#shocking! women who are good at things can be good at things past the age of 30!
rolandkaros · 6 months
now tell me again why we care abt age
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roosterforme · 1 year
How You Play the Game Part 1 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley wins a box seat ticket for the first game of the World Series final, he doesn't think his day could get any better. But when he's given a seat in the press box by mistake, he meets a gorgeous sports writer from New York. And he has one of the best nights of his life.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, and smut (18+)
Length: 6300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! How You Play the Game masterlist. Banner by @thedroneranger
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Bradley was half asleep, sipping on his coffee while he drove to North Island from his house in the soft pre dawn light. He really hated these early training days that started at six o'clock and didn't end until after dinnertime. He'd be in the air all day, and then he'd probably be too tired to stay awake to watch game one of the World Series. 
Everyone on base was excited that the Padres were playing the Angels. A Southern California showdown for the ages. Tickets to game one in San Diego were selling for almost a thousand dollars per seat, but the sports radio host Bradley was listening to was giving them away.
Bradley yawned as the host asked, "Who was the first major league baseball player to pitch a ball over 100 miles per hour?"
"That's easy," Bradley mumbled. "Nolan Ryan." And then he realized that it was 5:30 in the morning and perhaps nobody else who was listening knew that fact. "Huh," he grunted, reaching for his phone at a red light. He dialed the number and was shocked when he got through to the host. 
"Good morning, caller! What's your name? Where are you from?"
"I'm Bradley. From Coronado."
"Do you have an answer for me, Bradley? Which major league player was the first to pitch over 100 miles per hour?"
"That would be Nolan Ryan."
"You sound confident in your baseball knowledge," the host replied. "Double or nothing? I'll upgrade your ticket to a seat in a box suite if you can tell me which team Ryan was pitching against."
Bradley smiled to himself as he pictured the boxes of his dad's old baseball cards that he still had in his garage. "He was pitching against the Chicago White Sox."
And just like that, Bradley was the proud owner of a suite ticket for game one of the World Series at Petco Park later that night. 
Your flight from New York to San Diego had been delayed so many times, you were a little surprised you managed to get to your hotel in your rental car and then make it to the game on time. At least you'd been able to start writing your article on the flight. Unless the game went into extra innings, you should be able to finish by your midnight deadline. Because if there was one thing the New York Times didn't mess around with, it was the hard cutoff for your submissions. 
As you made your way to the media entrance at Petco Park, you pulled out your lanyard with your credentials and looped it around your neck. As soon as someone learned that you were a sports writer for the most prestigious newspaper in the country, they were either impressed or they did a double take. You were a freshly thirty year old female with a ten year career in sports journalism, and you didn't take shit from any guys about it. 
In fact, you loved it when men tried to one up you. Because they never could. You knew more than they did about sports, you were an amazing writer, and you found pleasure in shutting them down. Preferably in front of their friends. And then they would inevitably try to ask you out. And you would shut that down, too. It was a game that you were very good at now. 
As you were scanned into the ballpark by a security officer, you quickly made your way up to your assigned press box. You expected the heavy hitters to be there. And of course you'd be the youngest, and probably one of just a few women in attendance. As you climbed the narrow stairs and swiped your badge one last time, you opened the door and strolled past a table filled with food and drinks. And then you saw them: Carl from ESPN, Jack from The Chicago Tribune, Harold from the Los Angeles Times, and Quincy from the Philadelphia Inquirer. You would keep your guard up, because it was just a matter of time before one of them made some sort of comment about your ability to do your job. 
The room was already filling up as you claimed a spot on one of the narrow counters where you could set up your computer and get to work. You removed your lanyard and tossed it next to your stuff, and then you waved to Raya from MSN Sports, the only other female in the room. When you turned to grab a drink and some food, you noticed the flash of a handsome face and a mustache. And then you stifled a scream as you saw and felt a plastic cup of cold beer meet your chest before soaking the front of you completely. 
"Oh, fuck!" came the deep, raspy voice of the most handsome man you could remember seeing in recent history as he stared at your chest. You supposed it was a fair trade, because you couldn't look away from his face no matter what you did. He was hot; all tan skin, brown eyes, and wavy, brown hair. And the blush that crept in and colored his cheeks made him look boyish as he glanced up to meet your eyes. "I'm so sorry!"
When he swallowed hard, and his eyes drifted down to your chest again, you looked down as well. Great. Your light blue lace bra was plainly visible through your white blouse, and the beer was even dripping onto your jeans and your new, white Chucks. 
You just shook your head and shrugged. "It's okay. Shit happens. But why did you bring a beer in here?" you asked. But he still looked so embarrassed and flustered, you decided to mess with him. "Who do you write for? I'll send them my laundry bill."
"Write?" he asked, and yep, that was confirmation that he had the sexiest voice you had ever heard. 
"Yeah," you said, feeling a little flustered yourself as you reached for some napkins to dab your shirt dry. "Tampa Bay Times? Boston Globe? Oh Lord, don't tell me you're from Barstool Sports. I don't recognize you, and I'm pretty sure I'd remember you." That was a lie; you would definitely have remembered him.
"No," he said, watching your every move. "I don't write."
You laughed as his gaze flicked up from your chest to your eyes when you looked up at him. "That explains the alcohol, then. But why are you in the press box? Did you get lost up here?"
He smirked at that. "No. I won a radio contest and got a seat in a box suite. But somehow my ticket got mixed up, and they sent me a media pass instead."
"Really?" you asked, eyeing him up and down now. "I had to pay for a four year journalism degree for my media pass, and you're going to tell me I could have just listened to the radio?"
His laugh was infectious and his smile made you a little giddy as he held out his hand to you. "I'm Bradley. I don't think I could manage to write an article about sports, even if I was getting paid to do it. You must be very talented." You preened a bit at his words as you shook his hand. "And I'm really sorry about the beer," he added, gesturing to your shirt. "I'd offer to get you a drink or dinner, but the food in here is free, and you're actually working. So, I'll just stand here like an idiot and keep shaking your hand and apologizing until you tell me your name and tell me to stop. I'm really sorry about your shirt." He was still shaking your hand, and now you couldn't stop smiling.
You told him your first name and then you said, "You can stop shaking my hand now, Bradley." 
"Let me grab you some water?" he asked, and when you nodded, he turned toward the bar in the far corner. And you took in his tall frame, broad shoulders and massive biceps which were highlighted by his Padres shirt. 
"Oh no," you whispered to yourself, still mindlessly dabbing your wet blouse with some napkins.
Bradley turned toward you with two water bottles, and thankfully this time he managed to keep the drinks in his hands. You were so fucking cute, and your wet shirt was doing crazy things to him. He couldn't stop smiling, and when you looked up at him and cautiously accepted your drink, you were smiling too. 
"Thanks for not drenching me again," you said, tapping your drink to his. And then Bradley heard an older guy call your name, and you turned in his direction. 
"Nice shirt," he shouted so everyone was suddenly looking your way. "That how you plan on getting an exclusive with one of the players? Sex sells now? I thought this was about the game."
Bradley was appalled that another journalist was talking to you like that, but before he could say that your wet shirt was actually his fault, you were shouting back at the guy.
"Harold, you couldn't even drag your sorry, old ass down to the field fast enough to get an exclusive with the mascot. I don't know how you're not retired or dead yet. Didn't you cover the 1922 World Series?"
Bradley watched Harold purse his lips at you before he turned away and took a seat. And when Bradley glanced down at you as you sipped your water, you looked completely unfazed. And he was ridiculously turned on.
"Damn, nobody should be messing with you," he said, thoroughly impressed. "You're an Ace."
You just rolled your eyes, but you looked very pleased by his words. He already knew he wanted to talk to you all night, but now you were setting your drink down next to your computer and opening it as you sat. "This is a boys club. Just a dick measuring contest. I can't let up for a second or I'll get steamrolled."
Bradley let his eyes dip down to your damp shirt as he asked, "I don't want to commit another beer related crime. You seem to know how this press box stuff works. Mind if I sit with you?"
"Not at all," you told him as you licked your lips. "As long as you don't spill anything else on me."
Bradley eased himself down on the stool next to yours, and his knee brushed your thigh. He watched you filling out a baseball stat sheet while you opened up a document on your computer. 
"So what was the trivia question?" you asked as you sipped your water again.
"Trivia question?" he murmured, watching your lips wrap around the rim of the bottle before you took a drink. 
"Yeah, isn't that how you won the pass? For the box seat? Even though you're slumming it with the journalists now?"
"I wouldn't call this slumming it," he said, eyeing your pretty face. "But yeah, they asked who was the first pitcher to throw a ball over 100 miles per hour."
"Oh. Nolan Ryan. Angels versus the White Sox. Nice," you said as you smiled at him. Fuck. You liked sports. You wrote about sports. You were gorgeous, and you knew more about sports than he did. Bradley let his mind drift to peeling off your damp, white shirt and licking the taste of beer off your chest while you moaned baseball stats and ran your fingers through his hair. He could definitely get into that. He briefly wondered if you were going to be at the next game here on Sunday.
And then you were keeping the game stats in your notebook at the same time you typed up notes, and Bradley realized he had missed the first few pitches. "Oof, that was a sloppy curveball," you muttered as you peered down at the field before checking the overhead screen. "He's supposed to be their Ace."
"Nah, you're the Ace," Bradley said, and you turned to grin at him as your fingers brushed against his. There was not a lot of room at this little countertop, and when you tried to nudge his arm out of the way, he wrapped it around the back of your stool. 
"How am I supposed to keep my stats with you taking up so much space?" you asked, but your tone sounded playful, and you leaned a little closer to him. "You're massive."
Those words spoken in your voice had his cock stirring. "Yeah well, not a lot I can do about that, Ace."
That grin was back as you tapped the end of your pencil against your lips, and his gaze followed the motion. "So what do you do, Bradley? I'm going to guess you're not a waiter since you can't walk without spilling drinks. And you're definitely not a writer."
"I'm a pilot. A naval aviator," he told you softly, running his thumb along your back and watching you bite your lip. 
"Fascinating," you told him before returning your attention back to the game and scribbling down the pitch count. And that's when Bradley's gaze landed on your badge which was sitting next to your computer. 
He recognized your full name immediately. "Holy shit. You write for the New York Times."
"Yeah," you replied, turning to look at him before pulling your lip between your teeth again.
"Ace. I recognize your name. You're the best sports writer in the country."
Bradley was blushing, he knew he must be, but your bright smile was focused on him, and he couldn't keep his fingertips from drawing lazy shapes along your back where his hand rested. 
"You know me?"
He nodded and raised an eyebrow at you. "You're famous. I read your articles all the time. I downloaded the New Your Times app solely for you."
When you laughed and gently bit the eraser end of your pencil, Bradley groaned. "You're funny," you told him.
"You're gorgeous." The words were out his mouth before he could stop himself. He thought about apologizing, but then you leaned in a little closer and ran your pencil eraser up his thigh along his jeans.
"Stop distracting me," you whispered, kissing his cheek before returning your attention to your computer. Your lips had brushed the end of his mustache, and he could still feel the soft sensation there as you gazed at him from the corner of your eyes. This was going to be a long night for Bradley.
Bradley had called you gorgeous. He was playful, and he kept a smile on your lips. When he made a comment about the Angels' catcher, you told him, "You're completely right. I'm adding that to my piece." And he blushed that deep shade of pink again. 
"Damn, Ace. I'll be thinking about your voice when I read your article tomorrow morning." 
"Mm," you hummed, marking down another strikeout. "It would be fun to read it to you. I think you'd blush. The whole time." 
His lips were parted, and he looked a little surprised. "It would be the filthiest of dirty talk," he muttered, and when you giggled, he grinned. 
You had to bite your lip against the desire to kiss his cheek again. "World Series articles and pitching stats? That's what's gonna do it for you, Bradley?"
"Shit, how dirty can you make those pitching stats?" he whispered, thumb still skimming along the back of your shirt.
"You'd be surprised," you told him, shooting him an innocent look as he nodded at you.
"I'm sure I would."
The more you scribbled down in your notebook as the game progressed, the closer Bradley got to you. His big palm was warm on your back and you found yourself leaning into him more and more. By the eighth inning, his leg was pressed up against yours and he just kept getting closer. 
"Ace, you're killing me," he murmured, taking your pencil and erasing the sloppy note you had written about the Padres relief pitcher. "Let me help."
You laughed as he rewrote your note very neatly followed by what you assumed was his phone number. Oh, he was a bold one. Very handsome, very funny and very bold. 
Without a word, he handed your pencil back to you. "What am I supposed to do with that?" you asked, tapping his phone number with the pencil.
His breath was warm on your cheek as he said, "Save it in your phone. Call it. Text it. Let it know when you're in San Diego. I don't know, Ace. I just like you."
Your lips parted right as the Padres catcher hit a home run, and as everyone else in the ballpark erupted in cheers or groans, Bradley pressed his lips softly to yours. And then you tossed your pencil aside and ran your hand up along his neck. His lips were soft, but damn, his mustache was rough and you liked it. 
You pulled back a few inches. "And if I text you, you're going to write back?" you asked. 
"Immediately," he promised. 
"Well then maybe I'll save your number."
He groaned softly as you marked down the home run. "Are you covering game two on Sunday?" he asked as the ninth inning started.
"I'm covering every game," you told him, letting your hand rest on his thigh. The soft noise he made had you scraping your fingernails softly along his jeans as he watched your hand instead of the game. "I'll be back and forth between San Diego and Los Angeles for the next two weeks or so, if they go to seven games. Which, in my professional opinion, they will." 
After your fingers grazed his zipper, you watched his head tip back, the veins in his neck working as he swallowed. You were pretty turned on now, too. And the way he was responding to you was making things worse by the minute. 
"I'm gonna have to drop a grand on a ticket to see you back here on Sunday, aren't I?" he asked as you shrugged and ran your finger along his belt loop. Then you released him and turned back to type a few sentences for your article. 
"Listen," you told him without looking at him. "There's no guarantee I'm even going to let you have my number, so I wouldn't worry about that just yet."
He was quiet for a beat as you typed away, and then he said, "How about you let me buy you a drink for real? Right after the game tonight?"
"I have a deadline to meet," you told him, and he looked disappointed as he nodded. "But my article is almost done. And my hotel is right across the street. We could go to the bar there?"
"Absolutely," he murmured, his fingers still at your back. "Anywhere you want."
As soon as the game ended with a Padres victory, you tossed your computer and notebook into your bag, and you were on your feet next to Bradley. "Let's get out of here." 
You took his big hand in yours, glancing up at him occasionally as you tried to beat most of the crowd to the exit. And each time, he was looking back at you, smiling. You led him across the parking lot, and your hotel was in sight when you pushed him up against the brick wall outside of the ballpark. Bradley welcomed your body against his, and he looked at you like he couldn't believe this was happening just before you kissed him.
It was dark over here, even the streetlights were dim. His hands were on your back as your fingers tangled in his hair, and you were rubbing yourself gently against him. 
"Ace," he grunted against your lips. "You gotta let me buy you that drink." 
You could feel him growing harder for you as you kissed him and tasted his tongue. Suddenly the hotel bar was the farthest thing from your mind. It had been replaced by thoughts of your hotel room bed instead. 
"Come on, Bradley," you whispered, linking your fingers with his and leading him further down the sidewalk. He went with you willingly, leaning down to kiss your cheek and your neck as you waited in a crowd of people for the light to change at the crosswalk. 
"You smell good. Like the beer I spilled on you," he groaned, holding you close. The movement of his lips had his mustache prickling your neck. You wanted to feel it on all your sensitive skin. You wanted to see if you could make him blush in bed. 
You and he stumbled across the street and into the hotel lobby where you eyed the bar as he wrapped his big hand around your waist. You looked up at him and asked, "Wanna skip the bar and go up to my room? Find out if I taste good like the beer, too?" 
The sound of Bradley's groan as his hand slid down to your butt had you pressing yourself against his thigh. "Lead the way, Ace."
The elevator ride to the top floor was filled with the sound of kissing as well as the little gasping noises you made. Your hands were at the fly of his jeans as he pushed you back against the wall and devoured your mouth. Bradley was so hard and ready for you, he was honestly surprised. He just met you. This was not a usual occurrence for him. 
"Bradley," you moaned, unbuttoning his jeans as the elevator jolted to a stop. You abandoned his jeans for his hand and pulled him down the hallway, running toward your room and laughing. You stopped in front of one of the doors and started to dig in your bag.
He stood behind you and ran his lips along your neck as you gasped for him. You were so responsive, stroking something deep down inside of Bradley every time you reacted to him. He wrapped his hands around to the front of your jeans and started to play with your button as well. When his fingers met the soft skin of your belly, your head tipped back against him. 
"I can't find my room key," you moaned as he ran his hands up inside your shirt. He watched as you gripped the bag with both hands and let your eyes drift closed. 
"You're not really trying very hard, Baby," he said with a smirk. He couldn't believe you right now. So pretty and so lost to his touch. He was throbbing and aching for you, too. 
"Because you're teasing me!" you complained with a laugh. But then you turned in his arms, and suddenly Bradley's hands were on your bare back. Your eyes were wide, bag clutched between your body and his. "This is... not something that I usually do. Especially not when I'm on the job." Your voice was soft, and as you nervously bit your lip, Bradley leaned down to kiss your cheek.
"Same, Ace," he promised with a smirk. "In fact, I've never had a woman seduce me this quickly before. You're irresistible."
Your laughter was the best thing he had ever heard. "I thought I was the one being seduced here?"
"No," he said, reaching into your bag and plucking out the key. "You're in charge." He handed it to you, and you wrapped your fingers around the back of his neck and kissed him hard before you turned and unlocked the door with your other hand. You pulled Bradley with you as you stumbled backwards into the dark room. 
As you searched blindly for the light switch, you pushed Bradley against the wall. You had your fingers in the hair at the back of his head and your tongue was in his mouth as you located the switch.
"That's better," you mumbled breathlessly as you turned on the light, and Bradley pulled away from you a few inches. 
"You're fucking gorgeous," he whispered as he tightened his right arm around your waist. He wasn't being shy about how hard he was for you, and you weren't being shy either. You whimpered as you rubbed yourself gently against him, and he ran his thumb along your cheek and down to your lips. "I haven't been this turned on in so long."
Then Bradley watched you reach down and pull off your white shirt in one smooth motion, leaving you in that sinful looking blue bra before him. You were stroking him through his jeans with your right hand when you whispered, "I thought you were going to taste me, Bradley." Your eyes were wide and innocent looking as you challenged him. 
He nodded slowly. "I wanna taste you everywhere." Then he scooped you up as you laughed, and he carried you to the king sized bed as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You gonna let me do that?"
"Yes," you whispered right next to his ear, and Bradley eased you down onto the bed with his body weight on top of you. As you started tugging on his Padres shirt, he managed to remove his shoes before reaching down both of your calves and yanking yours off. He tossed them blindly behind himself, wincing as he hit the wall with both of them. 
But you just laughed and pulled his tee shirt up, leaving him in his white tank. You were holding his shirt in your hand as he pressed his lips to yours. "You taste so good here," he whispered, running his tongue along your bottom lip as you wrapped your leg around his hip. Then he kissed your chest before licking a stripe across the top of your lace bra as you bucked your core against him. "Fuck," he groaned. He licked and sucked on the top of your right tit. "Your skin tastes like that spilled beer. I love it on you."
"Well then, you better clean me up with your tongue, since it's your fault in the first place." You tipped your head back, and arched your back off the bed, and Bradley followed your lead, letting his big hands find the clasp of your bra. You moaned softly as he unhooked it and moved his fingers around to ease the fabric away from your body.
"God damn," he groaned before taking your nipple between his lips. Your fingers were tight in his hair as he sucked on you, rubbing the rough pad of his thumb against your other breast.
"Bradley!" you cried out when he rubbed his mustache across your nipple. He was dying to fuck you, but you were letting him tease the hell out of you, and he was loving this.
"You like that?" he asked, enjoying all the cues you were giving him. He couldn't stop grinning as you whimpered a soft little yes before pulling his undershirt off. 
When you ran your fingers through his chest hair and down his abs, Bradley swallowed hard. Because you didn't stop there. You reached right for his unbuttoned jeans and eased his zipper down. He held himself over you, looking down into your needy eyes as you ran your fingers along the elastic of his underwear before delving inside. You licked your pouty lips before you wrapped your hand around his cock, and then you closed the distance up to his lips with the softest, sweetest kiss. You stroked him slowly while barely brushing your lips against his, and it was driving him absolutely insane.
"Ace," he grunted, and you squeezed your hand around his cock and giggled while he moaned for you. Then you gasped and let go of him. "What's wrong?" he asked, immediately pulling himself away from you while he panted.
Your eyes looked concerned, so he put a little more distance between your bodies. "I don't have any condoms," you whispered as you eased your hand away from him.
Bradley pressed his lips to your forehead. "I think I have one in my wallet. It's new."
"Oh," you gasped. "Should have known," you told him. "You're pretty gorgeous, too."
Bradley wanted to ease your mind, let you know that he didn't hook up with a lot of women anymore. He wanted to tell you that the condom was there for just a special occasion like this one. He wanted to explain to you that the last few he'd had in his wallet had been sacrificed to Jake when he'd been in a pinch at the bar.
But you were easing him onto his back, and he supposed it probably wouldn't make much of a difference. It wasn't like you were going to want more from him than just tonight. Besides, he hadn't had anything that wasn't casual in a very long time. 
You were on top of him now, straddling his waist in your unbuttoned jeans, and you were reaching for both of his hands. And when you had your fingers laced with his and pinned his hands over his head, Bradley closed his eyes and enjoyed your touch. Your lips were soft on his face and your thumbs were stroking along his palms in a way that was not only turning him on more, but also providing him with some comfort. 
When you whispered his name, he opened his eyes and he felt surprised by the realization that he only met you tonight. 
"Maybe you should get that condom ready?" you asked softly, rolling your hips against Bradley's torso.
"Yeah," he grunted. And then you were easing down his body, taking his jeans and underwear with you. Bradley propped himself up on one elbow as his cock sprang free. You made eye contact with him, lips parted on a soft whimper. 
"Bradley," you sighed, tugging his jeans, underwear and socks completely off. 
Before you tossed everything aside, he mumbled, "Grab my wallet, Baby." Your eyes met his with so much need before you focused on taking the leather out of the pocket of his jeans, it had him reaching for you. 
You shoved it into his hand before you scrambled back up his body and brushed your fingers through his hair, kissing his lips like he was every goddamn thing you wanted.
Bradley removed the condom and tossed his wallet onto the floor. Then he had you underneath him again. You still smelled like the spilled beer as he kissed his way along your chest, and you were trying to wriggle out of your jeans. "I can take care of that," he whispered, pressing the condom into your hand. Then he had every scrap of fabric removed from your body, and he didn't know if he could handle how perfect you really were. "Ace," he groaned when you eased your feet up his biceps and let your ankles rest on his shoulders. 
Bradley's lips found the inside of your right thigh as if he was drawn to you like a magnet. Your eyes were half lidded, and you had one hand in his hair and one on your tits. How was he going to recover from this?
"Let me taste you," he begged, and when you nodded, his lips were on your pussy immediately. He groaned, already addicted to the way you tasted here too. He kissed along your slit and buried his nose against your clit.
"Oh!" you gasped, tightening your grip on his hair and spreading your legs wider for him. Bradley's cock was throbbing against the bedding as he slid his tongue up through your soaking wet pussy until his lips were wrapped around your clit.
"Yesss," you hissed, gently riding his face as you whispered his name. And with each stroke of his tongue, you got a little louder, your fingers pulled his hair a little more. Oh, he was so fucking turned on for you, he wasn't sure he'd last more than a minute once he had that condom on.
"Bradley!" you gasped, pressing your heel into his back while he sucked on your clit. "Put the condom on."
It took him a little bit to get his lips away from your pussy, because he really wanted to get you off with his mouth. But then he rationalized that you wanted him to get you off with his dick instead, and that sounded perfect, too.
"Okay," he panted, brushing his wet mustache against your belly as you opened the condom for him. He rolled it on and kissed your lips as he pressed himself to your core. Now you were holding him in place by his hair as you returned his kisses, softly moaning into his mouth as he pressed his tip into you. You felt warm and tight and perfect, and as you took every inch of him, he stroked his thumb along your cheek.
"Oh god," you whimpered, frantically kissing him and licking his mustache. Your voice was coming in little gasps, and he loved the sound of it.
Bradley withdrew and thrust back inside you, and you rolled your hips with his. "You gotta tell me what you like, Ace. I want to make you feel good."
He watched your eyes go a little wider before you reached for his hand. When you took his index and middle fingers between your lips and started sucking on him while he fucked you, he groaned. "Baby. God that feels fucking great. But don't make me cum yet."
With a soft whimper, you swirled your tongue along his fingers before popping them out of your mouth and guiding his hand down between your bodies to your clit. Bradley had to suck in a deep breath and think about one of his superior officers leading a boring lecture to keep himself in check. He never felt close to the edge this fast, but as he ran his wet fingers along your clit and fucked you into the bed, he knew he could cum if he let himself. 
"Bradley," you whispered, and he buried his face against your neck. "Harder."
He bit his lip and fucked you harder while you whined his name, and he kept his fingers on your clit, trying to work you up. He needed to get you off. He absolutely needed to do this. Because he was hoping you'd call him or text him. He wanted you to save his number and use it. He was already dying for more. 
"Ace," he groaned, pressing his lips to your neck as your fingers drifted down his shoulders to his back. 
You moaned, "I like it when you call me that," so Bradley pressed the nickname against your lips with his until you were gasping and clenching around him. When you came for him, you took his fingers from your clit and laced your hand with his as his movements grew more erratic. 
He was saying something as he came inside you, but he wasn't exactly sure what. And you were looking up at him with a soft, fucked out smile and pushing his hair away from his forehead with your warm hand. And then you let him collapse on top of you while he was still buried inside you, and you ran your fingers back through his hair. 
Bradley settled his cheek against your chest and let himself enjoy the feel of your breathing evening out after your orgasm. You were still making soft sounds as you rubbed your calf along his leg. He could have stayed just like this all night. You felt that good. 
Just as he looked up at you, about to ask if there was any way you'd want to see him again this weekend, you laughed softly. 
"Wow. That was fun."
Fun. He wanted to be more than a fun time. "And good, I hope?" he asked softly. 
"More than good," you whispered, laughing again. "Amazing." 
Bradley smiled at you, and he knew he was blushing. "Yeah. Amazing is the right word for it."
And you were smiling so much, Bradley laughed as you tried to hide behind your hand. He leaned in and kissed your wrist. "Ace, I-"
Bradley jerked away from you as an alarm went off somewhere in the room. When you sat up, he gently eased himself out of you with a grunt.
"That's my thirty minute warning," you told him, scrambling out of bed. "I need to finish my article and submit it."
"Oh," he said, watching you bend to locate your phone. "Right."
You looked at him and licked your lips nervously as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. And then you bent to start retrieving your clothing, and Bradley's heart sank as he stood as well. Wordlessly, he went into the bathroom to take care of the condom and wash his hands, and when he came back out, you were dressed in your underwear and the white shirt he had messed up.
"I guess," he whispered, pulling on his own underwear, "I should go then."
You pressed your lips together and nodded slightly. "I guess so."
"Okay," he said, quickly getting himself dressed in everything except his Padres tee. He just held that while he looked at you. "You have my number."
"I do," you whispered. 
"You can use it," he told you with a smile, and you leaned in to kiss his cheek. And then your lips were on his. And then your fingers were in his hair again. 
You moaned and then pulled away from him, and Bradley forced himself to walk backwards to the door, not wanting to take his eyes off you. 
"Bye, Bradley."
He didn't want to say goodbye to you, so he said, "See ya, Ace," and then he was out in the hallway with the door closing behind him.
Oh, Bradley! I love Ace, and I hope you do, too! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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vamph00n · 2 months
who in enhypen you think would be into older girls (I'm talking like maximum 3 years!!) tbh my bias is jake I wanna hear about that do you think he is ??!!
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older fem reader ❌ enha mdni!!!
₊˚⊹ᰔ oh my, when thinking how to answer this question i have a lot to say….
(heeseung, jay, jake, jungwon)
₊˚⊹ᰔ smut tags under the cut
thank you for the ask @simhinata 😘
smut tags: riding, suggestive words, masturbation, pnv, nudes, corruption etc.
heeseung: he’s open to it, but it’s not the first thing that comes to his mind when he describes who he’s attracted to. but, an older woman with profound sexual experience? sign him up. the type of guy to be controlling in bed, as i do see him as the dominant type; to meet a girl who knows what she wants in bed? an older one at that. he’d have a field day. he’d watch as you’d sit atop him, your gorgeous form casting a shadow as you bounce up and down in his cock. he’d grip your hips and look at you in awe with his big doe eyes, letting out timid moans you didn’t know you wanted to hear. being at the mercy of you, he’d try his best to sound a little less pathetic when praising you but fails. “mhm, i love the way your ride my cock.” he’d say, and you’d tilt your head a small smirk forming on your face, as you ride faster.
jay: i feel like if you look at his track record of women he’s been with, the majority are older than him. i think he has an older women complex. it doesn’t help that a lot of people he’s dated have thought he was older than he actually was. not that he looks old, but he acts so mature. one instance i think is a big tell tale sign is when we saw he collected alcohol (reference to this video). he feeds into the fantasy of wanting a man who can take care of you regardless of his age. but i definitely think he’s not actively looking for an older woman, he attracts them. i imagine you’re taking guitar lessons from him, and you were a little shocked when you found out how old he was, but he’s a good mentor nonetheless. he’d show you how to strum, in which he focuses on how your fingers move along the brass strings. he’d strum the instrument, grazing his calloused fingers in such a erotic way you can help but stare. you’d feel yourself go crazy at the sight, thinking you’re being perverse. in reality this is his game, jay knows what he’s doing.
jake: similar to jay, i think he has an older woman complex but like in a different way. he actively looks for them. in dating apps he scrolls past the girls who are his age, and looks for the one, two, or three year age gap. maybe you two attend the same college and he’s your physics tutor, and you do feel a little embarrassed that your two years his senior. grimacing at his attempts to pursue you, you secretly like that he chases after you. you’d tease him saying “no, i’m too old for you.” and he’d still press on about turning your cafe study session into a date. as soon as he gets home back to dorms, he smiles at the brightness of his phone in the dark, looking at your number. he’d pull down the waistband of his pants and snap a pic of his long hard dick with his hand holding it. he’d then record a video of him stroking his length, and you can hear the little moan, followed by him uttering the words “fuck” with his melodic accent. then, he’d accidentally send both videos to you, and follow up with a text saying “oops, my bad. are you too old for this?” needless to say, you answered with, “send me your address, i’ll be over to help in a bit ;)”
jungwon: dude, the corruption kink goes strong with this one. i full heartedly believe jungwon fits the ‘friends younger brother’ archetype so well. i definitely think an older woman would be his first sexual awakening, then he’d go on to date exclusively older women for a while after that (lmfao). i imagine the first time he actually felt these feelings towards a person is you, his older sisters friend. you’d often go swimming in their pool during the summer break and jungwon would watch off to the side as you and his sister would swim late into the night. one evening, you had wore a particularly skimpy bikini that looked like it was going to fall off. jungwon felt like he was an absolute pervert for hoping it would, and the sight of it got him a little too excited and he had to go inside to calm himself down. in his room he palm the hard mess over his slightly damp swim shorts, and his body would recoil at the sensation. poor wonie’s cock ached, and he had to drop his shorts to let it breathe. he had started to pump it with one hand and tried to keep quiet. after maybe one or two full movements, he totally prejacks and cums all over his shorts and chest. it’s a memory he thinks about fondly, and unbeknownst to him, one you think of fondly as well. cause little did he know, you had excused yourself to use the bathroom a few moments after he had went inside, and you watched him through the little crack in his bedroom door.
a/n: if you read all of this pls reblog and tag, they are very appreciated 🫶
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ayayiiie · 4 months
Make me love you
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Song playing: Taeyeon - Make me love you.
Pairing: fuck boy! Heeseung x good girl! Reader. (Feat Enha)
TW: cursing, mentions of sex, drugs, smoking, throwing up. (Y'all is Heeseung very a bad boy in this one? :3)
Genre: hints of angst, fluff
Words: ~ 13k
Lee Heeseung wants you real bad. So what? He needs to prove how much he's worthy.
- « Don't you want to claim me as yours baby girl? »
- « You will only bring me problems Lee. »
- « You don't know til you try. Look at me, ready to give my entire self to you. »
« Then.. Take me far away. »
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« Shadows come from the light in the darkness 
In times that are even lonelier »
He was foully beautiful, has a disgustingly pretty smile and a diabolically angel face. He was as hot as Sukuna Ryomen, smart like Chrollo Lucifer, toned like Eren Yeager and flirty (and annoying) as Usui Takumi.
Every one of his steps scream power and dominance, people in town were obliged to recognize his god-like features.
Lee Heeseung was a piece of wonder. He was the personification of the Great Chinese Wall. Well, for others it means he was one of the seven wonders, his friends being the others six. For you he was illigible, like a void devoid of colors, feelings, words. Looking at him was like walking on the Great Chinese Wall. Infinite stairs, a never ending pathway, long exhausting adventure where you can get lost easily.
You never knew how to understand Lee Heeseung.
And people were here, yelling at you for not being liquified by his unbelievable visuals.
You were not attracted to Lee Heeseung.
And people were here once again, crying about you not having a good eyesight because who in the world would tell a big NO NO to THE Lee Heeseung ?
Despite his apparence, one thing you knew for sure was that he was the synonym of troubles. And that compensated his visuals. Lee Heeseung was a big red flag.
Vandalizing walls, driving fast past three in the morning, drinking heavily almost every night, skipping class (even though he always passed his exams with flying colors which confused you), smoking, sniffing drugs you never heard the name before, fucking some random women of every age everywhere.
Yeah, for you he was the worst of the worst, and you sure would not (in this peaceful life of yours) like to have an affair or everything as minuscule as it is with him.
You knew that Lee Heeseung had no interests in you either and it was perfectly perfect for you.
« The hand that was carefully held out
I couldn’t hold it, I’ve only hesitated but »
« Hey, did you heard that? Lee Heeseung has won the cars’ racing yesterday!
- Listen Young-Hee, you do know I don't give a freak about him right? This man screams problems.
- But don't deny he's attractive! Plus Seo-Hyun had a one night stand with him last week, are you realizing? THE Park Seo-Hyun?
- Please why do you look so interested about that? What is incredible about this?
- Oh please Y/N, we ALL know that Seo-Hyun has a purity ring given by her dad! She promised chastety and here she was, fucking with Lee Heeseung!
- And so? It's something between her, her father and Heeseung, what do I have to do about that?
The strawberry milk you were drinking went out of your mouth to someone's shirt. Eyes widening in both shock and embarrassment, you quickly excuse yourself, not even looking up to cross eyes with them and lend them a tissue while repeatedly apologizing.
« I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't attend to do that! »
The bell ringing was a lucky sign for you to sprint directly to your class. As you both pant from the little course, you suddenly hear a loud chuckle from Young-Hee.
« Girl that's what I call being "purged"! she said in between laughs.
- Shut up that was embarassing! And it's your fault! You did it on purpose right?!
- I will keep doing it to see those faces you make! She laughs loudly, people staring.
- Hee! » you yell, trying to grab her arm. But she was faster and quickly went to her seat.
Let's say you couldn't focus on the entire class. Your mind was busy spacing out and thinking about the conversation earlier. Of course you knew that Park Seo-Hyun was the famous virgin of the campus, because everyone knew that. And the fact she wore proudly her ring was her way of showing her engagement !
« You could be next in line! »
This sentence keeps repeating in your head like a malicious mentra and you can't help but to imagine Lee Heeseung devouring you with his eyes. As much as you hated to admit it, he was indeed handsome. But that was a facade to you. Because deep inside, you kept telling yourself that he was someone bad, manipulative and who had no interest in women's feelings. That's what you hate the most. Your dad always made sure to show his love to your mom, so it sure was a big shock when you learn that some men were beating and mistreating their girlfriends or wives. The perfect image of love just crumbled down and you couldn't help but to be on your guard ever since. Especially with people like Lee Heeseung. People categorized you as the « girl talking to only girls » because you always talk with girls only. Not that you despise men, you just don't feel like talking to them and you were perfectly fine with it. Even if some dare to approach you, you woulk kindly answer them and then dash as fast as possible, avoiding the interaction like plague.
Indeed, you did not hate men, you just never knew how to talk to them.
Beside your big brother of two years older your dad and to any men in your small family, talking to the opposite genre was a real challenge for you. Sweaty hands, swifty gazes, mumbling and rosy cheeks. You hated making a fool of yourself and indirectly, men were making you this way. You discovered later that you had heterosocial anxiety. « Good » you told yourself ironically while rolling your eyes, this means talking to men was making you nervous.
But like all stories, there was an exception, a boy in who you could talk to without stuttering and being insecure about your side profile, about the way you would smile, all the mimicks you had. He was your childhood neighbour, Kim Sunoo.
Maybe because he looked less scary and more welcoming, or the way he would smile and his eyes would form two little crescents. Maybe because he seemed more boyish ? Kim Sunoo was the only boy you could talk without being feared of being judged. For you, he will always be the little boy who shared strawberries his grandma prepared for after-school snack. He will always be your super adventures’ companion in your garden.
So it sure was painful when Kim Sunoo transferred from public school to private. Being children, you did not keep in touch and never saw each other ever since. But Sunoo gifted you with a braided bracelet. It was synonym of you guys’ friendship as he too, had one. His mother would show you pics of him, he would send her some after he finished his class, in secondary school. His peace sign beside his wink and little smile would bring a grin to your face too, somewhat relieved he was doing so well.
As you were thinking deeply of your childhood friend, a hand came crashing on your face.
« Young-Hee! I swear you're a dead woman!
- Listen, it's lunch and I'm hungry, stop thinking about Lee Heeseung and let's go to the cafet! she crosses her arms with a devilish smirk plastered on her face.
- I wasn't even thinking about him, cut the drama. »
The walk to the cafeteria was filled with laughters and a warm mood. Tray in hands, you were searching for a place to sit. It seems like today was filled with students as the only places you found were in the middle of two groups, hastily chatting. Not even two minutes after Young-Hee and you started eating, a breaking sound was heard on the other side of the cafet.
« LEE HEESEUNG YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH ! » was heard by a female voice.
There, was standing Park Seo-Hyun, infront of a sitting Lee Heeseung. It looked like she threw her glass at him within her tray of food. You see how unbothered he looked, even with food and water all over his clothes. Seo-Hyun scoffed at his lack of reaction and quickly walk out of the cafet, her two best friends following her. Shrugging, you turn back and start eating like nothing happened.
« Oh my god, what do you think did just happen?
- Well, this is what happens when you go inside Lee Heeseung’s circle. That’s why I don’t want anything with him, you said, unimpressed while digging in your tomatoes (I’m sorry for those who don’t like them 😭)
- But don’t you want to know? I loooove gossips hehe…
- If you want to investigate it’s without me you already know that, you say, unbothered.
- But please, she said, a tiny pout on her lips and giving her best doe eyes.
- I really hate you, you know? You sighed while shaking your head.
- Yey! I love you bestie! » She smiles happily then proceeds to swallow everything she had in her mouth.
For you, it was none other than some childish things, without harm. At least, that’s what you expected.
« My heart already trembles, I keep
getting scared
On this night when you secretly held out
your hand »
After disposing your tray in the conveyor belt, Young-Hee excitedly locked your cubital fossa together and has speed towards the almost empty hallways.
« Where are we going? You tell just loud enough for her to listen.
- In front of their class, Heeseung and Seo-Hyun are classmates, didn’t you know? She said making sure to be discreet and to look everywhere.
- I’m not such a big gossip girl like you Hee, you know that, you watched her getting agitated.
- It’s not some gossip, it’s general knowledge Y/N!
- As if, you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes.
- Let’s hide here! » Young-Hee said as she sweeps you both behind a big pillar glued to the classroom’s wall.
Peeking through the marble, you quietly observe your surroundings. Seo-Hyun was in the classroom with her friends, talking angrily about something you couldn’t hear.
« This situation kinda stress me Hee, you said playing with your bracelet. The tropes were so lose they could ripped anytime. It was a habit of you to fidget with it when you were nervous.
- Shh, I’m trying to decipher what they’re saying », she shushed you, looking attentively at the girls.
You couldn’t help but to roll your eyes a second time. Young-Hee was really persistent when she wanted to be but you couldn’t blame her, she lifted up your moral numerous times with this personality of hers.
« I fucking hate his guts! He promised me so many things but at the end what?! I gave my fucking virginity to an asshole like him?! Screams Seo-Hyun.
- He doesn’t deserve you Seo, trust us, said one of her friends.
- But Chae I gave him my v card, my dad’s gonna kill me if he learn that.
- You can just wear the ring again, he wouldn’t know.
- The whole school knows it! No way he will not be aware!
- Seo, calm down first. Instructed Chae-Won.
- I can’t-
- Y/N! Hide quick! » whispered-yelled Young-Hee.
Panicked, you rapidly hide behind the pillar, pressing your body as far as you could.
« What’s happening? » You whisper to your friend, completely lost.
Hee only gave you her big eyes as a response and gestured you that someone was coming. You didn’t think two times about it and just nodded.
« What are you gonna do Hee? She’s super mad at you and look at you, you’re covered in tomatoes’ sauce. You both hear a man voice talking.
- Huh? She took my hoodie when we did it last week, I just want to take it back, and I need to change clothes too. You could recognize Heeseung’s voice at the same time steps were coming your way.
- You’re unbelievable man! Exclaimed the other guy with him, chuckling in disbelief.
- I know, Heeseung only replied. You could practically hear and imagine his smirk as they open the door.
- What do you want bastard?! Screams Seo-Hyun.
- Wow, I didn’t came to be assaulted. I just want to take my hoodie back, I left it at yours last week.
- Already threw it in the trash can. She spat bitterly.
- Ouch, » murmured Young-Hee.
You looked at Young-Hee but didn’t expect her to make a silly face so you accidentally snort without realizing you both could be in big troubles if they happen to know you were here.
« Hey, did you heard that? Said the friend accompanying Heeseung.
- Hear what Jake? Questioned Heeseung.
- I heard some muffles over there, let me check. »
Panic immediately took possession of your body as you hurriedly run and turn in the near corridor.
« Hey! Wait! » You hear from the other side as you run endlessly trying to turn in the maximum corridors possible to left him.
Finally arriving at the back of your school, you both pant loudly, trying to catch your breath.
« That was freaking close! For once Mr Hwang’s running class weren’t useless! Pant Young-Hee between each inspirations taking.
- Listen carefully Hee, you stand fully up as your hands were resting on your knees to catch your breath, last time. I swear, last time forever.
- But they didn’t catch us, I’m sure he didn’t even see our faces! » She exclaimed feigning innocence.
You frown. If Jake was running behind you, he must have seen two figures at least. Plus, girls. You subconsciously touch your wrist to feel your bracelet when nothing brush your fingertips. Imagining the worst, you look down only to see it gone.
« Shit shit shit, don't tell me it fell off while we were running? You mumbled.
- What happened? asks Young-Hee, concerned.
- My bracelet fell off when we ran Hee, I need to search for it, it's a gift!
- Wow, it's okay, let's go back and see if it's there. »
You then walk the opposite way, following exactly each corridor you took. You were stressing, losing the only memory of your friend was the last thing you wanted to face right now. And as you kept approaching the classroom, your fear only increased.
« It's nowhere to be found Y/N... said your companion, empathic.
- Maybe it just fell right next to the pillar? I will take a look, you finally sighed, feeling hopeless.
- Okay, I'll search in this area over there, » she pointed the opposite direction with her finger.
As you were searching, you failed to notice a stare on you, silently watching every move you made.
You finally concluded after fifteen minutes that it was lost and you couldn't do anything about it. To feel guilty and sad were an understatement to what you were feeling right now. This bracelet was your anti-stress and now it was gone.
« Make me kiss you
 Ma-make me kiss you »
The end of the day came up rather quickly and you were now packing your things in your backpack. Young-Hee bided you goodbye earlier because she has tennis sessions so today you had to walk back home alone. It was actually great for you as you long for loneliness and peace sometimes. It eases your mind, not that being with Young-Hee create headaches but she was a little bit too loud sometimes.
As you exit the hallway of your university, someone secretly hold their phone up and snap a picture of you walking away. Shuffling it back in their pocket, they act like nothing happened and watch your back disappears.
« So you’re like that huh?! Taking pic of someone without their consent?! » Screams a girl.
You abruptly turn around to see the scrap. There you see again Seo-Hyun and Heeseung. Looks like she was yelling at him for something he did.
« Does it concern you? Just because we fucked doesn’t mean we’re dating idiot, » he spoke calmly, his chin lightly raised alongside a brow.
Reminding you of your « mission » with Young-Hee, you can’t help but to approach the scene quietly, making sure you’re discreet. As you hide behind a spot you continue to listen.
« Then you shouldn’t have promised me so many things that night! Was it nothing to you?! She angrily tells.
- And what are these things? Because I don’t remember any actually, he answers casually. He was used to it.
- You told me you will make me feel special, that I’m not like the others and that I’ll be the only one! At this point she was just stomping her foot on the ground brutally.
- Oh. Yeah it was in the heat of the moment. Never actually think this way. Plus I was drunk so I didn’t really paid attention to what I was saying, » he said once again as if it really didn’t bother him to see her on the verge of beating him up.
Your eyes widened at the loud clap your heard and you were sure it came from her hand entering in collision with his cheek. « Must have hurt » you told yourself in your head.
« Fucking asshole, I’m gonna denounce you for what you’ve done and also for taking a pic of Y/N in secret! » she lastly said before storming away.
You slowly realized what she said and confusion took all over your mind.
« Wait, what? He took a secret pic of me? » You wondered in your mind.
- Stop hiding. I know you’re here, you hear a masculine voice calling, broking your self-thought bubble.
- Oh shit, you mumbled, it was over now, you were discovered, umh, hi haha, I was just about to go haha, you said, the uneasy feeling slowly climbing in your whole body as you step out of your hiding spot, walking awkwardly like a robot with a grimace.
- Really? You do know it’s not really polite to listen to others in secret yeah? »
Lee Heeseung grabs onto your shoulder, the scene particularly comic as he turns your around.
As you face him, your eyes immediately locked together and you can’t help but to feel intimidated by his gaze. It was teasing, almost mocking and shockingly traversing your entire core. You feel naked under him and once again you remind yourself why you hated talking to men this much. Instead of his uniform’s shirt he was wearing a plain oversized t-shirt of color white, he probably changed clothes after receiving the food on himself at the cafet. His black hair were swaying by the wind, softly falling on his mischievous eyes. God he was perfect.
« So? Kitten got your tongue angel? He tilted his head, waiting for an answer.
- Don’t… call me that, it sounds naughty coming from your mouth, you said looking finally down, not supporting his gaze.
- Oh really? That’s what y’all say, he chuckled slowly moving forward, but y’all love it in bed.
- And you talk about me listening to conversations in secret but you are not so good yourself, taking pic like a creep of someone without their consent, » you spat, your tone harsher than you intended too and your eyes piercing his when you lift your head. As much as you wanted to deny it, your cheeks were already red and your heartbeat as quick as the speed of light.
In response, he smirks, clearly pleased by what he’s seeing and hearing in front of him. You tried not to take in details his black hair perfectly styled as well as his perfect face and soft creamy skin. You then notice how bad Seo-Hyun had slapped him as a red mark was clearly visible on his left cheek.
« I don’t really like brats but with you I think I can make some efforts, he shrugged and came even more close, I don’t want to be harsh with you baby it would break my heart, he whispered, his hand coming up to brush against your chin.
- Who said you could touch me? Delete this pic as soon as possible and leave me alone, you’re carrying troubles, you sweep his hand away and step back.
- And what if I don’t? What are you gonna do? His cocky grin never leaving his face.
- I… I will report it to the police! You stumble over your words, quickly regretting the way you look so weak in front of him.
- Will you? When you know that my dad is a powerful CEO? In fact, the most powerful of the country? » He retorts, a feeling of satisfaction filling him up when your eyes widen up.
You sigh then frown at him and quickly dash away, not wanting to talk further. It was infuriating you that he was always winning. You hated him so much.
« We can find a way if you’re willing to be mine! 
- Never!! » you shout loud enough for him to hear you, only to hear a laugh as a response.
- How would you react if I tell you that you’re the reason I bring troubles Y/N? » Heeseung finally sighed watching your silhouette ventures between the buildings.
You let out a scream after making sure nobody was around you.
« This freaking Lee Heeseung!! You and your bad mouth will go down in hell I swear! You angrily said as you stomp your feet.
- Pff. »
You turn around as soon as you heard something. Scanning your surroundings you search the source of the noise.
« Is someone there? You ask, unsure and on your defensive.
- Not at all, act like I’m not here, answered a voice.
- Are they dumb or dumb? I just yelled my frustration and you’re telling me to continue embarrassing myself? You thought, low key judging them. Where are you? Show yourself. » (Frozen enwnkzjwnz)
After a few minutes, a boy finally step out and came infront of you. He was wearing a white t-shirt and by the look of the small pink stain on it you immediately remembered what happened this morning.
« Oh, you said taken aback.
- Like you said « Oh », he laughed, thank you for customizing my t-shirt, I didn’t know it was a tradition in your uni, he looked down at it, a small smile on his face.
- Huh… sorry… you didn’t had any clothes to change? You nervously ask.
- Oh no, I’m new here and I needed to get my dorm’s keys after school so nope.
- I’m sorry you had to walk like this the entire day. Uhm… » you said, hesitant.
In fact you were hesitating, one part of you wanted to go home, feeling the urge to burry yourself alive because a male was talking to you but yet another part was feeling too guilty to just go and you feel like you had to forgive for what you’ve done.
« Yes? He looked at you, a soft smile appearing on his face.
- Do you want to go to the cafe shop with me? We can go and drink some chocolate milk? I want to apologize properly.
- Uh, it will be coffee milk for me, he laughed, but yeah sure, » he smiles.
You couldn’t help the dumbfounded expression on your face as you heard his answer. « Mr is picky I see. » you thought to yourself. Well, you thought you said it in your head but his laugh caught you off guard, WAIT DID YOU JUST ASKED A BOY OUT ?
« I heard you, and I personally do not think that I’m picky, I just have my preferences, » he says proudly, mischievous eyes looking straight right through yours.
You just shake your head, already embarrassed about the fact he heard your thoughts.
As you both make your way to the cafe shop, you learn that his name is Sunghoon Park. He was currently an ice skater and was preparing for his national competition. As a big fan of Yuzuru Hanyu, you couldn’t help but to feel interested in his career’s story.
« So you learned ice skating when you were 10? That’s quite amazing. Do you have any friends? You ask without really knowing how you could talk to him this easily.
- Mh.. only one, her name is Eunseo, she is the only girl who dared to come to me when we were young, he shrugged looking unbothered.
- Oh, were you the only boy? You keep asking, trying to match his walking pace, your voice weakening as you saw the unbothered look on his face, were you boring? Did you forced him to go with you? And what if he didn’t wanted to?
- In my club yes, it was kinda lonely back then before I met Junhwan, he notices that you were having a hard time keeping up with him so he slowed down, quickly scanning your smaller figure with a glance.
- I see I see, you nod rapidly, your eyes that were on him now looking in front of you, throat suddenly dry as the conversation touched its end.
- And you? What’re you doing on a daily basis? He raised an eyebrow towards you.
- Me? Haha nothing as interesting as you, I’m a simple girl, you try to brush the subject away, surprised that he kept the conversation on going.
- Really? Aren’t you working at an animals center? He opens the door for you as you were now arrived.
- How… how do you know that? You enter, waving a hand to thank him.
- A friend of a friend, » he grins once more, passing before you towards the counter.
« What in the world..? » you thought again, gradually joining him as your mind overflowed with thoughts, finding him kinda creepy.
While you guys took commands, you quickly paid for both drinks before he could do anything, muttering a shy « it’s on me ». Unfortunately for you, you missed the way his eyes shone as his heart skipped a beat. You then found a table in a corner, near a window offering you the view of a busy crowd. The more you were thinking of the situation you were right now, the more you’re nervous. Endless fears and thoughts invading your head as you look around in an alarmed state, your knees automatically shaking under the table.
« You seem to have a lot of thoughts in your head. Every time you’re quiet, I’m quite sure you’re thinking of something, he softly puts his chin on his palm as his elbow is resting on the table, his attention entirely on you, making things even harder for you to support the awkward atmosphere you were feeling alone.
- Yes, I actually think a lot haha, not you? Your gaze darting away from his stare.
- Depends, he responds, eyes not blinking and continuing to stare right into your orbits.
- Number 38! You perked, reacting to your command’s number.
- Will be right back, » you stand up and walk rather awkwardly feeling his intense gaze on your back.
You went to grab your drink and thanked the woman. On your way back, you notice a frown adorning Sunghoon's soft features as he was staring at his phone. Not wanting to bother him, you sat down quietly, sipping on the sweetness awaited, immediately calming your stress. He quickly put his phone back into his pocket before looking at you, eyes softening upon seeing your content eyes. You were zoning out, so did not notice his eyes staring at you.
« It's unfair really, he managed to mumbled, a grin evident on his face as he finally looks away.
- What is unfair? You barely heard what he said but did anyways.
- It's unfair to look this cute actually, he whispers, still looking around the cafe shop.
- W-what did you say? I didn’t hear you, you purse your lips, blinking in confusion. To be honest you did heard him, you just wanted to be sure and not be delusional.
- Nothing, a simple note to myself, » he shrugs and then stand up when his order is being called.
You couldn't help but wonder to what he said earlier, what does he mean by "unfair"? Anyways, you checked the time on your phone to see that it was late (or that you wanted to escape from this situation?), and that you needed to revise for a test coming soon. Sunghoon was just arriving when you stand up. He gave you a confused look and you quickly told him the reason of your departure.
« Already leaving? We have just arrived? He asks, incredulous, standing still with his drink in hand. (Sunghoon be like : 🧍‍♂️)
- I know and I'm sorry for that! I'll see you around! You say, in a sort of a rush.
- Wait lemme at least walk you, he tries to slow you down, but you were faster and have already left the cafe shop. Aish... This girl... » he tilted his head, disappointed in himself or in you he didn't know, but he for sure wanted to spend a little bit more time with you.
After all, you caught his eyes and with it, his cold heart.
« Make me touch you 
Ma-make me touch you »
The following week was packed.
You finally let out a sigh of relief, it was now the week-end, you will have the deserved time to breathe. You were now in your room, on your bed, laying on your chest. You had just finished your night routine and was on the verge of sleeping when you heard something hitting your window. Panicked, you quickly turn off your bedside lamp, telling who-the-hell they're that you're sleeping and above all, that you want to be alone. In fact, you were scared it was a stealer or a serial killer and hurriedly hide yourself under your blanket as if it will protect you from them. Even though you tried to sleep, your eyes tightly shut, the noise wouldn’t stop, it was quite the contrary. Taking your courage in both hands, you quietly stand up and gently push aside your curtains before looking for the culprit of your peacefulness. Being shocked was an understatement as you saw none other than Lee Heeseung standing behind your gates, getting ready to throw yet another rock on your window before you furiously open the latter.
« Lee Heeseung! What are you doing at this hour? I'm trying to sleep! You whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake up your parents.
- Come with me! He offers you a big smile, waving at you.
- Is he crazy or what? You murmured to yourself, not believing his words. What? Why? Are you going to give me some candies and then kidnap me? You say ironically, I don't know you! Go to your home! » You finally pronounce your last words before closing your window.
« I wouldn’t mind kidnapping you though, » he mumbles under his breath as he smiles, heart racing.
Not even two seconds after it was closed, you hear knocking sounds again. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself, you were not one to be very patient, plus the lack of sleep these days were really working you up. Lee Heeseung or not, you were strangers and he was invading your privacy at this point ! It has to cease before your parents found him out and call the police. As much as you didn’t liked him, it's not like you hated him too and you just wanted to avoid problems. God knows what could happen to you if this story disclose around, his fangirls would grab your hair, make a pretty haircut (note the sarcasm) and throw you in the nearest dump while his father would probably kick you out of the country with your parents. So you decided to slip on an oversized hoodie, stolen from your brother (working overseas), and to step down your stairs in the quietest way possible. You needed to be extra careful because your mother was a light sleeper so even the weenie mistake would wake her up and you would then be in big problems. Reaching the entrance, you open the door without a care about your looks, after all, it completely went out of your head.
« What's your problem? Why are you here? You hiss, now infront of the fuckboy of the campus.
- Woah ~ so sexy, he whistles at the sight of your disheveled hair, oversized hoodie, slippers and your annoying face.
- Just answer the damn question Lee, you switch your weight on one of your leg, the foot opposed stomping against the fresh grass of your garden. Your hands were on your hips as you were glaring at him.
- Just wanted to see you, that's all, he lifted his hands above his shoulders, acting as if he was surrending himself.
- And why so? I don't understand, we are not friends, not even acquaintances even more, we don't speak to each other at all. How did you even got my address?! And most importantly : What do you want from me? Your frown deepening, your arms cross on your chest.
- I'm racing tonight, I need to bring someone with me. I thought of-, he began but you quickly dismiss him.
- Rejected. Did you really think I was going to accept? In your dreams, you scoff, not believing him.
- Come on, it will be fun I promise you, » he extends his hand, as if waiting for you to grab it.
The truth is, you heard from some classmates that racing with Heeseung was amazing. He would have excellent driving skills and it would have been a shame to miss it. Closing the distance between you and him, you raise your hand, almost as if you were going to accept his proposition, only to clap his hand down. His eyes, that were hopeful of you possibly agreeing, lose their light, like a sad puppy not getting his treat.
« I will say it one last time Heeseung, you look straight into his eyes, rejected. » You gritted, emphasizing on your last word.
You then turn around, not letting him the time to reply back, and enter your home. Not even two minutes inside and you're glidding down the door, your hands pressed against your chest, a futile attempt to calm your messy heartbeat. This interaction with this man was in no point good for you and put you in one hell of a state you couldn't even imagine.
Why everything was suddenly happening to you? And most of all, why did it has to be LEE FREAKING HEESEUNG?
That night, you couldn't sleep.
« Make me want you 
Ma-make me want you »
The next morning you felt especially groggy. You didn't had much sleep and it was also the first day of your period. « I hate this world » you mumbled to yourself, already feeling the cramps coming. As you peacefully went out of bed to ready yourself, a notification caught your attention.
« #Lee_Heeseungs_new_chick »
Seriously? Was he going to follow you everywhere you were going? Would you believe! Now he’s even invading your notifications… You feel like Lee Heeseung was stuck with you for whatever reason and it pissed you off. For wanting him away it looks like the opposite.
« Are you ready Y/N? Hurry or you will be late, informs your father, peeking through your door, ajar.
- Yes I'm coming right now, is mom already gone? You ask, standing up and taking your uniform hanging on your wardrobe.
- Yup, said she has to go early today, » you hear his faint voice as he was walking down the stairs, his voice resonating in the corridor.
It was unusual for you, your mom never had to go early to work. But you shrugged it off, everything happens for a reason. You quickly do your morning routine then finally went out of your house.
As you arrived at the university, you couldn't help but notice how stares were directed at you for a reason you ignore. Being self-counscious, you found a restroom and checked if you had anything on your face or your clothes, only to notice that everything was perfectly fine. What the hell was happening?
The only way to know was to ask Young-Hee as she always keep herself updated. And you didn't had to search for her for too long as you could pratically hear her yells from the other side of the hallway.
« Y/NNN! Oh my god why didn't you tell me? She grabs your hand and pulls you towards a quieter side of the hallway, where nobody could hear you both.
- About what? You ask, like a lost puppy.
- You and Lee Heeseung are dating !Congrats! She cheerfully says.
- Wait- what?! No way in this freaking world! I do not like him and you know it! You offer her your most disgusted-shocked face, making her laugh.
- But the whole campus is aware! She then take out her phone from her bag's pocket.
- And why am I not aware then? What's happening?
You noticed that everyone were looking at you with weird eyes, you panicked a little, looking repeatedly on both side of you.
- Look! » She shows you her screen.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing right now.
It was a picture of you and Heeseung last night. The picture showed the moment you just taped his hand down to refuse his proposition, but it gives the impression of you two holding hands. Who would take a picture of you and him this late at night? One of his fans? Or maybe he planned this all along? You were confused and soon a striking pain started to pounced in your head. Good, you were having a headache because of all the ruckus. Not to mention the pain of your cramps too, you knew how bad they were particularly during the first few days.
« Are you okay? Worriedly ask Young-Hee, seeing you squinting your eyes in pain.
- Having a headache and period cramps are the worst I swear, you mutter under your breath, taking a big inspiration only to wince when you feel the contractions.
- Today's really not your day ma girl, she shakes her head, going through her bag to find a potential pill that could helps you.
- Let's go in class, it's about to start, » you take her extended hand that was giving you the med and walk to class, steps galloping in fear of being late.
Mrs So was already in the classroom, spreading her books and belongings and not even after being seated, she began her lesson. You quickly ate the med while rummaging through your bag to pull out your belongings.
« Pssst Y/N, »
It was one of your classmate, in whom you never really spoke. The way her eyes glinted in curiosity was slowly freaking you out. You knew what she wanted to know.
« No, we aren't dating, don't misunderstand the pic, you respond drier than attended and not even sparring her a glance making it look even more rude.
- Okay okay sorry for wasting your time, you could hear the sarcastic tone with an eye roll, not that you really care. What a boring girl you are, why would he choose you instead of me? »
You silently sighed, it's not your fault if his flirty ass was in front of your house at 1 A.M. But maybe you shouldn't have approached him and just should've shut him down and go to sleep like nothing happened.
« Ladies at the right, stop talking, warns Mrs So.
- It's Y/N, she can't keep her mouth shut, she said, voice filled with sarcasm.
- Huh? Are you talking about you?
- Tch, what are you five?
- Yup five times smarter than you, you proudly smile, the whole class hyping you.
- YOU-
- Mrs Park, this is your last warning, stares Mrs So.
- I'll kill you Marilyn Monhoe, she lastly whisper.
- At least I'm hot, » you quietly say, hearing the snickers of some of your classmates.
Internally, you were screaming because how in hell someone spotted you with THE Lee Heeseung? This just made you exasperated and more determined to have less contact with him...
Days had passed and you were avoiding Lee Heeseung like plague. The latter did not understand your behavior as he was secretly longing for you.
Following you with his eyes each time you happened to walk by him. His friends, except one were looking at him with a grin, they knew oh how much Heeseung wanted to own you, well the reason was unknown to them, but the way he was devouring you with his eyes spoke enough for them to know you were his prey.
In fact, Lee Heeseung has been infatuated by you the day he saw you rejecting one guy. The latter was known for being a real playboy in disguise, playing the Prince Charming to get girls. We could say he and Heeseung were sworn enemies, competing over who could catch more girls. So when you turned the guy down, it only created a spark in Heeseung, the desire to win you invading his brain. If he could have you, he could brag about it to the loser who failed, gaining yet a tingle of pride. At first, winning you and throwing you like an old rag was all he could think of, yet what he didn't expected, was the fact you were *actually* attractive and interesting. He felt like you were an unpolished gem, a precious diamond that didn't showcase its spark yet. In his head he was the miner, you were the diamond, he had to polish you, to make you shine.
« K-kiss you, t-touch you, w-want you »
« Make me love you »
Soon enough, seeing and thinking that Lee Heeseung's attention on you was finally finished, you lowered your guards and peacefully lived your life, knowing the only person you needed in your social circle was Young-Hee.
The sound of your phone makes you freak out as you take it out of your bag. Speaking of the devil, Hee has just send you a message, claiming she was feeling sick and won't be able to come in class.
« Is this for real? The exact moment I think about her, she's sick, this girl I swear, » you sigh.
Young-Hee was the type of girl who got rarely sick, so it feels empty to eat alone in a classroom. You thought that it could bring you peace and to be honest, you didn't want to be looked at for eating alone. So here you were, eating alone in a classroom, just minding your business.
« Oh, did I just caught a fish eating alone? » a voice resonated in your ears, breaking the pleasant silence you were in.
Immediately perking your head, your gaze falls upon the ice skater. His tall frame was leaning against the door, his arms crossed with one hand holding a drink.
His eyes had looked you from toes to head, analyzing every details and to be fair, made you slightly uncomfortable. His grin and teasing eyes just made you feel self conscious and you looked away, a slight blush creepig up your face.
« I didn't expect you to be here... What brings you here? you ask softly, resuming on eating your lunch.
- I saw you eating alone, so I thought I could keep you compagny, are you okay with this? » he says, already making his way to take the chair in front of you, pulling it so the back could rest against your desk. He finally plopped down on the chair, facing you directly, propping his forearm on the top of his chair.
- Well... looks like you already eased yourself here, beside, who am I to tell you no? You suck in a sigh, his intense gaze was just urging you to hide in a hole and to never get out of it.
- We didn't get to finish our conversation last time, so why not catching it up now? he asks, looking at the window, the sun rays shining on his handsome face, did he thought he was in a drama? Even the breeze was a paid actor as it made your hair and his leisurely dancing.
- Hum... I'm kinda an awkward girl, you may go on your way...you mutter, dumbfounded as to why someone like him would want to have a conversation with a girl like you, trying to escape guys like death.
- It's okay l'm awkward too, » he chuckles to himself, his head lowering slightly as he does.
Gosh he was beautiful, what did he ate to be this handsome?
« Sung- », a voice called but immediately stopped.
Lee Heeseung was there, and the scene before his eyes was like a bad dream. His close friend, Park Sunghoon is having a face to face conversation with the girl he's trying so hard to catch the attention. Heeseung wondered why it looks easy for his friend to talk to you, he did not understand at the moment why you weren't hostile towards him. If one day Heeseung was being told he got jealous over one of his friend, he would have just laughed it off, shaking his head while mumbling some incoherent things on how it is impossible for him to feel that way.
« What is it hyung? » asks Sunghoon, clearly aware of his senior's intentions with you.
« Well... I didn't expect you two to be together, his eyes were locked on your figure, long time no see Y/ N, » he smiles at you, closing the distance between you three. You couldn't be in a more embarassing situation. Firstly, the tension could be felt from miles, secondly, you never asked to be talked to, and finally, how can it be so hard to be alone these days?
Feeling uneasy, both by their intimidating gazes and their presence, you shakily release a sigh.
« I don't know what I did to you guys... what do you want from me? » you ask, on one hand, not wanting to know their answer, and on the other one, craving to know what their full intentions were.
« Didn't I told ya already? I want you to race with me, » he says nonchalently, shrugging his shoulders.
« And I was clear about it, I don't wanna do it, » you sigh, not really knowing how to formulate your words so he could give it up.
« Racing with Heeseung could be dangerous, that's why I'm never riding with him, » says softly Sunghoon, his expression betraying his voice. But it ceased when his attention finally focused itself on you, the older man glaring at him.
« Don't act like you are not riding like him, » your brows creased, not impressed.
« I don't do cars races, I swear on my lovely dog, » he lifted his hands up, claiming his innocence.
« I don't wanna drive with either of you two, you sigh, closing your eyes, what did I do for you two to want me to ride with you? There's plently of girls in the campus! »
At this point they didn't know if you were really clueless or if you were doing this on purpose. It was as clear as water that Lee Heeseung and Park Sunghoon were hitting on you. We couldn't really blame you: never got confessed, never got a boyfriend, never had male friends after Sunoo so yes, what is love anyways?
Heeseung thought for a while, trying to find a way to make you agree. When the idea comes to him, he smiles brightly and stand in front of you, looking down at you with a smirk.
« How about I buy you those pretty pencils from this one shop near the campus? I noticed that you have a lot of them, » he smiles, proud.
Touché, you felt blocked, because as much as you want to deny it, you always had a things for books and stationery stores. You took care of the esthetic of your belongings and it didn't go unoticed by Lee. Gritting your teeth, your head became fuzzy as well as your thoughts, the tentation was high but a side of you keep reminding you that he was Lee Heeseung, the campus' playboy. You failed to catch the smile of Sunghoon sightly faltering. Freak, Heeseung got a step ahead, and you, who were usually direct to reject him, was now hesitating.
The first time Park Sunghoon came visiting the new city he was gonna moved in, he didn't thought much of it. His introvert character made it hard for him to open up to people. Only on his friends he could lean on and they were everything he needed. Sunghoon didn't planned on falling in love. Indeed he was known for being quite the heartless and cold guy, ignoring confessions and not showing a bit of interest in the opposite gender. His sister and mom were enough for him, he didn't need other women in his life than his family. But fate worked against him when he saw a young girl from his age, crouching near a dog while patting it. His eyes traveled up to see the longstanding crusty letters that formed the two words « Animal center » written on an old building, dilapidated enough to imagine it was there for many years. The girl was standing just behind the opened gate, talking sweetly with the dog in front of her. She looked like she was the happiest on Earth, in her own bubble as her soft chuckles resonated in the silence of the street. Sunghoon was too stunned to speak a word, clearly dazed by the scenery painted in front of his eyes. The golden hour made it look even more beautiful than it was already, melting his icy heart the more he was watching you.
« HUM... Can I help you? » Sunghoon heard a voice calling out to him, stopping him from his dazy state and regaining consciousness. The sight of you was nowhere to be seen as an old granny, smiling softly at him, stood a few meters away from him, eventually blocking him from seeing you.
« Oh, hum, n-no... I was just passing by... » he answered, caught off guard and blushing from embarassment. He quickly bowed before hasting his steps out of sight. At this moment, he believed that he could never see you again.
So the day you splashed your milk onto his shirt, his anger immediately turned into surprise when he saw your face, the image of you patting the dog inked in his brain. He hadn't got the time to speak a word that you were already dashing out of his sight, handing him a tissue while looking down and walking past him.
« How long does a racing lasts? » You ask, reclaiming again Sunghoon's attention on you.
Watching as Heeseung heaved a sigh alongside a sly grin, his face showing nothing else but satisfaction and victory.
« It's tonight, midnight, I will pick you up at 11:30 PM » Heeseung smirks, eyeing you with fancy eyes.
« I didn't ask when it was, I asked about the duration, you sigh, besides I didn't even agreed, you stated and raised a brow at him.
- Yet. If you really wanted to refused you would have already told me no, he smiles, knowing he won, so tell me, are you coming or not? »
Gritting your teeth, you looked everywhere besides the two men in front of you, one eager to know your answer, certain you will say yes. The other, praying you will say no, his eyes not leaving yours.
« Y/N- », begins Sunghoon before getting cut of by Heeseung.
« Come on! First and last time I ask you to! »
« I really hate you... » you mutter enough for them both to hear.
« Shit… » thinks Sunghoon, completely devastated you agreed.
« Every day, I enter into a different world
I was a butterfly, attracted to the temptation 
I’ve fallen into a sweet scent
How do I look ? »
Here you were, waiting for Lee Heeseung to come pick you up, your hands tightly grabbing the strap of your purse. Soon enough, you catch a glimpse of a car's headlights. Stopping just in front of you, the driver's door opened to reveal Heeseung. His hair was up, showing his forehead, wearing a dark blue baggy jeans, an oversize black t-shirt with a leather jacket. His looks were complimented by earrings and necklace. And on his face, a smirk was plastered. You could tell he loved what he was seeing.
« Here we go, Mrs Y/N, » he smiles, opening the passagenger's door for you, and you oblige, sitting inside his car. His car was impressive, a black Alfa Romeo Giulia quadrifoglio. « Perfect for his car's racings », you thought to yourself as your eyes wander on the illuminated dashboard. As much as your heart was beating loudly, a part of you was telling you that Lee Heeseung has made a special propose for you to drive with him made you feel unique, until the other part of your brain reminds you that the seat you're currently sitting on had tons of women on it. It gave you chills and a little frown make its place on your face as Heeseung finally eases himself beside you.
« Are you comfy? he asks before stopping himself when looking at your face, I feel like I just kidnapped you while you agreed to come with me. » He chuckles while you refused to look back at him, a small pout on your lips.
« Nothing, hurry so I can go home as fast as I can, » you mumble while looking at the window.
« Alright, received loud and clear. » He smiles before pressing his foot on the pedal, the car dashing at top speed.
You suppress a loud gasp when he does, firmly gripping anything you can grasp. Your heart that was already beating real fast feels like it could explose anytime. You could not even apprehend what was happening at the moment, the city flashing at an incredible speed, soon reaching the small-town.
You try not to pay too much attention on the way he has his left elbow on the ledge of the window, his fingers grazing his lips and the other hand, firmly seizing the steerwheel. Gosh why was he still attractive after all the troubles he did to you?
« Liking the view my lady? » he says, snapping you out of your trance.
« I would be pleased if I could get another one right now. » You answer without missing a beat.
All you recolted was his laugh filling the tensed silence.
« I can say you give your trust easily Y/N, he stated with a grin, you really do look like those children who are seen being proposed some candies by a total stranger, he looks at you for a few seconds before looking back at the road, fallen into the trap. »
«I-, » you tried to answer back but couldn't say anything as it was true.
The rest of the trip was spent in the silence as a soft music played in the background. You were feeling uncomfortable. Mainly because you were not expecting to spend a soiree with a man and mostly Lee Heeseung.
You finally arrived when you see an infinite amount of cars alongside cheerful people, suddenly feeling self-consicous about the situation you're in right now. You didn't think about the fact that Lee Heeseung was very well known in town and so, that everyone surely already knew it was him by the sight of his car. As Heeseung parked right in front of a crowd, he turns his head to look at you. « Just be natural pretty, you will mak’em all speechless » he whispers smoothly, you took a deep breathe, nodding quickly before going out of the vehicule.
« Yo man, came with your new chick? Whistle a man upon seeing you, his eyes roaming up and down your silhouette.
- Yup, m'racing with her tonight, » grins proudly Heeseung, glancing back at you with a glint in his eyes while you roll yours up.
You then noticed how people were staring at you, mixed reactions coming up as you try not to pay attention to it. However, in the corner of your eyes, you notice a familiar body. Park Sunghoon. He was standing alongside the rest of the band. His eyes were fixed on you, a frown visible on his features. This made you uncomfortable. To be honest, everything made you self-conscious and anxious. This wasn't something you were used to, all the ruckus, this seems like another world to you and the dryness in your throat wasn't helping.
« Everyone! I'm gonna list all the races of tonight! » announces a slender men wearing a pair of sunglasses even though it was pitch dark, his long hair hiden behind a red cap.
Soon, everyone turned their attention towards him, listening actively to what he was saying.
« And for the last race, we will have Lee Heeseung against a new opponent! Tonight signs his first participation! Please, welcome Park Sunghoon! » he screams happily as he gestures towards the said man, standing not so far away from you, screams soon invading your ears as your eyes were fixed on him.
You notice the way his face remains close, not a single emotion discernible except for determination. And as your eyes cross each other, a firm grip on your hip made you look up, a low angle-shot of Heeseung's side profile entering your vision.
« Stop staring at him and focus on me. He says lowly only for you to hear.
- And who are you to order me that? You answer him, an eyebrow arched, surprising yourself at the way you could respond with confidence.
- Consider tonight like a date. He grins, finally looking down at you, his eyes flickering between your lips and your eyes.
- ...Tch. » You sigh. You really felt into his trap.
When your turn finally came, your hurriedly walk to go to Heeseung's car, but not before a hand gripped your forearm, yanking you slowly back.
« Can we talk real fast before going? You recognize his voice, it's Sunghoon.
- Okay... but quick. You nod along before isolating yourself with him, Heeseung watching afar not really liking what he is seeing, but the crowd around him make it impossible for him to reach out to you.
- Fuck. » He curses under his breath, feeling his blood boiling in his veins.
Being now a few meters away from all these people, Sunghoon halt his steps and turns around, his eyes immediately falling on your delicate features.
« Listen-
- Sunghoon-, you both started at the same time. He quickly gestures you to keep going as you heave a sigh, why? Why are you participating in this race ? Weren't you the one saying it was dangerous? You frown, your arms crossing against your chest.
- I know, I'm sorry I just... I just.. I think I just can't trust Heeseung hyung with you. He spoke, his words faint as if he was searching for his words. Thanks for the darkness of the sky, you couldn't decipher his red cheeks and ears nor even the way his eyes were looking everywhere but you.
- And why so? » You tilt your head, ignoring the reason behind this reasoning.
Your eyes were fixed on his face as he looks right back at you, determination written on his face.
« Because I… »
You were now in Heeseung's car, your heart beating crazily against your ribcage.
« What happened with Sunghoon? the driver asks, tone colder than a few hours ago.
- Nothing concerning you, you answer slowly, the name of the other man making you anxious.
- Y/N, what did Sunghoon told you? » Heeseung repeats, his voice a bit menacing as he places his car on the left side of the track, a gorgeous woman standing at your right with two flags in her hands. Soon, another vehicule stops just beside you. Not wanting to face Heeseung, you look at the window only to meet Sunghoon's fierce gaze. Your cheeks reddening, you quickly look in front of you, breath stuck in your chest.
« Well, if I win, you better tell me, he scoffs, foot on the pedal, pressing it hardly, both cars' motors roaring up.
- No, you frown, your hands clasping against the belt.
- It wasn't a question, » he finally says as a loud sound comes from an air horn signalling the start of the race.
Your words got stuck in your throat as the car dash at an alluring speed, your hands quickly grabbing the door's handdle to keep yourself steady.
« Fuck you Lee Heeseung for pulling me in this shit, you curse, feeling like your heart could explode anytime.
- The pleasure is mine baby, he smirks, shooting a glance in the rearview mirror, seeing as Sunghoon was close behind you, I can't believe it's his first time, you don't drive like this on your first time, he chuckles lowly, accelerating.
- Well, don't blame me if I end up barfing in your car, you say, breathless as he took a sharp turn on the left, your head almost colliding harshly against the window.
- Mark your territory pretty, » he only chuckles loudly.
It was a close race, one you couldn't tell who will win. And to be honest, you were more on the verge of throwing up and dying than to take care on who was winning. The only thing you could do was to focus on your breathe, cursing here and there and wondering why on earth did you accept to accompagny him, for what? Some dumb stationnary things you could buy yourself?!
In no time, you heard another loud bang of air horn, concluding the end of the race. Your eyes previously closed, opened slowly to reveal the crowd cheering for you.
« Did you win? You ask, voice weak and wet.
- Yup, I won baby, » the playboy declares, quickly opening his door as people were cheering loudly for him.
He quickly blend into the crowd, happily celebrating his victory as you got out of the vehicule, running to a secret corner to throw up. Coughing, tears in your eyes, you felt a striking pain in your head.
« I hate this man so much... kof kof... » you blabber, wiping your mouth with the hem of your hoodie.
You hurriedly dash out of the car once the latter stops in front of your house. The ride back was silent as you had closed your eyes all along, not answering the winner even once.
« Hey, Heeseung spoke, after stepping out of his car too, hands in his pockets, he makes his way towards you, a grin evident adorning his face, care to explain what had happened between you and Sunghoon now that I won?
- No. And after this night, I think I hate you even more, you spat, tiredness written all over your face.
- All right all right, what did I even do this time? he smirks, coming closer to you, his scent invading your nostrils as the wind carries his perfume.
- I... I freaking threw-, » you said before feeling another wave of vomit climbing back up your esophagus, your hand clasping against your lips.
Seeing your state, Heeseung couldn’t help but laugh out loud, his bright smile making you blush.
« It’s alright, just throw up, » he snickers as you walk fast away from him, crouching down near the drain in front of your house. Soon enough, you throw up once more, feeling breathless and thirsty. You then feel two warm hands tying your hair up in a makeshift ponytail, then a delicate hand massaging the back of your neck.
« I’m sorry I had to put you through this, but I had to win, » he smiles, his eyes inked to the back of your head as you cough, a few tears escaping your eyes.
Lee Heeseung, apologizing? This does not goes together very well. But why does he sound so sincere? Did he really meant those words?
« And for what? What did you won? » You ask, spitting not so gracefully in the drain, feeling well aware of his eyes on you, at this point you couldn’t care because your head was throbbing so painfully that receiving a bullet in your skull was the only solution you could think of.
« I was wishing for a chance with you actually, he said unbothered while you choked on your own saliva.
- Are you kidding me? You say, your throat so dry you feel like all the water in your body left you when you threw up.
- Nope, I want you. » he said, crouching down next to you, his fingers cupping your jaw to make you look at him. His thumb coming up to wipe off the saliva at the corner of your lips, the movement making you dizzy.
In the breezy night, it felt like only you and Lee Heeseung remained on Earth as time seems to have stopped. His eyes were hypnotizing you, your breathing stopping as you contemplate each other. For a second, your mind sure felt bewitched by his pupils. You felt like you were drunk, was it the effect of your periods? The fatigue? The stress? Or was it simply because of him?
« Make me love you… you breathed out, quietly.
- Mh? He only hums, slowly approaching his face closer to yours.
- If you so want me… then try to make me love you… you whisper, your ears and cheeks turning crimson as your heartbeat pounded furiously.
- Are you allowing me to? Because once I start, there’s no turning back, and… I will not accept any complain coming from your pretty lips » he mutters, his eyes closing slowly.
On the contrary, your eyes opened wildly, is he really going to kiss you? Like, right now? Your thoughts invaded your brain and without thinking twice, you quickly pushed him away, both your hands on his toned chest before getting up and running towards your house.
« I threw up! You say embarrassed as you fidget with your purse while searching for your keys.
- Wouldn’t have bothered me… » he mumbles to himself as he chuckles, a smirk plastered on his face as he watches you, hands in his pockets.
« Farther, a little bit farther, high in the sky
I’ve come a white star as I fly away
Never seen it before 
(Such warm eyes) »
You sigh in relief as you remember that it was Saturday.
« Finally alone! » You huffed softly, stretching out on your bed as birds are chirping.
Thanks to your great organisation, you already did all your homework too, so the weekend will be pretty chill. As you were humming contently, memories of what happened last night flew in your head and you quickly hide your tomato face in your cushions, screaming your frustration out.
« Are you okay girl? A deep voice asks.
- Huh? You’re back?! You instantly lift your head up to look up at your big bro, standing against the door of your room.
- Yup. Why did you screamed like a dead hen? Did you realized you’ll be single for the rest of your life? He grins mockingly.
- Shut up you cow! You spoke back, yeeting a pillow in his direction which he avoids easily.
- Breakfast’s ready, move yo ass down. » He smiles, satisfied before going down the stairs.
Fortunately for you, the breakfast went smoothly, catching up with your brother and spending time with your family is something you particularly enjoy.
« Someone threw up in the drain just in front of our house, if I catch them I’ll send them to Hades! Rumbles your dad as your face turn pale and you gulp down.
- If only you knew Dad… you thought to yourself, once again remembering Heeseung’s lips near yours.
- Hey, why are ya red like this? Smirks your brother, teasing you for the ninth time.
- Eggs are hot, you try to dissuade him, glaring.
- They’ve been on your plate for an hour what do you mean they’re hot? Liar. » He replies back, an eyebrow cocked, not believing you one bit.
You just snort and keep on eating, missing the way your brother’s stare remained on you for a bit longer than usual, examining your face.
**Buzz buzz**
The table trembles slightly as your phone vibrates. All eyes on you as you check your notifications. Some messages from an unknown number. Well…. Not so unknown if you’re being honest because you knew exactly who it was.
« Answer, grins your brother.
- No phone at the table. Strictly orders your mom.
- Mom, your daughter is probably seeing your future son-in-law, snickers your brother which earns a small kick from you under the table, ouch! Why so violent sis?
- The day my daughter will have a boyfriend will be the day your father will stops snoring, your mother chuckles as your phone keeps vibrating, Y/N answer the poor boy.
- …, you watch every member of your family before sighing, okay…, » you mumble, taking your phone and walking away.
You then isolated yourself in the kitchen, a groggy voice reaching your eardrums.
« Hey beautiful, he greets you, the raspy voice being a clue of his recent awakening.
- What? You answer drier than intended, making him chuckle.
- Do you feel better? He asks, his eyes closed as your voice soothe his heart.
- Yes… thank you… for holding up my hair…, you mumble shyly, suddenly embarrassed about the fact you actually threw up before a human other than your family.
- Are you free? I want to see you. His tone sounded so pleading, you thought for a second.
- …Let’s buy what you had promised me, you whisper softly, unconsciously smiling.
- All right, will be here in 20, » he says, making a kissing sound before hanging up.
Your cheeks flushed when you realized he sent you a flying kiss. Before quickly shaking your head and slapping your cheeks. « Get your shot together Y/N! » you think to yourself.
« It was cheesy sis, sneers your brother peeking through the door, I actually can’t believe my sister has a date like right now, by the way can you run some errands for me? I will send you by texts. Thank you! He quickly says before disappearing.
- This kid I swear, I wonder if I’m not the older sister sometimes. » You roll your eyes up before quickly preparing yourself.
« Is it a date? Is it not? » After all, Heeseung did promised to buy you some stationery items, right? So he was just fulfilling his promise, right? So why couldn’t you stop the speed of your heart nor the unstopping back and forth thoughts in your head? Twenty minutes flew by in an instant and you were nervously waiting for him in front of the gates.
A loud roaring takes your attention as you search for the familiar car of last night. Here you see Heeseung’s impressive car, stopping in front of you.
« Tut-tut-tut, before you go lemme do a small check, cut off your dad, surprisingly standing next to you, I gotta see who is taking my daughter away from me.
- Dad it’s not a date..! You mumble between gritted teeth as you watch anxiously the way Heeseung got out of his car to come to you.
- That’s what your mom told her dad on the first date with me, he scoffs before examining Heeseung from head to toe.
- Good morning, I’m Lee Heeseung, » the latter says, extending his hand after bowing politely to your dad.
Your dad only shakes the younger man’s hand, his grip strongly engulfing Heeseung’s one. He puts some more pressure on his grip before Heeseung tightens his too making your dad chuckles shortly.
« 11 PM, not one second more, » he just said before turning his heels away and going back home.
You scoff at what he said, rolling your eyes up.
« I‘ll be home earlier than that, » you shake your head in disbelief.
Lee Heeseung could only smile as he opens the door for you, before going to the driver seats and driving you two in direction of your favorite shop.
« Deeply place me in your universe
(I’ll close my eyes) 
Take me far away
And make me love you »
8 PM, you couldn’t believe your eyes as you saw the time. Did you just spent a whole day with the man you thought hated from your deepest guts? The day flew by so quickly you did not even noticed it. And you hated to admit it but you had a great time with him. It almost felt too real to be true.
You were sitting on a bench, facing a lake as some shopping bags were at your feet, a respectable distance between you and Heeseung.
**Buzz buzz**
Your phone vibrates as you were staring at the female duck and her children swimming in the water.
« Ayo sis, I’m sending you what I need, just go to the 24/7 store! Thank you! » was the text your brother sent you before a list followed right after.
« - Cigarettes
- Lighter
- Candies
- Lube
- Condoms- »
You cough out loud, almost throwing out your phone in the lake as you saw the two last items he needed.
« Is everything okay? Heeseung asks with a small frown upon seeing you coughing badly.
- Y-yeah…yeah yeah… you chuckle it off, looking elsewhere but him.
- Do you want to go home? I will drive you-
- No actually I need to buy some stuff for my brother you can go ahead, I’ll go home alone, you smile sheepishly.
- Your dad’s gonna kill me if he ever learn I let you go home alone, Heeseung responds, and he was right, besides, I do want to drive you home, » he smiles softly, grazing his eyes over your features.
You could only sigh. Secretly noticing how the Lee Heeseung you knew in college wasn’t the same one standing in front of you.
« Well… why should I be shy since you saw me spitting out my intestines? You finally say before standing back up on your feet. Let’s go, » your turn to face him, his eyes staring up at you.
You didn’t noticed the awkward feeling right away but now it was eating you up as you were in the aisle presenting every brand of condoms that existed.
« Did I miss a hint from you? Smirks Heeseung, a box of condoms in his hand as he fixes the product.
- Stop it, I already want to bury myself alive right now, you whisper lowly, checking your surroundings like a psycho every two seconds, checking if someone is witnessing you.
- Should I help you out? These ones are great, he said, pointing a particular brand on a shelf.
- God, I didn’t have to know! You bite down on your lower lip, heat quickly spreading across your cheeks and your chest.
- And for the lube, take this one, » he says softly, ignoring your words, his body suddenly behind you as he reaches for a box of lube, the proximity making you breathless.
It seems like you stopped working as you couldn’t answer him nor move. So Heeseung took the matter in his hands and grabs the necessary items in one hand and your own hand in his other before leading you to the cashier. He then puts down the items that were quickly scanned by the young lady, eyeing you not so secretly.
« 28080.55₩, announces the lady.
- W-what?! Twenty thousand freaking won for some condoms and lube?! You thought to yourself before a little sound comes from the POS machine, indicating that the payment was done.
- Thank you! Have a great night! Bow the cashier before you couldn’t even process anything.
- Let’s go, » says Heeseung, grabbing the plastic bag and your hand, leading you outside.
You only snapped back to reality once the cold wind hit your face.
« Why did you paid for it?! And why did you choose the most expensive ones?! Twenty thousand won for condoms and lube were not worth it!
- If we want to do it correctly, the price is not important, he grins, tilting his head curiously.
- It’s not for me! You blush furiously, looking away and walking towards his car, let’s go home now.
- Should we eat a bit before I drive you home? He offers.
- …Then let me pay for it, you suggest after taking a few seconds to think.
- Alright princess, » he smiles as you both enter his car.
Like promised, Lee Heeseung let you pay for the dinner. You didn’t know if he was doing it on purpose or not, but his menu was cheaper than you, almost making you believe that he didn’t wanted you to pay a crazy amount.
« Are you sure this will be enough? You only took some fries and a soda… you mutter, looking down at his tray.
- Don’t worry, just eat, he shakes his head, plopping one fries in between in lips, slowly munching on it as he stares at the window.
- Here… you extend your untouched burger close to his mouth, your lips in a thin line. Hurry before I take it out. »
Heeseung looks at you with wide eyes before a warm smile spread onto his lips, holding onto the eye contact as he bites in the burger. His hand engulfs yours placed on the burger as he munches slowly. You then noticed how his fingers are long and slim, bigger than yours.
« Liking the view? His words seemed oddly familiar, reminding you of the scenes that happened earlier this weekend, finding it odd how everything changed in only a week.
- It’s not too bad, you answer boldly this time, keeping the eye contact.
- Want to see more? He grins.
- Nope, no more, don’t cross the line, you suddenly stopped him, his eyes going wide, a shocked expression before he burst out laughing, what? You ask, in disbelief.
- Nah you’re just cute, » he says, his chin on his palm, watching you endearingly as you eat your burger.
You stopped in front of your house’s gates, turning around.
« Thank you, I guess? » You say in a sigh.
Heeseung comes close to you, taking the bags from your hands and putting them down.
« I’ve never in my life waited this long, he mumbled, hands clasping around yours.
- For what? You ask a bit incredulous, palms sweating as the unusual feeling creeping in your chest comes again.
- After everything I’ve done to you, you’re still clueless of my intentions? I even said it to you multiple times already, he chuckles, incredulously.
- It doesn’t change the fact that you’re a playboy Heeseung…
- Do you want me to stop? He grins, a loving beam in his eyes.
- And what if you do? You answer back, looking up at him, getting lost in his eyes.
- Then I can have you for myself, he whispers, leaning dangerously close to you.
- I don’t know… you speak softly, voice fainter and fainter.
- If I give you something you longed for ever since, will you let me kiss you? He stares deeply in your eyes, searching for any hints of rejection, none besides hesitation.
- Depends… » you say, not really sure what he meant by that.
He fiddles with something in his pocket before a too familiar stringed bracelet comes into your field of view: the one your childhood’s friend gifted you, your anti stress.
« How…
- It fell when you were escaping Jake the other day, he gave me this and I knew it belonged to you when you came back searching for it, he whispers as he ties it back around your wrist.
- Thank you… for the day… for the bracelet, you trail off, not taking your eyes off from the simple but precious accessory on your wrist.
- It’s okay… he murmurs, his finger lifting your chin up, so is that a yes? You’re not going to reject me now, right? You didn’t threw up nor-
- Hurry up before I change my mind! You hiss, blushing and hitting his chest lightly.
- I love you. »
His words caught you off guard as his lips meet yours in a sweet kiss. Warmth spreading everywhere in your body as you felt butterflies in your stomach. Kissing Lee Heeseung was so easy, he made it so easy by taking the lead, kisses intoxicating your trail of thoughts.
His gentle bite on your bottom lip made you gasp, his wet muscle quickly claiming yours in a burning tango.
From his point of view, Heeseung sneakily slide his hands on your hips, grabbing them firmly as he practically presses his body to yours. His eyes half opened to see the way your eyes fluttered or the way your cheeks flushed. His heart couldn’t take any more of it, pounding in sync with yours.
« Gosh you make me go insane Y/N… he whispers against your lips, heavy breathing as you both seems in a trance, forehead finally joining.
- I hate you…you lie, looking away.
- You’re so sneaky Y/N, » he chuckles, ready to capture your lips for another kiss.
A loud gasp emitted from behind you as you quickly step away from Heeseung, turning around to see your brother.
« Sorry to interrupt but… Lil sis, do you have my condoms? »
« K-kiss you, t-touch you, w-want you »
« Make me love you »
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Your Highness!
We are delighted to see you here!
After a long break, our Queen had finally decided to wake up and had works her magic again!
She charged me to inform you about her ongoing activities! Lots of things are happening so we are hoping you will enjoy them!
Apologizing for taking so long to come back, we wish you a happy day.
- Butler of the castle.
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kunasthiast · 4 months
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It all started with your interest and love for soccer. Didn't know you'll find somebody this interesting here, right?
a/n: this can be a stand-alone fic bUTTT actually this is in the same universe of – Looting and Broken Sinks – check out how Sukuna and reader first met hsdhah i've been so inspired with soccer bc of Blue Lock
hope you enjoy this one ;) i'm also so sorry for no uploads the past week, i've been so busy with university – will get back to regular uploads by next week!
Pairing: Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff, Boyfriend AU, Soccer Player AU, University AU Word Count: 1,628 All characters are of age. Suggestive.
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You were the biggest fan of soccer. You knew everything about it – the legendary strikers, the egotist players, and the incredible goals. Yet, you never played it yourself.
It’s not because you’re not cut out for it. Or, not because your body can’t take it. Please, you’re athletic as fuck. It’s just that you preferred to enjoy this particular sport from a distance, analyzing each players’ skills, techniques, and plays.
So here you were, watching your university’s soccer team during their first match against a rival university. Are their rivals just too weak or something?
It was your first time attending one of their games, and you had high hopes. But, yes, this is boring you. They were not making plays that are interesting to watch at all!
“When will they make this game more watchable,” you complained as you leaned on the rail, your eyes scanning the field for anything remotely exciting.
The only one you can see is a white-haired guy who’s like an amazing midfielder, but what good are his plays if there’s no striker thats clearly cut out to make an out-of-this-world goal, right?
Just as you were about to give up hope, a commotion on the side of the field caught your attention. Your university’s team asked for a player trade from the bench. Alas, the crowd on that side erupted in cheers and gasps towards a tall, muscular player with pink hair and distinctive tattoos. #20 Ryomen.
“Who’s that?” You muttered to yourself as you squint your eyes towards #20.
“That’s Sukuna,” a voice beside you said. “He’s the star forward of the team – they call him the ‘King of the Penalty Area’ for a reason. He’s like a beast on the field, too.”
“Hmm, that’s kind of a cringey title to call himself,” you said as you continued watching the ruckus on the side of the field.
“Well, that’s what he was dubbed by most people here. I’m Nobara, do you go to this university, too?” An orange-haired pretty woman said as she extended her hand towards you for a shake.
You stared dumbfoundedly on her stretched out hand and confusingly tilted your head as you told her your name.
“Not a fan of handshakes?” Nobara snickered as she set her eyes back to the field.
“Yeah haha, just shocked you were actually watching a soccer game,” you said as your eyes went back to the field as the game started again. “Most women my age don’t really watch these sports, they love basketball more.”
“Oh, I’m not a soccer fan, alright? I just lost a bet and had to watch my friend play which I’m certain is not happening anytime soon now that Sukuna’s in this game,” she replied as she shook her head and folded her arms.
You chuckled, finding her candor refreshing. “Well, hopefully this Sukuna guy can liven things up a bit.”
The moment Sukuna stepped onto the field, the atmosphere changed. His presence was commanding, and it was clear he was no ordinary player.
Oh, this is getting exciting!
“Wow, he does have a certain… presence,” you admitting, watching Sukuna weaving through the opposing team with ease, his eyes focused and determined. “Maybe this game won’t be so boring after all.”
“Yeah, he’s something else. But, don’t tell him that, his ego will just go over the roof.”
The white-haired midfielder, #27 Gojo, passed the ball to Sukuna with perfect precision. Sukuna took it in stride, sprinting down the field with his incredible speed.
He left two defenders in the dust, aiming and fired a shot at the goal, the ball sailing past the goalkeeper and into the net with a satisfying thud.
GOAL 1-0
The crowd erupted in cheers, and you found yourself clapping along, genuinely impressed.
Is he a prodigy? You’ve never seen a forward make an aggressive goal like that!
Sukuna turned towards the stands, a smig grin on his face as he soaked in the applause from the crowd.
The game continued, and Sukuna’s performance only got better and better. He scored two more goals, each more impressive than the last one. How did he even manage to make a hattrick?
By the time final whistle blew, your university’s team had won decisively, thanks in large part to Sukuna’s incredible play. As the players left the field, you couldn’t help but feel a newfound sense of excitement.
Maybe watching this university’s soccer team wouldn’t feel so boring at all.
As you scanned the crowd, searching for Sukuna among the sea of faces, you couldn’t shake the feeling of curiosity that gnawed at you. Amidst the jubilant celebrations and the chatter of the spectators, your eyes locked onto a figure making his way towards the exit.
There he was, Sukuna, weaving through the crowd with an effortless grace that mirrored his performance on the field.
His pink hair stood out among the sea of fans, and his confident stride exuded an aura of charisma that drew you in.
Without a second thought, you found yourself moving through the crowd, determined to catch up to him. You navigated through the throng of people, your heart racing with anticipation.
What would you say to him?
Finally, you reached his side, breathless from the exhilarating pursuit. Sukuna glanced in your direction, his gaze meeting yours with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. 
“Hey there,” you greeted him with a smile.
Sukuna returned your smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he replied, his voice smooth and captivating. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting before."
You chuckled, suddenly aware of how out of place you felt among the adoring fans. "No, we haven't," you admitted, feeling slightly tongue-tied in his presence. "I just wanted to say, you played an incredible game out there. Truly inspiring!”
Sukuna's smile widened, a playful glint in his eyes. "Why, thank you," he replied, inclining his head in acknowledgment. "But I must admit, I couldn't have done it without the support of fans like you."
You felt a rush of warmth at his words, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Oh, I’m not a fan, just an admirer of the sport itself,” you said with a playful grin. “But, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines at every game."
Sukuna's laughter filled the air. Why does his laugh even sound so good?
"I look forward to it," he said, his smile dazzling in the glow of the stadium lights. "Who knows? Maybe you'll inspire me to score even more goals next time.”
Just as you were about to respond, another player approached, his white hair stark against the evening sky and a pair of sunglasses (mind you, it’s night time) perched on his nose. He exuded a different kind of charisma – playful yet commanding.
"Sukuna making friends with fans again?" he teased, shooting a mischievous glance between you and Sukuna.
“Gojo Satoru," Sukuna introduced him with a playful smirk. ”Our team’s ace midfielder. Don’t mind him, he’s just as annoying as he looks.”
Gojo laughed, extending a hand towards you. "Nice to meet you. Don’t listen to Sukuna, I’m actually the charm of this team.”
You shook his hand, chuckling at his lighthearted banter. "Nice to meet you too, Gojo. It was fun watching you.”
Gojo grinned, throwing an arm around Sukuna’s shoulders. "Oh, you can count on it. With me around, the matches are never boring.”
You snorted, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the two players. “Yeah, I’ll see you around in the next games, too. I’ll get going now, bye!”
As you walked away, you couldn't shake the feeling of Sukuna's gaze lingering on you, a spark of intrigue glimmering in his eyes. And you weren’t wrong. He was still gazing at your figure as you left the field.
"Now, she's an interesting girl," Gojo remarked with a grin, nudging Sukuna playfully.
Sukuna shook his head, tearing his gaze away with a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, she is," he admitted, his thoughts lingering on the mysterious girl who had captivated his attention
Meanwhile, Gojo shrugged off the moment, his easygoing demeanor never faltering. "Anyway, why are you late?" he asked Sukuna, his tone teasing.
Sukuna chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Got a bit distracted by an online game. Just lost track of time," he confessed with a sheepish grin.
Gojo rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smirk at Sukuna’s antics. "You and your games," he muttered, shaking his head in amusement. "Come on, let's catch up with the others before they start thinking we've abandoned them."
With that, the two teammates made their way through the dispersing crowd, their laughter echoing in the evening air.
But even as they rejoined their team, Sukuna couldn't shake the memory of your encounter, a spark of curiosity igniting within him. 
Perhaps this was just the beginning of something unexpected and exciting. And, it is.
As the days turned into weeks, you found yourself drawn deeper into the world of soccer with Sukuna. Your bond with him growing stronger with each passing game. You watched from the bench, cheering him on and complimenting his plays after every match.
And eventually, you found yourself seated by the side of the field, watching the game unfold with bated breath as your favorite player took to the field.
Sukuna, your boyfriend, moved with grace and precision, his every move a testament to his skill and dedication.
And this time, the only times he’ll be late was because of his pre-game workout. With you.
You were no longer just a big fan of soccer; you were the biggest fan of Sukuna and his incredible goals.
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lionlena · 1 year
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 6
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart…  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse, unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking, sexual harassment, women abuse, violence, injury, sickness.
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Part 6
"Mommy, you should kiss Joel."
You nearly dropped the laundry you were hanging outside when you heard what your toddler said. You looked at your son in shock.
"Where did that idea come from, honey?"
Teddy sighed and said, "Because Joel is sad and you always give me a kiss when I'm sad and that helps."
"Oh" was all you could say.
Joel had actually been sadder for the past few days. He was even more reticent and didn't even react to Ellie's taunts. You didn't know if it was because of your talk about forgiveness or the fact that Maria and Tommy were expecting a baby. Well, You thought that was good news, but did Joel was jealous? He had Teddy, after all. He got a second chance.
You heard your son's impatient voice and realized that "Oh" wasn't considered a sufficient answer. You knelt down next to him and said, "I'm afraid it doesn't work on adults as it does on children. I think Joel might feel weird if I kissed him."
Teddy frowned. "Then hug him... You hugging Aunt Claudia when she's sad."
"You hugging him, and that's better than my hug."
Your son made a sad face, and you felt like you let him down. In his childhood mind, sometimes everything was so simple and you envied him that.
"You know what helps me when I'm sad?" The little boy looked at you curiously. "When you give me drawings and flowers. Maybe after I finish work at the stables, we can go to the meadow so you can pick flowers for Joel?"
"Okay, but if that doesn't help, promise me you'll hug him."
You sighed heavily and nodded your head.
At the stables, you were still thinking about what Teddy said. Maybe you should talk to Joel? He didn't really have anyone in Jackson except Tommy, Ellie, and Teddy... And you. He still had a strained relationship with his brother, and the children were hardly suitable for serious conversations. So everything was on you. And your two relationship has improved. When you saw him, you didn't just think about how badly he hurt you, but how he changed for the better.
You stopped brushing Jupiter for a moment and looked back to see your son, who was throwing straw into an empty stall. In fact, he lost most of the straw along the way, but he looked so cute. He wanted to help you, like his dad.
You were so lost in thought that you didn't notice that you were approaching to place where another horse had bitten Jupiter. The wound still hurt him, and though he was a nice horse, he reacted to pain like any other animal. He whinnied loudly and jumped up sharply. You managed to dodge the kick, but you staggered and stumbled. You hit your head on the post that was between the horse's boxes. It got dark before your eyes and the last thing you remember was your son's frightened scream.
Teddy knew he had to call for help. He ran out of the stable and began to run as fast as his little legs would allow him. However, he passed several people and did not stop. Even when someone tried to stop him. In his mind, only one person could save you.
"Joel!" he shouted as he saw a familiar figure.
Joel was just walking with Ellie to the dining room when he heard his son scream. He immediately turned around and knelt down to catch the kid who practically ran into him. He immediately noticed that the little boy was terrified.
"Teddy, what happened?"
He gently grabbed his shoulders and started looking for any injuries, but the baby boy seemed to be fine. Teddy struggled to catch his breath, tears streaming down his face.
"Mama," he finally choked out.
Joel was immediately overwhelmed by a wave of terror.
"What about mom?" He asked.
The boy barely spoke. "Ho… Horse... Kick" he said between sobs.
Joel didn't need any more. He looked at Ellie, who seemed as scared as Teddy.
"Stay with him. I'm running to her."
The girl nodded and grabbed the boy's hand as Joel ran to the stables.
When you woke up you felt a terrible headache. Your ears were ringing and your vision was blurred, but only one thing mattered to you. Your son.
"Teddy," you croaked.
You got up with difficulty. You felt like a newborn foal that couldn't catch its balance. You slowly took a step by step, sticking to the wall. As you were about to leave, Joel suddenly ran up to you. He grabbed your sides and held you tight.
"Y/N, what happened?"
You heard the worry in his voice.
"Jupiter got angry... I jumped back, but I think I hit my head on something hard... Where's Teddy?"
Joel stroked your cheek, then ran his hand over the back of your head and was relieved to see that there was no blood on his fingers.
"Teddy is with Ellie. He's fine. He's just scared."
As soon as you heard that, you felt your strength leave you. You stayed on your feet only because fear for your son was your motivation. Joel immediately lifted you up and said, "Okay. You need medical attention."
"No" you moaned and rested your head against his chest. "Just not Anderson."
Joel sighed. "Then what am I supposed to do?"
"Take me home and call Wanda. She used to be a nurse."
"Okay," he whispered and brushed his lips against your forehead, and you just closed your eyes.
An hour later you were in bed and listening to Wanda's instructions. Teddy was cuddling up to your side. He had stopped crying but was still very scared. Ellie was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at you with worried eyes. Joel stood next to Wanda and carefully listened to her.
"It's definitely a concussion. She should not move. Let her sleep a lot, rest, and drink plenty of water. Someone should stay with her overnight. If she starts vomiting, she may choke."
"I'm not going to vomit," you muttered. You were slightly annoyed that the woman was talking like you weren't in the room.
Joel just gave you an indulgent look and replied, "I'll keep an eye on her.”
When Wanda left, he came closer to you and stroked his son's head.
"Hey, 'bear cub', mum will be fine. Why don't you and Ellie go to the meadow and collect flowers for mommy?"
Teddy looked at you with those puppy eyes he inherited from his father.
"Will this help you, mommy?"
You nodded your head and he immediately jumped off the bed and grabbed Ellie's hand pulling her towards the exit. Joel was still staring at you.
"What?" you asked.
He bit his lip and muttered, "I was worried about you, I'm still worried about you... I don't know what I would do if something happened to you..."
You were surprised by his confession. You might even hug him if it weren't for the constant dizziness.
"I'll be fine and you don't have to do all this for me."
Joel stepped closer, knelt by the bed, and grabbed your hand.
"I'll take care of you and Teddy. I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel better."
You smiled slightly and nodded your head.
In the evening you were really surprised how well Joel handled the baby. You thought your boy would be very cranky after a day like this... And he was, but Joel made it. After he put his son to bed, he came back to you and sat in the armchair to watch you all night.
It was weird and embarrassing for you at first. You thought you wouldn't be able to fall asleep next to him, but his presence began to soothe you and you fell asleep.
Joel stretched out in an armchair and tilted his head back. He yawned and closed his eyes. He thought that nothing would happen if he took a nap for a while. Your sleep seemed restful. Before he could fall asleep he heard the patter of small feet and after a while, he felt Teddy climb into his lap. He opened his eyes and smiled softly.
"Hi, 'bear cub'."
The baby boy glanced towards the bed: "Mummy still sleeping?"
Joel combed the boy's curls. "It's night. She should sleep. Just like you."
The little one shook his head and looked at him, and despite the dim light, Joel could see traces of tears on the baby's cheeks.
"You were crying, baby. What happened?"
He pulled the boy to his chest and hugged him tightly.
"Will mommy die?"
Joel replied immediately. "No, 'bear cub'. Of course not. She'll be fine. That's why I'm here to make sure everything is okay."
Teddy nodded and murmured, "Tell me a story."
Joel frowned. "We have to go get the book."
"No," the little one moaned. "Your story."
"Oh. All right." He thought for a moment. "I'll tell you about the Boston Angel."
"That angel was pretty?"
Joel smiled and nodded. "It was basically she, and she was the most beautiful angel I've ever seen. She was also sweet and kind. Even though Boston wasn't a pretty place, she was always able to find something beautiful and show it to the children. She bent down to tie a little girl's shoes and gave food to the homeless dog, and she always smiled."
"And did she bake cookies like Mommy?"
"Yes. She was the perfect Angel, but she met the bad man." Joel sighed heavily. He didn't know why he made up this story about you two. He felt the little boy tugging at his shirt.
"And what did the bad man do?"
"He broke the angel's wings and made the angel sad."
"But why did he do it?"
"Because he forgot how to love and only remembered that losing someone you love hurts a lot. So instead of loving an angel, he preferred to hurt her." He stroked Teddy's curls. "But the angel managed to escape Boston, and then her wings grew back and became even more beautiful and stronger. So strong that they could carry her wherever she wanted."
Teddy yawned and asked, "And the bad man? Has he changed?"
Joel didn't know what to say. He hadn't expected such a question. He swallowed and replied, "He's tried hard to change and... I hope one day he'll be good and the Angel will see it."
You felt tears running down your cheeks. You woke up as soon as you heard your son's voice, but you were still tired and did not react. You knew Joel would take care of the boy. So you heard the whole story about Angel and you couldn't believe it. Joel thought you were asleep, so he didn't say all that just to win your favor.
There was silence and you guessed that Teddy had fallen asleep. You went back to sleep too.
Joel slowly got to his feet, holding gently the sleeping boy, but something was bothering him. The baby's body was too warm. He kissed the boy's forehead and wondered if you had a thermometer somewhere in the house. He gently placed the baby on the bed and carefully covered him with a blanket. He didn't even get out of the room before he heard a plaintive whine, "Joo."
He quickly returned to the baby and began to calm him down. "Shhh, I'll be right back."
The little one stretched out his arms towards him with another pitiful moan and began to cry. Joel sighed and took the boy in his arms, wrapping him in a blanket.
"It's okay 'bear cub'. Do you know where mom keeps the thermometer and medicine?"
The little one sobbed and pressed his face against dads shoulder, muttering, "Not sick."
Joel rolled his eyes. He realized that he had to fend for himself. And so he held the baby with one hand and searched the kitchen cupboards with the other. He found a thermometer, bandages, a hot water bottle, and medicines that he knew were not for children. He took the boy back to the room and took his temperature. He had a fever.
"Teddy, does your tummy hurt?"
"No," the boy moaned.
"And here?" he asked and touched the boy's chest.
"Only the head."
Joel frowned. He stroked the boy's back and said, "Stay here a minute. I'll check on mommy."
Teddy started crying and Joel panicked. He didn't want you to wake up. He quickly lifted his son and began to gently rock him in his arms and place kisses on his wet, hot cheeks.
"Shhh, shhh, 'bear cub', it's okay. We'll go to mom together, but you have to promise me you'll be quiet. Okay?"
The little one whined and nodded his head. Joel breathed a sigh of relief, though he knew he had a rough night ahead of him.
He carefully looked at you and was relieved to see that you were still asleep. By this time, the boy had already fallen asleep and Joel was able to put him to bed.
And so for the next hour, Joel wandered between your room and Teddy's room. Unfortunately, the boy woke up again and started crying.
"I want water," he sobbed.
"I'll bring you."
"Do not go!"
Joel sighed heavily and took the boy in his arms. The boy immediately clung to his body tightly. "We will go together."
Unfortunately, the boy was very moody. When he saw the blue cup of water, he wailed loudly and Joel started to panic. He didn't know what had happened and tried to calm him down.
"It's okay... Shhh, tell me what happened? Teddy, baby, 'bear cub'..."
And as if he didn't have enough problems, You walked into the kitchen. You heard your son cry and your maternal instinct was stronger than your dizziness. You staggered into the doorway and grabbed the doorframe with difficulty.
"Y/N" Joel gasped and immediately started walking towards you.
He wrapped his free arm tightly around your waist while the other still held Teddy, who was crying in his ear. Joel led you to a chair and carefully sat you down. He started rocking your son and you looked at the blue mug on the table and said, "He doesn't like that color. You have to give him a red one."
Joel breathed a sigh of relief and quickly grabbed the red cup. Teddy finally calmed down, drank some water, and fell asleep in dad's arms, but his behavior made you uneasy. You knew that such trivial things as the color of the mug only made him cry when he was ill.
"Joel, does he have a fever?"
The man reluctantly nodded. He didn't want to worry you, but he couldn't lie to you.
"He has a fever and a headache, but otherwise he's fine. He doesn't cough, he doesn't have a runny nose. I've been looking for some medicine for him, but I haven't found anything."
You sighed heavily. "They're over. I was going to go to Anderson's, but... You know."
"I know. If he's not better by morning, I'll go with him to that asshole."
You looked at him scared. "No... I can't do it."
He came closer to you. "Hey, I said I'll go. You will stay. Everything will be fine. I'll take care of everything and now I'll put the little one to bed and come back for you."
"Put him in my bed. I want him close and try to put cold compresses on him to bring down the fever."
Joel nodded and did as you said. He put Teddy in your bed and then came back for you. He wrapped his arms around you to take all your weight. Once you were in bed, he returned to the kitchen and fetched a bowl of cold water and a small kitchen towel. You watched as he knelt by the bed and gently touched Teddy's forehead.
"You have to change the water in a while."
"I know," he said and smiled slightly at you. "Don't worry. I'll be here all the time."
You sighed and closed your eyes. You carefully cuddled up to your little one and hoped that the baby boy would recover by the morning.
Unfortunately, Teddy still had a fever in the morning, like you, he didn't like the idea of visiting Anderson. He cuddled up to you and looked at Joel like he were a traitor. The man reached out to him, but the toddler consistently ignored him.
"Come on, 'bear cub', everything will be fine."
Ellie, who had already come to you, also tried to help. "Teddy, the doctor will just examine you. I and Joel will be with you."
You knew you had to intervene. You gently pushed him away from you and kissed his nose. "Honey, you know Joel will always protect you. Go with them. Mommy needs to stay in bed."
The little boy finally nodded and let Joel take him in his arms.
"Bunny" he sadly whined.
Joel kissed him on the head. "We're going to get your bunny."
After they left, you looked at the teenage girl. "Ellie, make sure he doesn't do something stupid. And I'm not talking about Teddy.”
The girl shrugged. "Okay, but I'm not promising anything."
You fell back on the pillows and closed your eyes. Your head was still spinning and you knew you had to rely on Joel.
The atmosphere in Anderson's office was so thick that could have cut it with a knife. The two men stared at each other with pure hatred. Eventually, Ellie intervened. She grunted loudly and muttered, "I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend all day here."
The doctor snorted. "Put him on the table. I'll listen to his lungs."
Teddy immediately moaned plaintively as he was separated from his dad's body. Joel looked at him sympathetically. He kissed his forehead and whispered, "It will only take a moment."
Teddy hugged the stuffed bunny tightly to him. Anderson looked at the little boy irritably and hissed, "Should I examine him or the stuffed animal?"
Joel clenched his jaw. He felt his head start to ache. He'd had a really rough night and was losing his patience with this prick. He carefully took the toy out of his son's hands and tenderly said, "Ellie will take care of your bunny for a while."
Tears welled up in Teddy's eyes, but he nodded and watched as Ellie gently hugged his toy. Meanwhile, Anderson, without any warning, pulled the boy's T-shirt up and held the cold stethoscope to the child's body. Teddy squeaked and jumped. Only Joel's quick reaction saved him from falling off the table.
"What are you doing?" he growled.
Anderson shrugged. "It's not my fault he's as weak as his mother."
And that was enough. Joel handed the boy into Ellie's arms and gently pushed her towards the door. "Wait with him in the corridor."
Ellie nodded her head. She herself was furious with this asshole.
As she disappeared through the door, Anderson hissed, "What, are you going to break my nose again?"
Joel smiled in a way that made Anderson uneasy and he took a step back. Joel pulled a knife from his belt and lunged for the doctor. He pushed him into the chair and with one hand squeezed his throat so that the man couldn't scream.
"No, I'll do something much worse to you," he growled from the back of his throat. "Now listen to me carefully. You will treat my son as your most valuable patient."
Anderson's eyes widened in shock. "Teddy, this is your..."
Joel laughed. "Yeah, and you'd better think it over." He slid the knife into the doctor's crotch. "You have body parts that are not needed. Without them, you'll still be useful."
Anderson swallowed and nodded. "I will be gentle..." he squeaked.
Joel nodded. "All right."
He opened the door and took the boy in his arms. He smiled and kissed him on the head. "Come 'bear cub', Mr. Anderson will be very nice now and apologize to you for hurting you."
He looked at the doctor suggestively, and the man nodded. "I'm sorry Teddy." He started heating the stethoscope and said, "He can stay in your arms while I examine him."
The rest of the examination went smoothly and Anderson was kind and gentle. When he had finished, he said, "Everything seems fine. Did something stress him out?"
Joel frowned. He wasn't sure if Anderson didn't know about your accident or if he was pretending. "Yes. He had a lot of stress yesterday."
The doctor nodded. "This fever, it could be a stress reaction or a mild cold. I'll give you pills, for him. Give him half now, half tonight, and half tomorrow morning. The fever should go down."
When they got home, Joel told you how the doctor's visit went. Of course, he skipped the part about the knife threat but you guessed something had happened when your son said, "Mr. Anderson was a bit rude, but then Ellie and I left and when we came back, he was already nice."
You looked suggestively at Joel, and he tried to avoid your gaze at all costs. Then you shot a disappointed look at Ellie. "You were supposed to keep an eye on him."
Ellie shrugged. "This as..." Joel grunted significantly. "This fool, he deserved it."
You shook your head and hugged your son as he began to fall asleep. You didn't really care what Joel did. All that mattered was that he got Teddy's medicine.
After three days, you finally felt fine. You weren't dizzy anymore and you didn't lose your balance. Your son's fever has also stopped. It was evening when you got up and decided to eat something. There was an unusual silence in the house. It was still early, but Teddy was already asleep, tired from the impressions of the last few days. But where was Joel? He took care of you all the time and you were impressed with how well he handled everything.
You walked into the living room and saw him sleeping on your couch. He looked so peaceful and you didn't have the heart to be mad at him for falling asleep in your house. You guessed he was dead tired after two nights of watching over you and Teddy. Plus, you knew your sweet little son turned into a little monster when he was sick. One minute he wanted juice, the next he was spitting it out and crying that he didn't want juice. And maybe he got it from you. Well, maybe, just maybe, you had Joel bring you a glass of cold water, and after five minutes you decided it was too cold and asked him for hot tea. And he, without whining, without a grimace on his face, obediently went to the kitchen. So yes, he had a right to be tired. You grabbed a blanket from the armchair and gently covered him. Then you crouched down at his face and felt that old sentiment. Joel's hair always looked as soft and fluffy, as your son's. Made to be combed with your fingers. And before you could stop yourself, your fingers had already sunk into his gray curls.
Joel blinked his eyes and you quickly pulled your hand away. He looked at you and started to move, but he was very clumsy.
"Sorry... I'll be up in a minute," he mumbled.
You shook your head, put your hand on his shoulder, and said, "You deserve to rest, sleep."
You saw how tired he was and that he was still half asleep, so when he spoke you weren't sure if he was aware of it.
"I wish I could have looked after you while you were pregnant."
You sighed heavily and understood. That's why he was sad. He wasn't jealous at all that Maria was pregnant. He was sorry because it reminded him of what he had lost and made him feel guilty.
"You're taking care of us now. That's enough," you whispered.
You ran your hand through his hair again and he closed his eyes and purred like a cat. A slight smile appeared on his face, and you thought maybe your son was right. Your touch really made Joel stop being sad.
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A/N: Okay, so yeah, I messed up the timelines about Maria's pregnancy. I just forgot to mention it before, and it suited me perfectly here. Doctor Google told me that children can have fevers because of stress.
Part V
Part VII
Taglist:   @ajeff855​​, @anislabonis-love​​,  @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi​​,    @i-workwithpens​​, @milla-frenchy​​,  @quality-lust    @liatome​​  @sarahhxx03 @creedslove​​ @jojo-munson​​ @pascalislove​​ @sofiparallel  @goldenhxurs​​     @elliaze​​      @aestheticangel612​​  @cheyxfu​​  @orcasoul​​  @misshoneypaper​​  @prestinalove​​​  @yourusername1 @stevengmybeloved​​
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seishirospeaches · 1 year
for added spice 🌶️
genre: smut, angst, drama
warning: mentions of past mistakes (mostly on Oliver's side), sex, cheating, drinking, etc.
characters: ex-husband!Oliver Aiku x ex-wife!afab!reader (aged up Oliver Aiku)
Minors Not Allowed and DO NOT INTERACT
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It was already a tough start, even your friends warned you about a man like him, he wasn't someone you could bring home to your family with your head held high.
It felt like the ground beneath you just swallowed you whole, his words never meant anything to him but to you it meant everything. He ate his words, all those promises he kept were always broken and the vow he wrote for you was merely just words and nothing more important. To you Aiku was everything - he was your world.
But the moment he went back to his old ways, casually flirting with women to women with that golden band wrapped tightly around his ring finger, was nothing but a loose end.
You came picking up the pieces, like broken glasses were you'd be bleeding in the end because you could hardly take it anymore. Aiku never looked back nor did he ever cared. The marriage was doomed, you were done for even worse when you catch him sleeping with the same bed he made love to you.
"I promise to love you forever." He once said that, and he never did it again he only talked sweet when your arms wide open for him and pussy good for his dick. It was just sex, sex and sex.
It was just too much, you've gone far lengths to understand him but somehow you just gave in and fled far from the man who did nothing but make your heart ache, drinking until dawn and even consider committing adultery but you never want too because your heart always yearns for the shittiest man you've ever fell in love with.
You did manage to send him divorce papers, until it was approved for and moved out of the country. Flying back to your hometown to connect with your friends and family, it felt peaceful but you weren't going to lie to yourself that somehow you wished Aiku was just like himself from the beginning.
He was the sweetest and most kind man, he gifted you bouquet of flowers every time he meets up with you, cooked for your home dates, building a fort at two in the morning and even helps you fall asleep whenever there was storm raging outside.
Where did it ever go wrong?
It wasn't until your cousin invited you to his game play, happily watching and cheering for him as he was proudly playing for his team. Until your eyes landed on the man with green streaks on the edge of his hair, those eyes even though he may have heterochromia iridum those set of green and purple eyes was the most beautiful eyes you've ever laid on to.
The same eyes that once shown adoration towards you, but now they were just simply displaying their full reaction towards your direction - he was shocked to see his ex wife in his game.
He knows your cousin was in his side, but never did he expect to see the woman he truly loved the most right close by. His heart was thumping, perhaps it was from the running or the rush of adrenaline pumping through his system.
But it was more than just that, to his eyes you've gotten more beautiful than the last time his ever seen you. Later after the game,he was hoping to catch up on you. Afterall it has been nearly five years since then he knew what he has done and he hopes to patch things up even if it takes time.
Aiku wanted to be a changed man but deep inside his heart, it wanted no one else but you. He vented out his frustration, faced all consequences for doing such thing behind your back. He loves you more than anything in this world, you might even come equal to his love for soccer.
Catching your frame from the distance he excused himself to able to catch you, once he did he felt as if his breathe was knocked out of him. You looked more better than before, but he still hopes you can give him another chance to prove himself better than he was.
"Hi." Aiku's voiced came out relieved.
You looked around, wondering if it was really meant directed to you. Noticing that it was you awkwardly greeted him back but he only chuckled.
"Is there something funny I said?" Crossing your arms towards your chest.
"No, it was just that you're cute." You scoffed, rolling your eyes to him.
Aiku didn't missed seeing that reaction, instead he felt something about it. It was remarkably hot.
"Did you just rolled your eyes on me?" He stepped forward and another, until you were backed up with the wall and his body, he used both of his arms to caged you.
"And even if I did? It's not like you can do anything about it." You bravely answered, you mentally patted yourself without even stuttering.
Aiku smirked, simply amused by your newfound behavior. He likes this new side of yours it was igniting something within him and even to yourself.
You wanted to deny it but it was simply there never going unnoticed.
It was like nothing ever happened few years back, all the pain, waiting and heartbreak.
You find yourself naked underneath your ex husband, moaning out in ecstasy. Eyes curling at the back of your head as your toes curling from the intense feeling.
You left print on his back as he gave his mark all around you body, painting you with his cum. His mind was filled of you, he was never really the same after the divorce, locking himself up in his own room having to fight with his teammates.
But now with you in his arms. He could only hope you feel the same way as he does, but little does he knows you were also holding onto it.
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fizzigigsimmer · 10 months
Fargo Season 5: Gator Speculation
Y’all I am starting to fear for this man’s life. 😂 If you have not watched episode 5 yet, warnings for spoilers ahead.
So my theory that Gator and Dot may have previously been romantically involved went from an itch based on tiny clues that might have been circumstantial, to a full on burn last night.
Up until now we haven’t had any confirmation of Dot/Nadine’s age. The actress is only a few years older than Joe, but Hollywood is notoriously gross about women not looking their age, so it was entirely possible Juno was playing much older than she actually is. But now we know Dot was a teenager when she was brought into Roy’s little cult and when she married him.
For me that pretty much confirms that she and Gator are peers, and that he was a teenager when his father married a child near his own age. 🤢
Another thing that went from an itch to a burn for me: During the home invasion, when Dot first sees Gator she says “shame on you there’s a baby in this house”. This struck me because it’s the first time that I can recall Dot using such infantile language to refer to her daughter. While it’s not strange at all or uncommon for people to infantilez children in general, typically that kind of perspective becomes part of your regular speech patterns. “Gotta get home to my babies” that sort of thing. But to my memory Dot has always referred to Scotty with very particular language, possessive language at that. Scotty is always her child, her cub - and they even have her remind us there isn’t anything a mother lion wouldn’t do to protect her cub.
Dot might have chosen to refer to Scotty as a baby in that moment out of calculation, in the hopes that it would prick Gator’s conscience - which naturally infers that she has reason to believe he has one to work over. It also can’t be ruled out either that the specific use of the word baby was an unconscious slip, due to her shock and the vulnerability of the moment. Because the last time she saw Gator she was pregnant with what might be his baby.
The other hint we got this week is Dot confirming that Roy is an abusive piece of shit. She says something along the lines of what is obvious about Roy - that when he’s happy and feels in control things were good, but the minute he feels challenged or insecure he’d hit her and climb all over her just to feel strong again. Only when she’s describing this behavior she specifically uses the word ‘they’. They don’t hit you at first. “They” turn on you and push you down when they need to feel strong.
Now of course, Dot could just be talking about men in general. Men like Roy. But well, Gator IS a man like Roy. He’s desperately trying to walk in his father’s shoes and be all of the things he’s not, and he lashes out on other people to build himself up. We know from his own lips what he did to another teenager who accidentally injured him during a high school football game and stole his (most likely imagined) future in football. Given how close he and Dot are in age and all the hints that we have that he feels something for her, I think it’s highly likely that something happened between them.
I think it’s very possible that they connected, and were able to be vulnerable with each other. Gator seems just as surprised that Dot has become a “tiger” as Dot was that he has become his daddy’s lacky. I think in the past, at first they were able to find comfort in each other and things were good but eventually Gator did something that scared Dot and she decided to run.
At this point, I am confident at the very least that Gator’s feelings for/about Dot are romantic. Whether or not Dot has ever reciprocated them is still 50/50 for me. Regardless I think Gator held a candle for her and that as the tensions rise in the final episodes and he sees just how far Roy is willing to go to hurt and control her it’s going to force him to take a hard look at Roy, the kind of man and father he is, and really ask himself if that’s what he wants to be.
The part that scares me is Roy. Because when he’s in control and he feels like he has power over you, he’s loving. But the minute you do something to rock the boat… 😩 I have this really bad feeling that Gator is going to make an effort to be his own man, just in time to learn a final lesson about just what type of monster he narrowly avoided becoming. That scene with the blindfold and the rope keeps coming back to me.
Of course, my anxieties about that little clip aside there is always the possibility of the narrative going full Shakespeare on us. Gator, bringing about the downfall of his father’s kingdom by falling in love with his step mother and killing his father. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Full on Oedipus.
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faeriecourts · 2 months
sasunaru university modern au | naruto pov tw: attempted assault, implied drugging
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Sasuke swears drinking has never felt like this.
The first time he had a drink was a week after his 18th birthday. Itachi made sure of it, always commenting about how alcohol stunts growth and the legal age exists for a reason. So it was Itachi, too, who brought him to a private wine tasting. The car brought them weaving past grapevines to a stunning country house, with houses laid brick by brick and huge wood barrels that lined the walls of the interior.
Itachi was always more of a parent than his own father, in this way. He let Sasuke learn every kind of wine, how many glasses it took and how it felt after each one, made him note at what point he started to feel good and bad. He let him have way too many, and then some, so that he would know. And then he had him crash in one of the country houses he booked for their trip.
It’s only because of that, that Sasuke knows, it’s not supposed to feel like this. That two beers shouldn’t have him tripping over himself, like his own brain is pounding against his head. He can barely hear what the girls are saying to him, crowding around him at the bar. One of them is undressing him, he thinks, only processing it because the way her smooth, cold hands feel against his clammy skin.
He’s shoving them out of the way, stumbling through the corridor that he’s praying leads to a bathroom. He can faintly hear people laughing, he feels like it’s at him, he’s so, so grateful when the first door he grabs opens and locks it so fast behind him before his vision starts to swim again.
There’s a single minute of sparkling clarity as starts to register the sound around him again, he blinks his eyes back open to find sun-bathed hair and ocean-blue eyes.
“Are you okay?” The man asks, and he sounds genuine, not like he’s about to follow it up with something else. But Sasuke knows better than to believe something like that at face value. Everyone around him is a startling good actor, after all.
“What, you want a piece too?” Because it’s the only thing anyone has ever wanted from him. If they wanted connections, money, they’d call his brother.
“Huh?” The man stares back at him, dumbfounded. Sasuke laughs, mostly to himself, because some playing dumb trick isn’t going to work on him.
“I can practically feel your eyes on me.” Sasuke tests it, then, since this man won’t admit it. He approaches him until the proximity is damning, one hand around his waist. The man responds instinctively, his hand pressed against Sasuke’s chest.
And then it shocks Sasuke entirely, like a bucket of cold water over his head, that he wants this. He lets his eyes flit down to his lips, and he doesn’t know who leans in first-
But it’s soft, and it’s easy, and in this moment it feels so endearingly simple. He is kissing a man in a bathroom and he wants to, he can feel the man’s fingertips against his skin and it doesn’t make his skin crawl, instead he’s bringing him in closer, like if he presses them together close enough he’ll finally understand something, some secret that everyone else has always known.
There’s a moment afterwards where they’re making eye contact and Sasuke wants to laugh with pure joy, maybe even ask for his number, but then bile curls up in his throat and it’s all he can do to chuck the guy aside before he hurls into the bowl.
It’s staring at the mess he created that he realizes what he’s just done.
“You need to leave.” He tells him, because one of them needs to leave first. If they leave together, there are at least 3 women at the bar who will probably take a picture, and as much as Sasuke does not want to give his father another reason to disown him, he also doesn’t want his father to ruin the life of some stranger just because he didn’t knock on a bathroom door. And if he doesn’t leave soon, the girls will come to find him, and then they’ll both be fucked.
“Leave,” he wants to yell it, because it’s Sasuke’s own fault and he needs to get them out of this, and when the man finally does, Sasuke locks the door and collapses against it again.
He keys in Shisui’s number in his phone. It’s a futile attempt at keeping aniki from knowing, Shisui will most definitely tell him before he comes to get him, but at least Sasuke won’t have to hear his brother’s panicked voice.
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on ao3 here -- part one three four
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angelmelon · 5 months
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So I was tryna figure out: how would the Younique staff fit into my little story?? Several of the characters have pretty cute looks, I didn’t wanna throw em away or make them terfs
well, solution!! For at least a couple of em, anyway.
reminder that TERFs literally CANNOT ALWAYS TELL that people are trans… they are so often wrong it is comical. A TERF bar could more than likely let in trans women without knowing or batting an eye… in my rewrite, Younique only profiled Ginger, Cherish, and Kaiya because they were so open and proud. Often why TERFs pick us trans folk out to begin with!! If you’re too proud, too open, too showy, they’ll try to take ya down. It sucks, but it’s why I’m so proud to be me. I’m so proud of my transgender siblings, because everyday we face the worst from society, and here we are, still standing.
I did change up Shanzay and Parniya’s styles quite abit… god, you can tell that there’s only *one* kind of lesbian Rusty thinks should exist. The diversity of women is a beautiful thing, and I wanted to show just how differently these two butch lesbians can present themselves, because there is more than one type of butch lesbian. (RUSTY.) People should dress how they’re comfortable, however the amount of characters were supposed to like who have the exact, plain style bothers me. People look different, even those within the same subcultures and similar presentations. I want to highlight that!!
Anyway, on to the character bios!!
Shanzay Binti Meriam!! Malaysian-Australian She/They, Transfeminine lesbian
Shanzay used to go to Younique with her girlfriend Parniya regularly, speaking with other regulars who took no issue with their trans identities. Shanzay is a confident woman who runs women’s martial arts classes with her girlfriend and her mother, Meriam. Unfortunately, after learning of the hateful incident at Younique regarding the GAP gang, Shanzay, Parniya, and several other regulars were horrified to learn of the hateful nature of a staff member of Younique. They took the issue to the owner, only to learn that this is standard behavior for the staff, and that a large majority of the staff are loud and proud transphobes. Shanzay and Parniya felt completely horrified that their less cis passing sisters went through this, not to mention that they had given their patronage to such a hateful business. They rallied many Younique regulars to take their leave, and to give their support to the GAP gang, giving their money to the PayPlease fund that would eventually help the girls open up GAP, their trans friendly nightclub. Shanzay now works for GAP as a bouncer, and is good friends with Kaiya particularly, bonding over their shared pride and love for their families.
Parniya Amira Gallus!! Iranian-Australian She/her, Transfeminine intersex lesbian
Standing at nearly 6’8, being transgender and intersex, and suffering from chemical burns at a young age, Parniya is not a very average looking woman. She is very quiet and mellow, and doesn’t wish to draw much attention to herself. Because of her wallflower nature, it’s no shock that the transphobic staff of Younique looked right past her and her girlfriend Shanzay whenever they walked in. Parniya identifies as a butch lesbian, though she still embraces her feminine side often. After finding out about Younique’s transphobia against the GAP gang, Parniya was particularly shaken. Even after rallying other regulars to leave with her and Shanzay, Parniya doesn’t go out nearly as often anymore. She wears much more makeup now, perhaps in an attempt to pass more, like she believes she will run into Younique staff again. Parniya does remote graphic design for GAP, and as a result is well acquainted with Theodosia, and has quickly become good friends with her. They bond over a shared love of old princess stories, as well as their passion for art and other women.
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antoschauniverse · 12 days
Sorry. My vent at such celebrity or quasi celebrity self-indulgence from someone who is angry at themselves for having some hope.
It seems to me that Gillian thinks she's an enigma and coy when she tries to play all the fields- partner, bisexual, mother, businesswoman- and says things she thinks are shocking. She probably thinks her fans are dumb and gullible. Fans knows she's like a fart; blows in whichever way the wind goes. She has yet to actually stand for anything.
Come on- we have gone through Madonna, Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilar, etc; she has missed her chance to be a shocker and intriguing.
What would be a shocker is if she got her act together and represented something valuable to connect with a real audience. Why doesn't she put more attention into the charities that she says she promotes? What about the charity that is to help research the disease that took her brother? She wants to be all British proper with American vulgarities.
David is a Hollywood cliche with his groomer ways, but so is Gillian. She is a superficial fake face and voice trying to use female sex and token words (male gaze and male toxicity) like she really knows what that means just for attention and $$.
She is actually part of the problem of objectifying women in how she acts and portrays herself (fake feminist). She is no longer a Scully influencer, but she could have had potential. I cringed at one of the clips where she is promoting her drink and says something to someone about finding her Gspot. Oh please woman. Grow up. It's not funny or alluring. Others have already beat her to it. The marketing, I will say, was good, but she's past her prime and doesn't have the foundation to be the face. Her netflix shows are not at the top ratings and she's not a movie star to carry that momentum.
It's too bad that these people (D and G) are disingenuous to themselves because the collective detectives in the Fandom see past their masks and aren't convinced. Be real and honest with yourselves and then they can have some real beefy influence, but make it valuable and worthwhile influence.
Sorry. Frustrated in the void of watching jackasses.
You don't have to apologize- that's your opinion, but I disagree with you on a few points.
"she's past her prime and doesn't have the foundation to be the face." I'm sorry, but this sounds very offensive to all women over the age of 50. This is more suitable for David, who appreciates women only for their young age. I'm not a fan of Gillian, but I'm glad that she can prove at least a little bit that older women can also play leading roles in movies and TV shows, they also want sex and have sexual desires and such women can be the face of any company. A young face, big tits and young asses are not a reason to push older women into the background.
Of course, Gillian earns money from her drinks, but this is her job and money. No one forces people to buy everything that celebrities sell. People do it themselves. I buy what I like, not things that some celebrity is selling.
Gillian devotes a lot of time to charity and spends enough of her money to support charitable foundations. I'm sorry, but I haven't heard of David doing this unless it's necessary. Gillian is a representative of the Neurofibromatosis Association. It's the disease that killed her brother.
I think if Gillian hadn't defended a woman's right not to be a simple addition to a man 31 years ago, then we would never have gotten the Scully we all know now.
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pholiabanna · 1 year
Sloppy seconds byler aren’t endgame angels with a nightmare is a fool a 25+ year old women with fantasies about teen boys being gay how’s that any different to men’s fantasies about lesbians?
Y’all are so caught up in you’re echo chambers you can’t see it and it’s gonna crash and burn so badly it’s not the byler show either it’s stranger things
Omg I feel so honored to get my first real hate ask!
There's so many things to unpack here, so I think Im gonna go one by one.
First of all, I assume you either ship Mleven or at least you despise byler, but my last post was only tagged as byler so there was no reason for you to see it unless you were stalking the byler tag, which in that case I'm glad you're such a dedicated fan!
Second of all, I'm assuming you're the same anon who has been sending around other anon asks the past couple of weeks always mentioned the words "sloppy seconds". Now, I know nothing about you or about your life enough to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, but I think I'd should let you know how disgusting of a term that is, and what it implies. I'm assuming if you like Mileleven you like Mike too, since he's one half of the ship. That's why it's shocking to me how you seem so adamant of thinking of him as nothing but El's leftovers, as if he wasn't his own person with his self worth! Also, someone's worth doesn't lessen just because they've already been kissed or touched by someone else. That's a sad outlook on life, and I'm not telling you to be mean, but because I think you'll live happier if you leave such toxic mentalities behind. They really do no good to someone's self esteem.
About the women fantasies about gay men, please notice how most people in this tag are underage people of all genders. This is not a sexual fantasy, as these characters aren't even portrayed sexually in the show to begin with. This is people who want to see good stories about themselves being written, and I think that's a really valid thing to wish for. Even if you've seen a couple weirdos out there on the internet, that's not the case for almost the whole of the fanbase. There's creepy people everywhere in every fandom. Also may I add that if you prefer Mike and El (which is completely valid if you do, you're allowed to have your preferences!) they are the same age as Mike and Will. Wouldn't you be predatory as well if you ship them? No you wouldn't, because they're kids and their relationship has never been sexual. Just like with Will and Mike. Assuming that every gay romance is automatically sexual is a very homophobic mindset ingrained in our society. If you really see gay people this way, probably you've been conditioned by society to do so, in that case it's not your fault but it's never too late to educate yourself. You'll be happier, seriously.
Finally, I wouldn't say an echo chamber is a ship community that has more Billions of wievs on TikTok that the other ship and surpasses it on every other platform, and that has general audience filmmakers and professional writers say themselves that they also understand how it's set up to happen in the final season. But again, it is not my job to convince you and you're not forced to change your mind. We will all have to wait until the final season to see who was actually right, only the Duffer brothers know what will happen.
Finally, Stranger Things is obviously not the byler show. However, one of the most important rules of storytelling is writing personal arcs and relationships for the characters to serve as subplots to the main story, so that the characters become full fleshed and realistic. The fact that you can relate to fictional characters, even though you've probably never time travelled done magic, lived in a post apocalyptic time or wathever you wanna imagine, is because you relate to their personal stories. A story isn't good without personal arcs, every professional writer you ask will tell you this. So yes, relationships are an episode aspect of stranger things that people can discuss if they want to. And the byler tag, or any other ship tags exists precisely to focus on those relationships. It doesn't mean that people don't like any other aspects of the show.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my little rant anon. I wish you have a great day!
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redrydersrequiem · 2 years
Lost and found family part 2
(Jumped on this train. Obsessed with avatar and just writing for my own entertainment. Everyone is aged up Neteyam and the oc are 22 and 21. Lo’ak and kiri are 18 and tuk the sweet sunshine child she is is the same age cause i love her and she must be protected.)
Bold is Navi until about mid chapter but i have a note to let people know.
Previous chapter
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Back at camp jakes pov
The ikrans land neytiri slipping off to help Jake ease the girl down. Finally home they are quick to take her to mo’at
“Mo’at, we need you, " Jake yells out as they approach their home.
“Dad,mom, tuk yells out excitedly seeing her parents finally return.”
“Oh tuk ,tuk ,tuk, tuk, are you ok my baby”
“I'm fine mom”.
“Good”, neytiri hugs her youngest looking towards her other children standing by the front of their tent as Mo’at exits the tent as well.
“What has happened” mo’at reply seeing the figure being held in jake's arms
“Oh you found her”, tuk chirps happily
“What is this dreamwalker doing here”- mo’at
“She a friend and she’s been stabbed, we were able to cauterize it but we need you to look her over any way please”
Mo’at pauses for a moment but then looks back at Jake “Of course Olo'eyktan”
“Thank you.” Jake is finally able to hand Caspian off to the healers watching as Mo’at trails after them to get to work looking the young girl over for any further damage, finally coming back to his senses he sees his children approach him.
“Hey guys, come here”. Jake says, opening his arms to hug his children as the shock of the situation finally wears off. Tuk gleefully runs into her fathers arms the others not far behind though showing the typical teen reluctance of hugs.
“What you did back there was reckless,” all the kids' ears turning down at their fathers words. “However, it's in the past. I'm just glad you're all ok.”
“What about spider though?” kiri chirps up
“I'm sorry baby girl, they got him. But I promise you we'll get him back. Right now I'm just worried about you guys.”
“What about the lady?” tuk asks questioningly
“Yeah, why did you bring her back here? Lo’ak pipes up
“I agree who is she”, neteyam adds backing up his brothers bravado
“That’s a long story, best for later. Right now everyone go get cleaned up and rest and we'll all talk in the morning.”
Oks and yes sirs are heard with a sigh. Turning to walk back to the family’s tent. “I love you guys”. Jake calls after his kids retreating forms. Love you twos are exchanged as neytiri comes up next to her mate
“They will be ok ma jake we all will”
“You're right, we will, eventually.”
Following the children in the home they check in with mo’at on caspian learning her condition, and Mo’ats recommendation her resting until she wakes up her self. Jake picks the girl up and brings her with them to the family’s tent placing her sleeping form on a Matt close to his and neytiris in case she were to wake in the night. The family all drifts to sleep, some with more on their minds than others.
The next morning caspian was still deep asleep so Norm was called in to check her over with the machines just to double check her.
“Ok from her scan it shows she’s fine, just exhausted, her avatar form is probably new and she is still adjusting to it.”
“Good that’s good. Ok thank you norm”
“No problem Jake, you’ll just have to tell me the full story later yeah.”
“Of course.” Jake turns away to go and tell his mate what norm found out leaving norm in the hut next to the young women. Unbeknownst to them she had awaken
Caspians pov
All I hear is breathing next to me and tapping on some electronic device. Shit the RDA caught me is the only thing that goes through my mind
I gently move my hand reaching for the slim blade on my thigh
Quickly as I can I grab the avatar next to me my blade to his neck
Jakes pov
I’m telling neytiri about what norm said when I hear him yell out. The blood runs from my face as I think something happened to Caspian. I knew she was sleeping too long. I rush back into the tent, throwing the door open Neytiri right behind me. But to my surprise what I see is not what I thought. Norm is now in a choke hold a blade to his neck as Caspian looks ferally behind him
“Whoa whoa Caspian it’s ok calm down”
“Ma jake” Neytiri says next to me
“Shh it’s fine”
“Uh jake I don’t think she can hear you.”
“Norm shh i've got this. Mawey, easy, Caspian. Hey, can you hear me?”
I see her ears gently move and her head eases to look at me. But her eyes look somewhat unfocused.
“Caspian it’s me, it’s Jake, remember. We found each other after you got hurt by the recoms. I brought you back to my home.”
“Jake?” she says shakely.
“That’s right little red it’s jake, and the one you're holding a knife to is Norm. He’s a friend ok. I need you to let him go”
I see her hesitate but she releases her hold on norm. He quickly shifts away
“Jake?” Is all she gets out again before her eyes roll back into her head. I quickly catch her taking the knife out of her hold and placing it behind me.
“Norm you ok?”
“Yeah I’m fine. She just scared the living eywa out of me.”
“She seemed dazed.”
“She probably was, it seems like she woke up slightly and her body didn’t recognize her surroundings, she probably just went by instinct.”
“She’ll be ok though right?”
“Yeah she should be fine just let her wake up naturally like I said before but maybe this time make sure she doesn’t have any other weapons on her.
“Hey shes, a soldier, soldiers wake up ready.”
“I’m glad you think this is funny, I’ll leave you with sleeping deadly over there for now hopefully next time we meet she doesn’t put a knife to my throat
“Well I can’t make that promise.”
“Oh ha ha” Norm fully packs up his gear and walks out.”
Caspians pov
The light bleeding into my eyes definitely did not help the headache that was slowly starting to form. As the sounds and smells of the morning surround me
“Huh, daddy daddy she woke up!. Hello”.
The young Navi from earlier is upside down above me. With a wide smile on her cute little face
“Tuk I said not to wake her up”
“But I didn’t dad she woke up on her own”
I slowly sit up, my side burning lightly as I take in my surroundings. It’s a large tent with a fire pit in the middle, different things hanging here and there, the smell of some kind of meat drifting over to me as well as something sweet smelling. For a moment I'm on edge until Jake walks into my peripheral.
“Oh my god jake.” I launched myself at him despite my injury. He gleefully catches me us both landing in a heap on the floor “I thought it was all a weird dream. I can't believe you're real.”
“Hey, yeah it wasn’t a dream, trust me, I'm here, we’re both here.” Jake squeezes me a little hard, gently tapping my shoulder after a few seconds.
I finally release him from my death grip and take in his face once more
“Wow you got old”
Laughing comes from the fire pit as the women who was in the forest hands off a bowl of something to one of the others and comes towards us,
“She is right, ma jake.”
“I'm not that old.”
“Jake who’s this?” I ask
“Oh right, maybe we should do introductions first huh.” I just shake my head sharply, being on the defensive, what can i say it's in my nature.
“Come Caspian, let me introduce you to my family.
“Your family?”
“Yeah my family”
We all go sit to the right side of the fire. Me on one side and the five others on the other side. As jake walks around
“Let me introduce my wife and mate Neytiri”
“Hello” Neytiri replies nodding her head to me
All i can do is stare as her beauty incompuses me, until a throat clearing brings me back to my senses
“Oh I'm so sorry. Hi, I'm Caspian. It's an honor to meet you oel ngati kamei i say making the traditional hand gesture …….
“You know Navi.?” Jake and neytiri say at the same time
“Of course.” I say smiling cheekily at Jake. “I may not be as smart as Tommy was but I am smart.” I say addressing jake before i turn bay to Neytiri
(From here everything is in Navi if bold is English)
“I must say you're beautiful, why are you with someone like jake.
“Hey”, Jake yells out, as all neytiri does is smile at me. The young ones break into laughter next to her.
“That’s great I already like you, I’m lo’ak nice to meet you…you know again”.
“Same, this is a much better situation.” I smile back at his cheekiness
“Oh no I don't need you two getting along. Jake says stepping between us “Moving along, next is my eldest girl kiri”. Jake says walking over to the teen girl.
“Hello, I'm glad you got away.”
“Yes we did, thanks to you for helping us.”
“Of course.” Jake then moves back over to his wife and the young one with her.
“The little one here is tuktirey or tuk for short”
“Hello!” ,tuk yells out jumping up from her moms lap, and coming over to me, launching herself at me much as i did to jake earlier, giving me a light hug
“Tuk easy.” Jake and Neytiri speak at the same time.
“Oh sorry” she says shyly looking back up to me”
“Oh it's ok sweetie, I needed a hug.”
She just smiles “You're pretty.”
“Aww thank you, i think you're prettier though, you must get it from your mother cause it sure can’t come from jake.” I say making the young girl lightly chuckle as she goes to run back over to her mothers lap
“Again, hey,” Jake says shortly shaking his head at my antics
“And finally this is my oldest Neteyam.”
The young male sits up taller eyeing me with his beautiful golden orbs. It’s hard to say anything for a moment, like an electric current runs through me as soon as our eyes meet. I finally mustered up the courage to greet him shyly nodding my head at him with a faint blush blooming on my cheeks. Catching Neytiri's glances to my side.
“Thank you for protecting my siblings.”
“You're welcome, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.”
“That’s all sweet and everything but how do we know your real and not like an rda robot thing
“Lo’ak” jake scolds
“What? You taught us to question everything, I mean look what we just got out of, all those new dream walkers are supposed to be dead.”
“Jake it's fine,” turning back to lo’ak “You're a deeply mistrusting individual. I respect that, but I can prove I am who I say I am. Actually I have a bunch of stuff in my… oh no my bag. Please tell me you grabbed my bag.” I say quickly looking at jake
“Yeah we grabbed your gigantic heavy bag. Lo’ak will you go grab it.” Lo’ak quickly leaves coming back with my army sack in his grasp
“Oh thank you” I say as i start rifling through my bag
“What do you have in there to make it so heavy?”
“Oh you know everything I own”
“Really?” Lo’ak asks
“Pretty much you know the saying always be prepared”
I see Jake shaking his head at me from the corner of my eye. I dig for a minute pulling out my iPod, speaker, some extra clothes “Aha” I say victoriously my finger finding the edge of the picture book
“Here it is, a picture of us all and others of me growing up. Look” I hand Jake the leather bound his family all crowding around him to be able to look as well. Flipping the front cover where a picture of toddler me lays. The next page a picture of me, Jake and Tommy all hugging a stuffed plush rabbit in my arms, a gift from the two brothers, us all cheesing for the camera. I see Jake pause, eyes following the lines of Tommy’s face.
“Is that uncle Tommy dad”. Little Tuk asks from her father lap
“Yeah baby girl it is.” He continues to flip through the photos I've looked at over a thousand times. Pictures of earth and childhood turning into pictures of scenery and my fellow soldiers i worked with till now. Finally getting to the end of the book.
“I also have this.” I say reaching into the nag and pulling out the stuffed bunny from the first picture
“Ohhh” I hear tuk say, staring intently at the item in my hand.
“Here tuk why don't you come get it?” I say gently to the girl as she scrambles out of her fathers lap towards me
“Standing in front of me I hand the toy to tuk a reminder to be gentle. It's very old.”
“I love it, it's so soft.” She says stroking the rabbits ear
“Well I would be honored if you could hold onto it for me while i'm here. Can you do that?”
“Yes I can, I'll take very good care of it. She says spinning around to go show her parents and siblings
“Little red” Jake says softly. I'm so sorry”
“What no jake there is nothing to be sorry for, i may have not had the best life on earth but i had a good life. For so long I thought you might have died to then being told you were a hostage on a foreign planet to now seeing you here dad bod and all with a family. That’s all I could ever have asked for.”
The silence stretches for a moment before jake comes around to sit with us all again,“On that note, why don't you explain how you're here? If you don't mind.” Jake asks
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“So your telling me the RDA found out you where close to me and tommy and told you I was being held hostage here on pandora and that they wanted to use your skills to join the recom team and quote on quote rescue hostages”
“Yes. After you left and didn’t come back, as soon as I was able I joined the marines. I wanted to live up to you i guess. I knew I couldn't get as far as Tommy with his giant brain but I knew I could fight and help others. Years later and here I am corporal Caspian Lane reporting for duty.”
“Wow a corporal huh.”
“Yeah, i worked hard one of the youngest corporals ever. The rda where very impressed with me but I swear to you jake I don’t agree with what they are doing. I just wanted to see you again.
“Caspian, I'm so sorry.”
“Will you stop apologizing it's in the past were both here now yeah”
“Of course”
“Yeah like dad says sully's stick together, your family now,” tuk latches on to my arm hugging it to her small body. “Right mom?”
“Of course tuk, Caspian has proven to be a good soul, we will train her in the Omatikaya ways.”
“Thank you Neytiri I promise I won't bring trouble”
“Hey that's fine we believe you. Your home now little red, I promise you won't ever be alone again.” I feel the tears lightly combing to my eyes as Jake leans in and hugs me again. I feel like the kid I was the last time I saw him.
“All will be ok, it's all ok. Now how are you feeling huh”.jake asks as he pulls away from me, giving me a quick once over.
“My side hurts a bit but I'll live. My shirts kind of ruined now.” I say sticking my hand through the knife hole.
“Ha worried about your shirt, lord. Kiri, would you mind helping?” Jake asks his oldest daughter
“Come tuk and I will find you some other clothes.”
I slowly stand up following kiri as tuk follows closely behind.
Jakes pov
“I can’t believe this is all happening
“Mahway ma jake all is well. It seems she has been through much to find you.”
“Yeah, I feel guilty though all this time she’s been looking for me and I was what. Just enjoying my family and being happy while she had endure eywa knows what”
“Jake do not blame yourself for being happy, what's past has past you must make new memories with her and us.”
“Thank you, yawne(love).” I say pulling my beautiful wife into me. Placing our foreheads together.
Caspians pov
“Kiri I'm so thankful you're willing to lend me some clothes but is there any way you have something a little more covering?” I say looking down at the net of leaves and feathers, while beautiful, it is much more revealing than I’ve ever worn before, human or Navi.
“What’s wrong? It should fit you beautifully.”
“Yeah you’ll look so pretty Cassy”
“Why thank you tuk but that's not really the problem.”
Lord how do I explain body dysmorphia to these girls or how earth's culture dictates female bodies so harshly
“Lets just say I'm just used to being a little more covered at least until I get more used to this body does that make sense.”
“Of course”. Kiri says
“Here I may have something for you.” Kiri turns rifling through a basket and pulls out a brown cloth that looks like a tube top back home with a string of feathers attached to it to presumably to hold the articulation of clothing up and onto my body. But the key thing I noticed is that it would perfectly cover me.
“Will that fit and keep you more comfortable.” Kiri ask i just nod
And here's a pretty bottom for you.” Tuk cheerfully calls handing me a similar brown colored cloth. Holding it out I noticed it's similar to the loin cloth coverings both girls were wearing but thankfully was more full covering my butt and everything else. Just an opening for my newly acquired tail.
“Thank you kiri this is perfect and thank you tuk, i'm sure this will be pretty.”
I go off to the little side area behind a hanging cloth and gently change out of my ripped combat gear into the new clothes, it’s definitely an adjustment. Stepping out tuk and kiri look me over and give me an approving nod
“Y’all done yet” i hear Lo’ak complain fro outside followed by a quick smack sound and his silly whines.
All three of us walk out. Lo’ak looks me up and down saying that i look like an actual Navi now and not a dreamwalker. Neteyam however is very silent. I can see his eyes following along my body and a light blush accompanying his face and the tips of his ears, mimicking my own face. Tuk quickly breaks the tension between us
“Cassy will you let me do you hair”
“Oh sure sweety, I'd love that.” Tuk grabs my hand and leads me over to a sitting area near the family’s pod. As she then goes to grab a few things for my hair
“So caspian tell us what the earth is like father barely tells us anything.” Kiri asks from the rock next to me
Well earth is nowhere near as beautiful as Pandora is. I guess maybe it used to be but humans have neglected it too far. There’s a lot of pollution and a lot of hostial tension between people. But there are good people and things still around.
“Are there really though” lo’ak asks
“I found them” (giggle) tuk comes into the circle carrying a bowl of various twines and beads and a brush
My wild tresses are pulled out of my face and combed back. Little braids are made on the sides going back into the ponytail, two others are made at the top holding together my small hairs that framed my face going downward to include the red chunk of hair from my previous life. Ending it with a pretty carved bead the color of jade.
“Cassy how come this piece of hair is different,” tuk asks me questioningly
“Well you saw those photos right. I used to have longer thick red hair, and i wanted the scientist to put in a piece of my old hair to help me remember where i came from.”
“It suits you.” Neteyam pipes up finally giving me an easy smile
“Thank you.” Is all I can mutter a blush forming on my face. Tuk thankfully blocked my face from view as she finished the last braid. “ There all done.” Tuk gleefully declares after she looks over my hair one final time
“Thank you tuk i love it”
“You can’t even see it” Lo’ak snarkly ays
“Boy you and your sarcastic little butt is pushing it.”
‘Pushing what, what you gonna do huh.. huh little red.” Lo’ak replied sarcastically
“I'll kick your but that's what I'll do. I push up suddenly from my spot and start advancing on loak, he just smirks and starts dodging and tumbling around me out of my reach, neteyam eventually helps me and delicately trips loak so I can finally pin the teen. Now having him in a full head lock as we roll around laughing.
“Oh come on bro not fair what happened to sibling loyalty.”Lo’ak y’all’s out to neteyam. He just laughs back
Tuk joins the pile as well jumping on Lo’aks back laughing.
“Ok kids break it up” jakes says. I wait for tuk to climb off before I dump Lo’ak off me onto the ground. Neteyam comes and helps me up. Ever the gentlemen. I look away over to Jake and see his serious face.
“What’s up jake, oh look look what do you think.? I ask gesturing to my new Navi garb
“I think you look like a local, but now can you act like one is the real question.
That sure got my attention, “What you got in mind.”
“Netyiri and I have spoken and I think you would be a great asset to the omaticaya clan. You're a soldier caspian and right now that is a big necessity,. You also know more about the current rda. So from now on you’ll learn our ways, join my family and help us protect pandora.
“Ready and willing. Sir.”
“Good than let’s get started.”
(Again did my best making caspian still haven’t figured out the Navi ai thing a lot of people are using and I can’t really draw so dolldivine app to the rescue i'll probably keep using it and my photos`hop app in the future)
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hqbaby · 3 months
(Same anon who talked about time skip)
Say the current situation in the series ends with Satoru and Tiger clearing the air; both hearts sore but what’s done is done-
(Meaning Satoru WANTS the idea or the past of Tiger; Not taking his time to mourn and throwing it on Kimi;;; But realizing hes stringing Kimi along and him and Kimi having a very honest discussion. Kimi and Satoru separating but genuinely having a fondness for one another. Like a soft spot that can bloom into more romantic tension or a genuine “This person was sharing a lot of difficult emotional vulnerabilities and I can’t imagine leaving them behind because of the bond we made.)
- And then with Sukuna; things are awry because it all started out as a fake relationship that grew into a real one. But Tiger recognizing that Sukuna also has his cross to carry (Parents probably had a fucked up situation like Tiger’s; Maybe that’s why they’re also so so close. They both understand it without having to fully explain each detail.).
Tiger and Sukuna have a genuinely good relationship for just a couple years; but that feeling of “We love each other but not romantically anymore; Something is missing” and both of them having a honest conversation about it. It hurts, but it’s so so honest and what they need. A romantic relationship between them both is never ever a regret; just a delightful thing while it lasted. (They both remain as friends, but a couple years later they have the vibe of uncle and aunt of different sides of the family who you KNOW had THAT type of relationship at one point but everything is platonic and dandy between them now).
Tiger going through a few years of being single; just having women as her best friends primarily;;; to focus on herself emotionally, mentally, bodily. To be selfish with herself, to not get caught up in a cute boy and genuinely enjoying single hood. To be a young flourishing woman who doesn’t have to worry about a past, just the future.
Then along came Kento 7 years after senior year of college; Both 28/29 years old. Kento and Tiger talking shit on their shitty bosses and irritating coworkers with sharp tongues and crooked smiles.
Tiger listening to Kento and asking him genuine questions about what does he want out of his career? What are his passions? He loves to cook and try foods. Oooo how cute.
Kenton’s ears turning pink when Tiger mentions “You know, you’d do great as a YouTube foodie reviewer AND a home cook. You’re handsome and got a comforting voice. I’d definitely watch all the time.”
Kento listening to Tiger complain about how some older coworkers are borderline harassing her about willingly being single. She’s getting to the age where it’s “hard to have kids” “Whose gonna take care of you when you’re old?” And Tiger saying she’s genuinely at peace being single; and if there was the right person who stumbled across her path and something grew naturally, she wouldn’t say no to that person.
She’s just not wanting to go into the hassle of finding someone, finding a connection, depending on how that relationship goes; it affecting her job (Her job probably being a Tennis Coach for young teens and kids// Giving private lessons to elderly wives wanting to gossip and get some exercise in) all the things.
Kento nodding along, “They should stop treating you like a ticking biological time bomb. Really, you’re a grown woman and can speak for yourself.” And Tiger sipping her drink hums in boisterous agreement. Kento adding on, “And, it sounds like they’re all projecting their fears or reality onto you. If I was that insecure about my future hospice situation or my balding husband, I’d say the same things too.” Cue tiger coughing on her drink choked up on laughter and shock.
Genuinely, Kento and Tiger give off old married couple vibes 😩 THIS IS MY MENTAL FIC FOR THEMMM
"If I was that insecure about my future hospice situation or my balding husband, I’d say the same things too"
ANON!!!! I AM RATTLING THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!!! the miu timeskip au is thriving!!! kento and reader really would be so cute together. i totally see miu as a prelude to a nanami series (almost like a past enemies to friends to lovers kinda situation) 😩
i'm afraid i do not have braincells to let this come to fruition, but i'm so happy it's growing in your mind babe 😭 it's honestly a trend for me to have my reader inserts have relationships completely outside the main relationships that could work so well that people end up shipping it. i am yet to put a stop to this tendency lmao
i love the kento love and i appreciate you soooo much anon <3
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cathygeha · 5 months
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Because the Baron Broods by Darcy Burke
Rogue Rules #2
Two people who thought they would remain single forever just might find something that will work better instead…maybe…
What I liked: * Tamsin Penrose: lives with her difficult widowed father, isolated, may have abandonment issues, has never had a season, looks forward to the month she spends with her grandmother and friends, a good friend, begins to question her future when she receives a letter…and meets Droxford. She reminds me of a bubblier Pollyanna.
* Isaac Deverell, Baron Droxford: good friend, a bit aloof, morally resolute, made a vow to himself when 17 years of age, trained as a lawyer, lost mother in childbirth with his brother, lived with rigidly religious father, uncle paid for his higher education, did not expect to be a Baron, carries guilt and regret, conflicted in more than one way
* That Isaac would not allow Tamsin to be ruined and though his reasoning was given…wondered if he really did like her more than he realized
* Tamsin’s grandmother: gardener, loving, kind, truly loved and appreciated her husband
* Isaac’s Aunt Sophia: loving, kind, goodhearted, generous, wise, matchmaker
* Getting to see the friends of Tamsin and Isaac – both groups in book one of the series and no doubt will show up again in the future
* The Burrows couple addition to the story and how they met in Marrywell [a reference to the Marrywell Brides Series by Darcy Burke]
* The way it all came together in the end though there were times I wondered what the two main characters saw in one another and whether or not they would find common ground
* Thinking about and wondering which of the supporting characters will show up in the next book
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* The expectations of women, the power given to men, that scandal was so easily created by gossip, and thinking about how difficult life must have been without so many things – including contraceptives
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
3-4 Stars
From USA Today bestselling Author Darcy Burke, author of The Untouchables and Phoenix Club series, comes your next Regency romance must-read. Rogue Rules When a young lady is ruined, her friends vow none of them will ever be ensnared by a scoundrel again. They will resist every gentleman’s charms even—and especially—if it means gaining a reputation for being impossible to woo. It will take extraordinary rogues to break their rules... Because the Baron Broods Growing up in isolation in Cornwall, Tamsin Penrose looks forward to the one month each year that she spends in an idyllic seaside town with her best friends. She’s shocked to receive a letter from her reclusive father informing her of a potential groom—they’ve never even discussed marriage and she rather expected to be a spinster. But she’s met a charming, if serious, baron and now she’s dreaming of a romantic, wedded life. During his annual trip to a friend’s seaside estate, broody Isaac Deverell, Baron Droxford finds himself in an objectionable situation: socializing with a group of ladies over several days. He is not prepared for the storm of cheerfulness that is Miss Penrose, nor can he deny that she makes him feel…good. Because Isaac is an unheroic rogue with a devastatingly sinful secret, he should flee this delightful ray of sunshine. However, he can’t keep his distance, and when her overzealous suitor arrives and won’t take no for an answer, Isaac protects her in a scandalously public fashion. Now he can’t run from her. Can these attracted opposites find a happy ever after, or will the past destroy their chance?
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she-karev · 6 months
Prank War
Previous Part Here
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys just to let you know I’ll post another story throughout Easter weekend that will feature Amber and Andrew’s relationship, stay tuned!
Summary: Amber, DeLuca and Jackson pull a final prank on Roy with Alex, Amelia and Koracick as an audience.
Words: 3385
“Bullshit!” I exclaim to Koracick as I check Kimmie’s vitals while she lays in bed with her grandma in the chair.
“Excuse my language Peg but it’s the only way I can fully express how uncultured Dr. Koracick is when it comes to Broadway musicals.”
We’ve spent the past 20 minutes debating what is the best musical of all time. I’m standing by Wicked, Kimmie’s is of course Cabaret and Koracick for some strange reason is Phantom of the Opera.
Don’t get me wrong I like the soundtrack it’s just the plot could be better and the female lead could not subserviate to Stockholm Syndrome.
“Agreed.” Kimmie and I bump fists, “Cabaret, Hamilton and Wicked are timeless Phantom of the Opera went out with the female empowerment movement.”
Koracick scoffs and grins amused, “I’m just calling it the way I see it and the sooner you face the truth-”
“Your full of crap and you know it!” Kimmie tells him.
“Hamilton only made your top three because it’s new and shiny.”
“And you only left it off your list because your bitter that you couldn’t score tickets for the original cast.” I nod at Kimmie’s defense and see Alex and Amelia entering and looking at us puzzled by the scene, “It goes Cabaret, Hamilton, Rent.”
I scoff amused, “Sorry Kimmie but no it goes Wicked, Chicago and Les Mis. All three spectacular musicals with killer songs and killer female leads.”
“Yeah, I saw Chicago back in 97 I know how killer those women are.” I roll my eyes at Koracick’s joke, “And back to the topic, no Sondheim?” I groan at forgetting about the man who reinvented American musicals, “Stephen Sondheim?”
“Damn it Sondheim.” Kimmie says dumbstruck as well.
“Yeah, can’t count him out. Count of three. Best Sondheim. One two three.”
“Sweeney Todd.” I look at Koracick shocked we both said the same thing causing him to chuckle in delight while Kimmie’s was Into The Woods.
“Gross.” Kimmie responds to our choice.
“No he wielded a hell of a scalpel.” And I nod giving the guy props for his Sondheim favorite. Alex and Amelia stand there frozen still puzzled by our debate and honestly, I don’t blame them.
When Koracick came in a while ago wanting to meet Kimmie I opposed it due to his abhorrent personality and crappy bedside manner. I tried to subtly send him away but when he mentioned seeing Rent when it first came out on Broadway Kimmie insisted he stay and recount every moment of it. Somehow, I joined it telling her all the musicals I saw back in New York citing Wicked as my favorite which caused our debate that got heated but in a good way because it made Kimmie smile. Her grandma sees it too and is thankful for Koracick which is probably a first for him.
“They’ve been at this for 20 minutes straight.” Peg explains to them, “Happiest I’ve seen her in days.”
I focus back on Koracick who is deadset on Sweeney Todd, “Into The Woods, a quarter of the Broadway audience left that show at intermission.”
“I hate to agree with him at all Kimmie but he’s got a point.” I reluctantly admit.
“They left because they want an easy happy ending.” Kimmie counters, “But hello that’s why it’s brilliant.”
I look up slightly convinced and turn to Koracick, “Sorry but I gotta go with her logic.”
Koracick scoffs and looks to Amelia and Alex for support, “Doctors. Second opinion. Weigh in.” Amelia and Alex are left stumped for an answer when I see Jackson entering the room with a grin along with DeLuca who snickers ready for our prank.
I gasp excited, “Is he here?”
“I just paged him he’ll be here in one minute, you got it ready?” Jackson asks hopeful and I chuckle pulling a bottle of Minute Maid apple juice from behind Kimmie’s pillow.
Andrew smiles mischievously, “We’re really doing this?”
I shake the bottle, “Absolutely if you want to back out now you can.” DeLuca pulls a specimen container out of his pocket which is answer enough. Alex and Amelia look at us confused.
“What is going on?” Alex asks.
“Do not judge us.” I defend us as Andrew throws me the cup I catch and fill with the juice, “She wants us to do this and I am not gonna deny my patient her request are you?”
Peg looks at us disappointed, “Kimmie we talked about this, now I don’t know who this doctor is but he does not deserve this.”
“He called your granddaughter a dying brat.” I tell her and she looks at me surprised, “Right here and right in front of her I was there.”
Peg takes a moment before responding, “Just make sure it’s actually juice and he doesn’t drink your pee you’ll swap for him.” Kimmie nods happily and I top the cup sealing it and place it front of Kimmie.
“Wow.” Koracick says impressively, “Pretty and punks her coworkers do you have plans later?” I narrow my eyes at him hitting on me.
“Brother in the room.” Alex reminds him threateningly.
“And boyfriend.” Andrew chips in.
“And gross.” I finish and Koracick gives me an amused hurt look. Roy enters the room and I quickly put the juice bottle behind Kimmie’s pillow. We all keep a straight face as Jackson faces him.
“Dr. Roy so glad you could be here.”
“And why is that sir?” Roy asks, annoyed.
“Well, I need you to run Kimmie Park’s labs for me and rush the results.”
Roy scoffs, “You want me to run a little girls labs who’s not even your patient.”
“Do you have a problem with my assignment?” Jackson asks with authority and Roy backs down and turns to Kimmie ready to take her cup.
“Wait a minute.” Roy stops by her bed and watches her pick up the specimen cup and observe it carefully, “I think I should filter it again; it looks a little dark.” Kimmie unscrews the cap and takes a sip making it look like she’s drinking her own pee to Roy who looks on in disgusted shock as I keep my face passive. The people around us look on amused and trying not to laugh out loud, “Much better, what do you think Dr. Amber?”
“Hmm.” I pick up the cup and observe it like a doctor, “You know I’m a doctor and I’ve done this before so…” I sip the juice that tastes sweet as Roy takes a step back looking at me disturbed while I click my tongue. Alex covers his mouth to hide his smirk and stifles his laugh, “Dr. Avery can you check? I mean you’re an attending and I’m an intern so I should learn how to do this properly.”
“Yeah of course.” Avery walks next to me calmly and grabs the cup sipping it until it’s empty and exhales in delight, “Oh I’m sorry I just get carried away I can’t get enough of this stuff, don’t you agree Dr. Roy?”
I look at Roy who gawks in shock at the disgusting and shocking act we committed, “Y-Y-You all are sick, sick I tell you!” He runs out of the room in fear slipping as he runs. I and everyone else burst out laughing. I hold Avery’s shoulder to steady myself because my stomach is cramping from how hard I’m laughing.
I take a deep breath and steady myself facing Avery like he’s a god, “Oh my god, you are an evil genius, emphasis on evil!”
“Why thank you.” Avery smiles proudly, “You may bow to the master.”
I chuckle and slightly bow, “Bowing!” I get back up and turn to Kimmie who is laughing, “Do you think he’s learned his lesson?”
“If he hasn’t we’ll just come back swinging harder.” Kimmie calms down and looks at Avery, “You know I’ve seen My Sister’s Keeper like a dozen times and I’m guessing you have too that’s where you got the drinking my pee prank from.”
“What? I didn’t get it from that.” Kimmie chuckles and raises an eyebrow and I do too knowing he’s lying causing him to break, “Fine I saw it, there was a time I had a huge crush on Cameron Diaz.”
“We all did.” I tell him causing Amelia, Alex, DeLuca and Koracick to nod in agreement.
“What does it matter where I got the prank from? I mean we probably sent him to psych.” Jackson laughs at that and I chuckle as well.
“Okay fine I will give you that but I am the prank master mine was original.”
Kimmie scoffs, “Please paging him all over the hospital was my idea, I’m the king of pranks.”
DeLuca nods amused, “Yeah I got Mike Rotch from google so I’m as unoriginal as Avery.” Alex and Amelia look at him confused over Mike Rotch but he looks at us with a grin, “She’s the undisputed king guys.”
I chuckle, “Okay fine I’m bowing to the king.” I give a slight bow to Kimmie who smiles and does a power pose causing everyone to clap and cheer her on as the King of Pranks.
Later that night me and DeLuca stood at the edge of the lab table watching in anxiety at the tumor model inside the beaker. Koracick and Shepherd had a brainstorm earlier and figured out that using multiple beams instead of just one would allow us to control the heat generated and increases the possibility of the tumor breaking down. Now instead of one we’re using three beams on the tumor waiting for a miracle.
“God this is so stressful.” I admit anxiously waiting for the tumor to burn.
Alex walks in, “What’s going on?”
I look at him annoyed at his bad timing, “Shh!”
Koracick puts a finger up silencing Alex, “Shh, pipe down. You’ll scare the tumor.” I hand Alex goggles that he puts on just as the tumor starts to have burn spots and this time the beaker is holding.
“Yes!” Amelia shouts out happy and I pump my fist in the air joyful. The others are excited as well.
“This is amazing.” I smile at our luck finally turning.
“I am right?” Koracick boasts and I roll my eyes.
“If you’re looking for an intern ego boost your barking up the wrong tree.” I inform him and we continue to observe the miracle for a few seconds until the beaker cracks causing us to groan, “For ten seconds I was happy, that’s a new record.”
“Well, it’s a start.” Koracick consoles us and I nod in agreement.
“That’s the longest a beaker’s ever lasted.” Alex points out happily.
“Glad your on-board Adam.” I glare at Koracick not remembering Alex’s name as well as him.
“It’s Alex.” He corrects with a frown.
“Yeah, either way.” Koracick says dismissively. I walk away from him annoyed and dispose of the beaker for once happy I am throwing it away.
I exhale in exhaustion as I take my backpack out of my locker getting ready to leave. It was a fun day overall with me finally getting back at Roy for every snide insult he’s thrown at me, DeLuca and Jackson. Add to our breakthrough on the project I’d say I had a perfect day. Kimmie’s grandmother thanked me for hanging out with Kimmie all day and making her laugh. She said today was the happiest she’s seen her since she started chemo which made me feel good. And I’m gonna end the day going home with DeLuca so I guess it’s ending with a bang so to speak.
As I sling my backpack over my shoulder, I see Alex coming in still sporting the black eye I gave him this morning. Okay, aside from accidentally punching him my day as perfect. He’s still in his scrubs which tells me he’s gonna pull another all nighter.
“Hey, are you headed home?” Alex asks.
I nod, “Yeah I would stay and get more beams but unlike you I need sleep and a night with my boyfriend even Tom Koracick would find too graphic for his tastes.”
Alex grimaces in disgust, “I don’t need the details.”
“Sorry.” I chuckle lightly, “I already hit you in the head I don’t need to mess with what’s inside it.”
Alex chuckles feeling his eye, “Yeah I’d say I have something to lord over you for the next month or until I accidentally knock you out next time, we’re in the ring.”
I shake my head at that suggestion, “How about next time I just buy you a beer and we catch up like normal siblings?”
“That works too.” Alex agrees full-heartedly, “I wanted to come by and say thanks for helping out with Kimmie today. She really needed something to do and it was…unusual but I think it was good for her to laugh even at other people’s expenses.”
“Well it’s okay as long as it’s people who deserve to be taken down a peg.” I tell him, “Like Roy or Dr. Douche as I call him in my head. And if you think I was too hard on that last one I should tell you Qadri told me he said he would let me go down on him in the pit if I asked.”
Alex looks at me in disgusted shock no doubt seeing I went easy on Roy instead, “Wow that statement alone was not respectful to him, you or how Hunt runs the pit.”
“Yeah, respect and Roy are two very separate concepts that haven’t mingled. It was fun and not just because Roy looked like a little bitch today. Kimmie is fun to hang out with, I mean if this is who she is after chemo I can’t imagine how great she is completely healthy and full of life.”
Alex grins understandingly, “I know what you mean, she’s special…you know who she reminds me of right?”
I narrow my eyes confused, “Who does she remind you of?”
“She reminds me of you.” That statement catches me off guard and Alex grins at my expression, “I didn’t really see it before but now that I look at it, she’s just like you were at that age. Even when you were six you were by far the coolest person I’ve ever met.”
I chuckle baffled, “I was not, no six-year-old is cool.”
“You were. You were already tougher than the kids your age and you were way tougher than me and Aaron combined.” I look at him touched by his admiration toward me at an age when I admired him. He chuckles nostalgically, “Also you sang all the time, and not the standard Disney or Winnie the Pooh crap you sang AC/DC and Whitney Houston and somehow you did it flawlessly it was like getting a live concert. You and Kimmie should sing a duet when you get the chance and you’ll see what I mean.”
“Well she does it better than me.” I admit honestly, “She hits notes I could only dream of.”
Alex grins, “And another thing you two have in common, your survivors. Kimmie’s parents walked out on her and she wasn’t as worse off as us but it was still horrible.” My heart aches for Kimmie and what she had to go through in her 12 years of life, “Despite all that she survived it and she’s still singing her lungs out even after the hell she went through. I know it’s something you would do in her situation and that alone makes you and her the strongest people I know.”
I stand there moved by his speech so much so I walk to him and hug him. He’s shocked and unresponsive at the first few seconds but hugs me back. I pull back and speak as well, “You know I’m only strong because you and Aaron made me that way. Growing up with two idiot brothers also makes you smarter than them too.”
Alex chuckles at my backhanded compliment, “Well one of us had to be born with brain, right?”
I grin amused, “I should go I have an early shift tomorrow and a lot of beams to steal to save Kimmie.”
“Don’t let me keep you sis, good night.”
“Good night bro.” I walk out of the locker room feeling all warm and fuzzy inside after that display of family love. I grin at Andrew who grins back and we walk out of the building hand in hand.
“So is there a reason why you decided to help me make a fool out of Roy?” I ask him as we get to the parking lot.
“What makes you think I would object to it?”
“Because you’re usually the one who tries to talk me out of reckless decisions.” I remind him, “What did Roy do to you to make you come out of your sensible sweet guy shell today?”
He sighs and stops in front of me, we stand face to face, “He might have said some things about you I overheard that were less than savory.”
I bite the inside of my cheek to keep my anger in check, “Like what?”
“I really don’t want to repeat it.” He insists but I counter.
“It’s better than actually saying it first.”
He takes a moment before speaking, “There was mention of the possibility of you going insane like your mom and brother and that event happening in bed…with me.”
I groan in disgust, “Tomorrow we’re filling his water bottle with cement, I don’t care if it kills him.”
Andrew grins slightly and kisses the top of my head in comfort, “Come on don’t let him get to you, you’re better than him and he knows it. Why do you think he degrades you so much? It’s the only thing he can do against you and it’s making him look worse and makes you look better.”
I look at him touched and continue walking this time leaning against him with my arm around his waist, “I think I liked it better when you supported me punking people who deserved it.”
Andrew chuckles as we get closer to my car, “Well I can’t keep pranking interns with you but I have something that might make up for it.”
“Really?” I grin, “And what might that be?”
“Well, you remember that bet we made a week ago and the conditions were if you lost I would plan how we celebrate your half birthday?”
I take my keys out of my backpack as we get closer to my car, “Yeah.”
“I was thinking about getting us an Airbnb up in Olympic National Park and we can spend the weekend of your half birthday exploring the little towns and doing actual couple things up there.”
I look at him surprised, “A road trip? I was expecting some takeout at the Dough Zone and maybe half a cake after.”
He narrows his eyes inquisitively, “Are you disappointed?”
I think about his idea and it’s starting to sink in a little causing me to grin at him, “No not really. I haven’t explored outside Seattle since I moved here and a weekend alone in a cabin in the woods with my boyfriend seems appealing to me somehow.” Andrew grins at me and I grin back, “And I’m speaking as someone who’s seen The Strangers and Hush multiple times.” He narrows his eyes confused and I glare at him disappointed, “Tell me you’ve seen at least one movie where a couple go to the woods alone only to be brutally murdered?”
Andrew chuckles, “I’m sure I will during the trip so I don’t get scared and cancel this trip and the guesthouse I rented. So I guess that’s a yes to the trip then?”
“Yes, on one condition.” I unlock my car and get in my driver seat while he gets in the passenger side, “If we see a group of people in creepy masks outside the rental we drive back as fast as we can.”
He looks at me strangely, “I would be concerned if we didn’t do that.”
“Great then it’s a date, but I get to choose the rental.” Andrew grins and nods. I start the engine driving out of the parking lot excited for this trip.
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