#short hairstyles korean female
blippymilk · 8 months
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John Dory x Kpop Fem! Troll
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A/N: The reader is a female Korean pop troll. She is John Dory’s girlfriend during the events of the Trolls: Band Together movie (and so forth but you get it). I know the request doesn’t say K-pop but the user that sent this let me know. Please forgive me for any mistakes, I am NOT fluent in Korean at all!
Warnings: Slight cussing, mentions of death (yk Floyd)
This is also a lot longer than I intended but I was quite interested actually
I hope you enjoy 🥹
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You laid back in your bed shifting under the covers to find the right spot. You placed your sleeping mask on, as you rolled towards the empty space in your shared bed. You took a breath and let your body relax as a small smile graced your lips. Your beauty sleep being so abruptly interrupted by your boyfriend busting the door to your room open. “아 젠장!” You screamed. “WAKE UP Y/N! We’re going to save Floyd!”
You sipped your tea at the dining table, wrapped up in your heavy blanket. Your boyfriend had just told you the story and the plan to go save his brother Floyd. Apparently he had been captured by two pop singers under the names Velvet & Veneer.
Once finished with your beverage, you placed your mug in the kitchen sink and headed over to your boyfriend who was driving ‘Rhonda’.
“Sorry again about that scare babe.” John Dory said turning to face you as Rhonda kept on the road. “Mhm” you said giving him a small peck on the lips. “That’s it?” He frowned as you scoffed. You sat down in the passenger seat next to him (yes there is one bcs I said so) and stared at the road in front of you. The looks of the setting around you was a lot different than what you knew truly.
“So Mount Rageous? Ever been there before?” You asked your boyfriend. “Nope.” John replied, still a little sour. “Then how will we know what it looks like then?” You questioned. “Different? Guess we’ll find out.” John said taking charge of the wheel again.
Mount Rageous was something different alright. It was so bright, and shiny, and full of color, and teens. Lot’s and lot’s of teenagers. The people that lived in Mount Rageous looked different too. The had an extremely skinny build, several types of hairstyles and colors, and most of them in colorful rompers and head pieces. They were always dancing whenever music was on, so they were a little bit like trolls in a way.
Once you and John searched around, you found the live concert area of Velvet and Veneer. They were no different from to say the least, they looked like Mount Rageons too. But they had shiny crop tops and shorts/skirts, diamond bracelets, and beautiful voices. They’re music was catchy you had to admit, but until further notice they were the enemy.
You and John snuck into their dressing room and found Floyd trapped inside a purple, stable, diamond bottle.
“Floyd!” John spoke as he looked up. “John Dory? I can’t believe it, I’d never thought I’d see one of my brothers again.” He smiled. Then he tilted his head back when he saw you, slightly behind John and waving. “And who’s this?” Floyd’s smile growing a little wider. “My girlfriend!” John said with a proud smile. “Hii!” You said still waving at Floyd as he wave back. “She seems sweet.” Floyd whispered to John through the bottle. “She’s definitely that! But what’s going on Floyd?”
From there Floyd explained Velvet and Veneer’s plan. Apparently they were using Floyd’s talent to sing and stay on top as the hottest celebrities in Mount Rageous.
It was almost embarrassing to watch your boyfriend attempt to break his brother out the jar. “John stop! The bottle is made of diamond, and there’s only one thing powerful enough to shatter diamond.” Floyd spoke. “Right, a diamond shattering diamond hammer!” JD said as you face palmed. “No Johnny,” you sighed, “It’s the perfect family harmony.” You and Floyd spoke in unison.
“Our voices sound like garbage, we’re dying out there! What we need is more troll!” A girl spoke as the automatic doors slid open. John picked you up and released his hair up towards the vent you both entered in. “We’ll be back with the bros, you have my word Floyd!” John said before you both disappeared out of Floyd’s sight.
When you made it back to Rhonda you worried for John, he seemed a little discouraged. “What are we gonna do JD?” You asked him sincerely. There was silence for a moment before John spoke boldly, “We’re going to find my brothers.”
You hummed quietly as you watched John Dory’s brother Branch, look over his ‘Clue Board’. You were going through album photos of Brozone with his girlfriend that you had clicked with named Poppy. “Oh my gosh Branch! Denim Tuxedos! Ahhh!” Poppy squealed holding a photo. You giggled at the way she fan girled over her boyfriend. It reminded you of yourself when you first began dating John.
“So how are we finding Bruce guys?” You snapped out of your thoughts, as John Dory walked over to you. “Not to worry because I got this!” He held up a postcard that said ‘Wish you were here’. “Seriously?” You and Branch spoke in sync. “Come on it’s definitely Spruce, I mean he’s the only one I know who talks like that.” John said matter-o-factly. “It’s not even signed.” You said. “And there’s no return address. This could be form anywhere!” Branch concurred. “All we have to do is find this sunset!” Poppy spoke. “Liking that optimism Poppy seed, one word Branch keeper.” He said as Branch stormed away to the front of the bus to talk to the bus driver. Did I forget to mention the bus driver was a 1 foot 2 inch sparkly baby troll with glasses and the bars of Eminem.
You pulled John aside to talk to him. You’d noticed that for the small amount of time John has been with his brother, he’d been treating him like the child he’d once taken care of. “John you should stop treating Branch like a baby ok? He’s an adult now, let’s treat him like one.” You explained. “What are you talking about? I’m not treating him like a child, he knows that I just love him. You don’t understand the brotherly love babe.” John deflected, not surprising you at all.
Once you guys found Bruce (and gave a little performance) you were on your way to find Clay. You’d decided to head to the front and control the radio after JD had given you a cold look for seeing you fan girl over the name Clay.
You finished humming the last lines of ‘Russian Roulette’ before it went off, and set your hand on the dial to play it back. “Again!” “NO!” John shouted running up to you and blocking the radio station. “That’s five times this week.” John Dory groaned. “Yeah, and it’s usually six, now move.” You said trying to move him which caused bickering between you both. “Damn, you two fight like a married couple.” Bruce was walking back to the steering wheel with Tiny Diamond, after taking a coffee break. “What? No we don’t.” John stuttered trying to hide his faint blush. “I think he would know, he is married ya know.” Tiny said with a little sass.
“They’re perfect for each other.” You heard Bruce whisper to him.
You and the rest of the group stood in frozen shock, as a light pink troll excitedly buzzed around you. You’d gotten off the bus, walked into a dark abandoned golf course, got jump scared by a clown, and now you’re being greeted by someone who’s almost two times more energetic than Poppy. It was nice that she’d welcomed you all in after the scare with food, and drinks, and beautiful lights.
“These fries are awesome! They would really go great with a burger!” Bruce said as a ear shattering scream left you all squirming. The trolls around you had run away as if something was about to attack. “What in the world?” You spoke. “Yea we try not to use that word around here,” Viva started going up to Bruce, “It’s just that burger sounds a little bit like…bergan.” Another shriek in the distance cut her off. “We call burgers,” You all looked up to see a troll with green, fluffy hair, emerging from a dim lit area, “Meat circles.”
“No way!”
“Hey how you been man?” Clay walked up to Bruce. “CLAY!” John shouted for his brother. “Hmm, John.” He said coldly as John’s jaw dropped. You tried to hold back your laugh a little bit, but you failed and John shot you “hurt” look. After Clay was done talking to Bruce, John Dory spoke again, “Well if you won’t talk to me, maybe you’ll talk to my girlfriend huh?” John said out of pure pettiness as he brought you foward.
“Oh cool! You’re John’s girlfriend? Nice to meet you, I’m Clay if you didn’t know.” He smiled and put out his hand for you to shake. John’s jaw dropped (again) at this as you shook Clay’s hand, “I definitely know who you are! You’re like the best dancer ever! And so talented.” You said excitedly as Poppy started jumping up and down excitedly behind you. Clay smiled (a little nervously) as you finally let go of his hand. As Clay made his way over to Branch he gave John a little thumbs up (which may or may not have made him feel proud).
“Are we ready to practice brothers? Errrm- and ladies?” John asked pointing at you and Poppy as you nodded enthusiastically. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Clay said sneaking in a little bit of a silly robot move, as you and Poppy shrieked in awe. That was quickly put to an end as John gave you a side eye, and Branch just blatantly stared at Poppy.
You all attempted to practice singing the hit Brozone song: Perfect, before John Dory stopped everyone midway. “Dude what are you doing?” Clay asked taking the shades of his face. “It’s not good enough, Clay you need some sillier robot, Bruce we need more smolder in those eyes, Branch maybe a smaller diaper?” John went on and on. “If this diaper was any smaller I could taste it.” Branch fumed. “Calm down JD, you’re acting like you’re perfect.” You said quietly to soften the blow. “Actually, you were a tad pitchy yourself.” JD said tapping his chin, which set you off a bit. “See now you’re being bossy.” Clay butted in. “Way too bossy and controlling !” Bruce told him. “In what way? John asked. “You’re 20 something year old brother is in a diaper!” You stated. “I’m doing this for Floyd!” John shouted. “Are you? Or do you just want to tell us what to do again?” Bruce shouted.
And from there it was just so much commotion. Eventually you separated yourself and sat down covering your ears, hoping to block out all the bickering. “Let’s just get this over with so we can go save Floyd!” Branch spoke. “Branch is right, let’s get this done so we can all go our separate ways.” John said. “Fine.” Clay agreed. “What?” Branch asked as you looked up. The boys went on about how they planned to save Floyd then go back to their own lives. “What you didn’t think we’d all live together? Sitting around roasting marshmallows?” John Dory joked as you gave him a stern look. “Oh I’m sorry is that funny to you? That I might actually want us to be a family again?” Branch as before telling Tiny to pull over.
From there Branch told his sob story and exited the bus, Poppy right behind him. You watched them and looked back at John who almost seemed to know your next step before you went through with it. “No ____ don’t…” John said as you shook your head. “I just need a break ok? Tiny Diamond, grab your bike.” You said exiting the bus, Tiny right behind you.
“After that luxury vehicle!” Poppy shouted as the van (Rhonda) took off. John, Clay, and Bruce had all been captured alongside Floyd by Velvet and Veneer. The two popstars had subtly hidden the trolls in their matching gem shoulder pads.
You were specifically after Veneer since he had John Dory in his right gem. You, Rhonda, Tiny, Poppy, and Branch were all after Velvet and Veneer. Shifting through the crowds and trying to dodge the multiple cars driven by teenagers, eager to see their favorite pop stars. “No respect for the blinker at all!” You and Tiny said in unison.
The duo were now on top of their car singing, giving a “live road performance”. You guys were trying everything; Branch attempted to grab Floyd before being knocked off by Velvet, Tiny had given Branch a…substance and more. “Uh guys what does the end of the road mean?” Tiny asked as you all froze and looked at the cut off road in front of you, plastered with the word ‘END’. “예수께서 운전대를 잡으세요 (Jesus take the wheel)” you whispered before you all fell off.
You landed back on a platform somewhere, as Velvet & Veneer abandoned their car and got away on a yacht. “Oh no!” Poppy said as she looked around. “Let’s hustle!” Tiny said before clicking the swirly orange button on JD’s van. You were carried across the sky by the three eyed entity you’d all met earlier. He dropped you off as you all fell out the reality, and onto a motorcycle driven by Bridget and Gristle. And surprisingly along with them, Viva was along side them.
You and Viva took her elastic hand and stretched it across the sides of the boat, causing Veneer to trip and fall backwards. You both grabbed his gems, you taking John Dory, and Viva retrieving Bruce.
Still Velvet and Veneer managed to get away, taking an escape route to the top of their yacht as Velvet finished off her high note. The other trolls had managed to retrieve Clay, but Velvet still got away with Floyd. “Are you guys ready for an encore?” Velvet shouted as their fans whooped and hollered. “It’s like she just wants to kill him!” You exaggerated.
You all huddled together as Branch pulled out a pep talk. As one thing led to another, you were all singing together. You finally saw the results of a perfect family harmony, and for the first time before too.
Soon Floyd was ejected from Velvet’s shoulder pad, as he floated up in the air along with the rest of you. Hitting the last note of ‘Better Place’, a wave was sent all through Mount Rageous, causing Velvet and Veneer to fall off the high platform of the boat.
You all slowly floated back onto the boat as you watch a clear, slightly blue, version of Floyd float back down as well. Branch caught him as you all rushed over to his lifeless body. “Floyd.” Bruce sighed. “Oh no.” Clay shed a tear. “I built that bunker…without the ten story water slide…” Branch said softly. You didn’t have time to question because you were all met with a familiar voice, “But, how will we shower?” You looked down to see Floyd fading in.
“Floyd! No way, yeah!”
“Anddddd tax evasion, I’m gonna have to reposes your yacht.”
“Fair enough, prison it is!”
You watched as Velvet (angrily) and Veneer (calmly) were being hauled off. “And sorry about that fall! Don’t take it personal, you just had my man.” You finger gunned Veneer as he nodded before being taken off the boat.
Just at that John Dory approached you, “Hey babe? I just want to say I’m really sorry for all that bickering, and if I was a little bossy.” He said as you chuckled. “And I’m sorry for butting into you and your brother’s personal lives.” You sighed laughing a bit. John smiled before pulling you into a long awaited kiss. You were shocked by the sounds of cheering off in the distance. Once you pulled away you looked around to see the commotion, and there was Branch and Poppy also getting intimate (kissing 🤨).
John laughed as you both walked past them and over to his brothers, “Get a room you two!”
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violentviolet-vv · 2 months
HWH GSHAJSGEIE finally made xamp camp art... Gender bend!! i told you id keep my promise for foreign kids cc art!! >:)))
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here.... its 12:21 AM where i am.... my legs hurt and ny eyes are dizzy and spinny but imade this!! :DD <3 (dont comment on vera/victor i cant draw boys at all) (also idk if dang/dao would wear a skirt or shorts) (same with hwans hairstyle idk if it would be kept like a bob or a ponytail) (also i googled dangs female ver name, turns out it isnt thai origin but ill ask my mom about it in the morning becuz shes from thailand/is thai) (and hwans name is apparently gender neutral? not sure abt that becuz idk anyone korean so i googled it. itll just stay hwan)
sorry for ny yapping im gonna try to sleep now :')
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I loved the costumes in this show but most of all I loved how they put so much character development into hair and outfits. Here is a whole essay on how much I love it. Just to clarify, I paid a lot of attention to clothes but I don't actually know much about Korean historical clothing/hairstyles.
I've been noticing lately that everyone in English tv/movies tend to have long, wavy hair no matter what their personality or profession dictates. Period K dramas seem to also tend towards long hair for women (and since cutting off a woman's hair was a huge humiliation in another show I watched, I'm guessing the long hair is a cultural point of pride in the past). But even with long hair for all the women the personality shows through.
Naksu has long hair but it's in a bun, held with a piece of wood. Hair is in her way and her only "style" is to keep it out of her eyes. This perfectly fits her assassin profession and single minded character. I'm also not totally sure, but this looks more like a male than female style (though in this show most guys have short hair, I think only the crown prince and king have top knots, Master Lee has hippie sort of hair which fits with his character).
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I'm sorry Marvel, but this is female assassin hair, not this:
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I can hardly run after my kid without my hair getting in the way but black widow is killing people without a ponytail? Bullshit.
At first as Mu Deok, she has a top-knot type bun and a single braid.
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Again, very utilitarian. And it's not even how the other servants dress, we see most shopkeepers and other female servants in buns on the back of their heads or decorated braids (Maidservant Kim is special, I'll get to her). Naksu is just focused on training Jang Uk so she can get her power back, still no time spent on hair.
Then as she starts to like Jang Uk and soften on the whole "assassin bent on revenge" thing, she has a braid with some colourful leather in it.
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It's still not very fancy but it looks far more feminine. And it's not like, "I must appear pretty for this man" but more like, "I've accepted that I am more than an assassin, I'm also a woman who can fall in love."
I also loved that as Mu Deok she couldn't even walk in the full feminine dresses. She was an assassin who lived in a cave, she's never worn them before. Her immediately taking off and selling the gown the prince gave her was priceless! Even her last episode fancier outfit is short and worn with pants:
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In the second season we see her dressed simply (at least compared with her sister and mother) most of the time, but she is also aware that she looks good (she outright said she was ugly as Mu Deok) and she dresses identifiably as upper class:
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She's still not girly like her sister, but she is comfortable in the female world.
Her sister, Jin Cho-Yeon, being the height of girly and having a pretty boy husband was just hilarious and fun:
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And then Maidservant Kim, her style and character was really interesting.
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She is basically the head of the Jang household even though she's a servant, I think she'd be a housekeeper in English? But she's raised the orphaned Jang Uk and she speaks with the other important people almost as an equal. So she wears her hair and dresses almost like a mini lady, not quite as fancy but close.
Lady Jin for comparison:
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The only critique I have of costumes is that while Jang Uk in black/silver/grey for season 2 made a lot of sense because he was mourning and in a dark place (though I think white is the colour of mourning but whatever), I think it would have been nice if he started wearing blue again either at the wedding or in the very last scene because he finally got her back. Especially the last scene.
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mudaship39 · 3 months
Character Bio of the Asian and Asian Indigenous Half Human Half Firebird and Stormbird Monk character 
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: Zhou Zhen/Zhou Chen:
Chinese name: 
Zhou Zhen (the National S Rank Hero of Korea and S rank Adventurer of China)
Zhou Chen (the Half Human Half Phoenix Firebird and Lightning Bird Monk the S Rank Adventurer and Guild Member)
Korean name: Che Hae-Sook
Japanese name: Miyoko Takahashi
Metahuman with pyrokinetic fire powers and electrokinetic lightning powers
Celestial/Stellar bipedal humanoid Phoenix Firebird Fenghuang and Lightning Bird 
Ethnicity: Asian and Indigenous Asian 
Racial Identity: East Asian Chinese Han, East Asian Korean, & East Asian Japanese Yamato 
Cultural Identity: Zhuang ethnicity, Ryukyuan/Luchuan Indigenous, and Manchurian ethnicity 
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130
Body Type: Lean, lithe, slender, & and athletic. Body type similar to a martial artist or gymnast. 
34 25 38
Pre-colonial East Asian hairstyles. 
Long hair tied in short ponytail 
Long hair tied in a medium or long ponytail
Undercut with short hair 
Undercuts with Long Hair
Sidecut & Shaved Sides with Long Hair
Sidecut and shaved sides with short hair 
She keeps her hair mostly in a half-updo as a symbol of being unmarried. 
She starts to grow her hair in an updo as a status of married woman.
Hair color: black
Hair texture: 
Hair look/state:
Eye Color: light brown
Skin color: terra cotta brown
Extra: Red, orange, and yellow phoenix feathers grow on her chest, back, arms, & legs. In her full phoenix fire bird form she has wings, a beak, a tail, feathers on her entire body, & she has talons on her hand and feet. She has golden raptor-like eyes.
Age: 27 
Birthday: Taurus Horse
Shoe Size: 8
Celestial and stellar colored and black and white East Asian tattoos of tigers, phoenixes, dragons, fish, buddha, qilin, etc that glow when she uses her firebird and lightning bird powers especially electrical fire fusion elemental powers 
Black and white traditional Asian Indigenous tattoos 
Modern cyberpunk sci fi tattoos that are holographic 4d
Modern steampunk fantasy tattoos
Piercings: Facial Piercings with gemstones on her face on her ears, eyebrows, nose, tongue, forehead, chin, & cheeks
Body Piercings with gemstones on her body on her chest, nipples, navel, & genitalia 
Jewelry: East Asian buddhist bracelets, jade gemstones rings, Buddhist necklaces.
Sex: Female
Gender: Nonbinary 
Gender Identity: Demigirl 
Queer subtype: Butch of color 
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: He him, she her 
Religion: Shinto Buddhist
Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Common, Undercommon, Goblinoid, Giantkin, Gnomish, Halfling, Dwarvish, Fey, Elvish, Sylvan, Underdark, Draenei, Draconic, Aarakocra, Auran, Celestial, Fiendish, Deep Speech, Serpent Tongue, & Primordial
Disabilities: Autistic. 
Neurodivergent: ADD, ADHD, OCD, 
Mental Illnesses: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD
Jewelry: rings, necklace, bracelets
Ear Piercings:
He/she has a tragus ear piercing with a gemstone, a conch ear piercing with a gemstone, a helix ear piercing with a gemstone, a daith ear piercing with a gemstone, a snug ear piercing with a gemstone, a lobe ear piercing with a gemstone, an anti tragus ear piercing with a gemstone, a rook ear piercing with a gemstone, an anti helix ear piercing with a gemstone, a forward helix piercing with a gemstone, a lobe transversal ear piercing with a gemstone, a high lobe piercing with a gemstone, a helix stud lobe with a gemstone, and a upper lobe piercing with gemstone on his/her ears.
Facial piercings:
He/she has facial piercings. They have vertical barbell eyebrow piercing with amethyst gemstone, horizontal eyebrow piercing spiked barbell piercing with onyx gemstone, Medusa diamond stud piercing with moonstone gemstone above their lip, dimple studs with malachite gemstone in their cheeks, a spiked labret with lapis lazuli on their chin, a septum ring piercing with kunzite gemstone that goes through their nose, a barbell bridge piercing with jasper gemstone between their eyes on top of their nose, a rhino barbell nose ring piercing with jade gemstone on the top of their nose, nasallang piercings with lolite and kyanite gemstones on the left and right side of their nose, a middle tongue piercing on their tongue, and a third eye stud piercing with hiddenite gemstone on their forehead.
Body piercings:
He/she has body piercings. They have a barbell piercing with gemstone in their navel, a barbell piercing with gemstone on their chest, & nipple piercings on their body. 
Black and white traditional Indigenous Asian tattoos 
Colored modern Asian tattoos 
Magical fantasy tattoos 
Cyberpunk sci fi futuristic tattoos 
Father: Lei Chen 
Mother: Eun-a Choi
Aunts and Uncles: Miyoko Kobayashi, Ha-min Choi, Liya Chen 
Brothers: Yun Chen
Sisters: Yan Chen, Xiuying Chen 
Cousins: Nanami Kobayashi, Takeo Kobayashi 
Nephews and Nieces:
Adoptive children: 
Biological children: 
Marital Status: Married
Relationship model: Polyamorous
Love Interests: 
Elsa Johansson, Afro Asian half dragon Chun Hei Kim, Afro South Asian Desi Afro European Amelia Himmat Mishra, Afro West Asian Maysa Uzun, Latine Native Valerie Nadia Torres Garcia. Artist Dancer Yuli Li, Madam Brothel Manager Sunrita Maheshwari, Swordswoman Xiuli Chang, Grandmaster Weili Yang, Military Captain Soldier Chunyu Liu, Government Official Kanako Takahashi, Scholar Miyoko Kobayashi, Police captain Saruta Chaiyasan, Noble Lady Hyo-jin Jung, Warlord General Sae-hyun Park, Jonin kunoichi assassin Nanako Yamada, Samurai Lady Kiyoko Nakamura, Merchant Myeon-ji Kim, Shogun Tomiko Satou, Princess Lady Minh Nguyen
Xiao Lei: Poison Master (Master in poison arts). 
Shinobi Jonin Tara Uzumaki (assassination, ninjutsu, & shadow arts). 
Swordmaster and Sword God Yuan Jian: (Melee Martial Arts Mentor). 
Himi Satomi: Array Master. 
Professor Shimada Tokuma: Pills Sage (Medicinal Pills mentor). 
Grandmaster Sage Ch’u Min-Hee (Martial Arts mentor).
Character traits:
Original World:
She is an arrogant, cocky and egotistical celebrity. She is also very determined and ambitious albeit her goals were initially of the selfish kind. She shows her true heroic and selfless nature when she becomes a superhero and champion of Earth. Even though she is arrogant, cocky, egotistical, annoying, self-centered and enjoys the spotlight. She really has good intentions at heart. She wants to become a great fighter and philosopher. As she got older however, due to many harrowing and tragic ordeals she suffered grew to be more mature and wiser. Despite her materialism, airheadedness, and occasional immaturity. She is a brave and loyal warrior. Although her antics frequently annoy her allies. She does have unstoppable willpower. She is upbeat and wise-cracking. She is fun-loving and carefree. Loud and full of laughter. She is easily amused and very impulsive. She is smart, independent, strong, and confident. She is also very bright, peppy and an optimist, though it makes her sometimes come off as naïve and idealistic. She is impulsive, brash, energetic, hotheaded, audacious, and daring. She can be a bit arrogant and entitled but has a good heart. She is shown to be very energetic, playful, mischievous, and hyperactive. She can also be rather curious and outspoken. She has a mischievous streak and likes to play practical jokes and stir up trouble. She was always arrogant and boastful. She is of her own fighting skills and wishing to be the best. She enjoys boasting about herself and asking who dares to question her ability. She used to have a habit of playing pranks on the other students.
Isekai World:
Upon meeting her many sensei and shifu. She always wanted to challenge them because she admired their skills and wanted to be respected by them back. Training with her many martial arts masters has humbled her significantly. To the point where she realized the true worth of defending her family, clan, & people. She values her masters’ teachings a lot. Even though she still remains arrogant, she takes her heroic moments seriously. When in battle, she shows complete focus and determination. She often speaks in a direct and confrontational manner. Outside of battle, however, she speaks very gently and with a great deal of compassion. From the start, she is shown to be rather kind, brave, and compassionate. She is a spit-fire. Being strong-willed, rebellious, independent, and defiant. However, in battle she is calm and collected. Despite her rebellious tendencies, she is loving and loyal to her family, clan, pupils, mentors, & martial arts peers. She possesses a sarcastic sense of humor, and constantly retains a cool, calm, and collected demeanor. Being rarely startled or shaken by anything. She is hotheaded and energetic. She is a thrill-seeker above all else. She gains great satisfaction from triumph and combat. She is most often confident and adventurous. She is also among the most lighthearted and fun-loving of her alumni and class of the martial arts academy and shaolin monastery. Despite this, she is also nurturing and protective. She knows when to be serious and help others out. She is also crafty, finding ways to outsmart others and place herself in favorable situations.
Positive character traits:
Negative character traits:
S rank
S rank Adventurer:
S Rank Hunter
S Rank Hero
Level: 300
Stat Points:
Alignment: Neutral Good 
Class: Monk (Magical melee and unarmed martial arts) 
Disgraced Noble. Fallen Noble. Arranged Marriage. Exile. Academy Dropout. Unseen Academy Reject. Acolyte. Apothecary. Artisan. Attention Addict. Athlete. Celebrity. Chef. Chosen One. Craftsman. Dauntless. Destined to be a Hero. Doctor. Duelist. Entertainer. Farmer. Fisherman. Fortune Teller. Government Official (Imperial Civil Servant). Hermit. Isekai. Lesser Scion. Librarian. Martial Artist. Matchmaker. Merchant. Mercenary. Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Noble. Nurse. One Soul Two Bodies. Otherworlder. Poet. Primogenitor. Prodigy. Retired Hero. Roamer. Sage. Scholar. Shaolin Monk. Sealed One. Second Soul. Smith (Metal, Gemstone, Blacksmith). Soldier. Student. Tourist. Town Apothecary. The Chosen One. Time Frozen. Time Traveller. Trader. Vendor. Wanderer. Warlord. Warrior. Weaver (Fabric). Wise One. 
Cultivation is the process of improving health, increasing longevity, and growing powerful. This is accomplished by cultivating training in martial m arts. Usually, the ultimate goal of cultivation is to become an immortal or attain godhood. Ranks or tiers is a common way to quantify martial power or the progress made in cultivation. In the world of martial arts, cultivation was the most important factor in a martial artist’s combat prowess, but it was not the only factor. Martial skills, fighting instincts, combat skills, & field experience. All of these could affect one’s combat ability. Therefore one could fight one above their cultivation realm.
Member of the main branch of a well known martial arts family 
As a member of the main branches. He/she had more training and experience than their branch family members. 
Martial Arts: 
Fighting Style:
Magical martial arts (imagine bak mei, wushu, changquan, hung gar, xingyiquan, shuai jiao, wing chun, san da, choy li fut, shaolin kung fu, & wuzuquan)
magical mixed martial arts (imagine karate, capoeira, krav maga, savate, muay thai, jiu jitsu, kickboxing, hapkido, judo, aikido, taekwondo  
magical kendo, sai, kobudo, spear, kalaripayattu, escrima stick fighting, bo staff, silat, tonfa, & nunchucks 
Patron: Sun Wukong
Sage of the Stars. 
Young Master of the Zhen Family. 
Clan Head and Clan Elder of the Chen Family 
Grandmaster of the Way of the Fire Fist Lightning Fist Martial Arts School. 
Sword Empress. Sword Saint. 
Owner of the Auctionhouse. Owner of the Lotus Medicinal Pills Apothecary. 
Marquis of the Imperial Military.
The Chosen One 
The Champion 
Shanghai, China. Kyoto, Japan. Seoul, Korea. Human Federation of Magical Human Kingdoms and Indigenous Magical Human Confederacy of Nations 
Murim Alliance. 
Orthodox Sects
Unorthodox Sects
Demon Sects 
High School Graduate
High School Diploma
Associates Degree in Biology
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
Masters Degree in Anatomy and Physiology
Certificate in Calligraphy 
Certificate in Arrays
Certificate in Pill Making 
Seoul National University. The University of Tokyo. Peking University
Korea Military Academy
U 13 or Under 13 for full contact Magical mixed martial arts
U 15 or Under 15 for magical melee combat with tonfa, escrima sticks, sai, nunchucks, & bo staff
Under 18 or U 18 for magical melee combat with magical swords, spears, clubs, axes, and sledgehammers
Military. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Officer. Gym trainer. Olympic Level Athlete. Martial Arts World Champion. Stunt person. Producer. Stunt double. Director. Stunt coordinator. Martial arts actress. Fighting game voice actress. Celebrity. 
Beggar. Bandit. Farmer. Fisherman. Gardener. Courtesan. Matchmaker. Fortune Teller. Chef. Painter. Dancer. Artist. Actor. Musician. Flute, Piano, Violin. Chinese Stringed Instruments. Craftsman. Artisan. Poet. Smith. Shaolin Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Martial Arts Grandmaster. Doctor. Nurse. Scientist. Cartographer. Astronomer. Librarian. Apothecary. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Swordsman. Archer. Calvary. Officer. Warlord. Merchant. City Guard. City Watch. Trader. Vendor. Business person. Mercenary. Armed Escort. Shinobi/Kunoichi assassin. Genin. Chunin. Jonin. Samurai. Ronin. Shogun. Professor. Scholar. Sage. Philosopher. Government Official. Aristocrat. Noble. Lady. Hired Guard. Bodyguard. Royal Guard (Human Empress) Lady in Waiting. Judge. Royal Advisor. 
Economic Class: Aristocratic 
Base of Operations: Firebird Fire Fist and Lightning Bird Lightning Fist Style Martial Arts School and Shaolin Monastery
Place of Residence: Manor of her Noble Chen Family 
Transportation: Horse drawn carriage. Car. Plane.
Mounts: Unicorn, Alicorn, Pegasi, Qinlin, Dragon, Hippogriff, Griffin
Lightning bird 
Pets: Hellhound, shadow cat, phoenix, kitsune nine tailed fox demon
Facemask (like Kitana, Mileena, & Jade)
A bio mask (like Scorpion, Reptile, Rain, & Sub Zero)
A bandana like Naruto
Spiked arm gauntlets
A martial arts gi uniform and vest
A obi belt
Martial arts bandaged hands with fingerless gloves 
She wears black fingerless gloves with red patterns
She wears kung fu pants, spiked knee gauntlets, & sneakers
Martial arts bandaged feet with kung fu sandals 
She wears long, baggy, sweatpants. 
She wears spandex, a unitard, & leggings 
She wears martial arts hand wraps on her hands and martial arts foot wraps on her feet.
Military uniform with combat boots
Red blue Silk uniform and Qingdai guanmao or mandarin hat with phoenix feathers as an imperial officer. Accessories to denote rank such as a phoenix and qilin. 
She wears a red and black dudou (a form of Chinese bra-like top) on her chest.
She wears a red embroidered vest embroidered with an Asian dragon pattern.
She wears a red qipao. A Chinese dress imported over from Manchuria. It has a gold waistband embroidered with a phoenix and rainbird pattern. She wears red Chinese pants, black Chinese shoes.
Close fitting top with elbow length sleeves that is fairly tight fitting but allow room for movement. It is a kind-of-faded saffron color similar to the breast color of the Fenghuang. Over which she wears her leather and metal armor. Then over that, layers of very thin (almost diaphanous cloth) that are very loose fitting so it is easy to slip out of or just shuck off when needed. That builds up in colors until the outer layer where the skirt section splits off into separated 'tails' of colors. That way, in terms of movement and flow, the clothing picks up the slightest breeze and floats. Creating the illusion of effortless gliding and flight while allowing the character's movement with her clothes to punctuate her body language as she herself moves. The idea being that just the act of movement portrays elegance and effortless poise. When Zhou Chen moves with purpose all the outer layers will immediately flows behind her. Also heightening the impression of a hunting bird striking at its target. The robes are made of two layers of thicker material that doesn’t have the same flow to it. The upper layer would be smaller than the lower layer to create a two-tone color effect. The robe could be belted at the waist. It is form-fitting so that it contours to the body down to the waist. The upper section would be held in place by the armor over the top. As opposed to Zhou Zhen who would have the armor underneath the robe and the skirt of the robes flared somewhat so that when Zhou Chen moves it forms something of a sem-circle around his/her calves. In terms of color maybe the robes for Zhou Chen could have the lower layer the same blue as the second and fourth tail plumage on a Fenghuang with the upper layer the blue/gray/green of the outer feathers in the wings.
Sport bras, boxer briefs, 
Flannels, leather jacket, ripped jeans 
Hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, high top sneakers
Suit, tie, button down, blazer
Weapons: Great Sword, bojutsu bo staff, nunchucks, long swords, daggers, short sword, sai, escrima sticks, senbon, broadsword, tonfa, magical composite bow, & spear
Leather and metal medium class armor 
Plated red and black chainmail military armor with helmet with Phoenix firebird and lightning bird feathers (based on the helmet of her patron Sun Wukong the Monkey King)
Power origin: 
She is an extremely skilled martial artist. Thanks to her extensive training. Despite being a human, she is not without a few superhuman and metahuman powers.
Teleported to the new world of the magical giant planet by a hero summoning ritual which reincarnated her into the body of her other world doppelgänger. They now share a body with two minds. 
Imbued by a fire god to become a superhero
Boosted by a experiment with fire  
Lighting powers from a lighting goddess
Boosted by electroshock technology from cyberpunk sci fi futuristic bionics and bionic implants and enchantments 
Boosted by arcane and esoteric magic 
Lightning bird 
Boosted by steampunk and arcane punk technology 
Electrical Fire Fusion 
Fire manipulation
Lightning manipulation
Powers / Skills:
Master Martial Artist
Horseback riding 
Chi Manipulation
Master Acrobat
Superhuman: Strength, perception, senses, constitution, durability, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility, reflexes, flexibility, & luck
Shapeshifting (into a avian humanoid and a giant celestial avian)
Zhou Chen/Zhou Zhen as a half celestial avian has full avian form transformations. Her smallest form is as big as a hawk, eagle, or sparrow. Her medium form is big as gundam macross or eva mechs as big like 20 feet. Her biggest form is an avian kaiju form with a height at 300 feet with an 900 foot wingspan. Her talons are ten feet tall. 
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circusclownsam · 10 months
h2o just add water OC
full name : Min-Ya Choi, often written as MinYa Choi
nicknames : Minnie, Sweetheart
age : 18
birthday : 3rd of September
gender : Female
race : Asian
ethnicity : Korean, Australian
languages : Korean, English⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
pronouns : She/Her
voice : mid pitch, noticeable australian accent
scent : a soft, vanilla smell
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
overall : often described by her peers as cold and secluded, keeping to herself even in group projects. she’s also been described as having a sarcastic attitude, turning little things in a joke or to mock someone. Once you get past her hard shell, she’s a caring girl; going out of her way to include people even when it makes her anxious. Despite her hard shell, she’s rather flirtatious to those who pique her interest. (more in traits)
good traits : caring, selfless, thoughtful, honest, hard working, creative
bad traits : introverted, trust issues, sarcastic, blunt, secretive
likes : reading alone, green apple smoothies, occasionally spending time with the girls, researching about dinosaurs and different Dino periods, fishing with Lewis, cooking traditional Korean foods with her mum, spending time at the beach, art, archery, braiding her sisters hair, cats, painting in her free time
dislikes : Zane, being forced to participate in group projects, her sister coming into her room unannounced, being poked and prodded at, nate, bananas/mushy textured foods, when things are left messy
hobbies : Archery, Reading, Painting
habits : chewing at her lips when anxious, tapping her pencil against her desk, scratching at her scars
fears : deep bodied water (to a certain degree), big dogs (due to being bitten as a child)
insecurities : occasionally she feels insecure about her scars and overall appearance
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
height : 158cm, 5’2
weight; n/a
hair colour : chocolate brown
hair length : hip length
hair texture : 2c
eyes : dark blue with specks of light blue
skin : warm tan
faceclaim : https://pin.it/4Yg0JSl
body shape : hourglass, average thickness, d cup size
piercings : she has 7 piercings on both ears
scarring : arms, inner thighs and back.
other notable features : freckled cheeks, nose and shoulders. dimpled smile
main outfit
shirt : https://pin.it/4GCi9pSjG
shorts : https://pin.it/2q5FWZ6bb
shoes : https://pin.it/3o8jey8LA
left wrist bracelet : https://pin.it/1j9QI7VfO
right wrist bracelet : https://pin.it/HjCOX12eG
choker : https://pin.it/34VyuhzWv
necklace : https://pin.it/74XLBIGRi
earrings : https://pin.it/311bj9N9P
makeup : https://pin.it/4CPgcaapU
nails : https://pin.it/5EVfLchdf
hairstyle : https://pin.it/7ndKLDYdm
top : https://pin.it/5w10p5kHP (clips at back)
bottom : https://pin.it/7x5y30gtZ
shoes : https://pin.it/3EQbPqhZY
sunglasses: https://pin.it/6DvO0DPmz
hairstyle : https://pin.it/1QpQ1GzI2
top : https://pin.it/7u88GHQpo
shorts : https://pin.it/5jUAK7KwL
hairstyle : https://pin.it/4wzAh2ylp
mental health : 8/10, in therapy due to abuse, occasional nightmare
mental illnesses : mild case of social anxiety, unmediated
physical health : 9/10, fit for her age, works out when she can
physical disabilities : none
dental care : 10/10, brushes regularly, teeth are a healthy white, no cavities
hygiene : 10/10, showers/bathes regularly, no bad body odour
allergies : sunflower, though it’s only a mild sneeze and cough
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
mother : Lin Choi, close relationship.
status : alive, still in her life
father : Robert Choi, strained relationship due to abuse.
status : unknown, left after she turned 10
sister : Katie Choi, 11, close relationship.
status : alive, still in her life.
friends : Cleo, Emma, Rikki and Lewis.
closer to : lewis, cleo
neutral with : emma, rikki
dislikes : charlotte, zane, nate
potential love interest : lewis
born in : seoul, south korea
lived in : sydeny, australia
moved to : gold coast, australia
currently lives : gold coast, australia
housing : a one story, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house near the beach
lives with : her sister and her mother
schooling : attends public school, soon to graduate. unsure of college
0 notes
dear-indies · 1 year
Hello! Can you please suggest female FCs that have a short bob with bangs over her eyebrows? This is for a character who is in her early 20s. If it's any help, the character is the casual but headstrong type. Thank you so much in advance! ❤️
Park Gyu Young (1993) Korean - older but has the style!
Ticha Wongtipkanon (1994) Thai - older but has the style!
Itō Sairi (1994) Japanese - older but has the style!
Sydney Chandler (1996)
Komatsu Nana (1996) Japanese.
Hashimoto Ai (1996) Japanese.
Sarah Gilman (1996) Armenian and Jewish.
Eva Noblezada (1996) Mexican / Bisaya and Ilonggo Filipino.
Alice Pagani (1998)
Yoshida Rinne (2000) Japanese.
Eve Fraser (2001)
Coral Peña (2001) Dominican.
Here you go! Please note that some of these hairstyles are above the eyebrows but it was really hard to find somebody who that that specific cut!
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fmp2emilycywinski · 2 years
Planning Out My Character’s Character Design
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The information I have on this character is that she is a female bounty hunter/assassin, and she has weapons. She has a red cloak with a hood.
So I started to draw faces that look very different from the art style I usually do. I wanted to try and make the art style look more Korean Manhwa art. Mostly because I have never done that before and I admire the way they draw people. I made the face longer in shape.
One thing I have noticed about Japanese anime is that Japanese cartoons don't draw their characters to look like cartoonish humans, they draw their facial shapes using cats!
And now that I know this, there is no way I can't un-see it.
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But this is an art style I usually do so I really wanted to do an art style that leans towards more realism which Korean anime tend to have.
I drew the eyes not very different to how I normally do but I did put a small ring in the iris of the eye which I did once in college when practising my realistic eyes. This is because I liked the idea of putting a ring in the iris of the eye so I thought putting it on my character would be a good idea. I like how it looks so far and I can't wait to see it complete.
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After I finished the eyes, I drew the nose. I did the nose way differently than I usually do. Usually, I do a triangle shape and put in a line for the bridge when needed. However, this time I just put in two dots for the nostrils and some blush marks that I like to do just so I can add something between the eyes. I love how this looks, I am very happy I tried to do this nose style instead because I usually hate drawing naturally because most of the time they don't look great but I'm happy I found a way to incorporate them in a way that makes them look pretty.
I also changed the way I drew the lips, usually, I draw two dots to show the corners of a character's mouth. I don't like to join these two dots because it's not something people do in Japanese cartoons and I liked to have an element of Japanese art styles in my art. However, I'm not doing a Japanese art style and one thing I have noticed is that Koreans like to draw mouths as one single line and maybe another line to resemble the bottom lip. So I adopted that.
Looking at the face I created, the more I love it. I just love how it looks, it's so esthetically pleasing to me and I feel like I have achieved what I wanted. Which was to create a Korean Manhwa art style.
After I finished the face, it was time for the hair. So I started to jot down some hairstyles that I thought would look good, also hairstyles that can be found a lot in Korean females on Webtoons and anime. I came up with one straight hairstyle, one wavy and another that is very commonly seen in Korean Webtoon comics.
Looking at all of them I like the straight-hair version because I feel it would suit the character but also because of how quick and easy it is to draw this hairstyle. So this eliminates the wavy hair. I like the second hairstyle but sadly it's quite modern and that's not what I'm going for because my character will be living in a fairy tale/medieval world. So straight had for the win!
Next up are the clothes. The first one I drew was a classic fantasy outfit with a long skirt and a Victorian-inspired shirt with short boots and a classic red cloak. I do really like how this one looks however there is one problem. She is a bounty hunter so she would probably find it difficult to fight when wearing a skirt. So to fix this solution, I created another outfit that would be good for a bounty hunter.
I gave her low booty shorts, knee-high boots, a skin-tight black long-sleeved crop top and a bit of boob armour that can be found in a lot of women's armour. And then I added her classic hood. I finished it and then took a step back and the more I looked at that design, the more I hated it. I have no idea why I hated it, it looks so strange to me and I just can't imagine her wearing this outfit. It's too sexual and that's not how I feel my character would act. It's so out of character so I just had to change the outfit.
So the I created a mix between the second and first outfits. I took the shorts but rose them to her waist, I then used the Victorian-inspired shirt and the knee-high boots. I also did something new with her cloak and made it very long, to the point it is dragging on the ground, I also made the edges of the cloak look like tree roots because I felt like it would fit the forest theme of her story.
I love how this is looking! The outfit and hairstyle suit the character I am going for and I can't wait to start drawing her posed with everything coming together!
0 notes
101now · 2 years
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interactivepiner · 2 years
Korean wolf cut female short hair
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#Korean wolf cut female short hair how to#
Women's health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. Go short, medium length or long with curls, waves or straight locks. A new haircut can make a big impact on a guy's look, so you might want to see what men's look like haircuts before and after. Many celebrities are examples of how women can wear their hair in any style. Cut the stress from your next hair appointment - here is a list of tips to get your best haircut ever. Getting a new haircut is an easy and inexpensive way to change up your look (as opposed. The Wolf Haircut Is This Season S Most Trending Haircut Instyle Getting the haircut you want can be tricky, especially when communicating with your stylist. These snip strategies will keep baby calm during his first haircut. Cultura / rex / shutterstock if we told you we knew.
#Korean wolf cut female short hair how to#
Joe mills, owner of joe & co, explains how to be a cut above we earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Byrdie uk's guide on how to cut your own hair like a pro, with tips on how to trim your own fringe at home, as well as how to cut split ends yourself all beauty, all the time-for everyone. Alison cooper sooner or later, it happens to everyone. Plus, the subpar economic growth drumbeat, and a warning call on equity valuations. Today's standards don't dictate that a women over 50 has to have a certain hairstyle. Joe mills is the man behind soho's joe & co and the lounge, two of the most consistently reliable p.
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foreverxxsims · 3 years
Y2K Lookbook CC links
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NOTE: Pls watch my youtube video to see each outfit, so you will know which outfit is which :)!
Earrings: https://enriques4.tumblr.com/post/643109801915727872/enriques4-valentine-set-hi-guyss-i-hope-youre
NAILS: https://www.redheadsims-cc.com/2020/07/butterfly-nails.html
NAILS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vyxen-exsi-56118704
JEANS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/phb-von-dutch-44931785
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Jo Hye-Sun
Jo Hye-Sun
Name: Jo Hye-Sun
Gender: Female
Height: 3’4” (101 cm) [Child], 5’5” (165 cm) [Adult]
Birthday: December 7th
Residence: Prison Camp (birthplace), Pyongyang, North Korean (current home)
Relatives: Jo Nam-Sun (mother), Baek Jong-soo (stepfather), Baek Ji-hoon (younger half-brother by four years), Ma Shin-Woo (first husband), Park Sang-Wook (second husband), Ryu Sung-Rok (third husband), Yi Hee-Yeol (fourth husband)
Occupation: Student (Child), Actress/Singer (Older, part-time), “Peace Ambassador” (Older, full-time)
Appearance: Hye-Sun has waist-long platinum blond hair and golden (or cyan) eyes. Her hair would always be in a traditional style as her mother would want her to be fit for “prosperity”. She has a ghostly pallor complexion. If she was not an experiment, she would have black hair and chestnut eyes. She has a Pyeongyang Joseon dialect.
Baby: Hye-Sun wears a white newborn hanbok. Later, she wears a kkachi durumagi for her first birthday. 
Child: Hye-Sun wears a green, blue, and white hanbok. Her shoes are a pair of blue hye shoes. Her hair is in a badukpan meori hairstyle, held with a green bow. She also has a badge featuring both Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il. 
Uniform: Hye-Sun has two uniforms. The first one is a long sleeve white shirt, a navy blue pencil skirt, a pair of black stockings, and a pair of Mary Janes. The second one is a short sleeve cream summer blouse, a navy blue bubble skirt, a pair of white ankle-length socks, and a pair of black flats. She also has a navy jacket with a badge. Her hairstyle is still in a badukpan meori hairstyle. 
Teenager: Hye-Sun wears a violet and blue hanbok. Her shoes are a pair of violet hye shoes. Her hairstyle is now a kwimit meori. She once again wears the Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il badge. She also wears a panji ring as she has yet to marry, along with golden earrings. 
Young Adult: Hye-Sun wears a gold and white silk hanbok that is meant to be worn by royal women in the Joseon era. Her shoes are a pair of white and gold hye shoes. Her hairstyle is a cheopji meori. It is held with a golden jam and phoenix cheopji. She wears gold garakji rings when she got married to her husbands. When she needs to entertain her husbands, she wears white and gold ginseng attire and her hair is put in an eonjun meori style with hairpins and daenggi. For simple causal wear outside of North Korea, Hye-Sun wears a yellow, white, and orange causal modern hanbok with black shoes. 
Abilities: Hive Mind, Mind Control, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Super Intelligence, Bubble Manipulation (Bubble Generation, Bubble Solidification, Bubble Travel, Bubble Communication), Fanaticism Inducement, Hallucination Inducement, Puppeteering Mastery, Puppet Mastery, Happiness Inducement, Smile Inducement, Panmnesia, Acting Mastery, Dancing Mastery, Musical Mastery (Hypnotic Music, Melodious Memory, Gayageum, Bak, Bipa, Accordion, Sohaegeum, Drums), Hypnotic Singing, Hypnotic Music
Personality: Hye-Sun is very optimistic, energetic, and playful. She enjoys with boosting the morale of everyone and encourage unity and love among nations and people. However, she fails to see others' perspectives and think just making them happy would solve everything. Despite her devotion to North Korea, she is secretly interested in South Korea, for its fashion, and Western nations, for its delicious foods. When she is with all of the other Cuckoos, Hye-Sun’s mind went into “sync” and joins their collective. She is more in tune with the hive mind and their shared abilities.
Key Moments:
Nam-Sun was forced to a prison camp because she found an “unauthorized” pear to eat. During her time there, she was forcibly impregnated with Hye-Sun. Within a week of Hye-Sun’s birth, all of the guards and soldiers either committed suicide or murdered each other, via cannibalism and disembowelment. The guard dogs even attacked them and ate their corpses. When a general went to see what happened, he strangely asked Kim Jong-un to have Nam-Sun and her daughter free due to their “great potential” for the nation. Even more strangely, the dictator agreed and gave them unusually high status. Nam-Sun later married Jong-soo, who is the head of the Culture Department, and have a son with him.
Hye-Sun has become very popular among the North Korean leadership and the public for her successful singing and acting career. As a result, she has the privilege to take overseas education, performing in North Korean allied countries, eating gourmet foods, and given luxury items. She even got to wear luxurious Joseon era hanboks, allowed to have a private hanok outside of Pyongyang with a garden, and having several husbands/lovers. Many speculated that she got this treatment because of her abilities and to prevent her from wreaking havoc in Pyongyang and keep control of the populace. Nam-Sun was a bit curious of South Korea as she is afraid of how life is there. However when visiting during a “peace” summit, she couldn't help but feel true happiness in seeing people and enjoying their cultures. She does not mind living there forever. 
Hye-Sun loves bubbles as she and Ji-hoon would play blow bubbles in the park. It is extremely rare for her to use bubbles for public shows, only for her family, husbands, and leaders. 
While Hye-Sun would sang propaganda and folk music, appears in Pyongyang shows, and performed in revolutionary opera, her own music is controversial, mainly with the older generation, due to its political content, or lack thereof. The theme of her music is mainly happiness, love, and hopes of reunification, along with rarely mentioning the Juche ideology. She is very popular with the younger generation, especially those outside of Pyongyang. The majority of the government has no issue with this as she is helping to increase morale.
Hye-Sun met three of her husbands, Shin-Woo, Sang-Wook, and Sung-Rok, when they were children as they are the sons of generals and department leaders. She met Hee-Yeol when she saw him working in the fields. She demand for hand in marriage, which was very controversial due to his poor songbun. However, it was later allowed as Hye-Sun said it shows “how the hard working spirit can raise to help the Great Father’s nation”. Since then, Hee-Yeol has promoted to be a farm manager. All of her husbands must wear uniforms, which is similar to smart/business causal clothes. Women, excluding Nam-Sun and female members of the Kim family, are not allowed to look at their faces and must look down to the ground.
Everyday Wear:
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Private “Drawing Room”/Giseng clothes:
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Modern Hanbok/Outside of N. Korea:
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
thigh high socks.
synopsis: You decide to surprise your boyfriend with your new style of clothing.
# tags: scenarios; studies!au; current relationships; fluff; funny and spicy romance; boys are simps for your thicc thighs/legs; sfw i swear
includes: female reader ft. tooru oikawa, atsumu miya, wakatoshi ushijima, tetsurou kuroo & koutarou bokuto {hq!!}
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Since you started browsing a Pinterest main page, you also started buying some new clothes who was similar to those in the pictures. There were many more skirts, shoes, shirts, sweaters and high socks in your wardrobe right now. Even now you have been waiting for the next five packages from AliExpress! Anyway, you’ve just been in the process of dressing up in new clothes to take some photos and just look at your mirror image.
Of course you didn’t look bad. The black skirt, white sweater and black socks looked great on your body and above all on your thicc thighs. Finally, you put on light-heeled shoes and you could go on taking photos, which after an hour you began to browse and rate. You’ve decided to add the two prettiest on your Instagram account with the ‘New style!’ description. This update has brought you many positive comments and lots of hearts, which made you very happy. You felt really appreciated and loved by friends who also added many comments on your new photos.
Anyway, you waited for Oikawa’s reaction; not gonna lie, your boyfriend’s opinion was the most important for you.
Buuuut, the minutes went by and the boy didn’t comment on your update, which was super strange because he had notifications on for your account updates. After a few more minutes you decided not to worry about it and change into more comfortable clothes.
However, you barely touched the high sock and heard a low protest saying to not do it. You turned toward the door and almost jumped when you saw Tooru closing your room door.
“Your mother let me in.” He threw with a smile, walking towards you. “I hope you didn't think I wouldn't comment this beautiful outfit. I just preferred to do it personally.” He added with a confident voice, hugging his chin to your shoulder. “The only thing I’m a bit angry about is that you didn’t send me these pictures privately, but we’ll make up it soon, right, bunny?”
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You were a thermophilic type of person, so even a light breeze could cause unpleasant chills all over your body. No wonder then that even though the sun was shining, you decided to wear long socks that would protect you from the likely wind in the afternoon. You didn’t even pay attention to how well the high tights socks matched your legs or your university uniform. You just got in you small car and drove to the university. You came on a lunch break that day because your lessons started quite late.
You weren’t hungry, you had your breakfast before, but you went to the canteen only to see Atsumu and friends who, as always, sat at a table next to the big, clean window. You entered the canteen, making quite a fuss. Or rather, your legs have made a sensation, especially among boys. Atsumu choked on drinking milk, seeing your slightly new style of dressing, by the way.
Without paying much attention to the people or their comments, you moved closer towards your boyfriend and your mutual friends.
“Hi, Atsu. Hey, you spit. What a big baby.” You laughed, reaching for a handkerchief from your own bag to wipe his wet lips.
Then you wanted to take a seat next to him, but the boy pulled you on his knees, efficiently covering your thighs with his big hands. Thanks to this you noticed tens of jealous women and hungry male eyes whose turned towards you.
“Disgusting.” You muttered under your breath, leaning against the boy’s chest.
“They are jealous, don’t mind them. You look fabulous.” He answered with conviction, handing you a piece of chicken from his dinner.
Funny fact: your outfit caused such a great stir at the female part of the university that those who were in love with your boyfriend specially dressed high socks for the next day to get his attention. Of course your boyfriend had it in his ass and totally ignored all of them.
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You've never been to your boyfriend's volleyball match before, because of your own schoolwork or the job in candy shop. But one day, when you had free time, you decided to support your man in a duel against another school. You went straight from school to the stadium without saying anything to Wakatoshi, naturally. You wanted to surprise him *pouty emoji*.
You saw your boyfriend when he had interview. At first Ushijima didn’t notice you, but when the interview was over, you came closer to him and patted him on the back...
“O-Oh, Y/N.” He murmured in surprise. “What are you doing here?” He asked in a serious tone, and you just laughed in the answer.
“I came to support you, Toshi.” You happily added.
“I understand. Thank you.” He answered and although it might seem cold, but you knew that Wakatoshi was very happy ‘cause you’re with him now.
Shortly after thanking, the captain noticed your today’s outfit, which was a burgundy dress and high gray socks.
“Is this also part of your support?” He asked quietly, discreetly pointing to your new clothes.
“If you only want, babe.” You laughed, kissing him on the cheek. “I’ll go to take a seat in the audience. We can go eat something after the match if you don’t have plans with your team.” You suggested and Toshi agreed to it. However, before you said ‘See you soon’ to him, the brown-haired boy took off his team hoodie and covered your bare shoulders. You thanked him quietly and then waved hand at him, moving away.
You quickly got your seat at the nearest grandstand, and shortly afterwards the match started. At that time Shiratorizawa Academy had by far the best doping! And all thanks to you!
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Unfortunately, your train was late, which made you late too for Kenma’s birthday party. Luckily, Kuroo kept sending you text messages with informations that gifts hadn’t been given to his friend yet, so he tell you to don’t have to rush and you should be careful while on your way to the club.
Fortunately, after almost an hour, you safely crossed the threshold of the club with a big present in your hands and greeted Hinata standing next to the door. With your eyes you sought your boyfriend and moved towards him.
“Tetsu, hello! Kenma, happy birthday, I love you, man.” You greeted with a loud voice, attracting the attention of a black-haired man and a birthday boy. They both smiled at you, and Kuroo also gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Good that you are already, Y/N.” Kenma said with soft smile. You just chuckled and asked where’s the place to put the present. Eighteen-year-old pointed to one of wooden tables, so you went there. And when did you go there Tetsurou notice your today’s party outfit, which consisted of shiny long socks, shorts, a black short-sleeved shirt with a cut-out on the chest, leather jacket and high heels.
Without paying much attention to Kozume, Kuroo moved toward you to wrap his hand around your waist to show that you are here with him. After all, it wasn’t hard to notice the male glances that primarily landed on your sweet thighs and socks.
“Y/N... Did you put those socks with a specific intention or...?” He asked quietly into your ear and you shook your head.
“I thought it was too cold for the dress, but also too warm for the jeans...” You answered truthfully, laughing under your breath.
“Hmm. I understand. Dress them more often then. You looks amazing, my pretty girl.”
“I also have other, much cuter socks at home.” You started even more quietly, winking at him. “But those are only for your insight.” Tetsurou licked his lips at your words, then gave you another kiss, but this time straight on the lips.
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Recently, you started to like Korean pop, and delved into the local fashion of many idols, which often appeared in skirts and shorts. Your slightly boring and dark style of clothing was nothing compared to colorful, sweet and lovely girlish creations, which additionally decorated with trifles, berets, socks up to thighs or shoes with bows.
You knew that Bokuto loves you regardless of your outfit, but... you had a vision in your head of how much he would enjoyed your much softer look or hairstyle. You decided to spend some money on new clothes, and then you set up a date with your boyfriend, which he gladly agreed to.
You two met at the entrance to the maritime museum, which Koutarou really wanted to go. Of course, the poor boy was waiting for you there ahead of time because he was so happy ‘cause of your date! So, when he noticed you, he started running towards you, almost tripping over his own legs, when he saw you in an unusual, super cute dress and white, delicate thighs socks.
“Kou!” You squeaked when the boy took you in his arms and spun you around. “Koutarou!”
You quickly moved your hand to your ass to protect your panties from being seen by others people. Bokuto probably went crazy and he didn’t think about anything but only you because of how beautiful you looked in his eyes. He probably fell in love with you for the hundredth time, lmao, we love this puppy man.
And then it was even worse (or better; I don’t know how to describe it) because your boyfriend instead of watching the fish in the aquarium during your date only took pictures of your figure!
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{ Jun-su and Joelle for the kid meme! A new popstar is born! }
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Name: Hana J.
Gender: Female
General appearance: Curly purple hair that resembles her mother's perfectly. However she has her father's skin color and eye color. Hana likes both long and short hair , but most of the time prefers longer hair because she loves toying with it . Likes wearing a lot of bright colors to show her personality. Obviously from her father she is in love with Korean fashion and in general with fashion , so she always has something new to wear that pops. Styling her hair in different do's is a must for her. She is a big fan of old classic hairstyles . Always has matching accessories with her wear.
Personality: She is a bit of a mixture between the two of them , has a very charming and flirty personality as her father , literally can charm anyone with her sweet talk and confidence. Occasionally she would pop up some ego since she is the daughter of a famous Korean pop star , she wears it proudly. However she does hold a very shy and sweet side , regardless of being a big time diva most of the time. Hana has a good portion of her mother's traits as well , she has a good eye for being a detective when it comes to finding specific make-up or another shirt or dress , thought when she was young she always had an eye for things and really admired her mother's work , so she learned a thing or two from her. Hana has a good portion of her mother's sassy side .
Special Talents: Has a voice that can literally hypnotize anyone , Hana has a very sharp eye and can really spot anything that catches her interest or when she is looking for something specific. She can memorize nearly anything that she finds important , from passwords , to dates , to other things of importance.
Who they like better: As much as she is proud of her father and loves him , she leans towards her mother more. There is still this slight distance and disconnection between the two of them that can really get in the way of kind of getting along and understanding each other when it comes to something specific. When it comes to topics that only her father can be of an assistance , she still has a hard time trying to connect with him , but slowly getting there , finding a possible common 'language' to speak to him about. For emotional support and metal health she always leans on her mother more than anything , even thought there can be a bit of complications. They always find a way to understand and support each other.
Who they take after more: 60% Jun-Su and 40% Joelle. She has more similarities on her father side than her mother's. Thought sometimes it feels like it could be the complete opposite .
Personal headcanon: -> She loves old style and old classic cartoons. -> As mentioned in her personality section , she loves toying with old classic hairdo's . -> Hana has a section of her bedroom that looks like a mini stage that she often practice her own performances . Especially when she was little Joelle and Jun-su love watching her little plays , she is pretty good at mimicking and acting . ->As much as she takes inspiration from different fashion , she likes to create her own little trends when it comes to combining outfits or adding accessories. -> She loves hearing about little stories that they have gone through life , although Jun-Su keeps it a bit on the low of being part of the mafia since he doesn't want to involve any of them in this kind of deal , even if Joelle is aware of it , they occasionally would even make up stories. -> As much as she likes playing with her own hair , she loves to style her mother's as well . They have a traditional girly day throughout the week , just to do their own little things and relax. -> Hana has her own little secret stash of all kinds of stickers that she likes to collect , she has a bit of a nerdy side to her. Bonus Content ( Dynamic Ship Story Lore )
Because it hit me a specific way , I wanted to kind of write down a bit of their little lore , since I have a lot of different AUs where I experiment with dynamics , it's always fun to see the many 'What Ifs!' that roam in my head. As much as Jun-Su looks like a hotshot and full of confidence , there is a side of him that no one really knows about. Behind his life of fame , lays a boy that has always been very insecure about himself and full of doubt. Growing up Jun-Su was always a lonely child and had never known a real friend in his life , he has always seen the fake people around him and he just grew up believing it like that. He has always been admired and 'loved' in his fame life , he has gotten used to the 'fake' atmosphere around him that it's hard for him to spot what's real and what's not. He always hears what he wants and is given the luxurious life anyone can dream of... but no one understand how hollow he feels regardless of all the riches , fame , fans and etc . His dad has always been into his career as for his mother , he doesn't even remember anything about her. Out of that he has grown an ego and an toxic attitude , perhaps the only REAL friend he would ever consider since he has been always there for him throughout most of his life is his 'duet friend'. (I don't have a name for him yet , but he is a rapper xD.) So for Jun-Su to even come remotely to even fall in love it's always difficult since he can't tell what 'real love' is to begin with. After meeting with Joelle , although of finding her annoying and bossy from the start , he begins to develop feelings for her because she is probably the only person who treats him 'kind of like trash' (that's a metaphor xD ) . Jun-su finds her very interesting because she is not like the people from his typical surroundings , surely he can act like a spoiled brat at times when he doesn't get what he wants , has a big ego and all that , but there is something oddly charming to him when Joelle hits him with the reality pan on the head and drags him outside the box that he has been living in. He begins to grow more and more attached to her later on after she basically saves his life a good amount of times , during their stay at the place of their current assignment , trying to track down an assassin. During one of the missions , when Joelle had to change her appearance , Jun-Sun called her a 'whore' because he is just attracted to the image of her being herself . As much as he likes being with pretty women , he can basically have any that he desires , but he finds them plain and boring even if the might look like 'the most interesting and beautiful person on the planet.' Jun-Su loves to feel the thrill of being alive and being in a place that he has never been to , that is why he sees her differently , he almost feels like he is part of a big action movie that he is the main character of the whole thing. He flirts with her constantly , even after their leave from the mission , he would occasionally even make free time to go visit her , just so he can bug her more and learn more about her in general. Jun-Su isn't one of the smartest but he does enjoy watching her work even thought he would throw strange questions and accusations constantly , getting that annoying look from Joelle. As much as he gets to hang out with other women throughout the period the two of them are separated and some being rather clingy and forceful on him (BEFORE getting together) , there is only one woman that will forever haunt his mind. (Perhaps I'll write more about them in future posts , because their dynamic is a bit wild and silly and I kind of enjoy it a whole lot too xD. ) Thanks for sending in!! <3 - Cards
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mudaship39 · 10 months
Zhou Zhen/Zhou Chen Bio
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: Zhou Zhen/Zhou Chen:
Name: Zhou Zhen (the National S Rank Hero and Adventurer of China)/Zhou Chen (the Half Human Half Phoenix Firebird Lightning Bird Monk S Rank Adventurer and Guild Member)
Metahuman with pyrokinetic fire powers and electrokinetic lightning powers
Celestial/Stellar bipedal humanoid Phoenix Firebird Fenghuang and Lightning Bird 
Racial Identity: East Asian Chinese, East Asian Korean, & East Asian Japanese 
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130
Body Type: Lean and athletic 
B,H,W: 32 B
Pre-colonial East Asian hairstyles. 
Short hair 
Long hair tied in a medium or long ponytail
Hair color: black
Eye Color: light brown
Skin color: terra cotta brown
Extra: Red, orange, and yellow phoenix feathers grow on her chest, back, arms, & legs. In her full phoenix fire bird form she has wings, a beak, a tail, feathers on her entire body, & she has talons on her hand and feet. She has golden raptor-like eyes.
Age: 27 
Birthday: Taurus Horse
Tattoos: Celestial and stellar colored and black and white East Asian tattoos of tigers, phoenixes, dragons, fish, buddha, qilin, etc that glow when she uses her firebird and lightning bird powers especially electrical fire fusion elemental powers 
Piercings: Piercings with gemstones on her ears, eyebrows, nose, tongue, & face
Jewelry: East Asian buddhist bracelets, jade gemstones rings, Buddhist necklaces.
Sex: Female
Gender: Cis 
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: He him, she her 
Religion: Shinto Buddhist
Common, Undercommon, Goblinoid, Giantkin, Gnomish, Halfling, Dwarvish, Fey, Elvish, Sylvan, Underdark, Draenei, Draconic, Aarakocra, Auran, Celestial, Fiendish, Deep Speech, Serpent Tongue, & Primordial
Disabilities: Autistic. 
Nuerodivergent: ADD, ADHD, OCD, 
Mental Illnesses: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD
Father: Lei Chen 
Mother: Eun-a Choi
Aunts and Uncles: Miyoko Kobayashi, Ha-min Choi, Liya Chen 
Nephews and Nieces:
Marital Status: Married
Relationship model: Polyamorous
Love Interests: 
Elsa Johansson, Afro Asian half dragon Chun Hei Kim, Afro South Asian Desi Afro European Amelia Himmat Mishra, Afro West Asian Maysa Uzun, Latine Native Valerie Nadia Torres Garcia. Artist Dancer Yuli Li, Madam Brothel Manager Sunrita Maheshwari, Swordswoman Xiuli Chang, Grandmaster Weili Yang, Military Captain Soldier Chunyu Liu, Government Official Kanako Takahashi, Scholar Miyoko Kobayashi, Police captain Saruta Chaiyasan, Noble Lady Hyo-jin Jung, Warlord General Sae-hyun Park, Jonin kunoichi assassin Nanako Yamada, Samurai Lady Kiyoko Nakamura, Merchant Myeon-ji Kim, Shogun Tomiko Satou, Princess Lady Minh Nguyen
S rank
S rank Adventurer:
S Rank Hunter
S Rank Hero
Level: 300
Stat Points:
Alignment: Neutral Good 
Class: Monk (Magical melee and unarmed martial arts) 
Disgraced Noble. Fallen Noble. Arranged Marriage. Exile. Academy Dropout. Unseen Academy Reject. Acolyte. Apothecary. Artisan. Attention Addict. Chef. Chosen One. Craftsman. Dauntless. Destined to be a Hero. Doctor. Duelist. Farmer. Fortune Teller. Government Official (Imperial Civil Servant). Hermit. Isekai. Lesser Scion. Librarian. Matchmaker. Merchant. Mercenary. Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Nurse. One Soul Two Bodies. Otherworlder. Poet. Primogenitor. Prodigy. Retired Hero. Roamer. Sage. Shaolin Monk. Scholar. Sealed One. Second Soul. Smith (Metal, Gemstone, Blacksmith). Soldier. Tourist. Town Apothecary. The Chosen One. Time Frozen. Time Traveller. Trader. Vendor. Wanderer. Warlord. Warrior. Weaver (Fabric). Wise One. 
Martial Arts: 
Magical martial arts (imagine bak mei, wushu, changquan, hung gar, xingyiquan, shuai jiao, wing chun, san da, choy li fut, shaolin kung fu, & wuzuquan)
magical mixed martial arts (imagine karate, capoeira, krav maga, savate, muay thai, jiu jitsu, kickboxing, hapkido, judo, aikido, taekwondo  
magical kendo, sai, kobudo, spear, kalaripayattu, escrima stick fighting, bo staff, silat, tonfa, & nunchucks 
Patron: Sun Wukong
Sage of the Stars. Young Master of the Chen Family. Grandmaster of the Way of the Fire Fist Lightning Fist Martial Arts School. Sword Empress. Sword Saint. Owner of the Auctionhouse. Owner of the Lotus Medicinal Pills Apothecary. Marquis of the Imperial Military.
Shanghai, China. Kyoto, Japan. Seoul, Korea. Human Federation of Magical Human Kingdoms and Indigenous Magical Human Confederacy of Nations 
Murim Alliance. Xiao Lei: Poison Master (Master in poison arts). Jonin (assassination, ninjutsu, & shadow arts). Yuan Jian: Swordmaster (Melee Martial Arts Mentor). Himi Satomi: Array Master. Shimada Tokuma: Pills Sage (Medicinal Pills mentor). Grandmaster Ch’u Min-Hee (Martial Arts mentor).
High School Graduate
High School Diploma
Associates Degree in Biology
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
Masters Degree in Anatomy and Physiology
Certificate in Calligraphy 
Certificate in Arrays
Certificate in Pill Making 
Seoul National University. The University of Tokyo. Peking University
Korea Military Academy
U 13 or Under 13 for full contact Magical mixed martial arts
U 15 or Under 15 for magical melee combat with tonfa, escrima sticks, sai, nunchucks, & bo staff
Under 18 or U 18 for magical melee combat with magical swords, spears, clubs, axes, and sledgehammers
Military. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Officer. Gym trainer. Olympic Level Athlete. Martial Arts World Champion. Stunt person. Producer. Stunt double. Director. Stunt coordinator. Martial arts actress. Fighting game voice actress. Celebrity. 
Beggar. Bandit. Farmer. Fisherman. Gardener. Courtesan. Matchmaker. Fortune Teller. Chef. Painter. Dancer. Artist. Actor. Musician. Flute, Piano, Violin. Chinese Stringed Instruments. Craftsman. Artisan. Poet. Smith. Shaolin Monk. Monotheistic. Monotheistic Traveller. Martial Arts Grandmaster. Doctor. Nurse. Scientist. Cartographer. Astronomer. Librarian. Apothecary. Conscript. Drafted. Grunt. Soldier. Swordsman. Archer. Calvary. Officer. Warlord. Merchant. City Guard. City Watch. Trader. Vendor. Business person. Mercenary. Armed Escort. Shinobi/Kunoichi assassin. Genin. Chunin. Jonin. Samurai. Ronin. Shogun. Professor. Scholar. Sage. Philosopher. Government Official. Aristocrat. Noble. Lady. Hired Guard. Bodyguard. Royal Guard (Human Empress) Lady in Waiting. Judge. Royal Advisor. 
Economic Class: Aristocratic 
Base of Operations: Firebird Fire Fist and Lightning Bird Lightning Fist Style Martial Arts School and Shaolin Monastery
Place of Residence: Manor of her Noble Chen Family 
Transportation: Horse drawn carriage. Car. Plane.
Mounts: Qinlin, Dragon, Griffin
Lightning bird 
Pets: Hellhound, shadow cat, phoenix, kitsune nine tailed fox demon
Facemask and bandana, spiked arm gauntlets, t-shirt, martial arts gi uniform, vest, obi belt, fingerless gloves, kung fu pants, spiked knee gauntlets, & combat boots
Red blue Silk uniform and Qingdai guanmao or mandarin hat with phoenix feathers as an imperial officer. Accessories to denote rank such as a phoenix and qilin.
Close fitting top with elbow length sleeves that is fairly tight fitting but allow room for movement. It is a kind-of-faded saffron color similar to the breast color of the Fenghuang. Over which she wears her leather and metal armor. Then over that, layers of very thin (almost diaphanous cloth) that are very loose fitting so it is easy to slip out of or just shuck off when needed. That builds up in colors until the outer layer where the skirt section splits off into separated 'tails' of colors. That way, in terms of movement and flow, the clothing picks up the slightest breeze and floats. Creating the illusion of effortless gliding and flight while allowing the character's movement with her clothes to punctuate her body language as she herself moves. The idea being that just the act of movement portrays elegance and effortless poise. When Zhou Chen moves with purpose all the outer layers will immediately flows behind her. Also heightening the impression of a hunting bird striking at its target. The robes are made of two layers of thicker material that doesn’t have the same flow to it. The upper layer would be smaller than the lower layer to create a two-tone color effect. The robe could be belted at the waist. It is form-fitting so that it contours to the body down to the waist. The upper section would be held in place by the armor over the top. As opposed to Zhou Zhen who would have the armor underneath the robe and the skirt of the robes flared somewhat so that when Zhou Chen moves it forms something of a sem-circle around his/her calves. In terms of color maybe the robes for Zhou Chen could have the lower layer the same blue as the second and fourth tail plumage on a Fenghuang with the upper layer the blue/gray/green of the outer feathers in the wings.
Hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, high top sneakers
Weapons: Great Sword, bojutsu bo staff, nunchucks, long swords, daggers, short sword, sai, escrima sticks, broadsword, tonfa, magical composite bow, & spear
Leather and metal medium class armor 
Plated chainmail military armor with helmet with Phoenix firebird and lightning bird feathers (based on the helmet of her patron Sun Wukong the Monkey King)
Power origin: 
Fire accident as a superhero.  When saving civilians from a house fire caused by fire magic. 
Lightning accident as a superhero.  When being attacked by a supervillain with electrical lightning powers. 
Lightning bird 
Electrical Fire Fusion 
Fire manipulation
Lightning manipulation
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circusclownsam · 2 years
The Quarry OC
First Name: Min-Ya
Last Name: Choi
Nickname: Minnie, prefers only that nickname
Gender: Female
Age: 18-20
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: N/A
Birthday: 3/9
Race: Asian
Nationality: Korean-Australian
Physical Appearance
Face claim: https://pin.it/5FkjIFk
Height: 158cm, 5’2
Eye Colour: deep sea blue
Hair Color: chocolate brown
Hair length: hip length
Hair texture: 2C
Skin tone: warm tan
Body type: hourglass, small waist, average thickness, d cup size
Noticeable features: Freckled cheeks and nose, dimpled smile.
Scarring?: yes, mostly centred on her arms, inner thighs and back. rarely shows them
Scent: A soft marshmallow-y smell.
Shirt: https://pin.it/5LUjojGWI
Pants: https://pin.it/4PIl62vL6
Stockings: https://pin.it/1yjNoWnZg
Shoes: https://pin.it/3TvzYMODj
Hoodie: https://pin.it/7ehFewJ6k
Choker: https://pin.it/5VEUCp23Z
Nails: https://pin.it/5JFlRtJy8
Makeup: https://pin.it/3aFMFxkhZ
Hairstyle: https://pin.it/2boCBj7Pm
About Her
Personality: described as cold, sarcastic and blunt. Sometimes she can be flirty when in private with someone, she prefers to be “shut off” from the world; not letting people in and not sharing any detail about her unless she’s with someone she trusts, though despite her cold nature; she’s caring and sweet after a while.
Good Habit(s): Folding clothes, organising things
Bad habit(s): scratching at her scars, tapping her nails together
Like(s): being left alone, not being touched, listening to music and playing the guitar, hanging out with Dylan and Abi
Dislike(s): being touched (esp by the kids), Emma, Jacob, when people invade her space, when the kids don’t listen
Hobbies: playing the guitar, sketching
Allergies: sunflowers, only a slight sneeze and cough
Fear(s): Dogs, deep-bodied water
Strength(s): She prefers to not be open about that sort of stuff. (I’m too lazy to type tbh)
Weakness(es): she prefers to not be open about that sort of stuff.
Weapon(s): she carries around a pocket knife, just incase.
Talents and Dreams
Ambition/dream: to become a well-known artist
Occupation/Job: she currently works as a camp counsellor
Teaches at camp: cooking, occasionally art with Abi
Best Class(es): art, history, cooking
Worst Class(es): science, math/algebra, phys ed
Family and Friends
Father: Robert Choi, 59, alive
Relation to father: she’s not very close with Robert, due to him being abusive at times; both verbally and physically.
Mother: Lin Choi, 45, alive
Relation to Mother: she is very close with Lin, the woman is kind and gentle towards her.
Best Friend(s): Nick, Abigail, Kaitlyn, Dylan
Friend(s): Jacob, Emma, Ryan
Crush(es): Nick (though depends on rp)
Pet(s): a tarantula named mango
Rival(s): N/A
Enemy: N/A
Birth place: Seoul, South Korea
Current residence: Sydney, Australia
Favourite Food(s): Kimbap, spicy noodles, TimTams
Favourite Drink(s): Coca Cola, Sprite
Favourite Color(s): Blood red, black (even tho it’s a shade)
Favourite Animal(s): raccoon, tarantula, Lion
Favourite Number: 66
Favourite Season(s): spring, autumn
Favourite Holiday(s): Halloween, Christmas
Favourite Time of Day: the afternoon
(Sorry if the info is short, that’s all the template could provide)
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thesimpanions · 5 years
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⭐️ N E W V I D E O ⭐️ The Sims 4 | SHY INTROVERT 🌺 | CAS & Lookbook + CC Links
Hey there! ♥ Thank you guys sooo much for 6ksubscribers, I honestly never thought I'd get to this point!! ♥♥ For today's video we're creating Fallon, a cute introvert that grew up in a big family and dreams of becoming a bestselling author!
CC Links
GENERAL Lip Preset (5): https://stretchskeleton.tumblr.com/post/187172222703/some-mouth-presets-that-i-havent-posted-yet Nose Preset: https://simfileshare.net/download/1150855/ Teeth: https://simfileshare.net/download/1559040/ Eyes: https://baieyu.tumblr.com/post/179216040640/still-feel-eyes-previews-heavily-insp-by Face Overlay: https://ridgeport.tumblr.com/post/190689671177/almond-face-overlay-i-just-wanted-to-share-a Freckles: https://goobsims.tumblr.com/post/172357169496/plasmafruit-tree-some-full-body-freckles-for Nose Mask: https://pyxiidis.tumblr.com/post/163915838661/miscellany-p2-another-grab-bag-of-things-by Skin Detail Highlighter: https://nesurii.tumblr.com/post/182508085171/amaryllis
MAKE UP Eyebrows: https://adiec.tumblr.com/post/185708180915/eyebrow-set-1-some-cute-lil-eyebrows-i-made-in Lashes: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2/ Eyeshadow: https://crazycupcakefr.tumblr.com/post/182944229833/reupload-of-my-fall-eyeshadows-hope-you-will Eyeliner: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/171605780781/made-an-eyeliner-actually-4-but-yea Waterliner: https://crypticsim.tumblr.com/post/180694444347/passionfruit-liner-the-passionfruit-liner-is-a Lipgloss: https://sunlitcrys.tumblr.com/post/611158489548619776/a-gift-bundle-just-for-you-my-1000-follower-gift Lipstick: https://stretchskeleton.tumblr.com/post/188423483268/finally-back-with-some-cc-download-under-the-cut Blush: https://chisimi.tumblr.com/post/118731943452/made-for-kids-but-enabled-for-all-have-my-new Blush: https://glowing-deer.tumblr.com/post/185959252758/blush-and-freckles-cc-update-download-sfs-no Highlighter: https://sagittariahx.tumblr.com/post/179920371155/body-highlight-download-sfs-tip-me-for-get Nails: https://simlaughlove.tumblr.com/post/163327412088/sll-rainbownails
EVERYDAY Hair: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/randa-hair/id/1470210/ Top: https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/190344642990/rushed-lovers-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps Jeans: https://pinealexple.tumblr.com/post/175414263857/azariah-jeans-bgc-20-swatches-i-wanted-more Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-marius-shoes/id/1407602/
FORMAL Hair: https://kotcatmeow.tumblr.com/post/173645549683/a-new-hairstyle-arianna-for-your-female-sims-i Dress: https://kumikya.tumblr.com/post/611168348138553344/gina-dress-this-dress-went-through-so-many-mesh Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-jasmine-shoes/id/1376912/ Earrings: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-earrings/title/anthro-earrings--christopher067/id/1469711/ Bracelet: https://veranka-s4cc.tumblr.com/post/142800259050/claire-necklace-bracelets-i-did-some-simple
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SLEEP Hair: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/randa-hair/id/1470210/ Top: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/10/sandwich-jammies-simblreen-2017-treat.html Bottom: https://simgguk.tumblr.com/post/188863621639
PARTY Hair: https://marsosims.tumblr.com/post/188812845236/saya-hair-ive-been-meaning-to-make-this-hair Top: https://sssvitlans.tumblr.com/post/155960716989/catplnt-serenity-ccs-v-bodysuit-romper-maxis Skirt: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/182570031100/glumbut-rex-skirt-basically-that-skirt-from-get Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/madlen-marius-shoes/id/1407602/
SWIM Hair: https://liliili-sims.tumblr.com/post/189069056681/rachel-hair-18-swatches-ea-color-hat Top: https://candysims4.tumblr.com/post/186932816650/candysims4-tropico-swimwear-collection-patreon Bottom: https://www.renorasims.com/product-page/sulani-swimwear-collection Toenails: https://veranka-s4cc.tumblr.com/post/141907380500/trendy-toenail-polishes-20-for-ajoya-sims-3 Sunglasses: https://casteru.wixsite.com/start/post/cat-eye-sunglasses
HOT WEATHER Hair: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/randa-hair/id/1470210/ Top: https://dear-solar.tumblr.com/post/187076819275/the-chuuuuu-collab-this-is-a-korean-beauty-and Skirt: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release Shoes: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-shoes-female-teenadultelder/title/christy-flats/id/1348981/
COLD WEATHER Hair: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/184586100451/dakota-hair Sweater: https://anessasims.tumblr.com/post/186601522364/hello-i-was-supposed-to-upload-this-ages-ago-but Jeans: https://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/post/187194346870/axa-2019-official-release Boots: https://madlensims.tumblr.com/post/182216831210/madlen-roberto-boots-high-quality-leather-boots Beret: https://casteru.wixsite.com/start/post/beret
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