themetaphoricalcouch · 7 months
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elfdragon12 · 7 months
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A couple weeks ago, I wasn't feeling too well emotionally, so I decided to draw a little something to try and cheer myself up a bit. Now that Hearts and Sparks is done, I'm sharing it.
Loudpedal/Logan and Exhaust/Erica making some music together!
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toyboxcomix · 2 days
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Random Old Comic: Unfortunate Name https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/05/14/unfortunate-name/
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anotherwatchedninja · 2 years
Transformers: Mercenaries
warning: my au
Soundwave clone
A lot like Death’s Head, but with the BADASS MONOTONE
doesnt exactly trust the rest of the group
despises his own cassettes, but he cares still
A clone of Rodimus
Altered his body to seem unique
little bit sadistic
does kinda care for the other mercs
doesn’t exactly care if non-targets get damaged
Tracks clone
not vain, just loud
Bug Bite:
The angry one
Flies into a rage about being a clone
Hates anyone he shares a body type with
Deep Cover:
Sideswipe clone
Possibly autobot spy
not much personality
Blurr clone
ego of modern Blurr versions
simply follows a program Soundblaster installed in him
Rumble/Frenzy clone
sabotages the others
loves being hated!
Corrupt Former Senator turned cassette
soundblaster keeps him and enemy alive to annoy each other
Unnamed Combined Mode;
vortex (left arm)
Soundblaster (chest plate)
flamewar (torso)
bug bite (right arm)
deep cover (left leg)
Loudpedal (right leg)
not a proper combination, it’s more like the RID 2015 ones where they all have to work together
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lightandspark · 1 year
Relationships Headcanon in the Ark & Nemesis
- Ratchet, Velocity, First Aid, and Minerva bitch about everybody after a long day. They have a group chat called Tired Medics
-Bumblebee, Rodimus, and Windblade act like siblings.
- Jazz and Blaster are best friends and they have a very strong friendship, very supportive of each other’s relationships with Prowl and Soundwave respectively… despite sometimes worrying about each other’s happiness.
- Bumblebee, Jazz, Blaster, Blurr, and Mirage are also hang out a lot as their jobs connect together and they are often giggling together.
- Rodimus, Springer, Blurr, and Arcee are conjoined together and have their own little friend group.
- Perceptor, Nautica, Brainstorm, Wheeljack, Greenlight, Lancer, and Skyfire are a chaotic bunch and you should run if they are in the lab together… especially when it’s Brainstorm and Wheeljack.
- Ratchet and Wheeljack are amiable exes who raised Dino bots together.
- Blaster, Windblade, Bumblebee, Sandstorm, Blurr, Cosmos, and Lightbright sigh over the fact that the love of their lives are the enemies… Soundwave, Starscream, Blitzwing, Octane, Swindle, Blast Off, and Sparkstalker think of them often.
- Same group of cons are glaring daggers at Breakdown and Knockout whenever the couple are canoodling.
- Cyclonus and Thundercracker bailed and are living their life with Tailgate and Marissa. Misfire and The Scavengers bailed too and Misfire canoodles with Swerve.
-The triple changers from both sides go drinking together.
- Don’t let Tracks, Powerglide, Blurr, Sunstreaker, Slingshot, and Mirage work together at Once… nothing can be achieved.
- Drift and Ratchet, Prowl and Jazz, Soundwave and Blaster, Hound and Mirage, Breakdown and Knockout, BW Silverbolt and Blackarachnia, Tracks and Raoul, Starscream and Windblade, Blitzwing and Bumblebee, Swindle and Blurr, Arcee and Greenlight, Dinobot and Optimus Primal, AND SHOCKINGLY Ultra Magnus and Rodimus are all the “PLEASE GET A ROOM” Couple.
- “Shameless but Cute” couples are Blast Off and Cosmos, Sparkstalker and Lightbright, Dust Up and Jumpstream, Powerglide and Astoria, Cyclonus and Tailgate, Road Rage and Náutica, Roadhandler and Cecelia, Skids and Charlene, Seaspray and Alana, Crankcase and Cons4Eva, Misfire and Swerve, Thundercracker and Marissa, Afterburner and Lightspeed, Octane and Sandstorm, and Tigatron and Airazor.
- First Aid has feelings for Springer and gets all flustered when he is around while Firestar stumbles and crushes hard on Velocity. Slingshot yearns for Silverbolt while there is a love triangle between Red Alert, Inferno, and Smokescreen as the two long for Inferno but Inferno loves Red Alert.
- Couples that are mostly “on the downlow and fuck like rabbits behind close doors” are BW Megatron and BW Inferno, Megaempress and Flowspade, Loudpedal and Exhaust, Perceptor and Brainstorm (but it seems mostly one sided… or is it?)
- Need “love advice”? Ask the sexiest not there is… KUP.
-Seaspray, Beachcomber, Hound, and Skids talk nature together and they with Alana and Charlene go on nature expeditions. Mirage would come but he doesn’t like getting dirty.
- Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, and Bluestreak are a chaotic bunch and are up to any antics.
- Swindle and Smokescreen drunkly gambled together… once… no one knew what happened that night afterward.
- Onslaught is just tired, Vortex and Brawl share a brain cell but Blast Off holds it in tight custody.
- Grimlock enjoys spending time with the Scavengers and could be seen napping together.
- Prowl and Jazz spar a lot together. Jazz being the better fighter as Prowl can’t help but feel… drawn to it. His conjunx finds it adorable.
-Ratchet and Drift are conjunx and they practically had a los Vegas wedding, Ratchet finds it amusing and cute that Drift laments on giving him the ‘proper’ wedding,
- Rewind has bad taste in men.
- Mirage and Sunstreaker don’t like each other.
- Mirage likes to get dirty… with Hound. Poor Cliffjumper walks in on them a lot.
- Ratchet does the same with Rodimus and Ultra Magnus, Blaster with Jazz and Prowl, and Wheeljack with Ratchet and Drift. The Stunticons with Knocoout and Breakdown. Nautica HEARD Perceptor and Brainstorm but that’s it.
- Bumblebee and Windblade once asks Optimus about dating the enemy (regarding about Blitzwing and Starscream) and Optimus sighs thinks of Megatron.
- Ironhide would fuck Optimus in a heart beat. Chromia would gladly sleep with Elita One.
- Thunderclash has a crush on Rodimus but it’s one sided… my poor man.
- Rodimus thinks it’s a bit funny, adorable, and amusing Springer’s sheer obliviousness but tells him to keep his eyes out for potential lovers… you’d be surprise who you might fall in love. *nudges First Aid*.
-Fort Max and Cerebros comfort Red Alert and try to figure put how to help him woo Inferno.
- Mirage has an amusing relationship with Sideswipe… a good one though.
- Arcee and Lancer don’t get along. Greenlight is sighing heavily in the back as her conjunx and ex glare daggers at each other.
- Hardhead, Brainstorm, and Highbrow are estranged and talk trash about each other behind each other’s backs.
- Tracks, Road Rage, Loud Pedal, and Needlenose talk trash about each other too while Raoul and Nautica stare nervously at Exhaust and Horri Bull as they glance suspiciously at each other.
- Raoul, Astoria, Marissa, Cecelia, and Charlene are all beside Alana and Cons4Eva and sighing heavily at the chaos.
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karanseraph · 2 months
What should Unitrex be like?
There's not much canon on this fictional location other than they built starships there
Whatever I write in a fanfic will not be canon anyway
I still want it to be an interesting fictional location that I can describe within a work in internally consistent ways.
It's known as City of the Stars. Famously the place of origin for interstellar travel, at least as far as Cybertronians of the time know. That's canon.
Headcanon applied to this fic: Unitrex is a bastion (star) fort surviving from some Age of Origins/Warring states type period, but where Quintessons may have embedded themselves and so Cybertronians had to fight to take it back in the Age of Wrath. So, it likely has some preserved historic features as well as new construction in some differing style.
In this fan-continuity for a fic it's also presently (in a post-wrath Golden Age/Cusp of Expansion Era a location where at least one Titan is being constructed.
Also, in fanfic, there's a particular sparkfield nearby which various witnesses have reported substrate is being removed, presumably for inclusion inside the Titan(s). To some this is sacrilege, or at least politically incorrect given that sparkfields are a gift from god/public good.
So, there is a current culture of protest and debate surrounding the Titan project.
But Unitrex is also just a city-state in general. It must have some culture.
Like, it's the place where ships are made, but not the main spaceport for the planet, which is currently atop the Hydrax Plateau (which probably makes sense for its more equatorial latitude and ability for ships to ditch into the Sea of Rust and miss destroying urban settlements in an emergency. If you went down or had launch failure in Unitrex (in this continuity) there's some chance of missing the Sea and splattering into Tagan Heights, which sounds painful.)
It's not necessarily where pilots hang out is what I'm saying. It's got a population dense with construction workers and engineers.
And they probably want entertainment, because as much as they love their construction efforts that's probably some heavy labor. It's probably stressful dealing with working on what is essentially a government contract. All these change orders and reports!
So, maybe City of the Stars also has like rockstars and idols. We established that Rosanna had been living in Iacon (some ways west) but in real life different cities each have their own scene, right? Unitrex can have stars even if Iacon or Vos also do. It probably just doesn't involve as much Shock-Pop, pole-dancing, or Jazz, or open mic poetry that other city-states are known for.
But guitar-condor Laserbeak flies with Ramjet's team in Untrex. So, probably there's some type of Rock/Metal scene.
Also, visually, and for inspiration, like a space robot Seoul + Amsterdam (the Netherlands has a lot of bastion forts). In terms of Geography, more resembling Seoul with Unitrex's position between a fortified cliff-face at the Rust Sea border at the south and the rise of Tagan Heights north, with one major river or canal passing through. But in terms of generally being a major city with its own music scene and nightlife surely both these cities qualify. Colorful buildings. Colorful lights at night. Historic structures that are more rectilinear plus new public structures that are quite abstract and curvilinear.
Do we suppose Loudpedal lives here?
Mixmaster is among those spotted nearby so there's possibly circuit altering neurotech (CANT) available.
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pipermca · 8 months
No update to A Matter of Propriety tonight as I haven't had any time to proof the next chapter. I also have almost caught up to my buffer.
But, have a little snippet from the start of the next chapter. :)
A cold can nudged against the side of Orion's head. "Pax. Drink this. It'll help." Orion batted away the can without looking up. His optics were on the entertainment unit, where Loudpedal was belting out some song that Orion didn't know. It was just background noise, but it was better than trying to think or engage in conversation. "I've had three already. I don't need another one." Crack. Fssssssh. The cold can nudged his face again. "Too late. It's already open. Drink it."
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autobotsandjoestars · 2 years
It's great to be back.
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autoacafiles · 3 years
Who are all of the stunticons, and what would Menasor look like if they all made him up?
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It should be noted that Motormaster only considers his direct inner circle to be true Stunticons and the usage of the title for his other followers is entirely for administrative purposes. This chart is not comprehensive, but does cover a good enough portion that if you happen to see one or two of these bots, chances are Motormaster has some stake in the operation.
As for what Menasor would look like if all of these elements were to combine into one... I'd say he'd look like a sentient car pileup with an attitude problem.
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tracks-and-raoul · 3 years
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Dear Vector Prime, would you be able to tell us if the Transformers encountered any other transforming superheroes, such as Takeshi Hongo, better known as Kamen Rider #1, or one of his several successors over the decades?
Dear Metamorphin’ Master,
Yes, indeed. On one occasion, the Ark crash-landed in the foothills of Mt Fuji. The Decepticons, awakening early as usual, beat a hasty retreat before Battle Convoy and his Autobots could awaken, coming into contact with the local branch of a human terrorist organisation. Megatron made a deal with their leader, the control-obsessed Doctor Arkeville, who provided upgrades to the Decepticon soldiers in exchange for live test subjects for his brainwashing experiments. Curious about the possibilities of electronic mind control, Megatron offered a lowly support Cyberdroid, MCD-73.
Arkeville married Cybertronian technology with his own occult sciences, upgrading MCD-73 into a grasshopper-type warrior he dubbed “Shothole”. He then set about granting upgrades to the Decepticons themselves: Exhaust gained the ability to exude blood-tinged venomous smoke, Loudpedal’s sonic capabilities were turned into a high-sensitivity sonar array, and Detritus’ control over junk was augmented into the power to create fine webs of rust. Megatron’s own titanic strength was augmented by a black coating capable of superheating his body. While Megatron led the Decepticons off to menace the still-weary Autobots, Arkeville took Shothole for himself, planning to use him to attack a nearby racetrack. There, they were confronted by a pair of Transformation Cyborgs who had defected from Arkeville’s organisation, Takeshi Hongo and Hayato Ichimonji. The pair took on their own insectoid forms and did battle with both Shothole and the evil doctor, who mutated himself into the horrific Hypnocobra. While Ichimonji was able to handily hold back the snake, Hongo had a much tougher time with the larger Shothole, until his advanced senses picked up a sense of restraint from his attacks; Shothole didn’t want to fight. Hongo and Ichimonji used their Rider Power Purification move to heal Shothole of the brainwashing procedure, allowing him to act on his own free will and defeat Hypnocobra with his Hole Shotkick.
The trio then rushed to the location of the Ark, where the hellish Decepticon armada was advancing on the hopelessly outmatched Autobots. Convoy noticed the sun glinting off the three oncoming machines, and rallied his forces, their just hearts far stronger than the evil power of the Decepticons. Megatron himself was forced to retreat after Shothole, Hongo and Ichimonji defeated him with their Two-World Rider Kick attack. Convoy thanked Shothole for his help and invited him to join the Autobots, but Shothole declined, feeling that he could never truly escape his Decepticon nature.
Shothole would continue to fight alongside Hongo and Ichimonji even as their band of cyborg heroes grew, and many a time would the Legendary 8 Riders assist the Autobots in their own battle for freedom. I am personally very fond of this story; Shothole’s ability to overcome the circumstances of his creation is proof of our own ability as Cybertronians to get past the sins of our forebears. If only my fallen brother had the capability to see this…
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primeconvoy1 · 4 years
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More Masterpiece Loudpedal pics in robot mode!
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elfdragon12 · 2 years
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So Logan/Loudpedal has focus problems and, to help with that, he'll take some time to play with some tunes before going onto his work day or studies.
Some times, it's a good day and some melodies really flow out and sound nice.
Other times, it's cat marching band.
I imagine that, should Soundwave swing by the medical wing and gets mentally battered with Loudpedal's mental state... They get... Maybe a little concerned.
Background image snagged from the Mitchiri Neko March.
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toyboxcomix · 10 months
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Random Old Comic: Legal Activities https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2020/04/13/legal-activities/ https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2020/04/13/legal-activities/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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speedfreak01 · 5 years
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here’s day 4 of botfrightfest 2019, it’s loudpedal the vivisector! i’m sure there’s no way this latest experiment will go wrong for him
here’s last years botfrightfest
and here’s this year’s botfrightfest!    
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aeonmagnus · 6 years
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