#shoeb ahmad
goats-of-bandcamp · 5 months
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lcurham · 1 year
Wordpress site changes - live
Selected Performances
The Film Remains the Same, You are here 2014;
Spartak at CCAS Nov 2014
Unconsious Archives at Café Oto, London with Alison Blunt, June 2013;
Sound Lounge, Seymour Centre with Alister Spence Trio, April 2013;
Jazz at the Loft, Canberra with Alister Spence, Raymond McDonald & Shoeb Ahmad, Jan 2013;
SoundOut Festival, Canberra 2013, 2014
Melbourne International Arts Festival, Soak, with the Australian Art Orchestra, 2010
Jazz Visions Festival, Sound Lounge, Sydney, 2010
Smack Bang Festival, Red Rattler, Sydney, Jan 2010
NZ International Film Festival- Frames Per Second A Film of One's Own, Auckland, 2009
Waiting to Turn into Puzzles at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 2008
Val Camonica Pieces, Victorian Arts Centre, 2007
OtherFilm annual festival, Brisbane 2006-8;
NowNow annual exploratory music festival, Sydney, 2006-9
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nofatclips · 3 years
Risk Reaps Reward by Tangents, recorded live at Melbourne's radio Triple R - 102.7FM
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kafkasmelomania · 3 years
July 11, 2021: A Body Full of Tears by Shoeb Ahmad
*Bandcamp here
If you’d like to get involved with stopping the atrocities against Palestine, here’s where you can start (text in bold for readability):
DONATE: here and here
PETITIONS AND ACTIONS: petition (UK only), petition (UK only), petition, actions to take/reading list
HISTORY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: overview of the conflict (video 1 and video 2), Decolonize Palestine’s FAQ, the conflation of Jewish identity with the modern Israeli state, the Nakba, the history of the Israeli settlements in Palestine, miscellaneous podcast episodes about some specific issues with the narrative around Palestine, and a list of various resources for information
PRESENT DAY: the crisis as it currently exists, U.S. foreign aid to Israel,  Palestine-United States relations, Israel-United States relations, perspectives from on the ground in Gaza, a bunch of videos about the crisis (recommendations: “Life Inside Gaza After Nearly 2 Weeks of Bombings”, “Israel Is Vaccinating ‘Everyone’ – Besides 5 Million Palestinians”, and “Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel”), the gentrification of East Jerusalem
Black lives matter and here are some ways you can get involved in the  fight against racism, specifically anti-black racism (text in bold for readability):  
This Linktree and this Carrd are full of ways to confront and fight against anti-black racism: places to donate, advice for protesting, educational resources.
Donate to: Families Supporting Families Against Police Violence, the Racial Justice Network, Communities United Against Police Brutality, the Bail Project, the Black Trans Advocacy Coalition, the NAACP, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the Okra Project, the Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative, For The Gworls, G.L.I.T.S., the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, the Black Trans Travel Fund, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, and the Black Trans Femmes in the Arts Collective.
Here is a post with a list of GoFundMe campaigns that have yet to reach their goals.
Additional GoFundMe campaigns: Justice for Breonna Taylor, In Memory of Jamarion Robinson, Rent Fund For Black LGBT Family, Esperanza Spalding’s BIPOC Sanctuary, Survival and Gender Affirming Needs for Black Enby, Jaya and Dylan’s Move out Fund, Janet and David’s apartment burned down, Help Revay get to medical school, Help Dai Parker Get Back into College Fund, Help Send Howard to Berklee College of Music, A Home for Harriett’s Bookshop
(via https://open.spotify.com/album/3t91Gq5eaHvq7cknvvXqkx?si=Soq2w9kbRhKccR_9h8jCDg)
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lacklustrerecords · 2 years
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You know what it is.
Honey 2 Honey from Sydney travelling down the Hume to play with Shoeb Ahmad & Sterecenter on Saturday, October 15th. Sideway -- the smoothest concrete floor in the Canberra CBD. Nothing to worry about.
$10 on the door. Starting from ~8p.m. Don’t be late!
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reubeningall · 6 years
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Playing another show 24/10/2018
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Listed: Tangents
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Sydney-based quintet Tangents have been playing together since 2010, but 2016’s Stateless LP marked a shift in the band’s method and sound, bringing their improvisational, collaberative playing into the studio to be reconsidered and reconfigured in the moment. This year’s Stents + Arteries EP showed the continued vitality of that approach and teased their new album New Bodies, of which Dusted’s Ian Mathers said their “post-everything mode of working is embracing rather than exclusionary [...] the result creates something intoxicatingly new.” To mark the occasion, all five band members have contributed to our Listed feature, with influences and interests running from U2 to µ-Ziq and back.
Tony Conrad & Faust—Outside The Dream Syndicate
Leading up to the New Bodies recording session, I started playing bass guitar at points during our live set and really enjoyed locking into Evan with a singular pulse while the other three could let loose melodically. I wanted to pursue something similar in vibe when recording so that’s what you hear from me on ‘Gone To Ground’.
This album is pretty up there for me - not as ecstatic as LaMonte Young’s “dream music” works that Conrad was part of but also not as freewheeling as the Faust albums before this and definitely darker than both.
I love the myth of Jean-Herve Peron playing the second bass note on “From The Side of Man and Womankind” against Conrad’s wishes and I’d like to say that the loose implied funk of my bass playing is in a tribute to that.
U2—”Stay (Faraway, So Close!)” from Zooropa (1993)
Tangents is pretty left field with our musical aesthetics so this selection could be seen as a complete joke but I’ll own U2’s influence on me as a musician, even if it’s a bit naff to others.
A lot of the processes in place for the making of Zooropa (the album this track is from) remind me of how we like to work in Tangents - Ollie in a pseudo Eno role with his loops and live effects, melodic/harmonic improvisations and rhythm based studio jams - but the thing that resonates most about this song in particular is The Edge’s lullaby-like guitar riff that creates and then sustains the sweet sentimentality throughout. I’d say as much as his “single note through effects” style is basically the seed from where my guitar playing grew from, his fondness to write simple twee melodies on their best songs has influenced me more. I enjoy being able to do something similar to offset the more adventurous elements of our music and I’d say it comes to the fore in New Bodies more than before too.
Oh - did I say I was a sucker for the Wim Wenders video that was intercut with scenes from Wings Of Desire? I be honest, I think U2 may have more to answer for in making me wanna pursue an Art Pop vibe...
µ-Ziq vs The Auteurs—”Lenny Valentino 3″ from The Auteurs vs. μ-Ziq (1994)
If we talk strings in Tangents, we’ll probably be referencing somebody like Godspeed, but as contemporaries I find it hard to describe them as an influential. I love their work but never for a second think of them when I’m playing the cello. So I’m choosing this gorgeous piece of faux-classical string pads with overdriven beats from the maestro Mike Paradinas aka µ-Ziq (it’s got very little to do with the Auteurs), because mid-’90s idm is in my blood, and Mike’s (and Richard D James’) plangent layered strings are always in there when I’m layered cello lines.
Amon Tobin—”One Day In My Garden” from Bricolage (1997)
Ollie & I have many discussions about our love of jungle & drum’n’bass. Ollie’s duo Icarus of course were contemporaries of early Amon Tobin, and a track from their first album appears on his Recorded Livemix album - serious props! Obviously the insanely chopped beats of the junglist pioneers, then Photek & Source Direct et al, contribute to our modus operandi(Photek joke, sorry), as do the more avant-garde sounds from Plug, Aphex, µ-Ziq et al. But Amon Tobin drew from his love of jazz and Brazilian music to create magnificent journeys in each track - the samba gives way to snapping breaks as, presumably, the garden becomes a jungle, and calm is returned by the end. Amon Tobin once regarded himself as a collagist more than a musician, and this collage aspect, albeit drawn from the instrumentalists in the band, is a big part of Tangents’ construction of our music.
Everything Arca does has been blowing my mind for a while now. The production, rhythms, art, various (high-profile) collaborations, and on this record, his beautiful vocals, are all next level. Funnily/awkwardly enough I first heard Arca because his Soundcloud release (set/mix) Entrañas was reviewed next to our album Stateless by Pitchfork. A real honour to paired up with such a incredible modern artist, even just in web print. Looking forward to hearing more from him.
Scott Walker—Bish Bosch
This was and is a very important record for me, as is all Scott’s stuff from Tiltonwards (and Scott 4). When I first heard it I wasn’t sure how to take it all in and I’ve come to accept that I won’t. It’s a complicated and dark record that has a lot of wit and heart too.
Tim Hecker— “I’m Transmitting Tonight” from Radio Amor (2013)
Tracks from New Bodies like ‘Immersion’ and ‘Oort Cloud’ spring from music like that of Tim Hecker. To call this music ‘drone’ or ‘noise’ is to ignore the delicacy of the rhythms of the layers, as well as the jazz-like piano chords that flutter around in his musical stratosphere. ‘I’m Transmitting Tonight’ drifts along but also has a driving momentum, depending on your perspective while listening. Our music too has different angles to approach it. When I produced ‘Immersion’, I enjoyed crafting the stretch, reverb and delay of the piano and guitar, while slamming the cello down an octave so it pensively mumbles below the stacked drum takes. This means you can hear this track almost as jazz, drone or minimal, depending on what your ear is drawn to. ‘Oort Cloud’ has similar cascading piano loops over cello and guitar drowning in sometimes noisy processing, all with an uptempo drum take layered in behind.
Bill Evans—Live in Helsinki 1970
“You use the intellect to take apart the materials, learn to understand them and learn to work with them. It takes years and years of playing so that you develop the facility so that you can forget all of that, and just relax and just play.” - interview during the filming in Helsinki, 1970.
The music of Bill Evans has inspired me for many years. His approach to harmony, melody and interplay is nuanced and emotive, and almost always a sense of calm pervades his music. Playing like Bill Evans, and thinking like him, is a lifelong pursuit. With Tangents, Bill’s philosophy of facility before play is spread across many domains. This includes pianism, a fluid approach to harmony and layering, and even the skills involved to intuit the use of effects pedals and software. The same goes for the others in Tangents - having a meta-consciousness of our band sound while improvising on stage or in the studio is necessary for all of us.
I’d love to see more live concert videos where the artist eloquently discusses musical approaches mid-set.
This is more of a discussion of records that I dream might be more explicitly inspirational in future Tangents records.
Alice Coltrane—Eternity
The loose funky joyousness that I associate with Coltrane is something I think we've started to explore in Tangents of late, though it is still quite latent. We don't really foreground solos too much though, which is something I like about our sound. I've been digging into her archives a bit lately and reflecting on how hard but rewarding it is to find that playful balance point where everything is poised on the verge of falling apart, as in the jammy madness and rhythmic pushing and pulling of Los Caballos. Many bands do this exquisitely and in one guise or another it's always been a strong interest for me, starting in my work with Icarus. There are moments where I think Tangents take it there, such as in the middle section of Terracotta. I look forward to exploring this more both in live improvisation and in studio post-composition. Then I love the fact that this record drops into a Rite of Spring passage (my favourite passage, seriously funky, excellently done). Also inspiration for future work: I'd love to work with Tangents to explore innovative covers and reinterpretations one day.
Pink Floyd—Wish You Were Here
You can't get more boring than to pick Pink Floyd as an influence. Is anyone still reading? But! Truth told I was having a melancholy moment the other day and I put on Wish You Were Here and for the umpteenth time in my life it just blew me away. Tangents' current work is nowhere near this carefully planned, but I hope we might engage in this kind of strict structuring in a future album. Nevertheless that kind of space and casual smoochy blueseyness is something I think we have explored our own way in tracks like Lake George and Gone To Ground, which I actually think is very Floydy. I love the pace of Shine on You Crazy Diamond, that sax solo bursting out of nowhere is stunning, verging on ironic, but completely loveable. I love how Pink Floyd do suites and guest appearances and carefully work the segues between tracks.
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transgendermusic · 6 years
First came the hyper-vulnerable "mask-ed" then the euphoric love buzz of "romance", now Shoeb Ahmad bares all with the long-awaited release of "quiver" - her tome to the complexities of life and acceptance. Built upon the trinity of identity - gender, race and religion - Shoeb maps out a narrative that reflects on her state of mind, familial truths, social disconnection, relationships and personal politics with words that can change from delicate to fierce with the flick of a tongue. Three years in the making and helped brought to life with her various musical collaborators and the mixing help of Rhys Edwards (Gwenno), Jonathan Boulet (Exhibitionist, Party Dozen), John Lee (Beaches, Lost Animal) and Lawrence English (Ben Frost, Blank Realm), "quiver" is a work that stands outside of current musical trends to be its own timeless musical statement.
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hencetherefore · 6 years
Canberra’s national treasure, Shoeb Ahmad, asked me to remix her song “pinpointed” for the special edition of her new album which is out NOW.
Doing this remix took me back to my early-2000s roots both in terms of listening deeply to tense, quiet indie rock albums and also in terms of thinking about how those sounds and feelings could be enmeshed in electronic music, often of a sorta IDM variety. e.g. Halogen’s Building On The Edge Of The Sky remix album from 2004 was probably my first real encounter with electronic music.
Shoeb is involved in Spartak, Tangents, hellosQuare recordings and all sorts of other very good things so you know this will be good.
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xlnc1 · 2 years
Rohi Dhoop Jali - Long Play Part II
Rohi Dhoop Jali – Long Play Part II
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8csc85 Rohi Dhoop Jali – Long Play Written by: Asghar Nadeem SyedProduced by: Kanwar Aftab Ahmad Starring: Khayyam Sarhadi, Sohail Asgar, Irsa Ghazal, Mehmood Aslam, Saiqa Begam, Nasren Qureshi, Kanwar Shahrukh, Shoeb Shaikh, Rashid Mehmood, Salma Khan, Altaf ul Rehman, Uns Mufti, Nasir Mehmood,
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beatdisc · 4 years
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Phwoah, it's been a hectic week! Our late-running RSD Black Friday stock arrived so those orders will be on their way to you all shortly. There's also been a ton of new stock through the store as usual, including new records in from The Avalanches, The Killers, Shoeb Ahmad and Kamasi Washington, as well as re-issues from Uyama Hiroto, XTC, The Distillers & plenty more. Flick through the photos or see below for a full list & prices. Open all weekend with plenty more good stuff coming your way soon. Don't hesitate to get in touch with any requests! @theavalanches - We Will Always Love You (2xLP Coke Bottle Green Colour Press) $68 @thekillers - Imploding The Mirage $55 Kacy & Clayton and Marlon Williams - Plastic Bouquet (White Colour Press) $46 Shoeb Ahmad - A Body Full Of Tears (Clear Vinyl Press) $40 @gregpuciato - Child Soldier: Creator Of God (Oz Colour Press, Numbered/400 Copies) $48 @kamasiwashington - Becoming (Netflix Documentary Soundtrack) $40 @budosband - Long In The Tooth $42 V/A - Hydeout Productions: First Collection (2xLP) $110 Uyama Hiroto - A Son Of The Sun (2xLP) $110 XTC - Drums & Wires (200-Gram Remaster + Bonus 7") $55 The Gun Club - Miami (2xLP Expanded Edition) $60 @thedistillers - s/t (20th Anniversary Colour Re-issue) $48 Tom Petty - Wallflowers & The Rest (3xLP Expanded Edition) $80 @coldchiselofficial - The Live Tapes Vol. 5 (Bondie Lifesaver 1980) (3xLP) $80 Three 6 Mafia - The End (2xLP Orange Vinyl) $70 Soundtrack - Napolean Dynamite (2xLP Clear Vinyl) $60 @spacey_jane - In The Slight (Marble Yellow 10") $35 (at Beatdisc Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIplox7B0vr/?igshid=g2clhj1uqq0r
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affairesasuivre · 4 years
Le streaming du jour #1946 : Tangents - ’New Bodies’
Dans la foulée de l’EP Stents + Arteries, ce troisième opus de Tangents confirme le petit miracle d’osmose aventureuse du quintette australien, héritiers de Tortoise ou The Necks - voire dans les passages plus expérimentaux The Third Eye Foundation, quand le désespoir des orchestrations surgit de rythmiques liquéfiées comme sur Gone to Ground - capables d’irriguer du même souffle libertaire et mélangeur leurs méditations improv jazz aux textures irradiées (Immersion) et leurs épopées post-rock polyrythmiques aux arrangements poignants (Lake George, Swells Under Tito).
Le combo, où l’on retrouve notamment le musicien électronique anglais Ollie Bown du duo Icarus (déjà défendu à l’époque par Temporary Residence Ltd.), revient justement d’une tournée avec les séminaux Chicagoans du label Thrill Jockey et les lignes de vibraphone du pianiste Adrian Lim-Klumpes sur Lake George, les synthés goovesques et autres mélodies de guitare tropicalistes du génialement mutant Terracotta ou encore les accents stellaires du fervent Arteries ne trompent pas sur la filiation, avec toutefois un lyrisme plus prononcé chez les Australiens qui prend le pas sur l’abstraction des auteurs de TNT, par le biais notamment du violoncelle de Peter Hollo (pour le coup, on pense un peu à feu Slow Six, aussi).
Épique et feutré (la batterie et les percussions de l’hyperactif Evan Dorrian donnant le ton), vraiment jazz mais vraiment plein d’autres choses aussi (du dub à la folk en passant par la musique contemporaine répétitive à la Steve Reich), foisonnant d’instruments et de sonorités et pourtant d’une clarté sans faille (même sur le nébuleux Oort Cloud qui clôt l’album sur 7 minutes de bouillonnement impressionniste et onirique mené par un piano vibrant, des drones irisés et la guitare cosmique de Shoeb Ahmad), New Bodies est un disque de paradoxes, celui d’un groupe sans contraintes ni attaches qui suit le fil de son inspiration sans se soucier des étiquettes, pour le plus grand plaisir de nos oreilles toujours avides de territoires vierges à explorer.
Chef-d’œuvre ! 
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aquacobalt · 7 years
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Shoeb Ahmad duo, Mulgara, Canberra, 17 February 2018 video: Silhouette, Mask-ed
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kafkasmelomania · 3 years
Music rec roundup 07/05/2021 - 07/11/2021
Refund by Grrrldick (primary genre: punk)
10 de Espadas by (Me llamo) Sebastián (primary genre: experimental pop)
Embrace by Keep Dancing Inc (primary genre: new wave)
Prove You Wrong by Two and a Half Girl (primary genre: metalcore)
Divine Beats by Wizard of Loneliness (primary genre: lo fi hip hop)
Point Fingers by The Guru Guru (primary genre: art rock)
A Body Full of Tears by Shoeb Ahmad (primary genre: industrial music)
Weekly features:
Playlist Wednesday: “Indie/Pop/Folk Compilation - June 2021 (1½-Hour Playlist)”
Lo-fi Thursday: “That 2 A.M. Fresh Air”
Favorite album this week: Embrace by Keep Dancing Inc
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rollingstoneaus · 7 years
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Five For Friday: Shoeb Ahmad, Backyard, Sampa the Great, Sports Bra, Body Type http://ift.tt/2gfI2vu
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f3news · 7 years
Mumbra Police ne Rs 500 and Rs 1000 old Banned Note seized amounting Rs. 50 lakh Seized Kiye
Mumbra Police ne Rs 500 and Rs 1000 old Banned Note seized amounting Rs. 50 lakh Seized Kiye
💵 Mumbra Police ne Rs 500 and Rs 1000 old Banned Note seized amounting Rs. 50 lakh Seized Kiye
👮🏻 Mumbra police ko tip mili thi ke Mumbra station ke paas ek shaks Banned Notes comission ke basis pe exchange karane aane wala tha 17 August ko
🚓 Mumbra police ne Trap lagakar Jafar Ahmad Shoeb Shaikh ko arrest kiya
📱💶 Aaropi ke paas ek mobile aur takriban 500 ki 2002 aur 100 ki 3938 note baramad hui.
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