#shojs x reader
clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
bad ending!reader meets the white cat? it's been a while, they've settled into their routine as a specimen by now, but the cat reminds them of their humanity and acts as kind of a respite from all the axe murder
"So the darkness has consumed you..but what is darkness if not a long tunnel leading towards the light?"
"Poetic as ever, aren't we?" You sneered down at the pinkish white cat in front of you, hands curled tightly around the handle of your axe.
It was the very same weapon you used not only to break down boarded-up doors throughout the mansion, but also to put an end to Specimen 9's madness in the final room.
However, its usage didn't stop there.
Long before encountering that red fleshy monster, you've acquired the axe back in Specimen 8's section, using it for self-defense against the other specimen who relentlessly chased you down the halls.
It's what any sane person would do in a horror setting if they were given the means to fight back.
But the more time you've spent with it in your possession...something happened.
When a random Specimen 1 popped out at you after just barely escaping Ben with your life, you took all your frustration out on it as you swung the axe several times until it fell off the wall. You were sick of its stupid smiling face mocking your torment.
It may have been the most "passive" specimen, but it sure as hell was the most annoying, too.
And seeing the cardboard remains scattered around your feet brought a smile of relief to your face, before you carried on.
Later, when Specimen 2 showed his face once again, you immediately turned around and plunged the blade into his neck, effectively slicing his body in half after a bit of struggle. Although he could reform himself easily, it bought you enough time to flee to the next room.
He hasn't chased you since.
You didn't know if Spooky placed some enchanted curse on this axe or what, but one thing became very clear to you:
It's that you started to enjoy using it, as though it was meant for you to take all along...and not the hunter or any other victim from before.
You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't feel some degree of euphoria from slaughtering all those unusually violent deer like the savage animals they were.
How could Deer Lord reprimand you for harming his "children"? They were the ones who attack first! They provoked you! It was all just self-defense!!
Of course, you were wise enough to not swing it at everything and everyone to conserve your stamina...although the rage you felt whenever a specimen dared to come near you gave you all the adrenaline you needed to push on.
Even Babs--who couldn't be harmed by your blade--looked shocked when you charged at her and tried taking her down anyways, ignoring the hallucinations she was inflicting on your psyche.
She wondered why they weren't as effective on you as before..but you escaped her clutches once again.
The further you ventured beneath the mansion, the more belligerent you became, having finally lost it once you reached the thousandth room..
Only to be met with the false hope of escape, with Spooky officially introducing you to your final test:
Specimen 9, aka the Taker, who was dead set on not letting you leave here alive.
But the fight was mostly a blur. You barely registered the fireballs that seared your skin, the screaming pillars of his past victims' spirits, and the shadowy hands that tried dragging you under.
All you could remember was how you knocked him out of the sky, before hacking his body to pieces with a maniacal smile on your face, his blood splattering on every square inch of you.
The fun only ended after Spooky was forced to step in and take him away from you. He was still a specimen being studied, after all, so he had to be preserved.
But she wasn't mad at you one bit....far from that, in fact.
If anything, she was very impressed with how you've swung your axe around, both recklessly and with unmatched cruelty. She could see that you certainly weren't some boring ol' human looking to expose her mansion's secrets. Oh no.
This place has brought out your true nature, making you give into your instincts to kill, keep killing, and kill a little bit more....and overkill.
None of this, she observed, was out of survival anymore. You were simply sadistic now.
Spooky liked that, and so she offered you a place in the mansion as a specimen yourself. She remarked that everybody likes the "survivor turns into a monster" trope...and thinks you'll fit the role quite well.
Thus, you were designated as Specimen 14: The Axe Wielder.
You've lost track of time the moment you entered the mansion, but you've become very well-adjusted to your routine here. All you did was roam the underground maze and target any visitors under the guise of being a lost person yourself, luring them into a false sense of security...like you once have.
Your total fatality count was wracking up numbers quite fast.
As for the other specimen, well, they've seem to have forgiven and forgotten any of your past transgressions against them...although it's probably just because Spooky told them to. But regardless, you struck up some friendships with them fast.
But one day while you were aimlessly wandering, you winded up way back in one of Specimen 7's rooms...reencountering that stupid cat who tried acting like your therapist.
You never trusted her. How could you trust anything here in this hellish place?
"Tell me..what are you really?" You stared down at the feline, who swished her tail as the grandfather clock kept annoyingly ticking in the background. "Are you Spooky's dead cat?"
"I am the antithesis of the evil that dwells here. The guiding light in the darkest shadows. It's not too late to help you, but first you have to- "
"What good is your advice if I'm already gone?" Sneering, you readied your axe, growing more enraged by the second. "You deceived me..just like she did! You didn't tell me about Taker, or..or anything! So WHY would I listen to you?!!"
"...because I still see hope in you, Specimen 14." She spoke calmly, her optimistic tone not wavering a bit. "Or should I say...[y/n]."
For a moment, you tensed up, recollection flashing in your mind. You didn't know how she knew that name, but it meant nothing to you now.
"That name is dead to me....and so are YOU!!!" With a yell, you brought the blade down on her head--
But she vanished into thin air.
"Where are you?!" You snapped, eyes glowing red with fury as you searched the room, tearing open the nearest door in an attempt to find her.
However, you were greeted by a quaint office-like space. It looked quite cozy, with motivational posters plastered on the walls, wooden shelves lined with books and soft plushies, and a comfy couch right there in the middle of it all.
This was new. You've never seen this room before.
The little white cat was on the furniture, sitting like a loaf of bread with that pure smile adorning her face. "Come sit, why don't you? We both ought to be comfortable. A little respite is good for the mind, body, and soul."
You said nothing to that, but after a few long moments of hesitance...your legs started moving on their own. The axe's blade scraped the ground as you dragged it behind you, although she didn't seem bothered too much by the awful noise it made.
And you sat as far away from her as you could.
For about a minute or so, there was nothing but silence...save for the gently ticking clock from faraway. The axe's handle was still gripped tightly in your hand, as though it was attached to your own limb.
Then the white cat spoke up. "See? Isn't this much better than all the running around and endangering others surrounding you?"
"...for the record, they endangered me first." You corrected. "So let's get that straight. But...I'll admit my legs have been killing me lately.."
"So you do feel exhaustion and pain, that's good! Both of those and more are all of the human qualities tucked away within you." She chirped. "They're not gone, but simply asleep."
"This house of horrors has taken many things away from people, but the one thing it can't take from you is-"
"You don't even know half the horror I went through.." You growled. "Have you been to any room beyond the 400s? I don't think so...so just stop it. Whatever you're trying to do here isn't helping as much as you think it is. Maybe it could have before, but you're too late."
For once, she stayed silent, instead looking the other way and smiling at the poster.
Shaking your head, you closed your eyes and tried taking some deep breaths to calm yourself down.
It felt..strange not to be killing or breaking anything for once. For some reason you just didn't...feel like doing any of that right now.
This room was probably having another weird effect on you.
Then you suddenly felt the cushions shift in pressure and quickly looked over at the cat. She was standing up now, slowly creeping over to you. "What are you doing?" You eyed her warily. "Don't come near-"
However, you paused when she climbed into your lap and curled up right there and then. Then she gazed up at you, tilting her head in a cutesy way.
She was purring, too.
'Damn it...' As the glow faded from your eyes, you stared down at her for a few long seconds, before a bloodied hand came to rest on her back. Then you gently stroked her fur, hearing her purrs increase in volume.
It didn't take long for you to finally relax, letting go of the deathgrip you've kept on the axe since the moment you obtained it. You let it rest against the furniture--still in your sights, but no longer in your clutches.
Maybe you could stay here for a while.
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hyqerfixation · 1 year
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UPPERMOONS (upset gyokko and hantengu)X BROKE MODERN READER
Part one.- also I’m not used to making story’s instead of one shots sorry y’all 🤞
Female reader
Please reblog my work!!
Daki and Akaza first because they are my favs and they seem like they could be besties if they put their mind to it
Y’all let’s get into it 👅
“Incompetent is the only valid word to describe you three right now.”
Akaza respectually bowed his head in shame,not daring to speak over his master.Whereas Gyutaro and his younger sibling Daki tried to decorously reason with Muzan,once he finished talking.
“B-but sir,we really did try to hunt all of them down,but then upper three came and they all scattered like mice!” Daki lifted her head to look up at observe his expression,only to see that he has gotten more perplexed.Muzan brought his hand to his face and pinched harshly at the bridge of his nose.
“I do not want this nonsense to happen again,do you understand?”muzan looked down and sneered.The thick sense in the room could choke the three uppermoons,they really have fucked up.
The three nodded.
“Yes sir.”
Just like that Muzan turned around,having his back faced towards the three.
Nakime was the shy lady who sat leg crossed on the floor.Her jet black hair covered most of her face besides her own mouth,she looked at her wooden biwa licked the tip of her finger and strung her biwa.With that a majority of shojis closed of. Making the figure of muzan disappear.With that,Muzans presence was gone.
“THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” Daki groaned,getting up and kneeling to turn towards Akaza.Only to be held back by the green and black hair Oni.
“Sister calm down” gyutaro tugged.
“You guys were struggling against 3 boys and a hashira? I just wanted to help a fellow moon” Akaza sighed,unbothered by Dakis shouts.
“Daki he’s like three ranks above us stop being annoying.”
Daki kept rambling on to Akaza,who was asking nakime to teleport him to where he was prior.
Once Daki was done having a temper tantrum.She sighed and stood with her arms crossesed firmly.
“Hey biwa lady, once you teleport Akaza-dono, take us back to the entertainment dis-“
Before gyutaro could finish his sentence daki disappeared into thin air.making a loud pop sound echo.
“What the fuck, biwa lady where did you teleport her”
Nakime laid down her biwa beside her carefully.
“I did not play my biwa,so there was no way for me to teleport her anywhere”
Akaza stood in stupor.He nor gyutaro could not feel dakis presence at all.
“If she did teleport she must be far.I cannot feel her aura.” Akaza commented
Gyutaro turned away from the two demons,his hands clammy and trembling, he clawed and attached his face gratingly. His worry starting show.
Akaza’s face softened slightly.Not wanting to let any of his guard down towards a rival. Akaza was about to comfort gyutaro, walking up to the lower ranked moon to put his hand on his shoulder,then suddenly.
gyutaro turned around quickly, hoping that Daki could have possibly have teleported back from that simular sound.Only his eyes to widen in shock to see that Akaza was now also missing.
“Biwa lady, did Akaza leave or did the same thing happen to him as Daki?”
Nakime only looked down in slight curiosity.She didn’t really care about the disappearances of her fellow allies. She just didn’t want the blame from the boss in the near future.
“No, he disappeared Along side with your sister.”
A loud thud made noise with this creaking sound. Akaza slowly pushed him self up only to be on a-
Futon? No, this futon isn’t on the ground.it has a sort of, frame? Elevating it from the ground underneath.
Perplexed Akaza looked around in his surroundings. It seems he’s in a room with no shoji but with one or two windows. Akaza laid his eyes on the kyodai (a small vanity in the tashiō era). Although, Akaza noted that it seemed a lot more western;Infact the whole room seemed to be based on more western objects which was unrecognisable. Was he and Daki teleported to a different country?
He got of this weird different cultured futon as He looked at himself at the mirror.
‘Why are my kanjis gone? Same as the marks on my torso and face?’
Akazas hair was still pink and he still had stripes on his wrists. Although, as for his marks on his body. They suddenly vanished. While there isn’t no kanji in his yellow eyes: infact, his eyes weren’t yellow anymore.They were now an ocean blue, which Made him seem more human like. Akaza cautioned himself towards this opened wall.
‘I’m going to assume this is a western styled shoji, whatever if I find Daki we might be able to teleport the fuck out of here.’ Akaza thought to himself.Although, as soon as Akaza stepped into this hallway.
Akaza suddenly turned around in the hallway. Barley dodging the frying pan that skimmed past his head. Only to dead pan when he noticed it was Daki.
“I MIGHT NOT KNOW WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW AND WHY I LOOK SLIGHTLY UGLIER BUT I WILL STILL KILL YOU IF YOU COME NEAR ME.RAH”Daki held multiple kitchen sources in her hand. As well as wooden spoons and plates.
Akaza gaped blankly at daki. who had white hair and blue eyes with no kanji in sight.Yet she still had her revealing outfit on,the same outfit from normal.Also to add on it seemed that she was speaking clear English? Which was weird.Since the both of them was foriegn to the language.
“I MIGHT NOT HAVE MY BLOOD DEMON ART BUT I STILL HAVE MY FUCKING SASS” only to get more worried once the “stranger” in Akazas clothes come closer towards her
“Daki it’s me Akaza. I got teleported here to while trying to talk to your brother.” Akaza put his hands on daki shoulders.
“Oh, right I should’ve reconigsed your clothes. Sorry for nearly obliterating you Akaza-Dono”
“About that, I’ve realised that we are not demons anymore. Hence us having a different appearance and not dying from the sun light being brought in from these windows.” Akaza brought his hands down then brought one to his chin. He continued to think.
“Right! Akaza dono before I realised you were here I couldn’t do any blood demon art. Also I accidentally cut my hand on one of these blades I’m holding and I couldn��t regenerate!”
Daki showed her hand that still had the fresh cut.
“Right you need to patch that cutup Daki, We don’t know how fragile our human bodies are right now.”
Akaza held dakis wrist and walked around the place.It seemed to be a home of a human already, so Akaza looked cautiously.
“I think this is a bandaid. Put this on over the cut quickly. We need to find an exit out of here or something that could help us okay.”
Daki held akazas shoulder firmly. Making him turn to face her.
“What about my brother?”
“He will be just fine without you for now. We just have to find something that could get us back for now.”
Daki nodded her head. Trusting a higher ranked demon is more reasonable then freaking out like she did earlier.
“Ughhh, we’ve been looking for ages now. All there is this dumb looking stuff!” Daki huffed, throwing an iPad onto the bed.Then walked towards the closet to see female clothes inside.
“This is the only room we haven’t looked at yet.just keep looking”
Akaza looked at picture frames and objects.He then continued to open the first draw and pull out a black bra.
Akaza sighed “another unkown western thing.Although it could be used as rope?”
Akaza turned to Daki, who snickered.
“Akaza-dono, I think that’s a western sarashi.”
(Sarashi was used to hold and cover the female and male chest in the tashiō era lmao)
Akazas face suddenly went red.Shoving the bra back into the draw and shut it.Face going even redder when he realised that there was loincloth in the draw aswell.
“Well Atleast we know the home owner is a female.”
Akazas eye twitched,
Daki sat on the bed and grumbled.she looked up to Akaza who sat on the chair to the vanity.
“We are stuck Akaza-dono.it’s no use.”
Both Akaza and Daki began to sulk and look towards the floor.
It was silent until-
*keys jingle,click.*
Suddenly Daki and Akaza look at eachother in suprise.While Akaza slowly got up from the chair and walked to the edge of the door. Daki got up from the bed and followed closely behind his shoulder.Even though Akaza wasn’t as cool as her brother.She knows that Akaza was stronger then both of them combined;Making her feel safer behind him.She would never admit it though
Akaza and Daki peered around the corner.
The front door closed. Revealing a girl in a coat that’s been caught out in the rain. The H/C girl took her shoes of and went to the bathroom.Which was across the bedroom in the girls small apartment.
Y/N was broke.Making money of two jobs,one being a waitress at some fancy restaurant.Whereas her second job was working in a bakery.She owned a small apartment with only one bedroom and one bathroom.It was somewhat messy.Yet she never cleaned it though.
Akaza muttered under his breath. He admitted the human girl was admirable. She might not look like the women or dress like the women from the tashiō era but none of that mattered, he still thought of her as pretty.
Same as Daki. She wouldn’t admit it but the girl that’s just came through that door was nearly as pretty as her.She wouldn’t admit that though.
Y/n started to walk towards her bedroom. Only to alert the duo
“Shit we need to hide.”
Daki and Akaza looked for a place to hide. Akaza hides under the bed while Daki decided to hide in the closet.
Y/N enters her room.
“What the fuck is the iPad doing in my bed? I haven’t used that in like a week?”
Y/N picked her iPad up and placed it back on her desk
“So like what? You’re telling me that you want to quit to be a vollyba player.What world are we in? Haikyuu?” Y/N chuckled to herself on the phone.
All Akaza could see from under the bed is feet.
Y/N picks her towel up from the floor and wraths it out.
“Right susumaru,I’ll call you later I’m gonna hop into the shower.Aha alright cya.”
Y/N places the phone on the bed while she walks out the room to take a shower.Akaza comes out from under the bed and looks at the device that Y/N was just on.
“Daki the humans gone”
Daki slowly comes out the closet holding a cute hoodie.
“I shouldn’t be hiding from humans:humans should be hiding from me” she groaned
“This clothing is so cute though.”
Akaza picked up the phone and in curiosity.He examines it up close.
“Daki don’t you think this is strange?”
Daki turned around.
“What do you mean?”
“We are humans.In a different country,We don’t understand it’s culture nor language but we understood that girl perfectly?”
Dakis eyes widen.walking to Akaza and putting the hoodie down onto the bed.
“Whatever’s happend to make us teleport it has changed up completely.what if we are in a different universe.”
Akaza turns on the phone.Completely distracted by this futuristic technology.
“Whatever’s happening,we need to get back home and inform master-“
Akaza was cut of by a scream.Which caught the two kizuki off guard. Making them both turn around to the girl standing in the hallway.
The girl tried to run towards the door. Since Y/N couldn’t call the police on her phone since that weird emo guy had it.She had to get out quickly. Maybe use somebody else’s phone to call the police.
Although her idea came to an halt when a hand came over her mouth.
“Look human.We don’t know why we are here either,we are just as scared as you are”
Y/N bit as hard as she could on akazas hand causing him to let go of her mouth. Although he still had his other arm slung around her waist and Daki kept hold of her shoulders, causing her to stay put.
“Look I don’t give a shit about your weird roleplay and cosplays but I’m not into this! so get the fuck out of my apartment before I call the cops!”
Akaza loosened his grip around you and closed in onto Y/Ns ear.
“Look lady, me and my ally really don’t want to hurt you at all.Will you sit down and listen to us,please?”
Y/N seeing how they don’t have any weapons nor seem to have any threat. She decided to come to an agreement.
“Out of safety,I will only listen if you guys stay Across the room from me.So I know you won’t hurt me.”
Akaza let go around her waist and looked her up and down.aHe grabbed Dakis shoulder causing her to let go of you too.
“Of course.”
Y/N walks towards her own bed and plops herself down on it.She grabs hold of her phone tightly while signalling the two to go on the other side of the room.
“Go and stand infront of the closet.”
Daki grumbled and rolled her eyes.
“How can a girl so pretty be so bossy”
Akaza pulled her alongside him to the closet.
“You are one to talk Daki” Akaza bluntly spoke.
Infront of the closet Daki and Akaza stood. Akaza shrugged his shoulders
“Is this fine enough for you lady?” Akaza questioned.
Y/N crossed her legs and rested her hands together.
“Yes.now fucking explain to me why two people broke into my house in some weird roleplay? Not only that why do you keep calling me a human like you guys aren’t human yourself?”
Daki chuckled
“Well actually human, we aren’t”
Y/Ns eyes broaden while she laughed
“You what? I don’t seem to understand? Are you guys still roleplaying even though I threatened to get the cops involved?”
Akaza begings to explain what happend from the beginning.
“Right.. so the two of you got isekai’d?” Y/N pondered.
Akaza and Daki looked at eachother in confusion
“What’s that?” Daki asked
Akaza turned his head side ways in bewilderment and stared blankly towards Y/N.
“Isekai’ is where like…how do I explain it, it’s where people gets teleported to another universe whether it be a game universe or a movie universe.”
Dakis mouth was agape.making an ‘ohh’ sound.Akaza just crossed his arm and look to the side.
“I guessed that’s what happens to us then.”
Akaza turned to look at you.with slightly blushed cheeks.
“Do you,perhaps know how we could get back”
Y/Ns face blanked.Were these lunitics serious? She stood up from the bed and grabbed the two demons roughly and started to drag them towards the door.Akaza and Daki was just bewildered.
Y/N stopped at the wooden front door.
“Look,you two seem really nice and you guys kept me company which I do appreciate.although your both crazy and I think you guys need mental health if you guys genuinely think whatever this magic phenomenon that’s going on is real.”
Y/N gave them a gentle shove outside the door.
“Look I really don’t have time for this I have to have a shower then get ready to go to bed.I now only have four hours to sleep until I have to get up to the bakery tomorrow morning.”
Daki and Akaza frowned at her comment.
Y/N yawned and looked past the two who seemed desperate. To see it’s starting to get darker and darker outside.She couldn’t help but feel like shit leaving two mentally I’ll people to walk by themselfs in the dark.she wouldn’t want to be responsible for whatever happens to them;yet she doesn’t want to keep them inside her small tiny apartment.
‘Damn you self conscious’ y/n thought to herself.
“If it makes you two more comfortable I can order you guys an Uber? To any place you want I’ll pay for it.”
Akaza looked behind him and thought to himself what an Uber was while daki irritated started to twitch her eye.
“Look stupid human, we don’t know where we are we need to get back home!”
Daki thrailed her arms around the place.Starting to think about gyutaro.She started to become more and more upset.
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose. At this point she just wanted to slam the front door in their faces.she wont though since She will feel bad afterwards.
“Well if you don’t know where you are how about I get you a god damn Uber to the closet police station. They can get you back home.”
Akaza rejected shaking his head. He pointed at y/n .
“Look lady, you said we were isekai’d. That means not a simple police station can get us home. We got teleported into your home.There must be an exit in here somewhere.”
“Yeah outsmart her smartness akaza!” Daki added on
Y/N now irritated decided to leave all her morals tonight.
Y/N shut the wooden door on Daki and Akaza and locked the key whole.
“People just get weirder and weirder everyday.”
Before y/n went to go and turn the shower on, the shower she was supposed to be finished with two hours ago. She turned around and looked through her doors peep hole.Only to see Akaza sat on the apartment complex floor and Dakis upper half leaned over the apartment balcony crying.
Y/N felt alittle guilty.
“I’ll call the cops to help them.there’s nothing o can really do to help them,there delulu” y/n considered.
Her thoughts stopped abruptly when a loud-
Y/n stood baffled when a white blonde teleported and fell onto the floor. He seemed tall.He also had weird clothes on like the other two from before.Having a red turtle neck and weird beige pants. With socks and…SANDLES?ew.
“What the fuck.”
She cautiously walked to the guy now on the floor to see that he’s unconscious,Y/N squatted down next to him and blow wind his face.
“Hello? Why did you just teleport into my living room?”
She checked to see if he was alive by checking his heart beat-
“Me and Akaza are demons lady,so what” y/n remembered what Daki said earlier.She didn’t want to believe them but when a big weird looking dude just randomly teleports into thin air in you living room things seem a lot more believing.
For fuck sakes.
The door clicks open. Only for Daki and Akaza to see Y/N inviting them back inside.
“I think I understand what you guys were on about now.”
Y/N actually has another side gig to make money!!She is also a babysitter on some weekends.
She babysits a rich woman’s baby. Which actually gives her a good amount of cash.
I hope you guys enjoyed this!! This is my first story so idk if it really makes sense or not. Either way I make these for fun so pls no hate 🙇‍♀️🤞
Love y’all❤️
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mytheoristavenue · 5 months
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader - Make Believe - II
Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: Long, multi-parted, fluff, mutal pining, fake dating trope, mild language, fem!reader, not proofread
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After classes ended for the day, you retired to your dorm, jumped into a quick shower, and sat at your desk to apply your makeup. Glancing in the mirror, you meticulously looked over yourself, fussing over the littlest detail. After a bit, you sigh, giving up on chasing perfection and stood, walking over to your closet to find something to wear.
A floor up and across the hall from you, Shoji did the same, toweling off his wet, silver hair before running a comb through it to straighten any rogue strands. Fligging through his closet, he struggled to find something suitable for meeting his 'girlfriend's', parents. Due to his quirk and stature, most of his wardrobe was sleeveless, though he did have an idea.
Sitting on a train station bench, you once again found yourself nervous, fidgeting, and looking for Shoji. Shuffling the train tickets in your hands, you began to worry he might have backed out, making you worry. Pulling out to call him, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder- or more accurately, three.
"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late." A smooth voice called from behind you prompting you to turn around, a blush creeping across your face upon laying eyes on him. "Hope I didn't worry you." Shoji wore a navy blue turtleneck, sleeveless of course, with grey slacks, loafers, and a grey sports coat draped around his shoulders, which hid most of his arms.
"Shoji..." you gasped lightly. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear sleeves!" you commented, before realizing how rude it must have sounded. "I-I mean, I like how you normally dress but...y-you look handsome with sleeves..." you stammered, glancing away and rubbing the back of your neck.
"Sleeves aren't exactly practical for me, nor are they comfortable," he says, offering you a hand to help you up. "But, dress to impress, as they say." You take his hand, letting him pull you up and you both begin walking towards the appropriate train. "By the way, you look lovely, if I may say. I can't place what you've done differently, but whatevcer it is looks nice."
"Thanks, Shoji..." you smiled, blushing a bit as you both boarded.
Finding your seats, you slid in first, him allowing you to have the window seat. After you both settled in and the train began to move, you spoke again. "It's nearly an hour-long ride, do you think we should, I don't know- practice?"
"What exactly were you wanting to practice, (Y/L/N)?" Shoji asked, cocking a suspicious brow.
"N-Nothing like that!" You fuss, punching his arm lightly, blushing. "Don't be a perv!"
"Hey," he puts his hands up in defense. "I didn't say anything specific. If you think I meant something perverted, you made it up yourself which makes you the perv."
"I meant like get our story straight!" you whined, slumping your shoulders dramatically. "Like how we met, how long we've been together- that sort of thing!"
Shoji thought for a moment, humming. "How about, we say we met at school because we did, and we've been together for about six months. That's a short enough time to justify me not meeting them sooner, but a long enough time for it to make sense that I'm meeting them now."
"Yeah, that makes sense!" you chirp, nodding. "I didn't even think of that, you're so smart, Shoji!"
"I know." he joked with a smirk before continuing. "By the way, you should probably call me Mezo,"
You blush lightly at the idea of using his first name, indicating a closer relationship. "How come?"
"It'd be weird if we still called each other by our formal names six months into a relationship." he rationalized. "Are you alright with me calling you (Y/N)?"
You nodded with a sweet smile. "Yeah, I don't mind at all, Shoj-" You caught yourself and corrected with a clearing of your throat. "Ahem, Mezo."
The way the corners of his eyes creased told you that he was smiling without having to see his lips. "That's better. By the way, do you think we should get the awkward stuff out of the way while we have the chance?"
"What do you mean?" you asked, cocking your head to the side while glancing up at him.
"Like PDA and stuff," he replied, glancing up at the ceiling of the train away from your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck, almost nervously. "Won't it look suspicious if we don't touch each other at all all night?"
"I figured we'd cross that bridge when we got to it." you say, shrugging, not understanding why he was so concerned.
"But it won't look as natural if it's the first time, right?" Now that he mentioned it, he had a point. It'd be odd for a couple of six months to still not hug or hold hands.
"I guess that makes sense. What do you think we should do?" you ask, humming as you thought.
"Well," he said. "Practice makes perfect?" He offered you his main right hand, staring down at you expectantly. You slipped your hand into his, red-faced, noting how warm his palm was and how his hand dwarfed yours. "There," he smiled. "We can just hold hands for a few minutes to get used to it. That okay?"
You were astonished at how gentle he was being with this all. He didn't even want to do it when you first asked, now he was sharply dressed, and doing whatever he could to make the ruse look as real as possible. Here he was, on the train to your hometown, holding your hand like it were a baby bird- fragile, but in need of warmth and structure.
After a few minutes, the pair of you had naturally begun to relax against each other, arms pressing together and weight being distributed more evenly. It was inevitable that your head would fall on his shoulder, and even more so that you would shoot back up, apologizing profusely.
"Oh, Shoji, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get too comfortable!" You fussed, cheeks aglow.
He simply chucked at you, serene as always. "I promise, it's alright. The more comfortable we get with one another, the better we'll sell this thing. Besides, we're barely doing anything, you act like you've never done this before." Your silence spoke volumes and he quickly came to the conclusion on his own. "Oh, my God, you've never done this before."
You hissed, shushing him as if any of the few other riders would comprehend the context of the conversation enough to understand the secret. "Okay, okay, fine! I've never held hands with anyone before, or cuddled, or kissed, or anything else! I'm eighteen and I've yet to have any firsts, okay? Is that what you want to hear?"
Sensing he'd struck a nerve, Shoji decided to back off. "My bad, just figured someone like you would have some kind of romantic experience is all."
"What do you mean 'someone like me'?" you asked in an accusitory tone.
"I didn't mean anything by it!" he swore, raising his hands up again. "Just...well you're a very pretty girl, I would have assumed you'd have guys lined up miles waiting to hold your hand."
You didn't think you could ever get over how he complimented you- so matter of fact, but so suave at the same time. It made it hard for you to discern what was real and not.
"Well, I don't, okay?" you confessed. "I've never had a reciprocated crush, so I never got the chance to do anything like this. That's why my Grandma wants to see him in a relationship before she passes."
"I see," he replied simply, giving you space to continue.
"And now I'm realizing most of my firsts..." you paused, heart sinking will be entirely fake. Maybe this was a bad idea..."
One of Shoji's other hands took over the duty of holding your hand while the other set of arms wrapped around you in a protective wing. "Hey, don't think of it like that." He said comfortingly. "Technically, if it's pretend, it shouldn't count, right?" He rationalized, trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his head that told him he wasn't good enough to be any of your firsts. "You can still save those moments for someone special."
You thought about what he said for a moment before speaking again. "I guess that's true, but will it still feel the same?"
"I don't think I can tell you that, (Y/N)." Shoji chuckled nervously. "I think that's for you to discover on your own." He readjusted his posture, feeling you relax against his side, prompting him to do the same. "But if you ever want someone to practice with, I'm your guy..." He thought allowed, barely audibly.
Your face burned at his words, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. This 'practice' was nice, and it wasn't like you were doing anything wrong, just some light cuddling on the train. Your mind began to wonder what other things he might be able to practice with you. "Shoji...?"
He hummed in response, one of the ends of his arms morphing into an ear that rested on your shoulder to hear you better. "Do you think we should practice...more things? Y-You know, just to make the act more convincing?" you asked anxiously, eyes glued to your lap as you awaited his response.
"What did you have in mind?" he muttered, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks under his mask.
"W-Well.." you stammered, struggling to find footing on what you wanted to say. "We hug all the time, and we've already held hands and cuddled so I guess that leaves..."
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, cutting straight to the point.
You shrunk at his blunt nature, one hand in his and the other gripping the fabric over your knee to ground you. "W-Well uhm," you stuttered, unsure of what you were even trying to articulate at this point. All you knew was that you wanted it, but it felt wrong in a way. "I-I've never..."
"Doesn't have to be a real kiss, doesn't count, remember?" He said, cooly, thumb brushing over your shoulder. "But only if you want to." You simply nodded timidly, glancing up at him to find him already staring back, usually mysterious eyes now full of comfort. Leaning in close, the pair of you began to bridge the gap, each tilting your heads in the respective direction. Your eyes fluttered shut first, giving Shoji a lovely view of you expectantly waiting for a kiss. Following suit, he let his eyes close, inching ever closer until he could feel the ghostly presence of your lips brushing against his clothed ones.
Suddenly, as he was about to firmly press his lips to yours, the train came to a stop, prompting the both of you to separate like oil and water. Your head shot up, searching for some sign of emergency, but instead, you were greeted with the familiar sight of the train station in your hometown. "W-Wha-?" you questioned, confused. "We can't already be here, it hasn't been that long."
Pulling his phone from his left pocket, Shoji clicked it on, grateful to have a distraction from the heat in his face. "6:05," he said, gathering his composure. "Been almost an hour since we left."
"Oh..." you accepted, gathering your things, ignoring how your cheeks burned. "I-I guess we must have just lost track of time..."
"Guess so..."
Part I
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
The endless mode monsters and a mute reader? One that can talk even if they want to?
I’m guessing you meant “can’t talk” even if they wanted to, so my bad if I’m mistaken ^^;
White Face
Seeing a floating pixelated face was most intriguing--especially as the environment around you changed to resemble a video game.
Even though you got caught once, it seemed generous enough to give you...
A second chance at escape?
Your confusion made it pause for a moment during the chase, and it explains that it liked giving people a choice in their fates.
It's offered many "players" choices regarding its own fate long before coming to the mansion, so now it had that power to make them choose for themselves.
You didn't quite understand, but you smiled in gratitude and left for the next room.
There, everything turned back to normal and you regained your strength.
Otto the Otter
You entered a section of restaurant-like rooms (which looked much friendlier than Specimen 11′s) and you noticed a pizza on the stage beside the animatronic.
It was obviously bait, but you took it since you were so hungry, sitting down to take a small break.
A jingle rang throughout the place, and after hearing a click, you saw Otto staring down at you with glowing eyes.
Strangely enough, he moved incredibly slow even as you frantically jumped off the stage.
“D-D-Did you enjoy the pizza-a-a?” A deep glitched voice came from him as his jaw flapped up and down on its hinge.
You smiled nervously, giving him a thumbs up.
It seems he meant no harm, so you just quietly left his section of the mansion without giving him anymore trouble.
Spooper didn’t quite understand that you were trying to get him to move out of the way.
Either that or he was being a stubborn jerk as not even politely nudging him seemed to get your message across.
So, regrettably, you raised your sword against him, closing your eyes as you prepared to strike...
Only to hear a small shuffle of feet.
Opening your eyes, you could see he moved out of the way.
It stunned you, but you smiled and lowered your weapon, signing a “thank you”.
But you were surprised again as you saw two skeletal pink arms appear from under his sheet. And he signed a simple “you’re welcome”.
He kept appearing in other rooms later, signing simple greetings and moving out of your way.
Huh..perhaps he was happy to find someone like him?
She’s chasing after you, summoning shadow animals to block your path.
But upon seeing the first one, a moose, you stopped and did something she wasn’t expecting at all:
You actually pet the shadow, and you could feel its fur and horns--like it was a real moose. It amazed you, and before long it moved out of your path.
“I’m impressed...most would strike my precious creatures without hesitation..”
Tirsiak’s echoing voice startles you into turning around, but she’s on the floor now, no longer levitating.
However you become a bit embarrassed, realizing the situation you were in as you tapped your throat, hoping she’d understand you couldn’t speak.
“Ah, so your voice has been seized since the beginning of your journey? That’s unfortunate. But..I sense your kind heart, so you may pass.”
You were surprised, though relieved nevertheless.
She seemed similar to Specimen 8, albeit a lot more merciful.
You’ve seen a lot of creepy figures in the mansion..
But an old ghostly lady with bugs crawling around her face was a “nope” in your book.
Especially with the foreboding notes she left on the Specimen 1 popouts.
You decided to write something on the back of one, hoping to gain her sympathy.
But as you turn around, your eyes widened to see Lisa right there in front of you with a wide grin.
You shakily give her the note, not moving in fear of what she'd do if you broke eye contact.
"Oh..you poor thing." She rasped. "Can't speak to save your life...not that speaking will save you anyway~" Then she grins, showing off her missing teeth as she rips the note apart.
And so the chase is on..
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
I'd get "winter" and for some reason I remembered Specimen 8 - Deer Lorld, so how about something with him?
You’ve never really known the outside of the mansion. But then again, you never minded that one bit. Your fellow specimen could manipulate the rooms as they pleased, so you’d just visit Deer Lord if you wanted to get a taste of the outside world.
As you entered the forest-like area, you stopped in surprise upon seeing that everything was covered in snow. The trees were completely bare, although there were still some light green patches on the ground, as the deer were peacefully grazing.
They merely looked at you as you walked by, but did not attack, knowing that you were their “father’s” friend.
Speaking of which, you saw Deer Lord floating around, trying to build something out of the snow. But with bony hooves for hands, he was clearly having a difficult time putting the snowball together.
“Need help?”
Startled, he looked at you, although he relaxed upon realizing it was you. “Ah, welcome back to my domain, 14-”
“Just call me, [y/n],” you chuckled. “I like the change of seasons you got going on.”
“Well change is..nice,” he responded, before he looked back at his creation. It was a tiny snow deer; he only got as far as making the head, ears, and antlers. “And what else am I to do with my spare time?”
“Good point.” Nodding, you knelt down in the snow and gathered some up in your hands to make snowballs. 
You had a view of some of the faces underneath Deer Lord’s cloak. He never told you who they were, but you assumed it was his 149 victims–149 unlucky souls who thought nothing when they decided to visit the mansion.
Sure, there were plenty of awful ways to go, although “absorption” into the godlike entity’s body was surely among the worst.
At one time, you were terrified you’ll suffer the same fate as those 149 individuals. But now? You were actually thankful to be a specimen; you got to know many of the others on an personal level, including Deer Lord.
And despite his haunting voice and appearance..he was actually quite friendly once he learned you were a permanent resident of the mansion.
It was nice getting along with the creatures who were once your enemies, bonding over something as simple and innocent as snow.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Masterlist: Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion 👻🏚
Tumblr media
Specimen 4 & 5 HCs
Specimen 6 HCs
Cat HCs
Specimen 8 & 13 HCs
"Winter" w/ Specimen 8 HCs
Specimen 9 HCs
Specimen 11 HCs
"It's right behind me, isn't it?" w/ Specimen 11
General Specimen/Monster HCs
Endless Mode
Unknown Specimen w/ Mute!Reader HCs
Spooper HCs
Lisa HCs
Karamari Hospital
Monster 1 HCs
Monster 4 HCs
Monster 6 HCs
Frenzy HCs
Woormy Charles HCs
Clown HCs
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