mothalder · 1 year
i am the invasive shothole borer - into their souls
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notes-from-home-base · 9 months
Cape Range: Magnificent Memories from Our Australian Road Adventure (Part 4)
In this blog, I’ll share highlights from our recent road trip along the Western Australian coast from Perth to Exmouth with my wife, 4-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter. Over several days, we explored scenic drives through the Cape Range National Park, relaxed at beautiful beaches, snorkelling with turtles and even spotted whales offshore. The kids were thoroughly entertained throughout the…
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chaos-coming · 1 year
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(Arthreena Anon)
So since I gave you some info on Athreena I wanted to share some ideas for her Sons.
All Three
•They actually prefer Optimus over their old dad, their old pa just wanted to train them to be warriors and didn't skimp on the punishment if they failed training. Optimus actually let's them have free time and doesn't discipline them too much.
•All three are total sports nuts, each one loving both a cybertronian sports and an earth sports.
•While they are mama boys, but they will hide behind Optimus when they try their mama's patience(She doesn't hit them, just her glares can terrify Megatron)
• Each of them have a southern accent but it's different version, like Salvo has a Texan accent, Zaptrap has an Alabama accent, while Shothole has Louisiana accent.
•He's the oldest of the three brothers, hatching from his pod a whole fifteen minutes before his brothers hatched out. Tries to be a responsible older brother but often feels his circuits short-out.
•Salvo loves a good game of Cube and while on Earth he is a huge football fan, even managing to pull in Bulkhead for football, his favorite team is Future Detroits football team the CyberLions.
•His Insect mode is an Elephant beetle, his bot mode is the same size of Bulkhead but his torso is more oval shaped like a beetles torso, his legs are a bit shorter than Bulkheads, in robot mode both of the Insect legs combine to form his arms, his hands being like Beastwars Dinobots.
•His special power is the ability to create fireballs from his horn in Insect mode and hands in bot mode.
•The second youngest and the one to start most of the sibling fights just for the heck of it.
•Loves the Lobbing game his granpah Scorponok used to play with him, but he loves Earths hokey with how violent it can get. His favorite team is Red Wings, he watches it with Sari in the base.
•His Insect form is a Golden Stag Beetle, in his bot mode he has a rounder body than Salvo, he has two sets of arms like his ma, and clawed legs.
•His special ability is that he can generate electricity, enough to power Detroit for a year, but his favorite way to do it is to make literal Thunder Punches.
•The youngest of the brothers and one of the more impulsive of the siblings, always ready to prove himself. Which makes things worse when he's friends with Bumblebee.
•His favorite cybertronian sport is Mecha-Soccer, and he was beyond ecstatic that earth had something similar. He's a fan of Detroit City FC, he roped in Bumblebee and Prowl to be fans.
•His Insect mode is a Rhinoceros Katydid, while in his bot mode he's a lanky bot with long legs and a long torso and long arms. However unlike his brothers his wings are present in his bot mode and can actually fly.
•His special ability is that he can kick so hard that he creates air bullets at the Decepticons.
They start calling Optimus 'Ops pops', jokingly at first but then it just kinda sticks. Optimus doesn't object though he does thinks it's a tad embarrassing considering that they are all way bigger than him.
Optimus has no clue about how to be a dad so he looks up a bunch of tips online, including articles on the subject, while also asking professor Sumdac for advice (he's the only father he knows). The initial results are kinda... awkward.
Optimus: "So... sports, huh?"
Salvo: "Sorry, I wasn't listening, what were you saying?"
Optimus: *sweating, gesturing at the TV* "Uhhhhh, sports?"
Salvo: "Oh! Yeah, it's really intense right now! CyberLions vs BoltHounds! The CyberLions are currently losing but I believe they can still pull through, especially considering they are on their home turf. What do you think?"
Optimus: "Uh, lions are bigger and stronger than dogs, so... probably?"
Salvo: "They sure are, pops, they sure are."
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stop-talking · 3 months
I actually love your works so much I was giggling at the dentist thing and I was INFATUATED with your Mike “babysitter ex” thing. I also love your gif banner thing, makes me giggle
Thanks so much!!
"You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter" was actually my first ever fanfic!!
I'm proud of the story but looking back on it... the writing quality is not as good as it could be. It bothers me that It's in the reader's perspective but also shows Mike's thoughts simultaneously?? Idk how to explain.
In my more recent series "So I'm stuck on this shothole island, and I cant even have a smoke?" (about Derek Danforth), I switch between the reader and Derek's perspectives.
I want to go back and re-write my Mike fic and fix it, maybe add in some scenes and continue it some as well. Make it a little longer.
But it'll be a while before I do that. Gonna finish my Derek fic and start another Mike series first... then maybe a series on Futturman... so many fic ideas, not enough time 💔
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siphersaysstuff · 1 year
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For April's Patreon-backed @tfwiki update, it's "generic" army-builders! And I mean toys that are very specifically marketed as generics, not named individuals who also happen to have the body of mass-produced mooks!
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The G1 Insecticons could produce vast swarms of identical clones. In 2004, Takara released an e-HOBBY set of "Insectron Clones", SALVO, SHOTHOLE and ZAPMAP, but in the toys' original Diaclone decos.
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Takara's Legends line gave us a generic SWEEP Headmaster, with a jaunty flipped-up moustache, for use with the Legends Scourge toy. It came packed with fellow army-buiilder Sharktron (aka Sharkticon).
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The SONIC ATTACK JET from Beast Machines was the first Hasbro toy to be specifically marketed as a generic; the bio card even lacked a motto! (This wasn't the first Transformer toy in history to be marketed as a generic, that goes to Takara's Masterforce Seacons in 1998.)
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Kiss Players introduced the AUTOROOPER, one of 48 human-made machines that fused with their human drivers via kiss (just... let's move on). The set came with a sticker sheet that let you mark it as any one of the 48 units, plus a Kremzeek mini-figurine, and we all know how those things multiply!
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Silver variants of the Vehicons from the Prime TV show got toys in Japan, though the GROUND VEHICON GENERAL ended up coming out in the post-Prime sequel series Adventure (aka Robots in Disguise).
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Speaking of Prime spinoffs, the Jaki from Go! are created from random bits of Earth tech via some form of funky Predacon Oni magic. The brainless BARARA, BURARA, DORARA, GARARA and JURARA monsters can combine into the mighty GORADORA!
If you like these pics and enjoy these little themed dives into Transformers toy tistory -er, history... then maybe pop on over to my Patreon? You can get even bigger updates happening and even pick a theme for the month!
JOIN UP AT patreon dot com slash gregstfwikipics!
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asknarashikari · 1 month
Time for a more wholesome ask.
The two grasshoppers, Hopper1 and Ransack, are talking.
Ransack: So let me get this straight, you're a grasshopper that was created by alchemists and possess some type of supernatural ability?
Hopper1: Hopper (Yes).
Hopper1: Hopper (What about you)?
Ransack: Well, I. I'm just lonely. I have two cousins named Kickback and Shothole, and I don't care for them. Kickback's just a manipulative asshole who blackmails people to do all the work for him and Shothole is about as smart and wise as a pile of rocks. I just wish I had someone I could talk to that wasn't as dumb or didn't use for something else.
Hopper1: Hopper (Maybe, I can be your friend)?
Ransack: Really, it would mean the world to me.
*Some time later*
Ransack: Prepare for trouble!
Hopper1: Hopper (And make it double)!
Blaster: It looks like the two are getting along well.
Waspinator: It very cute.
Soundblaster: Maybe we should take a picture.
Ginrai: Nah, I think it would better if we showed it to the others first.
What are the Gotchard Cast reactions to seeing Hopper1 and Ransack's grasshopper friendship.
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sootyships · 9 months
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if you live in a shothole city you carry a tool of stabbing.
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear Vector Prime, would you be able to tell us if the Transformers encountered any other transforming superheroes, such as Takeshi Hongo, better known as Kamen Rider #1, or one of his several successors over the decades?
Dear Metamorphin’ Master,
Yes, indeed. On one occasion, the Ark crash-landed in the foothills of Mt Fuji. The Decepticons, awakening early as usual, beat a hasty retreat before Battle Convoy and his Autobots could awaken, coming into contact with the local branch of a human terrorist organisation. Megatron made a deal with their leader, the control-obsessed Doctor Arkeville, who provided upgrades to the Decepticon soldiers in exchange for live test subjects for his brainwashing experiments. Curious about the possibilities of electronic mind control, Megatron offered a lowly support Cyberdroid, MCD-73.
Arkeville married Cybertronian technology with his own occult sciences, upgrading MCD-73 into a grasshopper-type warrior he dubbed “Shothole”. He then set about granting upgrades to the Decepticons themselves: Exhaust gained the ability to exude blood-tinged venomous smoke, Loudpedal’s sonic capabilities were turned into a high-sensitivity sonar array, and Detritus’ control over junk was augmented into the power to create fine webs of rust. Megatron’s own titanic strength was augmented by a black coating capable of superheating his body. While Megatron led the Decepticons off to menace the still-weary Autobots, Arkeville took Shothole for himself, planning to use him to attack a nearby racetrack. There, they were confronted by a pair of Transformation Cyborgs who had defected from Arkeville’s organisation, Takeshi Hongo and Hayato Ichimonji. The pair took on their own insectoid forms and did battle with both Shothole and the evil doctor, who mutated himself into the horrific Hypnocobra. While Ichimonji was able to handily hold back the snake, Hongo had a much tougher time with the larger Shothole, until his advanced senses picked up a sense of restraint from his attacks; Shothole didn’t want to fight. Hongo and Ichimonji used their Rider Power Purification move to heal Shothole of the brainwashing procedure, allowing him to act on his own free will and defeat Hypnocobra with his Hole Shotkick.
The trio then rushed to the location of the Ark, where the hellish Decepticon armada was advancing on the hopelessly outmatched Autobots. Convoy noticed the sun glinting off the three oncoming machines, and rallied his forces, their just hearts far stronger than the evil power of the Decepticons. Megatron himself was forced to retreat after Shothole, Hongo and Ichimonji defeated him with their Two-World Rider Kick attack. Convoy thanked Shothole for his help and invited him to join the Autobots, but Shothole declined, feeling that he could never truly escape his Decepticon nature.
Shothole would continue to fight alongside Hongo and Ichimonji even as their band of cyborg heroes grew, and many a time would the Legendary 8 Riders assist the Autobots in their own battle for freedom. I am personally very fond of this story; Shothole’s ability to overcome the circumstances of his creation is proof of our own ability as Cybertronians to get past the sins of our forebears. If only my fallen brother had the capability to see this…
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speedfreak01 · 4 years
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SO HERE’S A BIG OL COMMISSION FOR @transgirlsoundwave, it’s art for a hypothetical animated botcon set featuring a suicide squad-style motley crew! this is a companion piece to the megaempress piece erica also commissioned from me
from left to right, we have scylla, sonar, shothole, hound, spacewarp, nightracer and flamewar!
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blizzardinferno · 4 years
Today I learned the g1 insecticon clones have names. I will now tell you them because I've instantly grown attached to these guys
Salvo - clones of Bombshell
Shothole - clones of Kickback
Zaptrap - clones of Shrapnel
They're all not very smart (almost nonexistent intelligence), sturdy, and if you interrupt their laser beams they'll probably explode on the spot or smth
You will appreciate them with me
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autoacafiles · 5 years
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sick-as-a-dog · 3 years
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(The anon who sent TFA OP having an insecticon queen GF) I had a few more ideas for the insecticon queen and OP meeting.
•First idea, they met by complete accident the TFA earth team was scouting Detroit after picking up a strange energon signal. Optimus discovered the source as he fell into a quickly forming sinkhole. There he fell onto the insecticon queens(I'm calling her Athreena) stasis pod, and accidentally wakes her up in the process. Turns out the strange energon signature was Arthreena's ship getting old and beginning to fall apart.
• When she woke up, she thought Optimus was attacking her and well a short battle occurred. Granted it ended when Optimus saved Arthreena from a collapsing part of her hive ship, with Optimus diving to save her the light shining on him as he asked if she's OK. Now Arthreena is a bit smitten with her little savior.
•She moves out of her collapsing ship, along with three of her sons. Salvos, Zaptraps and Shothole that were also inside of stasis pods. Salvos and Zaptraps being the size of Bulkhead and Shotehole being Prowl sized, however they're Bumblebees age.
•Arthreena has a southern drawl and accent, often sounding like a Southern Belle.
• Her insect mode is a massive queen bee, her robot mod is her chest being the bees head, the bee arms fusing into her pair of arms, and the bees lower half splitting into something similar to a dress with a large v-shaped cut in it so she can move her legs.
(Also if I turn off anon, I'm writeroffanfiction)
She's not only tall but she's a MILF too? Move over Optimus, give me a shot!
For real though, I love the idea of her having sons, particularly because I imagine them being highly critical of Optimus and protective of their mother. "Break her spark and we'll break your spine", that kind of deal.
Of course they can't say this in front of Arthreena. In front of her they're the perfect sons, so polite, but the moment she's out of earshot they're warning Optimus to be nice to their mom.
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finger-chips · 5 years
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therobotmonster · 7 years
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Diaclone Themed 3d Printed Figures
Transforming Waruder to Insecticon Kickback’s Gun Kit
Transforming Type 1 Diaclone Driver to Prowl/Smokescreen/Blustreak’s gun Kit.
Transforming Type 1 Diaclone Driver to Prowl/Smokescreen/Blustreak’s gun Kit.
Nyah! See, its the notorious alien mobster Bugs Mandible, see! He turns from a Diaclone Waruder robot into Waruder Battas/Insecticon Kickback's gun, nyah! He's a 5mm-grip two-piece snap kit you can get right here, see!
But Bugs Mandible is opposed by the Diaclone Datsun Specialists, Tyr Gaus and Locke Stockton! Available in a two-pack here.
Transformers: Titans Returns Compatible Minifigs
I also have available miniatures (approx 35mm tall, same size as a Titan Master) figures of a Diaclone Pilot, a squad of Diaclone pilots, a Waruder Kabutron Type and a Waruder Battas type. These figures come with 2mm Titan Master peg holes on the bottoms of their feet to interact with Transformers: Titan Master figures and bases, and are also suitable to for tabletop miniatures gaming.
You can also check out my other kits, including replacement Titans Return faceplates, transforming weaponoid kits, figurines and more, by clicking here.
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