivering.
There’s a third flash of lightning followed by thunder, Snotlout braces himself for impact as if it’ll chase him inside.
Hookfang notices, of course. While his Rider closes the door, he starts a fire.
Snotlout stands in front of it, drying his cold and wet hands on his pants before rubbing them together. The heat fills his hut thankfully quick, but his trembling doesn’t stop.
His dragon continues to watch him, sees the way he shakes and shivers and realizes that it’s not just the cold. Whenever the sound of thunder rings loud and true, the Jorgenson seems to shrink in on himself. He’s out of the storm, yet still anxious. After all his unpleasant encounters with lightning, they scare him. Whether Snotlout wants to admit this or not, it’s the truth.
So Hookfang lies down in front of the fire and with his wing does he knock Snotlout backwards until he falls on his rear with his back against the dragon.
“Wow, hey!” He complains, but Hookfang doesn’t listen. He keeps his wing on him, sandwiching him between it and the dragon.
Though there is still thundering above, Snotlout’s shaking gradually stops. He’s warm and he feels safe enough to get through this storm.
Satisfied, Hookfang closes his eyes and decides to take a nap.
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elk96 · 8 months
Until The Sun Beams Through 2
Henry Wilson(Shivering Soldier) X OC
Henry wakes up to find Sam missing, but on her return, a step to the right direction is made.
Warnings: PTSD, wounds, possible mentions of family members' death(can't remember)
Words: 1083
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He squinted, trying to turn his face away from the damn sun that blinded him. He was met with the unmistakable force of the pillow and then the mattress, he couldn't turn over. There was only that slight gap between the curtains, the one that allowed the light to come through. Perhaps he should close it. He should. 
But he was too weak to even lift his arm-and the left one burned with pain. As did his head. And his back-and that stinging every time he inhaled…
He felt tears run down the corner of his eyes, spoiling his warmth. Something else was making him cold too, down at his thighs. Everything was painful, foggy. All he could do was wait until the pain swallowed him, drowned him, like the cruel sea had.
When Samantha came back home, she found Henry still laying asleep. She placed all her bags on the kitchen counter, thinking. At the end, she decided to wake him up. It had been fourteen hours since she'd sound him-roughly twelve since he'd fallen asleep. There were things to be done.
She was met with a deep, long groan as she opened the curtains and opened the window a little. 
She waited for him to wake up, sat on her chair as always. It took Henry some time to open his eyes, but once he did, he jolted away from her.  
She let him look at her like a frightened rabbit until he remembered everything.
"Good morning! I went to the village, brought you stuff".
" Do you need anything before I make us breakfast?"
"Are you cold"?, she asked lastly, a frown creasing her forehead as Henry shivered uncontrollably.
Tired of getting no response whatsoever, she sat on his bed-and immediately regretted it. 
Her heart filled with sympathy as she touched the wet mattress.
"Don't worry Henry…", she murmured, gently removing the blankets.
"I'll need you to stand up for a moment, okay"?
Spasms were still running over him, and…he was crying. 
Had her brother ended up like that before he died? Frightened out of his mind? And her dad?
She couldn't cry too, when someone was weak the other needed to remain strong. Her dad had taught her that, through broken bones and childbirths, her mother's passing.
"Can you move"?, she asked again with a sligh smile.
"Mm-I'm dizzy", Henry rasped out.
"I'll make you a drink for that, it will help. Do you want to give me your hand"?
Henry gave her the smallest of negative nods.
"I'll need to clean everything up, so you'll sit in the chair for a minute".
Henry shook his head again, his features altered by his shame. He didn't have enough strength to cry, but tears escaped him and it was so shameful to fucking weep like a child.
In an effort to minimize the trouble he caused her, he weakly lifted his body, grabbing her arm like a lifeline before he collapsed to the chair next to the bed.
He kept his eyes low as she brought her own mattress to replace the dirty one, and threw another pair of blankets over it. 
Before it was over, a loud bark left him moaning in pain, as his broken ribs convulsed in fear. 
"Don't worry, it's Dixie, she's outside, it's just a dog", she reassured him but Sam wasn't quick enough with the bucket.
This time it was only stomach fluids that spilled on the floor.
Maybe he should have died instead of going through all this. Agatha came to his mind, and Peter and Isabelle-and how he missed them. More than he missed his old self. The dog's barking made him hiss.
Before he knew it he was back to his bed, the floor clean, the sunlight replaced by the soft glow of the fire and candles.
With that terrible headache softening just a fraction, Henry found the courage to speak.
"Can you make it stop"?
Samantha looked at him. "The dog? She's here for her food too, she has a puppy to feed. If I let her in and tie her, she'll stop. But she will bark at first", she warned him.
If she was being honest, it wasn't necessary that the two dogs got into the house, but she missed their carefree presence. And perhaps it would help Henry as well.
"Okay", he answered with a strangled voice.
Samantha happily opened the door, closing it behind her before the dogs barged in. Dixie was a large mongrel shepard, their family dog fr over five years. Recently she'd given birth again, to two puppies, and after one of them died, Sam didn't have the heart to give Rick away. 
"Hello babies! I missed you, you were gone all day yesterday! I have a surprise for you, a guest. You like guests, don't you Dixie"?
Looping a rope through their collars, she brought them in. Henry tensed the minute he saw them, and Dixie barked a little, but she quickly got used to the idea of an intruder in her house. 
Both dogs waited patiently until their food was served, and then they layed on the floor, observing Sam's movements
"Don't worry, I've tied them up", she said as Henry eyed them suspiciously. "Are you hungry"?
"But you have to eat something", she complained.
"I'll just…it won't-
"Only a little bit of bread, please. It won't happen again, don't worry. This will help".
She placed a hot cup in the bed, next to a small slice of bread.
"Is that chamomile"?, Henry asked quietly, the furrow leaving his brow for the first time.
"Yes, with lemon and honey. It will do good to you".
"'M fine", he whispered, his cheeks already flushed with shame.
"It's normal. You went through hell and came back. Your healing is all that matters", Sam told him in a tone she hoped would make him understand. "Just let me help you, please".
He was beyond help- he had turned into an animal, but she couldn't possibly imagine, so he tilted his head, grabbed the cup, brought it with trembling hands to his mouth. The smell of chamomile itself was soothing, soft, comforting.
Memories of picking up the flower with his kids flushed through his mind, their giggles, their little hands getting all dirty and muddy, him helping them cut the chamomile without taking out its roots. 
He missed them. He missed their laughs. He missed their chubby faces. He was alive. But he couldn't go back. 
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