#shocking amount of queer content in that book considering the time and premise
hongluboobs · 1 year
hongsang becomes more insane to me the more i read red chamber bc i keep noticing little things that make me want to explode. did you know mirrors are a pretty heavy motif in red chamber? Bao-yu flat out has a mirrored self in the text (i’m not there yet but i know that)
I don’t know if it’s even in a ship way but i keep noticing connections. They’ve both got a lot about being controlled/trapped and false contentment with that situation in their stories (this will find its way to canto 8. please) and the fact that it was THESE TWO to get the dimension shredder egos makes me want to explode
the more i look into these characters the more things i see that are paralleled and similar. The pretty art also helps lmao but i need to know their issues
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