#shop samll
nordinor · 2 months
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petaccessories1 · 8 months
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PET & Co. Features in NZZ Bellevue Magazine
We are thrilled to share this fantastic feature about PET & Co. in NZZ Bellevue Magazine. What an amazing opportunity to present our beautiful and sustainable dog beds, designed in Zurich! We are committed to providing your furry friends with the coziest and most stylish beds and accessories while caring for our planet. Check out this blog: PET & Co. in NZZ Bellevue Magazine
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faytelumos · 4 months
Oh, hey, if anyone ever has questions about how a (corporate) coffee shop operates, feel free to ask me.
I worked in coffee for a few years.
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finanmoghra · 1 year
Charming Irishman
pairing modern!Finan x reader
summary an irish pub opens in front of your flower shop, and you can't resist that charming irish who owns it.
warnings smut, finan in general
word count 4.1k
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a/n guys english isn't my first language and i've never wrote smut in eng, so forgive me for any mistakes, i tried my best. also i suck with small talk so maybe things will happen "fast"
It's a typical thursday at Winchester, you are heading your way to your flower shop as you always do in the mornings. That street is so habitual to you by now, the tiny coffee shop, the record store, the stationery shop, and oh, that irish pub of course. That place used to be a lot of stuff until 4 months ago when some men bought the place and open an irish pub right in front of your shop. You don't talk like it's an annoyance, everythings is quiet as usual for a pub during the day, but you're not so sure about the night.
The thing is, a month or two ago, a dark-haired man walked into your shop, with a smirk on his face, you have seen him around, principally that smirk, you noticed that he worked at the pub but when you first heard his voice with the strong accent you assumed that he was the owner. At the first time, he asked for your help to buy some flowers for his sister, whose were moving back to the town, he explained in an attempt to start a conversation, you suggested him pink roses and while you prepare the bouquet, he introduced himself as Finan, and as you assumed, the pub owner. You had a samll talk before he left.
Two weeks after that, Finan started coming over every week, usually on thursday, like today, and you always have his order almost ready by the time he shows up. You two got along very easily, he was all flirty over you, politely, however. You started to have longer conversations as the weeks passed by and was in one of those that he explained why the same order every week. His mother was struggling with some problems and when he showep up at the family dinner with flowers for his sister, he noticed that she got a bit emotional, so now he takes 'em every week to cheer her up. You couldn't resist thinking he's such a sweet guy after that, even though you try not to give attention to his flirts, you can't deny that you enjoy his company, he has been saving you from boredom and entertaining you on monotonous days, as he casually shows up on days other than thursdays.
The hours fly by and when you realise, you're hearing the front door bell ringing and a familiar figure walk in.
— Hi Finan, it's been a time since I've seen you. — you say with a little smile on your face.
— Hey Y/N! Did ya miss me? — you could tell that damn smirk was on his face even if you weren't looking.
— Miss your jerk face? Never. — yes, you did miss him.
— I'm gonna take it as a compliment. — he winked at you — Sorry about my absence, it's been a busy week.
— St. Patrick's Day, I presume.
— Yeah, we have some weeks until then, but as an irish, I have to make a proper celebration, ya know. — he tapped his fingers at the counter while looking at you — And talking about pub stuff, ya should come for the happy hour tomorrow.
As consistent as his visits on thursday, it is his invitations.
— I'm gonna think about it. — you say as you finish the bouquet, you won't admmit but you always leave some things to do when he arrives so you have more time to enjoy his company.
— C'mon, ya always say that! Ya have to meet the pub and the boys wants to know ya better!
The boys whose Finan is talking about are, Sihtric and Osferth, who both work with him, and Uhtred, they're Finan's best friends who he is always talking about. You kinda know them from seeing around but never really talked to them.
And, he's right. You always says the same thing, but in your defense it's been a bit hard to resist all these flirts, and you fear getting closer to him and ending up with a broken heart. You're sure he's a sweet, kind and cool guy, but also he seems to be quite womanising as well.
— I swear I'm going to think about it. — a smile grew up on your face as you realise he got puppy eyes
— Really? — he asks.
— Really! — you roll your eyes although you're smiling to him.
You two got engaged into a conversation and don't even see the time passing.
— Damn it! I'm really late, I have to go now. — he says after having a look on his watch.
You were ready to say something when he gets close and pecked you in your cheek. — Bye, lady. — he says as he walk away.
You could feel your cheeks getting warm and you froze but managed to say something before he leaves.
— You may see me tomorrow.
He didn't say anything but you know he was wearing that smirk.
Finan's visit at your store is not the only constance in your thursdays, actually you reunite with your former roommate and best friend, Ealswith, at thursday's nights. You two meet when you were both on college and had started living together after some time, it's been a while since you two live separetely, but you two still really closer, thankfully to the girls' night.
You two were really enjoying the night while having some wine and snacks, listening to music and soon that topic came up.
— He came over today, as usual, invited me to go to the pub tomorrow, I said I was going to think.
— As usual. — Ealswith mumbles.
— Stop it. — you smack her arm — And he kissed me before leaving. At the cheek! — I say before she get too excited.
— C'mon! You should go, really. You can no more act like you don't like him, it's so obvious.
— I cannot go! You know it.
— I know what? By the way you tell me, he's into you! And he wants to know you better out of your workspace.
You start to argument but Ealswith cuts you. — Don't say you afraid! You need to stop assuming things, maybe he's all flirty because he likes you.
— I- argh.. — you hide your face in your hands, you know she's right.
— Hey, hey! Look at me. Tomorrow you will close the shop, go to your home and I will meet you there to help you get ready, I'm going with you so if anything goes wrong or you don't feel well, we go home, right?
— Don't you think he's gonna find it, I don't know, weird to bring someone?
— I'm pretty sure he will understand you not going alone, and hey, maybe you can set me up with one of his friends. — she winks at you and you both start laughing.
— Okay, alright then.
So as planned, Ealswith showed up at your house to help you get ready as you were too nervous, it took a while but you could finally decided what to wear. It was nearly 6 p.m when you asked for a cab and it didn't take too long to arrive so in a few minutes you were at the pub.
You could feel your hand a bit shaky before walk in, but Ealswith noticed and hold it 'til you calm down.
You entered the pub and looked for that familiar figure, you couldn't find him but you managed to find Osferth, who waved at you and called Finan's attention to you.
— Hey Y/N! Are ya really here? — he greets you, laughing a bit
— I told you would maybe see me today!
— Don't blame me for being surprised. — You rolled your eyes at his answer, still smiling. — Ya brought a friend, hi!
You intruduce her to Finan and after that he takes both of you to their table, and properly presents you to the boys.
— What do ya ladies would like to drink? — he asks as we are all settled down.
— Just a pint, it's good. Right? — you turns to Ealswith and she nodded.
— One more round then! — he says to the waiter close to our table.
— It's good to finally meet you, Y/N! If you didn't work here in front I would think that Finan made you up. — Sihtric says and makes Uhtred and Osferth laughs and Finan roll his eyes.
— Yeah, it's nice to have an opportunity to see if everything Finan says about you, it's true. — Uhtred takes part.
You can ser Finan's cheeks a little bit red and you smile at this. — Well, I hope he have only said good things about me. — you answer kinda shy yet.
— Trust me, not a single bad thing. — Uhtred says.
— Except from you never accepting his invitations. — Osferth says and Finan smack his arm. Poor boy.
— It's good for you all to meet Y/N, and it's good for me to finally see the face of the mainly topic of our talks. — Ealswith says and you can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks as it get warm up.
— Hope you've heard of us too. — Sihtric winks at her.
Anyone who passed by your table would think you were all friends for years, you got along easily and the night was being so fun, you were really enjoying their company.
After some time, you and Ealswith excused yourselves and headed the way to the toilet.
— God! He's so into you, more than I've thought. — she exclaimed at the moment you were out of their sight.
— Do you think? — yeah, you noticed how he looked at you since you arrived, but you didn't want to assume something.
— You know I say this because I love you, but stop being a fool! He fell down for you, I can say it for sure by what his friends said.
You couldn't argument with her, the signs were there and you have to admit that this is all you have wished for.
On the way back to the table you told her to go ahead and you were just back her. You stopped at the bar and asked for water, and while waiting you felt someone approach, you prepare to deal with a drunk guy who's trying to get along with some woman, but actually you feel chills when you heard that voice.
— May I say ya look stunning tonight?
— I would appreciate it, yeah. — you smile as you turn to him. You may be dreaming about that voice and smirk for days long.
— It's everything alright? — Finan asks.
— Yeah, just needed a bit of water before going back. — the bartender hands you a glass of water and you thanks him.
— So, what ya think? — he points to the place.
— You did a good job here, it's a nice place for sure.
— I'm not even going to ask about my friends 'cause this is something for Ealswith to answer. — we both shared a laugh.
— She and Sihtric got along very well, I see.
— Don't blame her, he can be very persuasive.
— So does she.
You two spent some time talking alone, just sharing things and getting more closer to each other.
When you two decided to go back to the group table they were all laughing of something.
— What's happening? — Finan asks as he pull a chair for you on his side.
— We were just telling Ealswith about one day after we started here and you crossed the streets so many times trying to get a reason to go to Y/N's shop. — Sihtric answers, still laughing.
— We're surprised you didn't notice him, Y/N! — Osferth says. — Otherwise I think you'd be scared of him.
— Good I didn't notice though. — I reply laughing at Finan.
— Alright, alright, stop talking about me.
You got a bit lost at the conversation when he stretched his arm across your chair and you could feel his fingers running through your undressed shoulder.
It was nearly midnight when you and Ealswith decided to go home. You said goodbye to the boys, saying it was nice to meet them and on the way out, Finan decided to go along with you.
You were at the pub entrance waiting for the cab Ealswith asked for, you could feel Finan catching your hand into his, he pulled you closer to say:
— It was a good night.
— Yeah, it was. — you said with a low voice just for him to hear.
— Hope we can repeat it, or maybe just the two of us. — he winked at you.
— I would like that, for sure.
You two were getting really closer when Ealswith call you out. — Y/N! It's here.
— See you thursday. — you smile at him, you walked away but turned back when remember something. — I almost forget it. — you handle him your shop card, but at the back you've written your personal number.
He catched it and you didn't think so much before approaching just to peck him in the lips for a few seconds before leaving.
— This woman will drive me crazy. — he speaks to himself when you've already leave.
Another week just started, you spent your weekend betwen spending some time with your friends trying to keeping up with everyone's lives and chatting with Finan. The last part taking over your weekend.
Things were getting a little bit more serious since you kissed him goodbye on friday and you allowed yourself to be open to a possible romance. Finan's flirty personality stayed the same, he would do it at any chance it was given to him, and you like it, it's good to feel that somebody wants you.
You were talking to your friend, Aethelflaed, on the phone about Finan and you jumped when you heard the sound of the door bell thinking that could be him but you turned around and saw a boy with curly hair into your shop.
— Morning! How can I help you?
— I'm Aethelstan, I'm here for the assistant job, we've talked on the phone. — the boy says, a bit shy.
— Oh, right, Aethelstan! I'm sorry I was a bit distracted. — you shake hands with him. —You've mentioned you are studying biology, am I correct?
— Yes, you are.
— So I think the flower stuff is gonna be easy, I just need to show you some other things and then you can have your first day here, and at the end of the day we discuss if everything is going alright.
The kid learnt the things pretty well, that was good because it's been a busy day so far.
You were checking some things at the computer when you saw a familiar figure at the other side of the street, he had just arrived, it seemed.
— Aethelstan, I'm going out quickly, pay attention if someone comes in. — you say a bit loud as the kid was at the back of the store.
You crossed the street before he get into the pub. — Finan,hey! — you call his attention.
—Y/N, hi! — he comes closer to hug you quickly.
— I just wanted to ask what are the plans for St. Patrick's day?
— So ya're planning to come?
— Only if it's seems cool enough. — you give him a smirk
— I won't say more than this, but if ya come ya gonna experience the best party of your life.
— I don't know if I believe, but I'll give you try.
— You should bring Ealswith! — you jumped when you heard Sihtric, he showed up from nowhere. — I'm sorry I have to steal your man but we got work to do.
You felt the warm on your cheeks after he called Finan "your man", but you didn't say anything, actually you liked it.
— See ya later! — you hear Finan says before being dragged by Sihtric. You blowed him a kiss before he entered the pub and then you went back to your store.
It seemed that an eternity have passed before friday arrives. It was a busy week and you barely saw him, even on thursday, he came but was in a hurry.
It was a good week, although. Aethelstan really helped you, you just found out that he and Finan are neighbors, they both live at the same building. The poor boy had to listen you talking about Finan a lot during that week, especially when Ealswith and Aethelflaed came.
You were actually doing nothing but counting the hours for you to go home, and Aethelstan noticed it.
— You know you can go home and let me finish stuff here, I can close the store.
— Are you sure of this?
— Yeah, it's not a big deal, you can trust me.
He was right, it was not a big deal.
— Okay then, thanks Aethelstan! See you monday.
It didn't take long for you to arrive at home, of course you had decided your outfit during the week, you were only waiting for Aethelflaed and Ealswith to come so you could get ready. Once the girls arrived and you all got ready, your home was a mess after this, you took a cab to the pub.
The pub was more crowded than usual, you notice that once you arrived, but it wasn't hard to find Finan as he and his friends were at the same place as the last week. You greeted everyone before getting a seat at his side, you introduced Aethelflaed to them and also met Uhtred's fiancé, Gisela, she was a kind woman, you hope you get more chances to hang out with her.
The night was going really well, you and the girls have danced a lot, you ordered too many green drinks, that you weren't sure of what it was, you were all having fun, there wasn't a moment when someone wasn't laughing. You felt really happy between them all, it was good feelings that you have made new friendships like them.
Things went a little wild when Finan intercepted you on your way back from the toilet and took you to his office upstairs. He closed the door behind you, his arms now rounding you.
— Oi! Calm down, my dear. — you said, not knowing exactly how to deal with him so close to you.
— I cannot, not when ya are out there being so beautiful, I can't stay away from ya anymore. — you feel chills when his hands squeeze your waist, pulling you closer to him
— You don't need to. — you gave him a smirk, but it didn't last too long as he got even more closer and catched your lips in his.
You felt breathless, it was even better than you thought, his lips were soft but rough over yours. His hands sliding down on your hips, it was a sign that things were getting hotter. When both of you were running out of breath, you could feel him break the kiss but leading the way of his lips to your neck. You gasped with the sensation, he sucked that point behind your ear.
You could feel his hardness against his trousers as he grabbed your arse, you started to feel the need to get rid of your clothes and when you took your hands to Finan's shirt he took a step back. You didn't understand why he would do that.
— Look, I really want ya, but I'm not doing in the right way. — he could see your confusion. — I didn't plan for this to happen here, so what ya think about going home with me, uh?
— I don't want to look desperate, but please, take me home. — you kissed him before you two settled down and go downstairs. You found Aethelflaed on the way and told her where you were going before leave.
The way on the cab was.. something. His hands running through your thighs all the way to his home, you were glad it was close. As soon as you entered at his flat, he pinned you on the door, kissing you hunger than before. He picked you up, your thighs now almost undressed under his touch as he leads you to his bedroom.
— Ya have no idea how many times I've thought about ya, about your lips against mine. Ya are such a dream, Y/N. — he says as he laid you on his bed, making sure to touch every inch of your body.
You pulled him closer enough to whisper on his ear. — And you have no idea of how many nights I dreamed about you touching me like this.
He kissed you hard, hands undoing the zipper of your dress and soon you were only wearing a black lace matching underwear. The look he gave you made you feel like you were burning inside.
— It isn't fair that you are all dressed yet. — you said running your fingers through his, still dressed, chest.
— This won't be a problem anymore. — he smirked at you as he started to unbutton his shirt. It didn't take so long until both of you were only on your underwear, you not so much as he took your bra off, sucking on your breasts, before going down on your body, starting to run his mouth on your inner thigh while playing with the laces on your panties before taking off.
You let a moan out when his lips pressed on your sweet spot, he went dived onto you, sucking on your clit, making you feel like you were in heaven.
— Finan, please, more! — you groaned when you felt his finger rounding you before enter you. You couldn't control your moans, praising him as his fingers curved inside you, hitting that spot. You couldn't contain your hands from pulling his hair when you came on his mouth.
You only had time to take a deep breath before Finan was all over you, kissing you breathless, your taste on his tongue. He parted the kiss, smiling at you as he brushes your hair off your face.
— Are ya ok? For another one?
— More than ok! — you answer laughing.
He took a condom from his trausers, rolling on and soon he was back over you. He kissed you as he was slowly entering you, and both of you were groaning loudly. His name leaving in between your lips like you were praising him, the sound of your hips colliding getting louder as he slammed into you. He was relentless, hard and fast on you, your nails scrapping his back, your thighs gripped his hips making he going deeper.
— Fuck, Finan! — you groaned loudly
He flipped you, now you were on top so you started riding him, rolling your hips over his causing to hit your spot. He grabbed your arse and you layed down over him, meeting his lips again, going up and down on him, now with his hands controlling the rhythm. You felt you were close so you started moving faster, soon you were clenching around him, moaning his name as he came right after you.
He slowly pulled out of you, and you fell at his side, breathless.
— That was... I don't even know. — you say between breaths, laughing with him.
— I'll be right back. — he kissed you on your cheeks before getting up, he pick up his boxer and then disappear into some door. He came back with a towel on his hands and get on the bed again. — Now let me take care of ya.
You were already sleepy but you smiled at this.
After he clean both of you, he pulled you so you could lay on his chest, his arms holding you close and all you could do was relax.
— Ya're too good to be true, mo grá. — he left a kiss on your forehead before fall asleep with you.
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crazyforhorror · 4 years
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Trying to sniff out a trail
-- Star Pov--
I sure hope Laddie is safe, I know for a fact that the lost boys don’t have him so I am feeling glad about that but terrified because I don’t know WHO he is with and if he is safe. Now I know how a mother must feel, not having her child by her side and the uncertainty of their dissapearance. The Frog brothers stayed the night to try to help Mike and I as well as Sam to locate Laddie. He is like my son, all the time I spent taking care of him I really felt like his mother. And I managed to not protect him from what ever happened, I failed him. Tears rushed down my smooth face, leaving red tracks and a puffy feeling to my normally thin mug. The horror was fully set as the two sets of brothers emerged down the staircase of the Emerson household. Wiping tears, I stand and rush into the open arms of Michael and hold him tight, new tears threatining to spill onto my curly tresses and the locks of my boyfriend. You may be saying, “Star crying ain’t going to get you nowhere, so why are you guys not out looking?” Well yesterday, we rechecked the cave and all the spots we used to go with him, nothing had changed. He was nowhere to be found and neither were the people he has to have left with. We checked with his family and they still haven’t seen him either. All five of us at a loss, we are trying to regroup and hatch one more new plan. Sadly for us though, we have all run out of anything we can do. Now we just have to wait for him to make a return, much like his family are. Max’s old shop has been given over to Lucy, so its much diffrent now, happier and bussier even. The surfer gang is all happy to have their territory and that of the old biker gang that dissapeared like everyone else. To the locals, they all cut and run, to us we know the truth and to be honest I do miss some of them a tad bit but not enough to mourn them. Mostly how they annoyed each other all the time. 
-- Quinn Pov--
I was hanging out at the mansion on the private Island that the family who calls themselves “the lost boys” owns. You see, Paul and I are having a stay in date while we watch Laddie and the others are going out to look for trouble on the town. The little boy was hyper as he had just woken from his slumber and I knew just by how he and the boys were they too were vampires. Even the ten year old boy. We had all figured each other out pretty fast and I had started to hang out with them more. It had been a few weeks since we met and I had never been happier to know a group of people. They were all very happy to see Paul being with me all the time. Out of nowhere Laddie had gasped, covered his mouth, looked guilty and sped out of the room once I had heard him call me mommy. Paul had is mouth open in the door way to the kitchen and I looked at him with a small smile, “I have got this babe, don’t worry about it.” He kisses me softly on the lips and then I head to the little vamp’s bedroom with a knock on the door frame. 
“Lads, can I come in and talk to you please?” His voice was muffled by the pillows but I heard him clear as day and I knew right then, if our kind could cry we would both be in tears. “H-Honey, Im not mad at you, I promise. Actually I would love to be your mommy. I once had a son but after he was born I had to let him go, but not one night goes by where I don’t miss him like crazy. You fill that void with your family nicley.I love you like my own, little bat.” My voice was soft as I creep to his bedside and move his hair gently out of his face. With a little shuffling I soon feel his arms wrap themselves securely around my midsection and his face in my chest with no signs of wanting to let go.
“Can you sing to me Mama?Please?” I nod and sing a song to him( A/N: I know Christina Perry is the one who wrote and sang this song but for the pourpose of the story Quinn wrote it. singing is in italics)
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I’m afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away some how
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away
What’s standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more
One step closer
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more
By the time I was done with the song, Laddie was so calm I thought I had put him into a sleep but he was just happy to hear my voice. Unbeknownst to me, Paul and the boys were watching me from the door with smiles on their faces as the young son looked up at me, keeping his head on my chest still. “ I love you mommy, thank you for sining to me. You have the voice of an angel.” I kiss his head and tell him I am glad he liked it before he hops up and runs into Paul’s wating arms, “Did you hear that Daddy Paul? Mama is an angel and I love her!”
“ You are not wrong bud! And I love her too! She definatly is the best mom ever.” Glad I could no longer blush as a vampire, I stood up from the edge of the samll bed, “I should really get home,I have work tomorrow and I dont want to be a cranky mess or I may drain the entire human race of their blood.” Dark chuckles emerge from David and Dwayne who had previously seen me blow up on Marko for being mean to Lads while the curly blond shudders in fear, “ Paul man, your girl is scary!” He mutters as I walk past him and ruffle his hair like a parent would to annoy thier older child. This was my life now and I loved every second of it.
A/N: so the next thing I plan to post is going to be a family tree to kind of explain the dynamic of the people in the story so no one is confused, it will give away some of the former surprises but oh well, I gotta make sure no one gets lost ;) 
I hope you all liked this chapter!
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rtacademybd · 2 years
How to get more local customers to my shop
if you are a samll business onwer you can presence your business on local business seo. local business seo is specially desgin for local business. if you did not get enough local customers to your shop front you can setup your local business getting more customers, and more conversions to your brand.
its time to optimziation your local business on google search maps. To get more visitors to your brand you need to marketing your brand on internet. I will show you some steps which help to rank your local business top on google and other search engine.
Optimization your business on website
Research local keyword Research
Generate your content for local customers.
Setup Google my business profile.
Building niche related citation on high authority website.
Daily content posting on Google my business profile.
Update your business information
Post your daily work story to your local customers.
If you have local business and did not presence your business on google and other search engine. it is time to go now on internet and earn more customers.
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cdstravelmidia · 3 years
YUDODO Pet Dog Sling Carrier Adjustable Padded Shoulder Strap Puppy Tote Hands Free Safe Mesh Pet Papoose Sling Carrier for Samll Meudium Large Dog Cat for Outdoor Travel
YUDODO Pet Dog Sling Carrier Adjustable Padded Shoulder Strap Puppy Tote Hands Free Safe Mesh Pet Papoose Sling Carrier for Samll Meudium Large Dog Cat for Outdoor Travel
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description The YUDODO pet harness bracket can help you take your pet friends to any place, such as traveling, hiking, walking, parks, shopping centers, etc., so that you can explore this beautiful world with your pet at any time. Why choose YUDODO pet sling carrier shoulder bag? 1.Safe:We have a safety net design that can hold the pet in the sling carrier and…
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rp2photography · 3 years
Cantaloupe and Grapes No. 1 - Simple Authenticity
Cantaloupe and Grapes No. 1 – Simple Authenticity
Cantaloupe and Grapes Looking for a beautiful still life for your kitchen, dining room, or even a restaurant? We’ve got you covered. With five sizes and two finishes, you will find the perfect piece to fit your needs. Choose from our metal prints, in five sizes and two finishes. Shop online now! Extra Large Large Medium Small Extra Samll
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domuseverio · 3 years
6-24V Test Pen Multi-purpose Tip Electric Pencil Electrician Test with Clip Special for Car Audio Tool Samll Size
6-24V Test Pen Multi-purpose Tip Electric Pencil Electrician Test with Clip Special for Car Audio Tool Samll Size
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N€W 6-24V Test Pen Multi-purpose Tip Electric Pencil Electrician Test with Clip Special for Car Audio Tool Samll Size
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omggurufelix-blog · 3 years
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These classy apartment units are in the heart of Kilimani Nairobi near Yaya Centre. Status:showroom is ready Completion :2021 December Note:It is an ideal investment for residential and can fit as a rental income option. Do you know furnished apartments are the in thing for now and the future? This one presents the best option for you ,worry no more. It is a statement of superior living at competitive market prices. In close proximity to fine dining restaurants, entertainment areas and high-end shopping malls. This project is afew minutes from the Central Business District of Nairobi, Upper Hill and Westlands. It is in a short distance away from the French School of Nairobi, A few minutes drive to Yaya Centre, The Junction, Quickmart , Adlife Plaza, and other shopping areas. The best medical centres among them, The Nairobi Womens Hospital, Coptic Mission Hospital. Building Features: Borehole Sound structural design Backup generators 24 hours CCTV surveillance Four high speed lifts outdoor children play area Fully equipped gym Intercom Well-designed garden area Ample parking area Units:- Studio Apartments ranging from 3.8 M to 4.0M 1 Bedrooms Apartments ranging from 4.2 M to 4.5M 2 Bedrooms Apartments (samll ) ranging from 7.0 M to 7.6M 2 Bedrooms Apartments (standard ) ranging from 9.0M to 9.6M Payment terms : Standard Payment Plan - 30% deposit, 20% in 6 month, the balance is payable on or before completion. Bank Financing is an option Apartment Floor Size:40 m² - 100 m² Get in touch with us for booking and viewing . More than 50% sold currently. Grab yours today. Call 0715658251 #Kilimani #realestate #Kileleshwa #Lavington #Nairobi (at Kilimani, Nairobi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ7m_P8gQ-o/?igshid=15t6qxt52dk7
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nordinor · 4 months
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retail11 · 3 years
z-010 TOPCAR high pressure tornado gun with 2m liquid pipe for big car washing shop/car washer
z-010 TOPCAR high pressure tornado gun with 2m liquid pipe for big car washing shop/car washer
start end PACKAGE CONTENTS:1 TORNADOR GUN AS SAMPLE+1 PIPE+1BRUSH ONLY Reading Important notice befor you buy tornador gun: all becuase our tornador is total product by handmade, so maybe some of the gun there is little samll scratches on the gun body, this will be allowed, we can offer you good quality technology and best price tornador gun, but when handmade and shipment these small scratches…
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Samll business with small investment Making PP and PET strapping clip...
Making the PP & PET Strapping seal clips as the FMCG (Fast Moving Customer
Goods) which  is a small business with less investment and safe returning as a
result Please click the below link for more information about the machine of PET
strapping seal clips: https://strap-seal-machine.com/products/pssm.html
Please click the below link for the machine of PP strapping seal clips: https://strap-seal-machine.com/products/points.html Please check the prices of the machines at Shipofy online shops: https://strapping-clip-buckle-machine.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~ #PETStrappingSeal, #PETStrappingClip, #MachineOfPETStrappingClip
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How to Increase Smoke Shop Sales
You will need to file a fictitious enterprise name for that identify. I work at a school for special schooling children and someone has open up a smoke shop right next door to the school i am seeking to stat my very own smoke shope i want all data on how to get stated im having a smoke store handed to me. What do I have to open a smoke shop ? just trying to find out the way to open a samll head store in ohio and is there restrictions in ohio where i might open at how do i get wholesale smoke shop license. Franchising is a great way to increase the business without having to dedicate time, effort, and money to opening another store in a brand new location yourself, with the business house owners who launch the new store footing the invoice.
Summary: opening a shop
You will more than likely adjust to additional requirements when starting a business. You may or will not be permitted to allow customers to smoke in your store premises. If you would, you will want some certification out of your state human companies division.
All Retail Trade smoke shop companies/entities want a enterprise license and an EIN. The business identify needs to be registered especially if your business name is something like "Smoke Tobacco For Healthy Lungs," or any other identify corresponding to "stop your cough with a cigar". If you are starting a Tobacco Shop, you'll need a business license, a vendor’s permit and a DBA fictitious business identify certificates or an incorporation or LLC formation. Hello, just wished to thank you for the article. I am a brand new enterprise that's getting began in the Smoke Shop industries and found the advice priceless.
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How To Choose A Vape Shop Location
Therefore, you have to depend on extra creative methods of selling your vape shop. You’ll need to stay updated on the newest business developments, so peruse websites like Instagram and YouTube for info, and contemplate attending trade reveals and the like.
But in case you are a cigarette lover, the challenges you’ll meet gained’t matter much in your need to create a shop where cigarette aficionados and would-be aficionados can purchase cigarettes and congregate to share experiences a couple of good good smoke. PuffCity is a unique one-stop smoke store offering shoppers the opportunity to buy a large number of cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, e juices, glass, vaporizers, hookahs, and equipment.If you might be looking for smoke shop near me, vape shop near me or tobacco store close to me , you might be in the best place. When you begin a smoke shop, handling everything on your own is extremely difficult.
Take some time and discover all of your financing choices. You don’t need financing funds to eat up all of your earnings if you end up starting out. If you're building a vape shop business from scratch, it is probably that within the preliminary section you'll need all the cash flow attainable to re-spend money on inventory and promotion. I am interested in opening a smoke store in McAllen or Edinburg TX. What are the necessities needed and the way do I get began.
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chaisteabox · 7 years
So I was fortunate enough to be given an opportunity to do my henna tattoos out of a samll shop here in Hays, last spring and summer time. And man... towards the later part of i knew her daughter was interested. And now guess what? I dont do henna there anymore. SHE HAS HER DAUGHTER DO IT INSTEAD A FUCKING MIDDLE SCHOOLER. IVE BEEN DOING MY OWN HENNA FOR A FUCKING DECADE AND SHE HAS HER 13 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER DO IT INSTEAD OF A PROFESSIONAL. Is it rational for me to be angry? Yes. Because the work coming out of that shop now is tacky and amateur. It gives the art form a cheap feel and i hate her for it. @gothicsparrow @swaggymcwiles im not... overreacting at allll. One of these days ill just open my own shop and blow themball out of tge water.
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