#oh also i haven’t read the wings yet BUT my friend has and went insane on me
hongluboobs · 1 year
hongsang becomes more insane to me the more i read red chamber bc i keep noticing little things that make me want to explode. did you know mirrors are a pretty heavy motif in red chamber? Bao-yu flat out has a mirrored self in the text (i’m not there yet but i know that)
I don’t know if it’s even in a ship way but i keep noticing connections. They’ve both got a lot about being controlled/trapped and false contentment with that situation in their stories (this will find its way to canto 8. please) and the fact that it was THESE TWO to get the dimension shredder egos makes me want to explode
the more i look into these characters the more things i see that are paralleled and similar. The pretty art also helps lmao but i need to know their issues
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
Male drider x female reader - WIP, Part Two (sfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
After a teasing Part One last week, here's 3.5k words of Part Two, featuring two poems, neither of which are my own... Things get off to a very rocky start between the lord of Widowsweb Court and the reader, with the drider not exactly behaving in a manner befitting a lord... Naril, the firbolg gardener that everyone seemed rather taken with, continues to be a complete cinnamon roll.
Hope you enjoy, despite 'his lordship's' terrible manners and behaviour... Part Three has just gone up on Patreon today. He also got dubbed ‘cranky spooder’ over on our Discord server, which I adore.
Enjoy x
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On the day you first met the lord of Widowsweb Court, you’d opened up one of the enormous windows to breathe a little life back into the stuffy library.
Having spent four weeks getting to know the collection as it was, you’d taken the opportunity to dust a little as well. That had the added advantage that you were now able to let the air back in without fear of choking clouds of dust billowing up into your face. For a house as enormous as Widowsweb Court, you had been surprised to learn that the staff was so minimal - no more than Naril and his father, Chiara the housekeeper, a valet of the lord whom you never saw, and two other members of staff; one a cook, and one a maid.
Standing beside the heavy, ragged old curtain that dragged its hem on the floorboards like a sullen teenager scuffing their heels, you sighed and stared listlessly out at the enormous park beyond. There was something melancholy about it. The grounds were meticulously kept by Naril, not a leaf out of place, and yet it was deserted.
There should have been parties, the voices of people laughing, the chink of glasses and the murmur of conversation in the evenings as people gathered to watch the sun go down over the stunning vista beyond. Music should have floated across the terrace behind the house, washing out to mingle with the dancing splash of water in the fountain, but that basin with its fantasy carvings and rearing stone centaurs, laughing fauns, and wide-winged harpies remained silent and dry.
“Why is it so sad here?” you whispered to yourself, the backs of your knuckles trailing down the old, warped glass of the leaded window. The shutters of this window had been thrown wide too so that you could see what you were doing, and the light poured in over one of the three long, research tables that lined that half of the dour library. Over the course of the past week, you’d stacked books pertaining to poetry up into huge, teetering piles that now looked more like a model city than anything, with skyscrapers reaching for the moulded plasterwork of the triple-height ceiling.
A low, bitter voice from behind you made you jump. “The name didn’t give it away?”
You yelped and tensed, turning sharply to find a figure occupying the shadows between two looming bookshelves. Unable to see them behind the chiaroscuro contrast in the room, you squinted. “The name?” you croaked when you’d finally recovered your senses.
A long, black, needle-thin leg emerged first from the darkness and you almost recoiled in surprise before another appeared beside it. A drider. The voice belonged to a drider. “Widow’s web…” he said in his low, gravelly voice, the tone heavy and dripping with sour sarcasm.
“Oh.” You blinked and curiosity flared in you. “Do… Do you work here as well? I haven’t met you before…”
The emerging drider stopped, the shadows still concealing his upper body, but you could see that he was one of the deadly, flash-quick driders; slim-built and light boned, and probably full of venom. You swallowed. Perhaps he was some kind of security agent? Perhaps it was his job to keep an eye on the place and make sure people kept their distance from the place. Perhaps he had come to check up on you.
For a long moment, the drider remained silent, and then without a word, he flung a thin volume onto the nearest end of the table, only a yard or so from where he still hung back, half concealed in shadow, and turned wordlessly to go. “See that this one is shelved with the rest,” he growled.
You caught a flash of red on his spider’s abdomen before he completely disappeared. His needle-clawed legs made almost no sound on the floorboards, and if you hadn’t been so stunned by his unexpected appearance and behaviour, you might have gone after him to scold him for treating what had to be a first edition - everything else so far had been - so callously. By the time you heard a sharp creak and the soft click of a secret door closing somewhere, it was too late to follow.
So instead, you left the window and picked up the book. It was an anthology of poems, and as you let the volume fall naturally open in your hands, it revealed a short, painfully bitter poem.
And like a dying lady, lean and pale,
Who totters forth, wrapp'd in a gauzy veil,
Out of her chamber, led by the insane
And feeble wanderings of her fading brain,
The moon arose up in the murky East,
A white and shapeless mass.
No wonder he was so gloomy if this was the kind of thing he read. With a sigh, you closed the book and laid it with the other poetry anthologies, and spent the rest of the day trying to shake the encounter from your mind.
At lunch, Naril leaned over the table and frowned. “You alight?” he asked. “You look kind of… far off…?” It was just the two of you that day, with Naril having come in from the gardens a little later than usual, and his father having already eaten.
You sniffed and blinked, not realising you’d been staring into your bowl without really seeing it. “Yeah,” you croaked. “Listen… I’ve not really asked about… this place much. Why is it called Widowsweb?”
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his lanky arms. He was tall, even for a firbolg, and that day he had scraped his long red hair back into a thin plait that hung down his back. His eyes, bright green, turned a little distant. “Apparently a dowager from the Silkfoot family had a falling out with her son, and he was so desperate to be rid of her that he exiled her here and gave the entire estate to his cousin who went with her. The two families diverged there, and never had anything else to do with each other since.”
So what Sarrigan had told you, about the two families being at least distantly related, was true. You wondered if the part about the Silkfoot family not liking humans had played a part in the disagreement. “I know one of the Silkfoots. Not well, but he’s a friend of a friend. He seems nice, but he says his family’s mostly awful.”
Naril was still watching you. “What’s brought this on?” he asked after a moment.
You took a breath and said, “I’m assuming your master is a drider then?”
Naril nodded. “Yeah. You… You didn’t know?”
You shook your head. “I hadn’t given it much thought, if I’m honest. Your father was the one who employed me and dealt with everything on behalf of your ‘master’. I… I think I met him this morning though.”
It was Naril’s turn to look a little surprised. He batted his long-lashed eyelids a few times and then barked a rough laugh. “Seriously?”
“Why is that so strange? He lives here. I find it weirder that I’ve not seen him yet.”
“He never shows himself to any of us. He lives in his wing of the house and literally never goes out. Chiara, and his valet Mason are the only two who ever interact with him directly.”
The firbolg’s surprise melted into something softer. “It’s said he’s cursed, but my father says that’s bollocks.”
“If he’s not cursed, then why? Why live as a recluse?” and why was he so rude?
Naril gave a half shrug and then stood, reaching across the table to collect your plate with his scuffed, scar-knuckled hand and take it to the sink. You murmured your thanks as you waited for him to speak, but he didn’t for a long time. You stood watching him, his shirt dirty and sweat stained, ripped here and there, presumably from the vicious thorns of the roses you’d glimpsed from the windows.
“He lost his wife and their entire clutch when they’d only been married a year or so,” he said at last. The splashing of water in the sink as he washed up almost masked his words, but something in your chest panged when you caught them. “People said he did it. People said he was cursed. People said his whole line was cursed.”
“People say a lot of cruel and stupid things,” a harsh, female voice interjected from the doorway behind you and you turned to find Chiara glowering at the pair of you. Naril cringed and turned his attention back to washing up. “You’d do well to ignore all of them, and repeat none,” she said, fixing her yellow eyes on you. The harpy’s tone was as sharp as her claws, and you didn’t fancy crossing her.
You nodded. You weren’t part of the staff, no matter how welcome Naril and his father had made you feel. You were here to reorganise the library, and then you were going to leave. You had been there for one out of your six contracted months already, and the task seemed gargantuan, but you were determined not to let it get the better of you. Time to get back to it.
“Chiara,” you said carefully, “We weren’t gossipping. I believe I met your master this morning, though he didn’t fully show himself to me. I just wondered who I’d met, that’s all.” With that, you turned and put your hand on Naril’s arm. “Listen, I’d better get going. Thanks for doing that,” you added with a twitch of your chin towards the soapy dishes in the sink.
He bowed his head, his large, cow-like ears waggling softly, and closed his eyes briefly. “Take care up there in the library, eh? Don’t go falling off something or lifting more than you can carry. You look worn out.”
“I am tired,” you said, cracking a yawn almost directly on cue. “I haven’t been sleeping all that well here. Could I borrow you tomorrow for half an hour or so? There’s a massive chest that’s been parked in front of a shelf and I need to move it to get to the books behind it.”
He grinned, his odd, almost feline nose twitching. One lip pulled back to reveal his blunt, herbivore’s teeth and he nodded. “Happy to lend a hand, you know that. After lunch?”
You smiled, feeling a slight heating of your cheeks, and turned for the doorway. “Thank you.”
The rest of the day passed uneventfully, and you finally cleared enough shelves to begin putting the first phase of your plan for the library into action.
Three days later, though only as you tucked yourself up in bed for the night, you realised you’d left your phone behind in the library. Cursing, you knew you’d have to go back for it if you were going to get up in time the next day to start work. No one formally kept track of your hours, but your professional pride demanded that you start work at nine, and you didn't fancy sleeping through til gods-knew when, especially given your erratic sleeping patterns of late.
Dressing hastily in jeans and a t-shirt, you grabbed the back door key, with which Mr. Ambleside had entrusted you after your first week on site, and let yourself into the main house.
If Widowsweb Court was creepy in daylight, it was unfathomably eerie at night. Pipes creaked and groaned sporadically, and a draft whistled up the corridor as you fumbled along the passageway that would lead to a servants’ staircase, and eventually, emerged onto the second floor near the library.
Were it not for the light of an almost full moon beaming in through the windows along the corridor, you might have missed the library doors altogether, but as it was, they illuminated the brass fittings so that they gleamed like gold, sparkling and winking at you almost fatefully. You scoffed at the thought, and pushed into the library, the door giving its usual raucous yelp on the hinges.
“Gods, I’ve got to get Naril to look at that,” you grumbled, moving across the floor and wondering if you dared turn all the lights on. Part of you expected a hoard of ghostly spectres to be drifting around the shelves like shades through gravestones.
Before you’d gone three paces, you froze. The whisper of a page turning caught your attention, and you swallowed, heart thudding. Again, you were not alone in there.
“Who’s that?” a sharp, male voice demanded from a table at the back of the room.
“It’s me,” you replied, immediately realising how stupid a thing that was to say to someone who wouldn’t have been familiar with you. You added your name, and followed it up with, “I’m working on the library catalogue.”
“At this time of night?” the scratchy baritone growled.
“I left my phone in here,” you said weakly as you stepped around a bookshelf and found him standing behind the furthest research table from the door. You knew immediately who it was, and your heart was thudding as you wondered just how well the lord of the manor would take it that you were sneaking about his house at this hour of the night. “I need it for my alarm in the morning.”
“It’s over there on the windowsill,” he said carelessly, moonlight running along his outstretched arm like mercury. From what you could see of his body, silhouetted against the light from outside, he was unhealthily thin, and he had long hair that fell loose and unrestrained down his back. He was also huge. Sarrigan was squat, fluffy as a tarantula, and muscular, but this figure was spindly and ominous, and built like a black widow.
“Thank you,” you croaked. “I’m… I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
As you picked up your phone from the sill, you heard him clear his throat, and glanced up to see him shifting a little. He looked like a nightmare demon from a shadow-play, all legs and pendulous body, but something about the angle of his head gave you pause.
He took a slow, rasping inhale. “How… is the work going?”
“Slowly,” you said with a rueful smile. “Mr. Ambleside might be a little out of touch with the collection… It’s larger than I was expecting.”
After a pregnant pause, the drider snorted softly and you broke into a nervous laugh at the innocuously-spoken innuendo.
“Anyway, on that note, I’ll leave you to it. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he said and you watched him walk towards the window. As he moved, you realised what was unnerving about him. One of his legs was missing. Where most driders had eight legs, he had only seven.
You thought about him all the way back to your accommodation, and even after you’d set your phone on your bedside table and lain back to stare at the ceiling, the master of the house still occupied your thoughts.
The next morning, you found your feet taking you to that furthest table, and there you discovered that a book had been left open.
The poem that graced these pages was older by many centuries than the one about the moon. It was written in a language that had long evolved beyond recognition, but you stared at it and trailed your fingers down the verse, murmuring the words aloud in the Old Tongue. It was one you’d studied at university during one of your shorter modules, and you barely remembered any of its translation.
Oft him anhaga     are gebideð,
metudes miltse,     þeah þe he modcearig
geond lagulade     longe sceolde
hreran mid hondum     hrimcealde sæ
wadan wræclastas.     Wyrd bið ful aræd!
You frowned, muttering words aloud until you’d muddled out a tiny bit of it. “Often, the one who is alone finds grace for himself, the… mercy…? The mercy of the lord? Although he, sorrow hearted… heavy hearted?”
“‘Sorrow-hearted’ works,” came a now-familiar voice from behind you and you jumped, nearly knocking the book from the table. This time you turned to find the drider advancing on you in full view.
Slowly, you let your eyes slide up his body to his face. He wore a crisp white shirt that looked like it had never been worn, the stark, monochrome contrast with his black spider’s body almost jarring. His hair was black, with a thick streak of bright, blood red falling around the right hand side of his face, which was gaunt and sallow, with dark shadows beneath his four red eyes. Around his right two eyes, his white skin was stained dark - almost purple - down his face and a little way onto neck, the birthmark looking like a swirl of watercolour. He blinked slowly at you, as if expecting something; waiting for you to say something rude or thoughtless.
With a start, you remembered the poem, and turned back to it. “Was this what you were reading last night?”
“Mmm. You’ve studied the Old Tongue I take it?” he said, and you turned to find him approaching slowly.
You tried not to let your gaze snag on the void where his leg should have been, and instead looked at the text again. “A little, and it was a while ago. I’m rusty… I think I remember this one. It’s called The Wanderer, isn’t it?”
He nodded, his hair sliding forwards like a black theatre curtain to hide his sunken face. “Not going to chide me for leaving it unshelved?” he sneered as he turned and headed once again for the back of the library. “I never did like librarians, you know?”
Grinding your teeth, and forcing yourself not to snap something rude at the person who was technically your employer, you said, “I’m an archivist, and this is your collection, not mine. One book being out of place is hardly going to though the whole thing into chaos, is it?”
He froze, on the point of leaving, and with an almost theatrical slowness, he turned to regard you. After fixing you with his eerie, red stare, he lifted one side of his upper lip and snarled, “I suppose not.”
And with that, he left you alone and unnerved again.
Work progressed at a glacial pace on the library, but you eventually moved from poetry to non-fiction: travel journals and histories, geographical texts and maps.
Naril grabbed you one bright, weekend morning after breakfast and dragged you out into the gardens for the first time. The two of you spent a couple of glorious hours touring the kitchen garden, the walled garden, the rose garden, the knot garden, and finally the orchards and arboretum. As the pair of you walked, hot and honestly quite tired, back up to the house for refreshments, your eyes naturally found their way to the library windows that overlooked the terrace and lawn at the back of the house, and you were surprised to find them flung open.
You paused and scowled.
“What?” Naril asked. “What’s wrong?”
“I was sure I closed the windows last night…” you murmured.
“Maybe the master is in there,” he said. “You know, I think you’ve seen him more than I have now. What’s he like?”
“Sad.” That was the first word that came to mind. “He strikes me as someone who’s incredibly sad. I’ve only seen him three times now, but each time he seemed so bitter and prickly. It’s like he’s curious about what I’m doing in there, but he doesn’t want to talk to me too much.”
You passed beneath the windows and slid into the house, sighing as the air of the cool stone passage wafted over your sun-warmed skin. No more than an hour later, you found yourself back in the library, but the master wasn’t there and the window was shut again. Easing yourself down into a comfortable chair beside the casement, you let your head loll against the back, and wondered if he ever set foot outside. If Naril was to be believed, the drider never left the confines of his wing for anything other than quick trips to the library.
After a while, you found your eyes drooping, and you inhaled deeply, letting the weight of a doze seep through you like the warmth of a hot bath.
A noise stirred you, and you opened your eyes to find that the light had changed to the vibrant magenta of a clear sunset, and that you were not alone. Squinting at the shelf, with his face far closer to the books than yours needed to be to read the titles, was the lord of Widowsweb Court.
You watched him in silence for a moment, not sure if he knew you were there or not, and took in the lines of his black legs - skinny, barbed, and deadly. The chair creaked as you sat up straighter, and he whipped around, dropping the book with a bang onto the floorboards and rearing up, his front legs rising like lances ready to strike.
“Sorry,” you gasped. “I didn’t mean to make you jump. I didn’t know you hadn’t heard me.”
As he lowered himself back down, you looked up into his face and the expression you found there made your heart stop. He looked furious. “Get out,” he barked. “If you’re not working in here, get out.”
Without another word, you rose and fled the room as sedately as you could muster.
Part Three --->
To be continued next Wednesday… Part Three is currently up on Patreon so you can read it right now on the Pixies and Goblins Tier.
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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today i don’t have a paragraph above the read more because uh
tw: blood, tw: torture, tw: pain, tw: violence. idk everything i need to tag it with so please please please tell me if I need to add something.
His side hurt as he put pressure on the stab wound. He was trying not to pass out as a knife was held in front of his face. “We’re best friends! Aren’t we? Say it! Say we’re best friends!”
He tried not to cry. “W-We are best friends.”
“What about the bag though, isn’t that your favorite part?” The knife was held closer to him. “Best friends know that about each other.”
There were people talking or shouting, but he couldn’t pay attention. “How about later we read some comics? Play some games. You like that, don’t you?”
He was too scared, the words wouldn’t come out and instead he started crying. “Would you just CALM DOWN FOR THREE SECONDS! Just THREE seconds! Alright? You’re just losing your mind a little, got it. That’s all it is. You just need to calm down with me and we’ll sort everything out.”
But he couldn’t calm down. He was holding a knife and could kill him at any moment. He already had a stab wound. No, it was multiple at this point. How didn’t he notice them before? “Please… I-I’m not-”
“Don’t you DARE say that again! Say it and I’ll lose my marbles. You don’t want me to lose my marbles, do you.”
He didn’t. If they weren’t already gone then losing them could make it worse. Or maybe better? Maybe death would be better. He could just be another ghost like the others who had died.
“Here! How about a high five!” It wasn’t a stab, but a punch and his face started to throb. “You’re just goofin and gaffin around, aren’t you.” And then another punch. “How about a little tickle?” And a pain erupted from one of his wounds as it was poked in some weak imitation of a tickle.
“Please! Please I’m not him!”
“What are you talking about?! Of course you are! Are you insane?!” The knife glinted as it moved down and stabbed him, his already brittle bones snapping. It was too much and he screamed loudly.
It was too tight, why was it too tight. Was someone talking? It sounded like it but the words weren’t processing in his brain. Something about night and bread and robots and birds. There was something black surrounding him. Was it going to hurt him? Stab him? ‘You’re my best friend.’ the sentence replayed in his mind. “No no please. I don’t want to be. I’m not him.” He managed to speak out, hoping he would listen to reason.
There was chirping as something bright blue came into view. It was calming as it moved closer until it wasn’t. Something darker on it glinted and he started screaming again. He didn’t want to be stabbed. Not again. He would do anything. He’ll wear his clothes, live in his house, but please don’t hurt him.
“Grian!” Someone shouted, but he shook his head. That wasn’t his name. He was Taurtis. He had to be. He wouldn’t get hurt anymore if he was Taurtis. He pleaded for Sam to listen. He was his best friend Taurtis. He wasn’t Grian and Jerry wasn’t Taurtis. He was Taurtis.
“I haven’t seen him this bad in ages.” Mumbo spoke, trying to comfort Tommy and Tubbo. The bots were fortunately still sleeping as it was programmed into them. Everyone else was staying in come beds that had been set up in a different room so they weren’t close enough to be woken up. But Tommy and Tubbo had stayed up far too long catching up and Mumbo had stayed in a room with Grian. All of them heard the moment he started screaming. Mumbo was pushed out of bed by Grian’s wings as he thrashed around and the other two had run in to see what was going on.
“He had nightmares when he first joined the server back in season six but they got better over time. The only other time it got bad again was during the head games and a few people showed off their rabbit heads.” Mumbo explained after a few other questions.
Professor Beak has also been nearby and woke to the sounds. He flew over to Grian as he mumbled something, sounding like he was pleading for his life. That seemed to calm him down for a few moments before the screams got louder. The bird was handed to Tubbo who held him close and Mumbo tried to soothe Grian.
It was agonizingly slow, but Grian was calming down. He was no longer screaming and just weeping, begging not to be hurt and that he would be someone named Taurtis. With that new information, Mumbo was able to calm Grian more effectively, not knowing what nightmare was being had.
Grian was still out of it when he was fully calmed down, mainly from the exhaustion that came from not having a good night’s sleep and from exerting himself so much in his panic after waking up. 
“We’re going to have to take him to his mansion.” Mumbo started to explain as he hefted Grian onto his back. He wasn’t that heavy due to his avian nature as they normally didn’t grow that tall and had hollow bones like most birds. “He does better in familiar places and my old hobbit hole isn’t really a place he frequents. More just a place the children like to play.”
When Mumbo opened the bedroom door, he almost ran into Fundy who was holding the pillow from his bed, ears down against his head. “What happened?”
“Oh shit, that’s right, Fundy’s part fox.” Tommy cursed, remembering that meant he had much better hearing. “I’m guessing the screaming woke you up?”
Fundy hugged the pillow a little tighter. “Not right away. It found its way into my dreams first before I finally woke up.”
“I’m really sorry about that.” Mumbo apologized. “Grian’s having a nightmare of his own and it’s really bad. Say, your dad was wilbur, right? The tallest one? Any chance you could wake him up? With Grian like this I can’t really fly us there, minecarts can only fit one, and the nether isn’t the best place if you’re unconscious. I’m sure I can get him there myself, but having someone to trade off with would be best and the taller the better with Grian’s wings dragging on the ground.”
Fundy nodded and went to wake his dad up, he seemed to wake up Techno and Philza too as they also arrived behind Wilbur who was yawning and looked like he wanted to complain about being up so early. Techno at least kept his expression hidden and while Philza looked equally as tired as Wilbur, he woke up when he saw Grian’s condition.
Quickly, Mumbo explained what was going on with Grian and how they would be going to the mansion. He led them over to the minecart tunnels since Grian’s own hobbit hole wasn’t too far from his base and it was a safe path, especially since the sun wasn’t out yet and with how tired they all felt, there may be phantoms.
Tommy and Tubbo worked on waking the bots up as the tunnel was opened. Jrumbot ran to catch up asking many questions as Grumbot just watched with an expression of concern. Normally he was more robotic and logical, but Tommy could tell he was trying to hold himself together as the bot crushed his and Tubbo’s hands in worry.
At around the halfway point through the tunnels, everyone paused as Grian was moved onto Wilbur’s back. The avian gave out a sad whimper from being moved and Mumbo did his best to give comfort. Jrumbot pulled out a green robe which made Mumbo side with a hint of frustration as he recognised the item, but he did take it and place it over Grian like a blanket.
Tommy makes them wait a little longer as he places down his ender chest and pull out a coat that Wilbur immediately recognizes. He starts to argue about it with his younger brother but it starts to upset Grian and they stop without any warning needed.
As they exit through Grian’s side of the tunnel, Tommy explains how he first holed up in there when he showed up. He’s asked how Grian didn’t notice he was living in the same house but then corrects them. “No Grian moved out ages ago. I moved in because it was abandoned.” As they continued walking Tommy pointed out in the direction they were traveling. “He’s living there now.”
They were all left stunned as they strained their necks looking up at the building towering ahead. As if it weren’t impressive enough, Tommy added another comment. “He’s still not done with it and he also built a replica in the nether that is completely upside down.”
As they reached the base of the stairs, Wilbur looked like his back was going to give out just from looking at them all. Fortunately Mumbo took Grian back and also led them down instead of up. “He started with the basement first. It’s still quite large, but not as much and is mainly a storage system. He spent far too long ignoring the actual interior of his mansion.”
“And the back.” Tommy half whispered before laughing at a joke that no one but Mumbo really understood. Well, the bots did as well, but they were too worried about Grian.
Finally Mumbo reached Grian’s bed and laid him down in it. He gave the coat back to Tommy much to Wilbur’s dismay and put the robe in his inventory which made Jrumbot mad. 
Everyone looked exhausted and Mumbo excused himself from the room. He gave Tommy a look and the blond distracted Tubbo so he didn’t hear the distant noise of a firework. Mumbo wasn’t gone for too long as he reappeared with the beds that had been left behind, letting everyone get back to sleep.
Iskall yawned as there was a knock on the wood of their tree. They were surprised to see Xisuma there and tried to make themself at least a little more presentable and not look like they had just woken up. “Hi Xisuma. What brings you here?” They said, stifling another yawn.
“Scar and I were up late going over everything having to do with the smp. We were debating getting rid of the time displacement protection or if we should help the new admin place the same kind on their world. Eventually the topic changed and we ended up on who all lives there. When you and Fundy were at the town hall for paperwork, he wrote a list of everyone there, or most if he can’t remember everyone.”
“Okay, and?” Iskall asked, not seeing where this was going. Xisuma just handed them a paper that was covered with Fundy’s handwriting - paw writing? - and Iskall read down the list. When they finished reading, they looked back up at Xisuma. “So?”
Xisuma pointed to a certain name on the list. “Read it again. Aloud this time.”
Iskall rolled their eye but then looked down and read the name. “Hbomb Aka Hbomb94.” Iskall was about to say more before they finally had the gears turning. “Wait, Hbomb?! That’s where he disappeared to?! I guess that makes sense why we couldn’t contact him.”
“I figured you would want to know. I’ll go see Ren and Stress next unless you want to tell them.”
“I’ll just message the whole group. They’ll want to know and we can have another meet up.”
Xisuma nodded and flew off as Iskall pulled out their communicator. They exited out of the main hermit chat and scrolled down to one labeled ‘vault boys’. They pulled up the chat box and started typing.
<Iskall85>: I know it’s only 8am for some people here.
<Iskall85>: but my friend Xisuma just showed up.
<Iskall85>: H is located.
<AntonioAsh>: are you saying you want a new meetup with him involved
<Iskall85>: of course. He’s been left out of the other times.
<AntonioAsh>: how soon are we talking?
<Iskall85>: maybe a week?
<StressMonster>: our time or normal time?
<Iskall85>: sounds like X is turning the displacement off for a little bit, so both.
<AntonioAsh>: I’ll see if I can make it, but it’s not a guarantee.
<Iskall85>: that’s fine.
<CaptainSparklez>: I’m down. Need a break from wrapping my head around Create. Okay if I bring my kid?
<Iskall85>: definitely. I’m sure she’ll love it.
<CaptainSparklez>: alright! Keep me updated!
<Rendog>: let me sleeeep
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Survey #410
“oh baby, baby, does she take a piece of lime for the drink that i’ma buy her, do you know just what she likes?
Do you put candy canes on your Christmas tree? Ye. Have you ever written/drawn/painted random stuff on your bedroom wall? No. What do you currently hear? A slowed w/ reverb version of "If U Seek Amy" by Britney Spears. Yes, I have a serious thing for these edits of childhood songs, ha ha. Actually, no shame, I still love Britney lmao. What's your favorite flavor of Doritos? Cool Ranch. Do you like bagels? Yep. Do you ever worry about what the world will be like when you have kids? I ain't having any of those, so I don't have to worry about that. Have you ever seen a hippo in person? At a zoo, yes. Are you any good at HTML? Noooo. When was the last time you did something you knew was wrong? Recently, because I'm awful about downloading things illegally. What was the last thing you downloaded on your computer? A picture. Do you ever cry just to get your way? Hi, I'm 25. I at least have SOME adult traits. Have you ever been to any professional sports games? Yes. What's the most boring sport to watch? The only sport I enjoy watching is dance, so. I think golf has to take the cake for the absolute worst, though. Do you like lip rings on the opposite sex? UGH I just love lip rings on anybody. Do you have good or bad vision? Literally awful. Have you ever parked in a handicapped spot when you weren't supposed to? Hell no. That is so fucking inconsiderate and lazy. Have you ever been to a different country? No. When was the last time you finger-painted? Nooo idea. Probably not since I was a little kid. Do you say car-mel or car-A-mel? "Care-uh-mel." When you get out of the shower, do you use one or two towels? One. Are you uncomfortable with changing clothes in front of others? Absolutely yes. Hell, I don't think I ever really changed in front of Jason back in the day, so that says something about how self-conscious I was with a FIT body. Never mind this catastrophe I own now. Which is worse: Runny nose or stuffy nose? Both suck, but stuffy drives me absolutely INSANE. Who's been the most influential person in your life? My mom. Do you have any tan lines? Ha, yeah, no. How many different schools have you gone to? Six. Do you know how to slow dance? I mean, yes? It's not complicated. Have you ever taken The Impossible Quiz? (If not, you should Google it. :D) No, and I'll never waste my time doing that shit. I've watched people play and beat it, but it seems like such frustrating, pointless madness with zero rhyme or reason behind it. Has someone that you liked told you that you are a waste of their time? No. Who is the last person you were in a car with? Mom. In the next 6 months, what are you looking forward to most? Ummmm Christmas, maybe? That's always exciting. Is there anyone who hates you? Probably. Who were you with the last time you went out for food? Mom. If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care? Eh... I guess if it was for medicinal purposes, I would be okay with it. I'm not keen on dating a smoker of anything. Do you want to start over with anyone? Just Jason, at least sometimes. It'd be really, really nice if we could be friends again and just forget about who we were all those years ago, but I genuinely doubt my ability to be "just friends" with him. Even though I haven't spoken to this dude in over FOUR YEARS, and I'm sure he's changed a lot, just like I have. We might not even be compatible anymore. As much as I may want it, I think it's probably for the better we remain unassociated. Do you eat the crust of your sandwiches? It's what I eat first. Are you completely over your last relationship? Not "completely," no. I still love her, but I'm in a headspace of accepting that now is not the right time with unfit conditions. What hoodie did you wear last? My Pikachu one, which is the one I pretty much always wear. Do you listen to Incubus? Probably surprisingly, no. I don't know if I've even heard a song. Do you wear flip-flops during the winter? More like always. Do you like the smell of Axe? If you don't use an obnoxious amount, yeah. What do you think of feminists? Absolutely necessary as pilots for change. HOWEVER, I do believe some can take the concept waaaay too far. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? Dad, probably. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Oh my god, GUYS. It was my niece's birthday last month, and she did the CUTEST shit. She used to be very, very opposed to getting even slightly dirty (I mean like a speck of dirt on her would make her cry), and this kid decided to just C H O M P into her cupcake and get the frosting ALL over her face. She had two and got so messy, and that angel was just laughing hysterically about it. That girl is such a damn gift. Safe to say she was bouncing off the walls that night. Did you hug one of your parents today? No. Do you tan in the nude? I don't tan, period. Have you ever put a lot of thought and effort into a gift for somebody, only for them to act like it didn’t really matter to them? Oh god, no. That would really, really hurt, because I genuinely do try to be very thoughtful with my gifts. Do you follow the ‘five second rule’ when you drop food on the ground? NOOOOOOO. It's just a bullshit myth. I am NOT eating food that's been on the floor for a millisecond. If you had to describe yourself using a colour, which colour would you be? Maybe like... navy blue? Kinda dark and somber, but also has a calmness to it. Have you ever had to use another person’s toothbrush before? What were the circumstances? I WOULD FUCKING NEVER. Omg that is so gross. Have you ever crashed a car? No. Do you have a garden? Does it have flowers, vegetables, or both? No. Where do you want to raise your kids? I don't want kids, but if I did, absolutely surrounded by nature and animals. Have you ever been to Cracker Barrel? Yeah, I love it there. Damn, now I want some, lol. Have you ever seen a ghost? I sure as fuck saw something. As soon as you find out you are pregnant, who will you first tell? Who says I'm ever going to BE pregnant? 'Cuz it sure isn't in my plans. But hypothetically, the dad. Have you ever won a game of Minesweeper? Like ever? I've never played it. Who is your best guy friend(s)? Girt. I really should chat with him soon, it's been too long. If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? I'd keep it. Make me look more badass. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ What is your hair naturally like? Brown and kinda-sorta wavy. Have you ever stared at a stranger and they said something to you about it? No; I don't stare at people. Is your father very protective of you? I wouldn't say "very protective," no. What would you do if your hero died? ffffffUCK THIS QUESTION HOW ABOUT NO HE'S NOT ALLOWED THAT'S VERY ILLEGAL Where was your first date at with your current lover? I don't have one currently. Are you friendly in the morning, or are you barely awake? Depends on how much sleep I got, but I'm generally in my best mood in the morning. Did your parents force you to go to church? Mom did. What made you pick up the last book you started reading? It was the next book in the series I'm reading, Wings of Fire. When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time? Hm. I dunno. Hypothetically and generally speaking, how would you go about breaking up with someone? Is there anything you would make sure to say, or perhaps not say? I mean it would really depend on WHY I was breaking up with them, but I guess in most situations I'd try to meet them face-to-face and explain why I wanted to cut things off. I think it'd be important for them to hear my tone of voice, and I think physically meeting somewhere would show that I care enough for them to cut time out of my day to see them and try to hurt them as least as possible, given the situation. What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? DO NOT in even a minor way ridicule mental illness or belittle victims as "weak" or pull the "it's just in their head" bullshit. The misuse of the term "retard(ed)" also genuinely offends me. I wouldn't say I'm easy to offend, either. What was the last chore you completed? Changing my cat's litter. When was the last time someone saw you naked? It's been a loooong time, and it would've only been my mom when I was like, going into a shower or something. If you could bring someone back from the dead and spend an hour with them, who would it be and what would you do/say? Probably Steve Irwin. I'd go on and on about how his family has carried his legacy so brilliantly, and show him aaaaaall the public pictures of Bindi and Grace, especially. God, that man would be so proud of them all. What is the greatest lost you’ve endured? My first "real" boyfriend. How would you describe your current mood? A mix of tired and anxious. I don't feel like going to bed yet, and the storm we've got passing through has me nervous about tornadoes 'n shit. Do you ever drink or get high alone? I've had some light drinks alone. What is the “worst” drug you’ve done? Are there any you will never try, or any you want to try? I've never done any illicit drugs, and I don't want to. What is the most personal thing you’re willing to reveal? Probably that I've had a pilonidal cyst. It's awkward to explain, but I'll share it anyway if there's a good reason to/I'm asked or something. What made you stop talking to the last person you cut out of your life? Her just being the most toxic, drama-filled person with the biggest victim complex of any human I've ever met. Who was the last person to yell at you? Did you yell back? Mom, and my voice was raised. Where do you like to be kissed? This depends on how serious we are. Can go from just the cheek to a lot of places. Which season is your least favorite and why? Summer, because it's too goddamn hot and humid. Who, if anyone, do you compare yourself to most? Probably my little sister. She's on such a successful path, and then there's like... me lmao. Do you have a night-light in your bedroom? If so, what does it look like? No. What is your favorite breakfast food? How often do you get to eat it? Cinnamon rollssssss. I have 'em very rarely, though. I'll eat too many of them, which I definitely don't need. What is your favorite thing about autumn? What about your least favorite thing? AHHHHHH EVERYTHING. I love Halloween and the decorations that come with it, the changing leaves, the crisp air... just all of it. :') Who was the last person you asked for help? Mom, I'm sure.
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sleepy-giggles · 5 years
The Impostor (a continuation of Ch. 26 from FT 100 Years Quest)
OHMYGOSH GUYS, I’ve been so excited after the latest chapter that I literally couldn’t sleep until I wrote my little version of what’s going to happen next!! I know we’re unlikely to get another gruvia-dense chapter after the GLORY that was Chapter 26, but I still have a full week until the next chapter comes out to dream ok? *o* 
Click here to read on FanFiction.Net!
Lucy and Wendy shuddered as the icy waves of doom and darkness emanated from their friend's body. The poor girls who sat on either side of him could only shiver silently, unable to escape the sub-zero temperature that extended within a 3-feet radius from Gray. Neither had the courage to say anything; they could tell that it wasn't a good time.
Erza, as well as Happy, were soundly asleep against a boulder furthest to his right. Luckily, having taken Erkis' place in the play earlier had tired Erza out completely, or else she would've smashed his skull open for being so careless with his magic.
The ice mage's right leg shook restlessly as he stared intently at the bluenette who sat directly across from him. They were separated by a campfire that unfortunately illuminated the unsightly scene in front of him all too well.
Yes, unsightly was the right word.
To say that he was in a sour mood right now would be an understatement.
"U-um," Wendy said meekly, barely above a whisper. "A-are you okay, Gray-san?"
He didn't hear her. It was safe to say that at that moment, he only had eyes and ears for one person, or rather two, to be accurate.
The neglected chicken wing he happened to be holding on a skewer engulfed into flames, but even then, his eyes never left Juvia's smiling face as she listened adoringly to Natsu's exaggerated retelling of how they defeated the Water God Dragon.
What. The. Fuck.
The scorched skewer in his hand snapped in half. He didn't know if he was overreacting because he hadn't seen her in a while and was simply more sensitive than usual, or if there really was something fishy going on.
Ever since Juvia showed up out of nowhere on their train, she hadn't been acting like herself. First of all, she didn't pounce on him immediately after she found them. This part wasn't all that strange since even Juvia had her calm days. But after explaining to the team why she was there —apparently, she had taken up a solo mission close by because she just couldn't bear to be away from her Gray-sama another second— she then had the audacity to sit down next to stupid Natsu. Without so much as hugging the ice mage.
Ok fine, he'll admit that to outsiders, her behavior didn't seem out of place at all. Perhaps to the rest of Team Natsu, it just looked like Juvia was holding back more than usual and keeping her feelings in check. But they didn't know her, Gray did. The two of them had been separated for an insane amount of time. She surely would've missed him just as much as he missed her, if not more. But to his utter disappointment, other than a few polite acknowledgments and gentle smiles his way, Juvia had, for the most part, ignored him.
And now, as they're settling in for the night, the water mage had once again plopped herself down beside flame-brain. Even when there was a huge vacant spot next to Gray, which he had purposely kept free just for her.
Juvina-sama's words echoed in his mind.
"Don't think she will wait for you forever, lover boy!"
He shook his head to get rid of any unnecessary thoughts. No, there was no way she moved on already. They had been through too much; they literally died for each other. And besides, even if Juvia finally got tired of waiting for him, it was ridiculous that she would choose the pink-haired idiot over him, of all people.
And yet…
"Wow, Natsu-san is so powerful!" Juvia giggled. "The Water God Dragon didn't stand a chance, huh?"
The dragon slayer let out a boisterous laugh, his head doubling in size at the compliment.
It took Gray everything he had to not plant his foot in Natsu's face right then and there.
He glanced over at Lucy, who had been sitting quietly at his left. The celestial mage's eyes were also glued to the unlikely pair across the campfire.
Shit, even Lucy looked worried. And this made him worried because if anyone was an expert at reading these types of situations, it was her.
The blonde emerged from her thoughts when she felt like she was being watched.
"So you noticed too, huh?" Lucy gave a forced smile and tried to sound cheery. "I didn't know they got along so well!"
Gray said nothing.
An elbow nudged him in the chest. "Don't tell me you're jealous?" Lucy winked at him.
He scowled and looked away, knowing that a blush was making its way to his face. "Shut it."
"Oh? You're not even going to deny it?" Lucy laughed and this time, it was genuine. "You've come a long way, Gray Fullbuster."
Gray grunted but smiled back. "Stop, you're starting to sound like Juvina-sama."
His friend, now more relaxed, looked back towards Natsu and Juvia happily chatting away. "Alright, since you're having such a hard time, I'll be generous and help you out before you freeze us all to death."
Wendy and Charle, who were currently cuddling close to the fire after Gray had unknowingly unleashed his cold wrath, turned to Lucy and gave her their best look of gratitude despite shivering.
"Um, Juvia!" the blonde called out. "You and Gray haven't seen each other for a while, I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do. Why don't we switch spots? Natsu here doesn't know when to shut up once you get him started on dragons."
"Hey I don't talk that much!"
The bluenette looked startled for a second as if realizing something. "Ah yes, Juvia indeed has missed Gray-sama so much!" She turned to face the ice mage and gave him her best, loving smile. "Juvia can't wait to hear all the stories Gray-sama has to share, later."
Gray's heart fell. Lucy, Wendy, and Charle looked on with shock. Heck, even Natsu's jaw dropped slightly at her response.
Without sparing him another glance, the water mage turned back to the dragon slayer. "Please continue, Natsu-san. You left off at a most exciting part!"
Natsu let out a nervous laugh and reluctantly continued. In turn, Juvia shifted closer to him until her bare knees pressed snuggly against the clueless man's thigh.
Very. Snuggly.
The campfire froze.
Everyone turned their attention to Gray.
"Hey ice princess, what's your deal?!" Natsu immediately blew a mouthful of fire at the block of ice, restoring the heat a little.
Lucy peered up at her friend cautiously, but couldn't see his eyes as they were hidden under his bangs.
She noticed his tightened fists shaking and digging into his thigh, and placed a comforting hand over his white knuckles.
The girl jumped when the ice mage suddenly grabbed her wrist instead and tugged her closer.
"Sorry, Lucy," Gray said under his breath. Confused, she followed his line of sight until her eyes landed on the bluenette. The dots quickly connected as she realized his plan.
So Gray was going to test Juvia's reaction. Lucy relaxed slightly and tried to play along. By now, Juvia's love rival senses would've been tingling and any minute now, she'd probably fly across the fire to put herself between them.
However, to their surprise, the water mage didn't even notice the fact that they were holding hands. She couldn't have, because she never once looked their way.
Lucy was thoroughly freaked out at this point. And Gray was getting desperate.
In one swift motion, and a little more aggressively than he had intended, Gray threw his arm around Lucy's shoulder and slammed her body into his. This earned a loud squeak from the celestial mage. Wendy's face turned red, and finally, Natsu and Juvia paused their conversation to see what's up.
The pink-haired dragon slayer was the first to react.
"GRAY!" he roared and shot up from the log he was sitting on. He then pointed an accusing finger at them. "What do you think you're doing to Lucy?!"
Gray ignored him and continued to direct his piercing eyes at Juvia. No one can tell except probably Lucy, but he was fuming right now.
Suddenly, the hair on his body stood up.
Although it was gone as quickly as it had appeared, Gray could've sworn he saw a flash of irritation across Juvia's face. But it hadn't been the look of jealousy like what Gray was expecting. No… it was a look of annoyance directed at him for interrupting her conversation with Natsu.
She can't be serious….
Just what the hell did he do? Was Juvia actually giving him the cold treatment? Was this all because he went on the 100 years quest without considering her feelings?
Ok, that kind of made sense. But regardless, this was still out of character for Juvia no matter how angry she was with him! And Gray knew her more than he would admit. The girl who proved that her love for him was strong enough to break even Invel's Ice Lock was not someone who would play mind games with him. Like water, Juvia's thoughts were transparent and people can read her like an open book. She was refreshingly simple in the sense that she spoke her mind and behaved in ways that felt right to her. She displayed her heart for all to see, believing that there was no shame in telling someone how much she loved them. Juvia was different from Gray.
So why then, is his woman cuddling up to his best friend and—more importantly—not losing her shit over the fact that he literally has her "self-proclaimed" love rival practically sprawled across his lap?!
Another second passed, and Juvia was making no move to do anything about their compromising position. However, just as Natsu was about to march over and start a fight, Gray stood up, making poor Lucy lose her balance and fall on her stomach.
"It's getting late. Let's call it a night."
"HUH?! Oi popsicle head, I'm not done with you ye—"
"Natsu, stop!" Lucy snapped as she tried to pull the fire dragon slayer away. "You've done enough for one night, now let's go get some sleep!"
The blonde all but shoved Natsu into the boy's tent.
"Wendy, Charle, do you think you two can manage carrying Erza to her bed?"
"Don't worry, Lucy. We'll take care of it," Wendy said with one arm already under Erza's shoulder. She seemed relieved to finally escape this 'adult drama' that had unfolded a few moments ago.
As the crew slowly retired to their respective tents, only Juvia and Gray were left.
"It's been a wonderful night, Gray-sama," she smiled at him brightly. "Juvia will see you tomorrow!"
"Wait." His hand shot out and pulled her back.
His eyes were pleading. "What's with you? You're acting different."
"Am I?"
"Yes, you are," Gray stressed. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other, and you're treating me like a stranger."
"You're worrying over nothing, Gray-sama. You can never be a stranger to Juvia."
There it is, that fake smile again.
The ravin-haired mage narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"Juvia," he leaned over the wooden fence that stood along the edges of the hill, and stared off into the faded landscape as dusk settled in. "Has that scar healed yet? I still feel awful for accidentally stabbing you that day."
The blue-haired beauty had a troubled expression on her face. "Gray-sama, Juvia will be sad if you keep blaming yourself. It was nothing more than an accident, and the scar is healing just fine."
"Oh really?"
Her skin crawled when he turned slowly, eyes glowing bright red in the dark. His arm and the majority of his broad chest was covered in disturbing, black markings. She backed away.
"Gray-sama? You're scaring Juvia—"
In a split second, his long fingers were around her neck and she found herself choking.
"Your acting was pretty good there, almost had me fooled," the devil slayer seethed. "Too bad it just wasn't good enough."
She struggled and clawed at his tight grasp.
"You're not Juvia. So who the fuck are you? Some sort of shape-shifter?!" he bit out threateningly and released his hold just enough for her to be able to talk.
"Please… Gray-sama…" Her tear-stained face twisted in pain, and almost immediately, Gray released her.
His heart beat heavily in his chest from the adrenaline. Shit, what if he was mistaken? What if—
A chilling laugh escaped the water mage's lips. With a hand still massaging her neck, she gazed up at him with a smirk.
"I'm impressed, I didn't think you'd catch on this quickly. You're not as dumb as you look."
Gray froze and his blood ran cold when the unfamiliar woman in front of him confirmed his worst fears.
"I'll ask you one more fucking time," he rasped out as his whole body shook with barely restrained rage. "Who are you? And where the hell is Juvia?"
"Who I am is not important."
The woman stepped towards him. "But your sweet little Juvia…" she took his hand and placed it over her heart, "is right over here… Gray-sama." She whispered the last part tauntingly into his ear, and Gray realized that he had escaped a crazy dream only to end up in a nightmare.
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ceceliadx · 5 years
Second Chance at First Line
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Word Count: 5512
Stiles x OC
Warnings: Swearing
Davina’s POV      
I’m still waiting at the school for my dad to pick me up while I try to think of why Scott is so scared of Allison’s father. I mean it could just be the fact that he is dating his daughter, or at least trying to date her, but it seemed to be more than that by the look on his face when he saw Mr Argent. I see my dad’s car pull up to the school and decide to leave that situation for another day. I open the car door and get in.
“Hey mija, how was school?” my father turns to me and asks before driving away from the school and on to the main road.
“Yeah it was good, how about work? Is the new job treating you well?”
“Work was good, umm, the sheriff's station was quiet today, was mostly just doing paperwork.”
“That’s good.” I reply, my mind still distracted by what went on at the school. The car ride home then turns silent between me and my dad the music from the radio being the only sound filling the car.
We arrive home a little while later and I head upstairs to my room to start my homework. I sit down at my vanity and take out all my books, notepads and pens to begin. I sit there for about half an hour but my mind just doesn’t want to focus on the maths homework which is due for tomorrow. 
My mind was doing what it does best. Overthinking about situations. When Allison told me that a guy called Derek gave her a lift home from the party I couldn’t believe it, but when she told me that he was a ‘friend of Scotts’ I was beyond confused. Why is he hanging around with a teenager? He wasn’t an Alpha, well he wasn’t the last time I saw him anyways. And he isn’t the most, what would you call it, sociable person in the world. Not with people who he isn’t close to. 
Growing up, my parents were close with Talia Hale, which meant we spent a lot of time with the Hales. Talia was an Alpha and a very powerful one. She was able to transform into an actual wolf. Her kids Laura, Derek and Cora were like older siblings to me and my brother as we were about 10 when they were teenagers. They used to visit us all the time in Virginia before we moved to Mexico. Virginia was where I spent most of my childhood , it was there were me and Damien learned control, it was there we learned that we couldn’t let the animal side of us take control, it was there I got my blue eyes. The Hale’s understood my blue eyes. Especially Derek and Peter, as they also had blue eyes. They both helped me through the grieving. I was always closer to Derek as Peter could be quite manipulative. Don’t get me wrong Derek had his faults but I always trusted him more. Peter will not do anything for anyone unless he gets something in return. But that doesn’t mean he deserved what happened to him in the house fire. When me and my family moved to Mexico, we didn’t see the Hales as much which was understandable. The house fire had already happened and most of them were dead, including Talia. Peter was hospitalised as he was badly burned and had gone into a self-induced coma. I have no idea if he’s any better yet. I don’t even know what hospital he would be at. So now I’m guessing Derek and Peter were the only ones who survived the fire.
I hear the front door open meaning Damien must be back from lacrosse practice. I then hear him race up the stairs which brings me out of my thoughts, he frantically runs into my room, knocking boxes over as he tries to stable himself. For a born werewolf you wouldn’t think he would be clumsy but hey, that’s my twin.
“Scott completely lost control today at practise you should have seen him, god it was bad, I mean it didn’t look that bad to everyone else and no one really saw anything but, I could feel what was happening to him, also he’s fucked up Jackson’s shoulder by crashing into him, Stiles took him away from the field before anything else could happen thank god. Oh! And your not gonna believe me when I tell you that Derek was there, just watching the whole thing happen but I don’t think he recognised me-”
“Wait Derek was there?!” I cut him off from his rambling.
“Yes, he was just standing there watching Scott, do you think Derek did that to him, do you think he was the one who bit him?” 
“No, it can’t be him, Derek isn’t an Alpha. I mean I know we haven’t seen him in a few years but, I mean it can’t be.” In disbelief I start questioning if it can really be Derek. There is only one way to find out. 
“Damien, we need to find Derek.”
“Okay and how the hell are we gonna do that huh?” he declares, looking at me like I’m crazy.
“Tomorrow we find Scott at school and tell him about us. He needs people right now who have been through what he’s going through, he has no idea about what the full moon can do and how to control it. He needs people that he can trust.”
“Do you honestly think he’s gonna trust us? Dee, we just moved here, we need to be careful with who we become friends with. Y’know just telling people about us isn’t an easy thing!” he responds still looking at me like I’m completely insane.
“He can’t go through this alone. I won’t let him. Imagine if we had no one Damien. We wouldn’t be in control like we are now. Also, Scott is our best way to get to Derek. As you said Derek was on the field watching him and at Lydia’s party he gave Allison a lift home and said to her that ‘he was a friend of Scott’s” that means something.”
Damien looks at me for a minute and nods, agreeing with me. He leaves my room and I get back to doing my maths homework. An hour later, I’ve finished everything I need for tomorrow and I get ready for bed. I have no idea how tomorrow’s gonna turn out but fingers crossed it goes well. 
Me and Damien walk into school together going over the plan of how we tell Scott as we haven’t prepared what we were going to say to him. Also we didn’t know how we were going to get him alone as he’s always with Stiles. Personally I think Stiles knows so it shouldn’t be a problem telling him also. But Damien is scared about telling people because he’s scared of what it means. Telling people about us completely changes not only their lives but ours also. The more people who know, the bigger the risk of not only hunters finding us but other supernatural creatures.
We walk through the doors and I start to speak about the plan
“Okay after math class meet me outside my locker, well go over, grab him and just tell him everything, okay umm, I don’t really know how else we go about it so, let’s just wing it, okay, sound good?” I turn round to Damien who has a look of uncertainty on his face. 
“Does that sound go-, just wing it! Your kidding right?!” he laughs while my face still reads ‘no i’m serious’.
“I’ll think about it okay, this is my first time doing this, I don’t really have any idea what I’m doing but, I mean what do we have to lose huh? Anyways, I need to get to class so I’ll see you later okay?” after he nods I turn back round and head up the steps. I pass Allison and give her a quick hello and a smile. I see her stop and speak to Scott and I’m tempted to go and tell him everything now, but Damien isn’t here and would probably have a fit if I did that, so I head to my first class instead.
The day so far has gone okay but now I have math class and I still have no plan on how to tell Scott. I guess me and Damien are really just gonna have to wing it. As I’m sitting working through the questions we had to do, I’m distracted by Scott and Lydia who are at the chalkboard at the front of the class answering an equation. I decided to use my werewolf hearing to listen to what they are talking about.
“Why is there a rumour going around that you’re not playing tomorrow?” Lydia asks while keeping her gaze on the equation in front of her.
“Because I’m sort of not” Scott sighs, 
“I think you sort of are” Lydia sarcastically responds “especially when you brutally injured my boyfriend by ramming into him” I’ve never heard Lydia speak like that before, she sounds like a bitch but I have been told that she is the queen bee at school. 
“He brutally injured himself ramming into me!” Scott snapped back.
“Jackson’s gonna play tomorrow, but he’s not gonna be at his peak, and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance.”
“Okay!” Scott argues back.
I start to get sick of the conversation as it’s merely just Lydia completely going in on him, so I tune out of it. A couple of seconds later I hear Scott’s heart rate increase slightly, I start to worry as I don’t want anything happening in this classroom like what happened on the field yesterday, I decide to tune back into the conversation as it’s obvious Lydia has said something to rile him up. I only catch the end of the conversation.
“And Scott McCall can stay home surfing the net for porn.” Lydia grins at Scott. She finishes her equation on the board, rubs her hands, turns round and struts back to her seat. She passes me and gives me a smile which I return. I focus my gaze back on the board and I’m shocked that she got the equation right. Whenever I’m around her she seems to act stupid, hopefully she isn’t doing it for Jackson. She deserves better than that asshole. 
“Mr McCall, you are not even close to solving your problem.” the teacher huffs out to Scott who is still standing at the board.
“Tell me about it.” Scott mumbles out quietly.
The bell rings for the end of class, I pack up my stuff as quickly as possible and meet Damien at my locker as promised. I open my locker and put all of my books in it and close it. We look over at Scott’s locker and he’s not there. I start to look around and immediately spot Stiles and Scott crouched behind a wall. I slap Damien on the chest and point over to them. Damien’s eyes follow to where my fingers points, he looks at me and nods before we both head over to speak to them. Here goes nothing. Just before we get to them I hear them talking and I decide to slow my movements so I can listen to what they’re saying.
“We can’t exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek.” As Scott says this, I put my arm out in front of Damien to slow his movements down.
“I can do something.” Stiles responds, I can hear the irritation in his voice.
“Like what”
“Find the other half of the body.” Stiles stated before he turns around and walks away from Scott.
What the hell does he mean by ‘other half of the body’? And why would Derek be involved with that? The Derek I knew doesn’t kill innocent people. Jesus! I mean it’s a part of his family’s motto! Damien and I stopped to give each other a look and when we turned back Scott wasn’t there. We looked around and saw that he was over by Allison. I can’t risk telling Scott when he’s with her. She doesn’t need to get caught up in the world of supernaturals.
“Great there’s no chance we’re going to be able to tell him now.” Damien groans.
“Lets just follow him.” I mumble without even looking back to see if he agrees with me.
 I see Allison storm away from Scott, he’s obviously pissed her off, he seems to be getting good at that lately. But who can blame him. He is keeping a massive fucking secret that is pretty much taking over his life. Scott then huffs out angrily and runs out of the school. He’s furious but that doesn’t stop me following him.
I’m currently running after Scott who is on his bike riding through Beacon Hills Preserve. Alone. As Damien thought I was insane that I wanted to follow him. I haven’t been out to these woods yet so I have no idea what’s going to be here. This is making me realise I really need to start exploring more, especially this new town. Scott finally stops outside of a half burned down house. This has to be the Hale house, there’s no question about it. I stay behind a little so I’m not spotted by Scott. He starts shouting Derek’s name and I begin to feel nervous. I haven't seen Derek in years. I don’t even know if he would recognise me if he saw me. I hid behind a tree and kept my distance but not too much that I couldn't hear what they were talking about. 
“Stay away from her! She doesn’t know anything!” Scott shouts angrily as Derek walks towards him. He’s definitely kept up the fitness and he’s taller than the last time I saw him. 
“Yeah? What if she does? You think that your little buddy Stiles can just google werewolves and now you’ve got all the answers is that it? You don’t get it Scott but I’m actually looking out for you. Think about what could happen, your out on the field, the aggression takes over and you shift in front of everyone! Your mom, all of your friends and when they see you, everything falls apart.” Derek shouts back at Scott. I mean Derek isn’t wrong. Scott and Stiles don’t know everything yet, especially with the aggression part. It can completely change you.
Derek rips the netting of Scott’s lacrosse stick and then chucks it in the air which Scott swiftly catches. When Scott looks to where Derek was standing a minute ago he sees that he is no longer there. Scott looks around for a bit before he finally decides to leave. I wait till he’s far enough away so he can’t hear me and then I walk towards the house. I stop right in front of the house and all of a sudden it’s like a wave of emotions just overcomes me. My mind plays memories of me, Damien and the Hales and I feel tears brimming my eyes. I quickly wipe my eyes before the tears fall. I’m not that much of an emotional person but remembering the Hales and how good they were to my family I just feel sad. Sad that I couldn’t do anything to help them when their house got caught on fire. Before it gets a bit too much for me, I turn to walk away when the scent of blood catches in my nose. I look over at the ground where I could smell it from and I see freshly dug dirt. What the hell have you done Derek?
I decided to go back home for a while as I didn’t want Derek to find me outside his house. My mind just wouldn’t let me believe that Derek would do that. Anyways, when I got home I updated Damien on what happened. I told him about how he was trying to look out for Scott and then just totally disappeared. I told him about the blood that I smelt when I was there and what looked to be a DIY grave made for whoever was under it. No matter how much I tried to forget about the blood that I smelled, I couldn’t. Would Derek really kill an innocent person? It wasn’t how he was brought up, so maybe the person under that dirt really deserved it? But even then I couldn’t imagine Derek doing something like that. Enough is enough. I can’t keep sitting here and let my mind drive me insane. I decided that I was going to go back out there and see for myself. I slipped on my combat boots, my leather jacket, a beanie and a pair of gloves. As I was getting ready to sneak out there’s a knock at my door. Damien walks in and as soon as he sees me he raises his eyebrow and sighs.
“Dee, seriously? Do you honestly think Derek is capable of doing something like this? Killing someone innocent?”
“I don’t know, that's why I have to go see for myself before I go out of my mind. So, are you coming with me or are you just gonna stand there and watch me leave?” I question him, turning to look at him with my hand on my hip. He runs out of my room and returns a minute later with his shoes and a jacket on. We sneak out of the window carefully as our mom and dad were home and they would be pissed if they knew we snuck out. We jumped down from the roof and started running, leading the way to Derek’s house.
Once we arrive at Derek’s house a familiar scent catches my nose but I can’t tell who it is. It’s manly but has a slight peppermint smell to it. As we are walking up I spot a blue Jeep and I pull Damien’s sleeve so we can duck down. He points out to me that it is Stiles Jeep and two questions pop in my mind. Why the hell is he here? And is that really his scent because, wow it is amazing! Before I get too distracted, I shake myself from my thoughts and notice that Scott is with him and they are both carrying shovels and flashlights. Scott must’ve caught the scent of blood as well when he was here earlier.
“Wait something’s different.” Scott says while he looks around, pointing the flashlight to make sure he doesn’t see anyone. When he says that I know exactly what he means. Something is different? But I have no idea what it is.
“Different how?” Stiles questions.
“I don’t know.” Gotta agree with you there Scott
“Let’s just get this over with.” Scott sighs before he digs his shovel into the dirt.
I slap Damien on the back, motioning him to get up and follow me. Before we let them dig more of the dirt up we walk up behind them. Scott must’ve heard us as he turns around in defence mode, as Stiles just jumps when he sees us. 
“Davina!? Damien!? What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Scott shouts at us.
Without giving him an explanation, I turn to him and say “I smelt the blood too. I followed you earlier on and decided to come back, I guess you had the same idea huh?” I chuckle at the end. Scott and Stiles just look at me with confused faces.
Damien and I look at them at the same time and shine our eyes. Damien’s being the golden yellow orbs and mine being the crystal blue. 
“You guys are werewolves too!? Great, this is just great. But your eyes are blue? Like Derek’s. Why are they blue?” Stiles blurted out, directing his question to me.
“Story for another day. Can we help you guys? I just need to know if Derek would actually do something like this.” I responded.
“Wait, you guys know Derek? Scott questions, looking between me and Damien.
“Yeah, he’s a family friend, we’ve known him for years, that’s why we need to know if he really did this or not.” Damien replies, walking past them to look at the ground.
“I promise, I’ll tell you guys anything you want to know but, I don't think we have much time until he gets back and trust me, I don’t think you want to see Derek pissed off.” I tell them, giving them both a smile. They agree for us to help them, so I walk past them and thank them.
Stiles and Scott start digging while me and Damien just use our claws to dig up the dirt. Let me tell you, getting dirt underneath the nails is not the best feeling in the world. Scott’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.
“This is taking way too long.” he says while shovelling the dirt, getting into the hole that we have dug out.
“Just keep going.” Stiles responds breathing heavily.
“What if he comes back!” Scott shouts, getting more worried by the minute.
“Then we get the hell out of here.”
“What if he catches us?”
“I have a plan for that.”
“Which is?” Scott questions.
“You run one way, I run the other, they run another, who ever he catches first too bad.” Stiles says, obviously without thinking as he’s surrounded by 3 werewolves with super strength and more abilities than a human could ever have.
“I hate that plan.” Scott replies, obviously not thinking the same way I am.
Stiles suddenly hits something hard with his shovel and shouts at us to stop digging. We begin to brush away the small bits of dirt that is still left covering what looks to be some sort of material that is binded by rope. The rope being in tight knots, Stiles tries to loosen them but fails. I get distracted by his fingers for a bit but then realise we’re on a bit of a time crunch. I move his hands away and begin untying the knots. As soon as I get all the knots loose, we open up the material to see that there is a dead wolf’s head there. Scott and Stiles scream and jump out of the hole, while me and Damien examine the wolf. That’s what was buried there all along? A wolf’s head? I can’t believe I even thought that Derek would kill someone.
“What the hell is that!?” Stiles screams
“It’s a wolf.” Me, Damien and Scott reply back in sync.
“Yeah, I can see that, I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood.” Stiles questions.
“I told you something was different.” Scott answers back.
I add in “I smelt human blood earlier on too, but when you said there was something different, I smelt it as soon as I got here. I just didn’t know what it was.” Directing my comment to Scott.
“This doesn’t make sense.” Stiles states, waving his hand around.
I start to feel a buzz coming from my jacket pocket. I take out my phone and I see my mom's name.
“Shit! Damien it’s mom we better go.” I say quickly, not wanting to keep my mom waiting.
“Right yeah okay, umm, so we’ll see you guys tomorrow for the game?” Damien replies and questions the boys.
“Yeah we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Scott stuttered before waving at us.
“Umm, Stiles you have my number so text me if you find anything else.” I say, not waiting for an answer, Damien and I start running home on all fours. Where mother goose is waiting to give us a lecture.
When I wake up the next morning, I reach over to grab my phone which is on my nightstand and I see that I have a few text messages from Stiles. Apparently, after Damien and I left they found wolf’s bane which was attached to rope that circled around the wolf’s head, but after Stiles had collected all the rope the wolf's head had turned into the other half of the girls body that was found in the woods. So Derek had killed another werewolf and buried her? Something doesn’t seem right here. Anyways, Stiles said that he had called his dad and told him that they had found the body outside Derek’s house which meant that Derek would be going to jail. I couldn’t help but feel bad for Derek. Once again I couldn’t help him. I didn’t respond to Stiles text messages so I put my phone on charge and decided to finish off some homework before the lacrosse game started tonight.
It’s a couple of hours before the game so I start to get ready. I take a quick shower and leave my hair dry. I sit down at my vanity, still with my towel on and start curling my hair, half way through doing that I get a text from Allison.
‘Hey Dee! Please sit with me at the game tonight? My dad pretty much just invited himself and I really just wanted to go alone, but I guess that’s not gonna happen :(xx’
I chuckle at her message and reply back
‘Hey Ally, of course I’ll sit with you. My parents are coming too so you’ll have to sit with them as well unfortunately aha. I’m pretty sure Lydia will sit with us xx’
I get a response back a few seconds later
‘They can’t be as bad as my dad aha! See you soon!xx’
I put my phone back down and finished curling my hair. I applied a little bit of make-up and then went to my closet to pick out my outfit. I decided to wear a grey long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, black heeled boots and my beloved black leather jacket. I look in the mirror and smile before I grab my phone and a pair of gloves and then head downstairs. I meet my mom and dad in the kitchen and we head out to the car and drive to the high school. 
Once we get to the high school we go to the lacrosse field and up on to the stands to get a seat. I see Allison and her father walking over to us and I give them a wave so they know to come over and join us. Allison sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug and we start small talk. I look over to see my parents making small talk with Mr Argent. I’m glad to be making some girl friends. I see Damien sitting on the bench getting padded up, when he turns round and sees me I give him a smile and a quick thumbs up to wish him luck on the game. I then see Scott and Stiles walking over to the bench, they both are looking at me and Allison and I give them a smile wishing them luck too. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit worried about Scott. Lydia joins us as she sits next to Allison and looks over to me and smiles. The ref blows the whistle and the game begins.
The game is going well so far, I mean Scot hasn’t tried to kill anyone yet so that’s good. But Scott also hasn’t made one pass during this game yet. Scott then sees the ball on the ground and runs towards it but gets rammed in the shoulder by one of the players on the same team. I look to see who it is. Jackson. That asshole. Jackson gets the ball off the ground and runs to the goal and scores. Everyone stands up and cheers, which I have to force myself to do. Lydia grabs a sign from underneath her seat and asks Allison to help her hold it. I looked at the sign which read ‘WE LUV U JACKSON’ Scott notices it which makes Stiles turn around on the bench and read it. Me and Stiles look at each other and both share the same thought. Brutal.
I can tell that Scott’s starting to get angry. Scratch that. I can hear his heartbeat increasing by the second. Fuck. This isn’t good. My eyes divert from Scott over to Jackson and my brother who seem to be in some sort of disagreement. Jackson argues with him and tells him not to pass the ball to Scott. Damien tries to argue back but Jackson cuts him off and walks away. Damien turns round to Scott knowing he heard and gives him a ‘sorry’ look and a shrug and then walks away to start playing again. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. Jackson. Asshole.
The game finishes as Scott shoots the winning goal. He definitely used his wolf powers after hearing what Jackson said to my brother but, he completely turned the game around which in turn made us win. We all run out to the field to congratulate the team, mine and Allison’s hands are linked as we stop and look for Scott. Allison sees him run off and she runs off after him giving me a short apology for leaving me. I see my brother talking to my family and tell myself that I will congratulate him later. I see Stiles still sitting on the bench while his dad is on the phone so I decide to go join him. 
“Hi” I smile at him, sitting down beside him.
“Hey Dee”
“Good game huh? I’m glad that Scott didn’t hurt anyone on the field. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if he did.” I reply
“Yeah, that would’ve made the game very horrible, how did you even know that Scott was a werewolf, what do you want from him?’ He questions me.
“I knew since the first moment in class, it was when he gave Allison a pen and she only mentioned that she forgot one when she was outside on the phone before we got into class. Also I think we can just sense each other. Me and Damien are born werewolves so we’ve lived with this our whole life, and I don’t want anything from Scott actually, I wanna help him. Y’know with the control and stuff. I can’t imagine what it’s like without help and I just want him to know that he can trust me.” I assured.  
His dad then came up to him and asked him to talk with him for a minute. I don’t listen in as I want to give them their privacy. After speaking with his dad, Stiles runs up to me and asks me to follow him as we head down to the locker rooms. 
When we get to the locker rooms Stiles runs ahead and stops all of a sudden as he sees Allison and Scott kissing. He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me so we don’t interrupt them. Hello butterflies. A couple of seconds later we hear Ally’s voice. 
“Dee, Stiles” She gives us a wave and then rushes out. Both Stiles and I give her an awkward wave back and I walk out from his arms even though I didn’t want to.
“I kissed her” Scott begins, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“We saw” Stiles replies.
“She kissed me”
“We saw that too” I answer this time, smiling at him.
“It’s pretty good huh?” Stiles questions
“I-I-I don’t know how but I controlled it, I pulled it back. Maybe, maybe I can do this, maybe it’s not that bad” Scott replies.
“Yeah, we’ll talk later then” Stiles sigh’s, he pats Scott on the shoulder and turns to leave but before he could me and Scott both grab his jersey. 
“What?” Scott asks
“The ah medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found”
“And” Me and Scott both urge him to continue
“Well I’ll keep it simple, medical examiner determines killer of the girl to be an animal not human. Derek’s human not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail.”
“Are you kidding!?” Scott exclaims obviously not happy with the outcome.
“No and here’s the bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID’d the dead girl, both half's, her name was Laura Hale.” Stiles says looking between me and Scott.
“Hale!” Scott shouts
“Derek’s sister” Me and Stiles say at the same time. I feel tears brim at my eyes. I feel both of the boys' eyes on me.
“I’m sorry, I have to go” My voice breaks while speaking. Before either one of them could answer I ran out of the room. I can hear Stiles' voice in the distance shouting on me to stop but I can’t. I just keep running while the tears keep falling. 
8 notes · View notes
1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, June 16-22, 2019
Got a lot of stuff! ... Thanks to one person, mostly!
... Really missing those single line breaks...
Wings #004
1) Heyo, I saw your responses to my reviews. I forgot my password when I read Wings and I didn't want to go through the whole resetting password thing, so I went in as a guest. I didn't really intend to come back to FanFiction, hence the random keyboard smashing username, yet here I am again to read your stories! Haha. I suppose I'll just keep my original username here.
Anyways, back onto the review! I really found this chapter to be amusing and engaging!
I should have realized Black was there! Rereading the last chapter, I missed the "loud" voice. Oops! And as much as I would love to see familiar faces meeting our lovely protagonist Y here, I like how you're going at a steady pace so the introductions won't be rushed. It makes the eventual meetings better, and I'd look forward to them more that way. (Highkey looking forward to Diamond to appear!)
Crystal as the soccer coach is so, so fitting. And the more I read about Y's struggles to do well, the funnier it gets when she fails due to her own recklessness or other people's mistakes. And when she had enough, she reminded me of a Rhyhorn stampeding through the field, bashing away any poor soccer players that were in her way. She's definitely going to join the soccer team now. ...the team is filled with hotheads.
Oh, hi Gold! Fancy seeing you here! I wonder if he's a teacher as well? Maybe another coach? ...is he and Crystal a thing yet? Asking for a friend.
Hey, you’re back to the old familiar ID! Hehehe.
Ah yes. Black’s inclusion was a subtle hint in the last chapter. The only hint being the italicized “loud”, indicating that he was in the soccer team somewhere. And yes. Y is going to be meeting the other familiar faces slowly over time. I mean, my favorite Dex Holder Platinum hasn’t even been mentioned yet, and it’s been 4 chapters. I’m taking things quite slowly in that regard, because it makes sense. A 1st year student is not going to be meeting all sorts of 2nd and 3rd year students right off the bat, you know? And oh yes. Diamond is definitely going to be in Wings. I think he’ll be the first Sinnoh Dex Holder that Y will meet.
Yep! Crystal as soccer coach! Definitely! And oh, Y. She’s like a rampaging Dragon when frustrated and pissed off, plowing through everything in her way, whether it’s her teammates or the opponent. Hehe. A soccer team filled with hotheads. Oh dear. Hahaha.
Nah. Gold is no teacher. What could he possibly be teaching in Wings? No, no. He’s there for a different reason that’ll be covered later. And yes, Gold and Crystal are in a relationship. They are “a thing”. Obviously it’s not going to be getting a whole ton of focus, but it’ll be there.
Destiny #007
1) Its confirmed, eh? This entire thing was orchestrated by Peter. Not that I'm surprised, it's just nice to have clarity on that part. Anyways, I can definitely see Blue doing something she'll regret later. I mean if it says that Blue will probably help, then she just might. But I don't think she would help knowing it'd hurt the other dexholders. If she helps Peter it'd be because he somehow tricks her into doing it. But hmm, there's only one way to find out. And that's to read more chapters. Also, that small little tidbit about Black's feelings on the whole light stone matter I thought was really nice. I'm not exactly sure how, but it tied that entire part together. And it definitely made everything seem more real. I feel like I'm just being dramatic, but that's how I feel on the matter. And just wanted tp congratulate you on that part 'cause it was wonderful written. Well, the entire chapter was wonderfully written, but I can only hope you know what I mean. Speaking of Unova dexholders. That particular scene with Ruby, Sapphire, and White; I thought although great to read, was not how I imagined it going down. I think I explained this in one of my previous reviews, or at least predicted it. But now that I think about it, it's completely plausible. And one last thing before I end this review. I just realized that it's been quite some time since we've seen Green. Haven't read anything in his point of view since he found out that Blue left and set out to look for her. Which makes me wonder. Will you write his perspective while he's searching hopelessly for her? Or right before he spots her somehow? Cannot wait to see things from his perspective again! Makes my urge to smack him lessen. Fucking asshole, I know he didn't mean to do that especially in that way. But god was that a jerky move. Low-key wanna punch him senseless, but oh well. I'll just have to read his P.O.V. in order to be satisfied. Again, thank you!
The continuation!
Yes. Blue, despite wandering off on her own and thus being led astray, is still a good girl at heart. She wouldn’t willingly help in hurting her former friends. She would more likely simply walk away and not interfere than actively hurting them. But... there really is only one way to find out, eh?
I guess Black escaping the Light Stone in that fashion is kind of amusing in hindsight, now that he’s actually free. Hehe. ... And is partly plot relevant later on :) And yes. A part of my “headcanon” with Black & White is that Black is forever fated to be indebted to her. Nothing serious, but enough that he’d be more compelled to care for her. Something stupidly sweet like that. Hehe.
The meeting of Ruby and Sapphire with White? This is basically the easiest way for me to drag Black and White, who are completely unrelated to the whole Mega Hunter shenanigans, into the plot! It’s a natural conversation that leads to White tagging along for the sake of meeting the others. Hehe.
Heh. Green ain’t going to find Blue. He doesn’t even know that she’s not in Kanto anymore. He said it himself too. If Blue doesn’t want to be found, she’s going to just disappear. And it’s his fault. Unintentional, perhaps, but his fault anyways. Because compared to Red, he’s a dick. Hehe.
Destiny #008
1) WHAT. THE. FUCK. HE JUST TOOK OUT A FUCKING ULTRA BALL AND THEN BRAINWASHED THIS POOR, UNSUSPECTING CHILD? HOW TF DID HE DO THAT? WHY CAN'T THIS MOTHERFUCKER JUST KEEL OVER AND DIE? I am legitimately raging right now. He's too goddamn powerful. How are the dexholders going to defeat this dude? I mean it was 27 vs 6. That's insane. How the hell did this dude even get his hands on such powerful pokémon anyway? You don't actually need to answer these questions, they're just rhetorical. And I know I'll get my answer later on. Also, speaking of that battle. When Green and red joined in, I swear to god I started clapping. The relief was immense. And reading that scene the only things going through my mind was that this was where Y and Ruby are going to die. Thank god that they didn't. But with those wounds? They can't battle him at his full power, not when they only have three days to recover. And they're not going to spend their days completely recovering. They'll have to pull themselves together and practice. That is, unless Yellow could use her healing power on humans. But I don't think that's the case. And how tf are they going to get that strong in three days? I know somehow they'll pull it of—as that is the way of stories—but as to how exactly they might go about doing that? I'm clueless. Speaking of which... it would be nice to have a story that doesn't go the same path as so many others. Where, somehow, the hero always prevails! Why? Because they're the hero. And, I mean, I guess it makes sense. They're the hero for a reason, but isn't it unrealistic for the hero to always win? To err is human after all. That is, if the hero was human. Don't get me wrong, I love stories with happy endings. It's just sometimes I ponder whether that was the realistic outcome. But anyways, I'm getting off-topic. I'm sure that in your story if the dexholders win, it would be for a very good reason. And it excites me to think of the ways of how you'll surprise me! This has been a long-ass review. I spent forever writing it, and I'm terribly sorry. But I thank you for writing this. Anyways, on to the next chapter!
Assimilation successful. ... It’s a phrase that you would’ve seen immediately in Destiny. I think the first chapter pretty much begins with that.
Hehe. How is he so strong? GAME MECHANICS!! The power of RNG abuse to get shiny IV 31 all things with the desired natures, and then EV raising them for max efficiency! And to make things worse, TEAM SYNERGY! ... And level 100! Because the Mega Hunter and his Pokemon are all based on a real life friend and his HUGE pile of RNGed Pokemon. ... I also have a similar sized pile of level 100 RNGed Pokemon, but I didn’t want to put myself in. That’d be weird! ... Heh. So. How are the Dex Holders going to win? ... I don’t know.
... “As that is the way of stories”... OTHER people’s stories, perhaps. Heh. The “power of bullsh*t” doesn’t work in my stories, you know. None of that “I have the willpower, I will succeed!” nonsense, or “the power of friendship!!”. Heh. “I am the main character, so I can do everything!” ... Nope. Not in here, bud. Hahaha.
2) Oh fuck I got so into writing that review that I forgot to put my name. Yeah the last long-ass review is Mel's.
Don’t worry, I figured! :)
Destiny #009
1) Oh god oh fuck. So soon! The scouts are coming... which brings me to another topic. How tf did this dude get so many scouts? How is he seeing what they're seeing? And who exactly are these scouts? 'Cause if they're just little children as the scout who got caught, then the dexholders will have no problem. But this dude isn't that stupid, or he is and he's planning on winning because of numbers. Which, I guess, isn't a bad idea. Numbers certainly help, but I mean come on. What a horrible thing to do to brainwash children. This dude is such an asshole and my ahem for him grows with every chapter. What even is the point in causing so much chaos? How will this benefit him? (And coming from a lazy person) Why tf would he go to such lengths? It sounds like too much work tbh. Fuck that, I'd rather stay at home relaxing. But I guess each to their own. Also, the writing in this chapter was sooo well done. It is envy chapter, but this one I loved the uncertainty it exuded, because of the uncertainty in the dexholders. What I guess I'm trying to say is, is that your writing reflects the emotions and thoughts of the dexholders in a way. This might just be me, I felt it was like that. It wasn't too overtly noticeable, but it left me with that feeling. Oh, and also some things I forgot to mention in the last review. I think I might've mentioned this before, but it just made me really happy to see that you kept the characters in... well... character. Incorporating things such as Pearl shouting the moves that the pokémon were going to execute really excite me. That's because so many times writers forget these things. And in the end product, you read something that resembles a character, but isn't quite actually like them. Actually, now I'm sure. I did say this another review. I'm sorry for the repetition them, it just amazes me. Another thing that amazes me, the strategies! You did really well in planning out the strategies in the battles. They were intricate, but easily understandable. And they sounded really effective. Really nice job on coming up with those. Oh, and before I end this. I just wanted to say that the interaction between Gold and Crystal at the beginning of this chapter was great. Still staying on the matter at hand, but also delving a bit into their history. Their relationship... they've broken up... made me sad ngl. But oh well, It's to be expected of that certain relationship. It can either be a really good one... or one that ends in heartbreak. It's definitely complicated for them. But one thing that made me chuckle was when Crystal retorted with "You were the one begging for me to come back to you." or something like that. Like it's so true. That's exactly what would happen, and of course Gold would try to play it so that he was the cool one. But we all know that he was the one begging lmaoooo. Also, the way you wrote in Green's concern for Blue in the chapter made me cry because of how beautiful it was. You didn't touch on the topic, but you made it so clear by his actions and things he said. It reminds me of this one thing C. S. Lewis once said, where it was something like, "Show, don't tell.". And that was a good example of that I thought. Makes me think there's hope for their relationship. Also, I know I talk a lot abut how you're work makes me cry. But goddamn are you also good at writing fluff. And it's incorporated a lot in your stories, even your more tragic ones. It's nice, because it's always good to have a balance. I mean, having a completely tragic story without any elements of happiness isn't a good read. So while some parts are sad, there are so many others where I smile or clap or laugh and the list goes on. I never realized how expressive I am when I'm reading lmao. Anyways, thank youuuuuu again.
How did the Mega Hunter get so many scouts mind controlled? ... Well, there are a lot of fodder class trainers that’ll get stomped in like 0.5 seconds and then get taken. Given established time gap, it’s certainly plausible to have mind controlled a crapton of nameless fodder! ... Well, that’s the excuse, anyways. You always need some fodder, you know?
Heh. Imagine if the villains were lazy. “Aw man. I don’t want to plant bombs in all those places... it’s rush hour...” Why is he stirring up chaos? Hehe. You’ll see later~ ... ... Well of course, you’ll see later. It’s the PLOT. ... Real subtle there, 135. Well done...
Aha, Pearl’s Detector trait in use! It’s often hard to do given just how many Dex Holders there are, but I try to think like “in this situation, what would this group do, and how would the members react?” So in the case of a battle, Pearl would be the first to detect which attacks are incoming since that’s his whole shtick.
The... battle strategies... well, they’re mostly just recreations of what I went through in XY/ORAS battles with the guy who the Mega Hunter is based on. That freaking Eruption, man. ... More of the “asshole combos” later.
Hehe. Yep. Gold got dumped, begged, and is trying to maintain the “cool guy” outlook by pretending that she was the one begging. ... Poor dude. But hey, now’s the chance for him to show just how reliable he is! After all, there’s something about destruction and devastation that brings people together!!
Green’s concerns for Blue that has to be put under because of ensuing chaos. Hehe. This is a loose reference to something that happens in SA, and what Blue says to him: “Can’t you put me on the top of your priorities just once?” Almost a year after that story ended (Dec 2013), Destiny began (Sept 2014), and... sure enough, Green is forced to put something else on the top of his priorities, over Blue. It’s because of his personality. Task first. Personal problems come after the public ones. ... But it doesn’t mean he likes that.
Yes. BALANCE. I write a ton of cutesy, fluffy stuff, along with horrific doom hammer strikes. But the fluffy stuff don’t stand out in memory because they don’t have shock value, but doom stuff do. So the common misconception is that I always write doom. No, I do not. BALANCE! Especially much further on where a chapter is half fluff, half doom. BALANCE. ... That said, I think you will cry a lot though. Hehehe... But hey, you’ll be laughing and clapping, and even shuddering at the pure cute fluff later on as well!
2) Also I meant to each their own kek.
To each their own indeed. In a lot of ways.
Heart #001
1) So I'm just going to say this before actually reading so I, don't forget.
So Platinum has to pick between the boys...?
OK, but *grabs a mic* WHY NOT BOTH?
*drops mic*
Seriously though, consider the ot3 as a viable outcome, please. Don't just... tease me with the ship 'tag' I guess dunno how to call it in FF
Yes, Platinum has to pick one or the other. Why not both? ... This is a PAIRING. A pair has two members. And forcing all three Sinnoh Dex Holders into a single “pair”ing does not work out for anyone.
The “tag”...
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I assume you mean that? I only did that because I couldn’t add Platinum twice. My original intent was to put Platinum with Diamond and Platinum again with Pearl. But I couldn’t put up Platinum twice or have her be in two different pairings at once. And it’s not like I could isolate one of the boys either, because... well, that’s a little... on-the-nose, isn’t it? But to avoid “teasing”, I could just give one of the boys the boot and spoil the ending, which... well, I’m sure everyone who reads my stuff will know anyways.
All three of them together is not a viable outcome. As friends? Certainly. I’m not breaking the Morning Sound trio. In a love relationship? Nope. Not happening. One is going to be accepted and experience pure bliss. The other is going to be rejected and experience bitter heartbreak. It’s inevitable and meant to be. ... Just delayed for as long as Platinum doesn’t realize the situation.
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franeridart · 6 years
Do you care for any of the dekusquad?
I care for most if not all hero-related characters in bnha! But if with care you mean if any dekusquad member is between my favorite characters/if I care enough about any of them to draw them more than once every blue moon, then my Todoroki tag might tip you off, there lol
Anon said:Will you ever draw Bakukamikiri again? I rlly loved how you did them!!
Thank you!!! And I think I will, though I don’t have any project to do so in the near future, sorry!
Anon said:Soo KyouHaba day (6/16) is coming up and was wondering if you could do some seijoh next gen stuff. Yahaba is often forgot about a and Kyoutani isn’t really included in a lot of Aoba Johsai stuff. Feel free to not do anything just suggesting something
Aw sorry anon but I don’t have the time to do day-themed stuff right now! KyoHaba is currently the hq ship I’m most likely to draw for, though, since they’re the only ones I’m still reading fics for! So I don’t think any will come around 6/16, but I don’t exclude I might draw them anyway in the near future! :D
Anon said:Omg your taking part in a zine!! I’m so excited! And it’s a BakuSquad one too! Ik I’m definitely going to be buying it when pre-orders open up!
I’m taking part in TWO zines, actually!! Both the @takemyhandzine and the @sixthwheelzine !!!!! I’ll be making comics for both, and if you do decide to buy either I really hope you’ll like them!!!!
Anon said:whats a zine?
In general, a zine is an amatorially published magazine! Specifically tho here we’re talking about fanzines, so magazines put together and published by fans for other fans! The ones I’m taking part in are both about kiribaku, and will include both fanart (fancomics included) and fanfics! Depending on how much you wish to spend on it, you can also buy a bundle with fanmade merch too, and the Sixth Wheel zine is gonna have a pdf version too, in case you’d prefer to buy it like that! They’re super cool projects I’m insanely happy I got invited to take part in!!!!
Anon said:Your art style is so pretty and I love to see your amazing bnha drawing on my dash
There is literally no way I could ever stop being into d gray man ever and I’m also still following hq’s manga, yes! I dunno if and when I’ll draw for either fandom next, tho, sorry! ;^;
Anon said:Everytime you draw kiribaku I gain 1 life,,,,, tysm I love ur art SM ur such an inspiration,,,💖💖💖
Oh my g o d s thank you so much ;^;
Anon said:Your Kiridragon is the cutest, I love him and want Katsuki to protect him forever. Thank you for sharing that last story with us!!! (Ps. Can we expect more Kiridragon adventures in the future? *puppy eyes*)
Thank you for liking him!!!!!! And if you’re talking about the fantasy AU in general, I’ll 100% for sure draw more for it! If you’re talking about them as kids tho I can’t say for sure - I definitely want to, tho, right now!! ;^;
Anon said:As a suggestion, could you maybe do Kiri*Deku, whether it be romantic, platonic, or misinterpreted by Bakugou and he takes Kirishima because that’s his sunshine boy thank you very much, get your own
Aw anon sorry but krdk is…………. really not my thing, so I don’t take suggestions for it ;-; I might end up doodling them in the future anyway since I have in the past, but that’s only gonna be if I find an idea I really really really wanna draw, I’m sorry
Anon said:Just wanted to say that I love your art and I just went through a majority of your blog. But I noticed you used to draw erasermic but haven’t recently and I was wondering if you still ship it??? It’s okay if you don’t or if you just haven’t gotten the inspiration recently, I’m just curious. Anyways, keep doing what you do and being amazing
Thank youuuu!!!!! And I’ve actually always drawn erasermic super sporadically! They’re one of my main ships in the fandom honestly, but since they’re sorta hard to draw for me I rarely end up drawing them? I do still love them with all my heart tho! You can expect to see more of them in the future, for sure ;u;
Anon said:I came for my kiribaku fix (it HAD to be him I’m dying all over again) but. God ur art always blows me tf away ur so good and skilled and ur improvement in like… everything inspires me SO much so bless u and I hope u have a WONDERFUL day
I’m so glad I can inspire anyone, oh my g o o o o o o d ;O; thank you so so much!!!!
Anon said:Wow your dragon kiribaku art is so cute! Will there be a sequel!
Not for the immediately after, for now! Since Horikoshi is yet to give me the official design for Kiri’s mom //sob - but as I said up there I do want to draw more with them as kids in the fantasy AU, so maybe, yeah!!!
Anon said:I absolutely love EVERY SINGLE facial expression that Bakugou makes in your Fantasy Babies comic strip. He’s such an unapologetic little shit.
THANK YOU!!!!! I was mostly trying to convey the fact that he’s too young to think about the consequences of his actions before doing stuff like calling the rage of a dragon mom upon his city l m a o glad you liked him!!! :D
Anon said:The way you draw the baby bois has me weak 💖💕❤️💗💞💓💝 That baby dragon Kiri 💯💯💯💖💖💖😊😊😊
Thank you so muuuuuucccchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:EYYYYY! Love your art, the newest comic made me laugh so hard that I almost chocked to death :D (Jk, I just couldn’t breathe normally) God bless youuuuuuuuuu
I’m SUPER HAPPY it made you laugh!!!!!! heck!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;^;
Anon said:You content makes my heart go doki doki doki doki doki
THANK!!!! YOU!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:the way you draw wings is so cool, i love it. your art is just amazing in ggeneral to be honest, like akjdjkhdlkdl
AAAAHHHHHHHH I’M HAPPY YOU LIKE THEM I have so much fun drawing them, honestly!!!
Anon said:I love the fact that mina and kiri are cannonically childhood friends (middle school counts as childhood right??) Like I love their friendship so much and they both deserve the world.
Real, they’re adorable and I wish Horikoshi would actually have them interact a bit more in the manga, since as for now their scenes together are pretty much non-existent aside from their backstory ;^;
Anon said:You with your beautiful beautiful art and Chonideno with her beautiful beautiful writing about Kiri and Bakugou makes my heart so happy and warm and just… Thank you for existing and love Kiribaku! I don’t know, your art makes me so happy
Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy what an honor to be put at the same level as mag ;^; I love her and her writing so much, honestly !!!!!! thank you so so much for the compliment, anon!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Kirishima braiding his hair while he talks is both adorable and relatable. Thank you for that.
I’m!!!! mostly happy you caught it hahahaha thank you !!!!!!
Anon said:Hey. You seem insecure but your art is great. What kind of color scheme do you see for Hawks?
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I honestly don’t like thinking about stuff I think Hori will give me in canon soon enough? But out of instincts I mostly imagined him in shades of brown, I think - typical birds of prey and/or aviator colors, you know!
Anon said:I love ur drawings but i also love reading ur tag. They re so funny sometimes
lmao that’s good too!! As long as I can make people enjoy a couple of moments of their time I don’t really mind how I do it hahaha
Anon said:your art is beautiful anfndfnd
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello fran, just wanted to say i’ve been here for a long long time (since the h/q times :‘o) and today i was thinking about some of your old art and if you remember, you had a soulmates au for b/n/h/a that was super good and i really loved so i wanted to tell you!! You as an artist have such an impact on me and that au is my fave of yours!! ;0; have the nicest day ever!! -soulmates anon (4 future ref!!!)
OH MAN I’m so happy to hear you still remember that one?? It was such a fun experiment to play around with, I’m glad you liked it this much!!!! Thank you for telling me omg !!!!! ;^;
Anon said:Hi, so where did you go to watch Haikyuu (I’m assuming probably Crunchyroll but ya never know) and where might I find the dubbed version?
Aw anon sorry I don’t watch the dubbed version! Since I’m Italian, I don’t really have much use for the English dubs haha I’m pretty sure you can find it on kissanime, tho!
Anon said:could you briefly go through the process of making and completing one of your comics? I wanted to start some short bnha comics but idk where to start, thank you!
Sorry this took me an age to answer - I have answered this question a while back, I think it might be in my art tips tag! But to go through it fast, my process is something like
find a line or an exchange I want to deliver, or a topic I want discussed (usually happens randomly as I’m doing other things)
spend a million years just staring at a wall or at my ceiling or anything else as I build a whole scene in my mind to have the lines or topic take the form of an actual comic (might take two minutes, might take a month)
draw a rough sketch of the whole comic - I do this with all panels (and pages, when I separate a comic in pages) on the same canvas, so that I can look at the whole scene all together and get a good sense of the general flow of the storytelling. This process includes cutting panels, moving panels around, reshaping panels, trying different poses and angles for the same panels to find the right one, writing and deleting and re-writing lines till I’m sure the wording is what I’m going for*
line the panels - I mean the actual panels, the straight lines delimitating the panel, I line them all first and put them on a separate layer
line the people!! All the characters in every panel are lined in this stage
line the backgrounds! In case there are backgrounds and the comic is meant to stay in black and white, if not then color the backgrounds! (I always start coloring from the backgrounds cause they’re the boring parts and if I leave them for last I never do them ever #rip)
in case of black and white comics, we fill in flat, gray-scale colors at this point (or, as I’ve lately started doing, I only put down shadows and leave it at that). If it’s in colors, we color the people!
Write down the dialogue!! *at this point we change a lot of the dialogue again because enough time has passed since I sketched it that I changed my mind on everything, don’t be like me
you’re done!
All of it is done on one single canvas, unless it’s a comic with separate paneled pages in which case they’re all done on their own canvas but still drawn all together. That’s about it, hope it was at least a little bit useful!
Anon said:Hi! I just wanted to thank you for your art, especially your KiriBaku. I was exactly in the same situation than Bakugou in the post tagged “bakugou being blunt about his feelings” (except we are 2 girls) , so I used it to confess to her. She said yes! X3
OH MY GOD I’m so super happy to hear that!!!!! Congrats on your gf, anon!!!!!! *throws hearts at u*
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Spiritocalypse Chapter 4
Sorry that I haven’t posted or updated this story in a while. I’ve been in editing hell. I decided today to try to get at least a small chapter of this written and posted for those of you who are following it. 
For those new to the story you can find the other chapters below. Also, a reminder for those reading, this is a rough draft. Chapters are posted as I write them pre-editing. I will be editing them once completed and self-publishing later on.
Part One
Part Two (first half)
Part Two (second half)
Part Three
Callie Moodboard
 Chapter 3
“No, I can’t promise you when she’ll wake up Agent. You’re lucky she isn’t in full on comma.”
I knew the words should bother me. I needed to wake up. There were insane things going on and I needed answers. I wanted to understand what happened to me. What doors had that crazy doctor been trying to push open. Somewhere in my mind, I understood I wasn’t fully awake. I could best describe it as the sensation right before you wake up, when you can hear things around you, but you’re still dreaming. I couldn’t shake myself all the way out though.
“Oh, no you don’t Callie. You need more rest.” Katick’s voice came loud and stern in my ears, almost fatherly.
I had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t even in the room with me. I couldn’t open my eyes to check, but my mother always told me to listen to my gut. I felt myself sink down again, the words and blurred reality fading as the dreams took me again.
“She’s going to be fine. She just needs to rest and let her mind and body heal from what she went through.”
I appreciated the familiar comforting tones of Franny’s voice when I woke up again. I wondered who she was talking too. I felt more grounded this time. The voices didn’t feel like a dream or far away.
“We saw people never wake up at all though, doctor.”
The way the woman said doctor told me exactly who it was. The Spanish tones of her words had always delighted me when we spoke online. I started to open my eyes, but I lay still a moment longer, listening.
“I understand, but she has no serious brain damage like the records show for the others. I’m so sorry that lunatic got hold of you kids before we got here.”
The empathy in Franny’s voice felt sincere to me. She had come across short tempered and almost distressed on the plane, but I had to imagine that dealing with cops and military troops were a lot different from civilians. Civilians might be more inclined to listen for all I knew.
“Many of us are not kids, doctor, but yes. It was awful. My friend Sawyer has been having nightmares since he woke up.”
“Sawyer? Is he alright Adelaide?”
The two women turned to look at me. Franny frowned, giving me similar frustrated looks to the ones on the plane. I had pressed up partway at the mention of Sawyer, but I sank back down grinning sheepishly.
“Hi. I’m awake. Thanks for taking care of me Franny. You’re the best.”
“I can see that, Callie. It’s not nice to eavesdrop you know, but yes, Sawyer is physically fine. I think everyone is having some sort of fall out mentally, but that is to be expected.”
I let out a sigh when Franny didn’t tear into me. Adelaide moved to the side of the bed, smiling and brushing my hair from my face. I smiled at her, reaching to put my arms around her. When I moved the alarms in the room began to go off, the sensors stuck to me pulling free of their leads.
My eyes cut to Franny, smiling as sweet as I could as everything blared loudly. The doctor sighed, moving to the machines. As she stepped around my bed, the door burst open, Agent Wild standing in the door. His chest heaved and his wide eyes darted around the room.
“What’s wrong?”
I buried my face in Addy’s side, trying to hide my laughter. Addy stood, letting me fall to the floor. She lifted herself off the bed, smiling as she put hand on her perfectly curved hip. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as she tossed her black hair. How did she look so perfect in a situation like this? The only thing I saw missing was her sharp winged eyeliner.
“Nothing at all now.”
Wild looked at her and began to relax, but I couldn’t help being surprised as he ignored her coming to the side of my bed. Addy didn’t seem bothered and I wondered how often she got blown off by a handsome man. I noticed she continued to frown at him and I had to reevaluate why she had stood up. Addy had always been a flirt. She flirted with everyone, so I had assumed she would do the same with Wild, but perhaps it was something else. My brain didn’t exactly feel up to par at the moment and I had been unconscious. Who knew what I had missed?
“How are you feeling?”
I hadn’t really taken stock of my body. My eyes closed as I went over aches and pains. “I’m sore. I’m still tired. My headaches, but I’m just happy to be alive.”
Wild smiled at me when I opened my eyes. “Good. That doctor is locked up. I’m not entirely sure that what she was doing here was legal. She was to test people, but not to the extreme she did. I’m sorry, Callie.”
“It’s not your fault. She’s a mental case.” I glanced around, almost expecting Katick to be lurking in a corner. “Where’s Katick?”
“He’s in a holding room. Away from everyone. Why?”
“He’s not going to hurt anyone Wild. He saved my life with the doctor. If she had kept using her test on my brain, I’m sure I would have ruptured something.”
“That doesn’t excuse all the people he’s killed, Callie.”
I shook my head. “I don’t think he did it.”
“You’re still recovering. Not thinking straight.”
I lifted my eyes to him. Did I trust him? Did I tell him what Katick told me? Did I dare open up and chance that he was a bad guy like Katick feared? My lips felt like sandpaper as I licked them.
“I am thinking straight.” I glanced at Addy and the doctor. “Could we get a moment please? I’ll be glad to be check out and visited with after Wild leaves.”
The two women exchanged a look, but turned to go. Addy pointed at her eyes with two fingers then back to Wild in a warning as she disappeared out the door.
“Alright, I’m missing something. What’s going on Callie?” Wild pulled up the solitary chair in the room, sitting down with his arms laying on the side of the bed.
I didn’t know where to start so I just dived in. “I knew that these kinds of things were happening here already Wild. The stuff the doctor did. It’s been going on a while.”
“And how would you know classified government information, Callie?”
“Because Katick has been put through all sorts of tests. He didn’t kill anyone, Wild. They framed him so that they could bring him into the government facility without anyone questioning his disappearance. Ask him about it. Ask him about the tests and the things they put him through.”
“How do you know he’s not lying?”
“Because I just went through it, Wild. She nearly electrocuted me trying to ‘open the doors in my mind’! If Katick hadn’t stepped in, I probably wouldn’t have survived her, let alone the attack afterwards.”
“Why did he not tell me this?”
“He doesn’t know if he can trust you.”
“But you do?”
I stared at him for a moment, then nodded. “I do. I think if you knew what happened at the facility where Katick was held, you’d be upset. You’d be worried they would take your sister. You don’t want her to go through what I did today, Wild.”
“Four days ago.”
“You went through that four days ago.”
I stared at him, trying to process that I had been unconscious that long. “I was in worse shape than I thought.”
“Franny couldn’t figure out how your brain was functioning at all after the level of current the doctor put through you.” Wild reached out and took her hand. “Listen, I have to give you some bad news about some of your friends.”
I stared at him, the emotions coming off him perfectly clear to me. I’d always been somewhat empathic, but now that Katick unlocked my mind it had increased. I looked away from him down at my other hand knowing what was coming.
“Who died?”
“No one, yet. One is in comma’s though. Franny doesn’t know if they’ll ever wake up.”
“Which one?”
“Delilah, I believe her name is. In her thirties, blonde.”
I nodded. “Yes, that’s Lilah.” I leaned my head back looking at the ceiling. “Let Katick look at her.”
“You keep talking like he’s a hero, Callie. You know he’s probably lying about what happened to him.”
I looked to him sharply. “I don’t think he is. I know what he can do. He could do a lot of harm with his abilities, but he never has. Let. Katick. Help. Her. Please, Wild.”
Wild kept his eyes locked on mine. I wanted to look away, but the intensity of his gaze wouldn’t let me. “Alright. But you can’t get mad at me if he ends up hurting her.”
“I would never, Wild.” He started to stand and I held onto his hand. “I’m trusting you not to tell your superiors about what Katick told me. Check it out if you want, but please…”
I wanted to say ‘please don’t be a bad guy’, but I didn’t. Either I trusted Wild or I didn’t. I knew it was insane to trust Katick, but he had saved my life I felt like. He didn’t have to. I knew he might have done it to get me on his side, but with his abilities, he knew I would be able to read him better than most.
People had always come to me to talk and get advice, even with my young age. I was always told by my friends and family that my empathic abilities drew people in. Now that Katick had opened that door as well, I figured I should brace myself for the fall out. I would either find that people I cared for were horrible people, or I would be swamped with people wanting a friendly ear. I didn’t mind the latter so much, but the former would be very disappointing.
Wild felt no different to me, except I could tell he felt worried and nervous. I gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m fine, Wild. Go ahead. Help Lilah if you can.”
He nodded after a moment, letting go of my hand. “You rest. I’ll have Katick brought by to see you.”
“Oh, take him to see Sawyer first.”
“Should I ask why?”
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
“Fine, but you’re running out of favors, Callie.”
I smiled at him and nodded. “I know. I’ll try not to ask for anymore.”
He stopped at the door, looking back at me. “Just try not to die again and I’ll be happy.”
I smiled as he disappeared. He really needed a new line of work. He just seemed way to nice for the FBI or whatever secret agency he really worked for. I felt drained now that everyone was gone. I laid my head back, deciding to sleep until Katick arrived.
@aschenink @pheita @ramblingsofabourbondrinker @pigeonbooks @homesteadhorner @youdontneedoxegyntoburn @wildwestiewrites @romanthewriter @maxseidel @byrdwriter @pagingdrsleep @verazelinski
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team-free-squiggle · 7 years
Roman’s Quest ~ Chapter 2
Aayyyy a new part of Roman’s Quest!
I know it’s been a little while, I’m sorry about that. 
Tag list and asks are open, and honestly I should put that in my bio but I keep forgetting.
But anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 1
Fandom: Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides
Summary: Roman is on a quest to find all of his boyfriends. He’s already found Patton, but what happens when he looks for one only to find a Dragon-Witch instead?
Type: Chaptered
Characters: Roman Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Logan Sanders,  Deceit Sanders, original character Insanity Sanders
Pairings: LAMP/polysanders, with focuses on Royality, Prinxiety, and Moxiety
Warnings: panicking (like, panic attacks)***
***I want to point out that all panic attacks are based on my own experience and those of my friends. If this doesn’t match how you see a panic attack, please understand that’s because everyone’s is different and that this is just how I know them.***
Roman had no idea what the hell he was going to do. He remembered Patton, completely, but knew nothing of the other two. All he could go off of was his love’s description and promises that they all loved each other more than anything. 
That only left one problem, besides that of finding the other two missing Sides of their family, and that problem was the one of what the hell had happened to them.
His sweet, adorable Patton remembered a life where they loved each other and two more people. A life where they were looking after someone, as far as Patton had guessed? But did they leave that person, or were they taken from them? Was Roman’s whole life as a Prince a lie? 
Patton sensed something was off with his Creative boyfriend, and could easily guess why. So as they stared off of the boat at the sunset, Patton talked quietly to Roman. 
“Ro, from what I remember... you are a Prince. You used your Kingdom, in the... Imagination? Dreamscape? One of the two... Anyway, you used your Kingdom to be inspired to create and to have good ideas and to just be yourself. Not that you weren’t anyway, but I remember you always having a good time in the Kingdom because it gave you everything you ever wanted. Besides me and our other boyfriends, of course.” Patton smiled softly at Roman. 
The Prince sighed softly. “Thank you, love. I do feel slightly more at ease, because you’re right - that sounds right - but I can’t shake the feeling that there is a more evil side at work here. Otherwise, why would we remember each other, a life I feel like I’ve lived but have no complete memory of doing so? And what about our boyfriends, Patton? Why can’t I remember them? Why couldn’t I remember you?” Roman’s voice was a soft whisper, a breeze trying to float softly away from the couple about to get caught up in the storms of the ocean. 
Patton looked at him with wide eyes. “Y-you - didn’t re-remember... them? O-or m-me?” His voice broke in sadness, tears beginning to well up in his eyes at the thought of being forgotten. 
Roman shook his head shamefully. “I’m sorry, Patton. I didn’t, until you introduced yourself... now I remember everything about you, though I can’t recall anything of the others... maybe - a- a curse!” Roman suddenly exclaimed. 
“What?” Patton gently wiped his eyes, glad that Roman at least remembered him now, though sad that he had no memory of his previous life at all until he had found Patton. 
“Maybe something has cursed me to only remember my loves when I meet them! So I will be able to have all my memories back when we find them all!” he bounced around excitedly.
Patton nodded, excited too. It makes sense, and honestly if Roman’s memory could be perfectly restored that would be amazing. 
It was then that the sun finished setting, and they decided to sleep until the morning. 
They docked at an island that had appeared seemingly from nowhere out of the fog, and got ready to get some shut-eye. Or at least, they would have, if they had been allowed to. 
Alas, a Dragon-Witch suddenly appearing makes it very hard to fall asleep.
Virgil was so excited when he saw the ship approach his Island. finally, he could leave! And with the people he loved most in the world! He easily recognized Roman’s crest on the side, and using his witches’ eyesight -which is excellent, I must say - saw that Roman and Patton were aboard. 
He briefly wondered  where Logan was, but was sure he would find out soon enough. Roman and Patton had come!
Of course, that’s when blackness known as Insanity appeared. All he did was laugh, but it was enough to let Virgil know that they hadn’t come for him. 
Most likely, Roman and Patton wouldn’t even know he existed, much less care about him. Virgil honestly couldn’t care less about that. He was just going to run out there, show his face - for Virgil was in the witch form right now - but Insanity stopped him.
Virgil felt his body twisting, changing - until he was in the form of a majestic black and purple dragon. He tried to change back, but found he couldn’t, and that his magic had all been taken away. 
Insanity cackled again before melting into black goo and leaving Virgil alone to panic. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t see for the tears leaking from his eyes. It felt less like he was the dragon and more so trapped inside it, controlling it but not truly in charge. 
It reminded him too much of being a puppet, a toy to the Dark Sides, and that sent him into a full blown panic attack that had him moving away from his loves and breathing fire. He didn’t want to hurt them, especially when he couldn’t change back to his usual form. 
Sadly, fate - or in this case, Insanity - was cruel. Roman and Patton saw the fire, and came to the cave he had tried to hide himself in. 
Roman spoke first. “A Dragon-Witch.” Virgil shook his head. 
“Oh? Then what are you? Something put here to try and take my love away from me as we just want a decent night’s sleep?” 
Virgil spoke, voice lower and  slightly more gravelly than usual. It was a rumble of thunder before a gentle storm. 
“Number one, Princey - you are seeking me out. Two, I am stuck in this form because fucking somebody doesn’t want you to see - hey!” 
Insanity melted into the room just enough to take Virgil’s voice and leave again. Patton and Roman looked stunned, and then they sensed that the dragon before them was panicking. 
Virgil couldn’t breathe. His tail was moving faster and faster, and the humans were positive that the constant throbbing in the cave was the dragon’s heartbeat getting faster than a hummingbird’s wings. Virgil’s mind shut down, couldn’t think of any exercise to help him breathe. His loves didn’t even know it was him, oh god he was alone, he would never get to have those lovely moments with his boyfriends, oh god no please no no no nO-
Patton was the first one to move towards Virgil. Roman stood guard, ready to defend his love and even the creature he had (possibly wrongly) perceived as an enemy. 
“Breathe with me, okay? In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Repeat, okay? I wish I knew your name, I would call you that now, but - just trust me and breathe, everything will be okay. You will be okay.”
Virgil couldn’t help but listen to his boyfriend’s voice, despite knowing that his boyfriend didn’t know it was Virgil.
As he calmed down, Virgil’s form shifted. He was crying now, sobbing into Patton’s cat hoodie. Roman and Patton gasped, finally able to recognize him. 
“Virgil!” Roman cried, disregarding all thoughts of Insanity and running over to the second of his boyfriends that he had found. He and Patton had  few tears in their eyes too, but soon all tears were joyful as they just were glad to have the three of them. 
They went back to the boat to sleep, Virgil with them now. 
But, after they slept, there were some things they had to discuss. 
“So, Virge, now that we’re all awake and have eaten, what happened to you?” Roman asked, sitting on the boat that was once again on the ocean, taking them farther into the evil part of Roman’s realm. 
Virgil opened his mouth, trying to speak, but found he couldn’t. That’s when everyone remembered that Insanity had taken Virgil’s voice. 
Virgil sighed and started moving his hands. Roman and Patton, unfortunately, didn’t know sign language like their boyfriends. 
Before Virge could panic too much, Roman conjured a notepad and a pencil for his anxious boyfriend.
‘Thanks, Roman. Now, what I remember - going to sleep after a good night with you two and Logan, then waking up in that cave as a Dragon-Witch. I stayed in witch form, hoping that someone would come, and would see me and take me home. But as soon as I saw your ship, Insanity came. He stripped me of all my powers and turned me into a dragon, not letting me change back. And then he took my voice....’ Virgil wrote, passing the notepad to Patton and Roman. 
Patton nodded after reading everything, taking Virgil’s hand and squeezing it gently as Virgil took a shaky breath, smiling gratefully at Patton. Roman, however, frowned. 
“Who’s Logan?” He asked, giving the notepad back to Virgil, who froze. 
‘You don’t remember?’ He wrote, saddened by the thought. Patton shook his head as he explained it all to Virgil. 
“Roman has memory loss. He didn’t even remember he was a Side until he found me. I remembered all of you - even the last one, whom we haven’t found yet - but only in images. I didn’t know your names. I’m sorry.” Patton looked at the ground sadly, Virgil gently hugging him. 
‘It’s okay, Patton. But, anyway... you mentioned a third person. Wears a necktie, always serious, says “FALSEHOOD” a lot?’
Patton nodded, smiling. “That’s him.”
Virgil nodded, smiling too. ‘Yeah, that’s Logan. He’s the Logical Side. If you don’t remember, I am Anxiety. Patton, you’re Morality, and also the dad character. Roman, you’re Creativity. I must say, I’m surprised. Why are all my memories intact when yours aren’t?’
Roman spoke up when he saw that last question. “Maybe, because Insanity thought that I would kill you because I would see you as the Dragon-Witch.”
Virgil nodded. Patton shook his head, not wanting his family to be hurt, but realized that they were all right. That is something Insanity would do, after all.
They sat there, talking, deciding that they would need to all find Logan as soon as possible. So Virgil got them a lot of food from the Island before they all got on Roman’s boat and left. 
They would go find their boyfriend, and they were fully prepared to kick Insanity’s ass to get everything back to normal.
Insanity, meanwhile, was cackling. 
Everything was going according to plan. 
And then Deceit popped up. 
“Insanity, stop this!” Insanity looked surprised. 
“Why should I, dear?” Insanity pressed Deceit up against the wall, right next to the cage Logan was being held in. 
“B-because... love, it’s k-killing.... us...” Deceit mumbled out. 
Insanity smiled, pushing Deceit into the cage with Logan. 
“Exactly, love.” He sneered before blanketing the cave in darkness except for their cage, which had a spotlight trained on it. 
This was all going much better than his plan had ever indicated.
Next part coming soon (I hope)!
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
“Sticks and Stones” Part 2
A/N: I’m glad people like the first part! This is my first solo three shot. It’s easy for me to write about bullying since I have been the victim many times as I was growing up. I just want everyone to know that if you have ever been bullied or hurt by someone you ever loved, you’re not alone! Though this is purely fiction and Minhyuk is a sweetheart, I am definitely writing with my past experiences in mind. Enjoy! ~ Gaishō
“Sticks and Stones” - Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3 
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You’re freaking out. Minhyuk just messaged you and you have to say something back without being a complete weirdo. Once more you check to make sure it is indeed his real profile and sure enough it is. He has over 3,000 friends on Facebook. Yep, that’s him.
Your fingers just sit on the keyboard of your laptop and don’t move. Suddenly the bubble with ellipses pops up and he messages you again.
Facebook chat:
Minhyuk: Too good to talk to me?
You: No! I’m sorry… I was just surprised you would be talking to me.
Minhyuk: Why’s that, huh?
You: Well, I’m… A nobody lol. You’re the most popular guy in school.
Minhyuk: Don’t be silly. I like everyone.
You: Everyone… Except me.
Minhyuk: Oh, stop! To be honest, I think you’re the prettiest girl ever.
You: You’re kidding… Right? Someone put you up to this. I know it.
Minhyuk: I’m not kidding at all! I promise. You’re beautiful and I actually wanted to ask you something…
You: What? What is it?
Minhyuk: Not on here. I want to ask you in person. You know. Face to face. I want to look into your eyes when I ask you my question.
You: Really? Okay. Um, maybe at lunch then?  
Minhyuk: Yes! I can’t wait to see you at lunch tomorrow. Bye ;)
You: Same! Bye bye :)
Your mouth completely drops. ‘There is no way that just happened!’ Pacing back and forth in your room you think about the messages. You couldn’t believe it so you went back to your laptop to see that they were real. You read them over and over again making yourself dizzy.
You smile to yourself like any other teenager struck with love. Immediately you start picking out an outfit for tomorrow. ‘Maybe he’s going to ask me out on a date!?’ You stop for a second.
Doubt starts to fill your mind. You know he is insanely popular and could get any girl that he wants. Something didn’t seem right to you. You shake your head and continue to sift through your closet. ‘It’s possible he see’s something in me.’
You laid your clothes out for tomorrow and headed for bed. Barely able to sleep you tossed and turned at the thought of what Minhyuk might say to you. Maybe for once, you won’t be the underdog. You smiled at the thought of his posse of girls watching Minhyuk sweeping you off your feet.
Morning finally came and you shot up with so much energy you would have thought you had just been reborn a whole new person. You put on a cute floral patterned shirt that would show a little cleavage and some nice tight leggings to make your butt pop.
You applied a little bit of makeup, but not too much; just simple winged eyeliner and a light red lipstick. Sitting in front of your vanity you start to worry and pick at your fingernails. You’re still unsure if all of this was really real.
Once more you read over the Facebook messages between you and Minhyuk and you let out a big sigh. All of a sudden you hear your mom yell at you from downstairs, “Y/N! You haven’t left yet?” You realize what time it is and it’s way too late for you to walk to school today so you have to try to catch the bus instead.
Just making it to the bus stop in time you get on and see a couple people glare at you. “Did mommy pick out that outfit for you?” Someone rudely utters to you. You roll your eyes and keep walking to the next available seat.
As you sit down you feel completely sick to your stomach. ‘They could be right. I probably look so stupid right now.’ The bus ride felt unusually short today. The tires screech to a stop and everyone starts to get off. You can’t go back now.
With each passing hour you felt more and more anxious to meet with Minhyuk. You also just realized you never asked if you should meet him somewhere specific or if you were to join him at his usual table. The anxiety started to make you extremely nauseous.
You ran to the nearest bathroom to get yourself together. A few girls walked in as well. “Oh, would you look at that. Y/N all dolled up today. Who you trying to look good for, huh?” The girl picked at your shirt and you slap her hand away.
“Honestly, it’s really sweet you take the time out of your day to run your mouth about me and constantly stalk my every move, but even a girl like me needs some space.” You smirk at her.
“Whatever, stupid bitch.” They all leave.
You look into the mirror and see a different person. An overwhelming feeling of confidence took over you. ‘I’m going to tell Minhyuk how I feel.’ You nod to your reflection and head out.
The bell rings and finally it was lunch time. Since you were so focused on trying to look good today you forgot to pack a lunch. So, you went in line for some hot lunch and took your tray out to the lunch tables.
You stood still looking around trying to find Minhyuk at his usual table but he wasn’t there. People were trying to walk around you so you decided to just sit down at an empty table and wait for him.
Though you couldn’t even think about eating any food, you didn’t want to look dumb just sitting there. Your tray consisted of broccoli cheddar soup, milk, and a cookie. Your nerves were so high you just grabbed whatever you knew that would calm you down.
Minutes start to pass and then eventually half the period was already almost over. ‘Where is he?’ You look on your phone and see if he might have messaged you on Facebook and he didn’t. You anxiously look around for him and still there was no sight of him.
You start to fidget with your fingers and realize what was going on. ‘Minhyuk stood me up!’ Just as you were about to get up and leave you see Minhyuk in front of you.
“Oh! M-Minhyuk! I didn’t think you were going to come…” You slowly sit back down and your cheeks were suddenly flushed.
“And miss your gorgeous face? Never.” His face glowed and he smiled at you! The one and only Minhyuk smiled at you.
“S-so, w-what did you want to ask me?” You stare straight into his soft eyes. Slowly you start to realize that the cafeteria was growing quieter and quieter as everyone’s eyes were on you and Minhyuk.
Your heart starts to race. ‘Why is everyone looking at us!? What could be going on?’ Minhyuk grabs your hand and asks for you to stand before everyone in the cafeteria. Dead center.
“Y/N, you’re everything a guy wants. I know this is last minute, but would you be my homecoming date for tomorrow’s dance?” Everyone gasps and so do you.
“Y-you’re joking, right? You w-want to take… ME!?” Your eyes glistened. ‘Is this for real?’
“Yes, my dear. Close your eyes, I’m going to kiss you,” he says sweetly to you.
You close your eyes and puckered your lips. But, you start to hear faint giggles around you. Before you could open your eyes to see what could be going on, you felt something hot being poured all over you.
Minhyuk was dumping the broccoli cheddar soup all over you! Then he grabs the milk and pours that over you as well.
“Awww, don’t cry over spilt milk!” Minhyuk said so sarcastically.
Standing there in shock you look around to see that everyone was laughing at you and a bunch of phones were pulled out recording you.
“W-what… I thought -” you choked on your words and tears started to fill your eyes. You turned around to try to run away but you slipped on the puddle of soup and milk. 
The cafeteria burst into hysterical laughter. Minhyuk slowly walks over to you and nudges your body with his foot. 
“You thought what? That I would ask a girl like you out? Please. You’re nothing but a stupid slut.”
The words pierce your heart. You quickly grabbed your things and ran down the hall. Hall monitors tried to stop you, but you ignored them.
Laughter faded in and out as you passed several students. You ran out the front doors of the school and continued to run. Not for one second did you stop running.
You ran all the way home and immediately jumped into the shower. Standing there naked you let your body slump into the tub. You let the hot water wash away the soup, the milk, the tears, and the shame. Pulling your knees into your chest you continued to cry.
“How could have I been so stupid!” You yell to yourself. Letting the tub fill up with water you submerge yourself and held yourself under water as long as you could. Your body jolts and you got up to gasp for air. You continued to do it a couple more times. 
After letting the tub drain you dragged yourself to your and threw on some pajamas. You lit your favorite three-wick candle and put on some music to try to get your mood up. Still, you felt like the whole world was against you.
You mutter to yourself, “Minhyuk… Why?” You couldn’t cry anymore, but your heart still hurt. Each word that left his mouth ripped at your heartstrings. You hear them over and over again in your head.
As curious as you were about what could be online at this point, you still haven’t checked. Unexpectedly your phone started blowing up. They were text messages from numbers you didn’t even know. Then again, you didn’t have any friends to begin with. 
‘Stupid bitch’, ‘so pathetic and gullible’, ‘just kill yourself.’
Before you read another text you threw your phone against the wall. You then stare at your laptop that was on your desk. ‘Well, I might as well see the damage.’
You open your laptop and looked on the different sites. Videos, photos, and memes were posted and shared everywhere imaginable. You couldn’t even scroll anymore because your hands were shaking so terribly. Slowly you close your laptop and crawl into bed. You cried yourself to sleep that night.
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
The Day We Chatted It Up With Black Tusk
~By Shawn Gibson~
Photos by Sally Townsend
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On this Flashback Friday, here's a previously unpublished interview Shawn did with Corey and Andrew of Black Tusk last year during one of the busiest years on record for Doomed & Stoned. While some of it is obviously dated, the conversation ventures into some interesting areas that touches upon topics as diverse as favorite hardcore band, the Savannah Scene, good reads, police corruption, and even raising toddlers (among others). I've also decided to preserve it verbatim, with little editing of the format, in order to preserve the conversational feel. Hope you enjoy the read and, as the band finds itself deep in the middle of a spring EuroTour, we hope you'll also get out and support the band's awesome live performances!   (Billy)
Film by Frank Huang
Hello, Corey?!
Corey: Hey, how you doing? Andrew's with me also.
Andrew: Hey, what's up man?
What's up, Andrew?
Andrew: Not much. Just getting off work.
Time to kick back and relax.
Corey: We're going to try our best.
I want to thank both of you guys for your time.
Corey: Yeah, thanks for doing this.
I had an interview with Taylor from White Nails, probably two or three days ago.
Andrew: We actually haven't met those guys yet.
We're taking it back old school. We decided we're coming out swinging.
He sounds like a cool guy. You guys will be on tour with White Nails and Whores in a few days?
Andrew: Yeah, it's about like twenty-one days, something like that.
At the end of this tour you will be in Asheville at the Heavy Mountain Festival right?
Corey: That's right.
Andrew: A friend of ours is booking that. I think it's the first year. Ray Worth, He's in that band Bask. Yeah we've done a tour with them.
Yep I've heard of em'. You guys have a new album coming out right? On Season of Mist?
Andrew: Yeah August 17th.
Corey: That's right.
T.C.B.T. by Black Tusk
If you could, please explain T.C.B.T.
Andrew: What do you think it means?
Uh, I was wondering if it had anything to do with Jonathan. I've seen him with the logo.
Andrew: So the T.C.B.T thing is a thing that Athon and James came up with a while ago. It's part of our merch. It's our Black Tusk....
Corey: ...Motto.
Andrew: Kind of like a logo for the band. It means Taking Care of Black Tusk. We decided to name the record T.C.B.T because the band has been reconfigured in the last couple of years. This is the first record with Corey writing. It's still Black Tusk, but it's a new Black Tusk. We're taking it back old school. We decided we're coming out swinging and we're taking care of Black Tusk.
The artwork for the album looks like it was spray painted on some grip tape.
Corey: (laughs) Close enough! It is spray paint on one of our cases for our amplifiers.
Right on.
Corey: The idea behind the artwork was how Andrew was just explaining to you, about the actual meaning of the title and starting over where we wanted to get away with what the band has done in the past, in that sense. Musically, we did that. We were like, "Fuck it! Let's do it with the artwork, as well!" It's kind of like an homage to older, grittier album covers that we like. Also, it's one of our cases to prove we're road dogs. We're never giving up and we’re working hard, and always have been. This what we have to show for it, our busted-up wear on everything. We had Brian Mercer do the rest of the artwork and collaborate with our jangled mess of ideas.
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What's that like being on Season of Mist?
Andrew: So far so good. This is our first record with them. We'll see how it plays out with the release and the touring. We're pretty happy. The guy who runs the North American wing of the label, Gordon Conrad, he was in charge of Relapse when we first signed to them all that time ago.
So does that make it a smoother transition?
Andrew: For sure.
Corey: Oh yeah.
Andrew: Half-way through our career with Relapse, he pushed the Season of Mist. When our deal with Relapse was up and we decided to switch labels, he was there. He said, "Hey, you guys. Come do your new record with us." I thoroughly enjoyed working with him when he was at Relapse and it felt like a smart move to make. He's great, he takes care of bands. We're pretty happy.
Corey: Season has a great roster going on right now. It made good sense for us. Once the offer was there for us, it just made sense for us to move. Floor...
Andrew: ...Weedeater, Watain.
Corey: They don't have Watain anymore.
Andrew: They don't?
Corey: You know what I'm saying! Their roster is pretty impressive. The last record I was on with my older band, we were on Season. There was no complaints on my end.
Corey: It's been a good thing.
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What are some Savannah bands you guys dig and or love to play with?
Andrew: Right now, one of the main bands in town doing something in our vein, our style, is called Lies In Stone. It's with members of Dammad and Dead Yet? It was Victoria's band, who recently passed. That's probably my favorite local band that's doing stuff.
Corey: The whole Savannah scene, years and years passed for our style of music, like a pretty heavy thing. It's kinda slowed down a bit. Definitely Lies In Stone is the band to look at. It's got Cooper, who played in classic crust metal bands like Anti-Schism and Initial State. He still plays and is amazing! (laughs)
What are some of Black Tusk's influences musically?
Corey: Oh man, each person in the band could give you like ten different bands. The generalized we all like punk stuff, you know. Not to sound cliché, but the classic punk shit. Anything from like Black Plague to like...
Andrew: ...there's no list of bands we're trying to emulate.
Of course.
Andrew: We all listen to an array of music that reflects stuff from classic rock to punk rock to speed metal to, you know, your stoner and sludge. That's all kind of stuff we listen to. It's kind of mushed together and with all three of us listening to different stuff, that's how it comes out when we're writing.
Corey: To elaborate on that even more, I could easily say I think when we were writing most of this I was actually listening to more yacht rock stuff. We don't sound anything like that. You can't be like metal, metal, metal, punk, punk, punk all the time. When we went through actually writing on these songs, we didn't sit down and write a song like blah, blah, blah or whatever. It was more like what naturally came. We figured we can write metal stuff, but there's people who can write better. The people that can write it better don't play stuff we want to hear anyway. We're punk dudes and that's what came out.
Do you guys like Dayglo Abortions?
Andrew: Yeah, I had that tape as a teenager in high school, man.
I had that shit in high school on a tape that was dubbed, then I went out and got the original, 'Feed Us A Fetus.'
Andrew: Yeah, I had that one. The one with Ronald Reagan on the cover.
Yep that's it!
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What's a damn good book you guys have read?
Corey: A book? What's that? (laughs)
Andrew: The last book I read was kinda interesting. I read The Power Of The Dog. It's kind of like historical fiction about the drug wars on the borders. It's pretty interesting.
Corey: Unfortunately with Andrew and myself, we both have toddlers...
Andrew: ...We have no time to read!
I have two sons. I understand.
Corey: The last time I think I read a book was the last time we did a larger tour. I think the book was about this guy’s Vietnam experience, To Live and Die in a Combat Zone. I think most of us, if we read, it's something with more of a historical account.
Andrew: That's where I'm at.
Yes. I love non-fiction. Getting nerdy, I love reference books!
Corey: Other than reading books, because it's easier with all the streaming services, more like watching documentaries. Whenever we have down time at practice, we're not talking about which books to read, which maybe we'd be better people if we did that.(laughs) It's more like, "You should check out this documentary," and someone will chime in with something else.
What is something that makes you guys laugh uncontrollably?
Andrew: Shit my kid does, probably!
Corey: Probably what most people don't want to read: the kid aspect with the two of us is like whatever weird shit the kids are doing. It's hard to answer that kind of question. There's lots of stuff that'll make you laugh.
Andrew: The stuff James does at practice. James is full of funny stuff.
Corey: James, out of everybody in the band, he is the complete opposite of us. He ain't got no kids, doesn't have a wife. He has, well not a bachelor life, but not far from it. We don't have that.
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For everybody else in the continental United States, could you guys describe St. Patty's Day in Savannah?
Andrew: Not really, 'cause we're usually in tour.
Corey: Or if we are not on tour, we are not anywhere around that shit.
Fuck downtown!
Andrew: We were here last year and we took our kids downtown for the parade.
The parade and then you get the hell out of there and go home!
Corey: There's all that stuff that happens downtown and that area. The last couple of years, I've been in town for that stuff. It's such a fucking hassle to even deal with that stuff. We'll go and watch the parade with the kids and somebody will have like a barbeque that's not downtown where you can go and hangout. Unfortunately, James isn't here. He would be the one to ask -- he's a bartender.
Where's he bartend?
Corey: At the Jinx.
No shit? Nice!
Corey: I'm sure his thing would be like a week of no sleep. I think those dudes sleep at the bar. Don't they?
Pretty close to it.
Andrew: They open at 10am and stay open 'till 3am.
I used to live in Savannah and worked the door at Savannah Smiles.
Corey: Okay.
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I worked St. Patty’s Day and that was the case. I went to the parade had a pint or two of Guinness, then went to work at noon and got off at 4am. The thousands of people in Savannah and in that bar was insane!
Corey: It's one of those things where if I want to go out and get drunk, I can do that anytime I want. I don't need a weekend to do it. I see more of an inconvenience, the different people that come down to here to take part in that stuff. A good friend of mine years and years ago told me about St. Patrick's Day. He's like, “There’s two kinds of people: those who spend money and those who make money, and you don't want to be the one who spends money." So that's how I take it and avoid downtown.
What do you guys think it will take to curb some of the violence in Savannah? There's a shooting or more every night.
Andrew: What I think they should do is: a lot of local politicians they run on this platform as anti-crime and they want to hire more police -- I don't think that's the answer. I think there's a huge income divide in Savannah.
Big time.
Andrew: There's a lot of poverty here that isn't addressed. They should put more money in the school systems, put more money in leisure services and parks, have things for kids to do to get off the streets. There needs to be after-school programs. They need to focus on that stuff. Make our schools better, so you catch the kids early, before they turn to crime and street stuff. Have stuff in place to get them while they are young. Show them that there's better ways to do things. That's how you fix a crime problem in a town, not with more police -- that just makes the problem worse.
It almost seems like certain areas are trying to push out certain people.
A few years back there, Savannah had a lot of corruption with the cops.
Andrew: Yeah!
Probably still is.
Andrew: Willie Lovett is what you’re referring to, I think. The ex-police chief.
Yeah, yeah.
Corey: It's not just the police, it's the local government. They seem more eager to please the larger things in town -- obviously, the college that's here.
Andrew: The historic district.
Corey: Or the builders who want to build, they also want to please them. It almost seems like certain areas are trying to push out certain people. Trying to raise the value of places. It's definitely on our minds, since we have families here, but it’s not what drives a lot of bands' thinking. At the same time, it does reflect what we write in songs and in a sense, because we do live in a shitty area. So that's always on our mind. You'll hear stories of friends or friends of friends, it's always going to be on your mind.
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I'm sure you're familiar with J. H. Statts.
Corey: Oh yeah.
With what happened to him, he's an amazing guy. He was a victim of circumstance. Statts Fest is coming up in September. This will be a ten year anniversary for Statts Fest. It is terrible what happened to him and hearing about shootings in daylight at City Market is insane!
Andrew: It still happens. It seems like the last few months you don't hear about it too much, but it definitely happens. I'm not saying it's getting any better, you know. It's one of those things. If you live in this town, you know you lived here, you might relate. We've lived here longer. You get to a point where you stop thinking about it. When you hear the stories that come out, it's not a shock. It’s not like we're sitting here helpless and hiding. Everyone just kinda goes on. When shit happens it’s like, "Oh, that happened." You can't prevent it, if that makes any sense. You just don't think about it.
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Well, on a lighter note, besides The Jinx and the Wormhole what are some Savannah venues you guys like to play?
Andrew: We've never played the Wormhole. There is an art gallery space where we're friends of: Sulphur Studios. We do shows there that are all ages.
You've got to go out and support your community if it's ever going to continue.
Corey: When we play shows in town. We can't play houses. If we did, that would be the last time they did a house show! (laughs)
Andrew: We'll do a house show! The last time we did a house show it was insane. That was probably five years ago.
Corey: The legit venues in town in Savannah is a small big city. You have the Jinx, you have the Wormhole, which those are your good medium size venues. There's not too many other places to play at the moment. There are some people building, some larger stuff.
Andrew Jinx and Wormhole is it, unless it's an all-ages show at Sulphur Studios.
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I was proud to catch Kylesa at the Wormhole. I've heard of a few house shows, but didn't go.
Corey: This city's got house shows, but the places that have been doing them haven't been directed towards heavier stuff. It was more indie stuff, maybe punk. With Savannah, we try not play a lot in Savannah so we don't get played out, you know? We go out and support some of those shows. You've got to go out and support your community, if it's ever going to continue. Even with the house shows, it seems it's died down a bit in the last couple months. I can't speak for everyone in the band, but I can speak for myself: the whole point of wanting to be a touring musician was to get out of Savannah and see other shit.
Besides this tour, what's in the future for Black Tusk?
Andrew: We've got this tour coming up, basically U.S. touring until the end of the year. There's some European stuff in the works. We'll see what's after that!
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You have the new album, 'T.C.B.T' coming out on Season Of Mist. I'm going to try to catch you guys on the road!
Andrew: We have a Charlotte show and a fest in Pittsburgh in October.
Corey: Late October. There's a Wilmington date, as well. Asheville show. You should go to the Asheville show!
Yeah, I should go to that one, because I used to live there and have a lot of friends there. The day that you guys are playing with High On Fire and Obituary and Inter Arma, come on dude that's a fuckin' sick ass lineup!
Andrew: It's pretty tight!
Corey: You should go to that one, just 'cause.
Andrew: It's going to be a show for the books man!
Corey: High On Fire, Obituary, and White Nails are playing that show, too.
I didn't see them on the bill.
Corey: I might be wrong about that. They might not be playing. But still, the lineup is pretty sick!
Corey and Andrew, thank you very much, I appreciate your time!
Corey: Yeah, thank you.
Andrew: T.C.B.T August 17th, pick it up!
Corey: Alright. We’ll talk to you later, bye now.
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wingsporkhalo · 7 years
A Sporking of “Fate’s Flawed Design”-- an old original story by MysticDelphox97
God bless @mysticdelphox97 as usual for allowing me to go savage on her old stories. You’re the greatest. <333 Thanks also to @icykalismsts for reading this over and offering comments as well! If I only had two readers (which I probably do), I’d be glad it was you two.
What I’ll be snarking about today is an old story of Mystic’s called Fate’s Flawed Design, about a boring and awful OC and her possibly even more awful “friends,” as well as some kind of bullshit backstory about a curse and a famous ancestor?? Idk man. It kind of gets lost in all the angsty song lyrics. It was, of course, never finished. But I hope you will enjoy the nonsense that it has to offer, dear reader, assuming you exist.
Excerpt below; the rest beneath the cut!
Fate’s Flawed Design
Tell me I’m frozen, but what can I do?
Can’t tell the reasons, I did it for you!
When lies turn into truth, I’ll sacrifice for you.
You say that I am frozen…
But what can I do?
~Lyrics from Frozen, by Within Temptation
Wing: At least they're not from the movie Frozen.
Chapter 1: Overview
Friday, May 16, 2025
“Okay, students. I hope you know your assignment for the weekend; figure out a plot for your Creative Writing project. For next week, we'll start writing our story—remember, though, it's only the beginning, so we don't want to start directly into it. Do we all understand?” Mrs. Llaydeu addressed her English class.
Wing: Mrs. Who now?
Every head in the room nodded.
Wing: Including the disembodied one in the back, which floated above an empty desk: a glowing, semi-transparent head of a teenage boy with scraggly hair and sunken eyes.  He went by Fred. Everyone had gotten so used to Fred that they hardly paid him any mind anymore.
“Alrighty, then! You're free to head outside,” she concluded.
Everyone cheered and scampered out the classroom door, which lead onto a hill that overlooked the grassy field known as our playscape. I sat atop the hill, looking upon all the kids filing out of one of the three school houses that made up the establishment. Each building taught three to four grades, which shared a playground. I'm currently in the eighth grade, who happens to be some of the best groups of children the school has ever worked with.
Wing: I'm sure they tell that to every group.
The weather today is very hot, almost to the point where it’s extremely uncomfortable.
Wing: So...it's ALMOST extremely uncomfortable...meaning it's...moderately uncomfortable?
I prefer autumn over the insanely warm summer, because you get to wear pretty jackets and long sleeved clothes. And fall is a beautiful season, with all the brown, orange, and yellow hues, although it’s also the same time when school starts. It’s a worthy sacrifice, however.
Wing: ??? What are you sacrificing
Kali: I think the narrator means that having to go to school is a hardship they'll endure for the sake of enjoying fall? I guess? Otherwise it means they'll sacrifice the other schoolchildren to an eldritch being.
Wing: I like that one better.
“Whew! I can't wait until my mom finally opens the pool,” Kyle exclaimed, wiping the back of his hand on his tan forehead. His brunette locks were dripping a bit from sweat, and that was just from the heat.
Wing: Holy crap, the main character isn't alone? Suddenly this dude named Kyle is just there dripping everywhere like something out of Turnabout Matrimony.
That goodness it wasn't humid today—humidity and Kyle don't mix too well.
Wing: THAT goodness it wasn't humid today. But also THIS goodness.
Mystic: ppfffff xD
Wing: And humidity and Kyle don't mix too well because they are of differing states of matter. Also Humidity never gave back Kyle's sweater and he's still salty about it
Mystic: I feel like first three chapters of this story is like, venting my feelings about... whatever I was feeling at the time.
Wing: Also, calling a guy a brunette...myeeeeh...LOL
Kali: Duh, Wing, Mystic's not calling him a brunette, but his LOCKS brunette. He has little anthropomorphized padlocks with brown hair who are sweating profusely.
Mystic: oh you only call women brunettes right? Mystic: or, something like that?
Wing: Yup! It has "ette" in it basically LOL Wing: Calling a dude a blonde or a redhead is fine, but "brunette" is gendered for some weird reason
Mystic: ahhh ok! Mystic: Eighth grader me probably didn't know that xD
He sat down beside me. I let out an exhausted sigh.
“So, what are you doing for your writing draft?” I asked, brushing back my own chocolate-brown bangs.
He pondered a bit before answering me. “Honestly, I do have an idea… but now that I think about it, it sounds pretty stupid.”
“How can anything you write be stupid?” I inquired, laughing. “I mean, you're one of the most creative people I know!”
Wing: "Uh, I have a severe problem with dyslexia, remember? GOD, Main Character, you are SO INSENSITIVE!" the male brunette sobbed, running away to drip somewhere else.
“Well … it's about this race of humans, and they take control of these odd species of animals which they use as weapons against another intelligent race.
Wing: ...Pokemon
Mystic: OH MY GOD Mystic: IT'S POKEMON
Wing: LOL
Mystic: Iluminati theme song starts playing
Wing: ROFL
I haven't figured out exactly what the animals are, or what the opposing race is. It still needs some work,” Kyle told me, with an embarrassed smile on his visage.
“Ooh,” I complimented. “That sounds really interesting. I can't wait to see how it turns out.”
Wing: I like how "Ooh" is considered a compliment. Maybe among monkeys it is, but...
“Me too,” he agreed. “What about you? What are you going to write?”
I blinked. I never actually thought of what story I was to create until Kyle just asked me. The characters are all sorted out, since we worked on that last week, and themes were this week. The only problem was the issue now being addressed.
“Uh…” I started to say, “probably something horror-themed. I'd like to include some romance in it too, though. But, it's hard to incorporate the two themes,” I finally responded.
Wing: Oh really?? Then why do all stereotypical horror movies have makeout scenes??
“Romance? From you? Now that's something, Remy,” he remarked.
Wing: Remy?? Is this a boy or a girl?? Both? Neither?? I'M SO CONFUSED
Mystic: It's a girl, not very well clarified ill admit ^^'
Wing: I've decided to headcanon them as a girl strangely named Remington after the kind of rifle. Her dad wanted her to be a boy Wing: (or a gun, whichever) Wing: Oh, okay! So at least I got the girl part right! LOL
Mystic: full name is Remeleen, I don't know where the fuck I got it from but I liked it because it looks like my name: Rosaleen
Wing: Remeleen?? Doesn't that evolve into Octillereen
Mystic: yes Mystic: and then it Mega Evolves into Mega Octillereen
Wing: Rofl, yes, exactly
Mystic: my god I'm on the second chapter and it just got so dark all of a sudden what the heck
I rolled my eyes at my nickname. “Well, expanding one's horizons is never a bad thing, is it?”
“Never said it was.”
I lifted myself to my feet, and stretched my arms. Kyle did the same, before running off to play soccer with several other boys. Just then, a crushing weight pounced on my back, causing me to stagger forwards a bit.
“Remy! I missed you, girl!” a familiar voice squealed.
Mystic: Okay also apparently Remeleen means 'white antelope'... which is somehow significant to this story. I don't know why, but. I guess I thought it was cool. gdi
Wing: That's okay. The main characters in my story I was writing in early high school were Apollan, Candella, Leandor, Hakaisha, and Aralyn. HOWEVER the fact that they are a phoenix, unicorn, gryphon, dragon, and...human(?) may explain that a little, idk. LOL
“Leaf! Ge' off me!” I choked, because a pair of white extremities had wrapped themselves around my neck.
Wing: Leaf?? What are you doing here. Get back to Gen 3! Wing: Secondly, who the hell says “Ge' off”? Wing: And lastly, “white extremities”? What the heck? Does Leaf have albino tentacles? D:
She finally let go. I turned around, confronted by a jumping, overly-hyper strawberry-blonde girl that wouldn’t be quiet.
“Remy, Remy! Guess what, guess what, guess what?” she exclaimed, waving her hands in front of her tomato-red face.
Wing: "Tomato red face"?? Holy shit, she's having an allergic reaction!!
I couldn't tell if that was from being in the sun or from the exercise she was getting at this very moment.
“What?” I asked, laughing at her display. Leaf eventually calmed down, taking deep breaths.
“You ready yet, Spaz?” I inquired, a smile playing on my lips. It was starting to hurt my cheeks though.
She took one more breath before answering me. “I just, JUST found out that I'm going to be moving into your homeroom class on Monday!” she cried.
Wing: Idk why, but when "Leafie" says she's going to be "moving into your homeroom," I pictured her actually MOVING IN to the homeroom. Like, "I live here now."
Mystic: pffffffffffff omg
“Oh my gosh, Leafie! That's amazing!” I cheered. We both grabbed our hands and began launching ourselves up multiple times.
Wing: One climbed on the other's shoulders and then the one on the bottom FLUNG the other up into the sky à la Catastropika Mystic: "launched ourselves into the air" why didn't I just say they jumped a lot xD Wing: I don't know. That wouldn't have given me the Catastropika image, had it been worded like that, LOL Mystic: pffffffff xD
“So, how come you moved?” I said after we stopped our antic.
“Um,” she started, brushing some of her hair out of the way,
Wing: Oh come on. She's obviously in love with the main character. What? What do you mean, that's not it? SHHHH. YES IT IS. I SAY SO
“well, as you know, I was in a class with all the jocks and the female athletes -- you know, the ones who are very competitive and rather stuck-up? I had a break-down about it yesterday, in front of Ms. Zhanei –thank god her and no one else— and she admitted that it was a bad idea to have put me in that class. So, she emailed my mom about a possible switch-over for rooms, and she replied agreeing to it. Now my classes are arranged so I can be with you and Kyle and everyone else! Tada!” Leaf ended her speech with a pose.
Wing: Was it this one?
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Wing: I have to admit I am still giggling roflllll
I clapped. “Bravo, Master Spaghetti!” I complimented her with her spy name, for when we play our detective games that started when we were in the first grade together.
Wing: Master Spaghetti has to be the most disappointing Spy Name ever conceived. Missed opportunity to make it "Master Spyghetti" for one thing
Mystic: yeeahhhh, I felt The Cringe hard when I saw that
We basically create our own crime-scene and them we try to solve it. I assumed my White Antelope gesture, which is stroking my fake handlebar mustache.
Kali: This is the White Antelope gesture... why...?
Wing: obviously because white antelopes have mustaches, Kali
“Now that we have solved that crime,
Wing: What crime? The crime of a spy being named Master Spaghetti?
how about we try to spill the beans from our current suspect to the hangover case?”
Leaf placed her hands on her hips. Her voice assumed the “Popular” clique tune.
Wing: Is that in the key of E? Hum a few bars for me; I'm not familiar
Mystic: coulda described it better as shrill and dramatic I guess?
Wing: No, it was the fact that it said "tune" instead of "tone"
“Like, totally! I would, like, so want to annoy the shizzles out of Bernie Bergetti!” She mimicked pulling the lip on her invisible black baseball cap.
I roared with laughter, ignoring the few glances that it received from some of the higher status students.
Wing: So like, that group of Duchesses over there, I guess
Kali: No comment on "annoy the shizzles out of?" =_=
Wing: I...I honestly don't remember that phrase being in there LOL
Kali: “Like, totally! I would, like, so want to annoy the shizzles out of Bernie Bergetti!” She mimicked pulling the lip on her invisible black baseball cap. I died a little inside reading that line I think XD
Wing: OH THAT'S RIGHT also how is the invisible baseball cap black how do you determine the color of a fuckin invisible hat
“But I'm really happy,” she smiled. “I'd rather be in your classes than in the Popular class.”
“Hey, Emmerson! Ryder!” Well, speak of the devil, shall we?
Wing: We shan't.
Mystic: obviously middle schoolers call each other by their last names. of course.
Our eyes traveled to the source of the voice, which led us to the snobbiest group of chicks you've never seen before.
Wing: https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/images/chics.jpg But...they're so cute...
They were strutting our way. Oh, and this clique was made up of the few sporty girls.
Wing: ............ http://www.punjabigraphics.com/images/11/tennis-balls.jpg okay....
Most of which were in Leaf's previous homeroom.
“Whadaya want, Sullivan?” I shouted at their leader.
Wing: I'm just thinking of Sully from Monsters, Inc.
Mystic: gdi now I'm thinking of that too
Audrey Sullivan. She has brown hair (which the color looks awful because it looks like it’s been dyed),
Wing: UGH! HOW DARE SHE WANT A COLOR OTHER THAN THE ONE SHE WAS BORN WITH!! But no I know what you mean. What kind of person dyes their hair brown though? Isn't blonde the popular choice, if not fire engine red? Like I'm sure people DO dye their hair brown but I never saw it in middle school.
very tan skin, and an unpleasant face to look at. Mostly because it's not exactly attractive, and it screams for a nose-job.
Wing: Good god, the Girl Hate in this story
Mystic: there's a shit ton of girl hate in this story I'm afraid Mystic: mostly towards "popular" girls
And that sultry voice—oh, my god it's disgusting; too much sweet and not enough of it in her soul.
Wing: "Sultry"? Sounds like this is more than just a clash of cliques... ;D Wing: My first thought was this though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_6w_bVKM4
Wing: The Glinda x Elphie is real
Mystic: tbh sultry wasn't a good word choice ^^'
Wing: And nope. It absolutely wasn't. LOL
Mystic: oh my god I'm reading the third chapter now and I just Mystic: I hate it so much Mystic: nothing in it makes any sense Mystic: all this drama from KIDS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL Mystic: WHY
It's a wonder how she maintained her popular status.
When their group was face-to-face to us, I nearly died from the waft of perfume that hit me.
Wing: Thinking of the scene where SpongeBob has to go through... the Perfume Department.
Mystic: NOT THE PERFUME DEPARTMENT Mystic: and I like body spray now so pfft this is incredibly outdated xD
Leaf's body seemed to shrink as she cowered behind me.
Wing: So like...why is her name Leaf, though
Mystic: it's literally because of the female protag for FRLG lol
Wing: oh my god Wing: rofllllllllllll
Mystic: i did say this was a very old story xD
She had terrible experiences with them in the past, and trust me, it's not a pretty subject. They target her because she has mental disorders, which separates her from them, and they pick on anything that she does. I bet you anything that that's what this is about.
“Nothing bad about you,” Audrey stated. I had to grit my teeth and ball up my fists to stop myself from hitting her.
“We'd like to talk to your friend, if that's okay,” one of her sidekicks explained.
Wing: They sure are polite for bullies
Mystic: my question is WHERE ARE THE ADULTS
Although there really was no need to do that. I have no problem with dealing with these girls; it's Leaf that needs the support right now.
“If you got something to say to her, you say it to me,” I retorted. I could feel Leaf trembling behind my back.
“What are you, her mother?” A rather fat student sassed.
Wing: Ooh, fatshaming, too. What's next, slutshaming? They're in middle school so I'm guessing there will be lots of accusations that so-and-so kissed x many boys
Mystic: ...yeah, there's slutshaming.... Mystic: my god i hated so many things Mystic: yeesh
“That's right, bitch. And if you say anything to anyone else I'll be their mother, too, because at least mothers have feelings for others! And I don't mean that wishy-washy, one-sided crushes or dates, either,” I told them.
Wing: Literally the worst and most nonsensical comeback I have ever seen
The looks on their visages amused me, because they're of shock and bewilderment.
Wing: The tenses in here amused me, because they're suddenly in the present tense. Also LOOKS ON THEIR VISAGES LOOKS ON THEIR VISAGES
I stumped them for a good minute before one piped up:
Wing: Yeah I don't blame them. I'm pretty stumped and bewildered myself about that response
“Well, then, can you answer us as to why she switched homeroom classes?”
“Yeah,” I said, “I can. She felt miserable in the athletic classroom, so she changed it to ease the pressure. And unlike you guys, she's horribly shy and has trouble socializing.
Wing: Gee Remy, don't hold back or nothin'
This is understandable, at least from someone who does understand, as to why she did what she did.”
Wing: Uh...what?
Mystic: i ah Mystic: i got nothin
Wing: Also I like how it's "the athletic classroom" Hell yeah. That classroom is ripped. 2 hours on the treadmill every morning, yo
Mystic: i head that classroom has an 8-pack, that classroom is shredded
Wing: ROFL
“Well, yeah, we know that. But, I want to hear from her, not you,” Audrey said. I got up real close to her face and sneered.
“You don't trust my word then, Sullivan?” I spat. She wiped her face from the saliva droppings.
Wing: "saliva droppings"??? What the fuck, that's awful and gross Also, these bullies are being pretty tolerant, considering this girl is being actually really rude, shouting about her friend's shortcomings, and getting all up in their grill and spitting at them
Mystic: plot twist: the MC is the bully
“No—but I hate being biased.”
I scoffed. “Sure. Like in those drama episodes you construct with your friends to get sympathy from your mom and the teachers?”
“You know, I don't like you're tone, Emmerson,” Audrey pointed out.
Wing: At least she isn't tune
“Neither I to yours.”
Wing: oh my god I hate this main character ROFLLLLL Wing: THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE, REMY
Mystic: GDI Remy
Wing: "Neither I don't like you are tone to yours" is what she's saying basically
Mystic: oh my god that is literally shit
Wing: "Nor I yours" is, I think, what she was going for Wing: that is, "Nor do I like the tone that is yours"
Mystic: oh yeah that makes MUCH more sense Mystic: or, wait, way more sense Mystic: fuck
Wing: Much more sense is fine!
There was a dead silence amongst us. The sounds of the other kids playing were ignored as we stared each other down. It went on for what seemed like an hour, but I knew better than that.
Wing: Did you, Remy? I'm beginning to doubt anything you say you know.
Then, with a final scoff, and a disgusted look on her, she flipped her hair and turned around, her posse close at hand.
Wing: On her. Just...all of her. Covered in that disgusted look. It was everywhere. Also, the bully is again being pretty gracious. She basically said "Hey I wanna hear it from her why she switched classes" "FIGHT ME BITCH RRRRAAWWWWRRR" "Whooooaaa okay sorry didn't realize Mama Bear was here to protect the little cub" "RRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWRRR SOMETHING ABOUT BEING EVERYONE'S MOTHERS AND POSSIBLY A REFERENCE TO HOW MANY DATES YOU GO ON(??)!! [SPITS!!!]" "Uh...ew. Anyway, yeah, why can't your friend speak for herself?" "SILENCE, FOOL!! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW SOCIALLY AWKWARD MY FRIEND IS AND HOW HARD IT IS TO BE SOCIALLY AWKWARD????" "Allllrighty then. Just wanted to hear it from her." "U CALLIN ME A LIAR, DOLLFACE???" "No, I kinda just wanted the whole story." "RRRRRRRRAWRRRRR YOU'RE AN ATTENTION WHORE!! NOTHING ABOUT YOU IS REAL, NOT EVEN YOUR UGLY HAAAAAAAAAAIR!!" "Dude, harsh. I don't like those things you're saying." "I DON'T LIKE WHAT YOOOOOOOOUUU'RRREEEEE SAYINGGGGGGG! ALSO MINE GRAMMAR ARE GOODISH!!" "....A'ight, I'm out. Let's go, guys."
Mystic: basically that's what happens once you take my hypocritical storytelling out of the picture xD
Wing: Basically. LOL
Mystic: jesus why did i think this was any good back in the day, this is terrible xD
Wing: Even if you just have the dialogue by itself it comes off like Remy's a crazy person. LOL
Mystic: i think she becomes a schizophrenic later in the story soo, yeah, kinda messed up in the head a bit
Wing: Jfc. [holds head in hands]
Mystic: y-yeeahhhhhhhhhh Mystic: tbh if this story doesn't give you cancer by the end id be surprised
I turned to face Leaf, whose face was redder than usual. I couldn't tell if she had cried or not, but her body language clearly spoke to me: she definitely was not okay right now.
“Thanks, Remeleen,” Leaf smiled, now relieving herself from the stress those Populars gave her.
“Anytime, Leafie,” I grinned.
The vibrant look faded,
Wing: What vibrant look? It said she smiled, but like, it didn't say she suddenly looked Okay or All Better or anything
and when she spoke, it was rather choked. “You know … I wish I could be brave like you, Remy.”
“Brave? Leaf, I'm not--” I began, but then she cut me off.
“Well, at least you have the courage to stand up to the popular clique! I can't even do that! I cower at even the slightest glimpse of them!” she yelled. I was taken aback-- why was she mad at me?
Wing: Uh, maybe she's just frustrated at her own weakness? NOT EVERYTHING'S ABOUT YOU, REMY
Mystic: ohhhhh boy you're coming to the really angsty part of the story Mystic: buckle up it's gonna be baaaad
“Leaf--” I stuttered.
“I know you'll usually be there to stand up for me, but there's gonna be a day where you're not here and they're gonna target me. And what'll I do then? Cry? Run away in shame? I hate doing that, Remeleen! And I can't defend myself anyway, because of my damned disorders, and being so fucking socially awkward!
Wing: Okay, like, as someone with disorders also, can I just say how ridiculous this is She's basically saying "I am a little baby who can't speak for myself." If her anxiety was THAT crippling she'd probably be in special ed or homeschooling. And also, I was plenty capable of defending myself usually. I was bullied a LOT, but I had my ways of handling it
So no matter what you say, or what you do, IT’S NOT GONNA FUCKING HAPPEN!
Wing: Uh, okay, but...what isn't?
Mystic: i honestly can't exactly explain the purpose of that dialogue tbh. maybe i was venting again? in a very unclear way apparently xP
Wing: LOL Maybe.
It's not like you can write in a book or whatever and whatever you write down will come true!
Wing: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/82e8563ff1b434c4aec200497f0fef6c/http://i785.photobucket.com/albums/yy135/RowennaandPittie/the_Death_Note.jpg
Mystic: OH FUN FACT: original plot of the story is actually similar to death note
Wing: …Oiy... Wing: So basically, her friend is like "Thanks for helping out, friend! :D" "Oh yeah sure no prob" "OH MY GOD YOU NEVER LET ME DO ANYTHING FOR MYSELF!! YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD!! I HATE YOU!! [runs off crying]" "...wtf"
Life doesn't work that way--instead, it throws shit into your face until you crack and start to shut down. That's what's gonna happen to me someday, Remeleen. Just you wait.” After her rant, she left, stomping with every step.
I stood at my spot, stunned, feeling my own tears bubble up inside me.
Wing: yo, if she feels tears bubbling inside her, I think she should see a doctor
Mystic: everyone in this story needs doctors tbh Mystic: they're all insane i swear
Wing: like, actually insane, not fictional insane, which is "cool" and "edgy" Wing: (It irks me when people write about mental disorders just to make things interesting or portray mental illness like it's hip or cool. > >)
Mystic: Yeah, that portrayal irritates me as well.
Wing: It's like Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way cutting her wrists all the time. She doesn't actually want to die. She doesn't even want someone to help her. She just wants to look edgy. Shit or get off the pot, Enoby
Mystic: although apparently that's what happened somehow in this story [shudders] Mystic: oh good lord
Leaf had always poured her fears and beliefs onto me,
Wing: Sounds messy
but not with this much emotion. I knew what she had to deal with for her whole life: a mom with two of Leaf’s younger half-sisters,
Wing: Leaf's a mom with her two younger half-sisters??
Mystic: Leaf has a mom and two younger half sisters ^^' coulda been worded better
Wing: Ohhh ok Wing: I was like "isn't she too young to be taking care of orphans" Wing: Suddenly, Leaf's entire history
Mystic: yup, all condensed into a paragraph summary Mystic: which i thought was somehow necessary
who believes that Leaf isn't trying hard enough, even though she knows about the disabilities she has; a stepfather who is kind on the outside, but has a quick temper and a stern voice on the inside; and a real father who has slept with every woman imaginable and treats Leaf like crap every time she visits him. Good god, she nearly got raped by him six years ago when she was seven years old, which got him into jail and she never saw him again. Even though he apologized, because that night he was drunk and all, she absolutely refused to see his, and I quote, “dirty, disgusting face again.” Leaf told me about almost everything that happened to her in her lifetime; and I listened. And most times, I couldn't get a word of advice to her because of how awful or sad or horrible her experience was. All I really could do was hug and cry with her. The only happy moments Leaf ever had were when we had our sleepovers, or when I invited her for a family vacation if my parents allowed it (which, they have always done).
Wing: Jfc
I really do want Leaf to be my sister, because when she's not depressed or angry, she's the best friend a friend could be--maybe even more.
Wing: More than a friend? :D
She's funny, supportive, a great team player, amazing with younger children, and really creative. If she was my sibling, we could be twins, and have so much fun together. We could play with Amy, my little sister, and our Akita/Husky mix, Rocky, all the time. Amy absolutely adores Leaf, and even calls her 'sister' when she sees her. My parents love Leaf too. They know as much about Leaf as I do and they see her as another daughter. They just about love her almost as much as me.
“Oy, Remy!” I heard Kyle's voice. He ran up to me, his forehead even more drenched with sweat. It must have been from playing soccer with his friends. “Hey, what happened to Leafsters?
Wing: “Leafsters”
She looked awful upset running into the building,” he said.
I was about to answer when the bell for the end of school rang.
“I'll tell you when I get home,” I told him. He nodded as we raced into our classroom.
I got to my locker and began putting my materials inside. I had only gotten three needed subjects in when the loudspeaker clicked on, announcing for the pick-ups to head to the school's front entrance. Five more minutes until the first bus wave is called.
I thrust my English folder into my backpack and then reentered my homeroom. I left it on my desk to search for Leaf.
Wing: She left her entire homeroom on that desk. That must have been a huge desk
I slipped between the classrooms, hoping to find my best friend. I have to catch her before she departs for the first-wave buses … because she needs to know. She just has to know that I'll always be her person to cry to, to laugh with, and to always buddy up with when doing team-projects. That she'll never be alone, as long as she's got me, even when I'm not there. Leaf may not have a cell phone, and neither do I, but there's a kind of telepathy link between us that acts like an instant messenger, so we can tell what we're thinking most of the time.
Wing: ..................Sure, honey
But this is something that has to be communicated though words.
I spent almost the entire five minutes looking in all three of them when the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Leaf would've gone to the Resource Room. It's considered the “safe haven” for special needs students … like Leaf.
I was just about to head out from Mr. Gorgon's room,
Wing: Mr. Gorgon?? That poor man. I wonder if people are afraid to look at him
which is just across the hallway from it, when the announcement that I've been dreading clicks on:
“PLEASE DISMISS FIRST-WAVE STUDENTS RIDING BUSES ONE, THREE, FIVE, AND SEVEN!” the woman's voice projected, sounding like a sonic boom.
Wing: I highly doubt her voice broke the sound barrier LOL
Mystic: definitely broke my ear drums plenty of times hahaha xD
I hit myself mentally in the head. Idiot! Leaf’s on the first wave! Now what? I cursed in my mind.
Wing: Okay, you said "bitch" earlier and Leaf said "fucking." What part of your thoughts right there were curses??
Mystic: very good question Mystic: and i have no answer thank god
I began to search frantically through the crowd of seventh and eighth graders, now filing out of the rooms and out to the bus pick-up circle. I caught Leaf’s fluorescent-blue tee shirt emerging from the Resource Room,
Wing: What the hell is fluorescent blue
Mystic: uhhh, very bright blue? i guess? pfft Mystic: course i coulda just said bright blue
Kali: Maybe it's literally a shirt made of fluorescent lights...?
Wing: Holy shit that sounds uncomfortable and also capable of causing burns
Kali: Appropriate for this story.
and I knew that I had to get her attention. But with all the kids talking, my own voice was drowned out.
“Leaf!” I shouted anyway, clapping and jumping. Her face found mine.
Wing: I knew they were gay!!/kidding
I then pointed to myself, made a heart with my hands, and pointed back to her. I knew I had succeeded because she smiled brightly and laughed as she disappeared through the glass double-doors.
Wing: That was easy.
I did a small fist-pump when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found one of my other friends, Marybeth. She’s half African American, but she has straight black hair with brown natural highlights. Not like Audrey’s fake dye.
“Heya, Mary,” I greeted her as we slapped our hands together. She smiled me a picture-perfect white smile with colorful braces.
“Remy, my friend, you are so going to love me,” Marybeth replied.
“What for?” I asked.
“I,” she takes a dramatic pause, “got both of our names in for volunteering at the Northern Vet Clinic!”
I was stunned. “…Seriously?” I gasped in delight. “Marybeth… you ARE AMAZING!” I cried.
Wing: Apparently, Remy and I have different definitions of the word “amazing.”
Marybeth shrugged, the bright grin on her visage never ceasing. “I know,” was all she could say.
“Hey, mind if I join in?” Kyle approached us.
“Well, look who’s tardy to the party,” Marybeth mocked, rolling her eyes.
Kyle chuckled and rubbed his forehead. “Sorry, babe, didn’t mean to be late.” Oh, I think I forgot to mention the fact that Marybeth and Kyle are girlfriend and boyfriend.
Wing: I literally do not care.
Suddenly, the room comm. beeped on again:
Kyle, Marybeth and I raced back to our rooms to collect our backpacks (or in Mary’s case, her book bag),
Wing: ????? What??? is the difference????
then we made a mad dash out the double doors. As we arrived into the bus pick-up area, we were greeted by four long, yellow, revving engines.
Wing: So wait, not only were the engines yellow, but it was JUST the engines waiting out there? I'm no expert on car mechanics, but I don't think that would work very well.
Kyle parted from us and went to bus 2 as Marybeth and I turned tail and headed for bus 8.
Marybeth and I claimed a backseat and settled down as the other kids began to board onto the bus.
“So, when do we start volunteering?” I inquired to Marybeth. She took out her iPhone and started looking at some songs.
“Well, we have to shadow a vet first to get the feel of the environment.” As she said this, she handed me a sheet. Obviously a permission slip to shadow a veterinarian. “After that, the vets will select a few people to volunteer once for one day. Before you do, you have to take a test of basic veterinarian knowledge. And then after the volunteering, they make you take another survey about what you saw and what you liked and disliked. And then, poof—you’re selected based off the surveys,” Marybeth finished explaining. Then she popped her ear-buds into her ears and began to blast music.
I took out my own MP3 Player and began to play my own media. As I listened to the random selection of soundtracks, I dosed off,
Wing: What no, don't mess with the dosage of your medicine, Remy
the warmth of the day soothing my nerves. The mighty vehicle rattled as the bus driver put it into drive and began to pull out of the bus-circle.
Kali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmmLtPEsRZw
Wing: oh my god
The music that lulled my brain slowly ticked away the time, since it took the bus a near hour to drop me off at home. I woke up as it hit the familiar bump that came ten minutes before my stop. I looked over at Marybeth, who moved to another seat and was lying on the cheap leather, asleep.
The bus finally came to a stop near my house. When I leapt off the final stair, the doors closed behind me with a hiss. As it pulled away, I caught a glimpse of Marybeth waving to me,
Wing: I guess Mary's waving in her sleep
which I returned. I only stopped when the vehicle rolled out of sight, the acid stench streaming from the exhaust pipe.
I began to hum a made-up tune as I skipped to the door, catching the blue color of my mom’s Subaru Forester. I let myself into the house, throwing my bag on the floor nearby. Immediately, the scent of cleaner perfumes hit me full force.
Wing: I don't think that's a thing.
Clearly, the cleaning lady had just left.
“Mom, I’m home!” I called. My mom had always been a stay-at-home person, because she has this thing about the house being robbed if she wasn’t there to look after it. She could get a job, having got her Bachelor’s Degree in college, but her OCD of the house is so bad she refuses to get one—which, as of late, has led to my parents arguing often. My mom also has it over Rocky, because she’s afraid he’ll make an accident indoors,
Wing: “Look at this accident! I made it all by myself!! :D”
even though he’s very good with using the doggy-door my dad installed for him so he could go into the backyard and do his business.
“Remeleen?” my mom responded. She came from the corner of the kitchen door frame and approached me. “Oh, there you are—the bus came later than usual, I was worried there had been something wrong,” she said. Another example of one of my mom’s many obsessive thoughts.
“Mom, I’m fine. Stop being such a worry wart,” I joked.
She sighed, although a nervous smile still played on her face. “Well… what can I say? After Charlie had that accident…” Her voice choked and she stopped, a saddened expression taking over.
Charlie is my big brother, who’s in his second year of high school. Three weeks ago, some drunken bastard decided to t-bone his bus at a cross-light.
Wing: Must've been a pretty tall car.
The outcome was really bad—almost all of the people on the bus were injured, but Charlie got the worst since the car t-boned the side where his seat was. He got cracked ribs, an open fraction in his leg, and several breaks in both of his arms.
Wing: Not really sure what an "open fraction" is, or how Charlie's leg had one
Mystic: oh I've almost had one of those. it's basically when the bone breaks thorugh the skin
Wing: Wouldn't that be "open fracture" then?
Mystic: if it's a closed fracture it's when the bone breaks but the skin is still intact Mystic: wait Mystic: did i spell it as fraction
Wing: You did, my dear.
Mystic: whoops
Charlie is still in the hospital, and for how much longer I don’t know. They have to keep him there to keep a close eye on his wounds, perform rehabilitation therapy, and reapply the bandages and casts. I hope he comes back soon, though.
“Mom, Charlie is still alive, isn’t he? The doctors and nurses are taking good care of him, and he’s a natural fighter. Don’t you remember when he was little—you have to because you told me this story—when he was only four years old? He drank the Orange Glow in the bowl that the previous housekeeper left on the ground, thinking it was some kind of juice. The people at Poison Control thought he wouldn’t make it… and guess what?” I left that for her to answer.
“I know…I just worry a lot, that’s all,” Mom defended.
Wing: Charlie: I'm gonna become a mathematician!! There's math inside me! Remy: That's great! Charlie: It's in my soul! It's in my blood! Remy: Go for it, bro! Charlie: It's in my bones!! Remy: That's the spirit!! Charlie: No!! I mean really!!! It's iN MY FUCKING BONES AAAAAH I NEED AN AMBULANCE Remy: FUCK
“Well, I’m still alive, and you don’t have to worry about me all the time. Things in life always happen when you’re not looking, whether for better or for worse,” I reassured her.
Suddenly, Leaf’s rant came back to me:
“…No matter what you say, or what you do, ITS NOT GONNA FUCKING HAPPEN! It's not like you can write in a book or whatever and whatever you write down will come true! Life doesn't work that way—instead, it throws shit into your face until you crack and start to shut down.”
Will that really happen to you, Leaf? The last thing I want to see is for you to just vanish off the face of the Earth, not knowing what to do or how to react.
Wing: Well, in fairness, at least if she vanishes off the face of the earth, you won't have to see her reaction.
“Oh, speaking of which—where’s Amy?” I asked.
“She’s sleeping over Tanya’s house today, because, you know, it’s a Friday,” she responded.
Wing: Sleeping over her house. Like, in a giant hammock above the roof.
“Oh, alright. Well, I’m gonna work on weekend homework—fun, right?—up in my room. I’ll take Rocky for his walk after supper,” I said, grabbing my backpack and marching up the steps.
“Okay, honey.” My mom’s voice sounded tired, and sad. For one moment, I felt like I should’ve done something. But the feeling fled as my air-conditioned room called to me, and I obliged.
I just want to feel alright.
The times you don’t want to wake up,
cause when you sleep it’s never over when you give up.
The sun is always gonna rise up.
You need to get up, gotta keep your head up.
Look at the people all around you.
The way you feel is something everybody goes through.
Dark out, but you still gotta light up.
You need to wake up, gotta keep your face up.
~Lyrics from Face Up, by Lightsa
I deeply apologize for how long that was! Maybe I should have split it up, huh?...Well, in any case, I hope you enjoyed it! More to come soon!
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agentem · 8 years
Emily Watches Iron Fist, Episode One
Is Colleen in this one?: Yes, appears 21 minutes in.
Is Claire in this one?: No
It opens with his fucking bare feet on the sidewalk as he returns home. I thought I told this guy I didn’t want to see his fucking gross bare feet anymore. (This makes me wonder what Jason Mantzoukas feels about this series. He’s mentioned IRON FIST on HDTGM. I wonder if they would do a HDTGM of a TV show? Asking for a friend.)
I’ve already tuned out. Sorry. So Danny walks around midtown while Outkast’s “So Fresh, So Clean” plays. I miss how the music in Luke Cage meant something already. And how the show had a tone and shit.
Danny goes to Rand Corp and asks for Harold. I feel like I’ve seen this clip online.
He finds a screen and watches a video about the Rand Corporation, which Danny says is “new.” It shows us Wendall and Harold smiling and shit. Then security throws Danny out.
No shirt, no shoes, no service, dude.
So Danny beats up the security guys who are just doing their job, really. I wish they had said something or been rude in some way. I just feel bad for them. The show makes the odd choice to put the fight--our first look at the Iron Fist in action!--in slow motion. Unless your action is incredibly fast, which this isn’t, I don’t think slowing stuff down makes it cooler. The choreography is fine but I think they are actually doing it a disservice, making it look quite rehearsed.
He steals a woman’s keycard and blows past a secretary to go into Harold’s office. But ward is in there. Joy just happens to walk in. Danny is like, “it’s me!” But they don’t recognize him.
Ward gets angry because he thinks this homeless weirdo is pretending to be his dead friend and asking to see his dead father. Joy is freaked out. She says he sort of looked like Danny. Ward assures her it was not Danny.
Security comes again, and Danny holds his head like he has a headache. What he’s having is flashbacks to the plane crash and the death of his family.
All of this seems too much too fast. Ward and Joy play the above scene like it is super serious, while Finn Jones clearly thinks it’s a comedy. But there isn’t any comedy beats to it. I actually think that was probably a good choice and it would’ve played better if Ward and Joy were like, “Whoa, weirdo.” Maybe if that had happened before? They got fake Danny Rands all the time?
But Marvel probably didn’t want to establish a joke-y tone since they think the Netflix shows should be super gritty, or whatever. But you have to admit it is hard to take Danny seriously here, in his dumb dirty hippie clothes and no shoes.
The flashback then swings us again into the super dramatic! (The tones are fighting each other and it’s not even the first ten minutes.) But then switches to the elevator and the guards telling Danny they don’t give a shit about him. Danny replies that guard reminds him of “Billy” whom he guesses retired.
Awkward opening scene is awkward. Clearly the filmmakers are finding their way as they go, which OF COURSE contributed to the early negative reviews of the opening episodes. . Very different from Luke Cage and Jessica Jones whose creators had a clear point of view from the jump.
Danny then heads to a brownstone near Gramercy Park. “Danny, Mom and Dad” was drawn into the concrete in front of the building. You know whoever bought that after the Rands would’ve had it removed. Weirdly, he finds the key in its usual hiding place but the key no longer works. Did nobody notice the key in this completely obvious hiding spot when it was sold?
Danny leaps up onto a balcony with an improbably open window and just lets himself in. Poignant music plays. He looks at books along the wall and has AN EXPRESSION. But in this moment I am not sure if the room is as it was when he left (which seems improbable) or has been redecorated. I’m confused. We finally see a photograph of Joy and Ward... which means... they moved into their dead friends’ place after he died?
A dog barks and Danny approaches it warily. He does something kind of meditative and the dog becomes friendly. It would’ve been cooler if the dog were old and recognized him. But at least Danny and Luke are on the same page regarding “we don’t hurt dogs.”
Danny goes back into the library-type room and finds more pictures of their families when they were younger, Joy’s degree from Columbia, Then he goes upstairs to the roof garden where he is flashbacks to them playing as kids.
Again, I say it is WEIRD that the Meachums kept the Rand’s house after they died.
Young Danny, Ward and Joy play Monopoly on the roof. We get some heavy-handed clues that Ward is kind of a douche who follows in his father’s footsteps. The Rands arrive home and little Danny calls, “We’re up here!” Ward gets mad and stomps on Danny’s foot saying some stuff about how his mommy and daddy give him hugs and kisses. He knocks the pieces off the game board dramatically.
Danny goes downstairs and sees Joy coming home from work. So she lives here? In her dead friend’s old family home? WEIRD. It’s still weird. You can’t convince me otherwise. And if later on we get some monologue from her about how she always wanted to be part of the Rand family and not her own, then I think it’s even fucking weirder.
Like a creeper, Danny watchers her for awhile then leaves. He could’ve at least “borrowed” some shoes while he was there.
Suddenly it is nighttime, and Danny is just chillin’ in Gramercy Park. He takes some stuff out of his backpack, an old walkman-type device, a leather-bound book, something else I can’t make out. He pops in the earbuds and listens to music and reads.
Another missed comedy opportunity. If he were listening to some random pop song from the 2000s, like Britney Spears. Oh I would’ve loved that.
Anyway, another homeless(?) man approaches Danny and introduces himself as Big Al. Big Al has an iPhone and says “you can find anyone you want on the internet!” Danny asks him to look up Danny Rand. The poor actor who plays Big Al has to explain that this kid died in a plane crash. Then he asks him to look up Harold Meachum. Also dead, we’re told.
Big Al says you can get shoes at a specific shelter. THANK YOU, BIG AL, YOU ARE THE HERO OF THIS SHOW.
Danny kind of laughs at him and is like, “I guess people think we’re pretty much alike.” Fuck you, dude. Don’t laugh at Big Al. He’s the hero of the show!
Probably offended, Big Al gets up and leaves.
The next morning, Danny creepily accosts Joy outside her building. He tries to tell her dumb random facts to make her believe him and she’s like “you could’ve looked that up on the internet.” Annoyed, Danny says she lives in his house which clearly even he thinks is WEIRD. She says it is her house now. Danny dumbly says, “Yeah your dog is kinda scary,” giving away that he went through her stuff last night. She starts to get annoyed.
Danny wanders into the street, like a dummy, and is nearly hit by a taxi which he jumps over in weird special effects. Joy is like, “whut.” Danny walks away.
He does tai chi or something in Gramercy Park, communing with an eagle (bird of prey of some type?) flying over the city. When someone puts money in his cup.
IT’S COLLEEN WING. OMG. I’m so excited. It’s her! And she’s nice to crazy homeless guys! She’s putting up fliers for her self defense classes.
Danny tries to give the money back to her, but she won’t take it.
He says her name, “Colleen Wing.” Then starts speaking to her in Mandarin. She replies in Mandarin, and he starts speaking again. Then she cuts him off and says she speaks Japanese or English. That she hasn’t spoken Mandarin since she was a kid.
I’ve seen this scene criticized online, that he would just start speaking Mandarin to her. And I agree that is weird to assume she knows the language. “Wing” is also a Chinese name, so perhaps him stating “Colleen Wing” indicates he recognizes her ancestry. It doesn’t excuse the idea that she MUST know Mandarin. But it’s pointing out an inconsistency in the Marvel universe, that Colleen is trained as a Japanese samurai and ninja, yet she has a Chinese name. (Jessica Henwick, the actress who plays her is half Singaporean-Chinese and half white.) Am I giving them too much credit here to think that was the purpose of the scene? Probably.
Danny asks her for a job.
Colleen is like, “Um, you’re a homeless man I met in a park who just kind of insulted me?” She says, “I already got someone to clean up.” ZING!
I love her. Have I mentioned I love her?
She leaves and I feel sad and bereft. The show cuts to Joy at the Rand building. She’s telling Ward about her encounter with Danny that morning. Ward decides he’s an insane, homeless acrobat. Joy wonders if maybe they should talk to him and see if it’s really Danny. Ward is like “Nope.” This is a crazy person who is playing on your emotions, making you want to believe your friend is back. That is dangerous. While we’re clearly meant to see Ward as the bad guy, especially considering his youthful Monopoly tantrum, I think he’s right here. It could be a con man, who is trying to get money out of them.
Ward lays out a theory that this is corporate sabotage. They are just about to announce their expansion into China, and someone shows up claiming to own half the company. I don’t know if I believe that. But there could definitely be a con artist trying to cash in on a missing dead, rich kid. Just look at how many fake Anatasias there were, and that was before the internet.
Danny then accosts Ward in the parking lot, getting in his car. Ward tells him to stop but jumps in the passenger seat. Danny’s like, ”Sorry! I haven’t driven since my dad put me on his lap and let me drive around.” Again, this is Jones playing Danny as a kind of wide-eyed goof ball. He seems to think driving is so cool.
Ward pulls a gun out of the glove compartment and tells Danny to pull over. I’m wondering where he thinks Danny can pull over in a parking garage.
Then a kind of rage comes over Danny. He’s like “I have been met with nothing but anger and hostility since I got home!” Then he grabs the gun and points it at Ward, kind of gleefully saying, “How’s it feel? Not so good, right?” Danny is very creepy and not-likeable in this moment. And it’s strange that he was so calm only seconds before. I don’t remember Iron Fist having Wolverine-like berserker rages.
Ward, pretty heroically defiant here, says, “You will never get a penny from us.” Even though Danny is clearly crazy. Danny says he doesn’t want money he wants answers about his family.
The actor who plays Ward (I should look this up), then tells the backstory of the Rand family, how they died in a plane crash over the Himalayas. How the bodies were never found. Danny wants more but Ward says that’s it.
Danny accuses Ward of being a dick as a kid, putting him in freezers and putting a dead frog in his food, stuff like that. This clearly resonates with Ward who, nonetheless says, “None of that is true.” And demands DNA or fingerprints to prove this is Danny. Danny says he doesn’t have any of that, which is really his own fault. Couldn’t he get dental records or something? Think, man!
Danny, fully unhinged, starts driving super fast up the parking lot to the roof, saying this is what it was like to watch his mother die and know he and his father were next. (How is this situation similar at all?) He nearly drives them off the roof, while having flashbacks, only to swerve at the last minute.
Cut to Danny alone in the park listening to his Britney Spears. Big Al brings him a sandwich saying he thought Danny might be hungry. Seriously, hero! They have a chat about society and hunters and gatherers and the Buddha. Danny states definitely that his purpose in life is to protect K’un L’un which begs the question ... why are you HERE?
Happily we then cut to Colleen’s dojo. Yay HEART COLLEEN. Danny shows up at the end of a class to talk to her. She asks if he’s here for a lesson and he offers up the money she gave him. She says that will only get him a cup of coffee down the street and Danny says he never had coffee before.
In Luke Cage world, I think that means he’s a virgin. Right. RIGHT?!?
Colleen suggests he could also get a pair of flip flops because CLEARLY HE NEEDS SHOES. Yes, good thinking, Colleen. Danny is like, “Nah I’m good.”
Bro, you are not good. Your feet are gross. At least wash ‘em.
Danny says he wants to challenges Colleen’s master. Which, dude, lemme stop you there. Colleen is her own master. I am more offended by this than the Mandarin, tbh. She’s like, I’m the master and I don’t accept your challenge, GTFO.
He asks if she teaches kung fu and she’s like, nope. He again offers to teach for her. And she’s annoyed. Rightly, he’s annoying.
Before he leaves, because she is way nicer than I am and a HERO she gives him shoes (kind of martial arts shoes, with a toe?). Finally! Yes, Colleen. Thank you. I don’t want to see those dirty ass feet anymore.
As he’s putting the shoes on outside, some guy attacks him randomly. It’s the security guard from Rand that reminded him of Bill. There’s two other guys with him. Danny fights them and Colleen watches out of her window.
Because she’s a fucking hero, she descends the fire escape of her building with her sword to help him out. Danny knocks out one and throws away his gun while Colleen watches, like a badass.
Then there is a random street fair. I call bullshit on this. It looks kind of like Chinese New Year, they have the dragon on sticks. But Lunar New Year is in the Winter and earlier when Danny was in the Park, there were flowers on the trees. It’s also not nearly big enough to be NYC’s Lunar New Year celebration. Nor of there any Year of Animal? People just have glow sticks? So it’s like a vaguely Chinese rave in the streets?
Danny buys a mask (with Colleen’s money) off a street vendor. I don’t know why he would think this would make him less conspicuous? All I can tell is it would make the fight scenes easier because the stunt double doesn’t have to hide his face.
There are bubbles and birds in cages. WTF celebration is this supposed to be? I’m a white girl who has only been to two Chinese New Year parades. It wouldn’t honestly make me feel better if someone could tell me this was a real thing.
Masked!Danny, disarms another bad guy. Then another. This time he demands to know who sent him. The security guard says it was Ward, which I thought was pretty obvious. Danny is not that bright.
Colleen watches. When Danny turns to where she was standing second ago, she is not there. Colleen is mysterious and cool.
Ward is eating when he gets a call. He calls someone else and sets up a meeting about the “situation.” He then goes to a cool art deco building (where is this?) in a Hyundai (whhaaaat?). They draw this out big time. But he’s meeting with... his dead dad! (Played by David Wenham, of being Faramir in Lord of the Rings fame.)
Faramir and Ward have a weird discussion about loyalty before getting to the matter at hand. Ward insists the Danny is a lunatic. Faramir wonders if it is Danny does that mean his parents are also still alive. Good question! Faramir has other questions too and says that’s why you can’t just send someone to beat him up. Faramir says he’s going to take care of this one and tell him exactly what to do.
Then we cut to the park, where Danny finds Big Al with a needle in his arm (!!) dead. I’m annoyed about this. We had no reason to believe Big Al was an addict. You gotta foreshadow that shit. Just because he’s homeless doesn’t mean he MUST be on drugs.
Danny prays over Big Al’s corpse and notices a bird tattoo on his arm. Ominous music plays.
Cut to Rand building in daytime, Danny just waltzes into Joy’s office. The security guards who recognized him must all be out sick that day? He tells Joy her brother tried to have him killed.
They have a boring conversation. Danny tells the story of the plane crash, getting his headache face again. Oh no, it’s not headache face. That’s Finn Jones’ acting face, I guess. Joy has put something in his tea. He passes out on the floor, flashing back to K’un L’un before waking up in a mental hospital.
Danny remembers the plane crash and waking up in the snow with Outkast’s “So Fresh, So Clean” playing. Oh see I didn’t even realize that song was from 2001. If it were Britney Spears I would’ve gotten it!
End episode. This post was long. I need to do shorter ones in the future or this will take weeks.
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