mufhtagn · 3 months
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rennyrose · 1 year
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Shiiiiieeh thanks ya’ll-
I know LR are little niche pieces of a somewhat niche (not so much anymore thanks to Stampede haha) manga series but your guy’s feedback makes it seem like they aren’t ⭐️ I appreciate ya’ll letting me project on the bois a bit
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baconcolacan · 9 months
I know Tom had that exclamatory quirk (e.g. Holy Poptarts in a pencil sharpener!!) which, sadly, we have not seen much of in newer eddisodes.
But I think it would be funny if he brought it back at an older age, cause man saying cuss words get boring as you reach a certain age, lets put some ✨panache✨ back into our frustrations
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jewishbarbies · 4 months
watching the house for the next couple weeks bc my parents left for the coast this morning and it was SO peaceful all day long until about 1–2hrs ago-
my sister was in the living room and I went to my parents’ room to feed one of our elderly dogs bc he has a particular dinner routine, no big deal. I’m kneeling on the floor to make sure he eats and I can hear a footstep in the bathroom behind me. I call for the cat bc she’s usually in the cat bed they have in there. nothing. another step. THEN I hear the dramatic thudding of her chonky ass jumping down and she trots over to me. stepping continues and I have a weird feeling on my back and I know something is in there but I don’t look. finally I leave when the dog is done, all in all like less than 10 minutes, and the other cat and dog were out in the living room.
then my sister chills with me and the dogs on my moms bed to give the dogs their “bed time” before they usually get tucked in with blankies in the living room. she agrees that it feels loud and less peaceful than the rest of the house, but it’s a recent change for me since I’d been home all day. she leaves after a bit to get to bed bc she had work but I stay with the dogs a half hour or so longer. I’m scrolling my phone and the bedroom door is open, dogs are asleep around me. I glance up bc I see movement and I catch the tail end of something dark like someone walking into the kitchen. I immediately call my sister and ask where she is, hoping it’s just her, but she’s still in bed and has been for some time. I keep her on speaker as I tuck the dogs in and head to my own room bc I needed to tell someone, and then I hung up got in bed.
last night in the early hours of the morning, I was struggling to get to and stay asleep, and I heard a voice say “stop”. just that word. I didn’t know why and I still don’t but I’d just rolled over and ignored it. but my sister and I didn’t feel weird or have any odd things happen until around 10/11pm, a few hours after she’d gotten home from work. so we’d both been home peacefully for a while and it was chill literally all day before that.
I’m not really scared or anything, I just needed to write it down.
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kaywavy · 1 year
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jase-is-ace · 1 year
No but actually you guys do not understand JUST how much I adore my little sister.
she is so understanding and tolerant of my stupid and impulsive ass, and she lets me hug her 24/7.
Girlie is like 89.5% of my impulse control.
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
The ocean was a vast space, so extensive you could never see just how far out it went. It had always been a terrifying thought, particularly after the tsunami, to venture out into the depths and see what was out there. The last few days, however, Harper had been sitting on the beach, watching the various people on their surfboards and thinking how much fun it would be to give up her fears and try to leave all her thoughts behind as she rode on a wave. 
She’d taken the first step and bought a surfboard, now she just had to try and get out there. A lot easier said than done, especially since she hadn’t signed up for classes and was considering the possibility of teaching herself how to surf. Probably not the smartest idea, but if she actually made it out into the ocean itself that would be a surprise.
Board in the sand next to her, she took a seat at the edge of the beach, where the waves crashed up upon her gently, and let the coolness of the water take her to other places. 
“I think this was a waste of time and money,” she said out loud to nobody in particular as she pulled her legs up under her chin and stared out at the horizon. Maybe someday she would face one of her fears, but today did not appear to be that day.
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No one told me the spiritual awakening/trauma release process would involve so much shaking???? It feels better after but holy cow it’s not enjoyable during the process.
The somatics person in me knows this is just the body completing the trauma response and release the alarm, but I didn’t think it would be this aggressive
Even more respect for epileptics now than I had previously.
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years
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#ShiznitsMonsterPlush #UniquePlush #Plushies
Thinking about the Shiznits Pillow Plush Monsters Gertie Braids Whimsical Green Odd Weird Plushies and how cool these little friends are. I like their handmade like appearance.
Shiznits Pillow Plush Monsters Gertie Braids Whimsical Green Odd Weird Stuffed | eBay
Shiznits Pillow Plush Monsters Gilbert Button Odd Whimsical Green Weird Stuffed | eBay
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bermudianabroad · 2 years
Big tv production is being filmed in my neighbourhood; a period drama. Day shoots and nights. They’ve set up generators and production trucks right outside my bedroom window so I’m trying to sleep against a soundtrack of: ‘Mmmmgggrrrrrhghhhhaaahhhhgggrrrr’ that goes into the wee hours.
Between the noise and the northern latitude summer mornings I’m averaging about < 4 hours of sleep a night at the moment. 🙃
The pay off is free crew food that they’d otherwise chuck, and they’ve very kindly set up the screens for dailies right opposite the kitchen window. So I can watch the day’s take as I do the dishes.
Gonna be a scandalous one.
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punkitt-is-here · 7 months
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girl who says shiznit 2 me
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Slowly catching up with The Midnight Romance in Hagwon tonight, and holy shiznits! That free lecture scene in episode 4 really sold this as a romantic drama for me. There is no turning back.
As this team often does, they've placed a lot of emphasis on scenes at work, likely as a nod to the fact that being a hagwon lecturer is an all-consuming and highly demanding job. (As in, they have no life outside of work.) It's been a pleasure to watch and reminded me of my own days as a lecturer and professor. But it meant that we didn't really see our main couple in any other context yet. They're always thinking about work and talking about work. We knew they had history. We knew he flirted hard and she crumbled into fits of giggles while exchanging texts with him late at night and sometimes had to catch her breath after leaving him because he was THAT charming. But the romance wasn't super fleshed out.
That scene, though! I instantly knew I was watching Lee Ji Ho fall in love with his first love all over again. I got teary eyed. As his gaze filled with wonder, so did mine. This time they're both adults in their 30s, so he actually has a shot. She is not going to be able to resist for long!
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culturalappreciator · 7 months
30 years ago this month, 3 of the most iconic hip hop albums were released.
A Tribe Called Quest Midnight Marauders
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A Tribe Called Quest- Electric Relaxation (1993)
A Tribe Called Quest- Award Tour [ft. Trugoy The Dove] (1993)
Enter the Wu-Tang 36 Chambers Wu-Tang Clan
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Wu-Tang Clan- Method Man (1993)
Wu-Tang Clan- C.R.E.A.M. (1993)
Doggystyle Snoop Doggy Dogg
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Snoop Doggy Dogg- Who Am I (What's My Name)? (1993)
Snoop Doggy Dogg- Gin And Juice (1993)
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crownedinmarigolds · 11 months
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RIP to me I'm back on my Twisted Wonderland shiznit! (still drawing all my VTM stuff too I'm just very inspired at the moment!)
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savetheghost · 1 year
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all my deimos shiznit ive collected over the past two years or so
it all lives in a pile for authenticity
check alt text for commentary
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os2-warp · 17 days
Hanazuki is such a good show in my mind because it somehow, according to my tastes, is a perfect mix of dumb baby show and serious (for a kid's cartoon) topics, in a way that just hits so right to me... also all the character designs are some of the cutest shiznit ever, and the environments are so pretty
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